#that snowflake guy is Christmas/Yuletide
synthaphone · 1 year
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redesigned Lizarks i made for virtu.pet + a couple bonus recolors! happy with how these came out
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she-wolf09231982 · 2 years
Chapter 5: Christmas Boops
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Summary: Most of the 11th Street Kids get into the holiday spirit except you and Harcourt due to your rigid past on missions during Christmas time. But that doesn't stop Leota and Adrian from decorating headquarters to get you out of your Scrooge funk.
Author Note: Adrian Chase X Fem Reader, Y/N, 11th Street Kids, A.R.G.U.S., Hallmark Channel level fluff, Explicit language/Cussing/Swearing, Celebrating Christmas, Christmas carol/song references, Mentions of multi-cultural holidays includes Hanukkah & Kwanzaa, Alcohol consumption, Implied nudity & sex, Karate Kid, The Grinch, Scrooge, Elf, Polar Express, & Christmas Vacation movie references.
No dogs were harmed or embarrassed during the making of this fanfic.
Italics indicate character thoughts & flashbacks
**The first Freddie Stroma gif chosen is how I imagine Adrian's face after reader 'boops' his nose**
**Second Freddie Stroma gif is obviously when female reader showers with Adrian. You're welcome**
The ground once covered in fallen leaves quickly became a blanket of white as winter approached. You and Harcourt lost your lust for Christmas a long time ago. Probably has a lot to do with working for the government since you were overseas for quite a few of them and Emilia working for the gender bend ‘Scrooge’ herself (Amanda Waller) at A.R.G.U.S.  
Adrian and Leota, on the other hand, found this time of year to be thrilling. Adebayo and her wife, Keeya, had a whole wardrobe for their Yorkie, Emerson, dedicated to the season.
“He has the costume from the movie ‘Elf,’ of course Santa Claus…Oh! And there’s one that’s a Christmas tree where the lights actually turn on!”
Leota explained to Adrian while each of them carried a huge box of Christmas decorations and placed them on her desk.
The level of emotion about Emerson’s Christmas ensemble had yours and Emilia’s eyes rolling but had Adrian matching Leota’s excitement tenfold.
“No way!! I have got to see that!” Exclaimed Adrian.
“It’s bad enough that your dog is the size of a squirrel, but to also dress him up like a doll? He probably plans ways to off himself every day because of that, you know?” John said to Leota.
Leota rolled her eyes at Economos.
“I’ll have you know, he loves his outfits.” She stated.
“It’s not a real dog if they’re no bigger than a football.” Peacemaker interjected.
Economos snickered as Leota flashed her middle finger at Chris.
Harcourt shook her head and smirked. You stretched and released an evident yawn to showcase your lack of interest in the topic.
Adebayo turned and looked at you upon hearing your dramatic yawning.
“I beg your pardon, are we boring you?” She asked you sarcastically.
“She doesn’t like Christmas.” Adrian answered. “She’s my sexy little Grinch.” He proclaimed affectionately.
“I see,” Leota replied, “Well, even the Grinch eventually liked Christmas at the end of the movie!” She sang cheerfully as she sashayed across the room and draped a red, sparkly garland around your neck like a scarf.
Adrian chuckled, looking at you like a shimmering spectacle.
You gave her an exasperated look, “Don’t worry Adebayo, I won’t interfere with your Christmas spirit. I just choose not to participate, that’s all. Commence hollying and jollying.” You said with a weak smile, turning to your laptop.
Leota and Adrian continued to filter through the boxes, practically squealing as they discover a plethora of holiday decorations as they dig deeper.
By the end of the day, Adrian and Leota had headquarters dripping in yuletide garnishing.
“Well? What do you guys think??” Adrian asked.
The four of you reviewed the area covered in half blinking, half burnt out Christmas lights, paper Mache cut into snowflakes hanging from the ceiling panels, different color sparkling garland lining the windows, and creepy Santa, snowman, and elf animatronic dolls that looked possessed scattered around the room. They even managed to have a Menorah and a Kwanzaa Kinara candle holder placed on each of the two filing cabinets, each baring all the proper colored candles. Leota even had a Polar Express replica traveling around beneath the starless Christmas tree.
“Not gonna lie, it looks pretty fuckin’ good, you guys.” Chris admitted.
Leota and Adrian beamed at each other bumping fists triumphantly.
“Yeah, definitely looks like Buddy the elf made his way in here.” John said.
Everyone chuckled together. Even Emilia smirked at Economos’ comment.
You only smiled so you wouldn’t be such a Debbie downer and ruin Adrian or Leota’s proud moment like you promised.
Adrian looked over at you, most likely waiting for your feedback. As he looked at you, so did the rest of the group. You blankly look back at everyone. You were genuinely clueless.
“Um, what?” You asked them.
“What do you think, Y/N?” Leota asked.
“Oh!” You say finally catching on.
“Well…” you take another look around the room. Adrian and Adebayo waited eagerly on your response.
You were genuinely at a loss for words. Your distain for Christmas outweighed your ability to pretend to like it. You felt a knot form in your chest, trying hard to swallow it down as it started to rise into your throat. It felt like an eternity trying to come up with a response heartfelt enough to satisfy Leota and Adrian’s expectations. Afterall, they did work really hard on the place, so you didn’t want to hurt their feelings by any means.
You released a deep exhale, “It’s everything what Christmas should be. It’s definitely going to be a shame to take it down after the holidays.” You finally managed to say.
Leota started clapping and jumping in place squealing with joy.
“I knew we’d get you into the holiday mood!!” She ran over and hugged you so hard you almost fell off your chair.
You struggled to laugh. “Uh, yeah… right, Leota…… ACK!!”
You grunted feeling extra weight bare down on you. Adrian had jumped and embraced you and Leota in an unexpected group hug.
Harcourt had began videoing the three of you from her phone when she saw Adrian make a running start towards you and Leota. Everyone was laughing enjoying the moment.
“Maybe this isn’t so bad.” You thought to yourself as you couldn’t breathe from all the weight sitting on top of you.
The following weekend, the group decided to have a little holiday gathering at O’Rourke’s. You all pile in together on a cold Friday evening as flurries fell from the night sky. Chris without hesitation ordered up a round of drinks.
As the hours passed, the majority of you get rowdier as you play another one of Chris’ suggested drinking games. This game was Christmas themed of course. The bar had a different holiday movie playing on each of the flat screens, and Chris said anytime one of you notices a Santa hat appearing in the scene, that person calls out ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’ as they point to three separate people (basically calling each of them a ‘hoe’) at the table and they have to drink.
Economos and Adrian ended up drinking more since John was very delayed catching any Santa hats, and Adrian just distracted by looking at you dreamily the whole night wearing a low cut red V-neck.
You look at him and whistle at him.
“Hey, buddy, my face is up here.” You say tilting his chin up making his eyes meet yours.
He snickered guiltily having been caught staring at your chest.
“I can’t help it! They’re perfect.” He declared.
You shake your head smiling.
“Well, I’m glad you think so.” He leaned in and gave you a clumsy peck bumping your nose quite hard.
“Ook, I think it’s time to go, Adrian.” You announced rubbing your nose.
“Yeah, I gotta get back to Keeya and the pups.” Leota checked her watch.
Everyone threw money on the table to pay the tab and exited the bar.
Everyone going their way to their car, you take the keys to the Vigilante-mobile and get Adrian into the passenger seat.
“Where’s the steering wheel?” Adrian asked.
You laugh, “It’s in front of me. I’m driving.” You told him.
“Ahhhhh.” He said booping your nose. “You’re cute.”
He placed the palm of his hand on the side of your cheek cradling your face. He musingly looked into your eyes, a wave of adoration pulsing through his veins. You leaned into his hand putting your hand on his. His touch sent a surge through your body.
“Let’s get home so I can love on you properly.” You said finally.
As you drive past the park, Adrian suddenly perked up and demanded you to stop the car.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Stop here!!” He shouted making your heart jump.
“What the actual fuck, Adrian??” You stop the car. “What’s wrong??”
He said nothing opening the door and started running towards the monumental water fountain in the middle of the park.
“Um, Adrian?” You call after him.
“Come on, Y/N!” He yelled back at you.
You get out of the car and run after him.
He stopped by the fountain in front of a fresh layer of fallen snow.
“Adrian?” You asked out of breath as you reach him.
“Ready?” He asked.
You look around you, confused.
“For?” You asked.
Adrian turned around and fell backwards onto the snow on the ground behind him.
“Holy shit!” You gasped, “Are you that drunk?”
“Snow angel!” He chirped at you, like it was obvious.
He started to move his arms and legs in a Vitruvian Man motion creating the angel shape beneath him on the ground.
You watched him awestruck…and slightly annoyed.
“You almost put me into cardiac arrest because you wanted to make a snow angel? Really?” You asked.
“Really really! Now get down here and make one with me!” He said disregarding your irritability.
“No, Adrian. It’s too cold and we’ve been drinking-“
You suddenly feel your feet kicked up from underneath you. You hit the ground hard as the air you did have left in your lungs was forced out as you land on your back next to your boyfriend. You cough a few times trying to allow your brain to catch up to the fact that Adrian had just swept your legs with his foot to get you on the ground with him.
“Did…did you just..?” you began to ask.
“Sweep the leg? Yep! Now that you’re down here, start angel-ing!” He replied with a tinge of pride in his voice.
You cannot believe he just took you out at the leg to get you on the ground to make a snow angel.
“Christ, the level of insanity…” You muse to yourself.
Nonetheless, you began to move your arms head to waist while closing and separating your legs to make the angel, obliging Adrian’s request.
He looked at you and smiled.
“Look at you! Being all Christmasy as fuck!” He gleamed.
He rolled over on top of you, pulling your face up to his, kissing you quite sloppily.
You giggle into his mouth.
“You are crazy, Adrian Chase!” You pull away to say as you continue to laugh.
He hovered over you, exploring your face with admiration.
You gazed back at him, his green eyes putting you under his love spell. And the smile his lips curl into when he looks at you that way has your heart melting every time.
You pulled him back down for another kiss.
The kiss so intense with passion you couldn’t even feel the cold you both are still laying in.
Adrian pulled back.
“See? The holidays don’t have to be bad.” He said with a proud smile stroking your hair.
You roll your eyes, “Yeah I guess this year is different since you’re around.” You say smiling back.
He booped your nose again and stood up pulling you along with him.
“Let’s go home and take a nice hot shower. Then, hot chocolate while watching some holiday movies! Starting with Christmas Vacation!” He said gleefully.
You walked side by side as he held your waist to make way towards the Sebring. He pulled you in tight against him to keep you warm, and to make sure you didn’t slip.
“And by hot shower I mean together.” He whispered into your ear.
“Of course.” You said booping his nose.
So Leota was right, you found your holiday spirit. This was how your Christmases were going to be from now on…
A little bit of second hand multi-cultural decoration, a side of alcohol with the 11th Street Kids, and a little nonsexual tussle with Adrian to get you to make snow angels mixed with sexual tussling after some hot chocolate.
This was the beginning of your Christmas tradition with Adrian, and now you will always have a reason to look forward to the holiday’s thanks all of them.
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platypanthewriter · 4 years
Yuletide fic 3/5
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Part One/Two/Three/Four/Five Read them as I post here, or all at once in Ao3 under peterqpan
As everyone stared at the trays and trays of popcorn balls, then down at their caramelly fingers, Joyce drew Hopper away.  
Billy watched her wave her hands around as she talked to him in a low voice, and he frowned at Steve, then, for some reason, at Billy.  Billy set his jaw, glaring back, and Hopper laughed, shaking his head.  Steve stared Billy in the eye and slid one of his caramel fingers in his mouth, and Billy swiveled away to wash his hands as Hopper braced his feet to yell.
“Who wants to make Christmas cookies,” he called out.  “El!”
“Me!” she shouted back, from the front room, and then there came a rapid thumping as she ran back to the kitchen.  
“What’s happening,” Steve whispered again, as Dustin grabbed their popcorn balls, and trotted into the front room.
Billy thought of a few responses, like everybody’s trying to decorate your damn tree, and you bought so many groceries Mrs. Henderson screamed into her hands, and bit his lips together.  “They’re having a good time,” he said finally.  “Max put on the Jackson 5, Will’s making snowflakes.”
Steve watched his face uncertainly, and Billy sighed, elbowing him.  
“They don’t have to be here.”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded, laughing unsteadily.  
“They want to be here,” Billy stressed, and Steve nodded, biting back a smile.
“You two delinquents helping us make cookies?” Joyce said, stepping between their chairs.  She hugged both their heads to her stomach, while Steve stared into Billy’s eyes like he was having a heart attack.  “Say cheese,” she said, and Billy felt himself flush at the idea of a photo of he and Steve with Joyce Byers’ arms around their heads.  Jonathan took a few, and Joyce let go and yanked them up by the shoulders to mix, and measure, and get two separate mixing bowls of cookies going, while Hopper and Mrs. Henderson made frosting.  
“I haven’t got any cutting-out thingies,” Steve confessed suddenly, and Hopper snorted.  
“That’s what knives are for,” said Mrs. Henderson, her cheer making the line even creepier, and Billy rolled his eyes, and started cutting out fold-and-cut paper doll chains to use as stencils.  
“Oh, leave those two together,” said Joyce, leaning over Billy’s shoulder, as he started to cut two gingerbread men apart.  “They’re friends.  We’ll put them up as pairs.  Let them hold hands.  You boys can each decorate your own set.”
Billy froze, his cheeks flushing, and Steve dropped the bowl he was mixing, so it clattered against the counter.  “O-okay,” Billy whispered, under his breath, and she patted his shoulder, shouting for the kids to all come and cut out cookies.  
The kitchen turned into a stampede, so Billy tugged Steve out, pulling him into the front room where the TV was playing static in front of a stack of Christmas videotapes, and the enormous tree was actually looking good, decked out with yards of paper chain in alternating red and white, gleaming popcorn balls bigger than Billy’s fists, and Will’s intricate snowflakes.  
