#thanos snapped it out of existence along with my ability to give a shit
estrellami-1 · 1 year
See You
Eddie ran his mouth. Anyone and everyone knew this. He was harmless, wouldn’t hurt a fly, but with a sharp tongue when aimed at the wrong (or right) people. Sure, it made him some enemies—some people, he swore, didn’t know how to take a joke—but for the most part it was okay.
The one thing he’d never do was kick someone while they’re down. Metaphorically, of course, since he’d never actually physically kick someone. Unless that someone was Gareth, who took the last brownie. Then all bets were off. But he’d never poke fun at someone already hurting, which is why so many of his tabletop rants were focused on the royalty of Hawkins High.
He knew that he knew that he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that table was fine to poke fun at. Hagan hated him for it, but then again Hagan hated him for just existing, so he took Hagan’s thoughts with a grain of salt. Besides, the object of his attention—though he’d never admit it to anyone—was one Steve Harrington. King Steve, The Hair, the heir to the Harrington fortune and legacy.
For the most part, Harrington would stare back, the barest trace of a smile playing on his lips. Sometimes Eddie would get him to crack, and he’d look down at his own table as he smiled, but for the most part he sat there, mask cracked, mirth shining in his eyes.
There was one time, however, he didn’t. Eddie was ranting about prices, about allowance (or lack thereof) and holes in sneakers and cold showers. “Now, of course, the royal court knows nothing of such trivialities,” he said, taking a mock bow in their direction, almost freezing when he saw Harrington frowning at the table. But he was a performer, and the show must go on, so he changed direction—even got a reluctant smile out of Harrington—before finishing.
Later, he sat thinking about it. Maybe he just hadn’t liked the topic of the rant, but it somehow felt more personal than that. Eddie decided he had to get to the bottom of it, so he approached Harrington towards the end of the school day.
Harrington sighed and shut his locker. “What do you want, Munson?”
Eddie shoved his hands in his pockets. “To talk?”
Harrington raised a brow at him, which he figured he deserved. “Okay. So talk.”
“Y’know, I swore something to myself when I start d this whole shebang. I promised myself I’d never kick someone who was already down. And I don’t intend to make a liar of myself.” He shrugged at the look thrown his way. “You didn’t seem to particularly like today’s topic of choice, is all. I wanted to see why.”
“I didn’t think you cared.” He winced before Eddie could say anything. “Sorry. That was rude.”
Eddie frowned, tilting his head. “You alright, Harrington?”
He sighs and leans back against the lockers, copying Eddie’s position, before tilting his head back and looking up at the ceiling. “Guess I finally got it knocked into me that I’m not a good person. I’m trying to do better. There’s these kids… actually, you play that, uh, dragons game, right? With the dice and the figurines?”
Eddie raised his eyebrows. “Dungeons and Dragons?”
Steve snapped at him. “That’s the one. There’s these kids I watch, they’re obsessed with the game. The one leading them, the, uh…” he snapped a few times, trying to remember. “Master player, or whatever.”
“Dungeon Master.”
“Yeah, thanks. They call him Will the Wise.” He began to smile. “God, they’re such dorks.” He sighed and sobered. “That… wasn’t the point, sorry. But I’m watching those kids. Something happened—y’know the thing everyone knows about but no one’s supposed to talk about?”
“The thing that stinks of government?”
Steve snorted. “Yup. We were right in the middle of it. Thought we weren’t gonna make it out, a few times. Thought if the kids made it, it’d be okay. I don’t have anything waiting for me, y’know? My parents are off who knows where. And I guess this is where my problem with your rant today comes from. Because… I get it, y’know? My parents aren’t home, and they’re not gonna heat a whole house for someone who only uses two or three rooms. I can pay heating or electric, but not both, and I need electric more, usually. I don’t get an allowance from my parents. Used to, but that stopped at fourteen. I got a job as soon as I realized that was it. I get cold showers and whatever I can scrounge up to eat until the next paycheck. I take such good care of the clothes I have because I can’t afford to buy new ones. God, this isn’t even my style, this is just whatever my mom last bought me. I fuckin’ hate the polos, man,” he said, a laugh in his voice.
