#that pic of the soldier getting shot while the boy is sleeping in bed but it's me taking heat for maintaining the mug supply
mccleans · 1 month
everyone in the office slagging me bc i sent out an email asking them to put their cups straight into the dishwasher when they're done instead of leaving them at their desks all day but ohhhhhh tragedy if we run out of mugs today when 20 members of the board are visiting our 30 person office that only has 33 mugs! no one knows how i suffer :'(
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buckyandberries · 4 years
Summary: Bucky gets turned into a baby on a mission that went wrong, and it’s Y/N’s job to look after him until he gets turned back.
Pairing: Baby!Bucky x Female Reader
Warnings: cute fluffy stuff, flirty Sam lol
Word Count: 1,253
A/N: I saw this cute pic on pinterest and was like YES - it’s not my picture btw, credits to the artist
please don’t copy my work, but feel free to reblog :)
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Pat, pat
Before I went to train, I heard a patting noise. I scanned my room before realizing that it was coming from outside--
Pat, pat
My thoughts were interrupted as I walked to the door, opening it. To my surprise, I saw no one. As I went to close my door, I felt something pat my foot, in the same manner as the infamous 'pat, pat'. I looked down to see a beautiful baby boy who definitely had too much hair for his little age. I gasped as I bent down to analyze this baby. His piercing, blue eyes lit up almost, as I smiled at the infant. I wasn't sure whose baby it was.
"Hey, Friday, who is this gorgeous baby boy, and where are his carers?" I cooed to the A.I as I scooted closer to pick him up.
I noticed the left arm of his onesie wasn't filled with a cute, chunky baby arm, and as I picked him up, I realized that he didn't even have one.
"Miss L/N, this baby is--"
"Buck?" I said to him as he smiled widely grabbing onto my face with his right hand. "What happened?"
"Mr. Barnes was turned into a baby on a recent mission, and Mr. Stark, Mr. Banner, and Mr. Rogers are currently finding a way to reverse the effects," I stared at his face, still shocked that I was holding baby Bucky.
"Miss L/N, you have an incoming call from Mr. Rogers," I tapped my inner-ear to answer it.
"Y/N, you haven't seen a baby have you-- yes Tony I'm asking her now," Steve said all panicked as Bucky squealed happily, upon hearing Steve's voice.
"Don't worry, Steve. He found his way to my room, I'll look after him if you want,"
"Oh, thank God! We're still working on a 'cure'-- well I don't really know what they're talking about, I'm just here for moral support, I guess,"
"No problem, I used to babysit all the time. Plus, it's Bucky, he's not too hard to look after," I smiled at the baby in my arms.
"Alright, call if you need anything, we'll let you know if we come up with anything. Also, there's a bag in the store cupboard with some baby stuff that Clint left,"
"Ok," and with that, it was just myself and Bucky-- baby Bucky.
There wasn't much to do with him, because every time I put him down, he would cry; typical clingy Buck. I didn't mind, though.
I noticed he was chewing at my hair, so I figured he was hungry. I walked to the kitchen with him, trying to think of things to feed a baby, other than baby food, which we obviously didn't have on hand.
"Hey, Y/N-- Woah, when did you have a baby? You didn't look pregnant," Sam walked in staring at the baby.
"Ha, no, Buck got turned into a baby on a mission," I said, smiling at him. "Actually, could you hold him while I find something for him to eat?" I asked as Sam groaned.
"Urg, fine," I passed him to Sam, before searching the cupboards. "Come on little man, stop moving-- stay still," I looked over to see Bucky getting a bit annoyed. Before we knew it, Bucky was wailing and leaning towards me. I frowned before quickly taking him from Sam.
"That was successful," Sam grumbled before looking in the cupboards for me. "Is apple sauce alright?" he asked as I rocked Bucky, nodding.
Since we didn't have a highchair, I sat Bucky on my lap and fed him with a plastic spoon.
"Wow, Y/N, you're great with kids," Sam said as I wiped the corners of Bucky's mouth. "You're basically wife material if you know what I mean," Bucky and I both looked over to see him wink at me.
I felt Bucky fidget on my lap, making me put the food down and picking him up. "Hey, it's alright, bubba," I said, realizing that adult Bucky usually gets annoyed when Sam flirts with me. "I don't like him, like that," I reassured the baby before I kissed his forehead, smiling as he rested his head in the crook of my neck, snuggling to me.
"Whatever, I'm gonna go," he said leaving quickly. "Let's go rest, you look tired, bubba," I said softly, walking to my room. I laid him down on my bed and changed his nappy, of course covering his manhood, because Bucky's still my co-worker technically, so, you know, gotta keep it professional.
I was tired too, so I laid down on the bed, before grabbing him and laying him on my stomach. He started fidgeting again, rolling over to face me. He reached over to my lips with his little finger and kept prodding them. I looked at him, confused because I didn't know what this baby wanted.
I realized that when Bucky used to get insomnia, I used to sing to him. "Oh, do you want me to sing to you?" I asked. I watched his lips widen into a smile. "Um, alright,"
"And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain," I began to sing 'My Way' by Frank Sinatra, softly. "My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which I am certain,"
"I've lived a life that's full, I've traveled each and every highway," I brought him up so his head was resting in my neck. "And more, much more than this, I did it-- my way,"
"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention, I did what I had to do, and saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway. And more, much more than this, I did it-- my way," I gently rubbed his back as I heard soft breaths leaving his tiny nose.
"Goodnight, bubba," I pressed my lips on his forehead once more. "I really hope you remember this when you turn back," and with that, I slowly fell asleep with him in my arms.
"Y/N, wake up," I flutter my tired eyes open to see adult Bucky standing over me in his training clothes. I shot up quickly and looked down to see no baby in my arms.
"You up for training?" he asked as I wondered why I had such a weird dream; I was probably really hormonal.
"Sure," he offered a hand and pulled me out of bed like I was a feather - perks of the super-soldier serum, I guess. "Hey," I spoke as he turned to me as we walked to the elevator. "I had the strangest dream that you were turned into a baby and that I had to look after you--"
"Oh that happened, Y/N," Sam said as I looked over to him and back at Bucky.
"Do-- do you remember anything, Buck?" I asked. "Yeah, I remember you feeding me,"
"Oh and also, the fact that you're beautiful voice is still capable of putting me to sleep keeps coming up," I blushed as he smiled.
"And more, much more than this, I did it-- my way," he sung as we walked into the elevator.
"I'm glad you remembered," I said, grinning from ear to ear.
"Well, now that you've looked after me as a baby, I think it's only fair that I return a favor and take you out," he said as I smiled.
"I'd like that,"
"Sounds perfect,"
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
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Not So Sneaky
Summary: 4 times your brother Bucky almost caught your relationship with Peter. And the 1 time he did. Based on the request: “If requests are open, can you write a peter x reader fic, where reader is either bucky’s daughter, sister, or daughter like figure?” and written for @stuckonjbbarnes​ Angst VS Fluff Challenge. I had the prompt “Shut up! Just…Shut! Up!”
