#that coupled with using skye boat song
youngpettyqueen · 4 months
so Boom was absolutely foreshadowing the Master coming back right
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On March 5th 1790, Flora MacDonald, the Jacobite heroine, died.
Flora is still one of the most romanticise figures in Scottish history, much has been written about her helping Charles Edward Stuart after his escape from Culloden when he was the most hunted man in Scotland.
Flora Macdonald was born at Milton, on South Uist, where you can still see the ruins of her childhood home. She grew up in the household of the chief of the Macdonalds of Clanranald, who firmly supported the Jacobite cause. When Bonnie Prince Charlie escaped following the Battle of Culloden in 1746 he went into hiding, depending on supporters to shelter him and hide him from his Hanoverian pursuers led by the Duke of Cumberland. At length, he arrived on the island of Benbecula, where it was decided that he should move on to Skye.
The island was under travel restrictions, and the prince could not take the risk of being spotted. A Jacobite supporter and distant kinsman named Captain Conn O'Neill asked Flora to help Charles escape. Macdonald herself did not support the Jacobite cause, but she was moved by the plight of the Jacobites after the Battle of Culloden, and at length she agreed. She later said that she acted from charity, and would have helped the Duke of Cumberland had she found him in a similar situation.
She obtained permission from Hugh Macdonald, commander of the local militia and her stepfather, to leave Benbecula. She was allowed to take two servants, and a crew of six sailors. Bonnie Prince Charlie was dressed as an Irish spinning maid named Betty Burke, and in that guise he sailed with Flora to Skye on 27th June 1746.
Unlike the scene made famous in the popular ‘Skye Boat Song’, the Prince did not leave baffled foes standing on the shore, and managed to make the crossing unchallenged. From Skye, he made his way at length to Moidart, where he boarded a French ship and escaped to refuge in Europe.
When Flora Macdonald’s role in the escape came to light she was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Though she had committed treason by helping Bonnie Prince Charlie, the public, even staunch Hanoverians, regarded her as a heroic figure, primarily because she was a woman, I have little doubt if it had been a man that helped the Prince in a similar way, he would have been executed.
She was released from the Tower in 1747. She married Allan Macdonald of Kingsburgh in 1750 and settled at Flodigarry on Skye, where she raised a family. In 1774 the couple and their 5 children emigrated to North Carolina. Her husband Alexander joined a regiment of Royal Highland Emigrants in the American War of Independence, where he was captured. He was released in an exchange of prisoners and took up a command in Nova Scotia.
In 1779 Macdonald returned to Scotland, braving an attack by privateers on the way, and settled on Skye where her husband joined her after the war was over. She died in at Kingsburgh in 1790 and was buried in the graveyard beside the 16th-century church at Kilmuir. Tradition says that she was buried in a shroud made from a bed-sheet used by Bonnie Prince Charlie.
Given her popularity as a Jacobite heroine, it is not surprising that a large memorial was erected by her grave, which became a popular destination for tourists. The original monument to Macdonald was destroyed in a gale in 1871. It was replaced by a new memorial designed by Alexander Ross in 1880. Ross’s design includes a 28 foot high Celtic Cross of granite, rising above a slender rectangular chest tomb, also of granite. A marble plaque was added in 1922.
The epitaph reads, 'Her name will be mentioned in history and if courage and fidelity be virtues, mentioned with honour’. It was written by Dr Samuel Johnson of dictionary fame, who met her during his famous tour of the Hebrides with James Boswell.
In 1884, just 4 years after the monument was erected, the Skye Boat Song was published, and the popular ballad ensured that Macdonald’s fame would not fade.
Here is a less well known song about not just Flora by Brian McNeill, you can tell through the song that Brian has not got a high opinion of the Prince, something I first learnt in his song Few Gods...but holds Flora in the highest esteem as a strong woman.
Strong Women Rule Us All With Their Tears
There’s a moment of your story That has always haunted me When you set out in yon open boat To help the poor man flee Was Charlie Stuart’s future Already plain to see Did you know he’d be a waster on his days
If you did, I’d give the world to find A single tear you cried From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas You showed us one and all The courage you could call From the tears that would not fall From your eyes
And after thirty years After all that you’d been through us been marriede haven’ been a Just a memory to rue As you watched your husband putting on His coat of scarlet hue To go and fight for German Geordie’s crown
But you never tried to hide behind The dreams of days gone by From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas You showed us one and all The courage you could call From the tears that would not fall From your eyes
And there’s times I think I see you When I find that kind of face When a woman’s independence Has kept a woman’s grace Where confidence and pride Refuse to know their place Or hide behind the easy tricks of beauty
For to me your lights are like the chimes Across the stormy skies From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas You showed us one and all The courage you could call From the tears that would not fall From your eyes
From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas Strong women rule us all With the courage that they call When the tears refuse to fall From their eyes
You can listen to the song here
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ladywynneoutlander · 1 year
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Excited for the Outlander Season 6 Rewatch!
To get ready I made a playlist. It's heavy on the Skye Boat Song because I included every version, but hey, it's Outlander, what did you expect? : )
The playlist includes highlights of the soundtrack, a couple associated songs, and roughly follows the order of the series. Time is 1 hr 36.
Really, this soundtrack is a masterpiece. I have been particularly enjoying the instrumentation and use of rhythm. This last turned what could have been generic "period" pieces into dynamic enjoyable music in their own right.
I hope you enjoy! 🎶🎶
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juliaswickcrs · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped Game -- 3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, and 93!
Damn...my ADHD can't comprehend that many numbers at once hold up:
3. Sextet Montage: Tick Tick Boom!
Honestly? I think this fits all of my Bridgerton OCs. The hectic atmosphere, the "everyone who ever was or ever will be anyone will be there" the idea of getting invited to an exclusive party where your entire image is on display? It's all very Bridgerton in my opinion.
13. Primadonna: MARINA
Damn okay. This song could fit SO MANY of my OCs.
I think though, I'm gonna go with Aurelia Lestrange. She's just...such a bitch and makes all the guys around her fall in love with her without even blinking.
23. Enchanted: Taylor Swift
Again, another Bridgerton couple: Benedict and Lizzie Aldridge.
This song just SCREAMS them, even if they were friends before everything went down, Benedict has been in love with Lizzie for far longer than anybody realizes.
Also just cause it's so them "this is me praying that, this was the very first page not where the storyline ends, my thoughts will echo your name until I see you again"
33. Kings & Queens: Ava Maxx
Nymeria Martell. The beat, the vibes, it's immaculate
43. The Very First Night: Taylor Swift
I gotta go predictable and say Jess and Lexi again.
Tbh a lot of Red TV fits their relationship.
53. Death of Me: Saint PHNX
Allison Potter. I use this song whenever I write or make edits for her cause GDI it fits so well.
63. The Skye Boat Song: Bear McReary
Well I mean...I gotta say my Outlander OC Katherine Branson otherwise it just doesn't make sense.
73. Cleopatra: The Lumineers
Actually? I'm gonna say this one goes to my Star Wars OC Bryn Organa and the love of her life Obi Wan Kenobi, particularly this line.
"I was late for this, late for that, late for the love of my life. and when I die alone, die alone, when I die I'll be on time."
83. Someone to You: BANNERS
Emma Beck and Peter Parker. I can't explain it, except I can definitely see them kissing in the rain to this song.
93. Welcome To the Black Parade: My Chemical Romance
You know what? Because this was on the playlist I made for them, you get a Bad Kids OC reference.
This song reminds me of Marina Mondraia and the Bad Kids. The vibes, the imagery, I have conducted and directed an entire music video in my head to this song about Marina and honestly it's what she deserves.
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pandoricpies · 4 years
A Withered Rose
(Spoilers ahead!!) Sad hours short story involving a very sad Avalon (based off of a drawing by @treeganart)
"They'll be fine"- his older brother's words rung like sharp bells in his head. Avalon gripped the handle of the cold mug in his hand, tears stinging the back of his eyes.
He was never much of a drinker. Had a few beers every now and then, but nothing worth noting. Now here he sat, chugging down his third with a pain in his chest. He never even liked the stuff.
The man sighed, examining the now empty mug. He was in a secluded bar, one that not many visited, except for the outcasts: witches, wizards, magic-wielding criminals, and now himself. A man who had done nothing but play by the rules. Nothing to deserve all of the destruction and death he had witnessed in his life.
“Another?” A deep voice erupted from above him. The bearded, heavy-set bartender asked, looking down at the man. Avalon gave a short nod of his head, resting his face in his hands. The one good thing about being down in this old wooden shack that smelled of old liquor and sick was that he didn't have to wear that blasted hood. He'd only done it in the first place on Fripp's orders for 'self-preservation'.
Fripp- just another thing that had gone wrong in his life.
"You know something Avalon? Never thought I'd see you down here. Your troublemaker brother on the other hand, he was one of my regulars back in his youth. Heh, still is." The older man chuckled, filling up the glass mug. He placed it back down in front of Avalon, leaning his arms against the bar top.
"I still remember Elizabeth bursting in that door one day you came with him, in a panic because she couldn't find either of-" The man stopped abruptly, swearing under his breath.
"I-I'm sorry. Your brother told me what happened. Ah- she was a good one that las." He sighed, lowering his head.
"Yeah. " Avalon mumbled, anger filling his voice. Grief, anger, grief, anger- he wished his emotions would sort themselves out.
"I know you two had a thing-"
“Can we please not talk?" Avalon interrupted him, looking the man dead in the eyes. The other nodded his head regretfully, moving along to another patron farther down the bar.
He'd never really learned how to deal with emotions. Often the people around him were affected when he did experience them. Elizabeth had always tried to get him to open up, express how he was feeling; and it always worked. But now that she was gone...
Just as he began to sink back down into his well of despair, the sound of a violin began to come from behind him. The wooden instrument sung out a beautiful tune, some of the patrons cheering the newcomer musicians on.
