#that was fun sjsjsj
tacit-semantics · 2 months
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Love how silly in progress gloves look like baby you are so nonfunctional. Anyways, pattern is andrea rangel knits’ char. Very ignored homework in the background is mine :)
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couthbbg · 2 months
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this one goes out to 1634 nation
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vendynee · 7 months
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This is so incredibly stupid and I have no explanation other than I saw the opportunity and was compelled
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magneticflower · 11 months
Two of my favorite little moments from the Six of Crows book are when Kaz tells Inej and Jesper to go fetch him clothes.
Both scenes are just so fun to picture happening
Like-- Inej simply wanting him to ask nicely for once and he just HAS to do the Most "Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat?" and Inej side-eyeing his cane and telling to have a long trip before she slides easily down the bannister made it even better
and then with Jesper, all he can be bothered to do is casually throw out a threat, 'Man with a knife, remember?' and when that doesn't work he just flips him off as he walks away knowing he'll do what he asked anyways.
Would love to see it in some iteration at some point though it's unlikely.
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sjonni33 · 11 months
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wormie hehe // ko-fi
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iknowitwontwork · 11 months
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thebleedingeffect · 6 months
I think putting John Ward, Mike Schmidt, and Will Graham would be the worst decision of all time, but at the same time, I think it'd be so funny. Everyone thinks that Will Graham is the same sort of nervous, sorta pitiful looking guy as them, but Will is actually a big old bitch and an extremely sassy, biting fucker. On the other hand, Mike and John most definitely are the anxious sort of guys and have NOWHERE close to the amount of bite that Will has.
I'm just saying, I'm currently having an impulsive thought and it's that I think all three of them being friends would be fucking fantastic to see.
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togamey · 4 months
some people really do make it feel like it isn’t your first time meeting them and that you’ve known them for years
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shaykai · 5 months
quickly clarifying one thing, the romance theme varies from character to character. Each character that can be romanced (which is not all of them) has a unique romance song. Oh, and hexxat was added to the game by the Enhanced Edition a few years back, wasn't in the original launch. She's not the only one either.
Oh nifty! I’ll have to be sure to pay attention to their music
And yeah! I know Rasaad (one of my favorite little guys to drag around) is one of the added people- haven’t found him again, but I just found Neera earlier so I assume he’s running around somewhere
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ucurumdaki · 6 months
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freshairforrabbits · 1 year
Going absolutely bonkers trying to finish this monster chapter that's already getting split in at least two parts but it means I have to use all my writing time focusing on only writing :''''''')
Banging my fists on the walls of my cage, like let me out let me outtt I want to comment on all these fics, I have a need, oh my god please I am so close to finishing this behemoth it's like 34k right now LET ME OUTTTT LET ME THE FUCK OUT DJSJSKSK
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tacit-semantics · 6 months
beat tmnt tournament fighters on the easiest settings like any self-respecting person who does not know what’s going on and splinter just straight up told me to get my gay ass back in the gym like cmon now man cut a guy some slack. Give a guy a break
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murasakiirohana · 11 months
"i want the k"
kiss roulette 18. A kiss while laughing
To the say the two were enjoying themselves would be an understatement. Perhaps they were enjoying themselves too much, even. They were the host of the get-together after all. Shouldn't they be making sure the others were having a good time? Well, there hadn't been any complaints so far so they felt it was safe to say it was going well especially since they weren't the only ones on the dance floor. They had managed to put together quite the large gathering if they did say so themselves-- and they did. A number of times. They were far too inebriated to be humble it seemed.
"No one could pull off something like this like we did!" Ino finds herself shouting as she and Naruto bounced to the music alongside the many others on the crowded dance floor. They were in the center of it all, of course, the life of the party at their own party as Naruto had taken it upon himself earlier to pull Ino towards the middle of the dance floor once the two of them had had enough to drink for a while.
"'course not, we're the only ones that know how 'ta have fun!" the Uzumaki responds with equal enthusiasm as he grabs her hand to haphazardly twirl her, the abruptness of it causing the other blonde to fall forward as her hands landed on his chest and a series of giggles spilled from her. Ino and Naruto had went on and on about how they were doing this because everyone really needed a chance to relax, but maybe it was these two that had needed it the most.
The irony of it all is that these two had been at each other's throats half the time they had been planning this thing. It was hardly a cohesive meeting of the minds with the two rejecting each other's ideas and then letting bruised egos get in the way but they had somehow managed to pull it off. The fact that they were on speaking terms much less each others' primary dancing partners tonight was quite the spectacle with all that in mind.
Ino's had slide her hands up and past his head to rest her arms on his shoulder as his hands rest on her hips, the two continuing to sway happily to the music as the reveled in the atmosphere of it all. If they two managed to keep themselves coherent enough, this was really a night to remember.
A thought popped into Ino's head.
"Hey, hey," she starts, getting Naruto's attention without having to raise her voice too much since they were closer now, "We should promise to not plan parties with ANYONE else but each other, don't ya think?" The Uzumaki seems to agree as he quickly nods and Ino grins up at him, "Okay, cool, shake on it?"
"Sure, but ya know, my hands are kinda busy," the Uzumaki blurts out as if he couldn't simply take a hand off her hip to seal the deal. Ino can't help the laugh that escapes at his reasoning up until she moves her hands to the sides of his face and pulls him into a kiss. The kiss is brief enough that Ino doesn't pay much mind to it, even when Naruto gives her a peck in return after she pulls away, but glimmers of sobriety have a funny way of making an appearance at the worst of times.
What the hell was that?
It takes the rational part of her mind a good minute to meet with the inebriated part of her mind for an answer but then it finally clicks. Since they weren't able to shake on it, the blonde in her drunken state had decided to use another method of sealing the deal. Ino's eyes flicker up to the Uzumaki's and it seems like she's not the only one that just realized what happened.
To their credit, both of them still manage to keep dancing as they are hit with the realization, perhaps it was a subconscious attempt to try and pretend it didn't happen in the hope that no one else had noticed despite the two situating themselves in the center of the room. This doesn't last long, however, before Ino suddenly says, "Wanna get a drink? I could use a drink." and the two immediately make a beeline to bar in hopes that they can beat out their creeping sobriety before it makes things even worse.
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This was certainly still a night they hoped their guests remembered, maybe just not that part.
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stinkyme · 1 year
HI STINKY WINKY!!! i went to the con and im flying away i look 5 bc im short 💔💔💔 LITERALLY THE ONLY PHOTOS THAT LOOK DECENT ARE THE ONES THAT DONT HAVE A CLOSE UP OF ME…
no bsd merchandise i think there was sigma art but i couldnt find it💔💔 would’ve spent my whole card on him
HELLO SPARKLY!! Who did you go as in the end?
i mean who cares if you look younger just because you are shorter, it's nothing you can really control so yk, i think you are being too harsh on yourself, i just hope you had fun and met cool people there :D <3
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magneticflower · 5 months
Spicy mayo!
tell me how you feel about me spicy mayo: I appreciate the vibes you give off
The feeling is mutual for sure!
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goldenhypen · 1 year
writing long fics is so fun 😭
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