#that is a secondary additional thought and it's an OH MY GOSH thought
esther-dot · 3 years
“Mary is celebrated for her role as mother of Jesus, but in ASOIAF, we don’t know that Lyanna had any idea that a prophecy baby was the goal or that she willingly went with Rhaegar”
The prophecy of Mary’s son is given to her and her alone, by the Angel Gabriel. She asks a question, “how could this be” and she ends up her encounter with the Angel agreeing to offer herself as a vessel. She was not raped or abducted according to the Biblical tale, whether we believe on it or not, is a whole other matter.
The Bible gives Joseph a secondary character role at best, he does not receive any prophecy or a chance to ask questions, he is simply “told” in a dream to marry Mary regardless of her state and disappears from the story without an explanation.
I will dare say the Biblical tale is a more feminist approach to the “prophecy baby”, since Mary is given a choice to say no, and she is a willing participant in every aspect of it. Mary received the prophecy of the angel and the prophecy of her cousin Elizabeth, as the prophecies of Anna and Simeon at the temple later on and Joseph wasn’t even there for the first two.
Lyanna didn’t hold any power in her situation, even if she went willingly she had no part in the prophecy stuff because it was a Targaryen thing, unlike Mary, who received the prophecy herself. Mary was not secretly married, and was publicly presenting her son as Joseph’s boy, even though there were rumours of bastardy that followed Jesus all his life.
Joseph and her were publicly betrothed, so he did not abandon his first wife. Joseph spares Mary the shame of birthing a bastard, and takes her and the child to Egypt to protect them. Rhaegar? He was a bigamous at best, and failed to protect both his wives and children.
To sum up, Rhaegar was a piece of shit. Don’t compare him to Joseph.
(Continuation of this convo)
Oh gosh, Rhaegar really was a worse than worthless. Every time I think about him my disgust is renewed.
I didn’t mention this in the previous ask, but while Rhaegar doesn’t work as Joseph, oddly, Ned kinda does? He’s the one who claims a boy not his own as his son? He’s the one who takes him far away to protect him from a king who wants to kill him? He also has a preexisting family?
Good point about the proclamation to Mary. You’re right, she does have the knowledge about what’s being asked of her whereas Lyanna didn’t and that’s where this…horror version of the deified mother comes in. It’s a way of asking, but what if the mother of the prophecy baby didn’t want to do this? What if it’s wrong to ask (or force, if that’s the case in ASOIAF) her to? What if it ends in her premature death? To me, looking at the story from a different angle is very interesting, and with Lyanna, we’re given (minimal, but it exists) personality, values, loves. Mary’s personhood tends to be ignored in favor of focusing on her role as saintly mother, so Martin revealing more about Lyanna as the series progresses feels like an attempt to broaden the perspective of her beyond the maternal identity which I like. I don’t think the idea is that parallels we see indicate a duplication, all subsequent literature is in response to those formative archetypes, some writers more self-aware about this than others, some more purposefully referential, so it’s fun to find the similarities, and try to understand what the author is saying with how he or she includes them. Is it happenstance? Is it a deconstruction? A progression?
I think reading Lyanna as a response to Mary has merit, I just haven’t given it enough thought to truly know what Martin is saying there. If Dany is Azor Ahai and/or the Prince that was Promised, the Lyanna and Mary similarities may be part of the misdirection to guide us to labeling Jon as the savior figure. It’s so tropey, we don’t even give it a second thought. If Jon is PP, then the Lyanna/Mary conversation takes on far more significance, and the additional information we get from the Meera’s story means that Martin is intentionally expanding on the meek, saintly mother idea. He’s certainly interested in playing with the archetypes. Cat as the mother of a murdered son who does not offer intervention on behalf of mankind but seeks vengeance might very well be part of this too. 👀
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honeyymistt · 3 years
hi ms honeyy 🥺🍯 i love your blog so much but i have a question and i hope that it is okay. i am going into senior year in secondary school which means i have to apply for universities/colleges and i am so so so nervous. do you have any tips? what happens if i don’t get in? what should i do to prepare?
Oooooh senior year!!! This is going to be a big year for you - I hope you're excited!! Ugh, university/college applications are so much work and cause so much stress. I hope that some of the tips I have for you can help reduce it.
1. start early.
Oh gosh, I can't stress how important this is. Depending on what you're thinking about going into, there might be an additional application (usually a written part or a video to assess your speaking skills) and these are super important! Look into them earlier than you think you need to. If it's a video, search up mock questions and practice your speaking in front of a camera. If it's a written part, try asking some people for theirs so you can get a gist of what the university is looking for. Watch YouTube videos to get some extra tips. I don't care how well you work under pressure, please do not leave your post-secondary applications to the very last minute.
2. Now is NOT the time to be humble.
You need to sell yourself really well. Look at the difference here:
• I have good study habits.
• I am a very self-motivated student and have perfected my study methods resulting in maintaining a 97% academic average whilst also being active in my school by participating in various sports as well as being a club leader.
The second one states that you are self-motivated, have strong study habits aka you are a good student, are well-rounded with athletics and clubs, and you have good time management. Now is NOT the time to sell yourself short. This is a school you want to go to and you have to prove why you deserve to go there. Do not be humble.
3. Do your research.
What are the prerequisites? What GPA/average are they looking for? Also make sure certain marks are high enough. (To be safe, I always try to exceed the expectation rather than meet it. i.e if they say you need a 75% in math to get in, try to get decently higher than this mark) This depends on what you’re planning on going into. If you’re going into sciences, you want to make sure your marks in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, etc. are high. If you’re aiming for arts, make sure your languages are high. Look into what they are looking for in students and adjust accordingly.
4. Editing & proofreading is important!
Having a new pair of eyes read through your work is always a good idea. They often notice mistakes such as weird wording, wrong punctuation, and other small grammatical mistakes that you didn't. They can also provide some new ideas or opinions that will help you. HOWEVER!!! Don't get too many people to read through it. I'd say get 2-3 people who you really trust and you should be good!
5. Get good references.
I'm not exactly sure how the application process differs depending on location but where I live, I needed 2 references per application. Please, make sure you pick good ones! Pick people who will speak well about you and will accurately represent your character, work ethic, morals, etc. This always helps! (P.S. Always remember to ask your reference if they are okay with this role.)
To answer your other question about what to do if you don't get in, I'll tell you exactly what you do: you go to your second choice. You can let yourself be upset and disappointed but I'm going to let you in on a secret. You can always transfer to your first choice after your 1st or 2nd year. Your life isn’t over and it’s definitely not ruined. And hey, maybe you’ll end up loving your second choice more than you thought you would.
Best of luck with your applications 💖 Work hard, but don’t forget to take some time to enjoy your senior year. It’s a fun time, don’t miss out on it! And remember, even though some school have higher rankings, at the end of the day, what matters is your character and your work ethic. That’s what’s going to determine your success.
You’ve got this ✨🌟 I’m rooting for you!! I’ll be proud of you no matter where you go <3
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painted-crow · 4 years
Snake vs Bird secondary?
This is a submission, so it's formatted a little differently. My line notes will look like this. Let me know if this is hard to read for anyone. -Paint
Just to get it out of the way, I'm a snake primary.
The ones I'm not:
-I think badger secondary skillset is kind of cool, but rather than something that comes naturally it's something I'll occasionally make the conscious decisions to use, and the *value* set that goes with it is not me at all (use all the shortcuts! Minimize hard work as much as possible! Flit from project to project!)
Yep, not you. Cool beans. Might be a performance since you do turn it on? Up to you whether you care about that.
- occasionally, when trapped with no way out, I'll do a lion style "charge in". It feels like the desperate act of a feral animal, not my natural preferred style. Can't manage to make anything else work, charge in, worse thing that happens is we all die. Also re lion I do occasionally consciously fake it, like, I used to have a reputation as the blunt one who couldn't lie and despite being perfectly fine with lying I'd lean into it, having people think you don't lie is handy. I used to be the person appointed by unspoken group consensus to say the things that needed to be said but weren't socially acceptable, that kind of thing. But I'm not a lion primary (I honestly tend to feel slightly queasy reading lion descriptions, although I do have lions I admire)
Oh gosh, this bit is so Snakey. It's SO SNAKEY. Lol
(On the second pass, it almost seems like you're seeing others' opinions of you as a resource you can use...)
So now... Snake vs Bird secondary:
* I can't tell what the system is even talking about when it talks about collecting information because its useful or not. No, I don't waste my time on totally useless trivia.
It's less that you'd seek out random trivia, and more that some of your interests are maybe not super practical.
I was really into natural planted aquariums for a few years, and I thought they were really cool as an exercise in botany, chemistry, biology, aesthetics, and building a tiny ecosystem.
Is this knowledge ever going to be useful? Well, no, definitely not maybe some of the stuff I learned about what plants look like with various nutritional deficiencies...
Some Birds will focus entirely on their more impractical interests, others won't have any and their skills will all seem kind of utilitarian--but they will have picked them up out of interest, even if they really value their utility. I know a lot about computers and programming, and I picked that up partly because it's so useful, but I couldn't have gotten as far with it as I have if it didn't interest me.
On the other hand, I learn languages for fun, even if I don't have anyone around to use them on. Languages are just inherently useful. And I'm a writer, so like, pretty much everything is useful eventually, right?
I'm a writer too so I know what you're talking about, and this is a more solid justification than the example I gave above, but uh... this is a real good blanket rationalization xD
I read as much history as I can because it all goes into a big subconscious churn to make me have a better understanding of human nature.
This is very Birdy. I do something similar, but it's more psychology focused.
Does knowing why I pursue knowledge make it a model?
Nah. Knowing why they value something would just make a Bird value it more. Also, we're really likely to analyze why we like stuff, because analysis is kind of our jam.
If so, that's so deeply strange to me I guess I'm not a bird?
