#that last one was supposed to say Malon in it but I forgot
skyward-floored · 6 months
Lu incredibles au memes because I had some time to kill this afternoon
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notoriousbeb · 1 month
TTPD Thoughts - The Manuscript (Pt. 1)
TTPD Notes Glossary
Definitely written in the spring of 2023. I think the video was shot in the fall.  
The concept of treason/being a traitor comes up in reference to Harry in 1989 as well (“you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor”)  
In the music video, the typewriter Taylor is using is missing the 1 key (like the song “The 1”?) and she leaves several blank spaces in her writing of “I love you, it’s ruining my life” (perhaps a nod to the “Blank Space” song?)  
When Taylor and Post Malone are laying in the Taylor head silhouette it's a callback to the "Style" music video from the original 1989 era, where the Harry stand in guy is standing on a beach in a silhouette of Taylor's head.  
You know who is tattooed and kinda hot and thus a good Harry stand in a MV? Posty.  
I think she's envisioning a kind of nightmare future of being trapped in the metaphorical neighborhood that is their small industry and having to watch him move on while she continues to love him (ugh. thanks, it's beautiful and sounds awesome and i hate it).  
The last new album, "Midnights,” ends with "Hits Different,” on the line, "Is that your key in the door, down the hallway? Is that your key in the door, is it okay? Is it you? Or have they come to take me away? To take me away?" First line of Fortnight, the first song on TTPD? "I was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me.”  
A slight diversion into "Hits Different" and why I've always believed it's about Harry:  She's clubbing, so that narrows down the choices right away to either Harry or Calvin, but based on how she went right from Calvin to Tom to Joe and was definitely not heartbroken enough to be puking, but rather immediately enamored with someone else....We learn that, technically, she broke up with him ("curse the space that I needed") but she's devastated. Like "I broke my own heart, cuz you were too polite to do it?" This really seals it as 1989 Harry to me.  
“The Tortured Poets Department”  
Definitely written in the spring of 2023  
“Who else decodes you?” reminds me of how Harry called their back-and-forth song writing to/about each other (cue the “Fortnight” typewriter smoke battle) “the most amazing unspoken dialogue ever.”  
A “tattooed golden retriever?” I mean… come the fuck on. That’s a Harry descriptor if I’ve ever seen one.  
“You’re in self-sabotage mode, throwing spikes down on the road, but I’ve seen this episode and I still love the show.” “You awaken with dread pounding nails in your head. But I’ve read this one where you come undone." These aren’t the words of someone who merely wondered about what it would be like to be with a friend or acquaintance. These are two people who deeply know each other and have been together before.  
Also, Harry has documented anxiety that she’s also sung about it previously (“did you get anxious though, on the drive home?” - Now That We Don’t Talk)  
I hate and love the fact that they both told people they would kill themselves if it didn’t work out. I hate it, because that’s a terrible, dumb plan. But I love the passion. Also, who is Lucy? Was he taking to Lucy from Boygenius? That Lucy openly dislikes Matty on main, so I think it’s weird people are using her as a proof point that this song is about him. Did Taylor change that particular name here because it would have been a dead giveaway for this song being about Harry?  (Someone like, Ed, perhaps?)
“My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys  
Probably written in spring 2023  
She refers to the muse as the “sickest (I believe this is a double meaning as in cool and also having mental illness issues) army doll purchased at the mall.”  
You ever seen a G.I. Joe under the fatigues? They don’t look like a pasty ex heroin addict. They do look like a certain former boy-bander from Manchester, though. Just saying.  
“Oh, here we go again,” “put me back on my shelf,” “we could’ve played for keeps this time,” “I knew too much/there was danger in the heat of my touch,” “he saw forever so he smashed it up.” Again, these are things you say about someone you’ve been with before, on and off, not someone you saw in concert twice and worked with once. You, especially, don’t see forever with someone after only 20 days.  
“But you should’ve seen him when he first got me.” We did see Matty. Was there someone else in the background who, perhaps, we did not see? Perhaps a certain curly haired former Boy Bander?
“‘Cause it fit too right/Puzzles pieces in the dead of night.” Hmm. Doesn’t sound like the mediocre sex described in “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” to me
Want to know what lines had me crying in the club on my sad girl walk? “Just say when—I’d play again. He was my best friend down at the sand lot.” Again, these are two people who know each other very well, and have for a long time.  
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1. Sam Wilson x Reader - Song prompt “Sunflower - Post Malone" for softbiker’s “25 Things” Writing Challenge. Due August 1, 2020.
Warnings: Rough training session, repressed emotions.
I am sooooo sorry I'm almost a year late for this writing challenge.
You woke up to darkness and an empty bed. There was a rustling sound and you rolled to see what was happening. There in the shadows you saw the figure of a man quietly putting on their clothes.
“Sam? You’re going?” You asked quietly and he gave a jump.
“Hey, I wasn’t trying to wake you up, but Steve just sent me the info for an urgent mission.” Sam explained as he finished getting dressed.
You stuck your lip out in a pout, “But it’s late, do you have to leave right now?”
Sam gave a small nod, looking at you softly, “I know I always come and go, but it’s out of my control. You know we can’t schedule when missions come in.”
You nodded back at him, “I know, but I was having a really nice dream,” you laughed, “Just tell Steve I expect to be reimbursed for loss of cuddles.”
Sam leaned over and kissed your forehead, “I’ll be sure to tell him that. Go back to sleep, Sunflower. I’ll be home before you know it.”
You let out a soft hum and looked up at Sam, “You better be. How long are you going to be gone?”
Sam looked at his phone again for a moment, “Looks like it should be a quick one, if everything goes well, two days tops.”
You nodded at the information, “Good. I’ll see you in two days. Don’t be late.”
You pulled Sam down to kiss him again, and he gave a low groan, “Every time I’m leaving on you, you don’t make it easy.”
You gave a giggle and pushed Sam back up, “Go, don’t make Steve mad at me.”
Same gave you another quick kiss and picked up his go bag before heading out the door.
While Sam was gone, you did your best to stay occupied. Going to the gym for training was the best option. You were able to get your frustration out and you were able to keep yourself in fighting condition.
That’s where life found you four days later, sparring with Wanda, and getting absolutely wrecked. Every move you made; she was countering. And you were taking quite the beating, red tendrils of power shooting out and blasting you back. Luckily, the walls were padded, but it still hurt.
You were already frustrated about the mission going longer than expected. Everyday that Sam was gone was a day that you worried about him. And now you were getting thrown around by Wanda, and she was taunting you about it. She knew your mind was preoccupied and she was taking advantage of it.
You finally got your opportunity to strike, and you lunged at Wanda, dagger drawn. She was able to get a shield up on time, but you kept going at her, striking again and again, letting out all that frustration. You didn’t realize how much frustration you had been holding on to until Wanda yielded, and you fell to the ground, overcome with emotions.
You felt comforting arms wrap around you and heard a soft voice, “Don’t worry Wanda, I’m keeping her in check.”
Wanda replied out of breath, “She was all bad-bad, especially after your mission got extended.”
You felt a hand brush through your hair, and you looked up into the comforting eyes of Sam. Sighing, you let your self lean into him before you looked between Wanda and Sam.
“Alright, I’m calling it quits now, Baby, I’m a wreck,” you said as you squeezed Sam’s hand.
Sam nodded at laughed lightly, “You can crash at my place, Baby you’re a wreck.”
You lightly hit his hand, “Hey! Only I’m allowed to say that!”
Sam laughed again and picked you up. Carrying you off to his room.
You and Sam were able to spend the rest of your day together, lounging in his room.
The peace and tranquility was interrupted when your phone went off and you saw the notification from Steve.
Groaning, you opened the mission details, “Baby, I got to go. Mission time.”
Sam helped you off his bed and started getting his stuff together, “I’ll come with you, in case you need backup.”
You smiled at him, “It’s ok, Love, it doesn’t look like it’ll be too hard. And you just got back from a mission, you need to rest up. Plus, Bucky is coming with me. I’ll be ok.”
Sam grimaced when you mentioned Bucky, they still had a bit of a tense relationship. He watched you while you gathered up your go bag and extra supplies. “Be safe, don’t let Bucky use his old man ruse to get you on his side.”
You laughed, “Babe, that won’t happen, you know I only have eyes for you.”
You leaned down to give Sam a kiss before turning to head out the door.
“Wait! You forgot something!” Sam yelled after you.
You paused and turned around, “Every time I’m walking out, I can hear you telling me to turn around. What did I forget this time?”
Sam gave you a coy smile, “You forgot to give me a kiss, the most important thing!”
You rolled your eyes and went over to Sam, leaning over and giving him a deep kiss, “Make sure you miss me.”
Sam grabbed your wrist lightly, “Already do. Now go kick some ass.”
You gave him a nod and hefted the bag back over your shoulder. As you walked out the door, you felt the nerves creep up in you. Missions always got the better of you at first, but as soon as you got on the jet, the nerves melted away, but something about this one was keeping you on your toes.
You had been in the field for 10 days at this point. The good news was that you had a roof over your head, the bad news was that you were supposed to be home a week ago.
Today, you were chasing a Hydra agent through the dense forests of some European country. You were pushing yourself to the limits trying to catch up to this agent. You were so focused on the person ahead of you that you didn’t notice the tree root sticking out of the ground, but your foot made sure to find it.
You felt yourself tumble to the ground and roll forward a few feet. A strong hand grabbed your arms and yanked you back to your feet without missing a beat.
You looked up to see the harsh eyes of Bucky Barnes glaring at you. As if he couldn’t believe you let yourself trip. It lasted a few seconds then he was off again, following the Hydra Agent. You immediately followed and after chasing for a while, you were able to apprehend the agent and collect all the information that they had on them.
You were back in the hotel, resting before packing everything up and heading home, when you heard Bucky enter the rooms with a huff. He was grumbling to himself as he packed, and you were not in the mood to deal with that at all.
“What the hell is your problem Winter Boy?” You asked, looking at him from your spot on the bed.
“Just can’t believe you fucking tripped in the field. Aren’t you supposed to be the graceful one out of the group?” He spit out at you, venom lacing his words.
“Well, actually, I think Nat is the graceful one.” You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Whatever Y/N, you’re just lucky I was there. You know, you’ll be left in the dust if you keep that up. You’re just lucky that I stuck by ya.” Bucky said, throwing his clothes into his bag.
You rolled your eyes, not letting yourself get sucked into this argument, “We got the job done, that’s what matters. I’ll train more when I get home.”
Bucky gave you a grunt of approval and finished his packing. When you were both packed, you called for the jet and met them at the pickup sight.
As soon as you were on board, you pulled out your sat phone and dialed Sam’s number. He picked up on the second ring.
“Babe? You ok?” He asked.
“I’m fine, just gone longer than I wanted to be, and the Century Man is getting on my nerves.” You explained, trying to ease his concern.
Sam gave a light laugh, “Wish I could be there for you Babe. But you can do it, you’re the Sunflower, if anyone can make it through, it’s you.”
You smiled, “Thank you, that’s all the hope I needed to get through, sometimes I think your love would be too much, and then you do things like this, and I know that could never be a thing.”
Bucky rolls his eyes across from you and holds out his hand, “If you’re done being gross, I’d like to talk to him, update him on what’s happening, you know, proper procedure.”
You stuck your tongue out at him quickly, “Babe, Bucky wants to talk to you. But don’t worry, I’ll see you soon.”
You handed the phone to Bucky and he gives the mission report before informing Sam of the ETA to the compound. You reach your hand out to get the phone back so you can say your goodbyes to Sam. Bucky looks at you and hits the end button on the phone before handing it back to you.
You glared at Bucky before taking the phone. The brief thought of hitting him crossed your mind, but you thought better, knowing that he would never let you live it down if you did.
When you got back to the compound, you immediately went to debriefing and then straight to Sam’s room, flinging yourself onto the bed and curling into him. You both fell asleep quickly in each other’s arms.
This is where Nat found you when she came to invite you down for a family dinner. As she poked her head in, she couldn’t help but smile as she took in the sight.
Nat went back down to dinner and informed the group that you would not be joining and that if anyone went to interrupt the two of you. She personally would the one to, as she said, “Fuck you up.”
Needless to say, no one bothered you two for the rest of the night.
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junnie133 · 4 years
Time’s birthday!
I was just fooling around earlier with the boy’s birthdays and I saw that today, 22 years ago, OoT came out and the Old Man was born (kind of). So I did a little something for him!! Currently it’s 11PM here so, I’m still on time! Sorry for any grammar errors, I just finished this x’d I may edit it later, for now, enjoy!
“Happy birthday, sprite.”
Time looked up from his breakfast to Warriors, who made himself comfortable sitting next to him under the tree he was resting on. His eye widened in light surprise when the boy dropped a wrapped box in his lap, forcing him to leave his bowl of creamy soup to the side to examine it.
“How did you know it’s my birthday?” he asked casually, shaking the wooden package on his hands, it was a little bit heavy, and he could hear multiple things inside of it. “Never told a soul.”
“Maybe not Time, but Mask did.” Warriors grinned, seeming to be very proud of himself.
Time blinked at him. “You actually remember that.”
“Well, for you it may have been centuries,” he shrugged off the older blond’s glare towards him with a confident smirk. “But for me it was just three years ago when I saw that rowdy, tiny brat for the last time.”
The Old Man rolled his eyes at that, only making Warriors to chuckle under his breath. “How generous of you.” he scoffed, but the younger man knew his words were sincere.
“Hope you like it. Everyone put effort on it.” he said, before standing up again, not waiting for Time to thank him.
The oldest hero watched Warriors walk away, gaping slightly to his last words. By everyone he meant the boys? He kind of expected them all to make a fuss about his birthday, maybe getting offended because he didn’t tell anyone, but it seemed the Captain had everything under control. He looked around the camp, watching how the boys made their usual routine as every morning, but now that he thought of it, last night Wild did ask him what was his favorite food to take for breakfast, to which he replied “Everything you make is delicious.” with his usual deadpan. Now he knew why the cub seemed to be so frustrated for a minute back then, but he didn’t worry a lot about it as he saw Twilight whisper something to his protegé, who only deflated a little before smiling again.
In the present, he noticed how Wind looked at him over his shoulder while he talked with Hyrule, waiting to see his expression and trying to not be too obvious. Twilight looked like an eager pup, throwing glances towards him every now and then as he cleaned his sword, Wild was bouncing his leg restlessly to his side with a similar behaviour. Even Legend looked painfully intrigued by his reaction, scoffing when he saw Time hadn’t opened the box yet. Only Four acted calmly, studying Wild’s last broken sword with detail, Sky fast asleep next to him, but Time knew he was just as eager as the rest when their gazes met for a second, giving him the biggest smile he had ever seen in the boy before he returned to his work.
He looked down at his gift once again, trying to remember when was the last time someone besides Malon gave him something for his birthday. It was Zelda (not his friend, not Sheik, but Queen Zelda who he warned about Ganon’s intentions before anything happened), and she sent him a fancy, golden sword with all kinds of jewels encrusted to it. He let Talon keep it, and he’s pretty sure that his father-in-law sold it to some gerudo traveler for a (painfully low) price that would make Ravio cry.
It’s not like he wanted anything, he was an adult now, he has been one for a long time, but if he could be honest with himself, he was beginning to feel giddy. Of course, he would die before ever admitting that.
He finally began unwrapping the box, ripping the brownish paper that covered it apart with ease until he could see what was under it. The wooden box was obviously not only for storing his gift, he thought as he recognized Sky’s handiwork on it. The cravings were beautiful, there were fairies flying around painted in different colors, with the symbol of the Kokiri proudly displayed at the front, as bright red paint made him tear up a little as old memories filled his head. He cleared his throat, and blinked some tears away before admiring the rest of the work. At the other side of the box a horse he supposed was Epona was drawn along with a femenine figure petting the mare’s neck. He caressed the cravings tenderly, deciding to keep looking for more meaningful details later when he was home, in his room with only Malon to see him cry over his boys’ thoughtfulness.
After a deep breath he opened the box at last, and he let out a low laugh under his breath at the sight. At first, it looked like a bunch of random junk, but for Time it was the greatest treasure he had ever found in all his adventures.
There was a stack of pictographs against one corner of the box, and he realized they were from Wild’s Sheikah Slate. A sturdy-looking golden dagger lay next to them, along with a flimsy wooden flute, a set of magical rings, a single gold-feather-earring, a slingshot, and underneath all of that, a long red scarf that brought back a lot of hazy memories.
He certainly didn’t need any of those things, but the only thought of giving them all to Talon or anyone else made him feel sick. Wind was basically vibrating with excitement at the corner of his eye when he decided to pull out the earring first, replacing his old blue one with it. It was a little bit too flashy for him, but it was worth it when he saw Wind’s huge smile on his young face. He wished he never stopped smiling.
They began packing up after breakfast was over. He thanked a (still) very sleepy Sky, and got a hug from Wind and Four, the oldest teenager acting warmer than usual and standing tall and proud when he asked him when he found time to make the dagger without him noticing “I can… multitask.” was all he said. And they said Time was the mysterious one.
Twilight confessed to him that the slingshot was handmade, and blushed slightly when he praised him. He expressed a tiny concern to Wild, asking him if those pictures were the only copies in the world, but he brushed off his worry with a smile and a reassuring “Don’t worry about it, I have them stored forever.”
Hyrule’s flute wasn’t… the finest work around but he still appreciated it very much, even more when the boy admitted that the cuts of his fingers were not from the cooking lessons Wild was giving him like he said earlier that week. Legend explained the function of each ring he gave him with feigned uninterest, and grunted and blushed when Time still hugged him in gratitude. “Whatever Old Man, you’re getting more sentimental with age…” and fled before Time’s good mood banished with more of his snarky comments.
“Aren’t scarves like, your most precious possession?”
The forest at Four’s Hyrule was quiet and peaceful, the shortest hero reassured them with the fact that these woods were protected by powerful guardians (after a conspiratorial chuckle), and no monsters were seen there too often. Time inspected the red scarf on his hands under the warm rays of morning sunlight, it was an identical copy of the one Warriors was wearing right now, only the main color was different.
“Princess Zelda gave me that one for important royal events.” he shrugged, looking forward. “I remembered you liked stealing mine as a child. I really thought it was Skull Kid for a long time you know? As a kid you could convince everyone you were innocent.” he smiled with slight exasperation.
“Skull Kid liked to get credit from any bad thing that happened around.” Time smiled too, patting the other blond’s shoulder. “I just made it easier.”
He then put on the scarf, even if the weather was warm and made no sense. Warriors kept smiling, as well as the rest of them.
He never wanted them to stop smiling.
Weeks later, they arrived at Legend's Hyrule. Ravio received the heroes with happy smiles and a joyful behavior before disappearing for a while and coming back with a gift for him, shouting “Happy birthday Mr. Hero!” in front of everyone.
Everyone gaped at that, even Legend, who stared at the box in his friend’s hands for a couple of seconds.
“Ah, right.” he simply said, finally taking the box in his hands.
“For the love of Lolia Link, don’t tell me you forgot again.” Ravio whined.
“...it has been a long adventure.”
The group freaked out when he said that, and completely lost their minds when Ravio said his birthday was November the 21st, the same day as Time.
It’s needless to say that no one had ever seen Wild cook a cake as fast as that day.
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oliveiraveiro · 4 years
what we keep inside
part 1 of 3 of The Weekend
Open Heart, Rafael x F!MC
series summary: Casey and Rafael try to face their respective feelings and be honest about them to each other. With Sora in the picture, what can happen in short three days? What will happen after?
chapter summary: Not everyone will have fun at the Edenbrook gala.
tags/warning: pining, eventual happy ending, rafael x sora, suggestive thought, mention of alcohol, verbal fight
word count: 2005 / ao3 link / part 2
Friday night.                                
Casey is spending it like how she always did; drinks and karaoke with her friends.
Friday nights are always good nights. It marks the end of her week at work. It is when she can truly relax and decompress from her cases, aside from spending quality time with her friends who are as busy as she is.
So as usual, she was giddy, a half-drunk cocktail in her hand as she watched and cheered Elijah as he belted out the lyrics to Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee.
Casey had a blush on her cheeks that she has been feeling for about an hour now, and she had been smiling more than usual.
She keeps on telling herself it was just the drinks, but she knows deep inside that it had something to do with the brown-eyed man sitting in front of her who decided to join karaoke night tonight.
They were broken up, sure, and he is seeing someone else. But the times they hang out together, even just as friends, still made her happy. He still made her happy.
She steals a glance in his direction, only to find him already looking at her. They both smile at each other, and Casey blushes even more. She can only hope it was not too obvious.
“We’re friends with such singers, aren’t we?” she says with a smile.
“I certainly am. You really did good with your rendition of Famous. Always a Raleigh Carrera fan.” Rafael answers with a teasing grin.
Before she can flush even more, thankfully, Jackie interrupts. “Casey, you gonna buy a new dress for the gala tomorrow?”
