#au: allwinter
ioannemos · 2 years
honestly, not sure who to suggest for your character bingo. just line up one or five or a dozen little blorbos and take aim.
that last line sent me 🤣
first in line is obvious: muninn
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almost circled "WHY are they like this" but. lbr. *i* am why he's like this 🧡 also he basically is in a snow globe lol
next! rodney
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lower left really should read "i will kill anyone else who hurts them" tbh. i put this man through the wringer in like. every fic i write
next! murderbot
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ooh, so close to bingo. fwiw i wouldn't actually try to hug murderbot bc i would respect its boundaries (plus i don't wanna be punched). but i would really really like to hug murderbot 😔 murderbot needs good touches
next! illya
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bingo! idk if he'd actually punch me (he never strikes gaby) but i doubt he'd be comfy with it and i'd want him to want to be hugged, y'know
last (for now anyway)! k from blade runner 2049
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another bingo! and re daddy/mommy issues, having/not having parents/children is kinda The Theme... like joshi lets k escape and sacrifices herself trying to keep him safe. and wallace is just. a god am i-levels of insane about creation and parenthood and thinks that discovering the secret to making his androids be able to make babies will make them better slaves. if all that wouldn't lead to daddy/mommy issues idk what would. also k lives btw
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gorogues · 5 months
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Spoilers for comics in July!
These are from the official solicits for that month, which you can see in full at Adventures In Poor Taste. Of note: DC comics return to Wednesday releases as of that month.
THE FLASH #11 Written by SIMON SPURRIER Art by RAMÓN PÉREZ Cover by MIKE DEODATO Jr. Variant covers by JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ and MATT TAYLOR Artist Spotlight Variant cover by JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 7/24/24 As Barry, Max, Mr. Terrific, and Pilgrim head into the Speed Force to uncover what’s really causing all the chaos around the world, Wally returns home but is under the same mind control that seized Barry. Meanwhile, Linda finally meets the Resident, the being Wally turned to while trapped in the Gallery!
I get the feeling the chaos may be (partially) caused by somebody who appears on the above variant cover. He sure seems to be having a good time.
The next two solicits are speculative and are included here because they may possibly be of interest.
POWER GIRL #11 Written by LEAH WILLIAMS Art by EDUARDO PANSICA and JÚLIO FERREIRA Cover by YANICK PAQUETTE Variant covers by TERRY DODSON and INHYUK LEE $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 7/24/24 Forever alone?! Dating is hard, especially if you’re Metropolis’s breakout hero Power Girl. Will an innocent date with the mysterious Axel be just what Paige needs to get her groove back? Or are there some skeletons in her suitor’s closet waiting to be set free?
This probably isn't our Axel, but it's here just in case.
DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL: ALLWINTER #1 Written by JAY KRISTOFF and TOM TAYLOR Art by TIRSO CONS and RICCARDO FEDERICI Cover by TIRSO CONS Variant cover by GERARDO ZAFFINO Variant cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA 1:25 variant cover by HOMARE 1:50 variant cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA Foil variant by HOMARE ($6.99 US) $4.99 US | 40 pages | 1 of 6 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 7/17/24 The snow falls thick, blood runs black, and color itself is only a distant memory. The legendary assassin Deathstroke stalks a frozen wasteland, killing for coin among a nation of ever-warring jarls. But when our murderer for hire finds himself cast in the role of reluctant guardian, will he fight to end the icy curse destroying his land or be consumed by the sins of his own dark past? The red-hot Dark Knights of Steel epic expands into bone-chilling new territories with new surprises in store!
It seems likely that Len will appear in this AU (and hopefully Lisa will too), but who knows. One of the variant covers appears to have Killer Frost, though she isn't named and it could be someone else.
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snowddeong · 1 month
Anyway Ryeji Allwinter au where Ryu is begrugingly tryna get Yuna home and Yeji is begrugingly tryna kill her to stop winter idek
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ioannemos · 2 years
heard this for the first time yesterday and i've had it on repeat since
this will totally be on the muninn: human disaster playlist if it ever gets off the ground...
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ioannemos · 3 months
oc relationships ask: Michelle/David, 3, 4 | Q/Sinclair, 4, 10, 25 | 8. Muninn/Eli , 8, 9, 21 | Sam/Christine, 20 | Christine/Muninn, 26
What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
michelle of david, first meeting: he was helping a friend of hers with an art installation, so that was already a point in his favor, but then he had an extremely dry sense of humor. even in a short conversation he had markedly different views of things she had always taken for granted and while he wasn't exactly fighting with her about it he didn't seem put off or annoyed by her strong opinions. also he wasn't bad looking and didn't make jokes about her somewhat wild appearance that day (she'd been painting so she was covered in paint (no really, there was paint everywhere), her hair was falling out of its messy bun, her long-sleeved shirt was too short in the sleeves, and her leggings had been slashed from the knee down at the outer seam bc they were too constricting; she was also barefoot and not wearing any makeup or jewelry). he just... intrigued her. so she asked for his number
michelle of david, now: he is her rock, her favorite person, even funnier than she thought and he doesn't care about her appearance bc he's more interested in her mind. she can be quiet around him, which is extremely rare, and so restful... he makes her feel safe
david of michelle, first meeting: oh no another weird artist. OH DAMN SHE'S HOT. wait she's talking to me. OH DAMN SHE'S OPINIONATED. i didn't know people could have opinions about that. but i don't mind???? huh. that's weird. ...she's asking for my number??? ...okay. this'll end badly but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
david of michelle, now: she's weird and flighty bc she's kinda still waiting for people to be put off. but he's been there, he's been deliberately off-putting so people will leave him alone, and while it can be a little frustrating he just… he loves her. he loves her random conversation starters and her convictions on driving etiquette and her stark colors. he loves that she's letting him into the things that have hurt her deeply in the past and that she's letting him care for her in those times, even if it's slowly. he loves her noise and he loves her silence, he loves her high emotional states and he loves knowing how to cheer her up when she drops, he loves that she cares so much and that she doesn't care at all. she's kinda like a puzzle and he really loves that she's letting him close enough to figure her out
How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
michelle: david is so hot, and funny, and kind… [note: anyone who has met david without being his friend would react to all three of these descriptors with confusion at best. david is pretty mid in looks, has a sense of humor as dry as the atacama, and very much minds his own business to the extent that very few people would, say, ask him to sign a petition or even a birthday card for someone in the office]
david: she's great [note: yeah, that's it]
How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
q: g o d he's annoying. he's SO annoying. obnoxious! self-absorbed. crazy, at times. a lunatic, even [someone says something accurate but mean-spirited about sinclair] …how fast can you run bc i'm about to commit cold-blooded murder bc only i am allowed to be critical of him
sinclair: q is awesome! he can be a little bit of a drag every now and then but he's great :^) 10/10 would get stuck on a yacht with him again
What is one major difference between them?