Eddie chuckled with him, then sobered. “That… that, uh, really sucks, man. I get it. And I’m sorry about the rant.”
Steve shrugged. “You didn’t know.”
“You said you’re not a good person. I think you’re better than you know.”
A smile quirked up the corner of Steve’s lip. “And I guess you’d know?”
“I might be a better judge of character than you think.”
Steve laughed. “I’m sure that’s true. Can I ask a question?”
“You just did.”
“Jackass,” he muttered, failing to hide his grin. “How’d you notice I wasn’t a fan of today’s topic?”
Eddie considered it for a moment. “I’ll give you full honesty if you promise not to retaliate in any way.”
Steve frowned. “Retaliate, like, hurt you? I wouldn’t.”
“Never say never,” he warned, and Steve good-naturedly rolled his eyes.
“Fine, I promise not to retaliate in any way.”
“I kinda, maybe, have a massive crush on you.” He bit his lip, looking away, unwilling to see the disgust in Steve’s eyes, painted on his face.
What he didn’t expect was the chuckle. “You’re joking, right?”
Eddie blinked and turned to face him. “No.”
“Why me? Aren’t I kinda the antithesis of everything you stand for?”
“Antithesis. Good word.”
“I’m not actually an idiot, y’know. I need all A’s or B’a to stay in sports.”
Eddie blinked. “Not what I expected. Okay. Um, yeah, you kinda are the antithesis of everything I stand for, or at least I thought you were, and now I dunno what I think, except you’re not at all what I expected, and I’m probably gonna have to toss the entirely of the Munson Doctrine in the trash.”
Steve blinked. “I caught about two words of that, sorry. You… you really do. Have a crush on me.”
Steve grinned. “Good.”
Eddie blinked. “Good?”
“Good,” Steve parroted, gaze flickering from his eyes, to his lips, back to his eyes. “Come over after school?”
Eddie snorted. “No offense, Steve, but I want to step foot in your house even less now than I used to. But you’re welcome over at mine.”
Steve’s grin grew. “You said my name.”
Eddie frowned. “Of course I did. What else would I call you?”
“You usually call me Harrington,” he murmured, and suddenly Eddie realized.
“Oh. Am I correct in assuming you’d rather not be associated with that name?”
Steve shrugged. “In a perfect world, no. But I know that’s not very likely right now.”
“It can be,” Eddie offered. “At least with me.”
Just then the final bell rang, and they jumped apart, looking at each other and letting out a nervous chuckle. “I’ll, uh, see you after school?”
“My place,” Eddie nodded. “See you, Steve.”
Steve smiled. “See you, Eddie.”
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@justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch
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galacticempiress · 4 years
trespasser (5/?)
star wars x mcu x fem!reader
summary: while the resistance and the first order are busy with each other, leia senses rey and kylo, realizing they’re on earth. meanwhile on earth, the avengers try to make rey feel safe.
introducing...superherodisguise!kylo! i thought it would be kinda cool to add that in. this chapter is inspired by @spideyanakin​! they also have an amazing star wars/marvel au if yall wanna check it out!
warnings: cussing, violence, mention of sex.
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“Why can’t he see me...” Leia envisions Kylo in a diner but he wasn’t wearing his dark robes anymore. He was wearing cuffed light blue jeans, a black long sleeved shirt, white shoes that had an arched logo on them, and a black cap. Kylo tilted his head towards Leia, sensing her but quickly turned back to the waitress heading his way. 
“General, we just received news that Kylo Ren is nowhere to be seen. Along with Rey and the outsiders.” Poe informs Leia, interrupting her moment. Leia pauses and looks up at the commander.
“I know exactly where they are, Dameron.”
