belchew · 8 years
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#20160809 Happy 51st Birthday, Singapore! Thank you for being awesome as always! Nothing to possible if we do not have awesome civil servants protecting too! Thank you for the contribution to the peaceful and safe Nation. Appreciate it! #ChangiAirport #NationalDay #August9th2016 #Singapore #HappyBirthday #SingaporeFlagFlyingHigh #SingaporeFlag #ThankYou #ThankYouLKY #Appreciation #ThisIsOurCountry #ThisIsOurFlag #ThisIsOurFuture #ThisIsOurLife #ThisIsMyFamily #TheseAreMyFriends #WeAreSingapore #Singaporeans (at Changi Airport)
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premierpure-leo · 8 years
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Next book to read.. #lifeisgreat #blessings #gratitude #makelifemeaningful #ThankyouLKY
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lettereka · 8 years
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In loving memory of our nation's founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. #flourishforum #calligraphysg #calligraphy #obliqueholder #handlettering #handtype #pointedpentype #handwritten #script #thedailytype #penmanship #copperplate #artisticwriting #keepdreaming #keepwriting #lkytrubite #rememberinglky #thankyoulky
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humansofspore · 9 years
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From the LKY funeral: "5-year old me: (very carefree) 'What is your favourite colour, Mr. Lee?' Lee Kuan Yew: 'What's yours?' 5-year old me: 'I like... PINK!!' Lee Kuan Yew: (smiles) 'I like that too.' I'm glad that I didn't have to wait till the end to express my gratitude for all the things you have done for the city I call Home. Your steadfast vision served the nation wonders - you're a big reason why Singaporeans like me live such blessed lives. R.I.P. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew; I trust you will be in pink :)
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uberlazygirl-blog · 9 years
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Today, we have this amazing country because of you. Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew - the father of our nation.
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chrisher · 9 years
Thank You Mr. LKY!
It’s the saddest moment for Singapore as we lost our founding Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. 
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It grieves my heart to know that the truth is, he has left us. Every National Day we look forward to see him. There will be cheers and smiles all over Singaporean’s faces acknowledging in our hearts that in some way through his leadership it has definitely changed our life to the better these 50 years. Without him, and of course his team, Singapore will not be where it is today, a first world country and successful in many things as compared to many other countries.
Watching the news and articles on social media, makes me really proud to be able to acknowledge Mr. LKY as my leader. There will definitely be people who come in disagreement to certain things along the way, but we always have to learn to be appreciative. It’s definitely not easy for a person to lead a team, a family, a country. We are all Singaporeans, each of us have a choice to lead and do our part, but few are chosen, few are willing, few are able to lead a country. Many leaders would have given up due to the mental stress, pressure and such, but Mr. LKY stayed with the country throughout leading, guiding and contributing till the last.
“Though we had disagreements, it was not difficult working with Lee Kuan Yew. He knew that my views were sincere even if he didn't agree with them. He respected people who had different views from him, he didn't think it was because you were not as bright.” - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/mr-lee-kuan-yew-leader-who-was-ruthless-demanding-honest#sthash.eBpmP9dF.mw3O7cDf.dpuf“
It is so important to have a leader who is honest and stands firm in his visions and goals. His influences reaches far beyond and goes across all countries. 
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"I'm very determined, If I decide what something is worth doing, then I'll put my heart and soul to it. The whole ground can be against me, but if I know it is right, I'll do it. That's the business of a leader." "I always tried to be correct, not politically correct." - Mr. LKY
One of the greatest thing I like and am inspired by him is that he is a visionary. He also emphasizes strongly on unity with different races which is important for Singapore. I do hope Singaporeans continue to keep this strength of unity within us, in words, in actions and even on social media.
"The elder Mr Lee remembered the situation that had existed in Malaysia before Singapore became an independent state. “After we became independent, a point that he always reiterated was – never do to the minorities in Singapore that which happened to us when we were a minority in Malaysia. Always make sure that the Malays, the Indians have their space, can live their way of life, and have full equal opportunities and are not discriminated against. And at the same time, help them to upgrade, improve, move forward,” he said in 2013."
Read more : http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-s-first-prime/1720740.html#.VQ9peAdjpyI.facebook
So gonna miss such a great man!
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humansofspore · 9 years
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"What's the one piece of advice you would give to the generation after LKY?" "Work hard, and don't take things for granted." "But don't be kiasu all the time. Work hard, but sometimes sit back and sip some teh tarik too."
