#that's pretty solid 👌
vullcanica · 1 year
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behind the mask
you aren’t slick about whatever you think you’re hiding. glass shatters in your midst, blood spills. like some of your friends, your personality of choice is entirely artificial. the difference between you and them is that you can get away with it. you’re unknown, perhaps even to yourself, and your goals are complex and unknown. anyone stupid enough to fall for you is setting themselves up to be frustrated and confused, owing to your being ultimately unknowable. i hope you can find an identity that makes you comfortable.
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Tagged by: stole it from @vilestblood 💕
Tagging: @bhrathair @princguard @vhgr (gimme ali? 👉👈) @feretra @korinthiakos @s4ints @viciousgold
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underrateddoormatt · 2 years
My sisters a fucking idiot!!!! She’s so goddamn stupid!!! I have a fucking dog you can’t just leave containers of leftover food on the fucking floor and not expect her to get into it!!! I wish I had fucking known that’s where she put the food because oh my fucking god
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tmnt-tychou · 4 months
I kinda understand why there are very few romance/mating headcanons for the 2003 boys, that's because: 1) the only canon romance relationship in the show was b/w April & Casey. We didn't have any potential partner for the turtles (we didn't even get Mona lisa or Venus in 2k3). 2) none of the turtles showed to have a crush on someone. All their relations are pretty much platonic. 3) they may have one of the best designs, but they're SMALL like teens compared to all the adults around them. Even at the last season, they kept the somewhat juvenile appearance. On the opposite side, we have the bayverse turtles who look the opposite of the SMALL youthful 2k3 version 👏😩👌💪
I don't know if I'd call them small per se. Yes, they're short, but these boys are built like heavy muscle tanks. And back in the 2003 days, people WERE thirsting on them.
I like to think they got a bit taller as adults. (Though we don't see evidence of this in SAINW.) Let them have their short king status. They're still solid, heavy bois that could easily pick you up.
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justladders · 2 months
Dumb question? I was looking at the one picture of Springtrap based on the Ursula reference, and I noticed that the shading on his head is more blended compared to the shade on his arms. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I was wondering when you know to make harsh vs soft shadows? If that makes sense?
That's not a dumb question! I'm just surprised anyone asked me bc I normally treat shading like an afterthought and need to work on it more. Sometimes I do it one way or the other just because I feel like it, but thinking about it more critically, hard vs. soft shading can be for a lot of different reasons.
Shading gives things depth. You can tell pretty clearly by the unshaded ball below, which can just seem like a flat circle on the page compared to the two with shading.
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With the contrast created from shadows and lighting, shading becomes very important to the "feeling" of a piece. Hard shading can feel very stark, especially with darker shadows, and make a clear focal point or clearly mark hard edges. Soft shading can feel gentle and accentuate more rounded surfaces or a gradual fade of the light source. This certainly isn't all that hard and soft shading are used for, but these are examples of why you may choose one or the other.
At the same time, it can simply be a stylistic choice. Think of the cell shading in something like LoZ: Wind Waker; that type of lighting is made to compliment the very big, blocky, shapey style of the game. In old cartoons, they would almost exclusively use solid shadows because they would be hand-drawn onto the characters for every frame. There's styles that use hatching or stippling to create shadows. You can pick a certain way for many reasons.
And you're not even limited to just one kind. Klaus 2019. Beautiful movie. They went crazy with it fr, and made use of a lot of soft light and blended hard-lighting and ougghhhhhhh 👌 You could literally watch that movie with the sound off and enjoy it just as much.
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The main way to figure it out is by looking at how other styles/artists that you take inspiration from do it, and then try some different ways out for yourself. You really learn to get a feel for it with practice.
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sugasiren · 1 year
The Aries Woman & Her Real Power ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Pt 1
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**FYI - this blog contains mature content.
Time to clear up some misconceptions! And confirm some truths. So pull up your seat, grab a snack & prepare for TOTAL fucking honesty. 💯 While this post is primarily about Aries Suns, much of it can also be applied to other Aries placements in general. So take whatever resonates.
♈️ Aries Women are usually into more dominant, masculine types. They adore men who are stronger & smarter than them whom they can learn from. 👍While Aries Women are indeed fully capable of taking care of themselves, they love knowing that they can lean on and trust the man that they love if needed. They prefer reliable partners with backbone. They have NO respect for passive males, as they will DESTROY a weaker man's soul. 🔥 Eat him alive just like the large plant in the 'Little Shop of Horrors' movie. 🤣 It truly ain't pretty!
