#that'll be this project's archive name and tag
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i’ve been wanting to show some of this forever, but the original files are on my old hard drive that i haven’t been able to recover yet, so i’ve been unable to
but i just found some old screencaps i sent to my friend while working on it so here is
it was to be a joke animatic/animation set to jack stauber - coconut ranger, with spamton being in love with his kromer; this predated me falling knee deep into spamvil lol, maybe by like a month? i was working on this in late october, that happened in november
maybe if i can ever recover the files, i can put that in it’s own comprehensive post down the line
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sl-walker · 3 months
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So, it's not open yet, I still have a bunch fiddly little stuff, including the hardcoding, the mailers, etc., never mind getting the mail server up and running correctly so that gmail stops intercepting. BUT-- the majority of it's at least there and stable.
Some neat things we have:
A canonical QPR relationship category! A canonical vs. relationship category! Tag discipline! So much tag discipline!
However-- I need some help. Namely, I need a Marvel Comics (not MCU) aficionado. I was big into the X-books back in the day, but it's been like two decades since then, so when it comes to building the categories, tags, etc, I would like someone or a couple someones with more recent experience than that.
I also wouldn't mind someone from the smaller companies, while we're at it.
So, if you're interested in perhaps being on the very ground floor of a new archive, I'm sl_walker on Discord (easiest), or you can DM here, though that'll be slower.
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surr3al1sm · 5 months
MLYID Update
Decided to post this today bc well why not, it's porbably going to become the posting day lol. For anyone unaware: "Maybe Loving You is Dangerous" (aka MLYID which is the shortened name until I think of a better one) is a Wanderrose one shot I wrote and posted like a solid week ago. If you haven't read it yet and like the ship, I would highly appreciate it.
I'm officially going to continue the story (yippie!) and I know how I want to format it now!
☆ I am going to be posting it as a chapter based story on AO3 but the chapters are going to be more like seperate stories that follow a similair main goal/plot (The boys being gay for eachother) and a funky little subplot to keep things intresting. This means that the chapters won't always line up with each other- but them sneaking off during parties to be gay seems way more fun to write than just a day by day type of thing. ☆ ☆ Every chapter will have it's own title based on a song lyric from the song that gave me the inspiration for that chapter :) You don't have to lisent to the songs during reading but I will link them to the chapter updates ☆ ☆ I'm going to try my best to post a new chapter every saturday but I have no idea how life will treat me during the postings so you might get some chapters earlier and some later. Who really knows. I can almost certainly say that Chapter 2 is coming out next saturday! Also the chapters might be looonnngggg so writing that takes a lot of time. I don't have a set amount of chapters yet though, that'll come later (I do already have the end figured out somehow tho) ☆ ☆ A lot more coaches will be included, including an OC, so keep an eye out you might see one of your favourites pass by (maybe I'll include them if you ask nicely) ☆ ☆ The ao3 tags will be edited if nessecairy per new chapter that comes it because sometimes shit just happens, so keep an eye on those aswell! ☆
I really do hope that you are even a slither as excited to read this story unfold as I am to write it. I am so immensely for all the positive reactions it has gotten so far. I am so happy you guys enjoyed chapter one and I hope the rest live up to its standarts.
If you haven't yet and would like to before chapter 2 is posted, here's the link
☆ Sorry that this is such a wordy post, I have no idea how to explain it otherwise. Thank you so much for reading lol ☆
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przeuszczski · 2 months
Damn it all to hell, he thought, grabbing the rail on the fire escape and swinging his legs over the side.   He fell through the air for a split second, then landed heavily on both feet.  He let his knees bend to absorb some of the impact.  When he straightened, pushing his hood back behind his head, he was met with three different expressions. Orange Hair stared at him with intrigue, a quiet excitement that (had Kiyoomi not spent the last few minutes listening to them) would have excited himself.   Black Hair had taken a step forward, almost in front of Orange Hair.  His eyes, a royal blue, had steeled in hostility. Miya, the damnable man himself, watched with a smug satisfaction that made Kiyoomi tense as if to acutally headbutt him.   “See?” He said, gesturing at Kiyoomi. “Told ya he was here.  Shoyo-kun, Tobio-kun, this is Grim.” Kiyoomi’s nostrils flared at the name, but he kept his mouth shut. “Grim, this is Hinata Shoyo ’n’ Kageyama Tobio.”
