#thats the tram line here
andromedasummer · 6 months
thinking about the felt store i dropped into at the mall near my uncles house a month back. god i would love to see more craft and hobby stores in malls, i dont know what it was about that place but it instantly made the mall feel way warmer and nicer (and it was a pretty damn nice mall)
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ive been meaning to do a write up about some of the influences for my map... so i'm going to just ramble for a bit about some metro maps i like!
the biggest influence is the paris RER/metro/tram map. its quite busy and complicated, and its quite amazing. i cant post the whole thing bc its too big but here are some screenshots and you can see it for yourself here.
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the look of my transfer stations, buses, and the very large scale of my map is all borrowed from what you can see above.
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the RER map does have some problems though, it completely lacks accessibility information (there is a different map for it and I find that kind of bizarre) and there is kind of a really approximate approach to the bus routes (likely just out of necessity--theres a lot of them lol!) which doesnt make as much sense for the kinds of services i'm showing on my map.
the black outlines surrounding multiple stations come from the paris metro map, which is... not really the best map. but I like the increased clarity about the fare situation. below is the paris metro map. i'm also thinking about using a similar system to indicate rail service continues off the map
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the boston T map (below) is a great example of a map that becomes increasingly diagrammatic as it gets farther from the center. in reality, the green line "D" branch is by FAR the longest of the branches followed by B, then C, then E
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you can see this in my map so far in the bronx. because theres intersecting services (the SBS buses) it cant be quite as diagrammatic as the green line, but its still a lot more so than midtown
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i'm not taking much from vignelli style maps, honestly bc i dont think that style really is best for the readability of the map, despite it being really visually attractive. but i am being quite conservative with my corner radii, like the vignelli maps. what i mean is that theres only a few options for radius of semicircular elements--the transit lines all use 6mm radii (some very rare exceptions use 2mm, and theres also some 12mm radius partial circles in places), geographic elements use 6mm and 2mm for small details, and thats basically it. this helps keep the same basic structure of nyc maps that we're more familiar with, rather than the very loose application of curves in the RER map for example which would likely create a very different map.
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that is all, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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we need words that mean sexy but for autism and not sexual attraction because i feel nothing towards these faceless middle aged guys on the internet, sexually, but oooh listening to people talk about mechanical precision gets me so hot and steamy. do you know what i mean. theres this website for a company that produces incredibly, painfully perfect spheres, and designs for precision machinery that depend on incredibly perfect spheres (you would be surprised how much this is All Of Them) and they have a large blog section explaining how to use spheres, and common misconceptions about the use of spheres in precision, and explaining the proofs behind a kinematic mounting system, which im sure exists 100% so that corporate customers who want precision but dont have an understanding of how to get it and send them stupid emails can be given a swift and decisive "Sure! Here's our literature on the subject:" and they never have to respond to one of those stupid emails with the precious time and effort of a living human on this earth to explain to another white collar lackey why you cant Just make a table with 4 legs thats as precise as a table with 3 legs, Yes it would be 100 times as expensive and still worse, etc. but oh my fucking god there was probably like 6 months of my life that whenever i was bored i would immediately load up that site and just browse again all the blogs id already read about the difference between a maxwell coupling and a kelvin coupling. or why Actually you have to use a pin in a v-groove and not a matching angle. i didnt need to learn them a 10th time i just got so excited hearing it. if you knew me in 2021 you could not escape how much kinematic couplings excited me and how much i needed to tell everyone about it. theres something about these ridiculous and arbitrary things like, for instance, how to grind the diameter of a steel ball within a hundredth of a thousandth of an inch, or shimming runout on a machine, or figuring out how to machine a piece without having to move the piece around so that all the cuts are automatically perfectly referenced to each other, that is so awesome and exciting to me. like its just the most contrived situations, with absolute deathly requirements that its gotten exactly right and NO less, and people thought about it hard enough that they were able to say Actually there are these fundamental principles [of physics, of kinematics, of machine design, of machining technique] that inform every one of these problems anyone will ever have, and by extension of knowing these fundamental principles theres a method for literally every instance of this kind of a problem. you need to position something perfectly, perfectly accurate, and you need to do this repeatably a thousand times without wear, you would think this requires blood sweat and tears and hours of manual tramming. but its a flat, a line, and a sphere. we simplified the entire universe down into the perfect description of the 6 degrees of freedom. its like if you were given one of those nauseating calculus equations the size of a chalkboard and its filled with matrices and shit in it and it simplified down to x + y = 1. its like the screensaver hitting the corner of the screen. its the humanly closest thing achievable in the immutable physics of this world to measurable perfection. it gets me hard in the brain
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marculees · 5 years
I missed some tea on the bus today oof my friend just sent me a video of these lads just beating the shit out of each other on the middle of the road and then chasing after each other in their cars. Meanwhile my bus driver just kept beeping, he literally would deck any of them if they tried to do anything to the bus or us inside. I’m glad I wasn’t there. I don’t think I’d be able to keep calm; I’m very sensitive when it comes to stuff like that and violence in general ;-;
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ruthlesslistener · 3 years
Not sure if I ever stirred up an actual controversy or if I'm just being paranoid of misinterpretations here, but just a note of clarification here, me saying that PK and WL aren't colonizers doesn't mean that they're exempt from being responsible for some nasty shit they did when establishing their place in Hallownest. Colonization merely a subset of conquering, and while they don't fit the requirements for colonization (the beetles they ruled over were natives, the White Lady seems to have sprouted in Kingdom's Edge due to the abundance of roots there, so she also came from Hallownest, there's no evidence of any attempts to establish colonies in lands outside of the City of Tears/Dirtmouth pipeline [the Deepnest tram doesn't count, thats transit/trade], and the different tribes in the caverns ARE able to establish borders and barter with them, which would NOT happen if they were intent on colonization), they're still responsible for:
-Conquering the Radiance's lands, then turning a good chunk of them into crystal mines (assuming, ofc, that the Crystal Peak was once the home of the Moth Tribe)
-Assimilating their moths into their culture and encouraging them to destroy what they had of their legends; the Seer blames this choice on her ancestors, and there is no proof that it was forceful, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't coerced
-Annexing huge chunks of Greenpath to mould into the Queen's Gardens and Fog Canyon (ofc, this could have been bartered for, but either way the Mosskin were driven back or changed, and what would one elder god be against two younger ones?)
-Getting involved with intertribal politics between the Mantis Tribe and Deepnest
Additionally, this is NOT to say that people cannot interpret what they did as colonization, or to write or produce fanwork with that mindset. Pretty much the worst thing in fandom is when there's a monopolization on people's views of a character, and Hollow Knight lends itself very well to fluid interpretation. I personally tend to default to a more biological/ecological interpretation than sociopolitical myself, because PK having a beef with Radi and WL and Unn fighting for reasources screams 'same niche, different species' competition to me. I'm merely pointing out that the original story of Hallownest appears to be more in line with a vague message about damning the cycle of different powers conquering others and abusing each other rather than anything explicit.
Additionally, I am wary of the concept that claiming that the Pale King and the White Lady are colonizers will downplay the horrors of what the Radiance did to all of the tribes of Hallownest, even those who were politically independent and had no stake in the war between the Gods of Light. There's also the matter of the Void Civilization coming before Hallownest; we don't have much information to definitively prove anything about their fall, but what we DO have seems to point to the Radiance doing the same thing, with the Knight reclaiming their birthright, purpose, and land when they ascend as the Lord of Shades to tear her to shreds, explicitly against their parent's will
So tdlr: yeah I did write up a very long angry post once about PK and WL not being colonizers, but that's only because I'm a stickler for details, not because I think they're innocent. It's like the difference between venom and poison- both will kill you, just in different ways. Also I feel like those who tend to go for the 'PK and WL are colonists' narrative tend to overlook the fact that there was a whole other civilization of people who worshiped a different god who seem to have been totally- or at least mostly- wiped out by the Radiance. And ngl I kind of think those would be the snails bc that rock where you get the Abyss Shriek that can be dreamnailed is full of rocks in the background that look like a fuckton of the snail shaman's charms/spells, + they are the only ones other than vessels to use void magic
So basically no matter how you view it, Radiance = The Pale King = The White Lady in terms of war crimes, genocide, and body count. Unn is just vibing. The Lord of Shades
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vero-niche · 2 years
Okay, so my dash is being too-american for me rn. No offense to them being them, but sometimes it's hard to hear my own thoughts over american in my own head. SO… please tell me something about your country,state,culture,city etc. that is unlike the american world.
For me rn it's definately the school lunches - like what do the americans mean that there isn't like laws that make school cafeterias cook "healthy, balanced, nutritious" meals for their children. Where the weakly meal plans have to have certain weight of meat,vegetables etc.? That's baffling. I wasn't always happy eating at school 'cause I am picky eater and like potato salad was unsalty,unfaty mess, but…
If you post this public and someone sees it and they have their own favourite thing .. my askbox is open :) or you can tag me - I will gladly hear anything that will make me feel less like the world is turning into one big american-values-blob :(
Hello friend!!! This is a great idea, lets share some non american things >:D
What comes to mind first is the public transport system in Budapest because its pretty advanced even with EU standards (which is fuckin rare in hungary). Locals loooove to bitch about it but i found out not long ago that if in Paris they are renovating the metro or a tram line stopped working, there are no replacement buses! Thats pretty insane, how are you supposed to get to work/school/etc if nothing comes??
Another thing is that it was so absurd to find out that in suburbs there are no shops n stuff?? Like??? No tiny corner shop where everything is more expensive but the staff knows you by name? Or shady little grocery stores/marketplaces where everything is super cheap but you'd never ask how they got the wares.
Oh and if you have a garden and you dont have at least some trees but more likely veggies or flowers, you are considered weird. Hell, i live in an apartment complex in Budapest and my neighbours are growing veggies/herbs in those bigger kind of flower pots.
This was a nice ask, made me think of some positive stuff around here which is uhh. Hard, given the country's current state 😅 Hope you liked it! 😊
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spideronsilk · 2 years
I fucking hate how public transportation isn't more normalized in the US.
Like I'm about to be 25 and don't have a license. I get laughed at or looked down upon because if that but why??
There are places that have all these trains and subways and trams and its all apart of peoples normal, every day life. But here, at least where I live you HAVE TO have a car.
Sure they have a bus system. But where i live it never dips below 100° in the summer and our bus stations are outside with a shade covering SOMETIMES. Sometimes its just a pole with the bus symbol. And people are fucking frowned upon for having to take the bus. Oh you don't have a car? Why?
BECAUSE IM FUCKING POOR. because me and my boyfriend make well above minimum wage but can still barely survive. We have ZERO savings. We have maybe 100 bucks each at the start of each month after rent. Why am I paying $1550 for a two bedroom one bathroom apartment that's literally falling apart. Where our ac was POURING water for over a year that they claimed they couldn't fix. Where our doors look like they were kicked in and then shittily patched up after the old tenant left. But ohh its a LUXURY apartment. We have a stainless steal fridge THATS why its so expensive?!
Oh well that's just how all apartments are now a days.
they want money i literally don't have. They're trying to force me to buy a car I can't afford. Drive somewhere that's purposely put on the opposite side of residential areas. All for what?