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♈️ Contrary to popular LIES... many Aries Women are VERY feminine. They aren't doormats though! Nor the girl-next-door type. Ram Women typically embody the "Hot Girl" or the "Femme Fatale" brand of Femininity. ❤️‍🔥 She's often the Leader of the pack whom other women model themselves after & want to be like. Jayne Mansfield, Diana Ross & Mariah Carey - Aries Sun 🌞; Sade, Janet Jackson, Pam Anderson - Aries Moon 🌙; Marilyn Monroe & Liz Taylor - Aries Venus ⚘️. Are any of these women Tomboys?? FUCK NO! They are womanly, spicy & passionate beings. Learn the damn difference.
I sometimes find that Taurus, Cancer & Virgo Women can push the "masculine" stereotype onto Aries Women the most because they wish to be more like them in certain ways. 💯 For instance, most Aries Women aren't taking care of ANY man. But I've seen Taurus paying for men, Cancer mothering men & Virgo trying to train men into being obedient dogs! Add to that, Scorpio Women are often control freaks who insist on leading. Sag & Aquarius Women are rebels who often try to compete with & emasculate any man that they encounter. So who's actually lacking in Femininity here?? Not Aries, from what I see. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Lots of projection going on.
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♈️ Aries Women are indeed outspoken. They are typically confident & in possession of strong boundaries. They are open & honest communicators who aren't afraid to ask for what they want. Most Men LOVE this about them and wish more women were like this! 🩷 Alternatively, deep inside of every Ram Woman is a sweet, adventurous little girl with a heart of GOLD who yearns to feel safe. ❤️‍🔥 A maiden wanting her protector! They're an astonishing blend of pure innocence like the Spring Goddess Persephone + the wit & warrior spirit of Goddess Athena. 🙌 There are sooo many interesting layers to the Aries Woman!! It's insanely fascinating. They are deeply selective with who they disclose all of this to, though. So they can be misunderstood at times.
♈️ Aries Women are Masters of keeping men ON THEIR TOES in a healthy way. They like men and men adore them. 👌 They highly value autonomy, so they extend that to their partners and give them breathing room. They inspire men to be better, more powerful versions of themselves. They do have tempers!! But they don't hold grudges and their sex more than makes up for the trouble. 😺 They are playful and NEVER boring! How TF do you think we keep attracting the best of the best?? Not by being a Basic Bitch, my friends. 🤣
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♈️ According to Marriage Statistics: Aries Women have the longest-lasting marriages with Leo Men, Sagittarius Men, Aquarius Men & Aries Men. ⚘️⚘️ After that, we also have solid odds with Capricorn & Taurus Men. We most often divorce Virgo, Gemini & Libra Men which makes TOTAL sense to me. Not surprised! Aries Women do not enjoy flaky and/or nitpicky partners.
♈️ Aries Women are just as sensitive & intuitive as Cancers in certain ways - we just follow our GUT instincts more than the emotions of our heart. 🔥 We're rarely wrong about someone's character. We bully the bullies! And *if* we care about you, we have your back until the very end. But if you betray us?? You will go from feeling like the most special person in the world... to the most worthless piece of gum scraping off the bottom of our shoe as we walk away from you FOREVER. 🙌 Do not play with us!! Don't play yourself by losing the best prize you'll ever have.
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That's all for now, darlings. Happy Aries Season!! ♈️ And thanks so very much for all of the new follows, shares & support!
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amaesama · 2 years
Might I ask for some Helen NSFW HCs? I’m curious to see your personal thoughts on what he’s into/what he likes
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST OMG!! I am not ashamed to admit that I am a massive simp for Helen and this request is just 😚👌 I’ve been looking for an excuse to make this so thank yooouuu.
TW: mentions of blood, cutting and safe words.
𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑂𝑡𝑖𝑠|𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠.
So at the beginning of your relationship Helen didn’t really know what to do.
He’s had absolutely zero experience in this so you’ll have to guide him and let him know what you want, as well as help him figure out what he wants.
Because of that I don’t see him that kinky. At least at the start 👀
He’s also canonically described as ‘a jerk with the facade of being a gentleman,’ and as he’s had a lot of time to sort out his issues after everything happened I think he’s learnt to hold some degree of respect towards people he cares for, which luckily includes you!
