#probably one of my favorite ask
ekgfiction · 2 years
From the ask list: Is there something the ROs do when they’re in love that would make them cringe/they wouldn’t usually do otherwise?
Thank you~
Thank you for keeping up the fluff alive in my asks ;_; Also why do I write characters that are so dramatic 🤡
Archer: They would be in the middle of a long rant, gushing about how cute, but also how sexy you look, but it's not like they only love your physique because they love everything about you... "I'm sorry, what did you ask me in the first place?" "Uhm, will you use cash or credit, Sir/Ma'am..."
Mishra: They would like to see themself as a cool, unbothered person who doesn't need anybody in their life to be happy... But then they'd catch themself imagining your future together (what your wedding would look like, your potential children, your future house) like a love-struck teenager, and would groan in embarrassment.
Botha: All their life, Botha was praised for his calm temperament. But! The first time they see somebody flirting with you after you start dating, they'd be really jealous. All these emotions, he'd rush to your side and snap at that flirtatious demon, and then feel really bad for what they did.
Nezha: They would genuinely google things like "how to flirt", or "what do people think is sexy" to up their game for you. They'd keep files on the subject, but they'd be so embarrassed if you were to ever find out about it.
Smith: Ugh, feelings, in general, are embarrassing. They can't believe that they are... oh my god... in love... especially when they start to realize their feelings. They'd be driving in their car, listening to some love songs when you pop up in their head and they'd nearly crash their car.
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we've done outfits and hairstyles but which zuko smile was the best?
OKay, we can’t POSSIBLY rank those, so I have categorized them instead 
the ‘loves his uncle with his whole heart’ smiles  
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the ‘receiving positive affirmation’ smiles 
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the ‘loving and appreciating his friends’ smiles 
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the ‘before everything went to shit’ smiles 
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the ‘his goth gf makes him happy’ smiles 
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the ‘being a sarcastic little shit’ smile 
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the ‘you stupid fucking pirate’ smile 
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the ‘this was probably Sokka’s bisexual awakening’ smile 
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startistdoodles · 2 years
Ok so tonight our internet was down, so I rewatched my Pokemon movies and I honestly forgot how good Rise of Darkrai is. It reminds us that Darkrai is not evil, it isn't even that aggressive, it just doesn't have the best way of dealing with things. (I think attacking Palkia is actually how Dialga found it and restarted the fight, though I could be wrong).
It also reminds us in the opening that Pokemon battles are fun for both trainer and Pokemon! Everyone looks so entertained, I love it
I also forgot the Dialga was actually the more aggressive Disaster Twin in this movie. Palkia actually ran away and hid because it was hurt, which by all means should have been a surrender, and Dialga kept chasing it. They both started the fight, don't get me wrong, but I noticed Dialga just would not let it go until the song was played and it calmed down.
(Kinda makes me wonder if Palkia and Dialga intentionally "killed" Darkrai for trying to stop them, or if it was just in their way)
Anyway sorry I just needed to ramble about this
The Rise of Darkrai is SO GOOD honestly my favorite Pokémon movie, I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^
Darkrai is such a good Pokémon and this movie made me love it (it's my favorite Dark-type and my favorite mythical <3 )
But I agree, Dialga was super aggro in this movie, and Palkia seemed to mostly fight because it was being threatened (It even seemed to apologize near the end of the movie when it realized all the destruction it caused :( )
It could explain why Giratina went hard on Dialga in particular in The Sky Warrior, I think it knew Dialga's crimes and wanted to teach its sibling a lesson
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I think Dialga and Palkia just got a bit too out of hand and super aggravated when Darkrai was trying to interfere. They were both so upset they didn't realize the damage they were causing around them.
I don't know if 'killing' Darkrai was in their intentions, they're just so significantly more powerful than it and its constant interference seemed to just make them angrier.
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torgwn · 2 years
m, f?
