#that and the daniwrites-ifs ask
ekgfiction · 2 years
From the ask list: Is there something the ROs do when they’re in love that would make them cringe/they wouldn’t usually do otherwise?
Thank you~
Thank you for keeping up the fluff alive in my asks ;_; Also why do I write characters that are so dramatic 🤡
Archer: They would be in the middle of a long rant, gushing about how cute, but also how sexy you look, but it's not like they only love your physique because they love everything about you... "I'm sorry, what did you ask me in the first place?" "Uhm, will you use cash or credit, Sir/Ma'am..."
Mishra: They would like to see themself as a cool, unbothered person who doesn't need anybody in their life to be happy... But then they'd catch themself imagining your future together (what your wedding would look like, your potential children, your future house) like a love-struck teenager, and would groan in embarrassment.
Botha: All their life, Botha was praised for his calm temperament. But! The first time they see somebody flirting with you after you start dating, they'd be really jealous. All these emotions, he'd rush to your side and snap at that flirtatious demon, and then feel really bad for what they did.
Nezha: They would genuinely google things like "how to flirt", or "what do people think is sexy" to up their game for you. They'd keep files on the subject, but they'd be so embarrassed if you were to ever find out about it.
Smith: Ugh, feelings, in general, are embarrassing. They can't believe that they are... oh my god... in love... especially when they start to realize their feelings. They'd be driving in their car, listening to some love songs when you pop up in their head and they'd nearly crash their car.
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kalorphic · 2 years
I'm so excited for sibling antics and family feels! MCs sibling honestly sounds like so much fun and a terror in the best way.
Honestly, gremlin sibling is slowly working their way up to be one of my favourite characters to write lol.
They’re just so chaotic and with Cody being their bro and Reese finding a fellow chaos gremlin…it’s all hell breaking loose!
Thank you for the ask! <3
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koeii · 4 years
TAGGED: stole it off a different dash TAGGING: @huckleberrytm @starblcssed @kurkowna @daniwrit @valkyrel @coyotefaced @coverage
adapted from this post!! bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what somewhat applies to your muse. italicize & bold what used to apply to your muse. repost; do NOT reblog.
ARIES.tries to do everything at once, doesn’t know when to stop and take care of themselves, bends over backwards for everyone even if someone did them dirty, has entirely too much on their plate
TAURUS. idealistic, spends a lot of time trying to impress others, doesn’t like to apologize, eating is a coping mechanism or just addictive personalities in general ( coping mechanisms ), a tad codependent
GEMINI. the most flip floppy people ever, what’s today’s mood?, never apologizes, in denial 90% of the time, their way is the highway, desperately needs a break, they have a hard time setting goals because their goals scare them
CANCER.the literal meaning of I’ll give you the shirt off my back, isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them, wants to change but is scared of change, complains a lot but never takes advice people give them
LEO. no one takes them seriously because they feel they always have to portray themselves as the fun one, is actually really sad inside, honestly needs a hug, exhausted always, a crackhead
VIRGO. can dish it but can’t take it, rushes everything, anxious, plans their future but forgets to live in the moment, sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind, talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are
LIBRA. solves everyone’s problems but their own, is actually really sad and lonely, gets easily heartbroken but tries not to show it, will do anything to justify bad decisions, honestly just wants everyone to love them but doesn’t really love  their self
SCORPIO. easily set off, will give anyone the cold shoulder at any time even without reason, keeps a lot in, so observant that they often times find out things that hurt them, too many “what ifs” swirling in their heads, has trouble showing their true selves
SAGITTARIUS. impatient, brash, commitment issues, body issues, doesn’t realize they don’t need to change for anyone, has a lot of different goals to a point where they get overwhelmed, just wants to disappear and do what they want without anyone questioning them
CAPRICORN. scared people won’t like them unless they’re at the top of their game 24/7, takes a LOT for them to talk about their feelings, secretly struggling, fake happy, needs a plan but doesn’t know what that plan is, confident but insecure at the same time, wants to be stable but sometimes wishes they could drop everyone’s expectations of them and live normally
AQUARIUS. gets heartbroken like 30 times a week, trust issues, can be unmotivated and disinterested, feels they have to adapt to every person they meet so they can be liked, doesn’t know how to tap into their emotions despite being very intuitive, confused, expects little
PISCES. empathetic often to a point of no return, plays the victim, doesn’t know when to say no, cynical, hermit, is very impatient, trusts everyone too much, can be secretly very critical and judgmental, can only tolerate maybe ten minutes of social interaction, needs a lot of validation
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