You’ll start off pretty vanilla, if you’re not a virgin when you get with him you might have to be on top for the first few times you have sex, he will watch you as you ride him to become acquainted with the face you make when you feel good so he knows what to look for.
If you ARE a virgin then it’ll just be two people who have no idea what to do and it’s honestly borderline funny how you’re both sat there not knowing what to do. In this situation he’s happy to top and will try his best to be slow. However, if he is your first time then he might get a bit too excited when he see’s the look of pain on your face when he first goes in.
Honestly might nut then and there.
Especially if you bleed, we all know of his little thing with blood.
He won’t be that vocal at the start. He’s a pretty quiet guy in general, so it’ll be hard for you to figure out how he’s feeling.
There’s definitely other ways of making him speak, though 👀
He’s got an pretty dick. I’d say he’s rocking a solid 5.7 inches, nothing too big but definitely a bit above average. He’s also on the slender side, he’s not too girthy but his dick curves up a bit and really drags along your insides. Pretty veiny as well. Very stimulating indeed. As I said he’s not too sure what to do.
Once he gets the hang of it he’ll get a bit more… experimental.
Helen experimentalist confirmed?
He will absolutely pace himself excruciatingly slow to torment you. He’s kind of an ass like that. He’ll just be there, watching you beg him to fuck you properly and he’s like 🙃
Sometimes he will not got fast at all and the whole time he will go super slow, even when you’re both on the brink of an orgasm he will not stutter his hips until the very final thrust where he slams so hard and so deep into you.
He also likes mutual masterbation. He really likes it. Especially when he has you leaning against his chest at just the right angle to kiss you at.
He’s sees it as something very intimate, he likes to feel every curve of your body with his free hand while the other plays with you.
Also go down on him. Please. He ADORES the angle he’s watching you from, if you allow him he will totally draw you or take a picture and draw from the picture. This is also one of the rare times he’ll use his voice and boooyyy
His voice is gorgeous, like I cannot express how pretty his voice is. At this point, it’ll only be very quiet breathy moans but still.
If you want him to moan properly then you will most likely have to top or dom him, I see him as a switch so you’ll 100% get a chance to (only if you want to, of course). He’s also a bit of an experimentalist so if you try something you’ll be able to tell if he likes it from how loud he is.
He will also be totally up for pegging, he’ll be a bit hesitant at first but he wants to try everything at least once. He’ll also want to be in missionary the first time he tries it as he isn’t 100% comfortable with being in a position where he can’t see you, poor guy has a few trust issues :(
He ends up liking it.
Is it his favourite thing to do with you? Nope. Although he does get pleasure from it, something about it just doesn’t completely do it for him, but if it’s something you are particularly interested in doing then he will any time (make sure to make sure he’s completely ok with it, though. Consent is key✨).
He’ll almost definitely let out a few moans when you peg him. Like proper loud moans. They’re high pitched and breathy. 10/10 should definitely be on Spotify and any other streaming sights.
As I mentioned in my Stroke By Stroke fic (which you should totally check out if you haven’t already), Helen can get caught up in his painting sometimes and it’s pretty common for him to ignore you for a bit. He does try to make it up to you when he finished up though.
Half of the time he’ll make it all about you and treat you like an absolute ANGEL. He’ll be kissing you everywhere, feeling every part of you and make you feel amazing after the hours he spent neglecting you. At these times he will go as fast it as slow as you want him to go. You want a rough dick down so you won’t be able to walk for the next few days? He gotchu. You want him to just embrace you and love you? On it bb.
He will totally leave hickeys and will try to draw blood.
This man absolutely has a blood kink.
My dears if you ever meet someone with a blood kink, run the other way.
He tries his best to keep it under wraps and as you are one of the few people he cares for he won’t actively try to hurt you. But there has been times where he’s thrusting away and he’ll just whip out a knife and ask to cut you up, it won’t be a deep or long cut, just enough to paint you in your own blood.
He’s weird idk.
If you’re into pain and you enjoy the thrill and danger then go for it, it’ll rile him up and he will cum so hard just from you being ok with him hurting you.
If you’re not into it? Do not let him. As I said he is a jerk with the facade of a gentleman and I can see him try to persuade you into doing it, but do not let him.
Unfortunately I think in situations like this it’s likely that you’ll have to use a safe word, which he will always listen to.
