#that i kinda fucked in like august
cozylittleartblog · 23 days
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bug doodles so i can say i drew something
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Deamus microfic feat. Florean Fortescue x August Ollivander ~ Obvious
Seamus didn’t dare to look up. He couldn’t. And his mother’s voice only grew louder and louder.
“- I will not tolerate such sick behaviour, and here of our places, in Diagon Alley! You should be ashamed of yourself, my good sir. There are kids here, and you exposing them all to such disgusting acts- it’s a violation! I can’t believe-“
And so it went, on and on, and for every time her voice grew louder, Seamus’s face grew redder and his posture more slouched as he tried desperately to make himself as small as possible. He clutched his ice-cream tighter in his hand.
Every word she said hurt as if they were spoken directly to him. And in a way, maybe they were. They were directed to people like him, and it hurt.
“We didn’t do anything wrong”, came the sharp response when his mother finally took a break in her lecturing to breathe. Seamus looked up at the older man in the ice-cream shop. He looked furious, his dark eyebrows knitted together under a swoop of black hair.
“Yeah”, another voice chimed in, and Seamus heard the other man’s scoff before he saw him reappear from behind Fortescue, the owner of the shop who apparently had a boyfriend. Said boyfriend was looking just as furious as Fortescue, a stark contrast to how he had looked only minutes before.
When the two men, unaware of the danger, had kissed so everyone in the shop could see. Right when Seamus and his family were about to leave the shop.
Kissed. Just like that. Apparently you could do that? Not in front of Seamus’s mother, though, which these two had learnt the hard way.
“I don’t see what the problem is. Why would you have issues with me kissing my boyfriend?” Fortescue’s boyfriend, a very tall man with striking, multicoloured eyes and elegantly styled blond hair, was staring at Seamus’s mother with a new intensity.
“You and your partner can kiss as much as you wish. End up in Hell where you belong, I don’t care!” His mother’s face grew redder for every word she spat. “But don’t you dare do it in front of my son and ruin him!”
“Oh. I see.” The blond man raised a sharp eyebrow and shook his head, slowly, looking as if he was genuinely sorry for the woman in front of him. “You’re one of those… religious people?”
“Yes.” She straightened her back, looking proud of herself as she put a firm hand on Seamus’s shoulder. He couldn’t stop himself from shuddering slightly. Fortescue’s gaze sharpened, and Seamus froze. Had the man noticed his uneasiness?
“Hm. Best we leave you and your son alone then.” Fortescue turned around to give his boyfriend another small peck on the lips. “Don’t you think so too, Gus?”
Seamus felt his mother’s grip tighten on his shoulder.
“How dare you?”, she spluttered furiously, and Seamus flinched as she turned around and tried to block his view of the two men. “That is nothing but disrespectful!”
“Oi!” The blond man stopped smiling instantly. “Watch it with your son! Can’t you see he’s uncomfortable by you making a scene?”
“Don’t you tell me how to behave around my own son!” She pointed a finger at his chest. “He’s uncomfortable seeing you two being inappropriate in public! Isn’t that right, sweetie?”
Seamus tried to hide how terrified he was. He took a deep breath.
“I don’t mind, mum.”
There was silence. Fortescue smiled at him.
“He’s- he’s being ridiculous”, was all his mother could manage at first. When she inhaled loudly to keep yelling, Seamus spoke up again.
“I said, I don’t mind, mother.”
“Sea, darling, I know you’re shaken-“
“Stop it!” His words made his mother shut up, only for a moment, but that was all he needed. “I’m tired of you speaking about gay people like that! Leave them alone, mom. They did nothing to you. I did nothing to you!”
“Excuse me.” Another voice cut through the silence after Seamus was done shouting. “I didn’t expect meeting you here. And certainly not like this.”
“Oh my- Diana!” Seamus saw his mother turn around and lift her hands to her chest. “What a pleasant surprise!”
“Wish I could say the same.” His mother’s old friend, Diana Thomas, was standing behind them. She looked absolutely furious, but Seamus paid no attention to her as soon as he saw who was standing next to her.
“Dean.” His voice was a bit hoarse after yelling so much.
“Sea…” Oh, his voice was still soft as ever. Before he knew what he was doing, Seamus was standing next to his friend, holding his head low again. Dean put an arm wound his shoulders, and as their mothers continued a heated discussion, Dean whispered in his ear:
“Are you okay?”
No, no he wasn’t. But maybe he would be.
“I’m sorry, Dean.” Seamus swallowed. “When she’s talking like that about… about gay people, I know she’s talking about you too. Even though you like girls as well as boys. It’s kind of the same thing.”
“It’s worse for you”, Dean whispered, his breath on Seamus’s neck. “She’s talking about you too, isn’t she? Bet she doesn’t know though.”
Seamus’s head snapped up. He didn’t know what to say, so all he did was put his arms around Dean and bury his face in his friend’s shoulder.