I can't believe I finally get to add more character tags to this.
Me at the end of last year: Yeah! Write 8 chapters with just your two main characters to establish their charcters! That'll be a great idea!
Me, seven months later: This is already longer than your last Haikyuu fic and your Jojo's fic, and you're just now adding supporting cast tags.
I don't even wish I felt bad, but I'm still like...that's a lotta words, Ann.
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ifishouldvanish · 2 months
Finally posted a smutty MegThan AU I shared on @thehadeslounge discord a while back.
SHIP: Megaera x Thanatos
RATING: Explicit
TAGS: AU - 1990s, Friends With Benefits, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Fingering, Oral Sex
WORDS: 3,179
SUMMARY: Record shop employee Thanatos is in love with his childhood best friend, Megaera–the bold, beautiful, and talented frontwoman of a local band that'll definitely be landing a record deal soon. He'd tell her, of course–but what would be the point? He knows he'd only hold her back.
I… have something I think you might like," Thanatos said, crouching down behind the counter and sliding out the crate of stuff he deemed too good to be out on the floor. Stuff he didn't want landing in undeserving hands, into ears that wouldn't adequately appreciate them. He poked through the collection of cassettes, 8-tracks, and 45s until he found what he was looking for, then rose up and slid the cassette tape across the counter.
Megaera peered down at the worn jewel case with keen interest. The off-white cassette inside had the words Wings of Nemesis - 40 Lashes Demo scrawled over it in black marker.
The mere existence of the thing had practically been an urban legend. Nemesis didn't make many copies of her work apart from the few she had sent to local radio stations and promoters, and while you could probably find a few bootleg copies of subpar quality at a secondhand shop in the area, the masters–where you could actually still hear the highs–were impossibly hard to find.
And when it came to Wings of Nemesis, you needed the highs.
Megaera's lips curved into a grin, and her eyes swept back up to meet his. "How'd you get a hold of this one?" She asked, plucking it off the counter with hot pink nails.
He shrugged, ignoring the sudden dryness in his throat. "I have my sources."
He'd spotted it in a box Charon and Hermes and brought back from their last flea market haul–tossed among the stuff they'd dismissed as junk. The real treasures, as far as they were concerned, were the collection of Beatles, Stones, and T. Rex records in pristine condition that they could sell at a high margin. The demo recordings of a local garage rock band that split up before they could get signed was, in their words, "not worth the space it would take up on the shelf."
He'd started his little collection with the intention of proving them wrong. That the right person would be happy to spend a hefty chunk of change on these little artifacts of the local scene. But the reality was that he was too reluctant to part with most of them, to the point that the only people he ever sold any of them to were Megaera, her sisters, or the people in bands he saw often enough to have some rapport with–the latter only because Alecto had run her mouth about him hooking her up with a Gaea's Revenge record a while back. Nonetheless, he never pushed his wares; only relented when someone asked for something by name.
Unless that someone was Megaera.
"How much you want for it?" She asked.
Thanatos looked down at the counter and drummed his fingers, trying to hide his blush. "It's… yours."
[Continue On AO3]
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ID: A face card of a grey monochromatic man facing away being reflected across the slanted middle line. The top one is a mid-dark man with a puffy bun on top his head and has a moustache and beard. He wears a white armor with painted grey pieces and a sword emblem on his shoulder piece in bright red. The bottom man has the same face and facial hair, but his hair is down with noticeable curls. He wears a dark suit that has shoulder covers that has a back diamond piece that is bright red like the sword. A light shines from one angle leaving the top man in the dark and the bottom man in the light. The two men have their right hand on each other's shoulders. In the corner there is a symbol of a stylized K and a diamond underneath in grey.
