#that or the ability to summon common tools out of nowhere. such as a long rope
godsfavoritescientist · 4 months
So there's this webserial called 'worm' about a world where superpowers started suddenly showing up in the 70's, and I'm trying so hard to think of a way to merge it with the stans-and-fidds 70s-and-80s plot events. The thing is, powers are caused by going through a traumatic event, and the powers are tied to both that event and to the person's various issues in ways that sometimes seems cruelly ironic. So you see my dilemma here, with there being so many options for events that could've given these guys powers
#godsrambles#fidds is easy: within worm's power classification system he'd be a tinker#which is where you get a superpowered understanding of how to create things that would otherwise be impossible#e.g. making killer robots far more advanced than current science is capable of#if working on the portal was what gave him powers though...... he could either get tinker powers specifically related to making portals#or if it was the greloblin then somethjng related to memory erasing#for stan. idk what would be the most upsetting. shapeshifting restricted to looking like other humans probably.#great for evading the law and for pretending to be ford for 30 years though#oh maybe ford would get precognition. ability to see hundreds of potential futures#maybe in combination with no longer needing to sleep. able to trap himself in literally endless rumination as he tries to figure out-#-how to stop bill#none of these are the Fun Flashy kind of powers though. stan would have fun with fire powers#oh wait. even worse for stan: powers that evoke leeches. able to temporarily steal or drain powers from others or something#or able to copy others' powers permanently in a weaker form than the original power. and he can have multiple weak powers at a time#in this world the mob would have powered folks in it of course so maybe a situation involving them could cause that power#OR. if his powers happened in the aftermath of the portal incident.#ability to teleport anything and anyone within his line of sight directly to him.#he'd be mad for 30 years straight about not getting that power before ford fell through the portal#that or the ability to summon common tools out of nowhere. such as a long rope#idk the powers are always very specific. pretty sure no one following me knows what worm is.#but you can at least appreciate the exercise of thinking up what powers would deal the most psychic damage to these guys
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pocketfullaflowers · 4 years
Don’t Think Twice
Namine thinks it’s time to get something off her chest. She refuses to let a past she can’t change control a future she can.
“I want you for a lifetime So if you’re gonna think twice, baby I don’t wanna know, baby, I don’t wanna know”
You can read on Tumblr, or here on AO3.
“So, where do you wanna go?” Xion asked.
Namine had asked Xion to take her to Twilight Town, but hadn’t given any further explanation. Xion didn’t mind, she loved this place, and hanging out with Namine was always fun, so she was going along with it. The two were walking down Station Heights, Xion always enjoyed the feeling of the afternoon sun on her face.
“O-Oh, I don’t know wherever you wanna go, I guess.” Namine looked visibly nervous, wringing her hands together and barely meeting her eyes, and that confused Xion. They were friends, right? Friends hang out all the time, that’s what Axel said at least. Xion shook her head, there were so many parts about being a Somebody that she still didn’t understand.
“Well,” Xion said, letting the word linger on her lips, “We could always get ice cream and go to the clock tower. Who knows, maybe Hayner, Pence, and Olette could join us.”
“No!” Namine paused as her face reddened, “I mean, um, let’s try somewhere else?”
“Okay? If you have somewhere in mind, Namine, I’d be more than happy to join you, but you have to tell me.”
“Ah, um…” Namine paused again, and took a deep breath, “Just, follow me?”
Xion shrugged, “Cool, you lead.”
The two wove through the afternoon crowds milling around the tram common, children darted this way and that with their friends in tow while shopkeepers advertised their wares. Xion wasn’t paying attention to where they were going, and nearly bumped into Namine when she stopped. They were far from the crowds now, down a side street that led nowhere.
“Um, Nami? Where exactly are we going?”
Namine sighed, “I promise I have a plan, but we need to go down to the sewers.”
Xion’s eyebrows shot up, “O–kay?” She said, and rocked back on her heels, “Still not gonna tell me where we’re going?”
Namine chuckled a little, “You’ll see, I promise it’ll be worth it. Just… plug your nose?”
The two slowly made their way through the sewers, being careful not to step in any trash or puddles. It was dark, and  Xion felt on edge, she knew there was nothing to fear, but she summoned her keyblade, just in case. They heard rustling up ahead and Xion ran in front of Namine and fired off a fire spell just in time to see it miss a very agitated rat.
Xion blushed and rubbed her neck, “Whoops?”
Namine giggled, “You’re my hero, huh?” She took Xion’s hand, “C’mon, it’s not much further, just stick by me.”
Xion blushed further, glad for the darkness surrounding them.  Light up ahead signaled the end of the tunnel. The two climbed out of the tunnel and were instantly surrounded by the soft smell of dirt and grass. Xion looked up and saw tall trees filtering the soft afternoon light above them.
“This is…” Xion’s mouth hung open.
“The woods next to the old mansion, yeah. They filled up the hole in the wall, so I had to find another way to get here, sorry about the sewer.” Namine chuckled.
“But… Why?”
“You’ll see, follow me.” Namine grabbed Xion’s hand again and led her through the woods.
The last time Xion had been here had been right before she died, when she had fought Axel. GIven the choice of dying as a puppet or dying on her own terms, she had chosen the latter. In the end, that didn’t matter, though. She had been faithful to her master to the very end. Xion smiled ruefully. Namine, as though sensing her friend’s dark mood squeezed her hand and smiled at her.
The two walked in silence until they reached the mansion.
Xion’s eyes widened, “Namine, wha-” There was a red checkered blanket laid down in the courtyard of the mansion. On top of the blanket was a basket and a guitar case.
“It’s a picnic! Olette told me about them, you sit on the ground and eat!” Namine was practically vibrating with excitement, “I asked them to set it up before we got here so I could surprise you.”
“But… Why would we want to sit on the ground? And why would you want to surprise me?”
Namine shrugged, “She said it makes the food taste better, c’mon!”
Xion noted that Namine didn’t answer her other question as she joined her on the ground. Namine opened the basket and passed out food and plates. Grapes, cheese, finger sandwiches, strawberries and crackers, too. They had orange juice to drink, in fancy wine flutes that Namine said came from Pence. Namine was right, food did taste better sitting on the ground.
After they had eaten, Namine brought out the guitar and began strumming softly, humming along to a tuneless song. Xion laid next to her and let her eyes go soft, almost dozing. She didn’t even know Namine could play guitar, but she was quickly finding there were many things about her friend she didn’t know.
Xion sat up, “Not that I’m not loving this, but why did you bring me here? Why a picnic?”
Namine flushed and put the guitar to the side, “Well… we both have so many awful memories of this place, and I’m tired of letting a past I can’t change control my life. I just thought, if I had a happy memory here, it might help.”