“Holy shit,” Steve mumbled, staring up at it, and sliding his fingers between Billy’s to give them a squeeze.  “It...it looks so good.”  He looked a little...adrift, Billy thought, and he glanced back towards the kitchen to make sure they had no witnesses before pulling Steve and his sweater closer, and giving him a tight hug and soft kiss under the Christmas tree.  
He was squishier than usual, in the sweater, and Billy squeezed harder, until Steve huffed a laugh, humming tunelessly against Billy’s lips.  “Love you so much,” Steve whispered, still sounding a little bewildered, and Billy gave him one last squeeze before tugging his hand away, and clearing his throat.  It felt raw.  
“You—you wanna put on one of your Christmas movies,” Billy asked, and Steve grimaced down at the pile.  
“Uh,” he said, and Billy bent to pick up Silent Night, Bloody Night, The Little Drummer Boy, and Black Christmas, subtitled If This Picture Doesn’t Make Your Skin Crawl...It’s On Too Tight.  “Honestly the scariest one there is Little Drummer Boy,” Steve said, sliding an arm around Billy’s waist.  “He hates all humans and wants them to die.”
“Is it because they keep making him play that damn song?” Billy asked, eyeing it, and Steve pressed a warm kiss to his cheek.  Billy heard a click, and spun them in their socks on the hardwood floor to look at the door to the kitchen.  
Jonathan was standing there.  He opened his mouth just as Dustin walked in, humming, and Jonathan swallowed, and grabbed the light-up snowman off the floor.  “Thought I’d...put this by the door,” he mumbled, and Billy narrowed his eyes.
“Did he take a picture?” Billy asked under his breath.  
Steve bit his lips, clenching his hands on Billy’s arms.  “...even if he doesn’t tell anyone, he’ll probably leave it around the photo lab for anyone to see, just like he fucking did with Nancy.”
“I can only carry so many popcorn balls,” Dustin yelled into the kitchen, from around the other side of the tree, and more feet followed.
“I can go feed him his camera,” Billy offered in a whisper.  “Shove it down his—”
“No, no,” Steve groaned.  “He’s dating Nancy, I can’t—and he’s here for Christmas, we can’t kill him.”
“You always act like I murder six guys before breakfast,” Billy muttered, and Steve snorted a laugh.
“That’s on the sixth day of Christmas,” he whispered back, and Billy covered a snigger, trying to lean and see into the kitchen.
“On the first day of murder, my true love gave to me/a dead camera creep shoved into my tree.  On the second day of murder—”
“See if you can get him alone,” Billy said under his breath, just as Will popped up next to him, and Steve backed away.
“I’m sleeping under the tree,” Will breathed, dwarfed by the massive pillar of lights and ornaments.  
“Me too,” El announced, and Hopper frowned.  
“Oh, are you, now?” he asked her, and she nodded firmly, eyes wide and pleading.
“I wanna stay too,” Dustin said, throwing an arm around Will.  He then stuck his tongue out at Lucas.  “You gotta get home, I bet?”
“Shut up,” said Lucas, folding his arms and setting his jaw.  
“I’m...staying too,” said Max, and Billy turned to see her glaring at the tree, her fists clenched at her sides.  
“Good thing there’re enough sleeping bags,” Steve said, squeezing Billy’s shoulder, and Billy wondered what face he’d made, at the news his step-sister wanted to spend Christmas at Steve Harrington’s, without Lucas.  
“Are there?” Dustin’s mom asked.  “Maybe we should go home, honey, I didn’t bring all the—”
“I’ll sleep naked!” Dustin declared, and everyone yelled “ew”, and “gross”, and “dude!”  
“...let’s get our pajamas,” his mom told him, and he blinked at her, then beamed.  
“Pajama party!” yelled El, high-fiving Will, and Billy glanced at Steve to see him nearly hovering off the floor with excitement.  
“There’s hot chocolate,” Billy’s dingus boyfriend shouted over the noise.  “We can stay up and tell stories!” 
“Bring more sleeping bags,” Billy whispered to Dustin, who grinned up at him—and then Billy saw Max creeping off to the phone, and dialling, turning her body away and plugging her ear to listen to the receiver.  
“Man,” Lucas sighed, folding his arms behind his head.  “I wanna stay, too.”
“You should,” Steve told him, and Billy rolled his eyes.  
 “Okay!” said Joyce, “Um, Hopper, and Steve, and Billy, and uh, Jonathan, um—”
Mrs. Henderson laughed, following Joyce and all the non-children into the garage.  
“Everyone’s very excited,” Joyce said, grimacing at Steve, “—but are there enough places to sleep?”
“You and Mrs. Henderson could sleep in my parent’s room,” Steve told her, squeezing Billy’s wrist with both hands.  “And there’s a guest room, and my room.  We can use sleeping bags—”
“The kids can zip them together,” suggested Hopper.  “Sardine a few of ‘em in there.”
“I brought the Santa presents for Will,” Joyce whispered, as Billy closed the door after the crowd of grown-ups.  “I’ll set those up tonight, if—if they ever go to sleep—”
“I brought El’s,” Hopper nodded, and Mrs. Henderson shrugged.  
“I’ll pick Dustin’s up.”
“Max?” Steve asked, looking at Billy, and he shrugged.  
“No clue, she said she was staying with Lucas.”
“We can’t ask Lucas,” Steve hissed, like Santa secrecy was an issue of national defense, and Billy held his breath for a second, afraid of what he might say, he so desperately wanted to kiss Steve Harrington’s stupid face.
“Max, uh, she called somebody,” Billy told them.  “She’s probably...figuring it out.”
“Where are your presents,” Steve asked, suddenly, and Billy snorted, grinning at him.
“The fuck are yours, genius?”
They both realized at the same time they were surrounded by parents, and looked back at the wide-eyed, frowning faces of Hopper, Mrs. Henderson, and Joyce Byers, who all looked tongue-tied, and Jonathan Byers, who looked like he was feeling awkward as hell.
“Look,” Steve said to them, “—you cooked my food and decorated my tree—”
“You brought Christmas to this lonely house,” Billy intoned, pressing his hands together in prayer, his eyes raised to the roof of the garage, and Steve elbowed him hard in the side as Jonathan covered a laugh.  “Blessings on you, every one,” Billy wheezed, clutching his side, and Steve smacked his head, laughing.  
“Shut up!  I’m serious—”
“You could let him dress up as Santa,” Billy threw out the suggestion, eyeing his boyfriend dryly.  “I bet he’d cry from happiness.”
“I would not,” Steve hissed.  “They’d recognize me.  And that hat would cover my best feature.”
“Thank you for having us,” said Joyce, grabbing Steve’s hands.  
“Uh, no problem!” he laughed a little too jovially, his eyes wide and startled.  “Uh, ho ho ho!”
“Oh my god,” Billy sighed.  “Idiot.”
“If we’re upstairs, we might need them to put the Santa presents out,” Hopper said, and Steve brightened.  
“We could do that.”
“El’s old for it,” Hopper grimaced, clearing his throat, “—but I was thinking of the whole thing, the—leave the note for Santa, and the...you know, the cookie crumbs.”  He looked kind of...depressed about it, but he smiled back at the garage door and El.  
Steve made a noise like an over-full teakettle, spewing steam, and Billy smacked his back, hard.   “No, no no, she’s not,” Steve coughed, glaring at Billy, and steepled his hands, eyes narrowed.  “She’s not too old, she’s never had Christmas, right?  I knew somebody that rang bells outside.  For Santa.  Those kids were convinced—”
“Oh my god,” Billy groaned into his hands, feeling his tired smile muscles protest again.   Dingus, he thought, helplessly.  He reached out, then pulled his arm back, remembering that in front of everyone wasn’t the time to yank Steve into a kiss.  
He left the rest of them whispering about presents, and wandered back into the kitchen, face-first into a wall of cookie smells, to find the whole scout troop eating peanut butter with spoons, staring into the oven.  
“F’mell fo good,” El whispered, and Dustin, Lucas, and Will started telling her about their Christmases.
Max was leaning well back, in the doorway to the front room, and she shot a glance at Billy, then glanced at them, raising her eyebrows.  
Billy snorted, sidling up so she was just out of arm’s reach.  She relaxed when he stopped, and he folded his arms, turning to lean against the wall.  “...you know if these idiots believe in Santa Claus?” he asked, under his breath.
She turned her head to stare witheringly.  “They’re not babies,” she hissed back.
“Yeah,” Billy nodded.  “...the sheriff wants to do a little-kid Santa thing for El.  Y’know, cookie crumbs.”
Max squinted at him, wrinkling her nose for emphasis.  “...the fuck do you care,” she asked in a low voice, and Billy licked his teeth, slowly, thinking.  “...Steve’s into it,” Max guessed, and he felt his cheeks heat, and wanted to tell her to shut the hell up, but he took a deep breath.  
“You gonna help, or what,” he asked, keeping his eyes on Lucas, who was talking about his then-toddler sister telling a white girl that she was just sugar and flour, instead of being brown and spicy like gingerbread, and Will was laughing, while El looked a little confused.  
“You wanna trick El into believing in Santa,” Max said, raising her eyebrows at Billy.  “You want her to get beat up in school?”
“No,” Billy winced.  “No, no, just…”
“Fine,” she sighed.  “I’ll tell the guys.  We can be Santa...agnostic.  Make it good, though, I’m not looking like a moron over some half-eaten carrots.”
“Right,” Billy nodded, turned away—he could feel Max’s stare between his shoulder blades, and felt his shoulders hunching—and he slipped back into the garage.  “Max will help,” he said, and everybody frowned at him.  He felt his cheeks heating, and desperately wanted to turn back around and leave, or maybe get in his car, and drive to California.  “...help you to...convince El there’s a...Santa,” he forced out, and Steve lit up as Hopper blinked and smirked, and Joyce and Claudia Henderson grinned.
“Wait, what,” said Jonathan.
“She says to make it good, she’s not gonna look dumb over half-eaten carrots,” Billy repeated dutifully, and Joyce covered what looked like a snicker.  
Fuck you, he thought, but Steve was already turning to Hopper with a serious expression.  “What about the woodstove?  How’s Santa gonna get down the—”  
“Knew a guy once,” Hopper said, crossing his arms with a frown, “—he took his biggest boots, stuck ‘em in the ashes, and made some prints in front of the stove.”
“Oh, that’s good,” Steve breathed.  “We gotta get that thing lit.”
Billy stared over, listening with disbelief to his boyfriend trying to figure out how Santa managed stovepipes.  He was beginning to wonder if Steve Harrington believed in Santa.
“I can tell Will,” said Jonathan, shooting a suspicious glance at Billy, who shrugged, stepping away from the door to let him get by.  
 “There are jingly bells in one of the boxes,” Steve announced.  “Shake them outside—”
“Y’know, if you tossed those car chains on the roof,” Billy said, “—let ‘em slide down, it’d sound like a sleigh, maybe.  Get it down with a ladder later.  They’d never know in the dark.”
Joyce looked a little bewildered, but Hopper’s eyes widened, and he clapped a hand on Billy’s shoulder.  “Keep talking,” he said intently.  Billy wanted to flinch away, and knew he was supposed to stay still, so he kept his knees locked, swallowing.  His ears rang a little.
“The—the chains,” he repeated numbly.  “Sir,” and Hopper lifted his hand away, then patted Billy's arm, frowning.  Steve came up and threw an arm around him, and Billy tried not lean into him too obviously.
"...actually, I got something else you could help me with, kiddo," Hopper said, and Billy nodded automatically.  Joyce reached out and squeezed his arm, and he wondered how obvious he was, him sweating like a pussy in the cold air of the garage.  "The kids are gonna know all our handwriting.  I need a Santa note for El."
"Yeah," Billy nodded, trying to focus on Hopper's words, and not the garage, where the crowbar was so close to Hopper's hand. 
"I want Santa to apologize for not finding her at the labs," said Hopper, his jaw working, and Steve's hand on Billy's arm jerked as Claudia and Joyce winced.  "Tell her he tried."
"Oh shit, yeah," Billy snorted.  "Where the hell has he been, if he's not a shithead."  Steve squeezed him, smirking, and Billy took a deep breath.  "Just tell me what you want me to write."
"Atta kid," said Hopper, and Billy shoved down the stupidest part of him, the part that wanted to write Hopper thirty notes in a row, and hear 'Atta kid' every time.
"Sure," Billy said, thickly.
 “I think we can make it pretty, uh, pretty believable,” Steve said, his eyes sparkling in a way Billy resented.  Not for the first time, he wished he could kiss him when he looked like that, no matter who was watching.  “Billy and me can put the stockings up, and the presents out, and then make some noise.”
“We should encourage a snowball fight,” said Mrs. Henderson craftily.  “Get them all tuckered out.”
“Ohhhh,” said Joyce and Hopper, nodding, and Steve beamed at Billy.
He nodded back, feeling a temptation to salute, but instead he just smiled back, trying not to look too tense next to the Sheriff.  Steve came over and threw an arm around him again, squeezing him around the shoulders, and Billy looked away from his mouth before he did anything catastrophic.
“Are—” he cleared his throat, and Steve smirked.  “Are the pellets in here?  For the stove?”
“Oh," said Jonathan.  “On it.”
Just then, the door to the garage opened, and Dustin stuck his head in.  “The cookies are done!  The hell are you all doing, anyway?!”
“Figuring out where you all sleep!” Billy yelled back, and Dustin snorted, raising his eyebrows.  “Come on, Steve,” Dustin called.  “We got frosting and everything.”
Steve hauled Billy along into the kitchen, and Joyce presented them with two baked cookies from Billy’s unfolding paper doll pattern—two boys each, linked like they were holding hands.  “I want friend cookies!” El said, staring at them, and started helping Hopper roll out another batch of dough, her jaw set with concentration.
Mrs. Henderson packed some white frosting into a sandwich baggie and cut off the corner, tapping Steve on the arm and showing him how to squeeze it through in a line.  
“Whoa,” he whispered.
“I need blue for jeans,” Billy said, feeling his cheeks heat, and his heart pounding, wondering if they could honest-to-god get away with decorating boyfriend cookies in the kitchen with everyone they knew.  
