#that was all ambrose on twt
tendebill · 1 year
*kisses you platonically*
mwah mwah mwah >:3c <3333
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i have three ezios lined up in my wip folder but i do not have the strength to start them yet lol. someday tho.... their time will come.... (same for my other wips, because man there is a lot of them)
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amxrany · 1 year
Let's get into some theory talk rn guys cuz why not (I'm totally not procrastinating):
In reference to this post, I remember this one theory I read on twt about someone analyzing the RSA logo and its possible connections to the Silver Owls
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Which I wanna connect to another theory where NRC could possibly be made in honor of Briar Valley (this is reflected in one of the backgrounds from Diasomnia dorm looking similar to that of Wild Rose Castle and the theory of Meleanor's soul residing in the dark mirror)
It could be possible that RSA was made in honor of Silver's biological family while NRC was made in honor of Briar Valley (leaning onto to the Crowley is Leverne theories here but it just makes sense yknow), and if we also include the speculation that Silver's family knew Ambrose the First, is he aware about Silver's existence? Considering the fact that Silver is a 400+ year old baby it could be possible that them knowing his existence would continue down all the way to Ambrose the 63rd, the current headmaster of RSA.
This is because we find out that 3 fairies blessed Silver to fall asleep and will only wake up under the condition of true love. If all of these Ambroses (im tired ya'll I still gotta do my group research paper after this) knew that there is still one survivor left of the Royalty in the Land of Dawn, are they perhaps searching for the lost prince? If the current Ambrose finds out about Silver in NRC, could this lead to a bigger dispute between the rivaling schools?
(This is just me manifesting we get a Silver in RSA arc, a girl can dream)
I also wanna credit @sicklyseraphnsuch for their post giving me some brain juice, @moonlightequin1 for their "RSA is possibly related to the Silver Owls" theory and @prince-kallisto for expounding further on the "Meleanor's soul is inside the Dark Mirror" theory (I really recommend checking out their take on the Crowley/Leverne theories, they're really nice)
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prestonmonterey · 1 month
um um
my therian masks
why not :)
ok m going in chronolgoical order so
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its ugly as hell 0/10
not even my theriotype TwT (dilute calico) it just matches my tail
made it in a couple hours on my floor
i guess its alright for a first try? but its like. pretty bad
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kinda cute 4/10
i was outta felt so this ones just foam :P
its alright, i like the cheek floofs but the general vibe is kinda off
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based on ambrose bassford he/him classics (honestly see him more as a lion but im not gonna make a whole ass main for a mask im never gonna wear haha so wolf it is :P)
closeup on the charm
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guys i spent so long on those spikes and ITS SO PRETTY i love this mask with all my heart
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made this one today 9/10 its v cool :3
im. slightly obsessed with it but i also feel like the earrings and shit could be cooler? idk
closeup on the charm (which you absolutely cannot see in the last pic TwT)
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slightly less proud of this one but i think wire earrings are really cool regardless so :P
anyways im planning on maybe making a fox mask based on vincent soon, if i have time next week :) we'll see how long the hyperfixation lasts haha
(for the record my theriotype is a longhair dilute calico and i havent made a mask for that just cuz i dont have proper faux fur and i just. dont find the patterning as interesting as other animals :P)
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/image_maker/377701
Another depressed reaper boi 😔💔
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grelleswife · 5 years
Someone needs to draw Bassy and all of his children together. O!Ciel, Ulva, Ambrose, Aarushi, etc..