Xion nodded, “I guess I understand that, but why with me? Why not Riku? He was here longer and spent more time with you and Ansem than I did.”
Namine’s face resembled a tomato, “Ah, well,” She took a deep breath, “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that living with the Organization was hell. They used me only for my abilities, I was nothing to them. I was so lonely, I let them use me to do horrible things. It was all I ever knew.”
Namine paused, “And then I met DiZ, and he saw me as just another tool, just another way to get what he wanted. But I was free, and that’s all that mattered.” Namine looked towards the mansion, to her window, “It’s another white room, just like the castle. He kept me there to remind me of my place.”
She looked back at Xion, “And then I met you, and it was almost worse knowing that I had to destroy you.” Namine’s face turned dark, “With all the powers I possess, I cannot keep even one piece of the being called you connected, I remember saying that and wishing I could go in your place. In the end, it didn’t matter, did it? You were destroyed and I returned to Kairi, and that was supposed to be the end of the story.”
She looked down and Xion saw the tears in her eyes, Xion grabbed her friend’s hand as Namine opened her mouth to speak again, “But it’s not the end of the story, we’re both back, we have our own lives to live now, and I don’t want to live mine being afraid of my past, or who I am, because the truth is, Xion, you’re only everything I’ve ever dreamed of. I love you, and I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but I just needed you to know.”
Xion gaped at her friend, not believing her ears. Then she burst out into laughter, feeling bad when Namine’s face drooped. “Ah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Xion said, wiping tears off her face, “It’s just, you must be kidding me, did you really think I could say no?”
Namine opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say.
Xion shook her head, “Nami, I love you, too.”
“Oh.” Namine’s face was curiously blank until– “Oh… Oh. ” Hot tears brewed at the insides of her eyes.
Xion leaned forward, wiping the tears off Namine’s face, “Namine, what’s wrong? Hey, it’s okay.”
Namine started to laugh, too, “I’m sorry, I’m only crying ‘cause I never dreamed it’d take this long for me to get the courage to ask you, I never even imagined you liking me back.”
The two smiled at each other, Xion risked a look down at her lips and Namine realized how close they were to each other. She flushed brightly.
“I don’t bite.” Xion’s breath was hot on her face.
“I know.” Namine closed her eyes and leaned in, sighing into the kiss.
Kiss me once, kiss me twice, kiss me three times
Cross the line
“Yes!” Olette quietly cheered from the bush she, Pence, and Hayner were hiding in.
“Ugh, can we go now, my legs are asleep.” Hayner complained.
“I ran out of snacks ages ago.” Pence said.
Olette smiled at her boys, “Fine, fine, let’s give them some privacy. Think of is this way; now we won’t have to listen to them whine about their unrequited love anymore.”
“You just like playing matchmaker.” Hayner said.
“Guilty as charged!” Olette smiled at him.
“Guys, c’mon, let’s go to the clock tower, this is lame.” Pence said.
Hayner smiled and took off, “Last one to get an ice cream is a rotten egg!”
“Hey, no fair!” Olette and Pence ran off after him, leaving their friends to finish their picnic in peace.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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Here is another SB OC I made, his name is Showell and he is a mad doctor. He is about 42 years old who owns a lot of  cutting blades that he uses on his test subjects. He also has a big variety of machinery used for experiments, torturing a victim, taking abilities like changing forms, spells, weapon summoning, etc away, and turning certain puppets with unique abilities into terrifying creatures which are under control by a collar. He has a loving mother and father, a wonderful Aunt and Uncle and he used to had two bratty cousins. He is just under 10ft in height. Backstory: Backstory: Showell was a small boy (about seven or eight) who had very loving parents, he also had an Aunt and Uncle who had two children, both of them being little girls (around Showell's age, one being older than the other though). When Showell was that small boy, he had behavioral issues that he couldn't control from when he was a toddler to an older age which his parents and (most) his relatives had worried about. It wasn't that he was bad but...he's had constant mood swings, from either being at a depressing low to extremely manic or insane high, this had cause him to feel emotions he didn't want to feel at certain times. It was after a doctors appointment that was made due to his parents' concerns that they found out he had bipolar, which was told by his Aunt and Uncle. After knowing that, his parents, his Aunt and Uncle were very sympathetic over him but his two cousins didn't have any sympathy feelings toward him, or anything nice to say for that matter. Then, a lot of conflict ensued between Showell and his two cousin from mental to physical abuse, both dealt from each other. Their conflict and negative towards each other continued for ten years, during those years it was hell for his parents, Aunt and Uncle having to put up with their fighting until Showell finally had it, packed up everything he needed and completely moved out of his home as he was old enough (he would've been eighteen or nineteen). He moved into a big abandoned house which he had fixed up overtime and made into a big wonderful and very clean house, Showell was also given a great amount of money from his parents so that he could at least buy some essentials, like food, water, proper clothing, furniture, sleeping supplies (a bed, pillow and blankets) and any other important thing he needed. He still continued having mood swings as well as other emotional problem to which he constantly avoided any contact with anyone within the time. Then one day, he had finally got some amount of confidence to go outside and maybe try something new, which was the same day he found a love for both potion making and color dyes, as he had entered a shop within the town, that where he found the dyes and a potion making kit which got him interested. He decided then and there to buy them, so he payed for his things and left the store quickly, avoiding contact with anyone else in town and went back to his home. After months went by, Showell had began making the dyes and potions common hobbies and soon found an interest for science, chemistry, mechanics and invention books, learning how to properly make good potions and learnt a whole lot more, including ways to...dissect animals, which parts of the body were most vital in order to live and...how to clean up a crime scene the proper way. This somehow brought great emotion to Showell, but it wasn't happiness...it was more...baleful, which had set him off into a fit of maniacal laughter and kinda lost who he was within those little moments until he finally stop, Showell felt alive and never wanted that feeling to end, ever. Years (about seventeen years which made him either thirty five or thirty six) went by as Showell improved his house and making his own huge room he would uses for science (even for testing animals which then soon turned to puppets to test), when his parents, Aunt and Uncle found out they were very proud of Showell but hadn't known what exactly he was gonna do...yet. But, his two cousins were extremely jealous and very curious at Showell to which they decided to give him a "visit", but Showell knew they were coming because he somewhat knew they would and had planned ahead, it was a very sinister one too. When both cousins had made it to Showell's door they didn't knocked, instead... they sneak through and open window around the house and start to mess around with Showell's things, unfortunately Showell had seen them go through a window to which he appeared behind the two and knocked them both out, before dragging them both to a couple of operation tables where both cousins were strapped to separate tables. (WARNING: CONTAINS GORE WITH NEXT FEW PARTS) A few hours had gone by before the two cousins had finally came back into consciousness and saw Showell in front of them, his was sitting in a chair in front of the two, grinning at his cousins as his eyes were narrowed at them. Both the females tried to make an escape but found that they couldn't move their arms or legs, both females looking to see that they were strapped down and unable to move. Showell continued to smile at his two cousins, the younger cousin feeling scared while the older cousin glared and began barking out nasty insults as she struggled. It was after a few long minutes of insults thrown at him Showell had enough of his cousin's annoying voice as he got up and reach for the sharpest cutting tool he had laid on