#that last one was added after zanes dragon was being carried off before it vanished and caused the van carrying it to swerve at the sudden
writer-room · 1 year
I think there’s some real untapped comedy potential between Imperium and the Ninja’s crazy abilities and history.
Like, the Ninja can summon elemental dragons. Does anyone remember that? Conquering their fears and summoning dragons? This is like, prime bait and switch material here.
Picture this. Imperium is trying to steal dragons. They found a horde of them and started trapping. The Ninja show up, save the day, etc etc, and Kai gets the brilliant idea to summon his elemental dragon. Imperium people have never in their life seen an elemental dragon. Far as they’re concerned, its just a cool looking dragon. Its one the Ninja seem to like, so they all target it.
All of the dragons escape. Except for this red fire dragon. The Ninja leave without it. Score! They’ve at least got one dragon to take home, and its a funky new kind of dragon! So they pack it up and start to head back and where the fuck did the dragon go. What do you mean it VANISHED INTO THIN AIR. What do you mean it DISSIPATED. Is it invisible?  Nope, it’s just. Gone. Completely. Poof. Did it teleport? Can dragons teleport? When was that a thing dragons could do. How. What the fuck. 
This happens four more times before all of Imperium starts avoiding shifty magical looking dragons like the plague, no matter how many normal ones are around. They don’t mess with spooky teleporting dragons, no THANK YOU
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razzle-zazzle · 4 years
1290 Words; To Breathe Life into the World; First Realm
Cole woke up to the sound of dragons.
It wasn’t an entirely unpleasant sound, the muffled cacophony of clicks and roars and shrieks, but it certainly wasn’t familiar, either.
What it was, Cole realized as he took in his surroundings, was a reminder of what had happened the day before.
Looking at the ridges surrounding the nest, Cole frowned. They curled inwards, but weren't overly sharp or rough. Cole could probably climb out over them, but could he then climb down safely?
And even if he did get out of the cave, he’d still have an entire mountain full of dragons to get past.
“If only I had my earth powers…” Cole didn’t know whether there was vengestone in this cave or what, but he hadn’t been able to call upon his elemental powers since arriving here.
Well, he had all the time in the world to figure it out.
Cole concentrated, searching for the familiar feeling of his earth punch. If he could just pull that out, he could work out a solution to his problem.
If he could find it. It felt like there was a block, holding his powers back like a cork.
If I could just loosen that block…
Breathing deeply, Cole focused on that block. As he did, warmth began pooling in his hands, spreading up his arms. A familiar orange glow followed it.
And then his hands lit on fire.
Cole screamed, arms windmilling as he fell backwards.
The warmth vanished, the glow of the flames snuffing out immediately.
Cole took a moment before pushing himself back up, surveying the nest.
Well, at least nothing else had lit on fire.
Cole didn’t understand. Yeah, his earth punch was warm, but not to the point it lit on fire.
Could it really be because—
No. It was just a freak accident, that was all. Firstbourne was full of it. And even if she was right, then that didn’t necessarily mean that Cole could—
It didn’t matter. He’d figure it out, and his powers would go back to normal.
The scorch marks on the wall said otherwise.
Jay was so done.
Maybe it was the sun beating down on him that made him so irritable, maybe it was Wu’s insistence on holding hope, and maybe it was Faith.
Cole was still missing, last seen being carried away by a wind dragon.
And there was nothing Jay could do about it. He groaned.
“Oh, quit your whining.” Kai hissed, equally as irritable. “We’re all hot and tired, Jay.”
Jay glared. “Maybe I’m worried about Cole, did you think about that?”
“We’re all worried about Cole, you idiot.” Kai retorted.
“Statistically speaking,” Zane interjected, “There is only a 69% percent chance that Cole is dead.”
Jay threw his arms in the air. “That doesn’t help!”
Zane blinked “I found it reassuring. Cole is very resilient. I do not think he would be taken down so easily.”
“A 69% chance of death usually isn't a good thing!”
“Oh, would both of you shut up?” Kai moaned, giving them both a glare.
“I’m pretty sure your friend is dead. Dragons aren’t usually merciful here.” Faith put in, adding her own thoughts.