Right now I'm thinking you're a Snake with a strong Bird model. You seem reluctant to identify with it, whereas the Snakey traits you talked about in your "I'm not a Lion" section, you described with a kind of trickstery playfulness and I think you see them as more "you." With Bird you're almost defensive, like you're trying to assure me you're not boring and stuffy xD
But your Bird model seems strong. I think you'd be able to rely on it if your Snake ever Burned. That's a good thing.
* I never know what to answer on the "going in with plans" question of the quiz. I always have a few plans in advance, and they always have several blank spots marked "adjust based on what's happening". I can't imagine not having plans, it gives me anxiety, I can't imagine being too rigid about the plans, it gives me anxiety.
Yep, this still vibes as Snake with strong Bird model.
* I like to research and prepare in advance as much as possible. I was researching college majors when I was 12. I read all the choosing your career books, spent summers interning, and interviewed people about their jobs so I could feel safe choosing. I spent three years reading books and listening to podcasts about parenting before having my first kid so I'd know what I was doing (similarly, I spent years before marriage reading marriage therapy books and relationship skill books).
Oh hell, just @ me next time. This is more full of Bird shit than the windshield of a car that's been parked under a tree for the last 3 years.
And then, after doing as much research as possible, there's ALWAYS the moment when you have to say "screw it" and jump in blind as a bat anyway. That's just life. It's completely impossible in the actual moment to follow a plan, the plan always disintegrates at first contact with the "enemy" (but the process of making the plan, backup plan, and additional backup plan is important.)
There's that Snake again. I really wish I could do this. It'd be super useful.
It's starting to sound like your Snake is supporting your Bird rather than the other way around, which is surprising me. I was expecting you to start convincing me you were a Snake around about now, but you're doubling down on the Bird.
* there's a distinct feeling of 'turning on' my hyperawareness of my surroundings and ability to respond. Like, let's say I drift through life *highly* distracted by what's going on in my head.
But if I'm at a job interview, or giving a speech, or having an important social interaction, there's this sort of clear quiet feeling where I'm just trying to sense the room and respond on instinct. It sure feels like this might be what snake descriptions are describing, but it's only on sometimes.
That's how models work, or how they can work. I can see why you're confused.
* honestly reading snake description feels vaguely "aspirational" rather than "yeah, that's me" because I simply don't have confidence that I'm THAT good at grabbing opportunities or responding to chances. In the moment I can fatally hesitate for the crucial two seconds...
Also a model thing. You value it over your actual secondary, which explains why you want to identify with it more. I do this with my Badger model sometimes.
Actually, thinking about it, I essentially feel split. I feel I am both. I feel like my brain can be in plan mode or response mode. It cannot do both simultaneously, I need both modes, and I have no idea how I'm supposed to figure out which is one is my "type" ie more essentially "me". Response mode is more "natural", ie instinctive, when in use. Planning mode comes more easily, feels more comfortable, but of course that's because the inherent nature of planning mode is to happen in the safe spots, you don't plan mid-interview because that's when you're in "danger" and need to "respond".
You're taking your Bird for granted. A lot of people find planning REALLY stressful, and actually feel more comfortable in the moment. Or they like the slight feeling of danger.
Our society holds Bird up as "this is what intelligence looks like" and tells us we should all be that way. (It does this with Badger a lot too.) The result is that people who are good at it don't realize that it's not universal--and they think that seeing it as something particular to them is arrogant.
Effectively, it becomes invisible. We take it for granted and identify it by its weird quirks rather than its actual structure, which we've been taught is something everyone should be able to use easily.
Improvisational secondaries are going to feel more instinctive, almost by definition.
I don't know, I'm beginning to feel like I fundamentally don't grok either one or both of these secondaries and hence am so confused..
I think you're using Snake to support your Bird more than the other way around. You're more comfortable with Bird, and it's most of what you've focused on in writing this. So, after reading all of this, I think you're a Bird with a loud Snake model.
But if that doesn't jam well with you, you could just say "I have two secondaries." Traditional? No. But go ahead. If you feel like that's the truest description of you, then it probably is. Labels describe, they don't define. If it changes later, that's okay too.
Thanks for your question!
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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(And this is my newest boyo! The design to the left is from when he went by Aticko, the one on the right is what he uses now)
I love this character because killing himself off and then assuming a new identity is exactly the kind of idiotic thing an eccentric rich 13 year old would do.
Planet: Alternia
Name: His actual name is Aticko Valleh, but he goes by Ankuri Skennl. I forget how I came up with Aticko Valleh, but Ankuri Skennl comes from the Finnish terms for “anchor” and “pretend”, which I used since he’s ‘anchored’ to the ‘pretend’ person he is now
My guess is that Aticko is probably a mutation of Aktor. The only other thing I could imagine is you getting it from Atico, which is like… A spanish word for Penthouse. Either way, I think that justifies keeping the name! The surname, though… I might change to Vallan. That comes from Vallancy, which is a large wig which shades the face, and wigs are great for actor themed characters- plus it foreshadows his costumey future.
I like the anchor justification for the name. You have to remember he picked it out himself, though, which means I might make him a little piratey, because if you’re going to pick a name like Anchor Faker, you’re going to probably take a little bit of Gamblignant inspiration.
Age: 7 ½ Sweeps
Blood Color: Violet, although he’s disguised as a cerulean
Strife Specubus: Dualbladekind- He essentially uses a staff with blades on each end
Hmmm. Sounds like a 2x1Naginatakind? Since that’s essentially a polearmx2. 
Fetch Modus: Mystery Bag Modus- Every item is put into a unique bag, and to get the item you want you’d have to guess based on the exterior of its bag alone, which is different for every item
You could do a Mystery Bag/Prog Bag Modus where everything is kept in a Single bag and he has to tell what the items are based on feeling alone? It just feels more Actory.
Symbol and Meaning: His true sign is based off of Aquamino (The Sign of the Tilted) and his fake sign is based off of Scormino (The Sign of the Fatalistic)
Trolltag: discreetThespian [DT]
Hmmm, this sounds too straightforward. thespErsponifaction, maybe? Thesp still being a reference to thespian, leading right into Personification, which references a Character. It’s a subtle hint that he’s playing a character while being juuust subtle enough for no one to pick it up. 
Quirk: “Borders #is text wit# quotations and uses ’#’ instead of ‘H’”
Lusus: Orcadad, a killer whale who he doesn’t live with anymore, although he tries to visit him whenever he can because good gosh does he miss him
I always hate having to do this, but orcas are aquatic mammals, not Actual Fish, and aquatic mammals are for purplebloods, not violets. Maybe you could utilize an octopus who is really good at hiding and disguising himself? He goes back and visits the secret little cave where the octodad stays every now and then. A lusus in camouflage is good for his theme, too!
Personality: Ankuri is right on the border between being overly cautious and not cautious enough. He’s very conflicted with how he feels about a lot things, like how he wants to be well known as an actor and yet doesn’t want too much attention on him at the same time. He tries to act casual but in reality he’s always got a nagging feeling that someone knows his secret or is going to find out somehow. He’s sort of reserved but all around a nice person so long as you don’t seem like a threat to him.
It’s definitely a fun character to work with. There are a lot of actors who really love having attention on them for their art, but Hate being seen and known outside of the context of acting, so it makes sense. If he fabricates an entire persona, so he is Always acting, and can never be Known for his own self. 
I have a suggestion: Perhaps he also realized that as a violet, his talent was secondary to his blood. Directors would hire him on for roles Because he was violet- Violets are said to be able to do just about anything in Alternian society. Everyone entertains whatever whim they have. A director might worry that he’ll become violent if he doesn’t get his way and thus hire him for the Wrong Reasons. This could’ve made Aticko fear that his talents weren’t being appreciated and he wasn’t actually going to be able to grow as an artist, and could’ve been a core motivator for the death faking.
Background: Formerly known as Aticko, Ankuri is a violetblood who felt like he wasn’t cut out for having so much power and responsibility to uphold. After much planning (and not too much consideration of the outcome) he decided to fake his own death and run off to the surface, and that’s exactly what he did. While he was sad about leaving his lusus, for a time he had no doubts that he’d made the right decision in restarting his life as a ceruleanblood and becoming an actor. His thoughts have changed heavily on the matter now, but its far too late for him to change his mind, so he just has to live with it.
I’m sure he could eventually arrange some dramatic reveal nonsense. Oh my friends, look, for I have risen from the dead, no totally-
Interests: Musicals, writing, the lifestyles of landdwellers (if you have any suggestions for more I’d love to hear them!)
Costume design! He’s got to have some cerulean #looks if he’s going to blend in. He doesn’t have to only like theater-related stuff, though. You could play around with a little more depending on his personality. He could like board games, etc. I can’t really tell you where to go w/ those kind of hobbies, though! If he’s nervous about being caught, maybe he could like divination hobbies? Like pulling runes to see his fortune, or using tarot cards for personal readings… 
Title: Mage of Doom
Pretty fair. He needs to understand the consequences of his actions and getting on with the knowledge of impending destruction Is kind of the best way to learn about consequence.
Land: Land of Splash and Pretend
How about Splash and Pose? It just flows a little bit better! 
Dream Planet: Prospit
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On the left I didn’t really do much of note, so I’m not going to go into detail there. Just some very minor color shifts. On the right, there’s some more to say, though! 
Horns: The horn additions in his costume I feel are a little risky. They could easily get knocked off and reveal the truth. So instead of that, I decided to chip into just one of them. Carved in juuust a little to create a new branch without looking painful. 
Hair: The scarf to hide the fins is also a little precarious. He can’t wear that when he’s acting, after all. So I decided to give him some cleverly styled hair. Little loop buns that are tied around the fins to keep them concealed. I also gave him a little clip-on cobalt extension. He probably can’t dye his hair cobalt, but he Can clip it on. And he can use the excuse that he hairclips it instead of dyeing it so that he can easily take it off for roles. 
