#thanks leoooooooo !
chelseasasimmer · 2 years
list 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore!!!
You, Leo, have the absolute honour, the absolute privilege of me answering your ask with my current favourite blorbo, my scrunkly meow meow who has never done anything wrong ever in his entire life...
💥 Max Villareal 💥
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Max was born and raised in Windenburg, but hated it there and moved away to San Myshuno at the age of 18
Works as a freelance coder/programmer. Though, admittedly, he's not the greatest at sticking to a regular schedule when it comes to getting/completing gigs, so he mostly just lives off of his inheritance from his father.
Has undiagnosed ADHD
At least 50% of his piercings were done by himself/by his friends, as well as a handful of his tattoos.
His in-game traits are mean, goofball and geek (Yes, I did remove his evil trait. Why? Because I can.)
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im late af but 3 and 21 for the fitf ask game, curated for you 🌚
oooooooh nice!!!
3. 📝Favourite lyrics?
THAT'S HARD. i literally spent more than half of today writing out all the lyrics, ready to analyse them.
but. angels fly
There were problems in this empty bottle
At the bottom but we drained all that so right now
All I need you to know is
You’ll be ok we can talk tomorrow
I’m on my way with some time to borrow
we obviously often have this feeling with music we love, but oh wow does it feel like he's talking to me with so many of the songs on the album, but especially this one. it's just this way of talking to someone who's struggling that's so ?? respectful of the pain, giving a place to the coping mechanisms, and most of all being there as support through it all. UGH
in the same vein, one that also hits like that:
Not gonna ask you but we’ll make sure you’re ok
21. 🧠Do you think you figured out pretty much the concepts of every song? Are you satisfied with your interpretations so far?
i have actually! i did a lot of mulling over these past few days, listening to the album on repeat and then today going over all the lyrics before starting analysing. i'm obviously more focused on the general message of the songs than actual events that inspired them, so yeah i think i can say i've got those on lock :)))
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 5 months
lowkey obsessed with this new theme zee
like seriously…u ate😭😭 putting everyone else to shame i see
LEOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAA HIIIII!!!! hi hi hi hi hi!!!!! ilysm. i'm soso excited to see you i'm literally happy stimming rn omigoshness-
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SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THANK YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!! eek ook ack uck eee i'm so excited about it too!!!!!! i really like how it turned out— see, i'm tryna go for something cleaner and gentler this year !! - might as well start with the forefront things, right? 🥹😉
oh shttawpppp *twirls hair and kicks feet* you're a regular flatterer, hmhmhmmmm 😍😍😍
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pinkanonhopes · 8 months
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hellboys · 2 years
Happy Birthday Leoooooooo!! [showers you in ron swanson shaped confetti]
Shaaaawwwwnn thank you so much!!! ❤️ Someone needs to patent ron swanson confetti asap btw
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xumoonhao · 1 year
omg your new theme is SO CUTE!!!!!!!
LEOOOOOOOO thank u so much, you’re so kind to me 💖🥰
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abrusprecatoriuus · 2 years
for the character asks: johannes cabal
my guy... my bastard, even.
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for all the fandom-related stuff i honestly have no idea i've never engaged with the fandom for it. not out of avoidance just out of never actively hunting it down. i assume it exists. somewhere.
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wendimydarling · 4 years
7, 17 and 25 for your ask dear 😘
(related to my last ask) Sorry, I meant 35 😅
7- Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality:
I am a LEOOOOOOOO! 🦁🦁🦁 And yes, absolutely I think this fits me. I’m still waiting for someone to give me a detailed horoscope review or whatever it’s called though!
17- Say 8 facts about your body:
EIGHT??? Oh geez. Uhm.... Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5’8, 160lbs, it’s carried two babies, lost one, my left boob is slightly bigger than my right, and they’re not even technically a B cup, but I can never find my actual size (36A) in stores. Whew! 😅
35- Say 3 facts about your personality:
I am all the personalities rolled into one, I am an empath, and I am loyal to a fault.