What if Senator Organa killed Commander Fox (to save Fox's life)?
In a fit of desperation, Commander Fox turned to the person who could help his guards the most, handing him a heavy burden in the form of a datastick. Senator Organa instead offers something strange, wild, and way out of Fox's wheelhouse.
Pretend to be his cousin and live on Alderaan while Senator Organa tries to find the murderer of Commander Fox.
Fox doesn't know why he agrees, he doesn't know why he accepts the name Zahwhe Organa and lets Bail send him to Alderaan. But maybe, somewhere deep inside, Fox hopes still.
And maybe... That'll be enough.
Check it out on AO3! Updates every other Friday!
First chapter is a tag explanation, so head to chapter 2 if you wanna dive right in.
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🐢 Event Rules & FAQ 🐢
Content Rules
• For this event, we ask that no shipping is done involving Kakashi, Gai, or anyone on the Name Wheel (See down below for explanation) as they will be underage during this event.
Shows of affection such as hugging, cuddling, hand holding, or cheek kisses are allowed as these are not romantic-exclusive interactions.
- For reference - all who were locked in the barrier during the Kyuubi Attack, aka either those who are slightly above, below, or the same age as Kakashi & Gai's age group will be underage during this event.
• Please do not recycle old works- Unpublished WIPs are fine.
• Kakashi and Gai must be a major focus in your works, as this event focuses on how their rivalry began.
• Please include all tags and warnings that apply to your work.
• We ask that all submissions be SFW.
- If you wish to involve mild NSFW/ Dark themes in your work such as non-life threatening wounds, brief vague mentions of nightmares/mentions of past trauma, or mild reference to past emotional abuse, we ask that you speak with one of the members of our team before submitting your work. Anything violating this rule will not be reblogged by this blog and will be blocked from being added to the AO3 collection.
Posting Rules
• Please include the event tag: eternalrivalrybegins2022
• We ask that you include the event weeks Theme Name in the tags as well
- Example = eternal rivalry - first meeting
• If you plan on posting to AO3, please use this collection:
(Collection is currently closed and will be opened once the event starts.)
((Edit- The collection is now open!))
• Works can of course be posted anywhere, but if you wish for us to know about it we ask you to please make a Tumblr post with the work and/ or a link to it and tag our blog.
Event FAQ
What is the Name Wheel?
The Name Wheel is a wheel we've filled with names belonging to many folks who are in or atleast close to Kakashi and Gai's age group. During each section of the event, you must spin the wheel and obtain 2 names- atleast 1 of these characters has to be involved in your work in some way. If you end up using both names the Wheel gives you, we ask that you mention it (bonus points may or may not be available if you are a part of the teams on the server)
- Other characters that are not on the name wheel can of course be in your work! The name wheel was just made in order to pick out Kakashi and Gai's peers.
What is the main theme of this event?
Overall our theme is Eternal Rivalry - optionally ignoring canon, how do you think Kakashi and Gai's rivalry started? What sort of mischief did those two get into in their younger years, whether intentionally or not? How many grey hairs do you think they gave their dads, if any? That'll be up to you to decide!
Do I have to use all the prompt items?
Nope! We ask that you use atleast 1 of the items, but you do not have to use them all. Points can only be earned from items if they are used during the appropriate weeks- if you use items from Weeks 1 & 2 during say Weeks 5 & 6, you will not earn bonus points.
What's with these points keep seeing be mentioned?
Points are something you can only earn if you are a member of the Konoha Kohai Discord Server, and do not really effect the event itself. They are simply a fun side thing- rules are set in the event channels of the server if you wish to know more :)
If you have any questions related to this event, don't be afraid to message our team here or on the server!
See you all on the training grounds o7
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balabwrites · 5 years
A nice conversation without sound
Word count: 825
Logan catches up with Roman and Virgil.
Characters: Logan, Roman, Virgil
Relationships: platonic Logan x Roman x Virgil
Other tags: deaf Virgil, homeless Virgil, homeless Roman, college student logan
Read it on ao3:
"So, Lo, tell me how you're doing at school." Virgil signed. Logan held on to the warm cup of coffee in his hands for a moment longer before letting go to sign back.