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molotov! i don't have much on them but they're an avatar of the extinction and she torments doomsday preppers in the eyepocalypse and just for fun lol
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duke-of-fire · 2 years
Sorry, can you please explain what does "bread clip" mean? Like it sounds cool and interesting (tattoo includes smth about bread???), so I really want to know what it is. Thanks anyway :)
oh abso-fuckin-lutely I can! :D
I do find this topic cool and interesting! but! heads up, this is a bit of a long post. I have a lot to say about this subject because I find it fascinating, but as to not flood others dashboards, I'm hiding it under a read more. I did use your ask to talk about my special interest, and it gets a bit verbose <3
TLDR; Bread clips are the hard plastic things at the opening of bread bags. There's a whole website dedicated to classifying them. I've been collecting them for years and my favorite one has a little heart on it. I use them as a way to bond with my friends, but I also just like sorting mundane items into categories.
So! Picture this: you're going to the store to buy some bread. Maybe you're going to make a sandwich or toast or something. You get home and decide to open the bag, but to do so, you've gotta take this fucker off first.
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This is a bread clip! This red one specifically is the most common in shape, but you've probably seen others like these!
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These can be found in many places, including, but not limited to: sliced bread, bagels, and english muffins. Not only that, but they can also be found on those mesh bags that hold fruits and vegetables (best example I can think of rn is on potato bags)
The ones I've given as an example so far are all quite similar. They all have the same shaped opening, despite being different lengths and widths. Would be easy if that was where everything ended, but alas! What happens when you run into a clip that looks like this?
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What the fuck, right?
This is where HORG comes in. HORG stands for Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group. Basically, their website is a database of holotypes of all these different bread clips. As a whole, the bread clips are called Occlupanids (Occlu meaning "to close" and pan meaning "bread"), and are treated as... parasites.
YES I KNOW. PARASITES. Stay with me on this because it's fucking wild
To quote directly from the HORG website, "Occlupanids are totally adapted to a life of parasitism. Ranging from 2-3cm to 5cm, they are dorsoventrally flattened for ease of moving between the folds of plastic on which they live."
Occlupanids are parasites that live on the bags of bread. Got it? Cool! Let's keep going.
Each Occlupanid is treated as a once living object, to better categorize it. For example! The red Occlupanid from the beginning of this post is categorized as the following:
Kingdom: Microsynthera Phylum: Plasticae Class: Occlupanida Order: Orthogonidectes Family: Toxodentidae Genus: Palpatophora Species: utiliformis
but we would simply refer to it as a Palpatophora utiliformis. In fact, the first three Occlupanids I shared are all part of the same family, that of the Toxodentidae. The families are distinguished by the opening, or to use the official term, the oral groove.
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(Fun fact! the weird circle-y one from earlier that's not part of the Toxodentidae family? that's the Coronaspinus gregigelida, or the "Greg's frozen crown of thorns." No, I am not kidding, yes, that is actually what it's called.)
HORG itself is quite interesting as well! I can't pinpoint an exact date of their creation, other than sometime before 2011, as the home page is dated from December 1st of that year, but they claim on their website to have founded in 1632 by someone named Altimus Horg. The image they use for their founder is in fact, a publisher by the name of Aldus Manutius, an Italian man who died in 1515.
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They also include a picture of what they claim to be Altimus' personal occlupanid collection, but it is, in fact, an Organum Mathematicum. It had many functions, but none among them included organizing bread clips.
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Finally, the rebirth of the HORGanization is directly attributed to a man by the name of Horatio Horg, who the website claims is a direct descendant of Altimus Horg. Just like the case of his ancestor, the image used for Horatio Horg is a real person by the name of Alexander Parkes, the man who invented the first plastic. The whole situation is weird - it's like saying Eugen Baumann invented Funko Pops, while also claiming that Funko Pops are alive, and calling Eugen different name, like William.
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Despite my distrust for HORG, their website is fantastic, and if you have the time, you should absolutely go check it out. There's so much on the website that I didn't go into, from the Order Kirigimi, to their film division, to the hypothetical Occlupanids from the 16th century! On top of that, all the pictures in this post are taken directly from their website, save for the image of Aldus Manutius.
This link is for the home page, and then I recommend that you start with their "What are Occlupanids?" page. If you find a Occlupanid in the wild, maybe take the time to categorize it!