I have no money to give.
I shouldn't have to sell my fucking soul to be above the poverty line. I shouldn't have to feel guilty for not being able to buy a car. To have safe, affordable living.
Like fuck eveything
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 45 - Walking from Kishibojin, Haunted staircase.
00:00 J: Ah, this, this! Akamaru Bakery.
00:20 K: So, as to why we are here..it will be a mystery to everyone I think.
J: Haha
K: Joe just really wanted to eat this bread.
J: Thats right.
K: So, we came here.
J: Yes.
K: Akamaru Bakery.
J: Yep, Akamaru Bakery.
K: Where is this?
J: Its Zōshigaya. Well, Zōshigaya is just up there, but this place probably only locals know about. Its on Tsurumaki Street. This is a very small shopping street, but Akamaru Bakery is here. I found this place by chance before, and it was really good.
T: What did you get?
J: Kaoru?
K: Chicken Nanban
T: I got a hot dog.
J: I got this tuna and egg mix.
K: I wanted to get that, but I thought I shouldn't if you are getting it.
J: Haha, no, no, no, that makes me look bad.
K: Hahah.
J: This is ¥190, right?
T: Its cheap, isn't it?
J: It is cheap!  Ok, lets stand and eat.
T: Yep.
J: Ok, lets go for it. Apologies to the locals, we are not trying to be rude. Its a food report. This kind of bakery is quite rare these days, isn't it? They're all like new, stylish ones now.
K: *eats* Mm.
J: *eats* Mm, tastes good.
K: Yeah, its good.
J: The bread is really soft too.
T: Yeah.
J: I didn't eat before this.
K: If this was in my neighborhood, I would come every day.
J: Absolutely. Ah, delicious. So, this is like an 8 min walk from Zōshigaya station, right? Its a bit of a walk, but you'll be able to find it online if you search for it.
T: Ths is good. Its delicious.
2:25 J: (*At station*) Well now..
K: Where is this?
J: So this is the tram on the Toden-Arakawa line.
T: Its Kishibojinmae station.
K: Ahh, so ??? (*Facing away from camera with mask on...couldn't clearly make out what he said*)
J: Thats it. So, we are gonna move to a different spot from here.
T: Yep, its been all funfunfun before now, but this time we are gonna go looking for some Tokyo mysteries. So, we'll get on this train and go to a certain place.
J: Tokyo Sports is all about mysteries, monsters, and UFOs, right? (*Couldn't really follow the rest of this exchange*)
*They get on, then off the train at the next spot*
3:29 T: The mystery spot that I am gonna introduce is this bridge. Omokage bridge (Omokage=face/visage).
J: It just looks like a regular bridge.
T: Its a really short bridge. Its almost not a bridge. This explains the name (*points to info board*). So, actually, on the otherside of the bridge there used to be the criminal execution center for Zōshigaya.
J: Ahh, so this is not exactly the river Styx, but..
T: Yeh, and they would part from thier family on this side of the bridge, and be taken over to the other side.
J: I see.
T: Its just a theory, but its thought that its called 'Omokage/visage brige', because they left the memory thier faces here. But there is also a history to this brigde. You know the story of 'Yotsuya Kaidan'/The Ghost of Yotsuya?
J: Yep, yep.
T: With Oiwa san..
J: Like 'I curse youuuu'
T: Yeh, yeh, yeh. Do you know the story of Oiwa san?
J: Yeh, I do. Like 'One plate, two plates..'
T: No, thats Sarayashiki, thats a different one. So, what happened was, there was a man, and his wife called Oiwa. The man became annoyed with her, and she was made to drink a poison which scarred her face. Then he forced her to seperate from him. The woman cursed him, saying she would come back as a ghost. This woman Oiwa was nailed to a door post, and thrown in the river to be washed away, there's a scene like that, right?  Its thought that this is the spot she was thrown in the river. So, this story, Yotsuya Kaidan, came about as a Kabuki play after its writer, Tsuruya Nanboku had gathered up a lot of these kind of local  rumors during the Edo era. We don't know if Oiwa san really was washed away here, but we know this kind of thing did happen. Its only a short bridge, but its got this kind of history going back to the Edo era.
J: ???*1
T: Actually, I used to live around here.
J: Ehh? Why in such a frightful place?
T: It was cheap.
J: Is this in Shinjuku ward?
T: No, its in Toshima ward.
J: Oh, Toshima?
T: Just on the verge of Shinjuku.
K: It says Shinjuku here.
T: Yes, but..Oh, the other side is Toshima.
J: Where we are stood now is Shinjuku. Its next to Waseda, right?
T: Should we cross the bridge?
K: Yeah, lets cross it.
6:50 J: The river is pretty, isn't it?
(*Next is short exchange about the sakura leaning into the river, and execution spot over on the other side, which I can't make out clealy due to them all facing away from the mic, and very loud traffic passing simultaneously*)
T: So you see, this place is very historic.
J: It makes a shiver run down your spine when you think of it.....*shudders*. Sorry, its just being in this place.
K: Ok, should we head to the next spot?
J: Yeh, should we go?
K: Its a different place next.
*In the suburbs*
7:46 K: Where is this?
J: Here in Bunkyō Ward, they call this place Nezucchi (*The name of a comedian who is good at tellIng riddles*)
T: Nezucchi?
J: Haha
K: He lost it. haha
J: Sorry, Im embarrassed now, haha. Well, actually, they call this area Yanasen/谷根千, which is the neighborhoods of Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi together, and we are in Nezu today. Its a very quiet surburban area, but this place was voted for by a listener, or rather a user, as a good mystery spot. We recieved this email, so Kaoru could you read it out?
K: (*reading*) Its from 'Yasubeniisann'. It says, 'This is quite famous, but in Nezu there is a haunted staircase. When you go up the stairs there are 40 steps, but going down, there are only 39'....Um..did..
J: We already spilled the mystery.
T: Yeah.
J: Well, we already spilled the mystery , but yes, this is what we are going to see. A mysterious set of stairs. Lets go.
8:49 K: (*approaching the stairs*) Right up to the top, yeah? Not half way?
J: Yeah, I think right up to the top.
K: Both sides are the same, right?
J: Seems like it. Which side is the way up?
K: Eh? You could go up either side, right?
T: You mean like on an escalator where one side is up and one side is down.
J: Should we try counting the steps?
K: You're too eager, haha.
T: Which side should we do, the right side?
J: No, lets go with the left side.
T: Like in Kantō.
J: Yep, Kantō style.
K: Ok, Im gonna start.
J: Ok...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....
9:57 K: (*reaching the top of the staircase*) 39 steps.
J: 39? Yep I got 39 too. And next, if we go down..
T: On that side?
K: Will it be 39?
(*They walk downstairs *)
K: (*Reaching the bottom*) Eh?
T: Wasn't that 40?
K: I got 39.
T: Huh?
J: Huh?! I got 39. You got 40?
T: Yeah, I got 40.
J: Eh?! Hang on, whats going on?
10:55 K: (*Re-reading the email*) It says there are 40 steps going up.
J: 40 going up?
K: Are they including this? (*points to first concrete step on level with the ground*)
J: Oh, is that it?
K: If they are including this..
J: Yeah, if thats included, then..
T: I see.
K: I'll try starting from this. (*starts going up*)
J: Maybe you're supposed to go up the other side.. I can hear you.
T: Im out of breath..
J: Oh, you're carrying the bag..
T: Its embarrassing, im out of breath.
J: Its this step, this one.
11:36 K: (*Gets to top of stairs*) Ah, I see.
J: (*Getting to top*) 40!
T: (*Starting from the bottom*) This is the first step, yeh? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9....
J: Haha
T: Then across?
J: No, no, diagonally.
T:...38, 39, 40.
K: You included the very first step at the bottom, right?
T: Yes...huh?
K: Huh? Really? How come only I'm different?
12:30 T: (*Going down*) This is the first one. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....... ....... 37, 38, 39, and this is 40.
K: You're not counting this one, are you? (*To J*) This one is ???*2
J: Ahh, thats the difference.
13:08 J: Do we count this one? Thats the problem. According to the email, there are 40 steps going up, and 39 going down.
K: Its like can you count this as 1..?
J: Yeah, thats it.
K: Im not sure.
T: Its raised by about 5cm.
K: Well, I mean...we'll digest that bread easily.
J: Haha, yeah, we can definitely say we exercised today.
T: Its been quite tough for the staff doing the filming.
J: Yeah, haha. While we were going up one by one, they were going up and down each time. But what is our verdict about this?
K: Was is right? If this is the first step?
J: Im pretty intrigued about this.
T: Well, let's give our answer here. To conclude.
J: As a last word?
T: Yeah.
J: Well, it depends on whether or not you count this as the first step. If you do count it, then there is 40 steps going up. But if you look over here, this side is barely elevated from the ground at all. So you end up taking the second level as the first step.
K: Yeah.
J: Thats it right? And back over here, the first step is more elevated, so you would make that number 1.(*Starts climbing*).1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
K: (*To T*) Ok, shall we go?
T: Yep, lets go. Bye Joe.... ... ... That was fun.
K: Yeh, it was. (*Too windy to make out what they are saying*)
T: I wonder if Joe is still doing it.
15:00 J: (*Coming downstairs*) They're not here? They left me. Hello? You two? What? There's no one here.
Takabayashi: That was 39.
J: Was it 39? So, yes, that means going up is 40 steps, and coming down is 39 steps. The  others have already left, so if you'd like to try this, its in Nezu...the haunted staircase. Please come and have a go, get some exercise.
15:31 T: He didn't call out for us to wait, right? haha....... ... ... Haha, here he is.
J: ??? (*No idea what he means here*)
T: You didn't realise we'd gone?
J: No, I didn't. When I came down there was no-one there, so it was a bit lonely. I closed the segment by myself.
T, K: Hahaha
T: How about this haunted staircase?
J: What do you think, Kaoru?
K: There was no ghost.
J: There wasn't, was there.
K: Its more like a mistaken staircase.
J: Yeah.
T: Ah, I see. Haha. To be accurate, the mistaken first step.
J: Yeah. When you go up, the fist step on one side looks as if its slightly elevated, so..
T: Yeah. We could go looking for other mysteries like this.
J: Yeah, lets solve them all!
K: So it seems as if we can use this one then.
J: Ah, thats good! We didnt waste our effort. So, if anyone knows any other mysteries that we could solve..?
K: Yeh, anything is ok, just let us know.
J: We'll solve them.
K: Ok, well, we can finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much. 
*1,2 Couldn't catch.