despite how it may look at times, q does in fact think ahead
If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
depends on where that stranger met them, tbh...
at a Function (such as a party, a silent auction benefiting a charity, really any black-tie event) where both have to be on their best behavior? nice, impeccably dressed, well-behaved young men. probably related? maybe cousins? it's a shame the Function had to end early bc the bathroom caught fire (??) bc that stranger would've loved to have another chat with either of them… (that they were subtly insulted by one of them kicks in some time on the road home) (and if any of these people compared notes with each other later they would be mightily confused which was which bc the two of them lie periodically about who's quincy and who's sinclair (or, indeed, which of them was quincy and which of them was sacheverall. wait, i heard one of them was sinclair and another sacheverall??)) (the two have absolutely no qualms about trying to gaslight people about this)
not at a Function? they appear to be related in some way. their clothes don't match but their hair, eyes, facial structure… the only thing scarier than them speaking normally is when they speak in some kind of personal code that's english-adjacent, at least what you can hear bc they do a lot of whispering/murmuring in each other's ears. there is also definitely Something Wrong With Them. they are Plotting. a wise stranger would probably run
How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
their most common method of communication is emails at this point. it used to be texts but eli texted waaay too often and was distracting muninn at work so he finally was like "listen man, you can keep texting me but i'm gonna have to mute you. can you idk like email me instead" and then it was spates of emails every other day until suddenly they were like. once a month. and then every three months. and then two lines every six months. and then a h u g e email once a year, full of rambling and repeated ideas and strangely formatted. muninn suspects eli just wrote down every thought in a draft and then sent it. he has no idea what to do with it
as for phrases or gestures, they definitely did when they were kids. as adults, not so much
What is one quality they have in common?
bad at people and so, so lonely (muninn less than eli now, but for most of his life)
What is their worst memory together?
muninn's high school graduation. eli attended. eli's parents tried to be supportive but eli tested out of school at eleven. they had no reference for normal teenagers. muninn's mom attended but didn't exactly come down to earth for it. eli's parents asked what he wanted to do for a job. he still planned to become a cop, which set off his dad who hadn't wanted to come anyway and had let it be known even before that. muninn's dad started a screaming match in the middle of the gymnasium. muninn, being eighteen, participated with gusto. it didn't get to blows but it sure looked like it was going to. eli was fifteen and vanished to the buffet. it wasn't like muninn actually blamed him for not being there or expected him to stand up to muninn's dad, but at the same time it still bothered him
(years later eli referred to it obliquely and in an extremely 'ah the futility of pleasing one's parents amirite' kind of way, which rang very hollow bc as far as muninn knew eli's parents had always been proud of eli. that didn't end well either. muninn didn't talk to eli through text, email, or phone call (bc yes eli did call that time) for at least two months)
What is their best memory together?
they went on a little vacation just before their wedding bc christine was getting incredibly stressed about the preparations. sam didn't tell her until they were already on the road. christine just about exploded from stress, cried a little, and once she was calm sam was like "and now you see why, right" and she agreed through more tears. sam explained that he'd already arranged for a friend of his to handle everything that christine didn't actually care about and to simplify the things she did care about so that when they got back it would all be easier for her to arrange. they had a blissful two days in a tiny cabin near a tiny lake surrounded by trees with christine's phone left in the car's glove box. sam only checked his phone once in the mornings while christine was still asleep to make sure he wasn't missing anything actually catastrophic
later they joked that they had the honeymoon before the wedding bc they didn't have time after
How would these characters react to being stuck in a small room with each other?
they would do okay i think? they would take turns freaking out and calming the other down (though muninn would deny freaking out) (and i mean, it would be mostly a silent freak out easy to deny) (the times it wasn't silent would be harder), they both have lots of stories to pass the time, and the same sense of humor so what amused one would amuse the other (shittalking idiots, basically). both also have at least some idea of how to react in emergencies (muninn from his police training, christine from sam). they'd get on each others nerves, of course, bc i think in that circumstance it would be almost impossible not to, but christine is good at soothing ruffled feathers and muninn would feel Immeasurable Guilt at the idea of making christine cry so he would pull up short of actually, y'know, hurting her even emotionally
once freed, both would def be like "thank heavens i've been SAVED can you IMAGINE what it was like stuck with THEM this whole time!" christine would be like "he MOPED and SULKED it was TERRIBLE" and muninn would be like "she was so HAPPY and CALM it was UNBEARABLE" but then they'd also drop little insider jokes that no one else got and would be like "you wouldn't understand, we have a Deep Bond now that you will never comprehend" in like. the most incomprehensible circumstances, e.g.
someone: why is muninn crocheting octopi and how do we make him stop christine: oh he'll never stop, it's part of the Pact we made someone: ?? what pact?? christine: oh, i forgot, you weren't There someone: ? christine: you wouldn't Understand
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ioannemos · 1 year
jason: 2, 14 | david: 5, 16 | christine: 8, 12 | michelle: 13, 20 | sam: 14, 20 | muninn: 15, 29
describe your character's voice. do they have a voice claim?