To get back to your original question, why do I want a tattoo of a bread clip? I am a proud occlupanologist, collecting and classifying specimen that I find in the wild. I came across my favorite Occlupanid recently, a Quadratopalpus ilex. After years of collecting Occlupanids, this is my only specimen of its species. Mine is a beautiful deep green color, with markings not unlike the one on the holotype. A tattoo of this would be nice. I like the color, I like hunting down these funky little plastic guys and figuring out how to classify them. It's a fun conversation to have when my friends have extras that they bring to me because they know I like them.
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If you got this far! Thank you for reading! :D I hope the rest of your day is fantastic!
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stellarstardust · 2 years
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Heroines Run the Show Episode 8 ED screencaps
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in my heart xigbar and roxas have that ‘hold the ladder while i change the lightbulb kiddo’ kind of family relationship i know this to be true
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skellfamily · 3 years
you know, i wonder about Papyrus. it seems he exists to make other people happy - but is he alright?
he’s the bright spot in Sans’s life, pushing him to actually do stuff. he takes care of chores around the house. Papyrus is aware that Sans is going through troubles and tries to help him through it. Sans takes care of Papyrus in return, but does Sans know that Papyrus has troubles of his own? do they ever talk to each other about heavy stuff like that? probably not, given Papyrus says “SANS NEVER TELLS ANYBODY ANYTHING!” and the way Sans hides important things from Papyrus.
he’s Undyne’s best friend. she seems to view him as like a little brother, and wants to protect him. to the point of not being honest with him about why she hasn’t and won’t let him join the Guard, which makes him feel that he’s doing something wrong. like Sans, she lies to him, ostensibly to protect his feelings (though in reality it’s probably more because they cant bring themselves to tell the truth), when it just makes things worse for him. 
he’s probably Flowey’s closest friend too. Flowey views Papyrus as especially fun to mess around with, but more than that, he probably does actually care about Papyrus in his own way. he may know Papyrus better than anyone (see: him knowing Papyrus’s favorite food when others, even Papyrus himself, didn’t). but of course he also manipulates him and betrays his trust.
and Papyrus tries his best to live up to that role, to make other people feel better. when he befriends Frisk, he doesnt want to disappoint/anger Undyne due to his failure to capture the human, so he tries to put on a precarious balancing act so that he can please both of his friends.
he wonders where Sans would be without him around to take care of him - and really, where would Sans be without his brother? Papyrus never admits he has problems or negative thoughts. in the King Papyrus ending, he puts on a cheerful front while Sans is around. when Sans leaves he finally starts talking about his worries, but even then he’s not speaking to anyone, just leaving a message on Frisk’s phone.
the guy is even willing to risk his own life to show kindness and mercy to a rampaging murderer, despite his own fear, and despite the fact that he could have easily tried fighting them off if he wanted.
i don’t wanna be like “this happy and positive character is ACTUALLY super depressed!!” but i really wonder if Papyrus is ok. has anyone ever asked him how he’s doing? does anyone wonder if he has problems? Papyrus talks himself up a lot and sounds so confident all the time. but how much of that is him feeling the need to be a bright spot for other people’s sakes? when you think about it, despite how much you speak to him, he doesnt reveal that much about himself. i wouldnt be surprised if he’s hiding stuff - from everyone. 
trying to make others happy, while not caring about your own happiness, that’s not a good way to live. idk, maybe i’m looking into this too much. but i’d like to think there’s more to Papyrus than meets the eye, more than a lot of fans give him credit for.
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ask-human-lancer · 3 years
idk if there's a word for this au but y'know geno sans? the one with the scarf and knife wound and glitchy eye? please do geno!lancer i beg of you
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((Alternate version under the cut))
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charthanry · 2 years
I know you've talked about your favourite Pat and Pran scenes but do you have an absolute favourite bad buddy scene overall? Everyone goes on about the rooftops in 5 and 10 or Pat's fight with his father in 10 but I will never get over the scene in Pran's room at the end of episode 4. It was the only time i properly cried throughout the show's whole run. Watching Pran's chin wobble and his eyes well up as Pat listed all his own loveable qualities thinking he liked someone else whilst the sad music played in the background really broke my heart. The performance felt so raw and authentic and made me really start to pay attention to Nanon as an actor (i'd never seen him in anything before this and just found out how many awards he's been nominated for?). It was just overall such a turning point for me in the series.