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1inamaze · 9 years
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A great man with integrity, responsibility, outstanding leadership and capability, this man lead Singapore from a nation without proper housing, water resource, defense force, to a clean and green garden city, multi racial nation whom is now self sufficient in water, an important financial hub to the world, owns her own defense force, has the second lowest crime rate, and well known for her education system (bilingualism). Thank you Sir, Mr Lee Kuan Yew for all that you have did for Singapore, your selfless contribution to our country, our home. You'll be dearly missed. We, Singaporeans often complained about every slightest thing about how Singapore could've been better but have we ever thought about how WE as individuals could do to make Singapore better? It's now time for reflections and stop taking everything that has been provided for us for granted. #ThankYouLKY #RIPLKY #RememberingLKY #LeeKuanYew
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jetsetshoppe · 9 years
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"A father we shared, with Singapore" - Lee Hsien Yang. We are truly beneficiaries of our founding father's wisdom and leadership. He created conducive conditions so we can chase our dreams and passion for Jetsetshoppe.com more readily. #thankyouLKY #RememberingLeeKuanYew #tributetoLKY
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jacoblok · 9 years
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United we stand. One People, One Nation, One Singapore. #MeituPic #RememberingLKY #LeeKuanYew #RIPLKY #FoundingFather #ThankYouLKY #Tribute (at Central Plaza Sky Lobby)
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flytinywings · 9 years
Thank You Mr Lee
Hi okay I wanted to write this at first but then I am very bad at expressing my thoughts into words so I don't know how this will be very different from the other tributes out there (and also because I was slightly lazy i'm terribly sorry). And before I start, I apoloogise beforehand for any grammar mistakes or if it sounded bad because I honestly have good intentions and my inability to write may have caused it to come out wrongly.
Anyway, this whole event had impacted me more than I had expected and I guess it is important to log my current emotions so I can read it in the future and relate back to what I felt.
Like what I've mentioned earlier, this whole event had impacted me more than anyone could ever imagined. I've cried countless of times over the span of this week after reading his tributes, stories or even just watching the live telecast of his wake.
Honestly, he was and will always be a great man. His passion for Singapore was undeniable and his service for this country never stopped. This is one of my favourite stories about him - A few days after his wife passed away, he wanted to mourn and take a walk near the Singapore River, a location where he and his wife used to stroll. While walking, he saw a rubbish in the river and he told his guard to take a photo of it and will ask his PPS what to do with it the next day. It is the story about the red box that showed me his constant dedication to improve Singapore. He may be going through his normal daily activities or even mourn about his wife but when he saw something that needs to be done, he will note it down and insert it in the Red Box. Singapore was always in his mind, an undeniable burning passion in his heart for this country. He sacrificed his whole life and put this country before himself. And another of my favourite quote, "He is always country, country, country". Nobody will love and care about Singapore as much as he did and because of that, we are what we are today. And on top of that he was a man with wisdom, vision, courage and determination. He knew what needs to be done to build this small island from a third world to a first world in 50 years. He had the courage put forth unpopular policies, knowing that it was for the best. He was a remarkable and charismatic leader, constantly pushing his team to the limits, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. And despite this, you have never flaunted your contributions or sought recognition.
No man is perfect, and so is he. Many may not agree to his ideals and values but that is not a reason for the constant critics and harsh and rude remarks because you are just putting yourself down after all he had done for us. Other may say that our  stringent rules limit us from freedom but are they free to drink directly form the tap knowing it is safe to consume? Are they free to walk alone in midnight? Are they free to have access to world-class education and healthcare? Its a give and take process and I am willing to sacrifice my chewing gum for a safe and clean city.
Dear Mr Lee, I regret not knowing the extent of your contributions before your passing. Many, including myself, took you for granted. But this week has been a much needed reflective week for me. I am honestly grateful to have witnessed your passing, because (unfortunately) it was a good opportunity to know you better. I can't imagine how the future generations will think of you - a man in the history books, because that was my perception of you before this. And you so deserve much more respect and gratitude compared to that. Reading your stories, witnessing the whole country unite and reading remarkable words of respect from exceptional leaders overseas made me realise what a remarkable human being you are and your significant service to this country. You are my inspiration for a good leader and a good man. I do not need to retell the romantic stories of you and your wife. She was your pillar of support and I am amazed that despite being busy with the country, you were able to maintain such as strong bond with your wife (and family). You were a good husband, father and grandfather and you never forget to make time for your family while leading this country. And in spite of all the seriousness, I have watched videos of your humorous remarks and beautiful smile which made me see you not only as a prime minister, but as a normal human being.  
And on top of the first world country you have built, as if it wasn't enough, you left us with one last gift - a united Singapore. Honestly, before this I would laugh thinking that we are actually patriotic. Quoting my teacher, "I have never felt this patriotic before in my whole life, even during NDP". We were a bunch of ungrateful nation constantly unsatisfied with what we had but despite all that, we were one nation during your passing. Many were willing to queue for more than 10 hours just to bid a final farewell during your wake, or brave through the rain just to witness a few seconds of your coffin on Sunday during your funeral service. During the queue, everyone was so gracious with one another, handing out free food and drinks. You put Singapore in our best behaviour.
Dear Mr Lee, thank you. As a beneficiary of your service, I would not be where I am today. I am not sure how long this spirit will last in each one of us, but I hope it will last for a very long time. I do not know you personally but we share two things in common - a singaporean and a rafflesian. After what you have done, those two things is enough to make me feel so deeply rooted to you. My condolences to the Lee family especially Mr Lee Hsien Loong. Stay strong, it must be hard to lose a father, mentor and a prime minister at the same time, and still had to face the nation with a strong face. I hope after all this, you will look down on us and be proud of this country. We will do our best to live your legacy. I hope you're doing well and may you be reunited with your amazing wife.
Dear Mr Lee, thank you and may you rest in peace.
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