Oh, right. The gala. She almost forgot about it already. She quickly noted her wardrobe in her head before answering no.
“I think I have a few that should work for the attire,” she smiles at her, glad for the needed distraction. “Are you? You should definitely check out my closet first, I have a gold formal dress that you’d absolutely love.”
Jackie smiles gratefully at Casey. “I will, thank you.” She turns her attention to Rafael. “How about you, Superman? It’d be nice to see you in a tux.”
“Oh, no, I’m not going.” Rafael says, shyly.
“What? Why not?” Casey was quick to ask him. “You always attend Edenbrook events. This has to be the biggest one yet!”
“Yeah, Raf. The fanciest, too. And the fact that the hospital won’t spend a dime on it is a plus in my book.” Jackie adds.
As soon as the word ‘fancy’ was said, Casey understood. She looks at Rafael with a small frown but does not try to speak again.
“Not the ones that require me to wear a tuxedo. Sorry, Jackie.”
“Aw, man, come on. I was hoping you’d join me to find one to rent tomorrow.” Elijah pipes in, now off the makeshift stage and back to join them.
“I can accompany you, sure, but I still won’t go. You guys know that’s just not my thing. But I do hope you have fun for me.” Rafael gives them a genuine smile.
Jackie is about to speak again, but Casey catches her attention and gives her a look to drop it, and she nods just a little.
“Well, if you change your mind…” Elijah says simply.
“Sure. I’ll…try to think about it more.” Rafael agrees. He ends up meeting Casey’s eyes, and he immediately gives her a sheepish look.
His mind is most likely not going to change, and they both know that Casey knew that. Reassuring him, she smiles and gives him a small wink.
She is just about to speak again to try and change the topic, but Sienna decides to join them again then, inviting her for a dance.
Casey agrees, letting Sienna take her hand, and before she can pull her into the dance floor, she gives Rafael a knowing look.
He smiles up at her again, his eyes lighting up at the familiar gesture, but Casey was pulled away by Sienna before she could see the also obvious elation in his eyes.
Saturday night.
To say that Casey looked beautiful is an understatement.
She is wearing an emerald green dress, matched with some black high heels that Rafael thinks can definitely be wielded as a weapon if needed. It only added to how sexy she looked. Her red hair is more wavy than her usual do, but is still swept to the side. She is wearing quite some makeup, but it suits her well, and all that is on Rafael’s mind as soon as he saw Casey tonight was how stunning she is.
Sure, attending this gala was far from how he planned to spend the night. But what happened already happened, and he is here now. He is more than thankful to be graced by Casey’s appearance.
He continued watching her rub elbows with some big-names, long enough for he himself to feel uncomfortable. Only then he realizes that he has been alone with his drink for quite a while now. With how much Sora tried convincing him that it will be such a great idea to attend tonight’s event, that it will be such a terrific date, he naturally expected her to be by his side. But only god knows which important person she is schmoozing with right now.
For maybe the twentieth time tonight, he lets out a sigh, finishing up his drink. Elijah! Yeah, he can probably try to find him.
Just as he is about to take another look around the room, Casey takes up his view. She gives him a friendly smile.
“Hey, stranger,” she greets. “Something wrong with your drink?”
Realizing that he is frowning, Rafael quickly schools his features, and for the first time tonight he grins.
“Something like that. I probably need something stronger, or-- actually I think beer is better.”
Casey laughs softly. “Not sure if we can find a pint, but we can probably help ourselves to a glass of whiskey. Or five.”
“Getting cozy with the rich and powerful exhausting you?” He asks her, seeing through her smiles and laugh, eyebrows furrowing again in concern.
“Barely starting and I am already very exhausted.” She sighs, easing off on the charm. “And you? You don’t look like you’re having a blast either.”
Rafael is grateful that she did not directly ask him what made him change his mind on going. But well, that is who Casey was. She hated confrontation as much as he did, which is why they were still friends, despite recently going through a breakup.
“Yeah, you know I’d rather be staying at home.” He sighed softly, looking down at his drink for a moment as he debated whether to tell her more or not. “Sora insisted that we attend. It was supposed to be a date, but…”
Casey nods as Rafael trails off, seeing how he is unhappy tonight, even more with talking about why he was. Still, she is unable to bite back a comment. “A date, huh?” she repeats.
Rafael chuckles, quick to realize what she means by that. On their first official date, he is the one who told her that he and the word fancy just do not fit together nicely.
Now he was here in this fancy gala, in a fancy tuxedo although rented, drinking a fancy drink. Casey can sense his discomfort, but although him being here tonight is not ideal for him, she thanks the stars in the night sky. He looks so dashing and handsome.
If he looked good in his casual clothes, he is mighty fine in black tie. It takes all of Casey’s concentration to meet his eyes the whole time and not check out his body and think about getting rid of his jacket, his bow tie, his vest, then proceed to unbutton his dress shirt slowly, all the while running her hands along…shit.
“I know,” he sighs. “At least I got to see you and spend time with you. And…the others…later.”
She grins at that, making sure she focuses on his face this time, nodding a little. “Come on, I know where they are. Elijah’s hell-bent on making everyone try playing poker tonight.”
Rafael gives her a surprised look, although he already starts following her.
“There’s a table labeled broke players only, I promise.” She clarifies and they laugh together as they head towards the rest of the gang.
“This was supposed to be a date night, Rafael! Surely you can’t possibly be mad at me that I’m upset to find you hanging out with your friends and ex-girlfriend.” About an hour later, Sora almost shouts as she follows Rafael out of the hospital.
Are you serious? Rafael thinks to himself, but he bites back his tongue. “I’m not mad, Sora, I just don’t think that was necessary or appropriate--”
“Why? Because you still like her? You don’t want me kissing you when she’s around?”
“You call that kissing? You could’ve sucked the lips out of my mouth! In public!” Rafael tries his hardest not to raise his voice but getting through her right now is just impossible.
Sora usually keeps her resolve. But when she gets drunk or tipsy, this foreign version of her, the one who loves fights, just comes out not to play but to yell at Rafael.
Actually, even without the influence of alcohol, he has been well-acquainted with her lately. Things between them have been less than perfect, obviously so, because this relationship, them, should be easy and comfortable, but for a few weeks now it has been anything but. They should really talk about it because their relationship turned out to be the opposite of both their expectations, Rafael notes in his head.
He will definitely not be putting it off anymore. He knows he already said that the last time they had a misunderstanding, but it will happen. Totally. He is not sure when, but surely, someday. Hopefully-- no, certainly, before she ends up deciding to break up with him.
“Look, I really don’t want to fight. All I want right now is to go home, so please get in the car and I’ll drive you to your apartment.” Rafael says in a calm voice.
“Let me guess, now you’re gonna tell me that you never wanted to go here in the first place? That you’re right about not wanting to go? And it’s all my fault that you’re flirting with your ex--”
“Sora, please, I swear to you I wasn’t flirting with--”
“Maybe I basically forced you to go with me tonight, Raf. That’s on me. But you were, and anyone with eyes would see all the sparks flying between the two of you. This is the reason why you didn’t even tell me you dated, right? This is why I had to ask specifically if you two had history.” She is finally calmed down, but somehow there is more bite to her words.
Dropping the hammer, Sora continues. “You still have feelings for her.”
Rafael inhales sharply, feeling the rising panic in his chest. “What- I- No…”
“I’d say you’re convincing me and not yourself, but I know better.” Sora chuckles humorlessly. “God.” she sighs deeply, rubbing her forehead with both hands in frustration. “I should’ve known better. Your heart is big, Raf, I’ve always known that. But not too big for me to be sharing your love with someone else, no matter how much you try to deny it.”
“Sora, please, let me just--” he tries to grab her hand, and she lets him, but he notices she looks past his shoulder.
“Talk to her, really talk to her. It’s about time you do.” Sora says, taking his keys. “I’m still buzzed so I’ll wait for you in the car. Take as long as you need.”
Rafael was confused for a moment, but he soon feels the eyes boring on the back of her head. He turns around, freezing upon seeing her.
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nyisles · 5 years
Magic in the Hamptons
Part Three 
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part one | part two  
Player: Mathew Barzal 
Words: 3,333 ….. Crazy right ? 
Warnings: language
Notes: i’m sorry it takes me so long to do this? Like chapter one was my favorite so nothing really compares... but please let me know what you think (your opinions are what motivate me to write tbh) 
           It was the next morning when you decided what you were going to do, at least for now. You were ignoring the text, leaving it on the back burner you had to do something worse, something your head told you not to do, but you just couldn’t help it. It didn’t even take you five minutes to find her on instagram. You went to Mat’s profile (aside from clicking the follow button) you clicked on who he was following and searched her name. There was only one Whitney, and it made your stomach turn. The profile was picture perfect, but what did you expect. You had cursed to yourself that her profile was public. Photo after photo was of her either on some lovely vacation, or her living her “best life”. The captions were clever and it was like she was some perfectly curated girl. You looked nothing like her, you two had nothing in common and a month ago… maybe even less time than that she was Mat’s girl or at least the girl that Mat wanted the most, so how could he even be interested in you? “Okay, okay, relax.” you muttered to yourself as you scrolled further and further into her feed trying to find any photo that showed she was human. A pimple, a piece of hair out of place or something, anything. Reaching the bottom of her page, you had nothing left to say. She was perfect, and you were being nothing short of dramatic. What the hell were you supposed to say to Mat now? ‘Just went through your ex’s instagram, maybe you should hit her up.’ Settling down your phone you decided you needed some space, you didn’t have much to say to Mat right now. It was a simple ‘hey’ text that you couldn’t answer. Especially not while you were feeling down in the dumps about yourself. 
           Over the next few days you slowly came to your senses, Mat didn’t owe you an explanation and in reality you knew him for all of five minutes. So you didn’t really think you even needed to text him back. Were you really going to text him to get some phony explanation, like ‘hey sorry my friend said that. Maybe we can hang out again?’. Opening your phone, you did answer Reese’s text message. Somehow through work he’d managed to get you and some of your other college friends Post Malone tickets. You were honestly excited, it’d been a while since your friend group could fully get together between work and living in mostly different cities. This was the perfect distraction from any boy that was taking up too much of your thoughts. Your group of girls decided to go all out for this, and you were dressed up in your favorite ‘going out’ look. They were able to give you just the right amount of hyping up and took a lot of photos as you all got ready together. “I definitely look better than Whitney in this.” you muttered, after adding a few filters to the photo. “(Y/N), we are not going there.. We told you ten times already you were great regardless of some other girl.” Your friend Kate shouted, giving you a slight push. “Please drink a beer, and let it go.” 
           Which was exactly what you had done. Your tickets landed the group at some open bar before the show and you just had to take advantage. It was like being back in college again. Reese was back flirting with your former roommate, Lauren. His former roommates and your best guy friends, Nate and Grant, were ordering pitchers for the group, while Kate sat next to you doing her best to ask you about your job, and anything that didn’t involve Mat. It took all of five minutes of being together for you to spill your story, so she was keen on keeping you distracted and you appreciated it, but you knew what she was doing. You’d quickly lost count of your drinks after a few beers. God you were a lightweight. “Shots for everyone!” You yelled looking at the two girls and four guys surrounding you. Had you forget to mention that Reese’s friend, James, was also in town. James was someone you’d lusted after in college, but never really felt confident in yourself to truly go for it. James was probably the polar opposite of Mat. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and lanky. Conventionally he was exactly your type, but maybe your type had changed since going to college. Breaking your stare from James, you locked eyes with Reese. He had a scared look in his eyes after you suggested the shots, as if he knew you wouldn’t survive the night. Though being the good former frat boy he was, he accepted the shots and handed them out to the rest of the group. “(Y/N), let’s cheers to being safe tonight.” He jokingly yelled out as a few of your friends let out some cheers and whoops in the background. Rolling your eyes, you downed the shot letting it sting in the back of your throat. The night was becoming hazy, but not to a point where you felt you needed to stop or slow down. It was that perfect amount of fun. 
           Breaking off in little groups, you sat on a couch with your girls gossiping about how drunk the boys were getting and how horrible their dance moves were becoming. “You know, James is looking pretty good tonight, (Y/N).” Lauren whispered into your ear after she’d realized you had gotten that perfect buzz and would finally act courageous enough to flirt properly with the boy. The last time you felt like this, you were at the wedding. Maybe that’s why your original night with Mat had worked out so well, you were just drunk enough to shoot your shot with the most beautiful boy you’d come across. That blue suit, the way his hair was styled....your mind wandered until realized you were on a bad trail. Stop thinking about Mat, you mentally reminded yourself. He wasn’t here with you tonight, but James was. You had a more real shot with James. He had a good job in the city, he never was one to play with a girl’s feelings and he had that ‘take me home to meet your mom’ - personality. 
           Arriving at your seats for the concert, the girls had made it so you they were on one side of you while James was next to you on the other side. You had appreciated it, but at the same time, you weren’t enjoying it as much as you thought you would. James was fun, and was making little jokes and putting a smile on your face, but he just wasn’t that stupid hockey player you’d grown to like a little more than you should’ve. He didn’t tease you like Mat had on your dates, and he didn’t give you much excitement talking to him. Instead of blaming it on being interested in someone else, you decided that it was just based on life. You weren’t in college anymore and your taste in men had changed. Though he did however manage to keep your buzz alive by running and getting you drinks. It seemed as though he was really flirting and you didn’t have the time of day for him. Funny how the world worked. 
           The next thing you knew, you were taking countless embarrassing videos of you and the girls singing to Post Malone. You could see a little glimmer in Reese’s eye from a few seats away as he looked at you, maybe like he was a little bit proud you were able to have so much fun, since he was clearly notorious for getting you into trouble. Taking what you thought was a hot photo of you and the girls, you posted it to your instagram story tagging the location ‘Post Malone at Madison Square Garden’. Normally you didn’t give your stories a second thought, you looked good, you were having fun, who cared? Wrong. Always wrong. 
@barzal97 replied to your story: ah, you’re here too? I have a box, let’s meet up.
           Maybe you were drunk, maybe this was a sign from some higher power that you were supposed to talk to Mat again. You screeched when you looked through your profile notifications noticing that he had followed you days ago, probably after you had followed him. Opening the dm, you pulled Kate over to you shoving your phone in her face. In this moment you were so thankful you had someone that wasn’t Reese to give you boy advice. The look on her face changed as she grabbed your phone, scrolling through his profile. An eyebrow raised, as she gave you the phone back, “You forgot to mention Mat was that good looking. (Y/N), why are you even concerning yourself with some other girl when this boy is trying to reach out to you. Now on multiple platforms. Please answer him.” Well that wasn’t what you were expecting her to say. “You’re young, hot, and you should just go home with him.” You let out a ridiculous laugh shaking your head no, letting your cheeks flush at the thought of going home with Mat. It was too soon, a day ago you thought it was over. 
@(your user name): no way! where should i meet you?
@barzal97: elevators at the front of the garden to the 2nd floor, i’ll come grab ya.
            “Hey (Y/N), wanna go to the bar and help grab some drinks with me? I only have two hands and this time Reese wants something.” James asked you politely bringing your eyes away from your phone screen momentarily. He was trying to spend some alone time with you and although it was so sweet, you weren’t interested. Your girlfriends had put bad ideas into your mind that you were now going home with Mat Barzal, and you were clearly under the influence so you were swayed by their words. It sucked, but in all honesty James didn’t stand a chance. “Uh, I actually have to go to the bathroom. I’ll see ya in a few though?” You suggested to him with a smile, not having the heart to tell him you were going to see a boy who you were more interested in. You were on one hand thankful James had kept you the perfect amount of buzzed. Grabbing your purse off the seat below you, you sent a wink over to the girls who sent you little cheers as you practically sprinted out to the arena to the lobby to find the elevators Mat was talking about. 
           It didn’t take long to find Mat, in fact you were a lot closer to his box than you had originally thought. He was waiting for you by the elevators with security, letting them know you were with him. You were starting to get a bit nervous, and maybe the alcohol was wearing off because you were hyper aware of the way you were walking. Definitely not in a straight line, but you weren’t stumbling either. You had hoped and prayed Mat didn’t notice. It took him a minute to peel away from his conversation with the security guard to fully notice you had approached him, he was in a much more casual look than you were. Joggers, a plain white tee, a denim shirt and a baseball cap covering his messy black hair, but he still managed to rock it. You were almost certain this boy could show up to a black tie event in a garbage bag and still impress you. Maybe it was just part of his charm. Pulling you in for a hug he grinned. You hugged back noticing how your heeled booties didn’t even seem to make a dent in your height difference, the boy was just big. “Good to see you, not gonna lie I was bummed you never texted me back.” Mat said letting you go, to look you in the eyes with a small smirk playing on his face as if he caught you. 
           “To be totally fair, you waited three weeks to text me after the wedding.” you immediately quipped back, it was one of the one liners you had been practicing in case you were to ever see him again, and it just so happened to work perfectly in this situation. Seeing his reaction made it worth it, he scrunched his face up and just ended up with a shrug and laugh. “Well I’m glad you’re here. Some of the guys and I have a box, just a perk of being a rockstar in New York. Not a big deal.” Taking your hand in his, he led you back into the elevator to take you the the boxed seats. It was all very fancy, and of course butterflies immediately returned to your stomach when he didn’t let go of your hand as the two of you silently rode to the second floor. 
           Opening the door to the boxed seating, all you could think about was how much money this had to cost, and how you now were running with this NHL crowd. Some of the faces in the room were familiar. Grace sitting on a couch talking to Megan with their husbands close by at the minibar. Both had excitedly giving you a wave, you made a mental note to go over and say hello. Tito was there talking to a girl around your age, you assumed it was his girlfriend. “Let me properly introduce you to some people you don’t know.” Mat said throwing his arm around your shoulder now leading you over to where Tito was. Mat clearing his throat he caught the attention of both Tito and the girl. “Tito, Emma, this is (Y/N). Please don’t scare her away.” 
           “Nice to meet you both.” You smiled softly trying not to give Tito any sort of dagger eyes, but at the same time, you should’ve been thankful Tito was able to give you some insight. “I love your shoes, Tito you’ve got a very stylish girl.” The three people just laughed hysterically as an older man you’d never seen before came over wrapping an arm around Emma’s waist, handing her a drink and kissing her temple. Your face immediately drained of any color, you were properly embarrassed. “What’s so funny?” the man said looking at everyone else’s faces. “Barz, you going to introduce me to your girl or what?” He said noticing you standing tucked under Mat’s arm. “Derick, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Derick. Newer to our team, so we don’t really like him that much.” Mat said jokingly as you smiled politely giving him a nod. 
           “Can we get a drink, I am properly embarrassed.” You whispered to Mat as the group started to talk about the concert actually going on behind you. He nodded, probably unsure of how many drinks you had prior, but right now you felt you needed something to take off the edge a bit. After one long sip, you realized Mat had made you a ridiculously strong drink. The little bit of sobering up you had done seemed to be slowly fading away. “Hey, let’s watch the concert. This is my favorite song.” Mat said topping off his drink, motioning for you to do the same. You quickly did the same, feeling the same burning returning in the back of your throat from the alcohol. Looking around most of the team was using this concert as a way to just hang out, sit on the couches and drink, so you and Mat made your way to the front of the box, leaning against the railing watching the show. “I love this song too.” You mumbled slowly moving your hips to the beat. 
           Mat looked over noticing you do a little dance, as he did the same so you both were dancing. It wasn’t like anyone was really paying much attention to either of you acting silly. He took your hands in his doing some sort of odd dance you’d do with your dad where he just twisted you back and forth. It made you both giggle, but it was sweet. As the music slowed down to a different song, he pulled you in closer so you both swayed back and forth as if you were at the prom dancing to a slow song. “You look really beautiful tonight.” Mat said softly just over the music. “I’m glad you were here tonight. It’s like the universe knew. I was too nervous to hit you with a double text.” Your face flushed as you hid your face in the crook of his neck. “Mat, shut up.”
           “Hey, be nice to me. I said a kind thing.” He said back to you with a chuckle as you continued to sway along to the song. “Mathew, you’re so kind to me, but my feet are starting to hurt can we sit down for a second.” Letting go of you, he pointed over to a couple of seats and you followed his lead over there. As soon as you sat down, Grace and Megan swarmed you handing you another strong drink as Mat excused himself for a moment to use the bathroom or talk to Derick or something you didn’t quite catch. “(Y/N), you look really hot. No wonder Mat was showing us your instagram story seeing if he should invite you up.” Megan said with a chuckle. “Thank God he listened to us, we were starting to get worried he scared you away after the wedding.”