Outfit: Like I said I wanted to just bring in a light amount of Gamblignant vibes. So I gave him a nice black top with a sash around the middle. The pants are just tucked into his ankle boots, which I edited from Terezi’s flarp boots (which I love too much). 
He’s a great character! Thank you for sharing.
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mazwistar · 5 years
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...I started listening attentively to teachers and I stopped drawing cartoons in class. I started pre-reading topics before every class and stopped socialising until the teacher comes in. I started using free time during short break and lunch to do some assignments to offload. I started completing my home works at home instead of waiting to copy from my classmates in the following morning. I started reading on the bus on my way home and to school. I started consulting from those who were ahead of me and believed that for every problem there is a solution. I also started testing myself before I write a test from my teachers, a golden strategy. School suddenly became fascinating again. ...
My Name is Mazwi Thabiso Magagula. Today I want to share with you my High School Journey. This is dedicated to everyone who may be reading or listening to this, If you’re in school I hope you get inspired.
It all started at Mabhibha Primary School, now known as Buhlebuyeza Primary, in 2003. Yes I am one of those who skipped grade zero for reasons I don’t wish to know. I don’t remember much details about my primary school days, because you know everything was on automatic pilot then, but I do remember that I never repeated a class and I passed my Standard 5 external examination with a good second class and I was exhilarated I was going to secondary high school. A new school and new environment was worth exploring.
In 2010, I was admitted to one of the local High Schools, Dvokolwako High to pursue my Junior Certificate. I felt like “I made it” until what I then perceived ‘’discrimination’’ popped in. There they were streaming us into select classes in accordance with our primary school performances. An activity I hated and obviously deemed unfair and painful. Honestly I felt discriminated. How could they? But then I also thought to myself “Who I am, to be in the same class with the most brilliant students?’’ I started to recall that I was from Mabhibha, a school which recently tested the bottom 3, worst performing primary schools in the country. I was crushed. I felt inferior and unwelcomed.
There were five classrooms reserved for form 1s that year. Form 1 A to E. The cream pupils were loaded in the A classroom, yes your merits and first classes. On the B classroom there were the better pupils so I thought. There was not much difference between the C, D and E classrooms but, you know, there was no way you wouldn’t feel like the dulliest pupil in the whole form 1 if you were like me in Form 1E. I hated myself, I hated the system, I despised my colleagues (well more than half of the class were regular culprits as expected from Eeee pupils), and you know everyone would get a beating for their sins. I hated this streams, I still hate them today.
I was getting Ds snaps in tests and exams my entire form 1 and it got worse in form 2. More Eeee pupils were dumped into our classroom from other schools and others chucked out by the system from the A classroom. It was better in form 2 because we had an additional classroom form 2F, worse than US and it was nicknamed “THE ZOO”. By the way, I literally failed my form 2. The number of subjects passed were down and I also got an Eeee in English. Luckily there were a lot of form1s pumping to replace me and I was pushed to form 3 on a wheel barrow. Failed and promoted. While everyone thought I was smart and quiet, I was actually an Eeee pupil. At least I was amongst the best in my classroom ;>.
School didn’t fascinate me back then. During prominent events like the Speech and Prize giving day I would always stay home. That was for the A pupils, so I thought. And yes I was right. I always thought everything good was given to the A pupils, even good teachers :>. The A pupils were really doing great (they had all the good teachers too) but instead of being inspired I was pissed. Why? When you are not the favourite kid at home you always given dirty Jobs, you eat shit, you are taught shit and at the end of the day all you know is shit. That was harsh right? But that’s how it felt to be kicked out of the classroom during learning ours to clean some dirty abandoned teacher’s warehouse because your colleagues were making noise, while the other classes carried on with learning. If there was something bad that happened in school, we had all fingers pointing to our class. I felt like Junk.
So how did I change? Mixed classes. Now these were the only classes I considered fair. My commercial classes were a real escape. Here I met other pupils from the other classes and a few of them from the A class. We all met to learn accounting and business studies from one teacher and in the same environment. This was the very first place I discovered and started believing in the power of association. The A pupils were by far performing better that the rest of us and soon enough I began to master how they were excelling. I can say the process took longer because we had a few of mixed classes and we spent a lot of time with our Eeee colleagues. Trust me it was hard for me to understand cute little sayings like “Hard work pays” at that age, but I got the chance to see it work. I applied it and the results were amazing. I began to understand that hard work always beats talent when talent thinks he is too good to work hard. First business studies topic test in form 3 (E) I got 96% and two guys from The A class scored 98% and for the first time I was the 3rd highest in my business studies class. That wasn’t much but I was thrilled by HOW I got that 96%.
It was 2012 and we went through the Waya Waya Teachers Strike and also added our own shortly after that as pupils of Dvokolwako High enraged by a delay of examination timetables. I wrote my JC examinations and again I passed with a ‘not so bad’ second class. Just like most people. I wasn’t really happy about the second class thing, but there was something different about this second class! I had a cute symbol A from business studies. I wasn’t fascinated by the A for the sake of being a cute symbol but by the fact that I knew exactly what I did to get that A from business studies which I didn’t do to the other subjects. As a wise man once said, succeed ones and everything that follows next will be a copy and paste. From that day I wanted to replicate the strategies I used to excel in business studies to the other subjects.
To my surprise, when I registered for form 4 I found my name on form 4A’s class list. Yes, there I was in a midst of wolfs. At first I was like “Oh my gosh I am going to be chowed fr good and forever” and then it came to my mind that I wasn’t thrown here, instead I earned myself a space here. See for the first time in my life I take responsibility for my academic performance. Why? Because I made it! Confucius was right when he said we are all self-made but only the successful will admit it. I spent my entire secondary in a gutter and I never admitted that I put myself there, now this!! Yes I was proud of myself but there was also this score-sheet thing that freaked the hell out of me. I was scared that my name will pop up in the worst section of this sheet. You don’t want that to happen to you, especially if your girlfriend is getting straight As in another class. So I hard to work my ass off. I knew how to get outstanding results from my JCs business studies so why not die trying to get them?
Trust me in this one, I wasn’t, at all, thinking about being the best in class instead I just wanted I just wanted to clear my name out of the worst section of that sheet of paper. From my very first class in form 4 I started listening attentively to teachers and I stopped drawing cartoons in class. I started pre-reading topics before every class and stopped socialising until the teacher comes in. I started using free time during short break and lunch to do some assignments to offload. I started completing my home works at home instead of waiting to copy from my classmates in the following morning. I started reading on the bus on my way home and to school. I started consulting from those who were ahead of me and believed that for every problem there is a solution. I also started testing myself before I write a test from my teachers, a golden strategy. School suddenly became fascinating again.
First test in form 4 (A), Physical Science test 1, Mr Simelane brought back out test scripts and started distributing them to us. I also got mine and I opened it. My eyes couldn’t believe what they saw. On a serious note, I first thought it was a 41% cause it was hand written, but really it was a 91% decorated with a shining gold star. I was evidently shaking. Mr Simelane immediately announced that the highest was 91% without mentioning a name. WOOOOW!! All the hairs on my arm and legs stood tall with prickling sensation. For the first time in my whole academic life I was on top of my class. And this was not just a class it was the ‘A’ class. This was me being the highest over the whole form 4.
I was thrown into wolfs and I came back leading the pack! Throughout 2013, in form 4 I wasn’t always the best pupil but I was constantly testing that position. I was way beyond the worst section of my class’s score sheet. At this moment I was no longer driven by fear of the score sheet but the hunger to become the best. For the first time in school, I was interested in a Speech and Prize giving day and guess what? There was none that year! NONE! Completely Nothing. I should have felt bad, but I was perfectly fine. I had my final results in form 4 they were the coolest I had ever seen.
My first encounter with being ‘the best’ was when I was in form 5, still (A) :>. Remember I said it was mixed classes that turned my academic life around? There was something else, when I was a toddler, I stabbed myself in my left eye with a knife. I have always had eyes problems in school and I was getting visionary impaired gradually. Luckily one of my teachers noticed that I had trouble getting what was written on the chalk board and I was invited to seat on the first line. Believe me this simple shift of places was a real game changer. I became more focused, more organised and I started participating more frequently in class. A killer combination.
First monthly tests in Form 5 I got aggregate 92% and yes I was the man. From that day I never wanted to be second again. SGCSE results came out I was ranked among the top 30 pupils in the whole country and yeah that was something. There I was swinging with 4 A+s a B and two Cs. 3 of those A+s were from all the mixed classes I attended and one from the A class. And yeah it was mixed classes that threw me to varsity.
For your inspiration, throughout my entire academic life I have learned that; the only way to excel in any exam is to have confidence in the exam room, and the only way to have confidence in the exam room is to know everything that the examiner may possibly ask, by heart.
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toolatetofall · 7 years
ME:A Party Week Meme
For Mass Effect: Andromeda Appreciation WEEK!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 people. [Optional: post any MEA screenshot you’d like to share!]
I was tagged by @198cm-of-vetra-nyx (who has wonderful content and is super sweet and needs a zillion hugs, like seriously this is not a bother, I never get tagged for these, I’m so pumped)
And I tag @ellebeebee, @astermix, @theybecameanimagi, @atiumlife, @masterstratagem, @narcis-valor, @changeling-fae, @just-a-little-fangirl-love, @kmabe​, @kingnurdle​ @amayaredfern and anyone else who feels like doing this :3 I know that was more than ten. I wanted to tag everyone but thought that might get annoying
What is your favorite scene in MEA? My favorite scene is honestly the end of the prologue. That whole sequence with Alec opening the vault, then saving your life, then you having to become pathfinder after everything is fucked up (the outburst on the bridge, especially is a favorite) is great. Facial animations aside. Also, I always cry super hard when Alec dies. 
