#i had it queued up for tomorrow but i love it so much lol
bistaxx · 2 months
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demonichikikomori · 4 months
Hello! ♡
I've been trying to work up the nerve to send this ask but I just wanted to say thank you for enjoying my writing!
I'm so honored that a writer as talented as you follows me and enjoys my work! (I was so surprised when I found out we were following each other!) I'm especially excited to see that you write for Hypnosis Mic (Your Samatoki x Reader fic is just...I don't even know how to describe it I just love it that much, and I'm not even a Samatoki fan! lol) and I can't wait to see what you write next! ♡
Also, I'm so happy to see other Uta no Prince-Sama fans, as I noticed you liked and reblog my Syo x Reader story! Is there a particular character or group that's your favorite? If so, I would love to know!
I apologize if this message seems odd since I know we have never really interacted before but I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am, and how much I love your writing!
Thank you! ♡
It’s nice to meet you officially!! I noticed we became mutuals a hot second ago but… I was too scared to say anything!! Sometimes I get worried about the content I make and if it might be kinda off putting so I get scared to reach out to blogs cuter than mine!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Thank you for visiting my inbox!!!!!!!!! I really like how you write Ruggie and when you made something for Syo… I had so many intense emotions in my heart I couldn’t bring myself to speak… I got back into HypMic recently (I discovered it in 2019 when I was at bandcamp and I remember when they announced the two new groups when I was in school!) and I decided to try writing for a character a friend of mine likes! … I didn’t realize how empty the tags are for HypMic x reader content… It’s kinda depressing… Feel me? There are so many cuties in the series! Just because it’s overseas people shouldn’t let a language barrier hold them back!! Feel the music on your soul and look on YouTube for event translations!!!!!!!
But, anyway!! I want to definitely write more HypMic since I’m a bit burnt out on Twst… That’s all I wrote for a good two years so I need to switch it up… At least for a bit. I have a post queued up for tomorrow about the Peel My Orange test?? I think I’m biased as I’m writing the Headcanons but this is my blog and I can do whatever I want!~!
ALSO YES THATS ALSO WHY I FOLLOWED YOU!!!!!!! AHHHH I SAW YOUR MASATO BANNER AND I WANTED TO SCREAM!!! Ever since UtaPri shut down I have been rocking back and forth wondering what I’m going to do without my first love. I even went as far as to downloading a PSP rom just so I can play the original VN. I will pretend the MC girl is not there so I don’t have to see her kissing MY boyfriend. Technically husband since we’ve been together for such a long time. Syo-Sama loves me the most in the entire universe, no one knows him better than me!! Syo is perfect in all ways!! He’s masculine and can enjoy traditionally feminine things like painting his nails and styling himself in pink. He’s not too tall so kissing him is super easy. He’s very passionate about the things he likes. He’s willing to better his body even after being told he won’t make it past 12?? Oh my goodness when I first played the game back when it first came out, let me tell you… I had seen the light… I am a super big fan of STARISH and at one point I was an Otoya girl… But Syo reigned me back in very easily. His voice lines for birthdays, White Day, Valentines, and his own… I really, really like Syo. Honestly? He’s the character I can say is a comfort character to me? I had a rough childhood and him greeting me when I logged in or asking if I would eat dinner with him… He seriously is the best in the whole wide world!! <3 <3 <3
Please don’t see it as odd coming to say hi!! I really like making friends even if I’m scared to take the first step!! Please tell me lots about you and don’t be scared to DM me either!! Let’s talk about our faves together and hopefully I can make more content that you secretly want to see!! HypMic related on the way… But I’ll have to write for UtaPri too… Wahhhhh my heart is going crazy. I’m a little scared, but excited too!~!
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lyraleinoutofjail · 1 month
THE PRAYER WORKED I AM FEELING INCREDIBLE well except that my regular bank card is acting up but that a problem for tomorrow
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Concert report below the cut
Queuing was probably the worst part, would have been better if the vip/golden circle line and the regular peasont one had been separated from the start. Also the amount of children with names written across their foreheads?? Like what?
Went to get me some drinks, was a weird gated off area with literal security inside the pit. They stopped me to check if I had bought alcohol, I had not. But the concept is nice, keeps people from buying alc for underage kiddies, which there were a lot of. I always forget the age differences between the European and finnish audiences.
Still gooped and gagged from the first support band being literal teenagers. Neither of the openers were my cup of tea which is fine, although I'm a bit sad that neither of the tour openers were playing (both rock and from hell and ghostkid did such a good job during the club tour)
The stage production was miles better than during the ice hall gig and so was the setlist, the show was long enough to justify the ticket price AND more importantly it wasn't a glorified copy of the tour setlist.
Knew half of the guest artists lol
During their B.Y.O.B cover they brought on Samy elbanna (picture below for your viewing pleasure), so obviously I am scrambling to inform my friends who couldn't come, taking what is probably the worst video known to man. I really turned him into a cryptid but it was so nice to see him, he's stunning.
That said before that they had played piano covers of sharks love blood, feel nothing and the intro to die another day, so I was bawling my eyes out just to go "OH SAMY!" and I do mean bawling, snot and tears, both feel nothing and die another day hit a sore spot on a good day already but them adding the piano on top was too much.
Furry song.
Now I went to the club tour 3 times, all 3 times they finished with dark side after wich backstreet boys everybody comes on, so I was already packing my things JUST FOR THEM TO DO A FAKEOUT AND PLAY A COVER OF THEIR OUTRO SONG??? AND IT WAS SO GOOD????
They did such a good job at making the arena concert unique this time around, which if I have to be honest is what saved this trip for me. I had been a bit down and was actually dreading the concert due to my experience in 2022 with the ice hall gig but all went well.
I'd still rank Fall out boys tour higher but it's hard to beat the spectacle that was so much for tourdust. That shit was insane, had me bawling on numerous occasions.
Samy (such a lovely person, never managed to talk properly to him, always get flustered):
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doesntseeyourbeauty · 8 months
Heyyyy 👻🥰
I'm okay, just tired! But, tomorrow's a city holiday and I get to stay home.
I hope you're well too! 🤍🤍🤍
Hehe I was catching up with Ali Hazelwood and I read love, theoretically and love on the brain. I'm now on my way to continuing my other books for this year and I'm reading the night circus. I'm very excited!
Yes, that's exactly how I do things. Even edits. Sometimes I think I might try using a certain colour, but halfway through things I end up changing it because it just doesn't seem right for me.
Aaaah thank youuuuu!!!! Can't wait!!! 😁😁😁
Oh, that seems like the experience!!! So cool that everyone is being so nice and having so much fun at the theatres. As much as they did at the shows!!! It's so cool. Makes my heart so happy! I'm sorry about that. I've had some trouble with love recently too. It's tough, but you're tougher and amazing and you'll be doing so well!
That's such a great take on it!!!!
Omg Elizabeth that muppet twilight is so funny!!! Shortbreadward! 😂😂😂😂
I agree!!! She's such a genius, she was definitely born to be a songwriter, a storyteller!!!
Trueeeee! Why are people like that, why must they know everything? 😅
Aww you guys are adorable, but also very relatable!!! 🤍🥹🤍🤍🤍🤍
I have something to post on the 21st, but I haven't been able to finish everything I want to send to you, so there'll be a little delay on that. I'm sorry. I hope it's okay. 🤍🤍🤍
hi! i feel the being tired part, i did not want to go into work today... that sounds amazing! i took a personal day last friday for the eras tour movie so i have to go to work tomorrow but it's casual friday so i'm gonna wear my karma is a cat hoodie!
ooooooooooo, i love reading, but i typically stick to fantasy, but i'm a sucker for a good romance book too! i've been re-reading some of my favorites and remembering why i love them so much!
i 100% feel that, color is such an important thing to me and i'm so picky with how my bracelets look, even though they're super basic! I LOVE SEEING PEOPLE'S EDITS BECAUSE I AM NOT THAT TALENTED!!!! a lot of my blog is queued edits that i love so so much and want to share with everyone!
when is your show? i remember when i was getting closer to my show, it was so unbelievable that it was coming up so fast. i got my tickets in december and i was like "i have so much time!" and then bam! it was july and time for my show. it's also soooo surreal to be at the stadium just waiting in anticipation, hearing the pre-show music, I miss it everyday!
agreed! apparently some people on tiktok (heard this from a coworker) that people were watching saw and the theater next to them was taylor which i died laughing about! it was genuinely so much fun and it was just amazing to get to see everyone from young kids to adults in their 40's+ there for taylor, it truly shows her wide variety of fans!
I'm glad you like it!!!! I found it by accident once when I was stoned and I about died from laughing so hard! There's like a whole series on YouTube too!!
She 100% was!!! I can't imagine my life without taylor and her music in it, so i'm very grateful to have her as a part of my life for the last 17 years!
i have no idea but it's really weird to me! It's kinda like everything with taylor right now and I'm just sitting here like "as long as taylor is happy idc who she dates or what they're doing every waking moment" but i've always been like that!
Thank you! I need to get them their halloween costumes (winnie is always a bat) but I need to find something that'll fit kayla, she's got a big chest lol
oh no worries!!! please take your time if you need, i completely understand! I've been slacking a little bit with my swiftie halloween gift and I feel soooooo bad but life's been hectic for me recently! thank you so so much for taking the time to chat with me and for creating an amazing gift for me, I'm sure I'll love it! <333333
I hope that you have an amazing day tomorrow and get lots of sleep and cuddles! <3
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elborethianabarat · 1 year
One of my goals last year was to post 12 videos to youtube. That didn't happen. I kind of carried that into this year. I've already queued up over 12 videos, and I have a weekly video going up weekly into March. Which is absolutely exciting! I'm so proud of myself! They're kind of silly little unboxing videos, which have been so easy to film and post for me. But I am having a blast. The thing is, I'm enjoying creating these videos, even if they're not going anywhere yet.
Now, though, I have a cute Regency game that I've been playing. I've played it before, but I have some editing on these videos that I want to do. I really want to snip these up and have a daily video go up until Valentine's Day, at least, but I need to do some editing and voiceovers, and I am currently listening to my little sister practice her saxophone, so there's no way that I'm recording any voiceover right now. I wonder how much I can get done later tonight and if I can get the first video up for tomorrow.