a silver surgeon table (where doctors put their surgical tools on). He then made his way to the older female before suddenly stabbing the female with the blade, the female letting out a loud shriek of pain at the contact of the sharp weapon, blood seeping from the wound and onto the blade. Showell let out a chuckle as he saw his older female cousin's anger turn to fear as she coughed up blood, then without warning he quickly pulled the blade from her and stabbed her, again and again and again, over and over without hesitation. It was after what felt like ages before finally finishing his assault on her stomach, the younger cousin's eyes were wide and filled with tears while sobbing, Showell then quickly brought the blade up to the older female's head as a single tear dripped from her eye before she was stabbed through the head with the blade, finally putting an end to the cousin he hated. Showell pulled the blade from the older female's head before turning to the younger before giving her the "you're next" look. A few hours had passed as Showell had finished his work, he pulled both females' bodies apart and getting the necessary parts from the two females before bagging them remains and disposing them without anyone noticing. Within the spare moments he had, Showell cleaned his very bloody science room with special chemicals (hydrogen peroxide and ammonia), then using his time to make the science room smell nice with a strong smelling potion to make it seem as if he was just trying new potions out. Month later, it was issued out about both cousins missing and nowhere to be found, nobody knew it was Showell, not even after seven years (which is now when Showell is forty two). This gave Showell the good obsession of killing or changing other puppets if they were valuable to him in some way. He likes: Reading, coloring, making potions and creating new unknown types of potions, testing his potions on is test subjects and testing animals, dying his clothing, making his own henchmen (kinda like a Frankenstein typed thing), and creating new inventions. He dislikes: When certain things go wrong (like a potion gets broken), whenever his testing gets interrupted, puppets who play around with his equipment or machines, when he loses a good or important book, getting bossed around, and if he runs out of parts for his experiments.
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NAME: Tender
RARITY: ★★★★★
THREAT LEVEL: ★★★★☆ | Will readily kill but isn’t aggressive without cause. Typically considered urban legends; very little is known about them. Killing them is likely to be successful only with multiple trained people involved.
ORIGIN: Legend tells of a wealthy lord who once demanded a spellcaster, named Oldreig, to create him something to protect and tend to his land -- he did not trust the common folk enough to do it, nor did he want to pay anyone for the pleasure. The spellcaster agreed, but had no means to create such a being, so he summoned one from the beyond and bound it to his will. The lord rejected them when the spellcaster agreed, and in retribution the tender killed him, before beginning its duties on the grounds, where it still roams.
DESCRIPTION: The tale isn’t too far from the truth, although there have been tenders, under different names, since at least when records began. The traditional view of the Grim Reaper is said to be inspired by them -- long figures in matching black gowns, wearing a hood to cover their faces. Faces being a generous word here -- they have no eyes, mouth, or nose; their face is a cracked empty canvas that emanates cruelty despite its lack of features. This is made all the more terrifying by their towering, 10 foot tall stature. They can be summoned from rare devices called Oldreig stones. When they are summoned, they will indeed take care of the land on which they are summoned, including killing those who never got an invitation to be on it. Sometimes they will appear out of nowhere and begin to take care of that land too, but they will only appear on land that is owned. They typically carry shovels (or other landscaping tools like saws), although some believe the shovel is part of their limbs.
ABILITIES: The danger of tenders is that they slowly drain the will from those who live on the land. This will not kill them directly, but it will make those people slowly lose all passion and desires in their life. Eventually, they will lose the will to feed themselves or leave their bed. When no one lives on the land anymore, the tender will disappear, its work done. Tenders are also physically quite strong. 
WEAKNESS: Tenders can be fought. They can even be killed, although it is an effort to do so, as first you must remove their shovel from them and then use it to behead them. They can only be fought at night, and they cannot directly hurt anyone during the daytime, only passively drain someone’s will.
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LS Locksmith Singapore
Choosing a locksmith may seem a bit daunting, but it does not have to be. There are many locksmith services available so you will want to choose the right type of Locksmith for your particular needs. If you have lost the key, then the lock on your shed, you will be looking for a residential Locksmith. If you are the manager of massive business operation and you would like to implement better security measures, note that many commercial locksmiths also specialize in electronic systems so this is the route that would best suit you.
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There are few ways to go about finding a residential locksmith. The first way is by picking up your phone book and opening it to the yellow page section. You will need to find the section entitled locksmith services. Another way to go about this is to use the Internet. A search for locksmith services will bring up a lot of results. Be sure to enter your city and state or your zip code into the search, so you find smiths that are local to you. After you find some results, scan the ads.
They often work directly with investigative agencies. If you feel you need the locksmith services of a forensic specialist to help with a crime that you have been a victim of, talk to the police officer or insurance investigator on your case. They will let you know if this avenue has already been pursued. If you are in a position where someone breaking into your home has victimized you, you will want to employ the services on a forensic locksmith.
Most locksmiths will highlight the services they offer in bold lettering with their name and number. If that information is not present, call some of the numbers and ask if they provide the service you are looking for. Locksmith Singapore offer twenty-four-hour emergency services; you may have to leave your name and a call back number. If someone does not return your call soon, or if your situation is urgent, try one of the other locksmith services listed.
Usually, commercial Locksmith in Singapore will also be listed with the ads. Once again, the ad will often highlight the particular services, but if you are unsure, call, and ask. You may also search to see if the Locksmith has a website. If so, there will often be a plethora of information about their skills, and precisely what locking systems, they can work with. Forensic locksmiths may be a little harder to find.
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Gone are the days when the common day-to-day problems like lost or damaged car lock used to bother the user no end. Today with all the advanced technologies in place, one can address such issues within no time by obtaining the services of a professional and efficient Locksmith Services.
Extensive Use of Cars
People all over the world are using own or hired cars for their day-to-day endeavors like going to an office, dropping children at school, for marketing, and above all for going to the office. At the same time, they are also using a car for long travels alone or with friends and family. Every such person can face the problems of lost or damaged car key, leaving them stranded on the road even at odd hours. A Locksmith is an answer to all their questions which can easily take them out of the ditch.
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Professional Locksmith for Great Services
Specific Advantages of Using Locksmith Services
When any car owner or user faces with the problems of losing, misplacing, damaging or breaking the car key, such situation will possibly remain well ahead of their ability to solve it. Conditions could turn out to be worse for people in a busy city. In such cases, Locksmith could be the only way out for those in distress. Using high tech and exact types of equipment, these locksmiths can take care of any problem and help the user get out of it. The best part of it is that the user gets all the information he or she could have expected from the customer care services in a showroom or with the dealer.