no voice claim. i imagine him in the low-tenor range; superb diction, snappy response time, with the occasional tendency to slip into a sort of... after-action report cadence/narration (short sentences, event-focused, impartial)
he's much freer in spanish. not spellbinding by any means but he actually uses descriptive language
an embarrassing secret about your OC?
he has his mother's name tattooed in a heart on his right hip, maybe two inches square, acquired while drunk in the kind of tattoo parlor overseas that would tattoo obviously drunk soldiers. he's not embarrassed about the tattoo, per se, and more about how he implied to his fellow soldiers and the tattoo artist that 'alicia' was, y'know, a different kind of someone waiting for him at home
what was your character's dream job as a kid? is it different than what their career ended up being?
astronaut. turns out you need to be able to read 😔 he likes being a welder, tho - metal doesn't care how you feel. don't know what you're feeling? weld about it! just don't be stupid
how does your OC feel about their parents?
he misses his mom. he feels more kinship with his dad but the very nature of that kinship is estrangement from people, so
what book genre is their favorite?
historical romance. not pulp, tho - she likes historical accuracy, or at least nothing egregiously unrealistic
how well did your OC do in school?
...c's get degrees 😅 she did not do well. she doesn't have a head for math, her interest in history came later in life, it took until the very end of college to figure out the best way for her to write papers... judging her by her academic record would be judging a fish by its ability to climb trees
where would your OC like to go on a honeymoon?
a year-long trip around the mediterranean region, with special attention to rome. if she had to pick a city, she'd pick rome
a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood?
she spent a week decorating her new Big Girl Bike with stickers, paint pens, glitter, etc before deciding she wanted the training wheels taken off Right Now. her dad put off mowing the lawn to teach her how to ride it without the training wheels and they ended up spending the whole morning together, ending by biking together to an ice cream stand a few blocks away
an embarrassing secret about your OC?
he can't keep effect and affect straight. he's a grown-ass fifty-five year old man and he'll still wince as he types out an email, hoping that he got it right this time... only to sigh in disgust when the little spell check prompt comes up again, verdammt
a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood?
when he was nine his mom lied to her workplace and his school that they were sick and took him to the museum three days in a row bc an exhibition about space was ending and she wanted him to see it but couldn't afford weekend tickets. he'd heard about it maybe twice and the idea of getting to go hadn't even crossed his mind. he was blown away. it was so hard not to tell his friends about it
who is your OC’s best friend?
i had a bit of a crisis about this one but i think it's christine. she's scary good with emotional insight, which he is sorely lacking. this has led to more than one conversation that boiled down to
him: ugh i've been angry about [x] for like three days now her: hmm. actually you've been upset for a week. do you think it's about [x]? maybe you're sad about [h] him: ...what. sad? about [h]? that's bs. no. *six hours later* okay fine. you're right. again. now what
they have a similar sense of humor, and while christine would feel bad about expressing it this way they're both the kind of person to jump to "i have a shovel, who are we murdering with it" when someone they care about is hurt in any way
when was their first kiss?
sixth grade. it was a dare. he barely remembers her name... joan? janet? he's pretty sure it started with a j...
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ioannemos · 2 years
i couldn't pick one person so HERE! a random and/or irrational fear from each of my ocs
q: needles. he's donated plasma for money but kept his eyes closed basically the entire time
sam: standing under power lines, especially if he can hear the electricity humming
christine: raccoons. she does not like their little human hands or their creepy little waddle!
jason: he's at least halfway convinced that chupacabras are real and eat people. no way in hell is he ever going to mexico (his family comes from guatemala, not mexico, thankyouverymuch)
michelle: an insect getting stuck in one of her paintings and dying. what's she gonna do, pull it out? what if its legs come off??
david: someone told him you can get cancer from eating burned food and since then eating anything with even a little bit of char on it makes a little counter entitled "Likelihood of Getting Cancer" tick up a few points in his head
muninn: people in mascot costumes. this definitely did not arise from being terrified of teletubbies as a young child which definitely does not persist in any way, shape, or form to present day
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ioannemos · 2 years
🖊 let’s hear it!!
this has been sitting in my inbox for so long... my bad
a random generator picked muninn so here's some more info on one of my favorite jackasses
when emotionally and/or mentally overwhelmed, he goes non-verbal. not just quiet or silent, he straight-up can't put together a sentence. head full, thoughts empty. it isn't the sort of thing that comes up a lot in his usual life, so thus far no one around him has picked up on it. his dad sure did, tho...
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ioannemos · 2 years
🖊 + Muninn (interesting name!)
his birth name isn't muninn, tho as nicknames go it's one of two he's had his entire life that he didn't outright hate and the only one he's ever answered to
that could count as an answer i suppose but there's probably something more interesting. hmm
some of the many things muninn hates:
heavy traffic
the changing of the seasons
potatoes (mashed in particular but all potatoes are on thin fu*king ice)
his father
people who cut in line
some of the things he admits to liking that are telling:
ultra-dark chocolate with fruit and/or nuts
green vegetables like brussels sprouts and asparagus
windy winter days
outsmarting criminals
dinosaur documentaries
coffee-flavored things
lake michigan
things he refuses to admit liking that are even more telling:
music more associated with angsty teens than men thirty-plus years old
working alone
long, grueling days of work so he falls asleep as soon as he gets home
sour candy
people-watching at the mall
glow in the dark stars
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ioannemos · 3 years
malcolm/dani 1, 15, 22 | nate/elena 10, 13, 27 | michelle/david 11, 19, 28 | sam/christine 9, 12, 14
thanks :)
Who makes the first move and how?