BLESSED VISUAL! I would if I could, anon, but I have no artistic talent to speak of. I can only paint pictures with words. TwT
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prestonmonterey · 6 months
tlt update
@vincentaureliuslin @tatsumisheep3
drafting this in the morning bc
we got make up and hair designs!!! so thats super fun :DDD
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ok first of all its really funny that they just put a costume mask in the make up section (s for the statues, we have full masks) but also i am The Only statue with short hair i think so :PPP
also they included me in the dead for doa and im really hoping they didnt need me to buy blue lipstick TwT (im dj cerberus i literally have a dog mask on the whole time)
also they seperated the dead and shades into two seperate categories even tho im pretty sure those are the same thing?? and also they put the same info into them so??? idk
aaaa ok evening now
i almost forgor about this :P
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i felt kinda silly bc she said she was gonna work on it afterschool and i forgot about it and totally went and got boba instead :P
ok um
im normal now
what else
ummmm rehearsal was pretty boring :\\ we just ran through a couple scenes and then had a vocal review
while i was backstage i decided that this dagger looked really tasty
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i still wanna eat it :(
it looks yummier in person i swear--
also i just realized that that sheild is probably on top of the lighting board which is probably not good--
ummm thats not my problem tho :]
heres a handy dandy lil graphic i made to distinguish ambrose and preston bc i did a doodle of ambrose earlier idk
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theres lots more stuff but it was for my friend who hasnt seen it yet so mostly spoiler free :P
umm yup i totally was paying attention during vocals and not at all doodling silly little guys
also heres an emotional support hugo bc he's always needed
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(from my math textbook bc i had to walk up to the third floor to get it this morning TwT and then again to put it away and say hi to my friend before break TwT)
ok yeah idk what else to say bye
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prestonmonterey · 7 months
I lived down the hall from ambrose my freshman year. we used to walk to the cafeteria together. upperclassmen would always stop him to say hi, and after they left he'd admit to me he had no idea who they were. like we were friends.
he liked making ceramics. sculptures. he'd make sure every surface blended smoothly into the other. even the little hollowed out parts no one would ever see unless yuou lifted it up- caverns of such fluid, unbroken shapesthat you could believe small sculptures came with them to fit perfectly inside.
our artistic sensibilities were a little different. i liked sketching things roughly. charcoal, thick pens, smudging things until my palms got black.
in freshman spring, ambrose got tapped for some secret society his dad was in. he stopped telling me when he was heading to the studio. after a while, i stopped going at all.
i read like the first 2 words and knew what this was TwT
like my collection?
who are you trying to fool, me? im dead! no more ambrose bassford anymore!
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
Love (1-13) for Amy and Adam and Domestic Life (7-11) for Ambrose and Eddie! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
It’s time to give my OCs some long awaited attention uwu
Amy Michaelis and Adam Borders:
1. Who said “I love you” first?
It’s most likely going to be Adam, for despite Amy being much more forward than the reaper boi, knowing that one needs to say “I love you” is hit or miss when it comes to demons and romance. There’s still some differences between the two species. 😂
2. What are their primary love languages?
Physical Touch is big for Amy, and I think is just how she is in general too considering this takes place in the same verse as “That Butler, Big Brother”, so she grew up isolated a LOT and finally getting to enjoy and be allowed to show affection, especially to someone like Adam who really needs to be given such things after so long of cowering away or being cowered away from, is important. So for him physical touch isn’t the big one but for him, I think Words of Affirmation and Quality time are the biggest over that.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Adam, obviously, as he as well as humankind in general is used to needing to use words to woo another human, over how Amy’s race, demonkind, who use actions instead of words in most cases, even if it means being a biiit aggressive to the one you want. >w>;; Thankfully, she learns fast that that’s not really how it WORKS on Earth. 🙈 And she grows to be highly amused and entertained by Adam’s use of flattery towards her when he wishes to court her and express that he likes her.~ uwu
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Again, because of how things work for Amy’s kind, the little demoness is VERY forward and VERY cuddly with the one she wishes to claim 🖤 And though Adam isn’t used to someone being so forward with HIM, it takes a bit of getting used to. Ahh, the PUBLIC part of the affection is a bit tricky though, for both of them, considering certain people they both know who miiight not like seeing the two even doing simple things like holding HANDS! 😈
5. Who initiates kisses?
50% of the time it’s Amy, either pressing her lips to his, or demanding a kiss from him! uwu As their relationship warms up, he’ll gradually get bolder though. ;3
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
YHREYFTUg to no one’s surprise, in most cases, especially early on, Amy is the big spoon. XD (”I’M A KNIFE!””She... actually is the big spoon, please ignore her outburst.”) But on occasion, especially if for some reason the demoness is upset, Adam will gladly become a big spoon to the little cute demon. >w<
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Well, I’m a bit uncertain as I haven’t gotten to write much for these two and what the world is like around them at that point. All I can make out is, considering they are both likely in London, I assume they enjoy the outdoors things like walking into town and looking at shops, people-watching, and if it’s winter maybe enjoy ice skating and such. >w< Ohhh, and maybe when their bond is REALLY strong, they find a place to sort of “play fight”together! >:3 Demon vs Reaper!