“On it,” said Steve, as Dustin—apparently a Christmas cookie pro—showed Will how to do Joyce’s plaid flannel shirt.  
Billy watched Max stare at he and Steve, and then their cookies, and then look at Lucas, and roll up her sleeves, when something soft landed in his hand.  He looked down at a bag of pale blue frosting, and up to see Steve studying Billy’s mostly-unbuttoned blue button-down with a smile.  “Just a little darker,” he decided, as Billy shook his head, and began outlining the pants on his boyfriend cookie.  
Claudia and Joyce were laughing at Joyce trying to do plaid on a plain round one, and making a mess, and Steve leaned in next to Billy and started his own cookie, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth in concentration.  
It made his lips glisten, and Billy tore his eyes away, clearing his throat, to finish filling in his jean lines, drawing frosting over Steve’s naked cookie thigh, as Steve started brown curls on one of the cookie heads.  
“...gonna have to eat ‘em carefully so the hands don’t break apart,” said Mrs. Henderson, between their heads, and they both jumped half out of their skins, but she grinned, a hand on each of their outside shoulders.  “I did wait until you lifted your frosting bags,” she pointed out, and Billy nodded, wondering whether his mom’s family was prone to heart failure, because he was pretty sure he’d almost died, thinking about slipping his boyfriend slowly into his mouth as he filled blue frosting in the fly of Steve’s cookie jeans.
“Y-yeah,” Billy mumbled, and she put her hands on their heads, ruffling their hair before going to help Will do his mom’s face.  
“Put me in a yellow sweater,” Steve whispered.  “I’m hot as hell in yellow.”
“Do it yourself,” Billy muttered, squeezing green food coloring from an old, easter-themed box they’d found next to the pipe over the stove vent.  “You’re wearing green, I’m piping it green.”  He filled it in slowly down Steve’s cookie stomach, covering where Steve shivered when Billy slid his hands up his boyfriend’s clothes.  Next to him, the sweater on the actual Steve Harrington still smelled like the Christmas tree lot, and like he’d been kissing Billy in the garage against a car.
Joyce wandered up next to him, leaning in, and Billy stopped, waiting for her assessment.  “Very nice,” she said, smiling, and Billy registered Hopper watching them, frowning down at the cookies, and narrowing his eyes.  He stared back, feeling his heart start pounding again, but Hopper gave his head a quick jerky shake and turned back to El.  Billy leaned against the counter, trembling, and Joyce put an arm around him.  
“What’s wrong, kiddo?” she whispered, glancing over her shoulder, and Billy shook his head, stepping a little further from where Steve’s jeans pressed against his side.  
Billy shook his head again, wishing he wasn’t such a pussy, jumping at every noise.  He started filling in Steve’s sweatered cookie arms.  He wanted to drag Steve back in the garage and feel them again, squeezing him until he felt...better, but there were a million people in the house that could burst in on them, and find out, so he worked on his cookie, and remembered to breathe.  
He slowed down as he filled in Steve’s cookie sneakers.  He’d never thought much about Steve’s shoes before, but he imagined touching them too, maybe dragging Steve around the house, and laughing at his yells.  Dragging him under the Christmas tree, and peeling him out of the jeans, and the sweater, and feeling his skin as he breathed.
Billy tried to turn his body so nobody’d see how hard he was in his jeans, frosting cookies.  He grabbed the brown Steve had used—there was plenty—and tried to do the swoopy thing Steve’s hair did, as Steve carefully drew the crooked line down Billy’s cookie-chest that his shirt made, open nearly to his bellybutton.  He glanced up with a smirk that said he knew exactly what Billy was thinking, and ran the frosting up Billy’s cookie sides, smiling, as Billy wondered what was wrong with you if you jizzed in your pants making cookies.  
Lucas and Max were cutting out hand-holding cookies of each other too, and Billy set his jaw, but Max threw an arm around El, and said “Let’s do friend cookies, like them,” and El nodded.  Max didn’t look over, but Billy took a slow relieved breath.
Billy’s cookie-self on his own cookie was naked, and if they’d been alone, he’d have frosted on hair and a big cock, but he sighed, and put on pants and a shirt.  His frosting hair made him look like a poodle, but he shrugged at the final result, risking a glance at Steve’s.  
Steve glanced up, smiling, and drew a heart in his yellow frosting sweater, then filled in around and inside it to blend it in.  Billy bit back a smile, shaking his head, and watched him—his frown of concentration, the smear of green on his cheek, even though he hadn’t even used the green, and his forearms bared by his rolled-up sleeves, his hands gentle on the frosting bag.  It was squishing out the back of the bag over his thumb, and Billy reached over and wiped it away before it landed and messed up Steve’s cookie, sticking it in his mouth without thinking.  He swished the buttery sweetness around in his mouth, and thought about what it would taste like to kiss.
Will’s Joyce cookie had a cute face, so Billy leaned back to hiss at Claudia Henderson, and she did the faces for him too.  Cookie-Billy was looking at Steve, and Billy glanced at her face, but she just hummed along with John Denver and the Muppets and drew Steve’s face in, smiling back at Billy.  
“...thanks,” Billy told her, and she smiled and patted his hand, wandering over to help Max with an overabundance of cookie candy canes.
“They’re cute,” Steve whispered, at their two sets of boyfriends.  He’d done his own faces, and Billy had a goofy little frown on his face that cookie-Steve was smiling at, but then Billy felt Steve’s fingers locking with his between their thighs and the cupboard, and he took a shaky breath, squeezing back.
“Next year we’ll do a lil’ heart between them,” Steve said under his breath, and Billy laughed, a little too loud and uneven.
“Kid,” said Hopper, dropping a heavy hand on his shoulder.  “Smoke break.”
 Hopper led the way out of the kitchen, noisily grabbing his coat and yanking his boots on in the hall, and Billy thought for a moment he might piss himself right there in the kitchen, unable to walk or breathe.  
“I’ll help Steve put ribbons on them to hang,” Joyce said cheerily, and Steve frowned from her to Billy, biting his lip, as Billy stood, staring at his cookie, his gorge rising.  
Hopper leaned back in the kitchen.  “Come on, son,” he said, and Billy kept his knees locked, and then forced himself a step around, and another towards the door.  
“...best spot is right there by the windows,” said Steve, pointing, and leaning to lock eyes with Billy.  “You can see the tree!  Where I can see you.”
Billy nodded, a little of the weight he felt lessening at the thought of Steve watching him from the window.  Somebody shoved him forward, and he staggered out to the entryway, and pulled on his shoes.  He ducked around Hopper and jogged outside, blowing on his fingers and staying at least ten feet ahead as he trotted around to where Steve had pointed, and Steve knocked on the window, waving.  The chill air felt even colder against the sweat suddenly sheening his whole body, and he clenched his moist hands, shivering.
“Talked to your dad a few times when you folks moved to town,” said Hopper, and Billy made a weird noise in his throat, and shut his mouth.  Hopper pulled a cigarette out and lit up, but he didn’t come any closer, and Billy realized he hadn’t remembered his smokes.  
“Shit,” he muttered, patting his back pocket, then rubbing his arms.  “Sir.  Yeah?”
“He said you were a troublemaker,” said Hopper, and Billy wondered what to do, if Hopper warned him off Steve.  He was thinking so hard about where to hide his car, he missed some of what Hopper was saying.  “...started fights, drove drunk.”
“Yes sir,” Billy whispered, automatically, and Hopper took a long drag off his cigarette.
“That’s not the kid I’m seeing,” he said, and Billy swallowed, shifting his feet.  Both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ sounded like he was arguing, somehow, and while he tried to figure out what he was supposed to say, Hopper went on.  “Helping Steve put up his tree.  Heard you rescued Joyce Byers.”
“I just found her,” Billy said, the possible things Hopper might do whirling a little less in front of his mind’s eye the longer they stood.  His brain couldn’t help spiralling a little at the idea of Hopper grabbing him by the shirt, and shoving him just a few feet away into the deep end of the empty pool.   It has a shallow end, he told himself.   I could get out.  The snow crunched under his feet, and he glanced back at the house to see Steve watching, and in the front room, Will and Lucas hanging cookies on the tree.  “She, uh, Mrs. Byers.  She said she didn’t have power.”
“You’re helping with El,” Hopper said, and Billy waited, raising his eyebrows.  “...I think you’re an alright kid,” Hopper went on, and Billy nearly burst out laughing in disbelief, when Hopper said “—you and Steve,” with weird emphasis, and Billy froze again, his eyes stinging from more than the cold wind.  “I think you and Steve are okay,” he said again, stressing it, as the light from the house illuminated his intent face.  “I don’t think anybody should be giving you a hard time.”
“What,” Billy croaked, stumbling back a step, only able to parse that Hopper knew, he’d seen, and Hopper sighed, and blew out a cloud of smoke.  
“Take a breath,” Hopper told him, and Billy did, shakily.  “I don’t care what your dad or anybody else says,” he said, and Billy nodded, swallowing hard.  “You’re an alright kid, in my book.  You and Steve.”
“Okay,” Billy said, a weird creak, because his voice wasn’t working.  
“Atta kid,” said Hopper, holding his hand out, and Billy slowly stepped towards him, feeling stupid, like a curious cat.  Hopper squeezed his arm when he got close enough, patting his back.  “Let’s get inside.  Let your friend Steve give you the damn heart cookie he cut out.”
“He made me a damn heart cookie,” Billy repeated, numbly, and Hopper patted his shoulder again, pushing him towards the house.  
“Yep.  Get inside, sport.”
“Jesus,” Billy whispered under his breath, and Hopper’s big hand tapped his back again as they walked through the door, and squeezed his shoulder, but it was gentle.  Careful, Billy thought, glancing back to see Hopper’s tired frown.  
“You need anything, you let me know,” he said, and Billy nodded like a marionette, his head bobbing on its own.  
Steve grabbed his hand before he even got his shoes all the way off, and drug him over to hang their big, fragile, hand-holding cookies on the tree, and Billy hung his way up, out of the reach of the kids.  “You okay?” Steve whispered, and Billy nodded, wiping his eyes.  
“He said, uh,” he cleared his throat again.  “It’s fine.  He knows.  It’s fine.  Jesus.”  Steve blinked, and put at arm around him, leaning their heads together.
The room was warm, with the pellet stove finally kicking in, and Steve’s sweatered arm around his shoulders.  Steve bumped their shoulders together, smiling up at the tree, and Billy reached over and wiped the frosting off his boyfriend’s chin with his thumb.  He stuck it in his mouth, and Steve watched, biting his lips together.  
Somebody knocked, and Billy pulled away to get the front door, reminding himself not to lean in, and let Steve Harrington kiss him until no taste of frosting remained.  He cleared his throat, opening the door on a tiny person in a pink coat and braids sticking out everywhere.  “Where’s Lucas,” she asked bluntly, glaring up at him, and Billy felt his lips thin.  
“Lucas!” he yelled.  “There’s an elf here for you!”
“What?!” Lucas yelled back, leaning his head around the corner with the stove, and the little girl sighed, putting her hands on her hips.  
“Mom wants you back home, unless you got a good bribe.”
“...I got cookies,” he said, brightening, and her eyes narrowed.  
“Buy you maybe an hour,” she said, arms crossed in the open doorway, and Billy covered a laugh.  
“Get out of the door,” he told her, and she sighed melodramatically, stomping out of the doorway to pull her boots off.  
“Better be good cookies!” she hollered, fingers cupped around her mouth.
“There are a bunch that broke,” Max said, popping an arm in her mouth.  Dustin and Will were decorating the body parts and hanging them on the tree, but every so often Max slid a hand down and grabbed one.  She grabbed a “bloodied” frosted torso as Billy walked in, and stuck it in Lucas’ mouth, and he grinned around it as she hugged him from behind.
Next chapter
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vipclifford · 4 years
Wildflower - Chapter 2
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here’s the previous chapter
Soulmate AU where things in your life appear as flowers tattooed on your skin, each with their own meaning.
Calum inspected his newly acquired bloom in the mirror the next morning. It was small in size, which was good despite the fact that the bright blue petals made his skin look bruised. He rubbed frustratedly at the flower in hopes to make it go away, but that only made the petunia stand out more against his reddened skin. His actions were futile and he knew it. He pulled his shirt down in anger before storming out of the bathroom, unwilling to stare at the reflection of a cursed man a second longer.
He hated the fact that a stranger he had met twice had managed to mark his skin with such ease. He hated the fact that of all people, Calum was forced to associate his bloom with Rory, the girl he could only describe as a bitch. Because she was a bitch. He hated the fact that his body now housed two undesirable blooms.
Duke’s paws padded against the wooden floorboards as he made his way over to Calum, nudging his dad’s calf with his furry head to remind him that it was time for his daily walk. He crouched down to stroke the dog’s head, a gentle smile tugging at his lips for the first time that day. A walk could do them good.
The park was busier than usual, presumably to do with the fact that a small Christmas market had established itself there for the duration of the month. The smell of cinnamon and chocolate lured Calum closer to the stands that each year he fought hard to avoid. Maybe it was because he missed home, but Calum was always reluctant to embrace the wintertime Christmas culture. It made him feel like he was losing the person he used to be.
Calum remembers his first Christmas away from home.
He was staying in London with his four best friends, excitement in their eyes as they watched snowflakes fall for the first time in their lives. Christmas carols were playing in the background to get them in the yuletide mood; the roast dinner smelled amazing and multiple gifts were tucked neatly beneath the Christmas tree.
But everything felt so wrong to Calum as he sat down to eat his dinner. The fact that the sun had set at 4pm and that the temperature outside was below zero felt wrong. The fact that his usual barbecue had been replaced by a roasted chicken felt wrong. The fact that he was trapped inside a thick jumper when Calum was used to spending a shirtless day by the pool also felt wrong. All he could think about was his family, spending Christmas day in the sun as God intended. And it was that very day, at that very dinner table, that Calum bloomed a sprig of golden wattle on his forearm. The spirit of the Australian people.