Thanks for asking!
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 6 commentary (Minato)
The final episode of Part 2!
This was originally my favorite of the three episodes we are shown in the theatrical “Part 2″. But it was also the one I was most awake for at the time haha. Nowadays I think Joji’s is probably my favorite of the Part 2 episodes, but this one still has a very, very special place in my heart......... AS BIG AS THE OCEAN.......... 
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And right off the bat we’re referencing the hidden curry subplot in Pride the Hero. Well, maybe it was obvious to some people, but I definitely wouldn’t have fully known about this subplot without reading about it. Basically early on in Pride the Hero there is a scene where Hiro casually refuses to eat Minato’s curry. Minato can be seen working on his recipe during the movie, but in the end it’s Kouji’s honey/apple curry recipe which gets Hiro back on his feet. Minato sees this as a failure on his part. 
If there is ever a scene where anyone is crying (there will be a few more examples of this before the end of SSS) take a look at Leo. If anyone else is crying, it’s basically guaranteed that Leo is also crying too. He doesn’t even know why Minato is crying here!!! LeoooooOOO..............
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Everyone always cheers for Taiga here! Good job.
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Okay, according to the Part 2 pamphlet, from left to right...
Misaki, Nagisa, Gen, Kou, Shiho. 
They all have sort of marine-related names. (cape, shore, broadside of a ship, sailing, saltwater...)
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And these two we already met in Young of Prism. 
(Ushio means tide, Tsubasa means wing....)
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I really love the voice work on Shiho here. She really sounds so natural. So cute. Favorite Minato sibling.
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I know I said Yukinojo’s grandpa was best King of Prism old man, but I’m not sure anymore. Minato’s grandpa is also in the running ahah. I love his intense drama and yet down to typical old man-ness at the same time. HAVE A FISH.
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Okay this one is forgivable because he says their abbreviated name “O-Ba-Re” which I always struggle to translate. Usually I just spell it all out or put OtR.
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It was established in this episode that Minato can taste when something has been made with love. 
This means that Yamada-san’s ramen noodles were clearly MADE WITH LOVE at least.
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I think at one point I posted a shitty out of context spoiler about the DARK HISTORY of Edel Rose. Here you go ahah. 
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The cheering audience loves Yukinojo’s reaction here. Everyone be like.... nu nu nu nu nu nu..............
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This is the only time I know Taiga has been associated with soba except for when they just kind of decided to make it his food item on Prism Rush........ (because I guess pudding a la mode wasn’t a thing back then..............) 
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Minato’s reaction is notably a bit more low key than the other boys during Kakeru’s turn.
Kakeru’s catering WASNT MADE WITH LOVE 
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Every time I see this I think to myself that I have got to figure out where this is and go there. But I haven’t yet. 
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Shizuoka isn’t that far from me and I go there every few months or so for Love Live stuff or to visit Shizuoka Prism Stone, etc. A few days before Part 2 premiered I was actually in Shizuoka and actually spent a good amount of time thinking of things I might see from Shizuoka in Minato’s episode. I was at a tourist attraction (Izu-Mito Sea Paradise) where I went to the snack bar and noticed they had Mishima croquettes. It was the first time I had heard of them. But I decided on something else instead. 
So every time I see this, I think......... should have got the croquette....... 
(and now I must live with the regret.............. forever......................) 
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I talk a lot about how this or that is art in SSS. 
But Minato meeting Kouji REALLY IS ART 
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In the stream someone called this a “prismgasm” and now I can’t get that out of my head thanks.................................
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I love how Minato is not the first, but SECOND Edel Rose boy just entered into Edel Rose against his will by a family member ahaah. (After Taiga by his sister.) 
Okay so, let’s pause for a minute. 
As you can see here this is a senior high school application. So this means Minato was never in the junior high division of Kakyouin Academy and went straight to senior high. 