Specific Advantages of Using Locksmith Services
There are some specific advantages of using the Locksmith for repair or replacement of the lost or damaged car keys.
♣ They are conversant with the mechanisms of the car and can handle the issues better than any layman.
♣ With experience and professional expertise, it becomes easier for them to address the problem.
♣ In emergencies, they are of great help since they can save the user the trouble of remaining stranded on the road in odd hours.
♣ Many of these locksmiths offer 24/7 services at call.
♣ User does not have to take the car to the showroom or dealer's garage for repair works to be carried out.
♣ A Locksmith can offer the fastest as well as most reliable service for the customers.
♣ Repair works are conducted at most reasonable prices, and all the services are fully insured.
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Instant High-Quality Solutions
All said and done, a car owner or user can trust the locksmiths to carry out the repair or replacement works providing an instant response, skilled services, and high-quality solutions.
A locksmith will be the answer to all car keys and lock related problems.
The lock feature of almost any item is highly important to keep its content secure. Be it for your house, your car, or even just your briefcase, locks are indispensable tools for security and protection. However, there are many instances when this protection can be compromised. Your lock can get broken, your keys may get lost, or you may forget a lock number combination. While these are problems that you can try to fix yourself, there is no genuine need to do so, as many companies are offering Cheap Locksmith services that will do it for you. These are expert services that will provide surefire solutions to any of your lock problems.
Far-Reaching Services
Locksmith services can be rather diverse, as they offer different kinds of services depending on a customer's needs. Practically every sort of lock problem can be solved through calling a Locksmith Near Me service provider. If you lose or break all your keys, a provider can pick your lock. They can also open your car trunk, start your car, or unlock your briefcase in the event of a lost key. Another service offered is the replacement of lost keys, which you can avail if you choose not to change your locks. Most providers can replace any key, so that is a bonus.
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Locksmith service Anytime, Anywhere
Unfortunate events can happen to you anytime and anywhere. You can lose your car keys in the middle of nowhere or forget your briefcase key during an important out-of-town meeting. In both circumstances and other similar cases, a locksmith service provider can help you get out of the bind. Most providers are available for service regardless of your location, and all you need to do is call and wait for a locksmith to come to your place. A locksmith can also be summoned anytime. Even during holidays or in the middle of the night, you can expect a locksmith service provider to attend to your immediate lock or essential needs
Click This Site for getting more information related to Locksmith Singapore.
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Mythic Mania: Trickster part 2
 Masters of agility, deception, and stealth, let’s see exactly what a trickster can do.
The starting choice of ability that these sneaks have available include three choices, the first of which allows the trickster to draw and throw a weapon, be it ordinary or alchemical in nature,  with uncanny speed and accuracy.
The second choice allows them to expend a bit of power to move with blistering speed, attacking a foe along the way, and still giving them time and coordination to perform other actions.
The third option is the ability to strike with such speed and force that a foe cannot react to it, and it also pierces their inherent durability. Furthermore, this attack is so fast they still have their full complement of actions as well.
 As they grow in power, they also learn a variety of useful abilities.
The earliest one on the list simply grants the trickster another one of those starting combat abilities, useful for those that use range, mobility, and/or sneak attacks.
Some tricksters have a knack for going for a foe’s eyes, potentially blinding them for a short while. Furthermore, their accuracy makes striking at range with precision, both in terms of striking at vitals and in terms of going beyond effective range, is increased.
Those that rely upon imbibed enhancements, be they magical or alchemical, oftentimes develop a keen reaction to avoid being preyed upon while drinking such potions or extracts, and can even expend mythic power to down such elixers with speed, allowing multiple to be drank at once, or other actions to be performed.
With a bit of mythic power, these mythic heroes rarely fail at skilled tasks.
Some are also so skilled at disabling traps and devices that they can perform other tasks and keep assailants off their back while doing so.
Having the gift of the gaffe, some tricksters can tell a joke or pull a pratfall with such incredible, supernatural humor as to make several targets fall into gut-busting laughter.
Many tricksters are truly masters of manipulation, and with a bit of goading, intimidation, and the like, they can get foes stumbling exactly where they want them to. Think of every time a slippery character sidesteps a foe, as they run past in a charge.
The dodges and feinting attacks of some tricksters are so unpredictable that even when outnumbers a trickster can baffle multiple foes at once, opening them up to attacks from all around.
With an uncanny knowledge of the behavior of such beings, some tricksters can trick the simplistic behaviors of mindless constructs and undead, directing their actions for a few brief moments.
Many tricksters that are also thieves happily pilfer from foes with uncanny speed, potentially taking twice as many things from foes. However, even their mythic power cannot accommodate for the difficulty in coordinating such actions.
Another particularly favorite maneuver of tricksters allows them to heighten their reactions to dodge an attack and either attempt to riposte the foe or redirect their attacker against one of their own allies.
By focusing on a foe, they can read their movements and learn how to move around them without leaving themselves open. The more they invest in this ability, the more foes they can focus on at once.
Like falling dominos, a canny trickster can trip one foe in such a way to topple multiple at once.
The gadgeteers among tricksters know how to get the most out of magical items, enhancing their output, and even learning how to expend mythic power to fuel them in place of an item’s charge.
Sleight of hand is a natural part of most trickster’s arsenals, and their marks often don’t even notice that anything has been taken or planted until it’s far too late.
Those bards or skalds among tricksters have little fear of being unable to maintain a performance, as they can, by force of will, keep the music playing or other performances going even when their bodies are unable to do the part, and furthermore, their performance lingers on after it is finished.
Seeming to be lighter than a feather, some tricksters have such inhuman balance that they can stand on even the most treacherous of solid surfaces, and even move at full speed along the same, taking no penalty for more complex acrobatic maneuvers on such surfaces.
A staple of tricksters is the ability to pull just the right tool out of seemingly nowhere, and some indeed do have access to a personal extradimensional “hammerspace” with which to store things, which they can procure at a moment’s notice, spending mythic power to call upon multiple such items at once.
Those tricksters with a following of less powerful beings can still inspire them to greater heights, possibly giving them the might to stand a chance against foes the trickster normally faces, though the trickster must have a performance or other form of inspiration.
Masters of rope and long, flexible weapons, some tricksters can tie complex knots on the fly even when not holding it properly, and can use their skill to use long, flexible weapons to slowly crush foes wrapped in them.
Truly jacks of all trades, some tricksters can be relied on for most any skill, even those that normally require proper training.
So slippery are some tricksters that they can even escape from supernatural effects meant to shackle their movement.