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of sex, and a little bit of a steamy makeout.
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The One With the Weights 
“Who do you think can lift more?” you hear Peter, your boyfriend, say.
“Huh?” you ask pulling the earbud from your ear as you walk on the elliptical machine.
“Who do you think is stronger? I mean I know I’m like spiderman, but you have super-soldier serum. I think I can lift more!” He says smiling knowing your competitive side has to react to any challenge.
You slow down the machine to a stop and hop off giving him your best ‘mean mug’ face and walk to the weights. You move to add what you know you can bench and hope it’s more than Peter. He moves to spot you and you lift the weight effortlessly above your head and smile widely. He looks a little panicked but switches with you to lift the weight.
He lifts the weight above him with little struggle and you just huff and add more weights. It goes a few more rounds until you finally best him and lift more than he can.
“YES! YES! Who’s stronger now huh?” you shout and jump into his arms kissing him. Competitiveness makes you just the slightest bit eager.
“Shut up! Just...Shut! Up! You’re a show-off anyway” he mumbles against your lips, but you can tell he loves having a strong girlfriend. 
“Sure, baby,” you say and push him against the mirror kissing him more. It’s then your super hearing picks up chatter outside the gym and you jump off him and beeline to the elliptical, leaving him next to a weight you know he can’t lift. 
It would probably be easier to explain to your brother, Bucky, that you’re dating Peter. But then he would yell at you, “Y/N you’re 18 you shouldn’t have a boyfriend it’s not proper!” and you just did not want to deal with that. So the two of you hid it instead. 
“Oh Peter, I think that’s too much,” Bucky says entering the gym and they all laugh at Peter and you shrug to him, mouthing a ‘sorry’. 
The One With the Movie Night
In a tower with a solid mix of pop culture nerds and people who missed most of history, there’s a strong need for movie nights. They always went the same, Peter and Tony argued over what movie to watch while Steve, Bucky and you just went along with it. Your brother loved watching movies, and you loved watching movies with Peter. 
The tower still had no clue you were dating the boy, they just all thought you were best friends. Tony knew Peter had a crush on you but, and you quote, “Y/N is way out of your league, she’ll never date you.” Peter just silently laughed at that and went along with it. 
Jurassic Park is starting and you move the blanket over where your legs touch Peter’s to hide the fact you’re holding your boyfriend’s hand. He had soft hands and you loved touching in any aspect. 
Halfway through the movie though your brother tried to steal the blanket.
“C’mon Y/N, I’m cold,” he said and you tugged it back.
“You’re a super soldier you’re not cold. Leave my blanket alone!” you huffed. 
But he pulled it again, and it left you just enough time to let your hand move from Pete’s to your thigh. So much for hand-holding. 
The One With the Ice Cream Shop 
On Peter’s last patrol, he found a 40’s themed ice cream shoppe, where people dressed in period clothes to attend. You had been talking about how much you missed before. You were 14 years old when your brother was taken, and they kidnapped you as well. They injected you with the serum but froze you as the experiment didn’t make you compliant. It wasn’t until Natasha leaked all the hydra documents they found you, still in a cryogenic chamber. One day you were getting ready for junior high, the next people had phones and wore skinny jeans. But that was four years ago, now you were a little more adjusted to the world.
After he told you about the shoppe, you found a dress Bucky had gifted you a year ago in the nostalgic style you grew up in. You dressed as you did when you were younger and met Peter, who dressed in 40’s clothes as well for a cute date at the ice cream parlor. 
“I’m so happy you found this place,” you said taking a final scoop from the ice cream you split with the curly hair boy.
“Is this really what things looked like for you?” he asked marveling at the decor and outfits people wore.
“Yeah! Things sure were a lot cheaper though. And girls were not allowed on unchaperoned dates,” you said resting your head on your hand.
“I like it, lot simpler,” he said and you reached over the table to give him a quick peck. 
You were about to tell him more, but your brother walked in with Steve being tugged behind him.
“Y/N! Peter!” he said and smiled wide. Guess your date was over.
“Hello, Mr. Barnes!” Peter beamed and you wanted to die. 
“I told you a thousand times, just call me Bucky,” Bucky said and Peter shyly nodded. “What are you guys doing here anyway?” 
“Probably the same thing you and Steve are. Well minus the date part. Peter found this place and knew I was a little nostalgic so he took me here,” you explained hoping he would buy it.
“Never did get to take Stevie on a proper date back then, gotta make up for time lost,” he said smiling over to the blonde man in line. 
“Well we were just about done, so see you back at the tower!” you said and tugged Peter out of the shop. 
Guess even ice cream shops weren’t safe for a hidden relationship anymore. 
The One With the Picture  
Peter had a ton of schoolwork and couldn’t make it to the tower for two days, and you were dying. You missed his kisses, and cuddles and were being overly needy today. So you figured you would flush him out, so to speak. 
You decided to tease him and put on your cutest lingerie and take a scandalous picture captioned ‘I miss you:(‘. Even a guy as patient and shy as Peter couldn’t turn that down. You saw the picture change to read but no response. You were upset but pushed it off.
A few hours later Peter came through your window in his suit and looked startled.
“Y/N, I uh well. I got called on a mission last minute and well,” he said looking flustered. 
“Spit it out!” you said getting nervous.
“That was the closest we’ve come to getting caught. But we didn’t!” he said and collapsed on your bed.
“Start from the beginning,” you said and laid next to him. 
“I was out on this last-minute mission with your brother and Nat and then on the quinjet, I got a notification on my phone of your picture. I didn’t know it was that so I opened it and Nat almost saw my phone so I had to close it really fast and switch to a chat with Ned. It was really nerve-wracking and Natasha kept looking at me. So maybe she saw the pic but it didn’t show your face.” 
You sat up immediately. Natasha bought the set with you, there was no doubt she saw. 
“Nat bought the set with me! Crap Pete stay here,” you said and threw on a sleep shirt and shorts and ran to her room. You banged on the door and she opened it and tugged you in. 
“Got something to share,” she said smugly.
“Please don’t tell my brother!” you begged and she looked at you smiling.
“Of course not. You’re an adult, your brother doesn’t need to know what you’re up to. Or I guess who you’re up to.” You practically jumped her to hug her. 
“Thank you, thank you!” you cried.
“I do expect details tomorrow!” she said as you left the room and you shot her a thumbs up.
+ The One With the Burger 
Living with a bunch of other people meant little to no time to yourself. Or more importantly to be with your boyfriend. So times when the two of you were free and everybody was busy, meant you were in your room with him beneath your thighs.
His lips were against yours and there was nothing sweet about the kiss. The two of you were both strong, and your time together reflected that. Rough kisses with grabbing hands, bruises that healed quickly, and multiple rounds. 
You were just getting into it though. Your shirt was still on (his wasn’t) and you were barely grinding against him. All that went away though when your brother opened your door, without knocking.