He wrapped his coat tighter around his torso as he searched the makeshift aisles for the hot chocolate stand. The market was filled to the brim with children running around, racing each other to see who could reach the small grotto first to meet Santa. Calum smiled to himself as he noticed the excitement on their faces, ecstatic to meet the man who supposedly left them gifts every year.
The smell of chocolate became stronger and stronger with every step he took until Calum was finally standing in front of the place he was looking for. The hot chocolate stand.
“Hi Calum,” said the person he least wanted to see at that moment, standing across the wooden counter with a small smile on her lips. Rory.
He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the odds of meeting her here. “What can I get you?”
“Medium hot chocolate,” he grumbled.
Calum stared at the ground as she prepared his drink, hoping to minimise their interaction as much as possible. She placed his drink on the counter but when he went to grab it, Rory pulled it away from his grasp. “Can I help you?” he muttered in confusion at her antics.
“It’s on the house if we could have a quick chat,” Rory said somewhat hopefully.
Calum pulled out the money that was due from his wallet and placed it upon the counter, pushing it slightly towards her with an unamused expression. “In that case, I’m even more inclined to pay.”
“In that case, I’m not giving you a choice. We’re having a chat,” Rory told him with determination, pushing the five dollar bill back towards him. She told her coworker she was talking her break before leaving from the side of the stall, Calum’s hot chocolate gripped between her fingers.
Calum released a frustrated sigh as he tucked the green note back into his wallet before following behind her. His hands scrunched up into fists as he thought about things he hated. Rory, the fact that he was following Rory like a whipped fool and Michael for indirectly putting him in this situation in the first place.
She sat down at a bench and waited for him to join her before speaking.
“I think I should apologise for whatever happened last night. I don’t actually know what you bloomed but you’re clearly pissed off at me so I wanted to say sorry,” Rory explained, watching as Calum unhooked the leash from Duke’s collar to let the dog run around freely. “I’m sorry.”
Calum took a long sip of his drink and fuck did it taste as good as it smelled. Rory took his silence as a hint that he still didn’t want to talk.
“You were right, you know? I was never validated as a child. Mommy never complimented my drawings. Daddy never came to any of my ballet recitals. But I wasn’t bullied for my bra size, thank you very much. I was bullied for the yellow carnations on my back.” Disappointment. The universe had deemed her a disappointment and Calum was feeling sorry for himself because of the small petunia on his hip. Calum’s angry bloom suddenly didn’t seem so bad. “So yeah, I’ve got an inferiority complex and I’m a bitch. But I’m a bitch that’s sorry.”
“I don’t need your apology,” he mocked, keeping a straight face. “Your words can’t change what happened, they do literally nothing to help me.” Calum held back a teasing smile when he saw Rory roll her eyes playfully from the corner of his.
“Touché,” she commended, tightening her ponytail. “What did you bloom?”
“Why do you work at the Christmas market?”
“I’m volunteering.”
“How selfless of you,” Calum nodded, not quite expecting that response from Rory. Duke ran back towards the bench and hopped onto Calum’s lap, muddy paws dirtying his jeans. “Fucking hell, Duke,” he sighed, placing his drink beside him before lowering Duke onto the ground. He grimaced at the sight of his trousers, hands trying to wipe the dirt off of his jeans.
“He’s a good boy,” Rory remarked with a playful tone, watching Calum hook the leash back onto Duke’s collar.
“The goodest boy,” he affirmed, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He picked up his drink as he stood up, holding it out in the air to draw Rory’s attention to the cup. “So, we’re good? I don’t owe you anything?”
Rory shook her head, tucking her hands into the pockets of her coat as she stood up. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“Happy New Year!” greeted Calum as he let the friends of his friends flood into his home, ready to drink into the next year with semi-familiar faces.
Calum was hosting the New Years Eve party this year with his roommate Roy. Over the past three years, Calum and his band mates had taken turns throwing the annual celebration and this time the responsibility had fallen onto his lap. Calum didn’t mind though. New Year’s Eve felt the same wherever he was in the world, and Calum wasn’t one to turn down any excuse to party.
The speakers blasted classics through the decades, bouncing from one hit to the next for hours on end. LEDs lit the apartment in colours ranging from red to green to blue as he bounced to the rhythm of the music with his friends.
“I’m going out for a smoke,” he told Luke who shook his head incredulously at him, lips tilting upwards when his tipsy boyfriend began pressing kisses to his cheek.
“Weren’t you going to quit?” Luke yelled over the music, arms wrapping around Adrian’s neck to pull him closer. And then they were kissing, lost in their own little world before Calum got a chance to reply.
A small part of Calum envied them. He envied the forget-me-nots that covered the skin of Luke’s shoulder blade, matching the ones on Adrian’s hand. He envied the way they held each other softly, lovingly, like the only thing that mattered to them in that moment was the man in their arms. Calum longed to feel that way about someone. He yearned to have what they had.
Roy yelled that there were fifteen seconds left until midnight, turning down the music to let his voice be heard, and soon enough the whole apartment was counting down the remaining seconds. Calum was glad Roy had interrupted his envious thoughts before a jealous hydrangea bloomed on his forehead.
Excitement bubbled in Calum’s chest as he thought of the year ahead, happy that at least he’d be starting it off right; drunk and surrounded by all of his friends.
So much can change in a year.
His eyes met Rory’s across the room as they pronounced the last number and the clock struck twelve. Surrounding couples joined their lips together while the rest of the room erupted into cheers. It was only when Luke and Adrian wrapped their arms around him, excitedly yelling ‘Happy New Year!’, did Calum come out of his daze.
“Happy New Year guys, I love you,” Calum grinned, embracing his two friends back. He playfully rolled his eyes as they mocked his words of affection before going to find his other friends to wish them the same thing.
“You came,” he noted, somewhat surprised when he found Rory up on the roof terrace, leaning on the metallic railing beside her. She gave him a quick nod while she blew out a cloud of smoke.
“Michael invited me. You don’t mind, right?” Calum shook his head, hand reaching out to grab the cigarette she offered him.
“It’s New Years, anyone is welcome here tonight,” he smiled softly before taking a drag. “Happy New Year, by the way.”
“Happy New Year,” Rory repeated as she reclaimed the cigarette, fingers almost brushing against his during the exchange. Almost. “Any resolutions?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” he shrugged, brows furrowing when he heard the music turn off downstairs. “Excuse me,” Calum muttered as he made his way back down to the party.
Everyone appeared annoyed despite their inebriated state, trudging their legs towards the front door. Calum pushed past his guests to reach the front of the crowd, finding a policeman standing menacingly beneath the doorway.
Sounds about right, he thought.
Calum felt helpless as he watched his friends flood out of his home. His neighbours just had to file enough noise complaints to shut his party down, one hour into New Year’s day. They just had to ruin his first glimpse at the new year, tainting the months ahead with a feeling of dread. If the first hour had been bad, Calum didn’t want to know what else was coming his way.
He eventually walked back into his living room, confused when he saw Rory frantically searching for something around the room. Calum leaned against the door frame, watching her with an intrigued expression. “You alright?” Calum questioned, turning on the normal lights to brighten up the place.
“I can’t find my fucking jacket,” she complained as she retraced her steps a third time. “Both my phone and my keys are in there.”
Calum looked around the apartment with Rory for wherever it could’ve been misplaced, the pair of them ending up empty handed.
“I’ll ask around, it should turn up tomorrow if anyone’s got it. Do you have a way to get back home? Or to get in?”
“Uh, yeah, I live around six blocks from here and I’ve got a key tucked into a top secret hiding spot just in case. So, uh, see you next time.”
“I’m walking you home,” Calum stated, already making his way to the hallway where he could grab his coat and keys. Rory chased behind him speaking words of disapproval, telling him over and over that she would be fine on her own, that she didn’t need him to protect her. “You can’t change my mind, Rory,” Calum said pointedly, opening the front door. “I’m walking you home.”
“At least make me a hot chocolate for the road.”
They found themselves in his kitchen a few minutes later, countertops filled with spilt whiskey and empty beer cans. Rory managed to find a clean spot she could hoist herself onto as Calum carefully read the instructions at the back of the packaging. His curls covered his forehead, trying their hardest to reach his eyes but failing.
“Did you forget how to make it, or what?” Rory teased.
“I just want to get it right.”
A warm mug of hot chocolate eventually made its way into Rory’s hands who hummed in delight after the first sip.
“Task completed successfully.”
There was an air of awkwardness surrounding the pair as they walked down the barely lit streets, sodium lampposts painting what little they saw around them yellow. Music could be heard from the windows of apartments nearby and Calum did all but curse their neighbours for not getting their parties shut down as well.
“I think that my New Year resolution is to work out more,” said Calum, answering the question she posed at the rooftop in hopes to interrupt the silence.
“That’s such a shit resolution,” Rory snorted with a soft shake to her head. “It’s up there with quitting chocolate and procrastination. It’s the kind of standard goal that boring people set themselves because they have no true aspirations.” Calum rolled his eyes playfully at her words, kicking the can that was resting in his path.
“What does an interesting person like you choose for their New Years resolution, then? I need inspiration since apparently I’m so boring.”
“Can’t tell you or else it won’t come true,” she shrugged, tone nonchalant.
“It’s not a birthday wish,” he said incredulously, concentrating on not letting Rory kick the metallic can away from him. “Or are you too ashamed to admit that you’re boring too?”
“I guess we’ll never know,” she replied, a mischievous smile on her lips once she finally managed to kick the can onto the parallel road.
Calum was forced to face the adjacent door to Rory’s apartment once they reached it, not allowed to find out where she kept hidden her secret key.
The place was small, though it was also the perfect size for a person living alone. Paintings of flower-covered skin filled every inch of her walls. The colourful petals looked vibrant against drawings of shoulders and ribcages, standing out beautifully against flesh of different tones. Calum took a few fascinated steps closer to study the artwork, astounded by the realism and detail.
“You’re an artist?” Calum asked, turning his head away from the wildflowers on the wall.
“Aspiring artist,” clarified Rory, stepping towards the windows to close the curtains. “I work at a tattoo parlour though, so I still get to produce art in a way. On people, not canvases, but we’ll get there one day.”
“I’m sure you will,” Calum hummed, knowing from experience that if you really want something, it will happen. Or perhaps he was just lucky. “You’re really talented.”
“Thanks,” she murmured, throwing her hair over the chrysanthemums on her shoulder. Calum nodded politely as he took a few steps back towards the open front door. “I think I better get going.”
“Why did you walk me home?”
“What do you mean?” he questioned with a confused demeanour, hand resting on the doorknob.
“You know what I mean,” she insisted calmly, making her way to stand in front of him. Rory was tall, taller than average, and yet she still had to lift her chin up to face Calum. “Why did you walk me home?”
“Why did you let me into your apartment?” Calum challenged with a teasing grin, leaning his arm on the wooden door frame. “I only planned on walking you to the building to make sure you were safe, but you insisted on me making sure I took you to the door. You also asked me to make you a hot chocolate.”
“What are you trying to say?” she spoke almost menacingly, though there was a playful layer wrapped around her voice.
“I think those were all tactics to spend time with me,” he explained cheekily, mischief in his eyes. “You like me.”
“I do not,” Rory huffed, horror painted on her every feature.
“I’m only teasing,” Calum chuckled softly, stepping backwards into the hallway. Rory rolled her eyes at him, clearly unamused. “This was fun,” he admitted, tucking his hands into the pockets of his coat. “We should do it again sometime.”
“In your dreams, Hood.”
The sun was beginning to rise as he walked the empty streets, occasionally walking past a drunk group of friends that made their way back home after a wild night. Calum felt the familiar tingle on the back of his calf, waiting a few nervous seconds to see the new bloom upon his skin. It was a lotus flower. New beginnings.
Calum’s lips curled into a smile as he looked down at the soft pink petals, excited for what the year had to bring.
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The Runaway Circus: Chapter 6
PAIRING: Reader x Bucky AU
Summary:  The Maximoff Circus was a band of ragtag misfits who had no place in the world around them. When a handsome stranger quite literally stumbles into their home is it a good thing to welcome a runaway into the circus?
A/N: I’m on a bit of a writing streak so I’m rolling with it and posting the next part of this series!
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Bucky didn’t realise the changing of the weather, he was helping Thor pull at the rope heaving up the big top on the circus’s first morning in Washington when he noticed the sharp prick in the back of his throat as he breathed. Six months he had been travelling with Maximoff Circus and he hadn’t realised just how much he had fitted in with the company. Utilising his strength and slightly intimidating look Pietro had Bucky in various roles within the Circus. From grunt work helping set up the tents and move performance equipment, too security stationed outside the women's train carriages. Even herding the crowds into the big top on busy nights. But the one thing Bucky loved to do was watch you perform. It didn't matter if you were flying through the air with Sam or perched in the large human-sized birdcage on your ring, situated in the outside area of the circus waving to patients. Bucky was completely spellbound by you, he couldn't help be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
“Now I know the colder months are going to be hitting us very soon. Please make sure you are taking care of yourselves” Bucky stood towards the back, Pietro was giving his annual new location speech to the company but Bucky’s attention was focused on you, standing with Natasha wrapped in your thick blue coat. Your eyes drifting back to his ice blue ones making his heart leap into his throat each time.
“Today is going to be a half day, you’ll all have the morning off before our performance tonight, I suggest getting those yuletide gifts in order before the big day” A soft mummer of chuckling flowed through the crowd. Bucky wished he was closer to you to hear your laughter, to see the plumes of mist escaping from your lips.
“If you keep staring you’re going to burn a hole in the side of her head” Bucky pointedly ignored the amused tone in Steve’s voice.
“I don’t know what you mean” Bucky sniffed indifferently, pulling the red scarf around his neck tighter. Steve made an unconvinced humming noise.
“So who you buying gifts for?” Bucky was really starting to think Steve was part bloodhound with the amount of sniffing around he was doing in his personal life. After sharing a train cabin for six months with the blonde man Bucky, reluctantly admitted. That for the first time he had found a friend in Steve. An annoying, punkish, insistent friend, but a friend never the less.
“Why, have something in mind Rogers. I think I saw a nice little fusion number in one of the girl's magazines”
“You’re a real jerk you know that” Bucky grinned waving him off as he peeled away from the dissipating crowds heading into town. He had some shopping to do.