“How- how did you…” The words came out before he could even think about what to say. “How did you know? I didn’t tell you. I was scared, Dean, I was scared, I couldn’t tell you and I’m sorry because out of all people I know you’d be understanding-“
“Shut up, arsehole.” Dean chuckled lightly, still with his mouth next to Seamus’s ear. “I’ve known for a while. It was quite obvious. Why didn’t you tell me your mom was homophobic?”
“My dad too.” Seamus swallowed again.
“Should probably have guessed this, considering they’re both Christian. Oh Merlin.”
“I don’t want to go back home.”
“You won’t.”
And he didn’t. Because minutes later, Mrs Finnigan had left the ice-cream shop, still fuming after being told off by both the owner of the shop and her best friend for scaring her own child like that.
“Hey, kiddo.” The blond man who Fortescue had called Gus put a hand on Seamus’s shoulder a few minutes later. “I took your ice-cream from you when you were busy with your… friend over here. It was melting, so I got you a new one. Or, Florean did.” He handed over a new ice-cream to Seamus, and one for Dean too. “It’s on the house.”
“I’m sorry for what my mom said.”
“Don’t be, kiddo.” The man smiled at him. “She doesn’t understand love the way I, Florean and you do.”
Seamus gaped.
“And me”, Dean said, sounding slightly offended.
“Yeah, kiddo number two, I figured.” The man chuckled. “I counted you both into that “we”. People like us come in packages of two, if we’re lucky enough.”
Seamus frowned, slightly confused. Dean rolled his eyes at the look on his best friend’s face.
“Even luckier if we both live in the same house, which we’ll do from now on!” Dean laughed. “You hear that, Sea? We’ll live together all year now! We’ll have to get another bed to my room, or, or I can sleep on a mattress. Mum, can I sleep on a mattress?”
“Not so fast, young man.” Mrs Thomas looked at him with her arms crossed. “No boys in your room, especially not behind closed doors.”
While Dean and his mum discussed, Fortescue, or Florean as his boyfriend had called him, came to join Seamus and Gus. He winked at Seamus.
“He likes you back, kid”, he said, as if he knew exactly how confused Seamus was. Wait, was he that obvious?
Wait, what had the man even said to him?
“He… what?” Seamus felt his cheeks turn red.
Both men chuckled.
“You’re both welcome back to our shop for free ice-cream any time, isn’t that right, August?” Florean leaned closer and whispered: “Don’t kiss too much, though. Not in public. It’s gross.”
Seamus nodded silently, still flushed. He looked over at Dean, and Dean looked back at him with a wide smile. His dimples showed, like they only did when he was really happy, and his eyes sparkled in a way that made Seamus’s brain go fuzzy.
“Eat your ice-cream now, kiddo, and stop staring. It’s very obvious.”
Seamus didn’t know if he should thank the man or slap him, but to be honest, slapping a complete stranger who just offered you free ice-cream whenever you wished to have it didn’t seem like a very good idea.
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every-sanji · 1 month
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meowsticmarvels · 11 months
HEY MINECRAFT STORY MODERS.... posting this here so i can hype myself up to finish it. but. ive got a fic cooking in the works. centered around radar and his inner turmoil just after That Fucking Torture Scene in s2 e3. if youve read my previous analyses on him this might make more sense but its okay... i just mostly came here to see if anyone's interested. so far it's. pretty crazy. i plan on also posting an annotation/kind of author's notes on some hidden details and meanings and symbolism because it gets really crazy here.
here's a few snippets. not many because i want most of it to be a surprise but how are we feeling about this one.
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^ also yes. in said fic they/them will be used for jesse and radar's heavily implied autistic.
i've thought a LOT about my characterization of him here and it will be kind of insane in a good way. yeah. so just interact with this post if it sounds interesting. can be a comment or a like or whatever...... but i Will post the ao3 link once it's done so keep an eye out for that !!!!!!
