dailydegurechaff · 3 months
The last fan art reminded me of a au i made, where tanya and the salary man where different people(because instead of reincarnating him, being x just stuck his soul with a little girl)
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… a two for one deal!
(the fan art being referenced)
This reminds me of a fic I once read, it was so fucking cute. Little Tanya and the Salaryman as her co-pilot, it's ridiculous but adorable
I started writing a fic with a similar premise once, but never finished it
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Anne and Sasha walk in to see Marcy in her Darcy uniform:
Marcy: “Oh Don’t panic.” Removes the helmet “its still me, see”
Sasha:…”Can you give us a heads up next time so you don’t give us a frogging heart attack.”
Anne: blushing
Sasha: “are you serious?”
Anne likes bad girls (it’s one of the reasons she loves Sasha’s jacket). Granted there’s a limit when it comes to Darcy but if she knows that it’s purely Marcy in the suit, then she’s down for some rp
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inktog · 1 year
Do you see any parallels to buddhist myths in amphibia? Given how inspired by thai culture the show is, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t
I know almost nothing about Buddhism but if you or anyone else notices any Buddhist allusions I'd certainly be interested to hear.
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shihalyfie · 2 years
One thing that sadly isn’t as prevalent anymore is digimon being biomechanical. A handful of the earlier designs had metal as part of their body’s(even the mechanical ones tend to have organic parts). Plus when the adventure kids went inside whamon, his esophagus and stomach looked more metal than flesh.
I unfortunately can't really make detailed comments on that, but when you think about it that way, that's probably true, huh?
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aurum-k-chatters · 10 months
Penmon’s still gonna be a penguin right?
I'm assuming you mean Pengimon? Honestly I'm still pretty happy with the 2020 revisit design
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Just a little guy!!!
Honestly the only thing that bothers me about this design is that I could have picked a stronger eye color for color harmony, but I don't think there is anything major I could do to push the design further. I wanted a little penguin teddy-bear friend who makes Daipenmon make a little more sense later, and Pengimon still achieves that!
I guess if I had to change something major, I'd give them a hat??? But I worry the silhouette of the ears would be lost, so I think the earmuffs should stay.
So... Yeah! Not sure how I'll feel in the future, but for now, Pengimon stays the same.
10/10 penguin-bear-hamster friend.
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sonofrose · 1 year
Amphibia was a break up story? Huh. That’s not the impression I got. I don’t think amphibia is about loss ..ironically, I think it’s about finding love. Anne finding the plantars, sasha finding grime, the trio finding a healthier form of their friendship after years of toxicity, grime finding that he’s more than just a bully, andrias rediscovering his love for lief. Its probably why the series ends with the trio reuniting, and Marcy’s journal ends implies a return to amphibia.
Tharrb, I think you're taking the shallowest interpretation possible of any piece of information you get
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eeveearoace · 2 years
What if I made an au where Marcy actually gets to process her trauma and makes friends and believes she allowed to want things(oh and she beats up an undead seriel killer)
i- a lot of that is normal until the "undead serial killer"
i'm SO here for it tho
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writesailingdreams · 2 years
@tharrb said: I think all of the girls thought they where the third wheel
I think the girls each feared she was the third wheel.
I guess I’m not sure how much Sasha acknowledged she felt/thought that way; I feel Anne and Marcy may have been more aware of feeling/thinking that way? But basically yeah! Whether any of the three was a third wheel, all felt (whether acknowledged or not) that she was the expendable one (or a third wheel).
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clacing · 2 years
I don’t really understand your logic. You say that the prophecy is really about helping amphibia overcome its worst sides and not about fighting Andrias and the core , yet you assume that the reason Anne and Sasha would be remembered(and why Marcy wouldn’t) is because of there involvement in the war. But what about everything they did before the war? Certainly they would be remembered for helping their respective races. Anne being wartwoods favorite girl, Sasha being the brave lieutenant, and Marcy being newtopias hero.(besides, if there’s any reason why Marcy’s wouldn’t be remembered by the newtopians is because they’re all a bunch of heartless jerks that exploited her and forgot about her when in her time of need, despite everything she did for them)
No that's exactly what I mean actually! The prophecy is about them saving Amphibia from the worst version of itself, and that starts small, with them building relationships and making their communities better - but it definitely ends with the war. Andrias and the Core were still the main thing weighing Amphibia down and the fight against them is just the culmination of everything that’s been building up in the background. They never would have won without all the work they did on themselves and the connections they made along the way standing behind them and backing them up, and that's the point of the story.
Even if there had been no war, Anne and Sasha made real connections that helped them grow, so I wouldn't have batted an eye if you'd told me everyone would love and remember them anyway, without needing some great heroic action on their part. On the other hand, most if not all of Marcy’s connections seemed to be fake or surface level, and then on top of that she was entirely absent from the war, save for the one battle against the moon where Anne ended up taking everything upon herself anyway.
