#that vine question was a Headache tho i think i watched at least an hour of compilations
ioannemos · 3 years
9, 12, 50, 51, 52, 55, 100 -- all your OCs pretty, pretty please <3
9. If they could change one part of their appearance, what would it be?
q is very protective of his body, but that stops at his face. he shares some facial characteristics with his dad's side of the family that instantly tag him as related to anyone who knows his uncle, and he would rather not be known on sight as "maitland's nephew"
the only thing sam would change about his body would be to have the limberness of youth back, please. he's used to his face and every scar has a story
christine would like to be a little more muscular. she exercises regularly but she isn't very strong, tho her endurance is pretty good
jason inherited his father's uneven ears, as his mother tells him often. he therefore feels he can never tell her that he hates them
michelle would change her eye color from dark brown to blue
david would stay the same height (an even six feet) but he has a long torso rather than long legs and he'd rather have it the other way
muninn would like to look less like his parents in general, tho he doesn't have any concrete ideas of what he would change. hair color? face shape?
12. What’s their position in their friend group? (leader, mom friend, chaos goblin, etc)
q is not in any group chats but if he were he'd be chaos goblin adjacent. he'd be totally normal for days or weeks at a time and then suddenly whip out obscure law loopholes or say that hang gliding is all right so far as it goes but it just doesn't compare to paramotoring in terms of control. normal returns as he complains with the best of them about how people just don't fu*king TIP like ANIMALS until announcing ugh, guys, he'll be out of town for a while, not sure how long, the people at this retreat make great [rare and obscenely expensive food everyone else in the gc has to google] but these things always run long, cross your fingers that he'll be back in a month!
sam is the voice of reason and experience. good at nudging people who need to be nudged, whether that's someone shy who needs encouragement or someone being innocently offensive who needs gentle correction
christine is the mommest of mom friends. you're going out drinking? will you be alone? when do you expect to be back? drink water! text her if you lose your wallet and need a taxi or something. text her when you're on your way home and when you're actually inside. she'll worry if you don't, tho she won't guilt trip you, she just wants you to be safe 🥺 also she uses lots of punctuation and emojis (she likes making little stories with emojis tho she waits for lulls in conversation to post them)
jason posts a lot but rarely anything serious. dumb memes, cute animal pics, the occasional cursed image, lots of single word and emoji only texts
michelle is the troublemaker. she has Opinions on everything, starts shit just to argue sometimes, and will switch sides mid-argument if she thinks the other side is forgetting something important. and then she'll be having a crisis in the dms with someone. she's a lot. just like... a lot to handle
david is the ghost, the guy you forget is even in this group chat until he tells an incredibly dry joke, makes a really bad pun, or volunteers a location where no one will ever find that creep's corpse, seriously it's perfect for a body dump, it's an overgrown creek bed and he knows there are wolves or maybe coyotes in the area? or, alternatively, there are these empty barrels at this other worksite and no one would notice if one went missing-
muninn is even more ghostly. he'd only stay in a gc if a particular person invited him and he would only respond to very specific stimuli, like "nice cat" if someone posted a photo or "legally obligated to tell you that idea is stupid and you're dumb as fu*k if you think you won't get caught" to someone theorizing how to break in somewhere or steal something. about a 25% chance he would respond to "why tf wouldn't that work?" with a serious answer (if a touch vague on details), a 73% chance he would ignore the question (and if they @'d him he'd tell them to fu*k off), and a 2% chance he'd respond "bc you're a moron" and imply the reason it wouldn't work was purely that
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
q is used to discomfort, being awake for long hours, and keeping his head in stressful situations like roadwork, getting lost, or being pulled over
sam is very knowledgeable, experienced, and an expert at reading the room. he'd have a great handle on when to bust out the funny stories, when and how to suggest switching drivers or pulling over for a rest, when to have the radio on and when silence is necessary...