Light as a feather, some tricksters are completely immune to harm from long falls, and can even direct their horizontal momentup as they fall.
Like a trick of the mind, stealthy tricksters are often cloaked in an aura of mystery so thick that their foes struggle to even remember they exist sometimes, and have a hard time locating them even by magical means.
As dilettantes, tricksters can also tap into mythic powers associated with the other paths, though they still must abide by any limitations.
So charming are some tricksters that only the most hostile of creatures offer them a cold reception, and that might not last for long if communication is established.
The right strike to the right gear or rune can send a device grinding to a halt, and these mythical sneaks can do just that at range, jamming, destroying, or displacing the mechanism.
Compelling in their deception, some tricksters know how to best direct the attention of others, making foes look one way, and not at what the trickster doesn’t want them to see. Alternately, they can use this to focus the attention of allies pick up on something they missed.
Cover and barriers are no impediment to the clever trickster who learns how to bounce their shots off surfaces, their projectiles striking from another angle.
The shadows are home to some of the sneakier tricksters, whom can move quickly in such shadows while staying hidden, and even use shadows as a conduit for travel.
Expert snipers among the tricksters are masters of staying mobile while shooting, staying on guard against opportunistic attackers and even using mythic power to obscure the origin of their shots.
Normally spells are hard to conceal, but spellcasting tricksters can try to conceal their more subtle spells, and even suppress the auras of their magical items.
With uncanny stealth, some tricksters learn to fool some of the more powerful senses, forcing creatures that have them to actually focus on trying to find them.
Crazy daring and improvisation are the bread and butter of a trickster, and some can make use of a similar skill in place of another to succeed.
Through uncanny stealth and perhaps a great big pile of daring, some tricksters learn to fool the supernatural senses of magical wards and even constructs, and move past them even if they fail to procure a password or fulfill a criteria.
Like Jack the Giant Slayer, some tricksters are quite adept at moving underfoot of massive beasts, striking from where it cannot reach or properly defend.
Not even the immaterial is safe from the filching hands of these mythic thieves, for some tricksters can steal magical blessings from their foes, transferring them to themselves.
Mystical tinkers that they are, some tricksters learn to carefully alter the runes of magical traps to not only bypass them, but rig them against their owners, or with a bit of mythic power, move them somewhere else.
Most combatants are satisfied with dealing critical wounds to foes, but tricksters find it more useful to use such accurate strikes to tilt the odds in their favor, striking to disarm or disable in various ways.
Even the missed strikes of a trickster might be deadly feints in their own right, using their precision to strike other foes when an attack against one misses.
No matter the circumstances, some tricksters can stay cool under pressure, and take their time in succeeding at a task.
Mirroring the moves of certain monk techniques, some tricksters learn to run up and across walls for a few seconds, making their way to otherwise inaccessible location.
With a deft hand, these mythic individuals can throw a wrench into the plans of their foes, damaging and sabotaging their equipment without them even noticing until it fails.
Normally, pathfinder has done away with critical successes for skill checks, but some tricksters bring this back, performing acts of exceptional success.
Pulling from hammerspace, some tricksters can summon forth a common trap to be set up for their usage.
Some tricksters seem as light as a feather, and are able to move along uneven or unstable and dangerous surfaces with ease, including liquids. Furthermore, with a bit of mythic power, they can even balance on sharp, narrow surfaces, such as spikes or blades.
Particularly deadly practitioners of this path can turn light hits, knicks and scrapes, into deadly blows, the more they develop this skill, the more that lesser hits are improved.
Few things are more creepy than a disembodied voice from the shadows, and these sneaks can strike fear into foes with such utterances, or even plant ideas in thei head with a bit of power.
Mirroring the idea of afterimages, shadow clones, substitution techniques, or plain old illusions, a trickster can learn to instantly teleport away from an incoming blow, leaving behind an illusionary duplicate to take the strike.
With a bit of mythic power, a lie can become indistinquishable from the truth, even to magic, though evidence is still enough to defeat such a ruse from these tricksters.
Some tricksters are master of disguise, being extremely hard to distinguish from the real thing. What’s more, they can use mythic power to read the mind of the person they disguise themselves as, quickly learning details to better complete their disguise.
The right mythically empowered joke can even break through enchantment magic, snapping another out of most mental magics.
It only seems natural that many tricksters can literally vanish into invisibility. At a basic level, this invisibility ends whenever the trickster does something other than move, but with a bit more power, they can act freely and remain unseen.
Any trickster skilled at dealing especially lethal blows might have the ability to channel a supernatural bloodlust through their strikes, causing consecutive such attacks to be even more deadly than the last, though the streak ends if too much time passes or they miss.
Never without a trick, some of these mythic individuals can touch an ally to copy one of the various special abilities in their arsenal, though not spells or limited-use abilities.
While some potions or extracts last a long time, some tricksters can enhance them to last an entire day, and others still can do so with shorter-durations potions as well.
Normally additional harm caused by precise strikes is not enhanced by a particularly lucky hit, but some of the most powerful tricksters ignore that limitation, their critical blows becoming devastating with the addition of precision damage.
In a storm of blades and movement, an ambushing trickster can move through a crowd of unaware foes, unleashing attack after attack until brought to a close by foe awareness or an unlucky miss, potentially slaying or at least critically injuring dozens.
Channeling the very mythic energies that set them apart from most mortals, some tricksters can outright steal mythic power from other beings, draining their reserves.
Whether they are a bard or other spellcaster, some tricksters are able to imbue an ally with a morale-boosting effect, for an entire day, rather than for the normal duration.
The following universal path abilities also are suitable for tricksters. Display of Charisma, Display of Dexterity, Display of Intelligence, Extra Mythic Feat, Extra Mythic Power, Legendary Item, Longevity, Mythic Craft, Mythic Spellcasting, Pierce the Darkness, Binding Ritual, Beyond Morality, Divine Source, Enhanced Ability, Fearless, Pure Destiny, Ultimate Versatility, Unchanging, Farwalker, Tongues.
Finally, the most powerful tricksters are so unpredictable that even supernaturally aware foes are caught off-guard by them with every strike. Furthermore, when victorious against other mythic beings in matters of skill, these tricksters replenish a bit of mythic power.
 And that does it for today, tomorrow, we’ll look at the sort of classes that make use of this power!
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For the Descendants/Disney world what are the types of Fae or half-faes that have/could appear in Descendants? I keep thinking about if the magic ban didn't exist or was lightened up on, we could see lots more faes or half faes, but I can't for the life of me think about what would constitue as a fae or half fae with the Disney/descendants world.
LONG list below.
Faeries – Rangingfrom the highest level of “Full Faerie” which are humanoid inappearance and have the greatest amount of magical power andoftentimes skill, “Pixies” which can be humanoid in appearancebut vary in size from regular humans to just a few inches likeTinkerbell, to “Sprites,” moving, semi-intelligent concentrationsof magic.
