#the Barber family
cevansbrat0007 · 5 months
I was looking at the post where you shared what the Barbers house looks like and I had a thought. What if Andy was left in charge of the kids and one of the kids messed up her precious kitchen with a sharpie or her reading area? Who is in trouble the kids Andy or both?
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Oh, everyone would be in trouble. But depending on how much time had elapsed between when the incident initially occurred and you arriving home, Andy would probably get the brunt of it.
Because he should've been paying better attention after he put the twins, AJ and Rory, down for a nap. And why the hell didn't he realize that he'd left a new pack of sharpies laying out on the coffee table?
On the coffee table!
They were left in perfect reach of two sets of tiny, meddling hands. Those hands just so happened to belong to two tiny humans who decided that their Mama needed some pretty pictures to look at while she's busy cooking in the kitchen.
Had Andy thought to bring the twins video monitor into his study with him during their naptime, he would've known the moment those two woke up. He would've watched his babies plot and plan in a language only they seem to understand.
And he would've seen, and then been subsequently impressed, by their little jailbreak.
Andrew Stephen Barber would've had time to drop his work and meet the adventurous twosome at the top of the stairs, where he could've escorted them down and gotten them a snack.
Instead, he was treated to the sounds of your panic screams. Followed by the sounds of two toddlers crying. And now he has to deal with you dragging him back into the sanctity of his study to give him an earful about how he had better hope that marker comes off with soap and water.
Otherwise he's gonna have to move out, or find you a brand new house with an even better dream kitchen.
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sgnscoops · 2 years
Farm House Records Welcomes The Barber Family
Farm House Records Welcomes The Barber Family
Atlanta, GA — Farm House Records is proud to welcome The Barber Family to our roster of artists. The Barber family, a trio consisting of James & Brenda Barber, along with daughter Rebecca Barber Dempsey, have signed a multi-year agreement with Farm House Records. With a sound that’s reminiscent of the great Rambo family, audiences across the country will love hearing from The Barber Family! As…
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 10 months
All is Well Part 2
Summary- Daisy and the men are still getting used to their newest houseguest.
Pairings- Steve Rogers(Nomad) x Daisy!Reader, Bucky Barnes x Daisy!Reader, Jefferson x Daisy!Reader (implied), Ransom x Daisy!Reader (implied).
Rating- Explicit, 18+
Warnings- polyamorous relationships, sex (PiV), Oral (f receiving), Double penetration, slight choking, cream pie, teased MxM but doesn’t actually happen, I’m sure I forgot something. 18+ only!!
Word count- 6.2k
Authors notes- This ties into It’s Cold, by @rainydayandmondays so please read that wonderful chapter! I haven’t posted my writing on Tumblr so here goes nothing, hopefully you all like it!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Warmth. A soft, gentle warmth washes over him. “Mmhmm,” he hums as he opens his eyes. Looking down at you as your head is buried against his chest and dreaming away, a soft smile breaks over his face.
Cold. Bone-chilling cold grips his chest as he shoots awake. He is looking around and gasping for air, looking for you, his Daisy. You’re asleep in the arms of the other while one leg is entangled with his own and your hand clasped with his, Grounding him.
Love. Unmatched and all-consuming, as you sleep between your two men. You hum as you start to stir, feeling eyes on you, and then the bed shakes as one sits up, started awake.
“Buck- hey Bucky, you’re safe.” Steve’s voice is what pulls you from your sleep. Bucky’s gasping for air scares you as you wipe the sleep out of your eyes.
“Bucky? Baby, what is it?” You sit up, still holding his metal hand in yours and moving closer to him as he moves to the edge of the bed. Kissing his shoulders and rubbing his back, you try to bring him out of his dream.
“I’m- I’m okay- I…” you look at Steve, who is already sitting up and switching on the lamp. Glancing at the clock, it reads 2 am. “I’m sorry- I’ll try to go back to sleep- I just.” still trying to catch his breath, he stumbles over his words. Bucky hasn’t had nightmares in about nine months, not since you got into a routine. Nine months ago, He moved into the room you shared with Steve. He sleeps on your right, and Steve sleeps on your left. Every other morning, he gets up and runs; the mornings he doesn’t, Steve does. They never want to leave you alone. And the mornings neither get up; well, those mornings usually end up with a late start for all three of you as soft kisses turn into hands roaming each other’s bodies, which leads to you spread out above or below one of them. Bucky makes breakfast for everyone in the house and eats with you either on his lap or admiring you sitting in Steve’s. It’s a solid routine that has worked for the past nine months and one day… no nightmares for nine months and one day until tonight. Feeling the tightness in his chest finally subside, he allows you to move him back on the bed and lean back against the headboard. You settle between him and Steve, laying your head on his shoulder and taking Steve’s hand to your left.
“Talk to me, Baby.” You rub Bucky’s leg, coaxing him to open up, “What’s going on?”
Bucky lets out a heavy sigh. “You’re gonna laugh at me.” You shake your head no, and Steve voices what you’re thinking.
“Whatever it is, it’s big enough to cause your nightmares to return. Just talk to us, Buck.” Steve reaches over and squeezes his shoulder. Bucky sighs again.
“That little prick coming in and messing up our lives,” Bucky grumbles. “We all had a great system! Sleep together, workout, I cook, Stevie cleans, Daisy sits there and looks pretty-“Bucky crosses his arms. “Now I’m having to share my women-” Steve clears his throat, “Our women, Sorry Stevie.” He reaches over and ruffles Steve’s bedhead. “There is never any hot water cause he is always taking damn baths, I have to cook more food, so it’s taking even longer, and I’m not even getting to eat with you two anymore because I always serve you first-” Bucky looks down at you, and you are smiling a little. “See! I knew you’d laugh!” You smile and look at Steve, who nods. You move to straddle Bucky’s lap and wrap your arms around his neck.
“I’m not laughing, Bucky. I think you’re a little jealous of our new housemate-”
“I’m not jealous- I just hate change! You know me, I don’t do change well!” You rub down his chest.
“James Buchanan Barnes, don’t raise your voice at me.” You say in the sweetest, softest voice that all Bucky can do is smile at your request. He grumbles an apology. You giggle and kiss his nose as you say a thank you back. “Fine, you’re not jealous, but I sense you feel left out.” He nods, and you rub his chest again. “A bit… underappreciated.” He nods again, and you reach down to the hem of your shirt and lift it off in one motion. Bucky stares at your breast and licks his lips. You tilt his chin up to look at you, and you smile. “I’m sorry you have felt unseen these past few days… he can be-”
“An ass,” Steve says.
“A prick,” Bucky grumbles
“A handful,” you correct both of them. “Ransom is new; remember what it was like when we brought the last new guy in?” Bucky sighs and nods. The last new guy was a man named Frank. He had no last name, and he had a bad smoking habit. You took care of that pretty quickly. He was sweet but took some training; learning to share can be challenging for little kids, let alone grown men. He finally settled in, and the boys really like him now. He gets along with Jefferson well and keeps to himself except when asked to join everyone. He took some getting used to. Now, he comes and goes as he pleases.
“That first week, he was needy, and you both HATED him for it. Turns out he was just in need of a family, of somewhere to belong. We gave that to him. Ransom has some similar needs. His family was… well, a shit show, and he was never disciplined. Ever. Precious, Dutchess and I must correct that, and there will be some natural pushback. Trust me, it won’t be like this forever.” You lean forward and press your chest against Bucky’s. “And if anyone can show him how to behave, it’s my two Super Soldiers.” You lean in and kiss Steve and then turn to kiss Bucky. Bucky smiles and seems to relax a little. You meet Steve’s gaze, and he nods, clearing his throat and furrowing his brow; he brings up a topic that he knows could be touchy.