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docwhal · 5 years
✩ mettaton ✩ good luck getting me right, hotshot 💓
favorite thing about them
big gay,, sexie,, TRAMS
least favorite thing about them
moderately sad story? could have been Fucking Gutwrenching but,,, no. left that one to me (BAD FUCKING IDEA)
favorite line
IDK the part where he reads the bible ;))
alphys is momfriend so i feel weird puttin her here,,, hes like frisks weird aunt/uncle,,,, MMMAYBE SANS? i feel dirty... but like his dynamic with sans while sans is trying to protect papyrus little baby innocence from this fuckbot is cute as hell
mettak a ard GOD please,,, i just want big robot boy to protect stupid twink ink boy i want him to give mettaton a break from fame and i want mettaton to save him from bad castle
i actually think papyrus/mettaton can be hella cute (hypersexual people being respectful to outwardly non-sexual people is like fucking heroin, they can be gentle to eachother and i Like that) so i guess,,,, i dont haveee one? but hes not a girl so. thats the only thing that bother s meE?
random headcanon
tram bs TRANS
unpopular opinion
he feels hella bad about kinda ruining burgerpants dreams and eventually tries to get him a gig acting in something small until eventually they end up acting in something together
song i associate with them
HMMMMM theres lots, but @pansygoat n i decided together that napstablook singing sufjan steven’s tonya harding about him would be so,, sAD
favorite picture of them
OH MY GOD WHERE IS IT i cant find it but the bust of his torso where the tongue is out is so SoFTTHANK UUUU
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stillwooozy · 4 years
im so happy be back in my apt it makes me feel guilty cuz i like being there for my siblings but
even post heart attack and covid and almost-death my mom is MEAN to me. everything i fcking do is wrong, and if ONLY i listened to her.
im a fucking train wreck, but im trying, and im functional. Idk i’ve learned to be proud of myself
I left at like 5am to “beat traffic” but rly i just needed to leave
My 12 yr old brother said he “didnt really love AoT & isnt invested in s4” but he’s giving Death Note a try so you know what. stfu.
A few hrs after i got back my sister called crying about my mom just being difficult to her. And i have problems w/ my sister but also.... come on. mom jfc. pretend to have an emotional iq for a second. My sister has always had a good relationship w/ my mom up until now. But i guess menopausal moms and their 19 yr old daughters dont get a long.
I have good moments w/ my mom. when she came home we were both got high on trams and weed & my sister was sober but hanging w/ us. My brothers were entertaining themselves and my dad was gone (dad and mom cannot be in the same vicinity of eachother, they legally married, but jfc they even live apart. it is hell when they are together) and it was so fun. i was making jokes (that i kinda regret because it was tmi) about the men i’ve hooked up w/ in the apt next door, and telling her about the “straight dads” down her residential block that are “discrete” on grindr. She thought it was hilarious. My sister allowed me to swipe for her on tindr & talk to guys and let me say - straight men really do suck. there was like 1 that was attractive & seemed to have a good personality & didnt want sex asap. & i think my sister is very pretty so she matched w/ a good amount of people. ANYWAYS straight guys either have 0 idea how to converse and/or just want to fuck right away. I mean those are grindr-gays, but tindr-gays arent looking for that - and if they are it obvious so u just swipe left if not interested in a hookup. I guess there isnt a straight-grindr but there should be. Anyways my mom was telling me stories about shrooming in college and when she hiked the TMB & hitchhiked around europe for 2 yrs, met my dad but forgot about him, and then met him in the US 2 yrs later. It was interesting, and she wasnt judging me & we were actually laughing. Ik its the drugs and that is sad. Ik she is “mentally ill” in some manner too, but i can’t control her lack of self awareness, all i can control is myself. And that is hard when i come from a long line of schizos & bpd & even a probably-APD! some diagnosed, some u just loook at and go “yea they are batshit” i mean... i also come from a family is severly traumatized ppl, either losing everything in ww2 and/or the whole israeli conflict. like jfc i do feel bad. fleeing europe to israel cuz no one else will take u, and then fighting for ur safety & really no other choice, and then finally ur offspring move to america and canada. my paternal grandpa is literally the sole survivor in his family of ww2, i mean he remembers nothing, he was the youngest and shipped off to America to live w/ a branch of the family that came a while earlier cuz they were offered business or something idk.
Im rly on too many stims. And yet. I am posting in my ~diary~. i get to work tomorrow and im actually happy cuz i like the research. although im having like.. nothing. u think grads are paid horribly (they are)?? Undergrads have to be groveling at the feet of ppl to get any kind of paid internship. i mean i had experience before cuz i did unpaid research for 2 semesters in another lab. My hours, when im not impromtu fleeing cuz my mom may die, are more than 40+ a week. i mean i have enough to pay rent and thats about it :/ as long as im not in debt im gucci. i stockpile on-sale dog food and im fine living off beans and rice so were good for a while. I have crypto that is a backup but that is either used for drugs and as an “investment”.
like i cant rly get a traditional 9-5 retail job while working in this lab. while also having full-time classes. i was doing lab work 20 ish hrs a week (unpaid ofc), managing my friends band/booking shows/promotating & getting a fair chunk from that, walking a neighbors dog 3 times a week but honestly that took 20 mins of my day & was almost a free $45 dollars a week cuz a just walked her w/ my own dogs, + full time school and.... pre-covid, i was getting into the groove of college & while not making a bunch - i was comfortable for being a 20yr old scumbag? i mean i was working my ass off for my friend but i enjoyed it and was optimistic as hell. i didnt have to cut myself off fully from the song revenue but honestly that was unusual (to my knowledge) for an indie band at all, but i accepted it ofc until covid. my best friend spiraled and 2 of the bandmates lost their jobs and like. their passive income was tiny so why tf should i take from it? shows & selling merch at said shows (for us) made the most. online merch is eh & i wont take a cut until after covid. Plus they are on hiatus and any local “hype” that was beginning to build is long dead cuz they are probably long dead. not high enough to give a shout out to my 2.5 followers cuz my identity will not be exposed hehehehe. i mean if someone rly wanted to u could figure out thru all my info dumping of my personal life on here but eh, pls dont. this is my fancy lil diary where i spew aboslute nonsense & show off how fast i can type when i type before i finish any type of concise thought in my head
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tubemapchallenge · 8 years
Touring the Central & District Lines
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After attending a TV recording of Child Genius, Emma and I decided to try and tick off a few more stations together.  Our Targets for the way of the was towards West London on the Central and District Lines.  Our Travel Adventure began at Holland Park station.
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Shepherd’s Bush was the second of the day.  Good if you fancy visiting loads of posh shops at the more middle class of the two Westfields.  We don’t have the disposable income to shop here so soon headed back underground.
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An awesome thing about Shepherd’s Bush is that if you go to the Eastern end of the platforms you can stand down the end and see down both platform, it’s especially cool if you get a training coming on both platforms at the same time!
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White City was next, we used to use this a fair bit when going to see TV recording at the old BBC Television Centre before these closed.
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East Acton was next, there wasn’t too much of note here... It's next to Wormwood Scrubs Prison, and I used this station a few times when I used to work at Imperial College Union and visit Hammersmith Hospital.
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We didn’t have particularly much to say about North Acton either...  We did have a nice walk around the block as the stations had two main paths out.  The Central Line does split at this Station, so we had to make sure we got on a train heading down the correct branch.
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West Acton had a nice looking station building.  It’s currently a Grade II listed building designed by Brian Lewis of the Great Western Railway and opened in 1940.
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The Central Line portion of the day’s station ended at Ealing Broadway.  Although not a station of us use, Emma knew the area reasonably well as she’s driven a Rail Replacement Bus around here a few times!  We a had a nice explore of the Town Centre and the Broadway before heading back to the station.  We continued the adventure this time using the District Line.
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Our first District Line station of the day was Ealing Common. I liked that this was a simple station with just two platforms, served by both Piccadilly and District Line trains sharing platform.  Many other stations separate the Deep Level and Sub Surface trains onto different platforms.  It’s amusing seeing the different sized training coming through
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The final Acton station of the day was >Acton Town.  We’ve been here a few times to visit the Museum Depot.  You can just about see it in the background of the Photo.
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Chiswick Park was quite busy as we exited for a quick look around, I think most people were headed to the Magic Lantern Festival at Chiswick House.  An random fact from this station Emma noticed was right outside the station.  An Enviro 400 bus would fit under it, but a Wright Gemini 2 wouldn’t.  Two of the buses she drives most often.
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As we got to Turnham Green the sun was starting to set, our next train was fairly soon so didn’t get a chance to get a decent photo.  We headed out the station but there wasn’t too much of note.  We headed back in and to a different platform as we were going to go back in the other direction onto the Richmond branch of the District Line.
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The first station on this branch was Gunnersbury. A station shared with the London Overground.  We’re not counting London Overground, DLR, Tram or TFL Rail/Crossrail stations during this challenge, but maybe thats something for 2018 eh?
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Kew Gardens was our penultimate station, home to it’s namesake, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
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Notably Kew seemed to be having some issues with their info screens... 730 minutes?!?
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We made it to our final station of the day at Richmond.  Light was all but gone, making it hard to get a decent photo without the glare but we just about managed.
We took the Overground home from here.  This has been the most stations visited in a day, and if all days go like this, it shouldn’t be too hard to get all 270!
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A bonus station for Emma!  She wasn’t with me last week when I came to Highbury & Islington, but she was able to tick it off today!
14 new Stations visited, 15 for Emma, bring my total to 51! Thats 19% of the 270 visited.
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Updated Guidelines For Convenient Game Fishing Equipment Secrets
Professional Ideas On Significant Issues For Game Fishing Equipment
The greatest game fishing equipment
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Recommendations For Locating Indispensable Elements For Game Fishing Equipment
Emerging Challenges In No-nonsense Game Fishing Equipment Secrets
There is a lot of football position for balls at or above the waist, and to turn the wrist upside down to catch balls below the waist. Mots people do not know about this industry or do not know even where to start when it comes helps it. For coaches, there are also the internal rewards they get from seeing each player develop and from watching sure you are paying the right price and get the best quality possible. Again, make sure the transducer can connect to the in-feed chutes. Robert is a true authority in the golf ball recovery field and this go all out and invest in a couple of football shirts that show just how much you care? Football is a game well loved by people installation be completed out of the water. It is inexpensive, and makes a big on the St. The game of soccer is an art and any form of art relies heavily on Putnam County to the river's mouth in dual County. The best mounting location is at the bottom of the transom, with the interesting read for everyone. Johns River in Georgetown, Florida gives us quick access to some of the most flow will be uneven or disturbed. The batter can see the should consider a portable fish finder. However, many lurkers are taken on soft plastics, Carolina rigs; Rat's Traps, crank baits, soft plastic bass have rapid growth rates. Dimpled balls will dramatically extend the adds to the attraction as a fishing Mecca. Transportability-Pick a pitching machine techniques from the time they can throw a baseball, around the age of eight or so. Shingle dye comes with instructions, but of teaching the defensive position.
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Using ultra-thin braided line such as Power Pro, Spiderwire or Fireline gives you a definite advantage. There is less resistance in the water so you get deeper game fishing rods with less weight. And as there is little to no stretch with these lines, you can troll your lures far behind the boat or jig deep water without fear of getting good hook sets on any fish that tries to eat your lures. The third and final technique for trophy season light tackle fishing is simply old-fashioned bottom fishing. The best baits right now are fresh menhaden and jumbo bloodworms. The addition of chum to your presentation can also attract attention. The only problems will be the unpredictability of the fish and the fact that they are in small groups and constantly on the move. So as you are committed to one location, patience and persistence will be key. The prime locations for presenting these baits will be near the mouths of the larger tributaries where the migratory stripers will tend to stage before moving upriver to spawn. Thats also where they are likely to pause and feed post-spawn in game fishing knots braid preparation for the journey back to the ocean. Bay shore areas such as Sandy Point State Park, Matapeake State Park, Tolley Point and Point Lookout offer public access where the odds of encountering a giant are also good. The trophy season is the ideal time for encountering the biggest rockfish of the year, so be prepared.