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netherdevil · 2 months
unnormal vivilly dweller thoughts in my head
#“I'm right next to you” are we about to kiss. are you trying to kiss me right neow#i hate the chase sequence part (corny and unoriginal) but everything else is so perfect#hEeEeLP MEeEeEE#i fuckign love vivilly anyway but i think the vivilly dweller is what Really did it fr me#SERIOUSLY THOUGJ WHAT THE FUCK#i would make a palpers dweller but i dont think my computer can with how shit it is rn#like i definitely will at some point (unless someone beats me to it) but i just can't rn 😭#i csnt wait for august viv face reveal guys!!!! YAY!!!! idc what he looks like he will always be so splinkoid#plus whatever characteristics he has i can kinda just add on to my design to him behind his mask#i color his skin as dark grey just for his mc skin but seeing his snapchat n stuff makes me wanna show him off as rhe eyeblinding man he is#or not! who knows . i have a tendency to do whatever#okay speakijg of his face reveal#i have something i want to explain to the wall#a part of me is hoping he isnt generic conventionally attractive guy 38495839488#the rest of me is neutral because idrc#the reason why is most likely because i would feel a deeper connection to him if we shared similar facial features#it's a good reason i think? but still weird to have because i shouldnt really care what he looks like at all#idk what to expect really but i guess i should be open minded abt it#I JUST. a lot of how i perceive him is through his mc character#that played a big part in how i grew to like him so much#but he ISN'T emo hoodie minecraft shyguy!!!#however i can still enjoy the 'persona' he has online. chill sarcastic insane funny blocky shyguy who does a little (A LOT OF) trolling#anyway back to what i was saying#hope bro isn't majestic as fuck irl#IF IT'S ANYTHING LIKE DREAM I'M GOING TO CRY#DREAM IS MAJESTIC AS FUCK I CANT EVEN WITH THAT MAN#i will be supportive anyway ofc because 1) i dont care even though i just proved that i do 2) i can separate persona from irl person 3)...U#IM SO NORMAL#also we're not goijg toctalkcabou t the dream thing. if youre my irl yoy didnt aee this (PLEASE DONT UNFRIEND ME OELASE#DONT LEAVE JUST FORGER Iなはoops didnt mean to type thatSAID THAT OKAY
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introspectionera · 15 minutes
Have you said your “bitchy shit” for the day or are you still in danger of exploding? If you did say it, what was it about?
Hahahahahhaa I already said it. A teacher at the preschool put her two weeks notice in and it just sucks because its the class that all my kids from last year are in now and so it just makes me really sad for them that they are going to have to have a whole new teacher and adjust all over again :( especially since a parent literally called me this morning about how their kid is having a hard time adjusting to their new class :( and it's not public knowledge yet so these poor kids and parents won't even know until who knows when because our admin sometimes really sucks
but yeah these poor kids deserve consistency and it's happened before and the kids always have a really really hard time with teacher changes and it's gonna be hard seeing it all good down, they're still my babies lol
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randomstarmuffin · 2 months
AUgust Day 1: Canon Divergence
dunno how many of these i'll actually manage but yay to at least 1!
cross-posted to ao3 and i'm so sorry but i work in 5 hrs and haven't slept so i'm just going to leave the actually good tagging there, apologies
April 11, 9:48 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3
“Mr.… Swellow, right?”
“Uh. What am I, a Pokémon? Heh. Like, ‘Who’s that…’”
Well. Mia’s really off to a rocking start, here.
Mr. Grossberg’s correct, of course, in his little defendant’s lobby pep talk—she shouldn’t let the client see her like this, but she can’t help her frown or involuntarily biting her lip all the same. What the hell is a ‘pokey-mon’? Is that somehow relevant to the case? Did she miss something important in the court record, or–
“Er, you know what, never mind,” Doug Swellow says hurriedly, looking at her in concern—great, Mia, really great work, way to keep the client calm and assured. “I just meant, it’s actually Swallow, not Swellow. Like…huh, actually. Like the bird, I guess—just, the real one and not the ’mon, y’know?”
Mia…really doesn’t know. She’s also not sure if several of those words were even words.
“A-hem,” Grossberg coughs pointedly. “That aside, Mr. Swallow, rest assured, you’re in good hands.”
“Right,” Mia says, possibly a little too grateful for the save, “I promise, if you’re truly innocent, I will do everything I possibly can to save you!”
“Uhh,” Doug replies, leaning back as far as he can, “yeah, great. Would you mind, maybe, letting go of my jacket? Thanks.”
Right, right, right, it’s totally alright. Mr. Swellow—er, that is, Swallow—is the one on trial, and Mia’s got this. She knows what she has to do, and she can totally get through this and there’s no reason to be nervous at all. Once all’s said and done, she’ll be able to rest easy, she’ll be able to tell Diego he can rest easy, and Doug here will be able to rest easy, too…and preferably won’t be looking at her with such a clear questioning of the wisdom of his decision to agree to let her take over his defense from Mr. Grossberg anymore.
On the bright side, things can only go up from here.
April 11, 10:12 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2
Things go downhill very, very quickly.
It’s easy enough to answer the court’s first few questions: the defense is ready; the cause of death was poisoning; the motive, the “bad blood” between the parties involved, was, of course, Dahlia Hawthorne, the victim’s girlfriend and the defendant’s ex. Mia knows all that, even if it’s insulting to be treated like such a rookie she had to be asked the basics of the case at all—even more so that Winston “Rookie Killer” Payne was the one so smugly leading the discussion.
…Even more so, that, maybe, she really had been freaking out enough that some of the fundamental basics of court had fled her mind. Only for a moment, of course! But it still stings that Prosecutor Payne’s annoying needling actually helped her in any way.
Even then, it’s one thing to be treated like a rookie who doesn’t know the basics of the case (even if she had been furiously catching up on everything in the court record as the trial began). It’s another thing entirely for all of the evidence to stack up so quickly and concisely to implicate her client.
