#that's me with a ton of royal scandal songs
Chelsea by KANON69 feat. Megurine Luka
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dcbbw · 1 year
Sneak Peek Sunday
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Hoppy Easter to all the Tumblrs that celebrate! 
I am behind on a ton of deadlines posting-wise. I’m just dealing with a LOT: medical issues, legal issues, family drama, and hot-ass messiness at work. I’m also pondering my future on tumblr, but for now I do have at least 4 more fics that I intend to write, and post here: an MC lunch ask, #KLAW submission, @bebepac​’s birthday fic, and possibly a Drake-centric fic inspired by a song (or two) currently on repeat in my Spotify.
All of that is to say I DO have something to share: snippets from two fics that WILL be posted this week: my submission for Maxwell Beaumont’s birthday appreciation and my Luck of the Draw fic.
Snippets are below the cut, and a little longer than six sentences as I only have two entries this time around. As always everything is in a state of rough draft; final versions may vary.
Birthday Boy
Once again, it’s my birthday. A milestone one: The big 3-5.
I remember when I thought 35 was old.
I’m celebrating at the Great House that belongs to the duchy King Liam bestowed upon my wife. I’m celebrating with family, friends, and members of Cordonian Court. How I’m greeted lets me know which category a person falls into.
The East Ballroom has been transformed from cold marble and stiff curtains into a discotheque, complete with sequined balls suspended from the ceiling, a DJ, and a dance floor with color-lit tiles. At the moment, the children of Court are playing hopscotch on it while the adults partake of the buffet tables and open bars.
As I make my way through the throng, I grin, shake hands, and thank people for coming. I see my children in my peripheral vision and feel my heart swell to near bursting; my daughter is the spit and image of her namesake, Annabelle. My mother. Her tobacco-colored ringlets bounce as she skips over squares colored green, blue, red, purple. Her sapphire-blue eyes squint in concentration, and her plump lips part as she emits laughs and squeals.  
Her brother Dimitri, two years younger, follows behind her as he clumsily mimics her movements while yelling it’s his turn. He has dark hair and brown eyes like his mother, but he gets his personality from me.
I press forward, my wife now in my sights. Her dark hair is in an upsweep knot, and her cream-colored gown flows over her body. I pause to take her in and marvel at how far she’s advanced since Social Season. She’s no longer coarse and rough-edged; now she’s polished and cultured.
She’s talking to the King and Queen, and I can tell from her posture the conversation is either agitating or exciting her. Her hands are gesticulating wildly; I already know words are tumbling from her lips as if they were balls being lobbed from a machine.
The King’s eyes roll in amusement while my wife talks; I assume it’s excitement that has my partner so animated. Liam tugs his Queen closer to him just as Crown Princess Eleanor tugs at her mother’s dress and pulls the monarchs’ attention.
As I draw closer to the trio, I wonder for the zillionth time how she’s with me.
After all, she came to Cordonia for Liam.
She stays in Cordonia because of Liam.
Three Blind Mice (LotD, Chapter 6 of The Commoner’s Wife)
“I appreciate your obvious…. attraction to me, Your Highness, but my heart and affections have been claimed by another.”
“You mean your best friend’s wife? Listen to me, Your Majesty….no royal or noble worth their salt will accept a divorced commoner as Queen. Your court will be the laughingstock of Europe and you…. you’ll be the biggest scandal since King Edward VIII. At least he was lucky enough to choose love over Crown, but you don’t have that luxury, do you? Your brother beat you to it.”
“What I do with my personal life, especially when it takes place in Cordonia, is no one’s business but mine. And if you wish our countries to remain in good standing, you will stop talking,” Liam growled.
“Even when it involves fucking other men’s wives?” Marguerite arched an eyebrow.
She lowered it when Liam’s eyes narrowed dangerously. The Princess still needed to make an advantageous match; Liam was the best of the lot. When she spoke again, her tone was more conciliatory.
“Darling, I’m offering you not only a union, but an alliance … a chance to rule over two countries, not just one. We don’t need to be in love and arrangements can be put in place, but only one of us can be scandalous, and I’ve already claimed dibs on that.”
The Princess smiled brightly before downing the remainder of her beverage. She looked around the room before setting the champagne flute on the table in front of her and gathering her purse.
“I’m sure the three of you have much to discuss; I’ll see myself out,” she spoke to everyone and no one.
She began rummaging inside her bag, murmuring to Liam that he could email her a non-disclosure agreement. “As juicy as this morning has been, I wouldn’t tell anyone; however, I understand the need for assurance.”
Marguerite rose, a plastic keycard between her fingers which she offered to Drake.
“Retaliation fucks can be most satisfying. I have a standing room at the Savoy Five Kingdoms. They have an excellent bar and even better room service. Drop by anytime today; I fly out in the morning.”
Riley’s face was dark with anger; her eyes held a flicker of fear.
Liam’s head fell into his open palms.
Drake stared blankly at the key before raising his eyes to the monarch of Monaco.
“Fuck you,” he spat.
Marguerite looked puzzled as she tucked the key into his jacket’s breast pocket.
“That’s the entire purpose, darling.”
Tagging: @jared2612​ @ao719​ @marietrinmimi​ @queenjilian​ @indiacater​ @kingliam2019​ @bebepac​ @liamxs-world​ @mom2000aggie​ @liamrhysstalker2020​ @neotericthemis​ @twinkleallnight​ @umccall71​ @superharriet​ @busywoman​ @gabesmommie1130​ @tessa-liam​ @beezm​ @gardeningourmet​ @lovingchoices14​ @mainstreetreader​ @angelasscribbles​ @lady-calypso​ @emkay512​ @princessleac1​ @charlotteg234​ @queenrileyrose​ @alj4890​ @yourfavaquarius111​ @motorcitymademadame​ @queenmiarys​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
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lunarxdaydream · 11 months
tagged by: @arcxnumvitae​ tagging: anyone!
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NAME: Steph STAR SIGN: Aries HEIGHT: 5′2″ (travel friendly!) MIDDLE NAME: Sorry I don’t share that 😅
1. Volver Volver - Vincente Fernandez 2. And the Waltz Goes On - André Rieu & Johann Strauss Orchestra 3. You’re Gonna Leave (Acoustic) - Stephen Marley 4. Hikari - Royal Scandal 5. Fleur Blanche - Örsten 6. Aprendiz - Alejandro Sanz
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU: Only one time that I was able to read it but the second was sent directly to my house and uh ... yeah, someone else got a hold of it before I did so I never had the chance to read it  😅
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR: Earlier today when I was on facetime with my dad. He plays guitar so it was more to practice my dexterity as I’m trying to learn how to play it whenever I visit him meanwhile working on the piano at home. 
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH?: Hmm ... I don’t really know? I think there are some good looking celeberties like Cristano Ronaldo, Michael B. Jordan, Chayanne (oh man back in the day he was the guy), Chris Hemsworth, good ol’ Henry Cavill, Zendaya and Angelique Boyer. 
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE?: Scrapping of utensils on a plate that makes this weird screech sound and anything close to nails on a chalkboard. As for what I love, it’s the loud clickity clack of a keyboard and best of all: a doggo’s nails clicking on wood floors!  
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?:Eh ... so so, like I’m not a die hard believer but I also won’t walk into a creepy place where someone was murdered and poke to ask the spirits because I ain’t about to have an exorcist episode in my house, nope nope nope. 
HOW ABOUT ALIENS: Hmm ... I’m not really sure. I’ll listen to a friend of mines talk about it but I don’t really have much of an opinion either way. 
DO YOU DRIVE?: Absolutely! I enjoy it, especially when it’s some nice curvy roads! 
IF SO HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED: Just a minor accident or two that wasn’t my fault, never anything major. 
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ?: I’m working through ‘The War of Two Queens’  when I’m home but I’m going to start ‘Fourth Wing’ this weekend as my travel book since I will be going out of town (again). So ... I guess both???
DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE: I definitely do! I mean, I’m not sniffing it like a maniac but I do enjoy it. Maybe it’s because my husband is a complete motorhead so we tend to do a lot of car activities and my uncle owned a mechanic shop that we used to visit a lot and my dad for a few years so I guess it’s a comforting thing for me. 
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD?: Oooof which one? Let’s see ... probably when I (foolishly) decided to chase after my husband in our previous home with socks on wood floors and right when I turned the corner, I slipped and not only did my back hit the bottom edge of the staircase but I also sprained my ankle and bruised my head. Aside of that, when I fell down the stairs after getting a leash tangled. 
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW?: Breath of the Wild! So it’s a game I’ve had on backlog and played it on and off. Now that I have to travel a ton, it’s been the main game I’m playing and I’m hooked. It just took a while for me to get really into it but man is it a blast. 
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Bad Romance Chapter 27: Cut and Run
Series: Bad Romance
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for series: Multiple
Paring this chapter: Riley x Drake
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋
Word Count: 3,834
Song Inspiration: Sexy Drug by Falling in Reverse
A/N: This is another flashback chapter. Perhaps the last one. There have been flashbacks showing the evolution of her relationships with Liam and Max, and I thought Drake deserved the same.
Warnings for this chapter: Lemons, Language
My other stuff: Master List.
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Madeleine’s estate, second day of the engagement tour………
“Is that your bike I saw out front?”
Drake slid a sidelong glance in her direction, “You noticed my bike?”
“I notice things.”
He arched an eyebrow at her skeptically, “You notice things about me?”
“Of course I do. Don’t look so surprised.”
“I didn’t realize I rated so high.”
“What are you talking about? I noticed you the first day I met you!”
“Could have fooled me.”
“Um…did you forget what happened on the plane?”
“That’s not what I-“
“I mean, I know, I know, you were all, what happens on the plane, stays on the plane-“
“Yeah. But that wasn’t the first time we met. We met the night before, remember?”
“Oh, yeah.” She smirked.
“Right. Anyway-“
“Why didn’t you ride over in the limo with Liam?”
“Because I take my bike when we travel by train. That way I can go where I want, when I want.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Let’s do that then.”
Drake blinked at her in confusion, “Do what?”
“Go where we want, right now.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t want to be here, and I just found out that the next stop is fucking Applewood. I’m not going back there. Neither should you.”
His expression softened in understanding, “Of course you don’t want to go back there…”
“Yeah, no, not really. It’s a bad memory for you too, yeah?”
His eyes were locked on hers as he nodded slowly, “Yeah. Not my best moment, though I don’t regret what I did, not really.”
“So, let’s skip Applewood. We can meet everyone three days from now at the train station, right?”
“You just want to leave?”
She nodded vigorously, “Yes, I do.”
“I’m sure Max would be happy to-“
“Max has to go to Applewood.”
“I don’t think Max has to-“
“Well, no, there’s not a law or anything, but Bertrand would kill him if he skipped it. What, you afraid to be alone with me or something?”
She stepped closer to him, “I did what you wanted, I stayed away from you after the plane landed. I pretended nothing ever happened between us, but I still thought about it, I still think about it.”
“You seemed pretty preoccupied with Max those first few weeks-“
“Max didn’t ask me to pretend anything.”
“But I was right. You came here for Liam, and he fell for you like a ton of bricks, and you seemed to return those feelings-“
“So, you’re not in love with him?”
“No, I’m not!”
“Then you must be an amazing actress because I saw the two of you-“
“I thought I was in love with him, for a while. Then he turned on me, Drake, you saw what happened at the Coronation ball.”
“He was trying to protect you-“
“From what? Seriously, come on. He turned on me because of the scandal.”
“No, he wanted everyone to think-“
“No, he dumped me the moment there was a bump in the road and only wanted me back when he saw me with someone else. Fuck that.”
“You love him, Riley.”
She shook her head, “I don’t. I loved the man I thought he was, but here’s the thing….the man I fell in love with would never have done that to me, therefore, the man I fell in love with doesn’t actually exist. Liam is a liar.”
“Drake. I never believed he’d care about those photos.”
“I don’t think he does-“
“Even after Max went to the press and made a public statement that it wasn’t me in the pictures!”
“But it was you, wasn’t it? I mean, they were blurry and grainy, and no one can be certain it was you for sure, but it certainly could be you. And you and I both know that you were, in fact, fucking Max.”
“I was, so what? That was before I was with Liam. I ended things with Max when Liam and I happened, you know that.”
“Which brings me back to my original point……you did fall in love with Liam. Why else would you have ended things with Max?”
“And then Liam and I ended. So here we are.”
“And where are we, exactly?”
“Well, Liam is marrying the duchess of darkness and Max is stuck being the representative for House Beaumont, but we, you and I, are free to do whatever the fuck we want, right? I mean, do you want to hang out at Madeline’s for the rest of the night then spend the next two days at Applewood? That your idea of fun?”
“You know it’s not.”
“Then what the fuck is stopping us from taking off for a few days? I’m not asking you to abandon Liam, or the tour. Just skip Applewood and rejoin it when it’s time to get on the train to Italy.”
Drake considered her words for a moment then finally shrugged his shoulders, “You know what? When you’re right, you’re right! I was really dreading tonight anyway, and I definitely don’t want to visit Applewood right now. I don’t have shit to do anyway, since they suspended me. Why the fuck not? Let’s go!”
“Really?” She squealed as she bounced up and down in joy.
“Really.” He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.
She threw herself into his arms and hugged him, tightly. “Ok, give me fifteen minutes, I’m going to grab a couple changes of clothes and send the rest of my luggage with Max. He’ll make sure it gets to the train.”
Fifteen minutes later, she was climbing on the back of his bike. Her arms wrapped around his waist and his eyes fluttered closed briefly as the sensation of her body pressed against his washed through him. Fuck. This was definitely a bad idea. But then again, Liam had more or less discarded her, for her own good or not, she didn’t seem inclined to forgive him. And he was engaged to someone else.