It's not so much that I think Anne and Sasha will be remembered while Marcy won't, because it's clearly shown in the end credits that they built a shrine for all three of them - it's more that as far as Marcy is concerned, it rings kind of empty to me? Her closest relationship was Andrias, who manipulated and stabbed her. Olivia and Yunan ended up caring for her but by the end of the series they barely knew her. She had a nice friendship with Maddie but it was never brought up again. Triple B clearly respected and might’ve even liked her but they still stood by Andrias. I’ve said this already but if even one person from Newtopia joined the Rebellion because they thought what Andrias did to Marcy was unacceptable (hell, if one Amphibian from anywhere, really, had that as their motivation) that would’ve been more than enough, but we just don’t get the sense that the newts care about Marcy as much as the frogs and toads care about Anne and Sasha. And yeah, it’s partly because they’re a bunch of heartless jerks, as you say, but the Wartwoodians didn’t trust outsiders, and Anne won them over; the toads were a highly militarized regime where the strong made the rules, and Sasha won them over.
Marcy did get Andrias, Olivia and Yunan to care about her, but is that enough? Did their love for her come through in the end, like Anne and Sasha’s bonds did for them? Was saving Marcy Olivia and Yunan’s motivation for fighting this war, was redeeming himself to her why Andrias gave himself over? We aren’t really shown any of these things, but I have to infer them, because otherwise Marcy’s arc kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and that’s the only complaint I have about an otherwise amazing ending.
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tharrb · 7 months
Zelda: i think you know what happens next :)
Me:…we gonna kiss?😳
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absentwriterdoll · 10 months
Whats a doll and witch?
Witches and Dolls, for this one, are a little difficult to explain! For this one, they're mostly placeholders at this point: roles to be placed by the silhouettes that dance in this one's mind! This one's use of witches and dolls are generally more mundane than their trauma-inspired Empty Spaces variants - but this one uses them specifically because of their Empty Spaces connotations. Especially in Empty Spaces, however, their use varies from author to author, just as trauma varies from entity to entity.
To summarize, in this one's case, this one generally uses them in a more positive light - but this one's use is informed by the trauma from which they hail.
To try and give some sort of direct description, at least in this one's stories, the Witch is in control of her life and often serves as a caregiver entity! A source of stability and support for the Doll - but also someone for the Doll to look up to, to dedicate its everything to. The Doll lives to serve, and the Witch is an entity worth serving.
Dolls, on the other hand, generally serve as a servant entity, something to be taken care of, or both or more! They relish being given Purpose, something to dedicate their all to, and find Stillness in that process, a sort of quiet peace that comes from not needing to think about correct decisions: to let itself stop thinking and trust in the words and decisions of its Witch.
However! The roles of both entities may swap depending on this one's story! Neither is perfect, neither is infallible! Both are doing their best, and they both take care of the other in their own little ways!
If you've read this far, however, it's entirely possible that you might be able to parse out their trauma-based inspirations. If not, this one will attempt to give some sort of a basic definition.
While depending on the author, the Witch may be the one to help the Doll heal from trauma - a Witch sometimes inflicts trauma upon the doll. Sometimes the witch is an abusive parent, sometimes an abusive partner - it can be a coworker, a friend - in general, the Witch is an entity that abuses the doll in some shape or form, causing trauma.
The Doll, on the other hand, is generally the one upon which trauma has been inflicted: Purpose being determined by the Witch as opposed to having found a positive direction in existence, Stillness being peace from the Witch's ire - or dissociation of some shape or form. Some Witches ignore the Doll's needs, some treat the Doll cruelly for failing to perform to standard, because it's entertaining to them - or even because it's "just something to do". Some Witches, when they tire of the Doll "toss them away" - abandon the Doll in some shape or form - at which point the Doll might stumble into another abusive situation, become aimless and Purposeless in life as they waste away on the side of a metaphorical or literal road -
Or, perhaps, might be found by a Witch that wants to help.
In the end, the role of the Doll and Witch depends on the author. But all authors more than likely use them to process trauma in some way. In this one's case, this one likes seeing healing and happiness. A Doll and Witch that help each other in their hardest moments.
The world is cruel, unkind to one's such as these. Perhaps writing these happier stories is just this one's method of trying to process its own history of abandonment: a story in which imperfect entities can find solace in other imperfect entities - and that they won't just be thrown away for their mistakes.
This one is sorry for the lengthy response! If this one is asked this again in the future, this one thinks that its response will end up even longer!
This one is endlessly grateful for tharrb's question!
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dailydegurechaff · 4 months
Tanya in Amphibia
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… this is another crossover i really know nothing about, so i just tried my best on an art style swap i apologize
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I’ve heard a theory that the reason marcy didn’t get to spend much Olivia and yunnan was because that a lesbian couple adopting a child wouldn’t sit well with the Disney suits.
that could be one reason.
