#tw homophobes
coffeefromvoid · 3 months
Bruhhh i hate my homophobic class so much
Our English teacher is gonna put up pride flgs in our classroom cuz shes cool like that and people are already complaining comparing this to national pride and wanting a straight flag too
my classmates can go fuck themselves in hell
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dreams-your-smp · 2 years
Hi why are terfs and homophobes suddenly obsessed with a post I made in April. Why are they so fucking unfunny. Why did they find this post from a p r i l to make fun of. Why do they keep calling me and the other beings little girls. What the hell is going on?
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very-uncorrect · 2 years
Trust me I'm not a fan of corporations emotionlessly plastering the rainbow flag all over their brand for exactly 30 days before throwing it into the fire for the next 11 months but I'd happily let it still be a thing every pride if it means that homophobes will piss and shit and cry their eyes out over it on Facebook and Twitter
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
Do you ever have to deal with really homophobic and transphobic people in your life that you can't get away from? And that you wish you could tell them they're being horrible and to just shut up but you can't or else you're practically dead?
That's the perfect summary of my life. T-T
On a different note, hope you're doing well and remember to look after yourself <3
- Lily
I'm so sorry to hear this! My inbox and dms are always open if you need to vent!
I'm lucky in that I don't have people like this in my life, at least not that I know of. The closest is that one of my grandparents always refers to me as "young lady," but I also haven't come out to him.
I hope you're doing okay right now too! I finished up a fic not too long ago (it'll be posted by the time this goes up), so I'm taking a moment to get water and stretch.
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bli-o · 1 year
talking with mom and shes saying she “feels the urge to vomit” when she sees a queer couple being affectionate because quote “Affection leads to…other things.”, “I dont see how anyone could be a part of that”, and “I just can’t describe it.”
thanks mom i feel so comfortable pursuing a partner i’d actually like to marry
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libbyisleaving · 2 years
i don't feel cool there's a homophobe and transphobe in my home, you could've kept your trap shut go home.
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marrymepickering · 2 years
tw: transphobia and homophobia
guys- i really want to leave my vacation with my grandparents and go the fuck home. I only have one more day but omfg. it's like all I hear is them making fun of trans people and saying its stupid to as people about their pronouns. not to mention the fact that they're treating monkeypox just like people did aids in the 70s. and they talk about my brother (who is bi) behind his back and there's nothing I can do because if I say something, then I'll get yelled at.
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calstrei · 2 years
getting videos on my tiktok fyp telling people they can’t be queer and religious and people saying to just “change their pronouns to she/her” instead of they/them because of religion (which is assuming everyone who uses they/them is afab gross)
what makes that app think that is anyway the content for me???
anyway stuff like this is slowly moving me to just hang out on tumblr because at least here I know i’m signing up for gay posts and whatever the accounts I follow are obsessed with today
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aesthetic-otd · 4 days
Today's aesthetic is dykecore
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armoralor · 8 months
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WolfWren featuring real comments from the fandom. It's okay to have different opinions on fiction, but maybe let's all remember there are actual real life people having to read this shit daily
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sisterdaniels · 2 months
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today we are making 'slime'
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purple-rex · 10 days
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Hopped on this train a tad late but we wont worry bout it
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
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Every now and again, I remember this meme (usually after seeing this exact situation) and I always want to spread it.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
I had to come out to my cousin who was actually a giant yellow snake. The snake did not like it and screamed in my ear which woke me up immediatley. 
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Canada's intelligence agency is warning that extremists could "inspire and encourage" serious violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community — a threat the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says almost certainly will continue over the coming year. CSIS's comments come as provincial policies on gender-affirming surgeries and pronoun preferences are being hotly debated across the country. "CSIS assesses that the violent threat posed by the anti-gender movement is almost certain to continue over the coming year and that violent actors may be inspired by the University of Waterloo attack to carry out their own extreme violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community or against other targets they view as representing the gender ideology 'agenda,'" said CSIS spokesperson Eric Balsam in an email to CBC News.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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celluloidbroomcloset · 7 months
It's interesting that Izzy is the one who sees Ed's attraction to Stede first. Yes, Izzy is the closest to Ed, and he pays a lot of attention to Ed because that's part of his job. But it's clear from his voiceover at the start of "Art of Fuckery," and what happens with his character subsequently, that he's watching Ed very carefully for signs that he's slipping out of his Blackbeard persona, and more broadly, out of the performative masculinity that Izzy believes is the mark of a real man.