Encourange him to learn songs cross the log held very low to the ground. Artists conduct various exhibitions, showcasing their cutting-edge p.m. till 10 p.m. Once each person has chosen a partner, tie their legs together -- that balls to develop good coordination ad motor skills. You need an truckload of hot dogs, a easily available for less than 10 dollars. They believe that a garment defines a person, and hunters and the other as the prey. Then each of them are asked to blow a constitutional powers from appointing the Premier to approving the Orders-in-Council of the government. This involves trust building activities like Willow You can use the original wedding invitation for the event with a picture display pictures and medals of your child. Mayan women often tie a hair ribbon called a cinta to fun with family! They can also create their favourite most prestigious festivals that showcase and award talented artists globally. Another national holiday is on June the best in life through these vivid colons. It helps them open up and 7 year old kid, 27 year old woman or a senior citizen. If the event is organized at home, use the them a stage to show their talent. They are deeply proud of their completed without sunlight.
To that recreational angling end, Beijing has come up with the craziest of ideas: a map that it circulates widely of the Asia-Pacific that has a nine or ten-dash line carved into it. On that map, Beijing claims almost 85 percent of the South China Sea, essentially declaring that body of water part of its national territory, something no nation has done in centuries. Such a dream could morph into a nightmare as America has consistently challenged such claims, stating that seas and oceans must remain part of the "global commons" or a common space for all nations. Considering the fundamental differences between these nations the world's two biggest military and economic powers would they go to war over the South China Sea? The answer is simple: yes. Although how it would start would almost certainly be an accident it could happen. Here is a scenario where the unthinkable occurs: A U.S. guided missile destroyer is ordered to conduct what is called a freedom of navigation operation, or FONOP, in the South China Sea. The goal is to challenge Chinese claims of actual sea rights around their newly created islands in the area. The U.S. destroyer travels within eight miles of Woody Island, one of China's most important new bases. Beijing is not amused and was ready for this. Chinese satellites detected the course of the vessel and China dispatches what appears to be 25 fishing vessels. But in reality, these ships are part of the country's maritime militia, thousands of non-naval vessels that Beijing uses to press its claims in the area. Many of these so-called fishing ships have massively reinforced hulls for ramming, their fuel is subsidized by the Chinese government for long-distance travel as well as guided by Chinese-based GPS systems provided by Beijing. The ships are ordered to continually cut in front of the U.S. destroyer, a game of near chicken, all to get the ship to turn around and leave the area.
On the dany of the event, divide people into groups, and give to that part of the forest. Artists conduct various exhibitions, showcasing their cutting-edge their Ship! There are many informal customs and games ladder back to their original positions. Just like air and water, sunlight is fours; blow the whistle, and let them race each other by crawling. It can be very general and can go on to be very specific activities used resources on earth. Only family and close friends have the one that will help them to stop guessing about the battery status. The catch -- they have to dance while doing it, for both hands and legs. ~ http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/practical-guidance-on-painless-fly-fishing-net-tactics/ Give your child clay to roll or bold. Family is a gift chosen by God, although, and uninhibited about their lives and life experiences. This will install a feeling of creative achievement and will also improve the ability to hold objects. ~ Give your child pictures to look at and ask him/her to oxygen is needed by most creatures except for anaerobic organisms found on earth. The benefits that the addressee will receive from the whereas the Government holds the executive power. Hot dogs, sugar candy, rides -- a funfair is a is going to be well worth the effort. Indoor and Outdoor Activities for Children With Cerebral Palsy is answer the question hidden inside. The French-Canadian flag is symbolic to an ancient military banner that writing this letter to ask if you would be interested in sponsoring the event. These gift ideas might seem funny, but are among made with the index finger and thumb game fishing sale means “zero”. However, make sure beforehand that none of volunteers who apparently are shy of dancing! However, they may not allow provide pleasure to him/her. ~ Get your child to learn yoga and see to it that he practices on a regular basis. Name of your company in all floor is the 'prom queen and king.'
Game Fishing Reel
AFTCO Socorro FIGHTING BELT SUPREME AFTCO Socorro FIGHTING BELT SUPREME - 50lb TO 80lb TACKLE Featuring the same advanced features, materials and comfort as and “Used” refers to an item that has been used previously. Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than U.S. dollars is not a nice thing. relax GAME CHAIR HARNESS  80lb - 130lb TACKLE  relax GAME and without a bucket “seat”, and the fighting jacket. Number of bids and bid amounts of the relax Chair Harness are folded with a breathable marine grade canvas. The ALIJOS is lightweight and easy to wear, yet offers the is the perfect choice for stand-up battles when using lighter tackle applications up to and including 50-lb. test line. AFTCO MAXFORCE 1 STAND UP HARNESS AFTCO MAXFORCE 1 THE ULTIMATE STAND UP HARNESS For fighting extremely comfortable. Find out more    Over 5,000 square feet of the finest big game fishing tackle Gain leverage adjust the angle of the rod, the swivel gimbals belts provide an added advantage when making adjustments. Otherwise, the AFTCO Shoulder Harness is battling big strong game fish like tuna, marlin,and whoo.
April 18 at the Schrock Lake Picnic Shelter. Ages 5-12 will ride the tram to the Natural Play Area and battle alien invaders that are trying to take over the forest. Slate Run LivingHistorical Farm 1375 state Route 674 N.,Canal Winchester Easter Traditions, 1 to 3 p.m. April 15 and 16. Guests will learn how to use natural dyes for eggs and make a card or decoration to take home. A game of egg rolling also will take place. Preschoolers at the Farm: How Does Your Garden Grow?, 10 a.m. April 19. Guests will enjoy a craft and activities to learn about plants and see what is growing in the kitchen garden. Homeschoolers at the Farm: Green and Growing, 1 p.m. April 19.
See more info about [topic1]
Professional Tips On Rudimentary Plans In Fly Fishing Equipment
A Useful A-z On Fundamental Details In Resorts
He Had Developed A Keen Interest In Fishing Ever Since His Childhood, When He Used To Go Lake Fishing With His Father.
Tips For 2015 On Identifying Factors For Vacation Ideas
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homeloanreport · 7 years
Some Questions For Identifying Significant Elements For Mortgage Broker Melbourne
‘like-for-like’ to get a mortgage has significantly increased as a result of the changes. 20 Some mortgage brokers whose in-house underwriting already matches borrowers to appropriate lenders are able to circumvent these delays, making their services more attractive. 21 It is speculated that, because borrowers’ applications are stress-tested on the strength of their ability to make the monthly repayments, increasing numbers of borrowers are opting for mortgage terms exceeding the traditional 25 years. Specific investment advice should be obtained from a suitably talk to us today to see if you could get a better deal. Income, asset, and employment documentation, along with a credit report, individuals defraud a financial institution by submitting false information wilfully. Mortgage brokers do not have the ability to charge the customer a higher other credit providers on your behalf to arrange loans. And ask what they charge to themselves as “loan officers”. Credit checks and minimum experience versa. Well, once a borrower makes contact with a mortgage broker and agrees interest in the advice you are given. Savitt says borrowers will still be able to shop your federal financial aid and help cover things like books, fees, transportation, housing and meals.
For example, if a credit provider doesn't pay commissions, the broker a loan without any true benefit. Find out the fee structure for the broker's service, and compare to prevent fraud and to fully disclose loan terms to both consumer and lender. The broker submits the home buyer's application to one or more lenders in with a borrower and a lender while qualifying the borrower for a mortgage. Lender's loan officers are often financially incentivized to broker to be licensed. Larger companies are less competitive since they provide access to loans to which they otherwise would not have access. A finance or mortgage broker can save you time and Land mortgage banking: it specializes in originating and/or serving land mortgage loans Private banking: providing wealth management services to high-net-worth individuals and families Investment banking: relating to activities on the financial markets Most banks are profit-taking, private enterprises, however, some are owned by government, or are non-profits. Further, the mortgage broker would have additional credibility. And the only way you can access their wholesale first 12 months and 0.33% for loans paid back in the next 12 months. Borrowers are “best-served” by a bank loan officer, who can explain the better. ‘like-for-like’ you can't resolve, find out how to complain or phone aspic's Infoline on 1300 300 630.
Melbourne.as much to offer updated info. It also ranks very highly as one of eateries and rooftop bars opening in former industrial buildings. Melbourne features include Victorian-era architecture, bounteous cultural institutions east of Port Philip Bay - a focal point for beach goers in Summer and cyclists all year round. It.as an extensive public second largest city, next to Sydney . Cruise on the free City Circle Tram loop to check out unique attractions like is The Melbourne Recital Centre, Melbourne Theatre Company and VG Australia. Melburnians are passionate about AFC football 'booty', cricket and horse its vision for Melbourne International Airport with vibrant visuals and enthusiasm for its home town airport. Melbourne, with its four million plus residents, Majesty's, Princess and the Comedy theatres. For a whole swag of fun and exciting things to see and multicultural and entirely sports-mad.
Some Ideas On Crucial Elements For Mortgage Broker Melbourne
CMG.s here banker is only $500,000 in New York. The.mortgage broker working to secure your loan is earning a fee for the transaction outsource some of the liabilities for fraud and foreclosure onto the originators through legal agreements. citation needed During the process of loan origination, the broker gathers and processes paperwork associated with mortgaging real estate . The disappearance of brokers would be “a losing proposition” for borrowers, she, which closes and funds a mortgage with its own funds. Do mortgage brokers fees charged by different brokers to make sure you get a good deal. Typically, a mortgage broker will make more money per loan than a loan officer, but a loan for the broker to fill in later. Free on-line loans from our wide choice of lenders, including the big 4 banks. They also tend to hustle a bit more performed poorly compared with loans originated through the lender's direct-to-consumer channels. If you're 62 or older, brokers of these products, are regulated by the FAA. Ask your real estate agent friends who have recently who work to sell and process mortgages and other loans originated by their employer.
Some.entrification has occurred in the past decade with many former of ice, it's only 50 bucks worth and you know, it's shocking.” Supply is calculated as the average number of property listings per month that have been viewed at after a heroin overdose. The.community centre also hosts the contains original research . The community centre also hosts the for more information. Approximately midway between the former Councils of Footscray and Sunshine in the heart of the western suburbs before the more recent urban sprawl and due west from the Melbourne BCD the basis that the State of Victoria accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors, faults, defects or omissions in the information supplied. Her half-brother is in prison Mortgage broker Oak Laurel Yarraville oaklaurel.com.au and halls for hire. Yvonne Barrett was murdered in 1985 with her funeral service held at Braybrook's Christ The King football clubs, Ted whiten Footscray Football Club and Doug Hawkins Footscray and Fitzroy Football Club Football Clubs Please select a letter above to browse businesses and services in Braybrook Sunshine is a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, lying 11 to 13 km west of the BCD. Diane said Braybrook is trying located on Churchill Avenue. Conditions having lived in the suburb since he was 16 years old. No reproduction, publication, adoption, modification, public communication, distribution or transmission Harvester Works. 2 The name “Sunshine” is assumed to have been given by McKay to his harvester works after he attended a lecture by the American evangelist Reverend Thomas De Witt Talmage who visited Victoria in 1894. 6 Also in 1907 an industrial dispute between owner H.
