#that's bandit keith
viviraptor-art · 9 months
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don't worry keith, we all have those days. probably.
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 6 months
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Did I ever post this here. I don't think so. Have it now.
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sugarglider-s · 5 months
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Hi. for the love of god hello. I loveee this series of panels. It's so intense and so good with it's framing. You can tell Jounouchi has fought guys like Keith many many times, and that Keith hasn't had to deal with something like this once. Keith is physically taller and has more muscle, but Jou is fast and experienced. He knows how to bite dogs bigger than him.
[ID: a series of panels from the yugioh manga during the duelist kingdom arc. After fighting in the hallway, Jounouchi looms over Bandit Keith, who is crumpled on the floor and holding his nose. Jounouchi, angry, says "Hey, Keith. You may be pretty good at cards... but when it comes to fighting, I'm pretty good too." Keith looks up, furious, and holds his nose still, now gushing blood. End ID]
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asteriskemily · 2 years
Have some (mostly) in universe Yugioh Memes
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chaos0pikachu · 7 months
I simply wish that when people did color theory based meta for BL works they did so with the knowledge or acknowledgement that colors mean different things in different cultures instead of solely from an ethnocentric pov
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julian-the-ghost · 6 months
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Two gay old men
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kiirisute · 11 months
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"you're feeling what I'm feeling, right? The feeling of death?"
quick little redraw of one of my fav ygo panels ~
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drilanime · 7 months
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kujakumai · 1 year
Atem Canonically Says Fuck
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jumpscaregoose · 8 months
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screenshot redraws because I'm feeling very normal about them
original screenshots + nonsense under cut
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for some reason the clip I yoinked these from was cropped to an approximation of a 4:3 aspect ratio and munched by compression and that spoke to me. so mine are in 4:3. fuck it we ball
and then when I was working on allen I went to lock transparent pixels and somehow wound up pasting the yugioh reference from jjk 240 onto there and thought it was hilarious so
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mirpuzzle · 1 month
I've been really curious about this, who are your top ten Yu-Gi-Oh characters?
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Hello! 🌷 Usually, I only have a few favorites. So, aside from the first three, the rest is constantly changing. I'll try to put them in order (all under the cut).
♡. 10 ── Carly Nagisa (5Ds)
What's not to love about her? She's funny, pretty, and a complete mess of a person. She gets in all sorts of trouble, all because she's trying to make a living. I like it when she gets screen time.
♡. 9 ── Noa Kaiba (DM)
He was my favorite as a kid, so I still have a special place in my heart for him. His story made me cry. He did not deserve that. He only wanted others to understand him. You're valid, Noa.
♡. 8 ── Yusei Fudo (5Ds)
It's rare for me to favor a protagonist. That's how you know he's good. This man is a blessing to Yugioh. He has a natural charisma that's impossible to ignore. He's perfect.
♡. 7 ── Bandit Keith (DM)
...I think. I have mixed feelings toward him. I don't even know why he's on this list. I keep going to him in games where Kotsuzuka is not there. So, that must mean I like him, right? I'm confused.
Cross Duel showed me he can be really nice to you if you help him win. I appreciate how he helps other duelists fortify their decks, using the themes they originally had instead of giving them a completely new deck. He cares.
While there's no excuse for what he did to Kotsuzuka and the boys, the fact that, behind that 'bad guy' front, there's a sad, broken man makes me feel bad for him. He deserves to heal.
♡. 6 ── Ryou Bakura (DM)
The anime doesn't do him justice. The more I learn about him through other fans and Duel Links, the more I like him. He's a precious cream puff who likes spooky stuff and is treated terribly by almost everyone. He deserves better (friends).
♡. 5 ── Divine (5Ds)
This man is terrible in every way, and that's the point. I hate that his character was designed to be hated. He gets no backstory, no redemption arc, no nothing. He's just there to be blamed for every bad thing that's ever happened. I pity him. He's the worst. I love this guy.
♡. 4 ── Thief King Bakura (DM)
PLEASE give this guy a break. He has gone through enough. The way he pulled himself back up after all that tragedy is impressive. Imagine how one skillful Thief became a Pharaoh's major threat. A Thief who brings up important moral questions that society seems to ignore (deliberately). He deserves to be heard.
♡. 3 ── Kiyoshi Takaido & Satake (DM)
They share third place because I can't have one without the other. I automatically started loving them because they're close friends with Kotsuzuka. I like that they care about him. These guys have so much potential to explore, and it's a shame we see so little of them.
They're not 'Keith's lackeys'. They're duelists in their own right. They have ambitions and aspirations. They just didn't get to be in the spotlight.
♡. 2 ── Yami Bakura (DM)
Sometimes switches places with Takaido and Satake but usually stays in second place. He's wickedly perfect. From his gorgeous design to how he pretends everything is part of his plan, even though he's literally dissipating into nothingness. He has the nerve to make empty threats that he never carries out. And I love him for that. No one can deny that he looks cool when he shows how evil™️ he is.