Oh anon, this is the loveliest. Thank you for sharing your favorite scene with me. The EP4 ending is definitely a standout for me as well. The direction, the mood lighting, the music, and especially the acting... it all came together magnificently. I anticipate writing an entire dissertation on this for my EP4 recap, so I won't say too much here, except that I return to this scene A LOT. The moment I consistently hit pause on is Pran’s soft smile as he watches Pat sleep. Even as his heart is breaking, he can’t help but look fondly at Pat. It gets me every time. It is so achingly relatable and oh so... human. Everything about this speaks to me. I've probably rewatched this scene more than the rooftop kiss and the beach kiss combined if that tells you anything. I’m weak for the quieter moments of the show, especially those that involve Pran giving into his longing. 
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Having said that though, while this is up there for me, gun to head if I had to choose JUST ONE SCENE that is my favorite? Ohhhh, you’re really going to make me choose? Wow, OKAY. I'm going to cheat and narrow it down to two. But I’ll force myself to make it 1a and 1b, fair?
The runner-up for my favorite scene is the I ran after you with your guitar from EP10. I’ve talked about this in my favorite Pran moments, but that smile of surprise and utter contentment gets me on every rewatch. Also, the little gulp he takes because he’s choked up from Pat’s confession is just EVERYTHING to me. It’s small and nuanced but also so incredibly telling of how overwhelmed Pat makes him feel. He quite literally has to catch his breath. I love it and them sooo much. And then add to this, Pran plays the first bars of his eventual song for Pat in the same place where he wrote and sang his first song, also for Pat. It's just such a full and complete moment.
Hiding for so long and now to express their feelings openly at the same place where they weren't even allowed to be seen together years before, they’ve come full circle. The natural light that surrounds them, the gentle breeze that ruffles their hair – an unintentional parallel for their sweeping emotions. The entire atmosphere of them being back at their high school and on that very stage. The embracing warmth of nostalgia and feeling like they’re the only two people on earth. BUT more than all that, it’s their unspoken conversation as they gaze at each other:
I couldn’t tell you then so let me say it now, I’ve loved you before I knew that I had fallen. I've loved you before I knew it myself. Thank you for patiently waiting for me to catch up. I’m sorry you had to wait alone for so long, but I’m here now. And I promise you’ll never be alone again.
And the response:
I’ve always loved you. I don't even remember a time when I didn't, if anything, my loving you has given myself back to me. Being with you feels like freedom. Thank you for that and for being entirely worth waiting for. 
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So, now you're thinking wow, what scene is going to top that?! Well, some of you may be surprised with my choice, but in a series that’s overflowing with memorable moments, my favorite scene overall has to be the EP12 ending. Like a siren, Pran lures Pat with song and he climbs into Pran’s window as he always has. The familiar yet lit anew with hopeful expectations for the future. The adoring looks they share, the words both said and unsaid that expresses their lifelong commitment to each other. Pat looking at Pran as though he holds Pat’s entire world in his heart and hands; he then caresses him as if he couldn't bear not to. Pran returning the mutual adoration with a look that says:
If anyone were to ask me what does love look like? I’d respond that it’s like everything I’ve ever lost come back to me. The watch, the guitar, my music, my freedom and most importantly you. All returned to me. I am overflowing in all aspects of life because I have you by my side.
They’re just so ESTABLISHED here. It's P’Aof's parting gift to us, allowing us to see this private, intimate moment between them. It’s to assure us that Pat and Pran are going to make it. They’ve weathered the storm and are still going strong. They’ll continue to face everything together. Come what may. And it is so incredibly satisfying to see. And then to understand that their journey isn’t ending, it’s only just beginning. Even if our time with them has come to an end (sobs), we find comfort in knowing that there is a world out there where Pat and Pran continue to annoy each other, fight alongside each other with pinkies attached and hearts aligned.