If we rewind back to Kakeru’s episode, you’ll remember that there was a flashback where Yukinojo met Kakeru back in the heyday of Edel Rose, and they were both wearing junior high uniforms. So this means that a.) The first member of the seven to enter Edel Rose was probably Yukinojo and b.) Kakeru and Yukinojo are the two who have known each other the longest. 
I don’t think you can make an exact timeline of who joined when, but it’s possible to piece together a rough estimate of the order everyone joined by the end of SSS.
So this actually destroys my headcanon that the reason Minato calls Kakeru “Kazuo” is because they have known each other the longest and he knew him before he was Kakeru. So now I don’t know what to think about that anymore ahah. 
Anyway Minato why are you taking the Shinkansen to Tokyo. It’s only like 3 hours from Shizuoka!!! That is insanely close (...... from my perspective...............) what a waste of money haha. 
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Favorite Minato face of all time by far. 
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Oh gosh this scene. This scene. Where do I even begin. I love, LOVED seeing this side of Minato. He’s always everyone’s rock (excuse me harbor) so it’s really mindblowing to actually see him all nervous and flustered and just oh gosh it made me love him so much more. 
And not to mention Kouji just dragging a boy he’s known for three seconds to eat a children’s lunch......
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Everyone goes nuts for this at cheering and agrees they still want to eat this kind of lunch as an adult. I guess I don’t quite understand because I was never a child in Japan haha. But this was the only moment at the mostly quiet 8am showing (when I saw it for the first time) where I could hear people laughing/freaking out.
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I have mentioned this already but I just have to say I really love this line. This moment. This whole concept. Minato can taste love. 
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I didn’t think it was noticeable from Young of Prism, but when we actually met all of Minato’s siblings and saw that Tsubasa is basically the only one who doesn’t have a marine color scheme or a directly marine-related name.... Even before this scene in the back of my head I was like..... hm...... 
The least they could have done was given her a marine-themed name geez
I had to go back and slightly change some wording in my Young of Prism translation because of this reveal.
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Also his face
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It’s not “a” new dorm, he’s probably talking about the new dorm that the new boys still live in (but our seven moved back here by choice in episode 1 remember........)
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This is another scene where I’m kinda wondering if this plot thread seems sudden or out of place to people who don’t know the side materials. 
Minato’s confidence issues have come up on Prism Rush several times before, and I was actually waiting the entire episode for it to come up here. 
This episode in particular really requires a lot of extracurricular homework doesn’t it....
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I believe this is mistranslated. He used ~すら which I think should be “All I could do is watch......” JLPT N1 textbook grammar Minato why......
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The least they could do would be to leave a note that says “Minato” means “harbor” but that’s TOO MUCH TIME I GUESS GOTTA GET THOSE EPISODES OUT IN AN HOUR CHOP CHOP
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I really like this speech. It’s shockingly down to earth and refreshing. Especially compared to Kakeru and Yukinojo’s episodes. 
Like the other members of the old dudes club, Minato’s family has a tradition too. But Minato is not particularly expected to carry on that tradition since his family realizes it’s no longer viable 
Instead they encourage Minato to enjoy his youth, find himself, and if he doesn’t become a star that’s OK.... of course he can come home anytime. 
Nrrrgggghhaaaaaa such good supportive parents ahhhhhhh
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Been waiting a couple months to read this. In the theater all I can ever catch is Shin’s message. (But still the point comes across.) 
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“Well that was fast” - the cheering audience (about the sunrise, ruining this beautiful scene lol)
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THIS.... SHOW.........
So, a while back I casually mentioned that Kakeru and Taiga’s prism shows were in my top three. Nobody ever asked what the third one was. But. It was this one. I LOVE this show.
From the very moment Minato looks up at the camera here I just get goosebumps from head to toe, and it just stays throughout the entire show. No other prism show has ever made me feel quite this way. 