           “Not totally scared, at least not yet.” You said jokingly. “I’m impressed with his game. If you guys aren’t dating by Christmas I’ll be so disappointed.” Grace said making you blush a little, but you didn’t want to take what she said too seriously. He was just with Whitney, or at least was recently seeing her in a way that dating you by Christmas would really be jumping the gun. Maybe the girls were just trying to be polite because maybe Mat had brought around some other girl and they were secretly rooting for you more than her. Right before you could answer Mat swooped back in with a refill for your empty drink. “Grace, Megan, I must steal your friend. We have a concert to watch.” Taking your free hand Mat took you back to the railing where you could finish watching the concert, this time without your shoes on. Time went on and both of you continued to dance along to the songs, his arm wrapped around your waist as he stood behind you to watch. 
           “Hey, I hope you’re having fun with me.” You spoke softly between songs, not fully noticing the drunken state you were slowly succumbing to. “I appreciate the invite up here.” Mat looked over, somehow in the dim lighting of the arena, you could still make out his green eyes and it seemed like they were looking into your soul. “(Y/N), I have a lot of fun with you.”
           And then your mind said exactly what you were thinking because the drinks had caught up and suddenly your filter was gone. “Let’s get out of here, I want you to take me to your place.” You said as seductively as you could which probably sounded ridiculous at this point. For once, you saw Mat’s face turn a light shade of pink, was he blushing? “Yeah, we could do that.” And that’s went it all went dark. Truly that’s all you can remember for the rest of the night. It was a bit alarming when you’d woken up in a strange bed, looking down at yourself seeing you were in an islanders t-shirt ten sizes too big and some sweatpants that also didn’t quite fit right.
           Oh fuck. 
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ashleyswrittenwords · 5 years
How To Be A Queen [Part 11]
Note: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I said no cliff hangers. I’m a liar. Also wtf this surpassed 40k words. It’s 85 pages long on my word doc. How in the hell.
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Warning: Cussing. Like big boy words.
Part 1
How To Be A Queen
The few days before the festival flew by. Mrs. Harper had barely finished our gowns on top of the many last-minute requests from other Hateno residents. Anju and I were enlisted at times along to help with sewing. It was hectic, but I loved it. Nothing was expected of me other than my occasional assistance. Over the duration of this time, I had rarely bumped into Link. When I did, he asked what I was up to and was off again as quick as he came. Every now and again, I’d notice him hanging off to the side with that same group of men helping with putting together decorations or stalls for the festival. Sometimes talking with Aryll, other times being pushed away by her.
A boy ran across the courtyard in hot pursuit of a rooster while two other children trailed behind in fits of light laughter. The sun had long since set and a myriad of lanterns were lit around the village. Jovial music played from a makeshift band of young and old musicians alike. Some drifted off to join other festivities while others jumped in to fill the gap. The musicians hooted and hollered louder than their own instruments at times. The music never lost its beat and had been playing boisterously since early evening. I had never heard the likes of the tunes they played, but I could tell it could get the most sober man to clap along.
Which, incidentally, was what I was doing near the edge of the crowd. Sharla Harper had just parted from me to join the dancing throngs of people after our idle witnessing of her husband playing the violin with aggressive enthusiasm. Admittedly, I had turned down a dance with her and chose to become a sort of wallflower instead.
A thin-stemmed glass was pushed into my hands and Malon came into view. Her cheeks were red from alcohol and a smile brimmed her cheeks as she spoke, “Drink! We won’t be able to get free booze like this until Spring.”
“And without the judgement to boot,” I said, trying to match her enthusiasm and stole a glance around us. It seemed like everyone and their grandmother was taking part in the festival’s pleasantries. Not that I was expecting a castle ball’s scrutiny, but this was a completely different world after all. People were laughing, singing, dancing, and I was under the impression that they truly wanted to be here with their loved ones to celebrate another successful harvest season. I was out of my realm and I was loving it.
“You look like you’re having an amazing time and you haven’t even done anything yet,” Malon said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I shrugged and touched the glass to my lips, suddenly realizing I was beaming at nothing in particular.
“Have you seen him?” Her grin was almost devious and I took a small sip of the sparkling ricewine. It smelled vaguely of roses and the color was a matching light pink. “Who are you talking about?” I asked absently, my eyes were drawn to the band before meeting hers.
“Oh, don’t play coy. You know who I mean,” Malon’s voice was lowered as if anyone was eavesdropping.
I wrapped my arms around myself, the glass held lightly in my right hand. I spun a little, feeling my gown twist around my legs. I felt light and appreciate that the only layers needed was a bodice and a white slip. I admired how my drink wasn’t far off from the color of my dress and shook my head, “He probably doesn’t want to look after me all the time. It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?” The woman looked frustrated, “He’s missing out on the most beautiful woman in Hateno and it’s not a big deal?”
I laughed and rolled my head back to look at the sky, “You’re being ridiculous or are you talking about yourself? Because the latter would make sense.” The stars were glistening, not a cloud in the sky. It was like the goddesses blessed the night and were watching from above.
“I’m serious,” Her words were drawn out and she gripped her own glass tightly, “You look hot tonight.” I hid my smile behind the drink. “Thank you, love. You look gorgeous tonight too.”
There were a few men that hung around us. They stole looks at us and I felt bashful. I did feel confident in how I presented myself though. The gown Mrs. Harper had sewn together was perfect. The gown’s neckline heart shaped and was drawn tightly around my waist before flowing in an A-Line skirt. A thick lacy white ribbon was wrapped around my middle and a grey shawl was wrapped around my shoulders and tucked underneath my arms. It was very effective in keeping out the cold, but I dared not to stray far from fire pits that were littered throughout the square.
My shoulders loosened and I quickly realized I had downed the wine as I listened to Malon’s rambling. She gasped and took it from me, mumbling, “We need more drink.”
“We need more drink!” She said quite a bit louder and turned. I lost her in the crowd and didn’t bother following.
Alone again, I turned my attention to the music and the dancers. They twirled and the partners parted to make lines, then moving through to find their partners again. The ladies bunched their skirts in one hand, laughing and stomping to the beat. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped.
I looked over my shoulder and expected Malon but found Link squeezing between a couple. His hair hung partially in his eyes from navigating through the crowd, then he looked at me completely and I felt like my world stopped. The space around us seemed quieter than before and all I wanted to do was hear what he wanted to say. The air felt suddenly so warm that I was almost wanting to take my shawl off.
He had opened his mouth speak but seemed to forget his words. Instead he looked at the band. So, I did too. Occasionally, I looked over to see if he would finally say something – anything. He wore a nice white long-sleeved shirt and he smelled like mead. It could have been anyone that smelled like that around us, but I supposed since we were standing so close it had to be him.
“Hey,” he finally said. Link wasn’t really making eye contact.
For whatever reason I started laughing. Something about the prolonged silence and the sudden greeting tickled me. I didn’t doubt it was the ricewine from before that helped fuel it. Link finally looked fully at me and a flash of confusion ran across his features. Then, he was laughing too.
“Hello Link,” I managed to say between giggles. He was just softly smiling now, not nearly as troubled as before and watched as I calmed myself down. “I’m sorry, Malon forced a drink onto me before you got here.”
“She forced you to drink?” Link asked, sounding worried. His eyes flicked to the faces behind me, as if looking for her.
“Oh no. No, no,” I put a hand up, “I was more than happy to oblige. She just put it in my hands.”
He seemed relieved and then grabbed my hand that I had somehow put on his chest. I don’t remember doing that.
“Do you want to dance?” He lightly rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb as if it was a natural thing to do. As if he’d done it before.
“I,” I had no idea what to say. “Yes,” I said, my heart beating quickly as I glanced at where the music was playing and back to him. His smile reached his eyes and I panicked, “I-I mean no.” My eyes grew wide as I realized what I had said, “I mean yes! But!”
At this point I’m sure I looked redder than the tomato pin cushion Anju’s mum uses.
“I don’t know how to dance!” I said quickly in a horrible attempt to recover. I must have looked like a bumbling idiot.
“You knew how to dance the last time,” he said plainly. “Zel, are you sure you want to? We don’t have to.”
“Yes!” I had the itch to fiddle with my hands, but he was still holding one of them. Why was I so nervous? It was Link. It was only Link. “Ballroom dancing is all I can do. Usually it’s only 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4… but this is not ballroom dancing and I’ll look-“
“You’ll look beautiful.”
I stopped talking. Feeling that feeling in my chest bubble up again. I felt inexplicably happy. So happy, in fact, that my brain forgot to spit out words for me to say. He thinks I’m beautiful?
“And,” Link continued, shrugging his shoulders, “I’ll only dance with you. So, if you don’t want to, we’re both missing out.”
“That’s evil.”
Link nodded knowingly, “I know, but it has to be done.”
“I don’t know the steps.”
“There really aren’t any steps. Just follow what everyone else is doing,” he said, tugging on my hand. “If it makes you feel any better, it’s gotten to the part of the night where everyone’s too drunk to care.”
I raised an eyebrow, “How do you know the right things to say all the time?”
That toothy smile was back, “Trust me, it’s pure luck.”
He led us out of the audience. The music was even louder here and somehow someone snuck a drum into the group of already noisy instruments. I gathered my skirts in one hand like many of the other women and somewhere along the way either Link had let go of me or we were forced apart. Now I was sandwiched between two rather large women. I copied the swaying motions and found myself doing rather well. One of the women nearly tripped and the other started cackling. There was a weird box step and the group moved forward as someone on a fiddle played vivaciously.
I noticed we had separated into lines with lines of men and boys themselves moving between and finding their partners. Rather inelegantly a smaller boy bumped into me but held out his hands. I paused, confused, but crouched down and offered my own. His little fingers interlocked with mine and we did a small circle swaying dance. I laughed at his pink face.
“You’re a rather good dancer,” I said.
He looked at me in surprise but put on a brave face. “Thanks. Mum says so too.”
I looked up to see Link with one of the women before with an expression not too different from my dance partner’s. His eyes caught mine and I tried hiding my laughter. Link mouthed something and I shook my head, not understanding. A beat went by and partners separated and reconjoined. Link closed the gap between us and didn’t hesitate to interlock his fingers with mine.
“Hey,” he said again.
My lips twitched upward, “Hello Link.”
“I see you found someone else to dance with.”
“Oh, yes. He was so charming. He stole my heart and left just as quick. Didn’t even catch his name,” I sighed wistfully. The couples moved to form a large circle with another group making another inner circle. We happened to end up on the inside.
“Really?” He asked with a surprised voice, “I’m so honored to know that the next king of Hyrule hailes from Hateno.”
I studied his face. The shape of his eyes, the small scar on his cheek, the way his smile started out lopsided before evening out on his cheeks. I nodded slowly. “Wouldn’t that be something?”
He spun me around and I pursed my lips, “I don’t want a king, though.”
“No? What do you want then?”
I shrugged with a smile, “I don’t know. Kings are awfully boring. Instead, I want someone who can make me laugh and smile.” I thought for a moment, then nodded, “Yes, that sounds about right.”
He hummed, “So, a court jester.”
“Exactly. A dreamy court jester.”
Link laughed at my expression and we were pulled apart again. The cold air replaced where his warm hands were, and the same sequence of dancing went on. After what seemed like forever, I had snuck from the dance and into the chattering audience once more. I hadn’t seen Link in quite some time, so I assumed he couldn’t find me on time to make a convenient exit together. It hadn’t bothered me and I found Anju and Aryll by a food stall.
Aryll noticed me first and pointed me out to Anju with her meat kabob, “Lookie here!”
Anju lit up when she saw me, making me smile back. “Do you want some?” I agreed and she gave me her half of the stick. “I’m full anyway.”
I thanked her and hung on the side, vaguely listening to their conversations as I watched people pass.
“Does he dance good,” Aryll said with a mouth full of steak.
I nodded bashfully, not bothering to ask how she knew. “He can waltz well too,” I said, pulling a roasted carrot off and popping it into my mouth.
Aryll blanked, “Pardon?”
Anju giggled, “Are you serious?”
“Mmhm,” I swallowed, “During the winter solstice ball.”
Aryll started choking and Anju laughed loudly, trying to smack her friend’s back in a lame attempt to help. “Oh-Oh my. Get him. I want to hear more. A first-hand account by the man himself,” Anju waved me off, keeling over at Aryll’s expression.
I walked around aimlessly for a moment and found a stray waste bin for the now empty stick. In all honesty, I had no idea where to find him. He had just narrowly found me before but looking at all the people it felt like searching for a needle in a haystack. There was no way everyone was from this little town and from what I overheard I was mostly right. Many people came from more rural outskirts.
My eye caught someone walking out of the square. It looked like Mac, one of the first people we had seen upon coming to Hateno and he seemed close to Link. So, I made up my mind to follow him.
“I’m sorry,” a man cut into my path and I stopped. “Do I know you?”
I squinted in the faint light of a lamp. He was a middle-aged gentleman with graying hair, but I didn’t recognize him. His smile was sweet and gentle, as if he already knew the answer. I shook my head, “No, sir. I don’t recall. I hope you find the person you’re looking for.”
His smile widened, “My deepest apologies.”
I looked at him questionably and he moved slightly to the side, giving me allowance to move past. I felt scrutinized and looked at my feet as I left. Strange. Nevertheless, I saw Mac just barely disappear around a corner and I followed. It was quieter here other than the soft chatter of standoffish groups. Some merchants hung around; others began packing up. I suppose it was that time of night. I hugged my shawl closer and felt unsure.
Mac didn’t move fast and he held two pints of mead - one for each hand. He turned another corner and Toma shouted his name.
“-you took so long I’m basically sobered up.”
“You are nowhere near sober. You can barely walk,” Mac grumbled and I heard a clanking of glass. I stopped just before rounding the corner with him. It felt weird to barge in, I didn’t know them like that. What was I going to say? That I stalked Mac to find them?
As I was thinking about excuses I heard Link say something mildly insulting to Toma and I thought Kafei’s laughter was a warning for a heart attack. He wheezed so bad he started coughing. “You sound like an old man,” Toma quipped, “You got asthma too.”
“Oof. That hurts, mate,” Kafei coughed again to clear his throat, “At least the ladies think this old man is sexy.”
“You have exactly one lady,” Link chimed in, laughing at his own joke.
“Um, one more than all of you!” He shouted, “Besides I have a multitude of women in several other regions. A platoon. You remember when I went to Gerudo Town?”
“Yeah. When you were ten.”
“I was an early bloomer.”
“Does Anju know that?” Mac’s voice disappeared into the pint.
“This conversation stays here and if anyone else knows you’re all dead,” Kafei shouted, again. Even if they didn’t tell, Anju was bound to overhear all the way in the square.
“I’d pay money to see you fight Link,” Toma snickered, “500 rupees right now.”
“Link is a fucking knight.”
Link snorted, “I’ll let you beat me if you split it.”
“With how competitive you are? I don’t want to die young.”
“You’re already old.”
“I’m only two years older than you, fucker.”
There was a wide array of bickering between Toma and Kafei. I rehearsed my excuse in my head, ‘Oh, no. I’m lost! Wait, friends? Thank heavens I found you all. I was just so lost. Aryll wanted to talk to you, Link.’ Okay, no, that won’t work. That sounds worse than stalking one of them.
“Besides Link already has a girl,” Kafei said, “We’re obsolete, boys.”
“Shut up,” I could barely hear Link. I swallowed thickly, thinking about just walking away, but I’m sure they would hear a pair of heels on the stone. Perhaps I can take them off.
“Who? Blondie?” Toma asked.
“That one girl,” Kafei asked. There was a bout of silence. “Selma.”
“What? That’s not even close to her name,” Link chuckled. Toma began laughing unnecessarily loud.
“Zelda!” Toma shouted, “Her name is Zelda. I remember. She’s cute. I almost bedded her.” His words started slurring. Someone probably hit him because there was a light “Ow” that followed.
“She’s not mine, believe me,” Link said.
“What’s the color of her eyes?”
“Green,” he didn’t even miss a beat.
“You’re basically married,” Kafei clapped his hands together. “Congratulations.” I stared at my shoes and felt my face flush. I wasn’t supposed to be here. My hands felt sweaty. I should slip away.
Link didn’t say anything for a long moment. “Trust me, that will never happen.”
Kafei made a noise, “Why not? Why else would you bring someone like that here?”
“Her dad-“
“Yeah, I get it. Her dad paid you. But you could have taken her anywhere. Rito Village and see the aurora borealis, the tops of Mount Lanayru, the warmth of the Gerudo. Anywhere in Hyrule. But you took her here. I’m assuming this girl comes from money and she could have gotten a whole party of people to accompany her just like how every rich person does. But it’s just you. So, what’s the catch?” Kafei quieted down. I pulled at my fingers, feeling overly nervous.
“It doesn’t matter,” He sounded frustrated. I could imagine that he was doing that tick where he ran a hand through his hair and lightly pulled at it as he did. Link sounded annoyed and for whatever reason it upset me. “She’s just immature and wanted to do something her parents wouldn’t allow. I was a convenient solution. She doesn’t mean anything to me, not like that. Lay off, alright? It’s fucking annoying.”
My blood ran cold. What?
“You don’t mean that. You know that I know you don’t,” Now Kafei had raised his own voice, “It’s bullshit.”
“It’s just a job. Nothing more. I’m literally just walking her from place to place and getting money from it. Easiest gig I’ve had in 5 years. Are you happy?”
There was silence other than a sniffle. I quickly went to hold my nose.
“What was that?” I heard Link say.
Toma cleared his throat, “I’m sorry I think I had too much of your aunt’s chili.”
“Are you kidding me, Toma? I swear I should beat your ass,” Kafei said. The bickering continued and I took it as my cue to leave. My heart felt heavy in my chest. ‘I should have expected this,’ I thought repeatedly.
Anju found me before I did her. She was smiling brightly until she saw my face. “Goodness, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
I knew I couldn’t smile to console her. “I think I’ll be off tonight instead.”
“Off?” She looked bewildered, “Off to where.”
“I’m not sure. Anywhere to be honest.”
She stared at me with concern filling her eyes and we later walked wordlessly back to her parents’ residence. They themselves were still at the festival and I felt a pang of guilt for not thanking them properly. She offered me a bag and I packed what little I had. The focus was getting out of here. I had gold and the clothes on my back. Anju packed what food she could.
Anju stood in the doorway of my temporary bedroom with my traveling clothes now clean and folded, “I won’t convince you to reconsider nor will I ask what happened.”
She set the clothes down on the bed and took my hands in hers, “However, when you go can I please tell Link?”
“I’m not so sure,” I found it hard to keep my voice steady. I couldn’t decide if I was simply mad or disappointed or sad. Whatever it was weighed heavily and all I wanted was to leave.
She dropped her hands and I frowned, “I think it’s for the best that I go alone.”
“Do you truly believe that?”
“No, but I’m trying to.”
Anju stepped out and I changed. With the backpack strapped, I followed her out of the village. There were plenty of people leaving from the festival and we didn’t stick out. Once we reached the outskirts I turned to her, “Anju, it’s okay if you want to go back. I don’t expect you to be out here in the cold with me.”
“It’s just that I don’t want to leave you,” she was tearing up, making me do the same.
I embraced her, “I’ll be okay! And you should be okay too. You’re one of my closest friends and I wish nothing but happiness for you.”
“Be careful. Whatever he said or whatever he did… I’ll kill him if you want me to, Zelda.”
I laughed tearfully at her comment, “It’s fine, Anju.”
“No, it’s not! Obviously not.”
I shrugged my shoulders, “All he did was make it clear that he didn’t want to babysit me.” I cleared my throat, “And that’s fine.”
She wasn’t too convinced but relented. “I’ll miss you.”
We said some farewells and I made sure to have her do the same with Aryll and Malon. Then, we parted. I had produced a map from my coat pocket, found Hateno, and traced my finger to the Gerudo region. I’d have to back track quite a bit before reaching a new trading route, but I supposed it couldn’t be the worse of situations. I thought momentarily of going to the Spring of Wisdom, Mount Lanayru was right here, but decided that would be awful in the dead of winter. Gerudo region it was then.
I had been walking for a half hour or so. I took my time, there wasn’t anywhere I had to be immediately. No one to keep up with and no one to listen to. I frowned to myself, his stories weren’t that good anyway. In fact, they were boring and dumb. Tears pricked my eyes. They were very dumb. I hated the fact that his absence gave me no solace. I went into this whole idea of traveling with excitement for my independence and look where that has gotten me? I should be excited. Eager, even. I was just a job, huh? Well, he should be relieved that I left without him. Hell, maybe Link wanted me to leave.
The tune of the festival music was repeating in my head. He had a stupid smile too. And I lied to Aryll, he dances very badly. A tear escaped from my eyes, leaving a trail that the cold air clung to. I’m not crying. I am not crying. I hated the way he talked and the way he’d look at me. Even the way he looks. Why not just add that to the pile too? Amongst it all, the thing I most hated about Link Forester was how he refused to get out of my head.
“Where are we going?”
I screamed and my neck nearly snapped off with how fast I looked to my right. I nearly started bawling.