“Do you guys have an Alderaan Twist?” Rey shifts uncomfortably on the sofa. Rey didn’t know what to expect but she was surprised at how Earth was not under complete destruction. She had wondered why no one had bothered to do anything with this planet
“We...don’t have that here.” Tony sighs, taking out a bottle of alcohol (which (Y/N) quickly put away). Tony had thought he had overcome his fear of the Dark Jedi but once he saw him, his whole body shut down on him. The feeling of anger wavered on Tony which caused him to snap. “You know, this is my fault. If I hadn’t bothered Thanos’ escape plan, I wouldn’t have gone through that hole!”
“Tony, don’t be so hard on yourself-” (Y/N) started but was interrupted.
“I’m not! I...I...” The billionaire started to crack and put his face in his hands. I don’t want to be seen as weak. “Y’know what, you guys start making Rey feel comfortable.” Everyone started to speak against Tony but he raised his voice, “I just need some time to myself.” With that, he went to another part of the building.
Moments of silence passed. Everyone knew that wasn’t Tony’s first time out in space. When he brought the explosive to space, no one knew exactly what happened but it made him cut off everyone for a bit. What happened recently was much more worse than before. “Is he uhm...usually that dramatic?” Rey spoke up, breaking the silence. 
“He’s been through a lot of things. Things that we have never encountered until extraterrestrial beings came 11 years ago.” Steve then later explained about the Battle of New York City, Rey seemingly fascinated by this but also upset.
“...It wasn’t common knowledge here - on Earth - that people like me were out there?” 
“We knew that Thanos and Thor’s galaxy existed and no one bothered to think about the other galaxies that could have even more living beings. Then Tony got sucked into that wormhole a couple years later.” 
Rey was left speechless. People didn’t know about us? Her thought process was interrupted by Peter, seemingly nervous. “I’m sorry Ms. Rey but uhm...does your lightsaber still work?” Peter mutters, a shy smile plastered on his face. Rey smiled.
“Let’s see!” She smirked before raising her arm but nothing happened. “What?” She moves her arm around before the lightsaber finally reached her hand from afar. “It usually doesn’t take that long...” Rey ignited her lightsaber, a glowing blue radiating from it. Peter silently fangirled at the glowing weapon. He couldn’t wait to tell Ned. 
The rest of the Avengers weren’t as ecstatic as Peter but they were still amazed. Their mouths were slightly agape except for Thor, who coughs. “Can uh- anyone do that?” The God of Thunder lets out a small laugh while Rey turns her attention to him. 
“Not everyone, only those who are strong with the Force.” 
“Well, let’s see!” Thor grunts out the last word and stretches his arm out towards the lightsaber. It shakes slightly in Rey’s hand until it eventually stopped. Thor sighs, “It was worth a try.”
Everyone chuckles at the embarrassed Thor. (Y/N) felt her phone buzz in her pocket, taking it out while chuckling. Her face turned stern as she looked at it. She walked out of the room, unbeknownst to the group. Her heart dropped at the text.
Matt Murdock: I know I’m the last person you want to text but I think I’ve encountered something that’s Avengers level.
(Y/N) scrunched her nose in disgust. She remembered she met Matt as Daredevil when she was dealing with street level threats. Matt never killed as it was his number one rule but (Y/N) absolutely hated the way Matt took care of crime. There was no such thing as second chances. Of course, they’ve encountered each other before. (Y/N) remembered the times in the bedroom with him. It was just several hookups with tension waiting to be released, nothing more. She was then given the opportunity to do something good for not just the streets, but the world. The (H/C) haired woman thought process was interrupted by another text.
Matt Murdock:
This is something serious. Hudson Yards.
Sighing, (Y/N) turned off her phone. Siri can say the read receipt. Grabbing your things, you walked past the group and towards the door. “Where are you going?” Natasha grabs (Y/N)’s wrist, making her shake her grip off. The redhead’s eyes widen in surprise and she quickly apologized.
“Have to take care of some old business. I’ll be back.” (Y/N) sighs stressfully while quickly heading to her car. As she drove away, Natasha couldn’t help but question. 