So towards the end of the Prism Rush Main Story, there is a chapter where the boys are talking about what they want to accomplish in the Prism King Cup. (This is before they know who will be in it.) Minato has a line where he talks about wanting to perform a show like warm soup or something, and as soon as I saw this show I just immediately remembered that line and thought THATS IT. 
Even though there are so many cool colors, somehow, it just makes me feel so.... warm. 
Although it didn’t stay for as aggressively long as Joji’s did, this was the first song from Part 2 which got stuck in my head and it’s just... it’s so nice........
Also, even though I have complained about Minato always getting stuck in chef uniforms for his performance outfits I do kinda like this one. It’s the floating jellyfish scarf thing at the back that makes it I think. (I have no idea how else to describe that.) 
I hope he gets a sailor suit next time though eheh. (I like how Minato has a marine theme now too, not just food. Well, he probably always did but it’s more prominent now.)
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So Minato technically lost to Joji, but the individual match-ups mean nothing in the long run. (Except for you know..... the last one...... when it’s down to the wire and each side has put up their strongest member...............if you remember who that match-up is--)
It may not be obvious at first, but Minato’s prism show was pretty low leveled compared to the other boys. 
(He did start doing prism shows later than most of them after all... Um Shin being a special case.) 
He only did two jumps and they weren’t even connected. So that being considered, this score is pretty amazing for him. It makes me think the Shuffle members must only be doing like one jump per show to be scoring in the 7000s geez. 
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And thus the curry plot goes full circle. Minato, good for you. 
Thus ends what I know as the Part 2 episodes, and also the halfway mark of the series. (There are 12 episodes in all.) Ready or not, on to Part 3.
I really like and have been looking forward to the Part 3 episodes. I think they are a little better than Part 2, but maybe not quite as good as Part 1. I also think Part 3 is possibly the most heart-wrenching collection.... Leo’s episode in particular, which is coming up next week, I have a very strong and personal reaction to. That combined with feeling the need to point out all the PriPara references may mean my post for next week may take some extra time and be frighteningly long ahah..... ha....... 
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crazyfrogpenis · 5 years
💌 its been more than a year since ive known u and im really glad i met u ^_^ youre super cool and funny and im glad to be ur friend
LEOOOOOOOO...🥺 thank you I feel the same way! funny little goth
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toookish · 5 years
21 questions tagged by @tomasortega​ thanks xoxo this is because i’m avoiding writing even tho i have a thousand more words to write this weekend :|
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
hmmMmmMmMmMM @lisa-in-the-sky​ @notmercutio​ @hypermania​ @murderonthemattress​
Nickname: i’ve never really had one, most people just call me by my name? my family calls me one but i don’t really like it when other people call me that. 
Zodiac: leoooooooo
Height: 5′1″
Last movie I saw: in theatre maybe the last thing was venom? no. aquaman.
Last thing googled: oh uh oh it was when victoria day is this year
Favorite musician: maybe bruno mars?
Song stuck in my head: i'm currently song-less thank you
Other blogs: lol i run imaginesteverogerss, harrypotterhousequotes, and fancastsofcolor
Do I get asks: sometimes
Following: 1310 or so?
Amount of sleep: i try and go for about 8-9 hours a night
Lucky number: i don’t really have one
What I’m Wearing: a shirt with a bunch of snoopies and one woodstock, underpants, and socks
Dream Job: i would like to be a bestselling author who is able to work a job that i enjoy but only like 3 or 4 days a week 
Dream Trip: i’d like to do a lot of different things. angkor wat, vietnam, thailand, cambodia. i want to go back to both australia and spain, and new zealand. i’d like to go to croatia or back to scandinavia or morocco or madagascar or...etc
Favorite Food: too many choices i eat a ton of pasta tho
Play Any Instruments: flute and oboe
Languages: english, spanish, and french
Random Fact: i’ve attended school in 5 different countries
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: glass skyscrapers, glitter, the bubbles on the sides of champagne glasses
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pinkanonhopes · 1 year
hi leoooooooo <3 how are you?