“Hey Y/N want to get some burger- oh my god. MY EYES!,” he said and you scrambled off your boyfriend and wiped your lips subconsciously. 
“Bucky! Hi, my loving and calm big brother!” you say throwing Peter’s shirt at him. 
“I did not need to see that!” he exclaims.
“Then knock!” you shout back. 
“So are you guys a thing?” he asks sitting on a chair holding his head in his hands’ processing.
“Yeah,” you admit quietly.
“Ok. Cool. Cool. How long?” he asks.
“A year,” you say in an equally quiet voice. 
“Mhmm okay. That’s fine. Just please don’t let me see that ever again.”
“Can Pete join us for the burger?” you ask smiling.
“Sure fine whatever, c’mon,” he says.
Well if you knew he’d be this cool with it, you never would’ve hidden your relationship. But you know what they say. Hindsight’s 20/20.
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
Jean Claude the Cheese Dog: Aka Steve Rogers’ Son
-Tired of being overshadowed (and generally despised) by Alpine, Steve decides to get a pet of his own
-Cue him finding a young, scared white and tan pittie in an alleyway on the way back from a run one morning
-He approaches him carefully and manages (via his Dog Powers that he unofficially has) to coax him out of hiding and immediately takes him back to the tower
-The next day he gets the pitbull to a vet’s office to have him looked over and brought up to date on shots and stuff and in the spur of the moment, when asked the dog’s name, he says “Jean Claude”
-(if you asked him why, he wouldn’t have a good answer, but the name sticks)
-Anyway he fucking loves this dog and the dog fucking loves him
-They bond really quick like they become basically inseparable overnight and Bucky now knows how Steve felt every time he ignored him in favor of Alpine
-Steve talks to Jean Claude in an exclusively french accent
-Like Buck will just be chilling and he hears from the other room “Ah yes, ‘allo monsieur, may I interest you in a walk on zis fine day?”
-(Bucky finds it equal parts hilarious and adorable)
-Jean Claude can often be found chilling on Steve’s lap as he sketches or lying at his feet while he does mission reports or general Avengers Shit at his desk
-Jean Claude’s also really good for Steve’s PTSD. Like he can sense when Steve’s getting worked up or stressed and will help ground him through touch and pressure and stuff
-This is especially good if Bucky isn’t around or is on a solo mission and Steve’s spiraling or has a nightmare
-(Sam encourages him to get Jean Claude trained and certified as a service animal. Steve eventually does)
-Jean Claude goes feral for cheese
-For a while, Steve carries around a few Kraft Singles in his pocket so he can tear off bits for Jean Claude throughout the day until Bucky vetoes that because, “Cheese? In your pocket? All day? That’s fucking disgusting.”
-Once he got into Bucky’s favorite brie that he was saving and Steve deadass thought he went winter soldier mode he was so pissed
-Clint coins him the “Cheese dog to Lucky’s Pizza Dog”
-There’s a viral youtube video of Steve in Central Park yelling, “Jean Claude you get back here this instant!” while the Winter Soldier cracks up in the background
-Alpine and Jean Claude get along but Alpine puts Jean Claude in his place
-Bucky thinks it’s hilarious
-Steve will bring Jean Claude on runs and will stop at random duck ponds because Jean Claude Loves Ducks
-His favorite chew toy is a little squeaky duck that he refuses to destroy despite positively murdering all his other toys
-He sleeps with the duck
-Steve has coined the duck “Madame Fromage”
-(”’Mrs. Cheese’? Really, Steve?” “Well, Bucky, Jean Claude loves cheese and ducks. It’s fitting.”)
-Jean Claude also has a little doggy duck hoodie and his dog bed is decorated with ducks
-Also couch cuddles??? Immaculate
-Buck has about a million pics on his phone of Steve and Jean Claude in ridiculous positions together on the couch like Steve will be lying upside down with Jean Claude sprawled on his back across his stomach with all his legs in the air
-Once Steve referred to Jean Claude as his “best guy” in french and Bucky got SO OFFended because “I’m your best guy, Steve.  ME!”
all in all Jean Claude is THE BEST CHEESE BOY and Steve DESErves him and He DESERVES STEVE ANd they basically rescued each other
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boomboxigrade · 5 years
Birthday Boy
Decided to write something for my beautiful chocobaby since hes officially one years old >:0
beware its kinda long. also theres like a tiny joke about like gun control and shit but please dont take it seriously its just a joke
thanks to my wonderful sibling @agressivemacintosh for brainstorming this with me
Through his sub-consciousness, Prompto's body took in the cool air that was wafting through a newly-opened window. He shivered instinctively, although not fully awake. The blond wrapped his blanket tighter around himself, bringing his own body warmth closer to himself as his unconscious self tried to keep from waking. The blissful sleep wouldn't last much longer, however. The Advisor was on a mission. A musical, soft voice made itself known in the blond's groggy mind. The voice was singing notes familiar to him, but softer and sweeter, the sound felt like a gentle, polished gloss that slid easily across his subconsciousness. However, it did wake him somewhat, as he recognized the tune as the song went on. "...Happy birthday to you," Ignis' voice purred the last line of the song. Sitting on the side of the bed, he bent down and nuzzled Prompto’s cheek until the Blond stirred and began to rub his eyes.
“Wh-” Prompto started, squinting up at the motherly figure above him as his eyes adjusted to the light. 
Ignis smiled down at him, expectant. As if waiting for him to remember something. Prompto worked his eyes open, slowly taking in the situation. 
“What were you-” 
Prompto started to ask the advisor what on Eos he was doing so early in the morning, but the smile across the man’s fine features stopped him. It had been a while since Prompto had seen that smile without any prompting. Usually it took an off-color comment from Gladio, a complaint from Noctis, or an actually funny joke from himself to get this giddy, satisfied smile that the Hand of the King now wore.
“Happy birthday,” Ignis said simply.
Prompto blinked a couple of times. His mind took the words that Ignis said and tried to translate them, but for some reason all he was thinking about was how soft Ignis’ shirt looked. He brought his focus back around and tried to remember what Ignis had just said. 
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” He asked, feeling sheepish.
Ignis chuckled as color flushed to Prompto’s cheeks. He then took the blond’s hands, levering him up so he was sitting against the pillows. 
“I said happy birthday, Dear,” Ignis repeated himself, and this time Prompto’s face shone with recognition.
“OH SHIT!” he cried, rather loudly. Ignis drew back a bit, surprised at the sudden outburst. “That’s today, isn’t it?” Prompto laughed at himself and ran his hand through his unkempt, golden locks. 
“Yes,” Ignis chuckled once more, recovering from the shock. “I do believe it is.” His words were enunciated in a way only Ignis could speak.
“Wow, I can’t believe I forgot!” Prompto exclaimed, waking up quickly. The gunman had an uncanny ability to go from unbelievably groggy to remarkably awake and active in only a few minutes; a skill that Noctis often despised. 
Without skipping a beat, Prompto continued, “I can’t believe you remembered!” He laughed, a bit of softness tugging at his features. 