Anywho, I'm going to be sharing some of my vids here. If you want to follow me on youtube, same name there *lol, shameless plug*
On my list of things I'm working on for youtube:
Regency Love playthrough (through February)
Sims legacy (some recording done) (need editing)
The Crystal Key playthrough
Come Play with Me Barbie videos (look, I love Barbie, and I have dolls I want to play with, so come hang out with me?)
Rusty Lake game playthroughs (If I get super into it, these should be up around October)
More of the Create + Destroy journal (which has been my highest viewed video???) (I have more pages. I have been collecting fortune cookie fortunes for ages to stick in there)
More crafty organization videos. I've been super into planning, and I'm super happy with it.
I am so proud of myself and where I'm headed this year. I have had such a productive January, and it feels like this year is going to be my year.
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ekgfiction · 2 years
From the ask list: Is there something the ROs do when they’re in love that would make them cringe/they wouldn’t usually do otherwise?
Thank you~
Thank you for keeping up the fluff alive in my asks ;_; Also why do I write characters that are so dramatic 🤡
Archer: They would be in the middle of a long rant, gushing about how cute, but also how sexy you look, but it's not like they only love your physique because they love everything about you... "I'm sorry, what did you ask me in the first place?" "Uhm, will you use cash or credit, Sir/Ma'am..."
Mishra: They would like to see themself as a cool, unbothered person who doesn't need anybody in their life to be happy... But then they'd catch themself imagining your future together (what your wedding would look like, your potential children, your future house) like a love-struck teenager, and would groan in embarrassment.
Botha: All their life, Botha was praised for his calm temperament. But! The first time they see somebody flirting with you after you start dating, they'd be really jealous. All these emotions, he'd rush to your side and snap at that flirtatious demon, and then feel really bad for what they did.
Nezha: They would genuinely google things like "how to flirt", or "what do people think is sexy" to up their game for you. They'd keep files on the subject, but they'd be so embarrassed if you were to ever find out about it.
Smith: Ugh, feelings, in general, are embarrassing. They can't believe that they are... oh my god... in love... especially when they start to realize their feelings. They'd be driving in their car, listening to some love songs when you pop up in their head and they'd nearly crash their car.
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fruitylouis · 2 years
How as the show????
(also totally didn't mean to unfollow and refollow you just now...)
oh thank you for asking 🥺 i’m gonna try to make this as short and coherent as possible but it’s just gonna be me rambling fvsjdf
the show was just… magical. louis is magical. uh where do i even start KDJSKF ok. he’s so PRETTY??? i mean wbk but oh my god… photos and videos don’t do his beauty justice!! and of course i need to mention how much tinier he is in person. he’s so so sooo pretty and tiny <3 as soon as i saw him i was like “pixie on stage!”
his voice. how do i talk about his voice? well instagram lives definitely don’t do it justice! we’ve heard him sing live so many times but being there while he performs is just something else. he sounded so so incredible i was in awe the whole time. i mean i know he can sing but he’s been touring for months now and he doesn’t sound tired at all? his voice never falters? it’s actually the opposite? he just gets better and better with every show. and listen. i know nothing about singing but i do know louis’ voice is perfect and one of my favorite things in the world ❤️‍🩹
his band is also SO GOOD omfg i love them. the guitar solo in fearless. holy shit. it was just 👩🏻‍🍳😙👌🏻 michael 👩🏻‍🍳😙👌🏻 ah and seeing the band thank the fans for the show as they left the stage was so cute <3
oh i almost forgot to mention sun room rip. they were so much fun!! when we got inside i was so tired from being in the sun the whole day and then running and climbing stairs but when the music came on i suddenly got all my energy back and more lol ✨
the only thing that wasn’t so great about my experience was my spot ☹️ i was at the barricade but on the right (or louis’ left) and i’m beating myself up for this bc that was CLEARLY not a good spot but my dumb ass thought it was :( then i couldn’t leave bc the middle of the pit was even worse at that point. i’m trying not to dwell on it but it’s hard fjskdf after all i queued for 10 hours :/ (apparently not nearly enough bc a lot of people camped for WEEKS. i kinda hate brazilian fans tbh) and people who were behind me in line got way better spots (including a girl who kept singing the entire 1d discography while we waited. yes i am petty and jealous). i won’t even post the videos and pics i took bc they’re embarrassing 😭 but i watched the show next to oli and krystle lol (and chris too for the first few minutes)
but anyways! LOUIS WAS SO HAPPY!!!! and to think i was part of that… AHHHH 🥺 i mean the things he said specifically about brazil and our crowd just from his FIRST solo concert here… it has already done more for me than therapy! that moment during beautiful war when he just stopped to take it all in??? i almost fell to my knees and started sobbing. i’m proud of making him feel so loved and appreciated 💗 also after last night i can’t understand how there are fans who care about anything other than him???? like. nothing else matters.
i’ve lost 50% of my voice and i can’t wait to lose all of it tomorrow when i see him again hehe <3 i think that’s a nice reminder that i screamed songs i love and have waited so long to hear live :’) i truly had an amazing experience and the thought of him not being back in a few years is even more terrifying now 😵‍💫
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meltwonu · 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 1 
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, dirty talk, masturbation, J O I (jerk-off instructions), mentions of name-calling, degradation! 💕 Welcome to neon dream! I’m sooo excited to start this series! 😭💕 I’ve been holding this fic in the drafts since last year too, omg, but finally we’re here! A bit of a slow build but you know how I do~ Hehe! 😈 Thank you all soooo much for your love and support and I know a LOT of y’all wanted to see a camboy!seokmin series after that ‘lil blurb that I literally wrote a year ago. LOL In all honesty, I’ve thought about him so often too ��💕 and lbr Seokmin’s vlive radio streams... 😏 Heheh... 😏😏 Enjoy chapter one, and have a lovely rest of your day! I love you! 💕
*queued post.
chapters; 1 - ?
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Seokmin finishes his shift at the local diner at 8PM sharp - arms tired and legs buckling as soon as he stops in front of the first park bench he sees.
The sun has already disappeared beyond the horizon; dark shades of blues and purples mixing in with the last bits of oranges and reds before it’s completely dark and Seokmin just stares off into the distance with a blank look on his face.  
He’s not mad, just tired as he takes a few minutes to drink in his day.
‘Isn’t this a bit much for vocal lessons?’, he’d asked.
The slightly older male had only shrugged and readjusted his glasses as he sat across from Seokmin. ‘You don’t have to take my lessons. That’s just the price of my time.’
Seokmin groaned, fingertips un-crumpling the flyer in his hands that read ‘Professional Vocal Lessons from Lee Jihoon!’ accompanied by a photograph of the male surrounded by various accolades.
He trusted and respected Jihoon, but it’d been a shock even to Seokmin when Jihoon had written up a formal contract including time slots and varying prices - day and time of the week only making the prices sky-rocket.
“Fuckin’ Jihoon. Not even giving me a friend's discount.” Seokmin mutters, tossing the flyer in the trash as he stands up.
He already worked two different jobs in between going to classes and yet it was barely enough to pay for his classes, rent and bills. Now, it definitely wouldn’t have even been enough to afford Jihoon’s $300 an hour vocal lessons and Seokmin was already out of ideas for jobs.
“What the hell am I gonna do?”
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Seokmin spends the night searching for job listings, sending in his CV to anyone willing to take it.
There’s a moment where he pauses to think about the necessity of it all but remembering Jihoon’s recently record deal has him groaning - Jihoon’s time was, unfortunately, worth the money.
“Someone has to hire me…” Seokmin mutters.
His sleepy eyes peer over to the Les Misérables script sitting open next to him on the bed - a frown on his lips when he realizes he hadn’t even gone through any of it for his theatre class tomorrow either.
“Fuck, now I’m not even prepared for class tomorrow!”
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You’re late to class. Again.
Soft curses fall from your lips as you run down the hall to the theatre room at the far end of the building.
It’s not the first time and it definitely won’t be the last and you can only grimace when the door creaks loudly and announces your late presence to all the eyes that glance your way in a flash.
Your professor raises a brow and points to the back of the lecture hall; already accustomed to your tardiness as you shoot her a sheepish smile.
You’d just have to set 7 alarms instead of 5 next time.
A sigh escapes you as you take a seat - eyes already on the male that stands next to your professor as soon as you settle in.
“See? Seokmin’s vocal control is superb, one of the best in the class!” She exclaims; praising the blushing male next to her. “Take notes, everyone!”
“Ah, thank you so much, professor!” The male scratches the back of his head in embarrassment before he scurries off to take his seat in the front row.
Not a class went by that didn’t have Seokmin being praised and sometimes, it made you question why he was even in an introductory class when he clearly excelled at what he did.
Not that you minded it though - he was kind and undeniably handsome and always gave you something to look forward to in class.
“Alright, everyone! Let’s get into pairs!”
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Seokmin smiles at the old lady taking her laundry out of the dryer at the laundromat - just waiting for her to take her leave so he can empty the quarters out of the machine before moving on to the next one.
“Thanks for coming in!” He exclaims, beaming at the woman as she smiles back.
“Such a kind young man! Thank you!”
It’s a slow paced job and most often than not, he spends it waiting for enough people to use one of the machines before he saunters over to empty it of the change. It’s boring, but the pay is good and he uses the downtime to do class work or play games on his phone.
Today, however, he spends the time in between collecting quarters and studying to look for even more job listings; a sigh on his lips when he reaches the bottom of the page and realizes he’s already signed up for all the ones he was qualified for.
“Why, why, why…” Groaning, he scrolls back up to the top of the website, zoning out on the alternating ADs that pop up.
‘Chat with hot locals in your area! Low prices!’
‘Meet sexy, singles near you!’
‘Looking for a Sugar Daddy?’ 
Seokmin bites the inside of his cheek as he watches the ADs flash on his phone - camming was the one option he maybe had considered a handful of times before discarding the idea all together out of his shyness. Because while he wasn’t unfamiliar with sex, it was definitely a completely different ball park than what he was used to. 