“Why did you leave?” Link Forester didn’t even want my answer to his initial question, not like it properly registered in the first place. I stopped in my tracks. Link was staring at me as if he was angry.
“How did you find out so fast? How did you-”
“Anju is a bad liar. Why did you leave without me?” Link had frustration written all over his face.
My tears had dried and were replaced with anger. “Don’t talk to me like that. If anyone should be angry, it should be me!”
He looked taken by my outburst. I was too, my bottom lip quivered and I started walking again. I didn’t want to face him right now. He said enough and I didn’t want to hear it again.
“Could you at least tell me why you’re angry?” He sounded defeated, tired and that in itself riled me up more.
“You’ve been dishonest with me!” I threw my hands up. It was obvious, was it not? “I’m immature! I mean nothing to you and I’m just a job.”
Link didn’t move to negate anything. Instead he just watched my emotions bubble over idly. I bit my lip hard to stop from outright crying. “I would be fine if you had told me upfront that you felt that way. I would have accepted it and we would move on like that. It’s not odd that someone deals with me just for money. I’m accustomed to it. I expect that.” I put a hand behind my head, trying to find my words before speaking again. Slower now, partly to myself, “I didn’t with you. I wanted desperately to believe that you hung around because you liked me. That may have been my own fault. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
He just kind of stood there and stared. He was still wearing the same clothes from earlier tonight, his shoes were changed into boots though and he had his sword strapped to him. He was refusing to look at me. I drew my attention away from him. Link’s silence only confirmed my feelings and I hated it. Something dawned on me and I drew in a breath. If he wanted Princess Zelda of Hyrule, he could have her.
“I want to remind you that you are no means tied to my agency,” I had found my voice. It was an odd feeling to speak to him like this. But it did make him look at me.
My eyes stayed on him and he seemed shocked as if it were news to him. It wasn’t anything untrue. I stood tall in my boots and tried to void any feelings I had for him. They didn’t matter, much less to him.
“What are you talking about?” Link said incredulously.
I breathed inward. I knew I didn’t want to say it. In reality, I didn’t want him to leave my side. He was a comforting constant that kept me situations caused by my own shortfalls… but for someone who didn’t want to be by my side by pure choice alone wasn’t right. Goddesses, I want to be selfish and tell him he can’t leave my side even if his life depended on it. I knew he’d do it. I resented myself.
“You’re bounded by orders, right?” My heart was in my throat. “In the beginning I told you that you didn’t have to come with me. My uncle may be general, but by birthright my words hold higher precedence than his.”
I paused to read his face. There wasn’t much difference, as if my words didn’t register. Link moved his head to the side, as if about to deny me.
Frustration built within me, “Look! All I’m saying is that you don’t have to be here! I may be your charge and you may be the captain of my guard, but I’m also the high princess. So…” I pursed my lips, struggling to find purchase on what I was trying to communicate, “So, you don’t have to follow me around and deal with – everything. You can go back to Hateno or go back to Castle Town if you want to. Tell my father I fell into the mouth of a crocodile, I don’t care. I’m sure he’ll be relieved.” My voice gave out and cracked, “I apologize for getting you wrapped up in my own desires. It was never my intention.”
“Zelda, you can’t-“
“I’m sorry, but I really don’t want to hear another lecture right now,” angry tears stung my eyes. I sounded completely outlandish, but Hylia knows I was in too deep. There was a painful truth in my ramblings, and the harsh reality in his eyes stared back at me. “Everyone I’ve ever met has expected something from me and it usually ends in disappointment. Save yourself the breath.” I couldn’t look at him anymore. Here we go. Oh, woe as me. I turned and started walking, halfway into a jog. You know, in one of my sappy romance novels in Castletown the girl had a similar outburst. Poured all her frustrations out and tried leaving. It happened several times, but he always stopped her. Got her to stay until they could figure something out. Something to patch up their issues.
But I wasn’t living a sappy romance novel. I let my emotions triumph my logic all the time and nothing good has come of it. It was pathetic and impractical to think that I would ever have something akin to that. No knight in shining armor reached out to stop me. For the first time in a while, I wasn’t followed either.
  I wasn’t sure how much time went by. I did know how much I cried.
A lot.
Anju had snuck tissues into my bag and I’ve never been more grateful for a person. I didn’t look back after I left him and after an hour or so I did. He wasn’t there, unsurprisingly. I was tired and wrestled with stopping, but I knew if I walked through the night I could end up at the stable in the early morning hours and a soft bed sounded much nicer than the dirt.
I wasn’t too sure about the time. It was very late and it was silent other than the constant sound of my footsteps. I had hummed a long-forgotten song earlier. It was hard walking by yourself I found. It was colder too. I had my coat of course and it was formidable against the temperature. But it didn’t compare to a person.
Against everything that happened tonight, I missed him. What was with bad nights and celebrations? What an odd streak of bad luck.
My ears perked up to another sound. A steady tapping? I knew it wasn’t just my sound. My eyebrows creased and my heart beat faster.
“Leave me alone, Link.”
It continued.
“I told you before to leave me alone!”
Again, it continued and I whipped around.
It wasn’t Link.
Note: Hey beech. So that was spooky. Who is it? Idk. We’ll see, I’m so tired.
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vanbwi · 7 years
Glass Table Girls pt. 2 - m.
member:  Min Yoongi, Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok
genre: Smut, Sugardaddy!au
warnings: Nsfw, Mature Content, Vulgar Smut, Prostitution, Drugs use, MxFxM, Vouyerism, Cumplay
↠  words: 3.6k
pt. 1 - pt. 2 
So don’t blame it on me that you didn’t call home, so don’t blame it on me cause you wanted to have fun. 
Gif credit.
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The sunlight was blinding and conscious woke you up. Warmth engulfed you. You felt like there was an oven right beside you and your body was sticky with sweat. Your our eyelids were heavy and you groaned in an uncomfortable mess. But you knew that the bed was comfortable, your lower legs were exposed down by the duvet.
 You tried to twist around in the huge bed, but later realizing that arms were heavily draped over you. You immediately tore your eyes open and the light blinded you.
 "Oh- God." You whispered in an utter shock, it wasn't normal that you wake up with someone you didn't know what it was. Stark naked in a Queen-sized bed.
 What happened last night? 
 Little did you remember that you had a fun night at the strip club. Last night was probably the best night in your life. The memories flashed over you, smokes and drinks everywhere. Naked people on top of each other, weird milky liquids in the fancy cocktail glasses.
You choked up at the disgusting sight in your mind. But the person beside you wasn't Namjoon. Neither was it Taehyung or Jungkook. You forgot what happened after that intense fucking session with the three of them. But where were you now? 
 "What have I done?" You voice croaked. Feeling a burning sensation in your throat. Shame washed over you. 
 You felt disgusted and embarrassed inside and outside, how desperate were you for money? You could write another CV, contact nearby grocery stores and beg them to take you in. Work hard for money. Earn it the correct way.
All you wanted now was to call her to your mother, confess to her and tell her that you're sorry. Tell her that her daughter have sinned. At the same time, you knew that you disrespected yourself. You glanced down at your body, there were trails of hickeys and a fading red spot of a hand. Your hair was a mess, the heavy loose curls were sticky and oily. You felt like you haven't showered in months. Everything was completely white in the room.
 As expected, it was much bigger than your whole apartment.Your eyes were burning at the light and your face felt swollen in the morning. You tried searching for your phone, tugging the duvet closer to you. Suddenly you heard a deep groan from under the covers.
 You froze instantly, retreating your arms back and glued yourself down onto bed. You waited quietly and listened to the breathing. The hair behind your back rose up, as someone pulled back the duvet and hogged it to them self.
 You shrieked feeling exposed, covering your bare half with your arms. You didn't dare to look beside you, it could be an old man. A sick pedophile who took advantage of you. The disturbing thoughts nearly made you puke on yourself. 
With your eyes close, you dug under the cover and roamed your hands down the bed. Helplessly trying to find your phone and your clothes. But your hands accidentally touched something weird. The male winced painfully. An annoyed groaned called out. "What the fuck are you doing?"
 "S-sorry!" You apologized, your face getting heated and faced the man. You can't believe that you just touched his morning wood, it was unexpectedly already stiff and hard early in the morning. 
 "Aish- why don't you get to work? Isn't this what you're here for anyway? Just give me a nice morning suck." He mumbled, his voice vibrating. You were obliviously offended by that. It was like a hard slap to your face. No matter how good looking he was, he was really rude and badly mannered.
"Who do you think you are? You can't speak to a woman like that!" He laughed at you, rubbing the rude comment into your face. 
"You're not a woman. You're a whore. This job was the worst decision you've made in your life, other jobs won't accept you anymore. Wherever you go, it will be apart of your background. You won't even get married. You ruined it for yourself." His words were dripping dangerously, filled with venom.
 "I mean, how could a man want someone like you? I wouldn't marry a prostitute. I know I'm the one paying and shit but fucking shit, you must get the facts into your head."
"You aren't stupid right? You're nothing but a cum dumper." 
It wasn't long until a wet tear rolled down your face. You knew it all along but having the stranger confirm it was even more hurtful.
 "Oh my fucking God, now I'm the guilty one. Stop fucking crying." He growled raising his hand as if he was gonna hit you. You whimpered and waited for his hand to collide with your face. There was a long silent, the only thing that could be heard was your sobbing and his shaky breaths.
 "Y/N? I'm sorry." He apologized, how did he even know your name? He touched your bare shoulder, you immediately moved away from his touch. You didn't hesitate to abandon the bed, completely nude without the duvet around you. 
 You ignored his apologizes, collecting all your belongings. You didn't find much but pieces of your underwear, your heels and the money bag. Which was filled with glorious gold jewelry and thousand dollars. It was literally raining cash into the bag.
 "I shouldn't have said that. I'm usually really grumpy in the morning, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." Yoongi said softly, you turned around and saw that he was looking up and down at your bare body.
 "Y/N? I'll make it up to you. We can go shopping for whatever you need, do you like Victoria's Secret? Maybe Yves Saint Laurent? Gucci?" He offered, walking up towards you. Lingering his arms around your waist. 
You leaned your head on his chest, he smelt husky like an expensive cologne. Probably Joe Malone, Blackberry and Bay since you saw the bottle near the bedside table.
He caressed your hair and breathed in your scent. You probably didn’t smell the best since last night was crazy. Yoongi mumbled, “God, You smell like Taehyung...” 
“Wanna take a shower together?”
You couldn’t deny him, you obeyed him completely. He smirked, holding your hand as he lead you towards the bathroom. “I like it when you listen to me like a good girl. Good girls get rewarded you know.” 
Yoongi brushed your hair away from your face and turned on the shower. You couldn’t help but admire his sugary white skin and how good he looked naked. He wasn’t the most muscular guy but he had faint line of abs across down to his abdomen. Your face heated up once you got caught staring down at his beautiful member. 
“I bet you like what you see. Since yesterday, you were practically dry humping me and begging me to take you home.” Yoongi whispered, letting his hands roam over your wet body. 
You wanted to say something against him but you could only let out a tiny gasp once his big hands cupped the flesh of your ass sneakily. You moaned as you felt his hardening member against your lower stomach. 
“Touch me.” Yoongi mumbled against your neck.
You didn’t hesitate to reach your hands down to his stiff cock. Rubbing the head gently with your thumb and brushed his cock against your bare thighs. You peaked up to watch his reaction through the steam. 
Yoongi had his mouth gape slightly open like a kitten. You fastened the speed up a little bit, but only to earn an annoyed groan coming from him. “No, not now.”
He brushed away your hand and locked it above your head, caging you in with the glass wall. His hand reached down to your thighs, spreading them open gently. “You’re so goddamn pretty do you know that?”
“Hmm..” You bit down your lips, holding back a moan once he rubbed his cock against your core. 
“That pussy looks so fucking delicious, I need to have a taste.” Yoongi attacked you with an intense kiss, feeling impatient he didn’t waste his time to use to tongue. Your nose crashed against each other and you could taste him.
However, he pulled away and started to trail his tongue on other places. Licking your body, lower and lower. Passed your navel and you sucked in your breath. He got on his knees and kissed your lower stomach, dangerously close to your core. 
Yoongi spread your thighs wide open, taking a long glance at your glistening pussy. He used his thumb to separate her lower lips and flicked his tongue along the lids. Tasting the arousal coming from you.
“Ah! Yoongi...” You gasped, your chest heaving up and down as you tried to control your breaths. He pressed your back against the cold shower glass. Your hands immediately reached down to grab a flock full of his soft hair. You were already over sensitive, but you wanted him to give you more.
Suddenly there was a booming voice outside the bathroom. Yoongi stopped the water and stepped out of the shower. You clenched your thighs together, the knot hasn’t yet been undone. But you were afraid to ask him for more.
“Here dry yourself clean, I’ll be back.” He winked and threw you his other towel. You chose the time to observe the marble bathroom, the golden faucet and the big mirror. You looked like a mess, a girl who had way too much fun than she’s supposed to.
But once in a lifetime, you felt loved and worthy. You felt beautiful. 
You wrapped the towel around yourself and followed Yoongi’s trail out. You heard a loud fruity voice talking to Yoongi. They were the total opposite. If Yoongi was the midnight moon the other would be the bright midday sun. 
“So I’ve cleared out all the whores. They were literally begging to stay, one of them. I think Junghwa was her name? She gave me her number. You should have seen her jugs.”
“Damn, those breasts. They were like juicy watermelons!” He exclaimed. You saw his back while Yoongi was looking in the closet for clothes. Yoongi noticed you immediately and threw you a big shirt at your direction.
The sunshine turned his head and laid eyes on you. His eyes traveled up and down your body, smirking and nodding to himself. His eyes locked to your legs, probably wishing that the towel wasn’t in the way.
“Damn, man. You couldn’t at least share last night? I didn’t knew that you kept her all by yourself.” 
“You were busy with many girls already.” Yoongi said simply, although he wanted you to himself. 
“The rookie, Y/N. Pleased to meet you, I’m Jung Hoseok.” He ignored Yoongi and walked closer to you. Flashing a bright smile and took his hand out. You placed a palm in his hand and smiled back. He gently kissed your hand, while staring sensually into your eyes.
“Nice to meet you too, Hoseok. Are you a friend of Yoongi’s?” You slightly blushed. 
“Close coworkers.” 
That made you wonder, what are their professions? They must have been very successful.  “Oh, that’s nice. You seem closer than you really are though.” 
“That’s enough. Why don’t we go eat breakfast instead?” Yoongi interrupted and placed a hand on your lower back. Gesturing Hoseok to go out. He got it and walked away, but not before taking a last good look at you. 
“Put on your clothes, I think breakfast is already served.” He stared at you, brushed your damp hair behind your ear. He followed closely after Hoseok.
You did as he said and put the comfortable shirt over your head. Which covered the mid thighs, but you still felt really naked since you didn’t wear any underwear beneath. You hesitated once you saw the little opening on the door. But you didn’t have a way to make your route to escape. Wherever you were, you were a thousand feet above the ground. Probably an expensive royal suite in some luxury hotel.
Though this was your chance to take everything you could and leave them behind right? 
“Y/N?” You heard Yoongi called out for you. 
“Y-yes, I’m coming!” You snapped out of your thoughts and marched towards the heavy big door. However, before you could open it, someone already pulled the door open for you. His eternal beauty distracted you from the majestic room. 
He had beautiful soft skin, alluring eyes that seem to be endless. Full plump lips that looked like pillows. Dark hair that are swept over his forehead. He smiled, god that smile. 
“I’m Park Jimin, nice to meet you Y/N. Now once you’re done gawking at me, would you like some breakfast?” Jimin pulled his arms over your shoulders and led you into the big living room. 
You instantly blushed and looked down at your feet as if they were the most interesting in the world. Hoseok and Yoongi were already seated, digging into the food like hungry beasts. The room service was served on the small coffee table made of glass. Omelette, bagels, fruits and pancakes with syrup. “Eat all you want, if they’re not enough we can order more.”
Jimin sat down, noticed that you’re standing stiff so he pulled you down to his lap. He stuffed a small bagel into your mouth, “Eat.” 
You nodded and quickly followed his orders. Feeling his warmth against your body, his arm reached out for the food on the table while his other arm was wrapped around your waist. Securing you on his lap. On top of his glorious thighs. 
Hoseok smirked, sipping on champange early in the morning. Or lunch? You couldn’t even tell the time around here. 
"What time is it?” You asked, your voice soft and low. 
“About 2PM.” Yoongi checked his golden Rolex watch. He didn’t eat much but he drank a lot of Americano. No wonder the sheets smelt like caffeine. His breath smelt like freshly brewed coffee beans. A homecoming smell and warmth. A small curve appeared by the corner of your lips once you thought of him. 
“You can stay if you want.” Yoongi offered. “One more night before we’re leaving to do some business. We can have all the fun you desires.” 
Jimin pushed his hips upwards, digging his subtle erection against you. Whispered into your ears that sent shivers down your spine. “You can stay right?” 
“Y-yeah, sure. I wanna have fun.” You stuttered and shyly smiled. Jimin tucked the hair behind your ear and nibbled gently on your earlobe. A small whimper was heard from you. Hoseok and Yoongi stopped eating instantly. They quietly watched you shifted on Jimin’s lap. 
His mouth quickly traveled down to suck on the skin of your neck. His hand reached under the shirt, cupping your breasts. Making you moan for him. He growled against your neck. “You sound so fucking hot.” 
With one strong arm, he pushed the food tray away from the coffee table. Forced you down on the table against your stomach. Excitement soared down your stomach. Your heart picked up a pace and you rubbed your legs against each other. Getting goosebumps from his touch and the coldness of the table.
“Fuck yeah.” Hoseok grunted. You heard a sound of zippers, unzipping themselves. 
Jimin’s hands pushed the shirt up your back, rubbing his hands softly against your lower cheeks. Slapping them hard, twice. You yelped and gripped the corners of the table. Wincing at the sting. He spread the cheeks and dipped his fingers dipped into your core. 
“Such a plump little pussy. I bet you’re as tight as a virgin.” He rumbled, kissing them softly. Tasting the glistering juice that trailed down your thighs. 
Yoongi groaned. Your eyes peaked up at him touching himself in slow movements. His eyes stared directly down at you. Lust and desperation filled his eyes. Hoseok chuckled and gripped your hair harshly, yanking your head up to face him. Sticking his stiff cock at your face, “Suck me, bitch. Put that little innocent mouth to use.” 
You didn’t hesitate, opened your mouth and swallowed him. Tasting the salty pre-cum that leaked downwards to the end of the base. Your other hand reached for Yoongi’s rock hard member, stroking them up and down slowly. 
“God, you taste so goddamn good. Your little cunt is getting red already.” You heard Jimin slurping, entered two fingers in you. Making scissors movement, spreading the juices all over your walls, you hummed in pleasure. Sending vibrations to Hoseok. He gripped your head even harder, nearly making you choke against his dick.
Suddenly you felt your core stretch out. You felt the head of Jimin’s hard erectic pressed against you. Rubbing and spread the wet substance over his own member. Coating his cock with your juice and his pre-cum. He moaned, throwing his head back as he pushed inside you. Feeling the warmth engulfed him. 
“Oh- g-god. You’re so tight and warm. So fucking wet.” He dug his fingernails onto your thighs. Thrusting in hard and slow. Deeper and harder. Making wet squelching noises and the sound of skin slapping against each other echoed through the room. 
His thick cock stretched you out wide, giving a stinging tingle. His balls hitting your clit every time he fully pounded into you. You felt so full and filled up. 
“Oh my god.” You wailed loudly, trying to move away from the over sensitivity. He rammed into you forcefully and Yoongi held you against Jimin. 
“Come on, you’re a good girl. Take it all.” Yoongi rumbled, caressed your cheeks and brushed the tears away from your eyes. You breathed out heavily. He darkly smirked and clutched your neck tightly. Choking you as he thrust into your throat.
You gagged against him, more tears filled your eyes. Hoseok slumped down against the couch, watching the beautiful view in front of him. Jimin kept sputtering out dirty words, slapping your ass and marked you with his fingernails. Yoongi pulled out of your mouth and gripped your cheeks. “Open up, you little slut.”
You stuck your tongue out, he spitted into your mouth and kissed you hungrily. Teeth and tongue clashed against each other. Jimin bent down and sucked your neck his other hand trailed down to your clit. Pinching it softly and sent you to the edge. You walls clamped around his cock. 
“Holy shit, I’m coming...” He hissed, releasing his cum in you. Filling you up to the brim before slowly pulling out. The white sticky substance trailed down your thighs onto the table. Jimin picked it up with his fingers and brought it to your face.
“Lick it clean, baby girl.” You wrapped your tongue around his fingers. Tasting yourself and the thick salty cum. You ignored the weird feeling and swallowed it. Jimin softly pecked your lips.
Hoseok stood up and walked around to your back, bent down and looked at your abused cunt. He cursed under his breath. “Fuck, Jimin. You really filled her little pussy up. She’s so red already.” 