“Buck, this actually comes at a perfect time. Bucky looks at Steve and then at you. “The routine you-” Steve gestures to all three of you, “we- have is great, but I think we could ease up on it a bit.” Bucky goes stiff and looks at you. “We are only suggesting this because,” Steve shifts around, “well,” Still feeling like he might be walking into a dangerous conversation, “we’ve noticed how the changes have slowly been affecting you. We think it would help if you weren’t so tied to a routine that you can’t deviate from. Life is full of changes, and we have to be able to adapt to them. This is proof that maybe- just maybe your coping skills aren’t the best solution.” You lean forward and hug him tight, looking up at him with your sweet, puppy eyes, as Steve and Bucky like to call them. “You haven’t had your exact routine for eight days now, and you’ve gotten grumpy, and now you’re having nightmares,” Steve continues. “And don’t get us wrong, we LOVE grumpy you,” you giggle and kiss his chest, and Steve ruffles his hair. “But the nightmares… you’ve come so far, Buck, we don’t want you to lose all your progress.” Bucky looks at Steve and then down at you. He nods and kisses your head.
“Okay, well then, what do you two suggest? Bucky asks, actually curious how two people with no experience in PTSD therapy or counseling are going to help him overcome this.
“Well, for starters,” you smile as you sit up, drawing squiggles down his chest with your fingers. “A good night’s rest will help. And I know you’re not tired now, but,” you look at Steve and smirk. “I can change that,” Steve smirks back and pulls you into a kiss.
“I’m still pretty tired from earlier,” he winks at you as you blush, “but you two go ahead.”
That night, you tire Bucky out, and you pass out next to Steve. All three of you blissed out and incredibly happier than you were an hour ago. You and Steve make it a point to change Bucky’s schedule gradually. If he wakes up late, you encourage him to skip the run and do it at another time that day. If he cooks breakfast, he does it all at once, and it’s not made to order like he used to do. That way, if Ransom wants to be an hour late for breakfast, Bucky isn’t thrown off by that. Ransom gets cold eggs and bacon, and Bucky doesn’t miss his morning snuggles with you. Little by little, Bucky lets go of the reigns and allows the little bumps in his schedule to test his flexibility. And pretty soon, the nightmares stop, too; it’s a strange thing the mind. When every second of Bucky’s day wasn’t taken up with some task or job, it would wander to the horrors of his past life. The things he did, the people he killed, that’s why he wanted to be constantly busy. It took one prick waltzing into his home to show him that he needed to let go so he could heal and move on. He doesn’t care for Ransom, but he can’t say he hates him anymore.
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***5 months later- November***
Bucky is making French toast when he hears someone come walking into the kitchen. He looks over his shoulder, “morning,” he offers, and Jake smiles and pats his shoulder as he walks by. Fixing his coffee and sitting down at the table, Bucky can tell Jake isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. “Ransom?” Bucky asks, and Jake nods.
“With precious now, and that’s why I’m here with you.” Bucky laughs and nods. “So tell me, how does one make French toast?” Jake asks, and Bucky kindly obliges him, going over each step in detail and offering to let him make a few. Bucky likes Jake; he is a little eccentric, but Bucky doesn’t mind that; it makes for good story times at the dinner table. The only thing Bucky could do without is Jake’s need to introduce him to new music; if Bucky has to hear Don’t Stop Believin’ one more time, he might just snap and beat the shit out of Ransom and blame it on music rage. He smiles to himself at the thought. That’s when the bedroom door starts to open.
“That’s my cue,” Jake smiles and excuses himself. Bucky looks over his shoulder, and he sees a half-naked Ransom walking down the hall to the bathroom, as smug as can be. Bucky sighs and shakes his head as he finishes breakfast.
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The sun streams in and shines in your eyes, pulling you from your blissful sleep. You’re blissful yet cold sleep. You reach out on both sides and feel icy sheets under your fingertips. Pouting and staring at the ceiling, you grumble about waking up alone. Steve went for a run right after Bucky got up to start breakfast. You stayed tucked in bed, hoping they’d both be back by now, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. You are still lost in your pouting thoughts when there is a knock on the bedroom door. You forgo your slippers and regret it when the hardwood floor sends shivers up your spine. You tie your silk robe around you before opening the door and seeing who it is, except all you see is a giant bouquet of daisies. You’re eyes light up, and a small giggle escapes your lips. “Steve Grant Rogers, what on earth?!” Steve drops them and places the bouquet by the door before scooping you up into his arms. He tickles your sides, and a laugh escapes your lips as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“I just wanted to treat you, that’s all.” He kisses you as he kicks the door closed behind him. Steve crosses the room to the king-sized bed in the middle of the back wall. The pillows are haphazardly thrown on either side, and the dark green comforter is a little twisted, but that doesn’t stop Steve from laying you down. As you have two men permanently in your bedroom, you have the large master suite with a joined bathroom. Dutchess has a room at the very end of the hall, and it has a joined bathroom as well. Precious (as Jake likes to call her) has the room down the hall, and their bathroom is across from your bedroom. Each room is exceptionally spacious, and you’ve even drawn up plans to add a bathroom to Jake and Precious’ room. It’s only fair that they have the same privacy as you and Dutchess. Also, it would keep Ransom from giving you, Steve, and Bucky a free show whenever he can’t be bothered to close the door. And it would decrease his opportunity to eavesdrop on your private time with your boys. You can count on one hand the number of times Bucky and Steve have stayed and joined in on your time with Ransom… there’s a reason that number doesn’t go past 5.
Lost in the eyes of your husband and the feel of his lips on your skin, you don’t hear the door open. You don’t hear the clearing of his throat, and you don’t hear him call out your name; you don’t hear him at all, but you see him. Opening your eyes when Steve leaves a particularly hard love bite on your neck. There’s Ransom, bedroom door kicked back open, leaning against the doorframe. Ransom has taken your bouquet, and he’s picking the petals off the Daisies. Steve had taken the time from his run to buy you your favorite flower; it’s where your nickname comes from, and here Ransom is just ripping it apart. His smirk tells you everything you need to know; he’s looking for a reaction. Ransom knows those were special for you. He wants Steve or even you to get angry; you won’t give him that. You know he’s acting out for attention; Steve and Bucky would say he’s just being a little prick. You look away, pull Steve’s face close to yours, and whisper, “Next time, take an extra second to lock the door.” Steve scrunches his brow, and his eyes get slightly sad, thinking he messed up somehow. Looking over his shoulder, he sees Ransom’s smug face and rolls his eyes. Noticing how Ransom’s eyes rake over your body, shielded by this sheer silk robe and Steve, it sends Steve into protective mode. He starts to get up and lecture Ransom about respecting people’s privacy and how Daisy is HIS wife, and HE decides who sees her and when. All that would have done is cause Ransom to laugh in Steve’s face. Steve may be the husband, and he may have some control over Daisy, but everyone knows that the women in this house have 100% autonomy, and no one’s husband can say differently. Well, that’s what they let Ransom think, no one’s had the heart to give him the cold, hard truth about these relationships… yet. Steve just might though. Ransom stares Steve down, almost begging him to let go and yell. Ransom doesn’t rightfully fear Steve, at least not yet. You three ladies allow the men to handle their differences however they see fit. As long as no one is seriously hurt, they can duke it out. That rule was put on pause once Ransom arrived because, well, the boys would have permanently damaged his face and their hands with the amount of times they’ve had disagreements with him. So, if Steve had chosen to tell him off like he so desperately wanted to do, Ransom would have answered with a literal laugh in Steve’s face. And Steve would have had no choice but to show Ransom why he should fear him. But Bucky saves the day and the peace. Bucky always saves the day.
“Beat it.” Bucky walks up beside Ransom and stands in the doorway to block his view. Not before he glances at you himself; he definitely likes what he sees, and you bite your lip when you catch his gaze. He turns back around and looks Ransom up and down. “You’re not supposed to have a foot in this room until tomorrow.” Ransom scoffs at Bucky. “Breakfast is ready in the kitchen; go now.” Bucky stands up straighter, towering over Ransom; he’s only one or two inches taller, but still, with Bucky’s muscles, it's intimidating. Bucky gives Ransom’s shoulder a little push, moving him out of the doorway, and Bucky shuts and locks the door on him.
“I’m sorry he ruined your flowers.” Steve opens your robe and kisses your chest. You hum at the feeling of his beard creating delicious friction along your soft skin.
“It’s okay, Stevie. Bucky? Could you gather the petals? If Ransom wants to ruin my flowers, then he will have to bathe with the petals his next bath.” You smile, and Bucky lightly laughs and nods.