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If Bucky had learned anything it was that the depression had hit many people from many walks of life. Gone were the lavish house parties from his childhood, now he had to sidestep the small children scampering around his feet. Pietro paid well, a lot better than his previous employer but it still wasn’t anything to be throwing around unnecessarily. Shoving his hands deeper in his pockets he browsed the very few windows still open for business. Blue eyes roamed over the few pieces in the display, the light caught each jewel and gem making them sparkle. Then he saw it and his heart leaps again. It was almost too good to be true, his rational mind left on the curb as he stumbled inside the shop.
“It’s a beautiful piece, I’m sure your wife will be very happy with it”  Bucky was sure he’d have choked on his own spit if his mouth hadn’t dried up at that the mention of the word, wife.
“Oh it’s not for.. I mean she’s not..” The old man behind the counter grinned knowingly.
“I remember when I first bought a gift for my sweetheart, nothing gets the heart racing more thinking about the look on her face when she opens it” Bucky smiles bashfully as the clerk wraps up his item.
“Anything else you’d like son?” Bucky scanned the shelves behind the clerk, before looking back down at the money in his hand.
“Two of those please sir” old eyes flick to where younger ones were staring longly at.
“You’re full of mysteries son, I’ll give you that”
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“Looking for someone in particular?” Pouring the dark liquid into the tin cup you ignored Wanda as she danced around you to perch herself on the tabletop.
“Because I think I saw him come back not twenty minutes ago, then disappeared into the forest. If you were looking for someone” you give her a tight-lipped smile lifting the coffee to your lips.
“I’m not looking for anyone Wan” taking a gulp you wince at the bitter after taste, your heart drops when you see no signs of cream or sugar. Those were luxuries the Circus couldn’t afford.
“Well, if you change your mind. He went that way” you tried not to look in the direction she was gesturing in. Making a point to watch Peter and Sam throw pitiful looking snowballs at each other, it wasn't until Wanda was safely back in her compartment before you poured another cup of coffee waking into the forest.
You were thankful for the sweater you were wearing over your dress and under your coat, the air seemed to get colder the further you walked into the forest biting your lip you burrow down into your coat. You and Bucky had gotten closer. You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t noticed Bucky’s presence at all of your performances. The warm smiles he threw your way in the morning, the soft goodnights as he walked you to your cabin each night. Your feelings for Bucky were growing slow and steady like a heartbeat. Spreading warmth all over your body settling into your bones.
“Thuwak”  The dull hollow thumb made your head snap to the left, frowning you waited. Silent and still as a deer. Until your suspicions were confirmed with the second identical noise, the snow crunched softly under your boots as you made your way into the clearing. Bucky was at the tree, a crude bullseye was carved into the wood of the tree trunk. From what you could see the centre was carved out almost perfectly. You watched as Bucky walked back to his position, taking a moment to gather himself the knife sailed out of his hand.
“Thuwak” You felt your breath leave your body, the sight of Bucky wielding a very dangerous weapon shouldn’t make you feel weak at the knees. Yet here you were, the two cups in your hand shook slightly as your world spun.
“You gonna stand there all day darlin?” You suddenly didn't feel cold, gingerly picking your way towards him you eye the knife embedded in the tree.
“Didn’t want to get caught in the firing line, I didn’t know you threw knives” Bucky shrugs, twirling the other knife in his hand.
“I’ve got plenty of tricks up my sleeve doll” You were sure the snow under your feet was melting, trying to ignore the way the innocent nickname made you tinge all over you hand him the cup of steaming coffee.
“It’s just black” he thanks you, fingertips brushing against your hand leaving sparks in their wake.
“So why all the secrecy?” You gesture to the knife in his hand, looking down at the ornate dagger Bucky ponders on it for a while. Leading you over to a fallen down tree he helps you sit, plunging the knife into the wood between you.
“It’s a part of my past I’m too proud of” you’re not sure how to respond, images of him laying on Steve’s bed covered in his blood. You sit in awkward silence, you desperately want to ask more. To know more, to ask him why he had been stabbed. Why he was running, who he was running from? But your tongue felt like lead as your brain swam desperately for something to say.  
“I bought you something today” you suddnely found yourself looking up at ice blue eyes, you could see the apprehension and vulnerability in them.
“You took Pietros suggestion of buying gifts very seriously” You couldn't help the small smile that spread on your lips as Bucky laughed, it was the kind of laugh that seeped into your soul and became part of it.
“Well, I’m a very serious guy” you rolled your eyes smirking into your cup. The awkward tension faded away like the snow melting into the ground. The sound of Bucky clearing his throat turned your attention to the small box in his hand.
“I know Christmas is a week away, but I thought… I just.. Here” you swap your cup for the box. The red ribbon tied around it was almost too perfect to unlace, but you did. Gently and with great care until it was laying across your lap, lifting the lid you couldn't help the sharp gasp escaping from your lips.
It was a sparrow, the most beautiful sparrow brooch, the body and wing tips were made of the most delicate blue glass. The rest of the bird was covered in tiny diamonds it was perfect and beautiful.
“Oh, Bucky... It’s... it's so beautiful. But I can’t it’s too..” The feeling of Bucky’s hand covering yours, pushing it back into your stomach.
“Don’t say it’s too much, please. I want you to have it”
“But why?” your voice was barely a whisper, Bucky’s thumb rubbed circles on top of your hand.
“I’m not very good at.. Well... it’s been a while since I’ve felt this way. About anyone, but with you. I just feel..” there's a moment in everyone's life, where the world seems to stop turning. Stop moving, solely focusing on you. And at this moment you take the plunge into those ice blue eyes, leaning forward to capture Bucky’s lips with your own and your word explode. A kaleidoscope of colours and stars burst behind your eyelids, soft snowflakes rain down on you. You vaguely register the coffee cups falling from Bucky’s hands as he pulls you closer, you clutch the small box in one hand as your other cups Bucky’s jaw. It felt like an eternity and no time at all as you pull away from him, but still close enough to see the small snowflakes clinging to his eyelashes.
“I feel the same way too”
In the snow-covered forest, you realised something profound, blue might be your new favourite colour. Especially when the colour is looking at you like your the only thing that exists in the universe.
@bucky-plums-barnes @abovethesmokestacks  @kittyisabel @emolordisme  @nevaeh-potter15  @fly-little-butterfly @marvelrevival @founduebitches @frostsoldier  @thekayceenicole @jixstarfire @mazarinqueen @hazeofeleven  @sistasarah-sallysaidso @unic0rns-taking-0ver-th3-w0rld @leanoreblack @void-life @n3rdybird @pseudonymfox @jennylovelyheart  @directionerfae @prudencebeer @twotreesbadbitch @teapartydreams @lunacajun @dontcallmella @ultrakawaiinerd @rattlingbones   @lovejessejay @lostinspace33 @thedevilwearsvibranium @kyngiesimp @l0kisbitch @izbelross @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen @buckybarneshairpullingkink 
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This mashup
But with my OCs performing it!
Assuming they actually somehow got Eliote to participate.
Yes, it probably starts out with all of them chattering over just like this video does. Jasper’s definitely the one arriving late and asking around for the sheet music. Not sure who else is sayin what. Then Allets is the one to just shout “GUYS, SHUT UP!!!” to make it stop.
Now I’m gonna go through the song segments one by one. It’s gonna take awhile, considering I’ll be retyping all the lyrics, so I’m gonna put it under the cut.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la, la la la la  [on these lines there are silhouettes of Jewel and Maddie T]
‘Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la, la la la la  [silhouettes of Penny and C.C.]
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa la la la, la la la, la la la  [silhouettes of Finley, Allets, and Eliote]
Troll the ancient yuletide carol
Fa la la la la, la laaa, laaa, laaaaa! [silhouettes of Luna, Jasper, and Twig, with Twig’s being the biggest in the middle]
I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need...
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree!
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come truUuuue!
Youuuu, baabyy!
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock!
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring!
Snowin’, and blowin’, up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun!
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock!
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time!
Dancin’, and prancin’, in jingle bell square
Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we’ve no place to go...
When we finally kiss goodnight...
Oh how I’ll hate going out in the storm!
But if you really hold me tight...
All the way home I’ll be warm!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look at the five and ten
Glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes agloooww!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Soooon the bells will staaart...
And the thing that will make them ring
Is the carol that you sing
Right withIIINNN youuur heaaaaart!
Santa baby!  [and there’s a caption saying “All I want for Christmas is snow and to play outside in it even if there’s sun”]
Slip a sable under the tree, for me  [and there’s a caption saying “All I want for Christmas is new spray paints and a pet duck”] 
Been an awful good girl   [and there’s a caption saying “All I want for Christmas is to build snowmen and make snow angels and snow demons and catch snowflakes on my tongue and have a snowball fight and go ice skating and ”  but then all of that is crossed out and what’s written instead is “to make my parents proud.”] [OR: a slightly more positive variation would be for the original thing to say “my parents’ approval” but then THAT is crossed out and that whole list I mentioned before begins to write itself bit by bit instead]
Santa baby!  [and there’s a caption saying “All I want for Christmas is straight A’s and some new books of spells and potions to try”]
And hurry down the chimney toniiiiight!  [and there’s a caption saying “All I want for Christmas is snow and books”]
And hurry down the chimney toniiiiight!
You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch  [and there’s a caption saying “What I don’t want for Christmas is coal in my stocking for all the pranks I’ve pulled and the rules I’ve trampled and all the general mayhem and chaos I’ve sewn this year”]
Youu reallyy aaare a heeeel!  [and there’s a caption saying “What I don’t want for Christmas is to get sick while carrying out evil schemes up where the man they call Santa Claus lives”] [he’s probably heading up there to go steal presents, mess around with stuff in the factory, and snatch a few cookies along the way. coal’s all well and good for juggling, and for its actual use, but you know supervillains want presents too. oh, and C.C. will probably go after him and stop him, as well as fixing whatever he breaks and helping make sure everything gets back on schedule and all the kids get their presents--but she’s definitely gonna give Jasper a present or two as well. Heck, maybe Jasper will end up being forced to come with her to help Santa deliver presents, and they’ll end up getting into some witty banter and play-fighting a bit on the way. And she’ll give him his presents after that. Ooh, I like this......I better stop before I get distracted too much.]
Your brain is full of spiders  [and there’s a caption saying “What I don’t want for Christmas is Hug Time”]
You’ve got garlic in your soul Mr. Griii-INCH! [and there’s a caption saying “What I don’t want for Christmas is for any supervillains to ruin the best holiday ever”]
I wouldn’t touch YOU...with a-- [and there’s a caption saying “What I don’t want for Christmas is all those annoying Christmas songs on the radio 24/7″]
I really can’t stay
Baby it’s cold outside
I’ve gotta go away
Baby it’s cold outside
This evening has been
Been hoping you’d drop in
So very niiice...
I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice
I oughta say no, no, no sir
Mind if I move in closer?
At least I’m gonna say that I tried...
What’s the sense in hurting my pride?
I really can’t stay
Baby don’t hold out...
Have yourself
a merry little Christmas...
Let your heart be light...
From now on, your troubles will be out of sight...
Through the years, we all will be together
If the fates allow...
Hang a shining staaar upon the hiiigheeest
And have yourself
a merry little Christmas
Jewel: Uh, is it over?
Penny: No! It’s just getting BETTER!
Twig: I’m TIRED X-(
Ohh, you better watch out
You better not cry!
You better not pout, I’m telling you why!
Ohh, you better watch out
You better not cry!
You better not pout and I’m telling you why!!
Santa CLAAAusss IIIISSS cOoomiiin’...
Tooo towwwn, towwn towwwwwn!!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
[then they all laugh chatter on top of each other about how great that was, with Penny distinctly saying “We made it! Great job everybody!” and it all ending off with Twig going “Ew, C.C. farteddd" in a tone that’s very clearly very amused]
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xnovamore · 6 years
Happy Holidays!
I hope everyone had a nice holiday if you celebrated one. Seeing as a lot of holiday themed stories came out yesterday, I wanted to put together a master post of fics from members of @ftlgbtales for everyone who wishes to still bask in the holiday spirt. Most of these are from the @ftlgbtales Happy Holigays Exchange. Here’s a link to AO3 Collection
Delayed by SummerBummin 
Summary: Gray Fullbuster is in the airport on Christmas Eve and his flight gets delayed because of a snow storm. Gray now has 4 hours to burn and no one for company, that is until he encounters a sleeping pink haired guy, who is hogging multiple seats. [Gratsu]
Making a List by mdelpin 
Summary: Gray has nowhere to go for Christmas and is surprised when Natsu offers to let him crash in his apartment. When Gray finds out that Natsu has never celebrated Christmas he decides to teach him about what the holiday means, not realizing he is the one that has a lot to learn. [Gratsu]
His Favorite Dessert by Icemakeandheartbreak        
Summary: No matter the sweet or savory taste, Natsu and Gray would always be each other's favorite treat. [Gray&Natsu]
Kiss Me Again by LittleMissHeartfillia      
Summary: Juvia Lockser has lived four years having a crush on her best friend and roommate Cana Alberona. Finally when the holidays come around she proclaims that this time she won't chicken out. Little does she know Cana has been giving herself the same pep talk for months. On a girls night out they finally find their happiness together. [Juvana]
all i want for christmas is you by splendidlyimperfect
Summary: After an afternoon of sledding and gingerbread houses with their nieces, Sting and Rogue head home to have some fun. [Stingue]
Winter Wonderland by MiyuTanemura
Summary: The team is heading back home when they make a stop in a town to spend the holiday. As the night goes on, Natsu and Gray make a discovery. [Gratsu]
Last Christmas by EndMyEternalSuffering
Summary: Last Christmas things had been so different. Now look at us. God, how did I fall this hard for you? [Gratsu&Erzajane]
and a partridge in a pear tree by splendidlyimperfect
Summary: It's almost Christmas, and Sting starts receiving mysterious gifts. [Stingue]
Natsu is Done With His Useless Lesbian Friends by Jinx13GXA
Summary: Natsu is tired of listening to his friends rant to him about how much they love each other yet can't have one another, so he teams up with Mira to make it happen. He also decides to make Wendy and Chelia's coming out a bit easier. [Luviana,Chendy&Kagerza]
christmas wishes by icemakestars
Summary: Gray has planned something incredibly special for Natsu. Natsu just needs to live past his public embarrassment first. [Gratsu&Lucana]
Where'd All This Sugar Come From? by Zane_Takeshi
Summary: Just a sickly sweet and adorable multiship Christmas Story for my giftee. Hope you like it! There are a lot of pairs mentioned in little kiss scenes. ♥ [Stingue&Kagerza]
A million snowflakes falling; A thousand steps to guide me home by ThisGoldenAfternoon
Summary: It's almost Christmas and Sting's held up in Magnolia. With no trains running and snow steadily falling, he tries to make his way back to Rogue...