Avalon turned around, facing the small platform of wood that had been set aside to be used as a 'stage'. The three violinists bowed gratefully for the cheers after their opening tune, and began to start on another. He decided to give it a listen. Music had always been something he connected to.
The musicians began to play the tune. It was an old Scottish fiddle tune, 'Skye Boat Song'. Avalon recognized it. He suddenly felt his eyes well with tears once again. That song...
“Come on." The red-haired girl giggled, grabbing the boy's hand and pulling him up from his chair. The village was alive with music and dancing that night, a small annual festival taking place.
"Elizabeth, you know I don't-"
"Shh," she placed her finger up to his lips, "I'll teach you." She grabbed his hand, interlocking her fingers with his. Avalon blushed as her fingers grasped his hand. She pulled him into the middle of the dancers.
"Like this. " She whispered, the beautiful melody washing over them. The pair began to whirl around, Elizabeth pulling him this way and that. She laughed as he tried to find his feet. Oh, if he could only listen to that laugh forever.
Finally, the boy began to get the hang of it. He began leading their steps, twirling her this way and that. Avalon whirled her once again, this time pulling her back close to him. Elizabeth looked up at him. Her beautful ginger hair fell lazily over her freckled, now rosy cheeks. Overcome with joy, he kissed her- right on the lips. She didn't pull away.
"I-I'm sorry." Avalon swallowed, his palms becoming sweaty. What had come over him?
"Who ever said I needed an apology?" She smiled playfully, leaning her head back on his chest.
In that moment, the two twenty year-olds were able to be just that- young, carefree. No worries about demon squid monsters, or a light goddess.... just them.
Avalon leaned over quickly, not letting go of the girl. He plucked a small rose off of a bush next to them, careful to flick off any thorns. He tucked the rose into her hair, wrapping his arms fully around her.
"As beautiful as a rose. " He whispered, the two slow dancing to the changed tune.
A rose...
Avalon pulled himself back to reality, feeling warm tears stream down his cheeks. She was gone, she was really gone.
They'll be fine- those damned words ran through his mind once again. That's what his elder brother had said as the love of his life and that girl ran into the portal. The portal from which Elizabeth would never return. He gritted his teeth. He should've gone after them.
The bartender cleared his throat behind him. Avalon turned back around in his chair, knowing full well that his face was tear-stained.
“I wanted to give you this. It isn't much, but- well, a couple weeks ago, Elizabeth dropped a bouquet of roses off to me, said she'd grown them in her garden. Nicest thing someone's done for me in awhile. 'Fraid I don't have much of a green thumb, but it's the sentiment that counts. " The man smiled kindly, placing something in front of Avalon. He walked over to a man who was waving his empty mug in the air.
Avalon examined the flower. It was a red rose, but it was darkened... withered. Looking at the rose was the final straw. Small sobs escaped his throat as he turned the flower over in his fingers.
It was withered, just like her, just like his rose.
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cielrouge · 5 years
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The Magnolia Sword: A Ballad of Mulan by Sherry Thomas - As they cross the Great Wall to face the enemy beyond, Mulan and the princeling must find a way to unwind their past, unmask a traitor, and uncover the plans for the Rouran invasion . . . before it's too late.
A Match Made in Mehendi by Nandini Bajpai - 15-year-old Indian-American Simran “Simi” Sangha, who comes from a long line of matchmakers, decides to try to gain high school popularity using her family's matchmaking traditions to create a dating app. 
The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco - In  a world ruled by goddesses that has been split in two—one half existing in perpetual scorching Day, the other in freezing Night—twins separated at birth Odessa and Haidee embark on a quest across the great divide and rule a reunited world.
No One Here is Lonely by Sarah Everett - After having her heart so broken, Eden resorts to having her memories erased instead. 
Nocturna by Maya Motayne -  In a Latinx-inspired kingdom of Castallan, face-changing thief Finn Voy and grief-stricken Prince Alfehr must race to vanquish a dark magic they have accidentally unleashed. 
Not Your Backup by C.B. Lee (Sidekick Squad #3) - As the Resistance moves to challenge the corrupt League of Heroes, Emma Robledo realizes where her place is in this fight: at the front.
Oh My Gods by Alexandra Sheppard - Half-mortal teenager Helen Thomas goes to live with her father—who is Zeus, masquerading as a university professor—and must do her best to keep the family secret intact. 
On the Come Up by Angie Thomas - When 16-year-old Bri, an aspiring rapper, pours her anger and frustration into her first song, she finds herself at the center of a controversy.
Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta & Cori McCarthy - In this Arthurian retelling set in space, King Arthur is reincarnated as 17-year-old Ari, a female king whose quest is to stop a tyrannical corporate government, aided by a teenaged Merlin. 
Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds - After falling for Kate, her unexpected death sends Jack back in time to the moment they first met, but he soon learns that his actions have unintended consequences. 
Our Wayward Fate by Gloria Chao - 17-year-old teen outcast Ali Chu is simultaneously swept up in a whirlwind romance and down a rabbit hole of dark family secrets when another Taiwanese family moves to her small, predominantly white Midwestern town. 
Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribar - When 17-year-old Jay Reguero learns his Filipino cousin and former best friend, Jun, was murdered as part of President Duterte's war on drugs, he flies to the Philippines to learn more.
Permanent Record by Mary H.K. Choi - Brooklyn bodega worker Pablo crosses paths & falls in love with multi-platinum recording artist Leanna Smart. 
Rated by Melissa Grey - For the students at the prestigious Maplethorpe Academy, every single thing they do is reflected in their Ratings System. But when an act of vandalism sullies the front doors of the school, it sets off a chain reaction that will shake the lives of six special students -- and the world beyond.
Teen Titans: Raven by Kami Garcia - When a tragic accident takes the life of the only family she's ever known, 16-year-old Raven is sent to New Orleans to start over. She soon discovers that she can hear the thoughts of others around her...and another, more disturbing, voice in her head. 
Rebel (Legend #4) by Marie Lu - Brothers Eden and Daniel Wing struggle to accept who they’ve each become since their time in the Republic, but a new danger creeps into the distance that’s grown between them. Eden soon finds himself drawn so far into Ross City’s dark side, even his legendary brother can’t save him. At least not on his own. 
The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandy Colbert - Dove “Birdie” Randolph maintains a close bond with her parents until first love and a family secret threatens to tear them apart. 
The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee - The never-before-told backstory of Avatar Kyoshi, from a girl of humble origins to the merciless pursuer of justice who is still feared and admired centuries after she became the Avatar.
A River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy - A North African-inspired feminist fantasy in which two sisters, Eva and Isa must compete in a magical duel to the death for the right to inherit the queendom of Myre.  
Rogue Heart (Rebel Seoul #2) by Axie Oh - Two years after the Battle of Neo Seoul, 18-year-old telepath Ama must use her telepathic abilities to infiltrate the base of the Alliance’s new war commander, Alex Kim, her first love who betrayed her. Will she be able to carry out her task? Or will she give up everything for Alex again—only to be betrayed once more?
Ruse (Want #2) by Cindy Pon - In near-future Shanghai where society is divided between the fabulously wealthy business elite and the masses they exploit, Jason Zhou must play a dangerous cat and mouse game with the ruthless CEO of an all powerful corporation which has an ever-growing choke hold on the polluted metropolis. 
Soaring Earth by Margarita Engle - In this memoir, Young People’s Poet Laureate Margarita Engle recounts her teenage years during the turbulent 1960s between Cuba and America. 
Shadow Frost by Coco Ma - When Asterin Faelenhart, Princess of Axaria and heir to the throne, discovers that she may hold the key to defeating the demon terrorizing her kingdom, she vows not to rest until the beast is slain. 
Take the Mic: Fictional Stories About Everyday Resistance edited by Bethany C. Morrow - A YA anthology focused on a collection of fictional stories of everyday resistance.
The Shadow Glass (Bone Witch #3) by Rin Chupeco -  Bone witch Tea's dark magic eats away at her, but she must save the one she loves most, even while her life—and the kingdoms—are on the brink of destruction.
Shatter the Sky by Rebecca Kim Wells - Maren, desperate to save her kidnapped girlfriend Kaia, plans to steal one of the emperor's dragons and storm the Aurati stronghold, but her success depends on becoming an apprentice to the mysterious dragon trainer, which proves to be a dangerous venture. 
SLAY by Brittney Morris - Black video game developer Kiera Johnson battles a real-life troll intent on ruining the Black Panther-inspired video game she created, and the safe community it represents for black gamers. 
Somewhere Only We Know by Maurene Goo - In Hong Kong, k-pop star Lucky who'd like to be anyone else meets charming con-boy Jack, looking for a big break to impress his paparazzo father. When sparks ignite, the two must decide if they can risk it all for each other. 
Song of the Abyss (Towers of Wind #2) by Makiia Lucier - When menacing raiders attack her ship, navigator Reyna must use every resource at her disposal, including placing her trust in a handsome prince from a rival kingdom.
Song of the Crimson Flower by Julie C. Dao - After cruelly rejecting Bao, the poor physician's apprentice who loves her, Lan, a wealthy nobleman's daughter, regrets her actions. After learning that Bao’s soul has been trapped inside a flute by a witch, Lan vows to make amends and help break the spell.
Soul of the Sword (Shadow of the Fox #2) by Julie Kagawa - As the paths of Yumeko and the possessed Tatsumi cross once again, the entire empire will be thrown into chaos. 
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim - 17-year-old Maia Tamarin poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor, and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars, with help from the mysterious court magician, Edan. 
Spin by Lamar Giles - When DJ ParSec, rising star of the local music scene, is found dead over her turntables, the two girls who found her, Kya and Fuse, are torn between grief for Paris and hatred for each other--but when the investigation stalls, they unite, determined to find out who murdered their friend.
