#thats really cool
ratwavegamehouse · 5 months
Terminal, the digital pirate action game, has been upgraded.
As part of the campaign we funded seven stretch goal writers to create techno-fables; stories and legends within the world of Terminal, about cycles of struggle gone by. All of those stretch goals are now in and have been added to the book.
We have:
Zachary Cox (@soulmuppet) contributing a second-person narrative of entering the Terminal
@gormengeist exploring the history of Harbringer, the founder of Libertatia and the first Omen
Chloe Montgomery (@puddle-witch) telling of the ghost ship and it's spectral captain Princess
Tanya Floaker (@anarcutie) sharing the fable of the jolly Cornelius, a renegade
Jo Winter (@winterymute) introduces the awoken who want to go back, the Cult of the Waking Dream
Alyssa Ridley exploring a sinister plot of the Robot Authority to install a false Omen
Clove Fulminata contributing a really tender telling of abandoned machinery finding home
Here's the KS update talking about the additions and next steps before printing
Download the complete Terminal now.
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starfish-spencer · 2 months
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hehe thanks everyone
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heller-castiel · 5 months
had to leave class early so i didn’t manage to get any sewing done. and everyone else is attaching their linings already 😔 and i tried to set up the machine but something with the tension was fucked (ill show you a picture when i get home) which is odd bc that machine is usually fine if old and rattly sounding??? i blame who ever last used it lol
mentally i sm hugging you
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I <3 mcr’s old website it’s so silly
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daftysaph · 6 months
hi sorry this is random but I just saw you follow me and thought it was fun that I have an oc with the same name as you (saph) that is all thank you and goodbye
HUH ! neat ! /gen
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selineram3421 · 1 year
I don't know how far you are, but I was recently at a radio and communication museum this weekend and got thinking about Alastor and Vox's powers. This could play into some of your fic stuff if you want some crazy ideas. Sorry, don't want to mess with your creative process, but also got ideas. Idk, sorry to pester.
No no no! Wait! Come back!
Please tell me!
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kiiitasticgames · 2 years
All the Team Star bosses get a car?!?
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kabru and mithrun's fun succubus adventure
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Hello friends we're going to the zoo to see giraffes and stuff and I have a cute outfit and Peggy Carter lipstick on. Good day
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ryssbelle · 2 months
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Drew a bunch of Marinettes in a bunch of different artists styles it was a lot of fun!!
Artists who's styles I mimicked: @buggachat @hamsternamedmarinette @ladybeug @sabertoothwalrus and @anna-scribbles all epic artists 🤟😎
#my art#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#style mimic#sorry for the @s btw#yall should go follow those artists if you dont already also#this was sort of inspired by a post the three artists on the top row made#i think they all got together and drew with one another#which is really cool#but i was genuinely confused because i mimic styles a lot#and ive seen others do it too so i was just like#wow they really know each others styles really well#until i thought about it and read their posts some more#style mimicking is really freaking fun and i think its really good practice#and a good way to explore other ways of doing things#like you really have to learn new techniques and get out of your comfort zone#also anna scribbles i could not find a recent pic of marinette in her main outfit#so thats the only marinette i drew in different clothes cuz i couldnt find a more recent ref of you drawing it#anna scribble marinette has privileges thats the others dont#but ye#i also threw my own style in there as a frame of reference to what me draw like#ive drawn marinette before just not in a loooong while#sabertooth walrus was the hardest for me to mimic cuz they have a broad range in their style#so its like which sabertooth do i wanna be in this pic#Buggachat has such a distinct style thats very clean and consistent which is amazing so they were easy#being easy or hard arent bad things either it also has to do with like styles meeting up with one another#buggachats and mine arent too too different in some shapes and aspects#so yeah itd be easier plus they drew marinette like 3 sec ago so i have more recent of a ref#as opposed to sabertooth who i have a recent ref of ladybug but not marinette so we got two diff styles in one
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24bughours · 13 days
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Happy pride, have a half formed idea i had at 2 am
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autistickfigure · 1 year
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me and pastellio
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no-justice-no-joy · 1 year
Recommendation for Prevention
To Prevent this kind of Miscarriage of Justice from Occurring Again, I would Recommend using something similar to the "Augmented reality based criminal investigation system" Suggested in [Article 6]. This article suggests Placing Cameras is Glasses for the Officers to wear that will analyze the scene of the crime as the officer goes through the motions.
Using this kind of Technology has 2 amazing functions (among others)
Preserving a 3D image of the Crime Scene Completely Undisturbed
Allowing investigators to look deeper into small details that would have otherwise been missed and possibly swept away or damaged during an in-person first viewing of the scene, but will still be present in the recording
Additionally with this kind of in depth digital record of the scene, it will be difficult for anyone to twist small (non-relevant) details out of proportion, or make things up about the scene.
But Also, as a Second Mini-Recommendation:
Just get the Officers to be more careful with the crime scene investigation and ensure that they are not mishandling the evidence. Maybe Insist that Newer Officers only Work in Pairs with more Experienced Officers?
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pinktrapped · 9 days
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I'm finally in vacations so I can draw again guys, take concept art Macaque drawing 🙏🙏
Close uppop
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splankie · 2 months
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is blowing up a volcano after ur first kiss couple goals
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wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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