‘Should I really…’ He thinks. 
But Seokmin likes to test his limits and despite him cursing out Jihoon mentally - he’d already picked up a fresh, new flyer before he’d left campus earlier in the day.
He’d just have to do more research when he was in the privacy of his own home.
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And Seokmin’s idea of research is hours spent on camming websites - a crimson blush painting his cheeks the entire time he tries to gather ideas.
There’d be couples, threesomes, and loads of solo live streams; all of them making Seokmin gasp and bite his lip at the wide array of content they all seemed to make. From BDSM to even more milder masturbation streams, he noticed that there seemed to be a niché for almost everything. 
He’d already made an account and had a mic for when he’d record song covers and despite most of the live streams he’d seen being video streams - he’d caught a few that were just audio streams. 
Something that he felt more comfortable with.
“Shit, I really need to sleep...” 
Seokmin clicks on one more live stream before he calls it a night; this time of a solo woman on a bed.
The stream lags for a second and Seokmin watches as she slides a dildo into her cunt as he nibbles on his bottom lip. He’d watched porn before but something about it being recorded live had goosebumps rising on his skin as he continued to watch her thrust the toy into her sopping wet pussy.
‘Yeah? You like that? You like sliding your cock into my cunt like the good little whore I am? Fucking my greedy little hole and stretching me out with your big cock?’
Seokmin’s eyes widen at the scene playing out in front of him but he can’t deny the way his cock twitches in his sweats the more she talks. He takes his eyes off of the live stream to look around his room as if anyone else was there before his eyes flit back down to the window open on his screen.
“She’s really good…” Muttering, he slides his laptop off to the side - giving himself the space to palm himself over the fabric of his sweats as he bites his bottom lip.
‘Mmm, stroke your cock for me… Pretend you’re thrusting into my tight, wet ‘lil pussy and really give it to me hard… I wanna feel your cock ramming me until my legs are shaking...’
Seokmin grits his teeth as he gets into it - it’s for research, he tells himself.
His cock is hard by the time he’s shimmying his sweats down and he’s quick to wrap a hand around himself as he starts to jerk himself off with the video going in the back. He’s less concerned about the video as his eyes flutter shut - shirt clamped between his pursed lips as he moans into the fabric.
He smears the precum down his shaft before keeping his fingers wrapped firm around the base; teasing himself as a thrum of arousal pours down his body.
‘Look at how your cock fills me up so good... Squeeze your cock like it’s my pussy sucking you in deeper… Ah, look at it, your cock is going so deep in my pussy... I can feel you in my stomach...’
Gulping, Seokmin follows the directions; hips thrusting up into his tightly closed fist as his brows furrow.
Would it really be this easy?
‘Are you gonna cum soon? I wanna feel you cumming inside my filthy ‘lil hole… Want you to cream inside me and make a mess… Make me your whore...’
Seokmin grits his teeth as he whimpers into the material clamped with between his lips - he was already close to an orgasm and it hadn’t even been that long.
His hips thrust up as he tightens his grip around his cock - the sounds of his wet, precum slicked palm sliding up and down his shaft mixing in with the audio pouring out from his speakers.
And for once, Seokmin is glad he lives alone.
‘Won’t you cum for me? Give me your hot cum, fill me up until it’s pouring out of my slutty cunt…’
The rest is a blur to Seokmin as he races towards an orgasm; quick flicks of his wrist sending him over the edge as he cums all over his hand and lower abdomen. 
Hot rivulets of cum cover his warm skin as he moans and throws his head back against his pillows - cock throbbing in his enclosed fist as he rides out his pleasure.
‘God, she made it seem so easy,’ he thinks, ‘Maybe I won’t be so bad?’
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The next night is when Seokmin decides to try it; determination in his eyes when he sets up his mic and makes sure there’s nothing on his profile that’s too specific.
He decides to go by the name ‘Dokyeom’ online - opting to only put a photo of his lips curving up into a smirk as the profile photo in hopes of hiding his real identity.
Seokmin goes as far as to make sure any and all cameras are covered by stickers on the off-set chance something goes wrong and he takes a deep breath before he hovers the cursor over the big red ‘REC’ button.
He’d spent all day working up the courage to finally do it and despite not knowing how well it’d go, he also had received at least four rejection emails earlier in the day which had already put a gloomy cloud over his head.
Fuck it.
There’s a loud click from his computer mouse as he presses the button and his breath hitches as soon as the screen reads ‘I’m Live!’ in bright red text at the top right-hand corner.
He’d named his live stream something simple for now, just a ‘Get to know me ;)’ scrolling along the bottom of the blank window.
But despite the lackluster title, zero followers, and no posting history, he gets a few people in his live stream as the number jumps from zero to three.
user438753: what is this ?
user092128874: whys the screen blank
anonymous87573: hello??
His cheeks bloom into a pale pink - bottom lip quivering as he gulps into the mic.
“Shit, sorry!” Fumbling with his setup, Seokmin’s clammy palms readjust the mic as more people enter his live. “I’m new to this so you’ll have to forgive me…”
user59574: damn ur voice is rly nice tho
anonymous94873: what are you good at, daddy? ;)
b@d_dream: we don’t get a lot of audio only streams on here much anymore so I’m looking forward to what you can do 😏
Seokmin’s blush only intensifies the longer he reads the comments and his only thought is, ‘should I really do this?’ before he panics and ends the live stream right then and there - screaming into his empty bedroom as he rakes his hands through his black and blue hair.
“What the fuck am I doing!?”
He tugs on his hair as he stands up, manic laughter on his lips as he watches the blank screen read ‘Live Ended. 6 viewers, 6 comments.’
“What the fuuuuuuck…” He exhales harshly as he takes a seat back in front of his setup; making sure the mic was off before he simmers in his thoughts.
No, it definitely was not as easy as the woman from the night prior had made it seem at all.
But Seokmin can't help but laugh a little at his situation; why had he even thought it’d be easy when he'd never even done it before anyway?
A notification pops up at the bottom of the screen and tugs Seokmin from his thoughts as he sighs.
‘1 New Follower.’
He clicks on the notification; eyebrows furrowed when he sees the notification and the comment left with the follow.
b@d_dream has followed you!
b@d_dream: that was cute and kind of funny 😂 looking forward to seeing what else you can do if you ever get to it 😊
Seokmin goes headfirst into his desk - a loud thud resounding in his quiet bedroom as he groans out of embarrassment.
Maybe he had to try something else.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
have you posted the dance? or did I just miss it lol
love all your writing💕
I haven’t posted it yet! I put it up top thinking I’d post it next but I forgot that I already had stories queued up for when I was gonna be offline due to the final episode being out. But I’ve just finished watching it, and I was able to earlier than I expected, so it’ll be business as normal with that story being posted either tomorrow or the next day!
Thanks for checking it! Sorry for the miscommunication! Thanks so much for your kind words also! 🥰💕
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hermannsthumb · 3 years
hey I’m not sure if you’re taking prompt requests but I just had this idea if you ever want to write it. I know it’s not anywhere near New Years right now but I had an idea for if there was a little NYE party with all the ppdc staff there. All the homies are just vibing, getting crunk on shitty alchohol or whatever and y’know Newt and Hermann have a lil New Year’s Eve kiss 🥺
That’s all I have to say I hope you’re having a good day!
@owengrose said: Prompt: "My New Year's resolution is to finally tell him I love him."
happy new year’s eve to both of you!!! i let the first one sit in my ask box for a while before getting to it lol. my annual Newmann NYE fic. here’s to hoping next year is moderately better (and I actually get more writing done...)
“Here we are, then,” Hermann says.
He hands Newt a glass of something he concocted at the lab kitchenette—judging by the color, and the pitiful wedge of a clementine garnish he squeezed onto the brim, some sort of gin and tonic, though less tonic and more watermelon La Croix. It was the only thing they could find in the breakroom fridge that would work remotely as a mixer. It’s probably been buried in there for months. “Thanks, dude,” Newt says. Then, noticing the lack of a similar glass in Hermann’s hand, asks “Not drinking?”
“None of that,” Hermann says. “I’ve got a bottle of decent wine buried somewhere under all the rubbish in my desk. I’ll have that if I want any before we go.”
“Suit yourself,” Newt says. “It’ll be more fun if we show up tipsy, I’m telling you.”
New Year’s Eve used to be a lot more exciting when Newt was in school, and young and invincible and all that shit. There were parties—bar crawls—the Times Square ball drop at midnight, queued up on someone’s laptop or a television screen wherever he was—drinking until he needed a classmate (or later colleague) to walk him home. The Shatterdome staff still goes as hard as Newt used to, and God, Newt envies them for it, but the end of the world kinda killed it for him. He just kinda exists in a low, humming state of anxiety now. He and Hermann both. It’s good for them to get out of the lab every now and then and strive for normalcy, and Newt has a feeling Hermann knows it, which is probably why he didn’t put up a fight when Newt suggested they go to the big base party tonight.
Newt still needs a good few drinks in him before he can drink more and pretend to be merry. He finishes the gin and tonic with a wince. “Too much gin,” he says. “Okay, let’s go.”
Newt drinks, and he dances with a few people, and he engages in a few genuine non-work-related-conversations before he finally admits to himself he’d rather just chill with Hermann in one of the deserted corners of the room. Hermann is waiting for him in a stupid gold party hat with a cup of water—what a guy. Always there for Newt. The hat is a cute look on him, too. Newt wonders if he picked it out himself, or if it was forced on him; either scenario is cute.
“I just don’t fancy dealing with your hangover tomorrow,” Hermann says with a sniff, as Newt swallows the water down gratefully after a few thanks. “Last year—”
“Yeah, okay,” Newt says. Last year was bad. He ended up falling asleep on the floor of the lab, and when Hermann made him coffee the next morning, he puked it up all over a very important stack of Hermann’s paperwork and the subsequent shouting match just made his headache worse. Drinking water is good, very good. He kicks his feet up on a nearby vacant chair. The music is loud, and people look like they’re having fun. Normalcy. He and Hermann are just two normal dudes right now, who aren’t fighting monsters from another dimension. “Can you believe we’ve survived another year?”