Also weird thought but he has some thick paint brushes, he keeps his brushes clean and sometimes when you’re horny and he’s busy painting he’ll just hand you a clean one and you’ll be like 🧍
Totally use it and make loads of noise, he’ll try so hard to ignore you but my mans will be fighting for his life like holy shit he’s so hard rn you don’t even know
Then give it back to him lmao. He will either never use that paintbrush again as to not taint it or cum in his pants just from the thought of you getting off with his brush. Or both.
HOWEVER if he’s painting and you try to suck him off he will absolutely not have it. He will pick you up and put you in his bed and not even play with you when he’s done. He won’t stand for that shit.
He is B A D at aftercare.
Once again he is a jerk at first and he doesn’t really understand why he has to do it, his part is over isn’t it? You have to explain why it’s important and it takes him a while but he finally gets it. He’ll clean you both up and change the sheets, before getting into bed tangling you limbs with his and going to sleep.
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drawthething · 2 years
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Wagstaff's school faculty members are all pretty solid characters, though these five definitely stood out for me the most. Apparently rude middle-age/elderly people who are tired of their job and say funny stuff are my type of comedy.
Except Mr. Branca, he's just vibing :]]]. His old country can suck it!
I also love their interactions with the kids like that witchcraft ep with Tina and Ambrose or the forever entertaining Louise and Frond's rivalry. Top-notch dynamic 👌
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bogactivity · 29 days
Bog what do you use to draw😔😔 I’ve been using an app called sketchbook for four years now and I just switched to IbisPain X but I don’t know how to use anything😱😱😱
I use ClipStudio Paint EX (single purchase edition)! IbisPaint according to artist friends is pretty solid too 👌
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dieanywhereelseart · 1 year
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I’ve been drawing with dip pens lately so I did a nib study using my ghost trick redesigns.
for anyone that’s interested here’s some notes on the nibs under the cut.
Leonardt 33 - Easily the one of the most flexible pen nibs I have. Technically this is designed for calligraphy, specifically spencerian, so the sideways movement isn’t great and there’s little control when doing hatching. Really dramatic swoops with high pressure that aren’t entirely appropriate for character portraits but I kinda dig what it did to Sissel’s hair. Will probably use it for special effects like fire and smoke and stuff.
Leondardt 33 - This one is actually intended for drawing so naturally it has a fairly consistent line weight with a low flex. The hatching marks are kinda scratchy but not in a bad way. Would probably work really well for continuous contour and styles of lineart that are more sketchy, loose, and dynamic than my normal character art style. Would prob use for larger pieces or figures closer to the camera cause the line weight is generally a bit too thick for the usual size I work with.
Tachikawa G - This is a nib made for drawing manga specifically and it’s really easy to use for drawing. Some of the calligraphy nibs really take some thought and careful motor control to look good but this one was forgiving. I see myself using this a lot for really casual art. It was kinda hard to do hatching or filling with this one tho, which was kinda surprising. Very gentle line variance, makes really clear shapes. You can see in the other characters than too high flexibility can make it hard for the brain to turn lines into form so this really mellows it out. Prob best to use this nib to block out the lineart then hatch/fill/detail with others.
Hunt 102 - this is a speedball job made for mapping and oh my god do I love this nib. It’s just so 👌👌👌 on the details??? the line variance perfectly matches the brushes I use on photoshop and it’s just. mwah. it holds onto literally so much ink despite being so tiny. interestingly hatching is unstable but two or three lines together seem to be just fine. Kinda sad that jowd’s hair is a little hard to focus on cause of the variance but with a little practice I can prob find ways around that cause I already know I’m gonna love using this nib for heads and faces. Filling is a bit patchy but otherwise I think this is gonna be my go-to detail nib. (also no jowd isn’t in overalls that’s supposed to be an art apron but with only like the top portion showing it’s hard to tell.)
Hunt 108 - ok this is Supposed to be a drawing nib as well as a calligraphy nib and it does mimic brush strokes but I’m pretty heavy handed so it’s hard Not to make those super thick lines. Not bad with details and has enough control to make thickening up the outline super easy, but really easy to mess up. This nib did Cabanela dirty by flexing a bit too much when I was doing his mouth so I had to correct it with a white pen. Spreads the ink too thin in areas for solid filling. I can see this working really well with mixed media, like with watercolor, and once I get some more colored ink I’ll use it for coloring.