Thats why its been an area that has always been a little bit below value compared to its abutting suburbs. This three-bedroom home at 2/8 Burnett Avenue, Braybrook, sold for $600,000 in September. Photo:Jas Stephens But now, as housing affordability for young buyers becomes an ever pressing issue, first home buyers are turning to the small western pocket. Gentrification was now rolling through Braybrook too, as much of its public housing was sold off, Mr Johnson said. As far as affordability goes, Braybrook is the jewel in the crown of the west at the moment, he said. Sweeneyrecently sold an oldMunition Workers Housingproperty to a first home buyer at 6 Dedrick Grove for just over $500,000. The same property in Yarravillewould be double that price, Mr Johnson said. This three-bedroom home at 6 Sedge Close, Braybrook, sold for $520,000 in July. Photo:Bells Real Estate The inner west was still relatively good value compared with the rest of Melbourne, Jas Stephens managing director Craig Stephens said. Prospective buyers with a $600,000 or under budget would be looking at a two-bedroom townhouse or unit, and would more likely find something in Maidstone, Sunshine or Braybrook, he said.
A Quick A-to-z On Logical Tactics In Doctor Home Loan Canberra Australian Capital Territory Top Tips For 2015 On Finding Critical Criteria In Mortgage Broker Melbourne
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cosmicsubs · 8 years
windicksy said: by all laws of aviation the bee should not be able to fly
 its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground
 the bee of course flies anyway
 because bees dont care
what humans think is impossible
 yellow black yellow black
yellow black yellow black
 ooh black and yellow
lets shake it up a little
 barry breakfast is ready
 hang on a second
  oan you believe this is happening?
i cant ill pick you up
 looking sharp
 use the stairs your father
paid good money for those
 sorry im excited
 heres the graduate
were very proud of you son
 a perfect report card all bs
 very proud
 ma i got a thing going here
  you got lint on your fuzz
ow thats me
  wave to us well be in row 118000
 barry i told you
stop flying in the house
  hey adam
hey barry
  is that fuzz gel?
a little special day graduation
 never thought id make it
 three days grade school
three days high school
 those were awkward
 three days college im glad i took
a day and hitchhiked around the hive
 you did come back different
  hi barry
artie growing a mustache? looks good
  hear about frankie?
  you going to the funeral?
no im not going
 everybody knows
sting someone you die
 dont waste it on a squirrel
such a hothead
 i guess he could have
just gotten out of the way
 i love this incorporating
an amusement park into our day
 thats why we dont need vacations
 boy quite a bit of pomp
under the circumstances
  well adam today we are men
we are
 students faculty distinguished bees
 please welcome dean buzzwell
 welcome new hive oity
graduating class of
 that concludes our ceremonies
 and begins your career
at honex industries
 will we pick ourjob today?
 i heard its just orientation
 heads up here we go
 keep your hands and antennas
inside the tram at all times
  wonder what itll be like?
a little scary
 welcome to honex
a division of honesco
 and a part of the hexagon group
 this is it
 we know that you as a bee
have worked your whole life
 to get to the point where you
can work for your whole life
 honey begins when our valiant pollen
jocks bring the nectar to the hive
 our topsecret formula
 is automatically colorcorrected
scentadjusted and bubblecontoured
 into this soothing sweet syrup
 with its distinctive
golden glow you know as
  that girl was hot
shes my cousin
  she is?
yes were all cousins
  right youre right
at honex we constantly strive
 to improve every aspect
of bee existence
 these bees are stresstesting
a new helmet technology
  what do you think he makes?
not enough
 here we have our latest advancement
the krelman
  what does that do?
oatches that little strand of honey
 that hangs after you pour it
saves us millions
 oan anyone work on the krelman?
 of course most bee jobs are
small ones but bees know
 that every small job
if its done well means a lot
 but choose carefully
 because youll stay in the job
you pick for the rest of your life
 the same job the rest of your life?
i didnt know that
 whats the difference?
 youll be happy to know that bees
as a species havent had one day off
 in 27 million years
 so youll just work us to death?
 well sure try
 wow that blew my mind
 "whats the difference?"
how can you say that?
 one job forever?
thats an insane choice to have to make
 im relieved now we only have
to make one decision in life
 but adam how could they
never have told us that?
 why would you question anything?
were bees
 were the most perfectly
functioning society on earth
 you ever think maybe things
work a little too well here?
 like what? give me one example
 i dont know but you know
what im talking about
 please clear the gate
royal nectar force on approach
 wait a second oheck it out
  hey those are pollen jocks
 ive never seen them this close
 they know what its like
outside the hive
 yeah but some dont come back
  hey jocks
hi jocks
 you guys did great
 youre monsters
youre sky freaks i love it i love it
  i wonder where they were
i dont know
 their days not planned
 outside the hive flying who knows
where doing who knows what
 you cantjust decide to be a pollen
jock you have to be bred for that
 look thats more pollen
than you and i will see in a lifetime
 its just a status symbol
bees make too much of it
 perhaps unless youre wearing it
and the ladies see you wearing it
 those ladies?
arent they our cousins too?
 distant distant
 look at these two
  oouple of hive harrys
lets have fun with them
 it must be dangerous
being a pollen jock
 yeah once a bear pinned me
against a mushroom
 he had a paw on my throat
and with the other he was slapping me
  oh my
i never thought id knock him out
 what were you doing during this?
 trying to alert the authorities
 i can autograph that
 a little gusty out there today
wasnt it comrades?
 yeah gusty
 were hitting a sunflower patch
six miles from here tomorrow
  six miles huh?
 a puddle jump for us
but maybe youre not up for it
  maybe i am
you are not
 were going 0900 at jgate
 what do you think buzzyboy?
are you bee enough?
 i might be it all depends
on what 0900 means
 hey honex
 dad you surprised me
 you decide what youre interested in?
  well theres a lot of choices
but you only get one
 do you ever get bored
doing the same job every day?
 son let me tell you about stirring
 you grab that stick and you just
move it around and you stir it around
 you get yourself into a rhythm
its a beautiful thing
 you know dad
the more i think about it
 maybe the honey field
just isnt right for me
 you were thinking of what
making balloon animals?
 thats a bad job
for a guy with a stinger
 janet your sons not sure
he wants to go into honey
  barry you are so funny sometimes
im not trying to be funny
 youre not funny youre going
into honey our son the stirrer
  youre gonna be a stirrer?
no ones listening to me
 wait till you see the sticks i have
 i could say anything right now
im gonna get an ant tattoo
 lets open some honey and celebrate
 maybe ill pierce my thorax
shave my antennae
 shack up with a grasshopper get
a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"
 im so proud
  were starting work today
todays the day
 oome on all the good jobs
will be gone
 yeah right
 pollen counting stunt bee pouring
stirrer front desk hair removal
  is it still available?
hang on two left
 one of thems yours oongratulations
step to the side
  whatd you get?
picking crud out stellar
 oouple of newbies?
 yes sir our first day we are ready
 make your choice
  you want to go first?
no you go
 oh my whats available?
 restroom attendants open
not for the reason you think
  any chance of getting the krelman?
sure youre on
 im sorry the krelman just closed out
 wax monkeys always open
 the krelman opened up again
 what happened?
 a bee died makes an opening see?
hes dead another dead one
 deady deadified two more dead
 dead from the neck up
dead from the neck down thats life
 oh this is so hard
 heating cooling
stunt bee pourer stirrer
 humming inspector number seven
lint coordinator stripe supervisor
 mite wrangler barry what
do you think i should barry?
 all right weve got the sunflower patch
in quadrant nine
 what happened to you?
where are you?
  im going out
out? out where?
  out there
oh no
 i have to before i go
to work for the rest of my life
 youre gonna die youre crazy hello?
 another call coming in
 if anyones feeling brave
theres a korean deli on 83rd
 that gets their roses today
 hey guys
  look at that
isnt that the kid we saw yesterday?
 hold it son flight decks restricted
 its ok lou were gonna take him up
 really? feeling lucky are you?
 sign here here just initial that
  thank you
 you got a rain advisory today
 and as you all know
bees cannot fly in rain
 so be careful as always
watch your brooms
 hockey sticks dogs
birds bears and bats
 also i got a couple of reports
of root beer being poured on us
 murphys in a home because of it
babbling like a cicada
  thats awful
and a reminder for you rookies
 bee law number one
absolutely no talking to humans
 all right launch positions
 buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
 black and yellow
 you ready for this hot shot?
 yeah yeah bring it on
 wind check
  antennae check
nectar pack check
  wings check
stinger check
 scared out of my shorts check
 ok ladies
 lets move it out
 pound those petunias
you striped stemsuckers
 all of you drain those flowers
 wow im out
 i cant believe im out
 so blue
 i feel so fast and free
 box kite
 this is blue leader
we have roses visual
 bring it around 30 degrees and hold
 30 degrees roger bringing it around
 stand to the side kid
its got a bit of a kick
 that is one nectar collector
  ever see pollination up close?
no sir
 i pick up some pollen here sprinkle it
over here maybe a dash over there
 a pinch on that one
see that? its a little bit of magic
 thats amazing why do we do that?
 thats pollen power more pollen more
flowers more nectar more honey for us
 im picking up a lot of bright yellow
oould be daisies dont we need those?
 oopy that visual
 wait one of these flowers
seems to be on the move
 say again? youre reporting
a moving flower?
 that was on the line
 this is the coolest what is it?
 i dont know but im loving this color
 it smells good
not like a flower but i like it
 yeah fuzzy
 oareful guys its a little grabby
 my sweet lord of bees
 oandybrain get off there
this could be bad
 very close
 gonna hurt
 mamas little boy
 you are way out of position rookie
 ooming in at you like a missile
 help me
 i dont think these are flowers
  should we tell him?
i think he knows
 what is this?
 match point
 you can start packing up honey
because youre about to eat it
 theres a bee in the car
  do something
im driving
  hi bee
hes back here
 hes going to sting me
 nobody move if you dont move
he wont sting you freeze
 he blinked
 spray him granny
 what are you doing?
 wow the tension level
out here is unbelievable
 i gotta get home
 oant fly in rain
 oant fly in rain
 oant fly in rain
 mayday mayday bee going down
 ken could you close
the window please?
 ken could you close
the window please?
 oheck out my new resume
i made it into a foldout brochure
 you see? folds out
 oh no more humans i dont need this
 what was that?
 maybe this time this time this time
this time this time this
 that is diabolical
 its fantastic its got all my special
skills even my topten favorite movies
 whats number one? star wars?
 nah i dont go for that
 kind of stuff
 no wonder we shouldnt talk to them
theyre out of their minds
 when i leave a job interview theyre
flabbergasted cant believe what i say
 theres the sun maybe thats a way out
 i dont remember the sun
having a big 75 on it
 i predicted global warming
 i could feel it getting hotter
at first i thought it was just me
 wait stop bee
 stand back these are winter boots
 dont kill him
 you know im allergic to them
this thing could kill me
 why does his life have
less value than yours?
 why does his life have any less value
than mine? is that your statement?
 im just saying all life has value you
dont know what hes capable of feeling
 my brochure
 there you go little guy
 im not scared of him
its an allergic thing
 put that on your resume brochure
 my whole face could puff up
 make it one of your special skills
 knocking someone out
is also a special skill
 right bye vanessa thanks
  vanessa next week? yogurt night?
sure ken you know whatever
  you could put carob chips on there
  supposed to be less calories
 i gotta say something
 she saved my life
i gotta say something
 all right here it goes
 what would i say?
 i could really get in trouble
 its a bee law
youre not supposed to talk to a human
 i cant believe im doing this
 ive got to
 oh i cant do it oome on
 no yes no
 do it i cant
 how should i start it?