What is your favorite quest? Not to be too predictable, but it’s the Ryder family secrets quest. >.>  Outside of that though, I really enjoy all of the missions on Kadara with Reyes and the final mission because twin. 
What is your favorite weapon? I love my modified black widow. :3 I have it set up so it uses the ME1 ammo system where it just cools down, which is actually perfect. My secondary weapon is a carnifex. Then I use a biotic amp for melee or an asari sword.  What is your favorite armor? I didn’t want to use it because Ryder didn’t earn it, but I actually really love the N7 armor... I make up for it by only wearing pieces. Ryder usually wears the pathfinder helmet (which looks more like the helmet Alec gave them to save their ass, so my HC, it is that helmet), the pathfinder chestpiece, the N7 arms (brace? IDK, armor terms), and the N7 greaves.
What is your favorite power ability? Not to sound like a wimp, but I’ve developed an appreciation for the passive annihilation ability. Otherwise, I like to use charge. Or the assault turret.
What is your favorite planet? In terms of content, probably Kadara because of Reyes, but in terms of where I would want to live if I were in the Initiative, probably Eos. (Though I hate going back there all the time)
What is your favorite addition to MEA that wasn’t in the original trilogy?  I loved being able to switch between classes and abilities! That was neato. I know this is more than one thing, but I also really loved the ongoing psych profile, and the crew relationship monitoring system. 
Who is your favorite non-romanced (one you didn’t romance but could be) character? (can be NPC or squadmate) Oh gosh. I have too many to count. Dr. Carlyle (because DAAAAMMMNNN), SAM, Dr. Lexi, Gil, Alec, Ellen, Scott, Avitus Rix, Serissa, Hayjer, basically like all of the more minor characters. I loved them. So much. Favorite squad/party combo? Peebee/Drack because banter
Favorite non-bipedal animal on Andromeda? Does the pyjak count? NO NO WAIT, the rodent thing I found in the cargo bay! YES. Final answer. :3 What surprised you most when you first played MEA? I was really surprised how fast I burned through it. I started playing on Tuesday when it came out, and I finished the game Saturday night with over 90% completion. :/
What is your favorite quote? “When your back’s against the wall, if you can’t run from it, use it.” (Never would’ve guessed, right?)
Sorry no screenshots. Don’t have any good ones on my laptop. >.>
Don’t forget to tag your post with #meapartyweek 
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takumeat · 8 years
FEF Randomzied Chapter 1
(A/N): Gosh, this is fun to write! I’m going to post this on AO3 soon, after I redo the prologue. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Fortress in Nohr
Darkness dawned upon the kingdom of Nohr. There was no morning sun in this kingdom, for the sun favored the people of the eastern lands rather than its dark neighbor. Instead the moon shone as the light of dawn, blanketing the people below in soft light. As lights flickered on and off local residences, smoke billowed out the tall spires of the nearby fortress. The tall concrete structure stood proud atop a hill that overlooked the residences nearby. Inside this grand castle, servants bustled to and fro. And in the tallest spire of the fortress, a princess began to wake.
“Ah, it seems like milady is awake.” A man’s voice, deep and gruff, sounded from nearby Corrin’s velvet blanketed bed. The princess shifted in her bed, stretching her arms high above her head. She cracked open her eyes a small bit and saw that it was still dark through the windows. Was it really morning? It sure didn’t look like it. With that she relaxed back on her bed, snuggling against her pillow with a sigh. This must be a weird sort of dream… Yeah, that it. The voice from before chuckled at her and another one’s voice joined him, but someone else, much closer to the bed, wouldn’t have it.
An ice-cold presence, one vaguely familiar, descended on her. “Wake up, Lady Corrin! You’ve got training with Lady Beruka today!” came another, albeit younger man’s voice. He was noticeable younger sounding that the first voice. Well of course he is, Corrin’s half-awake mind provided. He is younger than me.
“Is it really morning?” Corrin mumbled sleepily, moving to grabbing her pillow. Eyes opened just a little bit, she pulled her pillow from underneath her head and dropped it on her face. “It’s still so dark out.” Her voice came out muffled.
“I’m surprised you could see it, what with the pillow on your face,” chuckled the only other woman in her room. She sounded older than both the voices before her. “but yes, Lady Corrin, it is indeed morning.”
Sighing, Corrin sat up slowly, her blankets pooling around her and her pillow falling slowly down her face. She blinked rapidly and rubbed the gound out of her eyes. Looking up, she blinked sleepily at the other four occupants in her room. “Good morning.”
Gunter, the first voice from before, smiled kindly at his liege. The man was in his 30s, older than the other two around him save for the woman. He was kind individual, but was ruthless when it came to training her as her co-instructor. Although relatively young, wrinkles already began to form on her face. “Good morning to you as well, milady,” he responded.
Closer to her than Gunter, Takumi, the youngest in the room, stood with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. The 19-year-old butler was one of Corrin’s first friends when she came to the Northern Fortress. While he put up a polite and obedient face around her father and siblings, Corrin knew that Takumi was prone to lashing out against anyone who didn’t work in the Northern Fortress and had trouble making friends. She had felt bad for the young man and had made it a point to become his closest friend.
Takumi smirked at Corrin, his long silver hair tied low against his nape. “It’s about time,” the butler snickered. As Corrin shot him a nasty look, another of her retainers stepped up, his tanned arms holding her mended armor.
“I went ahead and pounded out the dents in your armor, milady,” he said, “so it should now be ready for use.” A wicked smile flitted on his face. “Your sister is quite the devil on the battlefield, isn’t she? To make this much damage on your armor—”
“You’re going to get your tongue cut off if you continue that train of thought, Niles,” Takumi snapped. The older butler raised his hands in defense, but that smile of his was still plastered on his face. Corrin giggled and Gunter sighed, though his lips also quirked upwards. Niles was one of the more recent additions of Corrin’s band of retainers. The 23-year-old was the picture-perfect retainer sometimes, but other times he was rather morbid. She never figured out why he was so, since he never divulged much about his past to her.
“Lady Corrin,” the oldest of the bunch, a woman clad in the armor of a Bow Knight, stepped up from behind Gunter, “I believe it’s about time for you to get ready.” Corrin pouted at her and met her eyes. A beat of silence passed between the two, both girls disregarding the three men walking around Corrin’s room, getting what she needed. The she sighed, looking down.
“Oh alright,” she mumbled. The princess threw her legs over the side of the bed. “You’re the best at intimidation, Setsuna.”
“I suppose.” Setsuna chuckled.  She was Corrin’s primary combat instructor in the fortress and one of the most experienced soldiers she knew. She looked serious most of the time, but anyone who spent at least five minutes with her knew that she was rather absentminded. She just wore the mask of a somber soldier well.
Corrin yawned. She shook her head in an effort to wake, but her eyes continued to droop. “I’m still a little tried though…” Gunter and Takumi traded looks.
“We have just the thing then, milady,” Gunter remarked. “Takumi, if you would do the honors.”
“Of course.” Takumi, with a devious smile on his face, approached the princess. He cupped the princess’s face with his hands and channeled his powers. Snowflakes fell from around the young man’s hands and immediately, Corrin’s face became ice cold.
Eyes snapping wide open, Corrin squealed and bolted away from Takumi’s hands, nearly careening off the other side of the bed. “I’m awake!” she shouted, “Completely and utterly awake!” Her retainers laughed around her and her face flushed a light pink. Niles gave his liege her training clothes and armor, which the princess took hastily. She turned and marched right into her bathroom to change.
“Gods, you did not have to do that!” she shouted as her door closed. She didn’t have the look to know that Takumi and Niles were laughing at her reaction. Gunter and Setsuna were probably trying to be polite but failing, knowing them.
“You’re quite the slug in the morning, Lady Corrin,” Niles commented, “It would have taken a much longer time for you to wake up had Takumi not done that.” Corrin rolled her eyes, but smiled good naturedly. Quickly changing into her training clothes, she opened the door. Grabbing her sword from Setsuna’s waiting grasp, the group of five exited the room into the long staircase that descended into a secondary hall. Well, I do sleep in sometimes. Corrin thought as her retainers and her rounded corners and greeted servants walking around nearby. I probably deserved to be woken up so early in the morning. If only I hadn’t been woken up…
“Maybe I could have finished the dream I was having…” she mused to herself as the group walked into the secondary hall.
“Dreaming isn’t bad for someone as young as you,” mused Setsuna. The woman looked up at the ceiling, probably daydreaming. Again. Corrin sighed, opening a door that led to another flight of stairs.
“Well, yeah, but this dream was really strange,” she continued. “There were people who looked like Hoshidans calling me their sister. But I didn’t recognize them at all. They kept on saying that I belonged with them in Hoshido, but as far as I know, all my siblings are here in Nohr, right?” Unbeknownst to the wondering princess, the retainers traded glances filled with uncertainty. They were silent, which Corrin immediately took notice of since her retainers weren’t the quietest bunch. However, before she could pop a question, the door that led to the rooftop came upon them.
“You best be going then,” Gunter remarked. “Can’t leave Lady Beruka waiting.” Corrin nodded and opened the door. She looked back to her retainers and smiled at them brightly before going out onto the roof. The door shut behind her with a quiet click.
Niles sighed, the retainers shuffling away. “Ah, how naïve…”
Hit, slash, dodge. Sidestep, back away. Prepare an attack right over—
“I could see that from miles away, sister!” A bronze sword came down on Corrin’s side. Shouting in pain, she careened backwards and hit the ground hard, rolling ways away. Her own bronze sword flew in another direction, clattering nosily. Corrin slowly picked herself up as her older sister began walking closer to her. Another person stepped up in front of her and offered a hand.
