#that is very sinister and vey interesting to me
I know this has probably been done long ago, but I was feeling a periodic bout of Extreme Anger over the finale and I fell down a rabbit hole and am now in firm belief of the theory that Chuck won. Here's all the stuff I found as to why:
explicit 15x04/15x19/15x20 parallels with 15x04 literally canonically establishing why Chuck's intended ending was not a good ending, then the show ending in the exact same way. (meta post x and x)
unintentional?? parallel with Sam filling Dean's absence with his son/ John filling Mary's absence with his son (x)
Dean textually saying 'that's not who I am' in response to being called 'the ultimate killer' by Chuck, then dying as a killer.
an excellent meta post as to why Chuck winning makes sense when he's taken as an allegory to the network (not the writers!! there's a difference)
and in that context, the ending paralleling the 'planned' s5 ending with one brother dead and the other alive and suffering
alternate endings seen by Sam which are Chuck's (x)
Sam/Dean mirrors from 15 paralleling the Winchester in 15x20; bearing in mind that Chuck wrote the mirror characters like that on purpose and Lilith telling Sam and Dean and us as an audience that is was bad (x)
the entire theme?? of the show is found family??? Finale: O.O no really?? (x)
each of TFW getting an unhappy ending that is like specific to each character's worst insecurities (x)
Jack after becoming 'god' standing the exact, i mean the EXACT same way as Chuck (x) and like SERIOUS Jack/Chuck parallels (x)
After Cas' death (voluntary/his choice), the literal erasure of the impact he has had on all three remaining leads (involuntary/Chuck's doing 'cause he never liked Cas) (x), (x), this scene was cut whereafter we see no one mourn or acknowledge the 12 years Cas has been a part of the Winchesters' lives knowing that the last time Cas'd died Dean had gone off the fucking rails (x), (x)
Castiel literally meaning 'shield of god' and for so long being Cas (dropping the '-iel' which means 'of God' meaning that he rebelled/broke the narrative) only for Castiel to be carved on the table (the part that meant 'of God' is back) also (x) (it's a small thing but the symbolism is important here esp 'cause spn thrives off of subtext/mirrors/parallels/symbolic imagery etc)
miscellaneous literally-plot-doesn't-make-sense (x), (x), (x)
There's other stuff too, but mostly just like, you can't expect me to believe that Chuck wiped out everyone except these three dudes and didn't keep an eye on them for long enough for them to formulate a plan good enough to take him down?? And even the way they take him down- there was next to no build-up for the weird Jack-energy-suction-vacuum thing; the only build for that plot started literally IN that episode, which is conveniently after your only wildcard dies in a way he cannot return?? Huh. Funny how as soon as Cas- the only being not directly under the control of Chuck- dies, Sam, Dean and Jack suddenly manage to find what looks like a very deus ex machina solution that resolves the season long arc in a span of like 5 mins??
Also, one more thing that really bothered me was the sheer amount of plot-holes that came up after/because of 15x19/15x20 (either because established plotlines weren't followed up or new things with no explanation came up). Now, if TFW really did win, these don't really make sense at all; but if it was Chuck who won, it seems an awful lot like a writer just trying to wrap up a story/characters he's bored with. Chuck is done with these characters- they've given him so much shit trying to break out of the narrative. And now that Castiel is dead, he can predict if not control all the people left, so why not just rush through as fast as possible and be done with it?
“you know, i tried and i tried and i tried, but you're all just too stupid, too stubborn. too broken. you know what? i'm over it. i'm over you.” (15x17)
And I know that we all know that TPTB have done stuff externally to end up with the ending we did get, but the only way the ending makes sense (to me) IN CANON without any meta-context and what was going on outside of the canon universe is that Chuck really did win.
Also at least this way, it give more meaning to the ending as said (here) and literally is the only way i can think about the ending without spontaneously combusting.