He revved up the engine, hit the kickstand with his foot and took off down the driveway, dust flying up behind them as he navigated the black Ducati through the front gate and onto the roadway. He sped up a little just so he could feel her press closer to him as she tightened her grip.
The bike flew down the road as every memory of her from the past five months spilled through his head. Starting with that first night in New York when he knew he’d had her attention before Liam had walked into the bar. A million times he’d wondered how things might have been different if he’d been in that bar alone that night instead of with Liam.
The way she’d rattled him on the plane ride over. She’d made him nervous and defensive and jittery. He’d never felt an attraction that strong, and he’d had no idea how to handle it or what to do with it.
That fucking dress at the Masquerade Ball, how he’d caught her in his arms in the stables that day she’d gotten lost at the derby, having to watch Max and Liam both trip all over themselves vying for her attention while he sat back and did nothing. Nothing other than battle with himself every day and lay awake with thoughts of her dogging his dreams every night.
Lythikos. Skiing with her, laying in the snow under the stars, catching her when she pretended to faint at dinner, and the wine cellar. The wine cellar. If he had to pinpoint the moment the physical attraction turned into something more emotional, that would be it. If he had to pinpoint the moment he knew he was falling for her, that would be it.
How her hands felt on his body that day on the beach, when she’d insisted on slathering sunblock on him. And when he’d returned the favor. And that goddamned bikini that had almost killed him.
The way she’d dragged him to that bar for his birthday and danced with him, her body pressing into his while he fought the need to touch her. That whole night had turned into one of the best of his life.
Then the bullshit with Tariq had happened. Even though most of those memories were horror filled, there were moments that shone through. The care and concern she’d shown for him, the way she’d clung to him for comfort, the memory of her asleep in that damn chair in the waiting room while he was being questioned, waiting for him, worried about him, refusing to leave without him; and the way her body had fit perfectly against his that night in his bed. How incredibly right she’d felt in his arms.
The fierceness she’d defended him with during his suspension hearing. That had been the last time he’d seen her until she’d asked him to take her away from the engagement tour. Three weeks. He’d gone three weeks without seeing her face, hearing her voice, touching her hand.
Five months of torture, but two different kinds. The first four months had been hard enough but the three weeks that had followed had been worse.
He’d withstood four months of watching her with Max then Liam, four months of pushing his own feelings aside, four months of denying what he was feeling. Four months of being her friend, of sitting next to her without touching her, of watching her from across the room and resisting the urge to just walk over and claim her. Four months of pretending he didn’t want to sweep her into his arms or kiss her or touch her. Four months of the most exquisite torture and he’d endured it all with complete aplomb.
But three weeks of not seeing her, not hearing her voice, not knowing how she was doing… Those three weeks broke something in him that the previous four months had not.
He’d pushed his own feelings and desires away because he’d thought it was better for her, better for Liam. But now Liam had abandoned them both.
Yes, he knew Liam thought he was pushing her away for her own good, for her safety. Drake had disagreed and told him so, but Liam was steadfast in his decision.
Liam had asked him to watch out for her, and he had done so. It was a damn good thing too. He couldn’t bear the thought of what would have happened that night with Tariq if he hadn’t.
Yes, he’d lost control that night and yes, the results had been fatal. But Liam could have intervened, could have kept him from being suspended. But he hadn’t. He felt like he’d lost his best friend, something that hadn’t seemed possible until it had happened.
He and Riley were in the same proverbial boat. Commoners surrounded by aristocrats, discounted by the nobility, discarded by those they had trusted, left to twist in the wind, at the mercy of a mercurial system that devalued and dehumanized them.
Even though Liam had decided to cut ties with her, it was too late to take back his request. Drake would continue to watch out for her and if that meant getting her the hell out of there for a few days, then that’s what he would do. What the hell was Liam thinking, expecting her to go back to Applewood? No, Liam was clearly not thinking about her at all. So he would.
He knew with sudden clarity that he was done. Done ignoring the fire she ignited in him and pretending he didn’t want her. Done playing the dutiful but platonic friend and pretending he didn’t need her. Done denying the overwhelming intensity of his own emotions and pretending he didn’t love her. He was just done pretending.
He leaned forward on his bike as if that could make it go faster, ready to be at the cabin. Ready to get her alone, ready to tell her all the things he’d been keeping to himself, ready to find out if the two of them had a real chance.
They barely made it in the door before the tidal wave of passion they had been holding in for five months broke over them.
He opened the door for her and followed her through it. He closed the door behind him then turned to find her still standing in the entryway, watching him.
She moved so fast it startled him when her body hit his, but his response was instinctual. There was no conscious thought to it, he just suddenly found his arms around her, his lips pressed into hers.
Their tongues pushed into each other’s mouth’s; their hands pulled at each other’s clothes. One of her legs wrapped around him, he grabbed her and lifted her as the other one went around him. Then he turned and pinned her up against the door as he entered her.
Some small part of his brain was screaming at him to slow down, to make it last, but he couldn’t. Five months of pent-up desire, five months of repressed passion exploded between them and he’d never felt so out of control in his life.
He thrust himself into her frantically as her legs squeezed around him and her fingers dug into his back, involuntary whimpers winding their way out of him.
Riley lost herself in his touch, in the feel of him inside of her, the heat from his skin scorching her own. The scent of him flooded her with a rapacious hunger and the sounds he was making activated something primeval in her. She coiled herself around him, arms and legs clenched around him, cleaving her body to his as waves of pure bliss started to crest over her.
Her screams of pleasure severed what little remained of his control. He slammed into her one last time, pressing her body against the door with his own as he burst inside of her.
He lowered her to the floor, his body still leaning into hers, breathing heavy as he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“It was too fast, I came too soon, I didn’t-“
She laughed softly, “It wasn’t too fast, it was perfect. And we have all night and all day tomorrow if you want to try it again slower.”
His heart stuttered in his chest. There was going to be a next time. He suddenly wanted to freeze time and stay in the cabin forever.
Three days later……
Drake lay on his stomach, head propped on his arms as he watched her sleep. He’d have to wake her soon so they could make the train for Italy, but he wasn’t ready for this interlude to end.
The last three days had been nothing short of the best of his life. And not because of all the sex they’d had, although that was definitely a highlight. It was all those moments between.
The first night there, they’d moved from the entry way to the bedroom where’d he done all the things with her that he’d been fantasizing about for five months. Then she’d gotten hungry. The memory of her in his kitchen brought a smile to his face.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
She was on her knees, clad in one of his button up shirts and a pair of panties, perched on a countertop, digging through cupboards. She was surrounded by cans of beans and MRE packages.
“Looking for something edible. What the hell are these?” She thrust a MRE package at him accusingly.
He smothered a laugh, “It’s an MRE.”
“What the hell is an MRE?”
“It stands for meal, ready to eat.” He told her.
She flipped the package around in her hands, “Doesn’t look ready to eat.”
“But they are. I mean, they’re better if you stick them in some boiling water for few minutes to get them hot, but that’s not required. You can literally just rip it open and eat it.”
“Sounds disgusting.”
“They’re actually pretty tasty. You’d be surprised.”
“No, I wouldn’t, because I’m not eating this. Why the hell don’t you have any real food in here?”
“Because I don’t come here often enough to keep perishables. And I can’t always stock up before I come because my visits aren’t always planned, today as a perfect example. This way, there’s always something to eat in a pinch.”
“No there’s not. None of this is edible. I am not eating a can of beans for dinner! And neither are you!”
“Why do you care what I eat?”
“Because I’m planning to sleep in the same bed with you and you are not eating a can of beans for dinner!”
“Ok, ok!” He laughed as he took her hands in his and pulled her so that she was sitting on the counter, facing him. “Come on, get dressed and we’ll go into town. I’ll take you out to dinner and then we’ll pick up some provisions for the next couple of days. How’s that sound?”
“Better.” She tried to keep scowling but he could tell she was fighting back a smile.
He pulled her forward and kissed the top of her head, “Anything to make you happy.”
The next day was the first time ever that they’d spent an entire day together, with no one else present. They’d woken up together and gone to sleep together and somewhere in between, she’d managed to pull his life story out of him. And not just the pretty parts. He’d poured his heart out to her, not just about his father, but about his sister as well.
“It’s ok to cry, Drake.” She told him, drawing his head into her chest.
He wanted to protest, wanted to tell her that he didn’t cry but once the floodgates had opened there was no turning back. All of the pain and grief that he’d been keeping pushed down and hidden in the deep, dark recesses of his soul for years came pouring out.
“I should have been there! I should have been there!” Each word was ladened with agony and self-recrimination.
He pressed his face against her as great, shuddering sobs tore through him. She rocked him gently as she stroked his hair and murmured comforting words to him.
“It wasn’t your fault, Drake, you couldn’t have known. She knows how much you loved her.”
He’d never been that open and vulnerable with anyone, not even Liam. And he hadn’t felt embarrassed or ashamed of his tears, that was perhaps the most surprising part. She had touched a place deep inside him that no one else had ever even seen.
If he hadn’t been sure he was in love with her before, there was no denying it now. By the third day, he knew he would do whatever it took to keep her in his life, even if it meant fighting Liam for her affections. Every moment they spent together breathed life into his very being.
“We need to go to town again, we’re out of food.” She told him.
"No, we don’t, because tonight I'm going to cook dinner."
"But there's nothing to cook." She protested.
He pulled some rod and reels out of a closet and turned to her with a grin, "We're going to catch it!"
“You’ve never been fishing?”
“Then I’m sorry your early education was so sorely lacking. This is a basic survival skill everyone should have.”
His favorite memory of her from their time at the cabin was of her sitting on the edge of the dock with a fishing rod in her hands, her hair pulled back in a French braid, the sun dappling her skin, head tipped back as the sound of her laughter tinkled through the clearing.
Or maybe the one where he taught her how to throw her line out.
“Like this.” He told her, cradling her body with his as he used his hands on top of hers to guide her through the cast. “Got it?”
“No.” She tossed a coy look over her shoulder, “I think I need you to show me again.”
He moved behind her again, pressing his body into hers. Before he could touch the pole, she dropped it and spun in his arms.
“So that was all just an elaborate ruse to get me to kiss you, is that it?”
She wound her arms around his neck and gave him a sparkling smile, “Are you complaining?”
“Hell no.” He growled as he complied with her wishes.
He smiled at the memories then sighed with resignation. They would be leaving within the hour to rejoin the engagement tour.
“Were you watching me sleep?” She yawned.
“Yes.” He answered somberly.
“Why?” She laughed.
Because you’re everything to me and I’m so afraid that none of this is going to last. Out loud he said, “I just wasn’t ready to wake you up.”
“Why not?” She asked as she stretched languidly, her movements reminding him of a cat.
He sighed, “Because we have to get back to reality today and I’m not ready for the last few days to end.”
“Who says it has to end?” She asked him, leaning over and dropping a kiss on his cheek before bounding out of bed and into the bathroom.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed when she returned. “What do you mean, who says it has to end?”
“I mean….who says this has to end?” She looked at him like he should know what she meant, like it was obvious.
“Riley, we’re about to rejoin the engagement tour, we can’t be seen-“
“So we won’t be seen.” She said as she dropped onto the bed next to him, “How long until we have to leave?”
“Forty-five or fifty minutes.”
“Well, let’s make the most of them.” She said as she reached for him.
Forty-five minutes later they were walking out the door.
“I can’t wait to show you all my favorite places on the tour!” He knew he was burbling, something he’d never done in his life. He couldn’t help it, she made him feel unfamiliar emotions, happy, tingly ones.
“You have favorite places on the tour?”
“Yes. Following Liam around the world, I have found the best places in all of the locations we visit most.”
“Ok. Like what?”
“Like my favorite restaurant in Rome. It doesn’t look like much, it’s a hole in the wall, but the food is amazing! Authentic, not the tourist trap crap. And Paris-“
“The Eiffel Tower?”
“I mean, eh, I guess that’s ok, but I know where to find the best whiskey in Paris, and the best place to shoot pool and-“
She laughed at his enthusiasm and cut him off with one last kiss before pulling her helmet on.
Drake started the bike as she climbed on behind him. Her arms went around his waist and for the first time in a long time, he was excited about the future.
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sfb123 · 3 years
Quit Your Life
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles​​ prompt # 80 “Stop looking at me like that.” which will appear in bold.
Song Inspiration: Quit Your Life - MxPx
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
Author’s Note: This story is a little something that popped into my head yesterday, and this weeks prompt fits in famously. It takes place toward the beginning of the social season, it pretty much follows canon, but it’s one of those ‘in between events/chapters’ moment.
Also, personal side note, the song inspiration is actually my wedding song, so it holds a very special place in my heart.
Word Count: 1,749
Rating/Warning: G - Romantic fluff, maybe one or two minor curse words.
“Please Riley? You have to come!” Maxwell begged.
Riley sighed and shook her head. “Max, is it an official social season event?”
“Well, no but...”
“Then I’m good.” It had been two weeks since Riley had arrived in Cordonia. Two weeks filled with balls, tea parties, etiquette lessons and meals packed with people she didn’t know constantly sizing her up. The only real time she had to herself was when she was asleep. So when she was told that they had a night off, she was excited to be able to lock herself away and turn off her brain for a few hours. Then Maxwell showed up and told her everyone was going to check out a new club in the capital and invited her to go along.
“Liam’s going to be there.” He raised an eyebrow thinking that may be just the thing to convince her to come.