He softly caressed your cheeks and roughly slapped your pussy lips. “I bet she can take it a little more.” Positioned his swollen dick in your entrance and violently thrust inside. Forcing Jimin’s cum to stay inside but the cum only spurted out. “Fucking fuck... She’s so full of you. 
You wailed, your body trembling and shaking in pleasure. You cried out, “Please, I can’t take it anymore.”
“You’re a dirty whore, of course you can take two cocks. We all gonna fill you up and don’t you fucking dare pushing it out.” Hoseok gripped your neck, roughly rammed into you. Only to cum shortly, shooting his big loads inside you. Groaning loudly and pulled his softening member out. He cupped your cunt, trying to keep in all of the cum while he gestured at Yoongi to take his place. 
“Hyung, it’s your turn.”  Yoongi took his place, instantly penetrated into your sore core. Salty tears streamed down your cheeks and your body couldn’t take the pleasure anymore. “You dirty cum dumper. You’re such a good little slut. Taking all of our cum so well.” 
He soon came, filling and stretching you out more. The breathing were calming down but your heart kept racing. Yoongi stayed inside you for a while before carefully pulled out. But the cum came spurting out on the table, trailing down the carpet once he pulled out. 
“You lick that fucking mess up, how about a punishment since you couldn’t keep it all in?” Hoseok said hoarsely, pulling out his leather belt and slapped it against his thighs. 
  Hours passed by, the sun has already set. The city lights below you glittered like stars. Since the stars on the dark sky were beneath your feet. You didn’t know what happened. But once you woke up on the fancy carpet, they were already gone. They left nothing for you to contact them back, you didn’t know where you were.
You felt uncomfortable in your own body, you felt dirty and sticky. Brushed your hands over your face and drank the last drops of bourbon. It was a mess around here. The breakfast they shared with you were scattered all over the carpet. The carpet itself raked of strong bourbon. However, something caught your eyes. On the top of your hand it was covered with white powder. Fear and panic ran down your spine. You breathed heavily, putting on as much clothes as possible. Gathered all your energy so you could take small steps towards the door. You didn’t even want to look into the mirror at yourself anymore. Who could you trust now?
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
High School Band AU: Ch. 9
Hope you like this! ^^
In your defense, you were really trying to pay attention. You really want to learn everything about Isaac Newton and the three laws of motion. Well, not everything, just… enough to pass the test tomorrow. You’re really trying, but the crumbled paper balls falling in your desk in the studying room aren’t letting you focus.
You didn’t unwrinkle any of them, if the sender notices you’re not having it, they’ll stop. Or that’s what you thought before the sixth or seventh little ball fell in your book. What the hell?
You look over your shoulder, there’s only one person sitting diagonally from your desk, but you can’t see who it is, because they are hiding their faces with a book. Well, trying, a few strands of hair at the top of their heads aren’t being covered. Red strands of hair.
So… Saeran or Saeyoung? Even though Saeran was becoming way less unbearable in the last few days - and it was about him, you’re pretty sure it has nothing to do with you trying to be more patient since he basically prevented a rape from happening with you – you two aren’t that close to the point of him trying to get your attention like this. Well, you’re not that close to Saeyoung either, you just forgot he doesn’t know that.
But it is Saeyoung, of course it’s him. And knowing the little you know about him, you better read one of these little balls or he won’t stop being a third wheel between you and Isaac Newton.
“Watchu reading?”  or… something like this, his handwriting can be a little hard to decode sometimes.
“Isaac Newton and the laws of motion.” You throw one of the balls behind you , nobody notices. Because, can you imagine, some people use the studying room to study.
“Spoiler alert: he dies in the end. Would there be more laws of motion if he hasn’t died? It’s open to interpretation.” You muffle a giggle and look at him, still using the book as a disguise.
“I know it’s u behind me and u r not really reading ‘Basic Principles of Genetics’”
“How dare u accusing me so unfairly? :O” did he really draw an emoji? Oh God…
“The book is upside down, Saeyoung.”
You look over your shoulder to see him turning the book to the right position and adjusting himself in his seat. Rolling your eyes lightly, you muffle another laugh.
“See? I’m learning EVERYTHING about Mendel and peas. In your face, MC!”
“Good, so go back to studying the peas and I’ll go back to Newton.”
You avoid looking behind you, you know it would just encourage him on keep exchanging notes. And though it’s fun, you really need to study right now!
And he apparently gets it, as the balls stop flying. You’re relieved! And… bored. Seriously, so bored… your eyelids are almost getting heavy. Where’s Saeyoung and the paper balls attack to keep you awake?
“Ok, tell me more about the peas.” You see him smirking when your paper plane lands on his desk.
“I know shit about the peas. Can I kidnap u in 15 minutes?”
“Such an improvement from when u used to kidnap me without asking me first.” Now he is the one holding his laugh, but he’s less discreet and some other students glare at him.
“I’ll be waiting for u next to the exit.” He lets the last note when passing next to your desk before leaving the room.
Well, you’ll apologize for ditching Isaac Newton. See, it’s not you, it’s him. It’s just not working and you think you should see other people. Saeyoung, in that case. He might be a handful sometimes, but he’s definitely not boring.
“I thought you wouldn’t come.”
“I really shouldn’t, to be honest. But this book is almost making me sleep. Especially now that you told me the end.” You stick your tongue out and he laughs softly. “So, where are we going, mr. kidnapper?”
“What kind of kidnapper would I be if I told you that? It’s a secret! Come on!”
You two take the bus. And you were worried about not having much to talk to him, but Saeyoung lets almost no blanks. He always has something to say about some place you’re passing by. And that is pretty comforting, actually.
“That’s our stop.”
“Usually it’s mine, indeed.” Yes, your uncle’s record store is just a few streets ahead. You noticed between all his blabbering that the way was being very familiar.
“Mine too.”
“Really? You live nearby?”
“No, I work nearby.”
“How come I never saw you before if we take the same bus?”
“Because you usually sit right there with your headphones and a resting bitch face that make people think you don’t want them sitting beside you.” Well, you really do use your phones and the… resting bitch face in order not to be bothered, especially by boys. But Saeyoung is a boy and he never bothered you. How long have you two been taking the same bus? How long has he been observing you? “And here we are.”
He stops in front of a store. A little bigger than the record store you work, the glass window and the light tones of yellow and white in the front gives even more depth illusion, but it’s an old building, for sure. And judging from the movie posters in the window, it looks old on purpose. It’s a video rental store.
You heard about this place before, actually. You passed by in your way to the record store and couldn’t help but thinking there is another shop lost in time very close to yours. You would imagine if the people who worked here were aware that the owner looks for nostalgia rather than profit, or would they really hope having a lot of customers.
“You’re not the only one in the band dealing with obsolete medias, MC.” Ah, so Saeyoung knows, just like you. “Come in.”
“Wait, it’s closed. Won’t your boss get mad?”
“It’s fine. He gave me those keys so I can come whenever I want. He doesn’t want to lose his only employee, after all.”
“And what do you do here?”
“Look at all these movies! What do you think I do?” you look around, yes, there are a lot of movies… how many of them did he watch? “I mean, I watch them, but there is another thing, come with me.”
He guides you to the back of the store, where the poster of a semi-naked lady is doing the shush gesture in a sexy way, and the warning “Do not enter if you’re under 18 years old.
“Come in, MC.”
“Ugh, the sign…”
“It’s a sign, not a cop. Come in.” he grabs your hand and brings you inside.
You look around and most of the movies are piled in the corner. Oh, thank God, you were so sure it was going to be walls stuffed by VHSs and DVDs covers of women being filled in holes you’re not sure they should be filled… instead, there is a pair of DJ pickups, a sewing machine, two mannequins, and records. Lots of records.
“Recognize some of them?”
“You got them at my uncle’s store?”
“Most of them I bought online. I must say the hip-hop’s selection at your uncle’s store is not that vast. I even wrote a note and put it in the suggestions box you have there.”
“My uncle neverreads it, sorry. So… you’ve been there before I joined the band?”
He smiles while turning on his equipment. “I was looking for Tupak and you told me there wasn’t much hip-hop, but I could look it up.”
“Then you asked me for help, but I didn’t know where the hip-hop albums were, because… it was my first day.” He nods, putting his headphones. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“We’re not that close.” Oh, so he knows that. “And I don’t want you to think I’m a yandere stalker or something like this.”
“Well, this room is very yandere-ish. The mannequins, the pink light, I mean… I think the phantom of the opera would have something like this if he lived in the90s.” he laughs loudly.
“You know what’s funnier than your joke? Saeran said exactly the same thing.”
“He did?”
“Yes, you two have a very similar sense of humor. Too bad you don’t really like each other, you would have fun together.”
“I… I don’t really hate your brother, Saeyoung.”
“I know, and he probably doesn’t hate you either. He’s just… he doesn’t know how to express his feelings too well, I… think he meant something completely different when you told us that Rika wanted to kiss you.” And you know that by now. You could tell him you do, but… you don’t really want to remember that night…
“Gosh, when you put it like that, it makes me feel really ridiculous for even considering that.”
“It’s not ridiculous. Maybe you and Rika has that… hot rivalry tension like Crystal Connors and Nomi Malone in Showgirls, you know?”
“I can’t believe you’re saying something in my life resembles such an awful movie, Saeyoung.”
“Hey! It’s a great movie! Great quotes, great dancing moves, great, uhm… breasts.”
“Of course you liked the boobs.” Even under the pink light, you can see him blushing. “But it has a pretty cool sex in the pool scene… I guess.”
“MC, you’re 15! You can’t watch things like that, young lady!” and you know he’s teasing, since he basically dragged you to the porn section of the store.
“Tell that to my uncle. I swear he has no idea how to deal with a teenage girl.”
“Especially one like you, I suppose.”
“What is that suppose to mean?”
“I mean, you’re very… well, you’re very unique, MC. You know a lot about culture from past decades, and… you’re a salty little smug, and… stupid people can’t really hold a conversation with you for too long.”
“You know you could easily be describing yourself right now too, right?” another blush under the pink light, from both of you now. “So, uhm… the pickups, huh? So vintage, do you remix?”
“I try, but it isn’t as easy as doing in the computer. Here, listen to this.” He hands you one of his headphones, and you immediately shake your head according to the rhythm.
“Public Enemy.”
“That’s so cool, Saeyoung.”
“Thank you! My stuff in the laptop are better, to be honest.” He grabs his laptop in his backpack and sits on the floor, you lean your hands on your kness and bend down when he connets the headphones in the laptop. “See? I asked Yoosung to play the piano for me and I basically recreated the base in No Diggity by Blackstreet.”
“And the waves here are you singing?”
“Yeah. It’s me trying to… rap, actually.”
“Oh my God! Let me hear this!” you press the play before he can protest.
“It's going down fade to Blackstreet. The homeys got abby collab creations, funk like acne. No doubt I put it down never slouch, as long as my credit could vouch, a dog couldn't catch me straight out. Tell me who could stop with Dre makin' moves. Attracting honeys like a magnet. Giving them ig-asms with my mellow accent. Still moving his flavor with the homeys Blackstreet & Teddy: the original rump shakers”
And you could laugh and make fun of him, but all you do is:
“Shorty get down, good Lord. Baby got 'em open all over town. Strickly biz she don't play around, cover much grounds. Got game by the pound, gettin paid is her forte. Each and every day true player way”
He joins you in singing: “I can't get her outta my mind.I think about the girl all the time”
And he moves to the second part of the song: “She's got class and style. Street knowledge, by the pound. Baby never act wild, very low key on the profile. Catching villians is a no, let me tell you how it goes. Curve's the word, spin's the verb. Lovers it curves so freak what you heard.”He’s… he’s looking straight at you, like… he’s singing to you, like he means it.
Who knew he actually knows how to sing? You remember Saeran teasing him for not playing any instrument, but the thing is he doesn’t even need it. Look at what he has here, he sews the outfits for the band, reproduces beats for famous songs in modern and traditional equipment, he… knew you almost since your first day in this town. And yes, you weren’t close, and that’s a shame.
“So, uhm… pretty lame, huh?” he asks, taking you aback.
“Well, I don’t know if it is ‘ig-asms’ material… yet.” He laughs, and you chuckle from his laugh.
It’s just in that moment you realize how close you are, you can almost fell his breathing against your nose, his… exhilarating breathing, actually. Your eyes lock with his, and you’re so glad those guys couldn’t do anything to you at that party, because, if they did… this wouldn’t be your first kiss…
And it isn’t, because Saeyoung lowers his head and looks back at the computer.
“Don’t let yourself be carried by where we are, MC.”
“You’re sorry, I know.” Oh… not really what you were going to say. “Don’t worry. I… I won’t tell anybody about this.”
“Saeyoung, I…”
“It’s fine, MC, really. Oh, it’s late, I… should walk you home, you have a physics test tomorrow, right?” what is he doing? Why isn’t even looking at you?
Of course he’s embarrassed, you would be too if someone tried to kiss you and you didn’t really want to, but… if he says it’s fine, why doesn’t he even act like it’s fine? Again, why doesn’t he even look at you? Like you’re not worthy of it?
“I can go home by myself.”
“Are you sure? It’s getting dark and…”
“I can take the bus, I’ve done this before a lot of times, you know?” he does.
“MC, you don’t…”
“Goodbye, Saeyoung.” You gather your stuff on the floor and walk out of there.
What happened? You could swear he wanted this to happen as much as you did, it’s like… it’s almost like… he was waiting for you to make a move just so he could push you away, why?
You were so close to him, but, then again… you and him weren’t really close.And he knows that.
← Chapter 8 | Chapter 10  →
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theliberaltony · 7 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
In this week’s politics chat, we discuss what major legislation, if any, Republicans in Washington can pass. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
micah (Micah Cohen, politics editor): We’re going to play a game today!
This was supposed to be the week when President Trump really started selling the American public on tax reform. Instead, he started Tuesday with a series of tweets attacking Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican senator who would be key in passing … tax reform. And then Sen. Jeff Flake announced his retirement, freeing him from the need to please Trump or the Republican base.
So, this got me thinking: Will Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress accomplish any of their major legislative goals before the 2018 midterms? Which are most likely? (“Major” is obviously subjective.)
To answer that, I’m giving everyone $100. You can bet however much of it you want on Trump signing major legislation on …
Health care.
A Dreamers deal.
The Wall.
Something else. (Campaign finance? Voter ID? Who knows?)
So if you think the GOP is 100 percent likely to pass tax reform and has no chance of passing anything else, you would put all $100 on taxes. You must bet all your money.
Everyone got it?
harry (Harry Enten, senior political writer): Yo, Micah … can I borrow $100?
micah: No.
Everyone good on the rules? Also, shout out to @coreyhogan for this idea. (He suggested we should have done this with our last chat.)
harry: I’m into it.
perry (Perry Bacon Jr., senior writer): Yes.
clare.malone (Clare Malone, senior political writer): Yeah.
First up: TAXES!
Place your bets!
perry: $40.
clare.malone: $50
harry: Well. I’ll say $44.50.
micah: $74
clare.malone: wowww
Spicy bet.
harry: WOW.
perry: So, Micah, is that because you think taxes has a great chance or everything else has almost no chance?
harry: Micah is coming in hot and strong.
clare.malone: Bad sign for THE WALL.
micah: Here’s my reasoning: They’re working on it now, which by itself is a huuuuuuge advantage given the timeline (before the midterms). I don’t necessarily think taxes are guaranteed to pass — or even more likely than not — but the odds seem much better than all this other stuff.
perry: That seems right to me.
clare.malone: Yeah, I agree with the reasoning, though not the amount bet.
I’m a cautious lady.
micah: Although, the Trump-Corker stuff this week seemed about taxes, right?
perry: Not really. Corker called him crazy again. (Paraphrasing, slightly.)
micah: Oh, that happened first?
There was this, though:
Bob Corker, who helped President O give us the bad Iran Deal & couldn't get elected dog catcher in Tennessee, is now fighting Tax Cuts….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2017
perry: Corker was on morning shows:
WATCH: "Left to his own devices, do you think the president is a threat to national security?" @savannahguthrie asks @SenBobCorker http://pic.twitter.com/GxFFZvUTeU
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) October 24, 2017
So Corker made his comments and Trump was responding
micah: Ahhh, OK…
clare.malone: This is like middle school: We need the timeline of who insulted whom before first period
micah: haha.
clare.malone: It’s depressing.
harry: I think the bigger story here — besides Micah’s crazy bet — is that we all put down a ton of money.
Let me explain why I think tax reform has a good shot of passing. It comes down to four key variables:
Congressional Republicans want it to pass.
The public isn’t that interested in taxes, so you could pass something that might be unpopular.
Donors want it.
It hasn’t failed yet like health care.
perry: I agree with this. Micah’s high number is right.
micah: I don’t think tax reform is likely!!!! I just think it’s far likelier than this other stuff!
perry: Right.
I see a couple of other things having a chance. But tax reform may be close to 50-50, and some of this other stuff is 0-100.
clare.malone: Wait, I forgot I have to spend all my money by the end of this game.
micah: Yes.
clare.malone: Many of these things won’t get done.
harry: You gotta spend all that green.
micah: You can change your bet, Clare.
clare.malone: So, yeah, I think Micah’s convinced me!
micah: I’m winning!
clare.malone: I want to cautiously bump up to $65.
harry: That’s a lot of dough.
perry: I’m sticking with $40. Harry, you can change too.
micah: Harry can’t change his.
perry: I see.
harry: I don’t want to change.
micah: OK, anyone have any other thoughts on tax reform’s chances? Or what kind of bill would have the best chance?
perry: A deficit-increasing bill that doesn’t pay for itself.
micah: Go on …
perry: To get it passed, the GOP needs a bill that is a tax cut, without any real tax increases. Anything that raises anyone’s taxes is a political problem, except for raising taxes on the wealthy, which Republicans don’t want to do. So a bill that cuts taxes and does nothing else — thus increasing the deficit — likely has the best chance of passing.
clare.malone: So, one of the ways they’re considering doing that are these caps on 401(k) contributions, which Trump has now come out against.
Which is an interesting mini-battle.
perry: Trump seemed to have the politics right on that question. It was a really dumb idea.
clare.malone: It’s like Trump, champion of middle class, vs. big bad Wall Street Republicans.
micah: So you think they end up with a bill that’s just a giant tax cut (rather than reform) and that increases the debt/deficit? And that actually may be the best move politically?
perry: Yes. No one really cares about the deficit.
clare.malone: Except Corker, right? Purportedly.
perry: Corker is the only senator who is voting solely on the deficit, as far as I can tell.
harry: The polling mostly agrees on that: People don’t want the deficit to be raised, but they place a low priority on it.
micah: Next!
Place your bets!
perry: $0
clare.malone: I place $6 of bitcoin.
harry: $1.50.
micah: I’ll go with $1.
Wait, would something like Alexander-Murray (the bipartisan bill to stabilize Obamacare markets and offer states more flexibility) qualify as major legislation?
perry: Yes.
harry: Oh, wow. I was thinking it wouldn’t.
perry: So assuming it would, go ahead. I was including that in my $0.
micah: Yeah, let’s count Alexander-Murray-level legislation.
clare.malone: Where does that stand?
micah: ☠️ ?
perry: The fact that you can’t figure that out is why I’m at $0. I have no idea. Trump took six different positions on the plan in a week.
clare.malone: Per Politico: “McConnell said on Sunday during an interview with CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ that he would bring the bill to the floor only if Trump would sign it.”
harry: I don’t think it has a good shot of passing, but I might raise my bet to $2.50. Maybe Trump will change his mind and support Alexander-Murray if it looks like it could be a win for him?
clare.malone: You know he would!
micah: Agreed.
perry: So $0 on Obamacare repeal because Republicans can’t get the votes from the Senate moderates. And $0 on Alexander-Murray because that would require the House to pass a bill propping up Obamacare, which I don’t think will ever happen.
micah: Hmmm … that’s hard to argue with.
harry: I have learned that a low probability isn’t the same thing as zero probability.
micah: Very true.
Also, what about the idea that Trump’s meddling with Obamacare will cause price increases and chaos and that therefore political pressure will build for Congress to do something?
harry: Right.
micah: Anyone buying that?
harry: Well, as Perry said: What are the chances that a bill akin to Alexander-Murray could pass the House? We’re talking about the Senate mostly here.
perry: Political pressure from liberals, moderates, governors and the media could build because of the ACA price increases. But those are all people Trump doesn’t care about. When will Sean Hannity demand an Obamacare fix?
micah: OK…
perry: $0
clare.malone: I’m going to put $10 on this.
harry: Uh, $5.
micah: $20!
perry: Micah, that’s insane. The House Freedom Caucus will leave Congress en masse before they allow an infrastructure bill to pass!
Explain yourself.
micah: OK, so I put a big bet on taxes, right? But let’s say that fails. What happens?