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Both Adam and Amy come from backgrounds where they barely knew what “comforting” even was, but I assume if they were stuck, with one of them really upset and the other needing to do SOMETHING, the likelihood would be it would be Amy comforting poor Adam more than the other way around. TwT
9. Who’s more protective?
Definitely Amy, as not only is it an instinctive thing to protect what she cares about, but also to possess, as demons as we all know are VERY possessive. uwu
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
I think when it comes down to it, they both like a good mix of both!
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?  
I’m sorry I think I’ll skip this one on account of that would take even MORE brain power than just answering these like this 🙈
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
I think Adam calls Amy things like “love” and “poppet”, ahem kind of picking up pet names from a certain older reaper he looks up too. ;3 And Amy is more creative, coming up with not only the lovely “dear” and “dearest” but other things in different languages she knows. >w< she also likes just being sassy in general and just calling him “boy” like “Come along, my dear boy, let’s have some fun!”
13. Who remembers the little things?
I actually think Amy is better at remembering things in general compared to Adam, who kinda bumbles about and his memory can sometimes be like a goldfish: Forgetting even what he had for breakfast! TwT;
Ambrose and Eddie:
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Pfft neither of them has a fear of bugs, in fact Eddie doesn’t seem to mind them at all! But Ambrose gets easily irritated so he’s the #1 bug squasher. XD
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Well, for specifics it depends but I suppose overall they both enjoy just being together and ALONE to relax on holidays.. when they can TwT; But considering Ambrose DOES have a family that likes seeing him, they have to go travelling across country most likely to when his mum and dad live! (I always assume in this verse Seb and Agni settled down in a very country side place!)
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Well, Ambrose is actually the lazier OF the two, and so enjoys staying in bed more uwu So of course when Eddie gets up bright and early, ready to make breakfast and such, Ambrose.. sometimes convinces the imp to calm down and return back to his arms. ;)
10. Who’s the better cook?
I believe that’s very obviously Eddie. XD The microwave gets used less and less with the master chef imp around! Who actually LIKES cooking while their lazy, grumpy boi would rather order out or snack on things 🙈
11. Who likes to dance?
At first Eddie and Eddie only, but.. when they’re alone and no one can see... SOMETIMES the little demon can get their human to get up and at LEAST slow dance a little with them. 🖤
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
3, 5, and 18 for the writing asks! OwO
3.What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Um, um, my issue is not being able to choose one out of a few scenes that I find myself wishing to finally write. Mainly things like scenes introducing my OCs like Aarushi and Ulva and Adam Borders; 🙈 Characters that have unfortunately not gotten to get as much of their backstory out as I’d like.. Though I did start out with Aarushi, I’ve sort of.. along the way... just gotten distracted by other, new things... Ulva I dunno what happened there.. I gushed about her a few days, did some picrews and a bit of backstory leading up to her.. getting a gf with thanks to @deadly-safety-scissors and her oc ophelia! Aaaand then I guess my brain was like “WELP THAT’S THAT, NEXT VICTI- ER OC.” hyrjdrkftuygi TwT;; And finally with Adam Borders, my newest oc, it’s way more clear what happened. We’d just FINISHED our Amy and Sebastian RP, we wanted to move on and get back to the long waiting Sebamey RP... and then poor Adam was left in the dust 😂😂😂😂😂 Boy I’m such a great parent, aren’t I? 