Dwarves – Alargely subterranean species of Fae, humanoid in appearance, buteasily distinguished by their incredibly compact and muscular bodies.Frequently found mining gem and precious metal deposits, alongsidepracticing metalworking and architecture, though curiously, they justtend to be stockpiled and stored without any sort of exploitationaside from making more tools to keep on mining.
Goblins – Adistant cousin of Dwarves, also largely subterranean. Have gotten arather negative reputation due to their scavenging and mischievousways, raiding the food stores of animals, wild fae, and humans alike,and sometimes even making off with the beings themselves for whateverpurpose, so long as they happen to be near their massive undergroundcolonies. Only really exist on the Isle nowadays, due to very manyvillains, criminals, and overlords using them as a cheap andconvenient minions, and most every other citizen seeing them aspests.*
Undersea Folk – Ablanket term for all half-humanoid aquatic dwelling species in thesea, especially in Atlantica, covering that of the Merfolk(half-fish), Scylla (half-octopus), and all the other exotic speciesnot usually seen, such as the “Crab People.” Outside of FaeTaxonomy, may also be used to refer to the intelligent aquaticcreatures they interact with on a daily basis.
Demons – Anotherblanket term for beings summoned from other worlds, or existed in aparrallel dimension to that of a mortal plane, such as the Underworldof Greece or the Spirit World of China. Includes many, many, manysubspecies, such as Djinn like Genie, Jordan, and Eden, Imps like Painand Panic, Revenants like the Horned King, formerly mortal souls whohad used dark magics to avoid death and now live in a state ofunliving (“zombification,” in popular slang,) and the Loa,otherwise known as Dr. Facillier’s “Friends From The Other Side.”
Greek Fae/Grecian Demi-Humans – For the SHEER NUMBER OF VARIETY, and because theyhave their own dedicated list, this refers to any sort of Fae,humanoid or otherwise, frequently of divine origin, who live or originated from Greece, including but not limited to Lamiae (half-snake, half-human),Satyrs (half-goat, half-human), Minotaurs (half-bull, half-human),and Centaurs (half-horse, half-human.)
The Greek Pantheon –The Gods and Goddesses of Greece, lead by Zeus.
Elves – May referto either the “High” Elf who closely resemble humans in height,stature, and society, save key differences like lifespan, physicalcapability, and the shape of their ears, or “Maker” Elves who area diminutive species of humanoids oftentimes found specializing inand participating in some form of industry, be it creating shoes,baking goods, or crafting toys, for some bizarre reason. Please notethat while the same term is used for both, they have no significantrelation, except for superficial similarities like the pointed ears;how much they do have in common is still under study and much speculation.
Trolls – Massive,hulking, and generally unintelligent humanoids, known for theirincredible muscle mass and physical strength, their fearsomeappearances and even fiercer territorial behaviour, their omnivorousdiets that frequently include sentient beings like humans, and theirsmell. Like Goblins, generally only exist on the Isle as they wereeither frequently conscripted by unsavoury folks, or seen as a dangerto civilian populations.
Dryads – Physicalmanifestations of a forest or other environment’s health, stemming from anexcess of magic in the ley lines. Oftentimes appear humanoid exceptfor distinctly plant-like appearances, or animalistic features,sometimes with the ability to fully shift into one. Famously known asthe guardians and caretakers of their homes, but most just act asanother part of their ecosystem alongside the predators, the prey,and what have you.
Dragons –Reptilian creatures of varying sizes and shapes, very manysubspecies, and existing across a number of realms. Oftentimes areimbued with incredible levels of magical capability due to absorbingit from their environment, such as “gem eaters” having digestivetracts that absorb the mana inside magically-resonant crystals, manifesting intraits such as fire breath, magical healing powers, or greatinfluence over their environment. Generally independent and wild,though servant dragons are not unheard of.
Demigods –Children born of the union of a divine deity and a mortal being suchas a human, or a divine deity stripped of most but not all of theirpower. An example of this would be Hercules and his son, Herakleides,AKA “Herkie.”
Half-Faeries –Children born of the union between a full-Faerie and a mortal human.Generally longer-lived than their purely mortal counterparts,oftentimes have incredible magical potential, but otherwise not thatdifferent, and lack many of the incredible advantages of theirenchanted half, like infallible memories. An example of this would be Mal, who is categorized as a “Pixie.”
Half-Dwarves –Children born of unions between a Dwarf and a mortal human. UnlikeHalf-Faeries above, don’t have much to distinguish themselves fromtheir fully-human counterparts, lacking many of the magical instinctsof dwarves or their incredible strength, or at least, not withoutconstant and diligent training, exercise, and nutrition. An example of this would be Doug and his cousins.
Half-Undersea Folk –Children born of unions between any of the subspecies of UnderseaFolk and a mortal human. Generally take on the characteristics of oneor the other parent, depending on gene dominance, but oftentimes lackthe full strength of magical abilities and instincts such as theability to talk to underwater creatures. Frequently feel a greatattachment to the sea, and some may even require regular exposure to sea water or other saline solutions to maintain proper health.
Half-Demons –Children born of unions between any beings classified under the“Demon” category and a mortal human. Vary as much as theindividual species of their Fae parents, though it’s not uncommonto see unusual physical features such as red eyes and naturally whitehair, the sprouting of horns, tails, and wings, and some if notparticularly notable magical potential. The jury is still out about whether the frequently eccentric behaviour is genetic or a product of their unusual upbringings.
Half-Greek Fae –Children born of the unions between any Fae beings from Greece.Generally mostly human in appearance, with some traits andcharacteristics from their Fae parents like children of Sirens havinggreat singing voices, but without the supernatural hypnosis.
Half-Dryads –Children born of the unions between any Dryads and mortal humans, orsometimes, the influence of living in a certain environment for anextended period of time. Generally human in appearance, but canmanifest certain characteristics of their Fae parents, such as a tuftof feathers on the forehead and nowhere else, long hair resemblingthat of plant vines, or the ability to speak to trees and plants.
Half-Elves –Exclusively used to refer to children born of the unions between“High” Elves and mortal humans. Almost exactly similar toHalf-Faeries, except for magical potential.
Half-Dragons –Children born of the unions between a dragon and mortal humans,either through enchanted means like blessings, or extremely, ah,“creative” methods. Also referred to as “Dragonborn.” Mayappear completely human except for magical traits such as the abilityto breath fire or incredible magical potential, or have distinctlyreptilian traits such as patches of scale-like skin on areas like theneck, cheeks, hands, and feet.