Answer: Trump and Republicans get really, really freaking desperate. They need a win. Badly.
And if taxes fail, I think we’re in “Trump/moderate Republicans would make a deal with Democrats” territory. Trump would most likely be furious with Senate Majority Mitch McConnell. Even the Freedom Caucus would be so desperate for a win before the 2018 midterms that they might sign on to infrastructure.
clare.malone: If we’re reasoning that taxes are the thing that’s been most discussed, next most discussed (excepting health care) is infrastructure, and it’s very on-brand for Trump. I’m not sure how congressional Republicans besides Freedom Caucus members feel, but I have a sense that there’s some kind of bipartisan effort to actually be made here.
perry: Interesting.
clare.malone: If ever the Republican Party might be inclined to do a big jobs creation program, it would be in this moment.
perry: I would have agreed with Clare in February. But Trump has not taken the economic populist message of the campaign and acted on it, except in bashing trade deals.
micah: Case in point: Congress just passed a law this week repealing a rule that would have let people form class-action lawsuits against banks and credit card companies. The Trump administration sided with Wall Street.
Although, Republicans could probably rig an infrastructure package to benefit rich people and corporations! j/k. Sorta.
harry: I feel like y’all are creating a universe that doesn’t exist.
micah: I am, but that’s sorta the point. I’m imagining a universe where nothing on taxes gets done.
Think about what the narrative would be like in that world. It would go something like “MORE THAN 1 YEAR IN, TRUMP AND REPUBLICANS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING.”
Also, Harry, how freaking popular is infrastructure spending?
perry: Raising taxes on the rich is popular too, but Republican don’t want to do that. Medicaid is really popular, and Republicans tried to cut that. (I’m not Harry, but I know these things!)
The Hill agenda seems, at times, to be: 1. Find out what is popular; 2. Do opposite.
harry: Well here’s one poll on it: “Do you support or oppose increasing federal spending for roads, bridges, mass transit and other infrastructure?” Quinnipiac finds 86 percent support. (Of course, how to actually get money for that spending is another question.)
micah: IDK, I bet the Obama-Trump voters would love infrastructure spending.
perry: I agree.
micah: And in desperate times, maybe Trump reverts to what he sorta knows: building stuff.
clare.malone: Almost like it’s a perfect prelude to midterms!
micah: Right.
If the midterms are approaching and Republicans in Congress haven’t passed anything, I think Trump starts distancing himself from them. Infrastructure would be a good way to do that.
harry: How much money have I spent so far is my question…
I gotta start spending dough.
micah: I have only $5 left.
clare.malone: You can always spend the bitcoin, Harry.
I’ve got $19.
micah: OK…
(Basically, some legislative deal that would allow people who qualified for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to stay in the U.S. legally.)
perry: $35.
clare.malone: A bill to fix the program … hm. $10.
harry: This has got a real shot. $30.50.
clare.malone: These all seem proportional to what we’ve spent.
micah: wow
clare.malone: hah
Do tell.
There’s a decent amount of political will to fix this.
micah: Well…
clare.malone: You think it loses steam because it’s off-brand for the party base?
micah: Basically, yes. (Also, I simply ran out of money.)
I think it would take a sustained, strategically smart push from Trump to get the GOP to go against one of its defining features — anti-immigration sentiment — and … I have a hard time seeing that happening.
perry: Lots of Republicans, even conservatives, have written Dreamer-style bills. So I think there’s a way to cut a deal here that adds some border enforcement to placate conservatives. It’s off-brand, but I think the people-brought-here-as-kids issue makes this different.
But Micah’s argument is strong.
micah: Hmmm… yours is too.
Maybe I spent too much on taxes?
But you all think the Freedom Caucus/Senate hardliners would go along with a Dreamer fix?
perry: It has to be in a bill with border stuff. You can see where my bets are heading.
clare.malone: Yes.
perry: Maybe just because this kind of compromise seems so obvious to me, I’m overstating its odds of happening.
micah: You think Democrats would go along with pretty stringent border control stuff to get a fix?
clare.malone: Yes. Ultimately.
micah: I think they should! I’m not sure they will, though.
clare.malone: Hah, well yes … but saving Dreamers is a huge priority, I’d say.
perry: Right. I think we see this as a tactical choice that is logical. They might not. As Harry and Clare have written: Democrats have moved left on immigration.
clare.malone: Verrrrrry left:
harry: The Dreamer bills are very popular, including among some Republicans.
clare.malone: It’s actually quite a philosophical predicament for Democrats, though.
micah: Spell that out a little more please?
clare.malone: Dreamers, The Wall — both are gut issues for the Democratic base. If they accede on a wall, it does give Trump a moral victory of sorts, but they’re saving these hundreds of thousands of people from deportation in the process. Do they just tell their voters, “Hey, The Wall matters, but actually not that much”? Or will they see it as dangerous to give Trump one of his biggest campaign promises?
I guess I’m making it sound very much like an optics thing.
perry: That is how to describe the tactical question too.
clare.malone: You can see which way I’m tilting…
I think it’s still OK for them politically to do a Dreamers deal.
micah: That brings us nicely to …
Place your bets!
perry: $25
harry: Wow.
micah: WOW!
clare.malone: I have only $9 left.
micah: I have $2.
harry: IDK how much I have. LOL. Let’s go with $7.50.
micah: I’m going with $0.50.
Five dimes.
clare.malone: I’m going with $6, per my explanation above with the Dreamers.
perry: Do I think it will be a wall as described in the campaign? I do not. But I think something that Trump can call a wall, moderate Republicans and some Democrats can call enhanced fencing, etc.
micah: WAIT A SECOND!!! Perry, that’s cheating. A symbolic wall shouldn’t count.
perry: You think so?
harry: It’s not cheating. It’s interpretation.
perry: I didn’t mean to cheat.
harry: Micah’s just upset that he’s a crummy manager of money.
clare.malone: I don’t think Perry is cheating, and I think that sounds about right.
micah: You’re not allowed to gang up against me.
clare.malone: The proletariat have to unite somehow.
perry: Let’s say $25 for something everyone can call a wall then.
I’m fine with that.
micah: Deal.
perry: I’m pretty bullish on the wall.
micah: So it seems like all three of you think something close to “The Wall” will come out of the Dreamer deal?
perry: Yes, I think a Dreamer deal with some kind of wall and heavy border security component is almost as likely as taxes
As Clare said, the wall has become a symbol. And no one can be seen as losing. Which makes this complicated.
clare.malone: Isn’t politics grand!?
micah: I guess I’m just betting on the fundamentals here, sorta: Democrats have moved waaaaaay left on immigration; Republicans have moved waaaaaay right.
So, it’ll be hard for them to come together.
perry: Right. Micah’s case is not wrong.
harry: Remember, the wall is very unpopular overall. So Democrats may be unlikely to compromise on it.
micah: OK, last one before the grab bag …
clare.malone: $3. Because that is what I have left.
micah: $0.50.
perry: $0. Assuming you mean the 20-week ban, that seems to be going nowhere. I’m sure some kind of Planned Parenthood something could pass. But I’m out of money anyway.
micah: The 20-week bill is a no-go in the Senate, right?
perry: Right.
It would need 60 votes. So it would need Democrats. So it isn’t going anywhere.
harry: Right. So $0.
It could get a majority. But they need more than that.
I have no idea how much money I have.
micah: Harry, this is basic math and you work for a data-obsessed news organization.
clare.malone: C’mon, Enten.
micah: Last one!
(Some issue comes out of nowhere, and Congress passes substantive legislation on it.)
Place your bets!
perry: Other things could happen, I just don’t have any single thing I see as very likely. Like, I don’t think anything big will happen on Iran. Or North Korea. So $0.
clare.malone: NO MONEY.
Nothing else will happen.
micah: $1.
Clare, you could borrow money from Harry.
clare.malone: Unless … sanctions or something?
perry: Iran sanctions could happen.
micah: Yeah, how likely is something like sanctions? Or something even more out of left field?
harry: $10.
Something crazy might happen.
micah: What about something out of the Kris Kobach voter “fraud” commission?
perry: I see that as a $0. I assume Democrats in the Senate would kill it.
micah: Yeah.
perry: Another Supreme Court nominee is the obvious wild card.
clare.malone: Impeachment. (I’m trolling.)
perry: lol
clare.malone: But impeachment.
micah: OK, so in sum, I had:
Taxes — $74
Infrastructure — $20
Dreamers — $3
Health Care — $1
The Wall — $0.50
Abortion — $0.50
Other — $1
Taxes — $40
Dreamers — $35
The Wall — $25
Health care — $0
Infrastructure — $0
Abortion — $0
Other — $0
Taxes — $65
Infrastructure — $10
Dreamers —$10
Healthcare — $6
The Wall—$6
Other — $0
Taxes — $44.50
Dreamers — $30.50
Other — $10
The Wall — $7.50
Infrastructure — $5
Health care — $2.50
Abortion — $0
micah: This made for some interesting disagreements! We all think taxes are most likely, but Clare and I are much higher on infrastructure than Harry and Perry, who are instead much higher on a Dreamer fix.
Readers, send us how you would spread out the $100 to @538politics.
Thanks, all!
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madminniefics · 7 years
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when time froze
kaia hamilton is in the big apple for a summer internship at a fortune 500 finance company. the ceo isn’t what she expects. by the time she realizes her mistake, she’s already flirted with him once. what harm is there in going on a date with the guy?
a ceo niall / intern kaia nsfw one shot
It was her first day of work.
Well, technically. She was four years into her college career with one year left. This was her last summer internship. Her last effort to do the whole networking thing. Trying to find a job now so she wouldn’t have to worry about it this time next year, you know.
She was nervous. When she got there, at 8:30, she had a venti cinnamon dolce latte. Ten minutes later, it was gone and she was left staring up at the massive skyscraper. The early summer New York sun glinted off the façade of windows. She took a deep breath and threw her cup away before walking in the building.
She stopped at the front desk. The receptionist, Amelia, finished her conversation on the phone before looking up and raising an eyebrow.
“Kaia Hamilton,” She swallowed hard. “It’s my first day.”
Amelia nodded and started shifting through papers on her desk. She handed Kaia a folder and nodded towards the elevator bank.
“You’re on the thirtieth floor. Take one of the elevators on the left.”
“Thank you,” Kaia said with a smile, but by that time Amelia was already facing away from her, typing away at her computer. Kaia pursed her lips, grabbed the folder, and walked towards the elevator. The sound of her plain black pumps on the slate tile made her cringe but there was no way to avoid it. She wasn’t about to walk on her tip toes just so she wouldn’t make noise.
Her creamy colored blouse was just a half size too big. She’d bought it the year before at Loft, for approximately too much money, and hadn’t anticipated losing weight. So, she was stuck with a slightly too big blouse that tended to droop down and show too much cleavage. Which is why, every five seconds, Kaia would reach down and lift both her blouse and her white tank top underneath.
In the elevator, she garnered at least three dirty looks simply for trying to not flash people. Cool. Next time she’ll just let her tiddies go free.
Could you imagine? She would get fired so fast.
There was carpet on the thirtieth floor, thank god. She glanced in the folder to see her supervisor’s office number. Walking down the hallway, she quickly found Sarah Malone’s corner office. It was less an office and more a room made of glass walls and windows.
No thanks. She was glad she’d probably have one of the grey cubicles in the middle of the floor. Just being on the thirtieth floor made Kaia’s stomach do cartwheels. She’d never been a fan of heights.
She knocked on the door gingerly—it was glass, after all, and she didn’t want to accidentally crack it or something with her new, pilates muscles—and waited to hear a faint ‘Come in’ before walking inside. Sarah motioned to a chair and Kaia sat.
“Nice to see you again, Kaia,” Sarah said with a smile as she crossed her legs. Her blouse looked like it fit perfectly. Sarah seemed like the type of woman who would never worry if she had too much cleavage showing. Like, if her shirt was too low and someone pointed it out she would just look at them funny and insist that she meant for it to be that low. And they would believe her. Because that was her vibe.
At least, that’s what Kaia thought. But she was sure it was true. How else would a dark skinned black woman make it to such a high role at a fortune 500 company without being strong and not giving a damn? Sarah was a role model, honestly. Kaia couldn’t be happier working under Sarah.
“You, too,” Kaia smiled and hoped her blouse looked okay. She sure as hell wasn’t going to reach to fix it now.
“We’re gonna get you set up with your computer and email and everything,” Sarah reached over, grabbed another folder, and handed it to Kaia. “This is a little training exercise we give each intern on their first day. It should take you the rest of the day and it’ll give you a little glimpse inside the company and a real feel for what we do and how we do things here.”
Kaia couldn’t do anything other than nod. The folder was thick as hell. There were at least fifty pages in the folder. Sarah caught Kaia looking at it warily.
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” Sarah leaned towards Kaia. “They say it’s supposed to take one day but all of my interns have needed two days to finish it.”
Kaia took a deep breath and nodded. That made her feel better.
She would finish it in one day.
Spoiler: She didn’t finish it in one day.
She did finish it before lunch on her second day so she called it a win. A big enough win to make a Starbucks run for lunch instead of eating at the hot dog cart on the corner. She sat on the concrete wall outside Starbucks sunglasses on her face as she enjoyed the sunlight and her venti pink drink.
She spent the duration of her hour lunch outside alternating between slowly sipping her drink, eating her croissant, and people watching. There was a man on the phone across the street aggressively yelling at whoever was on the other end. A dog walker with like twelve big ass dogs struggled to keep them under control. Another man, a happier, yet tired, looking man walked by in his black suit. Nice butt. But mostly there were a lot of tourists.
Kaia threw away her trash and went back to work.
On day three, Kaia made a mistake.
Not a big one in the grand scheme of things, but a mistake nonetheless. But she didn’t know it at the time.
Picture this: lunch time. Kaia brought her lunch—a simple salad, except there was no lettuce and the salad was a cheesesteak because she missed home—and was eating it at her desk while she finished up a last-minute spreadsheet her supervisor needed for a meeting that afternoon.
She squinted at the screen, trying to find an error, when her hoagie betrayed her. A watery oil and ketchup mixture dripped onto her grey skirt. Her only work skirt. And it was going to be in the high 90s the rest of the week.
(Yes, she had been planning on wearing the skirt every day that week. And?)
“Ugh,” She groaned loudly, since she was the only person in the office. Everyone else was at a going away or retirement or some other sort of work-related party five floors above her.
Tossing the hoagie onto the wrapper, she stood up and walked towards the bathroom. She tried to get the stain out with water and some vigorous rubbing with a paper towel but all she managed to do was make a big, slightly orange wet spot on her skirt. Fuck cheesesteaks.
She threw the paper towels in the trash and stomped out of the bathroom.
Right into another body.
“Oh!” She said, grabbing their biceps to keep herself from falling backwards and busting her ass. Her eyes closed expecting an impact like they weren’t communicating well with the rest of her body. When she opened them, the man in front of her was smirking.
And he was a man.
Nothing like the boys that she’d messed with at her college back in Philadelphia. This man had a jaw speckled with stubble, bright blue eyes, and brown hair dotted with the slightest hint of grey. He was wearing a navy-blue suit with a skinny black tie. His shoes were polished and his watch looked expensive. Like, one semester of tuition expensive.
Kaia swallowed hard. It was one of the people she’d seen during lunch the day before, while she was people watching. She never forgot a face and, especially, not one as nice as his.
It was in that moment that she realized his hands were on her waist, holding her up.
“You okay?” He murmured. She couldn’t stop looking at his lips.
Kaia nodded and he let her go. She had half a mind to start pouting but then remembered that she was at work. She let his biceps go—and they were nice, firm, you could tell he works out type biceps—and took a step back.
“I’m fine, just had a little mishap,” Kaia said, hoping that he wouldn’t look down at her skirt.
But, because this is real life, he did. He nodded in understanding and fixed those blue eyes on her once again.
“I’ll give you the name of my dry cleaner. They’ll give you a good deal,”
“Thank you, sir,” She could have smacked herself. Sure, the guy was older but sir? What the fuck, Kaia. He couldn’t have been past thirty-five. She resisted the urge to cringe at herself.
He chuckled and shook his head. “My name’s Niall, and you are…?”
“Kaia Hamilton.” She said, perky as hell, with a hand extended for him to shake. She could shake herself. Again, what the fuck, Kaia.
She let it slide though because during internships things were always about networking. And she was really trying to get out of Philly. She loved her hometown but there was something about New York that called to her. That was her goal for graduation.
Niall shook her hand because he’s a good guy. He probably just didn’t want to embarrass her. Kaia appreciated that.
“I’ll send you that information in an email,” He said as the handshake ended. “It was good to meet you.”
“You, too.”
He shuffled towards the elevator and she kind of just stood there. Looking silly smiling to herself with a wet spot where her vagina goes. Niall looked at her and smiled before getting on the elevator and Kaia could swear she died in that moment.
She didn’t believe in love at first sight but that encounter was making her reconsider.
An hour later, Kaia died again. This time it was because of an email.
Subject: dry cleaning
bring your skirt to my office tomorrow.
 Kaia spent a whole five minutes looking at her computer screen sideways. Like. This man just sent this email with little to no context. Sure, he’d told her about his dry cleaner earlier but she didn’t think that his dry cleaner was in the building.
Subject: dry cleaning
I can take it myself if you tell me where it is
Subject: dry cleaning
it’s just that mine gets picked up on wednesdays and i figured it would be easier if they just came once
Subject: dry cleaning
Can’t argue with that logic. Send me your office number and I’ll bring it tomorrow morning.
Subject: dry cleaning
5602. i usually get in around 10
Subject: dry cleaning
See you then :)
 Kaia could not believe she was flirting via work email. She’d flirted via twitter, DM’s, instagram, tinder, bumble, and, of course, old fashioned face to face, but email was a first. It made her nervous every time the Outlook pop up in the bottom right corner of her screen came up. Eventually, after an hour of no new emails, she relaxed.
Subject: dry cleaning
can’t wait 😉
 She should not have relaxed.
Kaia was a sweaty mess the next day.
Since her only skirt was dirty she was forced to wear her slightly-too-tight black dress pants. The subway malfunctioned so she ended up running—okay, speed walking—the last five blocks to work so she wouldn’t be late. It was 80 degrees when she left that morning and by 10 it was almost 90. All she wanted was to go home and lay naked in front of her box fan.
Speaking of naked.
Kaia got off the elevator on the fifty-sixth floor and was faced with the most beautiful view of New York that she’d ever seen. She skirted around the window, staying closer to the wall. Just because she thought the view was pretty didn’t mean she wanted to see it up close. No thanks.
There were only two offices on this floor. The first one she passed was the CFO’s office. She gave the plaque next to the door a sideways glance but kept walking until she was in front of office number 5602, which read:
It was all Kaia could do not to fall out right then and there. She had been flirting with the CEO of the company. Say it with me this time: what the fuck, Kaia. She was gonna have to start googling people before even opening her mouth.
She kept it together, though, which was good since at that moment Niall stepped off the elevator.
“Kaia!” He said with a smile.
“Uh, hi,” She forced a smile on her face. “I was just going to leave my skirt here.”
“No, no, come in,”
He unlocked the door and they walked in. Instead of sitting behind his massive oak desk, he walked towards a bar cart on the other side of the room. She hovered near the door wondering what the hell she was getting herself into.
“Do you like scotch?” He said, grabbing a bottle and cup from the bar.
It was 10am besides…scotch? Issa no from Kaia.
“Um, not really, no.”
He nodded. “What do you like? I’ve got a couple other choices…”
Niall turned around and leaned back against the bar cart. She wondered if it was stable enough to handle him backing that ass up onto it.
She cleared her throat. “I’m more of a Malibu or vodka girl.”
“I’ll have to remember that,” He said with a wink.
Lawd. This man would be the death of her.
That Monday, Kaia arrived to work to an email from Niall.
Subject: just a question
are you free next friday? i’m out of town this week but i’d love to take you out
if you’d rather not, just ignore this email. i thought i felt something between us and figured i would ask.
have a great day, ms. Kaia
 She took a deep breath, stood up to get a cup of water, walked around the office and when she got back the email was still there mocking her. She bit her lip. What to do, what to do….
Fuck it.
Subject: just a question
I am free next Friday. Feel free to text me. 2158271039
The week flew by amidst text after text. With each message sent the messages got dirtier and dirtier. They stopped short of sending pictures.
To Kaia’s dismay.
But it was Friday, finally, and Kaia had just taken the quickest shower ever. Niall was taking her out to eat. Nothing fancy. Just a little pizza place near Central Park. He wanted to show her around, since she was new to the city.
When she asked, he’d told her to dress casual and to wear flat shoes or sneakers. So, Kaia was dressed in her favorite dark wash denim shorts from American Eagle—they were the only high waisted shorts that fit her ass and her waist—and a white cropped tank top with a pair of matching Nikes. She grabbed her bright pink Sailor Moon hat on the way out her shared apartment.