Hunt 100 - idiot stupid rat bastard of a pen nib. ok the art looks fine right? can’t be that bad, right? it took me so long to make that because the ink just. wouldn’t come out. so this nib is another mapping nib and it’s super delicate so it breaks really easily. I broke my first one bc I’m heavy handed, so I ordered another like ‘ok I’ll be more careful with this one’. it broke again. I don’t even know how. Ideally I’d use it for small spaces or reeeally fine details but I can’t even get it to work long enough to try. speedball can meet me in the pits.
Hunt 512 - A calligraphy nib that’s actually really easygoing to draw with. There’s not much line variance, so the hairlines have a lot of control. Makes for really good hatching. Also does really great long, thin lines. Sideways movement is kinda meh but it does the job. Definitely the cleanest looking of all them, tho the lack of variance makes it a bit boring to look at. Gonna use this one for shading and textures or for drawing on really rough paper.
Hunt 99 - like the first nib this one is really dramatic, and it’s supposed to be a calligraphy nib, but it has a lot more weight control than the hunt 108. Also the fine lines are easier to control. A lot of ink comes out so it might not be great on paper with risk of bleeding, and it takes a while to dry compared to others, but it would be good for filling since it can cover a large opaque space while having good control over the shape and points. Could also use for different warping/texture techniques.
Other notes:
I used smooth illustration Bristol for the paper, since ink looks more vibrant and swooshy on it and also some of these nibs can Only be used on smooth paper.
Also used terracotta India ink, which is kinda on the thick end but still looks good. matches with the colored lineart in Ghost Trick lol
got all of my pen nibs from Paper & Ink Arts cause u can order a nib for like less than a dollar fifty each. You can also get paper, nib holders, and ink for a good price too.
if u wanna start with dip pens PLEASE prepare your nibs before drawing. stick them in a potato for like 10 minutes. please trust me on this you will have a bad time otherwise.
ok thanks for reading through my Very Indulgent experiment.
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ourlittleuluru · 3 months
Oh boy... irl kept me busy these past couple of days (both work and new kinda last min art~) >~<;; couldn't post and also just go crazy about ALL the new announcements...
hoooo boy ⚆_⚆ was there so much announcements... discord's basically flooded
Let's just talk about the new features~ Which, as if this game isn't delulu enough, adds even more delulus~
But honestly, I think the new Quality Time feature would be like nice background/white noise for the times I feel like I need something in the background (and I don't want any YT videos, video essays or music. Ngl, I sometimes just open the game and leave Xavier's tender moments on just to get that nice ambience when trying to work in this sweltering... humid af... heat...)
Though I wonder for the Work option... What would Xavier be working on...? Zayne's gonna obviously be doing, well... his work... Rafayel's painting, I think, from one of the other screenshots... Is Xavier just gonna like, idk, read? Can't imagine what he might even be working on 🤣 maybe writing reports
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But can I just say this (again) PAPERGAME'S ART TEAM PLEASE TEACH ME YOUR WAYS! I know people are going on about jiggle phyiscs and some... packages. But look here. The technique of the Technical Artist team to make the sweat glistening? And the sweat beads???? Hats off. To make it look like so nice ToT I wanna know how to achieve that look and feel too. How does one do this in Unity??? custom shaders? HDRP magic????
Ahem. anyways... uh... moving on. The new AR photoshoot feature (╹ڡ╹ )
Definitely gonna fuel ALL the delulus. Probably gonna try it only once to see how the changing positions work (and then never use it again, especially if I am gonna put myself in it :v )... I guess the tech for separating the background from main subjects are pretty solid at this day and age. But still, am curious how well it'll work.
Though, if I ever use the photoshoot feature and I have to edit the lighting... welp, there goes hours of my life 😂 gonna be stuck in that mode constantly trying to match the irl lighting and game lighting
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Last but not least of the updates is Rafayel! Can I just say the Ultimate animation is just... phenomenal. (Please let Xavier's new myth Ult be just as cool. I mean, I love his current Ults but... would be nice to have a fancier one, ya know?)
