#that is. a gay hippie polycule
Oh yeaaah i can post a bunch of the doodles I never had the chance to before because I was too embarrassed,, omg,, SCC polycule posting ig
None of these go together they’re all from different points but here they are
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rosenbergamot · 1 month
really cant believe (yes i can) that mumscarian solidified their polycule in s9 solely to fuck with doc like can u imagine being mumbo and ur two closest friends, both of whom u have been harbouring these bubbling feelings for, suddenly ask u to join them. out of NOWHERE. because of an OOPSIE. a little FUCKY WUCKY
like these are feelings that u have been tamping down for YEARS, because even though u have had ur moments with them, sometimes it feels like nothing compared to what u know theyve gone through when u havent been there. sometimes the weight of sand and cactus and poppies and lilacs is so heavy on them that u can almost visualize it as crowns on both of their heads. the silences between them are underscored with an unknowable tension, and u want to be able to know so badly, but u werent there when it all began; even if u were there for two of the other ones, u still have no way of KNOWING and thats what kills u. so u never confess. u keep it to urself. they can never feel the same.
and then the two of them blow up docs tunnel bore and suddenly one random day theyre on ur front step with these stupid hippie outfits and theyve got one in ur size and they look at u so earnestly but so mischievously and it feels like this is the moment its all been leading up to. they blink their pathetic eyes at u and they say “hi mumbo we did a fucky wucky would u pleade join our polycule so that we can kill docm77 for realsies this time also btw this is a compeltely genuine invitation we really both love u and havent been able to tell u because ur autistic swagger is both blindingly beautiful and strangely awkwardly intimidating” and u just have to be like “…..yeah ok. sure.” and then u spend the next few weeks having the wildest sloppiest gay sex of ur life in crowded tents and getting dirt under ur nails and doing ecstasy while docs alerts remind u of the whole purpose of it, and even if that should feel strange and bittersweet, theres still such genuine joy u all feel together, and then when its over ur like “alright so this was a bit right?” and theyre like “god no ur stuck with us forever” and thus u are now officially in a relationship.
and it was all because of docm77. like. what. does he know. does docm77 know that he invented polyamory
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boundbysand · 10 months
very happy for the buttercups for establishing their gay hippie polycule commune while being under serious threat
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imsparky2002 · 10 months
Grimwood Gays
What if Ghoul School was about Shaggy teaching the daughters of a polycule consisting of some of the greatest monsters of all time?
Count Dracula - An eccentric but distinguished vampire with a flair for the dramatic, Dracula loves to play up the theatrics of being a creature of the night. He’s a huge flirt, who especially loves to playfully tease the Wolfman, bickering in a loving sort of way. His daughter Sibella is his little princess, and he has a hard time telling her no. Overall, he may be a bit cliche at times, but he’s a loving partner and father.
The Wolfman - The bear of the dad group, the Wolfman has a love for all things manly, especially football, wrestling and hunting! Despite his tough exterior, he’s a loving partner and father who’s always up for a hug, he’s also a Papa Wolf through and through, always ready to protect those he loves. He’s very close to his daughter, Winnie, the two do everything together, and he couldn’t be prouder of her strength.
Frankenteen - A dedicated scientist, Frankenteen is an even-tempered and kind man who sometimes gets a *little* too into his experiments. He loves to craft and build things with his partners, especially gifts for their daughters. Though he may do a lot of groaning and growling, he is a caring man who loves to conduct experiments with his daughter, Elsa.
The Mummy - Described by the girls as their ‘hippie dad’, the mummy is typically the one keeping things chill and relaxed around the house. While typically nonchalant, he is very protective of his family and will curse anyone who messes with them. He loves his beauty sleep, and despises cats. He loves spending time with his daughter Tanis, being the guest of honor at many of her tea parties.
The Phantom -  A fun-loving and mischievous spirit with a taste for music and cracking jokes. His vocal inflection has the tendency to make anything he says sound sinister, but he’s a kind soul. He loves to serenade his partners and always delights in performing with his daughter Phantasma and the rest of their family.
The Lagoon Creature -  The suavest of the bunch, The Lagoon Creature can make any of his partners weak in the knees with little more than a look. He knows just what you say and it’s hard not to feel breathless around him. He’s the most proficient at girl-dadding, always up to go for a shopping trip or offer advice.
The Martian -  An overall nice and jovial fellow, the Martian isn’t particularly inclined to act terrifying, though he enjoys the sounds of screams. He has unique way of speaking and expressing himself, which is something that only makes his partners love him even more. He’s always up to learning new things about Earth, though he can be a bit awkward socially, a trait he shares with his daughter.
Godzilla -  A true gentle giant, Godzilla is never one to go out of his way to scare people, though he can’t help doing so anyway. He’s also a massive geek with a love of anime and film culture, just like King Kong and Mothra, his lifelong best friends. He’s also one of the best at girl-dadding, and helps his daughter in becoming a ballerina. He may not be the roughest guy around, but lord help you if you mess with his family. Overall, he’s a big guy with an even bigger heart!
