#that carrying through their connection
gz-missfit · 10 months
God these are live thoughts about this but Tazercrafts dynamic today. Their undoubted attachment to each other fucking hurt today.
Let's see how long this gets.
So first of all its definitely obvious that both still carry wounds from the prison, there's no doubt about it and while Mike definitely showed that a lot more over the last weeks we all kinda picked up on Pac not being okay, on how he was doing his best to move on for Mike. To stay sane for Mike. to ground him when his intrusive thoughts got bad or when he woke up from nightmares after seeing Walter Bob.
We all could see through his facade even if it was just based on instincts and small actions and words he said during the beginning, we knew he wasn't fully okay but no one else did cause above all else this dude is an incredibly talented liar if he has a reason and goal for it.
Now why do I bring that up?. Because we saw him express not being okay today! Mike saw him not being okay today for the first time since they escaped cause even if their minds are melded together by a bond that goes beyond words they're able to keep secrets from each other, and with his own emotions being a bubbling mess there was no way Mike could've noticed that a lot of those were also Pacs.
We saw it with how he got trapped, how he was panicked beyond believe and I think that's the first time Mike noticed that Pac is still very much not okay, because Mike was calm. He noticed Pac be so close to a panic attack to something that usually wouldn't bother him so his mind realized there that Pac was also still hurting, that Pac also needed help just like he did to calm down. While Pac helped him cool his boiling anger, Mike realized he needed to help Pac with his drowning anxiety. That's why his calm response to calm Pac and tell him he'll be okay hurt so much.
It was Mike first realizing Pac needed him too, especially now that they went back there.
The next was when the code attacked, both were so. Helpless. Obviously in typical Pac behavior he ran towards Richas, the ever selfless Pac throwing himself infront of his son like he does during any threat. Which is honestly a scary trait of him if I think about it too deeply (I swear this dude needs therapy but that's a whole other box I'd have to open) and the code zoned in on him. Teasingly hitting him while again, Pacs anxiety bubbled in his throat as he desperately called out for Mike. And Mike again, was helpless staring at his best friend, his souldbound because he couldn't help. He couldn't hit it no matter how much he tried, so he tried so hard to calm Pac but you could tell that this time even Mike was cracking at the seams. Pacs fear and pain meddling through their connection and filling his brain that when the Pearl teleport hit them he passed out on the spot. While Pac kept standing just through sheer adrenaline and blood loss fueling him alone.
This is also the first time forever got to see Pac panic, his constant repeating of words being the worst show of his anxiety we've had so far.
And when Mike finally came back to, and he and Pac could breathe to explain. But Pac vanished, ripped from the reality that surrounded them while Forever, Richas and Mike could do nothing but watch as his vanishing left the faintest purple particles behind, proving that he didn't do this on his own.
Now...I'd like to think that Mike logging off was a connection of multiple things, his hands reacted faster than his mind could comprehend so while Pac got transported through nothingness only to be dropped in ice cold water Mike teleported home.
And then he broke.
There's no doubt that Pac and Mike's minds are tied together, like I've said before they'll always be 2 hearts and 1 soul for me as they're soulbound since childhood. Destined to find each other and stay together till the end of time. So when Pac got teleported Mike could feel the fuzz of the forced teleportation in his own mind, could feel the ice cold water chill him down to the bone knowing that for Pac that feeling was a thousand times worse. And I think the thing that did it, that hit him the hardest was feeling his soulbound snap.
To feel the connection that was usually constantly flowing go dead silent. To feel part of his soul rip apart. To feel part of himself go dull and fade as he could do nothing but hope that this wasn't the end. That he would be able to call out to his partner in crime again and receive a response rather the static that screamed at him now whenever he tried to tap into their connection.
The silence was deafening for Mike, the echos of Pacs voice shouting through his brain as he could nothing but stand there and watch. Stand there and feel as his other half vanished into nothingness.
So his mind shut off, white noise flooding his mind as he fell unconscious and this time having no one by his side. His body laying safe in the arena they built together.