Like the whole school of fishies and MC just casually riding on a whale to smite dem enemies 👌
One final thing. Rafayel's outfit. The back, with that spine that goes to his lower legs and ending with these fin looking things. That. That detail is nice. (it does remind me of the word Dolphin tail which leads me to think about Tifa and her dolphin tail hair though. Such brain tangents)
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cola-losers · 10 months
Okay actually let me give some positives
So while I say this is a perfectly mid episode I do mean that I don't think it's a bad one I just don't think it's great it's like, room temperature water. It's like unbuttered toast
Still enjoyable but you probably want some ice water or butter toast
But let's go with the Goods™:
-very nice to see returning background characters I'm a background character fan I can't help it I get excited when I see these little guys. New or returning (returning was great though oh my goodness seeing the vampire that bit Matt or seeing one of the Atlanteans was 👌👌)
-I think the montage was great, I like montages and I think this one was fine I really enjoyed Tom and Edd's parts in the montage more than Matt's but his was okay
-I think it was really cute that 3rd and 2nd place went to two little kids good for those kids
-this episode had much better pacing than part 1 or Beaster Bunny, there wasn't as many random awkward quiet moments you can really feel that Beyond is finding its footing
-that ending sequence were Matt falls to the ground and we got Tom and Edd picking him up? Fantastic
-the gag with the Beach Hunks Tom water activated was pretty good, it got a chuckle out of me
-I know some people may find the Easter eggs to real life things annoying but I don't that's been an Eddsworld staple for a while, it's fun to pause on :>
-I like the after credit stuff I think it's really neat that they're starting to play around with this being a show, maybe there will be some big payoff in the future who knows
Now for the Meh™
-I think it kind of suffered from the guys being separated this trio of idiots bounce off of each other very well so with them all separated it just felt like something was missing
-kind of wish there was more spoken jokes or at least more spoken gags? A lot of the jokes were visual and while I do like visual jokes I think there should be a balance
-I was not into the trio of bullies at all whenever they were on screen I was just thinking that this should have been the neighbors, if you were just going to do Tom and Edd vs some guys why not have it be Mark & Eduardo?
-oh boy the shipping joke was not good. We get it, shipping bad fandom bad. Screw the audience jokes have been done before and they can be done rather well, both Fan Service episodes kind of tease this and I think they were just better. Fan Service 2 teased the shipping better tbh
-I wasn't into part 2 still having the competition go on actually I thought by part 2 Tom and Edd we're going to see Lobster Matt and have to fight it or something you know an actual adventure this was just kind of "things happen"
-personal opinion but I did not want to see Matt vore some kids, I mean I know he's a monster and monsters eat people that's fine but it was just kind of like :|
Final Conclusion:
This is pretty all right but probably not one I'm going to rewatch often. It's a very mixed bag but it's one that was worked hard on and you can tell. A solid 5/10
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prpfs · 3 months
29 he/him. I survive on caffeine, spite, and foods that give me heartburn 👌😤
I'm on the hunt for someone to write Negan against my Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead. Large age gap and maybe some minor 🍪 .
I’m open to most aus and have a few ideas kicking around in the back of my head. No-apoc, soul mates, pretty much any au. I’m caught up with the show on paper but I dipped out after season 9, just because of our badly AMC screwed over Chandler Riggs and how they handled the show. Been loosely following the dead city show but I plan on sitting down and watching it properly.
That being said, I don't give a shit about spoilers, I'll happily research and watch clips. Also happy to double. I have some pretty solid experience with all the original The Walking Dead cast. I can provide examples too.
I have a guilty enjoyment for portraying Carl as transmasc, but that isn't a requirement if not your cup of tea. I play transmasc and cis male characters best if doubling.
All I ask is that you're mature, understanding bc my work and sleep schedule are whack and don't mind me sending you random memes/things I find funny or relatable to the rp.
If you like this, I'll reach out!
Tags: Cegan, the Walking Dead RP, TWD RP
Tags for TS: Age gap, Dark themes, possible dead dove content.
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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ryuichirou · 11 months
Any other Twisted Wonderland bad endings?
It’s hard to say, Anon, our go-to is to always take the worst route possible lol, so there are bad ending to any story in our AUs (I assume you’re talking about these). I feel like AzuIde marriage AU is the most neutral in tone, this is why giving it a “bad ending” created such a contrast with the main series of silly strips. Even though, any ending is still bad ending in a way with this one: if Azul and Idia stay together, they just become the worst versions of themselves + Azul’s business empire becomes a huge powerful monopoly that takes over the entire world (easily with its alliance to the Jupiter family), it’s like a gloomy dystopia, in a way. And if this is the case, Idia becomes even more sheltered and removed from the society, which, despite what he might believe, is not a good thing. So when it comes to this AU (or almost any AU of ours), there are no good outcomes, really.