Alas; luck won't indulge him as the weather takes a turn for the worse and the night closes in.
As he arduously forces his way through the dark, icy forest he can't help but recall all those Holiday seasons he'd seen come and go; the pain they caused him and the joy they brought.
But while he's lost in thought he also gets lost in the woods...
And the snow keeps on falling [Stingue]
Christmas Spirts by Novamore 
Summary: Christmas in Fiore is a bittersweet time of the year. They say the holidays are a time for family, but what if your loved ones fell victim to the dangerous life of being a wizard? Luckily, there will always be someone waiting to catch them when they fall. [Kagerza,Cobratsu&Fraxus]
Make the Yuletide Gayest by friendlyneighborhoodfairy 
Summary: Gajeel smells someone whose scent is delicious (and Levy and Rogue can't stop teasing him--hypocrites).
Freed and Laxus accidentally cuddle.
Erza makes a stuttering fool of herself in front of a pretty woman.
Gray and Natsu purposefully cuddle.
Mira gives Cana a concussion.
Lisanna quite literally trips over her crush.So begins a FT holiday full of romantic strife and happy endings. [Gratsu,Stingue,Fraxus,Canajane,Kagerza,Lelu,Cobra/Gajeel,Juvia/Lisanna]
Christmas Eve Mishaps by Newget 
Summary: Neither one expected to see each other at a club on Christmas Eve. But one thing was true, they wanted each other back. [Minlu]
12 Days of Sugar Plum Fairies by SummerBummin
Summary: A collection of Fairy Tail Christmas themes oneshots! Get ready for some crazy winter holiday shenanigans. [Cobratsu,Juvana,Rufus/Orga,Erzajane,Jellal/Gray,Milliagura,Loke/Lyon,Chendy,Doranblot/Lahar,Yukinerva,Fraxus,Elfever&Luli]
Fairies' Christmas by hordecatra 
Summary: A rewrite of the Christmas omake. [Erlu]
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owl-elementary · 7 years
I just request some super gay christmas decorating fluff for Trimberly, including lots of grumpy Trini being cheered up by Kim kissing her lmao
All done! Merry Christmas! I didn’t make Trini as grumpy as she could’ve been - she’s too smitten with Kim’s antics.
Read “Don We Now Our Gay Apparel” below or on Ao3.
Trini woke up on Christmas Eve to the scent of peppermint and coffee wafting through the house. She had just pulled her hoodie on when the door was gently pushed open, and Kimberly walked in with two mugs.
“Hi babe,” she said, kicking the door closed behind her. “I wanted to let you sleep.”
“Thanks,” Trini said, accepting a mug. She was about to take a sip when she spotted the wrapped box on the desk. “What’s that, Princess?”
“Our first Christmas together calls for a present we can share. NOT that kind of present,” she said, quickly, seeing Trini’s look. “Go on, open it.”
Trini let Kim take her coffee for a moment while she peeled open the penguin wrapping paper. The box inside had no description, so she couldn’t take a guess at what it was. From the way Kim was trying not to grin, she assumed the worst. She opened the box, peeked inside, and let out a groan.
“Don’t be grumpy!” Kim said. “They’re cute.”
Trini grumbled, but pulled both ugly Christmas sweaters out of the box and pulled hers on over her tank top. Hers said, “Make the yuletide gay,” in rainbow stitching, while Kim’s said, “It’s the most wonderful time for the queers.”
Trini couldn’t help it - she smiled brightly as they sat on her bed and sipped coffee. It had been two years since the defeat of Goldar, one year since they’d imprisoned Lord Zed, six months since the pair of them had moved out and started at UC Angel Grove, and about six weeks since a putty kick broke all of Trini’s ribs, from which she’d now fully recovered. So all in all, she was happy. And if wearing a goofy sweater all day made Kim happy, then Trini was all in.
“So,” she asked, sipping her coffee. “What’s the plan for to today?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Kim said, avoiding eye contact.
“Mmmhmm…you don’t have a whole list of festive holiday fun written out for us?” Trini asked, grinning. “Time stamped so that we stay on schedule?” Trini laughed as Kim quickly folded a sheet of paper and stuck it in her pocket.
“Nope. I’m totally chill. We can spend the day in wonderful, Christmasy chaos - no schedule whatsoever.”
Trini put her mug down, and pulled Kim down on top of her. “I love your lists. I love that you try to counteract your everyday recklessness with obsessive scheduling. So,” she said, pulling the folded paper out of Kim’s pocket, “tell me about our day.”
Kim smiled and kissed Trini’s nose. “Well, first and foremost, you’re making me breakfast.”
After the two of them had snarfed down roughly ten pancakes each, they settled down in the living room to finally decorate their tree. The tree, as Kim claimed, was Trini-sized but completely bare. This was because a month-long battle had taken place as to the type of decorations their Christmas would feature. Trini wanted a color-coded Power Rangers tree, while Kim wanted…well…
“What the hell, Kim?” Trini laughed.
“You specifically said that the ornaments just had to match our colors. Everything is pink and yellow,” Kim responded smugly.
Trini looked down at the ornaments. She’d been expecting pink and yellow baubles and lights. Instead, there were teddy bears, school buses, snowflakes, guitars, notebooks, tacos, chickens, and more. “Let’s get decorating, then!”
It was all going well, until words were exchanged about a bright ornament shaped like a pair of sunglasses. Then…the tinsel started flying, Kim tried to tie Trini up in pink lights, a tickle fight broke out, and the madness only stopped when Trini complained that she was hungry. They ordered a pizza and finished the tree in peace.
“You got some tinsel in your hair, Princess,” Trini sniggered.
Kim shot her a playful glare. “Your fault.”
“It is,” Trini agreed proudly. “But…maybe I can make it up to you?”
“Oh really?”
“Not like that!” Trini laughed. “Well…like that too. But later! Open your present.”
“It’s not Christmas yet!”
“You get one on Christmas Eve, you goober.” Trini took the smallest package from under the tree, and passed it to Kim.
“Okay, then…you get this one tonight.”
They’d imposed a 5 gift limit on each other, since both knew that the other would go crazy with gifts otherwise, so they’d still have some to open Christmas morning. The two of them opened their presents at the same time. Trini screamed, staring down at the special edition Black Panther hardback collection. She looked up at Kim, who was staring down at the open box with what Trini could only call heart eyes.
“You like them?” Trini asked.
Kim held up the pink and yellow glass fountain pens. “They’re gorgeous! Where did you get these?”
“It’s a secret,” Trini said, winking. “And I’m sorry, but you’re not getting any tonight - I’m going to be up all night reading this.”
“We’ll see about that,” Kim said, trying to grab the book back.
Trini wrapped herself around Kim and gave her a tiny kiss on the cheek. “They guys are coming over tomorrow for dinner, right?”
“Yep! Got the ornaments for the exchange?”
“I did - got them last week. And seeing the ones you got, I’m glad I picked the out.”
“Psssh! My ornaments are great.”
Trini looked over at the twinkling pink and yellow tree and smiled fondly. “You’re right. They are. Merry Christmas, Princess.”
“Merry Christmas, babe!”
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perspective · 7 years
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christmas is literally my favorite time of the year so i wanted to have something special to celebrate it with you guys?? i also know i’ve been mia for the past few months so i’m slowly getting back into the swing of things and i miss you guys a lot so i wanted to give something back to all you lovely people who follow me! ♥
must be following this penguin
reblog this post (likes are for bookmarking)
this must reach 40 notes or i’ll forget this ever happened :(
ends december 24 (winners will be chosen before the year ends)
there will be one winner and 1-2 runners-up in each category
* - send me a screenshot of your follower count (less than 500 followers)
** - only one winner so please don’t forget to send me a message with nominations! you can do this anonymously! nominations will close around the end of november and i’ll put up a poll with the top five blogs!
IMPORTANT: i get overwhelmed pretty easily so please put in the tags the awards you’d like to be considered for!
snowflake award: best url
candycane award: best icon
eggnog award: best theme
stocking award: best updates tab
fairy lights award: best aesthetic
jinglebells award: best (multi)fandom
tinsel award: rising star*
snowball award: best creations
mistletoe award: best writing
santa’s elf award: fan favorite**
angel award: sweetest blogger
yuletide award: personal favorite(s)
a follow from me (if not already)
a spot on my updates tab until the end of january
my unconditional love and friendship
winners: ten promos on request, an icon pack (thirty icons), a choice between a playlist or two moodboard edits
runners-up: five promos on request, an icon pack (fifteen icons), one moodboard edit
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greerbaiting · 7 years
25 Days of Ficmas - Day 21: Ugly Sweater Party
I’m finishing these prompts if it kills me 
“Bertie, that doesn’t count as an ugly Christmas sweater,” Etta said.
He looked down at his sweater. It was decorated with candy canes and ornaments, and looked, at least to him, like the embodiment of tacky. “What do you mean? It’s hideous.”
“It’s just a normal Christmas sweater.”
“What, like yours is so ugly?” he asked.
“I admit, Sleepy is very adorable, but a sweater with a giant sloth on it is kind of ugly,” she said.
“Oh, but candy canes and ornaments aren’t?”
“Wow guys, really getting creative, huh?” Kate said from the doorway. The other two looked over. She was wearing a sweater that said Make the Yuletide Gay, with gay in rainbow colours.
“That sweater is incredible,” Etta said.
“You might even say it’s fabulous,” Bertie said, grinning.
Kate winked. “It certainly is. Where’s Roger?”
“He’s not coming,” Etta said.
“Did you really think we were going to be able to convince him to wear an embarrassing sweater?” Bertie asked.
“Did you really think we were going to be able to convince him to wear colours?” Etta added.
Kate sighed. “Good point. A little hope around the holidays never hurt anybody though.”
“Ready to go down?”
The three of them descended into Submare Three, where Bob’s tank had been decorated with garlands and paper snowflakes, painstakingly cut out by Etta during the traffic reports. He growled happily when he saw them.
“Hey buddy,” Etta said. She held up the plate of sugar cookies she was carrying. “Want a cookie?”
He growled an affirmation and she climbed up to the top of the tank to throw a few cookies in for him. Bob munched happily on them as the three humans sat down in front of his tank to eat their own cookies.
The door to the Submare opened about ten minutes after they came down, and they all looked over to see Roger slowly entering, dressed in an oversized red hoodie.
“Is that mine?” Bertie asked.
“It’s the best you’re getting out of me,” he said.
Kate grinned but Bertie looked offended. “Are you calling my clothes ugly?”
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ithacamafia · 7 years
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out, III.
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Another year, another holiday playlist from Matt and Kevin!  Just like seasons past, when we brought you tidings on the original “Yule Shoot Your Eye Out” -- or the cleverly-titled sequel, “Yule Shoot Your Eye Out, Part II” -- we close out 2017 with another 20-tracks of sleighbells, snow, and cool yules.  
Without further ado, I’ll let Matthew take us away: “Kevin.  I think I may have told you this before, but I've always considered the first time I saw this Corona Christmas commercial as the unofficial beginning of the Holiday Season. Don't know why - but it's true. This year marks the first time that was in the other room, here sitting at my desk, and just hearing it activated that thing within me that launches my spirit into holiday mode. That lone whistling of Oh Tannenbaum... it just triggers something in me - like when Reggie Jackson has to kill the queen in The Naked Gun. 
‘I. Must. Be. Jolly.’ ‘I. Must. Be. Jolly.’
I know that we've been down this road a few times before - and that many of the standard voices (and perhaps all of the standard songs) have been heard. On top of that, you're busy with a bi-coastal lifestyle that I'm sure is pulling you in all the different directions a guy can be pulled in. So, I propose to you a NO PRESSURE holiday music update mix. No need to be clever in your presentation - like you can help it, I know - we just make sure that each other are aware of any songs/versions we may have missed in the past iterations of this mix. 
So here: Yule Shoot Your Eye Out, A Holiday Mix: Part III. 
I've decided to start this mix with the same song that kicked off our first one. When you picked it then, I challenged that anyone not named Bing who chose to sing this song had to have some kind of chutzpah - you know, a brashness, an audacity... guts to take on a classic. You want brashness, audacity and guts? I give you Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings and their take on White Christmas. 
Hee-haw and Merry Christmas, buddy.”
(Liner notes continued after the break...)
Nothing could make my time out west go better/faster/stronger than hitting the mix links with you.  HOLIDAY mix links, at that.  Ho.  Ho!  Ho.  When I left the house at 4am this morning on the way to the airport, rest assured that the “Holiday Traditions” station on SiriusXM was playing.  And you damn well know it was probably Wayne Newton or Bing or one of the many, many, many Christmas songs that we've heard ten thousand times before (yet always enjoy that 10,001st listen when it comes on the radio).  
That's part of what makes The Holiday Song so indelible.  Whether it's an old rendition, whether it's a breathless Sharon Jones version -- or whether it's a new song that still sounds like an old song -- it feels familiar.  It feels like home.  It feels like Christmas.  All over again.