There was a brief moment where that statement almost made her change her mind. Ever since she met Liam that night in New York, she had felt this connection with him. She couldn’t explain it, but she knew it was something worth exploring. Unfortunately, that also meant competing with several other women to win his hand. “So will all of the other suitors. They’ll be fawning over him all night, I won’t be able to get near him.”
Maxwell pouted, giving her the saddest puppy dog eyes he had ever given anyone.
“Stop looking at me like that. It’s not happening.” She crossed her arms over her chest, firm in her decision.
“Fine, I’ll go. But it’s not going to be as fun without you.” Maxwell lamented.
“I’m sure you’ll still have a great time. And I’ll tell you what, let’s have breakfast here tomorrow, instead of going downstairs with everyone else. You can give me the full recap.”
“It’s a date.” He pulled his friend into a tight hug, and made his way out the door.
A while later, after changing and getting herself comfortable, Riley was about to dig into the pizza she had ordered from a local restaurant, when there was a knock on her door. She placed the slice back in the box and stood up, leaving the comfort of the seat that had just molded perfectly to her body. “Max, I swear to god, my makeup is off and my sweatpants are on, I am not leaving this room.” She opened the door and her eyes went wide when they locked on to Liam’s.
Liam’s breath caught in his throat when he saw her. She was wearing baggy sweatpants and a tight tank top, her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, her fringe bangs framing her makeup free face. He already thought Riley was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but seeing her like this, she was perfection. This could be the first thing I see every morning. He felt his heart beat faster at the thought.
“Oh Prince Liam! I’m so sorry, I thought you were Maxwell.” She curtsied. “He was trying to get me to go out to this club tonight. I’m sorry for my appearance, I wasn’t expecting company.” She stepped back and motioned for him to come in.
“No need to apologize, you look beautiful.” He caught the blush in her cheeks before she dropped her gaze to the floor, making him smile. She’s adorable. “You didn’t want to go out?”
“Nah, I needed a night to recharge. The past couple of weeks have been a lot.”
Liam’s face fell slightly. He was so glad that she was there, that she had traveled all this way for him. If she were to get too overwhelmed, would she leave? What if she didn’t think he was worth it? “I’m sorry to have bothered you. I’ll leave you to recharge.”
“No no, don’t go. I ordered a ton of extra food, you’re welcome to hang out for a bit.”
He noticed the pizza box and other containers spread out on the coffee table. “You ordered takeout?”
“Yea, what a pain in the ass trying to get food delivered to the palace! First it took me 15 minutes to convince the guy at the pizza place that it wasn’t a prank call. Then there’s the whole getting the delivery guy through security thing.” She plopped onto the couch, patting the seat beside her.
“You know we have a fully staffed kitchen, right? They could have made all of this for you.”
“I know, there’s just something comforting about eating food out of takeout boxes.” Riley shrugged and reached for a slice of pizza.
Liam made a mental note to have the kitchen start stocking various take out containers, for Riley’s future orders. “Did you order take out a lot back home?”
“I tried not to, maybe once or twice a week. I love cooking, so I would usually just whip something up for myself.”
Liam imagined entering the Royal quarters at the end of the day to find Riley in the kitchen making dinner, their children playing in the next room. Then they would all gather together at the table for dinner. A real family, we would laugh, and joke, and share stories from our day. His heart started speeding up again.
“What’s your favorite dish to cook?” He was trying desperately to keep his cool, all he wanted to do was to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Every second he spent with her, he could feel himself falling deeper.
Riley sighed and smiled to herself. “Nothing fancy, pretty much any of my grandmother’s old recipes.”
“I would love to try them sometime.” He casually draped his arm over the back of the couch. Riley smiled and leaned into him slightly.
They spend several hours eating, and talking, and watching some of Riley’s favorite shows.Since the day they met, Riley had done nothing but tried to get to know Liam, regular Liam, not the Crown Prince. He used this opportunity as a chance to return the favor, and he loved every second of it. The more he learned about her, the more incredible she became to him. She was funny, interesting, and smart. She was so expressive when she would tell stories about her family, and her life back in New York. She had only been in his life for a few weeks, but he couldn’t remember what it was like before she became a part of it, and he was absolutely certain he didn’t want to go back to that place.
Liam checked the time on his watch, and his heart sank when he realized how late it was. He knew he was going to have to leave her. He so desperately wanted to stay the night, if nothing more than just to know the feeling of falling asleep with her in his arms, but he knew he had to get back to his quarters before everyone started returning from the club. It would be quite a scandal for the prince to be found in a suitors bedroom. The last thing he wanted was for Riley to face a scandal that could potentially hurt their chances of ending up together. “I really should be heading back to my room. I had a wonderful time with you tonight, Riley.”
“Yea, it was a lot of fun. I’m glad you stopped by.” They both stood and started walking toward the door. “I’m sorry I talked about myself so much, that must have been so boring for you.”
“Not at all. You are an amazing person, Riley. I want to know everything there is to know about you, and tonight was the perfect start to that.” He cupped her face with one hand, placing the other on her hip.
They stared into each other's eyes for several moments, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, he had held himself back all night. He had to kiss her. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, gently at first, but soon their lips parted and their tongues met. Riley’s knees started to go weak, she wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself. Reluctantly, they pulled their lips apart. Their eyes remained closed, foreheads pressed together.
“Goodnight Riley.”
“Goodnight Liam. I’m really glad you came by tonight.”
“Me too.” As they separated, Liam lifted Riley’s hand to his lips.
Liam exited the room, and Riley shut the door behind him. They both leaned their backs against the door, taking deep breaths to recover from their dizzying kiss. It was different from the others they had shared, there was something there that they hadn’t felt before, but they both felt it, and wanted to feel it again.
Liam snapped out of his daze and immediately stood up straight. He had been caught. He looked to his left and saw Drake looking at him with a questioning glare. And relaxed a little’ “Oh Drake, it’s just you.”
“I thought you were going out with everyone tonight?” Drake quirked an eyebrow knowingly.
“I made an appearance, but it wasn’t quite my scene.” Liam shrugged.
“See, now what I heard just then was, ‘I showed up, and Brooks wasn’t there, so it wasn’t worth my time.’”
Liam felt his face heat up at Drake’s words. He should have known that his best friend would be able to see right through his flimsy excuse. “Yes well, I had a wonderful night regardless.”
“I’ll bet you did. You’ve really got it bad for her, don’t you?” Drake patted Liam on the back.
“She’s amazing, Drake. I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel like this about someone.” Liam got a far off look in his eyes thinking about Riley, and the evening they had just shared. “Thank you for watching out for her during the social season. I can’t always be there to protect her, it makes me feel a lot better knowing you have her back.”
“Don’t mention it.” Drake stopped walking in front of his bedroom. “Well, this is me. I’ll see you at breakfast?”
“Of course. Good night, Drake”
The pair shook hands. Drake entered his room, and Liam continued to walk to his, thinking about Riley the entire way. The rest of the social season seemed like a waste of time at this point. He had found his choice, his bride, his Queen. He had found Riley.
Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @queenrileyrose @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga @choicesficwriterscreations @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @annarenee355 @burnsoslow @shewillreadyou @imturaxamara @wackydrabbles
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skippyv20 · 4 years
MM Anon
MM ANON ……”too many eyes, it has to be privejet “…… SS , travel agent ……” NO more interviews “ ……” I’ll, give her away!!” …… 🎼”they had style,and well read,MM gave good head,vogue “🎼……… Aotearoa…… DM litigate big guns…… Subpoena demeanour ……… “ocean view,or the hills princess?”…… “ ones posterior is sore” …… “ I warned you old thing”…… “ Bugger them, tomorrow’s chip paper!!”……… “ I want a monkeeeeey!!🦄🐒
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
Riddle #120
November 18/2019
1400 hrs CST
“too many eyes, it has to be privejet “
There was a rumour or report, yesterday, that allegedly madam had been observed flying out of a small airport in Oxfordshire, near the SoHo farmhouse. I tend not to believe that because up until now, MM ANON has given us the clue 12 X 6 , which l interpreted to be a containment of a sort, either ‘cell’ or a psychiatric facility. However, we have had few days with no riddle, so very possible, in this ever changing world, that circumstances have changed. 
Notice she types prive jet NOT private jet! Is that a typo or have a meaning? We know for certain by now, everything means something! Prive , French for private. So has someone gone to 🇫🇷 France??? There is a company with this name also, several actually.
These days, after our massive CSIS security breach, when l read 👀 eyes, in these contexts, it immediately makes me think of Five Eyes . For those who don’t know, the Five Eyes are the U.K. , Canada, New Zealand, Australia and America. It’s a security intelligence alliance. There is plenty online should you wish to educate yourselves further. France is not in the Alliance, this very curious to me. 
SS , travel agent 
SS, we all know by now but lest you don’t, is SUNSHINE SACHS is a ruthless ‘dark arts’ PR firm, who works for madam, not satisfactorily, but also for almost everyone in her orbit, all these odd famous people that have come out of the woodwork offering support. They are also responsible for the dozens of headlines spreading lies. So was SS her travel agent, booking her private trip to France?? 
” NO more interviews “
After the disastrous interview although Sunday PA, in the daily mail, said he had told HMTQ it had gone quite well.There has been a ton, or several tons of horrible fallout and commentary led by photos of a sweaty man partying away in the papers on Sunday morning. In the interview he denied ever really partying and said due to PTSD of some sort from the Falklands war he was left unable to perspire, until recently when he had found “ methods to us” and he is now able to. WTH?? HMTQ, PA GET HERE  NOW, ROYAL EDICT NO MORE INTERVIEWS, SO LET IT BE WRITTEN, SO LET IT BE OBEYED(sorry l borrowed a scene from the film The Ten Commandments there).
” I’ll, give her away!!” 
Usually when a woman is given away, it’s at her wedding. Is this PA talking about Princess Beatrice’s upcoming wedding? There are two ways one could read this sentence, however with the comma, they are discussing this and who should do it maybe Fergie? He speaks, notice I’LL , give her away, with double exclamation marks, emphasis on him or I’ll. PA is asserting his fatherly role despite this horrendous scandal. It’s more than a scandal, it’s potentially legal at best, worst case scenario, you know what that is!
”they had style,and well read,MM gave good head,vogue “🎼……… 
It was Rita Hayworth gave good face, double entendre. Rita Hayworth, in Gilda is a MUST SEE!! She is so amazingly beautiful, takes ones breath away. She went on and married the Aga Khan, later died of Alzheimer’s l believe. Lots of old Hollywood mentioned in that song. Here we have a reference to madams skills🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Vogue is THE magazine! FRENCH VOGUE WOW!!! Has SS managed to get madam on the front cover of a French a vogue! Hence the prive jet???! Wow wow wow! 
Currently Prince Charles and Camilla, she joined him once he completed his time in a India and her chest cold healed.  They visited Australia and once again smoothed things over with the High Commissioner’s wife and staff after madams foul language, verbal abuse and overall rude disrespectful treatment whilst they were there.
Charles and Camilla are now in Aotearoa, the Maori, Indigenous dwellers Maori for New Zealand. They will visit the site of the mosque massacre and complete other engagements on their visit.
DM litigate big guns
When they big out the big guns, it’s not always war, big guns are someone who is really excelled at their job ie Beckham/football. So either side of madam lawsuit against the DM will have attorneys. However madam or her backers are funding her, the DM has deep pockets plus the dossier and a lot of information, much of which we have no idea of. This is going to be very interesting to see if this makes it to court because the DM WILL NOT SETTLE!!! They want this information, all of it out there, she made the worst de by filing this suit!
Subpoena demeanour
A subpoena is an official notice, in paper, that one needs to appear in court. Demeanour is a manner if conducting oneself. So is someone behaving as if a subpoena were imminent or should they be? There are a whole number of individuals this could refer to. I cannot speculate further.
 “ocean view,or the hills princess?”
Ha ha ha😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂, l can hear a jail guard or a very cruel psych staff workers jokingly asking her which room/cell she would like and calling her orincess😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣! 
“ ones posterior is sore” …… “ I warned you old thing”… “ Bugger them, tomorrow’s chip paper!!”
Here yet again, let’s relax, return to my favourite place, it’s so cozy and warm, TV  📺 is on with , Keeping up Appearances, always good for a laugh and distraction watching Hyacinth henpeck poor Richard🤣🤣😂😂. Cocktails 🍸 arrive, nothing else desired. Fire is stoked, they are left alone. HMTQ and PP again that precious time, HMTQ is complaining, oh no never explain never complain🤣🤣😂😂. She is rather sharing with PP her posterior ie bottom is sore, likely from riding that massive black horse we see her riding so often at Windsor. Gorgeous great beast, l would love to know the name. PP seemingly has little sympathy because he did warn her😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂.  Tv switch, the news is on, about the horrific comments on PA interview and it being in all the papers. PP then makes the comment. Chip paper, in the U.K., real fish and chips, doesn’t come in a fancy plate, it comes in a conical wrapped newspapers to absorb the grease. In America the next day paper would line the bird cage. 
“ I want a monkeeeeey!!🦄🐒
We are fast approaching the biggest day in a child’s year, other than their birthday! CHRISTMAS, Oh how they squirm, search, leave notes, and very subtle, rather NOT SO subtle🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 hints of the litany of things they want from Santa Claus. Here is little Lottie, rather GRH Princess Charlotte , if you please, still clinging onto her unicorn whilst wailing loudly that she now wants to add to her menagerie A MONKEY ,!🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣 Oh bless!!