“He’s gonna hate and love that simultaneously,” Bucky says as he gathers the petals and places them on the dresser. One hand plays in Steve’s hair as he continues to kiss your chest, and the other reaches out to Bucky. He stands at the end of the bed watching you and Steve; he sees how you melt in Steve’s arms and soften at the feel of his lips along your breast. You make a grabby motion, and he teases you by doing it back. You pout, and a light laugh escapes Bucky’s lips before he gives in and walks over.
“You two left me in a cold bed this morning, all alone,” You tighten your grip on Steve’s hair, and you squeeze Bucky’s hand a little harder. They look at each other.
“I was making breakfast-“
“I needed to run- I haven’t been running in- “
“Yeah, but it was your first morning with alone time since the- “
“I had promised Sam-“
“Boys, boys, boys.” You say, and they stop talking over one another. “I’m not mad,” you smile up at them; you’re still on your back with Steve on top of you. You run your hands up and down their chests, feeling the muscles move and tense under your fingers. “I just need you two to warm me up.” You smile, and Steve gives you a deep kiss, and then so does Bucky.
“I’ve got just the thing. Buck?” Steve says.
“High or low?” Bucky asks, and Steve thinks for a minute.
“High, I haven’t spent enough time up high.” Bucky nods, and then they are both moving you around the bed. Steve lays next to you and opens your robe as Bucky lays between your legs and rubs up and down your thighs.
“Mhmm, my boys,” You hum as Bucky kisses you along your center. He whispered against your skin.
“All yours, Doll.” Bucky gives a love bite to your inner thigh and then sets in to devour you.
“Sweet, perfect Daisy,” Steve says against your lips as he kisses you.
Soon Bucky has you arching off the bed and clinging to Steve as you reach your high. “Atta girl, just like that,” Steve whispers in your ear while playing with Bucky’s hair as he cleans you up and gets more than his fair share of you. You pull Bucky up, and he settles between your legs as he kisses you, shoving his tongue in your mouth as you moan around it. Pulling away to fill your screaming lungs,
“Now it’s your turn,” you say breathlessly. You look at Steve. “Yours too, Stevie.” You smirk and move them around. Bucky settles behind you while you straddle Steve’s lap, already guiding him inside. You moan at the stretch while Bucky kisses your neck, his hands drifting down your body and between your breasts.
“Where do you want me, baby girl? In this sweet ass,” he squeezes it, “in that sweet pussy with Stevie,” He guides you up and down to start riding slowly. “or in Stevie?” He pinches Steve’s thigh, and that has you all laughing a little, and you turn and kiss Bucky.
“I’d never choose that FOR Stevie.” You wink.
“You choose everything else for him.” Bucky retorts, and Steve laughs loudly. Steve gives your ass a smack on one side with one hand and the he reaches up and smacks the side of Bucky’s ass with the other. Almost like a reprimand to you both, you can’t help but giggle and Bucky laughs.
“This is why you have neighbors like Peter assuming we are fucking.” Steve responds with a bit of light in his eyes. Bucky smirks and slowly pushes in alongside Steve.
“I mean, that’s kinda what we’re doing now, isn’t it?” Bucky says, trying not to sound affected by how you are squeezing him. You and Steve moan loudly, and you collapse on Steve’s chest. Bucky beams at the reaction he pulled out of both of you. Steve catches his breath, and a small smile escapes as he lets out a breathy laugh.
“True, but Daisy’s pussy and my ass are two very different things.” Steve struggles to get out. Bucky smirks as he slowly moves in and out, torturing you and Steve.
“Now Stevie-“Bucky starts, but you and Steve cut him off.
“Just fuck us!” You scream, tired of his games.
“My god, Bucky- just move!” Steve screams and emphasizes it with another smack to the side of Bucky’s ass.
Bucky bites his lip and pulls back before slamming back in hard and fast.
“Ffffuuu“ you stammer out. Bucky’s metal hand wraps around the back of your neck, and Steve sits up and wraps his hand around the front.
“You know how we feel about that, Daisy girl,” Steve whispers against your lips.
“Yeah, it’s the only thing we ask of you, Doll.” Bucky coos in your ear. You smile as they squeeze a little and then let go. Bucky slams back in.
“FUCK!!!” You scream as he hits that sweet spot inside you. Bucky smirks and slaps your ass, and Steve kisses you hard.
“Thatta girl.” Steve praises.
“Love that dirty mouth! Gotta fully commit.” Bucky grabs your hips and sets a brutal pace as he chases his high, bringing you and Steve over the edge.
“Squeezin’ us so good, baby girl!” Bucky moans as he cums deep inside you.
“So good, my sweet Daisy!!” Steve cums alongside Bucky and fills you to the brim.
You lay there wrapped in their arms for a good 10 minutes, unable to move or even speak. You play with Bucky’s hair as Steve kisses your neck, and you thread your hand in his. “I guess we should get up, shower, and join the rest of the world,” Steve says; he stands up to head to the shower. “And you, my wife,” you smile proudly. “are coming with me!” Steve lifts you into his arms and throws you over his shoulder. You laugh and smack his ass. He looks at Bucky and winks. “You comin’?” Steve says as he walks off to the bathroom. Lifting your head, you make grabby hands again, and Bucky can’t resist your grabby hands and pouty face.
“Fine, you’ve convinced me!” Bucky teases and runs after you two. After a long, hot shower and an orgasm each, you finally get out and get ready for the day.
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“Any plans today?” You ask Steve and Bucky as you gather the daisy petals into a bag for later.
“I’m going to spend some time with Cap. See if I can get through to him.” Bucky kisses your cheek. “We are almost on the road to almost having a breakthrough!” He smiles proudly. Steve laughs and pats his back before leaning over and kissing your cheek.
“I am helping Bucky for a bit later, but first, I’m making a grocery run or else Jake, Cap, and Winter will eat us out of house and home.” He grabs his wallet and heads to the door.
“To be fair, Cap and Winter can finally have seconds without punishment. So I get it. Jake? That you’ll have to talk to Precious about.” Steve waves it off and heads out the door. Once you have a moment, Bucky pulls you close and kisses you sweetly.
“I love you, and I’ll see you later. Hopefully, Cap doesn’t kill me,” he teases you. “I’d like my last night with just my Wife before I have to share you with others again.” You blush and pull him close. Three weeks ago, in a private ceremony with just the house members, you and Steve added Bucky to your marriage. It’s not conventional, but nothing about this situation is. Bucky has always been a part of your lives, and that one day, when he expressed his love for you, it felt right. Even Steve knew and felt the same way. Bucky moved in about four years ago, and three weeks ago, it was made official, as official as this can be. Out of respect for the new “marriage,” everyone except Steve had to be hands-off with you for three weeks; today is your last day. Well, that rule only applied to Ransom; you could hold yourself back from sleeping with any of the other men, and they could hold back from you. Random needed strict rules.
“If he hurts a hair on your pretty head, then he will have to answer to me.” You kiss Bucky and rub up and down his back.
“I’ll tell him he will be in big trouble with my Doll.” He says sweetly and kisses you again before finally slipping out of the room.
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You are getting dressed when you hear the bedroom door creak open, but no footsteps approaching. You knowing very well who likes to stand in doorways, observing and taking it all in, you turn around and smile at a happy Jefferson. “And why are you so happy this morning?” You tease. Jefferson smiles and glances down at his feet before looking back up at you and questioning what kind of morning you two will have. He knows this is the last day of your three weeks, but a man can hope, can’t he? You smile and hold out your hand, allowing him to come to you. A gentle smile breaks his smirk, and he walks over to you. You pull him into a hug and give him a sweet kiss on his jawline. Regardless of the hands off rule, Jefferson doesn’t enter your bedroom unless you invite him in. And if there is an invite, he knows it will be a sweet, platonic relationship-type day. If you come to him, step into his basement room where he designs and lets his imagination run free, he has his way with you.
See, Jefferson likes to play this game; he lives off the chase and honestly can’t get it up without the excitement of it. Cat and mouse, hunter and hunted. If you draw him in, then there is no fun, no chase, no sex, just sweet head scratches, fuzzy pajamas, and cuddles, which he loves. If you approach him, all bets are off. It’s his crazed form of consent, and once you got the safe words and hard stops in place, you two have had tons of fun, even involving Steve and Bucky once in a while. If Sex is involved, then Jefferson needs you to approach him with an “I want this; don’t hold back.” He can get intense, so he won’t chase you unless you initiate it. It’s how he keeps himself in check. It keeps the madness from breaking free. You hold out a hand and invite him into your warm embrace; he knows you’re not in the headspace for his games, and that’s okay. Jefferson rubs up and down your back.
