#thanks to the random people on malboro
the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
So I was afk on Shio while I took a nap and a bath, and I got back to my computer to find that - people had complimented my appearance while I was afk? I was so touched?
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piratesofeorzea · 5 years
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Hello all! It has been a while since I’ve last updated here. I was away from FF for a bit but I’m back again and here today to spread the word of PoE! We haven’t been slacking since my last update here, our weekly events have continued to be successful and a whole lot of fun. 
We’ve been clearing Hades for a while now, a few people are pretty close to 100 tomes, and we’ve been farming Ruby Ex since 5.2 dropped and have seen 1 gwibber already; Hades has been very stingy. We’ve also continued to run some Titania and Innocence as well as finish a couple more Kyubis and Rathalos’ on lighter attendance days.
This past weekend was our FC’s 3rd Birthday! So we got together before our usual Sunday Farm event to celebrate. Over the last year we’ve lost some members and gained others, but no matter what happens we’re all still family here. So as is our custom we took a bunch of group shots, handed out some gifts, and there may have been some celebratory drinking involved [the discord got wild for a bit :D]. Each year we do a few of the same group photos for sentiments sake, and we did a few other ones that members suggested might be fun. It all ended with a group dance in Eulmore, we got a few randoms to join in our celebration as well!
This also seemed like the right time to start another FC Contest! We are about to begin our second FC Room Design Contest that will run through to 5.3 and we have a couple other fun events planned. There is currently a poll on our discord for members to vote for the theme of the design contest and our members will do their best to design to the theme.
Another reason for celebration was that we promoted another one of our most reliable, skilled and dedicated members to officer rank. Thanks for everything you’ve done for us so far and what you’ll do in the future, it’s been amazing meeting and playing with you this past year. Congrats Seer Rat! (the lil catfish in the officer photo with the chairs. cute but deadly)
Here’s to another good year with the FC I call family!
PoE is always recruiting and looking for new Mates to join the Pirate family. If you’re on Malboro (or looking to move to Malboro) and would like to join this craziness send me a message in-game (Morrie Kaiten) or DM me on discord (Morrie.Kaiten#9675)
See you around!
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immortalcockroach · 6 years
summary:  At Raven's birthday party, Bellamy ends up chatting with Clarke Griffin, while both of them are hiding their smoking habits at the balcony. And she's undeniably the girl of his young bad boy's dreams.
pairing: Bellamy x Clarke
words: 1,830
At Raven’s twenty-fourth birthday party, Bellamy doesn’t really know what to do. He pretty much barely knows her, and everybody knows he’s here because he doesn’t drink that much and he’ll give a bunch of people a ride home.
Octavia dragged him here. At least he got to bring Miller along, but not long into the party, he ended up flirting with one of Octavia’s friends—Monty? Bellamy’s never sure—and now, Bellamy’s alone.
And doesn’t know what to do.
Sitting on the couch gives him a good overview of what’s happening where, so he does it, sipping from the one beer he’s allowed to have tonight.
It’s a house party, but Raven’s roommates are rich so the entire house is just rich. It’s not that there are many decorations, really, but Bellamy feels the quality of the fake leather he’s sitting on. He can see that everything has value, even if it’s relatively minimalistically decorated – it’s very spacious, breathable, and Bellamy feels kind of lost when he’s in such spaces.
He sees the birthday girl, serving someone from the minibar her and her roommates have come up with. She’s smiling and probably flirting with a guy dressed up a lot nicer than Bellamy is—he didn’t know it was that big of a party when, in retrospect, he really should’ve known—and he kind of wishes he could talk to her, at least.
O is dancing with her boyfriend on the makeshift dance floor, with her friends Jasper and Maia and a bunch of people Bellamy doesn’t recognize. There’s a girl with slick, black hair dancing with a pretty blonde, and a tattooed girl dancing with someone who looks a lot like one his coworker—
Wait. That is Murphy.
Bellamy waits until the song is over and he watches Murphy walk to the other side of the room alone, probably going to get drinks. Bellamy catches up.
“Hey, Murphy,” he says. “Didn’t think I’d see you here.”
Murphy scoffs, but Bellamy’s had a long time to learn it bears on ill intent. “My girlfriend Emori is practically besties with the party girl. Who am I to say no to a party?”
Watching him get two beers out of the minifridge, Bellamy has to agree.