Ignis watched him with the same, amused smile as the blond finally seemed to be aware of what was happening. He waited for the next barrage of questions, however, before saying anything else. 
Just as Ignis predicted: “What time is it anyway? Have you been planning this? Like, how come you remembered it but I didn’t?” He paused to laugh, “oh, and where are Noct and Gladio?” the blond’s voice softened. 
“They are busy preparing their part of the present,” Ignis answered calmly.
“Present?” Prompto interjected. “You guys didn’t have to get me a present!” He smiled but he looked worried.
Ignis clicked his tongue. “I don’t see why there’s a reason not to,” he reasoned. “Is your birthday somehow less special than Noct’s?” 
“Well no-” Prompto started.
“I didn’t believe so,” Ignis finished. “Now,” he leaned down and planted a kiss on Prompto’s forehead. “get dressed: we have places to go and presents to receive.”
Ignis stood and began shuffling things around the room while Prompto got dressed. As Prompto was about to put on his shirt, Ignis stopped him. After a second of confusion, the advisor handed him a box. 
“This is where the festivities begin.” He proclaimed. 
Prompto looked flustered, but opened the box anyway, intrigued as to what this could mean. He pulled the lid off of the box, and in the box was some sort of folded fabric. The fabric looked too soft and comfortable to be any sort of uniform or formal wear. The gunman picked up the garment to examine it. 
It was a t-shirt! The sleeves were a little too long for his liking, but what drew his immediate attention was the graphic on the front. There was an image of two guns crossed over each other with words reading “Gun control is using both hands”
Prompto outright laughed and held the shirt close to his chest. “Iggy, this is so dumb, I love it!” 
Ignis chuckled in response. He paused, observing the shirt himself, then put a finger to his lips in thought. Prompto was about to ask him what he was thinking when Ignis snapped, then turned his gaze back on the blond. 
“Hold it out in front of you by the collar.” He commanded.
Prompto obliged, and as he did so, Ignis reached forward and grasped the just-too-long sleeves of the shirt. Using force of will and very experienced hands, Ignis ripped the sleeves off with his gloved hands. 
Prompto cackled in delight, remembering the many times Ignis had been dismayed when Prompto mutilated yet another shirt. 
“I was actually about to say something about the sleeves,” Prompto smiled widely at the advisor.
“I know,” Ignis affirmed. “Now, there is one other gift I have to give before we leave.”
The Hand pulled a long chain out of his shirt pocket. He held it out to Prompto for the gunman to observe. The chain formed a long necklace, at the end of which was a pair of dog tags. Prompto’s eyes widened as he further examined the ornaments. On one tag, in their respective handwritings, were engraved Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis’ names. On the other was Prompto’s name. The gift was simple, but Prompto’s chest radiated with the warmth in his heart at the sight of it.
This feeling was further increased as Ignis gestured to the tag with his and the others’ names on it. “This tag usually bares the name of the soldier’s family,” He said.
Prompto’s eyes immediately stung with tears and he lunged forward and hugged the man with all of his strength. There was a “oomph” from Ignis as he did so, but he made no movement to stop him. 
“Thank you so much,” Prompto murmured into Ignis’ shoulder. The advisor chuckled in response.
“You mean a lot to each of us, Prompto,” Ignis said. Prompto nuzzled his head further into the man’s shoulder. The blond took in the sweet, clean smell of the advisor’s shirt.
After a few more seconds, Ignis pulled Prompto away and held him at arm’s length while he adorned him with the dog tags. “Now,” he asserted. “We’d best be on our way.”
After a visit to The Hammerhead for a kiss on the cheek from Cindy, and a giant 89′ mm super-bazooka developed by Cid especially for Prompto, the gunman was then escorted to Cape Caem, where it was said the others were waiting for him. 
The blond opened the door cautiously, not knowing what awaited him. As he tried to walk through the threshold, however, he was very suddenly pinned to the wall. He gasped, his eyes growing wide as they took in the sight before him.
“Happy birthday, you little shit,” Gladio’s voice growled from above him. 
Prompto, for some reason, couldn’t quite meet his eyes. His eyes, in fact, were very busy taking in the very, very, very tight recreation of Cindy’s outfit that the Shield had been forced into. 
After accidentally staring for just a bit too long, Prompto cough-laughed, covering his mouth and squeezing his eyes shut. “WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?” he managed to wheeze.
He heard Ignis chuckling behind him as he made his way through the door and shut it behind himself. 
“Something special for the special birthday boy,” Gladio replied shortly, crossing his arms.
“I’m... flattered!” Prompto gasped between fits of laughter. 
Noctis, making his way into the room, faltered in his step as he was wearing 3 inch high-heels and fitting smoothly in one of Luna’s dresses. 
“Noct!” the gunman exclaimed. “You look stunning!” He was still laughing, but he meant it genuinely. 
“Thanks,” the prince replied unenthusiastically. 
“No really!” Prompto insisted. 
He didn’t get the chance to fully flatter and embarrass the prince as Ignis quickly rushed out of the room and reappeared in an outfit almost identical to Aranea’s.
After Prompto finished this third coughing fit, the three gathered around him and led him to the kitchen where Ignis had baked a cake that was adorned with a little fondant camera on top. The blond, of course, wouldn’t let them cut and eat it without taking eighty pictures first. That wasn’t the only thing he took pictures of, either.
Later that night, lying on the king-size bed, Noctis, Prompto, Gladiolus and Ignis all laughed at the ridiculous outfits they were wearing, and they were also surprised at how many shots of each of them the blond had snapped without them noticing. 
“Holy shit, Specs looks good in that one!” Noctis exclaimed, reaching over Prompto’s outstretched arm to point at a picture of Ignis. The background was warm and out of focus, while Ignis was framed beautifully by the lighting behind him.
“If memory serves me correctly, that was this morning when I was attempting to wake you,” Ignis stated, his words slowing as he processed what that would imply.
There was a bit of laughter, then a lapse in conversation that Prompto tried to fill by clicking through more pictures. 
“Prompto,” Noctis started. “how did you get all those pics, anyway?”
Prompto made a face. “I don’t know what you mean,” he answered simply. 
“Yeah, how do you get all those pics without us noticing either? I don’t remember you pulling out your camera at all.” Gladio added, and the three of them turned to look at Prompto.
Prompto kept clicking through pictures, avoiding looking at any of them. He kept a straight face and focused directly on his camera screen.
“Who knows.”
~~~~Happy birthday, Blondie~~~~
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laniepoos-blog · 5 years
Some Predictions for Killjoys Season 5
*spoilers for season 4*
Anyone following me might remember I said OH and me were gonna play a little drinking game when season 4 came on, a shot for each time a previous guest character came back, and a beer for every time D’avin took his shirt off. Well, none of my predictions came true. The only returning guest character was Manos, and D’av only puts a shirt ON. Who saw that coming? Reader, I remain tragically sober. So this time around I’m gonna er on the side of ‘the writers are crazy geniuses and the thing you least expect will happen’, Mkay? What follows is my analysis of the season 5 teaser that aired immediately after the finale, screenshot by screenshot.