“Frankly, no,” Hermann admits.
“One whole year,” Newt says. “One whole year of not being squashed by a kaiju, or eaten by a kaiju, or murdered by you…”
Hermann snorts derisively, though a bit of a genuine smile does peek through. “One whole year of you not blowing the laboratory up. That is a feat, isn’t it?”
“You fucking bet it is,” Newt says. He really thought Hermann was going to kill him over the puking incident, and only a day into the new year too. He slings an arm around Hermann’s shoulders. Two normal dudes, and friends at that. He really likes Hermann, y’know, but that might just be the gin and watermelon La Croix talking. “You got any resolutions, dude?”
“Er,” Hermann says.
“I want to try to get into yoga,” Newt says. “For exercise, and shit. We should do it together.” Back when the base enjoyed more funding and workers, Newt was always seeing flyers for weekly yoga classes taped up in the elevator and at the announcement board in the mess; once, he got it so into his mind that he was going to start going that he bought three whole pairs of yoga pants. He never got around to it, of course. The classes kinda fizzled out when the PPDC budget was slashed drastically anyway. Hopefully YouTube videos work just as well, and that the pants still fit him...
“If I’m being honest, Newton,” Hermann says, and Newt spies the tips of his ears turning pink, how cute, “I still haven’t quite managed to accomplish last year’s resolution. Or technically this year’s, I suppose. My—well—my nerves failed me every time I thought I was close.”
"Eh, no big deal,” Newt says. “I never did mine either. I think that’s just as much of a tradition.” He went vegan for all of two weeks before realizing most of the rationing-standard food they served in the mess wasn’t exactly catered to those particular dietary needs. Also, Newt likes fancy lattes too much, and oatmilk just wasn’t kicking it for him. “I totally am gonna do the yoga one though. I need a stress reliever. I don’t wanna go bald before we’re even killed by kaiju, you know?” He crosses his legs. “Or go grey. I can’t decide which is worse. What was yours?”
“Nothing important,” Hermann says quickly. He takes a clumsy sip of his own cup of water, and spills a bit of it down his sweater. Newt decides not to mention. “It must be nearly midnight. Don’t you want to run off to find someone to snog?”
“Nah, not this year, I don’t think,” Newt says. Last year (before the whole blacking out and ruining the paperwork thing), he made out with a ranger he had a crush on for, like, months, and the guy never even called him back. And Newt slipped his official PPDC email into his pocket too. So totally rude. He reaches out and plucks the elastic string holding Hermann’s hat on, and is delighted when Hermann scowls. “You’re stuck with me. Why don’t you find someone to kiss?”
Hermann opens his mouth, and then shuts it. The blush is spreading down from his ears. “I am staying right here, thank you, and I am not kissing anyone.”
“Suit yourself,” Newt says.
“Five minutes to go!” someone in the crowd shouts.
Newt locates a party hat of his own on a nearby table and pulls it on. It’s silver, unlike Hermann’s. He doesn’t think it looks nearly as cute as Hermann’s. “What was your resolution?” he finally asks. The burning curiosity’s too much for him. What did Hermann mean by nerves? Hermann’s never afraid to speak his mind around Newt, at least—Newt can’t remember the last time he’s held back anything. This must be a pretty big thing. 
“Oh, it hardly matters now,” Hermann says. “The year’s about to end, isn’t it? Better luck next go around, I suppose.”
“Were you going to request your own lab?” Newt says. That’s a big thing. And it’s a big thing he’d be hesitant to share with Newt, too. Not that Newt would be upset over having his own lab, obviously, sharing with Hermann totally sucks. It’s the worst.
“Mm. No,” Hermann says.
Newt feels a small twinge of relief, but only for a moment. “A different Shatterdome?” It’s the sort of thing Hermann’s always threatening—by Jove, Newton, if you don’t clean this mess up right now, I’m marching into the Marshal’s office, and I’m going to demand...
“Oh, it’s hardly that dramatic,” Hermann says. He plucks at the elastic of his hat this time. “It’s one minute until midnight.”
“Just tell me!” Newt says. Their fellow partygoers start counting down around them. “You’re killing me. I just wanna—”
“It’s not important,” Hermann says.
“It is to me,” Newt says.
“It’s really not,” Hermann says.
“Tell me, tell me, tell me—”
“Fine,” Hermann says.
He grips the front of Newt’s shirt. Newt shuts up immediately. “I’m in love with you,” Hermann growls, “you wretched little man. That was my bloody resolution.”
“Oh, shit,” Newt squeaks.
Someone pops a bottle of champagne to loud cheers; confetti is suddenly raining down on Newt and Hermann. They totally missed midnight. “Oh, shit,” Newt repeats, and then, because Hermann looks utterly mortified and like he wants to book it out of there as fast as he can, thinks fuck it. He leans forward and kisses Hermann.
“Newton,” Hermann gasps, half in shock, half in delight, and returns it enthusiastically.
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
when you love someone [leah rilke]
leah rilke x fem reader
request #1: Ahhhhh I love your Leah x reader series!!! It’s so good :) I know you have a bunch of requests but would you consider doing a part four where Leah and her are sitting up one night and the reader confesses shares more about her past, maybe something darker (like knowing the reason that Becca died, but she doesn’t blame Shelby) and that she never wants to leave Leah once they get home and they fantasize their future together. The other girls overhear and also share what they want to do when they get home. Lots of fluff because the girls deserve it, lol
hi guys! i love this series so much, honestly it’s one of my favorite ones to write! so as long as you guys keep requesting for this series to keep going and ideas for it, it’ll keep going! so if you love this series as much as i do keep requesting for it! also i have a lot of imagines queued up so stay tune!
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*not my gif*
You were sat in between Leah’s legs, her arms wrapped around you. Her front pressed against your back as her head hooked onto your shoulder. You relax into her touch, pressing a kiss to her temple. 
“What was life like back home?” she asks you, breaking the comfortable silence.
You shrug, staring back out at the ocean, “Um not the greatest. It was really me and Shelby against the world.” 
“What about that Becca girl you and Shelby always mention? Weren’t you like the three musketeers?” Leah asks jokingly, but your whole mood seems to change, “I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” 
“No it’s okay, really. I trust you enough to tell you.” you say and she tightens her arms around you, giving you a soft squeeze.
Before you go on with your story, you kiss her softly. And a small smile appears on her face as the two of you pull away.
You let out a sigh, “You were right it was always me, Shelby, and Becca against the world. The three musketeers. But anyone with eyes can tell that me and Shelby were closer.”
“This is terrible!” you exclaim, your face contorting into disgust as you pushed the 7/11 hot dog away from you. 
“I can’t believe you ate that!” Shelby adds on, pretending to gag.
Becca picks up the hot dog from the hood of your car, casually taking a bite, “It’s not that bad!” she says with a mouthful of gas station hot dog.
“Eww Becs!” you and Shelby say in unison, before laughing at how the two of you were in sync. 
“Reputation was big at our school. If you didn’t have a good reputation, you might as well fall off the edge of the Earth. If you couldn’t tell, Shelby and I were the top of the social food chain. Popular, pretty, everything all the girls wanted to be.” you say.
“Ah, you had the classic typical movie high school.” Leah says, trying to get a better grasp on the story, “I’m assuming Becca didn’t have the best rep.” 
You nod, still staring out at the big blue, “You assume correctly. She had a few mental health problems. Her parents sent her away for a little bit and it was this big uproar at the school. When she came back me and Shelby never loved her less. At the time though, I didn’t quite know the extent of how much Shelby actually loved her.” 
“Wait so Shelby had feelings for Becca?” she asks.
“Mhm, that’s what caused the downfall.” 
“Hey Shelb? Are you okay?” you ask her softly, you were driving her home after bowling with your two best friends.
She just looks at you with a tight-lipped smile, “Yeah...I’m okay.” 
You give her a look and raise your eyebrows, “Why do I not believe you?” 
“Because you worry about me too much.” she says, mocking the look you were giving her.
“I only worry when I have a reason. You’ve been quiet since we trashed the car. You didn’t even sing ‘The Climb’ with me.” you shoot back, staring at her seriously.
“I’m okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Shelby says, giving you a hug before heading inside.
“I didn’t find out about their kiss until later. When Shelby came to me crying, the last time the two ever spoke.” you continue onto through your sob story. 
There was a frantic knock on your front door. You were home alone watching Criminal Minds, so you were a little taken a back at the pounding at your door. You open the door just a tiny bit, peeking through the little hole you created.
Shelby was standing on your porch, pacing back and forth. Tears streaming down her face. You immediately open the door wider and she crashes into your arms. 
“I’m ruined, everything is ruined.” she whispers softly.
You run your fingers through her hair, “Shh...it’s gonna be okay. Whatever it is we’re gonna be okay. I promise.” 
“That night she told me everything. She didn’t want to admit to herself or anyone else, but with me it was like a truth serum. All of it just spilt out, her feelings for Becca. Her feelings for girls in general.” you let out another sigh.
“Why was it a big deal?” Leah asks, hesitantly, knowing it’s a bad topic. 
You let out an empty laugh, “If you met our parents you would know why.” 
“Y/N come down here!” your parents yell from downstairs.
You skip your way down the stairs and into the kitchen, “Yes?” 
“Mr. Goodkind told us about Shelby and Becca.” they begin and you swallow tightly, “We wanted to make sure Shelby didn’t do anything like that to you. Or make sure you didn’t do anything to her.” 
“No I haven’t and why would it matter if I did or if she did?” you retort and your parents look a little taken aback by that comment.
“You know why, the Bible says-” your parents say, giving you a look.
Internally you roll your eyes, “People deserve to love who they want without being judged. God loves everyone, no matter what they do. That’s what you always taught me right? Not to carry hate in your heart?” you say and your father opens his mouth, but you keep going, “But you're gonna stand her and carry hate in your heart for Shelby when you don’t even know what happened.” 
“Y/N...is there something you’d like to tell us?” your mother asks. 
You wanted to tell them. Just blurt it out. Maybe you and Shelby could be burnt at the stake together, but you just gave a tight-lipped smile.