they both go in for the kiss at the same time, but dani is the one who picks it up after that. yes, it was heat of the moment. no, she doesn't regret it. yes, they should do it again, idiot (affectionate)
When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
malcolm likes true crime documentaries so he can pause it at crucial moments and explain why they're right, wrong, exaggerating, blind, etc. dani likes weird 80s and low-budget horror movies bc she likes men fighting other men in rubber suits and watching jackasses get knifed by possessed girls or whatever
dani gets final vote. they usually watch her movies
Where does their first kiss happen?
in a storage unit. their second kiss is also a little unhinged, after the finale shit is resolved and they're both relieved that malcolm isn't going to be prosecuted
their first not-unhinged kiss is after their first official date, in malcolm's apartment. dani initiates
What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
elena: a sappy love song, a book about how to survive on a desert island, a polaroid camera and a box of film
nate: a sea shanty, a sketchbook, a hammock
When do they realise they should get together?
after the second game, when nate finally admits that nearly losing elena scared him to death and he doesn't want to live without her
Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
bc they're attached at the hip. now they're mad at each other. now they're getting mad at their friends for not defending the other one. now they're off making out in a corner somewhere?? when did they make up?? now elena's getting a ride home from someone else and nate is sulking. now nate's texting everyone asking for their opinions on what kind of apology gift elena would like the most. now they're making out again. now elena is avoiding nate's calls. now she's demanding you call him to find out if he's still alive and why he isn't answering her texts. why did you only invite one of them to your party? don't you know they're attached at the hip?
What do they hide from one another?
idk if this is exactly hiding but sometimes michelle is EXTRA Extra around david bc she's worried he'll get sick of her and she wants to provoke it instead of being blindsided by it
david feels out of his depth a lot, which leads to him feeling like an inadequate boyfriend. he's worried she'll get bored of him
Where do they go on their first date?
a cafe for lunch. they went on a walk afterward and talked for so long that they ended up getting dinner together, too
Why do they get jealous?
michelle gets jealous of david's calm when something happens that makes her upset. david's jealous of some of michelle's artist friends who seem to understand her on a level he doesn't get
What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
the day after christine's friends pointed out how many signs of interest sam was displaying for her, sam smiled at christine at work and for the first and only time in her not-insignificant career as a waitress she dropped a whole tray of just-poured drinks onto the floor and partially onto half a dozen customers
the first morning after they were married sam lost the ability to speak, burned breakfast, and set a dish towel on fire when christine came to join him in the kitchen
What first changes when it starts getting serious?
christine gets more tactile: holding his hand, touching his arm to get his attention, leaning against him. sam starts experimenting with endearments in the languages he knows
When one has a cold, what does the other do?
when sam has a cold, christine makes chicken soup from scratch, checks on him at least once an hour, and cleans the house as a nervous coping mechanism. when christine has a cold, sam brings her medicine exactly when she should have it, makes sure she stays hydrated, and cuddles her if she has difficulty sleeping
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ioannemos · 3 years
✂️ - Christine 🎭 - Sam 🌋 - Jason 🍺 - Q 🧸 - Muninn 🩸 - David 🌅 - Michelle
What kind of thing would have Christine cut someone out of her life? How likely is she to let someone back in?
repeated minor offenses like drinking too much or being rude with no provocation with no signs of attempted change or even acknowledgement that that's not a good way to behave will result in christine slowly phasing that person out of her life. signs of change will get a tentative opening of the door again
something more severe, like lying or driving drunk, will get a gentle but firm letter that she doesn't want them under her roof until they're ready to stop. if they tell her they are, she's supportive so long as they seem sincere, and she's pretty good at sensing that
betrayal like cheating on a spouse or sabotaging a friend was a big deal to christine even before she found out her first husband had been lying to her through their entire marriage, and afterwards... well, this requires "gave up half my savings to a charity" levels of change before she'll give you another chance
abusing a significant other or a child, any child, is an instant ban. she will never trust that person again or be okay in the same building as them. even discussing them will make her angry
Does Sam show different sides of himself to different people?
kind of. he can code-switch between a birthday party of soldiers and a birthday party of honorary niblings with ease, but he's the same essential person
What's Jason's temper like? Is he a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
slowly, then all at once. he's surprised a few people who expected him to stay at an irritated "hey knock it off" forever rather than escalate to physical separation and "I SAID KNOCK IT OFF"
What kind of drunk is Q? (e.g. talkative, sleepy, flirty, etc)
when q is tipsy, he's actually worse than usual: he's twitchy, doesn't speak, and seems weirdly intense. this is bc he's aware his guard is lowering and that scares him for... multiple reasons
now when q is drunk... feeling safe enough to get drunk requires a particular, very rare set of circumstances, so when those occur, q transforms. he's chatty, he makes jokes, he dances to whatever music is playing and sings along at the top of his lungs, he says what he's thinking and feeling, and he has lots of stupid ideas that he's ready and willing (if not precisely able) to put into action
(q has been drunk about, eh, twice in his life? both times it was literally just him and his cousin on one of his cousin's island estates. yes, that includes no staff. they have set off fireworks (and set the lawn on fire), played paintball in the house and gardens, put on the music loud enough they could barely hear for the next three days, prank-called a few minor politicians and one major corporation owner, and bought a castle, amongst other things)
On a scale of 1-10, how 'soft' is Muninn? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would Muninn place himself, and where would he like to be on the scale?)
hoo boy 🤣 uhh before the allwinter? probably like... a three? his default was 'driven and impatient workaholic jerk' but he wasn't an asshole constantly. he could back off with the sarcasm, joke with people without it necessarily being mean-spirited, etc.
he would've placed himself as a two, probably, and would've insisted that he was fine right there, thanks, he didn't need no stinkin' feelings
after the allwinter... most of the softening was internal, though he did cut down on some of the outward signs, too. maybe more like a five? maybe a six around the kids
he would put himself as a seven at least bc from his perspective he's about as mushy as he's getting, thanks, and he could've gladly stayed at a five, definitely
Does David believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)
pre-allwinter, yeah. post-allwinter, nope. he didn't realize he had the capacity to feel this close to anybody, let alone this many people
What is Michelle's favourite time of day? Is she a morning person or a night owl?