First off, this little gem.
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
On the one hand, it’ll please all the the Johnny/Dutch fans out there, of which there are many, but on the other hand, the show-runners did state explicitly that they will never ever sleep together. So what about that darling waking up scene at the end of ‘Sporemageddon’, then? Either they sleep in the same bed and kiss occasionally, but don’t have sex, or that woman is not Dutch. Yep, I’m putting actual money on the probability that the woman who has been sleeping with Johnny (though probably not, take heart dear green-queens) and running the Royale is in fact, da-da-dum, Aneela. Think about it. She has all of Dutch’s memories. She knows there’s attraction there, but she doesn’t know what to do with it. Having lost her memory, she reverts to the most prominent personality in that brain-jumble... Yala. Which leads me on to the next pic:
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
That, pretty people, is not Dutch. THAT is Aneela. Watch her for long enough and it’s easy to tell the difference. The mannerisms, the expressions, makeup and hair, general behaviour. Then how do we explain her attraction to D’avin in the street outside the Royale? Easy. He’s the father of her child. She chose him. She is fascinated by him, and we can see that in ‘The Lion the Witch and the Warlord’, and the way she gets all touch-feely preparing to go into the green. She may not be attracted to him in that way, but she knows him.
Further evidence:
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
See, I think Dutch emerged somewhere else. She’s already proved she can go into the green and come out pretty much anywhere in the galaxy. What if Aneela came out with the boys, Lady in tow, and Dutch came out far far away? And who’s prisoner is she? Must be someone organised. That looks a lot like a uniform, and both of those scenes are in an environment we haven’t explored yet. Narratively, it also makes sense to separate the boys from their True North. We got to see them interact with Aneela briefly in season 4, but I’m sure the writers won’t squander the opportunity to explore that dynamic.
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
D’avin is D’avin-ing. Nothing new there. But that looks a lot like Fancy behind him. Could it be that they’ve teamed up? The Designated Ass-hole who said he’d never work in a team? Is in a team? Along side the Legolas to his Gimli (vice/versa)? Whaaat? We didn’t get to see what happened to Amnesiac!Fancy at the end of season 4, so could this be a delicious treat for the fans? And who are they aiming at? That looks like the Royale interior, so possibly Yala | Aneela, when they discover who she really is.
Then this one:
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
Zeph in pain. But why? Is that the Royale memory wipe scene? Or a totally different scenario?
And this one:
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
Kendry going full Ripley. This clearly takes place in Red19 where she is hiding Jaq. I can just imagine her protecting her offspring and saying “Get away from him, you bitch!” Rocking the new hair y’all. I can totally see the writers taking her to new heights in the new season. We haven’t even seen what she’s fully capable of yet.
And this is probably the most worrying scene of all:
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
Don’t know who she is, but she’s on the Armada, so Hullen? Also, it might just be me, but she looks a bit pregnant. Two reasons why this is concerning. The Hullen keep calling Jaq the ‘Firstborn’, so that means there are/will be others, right? Also, she could be Brynn, Aneela’s maid, and I distinctly remember Gander saying, “it’s a shame, we had such plans for you.” When you IVF someone, you don’t just make one embryo, you spread your bets. Fans of Orphan black will remember the arc with Helena and the cryo-canister. The brains behind it? Killjoy’s own Karen Troubetzkoy and Andrew De Angelis are both Clone Club alumni. Now, I’m not saying they had anything to do with it, but knowing writers, there will be a canister of embryos somewhere, if not at least one more kid. That is the last thing anyone expects. So the producers are probably like, let’s just mess with everyone’s heads, let’s mess with D’avin some more. How can we further traumatise him?
Which brings me to my last and favourite scene:
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Credit: @PromosTVNetwork https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u2p0p
My first instinct was to say “Eh? A new enemy? Allies?” But then I remembered a behind the scenes pic posted on twitter a couple months ago showing Team Awesome Force in army fatigues in the desert with another unidentified woman, and a soldier standing guard with a really nice futuristic weapon. (I will post a link here when I’ve found it!) The figure at the front has a really nice insignia/medal and clearly has a female silhouette - an officer? So I think that’s the army. The army of the United Republic. They’ve noticed what’s been going on, probably due to the Quad’s Yttrium supply drying up. The Lady has everyone working in a Green factory on Westerley, remember, they’re not mining any more. Also, we know they’ve probably had a plan to tackle the Hullen problem for a while. That’s what all the experiments D’avin was part of were about, and that’s why IMUR were investigating Red17 when they sent the Aegir to the area. So if they’re gonna win this war, they’re gonna have to buckle up and submit to a real godsdamn runaway queen.
So, in conclusion, we can’t be sure what any of these images mean, because the show is just so damn turbulent. But we can predict that season 5 will give us new and more challenging environments, problems and team dynamics.
Can’t wait!
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Don’t Be Sad Pt.3
Chris Evans X OFC Sebastian Stan X OFC
once again, this is written more personally for a friend and i, if you do want to read i suggest the first two parts first
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Things weren't always as grand as they seemed online, sure we had two little girls running around, a little boy sleeping on my chest, and Kait carrying her second child.  But that was now, after we had all settled down and gotten used to a home life.  It wasn't always like that though, we all had to start somewhere, and to say it was a roller coaster.  Well those seemed tame for how hectic our lives had been before it finally settled down.
*** 4 Years Ago “Can you please come with me?  I don't wanna go to the con alone again!” I was begging Kait to come with me to the con that was in town, but she was busy with her restaurant that weekend. “If I could go with you I would, but you know that I have to open this weekend” I was nearly pouting at her, using my best puppy eyes. “Please?  I can't meet Chris and Seb alone, you know I'll die” Kait had constantly teased me that I would pass out while meeting my favorite actor.  And now I was going to have to do it alone. “You'll be fine, now go before your boss gives you hell for being late” Kait shooed me out the door with the broom, patting my ass as I stepped into the hallway.
We had been living together for a couple years, and it had been wonderful.  She was working constantly, and I was doing my best not to murder people who pissed me off. Well, she was too, but we weren't always together when it happened. Most people in Boston could be real assholes, so we had taken everything as well as we could.
“I'm gonna make an ass of myself, and they're gonna think I'm weird” I mumbled softly as I walked into the building.
The gym was mostly empty, only a few people using the weights at the far end as I laid down my bag and jacket.  It wasn't unusual for the gym to be completely empty, especially during a friday at ten in the morning, but this was especially empty.  Maybe it was because of the shitty weather we had been having, raining nonstop for the last few days.
The two gentleman by the weights didn't spare a glance as I climbed onto the treadmill, get the cardio out of the way before I move onto weights.  Kait said I needed to tone my butt to impress Chris when I met him, as if he'd even notice something like that.  He was probably dating someone secretly and wanted to keep it hidden.  Actors had done it before, so why not for Captain America?
