#that's not what it's supposed to look like. it's a cute teary eyed little fella who is overcome by emotions when someone is nice to it
tardis--dreams · 1 year
Entered the stage where i have to fight the urge to reply to my lecturers' emails with heart emojis
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ziaxkawaii · 4 years
Cute toothy grin (Kirishima x Reader)
Pairing: Kirishima x Reader
Warnings: Cursing.
Summary: Kirishima gets turned into a toddler.
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~Your relationship with Kirishima has been more interesting and wonderful than you could begin to explain.
~The two of you were the: Cutesy smile couple, for the obvious reason that you two seemed to shine like the sun when you two smiled in each others company or even when you were separated.
~Your partner since the beginning of UA, was always so caring and a loving boyfriend when you hung out, and was always there when you needed him the most. 
~Of course you happily returned the favor when he himself needed some affection.
~Today turned out to be one of those days where you need to be with him at all times. At least for today.
~You and Kirishima worked at the same agency for hero-work study, and as much as it sounded that it was intentional, it wasn’t. It was a happy little surprise when you two found out that you both would be working together for the Pro-hero Fat Gum.
~For the past month, everything was going smoothly. Nothing too crazy happened and only couple of incident were bad enough to cause you minor injuries, but nothing you couldn’t handle.
~That changed however when you, Kirishima and Tamaki also known as Suneater, were chasing down two villains. One of them had a quirk that made their hair grow as long as they wished and they could control it like some octopus tentacles.
~You had no idea what kind of quirk the other one had but it was soon found out when Kirishima slipped and got hit by it. Unfortunately the villain got away but the good news was Tamaki managed to apprehend the hair-tentacle villain. Still you and Tamaki were upset for the failure.
~You were about to inform, that it could have ended much worse, but a sound of slight sniffling and ruffling of clothes caught your and Tamaki's attention.
~You turned around and swore on the spot that you were dreaming.
~On the other side of the rooftop sat a little teary eyed toddler in a far too large hero costume for his frame and with a completely different hair color than before. a Pretty coal black.
~”Ei-Eijiro?!!...” You exclaimed. Immediately picking up the child version of him along with the costume. You exchanged worried looks with Tamaki who didn’t seem to know what to say.
~Once you got back to the agency and told Fat Gum what happened. He too was a bit surprised to say the least. He said he would look into the villain and told you, Kirishima would be excused from doing any herowork until he turned back to normal.
~You really didn’t attract much attention on the sidewalk, but when you reached the school grounds, you started to get some interesting looks from the other students. Wondering whose child you were carrying or why he was there in the first place.
~Kirishima didn’t like all the attention so he buried his head in you shoulder to hide away while muttering something incoherent.
~You spoke with Aizawa, who didn’t really change his expression when he saw Kirishima's state. Only telling you that if he didn’t change back by the end of the week end, they had to figure something out.
~You bowed and quickly made your way to the class 1-A dorms.
~As soon as you stepped inside the building, you had the attention of the entire class that was in the common room. Some girls were squealing while some other people were generally confused.
~”Oh my, who’s this this little fella?~” Mina was the first at your side, trying to get a good look at Kirishima who was still hiding his face.
~“Are they your younger sibling?” Ochaco asked next to you. You laughed nervously.
~”No he’s not. He is actually Kirishima.” The whole class screamed in surprise. By now Kirishima lifted his head to look at the many faces surrounding him. At least he didn’t seem scared anymore.
~After briefly explaining what happened during your work study, everybody seemed to understand the situation. While your explanation, Momo had offered to make some suitable clothes for Kirishima when she noticed he was bare, now he was peeking behind every cough as if expecting something to be there, while you and your classmates were sitting and talking in the living room.
~”So we have no idea how long he’ll be like this?” Kaminari asked as he instinctively rubbed Kirishima’s head in a brotherly way from his seat. Kirishima tries to push his hands away while laughing wildly. 
~”Stop! No, not the hair!” He whined smiling.
~”Huh… So he has been like that since childhood.” Muttered Sero.
~”But everything aside, what are we supposed to do? Babysit him for the weekend?” Ojiro jumped into the conversation.
~”I wouldn’t mind taking care of him.” You admitted and you took the turn to run your fingers through Kirishima's black locks when he was tugging on your pants, demanding attention.
~”That settles it then, but don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.” Tsuyu informed you and you nodded, picking up your boyfriend and placing him on your lap.
~”I’ll keep that in mind.”
~You panted heavily as you rested on the common room couch. Just as your ‘babysitting’ started, Kirishima wanted play a game. You of course compiled, as you couldn’t say no to his adorable shark grin and eyes that twinkled like stars were in them. 
~After playing tag for what felt like hours, you were tired and Eijiro on the other hand didn’t seem faced at all. Apparently children have infinite energy.
~”Let’s play hide and seek!”
~”What?!” You immediately lifted your head and scanned your surroundings. Kirishima was nowhere in sight. Panic rose within your chest.
~“Where did he go?!” You exclaimed looking around once more to make sure you weren’t mistaken. Shit… He could be literally anywhere. In the basement, outside since the back door was open at the moment or even in someone's dorm room. Why do kids have to be so damn fast on their feet?
~”The hell you’re crying here about!?” Yelled a familiar voice that belonged to the one and only explosive blond. You and Bakugou weren’t best friends per say, but you do talk to each other here and there since you were: ‘not as bad as the other extras’ in his book.