The two of them lean against the bar, looking at the entirety of the room. Even if he’s dressed appropriately for a party, Bellamy feels like he doesn’t feet in, while Murphy looks like he’s just finished working out and looks exactly like the type of person you’d expect to see at this party.
Maybe Bellamy’s just getting old. He’s never been into parties, anyway.
“And what about you, babysitting? I saw Octavia on the dance floor.”
“Yeah. Also driving a bunch of people home.”
“Huh. So you really are a dad.”
“Shut up.”
Murphy raises beer into a toast, and Bellamy happily obliges. “Gotta get back to my lady, if you’ll excuse me.”
As far as frienemies go, Murphy’s a good one to have.
He walks around for a little bit, and he feels himself growing stressed. He doesn’t do well in spaces that make his life feel miserable, he doesn’t well with a bunch of people, and he doesn’t do well especially with a bunch of unfamiliar people.
This is usually the point where he’s drunk enough to forget about all that. But he promised Octavia.
He sees Raven, he talks to her for a bit, but they barely know each other since she’s Octavia’s friend, not his. Nearly everybody here is about four years younger than him, but it feels like there has to be a decade between them.
Bellamy really is getting old.
About two months ago, he made a promise he wouldn’t smoke anymore. He’s been smoking since he was sixteen and his mom got sick, and it’s a decade old habit that’s just making his life easier.
He does well with nicotine patches, though, but sometimes it’s the raw smoke in his lungs that does the trick, not the nicotine.
But Bellamy doesn’t vape. It’s dumb.
Now, he’d like to say he’s quit entirely, but he still carries a pack with him out of habit. Right now, his hands are in his pockets, one fiddling with his favourite crimson lighter and another with Malboro Reds.
Raven has a balcony, and it’s winter, so no one should be spending their time there.
He makes up his mind fairly quickly, just checks O’s not seeing him sneak out.
And lucky for him, because Bellamy’s a social smoker, he’s not alone. The blonde from before is leaning against the fence, looking at downtown Washington, DC, with a lit cigarette between her index and middle finger and smoke running smoothly over her lips.
“Hi,” Bellamy says, and closes the glass door behind him.
The city sounds different from up here than he’s used to. He can see the cars, but they are rare and he knows this is a rich neighbourhood, and it feels weird to be here.
Like this kind of view isn’t meant for people like him.
The fact that his heart immediately startes beating slower when the loud music of the party is muffled doesn’t help. The city feels a little dead, and old, and ancient, and Bellamy can kind of relate.
“Penny for your thoughts?” asks the girl. She has a deep, smoker voice, the kind Bellamy’s always had a thing for.
He lights his cigarette. When he breathes in, knowing it’s his first smoke in two months, it feels freeing. Awful and defiant, but freeing from the madness he’s had to endure.
“I don’t like parties.”
The girl gives him a dry laugh, one that he can also relate to. “Me either. It’s Raven’s, though, and I’m a good roommate who loves her and wants her to have the best fucking time of her life.”
“Roommate. So you’re…” He tries, desperately, to remember the names of Raven’s two roommates, but he can’t. Maybe O never told him.
“Clarke.” She extends him her hand and he takes it. Before he can introduce himself, she says, “You’re Octavia’s brother, right? Bellamy?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
God, he missed smoking.
“You kind of look similar. Also, I knew Raven said she had a hot smoker brother a couple of years older, a teacher, and you look just the type.”
She not only knows about him, but she’s hitting on him.
He takes her in. She’s wearing a black leather jacket that looks like she’s meddled with it, and tight leather pants that make the curve of her ass really stand out, and Bellamy thinks her breasts must be in the same level, even if he can’t see them from this angle. She’s sporting a short blonde bob with a red streak in it, full lips and a pale face that looks as dangerous as riding a motorcycle without a helmet on.
Suddenly, Bellamy is sixteen again and picking up girls on his motorcycle, wearing all leather with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, before he makes out with his passenger against a random tree in the woods.
Has Bellamy hit jackpot or something?
“Thanks,” he says. “I never heard she had a hot roommate, I must admit.”
Clarke laughs for real this time, and the cheery sound of it takes him aback. “All of the people who live in here are hot, objectively. Raven, me, and Lexa.”
“And rich,” he says.
“And rich.” She flicks the butt of her cigarette over the fence and looks at him. “Can I get one?”
He hands her a cigarette and his lighter, and she closes her eyes when she inhales the smoke for the first time. She hands his things back to him and he does the same.