“I am Happy, my little Bunny because I just got word that I have a hearing about getting my visitation reinstated.” You could scream, you do!
“Jefferson!!!” You hug him tight, and he lifts you off the ground in excitement. “When?!”
“Later this week, Ari got the call from Andy this morning and told me over breakfast.” He smiles, and tears well up in his eyes. “I could see her soon!” His tears break free, and you give him a gentle kiss on the lips.
“Let me know the exact day and time, and I will be there; we all will!” Jefferson laughs a little.
“Well, we could leave Ransom here, and I wouldn’t care.” You smile and roll your eyes.
“He will be there too. Besides, we can’t trust him to be left alone, at least not yet, so he has to come.” Jefferson laughs again and gives you a sweet kiss on the forehead before he lets you go. He walks to the door and then looks back at you, smirking slightly,
“Will I see you tomorrow?” He asks as he bites his lip. “It’s been too long, Bunny.” You blush as you answer.
“Maybe. It will depend on how exhausting my day is. If not tomorrow, then definitely the next.” Jefferson nods and watches as you walk over to him. “I’ve missed my little Kitten too.” You smirk up at him, and he leans in, kissing you and leaving you breathless.
“Be good, my little Bunny. I’d hate for the Wolves to have to join us.” Jefferson says as he leaves the room winking; you stand there a little dazed and happy.
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“Mom! It’s not- No- I am fine-“Ransom rolls his eyes. You laugh to yourself as you walk into the living room. Ransom paces around, having a lovely conversation with his mom on the phone. You come to stand beside a tall beast of a man, his hair long and almost down to his shoulders, a full beard, and muscles so big it’s a shame they are covered with a shirt. He turns and sees you walking in; a small smile breaks across his face as he opens his arms and puts one around your shoulder.
“Hey, Daze.” He kisses the top of your head, and you hug him tight. “Long morning?” He looks down at you, and you laugh and nod.
“You could say that. Hey! Jefferson told me that you got word from Andy about his visitation!” You say excitedly. Ari nods as he smiles.
“Yeah, Andy has a good feeling about it.” You can’t contain your excitement, and you lean up and kiss Ari’s cheek, “Ha! I’m just the messenger! But I’ll take a sweet kiss if I have to!” You tease,
“in your dreams.” Ari laughs loudly, and you smile up at him. You fully believe in platonic soulmates, and Ari is yours. You’ve had moments and still do from time to time where it gets physical, and boy, is it amazing, he is an excellent shoulder to lean on, and he knows you about as well as Steve and Bucky. He’s just the best. “What’s all this about? Linda not happy about the arrangement, again?!” You ask, and Ari nods.
“Oh, you know Linda, Daze. Nothing will ever be good enough for her boy.” You sigh and look at Ransom. “This has been going on for 20 minutes,” Ari says. He nods his head in Ransom's direction and then nudges you. You shoo Ari away, and with a kiss on your cheek, he is gone.
Ransom paces the room while still on the phone with Linda. “Mom, if you would listen-“she cuts him off for the hundredth time. Ransom sees you walking closer, and you take the phone from his hand.
“Linda! Hey, I am so sorry, but Ransom is due for a therapy session. He’s gonna have to call you back. Bye!” You hang up the phone and lock it before sliding it into Ransom’s back pocket. “Now that she’s quiet for a bit… you wanna tell me what that was about earlier?” You ask as you cross your arms and look up at Ransom. He smiles and looks you up and down.
“I was just enjoying the view.” He bites his lip, and you lightly laugh.
“Well, I’ll let Steve know that you enjoyed the sight of his ass.” You pat the side of Ransom’s face before you walk away. He grabs your hand and pulls you back into his arms. He kisses you hard, and you let him have control for a moment. One little moment, and he thinks he got you. Taking his face in your hands and pulling back, you smile.
“Do you not know the meaning of hands-off, Ransom?” You say as you walk away.
“I do, but I’d much rather put my hands all over your body. Even if G.I. Joe and his handler come for me.” Random calls after you.
“Who is the Handler, and who is G.I. Joe?” You ask.
“It’s pretty obvious. Which ones the machine?” Ransom says, trying to get under your skin. Your face doesn’t change, all you say is,
“That was mean, Ransom. And here I was about to tell you to come by my room tomorrow morning, and I’d draw you a nice bath. But I don’t give treats to mean boys.” You turn to walk out of the room. Ransom realizes he messed up.
“Wait, Daze- I-” you turn around to face him. He is conflicted, his brow furrowed, and he seems tongue-tied, like apologizing is entirely new to him cause it is.
“If you can hold your tongue the rest of the day, no mean words, no angry outbursts, and no making fun of the others, then the bedroom door will be unlocked at 8 am. You can come in then. Understand?”
“You got it, Daisy Mae .” He says, trying to regain his sass as he turns and leaves you alone in the living room. He has no idea what’s in store for him tomorrow morning; you thought it all up while cleaning up the flower petals. You can’t wait, and you know he will love it too.
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Bucky stands at the basement door and takes a deep breath before twisting the knob and pulling the door open. At the sound of the creaking hinges, Bucky hears chains rattle and scrap along the floor. ‘He’s awake,’ Bucky says to himself as he descends the stairs. He usually sleeps at odd hours, and Bucky can sneak in and be ready and waiting when he wakes.
“Here he comes, the reformed assassin. The Soldier is gone, and here stands the Wolf.” His voice is deep and dark; Bucky can hear the hatred laced in the sound. “Or is the Soldier just hiding in the back of your mind, waiting for the right moment to break free?” A dark laugh slips through the darkness. He walks forward into the dim light hanging from the ceiling. His sick smile is the only thing Bucky can see, “Funny that the Soldier has more teeth than the Wolf.” Bucky flips on the rest of the lights. “Why so many lights, Buck?” He lunges forward, pulling on the chains. “Scared of the darkness?” He laughs and moves back to the wall, and sits down. Bucky doesn’t say a word. “I’m not talking, so if you want to stare at one another all day, that’s fine.” He laughs; it’s tight and sounds mechanical, evil. “I can learn a lot by just observing.” He narrows his gaze and looks over Bucky.
“You don’t have to talk, Cap. I can learn a lot by observing, too.” Bucky sits down and stares at his friend, this alternate version caught by Hydra and twisted into this monster before him. “You can refuse to talk, and you can hurl insults at me, but I’m not giving up on you, Steve,” Bucky says, and Cap laughs again. This time, it’s sad and broken; it actually sounds human.
“Well, you really should.” Cap looks up at the wall across from him; there is a little rectangular window at the very top. He can see red, yellow, and orange leaves on the ground. Cap may detest most things, but he always did have a liking for Autumn. He takes a deep breath; he can almost smell the crisp fall air through the basement walls. He turns his gaze down again and settles on Bucky. “Just like you should give up the hope of getting rid of Winter.” He looks down at his shackled feet, special chains that will hold him. He scoffs to himself and then meets Bucky’s gaze again. “He will always be a part of you.” Bucky doesn’t blink, he doesn’t move, all he does is nod and smile.
“And that’s okay-“
“Yeah yeah yeah…. All is well.” Cap sighs, cutting Bucky off before he can start in on his rousing speech. “Wake me when it’s lunchtime.” Cap closes his eyes and repeats the phrase that has been a constant in his life for the past six months: All is well. He wishes he could believe it, and that thought, that want that he has actually to believe in something? That scares him more than Hydra ever did. Because believing that he is okay and that All is well? Well, that means he has to have hope, and all hope has ever given him is the reality of failure and the bitter taste of blood because someone has to be punished. Hope can kiss his formerly star-spangled ass.