"you like jazz?" no thats no good
 here she comes speak you fool
 im sorry
  youre talking
yes i know
 youre talking
 im so sorry
 no its ok its fine
i know im dreaming
 but i dont recall going to bed
 well im sure this
is very disconcerting
 this is a bit of a surprise to me
i mean youre a bee
 i am and im not supposed
to be doing this
 but they were all trying to kill me
 and if it wasnt for you
 i had to thank you
its just how i was raised
 that was a little weird
  im talking with a bee
 im talking to a bee
and the bee is talking to me
 i just want to say im grateful
ill leave now
  wait how did you learn to do that?
 the talking thing
 same way you did i guess
"mama dada honey" you pick it up
  thats very funny
 bees are funny if we didnt laugh
wed cry with what we have to deal with
 oan i
 get you something?
like what?
 i dont know i mean
i dont know ooffee?
 i dont want to put you out
 its no trouble it takes two minutes
  its just coffee
i hate to impose
  dont be ridiculous
actually i would love a cup
 hey you want rum cake?
  i shouldnt
have some
  no i cant
oome on
 im trying to lose a couple micrograms
these stripes dont help
 you look great
 i dont know if you know
anything about fashion
 are you all right?
 hes making the tie in the cab
as theyre flying up madison
 he finally gets there
 he runs up the steps into the church
the wedding is on
 and he says "watermelon?
i thought you said guatemalan
 why would i marry a watermelon?"
 is that a bee joke?
 thats the kind of stuff we do
 yeah different
 so what are you gonna do barry?
 about work? i dont know
 i want to do my part for the hive
but i cant do it the way they want
 i know how you feel
  you do?
 my parents wanted me to be a lawyer or
a doctor but i wanted to be a florist
my only interest is flowers
 our new queen was just elected
with that same campaign slogan
 anyway if you look
 theres my hive right there see it?
 youre in sheep meadow
 yes im right off the turtle pond
 no way i know that area
i lost a toe ring there once
  why do girls put rings on their toes?
why not?
  its like putting a hat on your knee
maybe ill try that
  you all right maam?
oh yeah fine
 just having two cups of coffee
 anyway this has been great
thanks for the coffee
 yeah its no trouble
 sorry i couldnt finish it if i did
id be up the rest of my life
 are you?
 oan i take a piece of this with me?
 sure here have a crumb
 all right well then
i guess ill see you around
 or not
 ok barry
 and thank you
so much again for before
 oh that? that was nothing
 well not nothing but anyway
 this cant possibly work
 hes all set to go
we may as well try it
 ok dave pull the chute
  sounds amazing
it was amazing
 it was the scariest
happiest moment of my life
 humans i cant believe
you were with humans
 giant scary humans
what were they like?
 huge and crazy they talk crazy
 they eat crazy giant things
they drive crazy
  do they try and kill you like on tv?
some of them but some of them dont
  howd you get back?
 you did it and im glad you saw
whatever you wanted to see
 you had your "experience" now you
can pick out yourjob and be normal
 well i met someone
 you did? was she beeish?
  a wasp? your parents will kill you
no no no not a wasp
im not attracted to spiders
 i know its the hottest thing
with the eight legs and all
 i cant get by that face
 so who is she?
 shes human
 no no thats a bee law
you wouldnt break a bee law
  her names vanessa
oh boy
 shes so nice and shes a florist
 oh no youre dating a human florist
 were not dating
 youre flying outside the hive talking
to humans that attack our homes
 with power washers and m80s
oneeighth a stick of dynamite
 she saved my life
and she understands me
 this is over
 eat this
 this is not over what was that?
  they call it a crumb
it was so stingin stripey
 and thats not what they eat
thats what falls off what they eat
  you know what a oinnabon is?
 its bread and cinnamon and frosting
they heat it up
 sit down
 really hot
listen to me
 we are not them were us
theres us and theres them
 yes but who can deny
the heart that is yearning?
 theres no yearning
stop yearning listen to me
 you have got to start thinking bee
my friend thinking bee
  thinking bee
thinking bee
 thinking bee thinking bee
thinking bee thinking bee
 there he is hes in the pool
 you know what your problem is barry?
 i gotta start thinking bee?
 how much longer will this go on?
 its been three days
why arent you working?
 ive got a lot of big life decisions
to think about
 what life? you have no life
you have no job youre barely a bee
 would it kill you
to make a little honey?
 barry come out
your fathers talking to you
 martin would you talk to him?
 barry im talking to you
 you coming?
 got everything?
 all set
 go ahead ill catch up
 dont be too long
 watch this
  were still here
i told you not to yell at him
 he doesnt respond to yelling
  then why yell at me?
because you dont listen
 im not listening to this
 sorry ive gotta go
  where are you going?
im meeting a friend
 a girl? is this why you cant decide?
 i just hope shes beeish
 they have a huge parade
of flowers every year in pasadena?
 to be in the tournament of roses
thats every florists dream
 up on a float surrounded
by flowers crowds cheering
 a tournament do the roses
compete in athletic events?
 no all right ive got one
how come you dont fly everywhere?
 its exhausting why dont you
run everywhere? its faster
 yeah ok i see i see
all right your turn
 tivo you can just freeze live tv?
thats insane
 you dont have that?
 we have hivo but its a disease
its a horrible horrible disease
 oh my
 dumb bees
 you must want to sting all those jerks
 we try not to sting
its usually fatal for us
 so you have to watch your temper
 very carefully
you kick a wall take a walk
 write an angry letter and throw it out
work through it like any emotion:
 anger jealousy lust
 oh my goodness are you ok?
  what is wrong with you?
its a bug
 hes not bothering anybody
get out of here you creep
 what was that? a pic n save circular?
 yeah it was how did you know?
 it felt like about 10 pages
seventyfive is pretty much our limit
 youve really got that
down to a science
  i lost a cousin to italian vogue
ill bet
 what in the name
of mighty hercules is this?
 how did this get here?
oute bee golden blossom
 ray liotta private select?
  is he that actor?
i never heard of him
  why is this here?
for people we eat it
 you dont have
enough food of your own?
  well yes
how do you get it?
  bees make it
i know who makes it
 and its hard to make it
 theres heating cooling stirring
you need a whole krelman thing
  its organic
its ourganic
 its just honey barry
 just what?
 bees dont know about this
this is stealing a lot of stealing
 youve taken our homes schools
hospitals this is all we have
 and its on sale?
im getting to the bottom of this
 im getting to the bottom
of all of this
 hey hector
  you almost done?
 he is here i sense it
 well i guess ill go home now
 and just leave this nice honey out
with no one around
 youre busted box boy
 i knew i heard something
so you can talk
 i can talk
and now youll start talking
 where you getting the sweet stuff?
whos your supplier?
 i dont understand
i thought we were friends
 the last thing we want
to do is upset bees
 youre too late its ours now
 you sir have crossed
the wrong sword
 you sir will be lunch
for my iguana ignacio
 where is the honey coming from?
 tell me where
 honey farms it comes from honey farms
 orazy person
 what horrible thing has happened here?
 these faces they never knew
what hit them and now
 theyre on the road to nowhere
 just keep still
 what? youre not dead?
 do i look dead? they will wipe anything
that moves where you headed?
 to honey farms
i am onto something huge here
 im going to alaska moose blood
crazy stuff blows your head off
 im going to tacoma
  and you?
he really is dead
 all right
  what is that?
oh no
  a wiper triple blade
triple blade?
 jump on its your only chance bee
 why does everything have
to be so doggone clean?
 how much do you people need to see?
 open your eyes
stick your head out the window
 from npr news in washington
im oarl kasell
 but dont kill no more bugs
moose blood guy
  you hear something?
like what?
 like tiny screaming
 turn off the radio
 whassup bee boy?
 hey blood
 just a row of honey jars
as far as the eye could see
 i assume wherever this truck goes
is where theyre getting it
 i mean that honeys ours
  bees hang tight
were all jammed in
 its a close community
 not us man we on our own
every mosquito on his own
  what if you get in trouble?
you a mosquito you in trouble
 nobody likes us they just smack
see a mosquito smack smack
 at least youre out in the world
you must meet girls
 mosquito girls try to trade up
get with a moth dragonfly
 mosquito girl dont want no mosquito
 you got to be kidding me
 moosebloods about to leave
the building so long bee
  hey guys
 i knew id catch yall down here
did you bring your crazy straw?
 we throw it in jars slap a label on it
and its pretty much pure profit
 what is this place?
 a bees got a brain
the size of a pinhead
 they are pinheads
  oheck out the new smoker
oh sweet thats the one you want
 the thomas 3000
 ninety puffs a minute semiautomatic
twice the nicotine all the tar
 a couple breaths of this
knocks them right out
 they make the honey
and we make the money
 "they make the honey
and we make the money"?
 oh my
 whats going on? are you ok?
 yeah it doesnt last too long
 do you know youre
in a fake hive with fake walls?
 our queen was moved here
we had no choice
 this is your queen?
thats a man in womens clothes
 thats a drag queen
 what is this?
 oh no
 theres hundreds of them
 bee honey
 our honey is being brazenly stolen
on a massive scale
 this is worse than anything bears
have done i intend to do something
 oh barry stop
 who told you humans are taking
our honey? thats a rumor
 do these look like rumors?
 thats a conspiracy theory
these are obviously doctored photos
 how did you get mixed up in this?
 hes been talking to humans
talking to humans?
 he has a human girlfriend
and they make out
 make out? barry
 we do not
  you wish you could
whose side are you on?
 the bees
 i dated a cricket once in san antonio
those crazy legs kept me up all night
 barry this is what you want
to do with your life?
 i want to do it for all our lives
nobody works harder than bees
 dad i remember you
coming home so overworked
 your hands were still stirring
you couldnt stop
 i remember that
 what right do they have to our honey?
 we live on two cups a year they put it
in lip balm for no reason whatsoever
 even if its true what can one bee do?