early mornings. she likes the quiet, the emptiness, and the slow brightening of the sky. she's one of those people who goes for a run at five am and it's honestly essential for her mental health. when she's been sick she always goes for a morning walk as soon as she can do so without feeling like she's gonna die
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ioannemos · 3 years
🍓 🍓
q free: he learned how to swim as a kid and he used to be at least decent at a handful of basic strokes. it's one of only a few skills that he's really let slide, so now being in water deeper than his waist makes him nervous, he'll stick to the shallows if he can't see the bottom, and he hates being on boats, especially on the ocean. he lets people think it's bc he gets seasick
sam jackson: despite breaking his dominant arm on more than one occasion he's never managed to become ambidextrous to even a mediocre degree, which annoys him more than he'd like to admit
christine jackson: it takes a long time for most people to notice bc in practice she's so sweet (and she tends to hide it most of the time) but her sense of humor skews toward the mean end of things, heavy on schadenfreude and witty insults
jason garcia: he has a disproportionate number of nightmares about fights he's gotten into stateside versus his military deployments
michelle lane: as a very visual person she's not big on the written word in general; nevertheless while she's made the occasional stab at prose she's very firm on not writing poetry, which surprises a lot of people bc freeverse or slam poetry seems like just the kind of thing she'd be into. she finds expressing herself via words too vague at times and too open at others. she does keep an audio diary, something she has never told a soul, not even david
david shaw: he went out with michelle the first time bc she was pretty and she asked him; he didn't really expect it to lead anywhere, much less to this depth of love and commitment
muninn reed: he genuinely likes bitter-tasting things like black coffee, really dark chocolate, and greens like brussels sprouts
ignore the spider: sam (if it's harmless), jason, michelle (if it's out of the way)
kill the spider: sam (if it's dangerous), michelle (if it comes near her), david, muninn
scoop up the spider and put it outside: christine
watch the spider, feed the spider, let the spider crawl on him if it comes close: q
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ioannemos · 3 years
9, 12, 50, 51, 52, 55, 100 -- all your OCs pretty, pretty please <3
9. If they could change one part of their appearance, what would it be?
q is very protective of his body, but that stops at his face. he shares some facial characteristics with his dad's side of the family that instantly tag him as related to anyone who knows his uncle, and he would rather not be known on sight as "maitland's nephew"
the only thing sam would change about his body would be to have the limberness of youth back, please. he's used to his face and every scar has a story
christine would like to be a little more muscular. she exercises regularly but she isn't very strong, tho her endurance is pretty good
jason inherited his father's uneven ears, as his mother tells him often. he therefore feels he can never tell her that he hates them
michelle would change her eye color from dark brown to blue
david would stay the same height (an even six feet) but he has a long torso rather than long legs and he'd rather have it the other way
muninn would like to look less like his parents in general, tho he doesn't have any concrete ideas of what he would change. hair color? face shape?
12. What’s their position in their friend group? (leader, mom friend, chaos goblin, etc)
q is not in any group chats but if he were he'd be chaos goblin adjacent. he'd be totally normal for days or weeks at a time and then suddenly whip out obscure law loopholes or say that hang gliding is all right so far as it goes but it just doesn't compare to paramotoring in terms of control. normal returns as he complains with the best of them about how people just don't fu*king TIP like ANIMALS until announcing ugh, guys, he'll be out of town for a while, not sure how long, the people at this retreat make great [rare and obscenely expensive food everyone else in the gc has to google] but these things always run long, cross your fingers that he'll be back in a month!
sam is the voice of reason and experience. good at nudging people who need to be nudged, whether that's someone shy who needs encouragement or someone being innocently offensive who needs gentle correction
christine is the mommest of mom friends. you're going out drinking? will you be alone? when do you expect to be back? drink water! text her if you lose your wallet and need a taxi or something. text her when you're on your way home and when you're actually inside. she'll worry if you don't, tho she won't guilt trip you, she just wants you to be safe 🥺 also she uses lots of punctuation and emojis (she likes making little stories with emojis tho she waits for lulls in conversation to post them)
jason posts a lot but rarely anything serious. dumb memes, cute animal pics, the occasional cursed image, lots of single word and emoji only texts
michelle is the troublemaker. she has Opinions on everything, starts shit just to argue sometimes, and will switch sides mid-argument if she thinks the other side is forgetting something important. and then she'll be having a crisis in the dms with someone. she's a lot. just like... a lot to handle
david is the ghost, the guy you forget is even in this group chat until he tells an incredibly dry joke, makes a really bad pun, or volunteers a location where no one will ever find that creep's corpse, seriously it's perfect for a body dump, it's an overgrown creek bed and he knows there are wolves or maybe coyotes in the area? or, alternatively, there are these empty barrels at this other worksite and no one would notice if one went missing-
muninn is even more ghostly. he'd only stay in a gc if a particular person invited him and he would only respond to very specific stimuli, like "nice cat" if someone posted a photo or "legally obligated to tell you that idea is stupid and you're dumb as fu*k if you think you won't get caught" to someone theorizing how to break in somewhere or steal something. about a 25% chance he would respond to "why tf wouldn't that work?" with a serious answer (if a touch vague on details), a 73% chance he would ignore the question (and if they @'d him he'd tell them to fu*k off), and a 2% chance he'd respond "bc you're a moron" and imply the reason it wouldn't work was purely that
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
q is used to discomfort, being awake for long hours, and keeping his head in stressful situations like roadwork, getting lost, or being pulled over
sam is very knowledgeable, experienced, and an expert at reading the room. he'd have a great handle on when to bust out the funny stories, when and how to suggest switching drivers or pulling over for a rest, when to have the radio on and when silence is necessary...