Same with the Mafia AU: there are endless possibilities for the bad endings. Maybe Idia becomes too deeply involved in the horrors of the mafia life and all the scary stuff it entails (especially as someone who has to go through all kinds of data). Maybe Idia gets kidnapped by their rivals, tortured and severely traumatized. Maybe he sells Azul out, maybe Jade and Floyd backstab Azul and take all his restaurants and casinos away under their family’s wing. Maybe Azul, not being someone who was born to the criminal world like the tweels, bites off more than he can chew, and becomes paranoid about people around him backstabbing him, and slowly goes insane. Or maybe he and the tweels become so powerful they have pretty much the entire city tied with Azul’s tentacles (figuratively), and here we have another dystopian scenario. There are so many things that could go wrong…
And with the Prison AU the amount of possibilities is ridiculous lol it’s like 20 separate stories.
The Sultan AU is pretty straightforward too, although there could be a lot of bad scenarios, at the end of the day it’s Jamil fails one way or another, and sometimes he fails severely.
Please keep in mind that all of these are hypothetical scenarios, we haven’t planned out anything solid, so I won’t elaborate on anything I mentioned above. At least for now 👌
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silviakundera · 5 months
Ok I'm trying Legend of Fuyao again. This time perhaps I will triumph! I left off like 2 years ago on ep 26 or so.
Refreshing my memory by skating thru ep 16
oh look, it's sidekick bro I never cared about. Pretty sure his role in the narrative is to be a drag on FL. And fighter guy! He's much more useful.
This period is where I previously began losing my patience with the show. A lot of story time and 16 episodes had passed and I wanted to see FL taking center stage, being a powerful threat. I wanted her to be saving her love interest approx as much as he was saving her. The opening in ep 16 is right back to a situation where I want to see FL beating ass and not Wuji to show up to save the day. Scram, future boyfriend! Ladies are FIGHTING. 🙅
(past me may not have known exactly what I wanted but the answer was A Journey to Love)
It was the whiplash - Oh cool, she's fighting alongside him! ...and then he's knocking her out to be his pawn again :/
But rewatching now, I think I was in the wrong mood. I am older & wiser! I can be patient. I have been promised a battle couple and Fuyao being awesome. I can wait. 😇
Watching the prime minister character be manipulated is entertaining. Fuyao is handling situation pretty well, actually. "The Earth Abdorbing Bell is back to its rightful owner. I've also found Xiaoqi. Why do I need to stay here?" THANK YOU for asking this very pertinent question, protagonist! Her rationale to stay.... doesn't make much sense, unfortunately. Because the narrative (er, the servants) requires it!
"Rest assured? I have been in this office for thirty seven years and I've never had a restful day." idk Mr Prime Minister, maybe u need a new job.
Ok, sneak out and leaving a fake corpse. Not a terrible plan. I especially like the part where u set the mansion on fire.
Prime Minister's foster son is so good looking he's making everyone else in this drama look bad. I like his sullen murder son vibes. Very Hao Du of Long Ballad. MDL says he's basically done nothing since. He was the ML in a 2020 drama that never aired. 💀
I really don't get Wuji. Why is he even involving Fuyao in things. I don't believe he has any romantic feelings at this point. If u can control this nation but can't control her, then... why? I suppose we have to go with ✨fate✨.
Dragon scale armor! Makes me think of the dark tale behind such garb in c-novel Heart Protection.
Why was the doctor randomly lurking around the PM mansion in this dark with a face mask? eh, a man's gotta have hobbies.
Ep 17
So Doctor had a secret mission, ran into Fuyao burning shit down out of happenstance. and now he's dragging her along. I vaguely recall this.
So. Many. Robes. Curtains. Twirling. the twirling I caaaaaaaan't AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Hope I wasn't expected to find any of that sexy. It was extra and hilarious as hell, though. I 100% understand why FL is so done with this dude and ready to go home.
Actually, one moment had real dramatic tension and sexual tension for me. The scene where the prime minister shows up with his soliders and ML is sitting on the bed, acting unbothered, and she's hiding under the blanket. Then slides her hand out and sighs to complete the act. 👌 👌
Then things get INTERESTING as they embark on misc mission things in secret tunnels.
She's like holy shit exploitative royals are trash.