My phone buzzed with an oncoming text, Kait was going to have to stop by the restaurant and check the inventory tonight, so she wouldn't even be home before I left for the con tomorrow.  I wanted to kill her at times, she knew how much I was panicking.  How the hell was I going to face those two and not just hit the floor?  Maybe Chris would come to my rescue and make sure I was alright, god what I wouldn't give to be in his arms.
The sky was dark when I made my way back home, after stopping by to see Kait at the restaurant and bring her something to eat, because knowing her she wouldn't eat anything there.  She was happy I had even stopped by to bother her for a few minutes, and bringing food made it better.  Now all I had to worry about was what I would wear to the con, Chris and Seb were going to see me in it.  Had to make a great first impression.
“Are you wearing jeans or leggings?” Kait was currently on the phone with me, helping decide what I could wear. “I was thinking jeggings, I have a pair that look like regular jeans” Leggings had become my best friend ever since I got into shape.  Kait had teased me about not wearing them before. “Could do those, with the Cap shirt I got you for christmas” I had completely forgotten about that one, it was a retro shirt and one I wore constantly. “You're the best and I love you” I reached into the closet and yanked out the clothes.  
These were the clothes I was going to meet the love of my life in.  The man I had fantasized about more often than was appropriate.  And maybe he wasn't going to be the love of my life, being famous and all that.  I'd at least get to be in the same room as him for at least a half hour, that I could handle.
“I know you have more important work to tend to, so I'll let you know when I make it there tomorrow” I glanced down at the clothes and swallowed nervously.  You're gonna be fine.   “Just make sure you smile at him, it'll help ease the nerves a little” I couldn't help but laugh, my nerves were already shot.
Kait bid a quick goodbye before hanging up, leaving me to stew in my own thoughts.  There wasn't much I could do except for sleep, or watch more interviews with Chris and Sebastian until I passed out.  But then I'd be exhausted if I ended up staying up too late.  Bed time it is.
Kait had sent me a good morning/pep talk text when I woke up in the morning.  She was more nervous that I would genuinely pass out while meeting him than anything.  I could keep my cool for long enough to meet him and take it all in.  
I had taken a shower and put on my best perfume before grabbing my lanyard and keys, nothing worse than being locked out of your house when you're exhausted.  Luckily for me the building was only a few blocks away, so I didn't have to waste gas driving over.  There was already a line formed outside for anyone that hadn't gotten the VIP.  I decided to be a little crazy and splurge.  I was going to get first access to panels, and meet and greets.  Those felt scarier than actually going inside and seeing all the people.
The cosplayers were one of my favorite things at the cons, they always looked so happy to be there.  Nothing better than seeing your favorite character being cosplayed where you'd be able to take a picture with them.  
Hey, I made it to the venue, no need to worry Kait wouldn't be able to see the text for a little while, but it was the thought that counts.  Then she'd hear how I died at the con after seeing Chris in person.
Just make sure you don't hurt yourself, isn't there panel soon? Yeah, it starts in like five minutes for the VIP, so I'm gonna head down there now. I slipped my phone into my pocket and headed down to where the panel was being held, the line was a lot shorter than I was expecting. Maybe people weren't as excited for this panel?  No, they were always super crowded.  
“Alright, file in slowly please” They had opened one of the doors, letting all of us into the room.  It was mostly reporters and journalists.
The room was filling up slowly, more people filing in as we took our seats.  My heart was pounding in my chest, palms sweating.  This was really happening, they were going to be here in this room in a matter of minutes.  Just breathe, don't let this all get to you.
The panel had been very eventful, a lot of questions were thrown around. And of course I had been too  chicken shit to say anything.  The moment I was offered to ask a question I panicked, all thoughts flown out the window.  They didn't make it awkward for me though, made sure someone else could ask their own question to keep the conversation flowing. I'm gonna head home now, you want me to pick up anything to eat? If you could pick up some cookies, I didn't have time to stop at the store earlier.
That's fine, see you soon.
I turned to head out onto the main sidewalk, only I came face to chest with someone. Their arms wrapped around my waist to prevent me from hitting the ground.
“I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.  I hope I didn't hurt you” I glanced up quickly, my cheeks burning with a blush. “Don't worry about it, I wasn't paying much attention either” His smirk was breathtaking, literally. “Sorry again” I stood up straighter, pressing my hands gently against his chest.
It felt so intimate, his hands were still pressed gently against my lower back, fingertips pressing gently into the skin.  I could smell the cologne he wore, and I was sure he could smell my perfume.
“Are you doing anything later by any chance?” He was still smirking, body pressing closer to my own. “I'm not, are you?” How was I even able to talk? “Would you like to get dinner with me?  There's a restaurant nearby I'd love to take you too” My breath caught in my throat, was Chris asking me on a date? “I'd love to” I giggled and blushed even more.
Chris was very chivalrous during the date, and very flirty.  I was even shocked he wanted to take me on a date after I had run into him.  It felt natural to be around him, as if we had known one another for years instead of a few hours.  Kait had texted me a few times, asking if I was still going to get her cookies before I headed home.  Maybe hearing how my night had gone would convince her the cookies weren't worth it.  Well they were, but they would have to wait until the morning at least.
“I had a lot of fun on the date” Chris had walked me to the front door, arm wrapped gently around my waist. “I did too, the food was amazing” I glanced up at him, watching how his eyes sparkled in the lights. “It's the one place I take my friends to when they come visit, and it's the perfect date spot” Chris was waiting for either of us to make a move, to say something that would break our little bubble. “Maybe we could do it again sometime?” I bit my lip softly, fingers tracing along the arm that was wrapped around my waist.
Chris didn't waste another second, his hand pulling out his phone.  He thrusted it into my hands and waited until I had put my number in.  I couldn't help but laugh as I handed him my own phone, there was a picture of him and Seb from the Winter Soldier.
“I like your background, it's a pretty decent pic of me” I rolled my eyes and smiled at him, tucking the phone back into my pocket. “It's one of my favorite movies, and I think you looked great in the stealth suit” It had hugged all the right places, and then some. “It's one of my favorite suits, more comfortable than the other ones” Steve was pressed even closer, hands gripping onto my shirt. “I could tell” Our eyes locked, hands sliding against one another.
There was no space between either of us, bodies inching closer.  I growled under my breath and pulled his lips down to my own.  They were so soft and warm, hands tangled into my hair as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  I didn't care how long we had stood together kissing, it could've been hours and neither of us were going to care.
“Excuse me” A voice broke us out of our little fantasy, bringing us back down to earth. “Sorry” I blushed and pulled away from Chris.  This felt so right being around him, and kissing him felt better than anything. “I'm free again next weekend, care to go on a second date?” I couldn't form any words, simply nodding as I looked up at Chris.
We each bid one another a goodnight before heading to our respective places.  Kait was waiting up for me in the kitchen, eyes locked on me as I stepped into the living room.
“I had a date, so I'll get your cookies tomorrow” I took off my jacket and placed it onto the counter.