More will be coming soon, but this is just to give you and idea of the dads and how they interact with each other. Thank you to Weeby for helping with the summary and writing the lore with me! Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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tsunflowers · 4 months
I finally finished reading dhalgren. what an incredible book. there just isn't anything else like it. I really think dorohedoro might come closest but dhalgren is both more meandering and more incisive. there are parts that feel completely surreal but then there are parts that cut to the core of social unrest in America in such a way that you wonder if the surreal parts have a meaning you aren't seeing
I read it bc it was on a list of top ten scifi novels people pretend to have read. you shouldn't pretend to read it, you should just read it. but it's hard for me to explain what I found so appealing about it. even if I describe things that happen in it I'll miss important stuff and I won't be able to convey the experience of reading it
it's about a city called bellona, which used to be one of the top ten cities in America but then something happened to it that disconnected it from reality. now there's only a thousand people mostly living in abandoned houses and looting from empty stores. people come to visit from all over for their own various reasons and one of those visitors is a man with amnesia who takes on the name "the kid" or "kidd." before he gets into the city he has sex with a woman who turns into a tree and acquires a weapon called an orchid which is like claws over his hand and appears without him putting it on sometimes. these things are not explained but they happen
once in the city he drifts around getting to know the different groups who call bellona home. theres disorganized hippies in a public park. there's a gay guy who lives in a shack behind a row of meat hooks. there's a white family who are living in a bubble refusing to see the reality of the city they're in. and there are the scorpions. scorpions are sort of gangsters, but they don't really claim territory or deal drugs. they're just a pack of people who all live crammed into one house and look out for each other and sometimes go on runs where they smash up buildings. and they wear holographic projectors that look like dangerous animals, like scorpions. kidd becomes the leader of a group of scorpions, and he also gets a girlfriend and a boyfriend. he's in a stable polycule for the back half of the book. also a lot of the book is about the creative impulse and whether your words stop being your own once they're published and interpreted. bc kidd writes poetry almost compulsively but has mixed reactions to people's responses
I think I would be remiss to rec this book without trying to provide some content warnings. I think I'm probably going to miss a few things but the book does include: heavy use of slurs (mostly n-- but also f-- and a brief appearance of an anti-Asian slur), sex with minors (the main character dates a teenager), child death, racial violence, explicit descriptions of rape, consensual but degrading sex, and gun violence. also the main character describes going to the bathroom more than maybe any other book I've ever read
it's heavy, and it's 800 pages, but if you're even a little intrigued by any of this I think you should try reading it! as strange as it can be I found it very readable. the dialogue feels natural and is often very funny. it's not actually an impenetrable brick of a book but it's completely its own thing
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fruitytrollroll · 3 years
ok hear me out.
otto mentallis and bob zanotto used to get high together and argue (married bickering lbr).
in helmut's mind, otto is represented by the "handsy" dr. touch (they were fuckin for sure).
meanwhile in bob's mind, a projection of otto says, "we all imagined helmut with someone taller" (suggesting bob is insecure about being good enough for helmut, and SPECIFICALLY worried that otto and helmut... make a better couple?!)
in helmut's memory of the wedding, a figment of otto is in attendance. but in bob's memory of the same event, otto is conspicuously absent.
and [spoilers] says of the old guard's party pad, "i remember this place! we used to fool around on the beanbags! :}" (THEY WERE ALL FUCKIN FOR SURE)
their whole group was a bunch of fringe-of-society hippie psychic weirdos having free love all over the beanbags-- and i think that otto, helmut, and bob in particular were in a loose triadic polycule. i can easily see otto and bob getting high and talking about what a ~feast for the senses~ helmut is, having casual sex, etc. but bob's self esteem was too low to consider that helmut and otto would have anything flattering to say about him when the two of them were alone together.
so like, bob wanted to tie the knot (HE proposed, after all...! very telling...!) and yadda yadda I'm not saying exclusive relationships are evil or that bob didn't love helmut, I LOVE the gay wedding, but i just get the impression that bob's fear of losing helmut to otto factored into that decision somewhat.
and of course otto bowed out because they are all friends here, if they want to be exclusive good for them, his friends are happy and that's what's most important! i genuinely don't think it bothered him, bc otto seems to experience a sort of... modular attraction model? if i can shamelessly project for a moment-- he doesnt seem clingy OR distant. he's fully engaged and invested when he's with someone, yet he's not heartbroken when they leave either, because he doesn't form expectations of other people like that. establish intimacy on a case by case basis, and if you care about each other it doesn't really matter who's kissing who, because kissing is an expression of current preferences and boundaries, not an expression of emotional commitment.
then the showdown with maligula... not only does bob get saved by helmut (survivor's guilt, not feeling good enough or like it should have been him, etc), but otto is responsible for helmut's body being lost. we know otto blames himself, and I'm sure in his grief bob might have been even harder on otto than he was already inclined to be... ):
like, maybe the aftermath of THAT is when all bob's bitterness and insecurity would come bursting out, and otto would feel terrible, because he had no idea bob felt that way-- and if they were two parts of a poly triad they obviously cared about each other, but now bob is hurting too much to accept otto's support when maybe he could rly use it... )':
and i just feel so BAD for otto, because he feels like an aromantic pansexual who was thriving with his friend group and living his best life, and then they all paired off in exclusive romantic and sexual relationships. kind of like, the way cassie's projection of lucy is characterized--? "ooh cassie tried to be my friend, but i was too busy making googley eyes at ford!"
that's otto, but with all of them )':
and THEN not only do they (presumably) ostracize him in intimacy, but the fallout from the maligula thing destroys them all, so otto is left to single-handedly create the Psychonauts as a memorial and a legacy for the psychic six. put on a smile, be a source of stability for his friends! but i guess they all just thought that made him cold or uncaring, unrelatable in his comparatively unaffected mental state ):
i mean... otto and ford were the very first of the besties to arrive in green needle gulch. and after everything, ford busted his own brain, so otto can't even commiserate about bygone days with him! otto is all alone! and he is just out here coping and making dumb jokes and doing art and science to constructively vent his feelings about it...!
anyway I'm soft and otto is weird but he's also my sonsband
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