And I think deep down he knows what he'll wake up to, an empty arena. No one looking after him as much as he looks after them. A voice that usually filled his mind with a constant flow of conversation being gone. All while he has to desperately try and rebuild the part of himself that he lost. Just waiting and hoping that this isn't the last time he saw him, that his mind can take this hit better than when they took Walter Bob cause this time he has to be strong. Just like Pac has been for him since their escape. He has to hope and wait and try to find Pac.
Because in Mike's mind, in their shared soul Tazer was now offline.
Leaving Craft alone.
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hamable · 2 months
Hhhh bnha 419… Deku has given this fight everything he has. What happens next is literally out of his hands.
#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#bnha leaks#bnha 419#rambling followed by a tldr:#I’m sure he’ll get them back#either Eri rewinds him or Shigaraki unlocks the record struction part of his quirk which I saw some people theorizing#but yeah. Deku has faught physically as much as he possibly can. he has transferred all of OFA to Shigaraki and attampted to connect#with his mind. the boy once entrusted with the responsibility to destroy AFO now has to rely on others to finish this battle for him#unless the leaks are fake in which case carry on as usual#bc I also have gripes with him losing his arms#theres a lot of arm/hand imagery and symbolism in bnha#the all night I Am Here fist in the air#Katsuki’s whole hand holding thing#the recent thing about relief in reaching out to someone in need and them taking your hand#ffs the last few chapters Deku literally had to plow through shigaraki’s mutant finger chiton to get to his core.#his early recklessness resulting in permanent scarring and deformity in his hands as a reminder fight smarter not harder#and to adapt and be his own kind of hero and not keep trying to be an all might copy#I’m rambling but yeah. hands. losing them means losing some important symbolism but losing is also its own symbolism yknow?#TLDR#he’s gotta trust his fellow heroes to step in where he can’t but also if he doesn’t get to do a classic all might pose after all this istg#needs to accept he did everything in his power but also if he and Katsuki don’t finally take each others hands after this ISTG
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simplykorra · 1 year
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Ive been thinking about this. So, there are a few productions where der Tod is supposed to only have a romantic relationship with Elisabeth, like, their relationship is "special" because hes never been in love before, whch I dont like because I always thought that hes Like That with everyone, or atleast with everyone who thinks about death and dying a lot, its just presented as special because Elisabeth is the central character. But whatever, some productions wanna make it extra amatonormative romantic so hes never felt that kind of love towards anyone before and will never feel it again after the story is done, I know thats definitely the case in the takarazuka production and I think thats also what they did for the hungarian production (i havent seen that one in a while so im not sure) and from what Ive heard about the newer austrain productions, it seems like they do it like that as well. Okay, sure, Elisabeth is der Tods one true love, why not, yay heterosexuality. But then why is doing all that shit Rudolf though
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theotherrichardpapen · 3 months
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...because any moment may be our last. everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.
#looking through my drafts and seeing this post unfinished and knowing in my core I'll probably never actually finish it .#but strangley enough i don't hate the way it looks with only those 2 panels ? beauty in simplicity or something idk#woe unfinished post be upon ye#honestly probably wouldnt even bother posting it were it not for the fact i was hit by a sudden wave of sadness#by being reminded out of the blue that alex really does just . lose nigel that night#enough deep level analysis my brain is all out i think . but just the simple fact that nigel dies that night#and alex has to go on for the rest of his life post-ending carrying that grief and loss with him#i know we talk about how nigel isn't truly 'gone' in the sense that they're one now and jack is supposed to be an amalgamation of the two#a product of their union and 'consummation' that night at the yard#but he's still gone . no matter how much alex might try and follow in nigel's footsteps#no matter how hard alex tries to tread that same path nigel did to feel close to him#he's gone . they will never have that moment beneath the house ever again . and alex has to go on living with that#anyway . normal again . imagine dropping a song rec like i used to. aha . go listen to sick like me by in this moment.#like minds#murderous intent#nigel colbie#alex forbes#nigel colbie x alex forbes#edit : THEY'LL NEVER HAVE THE MOMENT UNDER THE HOUSE AGAIN !!!!!#thinking about the moment where nigel sits across from alex after he shoots john#and the contrast to the scene in the crawlspace . nigel is trying to connect he is trying to get alex to see to understand#but now alex is closed off. something may be irreparable broken between them#do you think it was the moment where nigel starts to despair . to plead . realise that he needs to find a way to make alex truly see#i need to get some sleep
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viral-spirals · 5 months
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can we talk about how similar these feel
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phone calls my detested
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maranull · 8 months
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I think it's almost funny, in a bit of a sad way, that this tiny plastic (or wtv) thing has helped me more than all the therapists I've worked with combined. It has carried me through actual panic attacks, depressive episodes and hell, it was my most constant support during my first appointment for hrt.