The Stars the Blackness Between Them by Junauda Petraus  - Audre from Trinidad and Mabel from Minneapolis, fall in love and create magic at the same time they learn one of them might not have long to live. 
Stronger Than A Bronze Dragon by Mary Fan - In this steampunk fantasy set in Qing dynasty-inspired China, warrior girl Anlei teams up with a thief to save her village from shadow spirits, but after arriving at the Courts of Hell, a discovery challenges everything they know about who the real enemy is. 
Symptoms of a Heartbreak by Sonia Charaipotra - The youngest doctor in America, Indian-American teen Saira makes her rounds―and falls head over heels in this romantic comedy. 
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi - Sana Khan and Rachel Recht, on opposite sides of the social scale must work together to make a movie and try very hard not to fall in love.
The Things She’s Seen by Ambelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullina - As Beth Teller and her father unravel a mystery, they find a shocking and heartbreaking story lurking beneath the surface of a small town, and a friendship that lasts beyond one life and into another...
There’s Something About Sweetie (When Dimple Met Rishi #3) by Sandhya Menon - Told in two voices, disappointed-in-love Ashish Patel and self-proclaimed fat athlete Sweetie Nair begin to find their true selves while dating under contract.
This Time Will Be Different by Misa Sugiura - 17-year-old CJ Katsuyama’s mom decides to sell her family’s flower shop—to the family who swindled CJ’s grandparents during WWII Internment. Soon a rift threatens to splinter CJ’s family, friends, and their entire Northern California community; and for the first time, CJ has found something she wants to fight for.
A Thousand Fires by Shannon Price - In modern-day San Francisco where three gangs rule the city streets, half-Filipina teen Valerie Simons enters the Red Bridge Wars to seek vengeance for her younger brother's death, but soon finds herself torn between old love and new loyalty. 
The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala - In ancient India, soldier Kunal hunts the “Viper,” rebel girl Esha accused of killing his General, embarking on a dangerous cat and mouse game and where both must decide—loyalty to their old lives or to a love that's made them dream of new ones. 
Truly, Madly, Royally by Debbie Riguad - When Prince Owen invites Zora Emerson to be his date at his big brother's big royal wedding, Zora is suddenly thrust into the spotlight, along with her family and friends. 
The Universal Laws of Marco by Carmen Rodrigues - Told through the lens of a guy in love with the cosmos (and maybe two girls), this story explores the complicated histories that bring us together and tear us apart. 
Virtually Yours by Sarvenz Tash -  NYU freshman Mariam Vakilian tries out a virtual reality dating app, only to be matched up with the high school ex she's still not over. Mariam’s heart is telling her one thing, but the app is telling her another. So, which should she trust? Is all fair in modern love?
The Voice in My Head by Dana L. Davis - When a sequence of wrenching secrets detonates, Indigo must figure out how to come to terms with her twin sister Violet, her family…and the voice in her head.
War Girls by Tochi Onyebuchi - Set in a futuristic, Black Panther-inspired Nigeria, sisters Onyii and Ify, separated by a devastating civil war, must fight their way back to each other against all odds. 
Watch Us Rise by Renee Watson & Ellen Hagan - Jasmine and Chelsea start a Women's Rights Club and soon go viral. But with such positive support, the club is also targeted by online trolls. When things escalate, the principal shuts the club down. Jasmine and Chelsea will risk everything for their voices—and those of other young women—to be heard.
What Makes You Beautiful by Bridget Liang - Encouraged and supported by his friends at school, Logan begins questioning his gender. Realizing they are not a gay boy, but a transgender girl, Logan asks for people to call them Veronica. As a girl, does Veronica stand a chance with straight boy Kyle?
We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal - In a world inspired by ancient Arabia, 17-year-old huntress Zafira must disguise herself as a man to seek a lost artifact that could return magic to her cursed world.
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia - Set at the Medio School for Girls, where young women are trained to become one of two wives assigned to high society men; with revolution brewing in the streets, star student Daniela Vargas fights to protect a destructive secret, sending her into the arms of the most dangerous person possible—the second wife of her husband-to-be. 
The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf - A music-loving teen with OCD does everything she can to find her way back to her mother during the historic race riots in 1969 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
When the Stars Lead to You by Ronni Davis - 18-year-old Devon longs for two things.The stars. And the boy she fell in love with last summer. Senior year, Ashton shows up on the first day of school. Can she forgive him and open her heart again? Or are they doomed to repeat history?
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho - After 18-year-old Miyoung Gu, a nine-tailed fox surviving in modern-day Seoul by eating the souls of evil men, kills a murderous goblin to save Jihoon, she is forced to choose between her immortal life and his.
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo - With her daughter to care for and her abuela to help support, high school senior and aspiring chef Emoni Santiago has to make the tough decisions. But even with all the rules she has for her life — and all the rules everyone expects her to play by — once Emoni starts cooking, her only real choice is to let her talent break free. 
You Must Be Layla by Yasmin Abdel-Magied - Layla's mind goes a million miles a minute, so does her mouth. Despite the setback of a high school suspension, Layla's determined to show everyone that she does deserve her scholarship and sets her sights on winning a big invention competition. But where to begin? Looking outside and in, Layla will need to come to terms with who she is and who she wants to be if she has any chance of succeeding.
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lucasseliott · 4 years
thanks for tagging me lejla! ( @britt-wie ) 💞💞
1. what is the color of your hairbrush?
2. a food you never eat?
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
too warm
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
watching harry potter and the chamber of secrets with my parents
5. what is your favorite candy bar?
kit kat chunky salted caramel fudge
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
ive been to a premier league football game once, and also a a couple of athletic events at the london stadium
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
8. what is your favorite ice cream?
pralines & cream
9. what was the last thing you had to drink?
pepsi max cherry
10. do you like your wallet?
i love it but its a bit old now
11. what was the last thing you ate?
chocolate chip cookies ( that i made myself)
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
the last thing i purchased was the bastille distraction tatics tshirt, but i cant remember if that was last week lol
13. the last sporting event you watched?
i cant remember, probably a bit of football or rugby or whatever my dad was watching at the time haha
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
sweet/salt mixed, from the cinema i work at cause we pop it ourselves and we are good at it!
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to?
@mickey-milkovich hey babeee
16. ever go camping?
17. do you take vitamins?
lol no
18. do you go to church every sunday?
19. do you have a tan?
im either pale or sunburnt i have no inbetween
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza?
21. do you drink your soda with a straw?
22. what color socks do you usually wear?
23. ever drive above the speed limit?
no (i dont know how to drive)
24. what terrifies you?
25. look to your left, what do you see?
my water bottle on my bedside table, and my currently unread book...
26. what chore do you hate?
washing up
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?
the hemsworths
28. what’s your favorite soda?
pepsi max cherry
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru?
normally use uber eats hahaha
30. who’s the last person you talked to?
my dad
31. favorite cut of beef?
whatever tastes nice in a burger lol
32. last song you listened to?
the skye boat song - bear mccreary (outlander theme tune, cause im currently watching an episode as i type)
33. last book you read?
imagine me - tahareh mafi, currently reading: chain of gold - cassandra clare
34. favorite day of the week?
35. can you say the alphabet backwards?
not really no
36. do you like your coffee?
37. favorite pair of shoes?
my nasa vans
38. at what time do you normally go to bed?
atm go to bed: like 10.30/11, go to sleep: like 2am
39. at what time do you normally get up?
atm about 10.30
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
41. how many blankets are on your bed?
just my duvet
42. describe your kitchen plates.
theyre a big mix of different ones, got one with avocados on, one thats made by heinz, a few plain white ones
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
i dont drink ( it all tastes gross anyway)
44. do you play cards?
45. what color is your car?
i dont have one
46. can you change a tire?
er i dont think so
47. what is your favorite province?
erm the uk doesnt have provinces, imma just say london
48. favorite job you’ve ever had?
ive only had one job and im still at it (when we reopen) so i guess working at a cinema
49. how did you get your biggest scar?
its on my palm, and i hurt myself on a till drawer at work
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy?
made cookies with my mum
imma tag: @kikimachwitz and @lepetitepeach
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petrichorblue94 · 4 years
1)Have I watched Outlander? I spend my days listening to all the variations of Skye boat song because that song is addictive. I absolutely LOVE Outlander, especially the first two seasons, the way we see Claire reasonings in the first one and the settings (the COSTUMES) of the second one... That was magnificent (my favorite episode is Faith and I think that it could work as a movie, Catriona's acting was breathtaking and the soundtrack made it magical)(Jamie's accent😍)
2)I thought that the A discovery of witches books were three, I want to read them when I'll have some free time (university is ending my life) because the show is really good (when I saw Venice in the trailer I died because seeing places that I know well in an international tv show is just on another level, I HAD to watch it) and I like how it's a witches and vampires tv show but it's not for teenagers 
3)(I'm a little ashamed to admit that I'm a Twilight child, Twilight was my 12 years old thing and ADOW is my adult thing) can't wait for the second season. The first season of Medici is really slow, the second is the best one and even though it is a continuation it can be watched directly, skipping the first one (the third one is not that good either) but honestly I didn't like the fact that they took too many liberties from what real history was 
4)(but this days I'm obsessed so my judgment on Medici is not reliable, I'm just vibing while listening to Renaissance and Revolution bones). With all this talking about Merlin l dreamed of him, dreaming of having an argument with Merlin over some turmeric is not something that happens everyday.
 5). I don't really watch kdrama but I had an "I want to learn Korean" phase when I used to listen to kpop a couple of years ago, I've seen a lot of people tweeting about Crash landing on you and I'm really curious about it, when my brain will start to get tired of the "fantasy/fey/The old guard/Renaissance thing I'll watch it. I hope that you are having a great day✨ 
 Haha, I've also listened to all variations of the song! You should hear Karlienne's fan song 'Bound', it's soooo good! I also love the first seasons more, after they moved to America it just started feeling like I'm watching a remake of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman haha. 