Niall was there when she walked outside. He was leaning against his car—Kaia didn’t know what it was, but it was black and shiny and it looked expensive—scrolling through his phone. He wore a simple chambray button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his tortoiseshell glasses, and a pair of dressy khaki shorts with sneakers. Kaia fought the urge to lick her lips.
“Hey,” She said, stopping in front of him, putting her hands in her back pockets. Texting someone was one thing but to come face to face and have to keep up all the cute, flirty, and sexy things you were doing over text is something completely different.
He grinned. “Hey!”
Niall opened the door for Kaia and she plopped in the passenger seat. She’d had no idea how low the car was until she went to sit down and nearly broken her ass bone. If Niall saw, he didn’t say anything.
He had the radio on. Kaia reached over to turn it up so she could comfortably sing along with Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj. Kaia’s ears barely registered the sound of Niall singing along, as well. She looked over at him and smiled and he smiled back and it just felt so…easy.
Like. None of her other relationships had ever felt this effortless. There was nothing about it that made her nervous. Sure, she had been nervous earlier but all of that left as soon as she saw him. It’s like they were different people outside the office.
Here, racing into Manhattan, Kaia could pretend that he wasn’t her boss. That he didn’t run the company she temporarily worked for. She could pretend they met somewhere else. A diner, maybe. That they’d met over a shared love for hot chocolate. She smiled and turned her head to look at Niall.
At that moment, he turned his head and winked at her before looking back at the traffic. She blushed and looked back out the window until he pulled into a parking lot.
“The pizza place is just around the corner,” He said.
“Cool, I’m so hungry,” She said with a cute giggle.
They started walking towards the pizza shop. It was Niall’s favorite. He hoped she would like it. But Kaia was so hungry she would like any food put in front of her in that moment. As they walked, she felt his hand brush hers and goosebumps erupt on the skin of her arms. She full out shivered when he laced his fingers in with hers.
It was all she could do to keep her shit eating grin under control.
That night, Kaia ended up at Niall’s house for the first time. But, you know, certainly not the last.
Now, usually Kaia didn’t go home with a guy on the first date. Shit. Usually she didn’t even kiss a dude on the first date. But she was far from home—ok, only two hours but still—without her usual fuck buddy five minutes from her apartment and she was lonely. It had been a while and mama needed an orgasm.
Or two. But Kaia didn’t want to get greedy.
Niall’s house was on the top two levels of a building across from Central Park. To be exact, his penthouse. They looked at each other under the haze of lust in the elevator as it slowly ticked up to his floor. The only reason she didn’t jump him right then and there was because of the elderly couple between them. By the time the couple got off, there was only one floor left until Niall’s house.
They could wait. Barely.
Because when those doors opened? They were all over each other. It was all hands and lips and gasps and groans. He pressed her up against the front door and had his hand down her pants in record time. Looks like she would be getting her first orgasm without even going inside. She gasped and gripped Niall’s shoulder as his fingers rubbed at her clit sloppily. She banged her head back against the door in an effort to give his lips more skin to kiss.
“Ow, fuck,” She moaned, gasping as her body tensed and then spasmed. One orgasm: down.
Niall licked his fingers before letting Kaia down so he could open the door. The heated look he gave her made her swallow hard. She just knew she was about to get dicked down halfway to heaven. And she was beyond ready.
She walked backwards into the apartment barely noticing the marble floors or white walls or stainless steel everything. She would come to appreciate the gorgeous views from every corner of the penthouse later when she was sated and satisfied. She stopped to take her shoes off before continuing.
Kaia threw her hat behind her. It landed on the coffee table. Her tank top landed on the sofa. She shimmied out of her shorts and left them there on the floor. Standing there in his living room, in her lacy purple underwear, she placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at Niall.
It took him no time at all to strip down to his underwear.
As she looked at him from head to toe, really appreciating his body from the stubble on his chin to the hair on his chest to his strong thighs, Niall was advancing quietly. She didn’t even notice him walking towards her until he swept her up in his arms.
“I got a little caught up earlier but, uh, I just wanted to make sure this was okay.” He whispered, his lips inches from hers. It struck her that he asked permission even though she was clearly willing. She smiled up at him and nodded before placing a hand behind his head to bring his lips down to hers.
From there it was like a race. She bit his bottom lip, he palmed her ass, she licked into his mouth, he held on for dear life, she struggled to remember to breathe.
Niall lifted Kaia and carried her over to the chaise lounge by the window. It overlooked Central Park but neither of them was bothering with looking outside at that moment. Kaia was more preoccupied with the feel of his dick hard against her thigh. Her mouth watered just thinking about it.
She reached down to palm it and he twitched in her hand. He almost fell trying to get his boxer briefs off.
“You okay?” She said with a giggle. He smirked at her and tugged one of her legs to bring her closer to him. She gasped and the smug look on his face intensified. She didn’t even get a good look at his dick before he kneeled next to the chaise. All she knew was that it was big. Of that she was sure.
Kaia thought she was ready but she truly was not. She thought she was messing around with the twenty somethings on campus but she forgot this was a man. He knew a thing or two about slanging dick. And she was ready to learn.
Niall pressed kisses on the inside of her thighs. So, he was going straight for the goods. Not that Kaia was complaining. He bit the corner of her underwear and teasingly started removing them. She lifted her ass so he could get them past it and soon they were somewhere near the front door.
He looked at her and licked his lips. She could feel his breath on her skin and it made her wetter. If that was possible. She was sure there was a puddle on his couch.
Kaia was not ready when Niall licked her. She nearly levitated above the couch. He chuckled and lightly pressed a hand to her stomach to keep her in place. He concentrated on her clit and before long she was gasping and panting and moaning. Niall looked up at Kaia as he paused his very important work.
She was touching her breasts, biting her lip, and glistening from sweat already. He smirked and went back to licking her pussy. Kaia reached a hand down to guide him back up to lick her clit. Right there. It felt so good. She couldn’t even put into words how good it felt. Like. Never had someone eaten her out like this.
Nobody had ever made her scream when she came.
As she laid there, panting, trying to catch her breath on his chaise, she was sure she was ruined for all other men. Kaia was just sure that nobody else would be able to make her feel the way Niall just did. Like. If he tried to touch her right now she would probably scream. Her clit felt so sensitive but she wasn’t ready for the night to end.
Neither, apparently, was Niall as he walked over with a condom in hand. He reached out a hand to help Kaia up before deciding to just pick her up and carry her to his room. He licked his lips and leaned down to kiss hers. She could taste herself on his tongue. She wanted to taste him.
When he placed her on the bed she got on all fours and took his dick in her mouth. She heard his strangled gasp and could barely suppress her grin. She loved that noise. She loved causing that noise. He held her hair back with his hands and stared down at her. For two seconds until he leaned his head back and moaned.
So. That was probably the sexiest thing Kaia had ever seen. She’d heard dudes grunt, gasp, groan, all the g’s but she had never heard a man just moan. Like. Niall was not playing.
His moan made her moan around his dick which made him moan which made her moan. And it was just a cycle. Until he trained his glazed eyes on Kaia. The look he was giving her made her stop sucking his dick. It popped out of her mouth with a suction noise that echoed in the mostly empty room.
Kaia scooted backwards on the bed as Niall crawled towards her. The look in his eye made her tingle from her head to her clit. She bit her lip and watched as he pressed kisses from her feet to her calves and thighs up her stomach, breasts, and neck. He pressed a long kiss to her lips before breaking apart to roll the condom on.
Finally. Kaia was sure she would burst if she had to wait another minute.
(Yeah, she knew she had two orgasms already. She was ready for a third. And?)
He hovered over her for a moment before leaning down to kiss her. Her hands were on his ass pulling him towards her. Just in case he forgot she was ready in the thirty seconds it took him to take the condom out and put it on. She was very, very ready. He lifted one of her legs and placed it on his shoulder.
She opened her mouth to rush him right when he grabbed his dick to rub against her pussy to tease her. She moaned and tilted her head back instead. Her hips tilted towards his dick as a result.
Niall didn’t want to wait any longer. He caressed her leg and gripped her hip as he pushed inside her. It had been a long time since he fucked anyone let alone someone in their early twenties. He was. not. ready. for the way she squeezed him once he was all the way inside.
She looked up at him and ran a hand over her breasts, trying to egg him on so he would move inside her. She felt his dick twitch just before he pulled out. He went slow for the first few pumps but the feel of Kaia’s hand on his ass, pulling him back into her, made him lose all control. Within seconds he had both her legs in his hands as he pounded into her.
He growled and she just about lost it. When he let her legs go she got on all fours and turned her ass towards him. He gripped one of her cheeks and brought her towards his dick. He stayed there motionless as she worked back onto his dick. She moaned as she tried to go faster. He noticed her hand sneaking under her body to touch her clit and beat her there with his own hand.
He rubbed her for as long as he could stand her slow tempo before grabbing her hips and fucking her with all that he had. Which was more than he thought he had. It was more than Kaia thought he had.
Niall motioned for Kaia to lay on her side. She bent one of her legs in front of her and he straddled the other one. If those other positions were good, this one was next level. She had already been close before but in this position, with those deep strokes, Niall was hitting a spot inside Kaia that she all but thought was a myth.
That scream that she let out moments later made her believe.
Before she knew it, Kaia was skipping weekends home to hang out with Niall.
Granted, most times it was super low-key stuff. Dinner, watching movies, cuddling while they talk, making out, fucking each other’s brains out. The usual.
That night he made them dinner and then they watched Moana together. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it but he loved it, in the end.
They laid on the couch and made out while the credits played. In between kisses, they asked each other questions. It had been a while since the last question, though, and Kaia assumed they were done with that game. She was ready to get thoroughly fucked. Right there on the couch.
She could almost feel it now.
“You have one year left, right?” He said, playing with Kaia’s starfish ring, cutting through her daydream of Niall’s stubble tickling her thighs as he kissed them.
She nodded and leaned her head against his chest. She only had a week left in New York. Her internship flew by. She’d come to this job hoping for new relationships and experiences but this was…not…what she was expecting.
An internship and a summer fling what kind of #goals.
“You should move in with me when you graduate,” He whispered into her hair.
She froze. He cleared his throat and sat up, which made Kaia sit up, too.
“I mean. I’m gonna miss you, babe,” He said, looking at her with those sad eyes that she had fallen in love with.
She smiled sadly and placed her hand on his cheek. Because, the truth was, she was going to miss him too. Wasn’t that some shit? She never expected this to happen. The last thing she wanted was to fall in love before she was ready.
Sometimes that didn’t matter. Love hit you when it wanted to and you just had to take it. Kaia bit the inside of her bottom lip to keep from laughing at that thought. It was a serious moment. She couldn’t just laugh.
But, of course, she did. She laughed and once she started she couldn’t stop.
Niall sat there just blinking at her for the longest. Until she stopped laughing. She placed a hand over her mouth and shook her head.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t laughing about you, just something I thought about sounded so wrong,”
Niall smiled. Because by now he knew that’s how Kaia was.
“What was it?”
“‘Love hit you when it wants to and you just have to take it.’”
They laughed together with a hidden glint in each of their eyes. A shared emotion. Love, probably. Niall reached up and placed his large hand on Kaia’s cheek. She barely registered that she’d basically admitted to being in love with him when his lips landed on hers.
Definitely love.
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gamcrra · 7 years
“please, you can’t die now.” isabelle & clary. // “did you think i forgot?” clarissa & victoria. // “bitch better have my money.” chloe & zoya. // “for once… i was wrong.” alexa & marissa. // “hello? it’s me. i was-” alyssa & damian. // “fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?” hayley & emma. // “just… come back alive, okay?” fallon & tamsin. // “so… when’s the next flight?” isla & ofelia. // “zero fucks given. next please.” libby & sydney. // “please don’t leave me alone.” dylan & marina.
all of these are so angsty… sorry not sorry.
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“please, you can’t die now.”
Clary found the strength to smile, although the life seemed to leave her with fast movements. “Why? Afraid you won’t have anyone else to train with?” she joked. Although she was pretty scared of dying, she didn’t want to see Isabelle suffer. She couldn’t change someone’s emotions, but she hoped she could at least make the situation better. She had always been the one who was worried she would see her girlfriend die first, and she was somehow relieved she didn’t get the chance to witness that. But putting all the hurt on Isabelle didn’t make part of her plan either. “Listen, Iz. You have to promise me you’ll keep on fighting for what’s right. Promise me this won’t make you lose hope,” she spoke, tears rolling down her cheeks as she thought of her next words. “Promise me you’ll find someone who makes you happy. I want you to be happy.” She was hanging onto life as she waited for her girlfriend’s confirmation. “I want you to be happy. Because I love you. I’ll always do.”
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“did you think i forgot?”
Victoria’s expression turned to disapproval. “Obviously not, since you still bring it up,” she replied, already tired of the conversation. “I thought you of all people understood that I’m trying to leave my past behind. I was stupid, yes, but you know I didn’t mean those words. I have always loved you.” Approaching her fiancee, she sat down next to her. “Do you want us to talk about that fight? Because we can. But after that, you have to promise me you will never bring it up again.” She put her hand overs hers, a sad smile on her face. “We’re living in the moment, remember? Putting behind the bad memories. You need to remember that I’m here, and you’re here, and we’re two completely different people from what we were,” Victoria reminded her, a kind expression on her features. If she could erase that night from her memories, she would. She didn’t want to hurt Clary.
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“bitch better have my money.”
Zoya was about to walk away when she heard her ex best friend’s voice. Turning around, she stared at her, speechless. She took a deep breath, preparing herself to the fight. “Who the fuck do you think you are to call me a bitch? This bitch was your best friend before you went and fucked up everything. This bitch was there for you when you needed most. This bitch was the one you spent every day of your life since freshman years. But you obviously don’t care about that now, when you decide to degrade me to what everyone’s saying. Congratulations, Chloe Malone. You’re just like them.” She was about to turn around when she remembered the end of her sentence. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed the fifty dollars she owed her. “Here’s your fucking money,” she said, throwing the bills on her. “Get the fuck out of my life now.”
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“for once… i was wrong.”
“For once, I agree with you,” Marissa responded. She stared at Alexa, her eyes cold and her voice not letting anything appear. After all, she was good at pretending. She had shown who she truly was to her, and she got her heart broken. “You see, I thought you were a better person. I thought you were the one. Now I know that’s bullshit. You don’t care about me, you don’t care about anything. You just took advantage of me and then you tossed me aside.” She was hurt, but she never showed that with tears. Anger was her preferred emotion. She was going back to who she was before she met Alexa. Heartless. “Does that make you feel better, Alexa? Does that inflate your low self esteem? You’re just like my father. Selfish. Incapable of love.” She shook her head, unable to realize how she let herself fall for a Gryffindor. “I hope I never see you again.”
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“hello, it’s me. i was –”
As soon as Damian heard her voice, he ended the call. If he would have known she was calling him, he wouldn’t have answered. He waited for the message announcing him he had a voicemail. He had several voicemails from her, but he never listened to them. He was afraid of what lies she would tell him again. He didn’t want to trust her and get his heart broken for the second time. He didn’t want to hear her excuses, he didn’t want to talk to her, he didn’t to want anything to do with her. He just wanted to forget she existed. Just wanted to forget they ever met. Damian often reflected on what his life would have been like without her. He was certain he wouldn’t have wasted as much time picking up the pieces of his broken heart. Yet she still wanted to come back. She always came back, and he was tired. He was done with trusting the one who kept breaking his heart.
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“fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?”
Emma didn’t trust her ears. Turning back around, she air quoted her words. “What’s my problem?” She was yelling again. For someone who prized themselves for remaining calm in an argument, she was disappointed with herself for getting mad at the sentence. “My problem is that I don’t know why you’re my soulmate. Something must have went wrong for you to appear on both of my wrists, when I don’t know how to love you. I don’t love you, Hayley. And I have to figure out my life knowing the one who’s supposed to be my soulmate fucks me up, instead of bringing me happiness.” She knew the words were too harsh once she processed them, but she couldn’t take them back. She had told her the truth. “Are you happy? Have I answered your question?” Shutting the door behind her, she walked away without looking back.
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“just… come back alive, okay?”
Tamsin chuckled. “Are you insinuating I can’t protect myself?” she responded, faking an offended tone followed by a close mouthed smile. “You know I’m just going on a mission with my brother, right? Nothing bad will happen to me. In case my powers aren’t enough to keep me safe, my brother will protect me. You don’t have to worry about me.” She was hiding her doubts behind her jokes, but she was worried. There was no guarantee her brother wouldn’t be occupied with something else, no guarantee that she wouldn’t have a severe allergic reaction, no guarantee she wouldn’t panic and ruin the whole mission. She was anxious, but she didn’t show that to her. The knowledge of the assurance she made to Fallon determined her to succeed. Tamsin promised herself she wouldn’t disappoint her friend. She would come back alive.
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“so… when’s the next flight?”
Ofelia didn’t look in Isla’s direction, afraid she’d break out crying in front of her. She was too prideful to show her how affected she was. They had had a huge fight yesterday, in the middle of the night. A fight resulting in their break up. Both of their harsh words resonated through Ofelia’s mind, replaying them over and over. She didn’t have the chance to tell her she loved her. Somehow, she was relieved she didn’t give her the satisfaction– on the other side, Isla would never know she broke her heart. Just like everyone else Ofelia had been in love with. “Don’t know, don’t care,” Ofelia responded, her voice cold as she focused her eyes on the people passing in front of them. She was surprised with her own tone, opposite to her usual kind and welcoming one. There was nothing left. Isla had took her happiness away, leaving her broken.
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“zero fucks given. next please.”
“Libby, fucking stop acting like that,” Sydney snapped, tired of all her efforts going to waste. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ve said it multiple times, but you obviously don’t care. Did it cross your mind that maybe I’m tired too? Did you think that maybe I’m hurt too? But since you think I’m the fucking worst, I bet you didn’t think I don’t want to lose you. All you care about is making me feel like shit, and you know what?” She stopped, giving her one last heartbroken look. “Mission accomplished.” She exited Libby’s room, descending the stairs as frustrated tears started appearing in her eyes. She didn’t stop to say goodbye to Libby’s parents, afraid she would be questioned about her emotional state. She just wanted to get back home, and lock herself in her room until she forgot about the pain in her chest. Forgot she was alive.
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“please don’t leave me alone.”
The question tore through her heart. She struggled to contain the tears as she gently put both of her hands on his cheeks, making eye contact to make him realize she was speaking the truth. “Never. I promise you. I know I have a history of leaving people without saying goodbye, but trust me, I will never do that to you. You are worth staying for.” She leaned in slowly, connecting their lips in a short kiss. She couldn’t help but think of all the people she had left behind. How she broke their hearts. How did she know this time was different? “Because I love him. More than I’ve ever loved anyone,” her mind responded. Once the kiss ended, Marina considered him, unable to utter words. The realization scared her, but she knew she couldn’t turn back on her promise. She just needed time to sort her feelings out.
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Grammy’s....The First 2.5 Hours....
Time for the Grammy’s and all those only-on-the-Grammy’s special moments. Basically what that means is they’re going to pair Joan Baez and Post Malone or some shit like that. Typically they trot out someone like Bonnie Raitt, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Bob Dylan or maybe the reanimated hologram of Tupac.
Lizzo. Lizzo. Lizzo. I just canNOT with her. She is bananas cool and I love her. That’s a great way to open the show. We saw her twice last year and her meteoric rise to stardom is a very cool story. I hope she cleans up tonight. But I’m not sure we’ll ever know because in a 3.5-telecast they will only give away about 5 awards. It’s ALL about those special Grammy moments, y’all. Next up Josh Groban and Nicki Minaj!!
Juan and I discussed how they would work Kobe Bryant into the show. The Alicia Keys and Boyz II Men tribute using “It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday” worked. I forgot that the show was the Staples Center where Kobe played for all those years. I was never any sort of Lakers fan but I also like Kobe Bryant and I’m actually really bothered and upset by his death. I hate that one of his kids was with him. It’s just heartbreaking and awful.
Blake and Gwen were just OK. I’m not sure what that song.
What is Alicia Keys doing? What is this keyboard vamp and the talking to the audience and all the nominees? Is this supposed like what Billy Crystal always used to do? It’s not amazing.
I don’t care who knows it: The Jonas Brothers make me happy. Sucker is a GREAT song. Their performance was right on time. I also enjoyed the pan to their wives in the audience. Sophie Turner, Priyanka Chopra and Danielle. I’m happy Danielle is getting the screen time because, let’s face it, Danielle is not the Jonas wife that people want to see.
Sweet that Lizzo won Best Pop Solo Performance. Nice speech. Love her dress.
I am unclear on who Tyler The Creator is. This is why I love and hate this show. It validates me for being hip to certain aspects of music but completely and utterly also validates that my knowledge is narrow. I do not know this person and I am not drawn to the performance nor the strange blonde, bowl-cut wigs.