Why pay thousands of euros and dozens of hours in therapy when you can give twenty five once and a bit of time rubbing its tiny head with your thumb? Checkmate therapists.
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palms-upturned · 1 month
#meg talks#feeling really down and frustrated#ever since i caught covid over the new year ive just been doing so badly#it’s now halfway through may and not only am i having all sorts of weird new pain problems#to the point where i dragged myself to the er yesterday bc my usual meds didn’t do shit for me and i spent seven hours writhing in pain#but also mentally im just. constantly tapped out#before covid i was able to keep up w news and work on research projects and write multiple image descriptions every day and read books#and keep up w friends all while working full time#like even if i was in bed p much whenever i wasn’t at work i could still read and write and carry conversations#now it’s like i can only handle all of these things in small doses before my brain just shuts off#im still keeping up w news and describing what i can and working on my research projects and trying to make connections#but i feel so slow abt everything i do#it’s driving me up the wall#ive been trying for days to get through this one academic paper that’s rlly not even that long#and i just can’t do it. not for long anyway i have to read in small bursts#and then having to take muscle relaxants for these fucking spasms that make me really drowsy and sleep the whole day away…#idk. it might not even be abt covid i might be reading too much into it but it’s just pissing me off. thinking abt how nobody masks anymore#and how every time there’s a covid outbreak i won’t be able to properly protect myself or my brothers from it#bc of this fuckass job#idk im just tired and upset
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devilsskettle · 2 months
listen to me. tiffany relating to bride of frankenstein (1935) is a subversion of the title of the film bride of chucky because even though she is the titular bride of chucky, it's not the bride who she related to in the movie, it's the original frankenstein monster. she goes to all this trouble to put chucky back together and bring him back to life (like the creature demands to have someone made for him that he can spend his life with) and then she finds out that he never intended to propose to her and laughs at her for assuming that after finding the ring on the mantel the night he died (like the creature is rejected immediately by the bride who is afraid of him), and the shot of her crying while watching the movie is a direct response to the creature's tears in the movie. then at the very end it's the creature's words that she uses when she says "we belong dead." so the assumption that she is moved by the movie because she feels kindred to the bride (just because "bride" is in both titles of the film and they're both women) is incorrect, she's actually aligned with the creature in both scenes that reference bride of frankenstein. and this makes way more sense for her character throughout the film, since as the writers have said she has "more conventional" motivations (such as the desire for love and companionship and understanding, just like the creature) than chucky, who is more "straightforwardly bloodthirsty." hey did you hear me. i said
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supermarine-silvally · 2 months
Yara, which emperor of the sea would you have taken on if given the chance?
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"He had my mother and grandfather killed. Liberating Wano is personal for me. ...He's got a cute son, though."
Ask Yara (or any of my OCs) anything!
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 8 months
whats the ferris wheel symbolsim? I gotta know
*hollering from the catacombs* It's a metaphor for the ups and down of all his relationships and how each one has really good high points and really dramatic low points that are connected to decisions of his own making!!! And also his association with amusement parks in general (i.e. obtaining his True Potential in S1 and where he starts reflecting on himself + his dynamics with others in S6)
The three "pods" (gondolas? cars? cabins? what are the seats on a Ferris Wheel called?) are representative of Jay's three biggest relationships in Legacyverse: Nya obviously, Kai, and my OC Sunni (eventually). If I had a tad more room I would've squeezed Cole, Jesse, Zane and Lloyd in there too, but I also wanted to keep to the blue-red-yellow components of the original Fortune card as the focus SO those three it is.