Which makes this selection hit all the harder: "Christmas All Over Again" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
Sharon Jones into Tom Petty had me initially scrambling to find a song from another recently departed artist... I quickly realized though, that is not a road that we need to go down. After all, Christmas is a time to focus on more positive things. I'm not saying that we can all take December off and pretend that our country isn't going to hell. I'm just saying that Christmastime is a time where we can all say, "Man, there are so many things to feel badly about, I sure as shit am going to make sure that I appreciate the things I have to feel good about. The President might be leading us all down a dark hole, but at least I have my family... and this fireplace... and a candy cane... You know? At least I have Ms. Kelly Clarkson."
I have never made excuses for my Kelly Clarkson affection and I'm sure as hell not about to start now. She's alive and well and she's bringing all kinds of joy with this little number. Here's "Christmas Eve" by Kelly Clarkson.
Kelly Clarkson is not someone you ever need to make excuses for, Mack.  Definitely not with me.  To this day, I maintain that "Since U Been Gone" is one of the greatest pop songs ever written.  The sashaying, swaying rhythm of this tune is tops.  Solid pick.
I'm slowing down a bit and handing things off to a gentleman who I've recently come to have a much deeper appreciation of.  I always knew he was a talent, and an unrivaled humanitarian -- but aside from a few catchy tunes, I didn't listen to much of his musical catalog.  Thankfully, Spotify allowed me to remedy that situation.  So let's bundle up by the fire, turn the light low, and relax to the hopeful, heartful stylings of Harry Belafonte.  "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day."   
Well bud, you know I’m fine with slowing it down a bit. I’ve long voiced an appreciation for those more pensive Yuletide moments, where only the perfect fireside song can be your soundtrack. Of course, Harry Belafonte hits all the right emotional and melodic notes. Nice pick. 
I’m going to stay in this same groove, and I’ll keep the artist classic too. Like Belafonte’s I Heard the Bells, this one doesn’t go out of its way to hit you with anything too big. Nope, we’re happy at this point to just have classic voices delivering careful interpretations of songs to light our way. 
Here’s Rosemary Clooney doing her best Charlie Brown with “Christmas Time is Here”. 
Being stuck out here in the west and having skies literally filled with flames instead of snowflakes (although the ash is a fairly convincing simulacrum), makes the season tough.  I know Rosemary presents a convincing case for why Christmas time is here... but, honestly? 
I just haven't been feeling it.  
Then a friend of mine reminded me that Christmas is something different to everyone.  It's this whole collection of little things all smushed together, each part forming the heart of "Christmas" for each person.  You know, like Voltron.
Am I wearing short sleeves and sweating in December, Matty?  Sure.  Am I resigned to catching those tiny little ash-flakes on my tongue, and stuck making angel shapes in the charred remains of the Los Angeles hillsides?  Yes.  
But hey, maybe that's What Christmas Means To Me now.  
Just like Stevie Wonder said. 
Phenomenal choice... that song is so great. Simple. Classic. 
And I hear what you're saying, about how a lot of little things together form what Christmas means to each of us. It's like the thing that I was saying about the Corona commercial... or how I just know that some night this month I will stay up late watching It's A Wonderful Life and end up crying unashamedly on my couch. Or how for some reason my family always has a Creme de Menthe pie on Christmas. All those little things. And each year, the things from before mean more and there are a few new things that get added. 
I don't know how many Decembers in your lifetime are going to feature ashy snowflakes, but I'm quite sure that there will be some things that stick with you after your December in LA. (Please note my refusal to reference this month as your first December in LA.) California has a lot to offer, I'm sure. And for nine months out of the year, the weather there is head and shoulders above anything we see up here. The late Fall in the northeast though? This is Christmas Country, my man. The crisp air. The occasional snowflake. A proper sweater. Ain't nothing like it. 
I'm sure you miss it. Still though... this is all part of your Christmas evolution, right? So as you continue to develop what Christmas means to you,  please (oh please), won't consider the benefits of a Holiday in LA (Band of Merrymakers).
Confession time: I miss sweaters the most.  
Here, it's all short sleeves for outside then sling on a sweatshirt for inside because the buildings are as iced cold as Frosty.  I yearn to wear a sweater soooooo badly, but a good sweater is not something you can just throw on and off willy-nilly.  Unless you’re an animal.  
So yeah, I guess you're right.  I'm just going to have to be resigned to the fact that this December -- this HOLIDAY in LA -- is an experience that I must learn to embrace.  I mean, they've got the decorations, they've got the lights, and they've even got the Santas... Hell, I'm going to a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party tomorrow -- that's how into the season everyone out here is... 
But I'll be damned if I don't miss seeing my breath.  Or sitting by a fire.
And until I can go home for the holiday proper and stick my slippered feet underneath the tree to hand out presents, I'll just have to make sure I do everything within my power to simply have a Wonderful Christmastime (The Shins).
You can do it, bud. I mean - think of how many great Christmas movies were shot right there in California. You've got Nakatomi Plaza right there! Bedford Falls is Encino! 
My pick is a song that we've heard before. I'm on the record with it being one of my faves. I'm picking it here because this version always feels very cinematic to me. It feels like the beginning of some holiday in New York, romcom. You know, the opening credits scene... the one where Tom Hanks or somebody is walking home through the city with a bunch of oversized bags and packages? There's a dusting of snow so he's bound to slip and drop something and then drop something else when he picks up the first thing. Sure the song has a few lulls in it, but that just opens up space for him to chat with the friendly newsman who will later provide him useful information on the whereabouts of the woman. You know the woman! The one who he heretofore has had a very adversarial relationship with but has just realized that she's been shielding a heart of gold behind that hard as nails exterior? It's the beginning of that movie. 
It's got two voices that, for me, are what Christmas is all about. It's got it all. Christ, this song even has some bona fide Pennsylvanians!
It's Go Tell It On The Mountain by Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby with Fred Waring and his Pannsylvanians.
I love that flick!  
Especially the part 2/3rds of the way through when he makes some sort of romantic/charming gesture that goes completely tits up, and now she's wicked angry and/or upset with him.  So there they sit -- in their respective apartments -- trying not to think about one another.  Him, curled up with a blanket and eating a pint of ice cream while losing his sorrows in a comforting Christmas flick.  Her, on a fifth bottle of beer (judging from the empties littering the floor around her), just bounding a rubber ball off the wall as her trusty dog watches with a forlorn look on that shaggy face.
A classic.  How will they ever get together?  How will they get past this seemingly insurmountable gulf between them?  They're like oil and water... and what sort of future could oil and water ever have together???
Might as well just stay in, listening to Ray Charles and Betty Carter, because Baby, It's Cold Outside.
Kev, Ray Charles sounds great. Betty Carter sounds great. The arrangement sounds great. But it's 2017, bro. And while I hate to double up on a song... I feel like a more appropriate version may be called for here. 
Let's give Lydia Liza and Josiah Lemanski's update a listen. Here's Baby It's Cold Outside.
Gotta come clean here: I was 50/50 on whether I should just turn the rest of this jam into a dueling "Baby It's Cold Outside" mix -- but then I couldn't stop smiling by the end of this new version and lost my train of thought.  
And then I just surfed the internet for a while, trying to figure out stuff to put on my Christmas list.  As a grown man, naturally, I have everything I could ever want in life (health, family, yadda yadda yadda)... but I've still gotta scrounge up Santa some suggestions for my stocking.  And while socks and a few little nip bottles of booze would be grand -- maybe this year I could give into one of my greater desires.  Maybe a life-long Christmas wish (I mean, Mr. Johnson already got my unrealized childhood Star Wars dream gift).  
So maybe just put it up there on the list this season.  
I mean, sure, it won’t come true.  I know that.  It can’t happen.  It’s not “realistic” or “feasible” or “legal.”  But hey... Christmas is for wishes, homie.
Gotta try.
I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas.  As told by Lake Street Drive.
If anyone can make this dream come true for you, bud, it's Santa. That guy works miracles. Me? I don't have to make any Christmas wishes this year, because mine just came true. A Christmas carol by Lake Street Drive? That was the only thing on my list. Great pick. 
Honestly, if I had a Christmas wish, here's what it would be: everybody in the world would be happy just like me. And Taj Mahal. And The Blind Boys of Alabama. Merry Christmas!
Someday At Christmas, everyone will be happy.  
There’ll be no war.  All our dreams will come to be in a world where all men are free.  No hungry children.  No empty hands.  No tears.  No fears.  
One shining moment where all our dreams will come to be -- hate will be gone, love will prevail.  A new world, (sung by Melvin "Blue" Franklin, the incomparable bass voice of The Temptations).
Maybe not in time for you and me, brother - but someday... at Christmastime. I mean... it's possible. Totally possible. 
I'm determined to make this a very Charlie Brown Christmas mix. My next pick makes it so. I don't know what it is about this one that appeals to me. I like the stripped down, bare vocal. I'm definitely a fan of the sweepy strings. There's also this lingering sadness in it that lends itself to any holiday where I spend time with my wife's extended family... Dammit, I'm not being authentic. These are not truthful statements... I know exactly what it is that I like about this version of this song. It's the start, the choral, "Oh my God! Here he is!" It's the musical version of the Jesus is coming, look busy joke. I mean, it still gives you all that other stuff I mentioned - but it's the prologue that touches my heart. 
Here's Hark! the Herald Angels Sing by Penny and Sparrow.   
Matt, you know darn well that the Charlie Brown Christmas album is something I could listen to on repeat 24-hours a day for the entire month of December.  And November.  And January.  I love it like no other.  
So it's saying something when I suggest that a new version like this can affect my coal-sized heart in a way that comes even anywhere close to how the Vince Guaraldi Trio does.  
So, hell, I'm gonna double-down on the CharBrowChris portion of the night, and drop a variant of Linus and Lucy by Bela Fleck and the Flecktones.
In a world that gives us so few real honest-to-God sure things to count on, there's a part of me that really relishes the fact that I can always know - beyond the shadow of any doubt - that I am going to get tense about the end of these mixes. My worrying about the songs that will ultimately be left off is like an old friend who stops by to visit at Christmastime. You know, the one who always brings a plate of cookies to your parents' house because they started bringing plates of cookies around to their pals in 1982 and now they don't know how to stop. My concern for songs left off is like that. It's at the point now that not only do I feel it, but I think I end up writing some variation of this email every time. Fa la la la la.
There's a lot about this pick that gives me pause. The fact that their Spotify bio touts the artist as "...one of the brightest lights on the Contemporary Christian Music scene..." is enough for me to start running in the other direction. And there are other worthy songs... Songs by beloved artists... Songs that I really like... I could pick those - probably should pick those. I mean, these guys are from Florida. It's gross.
But this song... it feels right. I don't want to like it. I resent all of its wannabe Big Bad Voodoo Daddy earnest energy... But then again, I mean, look at my toes. Those little bastards are tapping like a sumbitch. I can't control it. And honestly, in my heart of hearts, the 1990s in me knows that I don't really want to control it. I want to submit and swing dance with Heather Graham while wearing a Santa hat. Go daddy-o, I guess.
Here's O Come All Ye Faithful by Tenth Avenue North. 
You've got two picks left. I've got one. Let's try not to screw this up any more than I (probably) just have. 
Cripes.  This all went waytoofast.  
No time to overthink things.  Just gotta go with the flow.  And sure, you might’ve tossed me a curveball (sending me spiraling back into a late-90′s Swingers mindset, with their retro-hip cule yules).  
That said, newsflash: I’m a pro.  I can handle it.
Everything's jake.  Nothin' around here to snap your cap at.  But mark my words, chrome dome: if we're gonna swing, then we best start cookin' with gas. 
So do yerself a favor and grab your stompers before you head out on that dance floor... because this next tune -- this actual, genuine, bonafide swing -- is the real deal.  
Time for Swingin' Them Jingle Bells with Fats Waller.
Stompers? Chrome dome? Who's Jake? I'm Jake? I don't think so. I'm Matt. 
Bud, I have no clue what you're talking about, but if you mean to imply that Swinging' With Them Jingle Bells is a likable tune that we can dance to as Christmas approaches, then I am with you. You've done well by yourself on this mix. 
I've been thinking about it and I feel that my anxiety around my previous pick was because in my heart of hearts I always knew what my final pick would be. That second to last one was the one that had question marks around it. This one, this last one, was predetermined by the stars... and this is the time for stars, pal. Now yes, this song has caused a bit of strife among my immediate family. They think it's strange. They're put off by all the talking. They don't like that nothing jingles. Me? I like the groove. I like the idea of superimposing a toast about friendship being the wine of life. This one feels to me like the end of Christmas. When everything starts to settle down but there is still that distant buzzing feeling you get after a jam-packed day of family/food/fun. 
Here it is. Here's Chasing Christmas by The Superimposers. 
Merry Christmas, all you shining stars. Merry Christmas, World.
What's... superimposed?
Definitely see how that one might unlock strife within your family (I’m sure it’ll elicit the same reaction from my own fam, too).  But I have found myself picking up what you’re putting down on this song.  There's something ethereal and odd about it, but at the same time... reassuring?  Comforting?  Like the great big "Dad" of the universe is reclining in a cosmic lay-z-boy and waxing poetic by the crackling fireside at the end of a long day.  
I'm a little worried they'll say a bit too much -- go a bit too far -- if he keeps talking, but I can't help but enjoy the sound of their voice.
And if that track was the end of Christmas, this next one is simply the retrospective.  The encore.  Once you're flipping through the photos and taking down the decorations and putting all the new toys away, melancholy begins mixing with the joy.  
Next year seems so far away, everyone will be that much older.  Honestly, how many more Christmases will we all have together?  Who can say?  So, we can't help but savor what we've had here this year.  Who we've given our hearts to.
We keep looking back at Last Christmas.
And if there's someone who gives their heart in everything they do, it's Frank Turner.
Ho ho ho, everyone.  See you next season.
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escapewithoutghosts · 3 years
Hey bestie. Are you ok
yeah ofc why would you think differently 🤡
Narrator: Inside a snowflake, like the one on your sleeve there happened a story you must see to believe. Way up in the mountains, in the high range of Pontoos lay the small town of Whoville: The home of the Whos.
Ask any Who, And they'll have this to say: "There is no place like Whoville around Christmas Day."
Every window was flocked, every lamppost was dressed and the Whoville band marched in their Christmasy best.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Arbor Day was fine, and Easter was pleasant and every Saint Fizzin's day, they ate a Fizz pheasant.