November 18/2019 1510 hrs CST
And just like that all is normal again!  Thank you dear PG....such fun reading your interpretations....many will be so happy!  Thank you, much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Books of 2019
The annual book round up! Last year, my goal was 80 books and I read 113, and this year I inched it up to 90 and wound up reading 124. I didn’t super love a lot of books this year, but I reread a ton of books (like TRC, AFTG, and all of Jane Austen) and I borrowed a lot from the library, so overall I’m pleased with my reading year.
But here I’ve bolded my top 19 books and italicized my 10 honorable mentions, as well as struck through my bottom 5 that I managed to finish.
Last Night with the Earl (The Devils of Dover #2) - Kelly Bowen
From Out in the Cold - LA Witt
Rough Terrain (Out of Uniform #7) - Annabeth Albert
The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2) - Brandon Sanderson
Famous in a Small Town - Emma Mills
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
King of Scars (Nikolai Duology #1) - Leigh Bardugo
Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy #1) - Emily A Duncan
Get Money: Live the Life You Want, Not Just the Life You Can Afford - Kristin Wong
Heartstopper: Volume 1 - Alice Oseman
Fence, Vol. 1 (Fence #1-4) - CS Pascat
The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2) - Holly Black
99 Percent Mine - Sally Thorne
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Proposal (The Wedding Date #2) - Jasmine Guillory
Fence, Vol. 2 (Fence #5-8) - CS Pascat
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon
Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the Cities #1) - KJ Charles
An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities #2) - KJ Charles
An Unsuitable Heir (Sins of the Cities #3) - KJ Charles
The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3) - Brandon Sanderson
Starless - Jacqueline Carey
Fake Out (Fake Boyfriend #1) - Eden Finley
Trick Play (Fake Boyfriend #2) - Eden Finley
Deke (Fake Boyfriend #3) - Eden Finley
Blindsided (Fake Boyfriend #4) - Eden Finley
The Trouble With Dukes (Windham Brides #1) - Grace Burrowes
Too Scot to Handle (Windham Brides #2) - Grace Burrowes
No Other Duke Will Do (Windham Brides #3) - Grace Burrowes
A Rogue of Her Own (Windham Brides #4) - Grace Burrowes
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
Unwritten Law (Steele Brothers #1) - Eden Finley
My One and Only Duke (Rogues to Riches #1) - Grace Burrowes
When a Duchess Says I Do (Rogues to Riches #2) - Grace Burrowes
Arctic Sun (Frozen Hearts #1) - Annabeth Albert
Autoboyography - Christina Lauren
American Dreamer (Dreamers #1) - Adriana Herrera
Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness #1) - Tamora Pierce
Bridal Boot Camp (Little Bridge Island #0.5) - Meg Cabot
Emma - Jane Austen
Bloom - Kevin Panetta
The 5th Gender - GL Carriger
Fix Her Up (Hot and Hammered #1) - Tessa Bailey
Arctic Wild (Frozen Hearts #2) - Annabeth Albert
The Friend Zone - Abby Jimenez
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
The Foxhole Court (All For The Game #1) - Nora Sakavic
The Raven King (All For The Game #2) - Nora Sakavic
The King’s Men (All For The Game #3) - Nora Sakavic
Captive Prince (Captive Prince #1) - CS Pacat
The Unhoneymooners - Christina Lauren
Persuasion - Jane Austen
Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating - Christina Lauren
My Favorite Half-Night Stand - Christina Lauren
Counterpoint (Twisted Wishes #2) - Anna Zabo
Prince’s Gambit (Captive Prince #2) - CS Pacat
Building Forever (This Time Forever #1) - Kelly Jensen
Renewing Forever (This Time Forever #2) - Kelly Jensen
Chasing Forever (This Time Forever #3) - Kelly Jensen
Heartstopper: Volume 2 - Alice Oseman
Sorcery of Thorns - Margaret Rogerson (OwlCrate)
A Rogue by Night (The Devils of Dover #3) - Kelly Bowen
Love and Other Words - Christina Lauren
Between the Devil and the Duke (Season for Scandal #3) - Kelly Bowen
Kings Rising (Captive Prince #3) - CS Pacat
Counting Fence Posts (Counting #1) - Kelly Jensen
Lumber Jacked (Rainbow Cove #3) - Annabeth Albert
You Must Not Miss - Katrina Leno
Reverb (Twisted Wishes #3) - Anna Zabo
The Wedding Party (The Wedding Date #3) - Jasmine Guillory
This Adventure Ends - Emma Mills
Game Changer (Game Changers #1) - Rachel Reid
Heated Rivalry (Game Changers #2) - Rachel Reid
Him (Him #1) - Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
Us (Him #2) -  Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
Meet Cute: Some People Are Destined to Meet - Jennifer L Armentrout (and others)
The Bone Houses - Emily Lloyd-Jones
Good Boy (WAGS #1) -  Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
Fence, Vol. 3 (Fence #9-12) - CS Pacat
Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars #1) - Elizabeth Lim (OwlCrate)
Reticence (Custard Protocol #4) - Gail Carriger
The Lost and Found - Katrina Leno
Twice in a Blue Moon - Christina Lauren
Stay (WAGS #2) - Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
The Red Scrolls of Magic (The Eldest Curses #1) - Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu
The Bride Test (The Kiss Quotient #2) - Helen Hoang
Shades of Magic, Vol. 1: The Steel Prince - VE Schwab
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) - Maggie Stiefvater
Pumpkinheads - Rainbow Rowell
Arctic Heat (Frozen Hearts #3) - Annabeth Albert
No Judgments (Little Bridge Island #1) - Meg Cabot
The Conscious Closet - Elizabeth L Cline
Taboo for You (Love and Family #1) - Anyta Sunday
Made for You (Love and Family #2) - Anyta Sunday
Happy for You (Love and Family #3) - Anyta Sunday
Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) - Cassandra Clare
Tunnel of Bones (Cassidy Blake #2) - Victoria Schwab
Wayward Son (Simon Snow #2) - Rainbow Rowell
The Right Swipe (Modern Love #1) - Alisha Rai
The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2) - Maggie Stiefvater
The Music of What Happens - Bill Konigsberg
Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3) - Maggie Stiefvater
Call Down the Hawk (Dreamer Trilogy #1) - Maggie Stiefvater
Now Entering Addamsville - Francesca Zappia
Always the Groomsman - Raleigh Ruebins
Mr. Right Now - Annabeth Albert
Get a Life, Chloe Brown (The Brown Sisters #1) - Talia Hibbert
Finally Falling (Rose Falls #1) - Raleigh Ruebins
My Winter Family (Rose Falls #2) - Raleigh Ruebins
Champagne Kiss (Rose Falls #3) - Raleigh Ruebins
Spring for Me (Rose Falls #4) - Raleigh Ruebins
Summer Secret (Rose Falls #5) - Raleigh Ruebins
A Boyfriend for Christmas - Jay Northcote
Mr Frosty Pants (Home for the Holidays #1) - Leta Blake
The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern
The Soldier’s Scoundrel (The Turner Series #1) - Cat Sebastian
Rainbow Place (Rainbow Place #1) - Jay Northcote
Safe Place (Rainbow Place #2) - Jay Northcote
Better Place (Rainbow Place #3) - Jay Northcote
Mud and Lace (Rainbow Place #4) - Jay Northcote
Where Love Grows - Jay Northcote
A Family for Christmas - Jay Northcote
Amelia’s Notebook (Amelia’s Notebooks #1) - Marissa Moss
Nothing Special - Jay Northcote
The Alloy of Law (Mistborn #4, The Alloy Era #1) - Brandon Sanderson
Legendary (Caraval #2) - Stephanie Garber
The Lonely Hearts Hotel - Heather O’Neill
Into the Crooked Place (Into the Crooked Place #1) - Alexandra Christo
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roger1na · 5 years
careful ch5 - john deacon x reader
summary: you are a ballet student at the royal ballet academy. To pay for your tuition, you work part-time at the celebrity gossip magazine, Seven. One fateful day you’re sent to interview a band on the rise, Queen, post-concert and befriend the sweetest man on the planet.
word count: 2.3k+
warnings: swearing
author's note: i'm so happy w all the positive comments i get you guys have all my uwus <3. i've realised FAR too late that brian's supposed to have hepatitis right now so ig in this universe it didn't happen, let's save our boy from some sickness. i think if i can keep to plan, careful should be twelve whole chapters! i don't want to start any new series before it's complete, i'm prone to abandoning projects if i don't really stick with them.
[ch1] [ch2] [ch3] [ch4] [ch5] [ch6] [ch7] [ch8]
chapter five
There was a certain routine to being in love. The butterflies you got every time you wrote about him in your diary. The softness of your heart when you heard Queen play on the radio and perked up your ears to hear the often forgotten bassline.
You soon learned that ‘till next time was code for next week, when John brought you lunch again, letting you hold his hand and tease him about his thick curls and shy smile. The late July sunlight played with the shadows on his face beautifully. Sometimes you felt as if you could just stare at his face forever, get lost in his features. Rose comforted you, saying it was part of falling in love. It terrified you, as a thought. But you hadn’t even properly kissed yet. The thought was ridiculous.
“What’re you thinking about, love?” You let the term of endearment roll of your tongue nervously, relying on British culture to keep your true meaning hidden. You had been walking for quite some time in silence after enjoying lunch in Kensington.
He hesitated slightly before replying. “The new album is so Freddie, Brian and Roger. I feel like the bass is lost.”
“You wish there’d be more bass?”
“Well, I don’t mind not being in the spotlight all the time…” he trailed off.
“But?” You encouraged him.
“I miss songs like Liar. Where I had a solo and all that.”
“You should write your own song, then.”
He looked at you, eyebrows raised, incredulous expression plastered across his face. You laughed and shrugged. “I know none of the songs on Queen and Queen II are yours. Why don’t you give this one a little Deaky twist?”
“Yeah but I can’t sing.”
“Bullshit, you have a great voice.” You stopped walking and turned to him. “I at least like it.”
A small redness spread across his cheeks and he avoided your gaze. “Well, uh,” he stumbled over his words.
“And also, if you want something a little less serious, why not play a bit of a practical joke on them? Something silly and stupid, Freddie would go bonkers for that.” You trailed off before smiling softly. “And, uh, Liar is my favourite song. Especially the bass.”
“You flatter me.”
“I’m serious.”
“I am too! They’re going to have a laugh.”
“Well then, make it into a funny song. Then they’ll laugh for the humour and you won’t feel bad if they insult your poetry or whatever.”
“You really think I should do this?”
“Absolutely.” You took hold of both of his hands and grinned.
You were caught in the moment just staring into his eyes. They were a wonderful shade of grey, occasionally looking dark and black in the shadows and sometimes twinkling like diamonds. You kept going back to the concert where you’d met him. The mischievous glint in his eye kept bringing you back to the silver glint of his bass strings.
A camera shutter snapped behind you, startling you. John’s expression changed from happy to apprehensive and his stance became wary.
“Was that a paparazzi?” The word sounded so silly. So fictional. He grimaced and nodded as some college student with a pimply face and shaky legs ran off with expensive equipment, and probably a picture of you and John where you looked madly in love. Or completely ridiculous. Your skirt suddenly felt too short, your shirt cropped too low and your hair messy.
John’s grip on your hand tightened. “Can we just go back?” You mumbled, embarrassment creeping in your voice.
John looked at you, worried. “Yeah, of course. You alright?”
You nodded, but you didn’t even convince yourself. He lead you back to the office through various shortcuts and darkened alleyways, hurriedly making sure nobody followed you. Once you arrived at the big glass doors to your office he apologised profusely.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve been more careful.” His eyes were sad.
“Hey,” you grabbed his cheeks and squeezed them together slightly to make him form a smile. “Don’t worry about it,” you assured him, although your knees were shaking slightly.
“That’s not normal, I promise.”
“I believe you.” And you wanted to. But fear was creeping in your heart.
“‘Till next time?” He asked nervously.
“‘Till next time,” you promised him, squeezing his cheeks one more time before turning and rushing to the office.
A cloud hung over you as you walked over to your desk, heart beating rapidly, blood rushing in your ears. Williams was whispering something to an intern who looked like he was about to pee his pants at the sight of her, knees clicking together in fear.
You didn’t feel like challenging her anymore. She had a superiority complex. And she definitely hated competition in the workplace, although your intention was not to rise through the ranks. She saw women as something to weed out. You never understood what made her put herself against you, until you were warming up for an audition, and you realised that all the other dancers were looking for the same prize you were. But today, you gave it no thought.
For the first time ever, it properly hit you. John Deacon was famous. He went on tours and played for lovesick fans and probably had an army of teenage girls ready to tear him to shreds if the opportunity presented itself. Or maybe you were being delusional and he was just slightly more known than usual. He was a niche, he was a bass player. He wasn’t in the spotlight that often. Maybe.
You boiled coffee for yourself in thought, stirring in cream and sugar and taking a thoughtful sip. Would your mark on the world be a paparazzi photo with a guy you maybe-dated? While he had an incredible legacy? You’d be like one of those girls in a fan photoshoot which got terribly famous - only to remain anonymous. It was all so complicated.
The office had grown quiet when you returned from the canteen. Several people shot you pitying looks and Williams didn’t look so confident anymore.
“What’s going on?” You whispered to her, suddenly uncomfortably aware of yourself.
Nat left her front desk quickly, hiding something behind her back. “Y/N, sweetheart, don’t be mad…” she trailed off before handing you a copy of the Sun’s evening paper. “It just came in print.”
On the front page there were tons of different news. About celebrity scandals and weird locals. And then a small square image on the right corner of the page. John, with a dopey smile on his face, holding hands with a girl. It was you. Stupid grin and eyes for only John. And the title of the article made you sick.