“Need help, Corrin?” Arthur, her younger brother asked with his megawatt grin. The 18-year-old prince was one of the kindest people Corrin knew. He was eternally optimistic and devoted to his kingdom, but his luck was infernal. His magic prowess didn’t agree with his luck, since he was probably one of the most well acclaimed mages in all of Nohr for his skill as well as for Brynhildr, his tome.
Corrin grasped Arthur’s hand and the younger pulled his sister up. They both heard tsking from behind them as their older sister came upon them, holding Corrin’s discarded sword.
“Arthur, you know better than to interrupt Corrin during her training,” she chided. Arthur grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Apologies, Beruka.” The crown princess of Nohr, Beruka, stood tall and mighty, nodding at her brother. The 28-year-old princess loomed over her little sister, scaring Corrin for every second she stayed silent. Beruka was one of the scariest people she knew. She was the perfect crowned princess in her eyes: loyal and obedient, stern with her underlings but inspiring to all who met her. Though she looked cold, she was caring to her siblings and, to Corrin’s knowledge, her retainers.
Beruka’s eyes narrowed and Corrin flinched. She could probably see how exhausted she was, as it was early in the morning and the oldest princess didn’t seem to know the meaning of holding back. “Are you giving up already Corrin?” she asked, voice low. “It’s rather unbecoming of a princess of Nohr to be giving up so soon. Try again.”
Corrin protested. “But Beruka—!”
“This is for your own good, Corrin.” Beruka swiftly cut off, striding back to her position on the other side of the roof, “We train to protect ourselves from enemies. Besides,” the princess turned on her heel, meters away and facing her sister. Arthur scuttled back to observe. “Father has been tracking your progress and he isn’t satisfied. If you’re unable to land a hit on me today, he might never allow you to leave the Northern Fortress. Ever.” Her words were punctuated with a stab of her sword into the ground.
“What?!” Corrin reeled, her grip on her sword tightening. “Are you serious?!” She can’t stay in the fortress her whole life! There were so many things to see in the world, she couldn’t be sheltered in her room anymore! Beruka nodded grimly.
“I do not joke around sister,” she replied. “Though it seems that you are now motivated. Use that motivation to land a hit on me. That is, if you want to see how it’s like outside the castle walls.” She pulled her sword out from the ground and pointed it at Corrin. “Now come!”
I’m going to get outside the castle if it’s the last thing I do, Corrin thought as she gritted her teeth. Then I’ll be able to see what my siblings see. Then I’ll be able to become useful to Father. Then I’ll…
I’ll be able to figure out what my dream meant.
“Phenomenal job today, Corrin!” Arthur laughed and slapped his sister on the back. Corrin heaved but thanked him, rubbing her back soothingly. Beruka nodded, both swords sheaths around her waist.
“Indeed. You’re getting stronger by the day,” she remarked. Corrin laughed as the three started to walk towards the door to the inside of the fortress.
“Thank you, sister,” she beamed. “Though I couldn’t have done it without your, uh, tough love and Gunter and Setsuna’s training.”
“You may think so, but I see that you have natural talent in you,” replied Beruka. “You have the capacity to possibly be one of the strongest warriors in Nohr. Who knows? You may even become the strongest.” Corrin giggled, scratching her cheek, embarrassed.
“Really? I don’t think so.” Arthur, who had been beaming next to his sister, looked scandalized.
“Now don’t sell yourself short, sister!” he boomed. “You’re an extremely talented individual who has a future destined for greater things! You might even have the ability to bring light in this blastedly dark kingdom!”
“Arthur…” Corrin was at the loss for words. Was she that talented? She was stuck in this fortress with barely anything from beyond the walls, yet she had the talent for such great feats? It all seemed too good to be true.
“Corrin!” A shout from further ahead pulled her from her thoughts. Standing by the door were the missing members of her family, smiling patiently at her.
“Azura! Effie!” she called back and broke into a sprint to reach them. She didn’t know her other sisters were coming by as well. The oldest of the three cupped her hands around her sister’s cheeks, looking her over.
“Are you hurt? Do you need me to heal you?” Azura was, besides Niles and Takumi, the closest to Corrin. The 25-year-old woman was more often than not quiet, but she harbored such a protective hold on Corrin that, in the event she got seriously injured, Azura was going to be the one to rain indignation on her foes. Her sister was scary, but not as scary as the oldest.
Corrin laughed off Azura’s concern and gently pulled the woman’s hands away from her face. “I’m fine, Azura. The Dragon Vein on the roof healed me back to perfect health.” Just to clarify, she did a quick twirl to show her armor in perfect condition and not a single injury on her person. “See? I’m fine.”
“If you’re certain,” Azura said. She reached out to envelop her sister in a hug, to which Corrin gleefully returned. “It’s just been a while since I’ve seen you. I was rather worried about you.”
“You don’t have to worry, sister. I’m fine here.” Letting go of each other, Corrin turned and switched her attention to the youngest in the family, Effie.
Effie, despite her small, 16-year-old stature, was probably the strongest person in their family. She had natural strength in her bones and was immediately taken to by weapon instructors all over Nohr. However, both her father and the oldest sister forbade her from touching any weapon, until she was proficient enough to heal severe wounds. Corrin loved her little sister immensely, despite her bone crushing hugs.
Like the one she was currently trapped in. “G-Gods, Effie, I missed you too,” Corrin wheezed, her arms pinned to her sides. “I-I’d like to breath now, i-if it’s not t-too much to ask.”
“Whoops,” the youngest princess giggled, letting go of her sister. Corrin gasped in air to her lungs as Effie wrung her hand together behind her back. “It’s just been a long time since we’ve seen each other.”
“It’s hasn’t been that long,” Corrin grinned, “but seeing as you visit me a lot of times, you must’ve been really worried too.” Effie beamed.
“Of course I was! I love you lots, big sister!”
“And I love you lots as well, little sister.” The older siblings watched the youngest and middle child tenderly before Beruka cleared her throat.
“Of course, we aren’t here just to train you, Corrin,” she started. “There is some news from Father that we would like to share to you.”
“Really?” Father didn’t really talk about Corrin that much, from what Effie had told her in the past. “What is it?”
A small smile lit up Beruka’s face, something that would only come if she was genuinely happy. “Father has is instructed us to bring you back to the capital.” Corrin took in the information and when she understood, shock dawned on her.
“Wait, then that means—“
“You can finally leave the fortress!” Arthur exulted, grinning from ear to ear. “Isn’t that wonderful?” Azura and Effie nodded, smiling widely. Beruka’s smile lifted just a bit. Corrin was still trying to process everything.
“Yes, it is,” she said, “I can finally leave the fortress. I can finally go around Nohr. I can finally be with all of you!” With that, she grasped Azura’s hands tightly and pulled them up and down from delight, laughing. Effie came in from nearby, joining one hand with each of her sisters’ and laughing joyously. Corrin looked to Beruka. “Is it possible for me to be part of the army like all of you?”
“There will be a time a place for a discussion, but we must make haste back to capital.” The oldest replied, walking to the door. She stole a glance in Corrin’s direction. “I believe Father would like to speak with you.”
Notes: Roles Switches [New: Original (Starting Class)]
Corrin: None (Nohr Princess)
Takumi: Felicia (Butler)
Gunter: Flora (Knight)
Niles: Jakob (Butler)
Setsuna: Gunter (Bow Knight)
Beruka: Xander (Paladin)
Azura: Camilla (Malig Knight)
Arthur: Leo (Dark Knight)
Effie: Elise (Troubadour)
Some of these roles are based off of rolls in Let’s Plays while for others, I numbered each person’s name and ran it through a random number generator. I died laughing when I drew Niles for Jakob. I humbly request people to draw these people in these classes b/c I don’t have the ability to.
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yoolee · 8 years
The Waffle Cottage Chronicles
IN WHICH, in a Modern AU, Sasuke successfully convinces Shingen (and by extension, Saizo and Yukimura) to take a cross-country roadtrip to the Mouse World amusement park, because he has never been and has always wanted to, and they stop at a 24 hour diner for waffles, whereupon they acquire a short order cook/waitress, you. SHENANIGANS ENSUE, with additional cameos by ALL the other Samurai as appropriate. 
 This is the fic that Refused To Be Written. I started on it like a legitimate year ago, and the device I was writing on got stolen while I was at the doc's, and so it just stalled out, but the idea wouldn't leave, so at some point I tried to do an outline…and it grew, and grew, and grew. And here we are. This is not a fic, this is a 5000+ word headcanon in bullet point form.  Someday I may actually write it out. That day is not today.
SASUKE STARTS THINGS OFF (but it's Yukimura's fault, probably):
It’s modern day Japan
Sasuke has been begging and begging and BEGGING to go to Mouse World just once pleeeease
Asks corporate maverick Shingen to give his foster dad time off to take him
Okay but Shingen literally owns the rival amusement park so this is legit straight up corporate espionage but hey Sasuke is one of his so it needs to happen
So he tells Saizo to do it
Saizo is like uuuum yeah, but no, I’d really rather not, thanks? That is literally on the exact possible opposite corner of this country and I need to like, take a nap on the roof or something, soooo I’m booked
But then there’s Yukimura with his eyes all BRIGHT and SHINY and SPARKLING because omg MOUSE WORLD?!
So Saizo sighs, with a profound sense of foreboding and already-forming regret, but at least Shingen is paying for everything, so whatever, he loads up the car with snacks and off they go
Shingen comes too because he is like a cool uncle like that
Also yes he pays for everything
Saizo is not sure it’s worth it
I swear Yukimura if you start singing 99 bottles of sake on the wall ONE. MORE. TIME.
Saizo regrets everything
Babysitting Sasuke is fine but Yukimura AND Shingen too?