“I told Raven I quit, so we’re not allowed to have cigarettes in the apartment.”
“I told Octavia the same, two months ago.”
“Did you? Quit?”
“Yeah.” He smirks, because he knows she’ll get it. “Until I had to spend an hour with a bunch of random people at a party.”
“You really don’t do parties, do you?”
“Never did,” he says, and it’s true. He might’ve had a motorcycle and picked up girls at parties, but he never actually stayed there. He’s charming one-on-one. Anything else is too much. “What’s your story?”
“Saw my ex. She’s a friend of Octavia’s.”
There’s silence for a while, while thye each finish their cigarette and Bellamy offers her the pack before she asks. They both go for the third, and he realizes he’s enjoying her company a lot more than he’d expect.
He looks at her for a long second. “What?”
“Sex can help with stress. You don’t have to smoke.”
“I don’t know,” he admits. “It’s too much work. You buy cigarettes and that’s it, you have them. With girls it’s… they just need too much.”
“You haven’t gotten laid in a long time, have you? How?”
“Beats me,” he says, jokingly.
But she isn’t smiling. “No, I’m serious. You’re hot and smart and seem like a really nice person, it doesn’t make sense.”
“Guess you have to be into guys to not be into me,” he tries to joke. Obviously, her calling him hot is just objectively – which he doesn’t agree with, but sure.
This time, she smiles and really looks at him and for a moment he enjoys it, but then realizes it’s more of a laughing smile. “I’m into girls and boys.”
“Cool. Then, by your own logic, why’d you say you don’t want to sleep with me?”
“Well,” Clarke says, “who said I don’t? But don’t get your panties in a twist – you’re buying me dinner, first.”
She’s smirking, now, because she knows exactly how she’s gotten his panties in a twist. And she’s half turned in his direction, and Bellamy’s been enjoying the banter and her personality and the sight of her that honestly, taking her to dinner does seem like a bother when all he wants to do is take up on her offer.
And she’s too hot.
He doesn’t even care about shaking off his cigarette before cupping her cheek with one hand and leaning in, pressing lips against hers. It’s not long before she opens her mouth and they’re on the verge of making out.
Clarke’s the one to pull away.
“That’s all you get, for now.”
He still gives her a quick kiss. “I’m here tomorrow at eight.”
“You know what? I still think girls are too much work.”
“Well then, you could try guys.”
“If you don’t work out, I just might.”
And she kisses him again, and by that point, he’s forgotten all about cigarettes or stress or nervousness, and all he can think about are his fingers sliding underneath her shirt and feeling the warmth of his skin, and his lips on her neck while she lets out a quiet moan.
Yeah. He has a good feeling about this.
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szynkaaa · 7 years
Going to the aquarium chocobro edition
I’m sorry about the lack of Ignis I just can’t really connect with him .____.
lowkey excited about it when you suggested going to the Aquarium. Insomnia has a pretty nice and big one with rare creatures, he always wanted to go there but his sleepy lazy ass never managed to do it.
Before they left his SO had to physically stop him from taking his fishing set with him but then they remembered he can summoned it out of thin air so really there was no point except praying Noct won't try to fish at the shark tank
Gawks at the fishes like he's a child standing in his favorite candy store for the first time
Stands in front of the stingray tank and wonders if he could ever catch something like this if he was using his father's boat and fishing out there
Pretty much always asking himself if he has enough experience to fish them out
One time he asked the security if he could come here after-visiting hours and fish
Was this close to pull the but-I'm-the-future-king-card and his SO had to drag him away
Slenders slowly through the Aquarium holding hand by hand.
Cherishes his SO's reaction to everything.
puns. so. many. ocean. puns
Noct is master of water puns
"Hey_____, what did one ocean say tot he other one?"
"... What?"
"Nothing, they just waved at each other.
"That pun made me want to jump out of the window"
"Then go and jump, the ocean is not gonna be there to catch you."
"I definitely feel the love, Noct."
"My love for you is reel."
that shit eating grin only makes his SO want to punch him in the face
"I was pretty sure you were not gonna catch that wave"
Now his SO threatened to walk away from him and pretend not to know him.
"_________-, Water you doing. Don't be shellfish and leave me here alone"
but alas his SO can't stay mad at him for a long time, not when Noct turns into a sad bean when he noticed his SO was getting sliiiiightly annoyed at his puns
at which they then sigh, walks back and links their arms to Nocts, dragging him to the next fish thank.