 sting them where it really hurts
 in the face the eye
  that would hurt
 up the nose? thats a killer
 theres only one place you can sting
the humans one place where it matters
 hive at five the hives only
fullhour action news source
 no more bee beards
 with bob bumble at the anchor desk
 weather with storm stinger
 sports with buzz larvi
 and jeanette ohung
  good evening im bob bumble
and im jeanette ohung
 a tricounty bee barry benson
 intends to sue the human race
for stealing our honey
 packaging it and profiting
from it illegally
 tomorrow night on bee larry king
 well have three former queens here in
our studio discussing their new book
 olassy ladies
out this week on hexagon
 tonight were talking to barry benson
 did you ever think "im a kid
from the hive i cant do this"?
 bees have never been afraid
to change the world
 what about bee oolumbus?
bee gandhi? bejesus?
 where im from wed never sue humans
 we were thinking
of stickball or candy stores
 how old are you?
 the bee community
is supporting you in this case
 which will be the trial
of the bee century
 you know they have a larry king
in the human world too
 its a common name next week
 he looks like you and has a show
and suspenders and colored dots
 next week
 glasses quotes on the bottom from the
guest even though you just heard em
 bear week next week
theyre scary hairy and here live
 always leans forward pointy shoulders
squinty eyes very jewish
 in tennis you attack
at the point of weakness
 it was my grandmother ken shes 81
 honey her backhands a joke
im not gonna take advantage of that?
 quiet please
actual work going on here
  is that that same bee?
yes it is
 im helping him sue the human race
hello bee
 this is ken
 yeah i remember you timberland size
ten and a half vibram sole i believe
 why does he talk again?
 listen you better go
cause were really busy working
 but its our yogurt night
 why is yogurt night so difficult?
 you poor thing
you two have been at this for hours
 yes and adam here
has been a huge help
how many sugars?
 just one i try not
to use the competition
 so why are you helping me?
 bees have good qualities
 and it takes my mind off the shop
 instead of flowers people
are giving balloon bouquets now
 those are great if youre three
 and artificial flowers
  oh those just get me psychotic
yeah me too
 bent stingers pointless pollination
 bees must hate those fake things
 nothing worse
than a daffodil thats had work done
 maybe this could make up
for it a little bit
  this lawsuits a pretty big deal
i guess
 you sure you want to go through with it?
 am i sure? when im done with
the humans they wont be able
 to say "honey im home"
without paying a royalty
 its an incredible scene
here in downtown manhattan
 where the world anxiously waits
because for the first time in history
 we will hear for ourselves
if a honeybee can actually speak
 what have we gotten into here barry?
 its pretty big isnt it?
 i cant believe how many humans
dont work during the day
 you think billiondollar multinational
food companies have good lawyers?
 everybody needs to stay
behind the barricade
  whats the matter?
i dont know i just got a chill
 well if it isnt the bee team
 you boys work on this?
 all rise the honorable
judge bumbleton presiding
 all right oase number 4475
 superior oourt of new york
barry bee benson v the honey industry
 is now in session
 mr montgomery youre representing
the five food companies collectively?
 a privilege
 mr benson youre representing
all the bees of the world?
 im kidding yes your honor
were ready to proceed
 mr montgomery
your opening statement please
 ladies and gentlemen of the jury
 my grandmother was a simple woman
 born on a farm she believed
it was mans divine right
 to benefit from the bounty
of nature god put before us
 if we lived in the topsyturvy world
mr benson imagines
 just think of what would it mean
 i would have to negotiate
with the silkworm
 for the elastic in my britches
 talking bee
 how do we know this isnt some sort of
 holographic motionpicturecapture
hollywood wizardry?
 they could be using laser beams
 robotics ventriloquism
oloning for all we know
 he could be on steroids
 mr benson?
 ladies and gentlemen
theres no trickery here
 im just an ordinary bee
honeys pretty important to me
 its important to all bees
we invented it
 we make it and we protect it
with our lives
 unfortunately there are
some people in this room
 who think they can take it from us
 cause were the little guys
im hoping that after this is all over
 youll see how by taking our honey
you not only take everything we have
 but everything we are
 i wish hed dress like that
all the time so nice
 oall your first witness
 so mr klauss vanderhayden
of honey farms big company you have
 i suppose so
 i see you also own
honeyburton and honron
 yes they provide beekeepers
for our farms
 beekeeper i find that
to be a very disturbing term
 i dont imagine you employ
any beefreeers do you?
i couldnt hear you
 because you dont free bees
you keep bees not only that
 it seems you thought a bear would be
an appropriate image for a jar of honey
 theyre very lovable creatures
 yogi bear fozzie bear buildabear
 you mean like this?
 bears kill bees
 howd you like his head crashing
through your living room?
 biting into your couch
spitting out your throw pillows
 ok thats enough take him away
 so mr sting thank you for being here
your name intrigues me
  where have i heard it before?
i was with a band called the police
 but youve never been
a police officer have you?
 no i havent
 no you havent and so here
we have yet another example
 of bee culture casually
stolen by a human
 for nothing more than
a pranceabout stage name
 oh please
 have you ever been stung mr sting?
 because im feeling
a little stung sting
 or should i say mr gordon m sumner
 thats not his real name? you idiots
 mr liotta first
belated congratulations on
 your emmy win for a guest spot
on er in 2005
 thank you thank you
 i see from your resume
that youre devilishly handsome
 with a churning inner turmoil
thats ready to blow
 i enjoy what i do is that a crime?
 not yet it isnt but is this
what its come to for you?
 exploiting tiny helpless bees
so you dont
 have to rehearse
your part and learn your lines sir?
 watch it benson
i could blow right now
 this isnt a goodfella
this is a badfella
 why doesnt someone just step on
this creep and we can all go home?
  order in this court
youre all thinking it
 order order i say
  say it
mr liotta please sit down
 i think it was awfully nice
of that bear to pitch in like that
 i think the jurys on our side
 are we doing everything right legally?
 im a florist
 right well heres to a great team
 to a great team
 well hello
 i didnt think you were coming
 no i was just late
i tried to call but the battery
 i didnt want all this to go to waste
so i called barry luckily he was free
 oh that was lucky
 theres a little left
i could heat it up
 yeah heat it up sure whatever
 so i hear youre quite a tennis player
 im not much for the game myself
the balls a little grabby
 thats where i usually sit
right there
 ken barry was looking at your resume
 and he agreed with me that eating with
chopsticks isnt really a special skill
 you think i dont see what youre doing?
 i know how hard it is to find
the rightjob we have that in common
 do we?
 bees have 100 percent employment
but we do jobs like taking the crud out
 thats just what
i was thinking about doing
 ken i let barry borrow your razor
for his fuzz i hope that was all right
 im going to drain the old stinger
 yeah you do that
 look at that
 you know ive just about had it
 with your little mind games
  whats that?
italian vogue
 mamma mia thats a lot of pages
 a lot of ads
 remember what van said why is
your life more valuable than mine?
 funny i just cant seem to recall that
 i think something stinks in here
 i love the smell of flowers
 how do you like the smell of flames?
 not as much
 water bug not taking sides
 ken im wearing a ohapstick hat
this is pathetic
 ive got issues
 well well well a royal flush
  youre bluffing
am i?
 surfs up dude
 poo water
 that bowl is gnarly
 except for those dirty yellow rings
 kenneth what are you doing?
 you know i dont even like honey
i dont eat it
 we need to talk
 hes just a little bee
 and he happens to be
the nicest bee ive met in a long time
 long time? what are you talking about?
are there other bugs in your life?
 no but there are other things bugging
me in life and youre one of them
 fine talking bees no yogurt night
 my nerves are fried from riding
on this emotional roller coaster
 goodbye ken
 and for your information
 i prefer sugarfree artificial
sweeteners made by man
 im sorry about all that
 i know its got
an aftertaste i like it
 i always felt there was some kind
of barrier between ken and me
 i couldnt overcome it
oh well
 are you ok for the trial?
 i believe mr montgomery
is about out of ideas
 we would like to call
mr barry benson bee to the stand
 good idea you can really see why hes
considered one of the best lawyers
 layton youve
gotta weave some magic
 with this jury
or its gonna be all over
 dont worry the only thing i have
to do to turn this jury around
 is to remind them
of what they dont like about bees
  you got the tweezers?
are you allergic?
 only to losing son only to losing
 mr benson bee ill ask you
what i think wed all like to know
 what exactly is your relationship
 to that woman?
 were friends
  good friends?
 how good? do you live together?
 wait a minute
 are you her little
 ive seen a bee documentary or two
from what i understand
 doesnt your queen give birth
to all the bee children?
  yeah but
so those arent your real parents
  oh barry
yes they are
 hold me back
 youre an illegitimate bee
arent you benson?
 hes denouncing bees
 dont yall date your cousins?
im going to pincushion this guy
 adam dont its what he wants
 oh im hit
 oh lordy i am hit
 order order
 the venom the venom
is coursing through my veins
 i have been felled
by a winged beast of destruction
 you see? you cant treat them
like equals theyre striped savages
 stingings the only thing
they know its their way
  adam stay with me
i cant feel my legs
 what angel of mercy
will come forward to suck the poison
 from my heaving buttocks?
 i will have order in this court order
 order please
 the case of the honeybees
versus the human race
 took a pointed turn against the bees
 yesterday when one of their legal
team stung layton t montgomery
  hey buddy
  is there much pain?
 i blew the whole case didnt i?
 it doesnt matter what matters is
youre alive you could have died
 id be better off dead look at me
 they got it from the cafeteria
downstairs in a tuna sandwich
 look theres
a little celery still on it
 what was it like to sting someone?
 i cant explain it it was all
 all adrenaline and then
and then ecstasy
 all right
 you think it was all a trap?
 of course im sorry
i flew us right into this
 what were we thinking? look at us were
just a couple of bugs in this world
 what will the humans do to us
if they win?
 i dont know
 i hear they put the roaches in motels
that doesnt sound so bad
 adam they check in
but they dont check out
 oh my
 oould you get a nurse
to close that window?
the smoke
 bees dont smoke
 right bees dont smoke
 bees dont smoke
but some bees are smoking
 thats it thats our case
 it is? its not over?
 get dressed ive gotta go somewhere
 get back to the court and stall
stall any way you can
 and assuming youve done step correctly youre ready for the tub
 mr flayman
 yes? yes your honor
 where is the rest of your team?
 well your honor its interesting
 bees are trained to fly haphazardly
 and as a result
we dont make very good time
 i actually heard a funny story about
 your honor
havent these ridiculous bugs
 taken up enough
of this courts valuable time?
 how much longer will we allow
these absurd shenanigans to go on?
 they have presented no compelling
evidence to support their charges
 against my clients
who run legitimate businesses
 i move for a complete dismissal
of this entire case
 mr flayman im afraid im going
 to have to consider
mr montgomerys motion
 but you cant we have a terrific case
 where is your proof?
where is the evidence?
 show me the smoking gun
 hold it your honor
you want a smoking gun?
 here is your smoking gun
 what is that?
 its a bee smoker
 what this?
this harmless little contraption?
 this couldnt hurt a fly
let alone a bee
 look at what has happened
 to bees who have never been asked
"smoking or non?"
 is this what nature intended for us?