And he's all.... well if I'm Like That would you still be hanging here with me. She sidesteps the question (as she should, since he has all the power). But then, could YOU give me what I want? And he seems intrigued, I presume because then he has something over her.. It feels like a TEMPTATION MOMENT.
Fuyao: nah j/k I'll get whatever I need myself
@dangermousie mentioned to me that Fuyao is very complete in herself. That's really intriguing to me, considering how so many of the characters seem tormented & controlled/restrained by a need to live up to a legacy or another person's expectations.
that CGI magic hamster tho
Totally forgot the reveal of them being ~fated enemies is this early. So she is supposed to break the seals and go to five kingdoms to do it. But he has a mission to STOP the girl w the 5 colored stone. Now he has a character & plot reason to keep tabs on her! ✔ (actually he has those reasons to simply KILL her lmao but protagonist halo, sorry my friend)
Love that she's not a sucker and won't agree to a bet where she has to be an obedient servant if she loses. Just take reasonable requests. But I wish she didn't just take him at his word that he's the one who can help her break her seal. He's a lying liar who lies!
I like that he's a bit uncertain/dubious about the legend that this girl will Bring About The End. Because that certainly sounds wild. Especially since he met her and she seems pretty normal.
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tmnt-tychou · 5 months
I LOOOVE the 2003 headcanon so much 👌😩. It's very rare to find posts about them being on romance/mating. Plus, each one is on the spot for their personalities
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I agree. There isn't much HC content for 2003 even though there seems to be a pretty solid fan base still out there for the 03 boys. It was part of the reason I wrote this. I just wanted to put a little love for them out there. They are still very close to my heart.
Thank you for the comments.
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captainspiggbo · 5 months
So. . What if Satan gets Yukio?
[[Tw: mental health, depression, s*icide, death, unhappy shit, etc.]]
I really doubt this will make sense, but as per usual, I'm open to being corrected and spat at lmao. . . So uh, enjoy the read! 😅👌
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Look I'm not one to bring up season one's uh. . "Ending" unless I absolutely have to. . But in this newest chapter we see that Yukio and Rin are on they're way to the palace thing and can already assume based on the time skip; things are likely not gonna go well. . Demons require broken individuals, mind breaking is like they're whole schtick. . Only one of the twins has truly spiraled (i.e. self exit attempt), depression is a demon all on it's own; point is, you don't spiral just once. While Yukio is finally healing, he's no where near "better" and unfortunately that makes him a walking beacon of a target. I don't have too solid a theory as to how this will play out, but Satan can't kill them outright correct?? He hates Rin, but Rin is the best body for him, Yukio would be the perfect stepping stone to get closer to Rin. . Rin is headstrong, he won't break easily. . But who is the one person he loves more than anything? If I was a deranged, narcissistic, fuck who wanted to hurt my target to they're core the logical step is to remove who they love/care for. . The older exorcists can be easily removed, Satan's little lackeys are gonna maybe (HOPEFULLY NOT) pick off everyone one by one. . His mentor, his friends, potentially even his love interest, and finally Satan will take his brother. Do I think Yukio has the potential to die? Not really? (A part of him maybe??) But he would be a pretty good puppet to dangle in Rin's face, cause him to despair; act foolish or straight up give up the good fight. . No, we don't see Satan directly having a body yet in the future, but there is a hungry core feeding on the land. He just needs something to latch onto, a vessel to hide in that won't expire right away, just a sentient nugget. . I'm likely going too far, as per usual, but I believe something will happen that will make Yukio either self sacrifice or have his will broken again. I see Mephisto or someone under his direction removing Rin from the situation as to not let Satan get them both right away (also extending the fun, yippee!). Either way, Satan will have a decent body to build around as he waits to challenge Rin again whenever he pops up in the future. The goal won't be to "win" the fight outright, but to have a vessel that can hold on long enough to wear Rin down in order to finally succumb to Satan. I believe that is why we don't see Yukio in the future, Satan has him in some form or fashion and Rin will have to fight to get him back. . The goal of "killing Satan" was already not enough as we've seen, Rin couldn't do it (well he could theoretically but you get what I mean). . . Ooooor I could be talking out my ass as per usual and bringing back an element from a (assumingly approved by Kato) "ending" from season one is too far fetched. . It's not like she's ever set things up from the beginning or anything. . She totally doesn't like hidden meanings. . . 👀
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