It’s another thing entirely to have to cross-examine her right off the bat.
As if that demure, crocodile grin wasn’t bad enough, the crocodile tears Dahlia Hawhorne hits the court with as soon as she steps on the stand are genuinely nauseating. Then again, maybe Mia’s the only one who thinks so—the judge and Prosecutor Payne are clearly charmed, and even Grossberg murmurs, “Poor girl,” from Mia’s side, despite the sharp elbow jab he receives in response.
In fairness, she would be, if Mia weren’t positive that not even an ounce of her so-sad sympathy-sculpting sorrow is sincere. If Mia weren’t sure that this woman is the one behind this whole thing, to begin with.
If Dahlia Hawthorne weren’t so clearly trying to get away with poisoning someone again.
Mia almost misses it, but someone scoffs as Hawthorne launches into her latest round of tearful, sobbing “testimony” (more accurately: accusation)—“I thought Dougie was better than this, how could he let his jealousy get the best of him, what did poor Feenie ever do to deserve this?!”—and when Mia surreptitiously glances askance to find the source, she finds the only other face in the room darkened with clear disdain rather than bleeding sympathy is her client’s.
So maybe there’s hope, then. Maybe despite having dated her in the past, Doug Swallow actually sees this megalomaniac for who she really is. It would certainly be a breath of fresh air, and it’s all the second wind she needs to reaffirm she has to prove this man’s innocence, however she can.
She’ll make sure he walks free, and she’ll make sure to get justice for the victim—for all of Hawthorne’s victims.
As for the cross-examination at hand…
Hawthorne sniffles piteously as she finally answers the question Payne had actually asked her: “We had dinner plans, so that’s why I went to Feenie’s place to meet up, and–! Oh, it’s too horrible!” She punctuates it with some more sobbing, but Mia isn’t deterred.
On the contrary, she calls, “Hold it! When you say ‘it’s too horrible,’ you’re referring to…?”
“F-finding his body, of course,” Hawthorne sobs, “he was just lying there, and, oh, poor Feenie–!”
“Witness,” Mia interrupts, “we are looking for facts with your testimony. We don’t need–”
“Ms. Fey, have a heart! Can’t you see the poor girl is in mourning? I can’t even imagine how hard this must all be for you, sweetie; please, take your time,” Payne cries.
Unfortunately, the judge all too readily agrees that she is, somehow, the one in the wrong here, and Mia is forced to try a slightly less aggressive approach.
“Urgh–! Okay. Fine. Then, Ms. Hawthorne, when you say you had dinner plans, when exactly were you supposed to meet?”
Altogether, it’s, to put it bluntly, a slog. Dancing around Hawthorne’s lies and the judge and Payne’s incessant gooey-eyed protectiveness of her is infuriating, but eventually, they can put together something of a timeline.
The problem is, Doug Swallow was witnessed exiting the victim’s building around 4 PM—and not just by Hawthorne, but corroborated by a bunch of Art Department students who knew the victim as well (not that he would have been hard to identify, considering his obnoxious sweater)—and Hawthorne herself claims to have entered it later at around 5:30, at which point other students heard her scream and someone eventually called 911 at exactly 5:34, which would seem to line up perfectly.
Hawthorne is vague about why she would have been hanging around the victim’s building at 4 if she wasn’t going to go in until later, but Mia isn’t able to press her about it very hard before His Honor stops her from “going too far” for something not particularly related to the case.
In any event, when Payne calls the defendant to the stand to testify himself, Mia meets his eyes and finds again a kinship to her own feelings about Hawthorne, and she can definitively state that the defense has no objections. Besides, Swallow is innocent.
All she has to do is prove it.
April 11, 12:17 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2
“Proving it” is proving difficult.
It’s news to Mia that they’d found the defendant’s fingerprints on the victim’s bottle of cold medicine—even when the judge calls for a 20 minute recess following the change of witness and this revelation, and she takes the opportunity to grill him about it, he just laughs humorlessly and sits heavily on the couch with his head in his hands, saying, “I’m fucked. She got me.”
She’s hoping getting back in the courtroom will make her client more forthcoming, but he clearly doesn’t want to tell them what actually happened.
“What’s the point?” Swallow asks, smiling bitterly. “No one would ever believe me.”
“Mr. Swallow,” Mia implores, or perhaps begs, with how desperate she feels, “I swear to you, I believe in you. I believe in your innocence, and I want to help prove it. But I can’t do that unless you tell me what happened. Please.”
He stares her down for a moment. “I really don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say.”
“That’s fine. I don’t have to like it, I just need to know what really happened. If—if you want me to get—the person who did this—and to get due justice for you and Mr. Wright, I need to know.”
Doug sighs. “That poor sucker. He never knew what hit him… Okay. Okay, fine. I’ll tell you, but…don’t blame me if you have to eat your words.”