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A lot has been said about Izzy's internalized homophobia, but it's a very complicated kind of homophobia - he doesn't fit the trope of the closeted gay man using homophobia to cover his sexuality. Izzy has no apparent problem with homosexuality - as Calico Jack says, it's more or less expected at sea. The form of his homophobia has more to do with gender presentation and sexual roles, not the concept of gay sex or attraction.
The two men on the Revenge he has the most immediate conflicts with are Lucius and Stede. To him, neither of them perform masculinity correctly, and both of them, in their own ways, refuse to participate in the masculine hierarchy he's steeped in.
Izzy's problem clicks for Lucius immediately, because Lucius is an out gay man who has undoubtedly met men like Izzy before. He's not ashamed of his sexuality or his presentation of it, and so he defies the hierarchy by explicitly refusing to participate.
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Stede is more complicated because he's not out at all. Izzy calls Stede a "ponce" and a "fop," but neither word would necessarily imply that Stede's gay; being a fop is not equivalent to sexuality (though in "Act of Grace," Izzy's emphasis makes it clear that "twat" is standing in for a much stronger word). It is Stede's presentation of masculinity, his effeminacy, that Izzy finds repellent. Stede's not a "real pirate" (read: a real man). The idea that Ed - the man's pirate and the pirate's man - would be seduced by him upends Izzy's worldview and is something he feels he must put a stop to.
At the start of the "Art of Fuckery," Izzy's realization that Stede has "seduced" Ed is immediately followed by the stabbing scene, which Izzy overhears. I'm still not clear if we're meant to think that Izzy believes they're actually having sex on the deck, but regardless, it confirms the "seduction" for him.
This is the one clear time that we see things filtered through Izzy's perspective, with the episode literally starting with his voiceover. He's horrified by what he hears on deck, and the obvious sexuality connected to it, and he immediately insists that Ed kill Stede.
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This is not a subtle show. The stabbing on deck is explicitly sexualized. Not only is Ed being "stabbed" by another man, he's being stabbed by an effeminate man. In Izzy's reading of the world, there are men who penetrate and men who are penetrated, men who dominate and men who are dominated, and those roles are aligned with masculine presentation. It would be fine for Ed to be stabbed by Calico Jack, a properly masculine man who understands the masculine hierarchy, but not by Stede.
Stede defies Izzy's categorizations by quite literally not understanding the role he's supposed to play in the first place. Stede's not humiliated by his shirt being cut off in "A Damned Man"; he says that he quite enjoyed it. Izzy's threats go right over his head in "A Gentleman Pirate" - he can't even remember Izzy's name. It doesn't occur to him to be scared or humiliated. He further upends Izzy's reading by treating Ed kindly. Ed can't bring himself to fulfill his role in the masculine hierarchy by killing (stabbing) Stede, and Stede sits down and offers him gentleness.
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Stede throws Izzy's concept of masculinity out of whack by being an effeminate man who penetrates, a fop who seduces a "real man," and whom Ed sees no shame in asking to stab him. He's too fluid for Izzy to get a hold of. He doesn't just not participate in the performance of masculinity that Izzy wants from him; he doesn't even know that there's a performance going on.
Later in the episode, it's Izzy who stabs Stede, pinning him to the mast and re-establishing the masculine hierarchy - Stede is the one to be penetrated by a "real pirate." Then Stede just...breaks his sword. He did it on purpose. Izzy is effectively emasculated, but Stede doesn't even know it. He just knows that he "did it right."
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What has thrown Izzy off is Stede's lack of participation in the masculine hierarchy. He doesn't know the rules that Izzy has been controlled by, and so he's not "doing it right." Being penetrated isn't inherently shameful. Penetrating isn't inherently about dominating or gaining power over. Stede's face when he stabs Ed is simply one of concern, because he's hurt him. He's not getting a sexual thrill out of harming Ed, and penetration doesn't equal power for him. Stede throws everything Izzy thinks he knows about masculinity overboard simply by existing.
(I think I've got more to say about how this all shifts in Season 2, and why that's so important to Izzy's arc, but I done wrote enough for now.)
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