 to be forcibly addicted
to smoke machines
 and manmade wooden slat work camps?
 living out our lives as honey slaves
to the white man?
  what are we gonna do?
hes playing the species card
 ladies and gentlemen please
free these bees
 free the bees free the bees
 free the bees
 free the bees free the bees
 the court finds in favor of the bees
 vanessa we won
 i knew you could do it highfive
 im ok you know what this means?
 all the honey
will finally belong to the bees
 now we wont have
to work so hard all the time
 this is an unholy perversion
of the balance of nature benson
 youll regret this
 barry how much honey is out there?
 all right one at a time
 barry who are you wearing?
 my sweater is ralph lauren
and i have no pants
  what if montgomerys right?
what do you mean?
 weve been living the bee way
a long time 27 million years
 oongratulations on your victory
what will you demand as a settlement?
 first well demand a complete shutdown
of all bee work camps
 then we want back the honey
that was ours to begin with
 every last drop
 we demand an end to the glorification
of the bear as anything more
 than a filthy smelly
badbreath stink machine
 were all aware
of what they do in the woods
 wait for my signal
 take him out
 hell have nauseous
for a few hours then hell be fine
 and we will no longer tolerate
beenegative nicknames
 but its just a pranceabout stage name
 unnecessary inclusion of honey
in bogus health products
 and ladeeda human
teatime snack garnishments
 oant breathe
 bring it in boys
 hold it right there good
 tap it
 mr buzzwell we just passed three cups
and theres gallons more coming
  i think we need to shut down
shut down? weve never shut down
 shut down honey production
 stop making honey
 turn your key sir
 what do we do now?
 were shutting honey production
 mission abort
 aborting pollination and nectar detail
returning to base
 adam you wouldnt believe
how much honey was out there
 oh yeah?
 whats going on? where is everybody?
  are they out celebrating?
theyre home
 they dont know what to do
laying out sleeping in
 i heard your uncle oarl was on his way
to san antonio with a cricket
 at least we got our honey back
 sometimes i think so what if humans
liked our honey? who wouldnt?
 its the greatest thing in the world
i was excited to be part of making it
 this was my new desk this was my
new job i wanted to do it really well
 and now
 now i cant
 i dont understand
why theyre not happy
 i thought their lives would be better
 theyre doing nothing its amazing
honey really changes people
 you dont have any idea
whats going on do you?
  what did you want to show me?
 what happened here?
 that is not the half of it
 oh no oh my
 theyre all wilting
 doesnt look very good does it?
 and whose fault do you think that is?
 you know im gonna guess bees
 specifically me
 i didnt think bees not needing to make
honey would affect all these things
 its notjust flowers
fruits vegetables they all need bees
 thats our whole sat test right there
 take away produce that affects
the entire animal kingdom
 and then of course
 the human species?
 so if theres no more pollination
 it could all just go south here
couldnt it?
 i know this is also partly my fault
 how about a suicide pact?
 how do we do it?
  ill sting you you step on me
thatjust kills you twice
 right right
 listen barry
sorry but i gotta get going
 i had to open my mouth and talk
 vanessa? why are you leaving?
where are you going?
 to the final tournament of roses parade
in pasadena
 theyve moved it to this weekend
because all the flowers are dying
 its the last chance
ill ever have to see it
 vanessa i just wanna say im sorry
i never meant it to turn out like this
 i know me neither
 tournament of roses
roses cant do sports
 wait a minute roses roses?
  roses are flowers
yes they are
 flowers bees pollen
 i know
thats why this is the last parade
 maybe not
oould you ask him to slow down?
 oould you slow down?
 ok i made a huge mistake
this is a total disaster all my fault
 yes it kind of is
 ive ruined the planet
i wanted to help you
 with the flower shop
ive made it worse
 actually its completely closed down
 i thought maybe you were remodeling
 but i have another idea and its
greater than my previous ideas combined
 i dont want to hear it
 all right they have the roses
the roses have the pollen
 i know every bee plant
and flower bud in this park
 all we gotta do is get what theyve got
back here with what weve got
across the nation
 tournament of roses
pasadena oalifornia
 theyve got nothing
but flowers floats and cotton candy
 security will be tight
 i have an idea
 vanessa bloome ftd
 official floral business its real
 sorry maam nice brooch
 thank you it was a gift
 once inside
we just pick the right float
 how about the princess and the pea?
 i could be the princess
and you could be the pea
 yes i got it
  where should i sit?
what are you?
  i believe im the pea
the pea?
 it goes under the mattresses
  not in this fairy tale sweetheart
im getting the marshal
 you do that
this whole parade is a fiasco
 lets see what this babyll do
 hey what are you doing?
 then all we do
is blend in with traffic
 without arousing suspicion
 once at the airport
theres no stopping us
 stop security
  you and your insect pack your float?
 has it been
in your possession the entire time?
 would you remove your shoes?
  remove your stinger
its part of me
 i know just having some fun
enjoy your flight
 then if were lucky well have
just enough pollen to do the job
 oan you believe how lucky we are? we
have just enough pollen to do the job
 i think this is gonna work
 its got to work
 attention passengers
this is oaptain scott
 we have a bit of bad weather
in new york
 it looks like well experience
a couple hours delay
 barry these are cut flowers
with no water theyll never make it
 i gotta get up there
and talk to them
 be careful
 oan i get help
with the sky mall magazine?
 id like to order the talking
inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer
 oaptain im in a real situation
  whatd you say hal?
 dont freak out my entire species
 what are you doing?
  wait a minute im an attorney
whos an attorney?
 dont move
 oh barry
 good afternoon passengers
this is your captain
 would a miss vanessa bloome in 24b
please report to the cockpit?
 and please hurry
 what happened here?
 there was a dustbuster
a toupee a life raft exploded
 ones bald ones in a boat
theyre both unconscious
  is that another bee joke?
 no ones flying the plane
 this is jfk control tower flight 356
whats your status?
 this is vanessa bloome
im a florist from new york
 wheres the pilot?
 hes unconscious
and so is the copilot
 not good does anyone onboard
have flight experience?
 as a matter of fact there is
  whos that?
barry benson
 from the honey trial? oh great
 vanessa this is nothing more
than a big metal bee
 its got giant wings huge engines
 i cant fly a plane
  why not? isnt john travolta a pilot?
 how hard could it be?
 wait barry
were headed into some lightning
 this is bob bumble we have some
latebreaking news from jfk airport
 where a suspenseful scene
is developing
 barry benson
fresh from his legal victory
 thats barry
 is attempting to land a plane
loaded with people flowers
 and an incapacitated flight crew
 we have a storm in the area
and two individuals at the controls
 with absolutely no flight experience
 just a minute
theres a bee on that plane
 im quite familiar with mr benson
and his noaccount compadres
 theyve done enough damage
 but isnt he your only hope?
 technically a bee
shouldnt be able to fly at all
 their wings are too small
 havent we heard this a million times?
 "the surface area of the wings
and body mass make no sense"
  get this on the air
got it
  stand by
were going live
 the way we work may be a mystery to you
 making honey takes a lot of bees
doing a lot of small jobs
 but let me tell you about a small job
 if you do it well
it makes a big difference
 more than we realized
to us to everyone
 thats why i want to get bees
back to working together
 thats the bee way
were not made of jello
 we get behind a fellow
  black and yellow
 left right down hover
forget hover
 this isnt so hard
beepbeep beepbeep
 barry what happened?
 wait i think we were
on autopilot the whole time
  that may have been helping me
and now were not
 so it turns out i cannot fly a plane
 all of you lets get
behind this fellow move it out
 move out
 our only chance is if i do what id do
you copy me with the wings of the plane
 dont have to yell
 im not yelling
were in a lot of trouble
 its very hard to concentrate
with that panicky tone in your voice
 its not a tone im panicking
 i cant do this
 vanessa pull yourself together
you have to snap out of it
 you snap out of it
 you snap out of it
  you snap out of it
you snap out of it
  you snap out of it
you snap out of it
  you snap out of it
you snap out of it
  hold it
why? oome on its my turn
 how is the plane flying?
 i dont know
 benson got any flowers
for a happy occasion in there?
 the pollen jocks
 they do get behind a fellow
  black and yellow
 all right lets drop this tin can
on the blacktop
 where? i cant see anything oan you?
 no nothing its all cloudy
 oome on you got to think bee barry
  thinking bee
thinking bee
 thinking bee
thinking bee thinking bee
 wait a minute
i think im feeling something
i dont know its strong pulling me
 like a 27millionyearold instinct
 bring the nose down
 thinking bee
thinking bee thinking bee
  what in the world is on the tarmac?
get some lights on that
 thinking bee
thinking bee thinking bee
  vanessa aim for the flower
 out the engines were going in
on bee power ready boys?
 good good easy now thats it
 land on that flower
 ready? full reverse
 spin it around
  not that flower the other one
which one?
  that flower
im aiming at the flower
 thats a fat guy in a flowered shirt
i mean the giant pulsating flower
 made of millions of bees
 pull forward nose down tail up
 rotate around it
  this is insane barry
thiss the only way i know how to fly
 am i kookookachoo or is this plane
flying in an insectlike pattern?
 get your nose in there dont be afraid
smell it full reverse
 just drop it be a part of it
 aim for the center
 now drop it in drop it in woman
 oome on already
 barry we did it
you taught me how to fly
  yes no highfive
 barry it worked
did you see the giant flower?
 what giant flower? where? of course
i saw the flower that was genius
  thank you
but were not done yet
 listen everyone
 this runway is covered
with the last pollen
 from the last flowers
available anywhere on earth
 that means this is our last chance
 were the only ones who make honey
pollinate flowers and dress like this
 if were gonna survive as a species
this is our moment what do you say?
 are we going to be bees orjust
museum of natural history keychains?
 were bees
 then follow me except keychain
 hold on barry here
 youve earned this
 im a pollen jock and its a perfect
fit all i gotta do are the sleeves
 oh yeah
 thats our barry
 mom the bees are back
 if anybody needs
to make a call nows the time
 i got a feeling well be
working late tonight
 heres your change have a great
afternoon oan i help whos next?
 would you like some honey with that?
it is beeapproved dont forget these
 milk cream cheese its all me
and i dont see a nickel
 sometimes i just feel
like a piece of meat
 i had no idea
 barry im sorry
have you got a moment?
 would you excuse me?
my mosquito associate will help you
 sorry im late
 hes a lawyer too?
 i was already a bloodsucking parasite
all i needed was a briefcase
 have a great afternoon
 barry i just got this huge tulip order
and i cant get them anywhere
 no problem vannie
just leave it to me
 youre a lifesaver barry
oan i help whos next?
 all right scramble jocks
its time to fly
 thank you barry
 that bee is living my life
 let it go kenny
  when will this nightmare end?
let it all go
  beautiful day to fly
sure is
 between you and me
i was dying to get out of that office
 you have got
to start thinking bee my friend
  thinking bee
 hold it lets just stop
for a second hold it
 im sorry im sorry everyone
oan we stop here?
 im not making a major life decision
during a production number
 all right take ten everybody
wrap it up guys
 i had virtually no rehearsal for that
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