Taglist: @rainydayandmondays @theinheriteddutchess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cjand10 @janineb86
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muppetoftheday · 7 months
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guy who has only ever seen dhmis watching anything slightly spooky: getting a lot of dhmis vibes from this
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diioonysus · 1 year
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dogs + art
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presleysgirl6 · 2 years
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Elvis getting his hair cut at Jim’s Barber Shop in July of 1956🫠 I cannot function
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blastdamage · 11 months
like... i personally have friends whose loved ones are in ukraine. ive seen firsthand how the war in ukraine has traumatized and terrified them despite being safe here in so-called canada. they can't sleep at night because they are worried sick about the people they love. they are a shell of their former selves. the invasion of ukraine isn't some abstract thing for you to use as a rhetorical device, it isn't a fucking team sport, it isn't a joke for you to own the libs with or whatever, it's a real thing that affects real human lives. i have a profound disgust for people who speak of the war which such callous disregard.
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andydrysdalerogers · 5 months
Cross-Checked ~ Chapter 15
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Andy Barber x OFC Leighton "Leia" Andrews
Andy Barber is having the best year of his life. His game is on point. It’s gets to play with his best friend and his fiancé just... dumped him?!. 
Reeling from a sudden change in status, Andy decides it’s time to just focus on hockey. Until his best friend's sister comes out with news that rock the entire organizations world., 
Andy has always carried a torch for the untouchable Leighton but in her hour of need, is now the time to shoot and score or risk getting cross - checked again? 
Warnings: Cheating (but not by the MCs); slow burn; friends to lovers eventually; SMUT!; pregnancy; jealousy; handsome goalies, evil exes...
A/N: The tag list is open!
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
Previous: Chapter 14: Mother Knows Best
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter 15 ~ Unexpected
Week 26 
We’ve been at Boston General for a few hours. The doctor immediately checked Leia in and hooked her up to a couple of machines. She was doing everything she could to remain calm, but the tears wouldn’t let up.  I am so angry at Monica for this. Why that woman can’t just be happy for her kids is beyond me.  It's times like these where I miss my mom. While she would have been skeptical because of the how, she knew the why and that would have been all that mattered. She loved Leia and knew about my unrequited love for her. She would have been thankful for our love and for her granddaughter.  
Fuck Monica for ruining this.  
Once the machines were one, we heard the best sound in the world: the fetal heart monitor. I swear there is not a sweeter sound than my daughter’s heartbeat. Hearing it nice and strong gave me the strength to let go of my anger and concentrate on my family. I was flooded with relief until I saw the tears streaming down her beautiful face. “Sweetheart?” 
“I thought I hurt her,” she cries. She leans her head into me, and I hold her. She sobs for a while, soaking my shirt with her tears. I do my best to soothe her, running my hand over her hair, kissing her head, reassuring her. “My queen, our princess is good.  She’s healthy and growing.” She hiccups as she starts to calm down.  
“Where is Luke?” 
“I think he went for a coffee. Let me find him. I will be right back.” I kiss her forehead and smile before I head out.  I know where Luke is. He texted me a few minutes ago and I know I need to help him before he goes on a spree. 
“Kyle, my sister has been admitted for monitoring and you want to excuse her behavior.... I don’t care. She has been so selfish when it comes to us... I get that you love her and she’s your wife, but she’s been our mother longer... if she is not going to apologize then she is not welcomed. I will not have her upset my sister when it puts her and my niece in danger.” He ended the call and looked at me with a fire, but it was mixed with sadness.  “She doesn’t think she did anything wrong.”  
My best friend looks defeated.  He should have been on a high, coming back from his first all-star game. Instead, he had to deal with his mother. “I’m sorry, brother. What can I do?” 
He shakes his head, not sure of the words to say. He looks up at me and his eyes are rimmed with tears. “I feel like I lost both my parents now.” A single tear falls, and I pull him into a hug. He sobs because I know, this is hard for him. He wants to be strong for Leia so I gave him this. 
“Let it out, buddy, its ok.  Just you and me, alright. Be weak here so you can be strong out there.” I just hold him, and he calms.  
“What did the doctors say?” He wipes the wetness from his eyes.  
“We can hear the baby. A nice strong heartbeat. I don’t know what the tests say yet. We’re waiting for the doctor to tell us but really Leia just wanted to know that she was ok.”  
Before Luke can say anything else, a nurse comes in. “Mr. Barber, Mr. Andrews?” 
“Miss Andrews asked if you could come in. The doctor wants to go over the results.”  
I nod and we make our way back to Leia’s room. I see her sitting up, rubbing her hand over her belly. I sit next to her on her bed and kiss her head. Luke takes his place standing on the other side of the bed. The doctor looks at his notes before he begins. “Leia, I talked to Dr. Sheppard, and we think we need to make some changes.”  
“Changes?” She squeaked.  
“Modified bed rest.  You don’t need to be in bed, but we would like you to rest as much as possible. No more highly stressed events, working, anything like that.”  
I frown. “She has to stop working?”  
“It would be recommended. Now, I know you are no longer flying but I would avoid traveling as much as possible. More time on the couch, baths, naps are recommended, until at least the 34th week.  By that time, the baby is much more developed and can be safely delivered.”  
“Ok,” she whispers. “Anything else?” 
“Plenty of fluids, maintain your diet, and we should get you to the home stretch. Eight weeks, ok. You will have weekly check ins now so we can check your blood pressure and we get a peek at Baby but otherwise, you are lady of leisure from now on.”  
“Thanks Doc,” I say. He leaves the room, and a nurse comes in. “I’m gonna get your discharge paperwork so we can get you home.”  
“Well, this sucks,” Leia says as she leans her head back. “I don’t know what I am going to do. I mean the Bruins said that if I had to go on early maternity leave, it wouldn’t be a problem but with my business...” 
“Why not hire someone to step in?” Luke says. “You could get one of the assistants to help you and maybe you can video conference for the really big meetings.”  
“You’re a genius, Lukey!” Leia wraps her arms around her brother. It's one problem solved until I remember we have a lot of road games coming up.  Our schedule had been home heavy until recently and now we need to hit the road.  
“What about when we are gone?” I ask. “Can Miranda stay with her?” 
“I don’t think it will be a problem. She works from home,” Luke says. “We’ll make sure you are taken care of Cubby, don’t you worry.”  
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Week 27 
I’m packing my bag for the next road trip as my queen sits up in bed, reading a book.  “Whatcha reading, beautiful?” 
“Just a romance,” she says distractedly.  
“Oh yeah?” Now this piqued my interest. Leia has an affinity for dirty romances.  She thinks I don’t know this, but she’s left a couple of her books laying around and I got curious a couple of times.  Let me tell you, it has given me a few ideas for when she is no longer pregnant, and I can bend her body at my will. I glance at my watch and determine that I have some time.  
“Mmhmm.” She is deep in the story that she doesn’t see that I’m pulling off my shirt. I grasp her ankle and pull her down the bed. She squeaks and then moans as I run my hands up her legs. She’s just wearing one of my shirts and panties, making her look scrumptious. As I pull her down, the shirt rides up, exposing her belly and stopping right below her breasts. “Andy...” 
“Yes, darling?” I start to kiss around her belly, giving my daughter some kisses before I take her mom. I can feel her push against the skin, and I smile. Then I travel south, hearing Leia’s breath hitch at the sensation. “A problem, my love?” 
“N-no,” she replied as her body arched when my lips touched her clit. It was beautiful to see her so sensitive, responsive to every touch. I wasn’t rough with her. Every lick, every suckle, every kiss was soft and sweet, and it drove Leia wild. “Andy,” she cried, “more, please!” 
“Do you know how much I love feasting on you? Tasting you, owning you. This is my favorite place in the whole world.” I opened her up with my thumbs and drank her up. “God, why do you taste so good?” 
She whimpered and thrashed. I placed my hands on her hips to hold her steady. I lapped up and down, not wanting to stop until I felt her come apart.  I had asked the doctor if sex would be bad for her and the baby.  The doc had chuckled and said it would actually relax her more. I would be a bad partner and father if I didn’t do everything I could to make sure they were relaxed until she arrived.   
She began to chant my name as I worked faster but not harder. I was going to be on the road for the next twelve days so this was going to have to last for me. She could barely reach my head with her finger to pull me closer to her. I finally obliged and let my finger slide into her. She moans and I work her slit between my lips.  “C’mon baby, let me have it.”  
She cried out as her climax washed over her, her pussy pulsing around my fingers. I could live in between her thighs. I worked her through her peak and slowed as I felt her body relax. “Andrew Steven Barber, you are trying to kill me.”  