However that’s not all!! There is another scene not even involving any OCs that I’d love to explore but have yet to! And it’s well.. my own rendition of Sebagrelle happening, basically, but with Stuffy Governess Female Sebastian instead! I’d love to explore how the amorous bisexual goddess of death wins over the little demoness’ cold heart! >w< So maybe one day I’ll get to that! 
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Lately it’s allll been more Mey Rin than anything.. 🙈  dang this thirsty girl, flustered girl...
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterizations?) Tell us about them.
Uuuuh, I think 1. being Aarushi was gonna be a lot less soft than they turned out.. going awhol from their demonic powers or something.. I mean they do still have issues with said powers, considering they are soft like their dad Agni and do not want to harm people ;w; 2. is Ambrose in my idea of Grim Reaper Ambrose where he doesn’t get a new demon bf named Eddie and resorts to drastic measures... 3. Aidan the Sebagrellerin baby was gonna have have grim reaper “powers” or get grim reaper glasses, I forget, but like.. it doesn’t really make sense considering he isn’t a grim reaper, he just has shared genetics WITH a grim reaper! (grelle sutcliff!) And his bad eyesight isn’t just because of her eyes, but also Mey Rin’s eyes too, so reaper glasses wouldn’t really work. TwT Hmmm I think that’s all I can recall! A lot of time has gone by and my memory is not the best when it’s already chock full of OC stuff and shippy stuff, so yeah  🙈
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
If you were to do one of those fairy tales AUs which fairy tale would you pick and for which oc? How would some other characters fit in? (sorry I know my questions are stupid jdjdkdks )
Ummm, well on the spot its a bit hard to think of specific fairy tales, but the type of fairy tales that always end up dragging me in is ones about princesses and these princesses being AWESOME, like in general any fairy tale where the female gets to be awesome is my go-to. 👌👌👌 I think Ulva, Aarushi and maaybe Amy would be the first OCs I’d go to for that sorta thing. All three being the best kinda “princess” material uwu Ulva being likely a stubborn, wild, rebellious princess, running out of the castle, stealing a horse, running around fields in bare feet! Just that kinda thing. Aarushi, despite being nonbinary, being considered a princess from a foreign land maybe, kinda like Jasmine-style... wanting to escape their “cage”, even having a pet tiger like Jasmine! And maybe including a grumpy Ambrose too as their younger brother, a little sad prince who also wants to leave TwT Finally Amy.... hmmm... maybe it would get REALLY fantasy-like, and include a hellish domain, not earth, and she’s still the baby sister of an older Prince or Princess Sebastian, who always runs to them to tell her about the outside world, since Sebastian is old enough to go out and greet the citizens and stuff and Amy is still too young for it. >w< So maybe once again, we get a rebellious little princess! Running away when no one’s looking, and her older sibling having a BIG FIT! ....Of course the ending would likely be the royal siblings reuniting, Sebastian swooping their baby sister up and sobbing with relief. 💖💖💖💖
I hope this answers your question well, I know I tend to get rambly! 🙈 Feel free to send more questions though, because I do love them!! >w< 
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
Why do you do that to Ambrose??? I have seen reaper ocs before but making an oc a reaper by having them commit suicide like how they become reapers :( thats REALLY cruel!
Haha, I am aware of how people become reapers, yes, I read the manga too. TwT; But my curiosity over what things would be like if things changed and went in a different direction outweigh my... sense of morality about keeping my oc all nice and safe and comfy~ uwu
If you’re not comfortable with it, though, I’m very sorry, but really all you can do is just ignore those posts I make, because I like the concept and I’m not going to stop, okay? :3
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
😇 🎁 📍for Ambrose!
😇- They are given praise
No matter who it’s from, you can bet Ambrose’s face is gonna light up like a firetruck! Even though he has been treated well and complemented many times over in his life, his mind has an interesting way of translating praise, and sometimes having a hard time understanding it all together! TwT I think the only one recently able to praise Ambrose and it to actually be understood as praise is Eddie! Mainly because the imp has only known Ambrose his adult life, and their relationship isn’t as rocky, nor has it ever been as rocky as his with others in his life.