"The gull of it all, but bouy oh bouy we are dolphinately great." said Noct's SO.
He was very proud of them.
Definitly buys that Malboro-chomping-your-head hat for himself and his SO
oh Prompto.
oh the sunshine boiii
He will be all for aquarium dates, already to think of good composition shots to take with his SO and stuff
already barely able to contain his excitement the moment they step out of the bus and sees the big building with the giant poster handing out there featuring a whale shark.
is all for PDA, hand holding and kissing while slowly browsing through everything.
Prompto might even be more excited and fascinated by everything than his SO
is the one holding his SO's hand tightly and drags her from tank to tank
Both start a contest in mimicking the creatures face expression and competing on who can do it the best
There were those fishes that would always swim against the glass with their mouth pressed against it. One time his SO dared him to kiss the glass, essentially giving the fish a kiss. He did it.
so many selfies
I hc that Prompto is probably afraid of the ocean, mainly because it's so big and vast and old and there's no knowing what is inside it, but the aquarium visit puts that fear a bit to ease. As big as it is and 90% undiscovered, there is beauty in it too.
definitely a huge fan of the Manatee and Penguin tank. Thinks that manatees are the most majestic creature out there
He and his SO waddled through the antarctic section for laughs together
tried to get up close the orca tank to take a good shot. succeeded, but he's soaked from head to toe now. The camera is dry and safe and sound and that's all that matters.
wants to empty the souvenir shop, doesn't have the money. Instead settles for a matching shirt for him and his SO saying "Hooked up on a feeling and reeled me in"
changes his phone background to the one of his SO silhouette standing in front of the giant jelly fish tank
also highkey wants to have his own aquarium at home
maybe they will get one together ;)
is indifferent about aquarium dates tbh.
iris always talked about taking a family trip together there but alas it never happened because both father and son are busy.
does find it cute that his SO is already so excited just at the idea of going there together as a date.
is impressed though at the sheer collection of sea creatures the aquarium has and also fascinated that the world is just full of weird things.
waltzes around the exhibition fingers intertwined. sometimes the SO would let go and run toward one tank that has caught their attention. Hands pressed against the glass and just staring at the stingray floating in the water.
Gladio would then chuckle to himself and go up behind his SO, arms around their waist and chin resting on their head, because he knows his SO can stare at the fishes swimming for hours and he just wants to savor the rare time they have together.
His SO would know surprisingly a lot of fun fact about random creatures, and he enjoys standing next to them and watch them get excited and share their knowledge with him.
Gladio would be the kind of person to actually read through every single information poster there is, and also asks questions to the people working there.
should there be a huge crowd and his smoll SO struggle with seeing anything, he'd just grab them by the waist without a warning and heft them up onto his shoulder.
threatened once to throw them into the orca tank
also for some reason workers always pick him out of the visitors as a volunteer for one of their shows because Gladio is just very tall and stands out very much
that one time he learned a certain race of fishes swims in circle in the tank all day long but that's okay, they have the memory span of five seconds anyway so they'll never get bored of it.
He then smirked, squeezed his SO's hand and said: "That's you."
actually, half of the time is spend on pointing at the weirdest looking creature and go "that's you. That's Noct, that's Iggy, that'd be Prompto"
gets a matching keychain for him and his SO
also gets a book about the wildlife and fishes and where to find them
is panning his next camping trip to somewhere at the ocean with possible diving tour.
probably also very indifferent about it too tbh
agrees to go because it's a nice distraction from work.
also fascinated but the wide variety of fishes in there
at each tank he muse out loud if the fish is edible. If it's poisonous, he wonders if there's a way to extract the poison completely and then cook and eat it
"That's it, I've come up with a new recipe!"
walks arm in arm with his SO around the aquarium
knows surprisingly a lot about anything there and is quasi their personal tour guide
has asked once or twice a worker there if the fis is edible and if yes what's the best way to prepare them
one time a small child overheard him and started to cry because he doesn't want the evil man to cook that Nemo and Dory
realized while strolling through it that the blue hue and watching the jellyfish swimming has a certain stress relief and calming effect
makes a mental note to come here more often to just simply watch the jellyfish swimming aaaalll dayyyy looong.
tries to find a good gourmet cooking book on rare fishes.
is disappointed not to find one.
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