christine is generally cheerful, sweet, and accommodating. she's also the kind of person who packs extras of little stuff that people forget, like lip balm and tissues, and you can always borrow her charging cord
jason is friendly, has a great sense of direction, and knows how to fix cars
if you already like michelle, you've learned to appreciate or at least more than just tolerate her eccentricities, like her winding trains of thought, her appreciation of the mundane beauty of life, and her broad taste in unusual music
david has few strong opinions on things like where to eat or what music is unbearable, sleeps lightly everywhere so grabbing catnaps is the norm, and so long as you get where you're planning on going about when you planned on getting there, he doesn't care if you want to take the scenic route or drive all night. also, while not chatty himself, he's a great listener
muninn is independent and pretty self contained, so he doesn't care if your music tastes clash bc he's got headphones. if you like different foods, he'll just drop you off or be dropped off, etc
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
q isn't super patient and is used to being alone. being in a confined space with someone for a long time would stress him out, tho you might not be able to tell until he was already boiling over
sam can be easygoing enough about things like getting lost or plans being changed that he doesn't hold tightly to any plans, ever, which can come across as not giving a shit
christine tends to get kind of in a rut when traveling. the seat you started in is your seat for the rest of the trip. either everyone pays for their own meals or everyone takes a turn paying for everyone else. people can request to switch seats or that their music be played, but she'd rather you didn't
jason gets antsy at being cooped up for long periods of time. he'd want to get out and run a long lap around wherever you stopped whenever you stopped. also he's not the most scintillating conversationalist
michelle is opinionated and wishy-washy and cannot be silenced- unless you hurt her feelings, in which case she will put in her earbuds and ignore you for at least an hour. she has enough social skills to understand when she's getting annoying but years of making the deliberate choice to Be Authentic, which can include being irritating
david is severely dyslexic and therefore cannot drive or help with the map
muninn isn't friendly or concerned with being liked
52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?
q: tipping in general and for service jobs specifically (rant)
sam: gun control (ramble)
christine: loyalty is a big deal (rant) or best yarn (ramble)
jason: the military (rant) (he's a soldier, so he tends towards defense of it, but he is also very aware of its flaws so if he feels comfortable with whoever he's with he can also rant at length about the stupidity involved)
michelle: A R T (ramble/rant/lecture/emotional soul-bearing)
david: disability accommodation, dehumanization, etc (rant)
muninn: people being stupid/irritating (rant)
55. Choose a vine you think perfectly encapsulates their character.
q: "so basically what i was thinking was- *gets punched in the face* [with no change in tone] ah fu*k! i can't believe you've done this 😠"
sam: "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself! and weasels. those little bas-"
christine: the one where the woman sees her cat stretch in its sleep and collapses against the wall clutching her chest bc The Cuteness!!!
jason: man in frontloader: how do you run this thing?
man behind camera: move the sticks
[cut to frontloader crashing through trees, the man inside it yelling with each impact]
michelle: the one where that huuuge red ball is rolling down the street despite the best efforts of a few frantic people and someone replaced the audio with "i want to break free" by queen
david: "*on phone* oh, yeah, i would, but i got too much to do tonight" [cut to him drinking beer and playing the piano]
muninn: "hello *looks at empty wrist* it's currently half past "i don't give a fu-""
100. If you, the creator, met them, would you two get along?
q: probably, but with periods of mutual frustration bc he holds a lot of himself back and i don't think he'd appreciate me trying to get the real him
jason: yeah, tho we don't have much in common
sam: YES i think he's super cool and he's used to being a role model/teacher
christine: yes but being around her would make me sad after a while bc there are def aspects of my mom in her
michelle: we'd get along really well and then really badly and then back again, depending on our moods (most of her A R T opinions are mine, exaggerated, and there are aspects of her personality i wish i had that come paired with aspects i'd find grating)
david: sure. david gets along with practically everybody and once he found out some of the things we agree on he'd like me
muninn: mutual annoyance. he is my fave but g o d does he get on my nerves sometimes and i can't think of anything he'd actively like about me unless i let out my inner bitch, something i try to avoid
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ioannemos · 3 years
1 - jason, christine | 2 - christine, q | 7 - q, jason | 13 - david, sam | 16 - all characters | 41 - muninn, michelle | 59 - michelle, david | 64 - sam, muninn | 94 - all characters
1. What’s a unique skill they have? Is their [sic] any reason why they can do it?
jason is good at precision knife throwing bc he's a soldier and had both access to a lot of different knives and a whole lot of time sitting around waiting for orders. it's the same reason he can recite several long poems and can do that thing like a handstand but on your elbows for a worrying amount of time
christine has an unerring ability to dowse any large, crowded room for the most uncomfortable person and if she's somewhere social like a party she can always fix it. always. (it lowkey sucks when she's in public tho bc she can still sense them but the circumstances are a little more in flux and while she isn't shy about approaching strangers, she also doesn't want to make people uncomfortable)
2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc)
christine has a few trinkets, like porcelain figurines and little carved statues, that her closer friends gave her while she was married to her first husband. they were from the more welcoming women among the higher social class she unexpectedly found herself in, and most of the gifts came after they got to know her better and realized she was uncomfortable with some of the more ostentatious gifts that went around at Christmas
q doesn't have a lot of possessions that it would devastate him to lose, but he intends to be buried in jeans, a band t-shirt (most appropriate would be Candidates for Death, obviously, but THREAT, Reasonable Disappointment, Wooden Caskets, or I Dared would also be acceptable) [none of these are real bands so far as i know], and most importantly the worn out, faded, patched, repaired by hand windbreaker that used to belong to his dad. he'll also be wearing his mom's necklace, and the casket will include his childhood stuffed rabbit. other than that, they can launch his casket into space, sink it in the ocean, set it on fire, or make it out of glass and display his corpse to the world for the rest of time (though the band t-shirt is meant to discourage that idea)
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
q is drawn to girls who are unapologetically themselves. outright boldness is more obvious, of course, but he's had some crushes on girls who were quietly uncompromising too. goodness is not a requirement, tho: some of those girls were snobs, brutally honest, and/or downright vicious at times. it was their unflinching self confidence he found attractive