 Faith was such a heavy episode! I don't think I would rewatch it. I think my favourite ones are the ones that directly have to do with time travel cause I'm a sucker for this trope. 
 You know, weird thing is, I don't find anyone from Outlander or A Discovery of witches hot. Like, the women are beautiful but would I date any of the guys if I met them? Probably not. I've actually always imagined book!Marcus just like Daniel Sharman because that's the way he's described in the books. :D 
 Also, you have absolutely no need to be ashamed of being a Twilight child because I myself was one. I remember that when I first learned about the books, they still hadn't been translated in Bulgarian and I went to the bookstore in the city centre every day after school and I bugged them when are they going to import the original version. I think that after the first few months, they felt like they were bullied by a 13 years old because they finally ordered it. That's how I started really learning English btw. 
 Are you Italian? I studied Italian for an year in high school and I was pretty good, I even applied for Universita' degli studi di Trieste but I just barely didn't make it in the top 80 that were allowed. After that I studied Italian in my local university in Bulgaria but we remained at level A2 until the final year and I actually FORGOT Italian during those 4 years. Those were wasted years if I have to be honest haha.
 I thought, judging from the edits, the 3rd season of Medici would be the best one because Daniel Sharman had these long curls then?  And he looks soooo good with long hair, I can't. He looks like something Caravaggio or Botticelli would have drawn. Or one of Michelangelo's sculptures. 
 Haha, arguing with Merlin over turmenic is totally something that would weirdly make sense. xD I dreamt of him last week as well. I think we were in a weird fantasy reality show and one of my rl classmates tried flirting with him but I became frustrated and somehow reversed time until it was I that flirted with him.
 Crash landing on you is really good! But it was something that my mum liked more. Since you like fantasy, I think you would like Goblin: the great and lonely god , the most. This was honestly one of the most exciting shows I've watched - from the first second right down to the last scene. Most kdramas are only 16 episodes long, that's what I like about them - you don't need to overcommit. :D 
There was also a historical kdrama about a Korean painter who lived in an Italian castle and the actor that played the MC, Song Seung Heon, was a delightful snack, but I personally didn't find the plot that interesting, mostly because my angst/tragedy-senses were tingling and I don't like sad endings. That's why I always try to see the ending first. 
 Tbh, I feel like Cursed will aim for a bittersweet ending because ever since George Martin overglorified Lord of the Rings' bittersweet ending, that's the rage in modern fantasy stories.
Have a lovely day!!! <3 
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About Myself - No. 1
So, this is something I’ve wanted to do for a couple weeks.
As the title says, I’m going to write about myself. I’m writing this at one in the morning and, to be honest, I’m bored and tired. I probably will do multiple of these, so, this is the first. (Mind you, these facts will probably jump around a lot, too.)
As most people, not all, I am an awkward weirdo who likes to be alone. Maybe that just comes with being a teenager? I don’t know, haha.
My name is Laura, Thunfire0605/asknightmareanderror here, and I have Aspergers, Type 1 Diabetes, selective mutism and ASD.
I’m fifteen years old, coming sixteen in May. I have a snake called Miikun, a border terrier called Lucky and three chickens named Scrappy, Crystal and Bobby (Bobby’s female). Scrappy and Bobby are rescue chickens, retired from being battery hens.
I have an older sister called Rebecca, a younger sister called Skye and a five year old brother named Fynn. My Mum is german and my Dad is scottish, I live in Scotland.
I downright love Undertale and FNaF (obviously). I have over 300 drafts of stories on Quotev, and have only published four because I’m a nervous, cheesy beano.
I don’t go to school any more, after dropping out in the third year of high school (anxiety overdrive). I go to a group for learning twice a week, for an hour at a time. That was where I met my girlfriend who’s in the same boat as me with anxiety.
I draw on my bedroom’s walls, of Pokemon and fanart of FNaF and Undertale.
I would like to have goats, more dogs (Lucky’s eleven in July and hates other dogs). I cried for an hour when I saw a dog I wanted be reserved, all because of a couple photos and a small video of him. I get too attached to animals easily.
Chief was in an animal shelter, SSPCA, and all I did was beg my Mum to give Lucky a chance.
Last time we attempted to get a dog in the house, it didn’t go well. Tank, now Buster, wasn’t even introduced to Lucky. (I went into a tangent, oh lord...)
I first got into the Undertale fandom after watching Jacksepticeye play it and crying at the end of the true pacifist ending. (I’m a crybaby, I know.) I got the game, played right through to said ending and it still hits me to this day.
FNaF...I can’t honestly remember how I got into it but, despite everything, it’s nice to see the fandoms are still alive.
Deltarune...well, I played it and loved it. The ending made me feel sick in the stomach and I haven’t touched the game since, not wanting to feel that same feeling again. I loved the characters though, but I will always prefer Undertale over it.
I never completed the genocide run in Undertale, managing to get to Sans after constantly resetting because I felt bad and, again, sick in the stomach. (Did anyone else feel like that?) Whenever the text ‘But nobody came...’ appeared, it would get worse. So, I stopped at Sans, all because I can’t bring myself to kill the short skeleton.
As cheesy as it is, Sans is one of those special characters that’s just relatable to me. Again, cheese on top of cheese, I grew to love him and all of his alternate universe’s. (Apart from you, Fresh, I will side with Error.)
Clearly, Error is my favourite out of everyone. With my Aspergers, social interaction is difficult, but I love joking around with the people I’m comfortable with. Touch is difficult also and he’s probably the most relatable skeleton to me.
Mentally deranged, anxiety and everything on top. I suppose that’s the reason why I’m so attached to all the Sans’s (Again, Fresh, go away). Honestly, I think everyone is a bit of every AU of Sans, like they’re seperate personalities or something.
I actually used to dislike Ink, for...weird reasons. I just sided with Error, understanding his issues. (Edgy teenager inbound) It’s also partially why I hate Fresh.
Fresh is just the opposite of me, he’s outgoing and doesn’t care about anything. As for myself, I have nervous breakdowns nearly every day about the dumbest of things.
Nightmare feels like that type of demon who’s always lingering over my shoulder.
Speaking of demons... (edgy teenager inbound) I can do a very deep, demonic voice and...I think I might scare people when I’m out on my walks.
See, I tend to talk along with comics and sing to songs when I’m walking, and...that voice is the one I mainy go for when there’s a dark point, even if it does destroy my voice box.
Moving on from that, I have severe archnaphobia. Not so much for the tiny spiders but common house spiders just scare me. Yet, for some reason, tarantulas mesmerize me. Sure, I probably wouldn’t want to come across one in my house (which won’t happen as I’m in Scotland) but they just seem a lot more...friendly?
I’m scared of large crowds, loud noises, social interaction and school.
So, that’s the end of this ‘about me’ (therapy session), cutting it short because I’ve just realized I’ve been writing for over an hour. How? I’ve been watching videos in between.
I’m tired, so, I’m going to go to bed now and probably sleep for twelve hours.
Love y’all! <3
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thepeoplesmovies · 3 years
The Opening Credits For Outlander Season 6 Revealed
The Opening Credits For Outlander Season 6 Revealed
It was only a couple of days ago we learned that Starzplay will be the new home for Outlander and Season 6 will launch on 6th March 2022. Starz have revealed the opening credits for the new season and it’s very atmospheric, even a little haunting. The song for the credits is off course the Skye Boat Song which has been used in previous seasons. The previous seasons in the UK Outlander was shown…
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Rex red red , Fiona 9:27
But there's solace a bit in submitting
To the fitfully, cryptically true
What's happened, has happened
What's coming is already on its way
With a role for me to play
And I don't understand
I never understand
But I'll try to understand
There's nothing else I can do
9:27 rod Stewart, reason to believe—this is one of the songs I’ve sung the most when I’m alone since I was a kid
Someone like you makes it hard to live without somebody else
Someone like you makes it easy to give and never think about yourself
9:32 pioneer to the falls, Interpol
So much for make-believe, I'm not sold
So much of dreams deceit, I'm not prepared to know
Your heart makes me feel, your heart makes me bold
For always and ever, I'll never let go
Always concealed, safe and inside
I felt you so much today
I wondered if this would play today. Since the very beginning this has been a song about me Jack and Stella. He vanished, I didn’t pay rent, and Stella over and over flew to each of our hearts to keep us company. We lived in a fantasy together.
Dominus intrude, Halsey 9:37 PM You can take a chance, come take my hand
Banging on a dead drum, archers of loaf 9:41PM—Banging on a dead drum
9:41 skye boat song, rod stewart—this plays a lot, probably because I’m a Druid
Almost cut my hair, 9:48 PM Cosby stills Nash and Young-I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it to someone
Perfect couples, Belle & Sebastian, 950–Belmondo lips, dangling a cig
(It always lurked in their mind)
Perfect couples are breaking up
Radio (band radio 3 demo) —rem 10:58
Norma tanega —A street that rhymes at 6 am 11:02– they will try to pull you down and change your mind. All I want is a new skyline Contemplate the road that put you underground
1105 violent femmes add it up —Day after day
I get angry and I will say
That the day is in my sight
When I take a bow and say goodnight Mo my momma momma mo my mum
Have you kept your eye, your eye on your son?
I know you've had problems, you're not the only one
But when your sugar left, he left you on the run
So mo my momma momma mo my mum
Take a look now, look what your boy has done
He's walking around like he's number one
Cause he went downtown and he got him a gun
So don't shoot, shoot, shoot that thing at me
Don't shoot, shoot, shoot that thing at me
You know you got my sympathy
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Man, it's everything I ever said it is
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In this age of Satan
I'm searching for a light to take me home and guide me out
When the lights are on I know you
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On March 5th 1790, Flora MacDonald, the Jacobite heroine, died.