Why those three? Well, that's too soon to tell. But I will say all of them get a moment with a Ferris Wheel + Jay at one point or another ;P
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ethereance · 2 months
Au where Altea only appears at the end of the series because they’ve all accidentally been plonked into another reality. The one Honerva tried to reach. The Alteans aren’t exactly pleased to see the lions after a day of having their planet used as a battleground.
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transmiqote · 11 months
it’s been over a year & a half since endwalker but the in from the cold quest is still living in my mind rent free
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
I’ve reached a point with teaching Emma to my seniors where it’s starting to just … glide and it is utterly magical.
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beeapocalypse · 9 months
AH i havent talked abt the frontierists here have i. very secretive sect of alamanni humans looking into Dreamed Realities (pocket realities born by dreams- the purposeful creation of them by eldritch deities Is possible but is also considered way blasphemous. near every dreamed reality by alamanni folk is born of essentially the most advanced form of maladaptive daydreaming possible and is unintentional. way hard to discern between them and real vivid Normal dreams). humanitys predecessors (taught the secret of intentionally dreaming up new lands by a select few eldritch beasties seeking refuge from the rest) sought refuge in a dreamed reality to get away from both the incessant typically deadly curiosity of the vast majority of eldritch deities and their incredibly shit living situation (forced into subterranean living bc of the whole corpse of the existence dragon and all of its curious parasites hanging up in the sky staring down at them, resources running low over the years with them unable to leave for more bc of the venettes- already sentient animals transformed into more human shapes by the eldritch in an attempt to get closer to that hidden race) and their shed mortal bodies upon successful exodus became the first humans so theyve got this tiny innate knack for intentional exploration that other alamanni folk dont. through the gathering of just abt every bit of still surviving texts on dreamed realities (WAY sparse, both thru the passage of time + the fact that those first eldritch deities desperate enough to part with such secrets were long killed by their more pious fellows), the frontierists understand the mechanics of it all Just enough to be able to deliberately enter and explore this 'final frontier' which they seek to put to page and Conquer
#^ the rare alamanni lore post . did not realize how much of a wall of text it was LOL#theyre colonialists treading through ppls dreamed realities born of maladaptive coping seeking to stake claim and find Purpose (ie--#--resources) in this new unclaimed frontier. there is also some stuff there w when humanitys predecessors ascended they permanently and--#--irrevocably jacked up Something in the function of dreamed realities. they can still be created and even traveled through but if the--#--frontierists follow in their footsteps theyre going to mess it up just a little bit more. the ouroboros managing to swallow--#--just a few centimeters more of its own tail. an imperfect cycle which WILL end just as the existence dragons death + rebirth will as well#they hang out in an ancient venette fort in the middle of a ploilan forest and have a small army of servants to attend to their every--#--need sleeping and waking. by keeping as much of their mind in the dream as possible even while awake they can still--#--maintain a VERY tenuous connection with the rest of their research party so the servants do as much as possible for them. bathe them--#--feed them carry them to and fro so on and so forth. the servants wear velvet slippers and communicate solely in sign to be as unobtrusive#--as possible. they fight over who gets to go out to the nearest town for supply runs even tho that entails dragging them back thru--#--THE most sketchy forest trail in existence#had to go on about some tangentially related stuff to really get into them. the main Thing that happens to them is that a sole--#--frontierist discovers the truth of thules deceit + mindlessness in one (thru glimpsing toyoshis dreams. though its a mindless--#--reptilian dragon it is an ANCIENT one and constantly dreams of thule + all that) AND the truth of their predecessors (idk how yet lol)--#--and is left with the knowledge that they were simply left behind. they serve no greater power in their attempted (intellectual) conquest-#--of the dream-ed frontier. they fulfill no greater role. they are alone and unattended (EXCEPT for the venettes. humans and them have--#--existed so closely intertwined since their very conception but this sense of superiority over their slight innate ability to travel the--#--dream-ed frontier caused them to reject that eternal companionship)#<-- thinking abt making it so there is no Real advantage that humanity has over venettes and that is an entirely unfounded belief--#--made to give the frontierists a sense of superiority + unity amongst only themselves. that works better w the themes#alamanni info#<-- NEW TAG. if im going to do this instead of type stuff out in docs i want to be able to find these posts again lol
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