Queen’s mr. Deacon hanging with the wrong crowd? Somebody should warn you…
Earlier today Queen’s John Deacon was spotted with a girl who works for the infamous gossip magazine Seven. What’s the girl fishing out of him? More on p.13
The article itself was maybe an eighth of a page, accompanied with two pictures. The one on the cover and one where you were entering the office building. But it was pictures of you. It was tarnishing you. You were going to be sick. What would he think if he saw this? You set down the paper and stormed to the bathroom before anybody saw your tears spill over your cheeks.
You stayed like that for a while, occasionally thinking you were brave enough to face people again. Then you caught sight of your red, swollen face and bleary eyes and retreated back into your stall. You mulled things over and over again. Was it always going to be like this?
You were at the office long after hours. Eyes stinging from crying and wiping them with sandpaper-like toilet paper.
Nobody tells you this, but crying from embarrassment and humiliation is the worst type of crying. With every tear that falls, you are reminded of how you messed up or how somebody decided that your actions were something to laugh at. With every sniffle you remembered that you had to go back and face the world, even though your knees were weak and your moral low.
While you were busy letting yourself get run down, the office had emptied. The lights were off and you could hear a lone janitor whistling as he cleaned. You sat down at your desk, pulling your knees to your chest, the chair creaking under your weight. Your sniffle echoed too loud.
You sat there for a while, feeling abandoned by the world. You let yourself be vulnerable and the press snagged onto it. You let yourself fall in love and now half of England thought you were scheming slag.
Your eyes drifted around your desk and landed on the locked drawer where you kept your diary. You fiddled with the lock a bit before it clicked open.
It was filled with memories from the wonder of late july. John this, John that. Ballet had trailed off the pages. You still danced. Every day but saturdays and sometimes even then. Your toes were bleeding often and your ankles hurt and you barely slept because your job started early and ballet ended late. But you had forgotten how much it used to eat up your happiness. It was the only thing that brought you joy. Now that John was part of the scene, you had a break every day. Like an entry to a whole nother universe for half an hour. Where he told you about photography and birds and basslines and you explained how all ballet dancers were evil because every understudy hoped for the failure of the prima ballerina. It was change and it was great. The fear in your heart was losing the fight.
If Rose could astral project, she would’ve appeared to you right then and there, screaming at you to call him.
You dialed his number and picked up the phone. It rang a few times before he answered, nervous on the other line.
“Hello this is John Deacon here,” he announced and then made a small tsk noise with his mouth.
You were so overcome with the relief of hearing his voice that you only managed a small sniffle.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
You took a deep breath. “Yeah. Yeah.”
“You sound like you’re in tears.”
You laughed blearily. “Yes well, a bit. Don’t pick up the Sun today.”
“Ah, I see.”
“You read it?”
“Well, I know where you work. I’m still fine.”
You pressed your face into your hand. “God I feel like such an idiot.”
“No, it’s not your fault, y’know? I should’ve realised. You’re John Deacon of Queen.”
John’s heart stilled. You didn’t sound bitter, just sad. Like you were done with everything. The lunch dates were a bad idea. The ballet lessons and the phone calls and the pampering. Bad ideas. He was about to open his mouth but you stopped him.
“I’m all in.”
“Paparazzi and bad reputation and all stupid things included. All in.”
“What?” He was struggling to grasp what you were trying to get across to him.
“I feel like… I was one foot out of the door? I was nervous and hesitant to fall for somebody. And when I saw that article, it was maybe the worst moment of my life so far.”
“This isn’t very convincing.”
You started laughing on the other end. “Oh, you’re right, I need to clarify. I looked through my diary and so much has happened since I fainted at that concert. I’m all in. No hesitation anymore.”
“You keep a diary?” You could hear his teasing smirk through the phone.
“That’s what you got from me pouring my soul out to you?”
“You didn’t pick up on the subtext that I’m definitely kissing you the next time we see?”
“I’m going to hang up now-”
“No wait! Tell me more.” He urged you, laughing on the other end.
“You sure? You don’t want to tease me anymore?”
“I’ll stop, I promise.”
“Okay,” you giggled. “So, Swan Lake by my class group has its opening night next week, Friday at 8pm. And I was hoping you’d join me. Or join the audience, I suppose.”
“I get to see you dance?” His voice was alive with joy and wonder, in an almost childlike way.
“Yes, yes! That’s what I mean. That’s part of all in. You get to see me dance.”
“That sounds wonderful.”
“Yes I agree, I am wonderful.” You laughed.
He scoffed on the other end. But his heart was palpitating. He was overcome with happiness. It’d been strange, courting a girl who was so carried by art, so immersed in dance that she could let herself go for weeks on end just to keep up with it. Seeing her work come to life was the biggest prize he could’ve gotten from making time for you, bringing you lunch, making sure you didn’t starve yourself for the work.
“What made you decide you’d want to kiss me?”
“It’s been too long, hasn’t it? There’s been too many almosts. To hell with almosts.”
“Have you drank something?��
“You promise? I won’t wake up tomorrow and you’ll have forgotten all of this?”
“Of course not, I’m responsible.”
You chatted for a while. He was such lovely company. So full of adoration and respect and wit. He had such a way with words. You felt deep longing in your heart. You also felt relieved, like five years worth of missing love was finally replaced with the warmth of another person.
“I think I’ve got to go now,” you whispered when the janitor entered your section of the office. “I’ll see you friday.”
“I can’t wait.”
“Bye, John.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
You set down the phone, adrenaline making your hands tremble ever so slightly. You wiped your face one last time before taking your things and leaving the office. There was a spring to your step which echoed in the empty evening London streets. You could hear the bellowing of drunks from the pubs and the crying of a baby from a nearby apartment. But it didn’t really mean anything to you anymore. You were flying on the wings of love.
God you felt ridiculous.
taglist: @fourmisfits @deakysgirl @im-happy-at-home @obsessedwithrogertaylor @itsametaphorbriansblog @rhapso-kei
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rkxayah · 5 years
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💎 SBS Summer Concert in Incheon ↪ performing luv me & every night with luxe     loving you by sistar with cheri, blue & minji     main stages outfit | special stage outfit
it’s been a while since they stood on a big stage like this, and even then, the whole thing was organized by samsung which made it more... familiar. today’s stage will be occupied by most of the active, popular groups that currently exist, not to mention from other companies not affiliated with the big five. they usually only see them during promotion months and it’s a refreshing to see other faces than royal ones. even seeing convex feels strange. dabin can’t recall standing on the same stage as them like they will at the very end for greetings. she will for sure take a little bit of that time to go bother yien.
practice for every night was fairly easy. the song is recent and dabin feels like she could dance to it in her sleep. luv me however, seems like a lifetime ago already. it’s almost funny how dawon and jiwon’s departure left such a big hole in their hearts, but months later it’s as if nayoung was always here. time really does heal, but whenever they perform songs from their first mini-album she spares a special thought for sona. they haven’t talked in a while. she’s thriving in the united states, far from them, and she seems happy. good for her, dabin tries to convince herself. she’ll alright without her now, but not yet willing to even consider getting together with someone else.
she’s given up on love even if the company insists on making her rap about it every day.
the group performances go well. so close to their first anniversary, dabin feels like they're finally in their element. they own the stage, they know when to look into the camera, when to interact with the crowd. the synergy with nayoung is now stronger than ever. the beginnings were uncertain at best, but luxe wouldn't be luxe without her now. they were new enough to lose dawon and jiwon without affecting the group too much, but if someone were to quit as their popularity is so close to skyrocketing... it would be disastrous.
the coolest part of this whole concert is definitely the loving u stage with the girls from eclipse. it's been so long since they actually shared a stage at the same time. it brings dabin right back to her trainee days at kt, where they used to think they would all debut together. it's just as exciting for mijoo too to perform with her friends. she's definitely not a fan of the song, and the rap is cheesy as heck but she makes it work nonetheless, trying to channel even the tiniest bit of cuteness hidden inside of her. but for the most part she remains... true to her cooler image. practices are a lot more fun than the actual day of the concert. the girls mess around just as much as they work, and they're scolded a few times because of it.
she wishes that work could be like this all the time. interacting with other idols, doing special things. time and time again the companies prove that the merger was for nothing more than money. they're supposed to be part of the same bigger family now but it rarely feels that way, especially with the only new boy group from the big five. they fear scandals, that's for sure, and netizens can come up with the dumbest theories the second a male and female idol breathe in the same room.
at least she has yien to be friendly with, and a ton of girls.
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thequeenofcronuts · 5 years
Justify My Love - Chapter 7 - Best Day of My Life
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
American Authors- Best Day of My Life
Book: The Royal Romance Word Count: 5,070 - ish Long, But HAPPY Pairing: Maxwell x MC (Kristina Hampshire), Hana, Drake, OCs Warnings - Language
A/N In this TRR Series (Where books 2 and 3 are thrown to the wind): Kristina (MC) decides she cannot stay in Cordonia after the events of the Coronation Ball. Not so much caring about her own reputation, but caring for the life of the man she has been falling for, which is not the prince. She returns to New York and is faced with her heartbreak and regret while Maxwell is left in Cordonia struggling to understand the truth behind his feelings. Will they let each other go?
**All characters and named places are owned by Pixelberry Studios. Rights to the songs lyrics and  titles in this series belong to:
Justify My Love (Madonna) - Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group, Reach Music Publishing, BMG Rights Management
Best Night of My Life (American Authors) - Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Round Hill Music Big Loud Songs
Series Tags @littleblossom357 @alj4890 @cosigottahavefaith
  - Maxwells POV -
Hana, Drake, and Maxwell land in the late afternoon at JFK. After settling into their rooms they're on their to the corner coffee shop. “You know, Hana and Drake, I love this city. Why I’m sure you're asking yourselves. The reason to that question is simple, my friends. It's fueled by caffeine, is crazy fun, doesn't sleep, and it too holds Kristina Hampshire in its heart. New York is the perfect personification of me, Maxwell Percival Beaumont!” Maxwell's voice raises, “Hana and Drake, I raise my cup of this Cafė Americana with a double shot of expresso in a toast to Kristina!” Beaming Hana clinks her mocha latte with Maxwell's cup. They both stare at Drake. He picks up his overly expensive black coffee and joins in the toast.
Maxwell takes a long sip of his beverage then asks, “So, what is our plan for the rest of today? Oh wait! I have a super idea. We sho-” “Maxwell, I’m jet lagged, exhausted, and-“ “I’ll finish that for you Drake, and grumpy.” Maxwell tosses a sugar packet hitting Drake with a smack on the nose. “Anywho, I think we coordinate a flash mob. You know people can't miss seeing those. Awesome way to grab attention which could lead us clues on Kristina's whereabouts, while showing the city our dancing prowess.” Hana speaks up. “Ohhhh, what's a flash mob Maxwell?” Maxwell looks at Hana eyes wide in horror. “Oh my dear, sweet, sheltered friend, this is a flash mob.” He searches on his phone and shows her one of his favorites. “Oh, those look so fun!” She continues to giggle as Maxwell goes to the next video.
“Yeah, as fun as this has been, I’m going to take a nap. In my quiet hotel room. My very empty and quiet hotel room.” Hana and Maxwell with their noses stuck to the screen hardly notice Drake getting up. “Oh see you later Drake. Remember Hana and I will meet up with you later to discuss NYC: Operation Find Kristina.” Maxwell looks up and salutes. Turning back,  Hana asks, “I’ve never been here before, would you show me around?” Maxwell looks stunned. “You want me, ‘sense of no direction Beaumont, purveyor of almost certain non-safe antics, and fly by the seat of your pants activities to lead you around New York City?” “Well Kristina trusted you all over Cordonia, so I feel confident.” Maxwell grabs Hana’s hand and begins to pull her up behind him as he begins to jog from the table. She almost misses dunking their empty coffee cups in the trash. “Hey! Maxwell, slow down. Where's the fire?” “In the soul, Hana. Maxwell Percival Beaumont takes shopping and entertainment seriously. Now come on! You're too slow!!”
A long tour later they make it back to the hotel. Hana goes to her room for a bath and a quick nap, while Maxwell messages Drake about meeting up to discuss their plans for tomorrow. As soon as he steps on the elevator his phone pings. Drake suggests to meet at seven that night in Hana’s room. Maxwell quickly types, ‘Ah, yes. Her room has been command central. Seven is perfect.’ He makes it to his room and plops down on the bed staring at the ceiling. After a while he's up staring out the window finding shapes in the clouds and starts thinking about what he should say when he is finally face to face with Kristina. He heads into the ensuite to take a shower and relax before meeting with Hana and Drake.
- Kristina's POV -
The drive back from Atlantic City was uneventful. When they’re back Lisa cancels her and Stephen’s hotel room. Lisa stays with Kristina that night while Stephen stays with Daniel. The guys do some research on the country they just found out last night existed. While there is more information they thought they'd find, news was mainly about the King and the woman he chose for his queen. They did see the disgusting tabloid and news articles about the Tariq scandal which had them seeing red. Anyone who knew Kristina would be able to tell it was a set up.
Meanwhile Lisa decides on a night with one rule; no boy talk. But one filled with junk food, wine, and binge watching classic comedies like ‘Robin Hood Men in Tights’ and ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’. Kristina hadn't had girl time since hanging out with Hana. “Kris, I haven't heard you laugh like this until tonight.” “Well Lisa, a good amount of alcohol, junk food and movies can do that to you.” They both chuckle, but suddenly Kristina turns sullen. “Kris, you aren't breaking our only rule for tonight, are you?” “Not really, I just have to go back to the real world tomorrow.” “I get that Kris but we'll make sure it's better!” Kristina hugs Lisa tightly. “Kris, it was a long weekend and you do work tomorrow. I declare you need rest since you're taking a lunch shift instead of your normal dinner shift.” Kristina rolls her eyes. “Yes mom. Let me help you clean up at least.” Lisa looks at her exasperatedly. “Fine, you win.” She hugs Lisa again and heads to take a shower.