hi sweetie!!!!! hellooooo!!!!!! <33 i'm doing good now, thank you so much :) i was sick for a couple of days and i still feel a little weak and achey but definitely better!!! trying to enjoy the sun :) how have you been?? <333333
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m11ke-wheeler · 7 years
the alphabet game
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
tagged by: @alabasterswriting​
thanks for tagging me xx 
a - age: 19
b - birthplace: California woot woot
c - current time: um 10 pm
d - drink you last had: chocolate milk 
e - easiest person to talk to: myself lol 
f - favorite song: um right now it’s Lonely Night by Fifth Harmony 
g - grossest memory: nearly puking at HHN this past weekend
h - horror yes or horror no: no thank you lol
i - in love?: irl no, but have you seen Steve Harrington ???
j - jealous of people?: naaahhh
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: hahaha um as nice as it would be i dont really believe in love at first sight
m - middle name: Aurora 
n - number of siblings: twoooooo
o - one wish: can i meet tom holland pls
p - person you called last: my uncle to open the door for me LOL
q - question you are always asked: "is you’re name short for Angelica”
s - song you last sang: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) from the Mama Mia soundtrack
t - time you woke up: 7 am ???
u - underwear colour: white HAHAHA 
v - vacation destination: all the disney parks 
w - worst habit: overthinking
x - x-rays: i think i got one for my knee bc it popped out like 3/4 halloween’s ago
y - your favorite food: posole 
z - zodiac sign: Leoooooooo 
ok um you totally don’t have to do this if you already have but i tag:
@bikingthroughhawkins @maplestreet83 @sincerely-millie @dadhopper @elevenknope @steven-hairrington @harryhooksgazebos267 @itcouldbendoritcouldbreak @youlookpretty-good @byerscave
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newgameplus · 3 years
tagged by @lazypigeon!!!! thanks leo!!!! i'm not tagging anyone rn but as always if you wanna do it feel free to say i tagged you
why did you choose your url? ah.....hes trans, you see.
any side blogs? i do have several side blogs but i dont really have any real want for anyone else to look at them nor any real reason to share them lmao? they're mostly just for things i either dont want to annoy ppl w the volume im posting abt them in or for my own reference (things like fe3h or my video game review library so i can remember what i liked and easily reccomend things)
how long have you been on tumblr? e.....e....eight years........................2013, janurary......
do you have a queue tag? ah i used to, but curating a que is too much effort and frankly i dont care enough to tag things regularly LMAO
why did you start your blog in the first place? hmmm if my memory serves, my at-the-time girlfriend might've been the one to tell me about it? she got me onto fanfiction dot net as well but i cant recall.
why did you choose your icon? matchy matchy!!! hi victor!!!
why did you choose your header? also matchy!!!! victor and i match on here and on discord w/ bunny and eachother! i edited my icon, the headers, and our discord icons myself!
what’s your post with the most notes? ah.....an incorrect tpp quote. second most is anastasia tpp au
how many mutuals do you have? sure nah i dont really keep track?? probably a fair amnt bc the bang chat is a very interconnected organism
how many followers do you have? 1,776
how many people do you follow? 600
have you ever made a shitpost? er...mb. not really purposefully i suppose though
how often do you use tumblr each day? :/ btwn 2 and 4 hours a day according to mind the time extension
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? nah i just block people if they get weird
which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? ahahahahahahahahahahah victor.....bearer of the curse but i would say i have several fairly well-known, at least in the circles i run in, names who are mutuals. people are just people in the end right
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? theres a lot to be said on the subject and i wont go into it all here. suffice it to say this is a personal blog not a news source and that i reblog what i see fit and always will.
do i have a crush on a mutual? im aro <3 hope this helps
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