Is Alicia Keys enhanced with some sort of hippy drug? She seems like she’s hallucinating and on some sort of LSD trip. I am a big, big, big Alicia Keys fan but she seems off.
I’m unclear on the point of Prince tribute. Is that just something we do when icons die? Here’s what I’ve learned. Usher is NOT Prince. Their talents are not the same. I don’t know who I want to hear sing these songs but I’ve discovered it’s not Usher. The positives….Sheila E still got it. She can beat the drum, bitches. And she looks incredible. The dancers are cool. Usher is just not getting this done.
Thoroughly enjoying Camila Cabello. What a sweet song. But Jim Gaffigan introducing her was awkward primarily because he couldn’t read the teleprompter. Back to Camila. Well, I’m crying. Isn’t this something? It’s actually a special moment.
Tanya Tucker is fucking back. Because a lot of you thought she was dead. Well, she’s not. She’s apparently rocking it out with this new album that somehow involves Brandi Carlisle as a writer, producer or both. Their performance was solid, solid, solid. I would go see Tanya Tucker.
This Ariana Grande performance feels over-produced. Do we think she insures the pony tail? At least she things live at these things.
Are Billie Eilish’s press-on nails also Gucci? Until this very performance, I haven’t really been into Billie Eilish nor have I even really understood the excitement about her. But I think I get it now. This is a good performance.
Steven Tyler is pickled and has probably had about 1,000 near-death experiences but it doesn’t matter. Aerosmith can still command the stage despite or maybe in spite of them being nearly 100 years old. Motherfuckers, it’s RUN-DMC. Goddammit. This is MY YOUTH.
Lil Nas X. I guess he’s a thing. It feels like a novelty song, no? What is this revolving lazy susan set? BTS is a strange looking group. Who is this country child? Billy Ray Cyrus better be excited AF about this song because it’s the second best song he’s ever done and he’s only done two songs……..
And now, ladies and gentleman, Demi Lovato is going to emerge from something. And, you know what? She tore it up.
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anotherlifefic · 5 years
Chapter 3: Broken Bones
During the days after his encounter, I could barely focus on my work. I still did everything I could, but Malon had do snap me out of my thoughts more than once, after she caught me freezing up in the middle of mucking out the stables or feeding the animals. And every day after my usual work was over, I retreated to my tiny chamber to work on the tunic for Link until my candles were burned down, forcing me to go to bed. One day, while working on the tunic again, I heard a soft knock on my door. Malon entered with a bit of bread and dried meat on a plate. „Here, I brought you some food. You were so busy that you completely forgot to have supper with us.“ I looked up. „I did?“ Then my stomach rumbled insistently, confirming that yes, I indeed hadn't had supper yet. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. „I'm so sorry, Malon.“ She sat down next to me, gently placing the plate on my desk. „Is something wrong?“, she asked gently. Malon and I had known each other for so long that she had no trouble picking up on things like this. I bit my lip. „I don't know. I just keep thinking about Link. He's so very kind, but at the same time, also kind of strange.“ I pulled the tunic closer to me. It was almost finished; just one last seam needed closing. But since it was a tunic for formal occasions, I considered adding some embroidery. I just wasn't sure what kind of embroidery Link would have liked. Realizing that I was drifting off again, I shook my head. „I's just... weird. He only just met me, but he bought this expensive silk for me, and he is always so kind to me...“ „I admit that the bit with the silk is kind of strange“, Malon admitted. „But don't be so concerned about him being kind. That's just the way he is.“ „I mean, I really enjoy his attention. Who wouldn't? But you know me. I'm just not used to being the center of attention for pretty much anyone.“ „Yes, I remember that I had to hold onto you so you wouldn't just run away when you introduced yourself to Ingo and my father“, Malon replied dryly. Then she lowered her voice. „Stop me if I'm being too nosy, but could it be that you have a crush on Link?“ I turned beet-red. „What? I... I don't know. How would I know such a thing? I have never... had a crush before.“ Malon chuckled softly. „Ah, Rebecca, you're so innocent. Well, let's go down the checklist then, shall we? So, do you keep thinking about Link even if he's not around right now?“ „Yes, I already told you-“ „Okay. Do you get a warm fuzzy feeling when you think of him?“ I looked off to the side, too embarrassed fully face her. „...Yes.“ She grinned. „Do you get really happy whenever you see him?“ I nodded, too stunned to say anything. Now that Malon was so calmly listing these things, I felt like a complete idiot. It was so obvious that I had a crush on Link. „Alright, you have a point. But what do I do with that? I can hardly run up to him and tell him that I love him.“ „Of course not“, Malon said as if she was talking to a slow-witted child. „But it's an important thing for me to know. Because now, I can support you in any way I can.“ „You won't try to play matchmaker for us, will you?“ She grinned, her arms behind her back. I knew full well that she was probably crossing her fingers when she said:„No promises!“ I was about to say something when a loud, panicked whinny interrupted me. Malon and I looked at eachother, pale with shock, before jumping up and running out of the house.
Epona stood in front of the house, her coat shiny with sweat and the whites of her eyes showing. My heart skipped a beat. Epona was here. Panicked and maybe even injured. Where is Link?, I thought as my feet were already in motion towards the exit of the farm. „Rebecca?!“, Malon asked thinly. „You need to find a way to calm down Epona. I'll go look for Link!“ I ran towards Hyrule Field. Normally, I would have taken Glory with me to cover more ground. But it was too dangerous to get her out with Epona thrashing so close to the stable.
The sun was almost gone. I had to act fast, as long as there was still some light to guide my way. Luckily, Epona's path was easy to follow in the soft soil of Hyrule Field. I followed the trail until I heard a low groan and saw Link in a heap on the ground. I ran up to him. „Link?! Link, what happened?“ He looked up, a small trail of blood running from his hairline over his left eye. Then I saw his right arm and gulped. I was no physician, but even I could tell that arms aren't supposed to bend that way. Broken, I thought. „...becca... Rebecca...“, Link mumbled. „Something... something spooked Epona. I fell. I think I hit my head.“ „It's okay. I'm here. And Epona is at the ranch. She's safe.“ I felt tears sting in my eyes. What should I do? Try to get him to the ranch and then call a physician? But what if I only did more damage when trying to take him there? I couldn't stay there and hope for help to arrive, either. The sun had almost completely set, and soon, monsters would emerge from their holes. „Link, I need to get you to safety. Look, the ranch isn't far off. But I'll need you to help me. Do you think you can walk if you lean on me?“ „I... I think“, he said, but he sounded so tired, so horribly tired. I somehow managed to pull him to his feet, even though he occasionally yelped because his broken arm moved to much. But finally, I could half carry, half drag him over to LonLon Ranch. Malon was white as a sheet when she saw us approach the house. „Malon“, I said, trying to keep my voice calm. „Go get me a splint for Link's arm; it's broken. And I think he hit his head pretty badly, too.“ Malon ran into the house, seemingly too horrified to reply.
We kept some medical supplies for emergencies, in case one of us got hurt and there was either no time or no way to get a physician from the city. So after we carefully placed Link on a bed in the guestroom, Malon took care of his broken arm as I cleaned the laceration at his head. Link was barely concious through the whole process, which was probably a blessing, given the amount of pain he must have been in. „Blast“, Malon hissed after she was done putting his arm in a splint and was now rummaging through our medicine cabinet. „I told Ingo that our supply of healing potion was running low, but he hasn't bought any more yet.“ I bit my lip in frustration. While healing potion wouldn't have erased all of the damage, it would have done enough so Link could get through the night without pain until we could go get the doctor to check on him. What worried me most was his head injury. I didn't know how bad it was, but given how out of it he seemed, it had to be really bad. I carefully wiped his hair aside, now stained red from his blood, when suddenly, his head fell to the side and landed directly on my chest. I wasn't embarrassed. He was just mumbling something completely incoherent into the fabric of my dress. So all I felt was concern. I looked up to Malon, who looked extremely tired after all of that excitement. „Go to bed“, I told her gently. „I'll take care of Link. And if I need help with anything... well, your room is right next door. I'll come and get you.“ Malon looked at both of us. „Promise?“ „Promise“, I confirmed. She came over to me and planted a soft kiss on my cheek, then on Link's, before leaving the room.
Now being alone with Link, I felt tears sting in my eyes. He looked so vulnerable now; like even someone as weak as I could break him. „...s-sorry“, he said softly, his face still resting on my upper body. „I wanted to save them. I wanted to save you.“ I lowered my head. „Link? What...“ Before I knew what was happening, my dress was wet with tears, both his and mine. Whatever he said after that I couldn't make out anymore, but it seemed to upset him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, trying to hush him. After a long while, he seemed to fall into a restless slumber.
I probably also fell asleep at some point, because when I opened my eyes, it was already morning and Malon was sitting next to me at Link's bedside. She had freed him from my embrace and carefully placed his head on the pillow. He was sleeping soundly. She touched my upper arm. „Everything alright?“, she asked. „Yes. Link fell asleep at some point, and after that, I must have nodded off myself.“ „Your dress is wet.“ I looked to the sleeping man. „He said something about not being able to save someone. It seemed to upset him so much that he cried.“ Malon gently rubbed my back. „You were up long enough. Don't worry, I'll get the work done on my own today... somehow. Father already went out as soon as the sun rose when I told him what had happened. He should return with the doctor any minute now. And you should go to your room and catch up on some sleep.“ „But who will take care of Link while you're working and I'm asleep?“, I asked. „I should at least wait until the doctor comes.“ „No, you will go to bed now“, Malon said firmly. „That's an order.“ I looked at her for a moment, biting my lip like I do whenever I'm nervous, then I sighed in defeat. „Fine, but you'll wake me up if something happens. Promise?“ „Of course“, Malon said gently and shooed me out of the room. „To bed with you now. See it as a vacation day.“ „I'm pretty sure that farmhands don't get...“ The door slammed shut behind me. „...vacation days.“ I sighed and went down the stairs, to my room.
I saw the almost finished tunic on my desk, and again, tears filled my eyes. What if Link's injury was worse than Malon or I were able to tell, and he would end up only needing the tunic for his funeral? I shook my head as if to get rid of these horrid thoughts. I was tired and that made my thoughts go wild. Of course Link wouldn't die. I had seen his scars; he already went through much worse and survived. A little bump on the head and a broken arm wouldn't kill him. I let myself fall onto my bed, deeply inhaled the scent of the straw my mattress was stuffed with. Sleep. I needed sleep. When I woke up, Link would be awake, too, and Malon would be done with the chores for today and we would all laugh about this little mishap. I soon drifted off, but my sleep was haunted with the sound of a panicking horse and Link's pale, unconcious face.
0 notes
theworstbob · 7 years
yellin’ at songs, week forty
brief considerations of the songs which debuted on billboard on 10.11.1997, 10.13.2007, and 10.14.2017
1) "Candle in the Wind 1997/Something in the Way You Look Tonight," by Elton John
princess diana seemed like a nice person and i don't agree that it is good that she passed on. i think she should have continued to live, and finally, i found a song that agrees with my worldview.
44) "Too Gone, Too Long," by En Vogue
So real talk this is late because one week I saw two Post Malone songs and I said fuck it because, like, it's, and I just, I don't think it's fair when older generations yell at younger generations? But the average '90s R&B track was infinitely better than the average '10s anything. You could drive down the street bumping the radio and a song like this, with that small miracle that happens around the 3:00 mark, and this would be like the seventh-best song you'd hear. Kids these days are just listening to songs that don't make any stabs at greatness, they just exist in a way that doesn't motivate you to change the station. The problem is with the children. I'm not actually talking about this song, I'm talking about the way people consume music. This song is heckin' great and everyone should listen to it 20 times and then try to get through a Post Malone song.
58) "Heaven," by Nu Flavor
In this overly intense '90s R&B slo jamz, the R&B boys plead to God to convince this woman to fuck them. That sentence is the last thing I wrote for YAS before taking a weeks-long sabbatical and I'm glad I found it.
63) "Love Gets Me Every Time," by Shania Twain
Where do we rank Shania Twain in the diva pantheon? Like, this is a song with a hook I recognized when I heard it, after 20 years of just not thinking about this song I heard "dolgurn gone and done it" and was like "oh yeah! This jam!" and not all singers can dig that deep into your memory, but in terms of historical import, where does she rank? You can't really argue that "country needs a rep in the pantheon" because um hello? Dolly? but there's at least four Shania songs that are absolutely legendary. Does that merit inclusion among the greats? Or is Shania just on that second tier with a Kelly Clarkson or a Carrie Underwood, reliable but not as powerful as the women we'll tell our grandkids about?
65) "Electric Barbarella," by Duran Duran
One of the things that struck me as odd about the film Sing Street was the reverence with which the film treated Duran Duran. I always sort of thought Duran Duran was a boy band, but there was a film set in the heyday of Duran Duran's popularity, with a scene where an older brother extols the virtues of Duran Duran's musicianship to a younger brother, and I'm just like, "I never would have guessed this band was at the vanguard of new wave?" But I guess maybe they were a less dark Depeche Mode and I should check this out because this song from 1997 probably isn't indicative of peak Duran Duran? Hello welcome back to YAS I'm already asking questions to no one instead of offering criticism, it's like I never left.
70) "They Like it Slow," by H-Town
Sometimes, when you abandon a project for a while and come back, you notice things about the thing you're doing that you never would have noticed if you had worked on it in the last two months. To that end: I just realized all the 1997 and prolly most of the 2007 music videos were shot in 4:3. Like, when they filmed these music videos, they were composing shots with the idea they would be on TVs. That's kind of interesting! Like, when you go to film school, you probably have the idea you're gonna direct films, so having to compose shots for a smaller aspect ratio probably fucks you up a little bit. Anyway, I can't tell if this '90s R&B slo jamz is a parody or not.
87) "A Smile Like Yours," by Natalie Cole
"I have seen the bluest skies/Rainbows that would make you cry." It's absolutely amazing which lines in these songs gain significance from 20 years of events. Like, that line about rainbows takes on a whole new meaning now that we've all enjoyed and then forgot about the Double Rainbow video.
91) "Alright," by Jamiroquai
groovy! i’m okay with this! this is like what all the calvin harris songs would sound like if they were good.
92) "Spin Spin Sugar," by Sneaker Pimps
there's so much cool stuff happening in this song and i really just wanna sit down and get to know this band a lot more because they've always seemed like something i was supposed to like and now i realize that i do actually like them, unfortunately WE'RE LISTENING TO 100 SONGS TONIGHT GOODBYE GOOD SONG I WILL KEEP THIS MEMORY WARM IN MY HEART UNTIL THE END OF TIME
58) "Tattoo," Jordin Sparks
This is a song that just barely missed the lyric video trend. If any song needed to have words appearing on random actors' skin, it was this one, it would have been such a no-brainer decision. Like, you do it right, hire some calligraphers and tell them to take it up a thousand notches, you have a classic lyric video. Wasn't e'er to be, though. Just a standard music video, and I guess a nice song? It's very2007. It's very the sort of song you'd give to the winner of a forgettable Idol season. "Oh, that? Uh, yeah, keep it. It's either going on this album or in that trash can, might as well use every part of the buffalo that is my brain."
80) "The Way I Am," Ingrid Michaelson
this is the sonic version of a scarf worn indoors in june
86) "Our Song," Tay Tay
"Our song is a slammin' screen door." Did you know Tay Tay's dad was an investment banker? I have reason to believe Tay Tay's only seen a screen door in movies. I dunno. Do rich people have screen doors? I've never been in a mansion, but I don't think screen doors would be appropriate for mansions.
91) "Shoulda Let You Go," Keyshia Cole intro./Amina
I like how Billboard gave Amina an "introducing" credit. You don't see that in music nowadays. Now it's just "hey this 17-year-old has a million plays on Soundcloud, what do you mean you 'haven't heard of him,' he's already been responsible for thirteen memes and they're all dead, we're actually over him already, he's lame now." It is now known that Amina was actually a woman who was okay at rapping. The point still stands, I'd at least like to know that the randos on these songs are people no one but the people who made this song know.
96) "Hypnotized," Piles ft./Akon
"I know she wet 'cuz she told me." I don't know why, but this line tickles me! "Piles, you got me so wet." "YO, SHE'S WET! I MADE HER WET, GUYS!" "You touch mine and I touch yours." Piles must be hypnotized because in my (admittedly limited) experience with his work he doesn't seem like a man who gives head. He seems like a man who needs to be coerced into reciprocating pleasure.
97) "Nothin' Better to Do," LeAnn Rimes
OK so real talk, while I was listening to this song I got distracted because I realized I hadn't updated my Poke Bank subscription in like a year and I have so many precious little babies I need to keep forever, and you know what? This is a fun song. I didn't really need to pay attention to it! It's a song about being naughty that keeps it PG enough to play on country radio, and I wouldn't mind bumping into it again!
100) "Fake It," Seether
So Amy Lee and the dude from Seether broke up. After the break-up, Evanescence hit first with "Call Me When You're Sober," which isn't a particularly devastating song, but the title is incredibly unsubtle, and, like, Seether's a shitty post-grunge band, of course he's an alcoholic, and Amy Lee is right to say "yo I'm kinda done with this, I don't like dealing with the drunk you." Seether strikes back by saying Amy Lee is a liar and that he "feels so raped," and Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm gonna go ahead and say that's #problematic! Amy Lee made a dumb but fair song about how she was out of patience, and here comes Donald Trump by way of Creed to say "YOU ARE RAPING ME WITH THIS BREAK-UP." Like, I'm gonna go ahead and say that the part using rape metaphors to describe their feelings is the one in the wrong in this mediation.
65) "I Fall Apart," by Post Malone 100) "Go Flex," by Post Malone
i could have spent eight minutes sitting perfectly still listening to ambient noise and have had the same emotional reaction. "never caught a feeling this hard/harder than the liquor i pour." oh fuck off already.
70) "Good Old Days," by Macklemore ft./Kesha
FINALLY. The pop music gods have heard my prayers: Macklemore rapping about nostalgia. Everything I love, in one delightful package! ...He shouts out Minnesota and this is probably gonna end up being the best song from this week because of that and also because this week is lookin' pretty horrible.
94) "Losing Sleep," by Chris Young
OK so real talk during this bro country joint I got distracted because I was looking at new music releases and APPARENTLY THERE'S AN ANIMATED MOVIE BASED ON "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU?" IT WAS MADE THIS YEAR? THIS YEAR. YOU CAN BUY IT ON DVD TODAY AND OWN IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE. I'm sorry. I'm not going to bother processing whatever bullshit this song is about, sex I guess, because THIS WORLD IS CAPABLE OF SO MUCH MORE. This is a movie. This is also a movie which presupposes that this entire time "All I Want for Christmas Is You" is about a puppy that Mariah Carey needed for a... charity fashion show? "Great! We're short one girl with a dog!" "Oh..." This is a cinematic masterpiece and my life is better for having stumbled across it. This and Pokemon Christmas Bash.
95) "Like I Loved You," by Brett Young
So the writer of Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You is one Temple Mathews, who has also written The Little Mermaid II, Peter Pan II, and 101 Dalmatians 2. That is a fucking nuts credit roll, Temple. Dude also goes multiple years between projects, which suggests to me he's like someone at Disney's cousin, and every couple years that person at Disney goes "hey, Temple, wanna make $100,000?" and Temple says "fuck yeah bro" and Temple just lives off that. He makes smart investments and lives in a cabin in Montana and has never actually seen a movie because why would you look at pictures when you've got mountains in your backyard? Temple is living the best life. Dude's my hero. He has someone describe a cartoon to him and writes something based off that and never has to write a second draft.
97) "Round Here Buzz," by Eric Church
Listen, if Eric Church is gonna give us repeats of songs he's done before, at least he's giving us repeats of "Give Me Back My Hometown." It's a slower, sadder version of that song, one that can't be misconstrued as an "I'm poor AND PROUD OF IT!" anthem, this is a song that can only be about a dude thinking about a girl living a life without him while he lives a life with her ghost, but also "Give Me Back My Hometown" is more fun? I dunno, this still prolly gets 2017 SOTY, I've just heard it before. Also, Eric Church? Welcome to the Decade Dance Club. You are the 36th member, and the tenth white male country artist.
98) "Plain Jane," by A$AP Ferg
ok nvm this is song of the week, simply because in the first verse Ferg raised and lowered the volume of his voice. this song went somewhere! this song actually did something! it didn't just bleep and bloop for three minutes or be about how it's nice when things are good, Ferg had things he wanted to say and delivered his lines with actual emotions! he did the bare goddamn minimum, and by 2017 standards, that's pretty good! i'm actually going to remember this song a little bit!
Who won the week?
1997. Like, of course 1997 won. It had Sneaker Pimps and Shania, if 1997 lost to these other wack-ass years it would’ve been stunning.
Standings: 1997: 15 2007: 12 2017: 13 oh god all the songs for the next edition look awful, welp
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