#thanks wrio
azaliyas · 8 months
i wasn't able to take screenshots of the cutscene of wrio's story quest and i don't want to make spoilers for who hasn't played it yet
but i'm gonna say he grabs a dude by the neck in said cutscene and boy HE CAN GRAB MINE ANYTIME WHILE FUCKING ME STUPID LIKE NO BRAINS LEFT AND I'D GLADLY LET HIM DO IT!!!!!
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redthemarten · 9 months
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thanks for the little doodle prompt @1fr0ggy <3
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tanukified · 9 months
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Wrioney rkgk
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venusandsaturnsrings · 4 months
calling at the walls of my enclosure.... I HATE school... I have so much homework but my thoughts r filled with wolf dog wrio vs puppytaru or maybe foxtaru. They fight for your attention behind ur back <3 -chubby darling anon that's going a bit insane, particularly from the fem nurse geto pannel in the jjk manga
HAIII MY FAV ANON HAIIIII!!! linking this from like two weeks ago here bc… wolfwrio foxtaru :3 butttt… wolfwrio and puptaru is a VERY good combo bc that’s like… double dog moment… imagine urself as megumi, wrio and taru are ur demon dogs, terrible trouble makers both of them… also ignore my fiddling with the time line, taru gets more free prison time for the plot… anyways i hope ur doing well i miss u sm my dearest :(( reminder my dms r OPEN!! i have more thoughts that i think you’d like <3
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wolf Wrio, as we’ve already established, is a territorial mess. when he decides something is his, it’s very difficult to get him to even let it leave his sight so when that thing is an entire other human being things only become more difficult. any meetings with him now have to come with the disclosure that you will be there regardless of what the other party has to say about that, he’s started furnishing his office with more things that you like (a big thing considering how protective he is over his spaces), and almost all of the inmates have been witness to wrio nibbling on you whenever he can. he’s a major biter, by the way, even an inch of skin has his teeth on display as he gently chomps onto you, tail swishing happily.
the little set up of you nearly never being without him was working flawlessly before a certain ginger man became the newest prisoner. suddenly, Wrios occasional bouts of irritability became more frequent and he was growling at even the quietest of sounds. you hadn’t seen him so… aggressive before so the behaviour was concerning, and given that you didn’t have such a sharp nose like him, it was impossible for you to figure out what exactly was getting on every last one of his nerves. brewing his tea yourself and making sure he got enough pats seemed to help to a degree but the moment you stopped his ears would be flat against his skull once more.
after a week of this nonsense, you peeling him off of you one afternoon to ask around and see if you could decipher what was going on. you figured there was a good chance it could be internal prison affairs or certain deadlines but upon finding all the other staff and inmates in perfect spirits with not the slightest bit of knowledge of the situation, you hung your head and prepared to scheme up a plan to visit Neuvillette and ask for his thoughts. that was until a pair of floppy orange ears came into your field view followed by a man who certainly looked like he should not have a disposition so cute; a well-built frame smattered with various scars. you briefly thought about how his appearance matched your dear Wriotheslys in a way but the man spoke up with a cheery voice, already knowing your name and introducing himself as ‘Tartaglia or Childe to most but you’re welcome to call me Ajax, cutie,’ and pulling you in for a hug rather than a handshake. it didn’t take a genius to figure out how odd of an interaction this was becoming or how dangerous the situation you’d gotten into was. alas, it would be more troublesome to ignore him and walk away so you entertained his slew of questions for awhile longer, desperately trying to avoid noticing the way he looked at you with something darker than mere curiosity.
when you finally managed to speed walk your way back to Wrios office, you were met with his nose at your throat and a prominent scowl on his face. gruffly and paired with numerous low growls, he demanded to know just why you thought it was okay to be around that harbinger for more than a second especially when he isn’t there. baffled and slightly afraid, the gears turned in your head and you realized that this is what had been bothering him; Ajax. slightly and patting his head lovingly, you assured him of your love and promised that you’d never even lay eyes on him again if that’s what he wanted, and Wrio was pleased with this. the rest of your day was spent wrapped in his arms at his desk, only escaping briefly to help Sigewenne reach a book off a shelf.
you didn’t need to know of the late night rounds the two men spent in the pankration ring, at each others throats between individual fascination with you.
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zodiac-senpai · 9 months
For God's cake, that's a glorious butt… Wriothesley? More like Wrio-ASS-ley ❄️🍑🥮
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butchratchettruther · 8 months
Thinking about a the vampire dies in no time au with arlefuri. Just this fearsome, threatening, deadly calm (and also good with kids but shhh) vampire hunter Arlecchino turning up to slay a vampire nicknamed the goddess of the waters of blood or whatever in order to rescue this child she’s kidnapped only to turn up to realise that this vampire is actually a cringefail dramatic spoiled brat of a vampire who dies if she so much as comes into contact with a stiff breeze, and the child broke into her home to play her video games (Furina’s favourite is ace attorney) and the ACTUAL menace in this situation is the child. Then Arlecchino accidentally blows up Furina’s castle and when she returns home Furina has moved into her house (she found the directions on Arle’s website) and she just has to put up with this absolute loser of a vampire housemate/coworker and definitely not have feelings for her. At least Furina can cook ig
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miyuskye · 1 month
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she's the goat
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 5 months
Curiosity here but like. Who were some of CN Childes favorite characters, besides Zhongli? Who are the folks he’s really gonna be looking out for?
since he's childe, i'd imagine we can just base off of his friends in-game. so like- all the pyro girls, folks like fischl and itto, probably thoma and bennett also i'd also wager some of the tall men? mainly neuvillette, baizhu, and wriothesley. odd ones out, probably nahida, furina, jean, navia, clorinde, maybe also shenhe and yaoyao and faruzan
that's my take, anyway
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verxsyon · 9 months
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my husband, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals.
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shima-draws · 8 months
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hydrodragons · 3 months
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catcze · 8 months
Hello Catte! I drew you a little something, as a thank you for all your work.
I saw your OC and my brain connected the dots on Wrio and her owning a tea house lol I hope you like it. Sorry if I butchered something in her design :'D
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WAIT OH MY GOODNESS 😭😭😭 Wait omg im actually about to cry ?!?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH this is so cute AAASDJHAJS 🥺🥺🥺 You drew them both so so well ?!!? Like literally oh my goodness ajhbdhjashjas Wait im actually so lost for words im abt to curl up into a little ball and cry AAAAA 🥺💕💕💕💕 Thank you so much ?!! Holy fuck 😭😭 Literally thank you thank you thank youuuu I'm gonna hold this so very very gently in my hands for the rest of time and look at it whenever I feel sad 💕💕💕💕💕
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lunaetis · 7 months
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things i have recently learned with eden : if you have a nice voice, she's more likely to listen to you / behave around you.
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arizonagreentea · 10 days
How do you like the scenario of Neuvi drinking soda, and Wrio teases his tummy and it gurgles, and the acting one enjoys this gurgling while Neuvillette is embarrassed
I actually love that scenario so much now that I’m back into genshin I just feel like there’s something so tantalizing so to say with how wrio teases neuv and how it’s usually wrios fault but yeah huge fan of those 2 the scenario and them
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aloysarrow · 8 months
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So I have a type and it made me notice lmao
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I bet he has sass too.
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anemoflower · 5 months
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Thinking about editing that guard and putting Elowyn there what
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