Flora is still one of the most romanticise figures in Scottish history, much has been written about her helping Charles Edward Stuart after his escape from Culloden when he was the most hunted man in Scotland.
Flora Macdonald was born at Milton, on South Uist, where you can still see the ruins of her childhood home. She grew up in the household of the chief of the Macdonalds of Clanranald, who firmly supported the Jacobite cause. When Bonnie Prince Charlie escaped following the Battle of Culloden in 1746 he went into hiding, depending on supporters to shelter him and hide him from his Hanoverian pursuers led by the Duke of Cumberland. At length, he arrived on the island of Benbecula, where it was decided that he should move on to Skye.
The island was under travel restrictions, and the prince could not take the risk of being spotted. A Jacobite supporter and distant kinsman named Captain Conn O'Neill asked Flora to help Charles escape. Macdonald herself did not support the Jacobite cause, but she was moved by the plight of the Jacobites after the Battle of Culloden, and at length she agreed. She later said that she acted from charity, and would have helped the Duke of Cumberland had she found him in a similar situation.
She obtained permission from Hugh Macdonald, commander of the local militia and her stepfather, to leave Benbecula. She was allowed to take two servants, and a crew of six sailors. Bonnie Prince Charlie was dressed as an Irish spinning maid named Betty Burke, and in that guise he sailed with Flora to Skye on 27 June 1746.
Unlike the scene made famous in the popular ‘Skye Boat Song’, the Prince did not leave baffled foes standing on the shore, and managed to make the crossing unchallenged. From Skye, he made his way at length to Moidart, where he boarded a French ship and escaped to refuge in Europe.
When Flora Macdonald’s role in the escape came to light she was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Though she had committed treason by helping Bonnie Prince Charlie, the public, even staunch Hanoverians, regarded her as a heroic figure, primarily because she was a woman, I have little doubt if it had been a man that helped the Prince in a similar way, he would have been executed.
She was released from the Tower in 1747. She married Allan Macdonald of Kingsburgh in 1750 and settled at Flodigarry on Skye, where she raised a family. In 1774 the couple and their 5 children emigrated to North Carolina. Her husband Alexander joined a regiment of Royal Highland Emigrants in the American War of Independence, where he was captured. He was released in an exchange of prisoners and took up a command in Nova Scotia.
In 1779 Macdonald returned to Scotland, braving an attack by privateers on the way, and settled on Skye where her husband joined her after the war was over. She died in at Kingsburgh in 1790 and was buried in the graveyard beside the 16th-century church at Kilmuir. Tradition says that she was buried in a shroud made from a bed-sheet used by Bonnie Prince Charlie.
Given her popularity as a Jacobite heroine, it is not surprising that a large memorial was erected by her grave, which became a popular destination for tourists. The original monument to Macdonald was destroyed in a gale in 1871. It was replaced by a new memorial designed by Alexander Ross in 1880. Ross’s design includes a 28 foot high Celtic Cross of granite, rising above a slender rectangular chest tomb, also of granite. A marble plaque was added in 1922.
The epitaph reads, 'Her name will be mentioned in history and if courage and fidelity be virtues, mentioned with honour’. It was written by Dr Samuel Johnson of dictionary fame, who met her during his famous tour of the Hebrides with James Boswell.
In 1884, just 4 years after the monument was erected, the Skye Boat Song was published, and the popular ballad ensured that Macdonald’s fame would not fade.
Here is a less well known song about not just Flora by Brian McNeill, you can tell through the song that Brian has not got a high opinion of the Prince, but holds Flora in the highest esteem as a strong woman.
Pics are of Flora’s grave and the statue of the lady herself at Inverness Castle that I took in 2014.
There’s a moment of your story That has always haunted me When you set out in yon open boat To help the poor man flee Was Charlie Stuart’s future Already plain to see Did you know he’d be a waster on his days
If you did, I’d give the world to find A single tear you cried From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas You showed us one and all The courage you could call From the tears that would not fall From your eyes
And after thirty years After all that you’d been through us been marriede haven’ been a Just a memory to rue As you watched your husband putting on His coat of scarlet hue To go and fight for German Geordie’s crown
But you never tried to hide behind The dreams of days gone by From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas You showed us one and all The courage you could call From the tears that would not fall From your eyes
And there’s times I think I see you When I find that kind of face When a woman’s independence Has kept a woman’s grace Where confidence and pride Refuse to know their place Or hide behind the easy tricks of beauty
For to me your lights are like the chimes Across the stormy skies From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas You showed us one and all The courage you could call From the tears that would not fall From your eyes
From the Cuillins tae the Carolinas Strong women rule us all With the courage that they call When the tears refuse to fall From their eyes.
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woozapooza · 6 years
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @lumaterian a long long time ago
Nicknames: Annie, bibby, woozapooza
Sex: ♀
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 5′4″
Time: 6:21 PM
Fav band(s): Lord Huron, The High Kings
Fav solo artist(s): Heather Dale, Sleeping at Last, Taylor Swift, Fletcher. There are a ton of artists that have a song or a couple songs that I love, but not a lot of artists I love.
Song stuck in my head: Cruel by Kate Rusby which gives me James/Thomas feelings 😭
Last movie I saw: The Invitation
Last show I watched: Outlander
When did I create my blog: 2013, almost exactly 5 years ago
What do I post: Black Sails, other shows, dogs, memes, pretty pics, more Black Sails
Last thing I googled: "female sign” so that I could copy and paste the ♀ into this post. Before that it was the White River Monster.
Do I have any other blogs: No, though I sometimes consider making some
Do I get asks: yes but not as often as I’d like
Why did I choose my url: It’s a nickname given to me by my sister. It was already my twitter handle (hey, follow me, btw!)
Following: 210
Followed by: 940
Average hours of sleep: 8-9
Lucky number: idk what that even means tbh
Instruments: piano, used to play clarinet, one of these days will get around to playing my Irish flute
What i’m wearing: normal clothes that are honestly not interesting enough to describe
Dream job: animal mom/youtube video essayer
Dream trip: honestly...Disney World. Other than that, just various places in Britain and Ireland.
Fav food: maybe watermelon
Nationality: 🇺🇸
Fav song: Mordred’s Lullaby by Heather Dale, Jupiter by Sleeping at Last, Dead Man’s Hand by Lord Huron, the Black Sails theme song, any rendition of Skye Boat Song
Last book I read: The Passion of Dolssa by Julie Berry. Now I’m reading The Man from the Train by Bill James.
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: not to be boring, but...Middle Earth, Harry Potter world, and...yeah that’s all
idk who to tag just consider yourself tagged if you feel like it and be sure to tag me if you do it!
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celtfather · 5 years
What Are You Doing While Listening to Celtic Music #432
I want your feedback. What are you doing while listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast? This week, I'm gonna share a bunch of feedback from the past couple o'years.
Poisoned Dwarf, Seldom Sober, Songs For Ceilidh, Mitchell & Vincent, Ciunas, Kennedy's Kitchen, Alasdair Fraser & Tony McManus, Kellswater Bridge, Captain John Stout, The Jig Is Up! from First Steps, Brobdingnagian Bards, Dylan Walshe, Sylvia Woods, The Jackdaws, Claire Roche, Black Market Haggis, Crepuscule, The Round Table, Tartanic, The Celtic Kitchen Party, Moch Pryderi, Teton Skye, Alexander James Adams, Molly's Revenge, Celtic Woman, O'hanleigh, Ciana, Vintage Wildflower, Katherine Nagy, Bellow Bridge, Jil Chambless
I hope you enjoyed this week's show. If you did, please share the show with ONE friend.
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is dedicated to growing our community and helping the incredible artists who so generously share their music. If you find music you love, buy their albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow them on Spotify, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
Remember also to Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. Every week, I'll send you a few cool bits of Celtic music news. It's a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Plus, you'll get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free, just for signing up today. Thank you again for being a Celt of Kindness.
0:05 - "Bolt The Door" by Poisoned Dwarf from Bolt The Door
5:58 - WELCOME
7:25 - "The Ferryman / Mason's Apron" by Seldom Sober from Six Months of Confession
11:24 - "Rothsea-0" by Songs For Ceilidh from Falling Forward
14:36 - Alexis Fickes emailed: "Hey Marc, I am Alexis and I just wanted to tell you that I love the podcast, especially #426. I listen to the podcast on the bus and while I paint. Absolutely amazing. I love that there’s someone who appreciates the artists and music like this. Keep doing you!!"
Simon Dillon emailed a photo: "Hello Marc. Although over month ago, this photo shows me driving back from Canberra to my home town Bendigo (700km) while listening to your podcast.   Myself and my friend, and fellow musician, Keven McCarthy had just spent the Easter long weekend at the Australian National Folk Festival presenting “Songs From The Australian Tradition” session on each day of the festival.  Australia has many traditional songs. Many of these songs use traditional Irish melodies or are even parodies of traditional Irish songs.
The Nation Folk Festival was one of 3 festivals the Kevin and I attended in South Eastern Australia over 17 days around Easter.  We started at the Lake Cullulleraine Music Festival, then the National Folk Festival and ended up at the Koroit Irish Festival. By the time I arrived back home, we had covered 2800 km and listened to many Irish and Celtic Music Podcasts, the quintessential road trip podcast. Keep up the great work.
16:13 - "Seven Stars, The Sloe" by Mitchell & Vincent from The Preservation of Fire
19:18 - "Celtic Tiger" by Ciunas from High Time
22:59 - Ruben Lopez emailed a photo: "I heard the podcast #393, and was drawing. Here's the drawing. Have a good one."
Alexander Randall 5th emailed a photo: "Hey Marc: I put your sticker on my car... I should put one on the boat, but only fish and mermaids would see it..."
Conor Coll emailed: "Hey Marc, Just replying to let you know I received the music you sent and I am currently listening to them, still trying to decide between my favourite!