But every Who knew, from their twelve toes to their snout they loved Christmas the most, without a single Who doubt.
Farfingle's welcomes you!
Thank you.
Merry Christmas! Thank you for shopping Farfingle's!
Father: We got a snoozlephone for your brother Drew and a snoozlephone for your brother Stu, a muncle for your uncle a fant for your aunt and a fandpa for your cousin Leon.
So, we just need.... Cindy?
Sale on Aisle 3!
Cindy Lou!
Merry Christmas.
Hello, Myrna. Merry Christmas, Fred. Excuse me.
Cindy Lou? Honey?
Cindy: Dad?
Father: Yeah?
Cindy: Doesn't this seem like a bit much?
Father: This is what Christmas is all about! Can't you feel it?
Cindy: (shakes her head no)
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for shopping Farfingle's. Wait a second! Your change!
Another minute closer to Christmas!
And, for the next five minutes only, 99 percent off!
Narrator: Yes, every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville- did not.
Get on it, girls. All the good mistletoe's at the top.
Hey, Drew, I'll race you!
Not if I race you first.
Last one to the top is a stinky old Grinch!
You guys, where are we? I think we should go back.
What? You're scared of the Grinch!
They say he lives up here in a big cave. And only comes down when he's hungry for the taste of Who flesh!
Drew! You guys!
You're scared of the Grinch! You're scared of the Grinch! Am not!
Are too!
Am not! Are two!
Wait for me!
Go on, touch it. Touch the door.
Do it for me, Stu.
Well done, Max!
Serves them right, those Yuletide-loving sickly-sweet, nog-sucking cheer mongers!
I really don't like them.
No, I don't.
Get my cloak!
I've been much too tolerant of these Whovenile delinquents and their innocent, victimless pranks.
So, they want to get to know me, do they?
They want to spend a little quality time with the Grinch.
I guess I could use a little social interaction.
Merry Christmas!
Yeah, you bet.
Ho, ho, ho, and stuff.
Oh, my.
Someone has vandalized that vehicle.
You see, Max? The city is a dangerous place.
Narrator: The Grinch hated Christmas. The whole Christmas season.
Top of the day. Flatfoot.
Narrator: Now, please, don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
Here's a present for you.
Be sure to run real fast with it. Come on. Double time. Move.
Narrator: It could be that his head Wasn't screwed on just right, Or it could be, perhaps, That his shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all, May have been that his heart Was two sizes too small.
Stranger, won't let you go till you buy a chapeau!
Father: (carrying presents)Boy, nothing beats Christmas, right?
Cindy Lou: I guess...
Father: You guess?
Cindy Lou: Well, it's just, I look around at you and Mom and everyone getting all kerbobbled. Doesn't this seem...superfluous?
Dad! Dad!
What happened to you?
It was the Grinch!
The Grinch?!
What do you want? I mean....
"Grinch? Oh, no!"
Mayor: Did someone just say "Grinch?"
Father: Hello Mayor May-Who.
Mayor: I don't need to remind you all that this Christmas marks the one thousandth Whobilation, Whoville's most important celebration!
And the Book of Who ( pulling out a large book) says very clearly "Every size of Who we can measure knows that Whobilation is a time we must treasure!"
Now, Lou, please tell me that your boys were not up on Mount Crumpit provoking the one creature within a billion bilometers of here who hates Christmas!
But it was the Grinch!
No, sir, the boys didn't see any Grinch.
It was, and he came after...
I think they were up on the mountain playing with matches, or defacing public property, or....
That's a relief.
All right, you heard the man: There is no Grinch problem here.
I need it there by tomorrow.
Heck of a rush.
Merry Christmas, Mo. Heck of a rush.
But, Dad I just don't understand something.
Why won't anyone talk about the Grinch?
You kids and the Grinch!
You see, Cindy, the Grinch is a Who, who always....
Actually, not a Who. He's more of a....
A what?
Exactly, honey.
And he's a What who doesn't like Christmas.
Take a look at his mailbox, sweetie.
Not a single Christmas card, in or out.
But why?
Lou, where's my mail?
Lou! Got the wrong mail here.
Lou! I got the wrong mail!
I'll be right there.
Lou, we got a problem!
All right, we'll straighten this out.
It'll take them years to sort this out.
This is his and now it's yours, and this hers and now it's his!
And for the rest of you: Jury duty! Jury duty! Jury duty!
Blackmail. Pink slip. Chain letter. Eviction notice.
Jury duty!
Would you mind helping me take this to the back room, honey?
Be careful of the sorting machine, right?
You're the....
The Grinch!
That worked out nicely.
Help me! Somebody!
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rockgal-doujin-blog · 5 years
Top Guidelines Of nailart
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2017 Merry Christmas Greeting wishes massages for family & friends
merry christmas wishes
It’s that time of year again when friends and family think about the Christmases of the past and plan for the coming holiday with their loved ones in mind. As we reflect on this wonderful holiday, we must keep in mind that Christmas is not just any holiday but may be the most important one of the year for some people. It is a time for remembering, a time to share the goodness of your heart with others, and for expressing with words and gifts what someone means to you. It is a chance to make wishes come true and to give something from your heart
merry christmas wishes Here is a selection of 200+ Merry Christmas wishes and messages you can use for your family and friends
In this huge collection of wishes for Christmas you will find
✓  merry Christmas wishes
✓  funny Christmas wishes
✓ merry Christmas wishes for friends
✓  Christmas wishes for family
✓ Christmas wishes text messages
✓ Happy Christmas wishes cards messages
✓ short Christmas wishes ✓ christmas love wishes messages
We truly hope you enjoy this collection of merry Christmas wishes and, in the spirit of the season, pass these on and share!
Some religious christian Christmas wishes messages for someone special with popular and famous greetings along with unusual Christmas greetings are also posted. when we wish someone with Christmas greetings messages Looking for the perfect wish is no different than looking for the perfect gift! On our website, we classify wishes per issue in order to facilitate your search. We hope you enjoy browsing! merry christmas wishes
merry Christmas wishes
May the melody and spirit of the holidays fill your home with love and peace. I wish you all the best and happy           New Year too !
May success be with you and everything you do, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year too!
On Christmas, there’s a reason to be happy and a reason to smile, and there’s a reason why I’m sending                  Christmas wishes your way. You’re it.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life !
From miles away, no matter how far we are, the warmth of Christmas will bring us closer together. May you                have a wonderful holiday!
Special Christmas greetings to a person who is just so very special. We wish you and your family a Merry                  Christmas and A Happy New Year.
Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you          and your family this Christmas !
Let us celebrate Christmas with lots of fun, surprises and magic. May you have a wonderful Christmas
There are some people who want to throw their arms round you simply because it is Christmas; there are other          people who want to strangle you simply because it is Christmas. Which one are you?
I wish you and your family a joyful, serene and white Christmas. Happy Holidays !
Special Christmas greetings to a person who is just so very special. We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
Beneath the hustle and bustle of the festive season there is the true beauty of connecting with loved ones. May this beauty and joy lift you up during Christmas and the New Year!
Wishing you the best during this joyful season. I hope your holidays are filled with festivities and plenty of merry enjoyment.
Christmas is sign of stars, angels and love divine come down from heaven, may love of Christmas remain with you. Merry Yuletide
I hope your holiday is filled with plenty of warmth, love, cheer, and happiness. Merry Christmas to you and yours
With Christmas come faith, hope, and love. I wish all these things for you and your family during the holiday season
funny Christmas wishes
This year you was not good… You was FANTASTIC ! May your celebration be joyous and your holidays bright!
A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm and we all go through it together. Lets        buckle up and enjoy the ride
I hope Santa is good to you this year because you only deserve the best. Merry Christmas from our family to              yours
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of              contentment and joy
Christmas is not a time nor celebration, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and kindness, to be plenteous in          mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christma
Christmas is mostly for children. But we adults can enjoy it too until the credit card bills arrive
I am dreaming of white Christmas, with every Christmas card I write, May your days be merry and bright, and            May all your Christmases be white. Merry Christmas
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love !
Man will live for ever Because of Christmas (Because of Christmas Day drinking) Merry Christmas to you
I am so excited to wear my new dress today just to see that my Godparents were out of their house
I think Santa must ride a plane instead of sleigh so that he can reach me faster. I oftentimes fell asleep waiting for him
Since I brought the presents, I’ve asked Santa to bring you love and happiness!
How do cats greet each other at Christmas? A furry Merry Christmas and happy Mew Year!
Christmas is like job: you do all the work but fat guy in suit gets all the credit. Enjoy and be merry!
Santa wont be coming this year…He died laughing when you said youd been a good girl. Have a Merry                      Christmas May you have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope, and the Heart of        Christmas which is Love.
merry Christmas wishes for friends
What better way to spend the holidays than dancing with the snowflakes! May you have a wonderful Christmas          in the snow! Christmas shopping… they said it would be fun! They said I wouldn’t get trampled on! But hey what’s Christmas        without all the crazies! Merry Christmas!
Santa is in the hospital and the toy production has stopped… he almost died laughing when I told him you were        good this year.
On this day I want to wish you more success so that you will continue to be a blessing not just to me but also to others. Merry Christmas!
May this Christmas Sparkles with love, happiness and celebration, to pave the way for a happy new year Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Heartfelt holiday wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
It is the month of Cakes & Candles, Snow & Songs, Carols & Joys Laughter & Love,Its December… Wishing you a Blessed Month of Christmas!!
May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to gladden your heart and fill every desire
A star has come to earth! Spread the Christmas love and cheer! Merry Christmas!
I wish that love, prosperity and well-being be with you and your dear ones not only on Christmas season, but all        year long!
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merry christmas wishes collection 
Christmas wishes for family
‡ Cookies and sweets in every corner of the house! That’s how it smells Christmas with family!
‡ May God’s blessing shine upon your family members and you on this Christmas time!
‡ I am thrilled to call you as one of my family members and I would love to spend the Christmas holidays with you.
‡ Wishing all my family members peace and love this holiday season. May you feel the joy in your home that you bring to me.
‡ May God’s blessing shine down upon you and your family this holiday season. Sending love from our family to yours.
‡ May God’s blessing shine down upon you and your family this holiday season. Sending love from our family to yours
‡  May Santa bring lots of goodness and happiness to our family on this Christmas! Merry Christmas!
‡  Having a family like you makes me feel blessed. May you all be blessed with health and wealth. Merry Christmas!
‡  Family’s love and moment of togetherness is the greatest blessing. On this Christmas I would like to thanks Jesus for gifting me this blessing. Merry Christmas!
‡ Lovely snowflakes, Christmas lights and smiley faces everywhere – it all creates a special atmosphere of                   forthcoming celebration, but there’s still something missing… I guess it’s my dear family. There’s no holiday               without you. Merry Christmas!
‡ There are only two really sacred things in the world: Christmas and family. And I will honour and cherish them           both till the end. Wish you a Merry Christmas!
Christmas wishes text messages
‡ We had rough times, but God showed us the way. Time flies when we are happy, like we are today. May this day be full of love and be blessed. May we be good and pass every life’s test! Merry Christmas!
‡ Christmas lights and trees, The light and sweet breeze. Make Christmas feel jollier, As the 25th of December draws nearer, My heart jolts faster and faster, May you have a Merry Christmas, And a wonderful new year!
‡ May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright new year. Here’s wishing you a   Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
‡ Joy resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the miracle of Christmas! Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love of the season! Season’s Greetings!
‡ The Spirit Of Christmas Is All About Fun, Love Joy Reminding Us That Christianity Is Deeply Rooted To Christ           Share Your Love With The Less Fortunate During This Christmas Eve
‡ am dreaming of white Christmas, with every christmas card i write, May your days be merry and bright, and May       all your christmases be white. Happy Christmas.
‡ The baby of Bethlehem was born today; May His peace, love and serenity descend upon you; And remain with you forever and ever; Here’s wishing you a blessed and a holy Christmas!
Happy Christmas wishes cards messages
‡ For business Christmas cards, write Christmas messages that are cheerful yet appropriate.
‡ Write a few religious sayings or Christmas bible verses for those recipients who celebrate their faith during the           holiday season.
‡ Thinking warmly of each of you and wishing your family an extra measure of comfort, joy and hope this Christmas.
‡ May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
‡ With all Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
‡ Peace, good will and happiness for you at Christmas and always.
‡ On this happy holiday season, may the spirit of Christmas spread the happiness, love and peace. Celebrate the         Christmas and new year with fun and party. merry Christmas
‡ Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first.” George       Matthew Adams
‡ Christmas is the Blessed season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!
short Christmas wishes
‡  Wishing you a magical and blissful holiday! Have a merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!
‡  Have a jolly and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
‡  Sending you lots of love and heartfelt wishes to have a wonderful Christmas and holiday cheer. Happy New Year!
‡  There are many gifts under the Christmas tree, but the best one is you!
‡  May we be thankful for everything big or small and may the light of Christ shine in our hearts. Merry Christmas.”
‡  I wish my best friend a day full of all the jingles and twinkles of Christmas!
‡ Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year.
‡ Before Now you are just ok,yesterday you were better,today you are perfect, This is the the effect of a blissful season…christmas.merry it in style
christmas love wishes messages
♥ I wish you the best of happiness and health amidst lovely Christmas carols, sweet delights and cookies and loads of presents… Merry Christmas and a New Year to you my dear.
♥ Wish you a sweet and lovely Christmas. May this Christmas bring loads of happiness and love in your life
♥ You were there by my side during the last Christmas and I’m glad to have it this year as well. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
♥ Wishing you a Merry Christmas my soul mate. I love you!
♥ I am wishing you the blessings on this Christmas holiday and for the upcoming year.
♥ Even though we are living miles away, we have always been together throughout the past year. I love you!
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♥ May the winds of love and joy visit your homes this Christmas and live with you and your family for today and forever. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
♥ Why do I need Christmas presents when I already have you? Merry Christmas to the most beautiful angel on earth. I love you
so hopefully guys u are enjoing this all wishes collection so humble request for all of you please share this wishes collection to your friends & family
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