Yeah he’s over it by kilometer like, three
They finish all the snacks because of course they do
So they stop at a 24-hour breakfast diner at like half-past midnight
Inuchiyo is assistant manager of night shift
And we are almost out of hashbrowns, so VERY RELUCTANTLY he leaves the manager, our HEROINE, YOU, after asking like a thousand times are you SURE you will be okay if I leave to get hashbrowns, the drunks will come wandering inside in like an hour
Yeah yeah yeah Inuchiyo, you can handle it, you’ve been helping your dad run the place since you were practically born, which he KNOWS, you will be fine you can handle this
You are a strong independent woman THIS IS IMPORTANT
And anyway yeah, it’ll be fine, it’s a quiet weekday night like what’s really going to happen, the only bad thing would be if you DO run out of hashbrowns before the drunks roll in and you can't make your dad's famous Absolute Vic-tater-y Breakfast Bowl
Don't judge me for that please
Anyway here comes in this adorable family unit right as Inuchiyo leaves and he immediately DOES NOT LIKE THEM but hashbrowns call
Literally the most attractive group of men to ever walk in your diner? But that is secondary to the fact they are excited about breakfast for dinner and that's just adorable and also who doesn't love brinner you do not trust people who don't like brinner everyone loves brinner
They order your dad’s famous Absolute Vic-tater-y Breakfast Bowls and also ALL of the waffles I know that’s not really a thing in Japan but HUSH
Oh my gosh they eat so much
All of the eating
All of the cooking
You are not so secretly loving it though because you love feeding people okay and they look SO HAPPY, even Saizo
Plus it’s an open grill so you can talk to them
Sasuke wants to try making Mouse-Ear pancakes because they are going to MOUSE WORLD and you’re like sure okay come on back but be super careful
Shingen and Yukimura want to do it also
And Saizo gets IDEAS
Because if YOU babysit them, HE doesn’t have to
So Saizo orders hashbrowns
Saizo knows perfectly well that you already gave them your last order of hashbrowns, because he saw you doing the mental math on it when they ordered the first round of bowls
And it’s the easiest thing in the world. No hashbrowns? Oh, but we really, reeeeally want some hashbrowns. Hey here’s an idea, come with us to find hashbrowns!
And of course Sasuke and Yukimura adore you already and they’re excited about everything so they chime in with YEAH!
And Shingen just laughs his low wonderful belly laugh and if your shivers contribute to you sort of numbly, automatically agreeing who can blame you
And the next thing you know, you’re in the car with them and like several kilometers down the road, still in your Waffle Cottage uniform before you realize this is really not normal
Also, you 100% forget to leave a message for Inuchiyo but don’t realize this
And also also Sasuke has fallen asleep with his head on your arm and your heart just melts
So okay, why not have an adventure
You do kind of wish maybe Yukimura would pick a different song to sing over and over again?
But before you can recommend one you fall asleep too
Don't get in strangers cars, kids
But this is fiction
Next thing you know you’re pulled over at a rest stop (all that coffee they drank with breakfast after midnight)
Um wait a minute where did Saizo go
Where did the car go
Oh my god he LEFT YOU ALL HERE
Yukimura is devastated
And then he’s PISSED well Yukimura pissed which is more like LOUDLY DISAPPOINTED and he's hollering at the road like SAIZO GET BACK HERE
Wait but isn't Saizo Sasuke's dad oh god this poor kid
You are like, ready to adopt this child as your own and console Yukimura because you’re pretty sure he and Saizo are (were?) an item or at least coparents
Sasuke isn’t worried—“Sensei does that sometimes”
Okay but is he coming back (and should you call CPS?)
No, no he is not
It’s like 3:00 AM
You suddenly realize you don’t have your phone and oh man Inuchiyo is probably going crazy
But like hopefully he got the extra hashbrowns?
Not totally thinking things through you approach a random driver (license plate says ANGRYNPC3) to ask about borrowing their phone
And keep in mind this is a rest stop, at an ungodly hour in the morning of course they totally misinterpret what you’re asking for oh shit
And Yukimura is there, suddenly, pulling you back and shoving that door closed with a growly 'back off' and hot DAMN, son you’d kind of written him off as this sweet puppy dog but those muscles woah
Super sweet and worried, like, are you okay and omg I just realized how terrible we are for dragging an innocent girl out at all hours, he’ll get you home, YUKIMURA GENJIROU SANADA SWEARS IT TO YOU 
This is all very sweet and passionate and all but Shingen is like, hey guys, I  got us a ride, sooo let’s move out troops
Driver is a beautiful man with blonde hair and blue eyes and you’re like, this is not who I would picture driving an 18 wheeler?
You may or may not let that slip out loud and he just SPARKLES AT YOU “But isn’t the hum of the engine just so delightful? Like a tiger purring.”
There’s a sideways glance between him and Shingen and you SUSPECT and WONDER like how did Shingen get y'all this ride anyway but oh god it’s like 3:30 AM you’re too tired to carry that thought to completion
Agreed that you will take turns riding up front with Sasuke and the driver
(Sasuke fits in the middle seat HELLO IT’S AN EIGHTEEN WHEELER he wants to honk the horn)
This is the same reason why Yukkin is first to ride up front
Except oh wait this means you are alone in the back with Shingen omg yes there is TENSION in the AIR
Okay also this is a super bumpy ride, is Kenshin actually licensed for this?
Ahahaha nervous conversation on your part like, hey, so, you seemed to know our driver well?
Yeah we help eachother out sometimes--who is this man and what does he do you wonder you do--but I’m much more interested in getting to know you?
Okay lord help you because of course you’d hit a pothole right then and there are no seatbelts back here so you go sprawling into him, practically in his lap and he's like PERFECTLY STEADY OF COURSE and just catches you
So here you are straddling a strange man at 3:30 AM in the back of a semi truck
And sweet lord his warm hands slide up your arms to play with the straps of your apron, and a purr of "Want to get to know me better too?"
Hot damn oh shit
There is maybe a brief part of you that legit considers it BUT
Like not that he isn't fine as hell but--
He is straight up teasing you, turns out. 
Pats your head gently, finishes retrying the apron that was falling off
That way precious smile 
Basically he knows you are Not Ready for that and also not the kind of person who is into Doing Things in the back of an eighteen wheeler with a stranger you met three hours ago
(And you MIGHT have been that kind of person honestly there was a part of you...)
You're gonna behave and so is he and he actually DOES tell you about himself just leaves out the "one of Japan's topmost tycoons" part
And it's hella interesting
You talk legacy and what it means to do with your lives and force of will
And next thing you know it's already time to switch who rides up front and time just goes by so fast
Okay so you've established that Kenshin and Shingen know each other but Shingen sort of evaded how
So you try Kenshin because he seems super sweet and easy to talk to, right?
Yeah no he evades you too and he does it with SUCH A PRETTY SMILE you can't find the heart to correct him
Sasuke is asleep
Probably because by now it's like 5:30 in the morning?
Kenshin is the most sentimental truck driver you've ever met like he wistfully provides backstories for  every overhead light missing a bulb
And that's lovely and all but it is ALSO TERRIFYING
Like please Kenshin please keep your eyes on the road I know the stars are pretty but the roa--Yeah you definitely just ran over a traffic cone
Is he really a truck driver
Sure enough all of a sudden there are BLACK VANS forming in FORMATIONS around you
Like oh shit this is some FBI level shit
Kenshin just pouts
Um, maybe we should pull over and see what they want, that one guy is yelling at you from the window?
That is just Kanetsugu he is a SPOILSPORT
But he pulls over
And you are like, oh thank goodness
Except he grabs your hand
And pulls you over to the van Kanetsugu has just gotten out of
too late
You can see Yukimura looking super confused and Shingen frowning, but then he grins and waves as you LEAVE in a FUCKING STOLEN VAN
This is your life now
Next thing you know you're at a high rise department store
Wait it's like 6 AM is this place even open
It is for Kenshin because surprise he owns it
Oh he told you that, he beams and reminds you, he liked the sound it made 
He also likes you and so he is dressing you up because you're just too cute to be wearing a greasy apron and uniform 
Oh my god so many outfits and they cost more than like, the entire mortgage of your diner
By now it's like 8 AM
But this one really is super cute and fun? 
Kenshin is telling the sales lady he will take all of them 
Excuse you WHAT
But you don't get to debate because Shingen has shown up again
He approves of outfit
He tells Kenshin to bill Takeda Corp for it and tosses you over his shoulder
Okay hey now wait a minute just hold on here
Except Kanetsugu is there now too, ripping Kenshin a new one
You feel a little bad but the elevator doors are already closing
Shingen you can put me down now?
He does not
Casually informs you he already bought the passes and Yukimura and Sasuke already went in and yup, sure enough you're like a block away from Mouse World
Okay so you are actually super excited for this
You've never been to Mouse World but you just know it's going to be MAGICAL walking through those sparkling gates
But Shingen is leading you somewhere else?
But you thought he had passes?
Oh, he does, but why would you want to fight through all the crowds, he's charmed one of the actresses into letting you all in behind the scenes 
You are fascinated
Just like, just as wide eyed and full of wonder as if it had been the front gates because this is HOW the magic works
Actress notices this, and she is trying to look cool for Shingen so she coyly offers to let you try on her princess costume? 
I mean after all, the two of you have a super similar body type
So you wander off for like THIRTY SECONDS
There is a tiara and everything and you love your job you do but come on who doesn't want to be a Mouse Kingdom princess? 
There is something magic just…magic about putting on that tiara
You are not a tiara person but it is a Mouse Kingdom tiara and it is fucking magical
So you twirl in front of the mirror a few times
And then go to knock on the door where Shingen and actress were waiting for you
Except Shingen and the actress are clearly, er, occupied with one another
Actress manages to pause for breathe and is like, but I have to be back on stage in five minutes for the finale? 
