backseatloversz · 4 months
i already miss the quotev activity page so bad. i keep going to check it and its GONE! instead i am sent to the normal home page. where i am recommended Brendon Urie x Reader fanfics
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headcanon thingy: ilya likes those lil chalky heart candies
mmmm i'd say 8.5! the texture might be a little offputting. he's more interested in candies that are deliberately fruit flavored rather than just sweet ^_^ he likes those little wrapped up strawberry things in particular
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spitcrank · 2 years
well i woke up to some shit. so since yall want me to get serious? lets get fucking serious.
me and my FRIENDS have a bond that cannot be broken. are we nice? yes. do we take bull? no. we sit here and collaborate with eachother with multiple characters and storylines that we develop WITH EACHOTHER AS FRIENDS that make the relationships stronger. we ALL as mods and rp characters respect one another and boundaries. we do daily check ups on these characters and mods alike and build something called REPORE. we don't sit here and moan about wanting "daddy to fuck us" on dash on the first fucking meet. we don't wake up and go "now who can we make fuck us today??" nah jit that shit don't fucking fly. u wanna sit here and drag us in a fucking anon, talking in FUCKING CIRCLES. like a dragon tied to a tree. you bitches wake up and see us on your dash and decide to do some bullshit like hate and drag other innocent people into it, and its tiring bc we don't do shit.
i got into this group by being a feral horny mess to my mutuals, and while that may be a read on myself, i'm saying it to point out the fucking facts. be yourself? get rewarded. if the "self" in question is some bastard who wants to talk shit and bring me and my girls in it is fucking insane. i never claimed to be perfect, hell i'm a bitch, and i KNOW IT. but i'm not a fucking awful person and it shows in my interactions, makes the relationships i build with these characters even stronger. u want a story line? ASK. you want attention? ASK? you wanna fuck on the mfs? GET TO KNOW THEM THAN ASK. don't sit here and go "this friend group" this, and "those friends" that. because i PROMISE YOU WE ARENT WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!!! we're too busy being gay ass horny lovely messes with eachother and itsg next time i see this shit i'm gonna fucking have a group orgy on dash and you can all see why they call me a super soaker. SINCE MY PUSSY IS IN YOUR MIND 25/8. now hop off. 🥱🫡🤳🏾🫡 bc u got the whole squad laughing.
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phayz · 11 months
rb for sample size yadda yadda thanksx ♡
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tarjapearce · 7 months
I LOVED your Tarzan AU- it was so fun to read... do you ever plan to continue it?? No pressure though!!! If you don't plan to continue it I will totally respect that and will continue to love the one shot😊
I do plan on continue it, dear nonny. Just lemme organize and recharge a bit more❤️✨.
Have so much projects on halt, but don't you worry. Will continue them and that tarzan AU ❤️. Been having so much inspiration lately. Taking breaks does wonders for your mind 😊.
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prajjna · 1 year
Everyone sending their pets? I send you my chicken.
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This is Rauru. She’s a Cream Legbar chicken and still very small :-)
(Also I really love your art and how expressive it is. Have a wonderful day)
OHHHHHHHHHH HIIII LOOk at this fluffy fluffy round baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 she's litol chicken crest is so cute i wanna kiss her. and look at her eyes... she might be damn smartest girl (u send to me this so today is the wonderful day. thanksx)
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Are there any pics of Ramm kids hanging out? Thanksx
(older ask)
Siblings aside (because yes, you see that on occassion, like Lily Landers working with TwoColors, Khira-Li with Nele, Maxime and Merlin, but i don't think you mean that), children from various Rammstein members can be mainly seen when Rammstein play in Berlin and the relatives are in the audience.
Now Berlin is not on the tourlist this year, i think the families eacha choose a couple of concerts that are conveniently located or that they can combine with a short vacation.
I'm not sure if there actual pictures around that are not from private social media, so not going to look for them, but it was always nice seeing them in the stands (i assume the VIP section) having a good time.