As an Irish man I have been hearing Celtic music all my life and it takes me back to a lovely atmosphere when I listen to these tracks. Recently, I have been following a band which I had done a little camera work with in the past, The Ronan Gallagher Band. They are very talented and are from the region I come from, so I am a big fan of their music. They are what inspired me to look for more traditional music which lead me to this newsletter."
Submit music to the podcast at 4celts.com.
25:00 - "Eoin O'neill Has Gone To Clare" by Kennedy's Kitchen from The Whiskey of Truth
30:25 - "Lady Louisa Gordon's Strathspey / The Highlands of Banffshire / The Merrymaking" by Alasdair Fraser & Tony McManus from Return to Kintail
34:50 - Marshall Blosser emailed: "Greetings Celtfather, I've been listening to your podcast for well over a decade.  We've circled around nearby cities, but never met. You moved to New Orleans just as I moved from there to the Mississippi gulf coast. And now you are in my old stomping grounds of Atlanta.
My family is moving from the Mississippi gulf coast to the eastern most  city in North America (St John's NL) so my wife can get her PhD in analytical chemistry. (I know you understand about moving to support your wife)
We will be driving there mid December (all 54 hours of it).  Apart from episode 421 the long drive - that's an understatement - we would like to have a few  CDs to pass the time on the road. I know there is a large Celtic music scene up there. Do you know of any St John's or Newfoundland Celtic artists that we could buy to support and listen to on the way there?
Thanks muchly,
P.S. I am an aspiring writer and your podcasts have inspired several stories (now if I could just get published) Txs again. Keep the Celtic light burning, in all its colors"
Marshall Blosser emailed: "Marc, I have enjoyed your podcast for over 12 years. The variety of music you bring to this show never fails to inspire and amaze me. The fact that you follow the roots of the music and the tendrils of its influence show just how connected the world is and how music is one of those things that can unite everyone. You understand and respect that musically there is no one Celtic musical voice. But rather that it is a rich and varied chorus of voices that make up that sound. I applaud the fact that you are seeking musicians and tunes for a Celtic LGBTQIA+ Pride special next year. The fact that you stand for the diversity that makes this music so touching and valuable is wonderful and so needed everywhere. Peace and may you never lose your laughter, your joy or your autoharp Marshall Blosser"
38:08 - "Keys to the Castle" by Kellswater Bridge from The Proof Is in the Pudding
42:32 - "Hail to the Autumn" by Captain John Stout from Love Abides
46:35 - James Cope emailed: "Hi Marc,Your ebook is a wonderful gift, thank you. I see the changes in the music business, some beneficial, some not so much. Your ideas and knowledge help me as a long time, and older generation musician “unpaid Professional” (mostly) to find where I can land and have the best impact on the art form.
Being upbeat in these changing times is a choice and you are an inspiration. As a friend of mine once said, “Damn! Jim you have made something from nothing!” So…. Damn Marc!! you have made something from nothing. Thanks again."
Melinda emailed: "Marc, I have subscribed to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast - I am still listening to shows from years ago, which was where you played the Joss song, and the "Don't Drink with Hobbits" song, which I LOVE!  Shared it with my son who just cracked up with me.
We are in El Paso - as far West as you can get!  Have not been to any of the festivals in Texas, but go to Phoenix each year to enjoy the Ren Fest there.  Have been to the Ren Fest in Bonner Springs, KS, in MD (think they shut that one down, but it was huge and wonderful!), and AZ.  Actually, I am still listening to your podcasts when you still lived in Austin, so didn't know that's not where you lived now :) Would love to see you live.  Will have to make sure to listen to the more up to date podcasts to get your latest events - or check your website. Keep up the great work! Slan Agat!
49:33 - "There's Worse Then That Around - Polka Niall - John Walsh" by The Jig Is Up! from First Steps
55:33 - "The Prettiest Hobbit" by Brobdingnagian Bards from I Will Not Sing Along
55:54 - Todd Thorne emailed photos: "Hello Mark, From the attached few pictures, I’ll bet you can instantly figure out where I took the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast this past month. For ages my wife and I aspired to visit Australia and New Zealand. Being two unabashed geeks, we could not make a trip Down Under without dropping in for a tour of Hobbiton. What an amazing day it was conjuring up the feeling that, at any moment, Sam, Frodo or Bilbo might emerge to challenge all of us interlopers in The Shire. While that particular encounter didn’t happen, I did get to talk up the podcast to fellow tourists plus our guide in response to their questions regarding my catchy and quite fetching t-shirt. Hopefully, you’ll pick up a few new worldly fans as a result.
I’ve been a devoted listener to the podcast for many years and credit multiple episodes for enriching and expanding my collection of Celtic music. At last count, some 15 artists have joined my growing mix, which all came about only because you featured them in an episode after they submitted their hopes, ambitions and livelihood for consideration. Thanks to you and all the incredible indie Celtic artists for providing us a way to connect and support what we love.
In closing, here’s an idea to ponder. What about a future Celtic Invasion Vacation to New Zealand? After all, Dunedin in the South Island has a mighty strong Scottish heritage and the Celtic spirit is alive and well I hear. Not to mention Hobbiton beckoning away on the North Island. A bit ambitious perhaps but it would be up there in the Trip of a Lifetime category, which I can definitely vouch for.
My best to you, your family and all the fans in the 2019 new year. Sláinte!
More about A Long Expected Party, next one is in 2020
58:38 - "Cut It Down" by Dylan Walshe from All Manner of Ways
1:02:56 - "Metamorphosis" by Sylvia Woods from The Harp of Brandiswhiere
1:05:37 - Margaret Zavala emailed: "Mark I just want to say thank you for the podcast that you put on. When I travel the world I can still listen to my celtic music. A few shows back, you featured Bangers and mash. well they’re playing near my hometown. in fact playing for two weeks just a five minute drive from my house. thank you for keeping me a contact such wonderful bands"
Rachel Bryant emailed: "Marc, Just dropping you a line to say how much I'm enjoying all your podcasts!! This time of year, I especially appreciate holiday music that is different (and better) than what I'm forced to hear in public.
Today, I am cleaning the house ahead of company, and enjoying the music and a very thematic beer, pic attached. I wish I could mail you some... maybe it's available in your area? I highly recommend this beer.
I try to wear my podcast shirt so I can spread the word! I made a new group of friends that way just a week ago, and we swapped stories of our favorite music venues and Irish/Celtic festivals.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!"
Subscribe to Celtic Christmas Podcast. It starts back up in November!
1:07:14 - "Erin's Revenge" by The Jackdaws from Colors
1:10:59 - "My Mother" by Claire Roche from From Then Until the Here and Now
1:14:58 - Darius emailed photos: "Hello Marc, I came across your wonderful podcast recently & subscribed!
Regarding voting, although all your featured musicians are wonderful, when asked to vote for a specific episode's featured musician, perhaps asking to vote for that particular/featured song would be more appropriate? By that I mean, I have gone back & searched the bands featured but found 2 or 3 songs as my personal favourites. Absolutely no offence to the great bands but I wouldn't go as far as voting them as my favourite bands, rather songs :)
Also, what do you think about either as the final episode of the year or the first episode of the year, featuring the top rated songs of the year, voted by the listeners?
Anyway thank you again and I promise to become a paid subscriber once I have some income.
Currently in the process of starting a sustainable, holistic, self sufficient & off-grid Ecovillage in Canada. More on that if you are interested. Namaste"
Vote in the Celtic Top 20.
Begum Unveroglu emailed a photo: "Hello there! I am listening to Scarborough fair episode on a train trip from Ankara to Istanbul. I am loving your show! By chance, I had opportunity to hear my favorite American Irish Music group the Gothard Sisters!!! Much love"
1:17:26 - "4 Concertina Reel Set" by Black Market Haggis from Better Than It Sounds
1:20:14 - "Rob Roy MacGregor" by Crepuscule from Hap and Rowe
1:23:15 - Dan Kulhanek emailed: "Marc,I was able to receive the downloads. Thank you so much!  I use them on my running playlist. I have your podcast to thank for where I am today.
My wife’s family is Scottish and Irish. I am of German heritage. After attending several St. Patrick’s Day celebrations with them, I really started to listen to the music. I stumbled upon your podcast shortly thereafter.
I was a casual listener for a number of years. After the economic collapse of 2008, I found myself without a job. I went back to school to become a nurse and found that I needed to learn how to speed read in order to keep up with the assignments. I used the jigs and reels in your podcast to help keep me on tempo and keep my speed up.
Fast forward several years later....
My daughter wanted to take dance lessons. My mother in law told her that if we enrolled her in Irish or Highland Dance she would pay for lessons. My daughter settled on Highland Dance and we found a group that offered lessons. It was a pipe and drum band with a dance troop. They also offered bagpipe lessons for free. After listening to your podcast for several years, my love for the music had grown so much that I jumped on the opportunity to learn the bagpipes.
I now have become an active member of the band, performing for gigs and the competition team, but I also have branched out on my own as a solo piper.
I look forward to your podcast every week. Please keep up the great work and we’ll keep listening!”
1:25:14 - "Love Is Ever the Strongest Spell" by The Round Table from Tales from the Turning Leaf
1:29:44 - "Jiggy Biddy's Slur Horn" by Tartanic from Uncharted
1:32:46 - Gerry Corr emailed a video: "Marc, Had a great evening listening to your Podcasts…….sitting on the deck on a cool, late summer evening enjoying sweet Uisce Beatha"
Mike Coombs emailed a photo: "Dear Marc, I really love your podcasts! Thank you so much for introducing me to loads of superb bands and singers that otherwise I wouldn’t have heard. I listen mostly in my car. I’m a peripatetic guitar/bass/banjo teacher in the UK. I also play in a barn dance band and compose mostly acoustic guitar based instrumental music.
I hope to be recording my first solo album with a couple of Celtic style tracks in the next few months."