Mia wishes she could say she wasn’t worried about it, but she has no idea what to expect. Indeed, she doesn’t expect what he tells them, but it’s not as bad as she feared. That doesn’t make it good, but…
“I called him out to talk—Phoenix Wright, I mean. We were supposed to meet at 2:45 PM after class behind the Pharmacology Building. I was there on time, but he never showed. I waited around for a while by myself, but eventually I figured he wasn’t coming and left. I…got worried, later, and…that’s why I went to his place. The medicine bottle…that…wasn’t my fault.”
Sure, there’s more than enough clearly wrong with that, but it’s also something to work with.
“What did you want to talk to him about?”
“Oh. I…well, to be honest, I wanted to warn him about Dahlia.”
“‘Warn’ him? How so?” Mia presses, hoping she doesn’t sound too eager.
“She’s…” he hesitates, eyeing the judge mistrustfully, “she’s not the person she seems like she is. There were…there were a couple of…thefts. In the labs, in the pharmacology department.”
“Thefts of what?” Mia prompts.
“…Deadly poison. Once the night before the incident, and once eight months ago.”
Eight months ago! Finally, finally.
Swallow continues, “I wanted to warn that guy—Mr. Wright—just in case. I was worried because…Dahlia had come to the lab both times. She was the only one who could have stolen it! I have no idea what she was doing with it, but…well. Rather, I had no idea. Now that it’s come to this, though…I feel like it’s pretty clear.”
Mia can barely hear the murmur of the gallery over the pounding in her own ears. Dahlia Hawthorne stole deadly poison from the pharmacology lab eight months ago. It’s exactly what she’s been waiting for.
Before she gets ahead of herself, she needs to make sure she gets everything she can out of this cross-examination, though.
The judge calls for order, and Mia takes a deep breath of her own.
“Then, Mr. Swallow,” she prompts, “when you say you were worried about the defendant and went looking for him at his place, you mean…?”
“Honestly, I didn’t expect the guy to end up dead! I just…when he told me he’d be there at the meeting time, he sounded pretty set on coming. I guess I was more worried Dahlia had gotten to him first—er, well, not like… Like, that she’d told him not to talk to me, y’know.”
“And when you arrived at Mr. Wright’s room, what happened?”
“I knocked, but no answer. His neighbor saw me in the hall and told me he’d tried to go out earlier but his cold had apparently gotten worse and he barely made it to the end of the hallway before some of the other students had to take him back.”
“Did they see Ms. Hawthorne?”
“I…didn’t ask, sorry. I should have. But, I kind of doubt it…”
“That’s okay,” Mia says. There’s only one last thing she really needs to follow up on, then. “Mr. Swallow. When you said the medicine bottle ‘wasn’t your fault,’ what did you mean by that?”
He lets out a heavy breath, like maybe he’s been expecting this all along. “Right. Well. That would be because…”
His hesitation lasts long enough Mia has to prompt, “Because?”
“Because,” Swallow sighs, “I didn’t end up seeing Phoenix Wright at all that day, but I did run into Dahlia Hawthorne.”
The judge has to call for order. When things have quieted down again, Mia has to reign in her own excitement. She’s so close. She can almost taste it.
“And when was that?” Mia asks, “What happened then?”
“It was while I was waiting for Mr. Wright. She passed by the Pharmacology Department…and ran into me, literally. She bumped into me—I thought because our umbrellas had been obscuring us from each other, and she’d had headphones on, but…”
“You don’t think that anymore?”
He laughs harshly. “Yeah, not really. She fell over when she bumped me, both our umbrellas went flying…and she dropped some other stuff she’d been carrying. Including a bottle of Coldkiller X…which I stupidly picked up for her. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was literally the whole reason she approached me in the first place.”
Prosecutor Payne sneers, “Hah! How convenient! Your Honor, the witness is clearly lying through his teeth to cover his tracks!”
Mia’s pretty sure Swallow mutters, “That’s what I was afraid of,” but she doesn’t have time for that.
She has to convince the judge that her client is telling the truth. And… She thumbs the corner of the newspaper clipping in her pocket. She has to find a way to connect this to Diego’s poisoning. She has to.
She is so, so close.
April 11, 2:59 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3
She never gets close.
There just isn’t any evidence. She can’t prove Dahlia Hawthorne stole the poison from the lab, and all she has is Doug’s word that she was ever there at all. No surveillance cameras, no entry or exit logs, no nothing.
She can’t prove it.
She can, and does, however, prove Doug Swallow’s innocence. The words “Not Guilty” have never sounded so bitter. It’s a fluke, honestly. Most of the end of the trial is a blur. It turns out Swallow has an airtight alibi that somehow they’ve all missed. It turns out, by some miracle, Swallow never had the opportunity to take the specific poison that was used, that he was always with at least one other person in the lab, that—honestly, even if she only just proved it all, she barely remembers the specifics; it’s just, it doesn’t really matter.
It doesn’t matter, because Mia fails. She couldn’t prove she stabbed Valerie Hawthorne, she couldn’t prove she pressured Terry Fawles into taking poison to silence himself for her, and.