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mpalarea-blog · 5 years
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Artist: Charlie Roses Exhibition: Dead Man’s Party Media: Sculpture Gallery: LBSU School of Art, Gatov Gallery East Website: N/A
Instagram: charlieroses
Charlie Roses is in his last year of sculpture for CSULB’s School of Art, he is completing his BFA and is a non-binary trans artist. Roses is a true lover of Halloween and he incorporates all aspects of this holiday into his daily life. His main style of art is sculpture and illustration; he focuses mostly on horror and scary topics. Along with sculpture and illustration, Charlie has experimented with watercolor and oil painting. One of the coolest things he mentioned to the group is that he has dabbled in 3D printing and one of the first things he printed was a replica as himself portraying the sheet ghost (which you will hear more about later on).On his free time he watches horror movies and here are few of his favorites; for a scary movie he loves to watch Sinister, for a campy film he loves Beetlejuice, for a cult classic film he enjoys A Nightmare On Elm Street, and finally for a psychological horror movie he enjoyed Hush. A few movies he also mentioned were Hereditary, which he loved all the detail in it and finally he would want to watch Midsommar, because he believes it will be a great film to watch. Upon graduating Charlie would like to teach children art classes but mainly wants to make art for a living. However, as long as art is still in his life and he is able to buy groceries he is happy.
Charlie Roses piece titled Haunted Shelf From The Back Room Of Your Local Public Library is actually a performance art piece that was staged in the back corner of the gallery and it was meant to act as story time like what children get at the library. The piece itself was all over the place and had many different elements to it both fake and living. The installment was very large and focused on the creepy cute aspects of Halloween, it had fake bugs, real pumpkins, books scattered on the floor, and a strobe light of a Halloween Scooby-Doo. The color theme focused on black and whites mainly, with the subtleness of orange. There were also different textures to the piece because of all the materials draped on the shelf and floor. The big hanging spider and webbing is fluffy and soft, were the fabric on the floor is silky and almost slippery. Most of the piece is vey straight like the shelf and the red fabric on the floor but there are also rounded shapes that overwhelm the piece like the pumpkins, the mug on the shelf, the skull, and the wreath on the floor. The overall piece is large but in order to observe the intricateness of it, the viewer must come closer because at first glance one will not be able to see the fake cockroaches on the floor or the strobe light of Scooby-Doo. So in order to fully grasp the concept one should get as close as possible to see everything but not so close that you ruin the display.
Roses says his style has developed into this creepy cute art form especially while into his adult life because this is what interests him the most. The idea of the sheet ghost first came as a joke for one of his pieces but ever since that first time, the sheet ghost has returned to be in all of his pieces. In fact the sheet ghost is the main focus of his senior project, where Charlie will showcase the sheet ghosts entire house. Roses finds joy in portraying the sheet ghost and even feels that the ghost is part of his persona and when he puts on the sheet, Charlie is that character. Besides his installment pieces he also illustrates and these illustrations are mainly done in his notebook. The illustrations mainly are inspired by 1920s vintage aesthetic and they often take 1-4 hours to complete. Along with being inspired by Halloween, he also finds inspiration in anything retro and will try to combine that into his pieces. Charlie was the curator of the Dead Man’s Party Gallery and in order to pull this off he asked his friends to help with the show. Most of them aren’t as into Halloween as he is but they were happy to create for him. Half the show is even inspired by Beetlejuice because he loves the aesthetic of it. One of his favorite pieces was the salt line that was at the entry way of the door because it was laid there in order to keep the ghosts of past art in the gallery.
This by far is my favorite exhibit because it was focused on my favorite holiday, which is Halloween; in fact upon entering the exhibit it truly brightened my day. Just as Charlie does, I also try to incorporate Halloween into my daily life. I have various Halloween inspired shirts, earrings, bags, stuffed toys, and string lights. I find the idea of the sheet ghost cute and I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that he read a story to us. I think that the gallery itself was very playful and fun; it also shows that sometimes not everything needs to have a deeper meaning but instead you just do things because you want to. His art styling also reminded me of other horror inspired artists that I follow on Instagram, the horror community is my favorite community because they are so genuine and easy to talk to as well. I truly felt that when speaking with Charlie about his gallery and his pieces.
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