1:34:05 - "Pride of Newfoundland" by The Celtic Kitchen Party from Sociable
1:37:42 - "Welsh Medley" by Moch Pryderi from Jig Moch
1:41:39 - André Paz emailed: "Hey Marc Gunn! I'm a brasilian biologist, musician and flute player. I love your Podcasts, and I always listen to you, mainly while working/studying.
I've started with the Celtic music because of a brasilian band called Tuatha de Danann. I'd like to indicate them for you. I just listened to the "Summer Road Trip #361", and I heard a Brasilian band, Braia! They have almost the same musicians of the band I mentioned. Here follows some other names I remembered, mainly with flute or Whistles on their songs:
Kernunna (BR),
Tuatha de Danann (BR) ,
Braia (BR) ,
Luar na Lubre,
Thanks for your very nice mood, always, and for  your inspiration! Enjoy the summer there! Hugs from Brasil"
1:43:04 - "I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave" by Teton Skye from Teton Skye
1:45:55 - "Harvest Season - Second Cutting" by Alexander James Adams from Harvest Season - Second Cutting
1:48:47 - Erika Burkhardt tweeted: "Thanks for episode #371 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Putting it to good use this morning planning lessons at the park."
Sasha, the Travelin' Quaker emailed a photo: "Hi Marc, I saved up several episodes of the show for us to listen to as we hiked part of the Barrow Way on our trip to Ireland (we are still here). It has been great catching live music and recognizing many of the songs I have heard on the show. Thanks again for an amazing show!"
1:49:30 - "Emmet's Hedgehog" by Molly's Revenge With Moira Smiley from The Western Shore
1:54:10 - "Ae Fond Kiss" by Celtic Woman from Ancient Land Deluxe
1:58:03 - Bonfilio Acencio emailed: "Hi Marc. I have been loving the podcast for like 3 years. I work outside landscaping so the music fits the surroundings, although Tennessee hills are not as great as Ireland it will do. But right now I have the great luck to go back and pick some of my favorite episodes, my girlfriend and I are going to the beach and I get to DJ the road trip (well really you do) Give my love to the family and ill let you know how the trip go's. Keep up the amazing work."
Annie Moisan emailed: "Allo Marc, I am from Québec, Canada. I am french so sorry for my english!!! Just for tell you that I love your podcast. I listen it during I'm working (I'm a IT programmer at home). We love Irish music. My husband and I have a duo and we play Irish music not professionnaly but we did a "home CD" two years ago and went to Ireland 4 times now. We like to sing Irish songs in French, English and Irish. We do little show with the projection of our photos of Ireland during we are playing for transmit our love of this country. I specially like harmony voices like The Selkie Girls, Lumiere, Sora, High Kings, Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer. But also Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Caladh Nua, Barrule. Thanks a lot to promote Irish music. We discovered on your podcast many signers and groups that we love. Still continue! With great regards! Annie"
2:00:10 - "Town of Strabane" by O'hanleigh from Of Irish Crossings Told
2:04:19 - "Tom McElvogue's / The Monaghan Twig / Woman of the House" by Ciana from Loneliest Road
2:07:40 - Daniel L emailed photos: "Hey mark! I love the podcast, thanks for being such a dedicated collector and distributer of Celtic music. I listen through Mixcloud, and love to dig into old episodes daily.
My father was a piper and flute player. your podcast is a great way to keep the traditional music I was raised on, in my life.
Here's a pic of me at work (I'm on the left side of the left rig) we rig suspended scaffolding and then paint beautiful signs and advertisements. This one is for Gucci in downtown manhattan. If you zoom I've got my headphones in, listening to your podcast of course!
An (almost) finished picture. And one more of our truck once we packed it all up. Keep doing your thing! Much love from nyc"
2:08:37 - "Sweet Bride" by Vintage Wildflowers from Lovely Madness
2:12:27 - "Gypsy Lady" by Katherine Nagy from Single
2:15:35 - "An Buachillin Ban" by Bellow Bridge from Cautionary Tales
2:19:28 - Jay Martin emailed from San Francisco: "Marc, All right, I Spotified. The first song I heard was "Last Gift" by Marys Lane. That song answers a question from Michael Truman Kavanaugh in show 376. How did that happen? Thanks for the music."
Listen to the Irish & Celtic Music Playlist on Spotify
2:21:46 - "When First I Came to Caledonia" by Jil Chambless from The Ladies Go Dancing
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
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TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through it's culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com!
VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20 With the new year comes a new votes in the Celtic Top 20. This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. Just list the show number, and the name of as many bands in the episode as you like. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2019 episode.  Vote Now!
THANK YOU PATRONS OF THE PODCAST! Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out every week and has done so since 2014. You can pledge a dollar or more per episode and cap how much you want to spend each month over on Patreon.
Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow. Plus, you get to hear episodes before regular listeners. When we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. We are super close to getting a two-hour instrumental special.
I want to thank our Patrons of the Podcast:
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast at http://patreon.com/celticpodcast.
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to [email protected]
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Check out this episode!
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lavieenjones · 8 years
March 15th, 2017
"Work is the curse of the drinking classes"- Oscar Wilde, so says the bathroom wall of the waterside bar, the Anchor, of sweet and perfect Cambridge, UK.
More than a few weeks ago now I had an important meeting in London; to summarize how it went, I'll just say I arrived less than an hour before it started (as per the preference of my boss), ruined my shoes with rain, got blisters while hauling ass to the office and only half the leave behind usbs were loaded by the time I sat down across from my clients. Cut to two hours later and I was eating a Cadbury egg in my hotel king with the blinds drawn waiting on the potpie I'd ordered to scarf down before I turned in for blissful oblivion. Two more hours after that, I woke up, had a couple conference calls from my pillow throne and then took UK public transit for the first time to visit Jack in Camden. First of all, I felt like I was entering Narnia walking down the stairs of the tube... or about to walk out onto platform 9 3/4 (more on this later), or have my life split into two scenarios changed by a split second.. it was exactly like the movies and I was enchanted, and annoyed with myself for having been intimidated before and just ubering my heart out each time I come here. Camden is a much older and much edgier Wicker Park. So I fell hard and fast for the walls graffiti-ed to the teeth, body heat pouring out of open pub doors, stories of music icons around every corner and the overall juxtaposition between quaint and grimy. Jack and I got fish and chips at cute place called Poppies and then stepped back in time when we entered the Elephants Head wherein mod hipsters (if that's a thing) were dancing to oldies like they were in the 60s. It was the type of conundrum where I wanted to stare at them in their, to me, costumes and Factory dance moves, but not so much that I seemed uncool.
Anyway.. that Friday night was for cheeseburgers, old CO friends, and St. Paul and the Broken Bones. Also known as the inaugural International Concert Club show! At the risk of sounding like he-who-must-not-be-named, my memories from the performance are monosyllabic hyperbole: Great time. Best night ever. He was amazing. Everyone was dancing. The best, ask anyone. But really, this was my first time seeing the band and they have such a strange and funny stage presence. St. Paul himself kept demanding adoration and I was, each time, annoyed and then immediately compliant. He ducking earned it.
Next day, Cambridge. We awoke early, some might say too early, took three showers and were out the door by 9:00. Feeling accomplished and bizarrely prepared for the day I think is what ultimately did us in. Lauren had everything planned perfectly. And then Father Time (is he a thing?) thought he'd teach is a lesson. We needed to fill Lauren's Oyster card only to find out it's cash only and it had a negative £5.50 balance. Ok so we got that sorted, then Lauren can't find her phone. And as 1) it's her phone and 2) maybe more immediately important, had our train and boat tickets on it, we freaked out. For about 2 minutes then realized we can use anyone's phone to access said tickets. Crisis averted. Next is the bus to kings cross- the one for which we needed to fill the metro card and to which we had to run to make and then missed anyway. In the end the card reader was down rendering our earlier errand useless. We arrived at Kings Cross with 15 minutes to spare before our train. But a couple of things had to happen first: Skye wanted to see platform 9 3/4 (her obsession with HP slowly revealed itself over the next 24 hours of our acquaintance), and we all wanted coffee. So obviously coffee will out and we queued up at Starbucks. I must be too used to slurring my words hoping people will understand what I want but not hear me clearly enough to criticize my French because even though I was speaking in English when I asked for a croissant the cashier person pushed porridge on me and I didn't fight her too hard. I was just in my pre-coffee haze and kind of mumbled "porridge? S'like oatmeal? Ok..". Anyway, between two porridges, one maybe gluten-free yogurt, three espresso laden concoctions, and 3+ minutes of discussion on how many spoons we required we were going to miss our train. So we decided to claim innocence/ignorance and just board the next one. Plus this would give us time to geek out on Harry Potter stuff. But imagine three women showing mild interest in a location recreation from a favorite reading pastime (or current for me since I just finished the series) and then imagine 50+ tourists queuing up with house scarves and wands to take their picture pretending to slam into the wall. (Lauren, please please please toss that picture into the comments section. It is the absolute perfect illustration of the.. situation.) Very happy with ourselves again, we start to walk to the train early to get some seats together, but we pass LEON which has for-sure gluten-free stuff. So Skye gets her porridge on and Lauren and I wait. All the time in the world. We might as well have been whistling. In short, Skye left her cc at LEON, and there was a confusing PA announcement about which car we needed to be that by the time we got in our seats, the porridges were cold and I was sweating. At this point we'd established a theme for the day of being overly confident of our timing abilities, having to run to make every mode of transportation and still nearly missing them, and harassing Skye about her love of Hogwarts.