Half-Trolls – Theproducts of long-banned and reviled experiments in the creation of“better” servants and minions by evil overlords. Ideally, appearas larger and stronger than usual humans about 7-9 feet tall withincredible strength and muscle mass, sometimes with features likehorns and manes. Much more frequently, as misshapen and grotesquelyproportioned humanoids, with incredibly long and gangly limbs, toosquat and compact bodies, fang like protrusions misaligning jaws, orincredibly poor and disease-prone skin resembling leathery hides.Gradually becoming extinct.
There are noHalf-Goblins. The only detail I will give you is that Goblins always produce more goblins.   
* How Dwarves and Goblins descended from a common ancestor remains a mystery, though both sides share a mutually agreed upon mythology about some ancient, legendary brothers: an industrious worker and his lazy, opportunistic sibling who were apparently the patriarchs of both species.
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bigbadwolf619 · 7 years
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Shay Gladium
Age: 19 Race: Human Gender: Male Occupation: Former Captain of the Order/Commander of the Order Reborn Personality: Caring, calm, quite shy, very determined, very brave and quick to anger should any harm come to the innocent or Nerissa Skills/Power: Knows the ways of alchemy with a holy affinity and understands the language of Angelic Warriors to summon spirits to aid him or summon a perk for himself to power-up/He is an excellent swordsman with his rapier capable of striking with speed and precision, but will sometimes use his holy shotgun for range and emergencies/Shay has the ability to summon Angelic Wings to fly and armor to become stronger but this will strain him if used for too long Weapons/Tools: A Captain's Rapier which he was given in his promotion and his holy shotgun which blast devastating holy shells that usually makes a cross shape from it's shot Backstory: Shay Gladium is the son of Isaac and Miriam Gladium, 2 powerful Holy Knights that fought for the Order against the Demon hordes from Earth which has been renamed Ravage after the Gods fell and the Hellgate broke loose, they were killed by the Twin Daughter's of Lucifer Medusa and Lilith during their rampage in the City of Jibana, leaving Shay an orphan, years later Shay was raised by the Order and learned the ways of his Mother and Father in becoming a Paladin for the Order, at the age of 15 he achieved the basics of Alchemy with his Holy Attributes, training within the Dark Forest for many years During 1 of his training sessions, Shay came across a naked young girl whom was confused and lost while badly injured, she did not have a name and had an odd gauntlet on her right hand which turned out to be a her actual hand, though Shay found it to be mysterious, he took her in to her home and patched her up while feeding her, he then asked her questions but the poor girl had no idea what was going on or why she was in that Forest in the first place, but is very grateful of Shay for helping and treating her, not noticing him blushing from her beauty and exposed body, he tried to keep her warm but she found it very uncomfortable and rather be in the cold, so he cools her down instead, after a few days Shay thought he should buy some clothes for Nerissa instead of making her wear his things, so he went out with her to find suitable clothing for her, during their search, the girl came across a coat with the brand name "NERISSA", which she seemed to like, but it was very expensive, however before Shay could decide what he should do a Feral Demon attacks the store and it was an "A Class" Demon meaning it was close to a Demon Lord' power, Shay tried to save the people around him but he was still a trainee so he would only be able to take on a "D-Class" Demon, while trying his best he was seriously injured from the Demon and was about to be killed However, the girl he found saw him in danger and fought back against the Demon ramming it out of the store, enraged by the harm caused by the Demon to Shay, the girl managed to kill the beast with her superhuman strength and her gauntlet which she use to rip out it's heart, when going on her knees after killing it, Shay healed himself and went to comfort her from that traumatic experience covering her with the coat she liked while accidentally saying " Are you ok Nerissa?" Which the girl responded "Nerissa?" making Shay wonder why he called her that, but she was happy with it as her original name is unknown, hence she was called Nerissa, during their times together, Shay has been giving her presents and had Nerissa interested with the luxurious like TV and cartoons while playing video games that started to make Nerissa a thrill-seeker, because of this and her strength to take down Demons of high class, Shay made her into his assistant in slaying Demons whenever he needed her, over time they got closer and closer to each other and started falling for each other, finally after Shay's promotion in becoming a Captain he was bought a ring to propose to her but was very hesitant as he wondered is he right for her, after their talk Shay realized how much he loved her and asked her to marry him which she happily accepted, though they were engaged, they were still busy in dealing with the Demon Lords who seek to take over Ravage During 1 of their tasks, Shay and his troops were ordered by his leader, Commander Liam Anderson to escort and protect a priest from the Church of Serin City, although they would be surprised that instead of a Demon attacking, it was a Wolfman, but this was no common Wolfman, he was capable of skillfully dodging the Guard's attack and fire at the Priest right in the face with his odd firearms that bursted him to pieces, the Escort was failure but the new Orders was to subdue or kill the Wolfman, unfortunately he was very skilled and strong, easily killing many troopers with his Hookswords which ironically are used on Wolfmen slaves to discipline them, Shay fought against the red clad Wolf using his skill and power, though he held out for a while he was eventually overpowered by the Wolf and knocked out, though this enrages Nerissa and she fights back the Wolf, they both prove very skill and powerful fighting evenly, however the Wolf manages to trick her and pins her on the ground, he then smirks and teases her giving her a lick to the face which she found disgusting, but Shay gets back up and blasts him away with his shotgun out the window, but this did not subdue him as he disappears, it is later found out it was the notorious Butcher of Jibana, Bheriya Smokes, a Wolfman who killed his slavers and became a hired gun that hunts, with the new task of catching him dead or alive, Commander Liam wanted Shay's fiance Nerissa to become an official member of the Order and made her a Demon Huntress since she was able to fight evenly with Smokes, though Shay worries about this and has thoughts of her in danger, which made him keep an eye on her They traveled to the abandoned castle which was once the home of Vlad the King of Vampires before he was slain by an unknown Hunter, they come across a woman from the Order called Kurai Angelica, whom developed an interest in Nerissa after taking down many Demon Yetis, much to Shay's dismay, Shay then made camp with his men while Nerissa went to raid the Castle to find if Smokes was in there, after an hour passes, Shay starts to grow concerned and decides to go in the Castle himself, after minutes of searching he finds a secret entrance to a dungeon under the castle which he discovers that Nerissa found and finds a dead creature she killed before, but she was nowhere to be found, it was only from her agonizing screams that he realized she was in danger and ran to rescue her, he then finds her in a lab naked and cover in blood, most of it not being hers but the 1 who captured her and tortured her, he then sees her have a Demon's tail which quickly disappears which he thought was his imagination, after that gory situation, Shay takes Nerissa home and apologizes for being a terrible fiance, which she responds in saying it wasn't his fault, after her recovery from her torture, they