She can’t prove Dahlia Hawthorne murdered Phoenix Wright.
She still can’t prove Dahlia Hawthorne poisoned Diego.
The insidious tinkling of Hawthorne’s smug laughter chases Mia out of the courtroom. She was honestly ready to lay everything on the line just for a chance to bring Dahlia to justice, even a very, very slim one, but Mr. Grossberg had stopped her before she’d pressed hard enough to lose her badge entirely. He’d had a point, she supposes. If she loses her badge, she’s that much further from being able to do anything about any of this. If she loses her badge, she’s that much further from her original goal, from finding the man who ruined her mother and her village and bringing him to justice, too.
But it hurts.
Diego once told her a lawyer can only cry when it’s all over.
But fuck, she wants to cry. She wants to scream and bitch and moan and curse until her throat is raw, too, but she really, really wants to cry.
She won’t. He’s right. She still has work to do. But that doesn’t erase the want.
Still. Even if there’s a dark, heavy pit in her stomach, even if this is somehow nearly as bad as the worst day of her life, when she’d had to watch her first client die on the stand before her very eyes, she still has a duty to her current client.
She forces the brightest smile she can muster.
It might not be enough, but it’s something. She has to try. It can be the darkest hour, and she still has to try. She couldn’t live with herself otherwise.
“Congratulations, Mr. Swallow,” Mia manages, turning to him. Smiling.
“Yes, congratulations!” Grossberg agrees, clapping him lightly on the shoulder. Mia’s boss is undoubtedly faring better than she is, but she can tell he’s far from unphased. Still, she appreciates that he’s able to muster a little more enthusiasm—Doug deserves it from somewhere, at least, and it sure as hell isn’t going to get there from Mia.
“Thanks,” Swallow says. He smiles back, although Mia can tell he’s feeling a much more real sense of relief at his acquittal than she is. He winces a little, like maybe he can tell as well. “I’m…really sorry I didn’t have anything else to help prove it was her.”
“No, no, that’s… You have nothing to apologize for,” Mia replies honestly. “If anything, I really need to thank you. Even just knowing where the poison was from…that’s a great clue. Really.”
Swallow looks like maybe he can’t decide if she’s just being nice about that or not, but if he has doubts he doesn’t say anything about them.
Mr. Grossberg asks, “What will you do now?”
The question reminds Mia—she feels terrible she’d forgotten to even think about it, frankly. She gasps, “Shit—sorry, Mr. Swallow. But—I don’t think she’s going to just forget about this. You might still be in danger–”
“Ah,” Swallow says, not sounding particularly surprised, “yeah, I…was kinda thinking the same thing. Then again, if anything happens to me now, it seems like it’d be pretty obvious, so maybe… Well, either way, this is my last year. I graduate in a couple months. Maybe I’ll be a little extra paranoid during that time, but, hey, y’know. I got falsely accused of murder, and all. I don’t think my classmates will find it all that weird if I insist on taking a buddy with me everywhere.”
It’s not a terrible plan—it is, in fact, an exponentially better plan than anything Mia had come up with, which was a big fat nothing, because she’d been so clouded by her dark, bitter disappointment and rage that she’d let Dahlia Hawthorne get away again.
Grossberg seems to agree, for whatever that’s worth, because he says, “That sounds like a wise course of action, but still, be careful out there, my boy.”
Actually, Grossberg looks a little like he’s thinking about how he might need to watch his own back, too—which, in all fairness, is absolutely true.
“Yeah,” Doug agrees, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. “You too. You know…it’s a shame, really.”
“What is?” Mia asks. Which specific shame are we talking, here? There are oh-so-many to choose from.
Doug is looking at the doors to the courtroom like he hasn’t quite caught up with the fact he doesn’t have to go back into it yet. “It’s a shame about Phoenix Wright, I mean.”
“Oh,” Mia says, feeling stupid. Obviously. And it is a shame. She’s feeling keenly her own shame at not being able to catch his killer.
“Yeah. He must have—I mean, they spent so much time together, you know? He had to have known something else—maybe, if only you could ask him, you know? I mean, don’t get me wrong, the guy seemed like a total simp, but still. You can’t spend that much of your time with someone and never give anything away, right? Or pick up on something? He must have known something that could have helped prove it. Then again, I guess that’s probably why he’s, you know…”
“Y…yeah,” Mia says faintly.
Her mind is whirling, overloaded, her processing running slowly. She’s stuck on—if only you could ask him.
If only…there was a way…to ask someone…someone dead–
“Well,” Grossberg is saying regretfully, “if only that were possible, and we might not even need lawyers working court cases after all. Imagine, if you could just ask every victim about what happened. You’ll put us out of a job, Mr. Swallow!”
The two men laugh, albeit more than a little lackluster, not as if it’s something particularly funny per se but more like the only thing you can do about something so ridiculous, so idealistic, so impossible, is in fact to laugh at the mere suggestion of it.
