#that's exactly why you play n i c e with competitors because if they decide they don't and decide it's over for you then bye 😘
jade-curtiss · 1 year
No one solves ethics here, he's just exposing shit and bouncing people out the only way I can.
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once-a-shervel · 8 years
Checkmate 3/3 (FINAL)
Pairing: Charles Xavier x Reader
Summary: Takes place in the 1980s. You, along with Charles and Raven decide to take a bus downtown however on the way there, you guys joke around and decide to play a game: last person to give a full on smooch is paying for the rest of the day. You decide to play another dirty trick by leaving the two at a stop while you attempt to venture out on your own. Your plan doesn’t go as smoothly as Charles stops the bus and wins the game by planting one on you.
Warnings: FLUFF
Word Count: 1850
A/N: Aw man I’m so excited/sad to put an end to my first short series for Charles Xavier! Pretty sure you know what’s to come (sort of) (; Tell me what you think ♄
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While turning to Raven, Charles attempted to catch his breath, placing his hands on his hips. He watched the bus escape from him then let out chuckle. He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe you in this state. However, he definitely regretted taking your warning so lightly. He needed to bring his A-game now or never.
Raven couldn’t help but laugh out. “She left.” She managed to utter in complete shock from what you’d done.
“Yeah. She did.” How could he possibly stop you now? He was absorbed in so much shock to think, but he knew he had to act fast. He took a deep breath in, exhaling out as slow and calm as he could as he tried to refocus his mind.
Charles frame had decreased as you’d watch him by the back of the bus. The scene gave you so much joy as it meant one thing: victory. This wasn’t just a silly game to excite things anymore. You had just started a war–in the friendliest, light-hearted kind of way at least..
Jokes aside, you knew the kind of people you were dealing with. They meant business. And after declaring that you had your fair share, you were practically begging for chaos.
You sighed out in relief as you fell back in the seat. The bus had grown a good distance away from your competitors, enough to pinch their existence away. It wasn’t fully over though and you knew this. The next key factor in your plan executing smoothly involved defense–particularly from a certain telepathic.
You focused so earnestly in picturing a force field as you connected senses with the driver. Sadly, it wasn’t enough. You’d forget to take into consideration that you had hostages on board. They became a liability unknowingly and against their wills.
“Now what? She’s obviously got the upper hand now” Raven complained, sucking the air between her teeth.
“Which is why I’m thinking
” He sighed out again, and as silence fell into the air, he opened his eyes, a bright idea appearing in his brilliant mind.
“You shouldn’t have started this.” You heard a man utter in such a lifeless tone.
It didn’t register initially, but once it did, it happened all at once too quickly for you to take a moment to take it in.
Your Y/E eyes had widened at the first clue, but that clue was enough and proved to be the reason to your detriment. You inhaled sharply, panic across your face. You peeled yourself off the seat, arms reaching out before the same lifeless man had gotten a tight hold on you.
You squirmed around his hold before you finally had enough and just by swinging your leg behind the man’s, you gave gravity the opportunity to do its job sending you both on your backs. You groaned at the pain you brought to yourself but got up immediately before more had suddenly thrown themselves at you. 
It didn’t seem like much trouble at first while you easily fought them off, a THUD here, and a groan of pain there. This wasn’t your normal fight though because once you’d send one on the floor, they’d come back up immediately.
You leaned your entire weight against one of the seats, short breaths of desperation escaping from you. You were in deep shit and you knew you could only hold them off for so long. But as impulsive as your decision to leave your friends behind, you threw yourself at round two faster than you can say regret.
You swung a punch at one while simultaneously throwing off another person’s center of gravity and while it seemed like you could keep going, you had made a quick but harmful decision by missing when you swung your fist a second time. One by one, they’ve acquired the opportunity to get hold of you, until you were engulfed in the center of a tight huddle.
The weight on you was too great as you tried to fidget around making as much movement as you could. However, just as you’d bring your focus into escaping, the bus had taken an abrupt full-stop, sending you leaning forward then clumsily re-calibrating your center of gravity.
A smirk came across the corner of Charles.
Mindless expressions had quickly revised to confusion and they were all targeted towards you. The walls that held you so tightly had been compromised.
You shut your eyes, tapping into the minds of those used as your barrier, peacefully sending them back to their seats. You felt some sort of responsibility for them and the last thing you ever wanted was to hurt them or have any recollection from the damage you had done just moments ago.
After relieving yourself from the disaster,  your eyes had fixated at the most important hostage of them all. You had hope. Maybe you’d slip and they came to their senses on their own. Besides, there’s no way the professor, with one of the purest hearts you knew, could have been pushed to that extent
Nothing. You hit an invisible force field and in disbelief, you threw yourself at it over and over until you’d finally come to acceptance.
You’ve been cornered and at your own game at that.
His smirk had grown into a full grin. He snickered to himself, absorbed in complete exhilaration. He opened his ocean-blue eyes and found an operated public bus brought to a full halt by his bound.
“I’ll be right back” He uttered softly before turning to his right, a sight of something that brought him discomfort and joy.