“I would never do that sweetheart. Just needed something to remember you by while I’m alone on the road.” I crawled up to lay next to her and moved her hair out of her face.  She smiled softly before giving me a kiss.  I knew she was tasting herself, which is a move I find sexy as hell. She palmed my erection through my jeans, and I moaned. “Fuckkkk.” 
“So big,” Leia coos as she undoes my jeans and reaches into my boxer briefs. I head lulls back as she pumps my cock, making it harder. “I wish I could suck you off.” She pouts at me, but she knows the rules. Being on her knees is not good for her or the baby.  
“I know, baby.” I kiss around her neck and whisper to her, “tighter.” She grips me tighter, the added pressure mimicking her tight pussy. “Just like that,” I rasp.  
“Andy, I need you,” she moans. I’m quick to lay down and pull her onto my lap. She centers herself and slides down my erection with ease. “Oh my god,” she rolls her head back in a moan.  
“Just let me do the work, my queen.” I grip her hips and move her up and down my shaft as I pump my hips up to meet hers. Her breast bounce in front of my face and I can help but lick them as they move.  She keens at the sensation, her hands gripping my abs.  
It's not enough. I know I can feel how she wants it, harder and deeper. I carefully twist her onto her back, making sure I don’t put weight on her belly. I wrap her legs around me and push back in. I’m deeper now and fuck if it doesn’t feel good. I pump into, enjoying her cries as I reach down to stroke her clit and bring her to her release. “Come on, baby. Let go for me.”  
“Andy!” She detonates around me, squeezing me so hard that I follow behind her, shattering. I come so hard I see stars. I slow our movements but haven’t pulled out quite yet.  
“Are you ok, my queen?”  I look at her glassy eyes with a smirk.  
“I’m great,” she breathes. I pull out gently and then get a cloth to clean her up. I helped her back into some panties and a shirt. I jumped into the shower for a quick rinse and finished getting my bag together.  
“Do you have to go?” I turn to look at my love, who is pouting but also has tears in her eyes.  
“Baby,” I sighed as I went back to the bed to hold my girl. “What’s wrong?” 
“What if something happens while you’re gone? What if I lose...” 
“Sweetheart, don’t talk like that. You heard the doctors. Rest and limiting exertion is what’s going to help. Miranda will be here right after her meetings and she’s staying in the guest room. Coach already knows the situation so I can leave at a moment's notice if I need to.” I kiss her head. "Positive thoughts, ok?" 
“I’m gonna miss you.”  
“I’m gonna miss you too, my little queen. I’ll call as much as I can.” I kiss her softly and touch forehead. “Take care of yourself and my baby, ok? I love you.”  
“I love you.”  
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It's been two days since the boys left on their road trip. Rumor has it that Jeremy was not on the trip due to an injury.  When it was announced, Andy looked sad about it.  I didn’t ask, because it looked like the injury weighed on Andy’s mind.  
I’ve been working on easy stuff at our house. Andy hired a cleaning service so I wouldn’t strain or lift anything. The only thing I had put my foot down was him ordering me food every day. Cooking relaxes me and I didn’t want that to go away. So, I happily cook for Miranda and myself every day.  
Stella had been a little distant lately. She called and mentioned that she broke it off with the guy she had been seeing. She really liked him, and they had been going out for a couple of months. She just needed some time before she showed up here with ice cream and girl time.  
Hopefully, she will show up soon because Miranda has become a party planner monster. What party did you ask? 
Baby Andrews-Barber's baby shower.  
If I look at the guest list, it makes me nauseous. It's wedding sized. As in more than 100 people are being invited. I don’t think my brother knows the extent of her plans because he would have locked this down a while ago. But no, he didn’t. And now all of these people are being invited to his house.  
At least it's not mine.  
Since Miranda is staying with me, every evening has been taken with party planning and decision making. Everyone knows we are having a girl, but I still don’t want just pink things. I decided on a pink and soft green theme. It's gonna be so cute.  
We were online, making a registry when the doorbell rang. I stood up carefully and went to answer the door.  
“What the fuck are you doing here?” 
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A/N: I have a few chapters written (purely for my indulgence) of what happened to Jeremy that got his off the road trip? Anyone interested?
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timegays · 11 months
i LOVE your recent sweeney art especially your barker family portraits they’re SOOOOO good oh my god. I yearn for the better kinder universe where ben barker can be a lame ass girldad in 1888 he would have loved staring out the window at the rain and going “huh. we really needed this” and braiding jo’s hair. if you would like to draw them enjoying some fun father daughter activities that would rock
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Lucy and Johanna helping mrs Lovett and Toby in the pie shop. Pirelli and Ben becoming business partners and Anthony working for them
I just want them all to be happy Augh.
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bebx · 2 years
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Tim Burton’s creations ♡
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
I’ve been wondering this for awhile but I wasn’t sure how to sensitively ask: how did baby girl and Andy discuss disciplining their kids? Obviously they love spanking as an adult, consensual activity and part of their dynamic, but there’s so many different opinions now on whether spanking children is appropriate. How did they end up approaching it?
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Spanking & Discipline in the Barber Household
Oddly enough, they hadn't really talked much about it until they witnessed a parent reach the end of their rope during a trip to a local park. Baby Girl was right around seven months pregnant with BiBi at the time.
She had insisted on getting out for some fresh air that day, claiming that she wanted to take advantage of the lovely spring weather they'd been having lately. And Andy, ever the doting husband, insisted on tagging along - as if she could ever leave that man behind.
So off they went. They walked the trails, took in the blooming flowers, and eventually, the conversation shifted to their hopes and dreams for the future. Not for themselves, but for their daughter.
They purchased a couple of hot chocolates and took a seat on a nearby park bench as they talked. That's when they noticed what they could only assume to be an overtired, overworked parent who was clearly out of patience with their children. But there happened to be one kid in particular who had earned their wrath.
And that little boy earned himself what seemed like a swift and powerful litany of swats for as long as it took that little family to make their way out of the park. It was loud. It was jarring. And it appeared to be an uncomfortable experience for nearly bystander who witnessed it.
For a moment, Andy and Baby Girl sat there in silence quietly sipping their cocoa. And then she leaned her head on his shoulder and softly whispered "I don't want to be that kind of Mom. I don't want either of us to be like that.". To be truthful, she wasn't so much judging as she was reflecting.
She knew that there would inevitably come a time where she might find herself at her wit's end with her own child. But she also felt that there were many other, better ways to enforce discipline without resorting to corporal punishment.
Because while a warning swat to the butt was one thing, actively and repeatedly spanking your child until they cried out in pain was something completely different. Especially when done in the heat of anger.
Andy felt inclined to agree. And so from that point on, they came to an understanding that the only spankings that would take place in the Barber household would be those dispensed as part of the special D/s dynamic found between a loving ogre and his brat!wife.
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Hope that answers your question. And for the record, you asked it beautifully. Thanks!
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d1no-b0y · 3 months
"Could be us"/Iconic couples moodboards
Henry & Alex - Red, White & Royal Blue
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Sophie & Sky - Mamma Mia
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Morticia & Gomez - The Addams Family
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Sweeney Todd & Mrs Lovett - Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
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eva-knits12 · 10 months
Chris Evans Characters at Disney
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Steve Rogers:
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Steve has never been to Disney, seeing as how it was built when Steve was still frozen in the ice.
Steve and you take James, Sarah, and Margaret to Disney every year for Christmas break.
James, Sarah, and Margaret love finding the hidden Mickey's that are located through out the park.
Margaret loves dressing up as her favorite Star Wars character, Rey.
James and Sarah are usually in shorts and T-shirts.
You and Steve are also dressed in shorts, but Steve wears a polo shirt, and you're in a T-shirt.
You make sure that everyone wears comfortable shoes.
Sarah loves Cinderella's castle.
James and Margaret love Star Wars world.
You love the Simpsons world.
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Steve tries Dole Whip and loves it.
The kids love the Mickey Mouse ice cream bar.
You, Steve, and the kids stay at the Grand Floridian.
The entire vacation is amazing, but not without the stress of planning.
Why didn't you listen to your gut instinct and work with a travel agent and a Disney liason.
Margaret cries because she doesn't want to leave.