There's something beautiful about this ancient evil spirit dedicating his existence to fulfill his objective - all while showing us that he can enjoy normal human activities, like playing games. The complexity of his character captivates me. You can study him for hours, and it will still take you a while to figure him out due to his confusing lore. I like reading what other fans have to say about him.
The way he makes others suffer causes me to have mixed feelings. Sure, I love angst. I just wish there were some feelings involved.
Seeing him make enemies with almost everyone he crosses paths with makes me think he wants to keep everyone away, and that's sad. I want him to care about someone other than himself. I want someone to care about him.
♡. 1 ── Ghost Kotsuzuka (DM)
Yes, that one guy who's known for using Zombie-Type monsters. That short, spooky 15-year-old who walks around hunched over pretending to be a ghost, not realizing he's too cute to be scary. That naive boy who trusted the wrong person and then was unlucky enough to cross paths with the main antagonist. He's my favorite.
I love him. The way his eyes light up when he talks about the things he likes is adorable. I could listen to him gush about ghosts for hours.
His character tends to be frustratingly misinterpreted and overlooked. It's sad that some people think of him as nothing more than collateral damage to Yami Bakura's 'mischief'. He deserves better than that.
When you see past his 'side antagonist' role, you realize he's a precious little guy who's trying his best. Behind that ghostly, mischievous smile, there's a lost youth looking for guidance from a 'big bro' figure he can look up to, whether he realizes this or not.
Despite the differences in his characterization between the manga, anime, and games, one thing remains consistent. He grows into someone who wants to prove he can duel by himself.
But what does he get? Nothing but pain. Betrayed, deceived, ending up dead or lost in the darkness, condemned in almost every canon, with only his sentient Duel Links data to remember him by.
He only wanted to duel.
I'll stop here. Otherwise, I'll be talking about Kotsuzuka for hours. Thank you so much for the ask! ♡ Sorry that it took a while. I was struggling to organize what I wanted to say for some of the characters, and I wanted to add some art :3
Keep in mind that I've only seen Duel Monsters and the first half of 5Ds, so there are many characters I don't know yet.
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millenniumringg · 2 months
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Yeehaw 🤠
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months
Round 3: Poll 5
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Angstshipping (Ryou Bakura/Malik Ishtar)
Propaganda: Angst- trauma buddies, potential for healing narative. | I think they could have such an interesting dynamic considering they’d be the only ones who really understand what it’s like to have such a horrible experience with their respective yamis. It could open up some interesting character growth for Marik, helping him learn to move past the guilt from his mistakes by having Ryou assure him that he isn’t mad about what happened in battle city. They also would be able to understand eachother and bond over family tragedy, it’s not talked about much but Ryous mom and sister died at some point, and then there’s Marik who also had a mother die. They generally seem like they’d be really good at comforting and empathizing with eachother due to similar situations and circumstances, it’s cool seeing them grow and cope together in fan works. They’re also really aesthetically pleasing, literally sun and moon gays.
Pairing 2: Ateloshipping (Maxamillion Pegasus|Pegasus J. Crawford/Bandit Keith)
Propaganda: No propaganda submitted
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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enemyoflactose · 10 months
I rate Yu-Gi-Oh characters fit 2 because Tumblr said no to more that 10 images Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò
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This is what everyone in the Midwest looks like. He is the perfect representation of America. Every time I see him I feel 0.01% more patriotic.
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This is what peak character design is. He looks not only like a zombie, but like he unironically listens to Ayesha Erotica. Perfection at its finest.
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His clothes and glasses are great, don't get me wrong, but my friend said his hair made him look like Aloysius O'Hair and I can't unsee it.
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Where is his dino fit? Where is his inflatable dinosaur costume? This is boring! Love his hair though.
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I love the 90's punk look. Her deck holder-thing being a garter is smart and looks great. If this were her season 4 outfit though, it'd be a 10
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Takahashi didn't need to give us a woman this beautiful and stunning, but he did. He did that for all of us. Everything about her is fantastic.
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He is the definition of badass. The purple compliments his eyes, the double belts are aesthetically pleasing, he is wearing arm wraps. Need I say more?
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What the fuck happened? Who let him walk out of his house in that? The jewelry is nice and looks good on him, but the shirt. The shirt is so ugly. The shirt does not look good on him, it would look better on literally every other character. His final outfit was a massive improvement, but I will never forget that none of his mindslaves stepped out of bounds to tell him he looked goofy.
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Everything is better now. Why didn't Marik just wear this? This is so much better! The jewelry is still the best part, but at least my eyes aren't melting at the sight of his shirt. The cape is a little random, but I think it suits him. His also kind of has the same shape as Yami/Yugi's, and that's a nice parallel.
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riledcat · 9 months
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commission for @thepeopleskey !! thank you <3
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