#that episode is house of secrets
dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years
Oh my Goddddd the huntsman 🥺😍😔😫😭
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 days
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The penisest of tunes.
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illustromic · 2 years
I made this short Double Life comic a while ago about the aftermath of the pool party, thought I'd post it here. (bit of blood on the last page, idk how to tag things like that on tumblr yet ^^; )
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cryptidorchid · 15 days
I'm rewatching Scott's Third Life Episode 4 and it's kind of funny how he keeps switching between "as long as I get my enchanting, the cows aren't that important" and "other people can take my cows over my dead body"
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marc--chilton · 2 months
is there a list of all the songs that play in the bg of those hilson scenes, i'm making a playlist
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
"I'm not with Gravik cause I'm with you" vs whatever the heck Priscilla's doing
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sophieeee0105 · 6 months
etho being Cleo’s devil, and Skizz being her angel just makes so much sense. Like Skizz is just an angel, and Etho being the devil after being part of brining being from the depths of hell to the surface last session is so fitting. Tho they did go 2-2 and I’ve not finished skizz’s episode yet so I have no clue how it ended for them (edit: Ohhh Gem’s task nullified it but the failed anyway soooo)
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slimetrampoline · 8 months
trafficblr: who was everyone’s fave povs for the first episode? my favorite by far was bigb’s, but i also really enjoyed impulse’s and bdubs’s
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
All my bitches love the two random characters with no screen time so all we know about them was the fact that they were in love and wrote messages in code to each other and loved birds and then one of them got murdered and the other one had to go on without him and they left clues that eventually helped Luz find her way home. No I’m not crying, I’m not.
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whump episode of all time look at this poor baby
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eclecticadventures · 19 days
Fellas, is it gay that when two of your employees admit they're sleeping together, your third employee's immediate reaction is "it's more likely for our boss to sleep with his best friend than for you two to be sleeping together?"
(House, MD; season 3, episode 16, "Top Secret;" around 16 minutes in)
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articskele · 2 days
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Made a gif of Mega Ray's Dragon Ascent bc kid me thought it was the coolest thing EVER :D
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runestele · 2 years
One of my favorite horror tropes, possibly of all time, is “it’s the whole town.” Like, ok, you never consider that your arrival (no gps signal, a popped tire, etc.) was planned. But some smiles are a little too friendly. Holes in the story go conveniently overlooked. Don’t look too closely at the walls. You have more questions than answers and, when you finally turn around, your new friend has fashioned a noose. You call for help, but the medic arrives with a gun. That sinking, icy realization. The butcher, the baker, the mail carrier. The safe-house was built with locks on the outside. The firefighter, the schoolteacher, the neighbor. When “our community” means you are outnumbered. Hunting you takes a village.
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thefuturewithoutus · 1 year
i'm not even lying or exaggerating when i'm saying that house and wilson are the most unmarried married men i've ever seen. sorry. sorry for this but house telling wilson he hasn't peed in three days in 3x16 is like. a spouse conversation . i wasn't meant to hear that that's for house's husband/doctor
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daylighteclipsed · 1 month
when the cartoon got a pair of siblings that live with their eccentric elder guardian and get into wacky supernatural adventures in their weird town
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I'm still working on the recap for "Rude, Red, and Royal" so I obviously won't be writing up today's episode yet (which oddly doesn't have a title on Crunchyroll), but uh... it sure was a thing!
I've got a lot to say about the lampshading of major writing issues, straight up ignoring the Salem question for the fourth Volume in a row, the girls' messy visions, and the cat interrupting Ruby's internal conflict right as we were getting somewhere. However, what really stood out to me was the framing of Ruby's hardships like some inevitability, as if she's a Chosen One forced by fate to suffer through the Salem crisis, and not a teenager who literally wrested that responsibility from others.
Hey, vision!Ruby? You're thinking of Ozpin. Like, for real. The character whose unwanted responsibility it is to make things better, the one who the whole world depends on, forced into an unambiguously unfair fight against an immortal monster forever and ever and ever? That's Ozpin. The story gave that role to Ozpin, not our protagonist, which remains a BIG problem for the heart of the story. Ruby is not the one cursed by the Gods and trapped in an endless cycle of pain, suffering an obvious personal loss due to the Big Bad (because lbr we only found out last season that Salem even knew who Summer was and we still don't know whether she actually killed her). Ruby chose this, she demanded it, and she's been at it for... a couple of months? At most? Yeah, can we give this vision to the guy who's been at it for literal lifetimes after watching all four of his daughters burn to death instead? Give Ruby something that actually reflects her struggles and mistakes.
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