Probably not the whole reason, maybe in the back of some execs minds but considering they've had a few yuri couples in the background, having a newt lesbian couple adopt Marcy would be a logical step in progressing more towards acceptance. Granted Disney is always the last company when it comes to these things (and then they act like they've always been supportive)
Hopefully the graphic novel gives us some Yulivia and/or Marcy & Olivia bonding
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inktog · 9 months
In regards to SU, Steven’s development does take on a role reversal-at first he’s a naive child who looks to his guardians(the crystal gems) for guidance, but as the series goes on, he learns that the gems are actually emotionally immature, and he becomes the guiding force of their development.
Yeah, sorry, that's more or less what I meant by inverting the power dynamic. Although I wouldn't label the characters as either "mature" or "immature" as if that were a binary state; rather, I'd say that each has their own set of emotional strengths and weaknesses, like real people do. That's why I referred specifically to power when describing the role reversal, and not maturity.
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wren-writes-things · 7 months
I mean personally for me I would appreciate at least 2 Sasha episodes in Season 3a to help flesh out her arc more cause I LOVE her but I feel more screentime around 3a (and maybe) a bit around Season 2, would have done wonders for her arc. It’s almost criminal how little we know of her bad homelife other than her parents are divorced.
What would you personally add to Sasha’s arc?
So my biggest issue on Sasha’s arc (and honestly most of season 3 aside from Andrias) is just how much is left unsaid. And a lot of that does come down to her family.
Everything we see regarding Sasha is her learning to turn a set of poor coping mechanisms (seeking control, aggression, etc), into something that could benefit those around her (being a leader). The problem is that there are just large chunks of that development that are missing, specifically the origin and most of her improvement. Which are both kind of important.
Now I will say I think these flaws stem from an aspect of the show that in some scenarios (namely True Colors) was incredibly important. And that was the use of Anne as the protagonist, and really the only character you ever see the POV of. What I mean by that is that unless a character directly explained their motivations on screen in front of Anne, you really don’t know it (even then you still got Sasha’s POV though so this isn’t a strict rule). The thing is though is that this doesn’t necessarily apply to season 3
Anyway yeah back on topic, like I said a big thing for me would be stating Sasha’s perspective on things back on earth. I’m not for suggesting a full backstory episode because I don’t see that flowing well with the overall show. However starting a Sasha centric episode with a final flashback to the day of the that they stole the music box (similar to Reunion and True Colors) I believe would work quite nicely to address Sasha’s dynamic with her parents and her friends. Additionally Anne speaking with the Waybrights and Wus (not Zeus autocorrect, no one wants to speak with Zeus ever) instead of writing a letter could allow an outside perspective on how both families were handling their missing daughters. This also avoids the issue of addressing this situation in Sasha’s apology to Anne (which seemed to be what the writers kept getting hung up on based on interviews).
That being said I’m not certain how exactly I would handle Sasha’s family dynamic. I don’t think it was necessarily healthy aside from the divorce based on her actions in The Third Temple flashback and throughout the show. But… I don’t think I’m necessarily qualified to handle that topic without a lot of research. Might come back to it though because I have at least a guess that I find interesting.
Anyway, I think my next big thing would be just making season 3 more Sasha centric. (And honestly if I were doing a full rewrite I would probably take tharrb’s approach and split S3 into two seasons, I think there just wasn’t enough time to address everything even if you took out the filler episodes especially with how large the main cast of the show is). Season 3a has a lot of potential ways that it could go but overall her arc was one of the most important ones to develop in that period.
Specifically I would want to show her developing a connection with the rebellion members and learning to lead the rebellion in a way that took all members concerns into account without endangering the group. And also her dealing with her feelings regarding Marcy and Anne. Which is a lot of aspects hence why I said you honestly would need to divide season 3 up.
My one additional point because I have opinions about it, is addressing the full reason why Sasha had her change of heart. Because I was reading on the topic and it just kind of bothered me.
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Like that is a pretty important aspect of the show to address and for some reason it just never is mentioned. Which is especially weird considering that she clearly had a change in perception by the season 3 finale and that is just such an interesting development that I want to see.
Anyway yeah, there’s a few other aspects to my overall take on Sasha. Like honestly I probably would have added another episode focusing on her in season 1 but my main issues with her arc are in season 3 so that’s most of what I addressed. Also this was very general so if you want further exploration of any topic I am always open to explaining it.
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discet · 1 year
Questions about Amphibia Canon
Got several questions relating to canon analysis. Some overlap or touch on each so gonna knock them out one by one. 
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Yeah. It will forever be hard to figure out where the hand of the company grabbed the wrist of the writing crew, but it seems like corporate did not like True Colors, and S3 suffered for it. 
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@tharrb​ Also certainly possible. Hanlon’s razor is certainly at play. and yeah, that’s what I meant by a narrative bandaid for a deeper characterization problem. 
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I will say that: moving isn’t abusive in itself. Like sometimes families got to move. It’s a bummer, but even if its just a important step in their career parents sometimes got to make those kind of calls. 
We didn’t get a great look at how they broke the news to her, but yeah, maybe not the most emotionally adept handling of things based on the fact that Marcy bailed out of the universe immediately afterwards.
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