And THEN to bookend all of this with the tin can telephone and their younger selves? It’s magic happening on screen. It’s the show telling us that we should have never doubted our boys, it’s always been like this for them and will continue to be. Parents, friends, long distance? None of this has anything on their love. They put each other first and everything else second. They bet on themselves and won.
Yeah, they’re my favorites.
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askthesciencesquad · 2 years
22? Wild. Honestly, I find these little differences in monster and human fascinating with how they're both alien and similar. Like, Holiday here looks similar to human culture's Christmas. The winter season, colored lights, even the Doctor's killer outfit! What I'd like to know is: what are the origins for Holiday?
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*To be continued!
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moeblob · 2 years
Saizo vs Balthus
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You asked a toughie cause I find them so different but. Despite being harder for me to draw, I think Saizo actually wins this round! I'm really weak for Saizo.
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pearl-kite · 2 years
a shark of ur choice in sharks can't sleep 👁️
I couldn't pick just one, and my dnd group wasn't much help in narrowing it down either SO: hammerhead, thresher, leopard, and whale sharks :3
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These were using this palette set by @synapse-retrogenesis
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pencilscratchins · 3 years
i love you art so much!! i followed for star wars but you make me want to watch star trek!! what series or episode should i start with?
ahh thank you so much! i do think everyone should watch TOS first because its genuinely so much fun and its good foundation, but after that i recommend DS9! it's my absolute favorite and it basically created long form television so... but TNG is also super palatable to first timers!
my favorite episodes are all over the place but my favorite ARC is 100% nog applying to starfleet (which starts 3x14 "Heart of Stone" of DS9) and has one of my favorite trek speeches (spoilers) like its so beautiful and we lost so much with the loss of aron eisenberg.
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laurent-ofvere · 2 years
what are your nikandros/ancel thoughts
nikandros has no tolerance for bullshit. "damen enough blondes!!" shit aside, I just see nikandros with such a thin line for nonsense lmao and ancel would drive him up the wall which is FUN
please consider that ancel is like the epitome of a classic veretian. hes crude, he's flashy, he's hella open with his sexuality, he loves all that ostentatious stuff. nikandros would take one look and be like oh MY good fuck, so then imagine how fun when nikandros begrudgingly starts to see the charm of it!!
nikandros can be serious, not bore serious but you know, he would try to put his foot down in a way thats fun to push the limits of lol so ancel hurtling him out of his comfort zone? delightful
I feel like certain parts of nikandros can be like a richer, funner, sexier berenger? so on ancels end the proof is already there re the opposing dynamics we saw in pet
ancel would be super attracted to nikandros and there's not a single argument I'll hear, I just dont care
nikandros could be standoffish for you know, nik reasons, and ancel's increasing frustration of why won't he fuck me why WONT he FUCK ME???
ancel: whats your fucking friends poblem / damen: dont bother / laurent: oh please do bother
ancel being a little sneak for the kyros!! nikandros being like "okay but, no -" and ancel is like oh YEAH im ON IT.
berenger is simple for berenger reasons, a lot of nikandros comes from his akielos background so just ancel taking one look at his akielon lifestyle and being like mhm. no. this simply wont do.
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ssreeder · 2 years
K, i have caught up.
What the FUCK
the rough rhinos???
Also, jet really said it’s been fun but i’ve gotta pull an Inigo Montoya if you know what i mean.
It’s so unfortunate that Katara leaves and almost immediately afterwards her brother is found.
Actually it might be for the best seeing who Sokka’s been hanging out with for the past few months, Sokka might be used to Zuko but Katara probably (definitely) still only thinks of him as an unredeemable villain
Your work is amazing, I am in awe, and i’m so glad you decided to share this story with us
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This is probably the most Jet-like-character that has ever existed.
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I think considering the state Sokka was in when he was found, it’s best that Katara wasn’t there. She can be a bit emotional and seeing her brother like that would be really difficult for her….
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