🎁- They are given a gift they like
Again, anyone other than Eddie doing it, and Ambrose is immediately ready to ask WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME THIS?? WHAT DID I DO?? 😭 Poor boy
📍- They narrowly escape a perilous situation
Well thankfully that doesn’t happen much, but perhaps, like any human, he’ll need to take a bit to calm down. Just sit around and breathe for a bit. TwT Maybe eventually get up and go home and clean up or ah... get a drink XD;;
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
Can Eddie the imp handle crosses like the necklaces in gothic clothes??
OOO good question, the thing I usually see when it comes to demons vs religious symbols, is it has to be important and actually MEAN something to the person holding or wearing it. If someone believes in the cross they are wearing and all it symbolises, I think it will most DEFINITELY cause some issues for poor Eddie TwT 
However, as Ambrose is clearly not the religious type at ALL and simply enjoys gothic style, it would not harm him to be near it or touch said necklace if it’s around Ambrose’s neck!
Although, I can’t see Ambrose being really into the style of crosses really, unlike his mum. XD He’s not a big time jewelry person at all, really. 
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
Now do 11 to 20! :P
OwO Well alright then!
11. Gives nicknames to others
I could see all my characters doing this, some sooner than others! Aarushi and Ambrose, it would take a bit of socializing before then, Ulva loves doing things like making up nicknames, eddie is again, a more modest and shy character who would take time, and I think Aidan, when he CAN talk XD (sorry he too babey in my head right now) would probably love making up nicknames, especially for the family’s cats and such!
12. Likes to talk to code
Errr the only one I think I can see doing this is maybe Ulva... for fun! I mean, her father is a former soldier, so he might know a few secret code language things! >:3
13.  Doesn’t open up to others very easily
Oh lord, quite a few! Aarushi, Ambrose, Eddie, and Aidan!
14. Is painfully obvious on who they like
Oh jeeze, most likely everyone except my original first two, Aarushi and Ambrose. XD I mean, yeah Ambrose has BECOME an absolute THOT for Eddie, and has had lots of experiences in the past sexually as well, but those times were for the sake of stress relief mainly when looking back. Yes, lust and having sex can be just stress relief and not always out of wanting the other person! XD And even Ambrose had to come a ways before realizing that, but otherwise, he became quite solitary and didn’t really open up to anyone until Eddie. And Aarushi’s case is pretty obvious by now. They just don’t like people in that way! Only out of friendship and familial bonds to they find interest in someone, and nothing more! ... Meanwhile, Eddie, Ulva and Aidan likely are completely OBVIOUS about who they like! X3
15. Would get a tattoo on a whim
YRHTYFUYGU ULVA IS LIKELY THE ONLY ONE DUMB ENOUGH TO DO THIS XD she will likely get stopped though before she does it!!
16. Has a strong eyebrow game
JDFUYJGFG the only answer to this is Ambrose >:3 as he definitely inherited it from his thotty mum. XD 
17. Would jump off a building
🙈 again.. likely Ulva would try...
18. Likes to travel
Ooo I think they ALL like to travel really! Though currently babey Aidan may be the only one not into it, as it takes a bit for him to adjust to new surroundings TwT
19. Likes roses
I think they all like roses! >w<
20. Talks in song lyrics
Pfft um, I can’t really see any of them doing this. Maybe Ulva if she manages to remember the lyrics correctly and is feeling extra goofy??
“Feeee, I can show you the world! Shining, shimmering, splendid!~” 💖
XDD again, thank you for sending this anon! I’m really, really happy to have something to do today/tonight!! And my inbox is open always! 🥰
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
1 to 10 of that headcanon list!
1. Likes their music loud
Ambrose and Ulva usually, and Ulva also loves SINGING to said music! :3
2. Would poison someone if given the chance
ujytfkugliuhi none of these ocs would I think, the only one close would be Eddie, but not like because he wants to, but likely on command from a master! Who knows, he’s from Victorian era England and before that, he might’ve done those sorts of things!