Wait a minute, I wasn't wearing a jacket when I attended the con today.
“Whose is that?” Kait raised a brow at me, she was silently asking so many questions. “Chris's” I threw my lanyard down onto the table, I could still feel his hands. “Chris who?” She walked over to me slowly, arms crossed over her chest. “Evans” She stopped mid step, eyes wide as she stared at me. “You went on a date with Evans?!  How?!” I couldn't help but laugh, this was going to sound even more insane than I could imagine.
So I began to tell her the exact story from the beginning, how I had been an idiot and hadn't paid attention when we ran into one another.  Which lead to the date, how he was excited to take me out to dinner and show me his favorite restaurant.  She was dying to know if I had gotten his number, and even more excited that I got his number and a kiss.
“You not only are going on another date, but you got his number.  This is huge!” Kait hugged me tightly, arms squeezing my waist gently. “You're telling me!  This man has been the star of my dreams for years and now I'm able to live out those dreams” Nothing would be able to top this.
***   Only life did get better, Chris and I had gotten together after a month of dating, and six months later we were finally announcing it to everyone.  He was like a kid on christmas morning, ready to show the world who I was.  Kait had been subtweeting about it, subtly telling everyone that Chris and I were together without outright telling everyone.
“After this, there's no going back babe” Chris was looking over at me, hand in one hand, the other was tracing circles on my thigh. “I already posted mine, so I don't know what you're waiting for” Chris raised his brows at me, shocked that I had posted before him.
Chris stuck his tongue out at me and posted the photo of us, the caption was something simple.  It was our relationship, and people were going to have to get used to it.  Most of the people didn't give it a second thought, we were just a normal couple.  Chris just happened to be famous was all, nothing too big or anything.  I giggled and pulled Chris down into a kiss, his hands were tracing along my thighs before trailing underneath the shirt I wore.
The front door swung open as Sebastian walked in with food, when the hell had Chris texted him?  He said he was in New York for a little while.  Oh well, more the merrier I guess.
“I wasn't expecting to see you until this weekend, what happened?” Chris propped himself up, looking over as Seb set down the food. “It all went to shit, I just needed to get away for a little while is all.  Oh, hello” Sebastian was looking over where I was half curled into Chris's side, and half laying on the couch. “Hi” I smiled and waved a little, Seb's face turned a deep shade of red. “You didn't tell me you had a girl here!  Jesus Evans, I wouldn't of showed up unannounced if I knew that” Sebastian looked like he was planning his escape, to get away before he embarrassed himself.
Chris stood up and walked over to him, grabbing Seb's shoulders to stop him in his haste to run out the door.
“Relax dude, that's my girlfriend” Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed as he looked between me and Chris. “Since when do you have a girlfriend?” Chris chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Since six months ago” Sebastian just stared at Chris, which in turn made me feel even more nervous.
He hadn't wanted to tell people for multiple reasons, he had taken me to movie sets with him before, and that was perfectly fine.  But the moment anyone asked if we were dating we'd get quiet and ignore the subject for as long as we could.  Now we didn't have to, everyone knew that Chris and I were together.
“You've been together for six months and haven't told anyone?” Seb raised a brow at him, more interested in our relationship than before. “We didn't want to tell anyone yet, it's sort of been us just getting comfortable” Chris shrugged lightly, they hadn't seen one another in a while either. “Oh, gotcha” Sebastian nodded and went over to the food and started to make himself a plate.
Chris didn't seemed finished with their conversation, following him into the kitchen to figure out why Seb was here so early.  I was supposed to head home and see Kait and eat lunch with her, but this put a wrench in our plans.
“So what happened with that girl you were seeing?” Chris pulled out a slice of pizza from one of the boxes that littered the table. “We broke up months ago, she was really jealous of any girl friends I had” Seb rolled his eyes and shoved a forkful of food into his mouth. “Why didn't you say anything?  I would've come to visit while I had a couple days off” Sebastian was shaking his head before Chris could finish his sentence. “I just ordered a pizza and laid on my couch for the night, so you didn't miss anything exciting” Chris was looking over at me, a silent question on his mind.
I stood up from the couch and walked over to the two men, I had told Chris about Kait multiple times, and how she was still single.  And with Sebastian being single, it could be a match made in heaven.
“I actually have a friend you might be interested in” I wrapped my arms around Chris's waist, resting my cheek against his bicep. “She's not crazy is she?” The sarcasm was thick in Sebastian's tone, I rolled my eyes. “She's not, you can ask Chris and let him assure you that she is definitely normal” Maybe a little sarcastic and very perverted, but nowhere near crazy.
Chris was nodding at Sebastian who opened his mouth to ask.
“Why don't we stop by The Corner and he can meet her himself?” I wanted to kiss Chris, he was a genius. “You think she'll wanna meet people being all gross from working?” Chris shrugged lightly, if this blew up in our faces I was now blaming him.
The drive over was short, and thankfully the restaurant wasn't too crowded.  I could hear Kait complaining to one of the sous chefs, of course.  We were seated near the kitchen, it was a private table that Kait had assigned me when she first opened the restaurant.
“This place is really nice, your friend owns it?” Seb was looking around slowly, taking in the décor and overall atmosphere. “She does, she's also the chef you hear screaming in the kitchen right now” Chris snickered under his breath.  Kait had shown her psycho chef side to him before.
We all ordered something small, well I did, Chris and Seb ordered almost half the menu before they felt satisfied with their order.  And like usual the food had been to die for, as if we should expect anything less.
“Can I meet her?” Sebastian was trying to look into the kitchen and find this mystery woman. “I don't see why not, Ang can you get Kait and let her know I'm out here with Chris please?” Angie, our waitress headed into the kitchen.
The screaming had all but stopped as Kait stepped over to our table.  Her eyes were locked on Seb who was staring straight back at her.  You could feel the tension in the air, the electricity that was passing between them.
“This is my best friend Kait, and she already knows who you are” Kait mumbled about how greasy she looked before wiping her hands off. “It's nice to meet you, the food here is absolutely amazing” Sebastian's smile was bright, his eyes sparking with mischief. “Thanks, I wasn't expecting guests today, especially not someone so handsome” Kait was smirking, watching as Seb squirmed in his seat. “Oh, ummm, thank you” His cheeks were bright red, nervously wiping his hands onto his pants. “Am I watching Sebastian get flustered?” Chris had all his attention on the man across from me,
Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked back up at Kait, I wanted to slink away with Chris and give them their own date.  
“Would you like to go out to dinner?” Kait was pondering it for a moment, teasing him for as long as she could. “I would, pick me up at eight tonight” Kait big a quick goodbye to the table before heading back into the kitchen.
Chris and I were staring at one another, shocked at how forward both of them were being.  Sebastian got flustered simply from Kait flirting with him. Now I was excited for their date!
Seb's P.O.V Oh god, I was going to fuck this up so fast.  She was so confident and sexy at the restaurant, and that's when she wasn't even trying!  I was getting myself in too deep and now I didn't have a way out.