jason likes guys with strong convictions, gentleness, and a good sense of humor
13. How forgiving are they? What do they consider unforgivable?
david isn't so much very forgiving as very tolerant, as some people have found to their chagrin. between being functionally illiterate bc of his severe dyslexia and growing up with a brother who was certainly autistic even if never diagnosed, he's extremely sensitive to and intolerant of any kind of mockery of physical or mental shortcomings, difficulties, etc, as well as any complaints about accommodations for such things
sam will forgive and never mention it again once, which is not the same as forgiving and forgetting. do it again, he's watching you. few people are bold enough to do something three times. as for what's off the table, it may be old fashioned, but the quickest way to get on his shitlist is to harm women, children, the elderly, and animals. even joking about such things moves you directly to the watchlist
16. What food do they absolutely hate?
q hates caviar. it's fu*king fish eggs. why. if asked he'll usually say bbq chicken wings tho to avoid the awkward question of where a bike messenger has had caviar (and in fairness he does also hate bbq chicken wings bc they're messy, too much work for too little meat, and he straight up doesn't like the flavor of bbq)
sam has had plenty of bad food in his life but nothing has turned him against entire fast food chains like fake mexican
christine hates even the smell of corn dogs so much that sometimes she can't stand to eat cornbread or hot dogs by themselves
jason also dislikes fake mexican but he doesn't hate the chains' butchery the way he hates the cafeterias' sacrilege
michelle has given up on finding a frozen lasagna that doesn't make her gag
david is very ambivalent when it comes to food but there's just something about dried fruit that he doesn't like
muninn would probably have to be held at either gun- or knifepoint before eating either coleslaw or instant mashed potatoes (most potatoes are on thin ice with him but instant mashed potatoes especially)
41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?
muninn would have to be coerced to wear anything other than a shirt that said something like "this is my human costume." supposing you were capable of such coercion, he'd go with jason voorhees or something like it (recognizable without showing his face). he would definitely not be more easily persuaded into being darth vader, nope, nuh-uh, no way, don't be ridiculous, he's not a nerd
michelle l o v e s halloween. she goes as someone or something different every year and isn't picky in the slightest (tho she does tend to prefer the costumes she worked on for months beforehand, of course). famous women, terrible puns, genderbent versions of pop culture characters... she's gone as audrey hepburn one year and a hot dog the next and probably had about as good a time
59. Do they love or hate surprises?
michelle definitely enjoys surprises more than most, with one glaring exception: if you were to throw her a surprise birthday party, you'd be lucky if she talked to you again within three months (michelle had Bad Experiences with birthday celebrations when she was growing up)
david doesn't hate surprises but he does not enjoy them either
64. Describe what their social media would be like.
sam didn't have much time for social media before the allwinter. if he had tho he would've posted tons of humorous and heartwarming stories and pictures of beautiful places and anyone who was comfortable being tagged. he'd share news articles he found relevant or interesting, including a lot of obscure/niche content and "today i learned"/"today in history" articles. overall it would be a friendly, informative place
muninn doesn't have any social media accounts anymore either but when he did his official accounts were deserts of information, both bc he didn't get much out of them and bc he had a public service job, so he could get fired for saying something like "wtf is wrong with people." he also had a twitter account under an obvious pseudonym solely for cat spotting, "wtf is wrong with people" tweets, and screencaps of texts between him and his borderline insane cousin
94. What does their room look like?
q keeps his space more contained than tidy. he has relatively few possessions, tho, so tidiness isn't difficult to maintain either. once he relaxes a little, he puts up posters of his favorite movies or video games and buys nice furniture
sam has relatively little in his bedroom. a small stack of books on the side table, maybe a soothing picture on the wall. minimalist, darker neutral colors
christine is a human disaster area. her bedroom is always in an absolute state. sam struggled with this after they got married
jason is also a minimalist but more from not giving a fu*k. cheap bedframe, no other furniture, cheap sheets. if he has curtains rather than blinds, they were a gift. he does have a nice mattress, tho
michelle has organized piles. these are clean clothes, those are dirty clothes. gold earrings are here on this section of the crowded dresser top, gold bracelets in this pile, gold necklaces in that pile. her silver jewelry is on top of that dresser. if there's a system for how her shoes rotate between the closet floor, the shoe rack outside the closet, and the random piles that appear and disappear without warning, david has yet to intuit it and is not exactly proactive about learning
david is here too but with significantly lower investment. is there a bed that fits two? is there somewhere for his clean clothes to go? yes? okay
muninn used to have a very depressing bedroom: clothes left lying around, bugs in the light fixture, sheet thrown over the curtain rod, sheets left unchanged for far too long... he pretty much just has a bunk now, but it's made, usually, with sheets that were changed within two weeks, and he'll take the family and reduced privacy over nobody and a whole house
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ioannemos · 4 years
Preferred character, multiples of 2
for fun and contrast, i’m going to do greg from csi and muninn from allwinter
What are they like on social media? (What’s their username, profile pic, etc.)
greg: username is something minorly embarrassing (he’s carried the same username from his freakin myspace and geocities over for like. continuity purposes), profile pic is a headshot on fb/linkedin/anything else public and at least semi-professional and a goofy picture of his face anywhere public but less professional (twitter). very interactive. fb is mostly shared content from dog- and cat-spotting pages, anything noir or vegas history, and science breakthroughs. his twitter is full of dumb jokes, nearly-impenetrable science jokes, dog- and cat-spotting, retweets from daily positivity accounts, and occasionally @s a friend in random stuff (he is CONSTANTLY @ing nick in literally ANYTHING cowboy or cowboy-adjacent) ([pic of a child’s size bright pink bedazzled cowboy hat in a thrift store] “@ nick how could u give away my bday present to u like this 😢”). he definitely has an insta and a tumblr, under a different username, profile pic unrelated; insta is dog- and cat-spotting, sunrises (even the less picturesque ones), the occasional snap of unusual science results (any identifying info blacked out) with no caption except for emojis, and poorly-lit headless thrift-store selfies. tumblr is stories from work (identifying info redacted), both the funny and the tragic. he either uses no tags, or he uses tags instead of commentary. he uses so. many. emojis. on every platform
muninn: username is boring as hell anywhere public; his profile pic is a professional headshot. he posts like. nothing. he has a completely unrelated twitter (including an email unconnected to anything else) (profile pic probably a raised middle finger or something) that is solely for cat-spotting and screencaps of his texts with his cousin, especially his cousin not understanding normal life
Preferred weather?