“Out of all places, fucking Hudson Yards?” (Y/N) muttered under her hoodie. Parking her car next to a fire hydrant, she walked towards the tourist attraction. How the hell am I gonna find Matt here? Her eyes darted around the tourist filled area.
“Hey.” She felt a hand on her shoulder and quickly reacted. The long time friend blocked her fist. “We’re around a lot of people. I wouldn’t do that.” The brunette warned while the former assassin slapped his hand off.
“It was a reflex.” (Y/N) huffed, crossing her arms. “What did you want to tell me that was so serious?” 
Matt lowers his voice, loud enough for only her to hear. “You been outside of Earth recently?” As soon as Matt said that, the color drains from (Y/N)’s face. “I couldn’t tell if it was a genuine threat to Earth or some crazy guy...” The brunette awkwardly chuckles before he hears her heartbeat increase dangerously. The smile on his face disappears when he didn’t hear her say a word.
She grabs his shoulders, “What did he say to you?” Matt sensed her fear and it was nothing compared to the fear she had on the streets.
“He asked me what planet he was on and called me uh- rebellious-”
“Rebel scum. Tony mentioned that...” (Y/N) trailed off on the last part before regaining focus, “That’s enough. T-Thank you, Matt.” (Y/N) starts to wonder off back to her car before Matt grabbed her again. An old spark of tension came back. Both of you knew better than to continue it.
“If you need anything, just call me.” (Y/N) gave him a small smile before letting go. She walked further away from the attraction and onto the somewhat quiet street. The more (Y/N) walked, there were less people on the cold dark street. Instantly, she had the feeling she was being watched. “Show yourself.” She waited for a few seconds until she heard footsteps behind her. Running. Turning around, she saw the man she saw earlier today. Kylo let out a yell before trying to behead the (H/C). She caught the hilt, trying to push it away.
“Outsider.” Kylo spat while he applied more pressure onto his weapon. The lightsaber was just inches away from singeing her neck. (Y/N) struggled and applied more pressure towards Kylo. They continued to struggle but something inside (Y/N) snapped.
“Fuck. Off!” She yelled before applying even more pressure. The raven haired man looked at the lightsaber that was now shaking. He wasn’t using the Force, he couldn’t be. He slowly looked up at his enemy, who was absolutely enraged. A dark smirk appeared on his face before Kylo completely stopped pushing his lightsaber. Kylo ducked as the lightsaber flew past him and landed on the sidewalk in another block. 
(Y/N)’s face went from confusion to, slowly, into shock. She looked at her shaky hands, realization dawning on her. She was supposed to be happy with these newfound abilities but honestly, she didn’t know how to feel. Kylo stretched his arm out towards the shocked women. “Join me. I can teach you how to control it.” “I’ll never join you.” (Y/N) spat yet she didn’t completely understand what he was saying. Kylo grimaced at this. He took a step forward. He couldn’t understand how he couldn’t access the Force on Earth yet she could.
“You don’t understand the honor of having this abili-” (Y/N) cut him off by using the Force, pushing him to the other block where his lightsaber was. Slowly, (Y/N) lowered her arm down and stared at her hand. “This is some Supernatural type shit.” She breathlessly chuckles before she spots Kylo running towards her with rage in his eyes. 
“Shit!” (Y/N) started to run as fast as her legs could give. Slamming the car door, she barely escapes as Kylo nearly breaks the rear window. (Y/N) watched her center mirror as Kylo stood there, watching the car speed away. “Jesus.” She exhaled as she entered the highway. Even though Kylo was nowhere near her, she checked her mirrors every second on the way to base.
(Y/N) had to tell Rey.
im so sorry for not updating sooner!
@multi-madison @treestarrrrrrrr @holybatflapexpert @bonza-bear @ren-ni @reejero @bitch-imma-head-out @1-800-starmora @infinity-star-wars @tachibubu @kingbouji3
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