christine is generally cheerful, sweet, and accommodating. she's also the kind of person who packs extras of little stuff that people forget, like lip balm and tissues, and you can always borrow her charging cord
jason is friendly, has a great sense of direction, and knows how to fix cars
if you already like michelle, you've learned to appreciate or at least more than just tolerate her eccentricities, like her winding trains of thought, her appreciation of the mundane beauty of life, and her broad taste in unusual music
david has few strong opinions on things like where to eat or what music is unbearable, sleeps lightly everywhere so grabbing catnaps is the norm, and so long as you get where you're planning on going about when you planned on getting there, he doesn't care if you want to take the scenic route or drive all night. also, while not chatty himself, he's a great listener
muninn is independent and pretty self contained, so he doesn't care if your music tastes clash bc he's got headphones. if you like different foods, he'll just drop you off or be dropped off, etc
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
q isn't super patient and is used to being alone. being in a confined space with someone for a long time would stress him out, tho you might not be able to tell until he was already boiling over
sam can be easygoing enough about things like getting lost or plans being changed that he doesn't hold tightly to any plans, ever, which can come across as not giving a shit
christine tends to get kind of in a rut when traveling. the seat you started in is your seat for the rest of the trip. either everyone pays for their own meals or everyone takes a turn paying for everyone else. people can request to switch seats or that their music be played, but she'd rather you didn't
jason gets antsy at being cooped up for long periods of time. he'd want to get out and run a long lap around wherever you stopped whenever you stopped. also he's not the most scintillating conversationalist
michelle is opinionated and wishy-washy and cannot be silenced- unless you hurt her feelings, in which case she will put in her earbuds and ignore you for at least an hour. she has enough social skills to understand when she's getting annoying but years of making the deliberate choice to Be Authentic, which can include being irritating
david is severely dyslexic and therefore cannot drive or help with the map
muninn isn't friendly or concerned with being liked
52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?
q: tipping in general and for service jobs specifically (rant)
sam: gun control (ramble)
christine: loyalty is a big deal (rant) or best yarn (ramble)
jason: the military (rant) (he's a soldier, so he tends towards defense of it, but he is also very aware of its flaws so if he feels comfortable with whoever he's with he can also rant at length about the stupidity involved)
michelle: A R T (ramble/rant/lecture/emotional soul-bearing)
david: disability accommodation, dehumanization, etc (rant)
muninn: people being stupid/irritating (rant)
55. Choose a vine you think perfectly encapsulates their character.
q: "so basically what i was thinking was- *gets punched in the face* [with no change in tone] ah fu*k! i can't believe you've done this 😠"
sam: "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself! and weasels. those little bas-"
christine: the one where the woman sees her cat stretch in its sleep and collapses against the wall clutching her chest bc The Cuteness!!!
jason: man in frontloader: how do you run this thing?
man behind camera: move the sticks
[cut to frontloader crashing through trees, the man inside it yelling with each impact]
michelle: the one where that huuuge red ball is rolling down the street despite the best efforts of a few frantic people and someone replaced the audio with "i want to break free" by queen
david: "*on phone* oh, yeah, i would, but i got too much to do tonight" [cut to him drinking beer and playing the piano]
muninn: "hello *looks at empty wrist* it's currently half past "i don't give a fu-""
100. If you, the creator, met them, would you two get along?
q: probably, but with periods of mutual frustration bc he holds a lot of himself back and i don't think he'd appreciate me trying to get the real him
jason: yeah, tho we don't have much in common
sam: YES i think he's super cool and he's used to being a role model/teacher
christine: yes but being around her would make me sad after a while bc there are def aspects of my mom in her
michelle: we'd get along really well and then really badly and then back again, depending on our moods (most of her A R T opinions are mine, exaggerated, and there are aspects of her personality i wish i had that come paired with aspects i'd find grating)
david: sure. david gets along with practically everybody and once he found out some of the things we agree on he'd like me
muninn: mutual annoyance. he is my fave but g o d does he get on my nerves sometimes and i can't think of anything he'd actively like about me unless i let out my inner bitch, something i try to avoid
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