"It's going okay, tests are coming up and I'm stressed." Virgil nodded.
Roman sat down next to Virgil with some pastries. Virgil's stomach started rumbling.
"You're hungry." Roman signed.
"How do you know?"
"Your stomach rumbled." Logan responded.
"Right, sound, you guys can hear."
"Do you want some of my pastries?" Roman asked, sliding a cinnamon bun in front of him.
"What about you, aren't you hungry too?"
"I can also buy you some food. That way Roman doesn't have to give away his," Logan signed.
Virgil turned around in his seat and looked at the menu board above the counter.
Virgil turned back around and signed "I don't want to cost you money."
"I make enough money as a tutor. I can afford it."
Virgil chewed on his lip, an unsure look on his face.
"Please, I insist."
"Fine," Virgil signed back.
They both stood up and walked to the counter where Virgil pointed at a few things in the display case.
"Anything else?" The barista asked as they collected the pastries.
Logan tapped Virgil's shoulder softly and signed "do you want something to drink too?"
"Isn't that a but much?"
"Please, I insist."
"A hot chocolate." Virgil signed after a moment.
"One hot chocolate as well please." Logan said to the barista.
"Okay, that'll be nine dollars and fifty cents." They said while they typed the order in on their monitor. "Can I get a name with that?"
"Logan will do."
Virgil grabbed the pastries set down on the counter and carried them to the table where Roman was still sitting while Logan paid for them.
When Logan sat down again he turned to Roman.
"How is the shelter?" Logan asked.
"It's nice, Patton has been treating us well, we are really lucky he found us," he signed back. Virgil nodded, more focused on eating but paying half attention to the conversation.
"That's good, I'm glad you have a roof over your heads."
"For now, you never know when we get kicked out on the streets again," Virgil added.
"Patton is nice, he wouldn't," Roman defended the shelter owner, Virgil still looked sceptical.
"I have offered in the past but you can always stay at my place."
"Logan, you live in a college dorm," Roman responded.
"I have a couch and currently no roommate, that's technically space for two people."
"Technically," Virgil repeated, "meaning not really."
"I could move."
"We would never ask that of you," Roman signed.
"If you have a place to stay you could more easily get a job, you'd be able to get back on your feet again."
"Still, we'd be asking a lot from you," Virgil signed, finally done inhaling his food and able to dedicate the use of his hands to talking.
"We have been friends since elementary, you two have helped me out plenty of times."
"Like what?" Roman asked.
"When my parents kicked me out of the house you two practically fought for the right to let me stay at your houses. You used what little money you had to help me get into college."
"Okay okay, we get it. Still, wouldn't we be too much of a burden with your lessons and your tutoring and your studying?" Virgil asked.
"You wouldn't bother me at all, I'm gone for most of the day anyways because of exactly that."
"Thanks Logan, we'll keep it in mind, but for now we're good staying with Patton at the shelter."
"It really is pleasant being able to communicate clearly while it's so noisy in here," Logan signed.
"I get it, you can hear the background noise, no need to rub it in that I am deaf."
"Even if you weren't, being able to bounce ideas off of Logan without others overhearing or interrupting is pleasant, I'm glad we can sign," Roman signed.
"Well, I'm glad this thing that affects my entire life has been useful to you I guess."
"Aww, come on Virge, don't be like that. We still love you for who you are."
"Ew, feelings," Virgil signed, but he smiled softly while signing it.
Logan got up from his chair and stretched, turning back to the others he signed "Well, it's nice to catch up again, I have to go back and study some more. I'll see you two next week."
Roman also stood up and spread his arms wide, silently asking for a hug. Logan looked away but still hugged Roman. He looked back as he felt someone try to push their way into the middle, smiling down at Virgil who stubbornly pushed his way into the middle. Logan smiled, they had stayed together as a group through a lot, and if he had any choice they'd stay together for a lot longer.
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