Mia feels like laughing, too, but maybe not in the same way.
April 11, 4:56 PM RosAnzerusu Mia Fey’s Apartment
Mia doesn’t laugh until she’s safely home, and, importantly, alone.
She thinks she said goodbye to them both, at some point. She’s pretty sure they all went their separate ways, considering she’s definitely by herself, now. She’s also pretty sure Grossberg dropped her off at her apartment, not being subtle about doing it because he was worried about letting her walk or take the bus alone after what just happened. She hopes she thanked him. She appreciates it, and it’s not his fault she’s got something else on her mind. It won’t exactly be fun to go back to the office on Monday, but she doesn’t think it’ll be completely suffocating, either.
Still, she laughs.
It’s, frankly, a terrible idea.
The last time anyone tried it for this specific purpose, Mia’s mom fucking vanished into the ether because of how utterly terribly it went, leaving not only Mia but also her 10-years-younger sister to fend for themselves in the downright ravenous jungle of the power struggle vacuum she left behind for them.
Then again, last time, it had been to name the killer, not to find evidence to implicate an already known killer. So maybe not, technically, this specific purpose.
It’s still a bad idea. It’s still such a bad idea.
Mia doesn’t realize she’s picked up her phone until it’s already ringing, and by then it would be far more cruel to hang up first.
“Sis!” comes the phone-distorted young voice to prove her right in no time at all. “What’s up?! You never call on Fridays!”
Even just hearing Maya’s voice is enough to make things seem less bleak. Mia hadn’t realized she needed that right now.
Mia can’t help but chuckle, though she hopes it’s a little less manic than the kind of cackling she’d been doing as she slid down her apartment door as soon as it closed behind her. “Hey, Maya.”
“I– Oh, oops, hang on,” Maya says, and then, slightly muffled: “No, it’s fine, Aunt Morgan, it’s just Mia! Yeah, I– Yeah, I know, don’t worry!” and then once more in her normal voice: “So! Hi! What’s goin’ on?”
Well, if only that weren’t such a loaded question. “Just got home from a trial.”
“Oh, well, that’s pretty— Wait, what?! Like a trial in court?! I thought you didn’t want to do those anymore? You never mentioned you were going back! What gives?”
Mia can’t completely hold back her sigh. She can’t unload all of this on Maya, she’s still so young—only fourteen. Mia is the older one; she’s the only truly loving, reliable family Maya has left in the world. It’s too much of a burden to share with her. Which is exactly why Mia should never have even remotely entertained the idea in the first place, and why she definitely shouldn’t have called, and–
“Helloooo? Mia? You still there?”
“Yeah, I’m– I’m still here, Maya.” And then Mia stops there. And then Mia stops there and doesn’t continue because if she lets herself continue she’s going to say something stupid like: “Hey, Maya? How would you feel about coming for a visit? Maybe stay with me over the weekend, or…?”
Mia’s so busy refraining from smashing her face into her own door frame for her complete lack of self control, she almost doesn’t notice how unexpectedly lengthy the pause is before Maya replies.
She doesn’t have time to question it before Maya is saying, breathless and somehow both trepidatious and excited at the same time, “…You really mean it? Me come there? The whole weekend?!”
There’s too much jumbled around in Mia’s head to fully appreciate what it means that her sister doesn’t immediately believe she could really be inviting her over to her place. She can’t think about that, too. Not right now.
So she laughs a little (and no one can see her if it’s a bit helpless) and repeats, “Yes, Maya, the whole weekend. Unless you get sick of me, I guess.”
“No!” Maya shouts, maybe a little too quick and a little too loud. “No, I mean, that’s– Of course I wanna come! I just– I mean, I thought you’d be calling for a favor, or something. Haha.”
“Ah,” Mia says, wincing. “Well…”
“Oh,” Maya says, though she recovers her lighthearted tone much faster this time, “What, you need a housesitter or something, Sis? For shame, using your one and only little sister for manual child labor…”
“Ha-ha,” Mia replies flatly. “Not that kind of favor.”
In fact, if she can keep a hold of herself and her own better judgment, she might not ask any kind of favor at all. That’s what she knows she should do, at least.
Only…Diego. Only: Mr. Fawles, and Valerie Hawthorne, and Mr. Wright.
“Oh yeah? What kind of favor, then?”
Mia should just let it go. In all likelihood, he won’t react well to the whole thing, anyway. In all likelihood, he won’t be able to give a coherent answer, he’ll freak out, he’ll want nothing to do with them, he’ll—any number of things. A million ways it could all go very, very wrong. Not to mention—bringing Maya here? Now? Right after she challenged Dahlia Hawthorne again in such a direct way?
Mia would never forgive herself if she got her sister involved in something dangerous—and, well. This particular thing already has at least four bodies in its wake—three cold, one warm but unmoving.