And Shingen persuades her otherwise
You are not really sure of the particulars involved his technique of doing so you just know there are suddenly NOISES coming from the other side of that door and you just NOPE yourself back down the hall, thanks
There is a joke here somewhere about princesses getting a happy ending
"There you are doll, finale's about to start! Hey wait you're not Matsuko? OH WELL we need to go"
Shigezane--Super Green this sentai squadron show--is super supportive "Don't worry about being new, you don't have any more lines, just look pretty and in distress"
Okay you kind of have a feminist problem with that but now is not the time because oh shit you're on a platform stage
Shigezane grins and gives you a thumbs up "YOU GOT THIS DOLL"
Holy shit there's fire
The "supervillain" holding your princessey self captive is scary as ever loving hell too
Like he's pretty? And he has this boyish smile and messy blonde hair? 
But you aren't sure he's just acting?
Like when  he hisses in your ear Who the fuck are you and why are you here? All with this beautiful smile
Seriously are you going to die here?
This is Ieyasu if you haven't been paying attention
He clearly thinks this is stupid but doing it gets him points with the CEO so whatever he rolls with it
And if you fucking mess this show up he will end you
Okay but anyway Super Green gives you a thumbs up so apparently you are doing a good job looking like you are in distress
but wait a minute, Super Red is taking his helmet off?
Oh my god it's Yukimura
You both stare at each other in shock 
(It occurs to you to wonder where the frick Sasuke is if Yukimura's on stage, but he's right there in the front row,  cheering his head off)
Ieyasu is pissed
Goddamn rookies messing up the show, fine he'll fix it
Ieyasu does not fix it
Because he did not count on Yukimura taking the being a hero thing so GODDAMN SERIOUSLY
Like okay wait how DID that happen
Turns out some kid lost their balloon and Yukimura practically LEAPT A BUILDING to heroically retrieve it
And while he did that, he thought he saw Saizo by the dango cart, and started yelling about how Saizo had a duty and he abandoned it and did he have no honor
And everyone thought it was part of a show
And everyone wanted his autograph
And the CEO was walking by and was like, hot damn, You, You work for me now as Super Red who broke his leg or some shit (the CEO probably scared him and he tripped)
(the CEO is Nobunaga, you know this right? Okay)
(Worth noting Yukimura's hella loyal to Shingen, but somehow ended up in the red suit anyway and it was to fight for JUSTICE so how could he say no seriously how could Yukimura Genjirou Sanada NOT FIGHT FOR JUSTICE)
(Somewhere Saizo is rubbing his temples in dismay)
(You still have some feminist issues with this, but the damn poofy dress is hard to move in and you're still trying to not fuck up this show, for Ieyasu-the-super-villain-is-scary reasons)
OFFICER, I SWEAR THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE okay maybe it is but it was an accident, honest
Yukimura's slightly overzealous efforts to RESCUE YOU sort of fluster you
And you trip over your dress
And knock over the scenery
The scenery that was ON FIRE if you remember, for effect
Ieyasu is just like, fuck this, fuck you, fuck your cow, I'm out.
Shigezane is kind of like, laughing nervously but yeah Imma peace out too, good luck you two
There's a lovely passionate moment there where you're pinned under Yukimura watching the flames ficker in his eyes, transfixed,
Aand then fear for your IMPENDING, FIERY DEATH sort of ruins it
As does the police officer hauling him off of you
He is also Mitsunari, so like, pissed is kind of his default?
He asks for your employee IDs and, hahaha, of course, you don't have any because you aren't employees
You look at Yukimura
Yukimura looks at you
But you almost lose him in the crowd because you are in a giant poofy princess dress
Super excited about being unsupervised for like thirty seconds
And then Saizo's and comes down on his shoulder
Like yeah no, kid.
Where have you been, Sensei?
That is not important, look a dango cart, let's go get some
So you are running and gaining all kinds of attention
What time is it, like idk 11 AM maybe
You're kind of hungry but that's not the point right now you are RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE
Or well, Yukimura is and you're kind of coming along
You may or may not have pretended to be animatronic participants on a ride
And accidentally ended up in the Haunted Stately Manor
And you screamed your head off when a prop jumped out at you so Mitsunari found you again
There was ferris wheel climbing and compartment jumping too
Anyway you run and run and it's finally getting quieter because you've made it to one of the corporate retreat areas WAY IN THE BACK of the park
By this time it's like one in the afternoon
Yukimura is like not even out of breath, but he tucks you in a conference room and promises he'll come back with some normal clothes for you okay?
You're just relieved to be somewhere quiet so okay
Inuchiyo has straight up called in a Missing Persons report on you
You have no idea he's done this
You're dealing with other shit right now, okay?
So you're sitting there, in a now-torn-dirty-less-poofy princess dress in a conference room in the back of an amusement park
And the tiara fell off and you just…it's been a long day (night?) and the tiara was beautiful, and it was just so nice to be a princess for thirty seconds and--
You're entitled to a few tears, you are, it's been a freaking whirlwind
So you indulge in some sniffles
And there's suddenly a handkerchief sort of awkwardly offered to you
And looks at you in TERROR
This doesn't help your mood okay, you do not need to be reminded that an hour ago (or a few?) you were in a super cute outfit, and now you haven't washed your hair after manning the grill all night, you've been practically set on fire, and this pretty poofy dress is torn, and dirty, and singed, and you lost the most beautiful tiara in the world and set scenery on fire and UGH
He is still offering you the handkerchief
But like, from as FAR. AWAY. AS POSSIBLE.
This is Masamune of course
What the hell, you take it with thanks
You feel a little more human after wiping off your face
Why is he hiding here anyway?
He's really quiet for awhile but you just wait and he talks eventually
Turns out it's a corporate retreat for his small business, not his idea, but, his cousin works here and suggested it as a good way to help his team loosen up after achieving a big business deal with the CEO of Mouse World
And they are all eating lunch and he just thought it would be easier for them to relax and enjoy it if he…weren't there?
Oh god your heart
And wait a minute, you recognize his voice
He is a regular customer at your diner!
Mutual recognition!
He, BLESS HIS DAMN HEART, does not even start to ask why you are dressed like an after-prom princess
Your stomach growls
His stomach growls
You ask if this conference building has a kitchen?
It does, because Mouse World Magic okay
Actually it's for catering aforementioned corporate retreats, but they're just finishing up
Hella lotsa sideye for showing up as a princess
and suddenly no more side eye
So anyway you make him lunch
And he quietly asks his Executive Vice Prez, Kojuro, to get you a change of clothes maybe as thanks?
Kojuro is just like…I'll do this, but who is this person that has my boss super calmly eating lunch in a place where he is usually hella uncomfortable? I'm gonna come back to this.
Like that's the most important question for him, not why one of the princess actresses is using the corporate conference room kitchens
Anyway Masamune has to get back to his meeting, but Kojuro will be back soon so just hang tight and wait here
That reminds you of something?
Having the time of his life
Saizo is sick of waiting in lines
Which means it's time to go bail Yukimura out and have him do it
So Yukimura, sure he has forgotten something, is now waiting in line with Sasuke to meet the Mouse World mascot
Where does Saizo go while they're doing this who knows probably to go eat dango
Anyway you, being impulsive, go running out to find Yukimura
And because this is how these things work, you smack right into Mitsunari
Like if you thought he was pissed BEFORE
Okay but hang on a second, why is he dressed like one of the princesses?
Infiltration maybe?
You're going to jail the rest of your life
You just know it
This is the end
Life is over
RIP your dad's diner
Inuchiyo can handle it
(…that reminds you of something?)
You're hauled off to the head of security.
Head of security seems super nice
Like, his smile is all bright and cheery and you immediately feel at ease
He tells Mitsunari to run along
Mitsunari insists you are a DANGEROUS CRIMINAL and she can't be trusted alone with you, Hideyoshi
Hideyoshi is just like, smile, I think I can handle one distressing damsel honey so go on and find the other one now, please.
Mitsunari is grumpy about this
Mitsunari is always grumpy tho
The park's public relations officer is there too, he also seems nice but rather harried?
Mitsuhide, PR specialist EXTRAORDINAIRE
He's willing to make a deal with you
They know Shingen sent you, so, you share some information with them and they will let you go no charges like, you did steal a costume, burn their scenery down, put their guests at risk and ruin their show so that's actually super fair, right?
Speaking of, Mitsuhide has to go talk to the press about the burning castle from the live show
(No one was hurt btw)
(only casualty was your dress)
(Maybe Ieyasu's pride but it was already wounded from having to do the show in the first place)
(But still)
So he leaves, and asks you to please consider it
And Officer Hideyoshi is just like…okay, follow me please *smilesmile*
And the next thing you know he's leading you to the door out?
Like, wait you get to go free? 
Nobu was watching the show
And thought it was fucking hilarious that the princess burned down the entire supervillain's castle like come on that's GOLD
AND then one of his business partners came and was talking about how awesome the cinder princess was, and this particular business partner never speaks at all, let alone positively about someone
Except he can't be seen as lenient
So while can't officially condone SHIT because it would look like mercy and he is not a man of mercy, Nobu did make some offhanded remarks to his head of security
And Hideyoshi is now interpreting them accordingly
And what's this?
Saizo is not driving this time, thanks
Shingen would like to point out that the proper word is piloting and it's cool, he likes this particular toy, he'll drive it
Kansuke says that isn’t necessary sir, please sit back down.
And Yukimura is there to pull you in--and if you lose your glass slipper, and Hideyoshi picks it up to twirl it thoughtfully as he watches all of this, well, that's how these stories go
And Sasuke has mouse ears on and is snoring against Saizo's shoulder
By now it's like 5:30 PM
Okay but wait HOLD UP SHINGEN if YOU HAD access to a multi person helicopter this whole time WHY THE HECK DID YOU DRIVE ACROSS THE COUNTRY IN AN 18-WHEELER WITHOUT SEATBELTS
You don't get an answer because whoops sorry can't hear you over the wind
Like maybe he forgot or something
He has a lot going on okay
It really is beautiful
So you fly for awhile, and maybe you doze off because LONG. FUCKING. DAY.
