jyndor · 2 years
I have not seen any good Star Wars media after the Rebels and Rogue One era until Andor and boy is it a breath of fucking fresh air. I want more of this writing going forward
so I do enjoy Mandalorian! it's a really solid show and I even enjoyed a lot about Kenobi (even though its a mess lol and not what anyone wanted from it) and the Tusken episodes from BOBF were great to me. BUT lol I mean I think its kind of weird that people are pearl clutching about people saying Andor is like good for tv not just good for SW tv? yeah guys 22 minute episodes make building characters difficult. they do, they're too fast. I think Rebels is alright I don't even think its great most of the time, but I respect what it offers and what it tries to do. Clone Wars suffers from the same thing for me but IMO it offers some inspired moments (especially that last season's finale episodes omg).
And everyone knows I love Rogue One, although I'll be the first to acknowledge how flawed it is at certain points (forget the fuckin bor gullet which I have to skip lol I cannot watch it, it really suffers in character development especially of its LEAD CHARACTER JYN to the point that the novel and Jyn books do some work to her more sympathetic but i digress). BTW if anyone hasn't yet watched Rogue One and gone directly into A New Hope, do it at some point. It's pretty seamless.
However I have to be honest I think Andor is working in ways that nothing else has done so far since the OT to me (I mean besides KOTOR and the Thrawn Trilogy). Empire is my favorite SW film and if Andor sticks the landing, it'll be right there and probably beat it on everything except like idk sentimental value of watching ESB with my mom a billion times LOL. Eh now that I'm writing that idk it's hard to beat Yoda on Dagobah, luminous beings are we, Vader and Luke on Bespin, etc. Hmm.
But it is different than the rest of SW tv at the least because it's not pulpy - and to some people the pulp is the point of SW although I can't relate, love some SW pulp but I don't need it. So I can understand people not vibing with it for their SW fix, but what about just like good fucking drama? Because it serves that.
Also there's this idea that Andor doesn't have the Force or SW-sy things. LOL you can interpret it that way but it's not conclusive. The focus on kyber and the Eye of Aldhani pointing Cassian in the direction to safety do give me Force-y vibes, idk. Not Jedi and not Sith, but the everyday connection to life and the galaxy that is so present in SW.
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katistry · 2 years
Are you avoiding studying?
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scarletwitchpanels · 2 years
I'm so sad what has jacketed to some of the West Coast Avengers and how they're written and portrayed. Daimon, Patsy, Marc, Tigra, Bobbi, Wanda. They all had rich dynamics and worked with each other and now it's not even mentioned or if it is it's so ooc
I can only speak in Wanda, Marc, Daimon, and Patsy, but I REALLY see that with them. west coast avengers was such a special and interesting group, and there were so many interesting personalities and strong bonds established within it. I felt like Daimon was a LITTLE similar to his past self in spirits of vengeance, and that was really only because he was doing exorcisms and talking about religion. it feels like that time just… did not exist. I guess for Marc they did have it so he was “possessed” by Khonshu for his time in the WCA, and it’s nice to see him and Tigra together again in the newest moon knight series, but I feel like they just completely erased who Wanda, Daimon, and Patsy specifically were. Wanda was such a strong team leader! she was chosen to lead WCA and then force works! Daimon was a really interesting and well written character who struggled with being the son of Satan while also really WANTING to be good and wanting to find love with Patsy. now their relationship is ALWAYS written off as a mistake on Patsy’s part and it makes me so sad. he’s become so one dimensional and I miss his struggles with religion and identity. it was such a good era for female friends too and I miss Wanda having friends, especially other women, SO much. all in all the West coast avengers was such an amazing era and I hate how it was thrown to the side after a million retcons.
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cindymoon · 2 years
Yup, that's the one. Is your therapist in the horse
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nowayhome · 3 years
Top 5 horror films, top 5 star wars characters, top 5 Sam Wilson moments, top 5 grisha characters, Top 5 Thor characters
— horror films
get out
the invisible man (2020)
pan's labyrinth
— sw characters: answered here!
— sam wilson moments (mcu)
his first entrance as captain america, nothing compares i love him (tfatws)
training montage (tfatws)
on your left (tws)
when he and rhodey fought together (iw)
his speech to the senators (tfatws)
— grisha characters
jesper fahey
genya zafin
zoya nazyalensky
alina starkov
nina zenik
— thor characters (mcu)
jane foster
lady sif
ask me my top 5 anything!!!