3. Always happy
Aarushi and Ulva for sure! >w<
4. Afraid of spiders
I think the only ones who apply to this are Ulva and Aidan (GASP NEW BABEY!!) But Ulva isn’t like FULL OUT afraid, more like intimidated.. but she’s too stupidly curious for her own good and will try POKING it or even GRABBING it if she feels daring enough! XD While with Aidan, I mean, he BABEY and he CAN’T SEE IT PROPERLY, so its a little black blob skittering towards him!!! TwT
5. Would jump out of a plane
I could see Ulva definitely trying this, just as I could see her doing things like getting on every crazy ride she can at a fair XD No one else though!
6. Calls people ‘Dude’
HjTygihijok it’s likely not a thing most of these characters say normally, considering their timelines, ages ect... but maybe Ambrose as he is most likely in THIS century or around this time, and I can hear him in my head maybe saying it at least in a way to get someone to back off or something. XD “Dude.. get out of my face.” He’d go in a hiss, glaring. >:(
7. Wants to just lay down and not move
Surprisingly, both Aarushi and Ambrose are prone to sometimes doing this. Ambrose usually in seclusion of his room, and Aarushi enjoys relaxing outside in grass or in a soft bed, depending on mood and age! uwu
8. Has the perfect comebacks
Ehhh, I think only Ambrose would be the best as sass verbally, while most other characters I got are too sweet to be like that. XD
9. Can punch someone and the person they punched would thank them
Oh god... is this... a Mean Girls reference??? orz khtjytfkuygiuh none of my characters are like that, really... but like... Since Ulva is actually pretty STRONG despite her looks, I’m sure lots of people witnessing her suddenly DECKING an older, and assumed stronger person than her would be quite impressed! uwu
10. Listens to everything but common sense
htjykftyugliu I think sometimes, at least on occasion, ALL these ocs can get like that... Esp chaotic ones like Ulva and maybe Aidan when a bit older because they are BOTH too curious. ;3
Feel free to send me more!!! I love doing this! ❤️❤️❤️
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bapydemonprincess · 5 years
🌳 and 🌿 for Aarushi, Ambrose, and Eddie!
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
For Aarushi I’d say they definitely resort to hiding in their room with all their soft plushies or snuggled up with Mamma and Papa TwT If it’s adult Aarushi just likely hiding amongst their collected books or painting or maybe contacting Mamma and Papa at home to talk.
Ambrose definitely first goes for a hot bath or shower uwu maybe reading while in said bath. If way way WAY tired, he’ll likely flop down on the couch and not get up for a while after being wherever he was and having a stressful time. (Maybe small part time jobs perhaps??)
And for Eddie I see the poor thing instantly going for cuddling up to Ambrose, even if the moody boi doesn’t cuddle back. Or if Ambrose isn’t there, snuggling in Ambrose’s bed or hugging something that reminds them of the boi, with his scent on it >w
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Aarushi will likely give some small affection, even if the person isn’t someone they are completely close to. They’ll reach out and hold the person’s shoulder, or touch their hand. Trying to show they are there. TwT And of course if it IS someone Aarushi knows closely, they get an INSTA HUG!!! In most cases when Aarushi gets comforted, it’s by close family most times, as only they are allowed to be so close and comfort the bapy. And hugs are usually the best from ALL! ... Unless it’s their little bro, Ambrose.. who really feels uncomfortable giving THEM any affection.. so.. sorta pats their head... XD;;
Ambrose is really not good at showing people more than verbal affection. It’s not easy with his mindset so if he HAS to, it’ll likely be very careful, awkward pats... Unless it’s someone like Eddie then he DOES feel a little more comfortable giving the demon some physical affection. uwu And in most cases most people are aware of how off Ambrose is and not into getting physical affection, but SOME still do it anyway.. XD;; Like Mum and Dad and Auntie Grelle and Hannah and UGH... 🙈 
Eddie is definitely not used to comforting anyone, as most of his past experiences with humans was the demon having to do very.. demanding things for their master, and never having a solid friendly relationship with them. I mean, they only knew them as a demon, and they really only cared about what the demon could DO as a demon. 😔
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