- Maxwell's POV -
Maxwell wakes with the sun. The night before the trio decided to take the morning and afternoon to themselves then meet up in the evening to head to the familiar dive bar. Maxwell goes out to grab a coffee and muffin. Sitting in coffee shop he decides to message Savannah. With the time difference it's a decent hour.
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After the quick chat with Savannah, and finishing his caffeine, he decides to try anything to keep his nervous excitement under control. So he messages Drake.
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Find something to do. I really don't want to be alone but it gives me more time to think. He decides Time Square sounds like a good place and calls a car. Soon he is lost in the mass sea of people. Perfect, tons of people around but still alone with my thoughts. He spots a bench and sits down watching the bustling area. I do not want to screw this up, I can't lose her before I even have her, and my words always get disconnected between my brain and mouth. Finally he gets the message from Drake.
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- Kristina's POV -
Coffee, check. Hostessing approved outfit, check. Leaving on time because of Lisa, double check. “Lisa, are you two still hanging out with Daniel until leaves for his shift?” “That's the plan. Then Stephen and I are going to have a date night. You know you could get out of this apartment and hit the bar with Daniel while he works.” “Yeah, that's a hard no.” Lisa opens her mouth to say something but Kristina cuts her off. “Hard no, Lisa.” “You win, Kris. Have a good day at work.”
Lisa and Stephen hang with Daniel following the futile rabbit hole that is the internet. Other than seeing how charming Cordonia is, and why it's a great vacation destination, there's just normal news. They agree to continue later, with Daniel leaving for work.
- Maxwell’s POV -
Drake calls up a car while Hana inquiries, “So, what is the protocol for a dive bar exactly?” Drake and Maxwell answer simultaneously, “None.” Then Drake adds, “ Well, avoid bar fights. Hana just stick with Maxwell and me, and you’ll be fine.” She looks at Maxwell. “How are you holding up?” “Right now Hana, I feel excited, nervous, happy, scared, hopeful, and I want to dance. You know the feeling?” Drake looks at him and answers with a deadpan expression, “No Maxwell that is the oddest string of adjectives ever.” “Well, buddy, that's how you know it's me.” He says proudly while slapping Drake on the shoulder. The car stops in front of the bar, and Hana’s small voice is almost a whisper. “This, is really it? Kristina worked here?” Drake sees her horrified eyes. “Yes Hana.” Hana gulps, “Okay…this is a little different than the bar Western bar in Cordonia.”
The three walk in and Drake directs them to the bar. Pulling up bar stools the guys sit on either side of Hana while the bartender asks them what their having. “A whiskey neat for me.” Hana leans over to Maxwell, “What was that inappropriately named drink you mentioned when we played truth or dare?” Maxwell tells the bartender, “We’ll both have a Sex on the Beach.” Hana blushes at the name, but then pipes up, “So how long have you worked here?” The bartender shrugs as he works on their drinks “A little over three months. But don't worry, I know my stuff. Here, one whiskey neat for you sir, one Sex on the beach for you sir, and one for you pretty lady.” He winks as he hands her the drink. Hana takes a polite sip. “Wow, but a good wow. Thank you, uh…” “Sam. The name is Sam.” Just opening the kitchen door a waiter stiffness as he looks to the bar.
- Daniel’s POV -
Daniel continues out of the kitchen to go take an order. Walking by the bar he notices two olive skinned gentlemen and a small lady with brunette hair. Reaching his booth, he welcomes the customers and takes their drink order. While he answers some questions he hears an accent coming from the bar that he has never heard before. While at the bar giving the table’s drink order he takes a quick glance at the three people. He heads into the kitchen, taking one longer glance before he quickly runs to the back door and immediately gets out his phone. Oh my god. If that's them. No it can't be. But Kris hadn't deleted all her photos when she got the new one. Damn they look so familiar. Well, if anyone should get this lucky it should be Kris. Daniel takes a deep breath and messages Kris.
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Daniel’s phone immediately rings. “Kris!” ..… “No I am not shitting you!” ….. “Of course I can tell they are the same people, with the accent, and good looks.” ….. “Yeah, a the third guy has whiskey. Gotta be Drake, right?!” ….. “You can't let them leave!” ….. “No, I won't let you mess this up for yourself, you will see them! They flew half way across the world, obviously they do CARE!”….. “Come on Kris, say something, anything. Listen, how about I get just Hana’s number and she can message you or something.” ….. “Not that excuse again. I am NOT letting them walk out this door, so it's my easy way, or we find Stephen.” ….. “Oh, thank god you’ve come to your senses.” …… “You sure you want me to give her your number? I think it's a great idea, personally. Just ANSWER HER CALL!!!” ….. “Love you too.”
Daniel ends the call and runs back to the bar. Still here. Thank god. “Daniel are you okay there man?” “Perfect, Sam” Daniel’s breath slows. “Ok, now that you can breathe, these really nice people were asking about a girl that use to work here nam-“ Daniel speaks before Sam gets another syllable out. “Kris? Well, I mean Kristina, right?” He sees three sets of eyes go wide. Daniel turns his gaze to the lady. “Hana, right?” “Yes, but how do-“ Maxwell interjects, “You know Kristina? Where is she? How do we find her?” Daniel sees Maxwell's eyes go from disbelief, to shock, to excitement in a good point two seconds. Man, he does have it bad for her. “Calm down Maxwell.” Daniel says to him. Drake laughs, “Good luck. He doesn't have a calm mode.” “So you’ve gotta be Drake.” Drake’s eyes narrow. “How do you know us?” “Look, I don't a lot of time before my asshole manager sees me talking and not working. Kris or I will explain later.” Daniel takes a napkin and writes down Kristina's number sliding it to Hana. “Hana, she wants to talk to YOU. She's waiting for your call.” Daniel leaves, all three slack-jawed.
- Hana POV -
Drake shakes his head like it will make his brain process faster. “What the hell just happened Hana?” “Ummm, well, it looks like we found Kristina. I should call her, now.” Hana gets off her bar stool, Maxwell right behind her, “Sorry Maxwell, but I better make this call alone. It seems that's what she wants.” Maxwell nods and sits again. Hana takes a booth with her back to the guys, takes a deep excited but slightly nervous breath and dials the number. “Kristina?”
- Kristina's POV -
Kristina paces with her phone in her shaking hands. This is what she wants, but now that she has the chance, she's scared as hell. She sits on the couch and then stands and paces again. Finally her phone rings, the Caller ID shows an international phone number. This is it. Crap, this is it. Breathe. “…..” “Hi Hana, yep it's me!” …… She has to pull the phone away from her ear so Hana's high pitched squeal doesn't deafen her for life. “I’ve missed you too Hana. I really have. I’ve missed you all. You are you all really here?” …… “You found Tariq?!?!” ….. “My name is cleared? Long story I bet is right.” ….. “Oh my god. It's hard to believe! So, you're still at the bar?” …… “Well. I desperately want to see you too!” ….. “ Really? Daniel would be the only one to even remember me. Ha.” …… “Yeah, he knows all about you guys. Liam, Olivia, the others too. He's been my best friend here for a long time, and now I can't believe my best friend from Cordonia is here!” ….. “I know, I was so nervous talk to you, after I just vanished.” ….. “Yeah we can talk all about that. How long are you here for?” …… “Really! No timeframe? I cannot wait to hug you!” ….. “Yeah so, Drake and Maxwell are with you?” ….. “Of course I’m excited to see Drake!” ….. “Oh, yeah Maxwell. Ummmm that's a little more-“ ….. “Yes, complicated would be a good word.” ….. “He really wants to see me? You're sure?” …… “His only reason for being here? Really?” ….. “Well, yeah I am in disbelief. Confusion too. I’m sure he told you about what happened at the airport that night. Does he want to meet with me because he's still mad at me?” ….. “I get it. You can't say anything, this is between me and him. I’m terrified Hana. Like nauseous terrified.” ….. “Hana, I won't question how you knew I was in love with him. Hindsight is twenty/twenty. You are my best friend. Of course you could see it back then.” …..  “No you're right. I do owe it to him.” ….. “Yes, and myself. Ok, I guess yes, I’ll see him.” ….. “Now? It's getting late.” …… “No I don't have a bed time. Ha. Ha.” ….. “Well, I guess ripping off the bandaid approach is the best.” …… “Oh I believe that Hana!” Kristina laughs. “I get it. He’ll be unbearable for you and Drake until we talk. Will you and Drake at least be there with us at first?” ….. “Thanks. And then we are going to spend time catching up in the next few days? With Drake and Maxwell too. Well, with Maxwell if all goes well tonight” ….. “How about Central Park. We can technically be there until one am.” …..  “Good, we’ll message between us to figure out where to meet up.” ….. “I love you too Hana! I’ll get changed and be on my way.”
Oh my god. Kristina stands at her closet shaking. I guess my life changes, yet again, tonight.
- Maxwell's POV -
Hana ends the call and skips back to bar, pulling the two into a tight hug. “So, Hana…. is Kristina…” Drake jumps in. “Are we really meeting Hampshire…” Hana jumps up and clapping. “Yes!! All four of us will meet for a short time tonight at Central Park, then…” Maxwell gulps. “Then what Hana?” “Well,…Drake and I leave and you two have the rest of the night to talk.” Maxwell's countenance turns from excitement to amazement. “R..r…really?” “Yes, Maxwell. Then we'll all spend the following days together.” Drake smiles, “And prove to Hampshire why she should come home.” Hana and Drake turn to see Maxwell on his phone already calling a car and heading out of the bar.
—————————— The Night in Central Park ——————————
- Kristina’s POV - Central Park with Maxwell
Kristina throws on a pair of jeans, a blue sleeveless blouse that matches her eyes and heads out the door before she can change her mind. Reaching the park she lets Hana know she's at the Cherry Hill Fountain. She wrings her hands, with her stomach turning from nausea to fluttering and back. After a bit she looks up and sees three faces come into focus. Any nerves are gone in a second as she runs and pulls the three of her fiends into a long group hug.
- Maxwell's POV -  Central Park with Kristina
As the car is close to Central Park Hana hears from Kristina where to meet and pulls up a map of the park on her phone.  They get out of the car and start on their way. This is happening. Oh my god, this is happening, in just a couple minutes. Drake looks over to Maxwell and places a hand on his shoulder. “Don't overthink this. Just….well hell….just be you. For whatever reason that works for you and Hampshire.” Maxwell gets a bit of a spring in his step as he sees a lone figure that's like no other come into view. She looks up and runs to them immediately pulling them all into a hug.
- Kristina's POV - Central Park with Maxwell
Kristina steps backs with tears in her eyes and pulls Hana into another hug, immediately turns to Drake and gives him a hug too. She looks at Maxwell who is in front of her and sees his blue eyes moist with tears. That smile is more handsome than I remember and I’ve missed how it makes me light up. I’ve missed him so, oh god I love him. His infectious smile has her lips pulling up involuntary. She takes a step forward and feels his arms tightly around her. It's heaven. She takes a step forward and he wraps his arms around her.
- Maxwell's POV - Central Park with with Kristina
Maxwell watches Kristina pull back from the group hug. She was always beautiful, I always saw it, but now, she is the most gorgeous and important person to me. I’ve missed that smile, those eyes radiate with kindness and understanding. I can't believe how much I’ve missed her. Oh god, I love her. She takes a step forward him and he wraps his arms around her. I am never letting her go. Ever again.
- Kristina's POV - Central Park with Maxwell
The embrace feels like forever and yet is over too quickly. Her eyes don't leave his as he takes her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. She feels Hana's hand on her back and Drake’s hand lays a hand on her shoulder. “Drake and I will see you tomorrow.” “Yeah Hampshire, we plan on spending a lot of time together.” She gives a nod smiling. “I love you both. See you tomorrow.” Maxwell entwines his fingers with hers as they find a place to sit.
- Maxwell's POV -  Central Park with Kristina
I don't want this hug to end. I smell her Jasmine and Lavender shampoo. Her subtle perfume. She smells like home. He keeps his eyes locked oh hers and takes her hand giving it a gentle squeeze. He sees Hana and Drake say their goodbyes for the night. I won't let go of her hand. It's too soft, too familiar, too…perfect. He entwines his fingers with hers as they find a place to sit.
 - Central Park - Explanations and Declarations
Maxwell breaks the silence first. “Hey little blossom.” She squeezes his hand. “Hey yourself, Max.” In unison, almost as if they had practiced “I’m so sorry.” They both let out little nervous giggles. “Max, I never should have walked away. I-“ “Kristina, I should have never let you go.” “But you couldn't reach me, Max, you were being held back by the guards.” He looks down, “That night, yes. But they're wasn't anyone holding me back from coming to find you.” “I understand why you wouldn't Maxwell. There was no way I could help anymore with the scandal. I brought shame to you and Bertrand.” Kristina can't meet his eyes.
“Hey, now, look at me.” He takes his free hand and tilts her head so their eyes meet again. “You didn't do anything wrong. Drake let us know about that night at Applewood. No one worth anything ever believed it. Hana and Drake successfully found him. He's back in Cordonia with his statement, including Liam's own statement, coming out soon if it hasn't already. Your reputation is all cleared. That is never going to hang it's ugly head over you again. I’m so happy for you. But….I’m still wondering why you couldn't trust me to help you through it. Bertrand and I wanted you back. We and everyone else wanted to help you in clearing your reputation and bring you back to court.” He squeezes her hand tightly while she notices a few tears falling from his eyes. “I just wish you would have trusted me. And, …had stayed with me.”