“So I’m not gonna win daughter in-law of the year.” Leah says jokingly and you laugh, thankful for the laugh in a serious conversation.
“Definitely not.” you respond, still chuckling to yourself.
“Damn...but proceed onto the story.” she says, gesturing for you to continue.
“That day, the day that Becca died I was at Shelby’s pageant. I sat with her awful parents. Who were finally okay with me being there, after a long conversation between them and my parents.” you say rolling your eyes.
Leah tightened her arms around you, probably sensing that this would take a turn. She hooked her head back on your shoulder, kissing your cheek softly. You smile softly at her sweet antics.  
“Mrs. Gilroy?” you ask, stepping out of the little theater.
You could hear little sniffles on the other end of line, “Oh Y/N. Becca...she’s dead. I found her in her car, she purposefully crashed it into a street light. We called 911 and rushed her to the hospital, but she uh she didn’t make it.”
And you just dropped your phone onto the floor. Before falling softly to your knees. Frantically, picking up the phone. Tears streaming down your face at the news.
“Do you need anything Mrs. Gilroy? I’m sorry-I’m sorry you have to go through this.” you ask, trying your best to stay strong.
“We’re okay for now honey, thank you. But she left you and Shelby notes. You can swing by and grab them.” she suggests and you knew she wanted you to have them. 
“Okay. I’ll be over later tonight.” 
You rushed your way into the contestant’s dressing room. Desperate to find Shelby to let her know the news. When you found her, she was staring blankly at herself at the mirror. Someone already told her.
“Shelby?” you say, you voice barely above a whisper. 
Her head immediately turns to you and she gets up from her seat, rushing towards you. Flinging herself into your arms, she buried her face into the crook of your neck. You could feel the tears fall upon your neck as your cheeks were stained with your own. 
“She can’t be gone.” Shelby sobbed out and you shut your eyes tight, shaking your head softly.
“But she is love...she’s gone.” 
“I got 31 calls from Becca that night. If I just-if I just answered one phone call. She could still be here right now. She’d be at home, practicing her bowling so she could kick me and Shelby’s ass when we got home.” you say, a small tear slipping down your cheeks.
“You can’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault.” Leah reassures you and you nod, swallowing to choke back the tears.
You take your hand and wipe off the tears that were falling, “I know. But I don’t blame Shelby either. I couldn’t, maybe this new me would, but the old me couldn’t. Her parents would have done anything to stop her from feeling that way. Her reputation would be shot. And in a small town like ours, that’s a death sentence.” 
“Is that why you want to save everyone?” she asks, finally understanding everything, “Because you couldn’t save Becca?”
You nod, “I can’t lose anyone else. Especially Shelby and you.” 
“What’s gonna happen when we get back to the real world? With us?” she asks you.
“I’m not the girl I was before I came here. I’ve learned that reputation and what other people of you doesn’t matter anymore. It’s not gonna matter in the long run. So I don’t want to leave your side.” you tell her, turning around to be face to face with her.
She cups your cheeks softly, “Baby, we live miles and miles away from each other.” 
“I don’t care. I don’t want to be apart from you. We could have our own little apartment with Shelby and Toni and probably Martha.” you suggest to her and she smiles widely, “Breakfasts every morning, but don’t ask Shelby to cook she’s shit at it.”
Leah laughs softly, “It’s okay I can cook. Double dates all the time, playing UNO with Martha. Lazy mornings, twisted in bedsheets.”
“Reading together in bed quietly before bed.” you add on and she smiles and nods.
“Our perfect life.” 
“Fuck you Y/N, you suck at cooking more than I do.” Shelby’s voice cuts in from her spot next to me. 
You and Leah both jump at her voice. Thinking that you two were the only ones awake. 
“Would we really all live with each other?” Toni asks, “I don’t want to hear Y/N and Leah go at it.” 
“Us? You two literally did it under a lychee tree not too far from here.” you say firing back at Toni’s snarky remark.
“You told her about that?” Toni asks, looking at her girlfriend incredulously.
Shelby looks down at her hands, smiling coyly, “Maybe.” she says drawing out the ‘e’. 
“I guess if Leah’s cooking, I’ll be fine.” Toni replies with a shrug.
“I’d love to move in with you guys too!” Martha says, “But only if Marcus could come. And we play UNO at least twice a week.” 
“Is everyone awake?” Leah asks, staring at all the girl.
A murmur of yes’s fill the previous silence. 
“I want to get out of my house, you know? My parents aren’t the greatest either. Maybe we could be next door neighbors!” Fatin suggests, “If any of the couples need privacy, you ladies could hop over next door.”
“I don’t think it’ll be much better with all the guys you’ll bring home.” you joke and Faitn flips you off with a smile on her face.
Dot nods in agreement, “That would be so fun! Pizza nights and watching trashy reality TV every night.” 
“Roomates?” Fatin asks, extending her hand out to Dot.
“Do you guys mind adding two more roommates?” Rachel asks and Nora nods smiling.
“Of course.” Dot says with a smile.
“Yay neighbors!!” Shelby yells and all of us laugh softly.
Toni playfully rolls her eyes, “I’m not escaping any of you ever, huh?” 
“Nope!” the rest of you girls say in somewhat unison, laughing together.
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Asks Off This Weekend
Hey gang!
I had a really great and relaxing weekend, and because my computer and phone weren’t hooking up to the internet until like LITERALLY hours before I left, I was pretty much away from my computer the whole weekend, hahah. 
And because of that, I wasn’t able to file my blog this weekend, so I’ve a few days’ worth of posts to file, so I think I’ll keep asks off until TUESDAY JULY 6 so that I can “catch up” the queue :) I appreciate you all so much and thanks again for your understanding! <3
Sorry for how late I am on this all, LOL. I slept in a lot today, and I feel much better. 
I’m going to be unavailable this weekend, so I’m deciding that I’m going to turn off asks starting tomorrow thru Sunday night so I don’t come back and feel stressed, OR feel obligated to answer asks when I should be enjoying the company of other people, LOL. Plus on Sunday I have to come back and file 3 days’ worth of reblogs, so I don’t want to stress about also making sure you guys don’t think that I am ignoring you!
That said, I won’t be around much this weekend BUT I will still have my normal scheduled posts. I ALSO will probably do the Fic Rec Roundup tomorrow before I leave OR put it off until next Saturday. Sunday already has a new list queued, so no worries <3 
Love you all, and I hope y’all have a great weekend <3
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unstoppableforcce · 4 years
dark side
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pairing: Javier Peña x reader
previous part | next part | masterlist
a/n: okay i had this queued to go up during my vacation but then it didn’t post (no surprise there lol) but it’s okay! bc i didn’t like it much anyways and this version is so much better now honestly (so tumblr saved me lol)
its still short bc I cut it in half so i can post this and simultaneously work on the next part !! maybe next part tomorrow night? I don’t want to get hopes up but maybe !! thanks for being so patient w me guys !!
It was a slip right?
The words repeated over and over again in his head and for minutes he just stood there with the phone in his hand, long after you had already ended the call, letting them repeat. They bounced around like an echo between his ears, hitting every inch of his head. It was the only thing he could focus on. 
But it was a slip, wasn’t it? A simple slip of the tongue. 
At least, that was what he tried to tell himself to steal even the tiniest bit of focus back. He had work to focus on, finding Christina to focus on... he had to hang up the phone and get on a plane. He had to focus on something other than you, and to do that, he had to tell himself that it was a slip and that it was meaningless. 
It was meaningless, like telling your waiter at a restaurant that they should enjoy their meal as well. Just a slip.
And for the first few hours, that worked. It got him back on the plane, it got him thinking about getting Christina back and getting Jurado’s testimony. It got him back focusing on his work, prioritizing it over you like he was supposed to do. Work was supposed to come first, that was the whole basis for your relationship. 
This was just the first time it felt wrong... No, it was the first time he admitted it did. 
There were plenty of times that came before where his heart weighed heavy having to put you at arm’s distance to protect his work. That morning in the shower, as your hands cascaded with the hot water down his skin, your eyes just pleaded to help him, to alleviate the heavy stress... but he put work first. That night, after the Ambassador’s drink party, when he started asking you about work, putting his job before your’s and your loyalty, he put work first. The day he caught one of the god father’s and you paid the price, suffering in the shouting match delivered by Stechner while he kept his mouth shut about your arrangement, he put his work first. 
And it had felt wrong every time, but it was only very recently that he figured out why. 
It was because even though you ended whatever things were between the two of you before he left for Curaçao, he loved you. It was because now, even after fighting through the new pain of heartbreak inflicted by another, he loved you. 
It was because for the first time in his entire life, he loved someone and they said it back. For the first time, he wanted them to say it back. For the first time, there was no obligation, no sense of doing it because it was the right thing to do or because that was what was expected of you. For the first time, someone told them they loved him because they meant it, because you meant it. 
Even if it was just a meaningless slip. 
But who was he kidding? Putting work before his feelings for you, trying to pretend that it was just some meaningless slip... it just wouldn’t work. 
The problem was that he knew better. He knew you better.
Part of it was the creeping memories of his psychology degree from what felt like a whole lifetime ago, part of it was just the fact that he knew you too well. 
Slips weren’t meaningless and you were too careful for anything you did to be meaningless.
Slips came out when they were practiced phrases. Telling your waiter to enjoy their meal as well was a practiced phrase, maybe not meant for your waiter, but practiced on your tongue nonetheless. That’s why they came out, they were practiced.
And he heard almost all your phone calls.
You were practically living with him for a few weeks, he heard your phone calls even if he didn’t listen to them, and you never told anyone you loved them over the phone. So it couldn’t have been practiced in that way. The only way it could have been practiced was if you were thinking it, over and over again, the same way he was.
It didn’t matter that you were exhausted, that whatever was happening at work was weighing you down so far that you snapped and broke up with him... none of that mattered. Because a slip doesn’t put words in your mouth that you wouldn’t say naturally. 
It wasn’t meaningless. It couldn’t be, not with you. If it slipped from your lips, it was because you meant it. 
And he couldn’t get it out of his head, no matter how hard he tried or pretended he had. Work had to come first and all he could think about was you, the quick words playing over and over again in his head.