Apart from that the Landers and Riedel families regularly holiday together, and I think the daughters (Lily and Emma resp.) are roughly the same age, so they's probably be hanging out at that time 🌺
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typhlomys · 5 years
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goat-fangs · 4 years
Wtf im going to feed my bandmate a chicken nugget
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Anyone else have Americanix people trying to force you to accept the weird fucking Latinx shit lately? It's like there's been some secret sign, and now every non-Latino Americanix person talking to me about my work, dolls, has been pushing it. Swear, it's only Americanix who try to make it happen. We don't use Latinx, it doesn't fucking work with the language. Go colonise yourself and leave the rest of us out of this bullshitX. ThanksX. We don't need your Muricanix and all you Whitex knightXing
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vardasvapors · 2 years
NOT canonical thot that just happened to me.......so eliya is ‘an absence of friction.’ like, her manifestation is something that removes the force generated in the interaction between things (while generating the existence of two examples of those things in order to negate them, and replicate this non-friction to everything else around her). meanwhile tamar has no manifestation or inclination for one, she is a riddle, but her riddle-y stated her-ness is, ‘someone who saw Them’. and that state of having-seen and burned-ness is, perhaps, a thing generated by the interaction of things. which might. be a. way in which. tamar’s soul. is friction—
man i’d like to thank tumblr for elucidating this bad ship for me, thanksx,
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juancardenas23-blog · 7 years
Despierto por un paquete en la puerta y la necesidad de una firma, huele extraño mi habitación, no recuerdo a que hora caí dormido anoche... Me duele el cuerpo, no tengo ningún pensamiento, ni sentimiento, ni pendiente, me siento como sumergido en medio del océano, pocas veces me siento así, me encanta, es como existir y no existir al mismo tiempo, entonces recojo uno de los bolígrafos tirados en el suelo, firmo y recibo la boleta, leo lo que dice, y cierre la puerta, me quede quieto, de pie, por un buen rato, aferrándome como pude a esa sensación de agua, agarrándole de los pelos para que no se vaya, pero siento que mi corazón empieza a acelerar, un ligerisimo cambio, así que lo normalizo sumergiéndome en esa sensación, y con mucho cuidado me muevo a la mesa con los ojos cerrados, sujeto la caja de frugos y abro dos x, las pongo en mi boca, dejo que el amargo sabor me distraiga y las paso con algunos sorbos de liquido, me acuesto lentamente en mi cama, todo sin abrir los ojos, muy pendiente de todo, la respiración, los latidos, los pensamientos, todos en 0, pero al mas mínimo movimiento en falso, pum, como si estuviera desactivando una bomba nuclear justo antes de que explote...
Pero todo termina, todo se soluciona, llaman a mi habitación diciendo que tengo una llamada en recepción, contesto y dicen “ a muerto, lo mataron de madrugada cuando salio a comprar hamburguesas para el y su mujer” y es todo, gracias al cielo, algo por lo cual sentirme enojado, algo que me haga escribir, una desgracia, pero por supuesto, pero lo suficientemente grande para ocupar mi atención por completo al menos durante algunos días, aunque no me cayo muy bien el poco tiempo que lo conocí, es el 4to entierro del año que tendré que soportar, y eso ya amerita componer sobre el tema, y ahondar en mi interior algunos miedos, todo va bien, de maravilla, las X ya empiezan a hacer sentirme en forma, y pronto recibiré visitas, un compañero leyo cosas privadas el otro día y dijo que vendría en una semana a darme un regalo, hoy se cumple una semana, así que lo espero intrigado y en parte asustado, si ya me han regalado una colt, que mas puedo esperar de esta gente, en fin, tienen un extraño sentido de camaradería y me gusta, es completamente distinto a todo lo que conocí en el pasado, y eso me viene bien de momento, es hora de ir a la plaza a ver si puedo componer algo.
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taylortruther · 3 years
so I have a really pretty little cross necklace my grandma gave me years ago and it is like a family heirloom or something i guess. however grandma is very homophobic so like is it cute or just sad to gift it to my girlfriend? need opinions thanksx
it depends on how you feel about it. do you cherish it, and is it special to gift it to someone you care about? then gift it. do you want to give it to your gf because it's a pretty piece of jewelry and you think she'll like it? gift it. it's just jewelry at the end of the day. but if your grandmother's values taint how YOU feel about the necklace, then don't feel pressured to give it to anyone.
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dcwnandout · 4 years
hey, i just wondering, are you going to continue to recolor from ea? Thanksx
Hey, yep I am, was working on snowy escape but I haven’t had much recolour motivation lately so I haven’t done any in a while. I’ll get back to it when the mood strikes again!
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bakusnout · 4 years
Could you maybe do a few dragons from my lair for the drunk lair reviews :0?
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ceubfryn is rpetty scary I bet she smells terirbly
art is cute though cool idea I dind’T knwo fr allowed that
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surya is a hipster and I think she needs to think about what that means about her c
haracter that she doesn’t do light related things
at elatst she hoards rockx?? thats cool
malachite out of 10 for her gjadians good
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sounds like that one knocofof brand of apple devices
idk why hes plague if he’s a healer who looks all fot fubt I supprt him
4(medical number)/10
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I dont know wat her description means but I supprot int
she llookscool  and I liket he aesthetici, very good content thanksx
muddy swamp plant out of seventeen
xoxo this is all the rviews
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uniformbravo · 3 years
can somebody read my mangas to me like a bedtime story thanksx
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