While he had entangled himself in capturing you, he missed out on Raven pulling a stranger passing and winning her chances by receiving an exchange of locked lips for approximately a minute in now. She pulled off out of nowhere, gasping for air as she brought her attention towards Charles.
“Looks like either you or Y/N is paying.” Charles scoffed while Raven had pulled in the lucky stranger in a second time. He cleared his throat before taking his poised stride towards the vehicle.
You paced back and forth anxiously bringing you no results other than more anxiety. You threw yourself at the backseats checking for Charles and boy-was that a big mistake. You watched a moment of him make his way, noticing the grin plastered wide across his face. You knew that only meant one thing. Your grip on the seat has tightened as you clenched your teeth.
Charles looked up towards the heavens, the pace of his stride unchanging while he had one eye closed, the other peaked at the bright sun that shined on this glorious afternoon. He removed his left hand from his pocket, placing it above his eyebrow in an attempt to admire the weather. 
Your eyes wandered all over the bus in a panic as your spirit to win still held onto the brink of demise. It felt like you had so much time, at least that’s how it seemed when you were in such a panic.
You pictured him walking a good distance but in fact, it didn’t take long until you’d hear the hisss of the entrance opening. You jumped at the initial noise, head tilting towards the door, then you stood completely still while your grip tightened on two seats juxtaposed. You swallowed hard as you counted the steps he took.
one step.
two step.
three step.
followed by another as he brought his feet together on the other end of the middle aisle.
You narrowed your eyes at him while he returned a lovely smile. He stood feet away from you, hands in his pocket, a poised stance while his eyes and smile fixated on you.
There was a brief moment of silence before you’d eventually lose the unintentional staring contest that occurred between the two telepaths by scoffing out.
You admitted to defeat. At least in this instance. You were trapped and it was a brilliant comeback–you had to admit, no matter how much it hurt your pride. But just when you thought  things would go back to how they were originally planned–a ride together to the mall–Charles picked up his stride again this time, towards you.
Your smile faded while your eyes narrowed. What more could he possibly do to stomp on your triumph? You watched stride, how confident each step was taken, his hands hadn’t escaped from his pockets and his eyes, still so focused at the person before him.
Who was this strange man fixed on making his way over to the woman in the back? People thought. Eyes followed him while he took his stride.
Halfway in, he’d removed one of his hands out of his pockets, waving it gently in a short path and you knew exactly what it meant. You turned left and right at the stillness of the air and concept of time–at least for the poor bystanders.
You flinched back as he’d begin reaching less than 3 feet away.
“W-what-what are you..”

2 feet
“stop.. I-I don’t understand.”

1 feet
“C-charles” a faint whine escaping from your lips, as you tilted your head back, shutting your eyes in preparation for his worse.
Upon reaching you in less than a couple inches, he finally removed his hands from his pocket and with his right, wraps his arm around your waist then pulled you closer while his left rested gently on your cheek.
You opened your eyes at the instant of his touch, a short gasp escaping while your hands naturally find their way against his chest as you searched for support, filling in the excess space between you two.
He hadn’t given you enough time to process the proximity you had between him as he leaned in, crashing his lips softly against yours. Your eyes fell on their own while you felt a current running through your body, surrendering to the sensation. With every kiss he could taste of your lipstick and couldn’t help but feel so satisfied with finally getting a taste of them after wondering for quite some time.
A soft moan had escaped as you fell deeper and yet at that moment, almost as if he’d been waiting to get a signal, he pulled off unexpectedly. Your expression went blank as you stared into his eyes.
You felt the vibration from his chest as he let out a snicker. You raised an eyebrow at him before he finally spoke out loud.
“Checkmate. I win.”
You feel a pit drop to the bottom of your stomach, unsure whether you should believe him. But as you turned around towards the back window, you spot Raven wrapped up in a stranger’s hold and your face falls while you turn back towards Charles.
A pout had appeared on your face while your eyes met the floor–but only for a short amount of time before you met eyes with the man who held you close sporting a stupid smirk of satisfaction. You pulled him in, tossing aside the last of your spirit.
Oh well.
War was never your thing in the first place.
Tagging: @layoutmellet, @shamvictoria11, @codewordpigeon, @absent-killjoy, @barnesgasm, @grantward03, @itzelreader, @okpanther, @stevespangledrogers, @nykeemauniverse, @comicdesus, @avahodge, @lisa-stilinski, @awinterloveuniverse, @buckybuckling, @whovianayesha, @justanotherfangurlz, @not-your-cup-of-joe, @iwontsayimfallinginlove, @b-asiacoquum, @thaniya82, @iamwarrenspeace, @sheatemyfries, @breezykpop, @annabeth453, @mrs-captain-evans, @itsblehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, @terratori910, @marriedtotheking, @infinity1321, @yunalove0123, @jordiynmae, @hiitsgalaxykat, @captain-frozen-gril-02, @oinchavengewho, @camila1818, @naners3101, @xstu-dying-blrx, @starryeyesbadguys, @captainwinterstan, @winterwolf57, @always-an-evans-addict, @superwholocked527
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