“Bye, love you”, “Bye, love you”, “Bye, love you”, “Bye, love you--
Fuck. He loved you and goddamn, maybe you loved him too.
And maybe none of it mattered because work had to come first. He had to find Christina, he had to focus.
As his plane slowed to a stop on the runway adjacent to the embassy, he quickly jumped up, grabbing his bag and moving to the door, ready to burst out the second they let him. He had his focus back for a minute and he needed to ride it as far as he could take it.
He just didn’t know that it would only take him a few steps onto the runway, finding you dressed in your street clothes, crossing over from the opposite direction with a file in your hand.
He froze on the spot, letting the gusts of wind that fought by dishevel his hair without second thought. You were all that he could see. 
He never saw you in your street clothes, or at least, he hadn’t since the first night he met you. It was just pant suits and sometimes nothing at all. But now, you were just wearing jeans and a tee shirt, your hair blowing in the same blustering wind that threatened to push him over as he stood caught, like a deer in the headlights.  
Immediately, his brain started up again, accelerated, like the beating of his heart. 
He loved you. You loved him. He loved you. You loved him—
He couldn’t do this right now. He had to focus. 
Shaking his head in a way that surely looked like he was trying to save his hair from the wind, he tried to shake the thoughts from his head. And by the looks of it, you were fighting a similar onslaught of thoughts. 
But by the time you crossed the runway to meet his frozen form, you had picked the line of focus you were going in on and it wasn’t the slip you had made over the phone. With your stern face and file in hand, it was clearly work that you had chosen as well.
“I found her.” You shouted slightly to counteract the loud wind that whipped around the two of you. 
It wasn’t as easy a fight for him to overcome now that you were in front of him though. As you passed the file to him, he couldn’t help but spend an extra half-second mesmerized by you and your ability to do your job. He had called you what? a few hours ago and you had already found her? Even if being a blonde white girl in Colombia was like wearing a tracker, it was still impressive work that you had done for him. 
Work you had done because he asked... No. He stopped himself quickly. This was about finding Christina, not the fact that you had done it for him. 
He flipped open the file, not hesitating on the fact that it was a CIA file but fighting the wind to keep the papers from flying away. “Where is she?”
“FARC has her in a jungle stronghold.” You explained, stepping up closer to him to point at the picture paper-clipped to the bottom of the file.
It was definitely her, filthy and restrained, newspaper in her hand and the barrel of a gun pressed up under her chin. This was his fault. All of it. Getting her involved and now you... he couldn’t shake this feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong. 
But he also couldn’t linger on just a feeling. This was his job, he had to get her back. 
“You’ve got coordinates?” He asked, glancing up from the file’s top edge to find your stare directed down to your feet. Immediately, his heart dropped a similar distance. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s... look, it’s complicated.” You huffed, settling your hands up onto your hips as you brought your eyes back up to meet his. “You’ll need an army to get her back, the Ambassador won’t give it to you and I can’t either...”
He flipped a page in the file almost subconsciously, glancing down from your hesitant frame to find an all too familiar name scribbled at the top in red pen and your handwriting.
The Castaño Brothers.
“They’re CIA sponsored communist killers, two of Stechner’s contacts but I can’t get you a meeting because—”
“Fuck.” He huffed, shutting the file as it all caught up to him.
The interruption caught you off guard though, your face twisting slightly as you asked back to him, “what?”
This was what he hated about being in Colombia nowadays. It was his history, it was the blood that coated his hands, ten layers deep. 
He couldn’t stop himself from wondering if you knew or not. He got your file the first day he was truly introduced to you, but did you get his? You had to, right? Your whole job was to spy on him, how were you supposed to do that if Stechner didn’t fill you in on exactly what he was? 
He wasn’t the hero the embassy hailed him to be. He was just a man who wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to bring down Escobar. 
Did you know? Did it matter if you did? 
The more he thought about it, the more he realized those two questions had very different answers. 
You had to have known. If it wasn’t in his file, you had to have heard from everyone else around the Embassy. Hell, Stechner probably went out of his way to fill you in on his dirty past the day he assigned you to him. 
And that first night? You had to have seen it in him when you agreed to take him home with you. 
The guilt in his eyes... the pain that he wore just beneath the surface... the weight that sat so heavily on his shoulders...It was everything he saw in you, everything that drew him to you in the first place. The familiarity of everything about you.
Did it matter if you did know?
Looking at you now, as the woman he loved, he wanted to say yes because he wanted to be a good man in your eyes, he wanted to be a man worthy of your love but if he was being honest with himself... it didn’t matter at all. 
He had seen the scars on your body. He had hear rumors around the embassy as to why your file was as redacted as it was. 
There was talk about explosions and spying and foreign governments and... and maybe none of it was true but he saw the same guilt in your eyes that he saw in his own when he looked in the mirror. He saw you trying to do good with every girl being trafficked that you tried to hunt down the same way he tried to do good by bringing down the godfather’s of Cali. He saw a familiar weight resting on your shoulders as he massaged the sore kinks from your muscles laying in bed at night. 
It didn’t matter what either of you had done, you were both in the same boat and he knew that from the first second he laid eyes on you. 
You had a dark side just like he did, and he didn’t care about yours so why would his matter to you?
“I know them.” He admitted carefully, looking up to meet your stare and gauge your reaction. And when you held it back with equally as careful, he felt just enough ease to continue. “I can get their help.”
When your head gave a quick but approving nod, he felt the smallest release of tension in his shoulders. He had your trust, he could relax in that respect. The rest of the tension held though, because now he had to walk head first into the dark past he swore to himself that he left behind as he came back to Colombia. 
And he had to bring you with him. 
“Where do we find them?”
“What do pretty girls like you eat? Hmm? The picada here is the shit, I can get you a plate.”
“Oh, I’m on a strict diet of lots of coffee and not taking shit from people.”
Any fear he had about bringing you along to meet with Don Berna had flown out the open windows of the restaurant the instant you sat down next to him at the table, taking up a space equal to him as you spread your legs and you leaned back.
Your quick wit, your smart mouth... he had to stop and wonder for a second why he had even been afraid in the first place. 
Narcos may not have been your game, but you weren’t new to the world of terrible yet powerful men. If anything, you had been dealing with them for longer than you had even been with the CIA. And you were good at it. 
Your smart mouth was enough to bring a hefty chuckle to Berna’s chest as he ate, enough to shake the table slightly and even more when he let his fist fall to the wood to grab the bottle in front of him. 
“I like her, Peña.” He minded as he washed down his food with a swig from the bottle, shifting his disgusting stare off of you and back to the suited DEA hero sitting next to you. “You should bring her every time.”
Every time? Like this was some weekly regular meeting? God, Javi forgot just how much he hated this. 
“Can you help us or not?” He quickly moved to refocus the conversation, leaning forward just enough to level his strict stare with the large man and settle his elbows on the table.
“Can I help you find your barbie doll? Easily.” Berna spoke with an nonchalant shrug as he reached for his drink again and downed a solid swig to wash out the barely chewed food that his mouth was stuffed with. But once the shrug fell and the food was swallowed, his head tilted much more playfully than either you or Javi could take comfort in. “Can you afford my price... maybe not so easy.”
You glanced to Javi in the same second he glanced to you, but the words fell from your lips first. “What’s the price?”
“A promise.”
The two of you didn’t need to verbally urge him to continue, your furrowed brows took care of that for you. Berna took another few bites, then another drink, then sat back with his napkin in hand and continued.
“One day, my name will pop up on the DEA’s to-do list, and all you have to promise me you’ll do, is give me a phone call.”
You scoffed at that, just loud enough to get the few guards who waited a few feet away to turn and look at the obvious show of disrespect. Thankfully, Berna just seemed amused by it, laughing into his meal. But Javi didn’t have the guts you had to back your brazenness, not as he began considering what that really meant. 
“A get out of jail free card?” He repeated back carefully in English as he drew his arms back to cross over his chest, leaving you leaned forward on the table. 
But again, Berna just shrugged, “Exactly.”
You glanced back to Javi, maybe in a look of commiseration or maybe to try and warn him against what you had to be sure he was going to do. Whatever look it was, he didn’t hold your stare long enough to decipher it. He didn’t have the luxury to let you get into his head right now. 
Because maybe you’d try to change his mind and he couldn’t afford that. 
He needed to get Christina back and you had made it clear on the runway that this was your only chance to get to FARC in the jungle and get her out safely. He knew you were too good at your job to not have found an easier way if one existed so that left this as his only option. Whatever Don Berna wanted, he was going to get and he knew it. 
That was why he looked so damn smug as he pestered with and easy, “Agent Peña?”
It was a promise to break the law, but what was his defense? Tell him ‘no, I know I did that for you in the past but not anymore’? It just wouldn’t work. Berna knew he was desperate because he was desperate. 
He liked to think that you’d do the same if you were in his shoes, he liked to think that you wouldn’t judge him for it. 
And as he looked back to meet the stare you passed him that he had carefully avoided, he found you already looking to the table in front of you, like you knew his answer before he had even come close to admitting it aloud. 
Either because you knew him that well or because that was what you would do and you couldn’t blame him for doing the same. 
“Fine. You have a deal.”
“Then lets go kill some communists.” Berna bellowed out loudly, earning a few chuckles from his men who stood around.
And you couldn’t help but laugh at that too. Not because killing communists was something you relished in, quite the opposite actually. 
You were surely laughing because of that day you spent in the jungle with him. The day you told him you didn’t come to Colombia for drugs or communism. 
Yet here you were. 
If he had the heart to laugh, maybe he would have mustered on as well at the irony of it all. Instead, he stood up with you and everything quickly got started. 
Before the two of you knew it, you were both dressed in green fatigues, loaded into the helicopter and headed off towards the jungle as you continued to fight off Berna’s comments.
“So, if you’re not DEA, what part of the gringo government can handle you?” He mocked playfully, practically licking his lips as he watched you lean forward to fix your feet in your boots.
“What makes you think anyone can handle me?” You easily retorted, growing a smirk on Javi’s face that he struggled to hide.