Cambridge was just idyllic (day drinking) bliss. We walked by historic schools/churches/buildings and went into historic bars. There was one in particular that someone told us WWII pilots painted the ceiling-- because this made no sense we investigated and turns out they painted their names on the ceiling. This made more sense but then again, not really. Would have been an odd job for a war veteran to take up, painting bar ceilings. After this we picked up the makings for BYO mimosas and ran to catch our boat. A lot like gondolas in Venice, in that you're about a foot above the water, but not like them at all when you're facing a mom who dresses like her teen daughter, said teen daughter, and mom's obviously new husband instead of the view of the river. Turns out we were the only ones to take the BYO instructions seriously. Needlesstosay, the punter (look it up) gave everyone but us a comment card. I was so in love with Cambridge by then and so mimosa'd out that as Vivian Ward would say that was a "big mistake.. huge".
Another big mistake, showing Lauren and Skye the hand signals a foreign exchange student from China showed me once on the bus ride home. Offended countless passengers. Still, despite the rough start to the weekend with the better-to-be-forgotten client meeting, and ending with potentially racist sign language, it was the best visit to London to date. Hands down.
Part deux of the International Concert Club happened two weekends ago. Lauren came down and we saw Band of Horses. It was so great to see them; like seeing old friends. Despite not knowing any of their new songs because the last time I really listened to them was 2011 (?), it was still so wonderfully reassuring and familiar. I had a moment of pure happiness during The Great Salt Lakes. Sometimes these moments of realization and appreciation smack into me: I am living in another country, seeing a band I love(d), with a dear friend. Nothing better. You'd think I was their biggest fan considering the smile I had on my face and that I've now seen them play in three different cities. .. well, maybe I am.
The same weekend, thanks to Lauren's culinary prowess and Chrissy Tiegan's amazing recipes, I/we hosted a dinner party. Was really fun to be able to reciprocate to sweet Lize who's always cooking for others and to have some semblance of a social life for 48 hours.
Since then, spring has sprung in Paris. On the first warm-ish night, I did an impromptu walking tour of the St. Germain des Pres area, and the Latin Quarter. Here, cafes were overflowing with people enjoying the weather, spilling over into the streets where other people were strolling or swaying along to the live music around every corner; this was the ol' Paree I have been waiting for. Just like the Elephant's Head in Camden, I was thrown back in time and it was... euphoric. It was also a magical experience to visit the Pantheon (though not as cool as Rome's IMO), the Sorbonne, the fountain of Saint-Michel, some other old buildings, something relating to Montaigne, and always, the Seine by night. I cannot wait for summer.
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mialipsky-blog · 8 years
John Carter Cash Weds Ana Cristina Cash, Johnny + June Remembered
Ana and John, you’ve officially raised the wedding bar for me. Not only because your love radiates like no other—but because every single inch of your sunny fall fete is woven with powerful meaning, and that’s what we live for here at Style Me Pretty. From the Lily of the Valley bouquet to the sweet infusion of musical talent and of course, the moments of beautiful remembrance. Perry Vaile captured it all with such heart, as she always does—soak in all the beauty here in The Vault.
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  From the Bride… John Carter and I happened to be in Los Angeles in July 2015, and I have friend who works at the Magic Castle, a private magicians club, who invited us to spend the evening there. What I didn’t know earlier, is that John had called my father over the phone and asked for his blessing first. When we arrived at the Magic Castle, John had to think quickly on his feet and coordinate the proposal with management without looking suspicious. They suggested that a magician by the name of “Jimmy H” do the honors of helping with the proposal. Jimmy H offered to do a few tricks for us in the upstairs area of the castle. He started by holding a deck of cards face down and asking each of us to each pick one randomly and had us sign our names on them with a sharpie. I got the Ace of Diamonds and John got the queen of spades.Then he had us merge our cards together with each others hands and magically turned the two separate cards into one card. Then, for a second trick, Jimmy H started waving his hands back and forth and in what was seemingly out of thin air, made a diamond ring appear! He handed it to John who got down on his knees and asked: “Will you Marry me?” …I was crying with happiness and excitement and of course said “Yes.”
For the ceremony at The French Huguenot Church, my niece Sabrina sang “Ave Maria” while my niece Gabriella played the violin and my other niece Abigail played the cello. John and I love to watch the show “Outlander” so we chose for my nieces to play “The Skye Boat Song” that is featured on the show on strings at the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, John had surprised me by having Scottish bag pipe players play a special arranged version of “The Skye Boat Song” outside of the church. Prior to my wedding, I had a dream of bagpipes playing outside the church, but I have never told anyone, not even John. It was so beautiful.
We had three of 1950’s vintage school buses in the colors of coral, mint and cream that transported all of our guests from the French Huguenot Church in downtown Charleston to Middleton Place, where the reception was held. I arrived the the church with my father in a vintage white car from the late 1930s, John and I took that same car to go to the reception together. For our getaway car, we let in a mint 1950s Chevy Bel Air. All of the vehicles were provided by Low Country Valet in Charleston. Having these vehicles as a part of your special day made us feel like we were in a different era.
For the ceremony, I chose to carry a delicate lily of the valley bouquet. That was one of the things I really wanted. I chose it because they symbolize purity, humility, and the “return of happiness.” We had a good 30 minutes of the reception where we had the MC play some of my favorite Latin music, lots of it Cuban music which was a nod to my heritage. The majority of the entertainment at the reception was provided by The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra of Savannah , who also sang a beautiful rendition of John’s father’s song “Ring of Fire” which was written by his mother, June Carter Cash. Earlier during the cocktail hour of the octagonal garden at Middleton Place, a string quartet provided by Charleston Virtuosi entertained the guests under the Spanish moss filled oaks. Our signature drink was the “Ring Of Fire Mojito” which was a nod to both of our families. It was a mojito with mango nectar and had a rim of cherry pop rocks.
Since John has a special affinity and passion for collecting honey, our wedding favors were whipped honey by Savannah Bee Company. His grooms cake was also a honey bear that was playing the guitar next to a tree trunk with our initials and wedding date carved at the top of it. It was chocolate and had honey buttercream filling in it.
Since it was a fall wedding, I chose a deep dark cabernet for my bridesmaids dresses. We wanted our wedding to have an elegant and timeless feel. Our event planner, Ashley Rhodes of Ashley Rhodes Event Designs did an amazing job of executing mine an John’s vision for wedding. The bridesmaids flowers as well as the flowers on the reception tables had white, pink, and hints of cabernet to go along with the theme. There were lots of gold elements interspersed throughout our reception. From the large gold and crystal chandeliers hanging from our sailcloth reception tent, to the gold napoleon chairs and vases holding the centerpieces. We had three different kinds of textured and metallic linens in blush tones and ivory. Our wedding cake, designed by Minette Rushing of Savannah Custom cakes was four tiers with sugar flowers and had our gold custom made wedding monogram on it which was designed by Emily McCarthy. Our custom monogram was also on our wedding invitations, ceremony programs and napkins. Our wedding cake had alternating layers of red velvet and white chocolate raspberry for each tier. It also had a design that mimicked the church windows that were also featured on the wedding invitation at the bottom of it in white.
I wore my sisters wedding tiara as my something borrowed, the inside of my shoes were blue, as well as the garter I was wearing which was ivory satin with a blue ribbon (for my something blue) ,for my something old, I clipped a turquoise costume ring that was John’s mothers to the inside of my dress for good luck, and my diamond cross necklace was my something new. We had a “family table” that displayed various custom framed photos of mine and John’s parents at their respective weddings , including photos of our grandparents .
We had several favorite moments during our wedding. A few of the biggest ones were when we said our vows and when they pronounced us as man and wife. Another big one was when John and I were finally able to perform our choreographed first dance during our reception. We had been taking ballroom dancing for several months and we did a medley of Ella Fitzgerald and Lou Armstrong’s “The Nearness Of You” and the song “Hell” from The Squirrel Nut Zippers which holds a fun and special meaning to us. The dance incorporated Rumba, Swing and Tango moves. We also really enjoyed our sparkler send off at the end of our reception and getting into the mint colored 1950’s Chevy Bel Air get away car provided by Low Country Valet which had a beautiful “Just Married” sign on it created by Jessica Peddicord of Simply Jessica Marie.
Some advice for other brides and grooms… It is so important to actually take the time to enjoy and soak everything in on your actual wedding day, because it goes by so incredibly fast. I would also advise wearing comfortable shoes for both ceremony and reception. Usually, the ceremony requires the couple to stand for a certain amount of time so it is important to be comfortable. John and I also each chose to purchase a perfume and cologne that we had never worn before until our wedding day. I wore ‘Empressa’ from Penhaligons and he wore ‘Quercus’ also from Penhaligons. We plan to wear theses scents again on anniversaries so that we can remember our wedding day.
“… You’d know I need you every day that rolls around / Your feet would walk on velvet with gold all over the ground. / Your trails would be downhill, a soft breeze at your back / your skies full of diamonds / your nights would not be black. / Yes you would really love it, then if you’re ever down / I’d give you rows of roses – And gold all over the ground. / I pick you up and carry you ‘cross every stream I see. I’d bundle you in kindness until you cling to me. We’d sit beneath strong branches, my arms would twine around …” – Johnny Cash
Photography: Perry Vaile | Videography: Hart to Heart Media | Floral Design: Em Creative Floral | Cake: Minette Rushing | Ceremony Venue: French Huguenot Church | Reception Venue: Middleton Place Plantation | Catering: Cru Catering | Hair & Makeup: Bride's Side Beauty | Lighting: Technical Event Company | Band: Jeremy Davis & The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra | Tent: Sperry Tents Southeast | Additional Music: Charleston Virtuosi | Car: Lowcountry Valet | Ceremony Entertainment: George Hiatt | Draping & Linen: Party Tables | Just Married Banner: Simply Jessica Marie | Planning & Design: Ashley Rhodes Events | Rehearsal Dinner: Poogan's Porch | Stationery/Paper Products: Emily McCarthy | Tables, Chair, Lounge: EventWorks
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John Carter Cash Weds Ana Cristina Cash, Johnny + June Remembered published first on their blog to my feed
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