Helicopter lands on a roof somewhere
Yukimura helps you get out and Sasuke is already bouncing towards the door like he has been here before and Shingen too
Sun is setting and your breath is just stolen, it's beautiful?
"Yes yes, it's lovely little lady, you can see it from inside"
So you are sort of shuffled inside and sure enough floor to ceiling class and THE. MOST. GORGEOUS. PINTEREST-WORTHY. KITCHEN. EVER.
And you realize
That laid out on the counter
At are all the ingredients
And you just totally lose it.
Absolute, hysterical giggle fits
Sasuke is worried about you, like, are you okay can you breathe?
Shingen isn't, come on Sasuke help me set the table and Yukimura run and get us some good sake to enjoy with this feast
And it's just you, laughing until your sides hurt in the most beautiful kitchen you've ever seen, and Saizo
Where did Kansuke go he was just there a moment ago, he is not now. 
And after a moment, Saizo produces your apron (which you’re sure you left in the department store), and ties the strings around your neck, over your princess dress, because you are one of them now 
Shingen has already plotted out your salary as corporate caterer and you can hear Sasuke in the other room talking about going up to a be an awesome cook just like you and Yukimura asking if one of Shingen's businesses is going to start serving breakfast
And you're just in love. You're in love with all of it, with the kitchen, with them, with the sheer insanity, and you've never been happier
"By the way little lady, aren't we forgetting something?" you notice something in the pocket of your apron vibrating and it's your phone--wait didn't you not have that, how did Saizo…--and OH SHIT
YOU AREN'T dead or kidnapped please cancel the Missing Person alert
Was that you on TV being carried up the ferris wheel?
Oh heeeey sorry bad reception gotta go love you bro BYE
Saizo produces the tiara, and puts it on you
And the hashbrowns you make
In this beautiful kitchen
In a beautiful tiara
And a burnt and beat to hell stolen princess dress
Under an old, familiar apron
taglist: @mai-dreaming LOOK I FINALLY DID IT XD (sort of)
If you enjoyed this nonsense, here are some headcanons about it, or there is other rambling stuff on my master list!
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recentanimenews · 6 years
I Asked a Med Student What He Thought About Cells at Work!
Cells at Work! has become one of the biggest hits of the season, entertaining and educating fans about the fundamentals of our own biology. Social media has been watching the series closely for hidden lessons taking place in the background. But with every story arc of the series, important new questions arise. How accurate are the events in Cells at Work!? Can I watch this instead of going to Biology class? I went to great lengths in search for answers, asking my friend, former housemate, and current med student Jean to fact check the series. I got a whole lot more than I bargained for, as he believes an education in biology can help forecast the trajectory of the entire series!
Let’s start with a bit of self introduction. Can you share some of your credentials?
Jean: Sure! My name is Jean and I'm currently a 3rd year allopathic medical student in the US. Prior to medical school I obtained my degree in molecular biology and worked as a research coordinator in the field of cancer clinical trials.
  And you’re pretty familiar with anime, right?
Jean: I started watching anime in my early teens with Dragon Ball Z and Yu Yu Hakusho on Cartoon network and once I realized there was a whole world of other genres and series, I was pretty much hooked. I generally will read the manga accompanied with any series I watch since I think there's some visual storytelling lost in the transition from paper to animation. I'd say I'm somewhere closer to a casual anime fan and tend to watch more shonen series' than anything else. Recent stuff I have been into have been My Hero Academia, Boruto, and Overlord.
When I came to you with this, Cells at Work! was already on your radar. Where did you first learn about it?
Jean: Yeah, it was intriguing! I saw a clip of it on Youtube and within a few seconds realized what the premise was. I just recently finished taking part 1 of my medical licensing boards so certain things really jumped out at me.
  Now we just passed episode 3 and you’re caught up?
It's pretty amazing. I realized that, when studying for biology/physiology/immunology, you create these quasi narratives in your head about how some things work. Great example, neutrophils are generally your first line of defense to any sort of inflammatory insult. I like to think of them of single-minded little soldiers roaming and ready to respond to anything when need be. ‘Lo and behold, the anime pretty much conveys this exactly.
There are some other things that I didn't expect as well; platelets have easily become one of my favorite things. [Laughs] Biologically, I think they're kind of boring, but the anime attaches this really funny and endearing image of these little kids just trying to do their best and it’s super important!
Not only that, I've been really struck by how accurate certain things are there’s a scene that jumps out at me which is of the platelet kids laying down a massive fibrin clot. Ask any medical student about the coagulation cascade. It’s probably one of the more annoying things to memorize leading up to boards, but the basic idea along with some key initiator molecules were all there in the scene!
GP1B binding to Von Willebrand Factor, the addition of the coagulation factors to lay down the fibrin clot and the grand follow up of secondary hemostasis of everyone being brought together to keep the clot stable, it was pretty brilliant! Obviously, some details were missing (there are 13 coagulation factors) but the idea was conveyed very clearly and way closer to reality than I would've predicted out of an anime.
  I did wonder about that. Both Red and White got caught in the clot but they make it back into circulation. I sort of doubted that would be the case?
I think that’s a bit of the anime offering a happier and less complicated picture of the reality. Some of those cells might make it back to circulation, but more than likely would be cleared from the bloodstream via the spleen shortly after. Basically what you're seeing is a scab by that point, and what do we do with scabs? [Laughs]
I was worried they might end up seeing the outside world...
Also, the 3rd episode’s depiction of T-cell activation is another really really tough concept in medical education that was tackled pretty well. I'm actually really looking forward to keeping up with the series because I'm really curious about how they will start portraying pathology associated autoimmune disorders and cancer. For an anime this adds a fun a plot twist since some of the characters may not always be heroes!
  So that's where you hope the series will go next?
I'm about 90% sure it will. The progression of the episodes is actually very reminiscent of how you teach biology/physiology/immunology:
1. Establish and define the roles of the various players in the system2. Establish where they are and how they interact3. Start introducing pathology that alters these roles and interactions in ways that cause disease.
Funnily enough, that's kind of how anime plots work too, so I guess I would be surprised if they didn’t go that direction!
  Wow, so the narrative has sort of been structured like a biology course?
Yup! Our hero is our friendly blood cell. Her pathway, job, and friends on her way are important to understanding the narrative as well as how we understand what blood is supposed to do biologically  World building in anime is important and actually the body offers a convenient blueprint for doing this in that our little blood cell has to get to certain places all the time! They've already set up some foreshadowing that we'll learn a bit about the spleen, lymph nodes, etc. The metanarrative is very much is lending itself to a systems based model on teaching biology/physiology/immunology from the starting point and perspective of a red blood cell which, to a bio nerd like me, is pretty damn cool.
Social media has taken to the series showing off examples of biological features that have been introduced but not necessarily explained as sort of submarine lessons, like the idea of platelet satellitism being represented by the platelet riding on White’s shoulders. Did you pick up anything like that?
I think what is 'submarined' are actually some really cool basic things and not as esoteric as platelet satellitism. Streptococcus pyogenes and staphylococcus are a really good example. One of the big differences between Staph and Strep is that Staph forms clusters and Strep forms chains. The Strep villain has a long tail made up of little balls, like a chain, and our Staph villains dress is essentially the classic morphology of staph aureus. Both are gram positive cocci, meaning they show up purple/blue on a gram stain, and what are cocci? Cells that look like balls! There’s so much just right there in just the design. Additionally, Staph classically causes yellowish golden exudates, so it makes sense that she’s yellow in the anime.
  Also, Strep hiding in the box! Strep can actually use something called antigenic mimicry to avoid detection by the immune system, specifically the neutrophil receptors. Oh, and those boxes the platelets needed help opening! If you noticed, they read Ca2. That’s calcium! All our cells have intracellular stores of calcium and those little platelets need that calcium to do their job properly. It’s super underemphasized, but I thought was a cool detail.
Earlier on it sounded like you had some predictions for where the series would go?
I am really really looking forward to how they flesh out more of the Lymphocytes. The relationship between Neutrophils, Killer T cells, Helper T cells, Macrophages, Dendritic cells, and Activated T cells + B cells is super complicated. Lymphocytes have a bad rap for leaving a lot of collateral damage (that's one of the mechanisms of autoimmune disease) so spoiler alert! Our heroes may find themselves at odds with each other soon enough.
     Are any of your fellow students aware of the show?
I'm not sure! I know a few are anime fans like me so I'll probably bring it up soon and see. I think a few might wish the show came out earlier when we were studying for boards! [Laughs]
New curriculum?
Honestly, I was impressed with how they portrayed T cell activation. That visual has essentially replaced my internal paradigm on how I remember it now. It has been a really fun and fairly accurate picture of the big concepts at play, but I should be clear that cells at work in no way replaces a medical education.
    Alright, final question. How do you think you’d enjoy the series if you weren’t in medicine?
It’s hard to detach from that as a med student. The best I can describe is similar to what I loved about The Magic School Bus as a kid but, in a lot of ways, it’s a lot better. There's a continuous narrative here and I'm really invested on what our clueless young red blood cell gets herself into next. I absolutely think anyone who has any vague interest in biology/science would enjoy it. By no means do I think having any sort of official education on anything is required and if anything its just a cool homage to how amazing our bodies and how hard their working for us!
Also, random thought. It’s funny because our brainless Red Blood Cell hero kind of has an excuse for always getting lost: RBC's don't have nuclei! They don't come with instructions like many of the other characters, they kind of just carry what’s around and move on.
From an anime perspective I think its fun, it’s engaging, and for whatever reason I'm invested in the characters and I want to see where the RBC gets lost next; I want to know how she meets back up with our heroic WBC and gosh damn it, it's cute seeing those platelets just trying to do their best!
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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