~”I’m afraid I have lost my partner in a game of hide and seek, but the open front and back doors at this hour are not helping the case.”
~”Why are you so worked up over nothing? Shitty-hair can handle himself just fine until you find him.”
~”He literally hurt himself twice with his own quirk in the past hour! Plus he managed to spill water all over himself and the rug while taking a sip.” You said. Referring how clumsy he is in this toddler form. 
~Bakugou was present when that incident happened. His idiotic friend was drinking a glass of water but for some reason decided to dip his head and glass far too back and the drink spilled all over his face, clothes and the rug. Kids are stupid and there’s no telling what he could do next.
~As much as he would’ve liked to already be sleeping, he couldn’t leave Kirishima in trouble at this state. He was still a friend. (Although bakugou continues to deny their friendship). ”Damn it..., fine. I’ll look outside, you’ll look inside. Clear?”
~”Crystal.” You replied and already headed off to check the laundry room. When you were a child, that was the best hiding place for you so it seemed like a good start. You opened the door to laundry room and made a quick search.
~”Not here.” You continued to the next place. The baths.
~Now, you definitely aren’t going in the boys baths. You just need some outside help. Fortunately, Tokoyami was about to enter the baths but you called his name and stopped him in his tracks.
~”Hey, Tokoyami. I seem to have lost Eijiro, so can you please help me look if he’s in the baths?” You inquired, slightly embarrassed since you had to admit your failure to more people.
~”I’ll take a look then.” He said and walked in. After a few minutes of standing in the hallway, You heard Tokayami’s voice shout.
~”He is not here (y/n)!”
~”Oh, okay thank you!” You called and went to check the girls baths for good measure. Not there either.
~There weren’t really any good places in the dorms to hide, so it was getting kind of ridiculous that you still haven't found him after checking the emergency stairs, the second, third and fourth floor. You even checked his own room but he wasn’t there, and now you were getting even more anxious.
~”It’s fine, Either me or Bakugou, will find him sooner or later.” You calmed yourself. You walked to fifth and also the last floor, if Eijiro wasn’t here you don’t know what you would do.
~You took a few steps into the hallway and spotted something on the ground. Bending down you picked it up. It was a band-aid, more specifically the same kind you used to patch Kirishima up when he got hurt today.
~”He has at least been here.” You said to yourself. Then a sudden conclusion hit you. Your dorm room was on this floor…. could he be? You walked to your room door and pulled the handle. Just as you pulled it open, something from inside jumped on you and you stumbled back. 
~”You found me (y/n)!” The black haired toddler cheered. You were still shocked from his sudden jump on you, but you brought your arms around him and pulled him close.
~”Eijiro! You scared me, please don’t leave so suddenly! I was worried.” You hugged him tighter. Eijiro seemed to begun to understand his mistake.
~”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to….” He apologized, but then let out a deep yawn.
~”Oh, you must be tired. We should get you to bed.” You said and instinctively picked him up, now you started to question the sleeping arrangements. Can you just take him to his room to sleep or are you supposed to sleep next to him as a form of security?
~You got your answer quickly when Kirishima wrapped his tiny arms around you like a vice, with no intention of letting go. You sighed and walked into your room and attempted to lower him down onto your bed.
~”Eijiro. Come on, I have to change.” You whispered while gently tugging his hands. He let go with a whine and cuddled up with your comforter. You swiftly changed out of your school uniform that you, for some reason still wore the whole day, and into a tank top and shorts.
~You crawled into your bed and as by instinct, Kirishima was instantly hugging you again. The image of him being flushed to your chest while your arm was protectively around him, made you smile.
~Usually it was the other way around, but you sure as hell aren’t complaining. He was so cute afterall!
~You pressed a quick kiss to his forehead and let yourself fall into a peaceful slumber.
~You felt warm. A little bit too warm, but you felt comfortable nonetheless. The sun peeked through your curtains as it obnoxiously shined in your eye. You figured it was a great time to wake up, but a massive weight on your body stopped you.
~You looked down and realized it was your boyfriends body that held you down. He had turned back to his normal form and his hair was the usual crimson red. Dyed or not, it was perfect in your eyes no matter what.
~His head nestled on your shoulder while his other arm held your waist firmly. It would have been cute…. if he wasn’t completely bare… Now you definitely felt like you were on fire as you blushed profusely.
~Whatever was out there had been merciful and hid Kirishima's ass under sheets, but you could see everything else. You unintentionally shreaked and fell off the bed, the noise you were making woke the sleeping boy up.
~”What’s wrong?” He asked tiredly rubbing his eyes.
~”P- P-Put some clothes on!” You turned around when he went to get up.
~”Huh..?” He took a look of himself and also blushed immediately, it only worsened when he remembered last days events.
~I-I’m so sorry for everything!!!” He apologized profusely, attempting to cover himself up with his hands. Oh, how embarrassed he was.
~”There were no clothes for you to wear in my room. I’ll go get some from your’s.” You announced, and got up to leave. But turned around before you stepped outside.
~”And about yesterday, don’t be sorry.” You called. “You’re just so cute with that smile of yours, so you're forgiven.” You winked bashfully and left, leaving Kirishima to fall on your bed, red faced.
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