gain Intel that the Wolf maybe in the Suicide Jungle, Nerissa was sent in but Shay was ordered not to accompany her and head to the Order's Fortress, although he did not like the idea of leaving her alone, Nerissa says she will be fine and that he may be needed for something more important, not happy with this Shay eventually agrees During Nerissa's hunt in the Jungle, the Scientists Angor and Poena the twin Brother and Sister discovered that Nerissa is a Demon, not only that but an "S-Class" Demon, at the level of a Demon Lord and a Devil, informing Shay this as it turns out they were the ones torturing her before she became enraged and awakened her Demon form which was very powerful, hearing this, Shay could not find it possible that his fiance is a Demon but denies it, eventually he realizes what she is and is ordered to execute her when she comes back much to his dismay, after Nerissa arrives back from her hunt in the Jungle she was ordered to meet Shay in the Helicopter platform where he waits for her, she arrives at the platform and questions about the Order and their activities in abducting innocence and experimenting on them with Demon and Angel DNA, however he asks her about her Demon side which she makes her confused but in anger Shay demands to know about it, after their argument it is found out by the Twins that Nerissa is the child of Lucifer, Medusa, the Demon responsible for Shay's parent's death, enraged by this fact Shay becomes an Black and Gold Angel from his power within and attacks Nerissa, the former lovers then must fight to the death, however Nerissa could not bring herself to put down Shay, so she drops her sword which stops him attacking, demanding to know why she doesn't fight back with a responding "Because...I love you...Shay" before shedding a tear which completely stops Shay's Archangel mode, confused even knowing he is angry by her,  now wondering whether she is really Medusa, but before they can resolve the Matter, Commander Liam steps in and critically injures Nerissa, he then promotes Shay in weakening Nerissa for him, even though that wasn't the plan Though now revealed to be Medusa, Shay could not bring himself to let her go as he sees her as Nerissa his lover not Medusa the fiend, he then turns against the Order and tries to rescue her but the Commander proves to be too much for him the handle, revealing to be a Demon himself, a Devil fused with Angelic DNA becoming a Nephilim, Shay is then struck down but after a while is found by Smokes Enterprise, a mercenary group the Bheriya is from working for an Old Retired Reaper, Muetre Smokes whom reveals that the Order has been trying to achieve the placement of God by collecting the remains of Demons and Angels, after a brief fight from Bheriya who wondered whether he'll save his girl or kill her, he is left behind to recover while Bheriya deals with the Order, during Shay's recovery he hears that Bheriya has been decimating the Order by killing the main Demon Lords and Devils who are aiding them, knowing this he then chooses to accompany and realizes how important Nerissa is in his life, they both then destroy the last remains of the Order with Shay's loyal troops backing him up, they come across Commander Liam whom they could not take down but Bheriya steps in and fights the Commander 1-on-1 with their blades and the latter wins the fight but cannot kill the Commander as he is immortal and connected to his True Master Bheriya and Shay then must face the Order's greatest weapon and abomination, the Saeculi Finem, a gigantic beast fused with the power of Demons and Angels, that is destroying Jibana with it's immense power, however Bheriya tells Shay to find his girl while he deals with the Godly beast on his own, at first Shay had doubts but now knowing what Bheriya is capable of doing the impossible, he puts the faith in Bheriya and prays for him even with the Wolf saying it was unnecessary, with their objectives clear, Shay set off to find Nerissa and after fighting through the Nephilim mutant hordes, he managed to get to Nerissa who has now reverted back to Medusa standing by her twin Lilith, though Shay is angered seeing this, he promised himself he will get back Nerissa no matter what the cost and unleashes his Holy Angelic Knight form to take on the sisters, during their battle Shay notices that Medusa has a tear in her eye but still looks desperate to kill him, he asks if Nerissa is still in her which she responds "She is dead now, I'm here" however Shay saw that as false when he asked "Then why do you shed a tear?!" knowing deep down that Nerissa is still there, he fights the sisters and kills Lilith, as for Medusa he waits for her to attack and drops his blade as she strikes but stops with her asking why he does not fight with him responding, "because...I love you...Nerissa", though Medusa says she is not Nerissa and tries striking him down but cannot move, Shay then tells her "...Will you marry me?" with that said, Medusa's body started to crack like glass and burst with shining light, changing back into Nerissa with Shay catching her as she passes out and wraps her in his coat, she wakes up happy to see him again and asks for forgiveness for what she did to his parents, but he says that it was Medusa and her sister's doing, not hers, he then carries her out of the falling fortress and heads back to Bheriya who is currently fighting the Saeculi Finem in the city
Shay sees Bheriya actually having fun taking down the beast but it keeps regenerating rapidly and find out the Archangel Dolor who has been aiding the Order since the beginning of it is providing it the souls of many fallen with the help of Lucifer, Nerissa’s Father to keep the beast going, Shay seeks to cut off the Archangel, but wonders who will go after Lucifer who was inside the Saeculi Finem, controlling it, Nerissa volunteers saying “it’s time to talk with Dad”, she then has Bheriya try to get her in the beast which he does by causing a great big hole on his chest before it closes up, Shay then proceeds to the Church and finds the Archangel whom turns out is Liam’s Master, he has been keeping him alive by tethering his soul to himself so he remains alive from anything, Shay battles the Archangel and he is victorious and summons the Holy Dragon ‘Spiritus Draconis’ to consume Dolor, after that Liam turns into ash, after thanking Shay for freeing him, with Shay successful, he heads off back to the others
Shay has succeeded to cut off the Beasts power and Nerissa has killed her Father stopping his control over it, Bheriya proceeds finishing it off with his Wolf God form, decimating it, with the trio successful in saving Jibana and stopping the order, they thought it was over, but Dolor and Lucifer use the last remains of their power building a beast with the remains of the Saeculi Finem into a deformed but weaker beast, Bheriya wanted to take it down again getting irritated, but Nerissa chooses to end it herself as she sees this as a mess her Father made, Shay is concerned but confident in her ability, he sees her take on the Fallen Saeculi Finem as she smashes it into the ground with her Gauntlet, sending it to the burning flames of Hell, Bheriya then says to him, “you’re a very lucky bastard having a girl like that” before leaving and saying goodbye to them both with Nerissa saying that they’ll meet again to fight and this time she will win, Shay finding it funny then sees that Nerissa still has the ring he gave her, showing that she had faith in him, even after turning back to Medusa, they share a kiss as the sun rises after their victory
With the city rebuilt, Shay and Nerissa gets married with the reverend being Bheriya in disguised, during their honeymoon, Shay felt that the world is defenseless without it’s protectors, Ravage is the home for both Humans and Demons and unity is impossible so long as the Demon Lords and Devils seek to take everything away, so he revives the Order and becomes it’s new leader, changing the rules and saying that they are the Knights of Ravage, not the Kings or Gods, with Nerissa being second in Command, 1 day they will close Hell and wipeout the Demon Hordes
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