“That’s not helpful either!” Jay shrieked.
“Uh, guys?” Wu asked, from where he was surveying the landscape. Everyone looked at him.
“I think we’re in trouble.”
Several attempts later, Cole took a moment to think.
So far, he’d set fire to the bedding eight times—six times with fire and twice with lightning—and frozen it thrice.
And only once had he been able to call upon his earth powers.
What the fuck.
He didn’t actually get that much free time to practice—Firstbourne was a really attentive caretaker—and he figured he’d been here for two, maybe three days, if he’d been counting right. So with how much he was able to get away with each day, he’d come to these totals.
Cole stared at his hands. He didn’t get it. What was happening? Was Firstbourne right?
“So what if I am the FSM’s reincarnation?” Cole said softly, “It’s not like that grants me dragon powers and oni abilities.”
Except, if the small puddles and scorch marks were anything to go by, then it did. But why now? Was it because he’d been told, and was now aware of it?
Aware of what, exactly? That he was the First Spinjitzu Master reborn? What did that even mean?
What does that make me?
Cole stood up, climbing up the ridges surrounding him. Currently, Firstbourne was out, either on a hunt or checking on the other dragons.
Wherever she was, her absence provided an opportunity. An opportunity that Cole refused to waste.
Carefully, Cole climbed down, before making his way to the cave entrance. If he slipped out quietly enough, then he might be able to start making his way off the mountain.
Cole spared one last glance at the nest. While she wouldn’t let him leave, Firstbourne had still been really nice. He’d miss being taken care of, he supposed, but he wouldn’t miss all of it.
Welp, time to go.
Cole took some steps out of the cave, blinking at the harsh light of the sun. Then he paused.
That was a wind dragon, he was sure, dozing on the cliff’s edge. It looked like the same wind dragon that had picked him up and flew him here.
Okay. So I just gotta be quiet. No problem.
The dragon snapped awake before Cole could even move, staring him down.
“Uhhh…” Cole backed up. “Hello?”
“Why are you out of the nest?” The dragon asked, sounding as confused as him.
Cole frowned. Great. Firstbourne had assigned a babysitter.
“I’m pretty sure she said you weren’t supposed to leave the nest.” The dragon mused, nervously drumming her claws. “Does this count as a failure? I didn’t want to intrude on her cave so I always just stayed out here, and it seemed to work fine, but now you’re out of the nest and hatchlings aren’t supposed to leave the nest, it’s important that they stay safe when there are dragon hunters out and about, and oh—I’ve really messed this up, haven’t I?”
Now Cole felt bad. What was he supposed to do in this situation?
“Hey.” He put his hands on her talon, getting her attention. “I’m sure it’s fine. I climbed out by myself, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
She made a clicking noise. “I guess…”
“Oh!” Cole sat down. “My name’s Cole. What’s yours?”
“Kairi.” She said.
Cole smiled. “Well, Kairi, if Firstbourne’s mad then I’ll tell her it’s my fault. I’m the one who climbed out, after all.”
Kairi blinked. “You’re very mature for a hatchling.”
Cole sighed. “I’m not a hatchling.”
Kairi stared at him. “But—”
She was cut off by a whumpf sound as Firstbourne landed behind Cole.
“Kairi.” Firstbourne said fondly, before her gaze traveled to Cole. “What are you doing out of the nest?”
“I climbed out.” Cole said, “Because you can’t keep me here—”
“Cole, please.” Firstbourne said, bringing her head level with Cole. “You need to understand, I’m doing this to keep you safe.”
Kairi looked between Cole and Firstbourne nervously.
“You can’t just keep me here!”
“It’s only for a little bit longer—” Firstbourne cut herself off to look at Kairi. “You did well today. You can go now.”
Kairi nodded, flying off.
Firstbourne looked back to Cole. “Come on,” she cooed, grabbing Cole in her paw, “It’s getting late. We can talk about this tomorrow.”
Gently, she deposited Cole back in the nest, taking note of the scorch marks as she did.
“Just be patient for a little longer, Cole.” She urged, shifting the bedding with her claws.
“Just a little longer…”
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