James and Sarah have a story to tell their classmates when you all return to New York.
You try tell Margaret that you'll be back next year, but this makes her cry even more.
You get her a stuffed Mickey so that she can have something until next year.
Steve winds up holding her, consoling her, and tells her a story of him and uncle Bucky seeing Snow White.
It winds up with Margaret laughing.
Steve is also tossing Margaret up in the air and catching her, and tickling her to make her laugh and to make her smile.
Margaret is now laughing and smiling.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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Ransom has always wanted to go to Disney World, but he never got to growing up.
Your parents take him and Harlan and Katherine, and you wind up staying back in Boston.
It's better for you because of your MS, which means that you wouldn't be able to enjoy a number of the rides.
You would need a fast pass.
But it's great, because you, Ransom, the twins and your parents video call you every night during the trip.
The twins tell you about each ride-in detail, including the fact that Harlan threw up after he got off the roller coaster, which makes you laugh-and Ransom had to go back to the hotel to change his clothes, and shower, as Ransom was Harlan's unfortunate target.
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Your dad has to make a joke out of it.
Your dad mentioned that he had gotten thrown up on multiple times when you and your brother were babies and kids.
Of course, he mentions that when you had the stomach flu when you were five, you threw up all over him and all over the couch.
"What goes in one end will come out the same end at one point."
Katherine got to meet her favorite Disney Princess, Cinderella, and Harlan got to meet his favorite Disney character, Peter Pan.
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Harlan and Katherine were excited to meet Cinderella and Peter Pan, and even got to have their picture taken with them.
The next time, at the character breakfast, Harlan and Katherine dressed up as Cinderella and Peter Pan, and they got some candy from their favorite characters.
Harlan and Katherine come back with Mouse Ear hats with their names on it, and they got you a Mickey Mouse necklace and matching earrings with your birthstone (mine's citrine or topaz).
The twins, Ransom, and your dad had a wonderful time.
They stayed at the Grand Floridian.
Do you think the former trust fund playboy is going to have his family stay at just ANY hotel?
The twins can't wait to go again.
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Andy Barber:
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It's Joy's last day of first grade, and Penelope Rose's first birthday is the next day.
You and Andy pick Joy up from school, and present her with a plane ticket.
You and Andy helped Joy pack her suitcase this morning.
You and Andy already packed your bags.
Joy can't wait because she finally gets to meet her favorite Disney Princess, Belle.
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You go to the airport right when you load Joy in her car seat.
Eventually, you board the plane, with Penelope on your hip.
Penelope is in a special seat that is approved by the FAA.
The girls fall asleep on the plane.
You arrive in Orlando a few hours later, and have dinner at the hotels restaurant after you check in.
You planned everything with a travel agent, and a Disney liason, who meets you at the hotel.
You, Andy, and the girls fall asleep.
The next day, you go to the park, and have Penelope in her stroller.
You are all wearing shorts and T-shirts, and comfortable shoes.
Andy makes sure that you have your insulin, that you have water and juice, and snacks.
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You, Andy, and the girls spend the entire day at Disney World.
Dinner is great because Mickey and the Disney Princesses get to deliver Penelope a small cake, with slices of cake for the rest of the family.
Penelope dives right into her cake, but Andy removes the candle and Minnie Mouse toy that is on top of the cake.
The Princesses sang "Happy Birthday" to Penelope.
Penelope clapped and squealed.
Joy got to have her picture taken with Belle.
The girls come back with several souvenirs from their trip.
Joy got a really cool Belle doll that she won't take out of the package.
It's a collector's item.
Penelope is passed out after a long day at the park.
You are tired, and check your Dexcom.
Your sugar is normal, and you have a light snack before bed to keep your sugar up through the night.
Andy, you, and the girls leave, and they can't wait to go again!
They already want to go back at Christmas.
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Jake Jensen:
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You surprise Jake with tickets to Disney as an anniversary present.
You also bring the girls, because it would be cool to have a photo of the twins with their namesakes.
The girls are only nine months old, but they are smiling and laughing.
Jake has to go on every ride, and you have to tell him to slow down.
You and Jake take tons of pics, and you get your pic taken with Mickey and Snow White.
Jake and you get your pics taken with the Star Wars characters.
Everyone gets souvenirs of things they love-Frozen stuff for the girls, Star Wars and Marvel stuff for you and Jake.
You have a family portrait with Peter Pan.
You go to the Disney character breakfast.
The twins get to meet their namesakes, Anna and Elsa.
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Jake WANTS to come back every year on your anniversary.
You are already planning to come back when the twins turn one.
You and Jake have already made plans to come back when the twins turn one.
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Johnny Storm:
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Johnny surprises you with tickets to Disney for your birthday.
You thought he forgot your birthday, but no.
He put the tickets in a small box, but you had to open the huge box, followed by several boxes to get your birthday present.
You find your suitcase already packed, and Johnny and you are headed to the airport.
You both grab an Egg McMuffin and some coffee at the airport.
Then, you both grab a Cinnabon.
You arrive in Orlando a few hours later.
You both check into the hotel, then go down to the hotel restaurant for lunch.
Dinner is ordered through room service.
The next morning is your birthday, so you and Johnny enjoy a round before you both shower, where you enjoy yet another round.
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You both go the park after breakfast.
You look for the hidden Mickey's in the park.
Johnny puts you on a scavenger hunt.
He gives each character a clue, and each clue eventually leads you to Cinderella's castle.
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Johnny is there, and he tells you how beautiful and amazing and intelligent you are.
Eventually he gets down on one knee, and proposes to you.
You say yes.
Your ring is perfect.
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Your birthstone is in the middle of it, with diamonds that create a halo around it in a white gold setting.
A pic is taken with you showing off your ring as your kissing Johnny lovingly.
You also get your pic taken with your favorite Disney princess, who happens to see the ring, hugs you, and congratulates the both of you.
A year later, you and Johnny have your wedding at Disney.
The proposal and the wedding were just magical and beautiful.
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bloodywonder1846 · 1 year
Alrighty screw it, here’s some neurodivergent & lgbtq+ headcanons of musical characters, as someone who’s both of those things
Disclaimer 1: Bigotry and dumbassery will not be tolerated.
Disclaimer 2: These are just my opinions, headcanons I made for fun. You don’t have to agree with them, and you’re free to have your own interpretations. Just be respectful.
• Enjolras is ace and on the aro spectrum. He’s never felt sexual attraction towards anyone, and he’s only ever been romantically attracted to Grantaire. (And France./j)
• Grantaire is gay, and very in love with Enjolras. I don’t think I need to explain any more than this, lol.
• Cosette is bi. She discovered this after realizing she had a small crush on Eponine as well as Marius.
• Marius is also bi.
• Eponine is ace demiromantic, and also nonbinary. (Specifically using she/they pronouns.) She could never understand how the people around them could fall in love so fast, and with people they hardly knew. She didn’t fall for Marius until they formed a close connection with him. Regarding gender, they’ve never felt like she wasn’t a girl, but they didn’t feel fully like one. She felt sort of like a girl, but also like something else. It took them a while to figure out what exactly it was because she never felt like a boy, they just only partially felt like a girl.
• Orpheus is autistic. His special interest is music, and he loves talking about it to anyone who will listen. (Usually it’s Eurydice or Hermes.) He fidgets and stims a lot, and is also very awkward and doesn’t quite understand social cues. He tries his best, but always finds himself accidentally making things weird. Sometimes he worries that Eurydice will stop loving him because of his autistic traits, but she assures him that she loves him for who he is. Also, he’s somewhere on the ace spectrum, though he doesn’t use any specific labels.
• Persephone is also autistic, though she is much better at masking it than Orpheus. She also has ADHD.
• I’m chill with many different interpretations of Sweeney, but I think it’s quite interesting to hc him as trans or nonbinary. (I mean, what cis person names themself Sweeney?/j) He was in the closet when he first started dating Lucy. He was terrified of coming out to her, but eventually did, and she was quite accepting. She was relieved that maybe this meant they didn’t have to keep their relationship secret, and this was also how she realized she was bi. He also came out to Mrs. Lovett at some point before being sent away, and she was also very accepting, and has proven more than once that she’s really good at using people’s chosen names, as it was really easy for her to start calling him Mr. Todd when he returned from Australia. (Also, Mr. T could be a very punny nickname in this case.)