Mia can’t do this. She can’t–
She can’t. She can’t let her go. What will she do when the next victim appears? When she could have tried something more to stop her?
“Well…” How to say this. In the end, Mia decides: “There’s someone I’d like you to meet, if you’re willing, Maya.”
And Maya answers, “Oh yeah? Sounds easy! Are they cool?”
“You know? I have no idea.”
“Huh? You mean it’s not someone you know?”
“Not really,” Mia laughs, “no. Want to find out together?”
“I,” says Maya, “have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, but do you even have to ask? Of course! Which train do I take?”
If Mia were smart, if she were responsible, she’d call the whole thing off now.
So of course, Mia asks, “When’s the next one leave?”
And honestly, it might all be worth it just to hear Maya’s delighted laugh in response and to know, if nothing else, at least she’ll get to see her sister’s bright face soon.
It might.
Hopefully, she’s right to wager that it will be.
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hoshiyoshis · 2 months
heartbreak so bad i will fix my sleep schedule over it-
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vaguenotions · 2 months
I know it's because I'm single and bitter. But I swear to fucking god if my roommate and his boyfriend don't stop talking about the messages they get on Grindr I might fucking explode.
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widevibratobitch · 6 months
moments like this when im really glad im a sad little cynic who always considers the worst possible outcome and never lets herself truly get comfortable and trust the good things in her life to stay there and builds her life around trying to soften the blows of the eventual disappointments just waiting around the corner lol never leaving my edgy teenager era peace and love
#i mean if the alternative is whatever the fuck is going on with my best friend rn then hooooo boy#cancelling therapy immediately i never want to change i wanna keep my trust issues forever and ever if its gonna save me from THIS#is he a dick? kinda. yeah. and a coward because if dude was sure he didnt want it since AUGUST and didnt have the guts to end it till now#actually he didnt end it. she was the one who finally snapped. but we seriously fought twice before because she just woudlnt listen#when i said that girl this isnt gonna work and you trust him too much and you're attachment styles are incompatible as hell#your*#but nvm. the least you could do when a 7 years younger girl who's clearly obsessed with you is breaking up with you#cause she just cant take it anymore. and you can see she's still in love with you because you've been lying to her for half a year.#imo the least you could do at that point is just. dont tell her that jfc. just say you're sorry it didnt work out etc etc#dont fucking tell her you stopped being in love with her in fucking august#and just 'didnt know how to end it' and lied when she asked if everything's alright#like my god. yes ig this would never have happened if she hadn't trusted him so completely and expected love to fix her whole life#but jesus dude. she's not even 23 she has a right to be naive. you're almost 30. you DONT get to be a man child anymore#christ. okay.#anyway i wish i could help her but telling her to 'trust less' and 'never truly rely on other people' sounds horrible and cringe and edgy af#but i genuinely dont have any other advice#like babygirl im sorry but your bestie is a piece of human garbage and she's doing the best she can but her best is Not Much alas
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hunter-sylvester · 8 months
Getting my only tattoo with meaning removed because life is meaningless 🥰
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This one guy I made friends with on the trip is genuinely so funny and good-natured and energetic and you'd have absolutely no idea from his instragram cause it's all black and white photos with edgy captions and song lyrics. Tbh relateable.
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queer-reader-07 · 9 months
me when i managed to get a day off work next month so i can go to the opera with my dad for the first time in months
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I do really need to find ways to exercise that don't bore me :(
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27-royal-teas · 10 months
hey uhhh immune system what the fuck dude you’ve been failing me for fucking months. do your job bitch
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#i say goodbye to my boss tomorrow#not like officially officially bc im still employed into August so we have meetings#and hopefully we'll collaborate in future on projects and i have papers to write with her still#but like this is the last time ill physically see her bc shes not coming back until August and ill b gone by then#so its like. sad. bc shes my science mum. today she was complaining abt some stupid politics stuff#that went on this week in the department and she was like i kno i should b more professional but i feel like since ur leaving now#were more colleagues and friends. and im like 😭 god dammit ur gonna make me fucking cry#i came this this school to work with u and u were so great. i was so lucky to have ended up in her lab#bc i didnt kno wtf i was doing and shes not perfect but i learned a lot from her and ill b really sad to not b working with her so much#but thats how it goes. ill have to make her something cool as a parting gift#god. thatll b a fucking pain but she deserves something that takes a lot of effort#were meeting tomorrow to go over a protocol but im not sure if that's actually what were doing or if theres a surprise involved#bc she likes to do that and it stresses me the fuck out. she's been wanting to get me ice cream for the last 2 months so that might actually#b what's happening. or both could b happening. ugh. anyway. just me crying abt how im gonna miss my boss who im literally seeing tomorrow#im gonna have to giver her a painfully earnest letter abt how great she is and apologize for kinda having a breakdown#i mean i wasnt totally nonfunctional but like. it was not good and im sure i kinda sucked to b around#but whatever. god. the move it finally on the horizon. it finally feels like its getting real#unrelated
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