Kristina places her other hand over their linked hands. “Max, you were and are the one person I trust the most. It wasn't about a lack of trust at all. I know you would have fought with me, fought for me.” Maxwell looks at her in such confusion. “Why then, Kristina? If you trusted me, why not stay. I wanted you to stay. I yelled for you to stay.” Kristina takes a deep breath. “Maxwell, look how long it's taken to find Tariq and get his statement. The scandal wasn't just hanging over me, it was hanging over you too, because of your association with me. While I was there, it would continue to. I couldn't let that happen. I just couldn't hurt you more in anyway. I knew Liam would be fine. He would pick his queen, and all would be well for him. Max, I didn't love Liam. I was never going to be his queen, chosen or not. So,I knew not only was I going to fail you by not being queen, and then I was going to be nothing but another problem for you and Bertrand because of Tariq. I cared,” she takes a shaky breath, “I care about you, Maxwell, too much to do that to you and your reputation.”
Maxwell lets out a bewildered laugh. “What Max?” She couldn't hold any tears back. “Why are you laughing.” He runs the thumb of his free hand across her cheek wiping away tears. “Well, you left so you wouldn't hurt me, and I didn't follow you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you.” Kristina lets out a soft gasp. “What do you mean Maxwell? Why would I ever think that you weren't good enough?” Maxwell looks deep into her eyes. “Because I’m a screwup. There were so many times during the Social Season I messed up. I’d forget to let you know about events, not have you in the right places and more. Heh. I’m sure Bertrand has a list written down somewhere and he could show you every mistake. I figured with all that, and the look you gave me when you,” tears falling down his cheek, “when you turned from me to get on that plane… I figured I messed up yet again. This time, though, it was you Kristina I failed, and you're the only person on earth that I would never want to fail.”
Now Kristina laughs as she shakes her head. Taking her one hand off of their still entwined fingers to brush away his tears. “Max, when I turned and got on that plane it was the most painful thing I’ve ever done in my whole life. I had myself convinced I would hurt you if I stayed, so I decided that I would be the one to shoulder the hurt. I never wanted to leave you.” She sees a tiny glimpse of hope in his eyes. “You really didn't want to leave me Kristina?” She squeezes their linked hands. “Not for a second. Remember when we were on the trail ride at Applewood and I tried to tell you I was falling for someone else.” There is a look of recognition on his face. “Max, I should have made sure I finished what I was telling you. But even then I didn't want to do anything that would damage what I was there to do for you and your house. Pursue Liam. So I didn't force the conversation, and that will be one of the greatest regrets of my life. That day, and everyday since, I have been foolishly making choices for two people. I should have never decided I knew what was best for you.”
Maxwell sits stunned. “Are you saying. Uh, you can't be saying…why would it be? Why would you ever….” “Ever what Maxwell, fall for you? Be so stupid in love with you that I made a horrible life decision for two people? Is that so hard to believe?” Maxwell’s mouth sits open for what felt like forever. “Honestly Kristina? Yes that's so hard for me to believe then, and now.  But it's funny how I did pretty much the same thing.” Kristina's eyebrows knit together in bewilderment. “What on earth are you talking about, Max?” He smiles. “I successfully made myself believe you couldn't ever care for me, that it was a crazy dream which could never come true. And so I buried how I felt about you. I convinced myself that we just would never be, and convinced myself not to follow you. So I locked myself away from anything outside of our estate. Friends and everything. I guess it was my version of your walking onto the plane.”
“Max,” Kristina looks deep into his eyes, “so you didn't think I could care for you, while I thought you hated me.” They look at each other for a long moment then laugh until their tears were no longer from sadness or pain, but of joy. Once able to speak Kristina cups Maxwell's cheek. “Maxwell, are you really saying you care for me?” He looks at her thinking. Do I tell the full truth? What if it ruins this…but if she runs from me is it really any different? At least she knows. Do it now, or it's never. “No Kristina I don't are for you, I love you.” Maxwell takes both her hands and holds them to his chest. Kristina beams. “Maxwell, I love you too. So much.” His eyes grow wide. “Wait, you really mean more than friends right? Or did I missunder-“ Kristina cuts him off with a sweet, soft, tender kiss. “That should answer that.” She puts her arms around his neck.
“Kristina it's just so hard for me to believe. You are amazing. You're incredibly smart, and so kind. You're graceful, and yet bold all at once. You care about everyone before yourself. And you are the most gorgeous woman in the world. There is no one woman who is just as sparkling on the inside as she is on the outside.” He kisses her check. “Maxwell, I’m the most blessed out of the two of us. You are sweet and kind. You are always the first to stop and get someone out of any funk, making them smile. You make sure you leave everyone you meet happier than when you met them. You see people. You see what they need and when they need it. You never give up on anyone. And those big dreams you have, you are always reaching for them, and always reaching hard. You have no clue how that affects and helps those around you.” She smirks. “Do I even have to mention your dancing aptitude and always being the life of the party.” Looking deep into his blue eyes. “Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention your infectious smile and your smoking hot looks. You're my dream, Maxwell Percival Beaumont.”
Maxwell feigns looking around them as if looking for another person. “There has to be another Maxwell Percival Beaumont around here. Because you just described anyone but me.” He grins. “Max, for someone who is so perceptive of others, we really need to work on your perception of yourself.” She laughs. “You think your funny, Kristina?” Maxwell tickles her mercilessly. “I do believe the is the pot is calling the kettle black.” “Ok, ok. I call for mercy. Mercy!” Maxwell stops the tickles and pulls Kristina up on his lap, “So you really love me, little blossom?” He kisses her. “I really love you, my human alarm clock.” She grabs Maxwell by the collar of his shirt pulling him into another kiss. His arms go tightly around her as he deepens the kiss until they pull back breathless. He gives her one more quick kiss and she feels his smile against her lips. “And why are you smiling, Lord Maxwell?” He gives her another quick kiss. I could kiss her forever. “Well Lady Kristina, it’s not everyday the woman you thought was completely unattainable confesses she loves you, and it isn't a misunderstanding or a joke.” She chuckles. “Fair enough. I just hope you realize you're stuck with me as your partner in crime now.” Maxwell rests his forehead against hers whispering, “I can't imagine a more perfect partner ever.” He kisses her forehead. “Maxwell, I love you.” He pulls her into a tight embrace saying into her ear, “I love you. I will never tire of telling you, or hearing you say it.”
It takes effort, but Kristina pulls back and gets out her phone to look at the time. “It's almost one in the morning. Can't be in the park much longer.” Maxwell gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek and helps her stand up from his lap. “So Kristina, what now?” “I guess we go tell Hana and Drake?” He rubs his chin as if deep in thought. “True. But what I meant was what now?” Kristina looks at him quizzically. “What do mean, Maxw-“ Maxwell taps her on the shoulder. “You're it Kristina!” He’s off before Kristina can process what he is doing. She laughs as she runs after him.
Stay tuned for the upcoming epilogue.
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sneek-m · 4 years
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Monthly Listening: February 2020
Here are the albums I checked out this month. And here’s my playlist for February. 253 songs!
2020 albums
AceMoMA – A New Dawn (Haus of ALTR)
Against All Logic – 2017-2019 (Other People)
Akua – Truancy Volume 256
Ami Sakaguchi – Shiny Land (Sony)
Badroom – Good Boys Gone Bvd (Bvdmoon)
Beatrice Dillon – Workaround (PAN)
Best Coast – Always Tomorrow (Concord)
BIM – Not Busy EP (Summit)
Boldy James – The Price of Tea in China (ALC)
The Boyz – Reveal (Cre.ker)
BTS – Map of the Soul: 7 (Big Hit)
Capote – Capote Green EP (Ano(t)raks)
Chara & Yuki – Echo (Sony)
Crossnoesis – Chronicle (ekoms)
Dreamcatcher – Dystopia: The Tree of Language (Dreamcatcher)
ELRIS – Jackpot (Hunus)
Envy – The Fallen Crimson (Temporary Residence)
Ete – Episode EP (Codomomental)
Everglow – Reminiscence (Yuehua)
The Full Teenz – Time Machine Diary (Second Royal)
Frances Quinlan – Likewise (Saddle Creek)
Gallery S – Gallery S (Haus of Altr)
GFriend – Labyrinth (Source Music)
Gummyboy – The World of Tiffany (self-released)
Higher Power – 27 Miles Underwater (Roadrunner)
Hitsujibungaku – Zawameki EP (Felicity)
HYUKOH – Through Love EP (Genie/Stone)
The Innocence Mission – See You Tomorrow (Therese)
IZ*ONE – BLOOM*IZ (Off the Record)
Jureniwa – A Messenger of Peaceful Life (Mash A&R)
Justin Bieber – Changes (Def Jam)
Kamaiyah – Got It Made (GRND.WRK / Empire)
Kana Bathe – Misfit (Chord Share)
Katie Gately – Loom (Houndstooth)
Key Glock – Yellow Tape (Paper Route Empire)
Kitri – Kitrist (Nippon Columbia)
Kolokol – Wonderland (we-B)
Longman – Just a Boy (Sony)
LOONA – (#) (BlockBerry Creative)
Make My Day – Mind Haven (In the Family)
Mhysa – Nevaeh (Hyperdub)
Moonbyul – Dark Side of the Moon (RBW)
Nafla – u n u part 1 (MKIT RAIN)
Normcore Boyz – Mediage (Tokyo Young Vision)
Phase Fatale – Scanning Backwards (Ostgut Ton)
Queen Bee – BL (Sony)
Regal Lily – Bedtime Story (Sony)
Reol – Kinjitou (JVCKENWOOD)
Rina Katahira – Ichinenju (Pony Canyon)
Rocket Punch – Red Punch (Woollim)
Saint Vega – Nodoteki Silece (Ourlanguage)
Se So Neon – Nonadaptation (Magic Strawberry Sound)
Sega Bodega – Salvador (NUXXE)
(sic)boy – (sics)sense (???)
Scandal – Kiss from the Darkness (Victor)
Tink – Hopeless Romantic (Winter’s Diary / EMPIRE)
VaVa – Mevius EP (Summit)
Wednesday – I Was Trying to Describe You to Someone (Orindal)
Zopelar – Joy of Missing Out (Apron)
Non-2020 albums
Baby V.O.X. – Vol. II (DR Music)
Chara – Baby Bump (Universal)
Crystal Waters – Storyteller (Mercury)
Joanna Wang – Love Is Calling Me (New Tokyo Terror)
King Giddra – Sora Kara No Chikara (P-Vine)
LL Cool J – Mama Said Knock You Out (Def Jam)
Motorbass – Pansoul (Different)
Naughty by Nature – Naughty by Nature (Tommy Boy)
Rainie Yang – Delete Reset Grow (Tree & Skyline)
Sabres of Paradise – Sabresonic (Warp)
Soft Cell – Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret (Some Bizarre)
Tia Ray – 1212 (Warner Music China)
YUKI – Fly (Sony)
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Luck might be running out for chubby Jho...
Luck might be running out for chubby Jho... .
But It Would Spell Trouble 
For Ex-PM Najib Razak...
What former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Mohamad Fuzi Harun could not do in 1 year since the new government took over, it seems the new IGP Abdul Hamid Bador could probably do in 1 month. The new police chief has just dropped the strongest hint that luck might be running out for chubby Jho Low, the partner-in-crime of former Prime Minister Najib Razak. During a police programme at the Taman Tun Dr Ismail Bazaar Ramadan on Thursday (May 30), IGP Hamid Bador was asked about the status of Jho Low whose full name is Low Taek Jho. Hamid Bador, who took over as the new police chief from Fuzi Harun on May 1, said – “Insya-Allah (God willing), when I say we are sure of bringing him back soon, it means soon.” But was IGP Bador, like his predecessor Fuzi, blowing hot air just to boost his popularity? After all, there had been too many false starts – fake promises even – from the Royal Malaysia Police under the previous leadership of Fuzi, one of 17,000 political appointees of the previous corrupt regime of Najib Razak. Mr. Fuzi went on compulsory retirement from May. Mr. Fuzi was so controversial that PM Mahathir had to assure the public that the new IGP (Bador) will conduct the investigation into allegations that the Special Branch was behind the kidnapping or abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh and a social activist Amri Che Mat. Fuzi was the Special Branch director at the time of the disappearance of the two men in 2017 and 2016 respectively. Mohamad Fuzi Harun, during his tenure as the head of the Royal Malaysia Police, one of the most corrupt institutions in the country, was largely condemned for protecting his crooked boss – PM Najib Razak. His loyalty to Najib was proven when he declared in March 2018 (2 months before Najib regime collapsed) that there was no link between Jho Low and 1MDB scandal.