• Sweeney is also autistic. He’s gotten decent at masking in public, but whenever he’s at home, he makes no effort to hide his autistic traits. He stims quite frequently, usually by aggressively shaking his hands, punching his arm, fidgeting, or pacing. (Is pacing considered a stim? I feel like I do that a lot as a stim, but idk.) He also has an incredibly strong sense of justice. This is most notable when it comes to himself and how he’s been wronged, but he also feels that way on a societal level too. He rants a lot about people who get mistreated and people who abuse their power. (Mrs. Lovett can attest to this, as she’s usually the one he rants to.) Prior to being sent away, he felt like Lucy was the only person he could truly be himself around. Post-incarceration, Mrs. Lovett ends up being the one to fill that role. At first he’s quite nervous, but he ends up opening up more, and realizes that she’s a safe person to be himself around. In fact, she’s the easiest person for him to be himself around, because she’s also neurodivergent.
• Speaking of which, I headcanon Mrs. Lovett as being autistic and having ADHD. She’s always got several different trains of thought, is all over the place, and though she’s chatty, she’s a bit awkward, and feels that Sweeney is the only one who truly understands her. She’s also had many special interests and hyperfixations throughout her life, and is known to infodump a lot. She stims by flapping her arms and doing little dances. She also has some vocal stims, like humming or singing random notes to herself.
• Mrs. Lovett is ace. For a long time, she never told anyone because she was terrified of being judged for it. She was also scared that no one would ever love her because of it, and though there was no way Benjamin could’ve known, she sometimes felt like maybe her asexuality was part of why he chose Lucy over her. In attempts to impress him years down the line, she’d sometimes act in ways that felt strange and uncomfortable to her. In order to make herself feel better about it, she’d tell herself that it was like a comedy act, and that it was more about being funny. (She’s also the type to be really good at making sex jokes because sex is a joke to her, although she doesn’t joke like that often. Her preferred sense of humor is puns.) After a while, feeling like she can no longer hide it, she finally comes out to Sweeney, and nearly breaks down crying while doing so, fearing that she’d ruined her chance at him ever loving her. To her surprise, he accepts her, and he comforts her until she calms down, letting her know that she never has to make herself uncomfortable for his sake.
• Toby is the kind of person whom people can’t tell if he’s gay or aroace. He can’t tell which one it is either.
• Tbh, every version of Wednesday Addams feels autistic coded to me, so I’m including musical Wednesday as well.
• Morticia Addams has bi wife energy. Gomez is her number one ally.
• Lydia Deetz is hella sapphic. The Maitlands are the first people she comes out to, and they’re extremely accepting. After a while of being nervous, she finally comes out to her father and Delia, and they also accept her. Delia isn’t super educated on everything, though she’s well-meaning, and she even buys a sapphic flag colored crystal for Lydia. Beetlejuice takes her to her first pride event. It’s chaotic for everybody there due to Beej’s presence, but it’s definitely a fun time for Lydia.
• I also headcanon Lydia as autistic. Her special interests are ghosts, horror, and photography, and she loves infodumping about them.
• Beetlejuice is pansexual. I suppose that one’s not really a headcanon and is actually a thing in the musical, but I still wanted to list it.
• Martha from The Secret Garden is ace and autistic. I mostly say this because I’ve played her once, lol. Idk, I just like the idea.
• Veronica Sawyer is the biggest disaster bi.
• Jo March is ace and on the aro spectrum. She doesn’t really care all that much about sex or romance, though she has occasionally felt romantic attraction. She doesn’t really care about gender when it comes to the people she likes, but she does also identify as sapphic because she really likes girls. (I mostly like the idea of her being sapphic because people suspect that Louisa May Alcott was, and she based Jo off of herself.)
• Christine Daaé doesn’t really use any labels, but she did once find herself crushing on both Raoul and Meg.
• Meg Giry is sapphic, which she realized after having a crush on Christine.
• Because of that one line in Driving Through the Moonlight, I have decided that Prince Topher is ace now.
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i-like-omori · 1 year
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ok so like i want this fucking haircut so fucking bad but school starts in like FIVE DAYS and i'm FUCKED because what if i fucking HATE IT ON ME and i have to attend SCHOOL with this SLOWLY REVERSABLE CUT and it'll be my FIRST IMPRESSION on EVERYONE who's ATTENDING also i WEAR GLASSES and having bangs like that would PROBABLY ANNOY ME but I WANT THE BANGS because i want to look like SUNNY from OMORI and i don't have NAUTRUALLY BLACK HAIR so i'd have to DYE IT and idk if i wanna keep up with MAITNENCE of the DYE in my HAIR and GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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flickys-courage-club · 8 months
My Courage The Cowardly Dog AUs:
Main AU - The show is the same except I added my headcanons and my own OCs to it
Caretakers of Anxiety AU - This AU only involves Barry and The Revenge Six. When Barry gets kidnapped by the villains as a small kitten and taken to their home, however, instead of killing him, they began raising the baby with little help from Freaky Fred and the Banana Dealer
Cowboy AU - This AU involves the episode 'Cowboy Courage' but the whole series takes place in Wild West era
2P AU - This AU is inspired by @ppanhwi involving the characters having alternate personalities and apperances. For ex: Courage is brave dog and isn't afraid of anything
Detective AU - This AU takes place in the 1970s-80s across New York. Courage is the main detective, though he is a coward but brave enough on his cases there he also meets with one of the new detectives in town named Barry and his partner Shade
Witch Hunt AU - This AU takes place in the medieval era in which the witch hunt begins
Frostbite Family AU - This AU is about Barry and Team Frostbite. Before Nathan and Teresa died, they had to send Barry who was a baby over to the snowy lands to which Team Frostbite found him. Since they realise that his parents died, they took him in to their place and raise him
Bloodlust Curse AU - This AU focuses on the episode "King Ramses' Curse". It is said that anyone who comes across his slab or himself would face the same plagues but Ramses gained the fourth plague which is his victims being slaughtered to death by thousands of bloodlusted bats
Eternal Night Curse AU - This AU follows a curse of eternal night being said by cat like creatures known as "Dream Cats" that night time will be stay forever in Nowhere. However it is said that if it happens, it will end all life really quickly due to the cold weather and lack of food. This also takes on the OC Crescent who after being free, was desperate to find someone who can play with her little games
Barbers Asylum AU - This AU focuses on Freaky Fred. Since Fred's mother(also the sister of Muriel) couldn't take her son's obsession of shaving hair, she had no choice but to send him to an mental asylum for life. Though the person he is fond who is Muriel, she pays visits to him whenever she is out
Weirdcore/Dreamcore AU - This AU follows the characters in a distorted version of their universe with their morbid appearances based of what they are. Ex: Computer is a computer head. Kitty is a cat plush made of cotton and wool and her mouse toy becomes a real mouse. Bunny is also a bunny plush made out of cotton and wool. Courage is a dog puppet, has stitch marks over him and buttons sewn into his eyes
Gorecore AU - This AU follows the characters in a horror and gory take on their universe, with their appearances being gory. Ex: Courage's eyes and limbs went missing, Katz has spider bites and wounds all over his body and Cajun Fox has burn marks from boiling water or oil, his eyes were sore from sunlight and his glasses are broken
Bad Ending AU - This is a What If... AU which the protagonists didn't get their happy endings. Ex: Courage and Muriel get killed by their enemies in Ball Of Revenge, Bunny and Kitty didn't reunite together due to Bunny meeting her fate at the hands of Mad Dog in The Mask and everyone died in the submarine explosion except for Katz in Katz Under The Sea
Gem AU - This AU is inspired by @welpimspooky it takes on Steven Universe. Courage/Coral and others are gems living across a fallen world
Reunited Family AU - This AU follows Courage and the Bagges meeting two dogs who look a lot like Courage, however the old couple don't realize that the two are Courage's actual parents
The Amazing Digital Circus X Courage The Cowardly Dog AU - This AU follows the TADC story but with CTCD characters as the characters. Ex: Courage has the role as Pomni, Muriel is Ragatha
Humanized AU - This AU is the same as my Main AU except the characters who are anthropomorphic animals or monsters are humans
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