greg: sunny and hot! he prefers cloudy nights, tho- he likes the reflection of the city lights
muninn: windy, and not wet. sunny, cloudy, hot, cold- whatever. he’ll layer accordingly. he just likes the wind and doesn’t like being wet
Favorite music?
greg: he likes lots of different kinds of music- rock, metal, jazz. whatever he’s listening to, he likes it loud
muninn: post-teen pop. he will die before admitting this
It’s movie night, what movie do they pick?
greg: classic noirs! or the occasional screwball comedy
muninn: a thriller or a spy movie
What’s their sleeping position?
greg: starfish, probably
muninn: he tosses and turns a lot, but he generally conks out on his stomach
Something small that they enjoy?
greg: chocolate. something as simple as a snickers or kit kat from the vending machine can make him feel better after a hard day
muninn: getting a ‘fancy’ coffee (i.e. anything other than just black coffee)
What is enough to bring them to tears?
greg: it... takes a lot. something like a long, hard, frustrating day is more likely to make him fume than cry. pretty sure the only time he cries canonically is after he sees a man getting beaten, hits someone with his car to prevent that man from getting killed, gets beaten badly, and realizes that this is how his over-protective mother is going to find out he’s in the field. so... a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day involving psychological trauma and getting the shit kicked out of him
muninn: ...also a Lot. a bad enough shock might do it, like barely surviving something and knowing other people weren’t so lucky. he’d probably have to start crying without realizing it to actually shed tears tho- if he realized he was getting choked up, he’d wrestle it into anger
How well do they take care of themselves?
greg: pretty darn well 😌
muninn: pretty darn badly 😞
Do they consider others family?
greg: oh definitely!
muninn: the allwinter practically has to beat him with a bat before he will even consider this
What’s their idea of a perfect vacation?
greg: going somewhere he’s never been or doing something he’s never done- he wants to Experience Life
muninn: he’d say something like “a week without responsibilities so i can sit at home and watch cable” but i think it’d actually be something like an alaskan cruise or one of those finnish northern lights trips. the beautiful places, being away from big cities/crowds, northern lights, and food/activities he’s never done before would pull him out of his mental rut and make his brain finally shut the hell up
The strangest thing they have ever seen?
greg: *pulls out list* *it unrolls for seven minutes*
muninn: *pulls out list* *it unrolls for seven minutes*
How much do they swear?
greg: not very much but when he does, oh boy, he’s mad
muninn: all the fu*kin time
Do they like being in pictures?
greg: yes!
muninn: NO
What’s their morning schedule?
greg: get up, shower, style hair, eat breakfast, go to work
muninn: hit ‘snooze’, get up, shower if he hasn’t in the last three days or so, drink coffee, think about eating, run out of time to make food, get food on the way into work
Something that disgusts them?
greg: i feel like something mundane, like peanut butter, is the funnier answer here (given his job he’s run into a lot of disgusting things)
muninn: grasshoppers (ditto)
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ioannemos · 4 years
OTP ask, one from h&e, one from allwinter, one from anywhere you like (just not sga, please)
(?? i don’t have any sga otps?)
heaven & earth: lanzo/amanda
Who’s the messiest one: lanzo
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA: amanda
Who’s the funniest drunk: lanzo
Who texts the most: they both text a lot... lanzo, maybe, bc he texts a lot of people and has to sleep less
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music: LANZO. his spotify history is a MESS
Who reads the most: amanda
Who’s better with kids: lanzo?
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house: depends on what it is. amanda’s more proactive but lanzo isn’t lazy, just. tolerant of a lot. if she asked he’d probably pay more attention
Who’s got the weirdest hobby: lanzo
Who cooks and who cleans up: lanzo likes cooking for amanda, and he seems like the kind of person who wouldn’t mind cleaning up too so long as he didn’t put a ton of time/energy into it
allwinter: sam/christine
Who’s the messiest one: sam doesn’t always clean up behind himself, and christine misplaces things on the regular, so
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA: i wouldn’t say uncomfortable, not by a long stretch, but christine gets flustered
Who’s the funniest drunk: christine, tho she like. never gets drunk
Who texts the most: christine by far
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music: sam, probably
Who reads the most: sam
Who’s better with kids: sam by a smidge; they’re both good with kids
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house: sam
Who’s got the weirdest hobby: sam
Who cooks and who cleans up: they trade off
prodigal son: malcolm/dani
Who’s the messiest one: dani
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA: whoever didn’t initiate. it’s something they have to communicate about a lot
Who’s the funniest drunk: if malcolm getting high is any indication, probably him
Who texts the most: malcolm
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music: i feel like they both have guilty pleasures, tho dani would be more easily embarrassed about it
Who reads the most: for work? malcolm. for pleasure? dani
Who’s better with kids: malcolm
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house: dani. malcolm’s never snaked a drain or rehung a picture in his life
Who’s got the weirdest hobby: malcolm
Who cooks and who cleans up: they have to work out a whole Thing about this, bc dani has to remind malcolm to eat but she can’t just cook for them bc of his food sensitivities (sometimes he doesn’t know what’s going to make him nauseous until he’s halfway through the cooking process). they usually end up cooking for themselves, and do the dishes together
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