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shamemp3 · 3 years
9, 18, 33, 35, 44, 45, 55, 62
9. favorite smell in the summer? this isnt really a summer smell but when i visit my grandparents it would usually be in the summer and i dont remember what flower they had in their garden (maybe jasmine?) but i looove it
18. ideal weather? SNOWWW or cloudy tbh. fog is cool too
33. most used phrase on your phone? probably so true tbh. kind of embarrassing too bc i use it irl and people im not v close with are like ? what
35. average time you fall asleep? for the past year or maybe more its been like. between 5am and 12pm :’) but if i have like in person school i might go to sleep earlier like 3 or 4 depending on what i procrastinated and have to finish the night before <3
44. favorite scent for soap? i may have answerrd this but i cant remember so. i like fruity scents! and flowery too tbh why not
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy, or superhero? i love all three D: atm its sci fi bc im playing outer worlds but i think since like 2018 ive been v focused on superhero but i do love all 3
55. favorite fairy tale? barbie a fairy secret. yes this counts
62. seven characters you relate to? i answered this here ! theres def more i think this question is always hardest to answer but. i cant rmbr <3
weird asks that say alot :)
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moontours · 3 years
Ted is dead, also did you mean to tag Hope as Hoe Mikaelson in the Hope and Cleo post? Upset about the Cleveland reveal
OOOPS NOPE that was a typo ill fix that now!! N YEAH. IM UPSET ABT IT TOO
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elivanto · 3 years
Bo Katan Kryze or Ahsoka Tano
thank you!! here ya go 😉
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gffa · 3 years
You have gone full Sith with your discovery of how to exploit New Horizon 🤣🤣 I love reading your Saga about your play though of it
*laughs*  I like to think I’m more of a Nightsister about it, rather than full Sith, I’m not breaking their code or anything, I’m doing things that are perfectly allowed within the way it’s coded/they’re aware that people can time travel and are okay with it (there are some things time travel won’t let you do, so they could stop it, if they wanted), but also I AM GOING TO EMBRACE THE DARK SIDE AND TIME TRAVEL EVERY DAY TO GET ALL THE GOODIES, I HAVE FIREPLACES AND KIDDY TENTS TO FIND AND ALSO CELESTE AND REDD ARE RARE ENOUGH THAT YOU BET I’M GOING TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR MYSELF.  >:D On a more serious note, I’ve put 365 hours into this game now (W H A T)(okay, fair enough, there were some weekends that I just LOST MYSELF to that game, especially when I was feeling kinda low and wanted something easy that still made me feel good), I’m helping friends out, I’m having fun, I’m praising it,  I’m just enjoying the game, it’s not like I cheated myself out of the experience.  Time travel made me play more because I could do more things more quickly, so I actually am really in favor of this, if anyone wants to play it this way.
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katistry · 3 years
BSD, the show where people are named for authors, one of them is a mystical white tiger under the moonlight while another just wants to die.
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zaritarazi · 4 years
Curious, sorry if this upsets you, were you ever a fan of Gargoyles? Just wondering as I know that was an early Greg Weisman show. Sorry if this is out of left field
i actually never watched and ari yelled about gargoyles for at least 10 minutes on legends in review because of it
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scarletwitchpanels · 2 years
I miss the friendship Wanda had with Bobbi and Marc of West Coast. I miss how Marc always believed in Wanda and had her back. I wish they'd revisit that.
west coast avengers had so many wonderful Wanda friendships!! I’m very partial to her friendship with Julia Carpenter as well. I love seeing her develop relationships with the spell casters in newer issues but those aren’t even rly that well explored past them coming together to save the day. I really miss Wanda being on a team and developing those friendships with people very different from her!!
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cindymoon · 2 years
Approaching the Hannibal horse episide are we?
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rorykillmore · 4 years
Did I miss the day of birth for the abating Meeks?? Hope not!! Hope it’s been a joyous one, all things considered, with fic, Art, friends, family, cake, and well wishes plus fond thoughts 💜💛💛💜
it was yesterday, so you didn’t miss it by much!! thanks sean!! much appreciated
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shamemp3 · 3 years
good argument. i also think that 😹😹😻😻🙀🙀😾🙀😸😼😽😿
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moontours · 3 years
Sooooo...dangerous artifact, Hizzie power beats gremlin, Landon isn't Landon, Cleo is a-muse-ing, Finch is a werewolf, Josie has magic back, poor MG, and creepy masked stalker
IM STILL NOT OVER HIZZIE POWER BEATING THE GREMLIN YET THEY DID THAT EPISODE FOR ME PERSONALLY. honestly this season has absolutely gone off the rails but i must say its a lot of fun
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