Berna was equally as amused, chuckling with each and every smart remark you mustered.
And it just kept going.
“Did he find you in a brothel? You know how he likes his brothels and hell, I know plenty of men who would pay for someone like you.”
Javi sent him a warning glare but you weren’t deterred.
“There isn’t enough money in the Narco world.”
“You’d be surprised, sweetheart.”
Eventually, you just rolled your eyes and switched off your headset and about a half hour later, the three of you ended up deep in the jungle, unloading night vision goggles for the Castano’s with ease.
You looked oddly comfortable in the green fatigues, strapping on a bullet proof vest, and loading your weapon.
He knew it was because underneath the sullen spy exterior you put on for work, and the sexy smirk you wore as you straddled him in his bedroom, you were a soldier. That’s what you had been before all of this.
And for the briefest of seconds, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like to meet you in that phase of your life.
Without Colombia weighing down on his shoulders, when he was still just a simple DEA agent back in the states, would he have stumbled into you in a bar while you were on leave? Would it have been the sense of a dark familiarity in your bones that drew him to you on one of his darkest nights, haunted by the phantom bloodied hand as he sipped his whiskey, or would it have been your buoyant smile and the sway of your hips?
Would you love him all the same? Would your unscarred bodies feel as right as they did now, slotted against each other as your lips danced over his?
Was he glad that he met you now, because it gave him the chance to know you at all, or did he want you without all of Colombia, without the war and the work and Stechner and your job and his...
Did he want you as a respite from the darkness that haunted him at night or did he want you for you?
The longer he stared at you across the table while you prepared for the incursion, the more he realized that it had started out as a simple reprieve from work and the stress that came with it but that wasn’t what it was anymore. Whether you broke up with him or not. He loved you. Not for your work, though your competency certainly was a turn on, but just for you.
And it was getting easier and easier to think about in his head, becoming more and more practiced. He loved you for you.
For your smile when you woke up and rolled over to kiss his forehead first thing before you got up every morning.
For the sanity he felt when he was wrapped in your arms, no matter what was going on outside.
For everything he was when he was with you that he wasn’t when he was without you. Soft, human, unburdened... a good man...
Colombia had nothing to do with it. It was just you and him. 
“Thank you.” He said pretty silently, trying to keep it just between the two of you as the sun began to set around you, casting shadows over your face while you assembled the M4 in front of you with ease.
His words stopped you though, your hands freezing as your stare switched back up to him. “For this?”
He nodded, “you don’t have to be out here for this, you don’t have to be putting your life on the line for me—“
“Javi, don’t...”
“I’m serious.” He fought as he positioned his gun in the back of his pants. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
“You’re doing this for me—“
“Yeah, and if I thought for a second you wouldn’t do the same for me, maybe I’d hesitate but...” you sighed, shaking your head as your attention dropped back to your work, your hands still moving with practiced ease. “Just... you don’t have to thank me.”
Someone shouted something from across the small camp, signalling that everyone was ready to go and you quickly snapped the rest of the gun together and strapped it over your vested chest. But before you moved to head out into the jungle clearing and towards the helicopter, he caught your arm and pulled you towards him, as much as he could with the two of you wearing your bulky bullet proof vests. 
He lowered his voice as he brought his head closer to yours in spite of your protest, “thank you.”
And that was when you reached your hand back around his head and caught him completely off guard, bringing your lips to his for a brief kiss. A brief kiss that burned the same way your words had in his mind as the phone call from hours ago ended. With the simple touch of your lips to his, you were confirming everything you had when you ended the phone call, everything that had been occupying his thoughts the whole day.
“You don’t have to thank me.” You sighed one last time before turning away and following the soldiers and Castano brothers to the helicopter. And he heard the unspoken words that follow it. 
You didn’t want him to thank you because you loved him and you knew he loved you, you knew he’d do the same for you. 
He didn’t need to guess if it was a slip or not anymore, that didn’t matter.
He knew you loved him. And fuck, he really loved you.
Now, he had a war zone to head into and a woman to rescue. And with you by his side, things didn’t feel so dark anymore. 
@the-feckless-wonder  @arrowswithwifi  @ms-dont-care @leo-moon @tiffdawg @readsalot73 @way-too-addicted-to-anime @keeper0fthestars @adikaofmandalore @opheliaelysia @magneticbucky @videogamesandpoorlifechoices​ @larakasser @littlevodika @mandoren @mistermiraclee @rogueonestan @kaetastic @littlemissthistle @maytheglitter(open)
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ramen-rambles · 4 years
HC: Going On A Disney Date
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader, Kirishima Eijirou x Reader, Kaminari Denki x Reader, Todoroki Shouto x Reader, Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Warnings: None! Just fluffy goodness
Word Count: 1.9K
Summary: Just some headcanons on what spending a day at the parks would be like with your favorite boys. (btw, this is based on the Disney parks in Anaheim!)
A/N: S/O to the discord for indulging me in my Disney obsession :’D Fun fact, when I went to Disneyland for Halloween, I borrowed my friend’s Pikachu kigurumi so that I could lowkey cosplay as Denki LOL
Taglist: @jojosmilktea
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
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You had to do so much convincing to get him to even go to one park, let alone two
Teases you and smirks saying, “Why do you want to go to some lame theme park? I’m all the fun you need, princess.” 
Bakugou ends up giving in to your begging because… how can he resist such a cute face? 
He is super whiny in the beginning, literally complaining about every little thing
“Why the fuck is all the shit here so damn expensive?”, “The lines are too fucking long!” 
Don’t even bother trying to get him to wear any kind of Mickey Ears either
He thinks it looks adorable on you though, not that he’d admit it 
However, after seeing how much fun you were having, he eases up a bit and begins to enjoy himself too
Actually, he ends up becoming more excited than you
Once you start getting tired from all the walking and constant queuing, he mocks you and says “What? You’re tired already? I could keep this up for hours!” 
His go-to pose for the ride photos is to flip off the camera
And yes, you guys end up buying a copy of all the pictures because he thinks it’s fucking hilarious
His favorite attraction to go on is Toy Story Midway Mania because he knows he’ll kick your ass and get a higher score than you; or Radiator Springs Racers, so he can win the race and kick other people’s ass 
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He’s such a child at heart that he was actually the one who asked you to go to Disneyland
Had already bought the tickets in advance because he already knew you’d say yes. You felt kind of bad that he had to spend all that money for both of your tickets
“E-eji, are you sure you don’t want me to pay you back? These tickets must have been so expensive!” 
“Don’t worry about it babe, I’ve been saving my allowance to buy us these tickets. I wanted to take you out on a magical date at the happiest place on earth!” 
He really was the sweetest boyfriend
On the days leading up to your date, you two start planning out matching outfits, what rides you guys for sure want to go on, and all the new foods you can’t want to try! 
The night before, the two of you have a Disney movie marathon, snuggled up on the couch eating popcorn while watching all those childhood classics! 
His favorite movie is The Little Mermaid because where else did you think he got the inspiration to dye his hair red? Princess Ariel
Day of, you guys are BEYOND excited
Kirishima wakes up extra early to start getting ready, letting you get in a few more minutes of sleep
Once you get there, the first thing you both do is take a picture in front of Main Street! He pretty much documents your entire trip on his phone, taking candid photos of you being the cutie you were
He makes it his new lockscreen wallpaper
While he was waiting in line to buy some food, you went to the shop and bought a matching pair of Mickey and Minnie ears, wanting to surprise him
Smothered you in smooches because he was so happy you guys were matching head to toe, literally 
“Thanks babe! I’m never gonna take this off!” 
And he never took his ears off. He wore it all day. How it didn’t fall of his head was a question you had no answer to
You two were the definition of cringey couple; matching outfits, constant PDA
Not that he cared what other people thought. He was happy and you were happy, that’s all that mattered to him
Go-to ride pose is leaning over next to you, grabbing your entire face, and giving you a big kiss on the cheek 
Favorite ride is Hyperspace Mountain, loves the thrill of it plus, it makes his hair look extra spikey because the wind pushes it back up 
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You guys are such kids, after you guys went the first time, you came back so often and ultimately decided that it would be better to buy annual passes
Your guy’s Disney trips were always very spontaneous, to say the least 
Kaminari would be like, “Hey babe, what if we go to Disneyland tomorrow?” 
“Come again? You want to go to Disneyland tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, why not? We haven’t been in awhile” He says, nonchalantly 
Giving in to his pouting, that’s how the two of you usually end up at the parks
You go so often you basically have a routine down
You two take turns doing everything; driving, paying for parking, paying for food, etc
During the drive there, you guys are singing non-stop. For some reason, he knows almost all the lyrics to every single song, making you wonder how he can memorize all those words and somehow still have no clue how to remember a simple math formula
You guys also try to Disney Bound (basically, it’s a lowkey cosplay) most of the time, but if not, you guys will always wear matching outfits
Unlike most people, he actually really enjoys wearing the Mickey ears, he thinks he looks extra cute in them. You agree
His ride pose often changes, from ‘hitting the woah’ to literally bringing a prop on the ride, he just does whatever he thinks is funny
But you often collaborate with each other while waiting in line to decide what pose you should do together; if no ideas come up, throwing up a peace sign is the standard move
Favorite ride to go on is Splash Mountain, hands down. He always asks to sit in the front. For some reason, he loves the feeling of getting absolutely fucking drenched
As a tradition, you two always make it your last ride of the night. Since it’s colder, there’s really not much of a wait, meaning you guys have an entire log to yourselves and can pretty much go on it as many times as your hearts desire 
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You were aware that Todoroki had probably never been to Disneyland before, considering he spent most of his childhood training
So when you asked him if he’s ever actually gone to the parks, he was like, “Isn’t that the amusement park who has a rat as their mascot? His name is Mikey, right?”, “So, Elsa has an ice quirk too?” 
You swore that this boy would be the death of you
You were quick to educate him on all things Disney, telling him stories of when you were younger and how they were some of your fondest memories as a kid
Wanting your boyfriend to share the same experience as you, you eagerly suggested that the two of you must go together one day, and he seemed just as eager with his response
He said, “Okay then, let’s go this Saturday. It’s the weekend so we most likely won’t be busy anyways.”