“Dude, she's not going to make fun of you if you're nervous” Chris was propped up in one of the barstool chairs in his kitchen, he was having a night in with his girlfriend. “I'm just scared that I'll make an ass of myself is all” I hadn't been this nervous for a date in a while.  It was just dinner and a movie Stan, nothing more.
I could hear the two women giggling in Chris's bedroom.  They had run in their to get her ready for our date, meanwhile Chris was dressed like a homeless person.  At least he got to wear sweatpants and binge netflix for the night.
“She's ready!” Krista was standing in the doorway, most of her body was covered by one of Chris's sweaters, hugging closer to her thighs than her stomach. “Get ready bud” Chris nudged me forward gently, Krista smiled and ran over to him.
Kait walked out slowly, and besides cleaning herself up from work, she was still utterly stunning.  Everything about her screamed gorgeous to me, and I couldn't look away for a mere moment in fear I'd miss out on anything.
“What do you think?” Kait was blushing lightly, her lips pulled into a soft smile. “You look amazing” I couldn't stop my own smile, stepping over to where she was standing.
It didn't matter that there were two other people in the room watching us with close eyes.  Nothing mattered except for her.  Were there angels singing? Cause it sure as hell felt like I had been graced by an angel from heaven.
“Go and enjoy yourselves, Krista and I will be binge eating and watching netflix until we pass out” Chris had his arms wrapped around her waist, her hands running through his hair gently. “I'll have her back by the morning” I took her hand gently and left the apartment.
It didn't bother me that Kait had been to the restaurant constantly, it just assured me that we would have some amazing food.  Plus she knew Boston better than I did, I only ever came to visit Chris when I had the free time.
I had offered to drive us there, have a little more privacy than walking around the streets in the middle of the night, but she assured me this was fine. So we spent the time just enjoying one another's company and the light breeze that cooled us down. “How'd you end up meeting Chris?” Kait raised a brow at me, as if there was an underlying answer in my question. “He's currently dating my best friend, so that's how I met him” I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, Krista had mentioned that at Chris's apartment earlier today. “I'm sorry, it's been a long week for me, so things get a little mixed up at times” Real smooth, now she's gonna think you're an idiot.
She giggled and laid her hand against my arm, her hands were so delicate and soft.  I had died and gone to heaven, there was no other explanation for this.
Dinner had been better than I had hoped for.  The food was better than ever, and the conversation had flowed so easily.  I didn't feel like I was going to say something stupid and scare her off, and it felt like she was feeling the same way towards me.  I refused to let her pay for anything, whether it be dinner, or the movie we were supposed to see right after.  That thought went out the window the moment we noticed how late it had been.  So we went to get ice cream, which she tried to get all over my face.
“You keep doing that and it's not gonna end well” I raised a brow at her, taunting almost. “I'd like to see you try” She laughed and finished off her ice cream, wiping off the excess with a napkin.
The walk back to Chris's apartment felt shorter, though neither of us were in a hurry to be apart from one another.  Our fingers were laced together between our bodies, swinging gently as we stopped outside of the door.  Her gaze was locked on me, eyes flicking down to my lips for a second.
I didn't waste another second before cupping her cheeks gently, her hands were pressed against my chest gently.  I swallowed the fear that was bubbling in my chest and pressed my lips against hers.  To say the kiss was electrifying would be a lie.  It felt as if my body was on fire, starting from the very tips of my fingers down to my toes.
Her hands gripped onto my jacket, pulling our bodies flush together.  I wouldn't ever get tired of this, of being pressed so close to her body.
“As much as I'd love to stay, I have to be at the restaurant at four” She was pouting softly, fingers still clasped tight on my jacket. “How about a second date?” I was hopeful, more than I should've been. “I'd love to go on a second date with you” She giggled and pressed a kiss to my cheek, slipping a small piece of paper into my pocket.
She left without looking back, hips swaying gently.  I looked down at the paper and smirked, she had given me her number.  I bit my lip and walked into Chris's apartment, lovehigh smile on my face as I threw my jacket on the table.  Chris and Krista were curled up on the couch asleep, her arms gently wrapped around his waist.  I couldn't wait til Kait and I could be like them.
*** Krista's P.O.V Sebastian and Kait had gotten together almost immediately after their first date, which made Chris happy because he was one of the masterminds behind the relationship.  Though it was really me that got them together.  They were so lovestruck and happy together that it was almost sickening, though I could see the way they looked at Chris and I.  It wasn't envy, but there was something there.
“What the hell is Stucky?” Chris was perched between my legs, head resting against my stomach. “It's Steve and Bucky, they're together in the fics and some are really hot and descriptive” Kait laughed and rested her head against Seb's shoulder. “I've read some before, they're pretty good” I gawked at Sebastian, he read fanfiction about himself? “Nothing wrong with that, I've read some of the stuff that Krista reads” I blushed and sipped my beer slowly.  Definitely wasn't expecting that.
Sebastian looked between Chris and I as if he was too nervous to ask the question that was on his mind.
“Have you guys ever thought about us?  In a more personal way I mean” I raised a brow, running my fingers through Chris's hair gently. “I'm not gonna deny and say I haven't, I've been attracted to Kait since I met her, and you're gorgeous too” It felt weird admitting to them how I felt.
Chris looked up at me for a moment, before his gaze was on Sebastian.  There were no words spoken for longer than I hoped, had I just managed to ruin my relationship?
“I've been thinking about something for a while, since Krista and Kait moved in a couple months ago” Sebastian leaned forward slightly, listening intently. “Go on” Kait and I were very intrigued, what was going on in his head? “What if we all just dated each other?  I know it sounds crazy, but we're all attracted to one another, and if it doesn't work out there won't be any hard feelings” It sounded crazy, but it also sounded really exciting. “Let's do it, cause lord knows I have been trying to get in Kait's pants longer than is acceptable” Seb gawked at me, Kait laughed, and Chris snickered.
The rest was going to be history.
*** Present Day “What're you daydreaming about over there?” Chris was laying down with me, fingers rubbing small circles on my skin.
“About how we met, and I met the most amazing man in my life” I smiled and pressed my lips against his, giggling when he pulled my body closer. “I'm the lucky one here babe, I got an amazing wife and two beautiful children because I almost knocked you onto the floor” I rolled my eyes and played with the ends of his shirt. “If I remember correctly, I ran into you” I looked up and smirked as he rolled his eyes. “Let's agree to disagree” Chris knew that I was right, but was too proud to admit defeat.
Kait and Seb were asleep behind us, his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. His snores were filling the air.
“As much as I love our children, I need a night to sleep” Chris nodded in agreement, Lily had been a handful, and James was waking up more often.  And that was our kids alone. “If either of them wake up I'll take care of it, okay?” I nodded and cuddled into his chest, breathing in the faint scent of his cologne.
I wouldn't change anything in my life though, not if it would stray me from where I was now.  This is where I belonged.
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