#that therapist would unlock a new level of speedwriting that is unbeknownst to mankind-
~Gov headcanons cuz I just realized that I don’t think I’ve done anything for him~
-he is trans (ftm).
-he is a "straight" up coffee addict and it’s f*cking concerning
-attachment + abandonment issues. Don’t try and prove me wrong. Just don’t. You’ll fail miserably/silly
-gay gay homosexual gay-
-he practically raised himself with a bit of help from a few other states (MA, CT, DE, ect…) cuz Pennsylvania paid a lot more attention to his sister when they were growing up.
-he’s incredibly easy to scare and the other states have tried to not scare the living crap out of him when they walk into a room, but they fail miserably.
-he is autistic, but nobody knows cuz he never told them cuz he got belittled for it in the past.
-he’s actually really f*ckin good at singing but he doesn’t. Hell will freeze over before he tells someone that he can sing (although, depending on how long you’ve been around my blog, you’ll know that somebody does in fact know that he can sing and they also know that he speaks French 👀)
-I can only imagine what would happen if someone were to sit down with this poor boy and ask him any questions about his mental health and well-being….
-this man is NOT, I repeat, NOT allowed in the kitchen unsupervised.
-if you hug him, he will either: 1, break down, or 2, fall asleep instantly
-he dreads going back to the White House, cuz he isn’t treated well there.
-he has one red eye and one blue eye, and they used to be a lot brighter, but now they’ve dulled to an almost grey and brown color. You can, however, still see the lively colors in his eyes if the light hits em’ right.
-this man is the equivalent of a wet, terrified, and sad kitten.
-he doesn’t get too angry too often, but when he does…. Hehe RUN-
-the only time he gets really angry is if somebody hurts any of the states.
-he may be scrawny as sh*t (cuz he obviously has no idea as to what an eating and sleep schedule is-), but he will f*ck. You. Up. If needed. And he’ll do it with a sadistic smile in his face too.
-the closest thing to a father he ever had was Pennsylvania. The closest thing he had to somebody that treated him like a father should would probably be Georgia.
-I’m not gonna say that he’s a cryptid, but I’m not gonna say that he’s a human either (same goes with every single state-)
-if somebody is yelling at him, he’s learned to just zone out completely (unless it’s the president or another important government figure-).
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