IGP Abdul Hamid Bador 
The disgraced Fuzi said – “Based on the investigation, Low never worked for the company nor did he make any business decision for the company. All business decisions were made by the 1MDB board of directors.” He also defended Najib from the 1MDB scandal, claiming that the seizure of the Equanimity yacht in Bali was merely a civil forfeiture against Low and not against 1MDB. For almost his entire life as the country’s police chief, Mohamad Fuzi Harun had never been serious about apprehending Jho Low. Even after Najib and his Barisan Nasional government lost everything in the last May general election, Fuzi had continued singing the same old song – that Jho Low had yet to be found and efforts to locate him were still underway. Last week, IGP Bador revealed that his boys have obtained new leads of Jho Low’s whereabouts, thus promising that the police would do their best to bring the fugitive back home to assist investigations in the 1MDB scandal. The police chief, in urging Jho Low to surrender, has promised to guarantee the safety of the fugitive and his family – if they come back to Malaysia. Mr. Bador said – “I encourage them (Jho Low and his accomplices) to come back and don’t waste our time, for they can’t run forever. We have laws, so return. Do not only issue statements remotely through lawyers, denying this and that. Why does he himself not return here? I give my assurance of safety for his family and himself. Come back and face the law.” The police also exposed that besides Jho Low, the authorities are also trying to bring the fugitive’s 6 right-hand men out from hiding. In what appeared to be a message to Jho Low that the authorities were not bluffing and knew more than he thought, the top cop said Jho Low’s move to hide behind his lawyers in Macau and Hong Kong when making statements is nothing short of cowardice.
Fugitive Jho Low
Abdul Hamid Bador’s performance so far in tracking down Jho Low has been positive and commendable. At least, he has been proactive hunting the fugitive, unlike his predecessor Mohamad Fuzi Harun. However, many aren’t sure the police can be trusted, not to mention it was strategically dumb to raise the alarm before Jho Low is arrested for real. But Hamid Bador’s assurance of safety for Jho Low and his family suggests that certain “hidden hands” are out to “silence” him from testifying against Najib Razak. After all, Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu was killed and her body was exterminated with military grade C4 explosive during Najib’s scandal involving the controversial purchase of French Scorpene submarines. Jho Low looks like a man who still treasures family dignity, or whatever little left of it. He is believed to have had siphoned billions of dollars from 1MDB. He can absolutely live comfortably for the rest of his life, even as a fugitive. Yet, he is fighting to get back a three-storey house in Tanjung Bungah Park in Penang, the RM15 million properties seized by the authorities under AMLA law. “My parents worked tirelessly for many decades to provide their children with a safe, comfortable upbringing. Before I was born, my mother enjoyed good success in her investments. It is thanks to these prudent decisions that they were not only able to purchase and build 69, Tanjung Bungah Park, but also selflessly donate to and support their local communities for decades similar to my late grandfather,” – said Jho Low. Clearly, there were some family heritage and sentimental values in the house that the 37-year-old Penangite would like to preserve. And this could be his Achilles’ heel. Besides, it’s not a long-term solution moving between hotel suites and luxury apartments around Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macau, especially with his wife and the need to provide a normal life for his two children.
Najib - Jho Low and Nik Faisal scam me...
What is still unknown is the secret deal behind the closed doors struck between both governments of Malaysia and China after the re-negotiation of the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) and the revival of Bandar Malaysia mega projects. As Mahathir throws more supports behind Beijing, the latest being Huawei, it’s a matter of time before Jho Low loses the protection altogether. But if it’s true that IGP Hamid Bador is moving closer to detaining the country’s most wanted fugitive, it would mean serious trouble for Najib Razak. With nowhere to hide, the former premier’s hotshot lawyer, Shafee Abdullah, has thrown Jho Low and Joanna Yu, Najib’s relationship liaison manager at Ambank, under the bus – blaming the duo as the real culprits and criminals. Attorney Shafee declared in court – “My client does not deal with his account himself. He was misled and is a victim.” The strategy was to lead the court into believing that fugitive Jho Low was the mastermind who had allegedly scammed and misled Najib Razak. Najib’s lawyer has also accused Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil (former CEO of SRC International) of conspiring against his client. In exchange for his extremely damaging testimony against Najib, and the returns of tens of billions of Ringgit, Jho Low might be required to serve between 1 to 3 years imprisonment. That is still a good deal since he can live a free life with his family thereafter, not to mention a very comfortable lifestyle as he would definitely hide some money elsewhere for retirement. Hamid Bador has very little reason to win the popularity contest. He despised Najib’s 1MDB scandal from the beginning and as a result, he was transferred out of Special Branch as deputy chief. He had chosen early retirement in 2015 instead, until Mahathir got him installed as the country’s police chief early this month. He also knew people were fast losing patience after tons of broken promises from the police. Therefore, for the IGP to confidently tell all and sundry that Jho Low is expected to be detained soon, it carries weight. One has to remember that Hamid Bador was the second man in the Special Branch, the intelligence agency attached to the Royal Malaysia Police. And there’s a reason why Najib had not dared fire him, but instead transferred him to the Prime Minister’s Office. Like it or not, Bador is the best bet to bring Jho Low in. - FT
Duit raya peneroka FELDA...
Apabila Azmin Ali kata tidak ada duit raya untuk peneroka Felda hati kecil saya sudah tidak percaya apa dikata Azmin itu. Dengan mengambil pengalaman cara dia berpolitik saya sudah mengagak apa yang ada disebalik tabir. Lebih kukuh lagi apabila Mahathir suruh tanya Azmin bab duit raya itu. Ia makin jelas apa yang akan berlaku. Azmin sengaja test market. Ditambah pula dengan rayuan bersurat oleh Mazlan Aliman yang meminta wang raya untuk peneroka Felda.
Dan akhirnya peneroka dapat wang raya RM300 seorang. Kesimpulannya disini boleh difahami begitulah cara Azmin berpolitik. Ada nilai tambah untuknya disebalik apa yang berlaku itu. Mazlan juga boleh tumpang semangkok kononnya rayuan dialah membuka hati Azmin untuk bagi duit raya kepada peneroka. Tetapi dalam hal ini kesediaan Azmin menyediakan peruntukkan untuk peneroka itu sedikit sebanyak kerana ada campur tangan Anwar Ibrahim juga. Apa pun bermainlah politik jenis apa pun asalkan ia memberi laba kepada rakyat. - MSO
Anakku Sazali...
1. Pesan orang tua - tua , 'Jika Nak Melentur Buluh Biarlah Dari Rebungnya’. 2. Begitu juga perumpamaan Melayu yang ada kaitan: - ‘Bagaimana Acuan Begitulah Kuihnya’. 3. Kita juga sering dengar pepatah ini - ‘Ke Mana Tumpah Lauk Jika Tidak Ke Nasi’. 4. Kesimpulannya , ibu bapa adalah guru pertama yang mendidik dan membentuk kelakuan dan adab sopan anak-anak. 5. Jika ada sikap biadab dan tidak mempunyai budi pekerti dan akhlak yang baik yang dipamerkan oleh anak - anak, maka ia adalah bayangan dari cermin yang dilihat daripada ibu bapa mereka. 6. Lakunan P Ramlee (Alfatihah) dalam filem berjodol ' Anak Ku Sazali ' yang ditayangkan dalam tahun 1956 , iaitu setahun sebelum Merdeka , memberi ingatan dan peringatan kepada kita betapa bahayanya memanjakan anak - anak terlampau berlebihan. 7. Lupakah akan pesanan datuk nenek kita dahulu yang berbunyi, 'Sayang Anak Tangan - Tangankan’. 8. P Ramlee yang memainkan 2 watak , Hassan sebagai ayah dan Sazali sebagai anak dalam filem tersebut telah menyedarkan kita sebagai ibu bapa yang dipertanggungjawabkan mencorak dan membimbing anak - anak dengan sempurna dari awal lagi. 9. Semoga di dalam Bulan Ramadhan ini kita berusaha membaiki diri dan memperbaiki anak - anak yang lupa diri ; ini termasuklah Sultan - Sultan dan keluarga mereka. 10. Mungkin oleh kerana kurang diajar dengan sempurna dari segi akhlak dan budi pekerti yang baik termasuk menghormati rakyat terutama sekali menghormati pemimpin rakyat sama ada Perdana Menteri maupun Menteri Besar, maka rakyat kini melihat telatah Ismail, anak Sultan Johor yang amat celupar dan biadab. 11. Oleh kerana itulah akhirnya Perdana Menteri sendiri menggelarkannya sebagai ‘Young Boy , He Is Stupid ' atau dalam bahasa Melayu 'Budak Kecil , Dia Tu Bodoh'. 12. Ada juga ejekan di kalangan rakyat Johor terhadap beliau sebagai ‘Stupid Shortie ' atau 'Budak Pendek Bodoh’.
13. Jika dibandingkan dengan anak - anak Sultan lain , beliau langsung  tidak mencerminkan  sebagai ahli keluarga bangsawan yang boleh dihormati ; berkelakuan buruk tak ubah seperti budak yang terancat akal. 14. Apakah beliau sudah merasa hebat dengan jambang dan uniform askar yang dipakai itu? 15. Sebenarnya beliau sedang berusaha menutup kegagalannya dalam mata pelajaran. 16. Difahamkan seperti bapanya , beliau juga gagal mendapat kelulusan Sijil Pelajaran Rendah atau LCE. 17. Bagi menyelamatkan keadaan, beliau telah dimasukan ke Pusat Latihan Tentera di India pada awal umur dan oleh kerana beliau bukan rakyat India serta bagi menghormati datuknya yang ketika itu Sultan Johor, beliau telah dianugerahkan pangkat Kapten Kehormat ; ini berbeza dengan pangkat Kapten sebenar. 18. Kini beliau menggelarkan diri dan memakai uniform dan bintang sebagai Major General dengan jumlah Askar Setia Timbalan atau Johor Military Force tak lebih 200 anggota sahaja. 19. Sudah sampai masanya Kerajaan khasnya Kementerian Pertahanan mengkaji dan jika ada asas kukuh, mengisytiharkan apa yang dilakuan oleh budak ini adalah bertentangan dengan aturan peraturan ketenteraan - ini bagi menjaga imej Angkatan Tentera agar tidak terus dicemari. 20. Jika sifat dan perangai celupar, biadab, samseng dan kurang ajar ini gagal diperbaiki ia bukan sahaja memalukan rakyat dan negeri Johor malah ia pasti akan merugikan keseluruhan Institusi Raja Berperlembagaan itu sendiri. 21.  Jangan biarkan setitik nila merosakan susu sebelanga. 22. Adalah lebih baik bertindak terhadap seekor kerbau yang sudah terpalit lumpur bagi menjaga keharmonian dan nama baik sebuah kampung. 23. Semoga kita dan Sultan di beri petunjuk di hari yang mulai ini,selamat berpuasa. - Tamrin Tun Ghafar
Dr.M kata Malaysia akan guna juga Huawei sebab negara kita 
takdak benda pun yang nak disorok... 
Dulu kebai. Sekarang bebai...
Atok dah balik...
Sumber asal: Luck might be running out for chubby Jho... Baca selebihnya di Luck might be running out for chubby Jho...
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HOW BOUT, Knight and Princess AU with Trevor or Sidon? Or maybe a swap AU for you and king dice? - ringoroll (Happy new year!!)
I think I’ll do Princess and Knight with Sidon, I can’t imagine like a royal AU where Trevor is anything but a cutthroat thief who sneaks into the castle to steal stuff and make out with Hope princess FNSDKJDSHKF
Sidon is still a prince but also somewhat of an ambassador for Zoras? He travels a lot. He achieved knighthood long ago when he saved his people from the giant Octorok, like in that story in the game? anyway
so Hope, princess of the Hylians (probably a descendent of Zelda? I don’t wanna like kick her out of the story) appoints herself champions to keep her safe, as there is another threat I guess? idk this is a flimsy story FNSKFHDSHFH BUT she has champions of each race of Hyrule to serve as her royal guard..........................
Sidon is the Zora guard of course
 he finds himself actually with a huge crush on the princess and he’s like oh NO HOW INAPPROPRIATE I’M??? AHHHH he’s very flustered about it 
we eventually have A Moment where we’re a bit close...and......things get said..................and love is confessed on both ends and we fall desperately in love and are keeping it secret from the other guards and royals...............
royal au is actually kind of like legitimately my kink so uh I can’t think of anything that isn’t Sex™ fnsdgkSJDFDGSFH
we do have sneaky sexy time though like he’ll come to my room late at night and we have to try to stay quiet and it’s very thrilling,,,,
he makes vows to protect me until my death (as he’ll probably outlive me because zoras live so much longer) and every time it becomes a very heartfelt confession of love and we probably make love shortly after
im telling you this is legit my kink i’m sorry FNSAMFDMGSFFJSHDSD
SWAP AU with King Dice and I!
King Dice is a commoner fella in the city, known as Roland Dice, working a low wage job and constantly fiding himself without enough money to make ends meet
Enter me, the Devil’s secretary and right hand woman, manager of the casino and overall Evil Temptress succubus babe, offering Dice the chance of a lifetime to be a performer at the casino and get rich all he has to do is sell me his soul
he takes the bribe because I’m a hot succubus and he can’t say no to an offer like that
Now he is a lounge singer, dancing occasionally as he sings - his songs are a bit racy and a little too risque for anywhere but the devil’s casino tbh but he’s a beloved performer
the only catch is he has no fucking soul and he feels a bit empty inside
enter me again, fawning over him and calling him my star
he feels Something and he’s afraid to find out that it’s love but he knows it’s love and he knows it’s ridiculous because i’m literally a succubus that’s my job but he can’t tell is it fake love that’s being induced upon him by my charms or is it REAL ACTUAL LOVE LIKE IS HE IN LOVE WITH A DEMON GIRL RIGHT NOW???????
we end up having some kind of friends with benefits relationship and we flirt a lot, it’s pretty scandalous because it’s also worker/employer relationship but who cares we’re literally in hell
I find myself flustered because I’m actually also in love with him which is a no-no for succubi so I’m in a hot mess and the devil makes fun of me for it and I’m like FUCK!!!!!!!!!
also that means I’m the boss at the end of the game before the devil so I have a ton of demon-themed mini boss rush fights for Caphed and Mugmin to deal with
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