“Uh Shouto, honey, I’d love to go but I’m pretty broke right now, tickets are expensive so it’ll probably take me a few weeks to save up for —“ you complained
He cut you off right there and says that he’ll pay for everything, whipping out Endeavor’s credit card 
Why did he have that on him??
Before you could protest and scold him for using someone else’s card, it was too late because he already bought them
Once in the parks, he seems to be quite fascinated by everything, but his focus tends to stay on you, watching how excited you get over every little thing
You guys get matching ears, but he’s not too keen on wearing them. At most, he’ll wear it for pictures, but that’s about it. But he also can’t help but admire how cute you look in them 
Buys you literally anything you want. Overpriced merchandise? Done. Overpriced food? You bet. Overpriced everything? Abso-fucking-lutely. Doesn’t care about the price, as long as you’re happy
Even if he doesn’t explicitly show it, he’s actually having a lot of fun! 
Being in such a magical place with his favorite person in the world makes him want to go back, reliving those childhood moments he didn’t really have
Inevitably, he ends up upgrading your tickets to an annual pass 
“You bought us annual passes?! Why did you do that, and when?!” 
“I did it on the app, while you were in that long line for the bathroom.” He said, feigning innocence
You two end up going at least twice a month, if not more. Pretty much going there to just hang out and walk around 
His poses for the rides aren’t really poses per se, it’s really just his poker face. Occasionally, you’ll pinch his cheeks to give a little flare to your photos 
Favorite ride is Soarin’ Around The World. He likes the visual appeal. Plus, the orange scent smells really good 
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Both of you guys were equally excited to go! 
You two had planned to go for some time now, saving up enough money to buy tickets and acknowledging the fact that you guys would spend a lot on food and other things 
Izuku is such a nerd that he basically makes an entire schedule of your guy’s stay, morning until night
He grabs a copy of the park map and actually brings a pen to circle which rides you guys want to go on throughout the day
He will definitely download the app in order to keep track of wait times 
Plans for which rides you guys should go on first, taking into account the the events that people would be watching instead of waiting in lines, making the most of your time
“Okay, if the wait time for Radiator Springs Racers is 90 minutes, by the time we’re done, we should make it just in time to use our fastpass for Grizzly River Run…”
It kind of amazes you how articulate he was about this whole thing
“Wow, babe. I can’t believe you planned for all of that, I thought we were just going with the flow.” You said, teasing him for being such a nerd. How cute
His hero costume basically had bunny ears on them, so he didn’t complain about wearing the Mickey ears 
You two take lots of pictures, you guys even wait in that long line to take that cliché couple photo in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle
Go-to pose varies depending on the ride, usually the camera catches him by surprise, so in almost all of the pictures, he looks like he’s about to cry 
Doesn’t really have a favorite ride but his absolute favorite thing to do is to watch the fireworks towards the end of the night
He enjoys just sitting there and holding you close in his arms while you two watch the show and sing along to the music
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
Hope you liked these! Thank you for reading~
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Ishqbaaz Liveblog, E3: A Really Good Premise
I finally understand the appeal of the show. It's the perfect mix of politics, family relationships with a hint of star-crossed-hate-love story. So far. It's like a darker version of Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham and I must say, it's really interesting and now I'm even more pissed that they ruined it! 
Again - another show that would've done exceedinly well had it ended a year earlier or been turned into seasons. If IPK is India's Pride and Prejudice, then Ishqbaaz could easily be India's Dynasty. 
Without further ado, here's the liveblog:
Episode 3 “A Really Good Premise”
- Wah, Shivaay has a habit of walking away! 
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- Rudra, valid question that why Shivaay isn’t throwing Anika out!
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- Om ka look - kuch toh hai. 
- Experience? Kamzori? 
- Dadi advice time. Lol, the advice went right over Rudra’s head. 
- Acha, Shivaay’s kamzori is his khandaan. Nafrat bhi rishta? I feel like Rudy right now! Thank God Dadi explained everything. 
- LOL, Anika being disappointed in a big party is ME! 
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- HAHA LOL Anika!!!!!!!! She knows Shivaay (great) and her look. 
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- Hahaha this whole dialogue is like 5 buckets of foreshadowing. There is no shadow left in foreshadow. 
- Rudy’s ghatiya shayar is kaabil e taareef. 
- Omkara’s belief system is really good - my fav bro right now. 
- Ok, each of the bros are some elements. 
- Nice chemistry/mining/mineral class?
- Shivaay is iron, Omkara is gold. LOL what is Rudy? 
- Dadi hitting Rudy for his immaturity is me - that adorable hitting is everything. 
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- Ok ab tak they’ve said Ishqbaaz 25 times. 
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- HAHAHAH DADI already approves Anika! Nice, we stan independent girls. Oh shit, Dadi said about the parents. Poor Anika, she wants a fam :(
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- Home Minister - hello bald chacha!
- I must say, Shivaay is highly influenced (in terms of personality) by his Tej uncle. The skin level similarities are interesting to note. 
- Rudy and Om already stanning Anika. 
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- Anika, don’t hold random poori without gloves #covid 
- Hahaha, hilarious miscommunication! 
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- Wah, Rudy is half afraid of Anika’s tashnbaazi. OM IS SO IMPRESSED! I  am REALLY liking Anika right now! “Kha kar!” Wah, great use of puns!!!
- This Home Minister might get screwed over like Mool Rajani (I’m just searching for a Mool Rajani right now)
- Tej is dramatic AF. 
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- Hahahahaha, Home Minister - you’re finding your nobility along with the coins - on the floor. 
- TEJ IS SO DRAMATIC. I like him for this! Dude can be an interesting character in the show!
- Mrs. Oberoi????? Ah ofc, the secretary. 
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- POOR JHANVI - I’M WITH YOU AUNTY! I’LL POUR TEJ’S BLOOD INTO THE BUCKETS OF PAINT SHIVIKA LATER, MUCH LATER, MAKE OUT IN (that’s the blood of all the shitty people and that’s canon)
- It’s sad but true, in really rich societies people are really ok with infidelities and stuff like that. Ugh, seen these shit first hand. 
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- Pandit ji, is it possible to burn Tej and Svetlana as offerings? We still do that?
- Lo, phirse Bhaiyon ka advertisement start.
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- I must say, what mast paparazzi, I love all their advertisements. From songs to outfits, these kids are like “dude let our parents crap, we’ll coordinate our entry EVERY SINGLE TIME” Squad goals, legit. 
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- This is Bharat Matrimony.
- Omkara Oberoi, “mere nazar aur nazariya roshni ki tarha hai. Ya toh hai, ya nahi.” Shayar, artist, will give really good hair genes to future children.
- Shivaay Singh Oberoi “Who the fuck keeps on making my accounts?” *bam goes another phone*
- Or Nirma advertisement? 
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 - Dadi is like LOOK AT MY SANSKAR, that totally skipped a generation. 
- Ok the press and show remembers that Priyanka is a powerful Oberoi too. 
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- Dude, leave the girl alone too. Let her breathe. 
- Who are Priyanka’s parents? YES ANIKA, ask important questions. Poor Priyanka. Stuck in this mill of wealthy family politics and shit. Yaar paani pilao koi! 
- You know I’m really liking Anika so far!
- OH IT IS THE GANESHA OM MADE! WITH THE RED (good job Om and sorry for the previous question). 
- Pinky… you got married to the wrong brother. Tej and Pinky should’ve married - it would’ve been hilarious AF. 
- Aye Haye, Shivaay didn’t forget his smallest bro either.
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- Ok today’s poster is Om Jai Jagdish! 
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- #Feelingdharmic. 
- Shivaay’s redeeming quality is the fact that he’s a really good brother.
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 - YAY K3G scene strikes!
- I’m loving the aesthetic of the show as of yet - I still have questions as to what happens later. Very cohesive writing too. Usually first twenty five episodes are (cause that holds the pitch of the show and stuff)
- Meanwhile… Tej has grinned his molars to nothing, Pinky has done 50000 eye rolls, Svetlana doing random khusur pusur and Dadi just crying tears of happiness (I’m Dadi)
- OH NO, self burning live candle dude is coming on fore. 
- Dude, kisko jalana tha 
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- aur kaun jal raha hai. 
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- Yeah dude, Ganesh ji punishes paapis instantly. 
- Wait are the three bros lost in puja that they don’t see—
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- WTF, damn that’s scary. 
- The End -
Well well well, I’m excited to liveblog the next episode! See you tomorrow (good thing this was queued). Also, what wouldn’t I have given to see IPK in this quality camera and INITIAL aesthetics (focus on initial, I have no idea what shit happens later in this show). This HD quality main Rabba Ve = Jalebi nosebleeds.
- S
Next up: E4 “Anyone between 40-59 is shit”
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raayllum · 4 years
birthday bash psa: have at least 7 posts queued for tomorrow ( / today depending on our timezones, i suppose). i’ve been doing my best to keep up with all of them, as there’s so much fic and some lovely art being posted everyday, but it is a lot - what a “problem” to have, amirite? hence why i’m giving a bit of an update.
1) if i have somehow missed your piece or post, please let me know! it’s entirely possible and i’ll put it in the queue right away, or will let you know if it’s already there and just hasn’t been posted yet. basically, just don’t be afraid to check in. or post things late! (i already have / am, lol)
2) i always try to leave feedback in the tags of every piece of art and fic i reblog, for the bash or not. however due to the outpouring of fic i just haven’t had time to read each one but don’t want to wait to reblog them until i have. thus, if your post was reblogged with no tag feedback, or was filed under the “to read later” tag, your feedback will come, i promise, either in the form of praise in your inbox or an ao3 comment. i just gotta work my way through.
3) i am looking into forming a collection for the bash on ao3, but i have never made one before so it’s a bit of a work in progress. in the meantime if people want to use “rayllum birthday bash” or “rayllum birthday bash 2020″ as tags on ao3 i think that’s a good short term solution. i’ll keep you guys posted for if/when the collection is ready to file your fics under
and thank you all so much for participating, i’ve loved seeing what you create and i hope you’re all having a good time!
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