#the Bible part was for my big big theory about god. please check it out
applecidersstuff · 11 months
Someone: What fandom do you write for?
Me *just spent 15 minutes on searching for a particular part(poem?) from the bible in English(a foreign language for me)*: Do you really want to know?
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
4x02: Are You There God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester
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Dean Winchester is saved
Olivia, a hunter, wakes to cold air and flickering lights. She runs for her shotgun just as Bobby leaves a message on her answering machine. 
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Her EMF is going nuts as she patrols her house. Suddenly ghosts that she recognizes give her the one two punch and she’s a goner.
At Bobby’s, Dean is vehemently denying that he was “groped by an angel.” Bobby’s got lots of lore on angels, though. It seems they’re the only thing that could pull a human soul from Hell. 
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Sam thinks it’s a good thing that Dean was saved “by one of the good guys.” And Dean wonders if there is a God. BABIES. Dean’s having a hard time believing there’s a god out there that personally believes in him. Oh, buddy, he cares just a little too much, I’d say. Dean’s self-loathing is off the charts though. And this is getting way ahead of myself here, but even though Chuck cares in the sense that Dean is a fun little puppet for him, it’s Cas that really cared all along. He believed in Dean so much, he gave up everything for this man. BIG SIGH. 
Dean demands pie before digging into the angel lore.
Sam runs off to forget get the pie, when he sees Ruby lurking. She wants to know if the angel stuff is real. Ruby’s scared for her demon life and takes off.
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Sam gets back to Bobby’s in time for all three of them to take off to investigate why Olivia isn’t answering Bobby’s calls. Also, he forgot the pie.
They find Olivia disemboweled on her bedroom floor. And Bobby can’t get a hold of any nearby hunters. They check them out to find everyone dead. 
They need to get back to Bobby’s to regroup.
Sam’s getting gas for the Impala while Dean sleeps. He makes a pitstop in the gas station restroom. The room suddenly gets cold and Victor Henrickson appears!
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He blames Sam for his death. He starts to attack Sam but Dean comes in with a save and a shotgun.
Bobby meanwhile is haunted by a couple giggling raggedy twin girls. Fun! 
Sam and Dean race back to Bobby’s. They can’t get a hold of him so they enter his house with shotguns ready. The boys separate and while Dean checks out the upstairs, Sam heads outside. 
Dean runs into the ghost of the woman who was once Meg Masters. 
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She blames Dean for her possession...and Dean hates himself enough to actually believe it all. It wasn’t your fault, dude. Also, as much as they’ve learned about demon possession and all, if they would have met Meg at any point in the future, they would have just stabbed her with Ruby’s knife and she’d be dead anyway. Idk, saving people is good in theory, but hard in practice for these guys. I also know this is a manipulation. “Do you know what it’s like to be ridden for a month by pure evil?” HE DOES! Leave him alone! 
Meanwhile, Sam’s trying to find Bobby outside. He’s currently being held down by a couple scary ghost twins. 
Ghost of Meg continues to taunt Dean, and pins her sister’s suicide on him as well. MEG. NO.
Outside, Sam finds Bobby trapped in an old scrap car. He helps break him out and together they swing iron through the ghost girls. 
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Dean drags himself away from Meg, and aims his gun at the iron chandelier up above. DAMN BOBBY that’s some fancy light fixture work! The chandelier smokes Meg out...for now. 
Back in Bobby’s living room, they realize that all the ghosts had a brand on their hands. Bobby hauls out the lore and leads the Winchesters down to...dun dun DUN...his safe room. 
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We get the grand tour because this is the FIRST TIME WE’VE SEEN IT. This safe room has everything! Iron! Salt! Devil’s traps! Lore! Racy posters! Booze! Weapons! The vanished hopes and dreams of Dean Winchester! A cot complete with restraints! The Winchesters are impressed. 
Later, Dean breaks into a theological monologue while making salt bullets. My sweet sunshine! How dare you speak my love language! “If [God] doesn't exist...fine. Bad crap happens to good people. That's how it is. There's no rhyme or reason - just random, horrible, evil. I get it, okay? I can roll with that. But if he is out there, what's wrong with him? Where the hell is he while all these decent people are getting torn to shreds? How does he live with himself? You know, why doesn't he help?” (Because, sweetie, freedom is a length of rope and God LITERALLY wants you to hang yourself with it.)
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Bobby finds the brand - it’s the “mark of the witness.” They’re ghosts forced to rise and destroy people. In fact, the Rising of the Witnesses is part of an ancient prophecy. A prophecy of...DOOM. It’s a sign of the apocalypse. Dean suggests coping with a series of wish-fulfillment trips including: Grand Canyon, Star Trek Experience, and the Bunny Ranch. Somebody please write me that fic. Instead of Dean’s plan, Bobby suggests running an ancient ritual to shut down the witnesses. To do so, they first have to race out of the panic room to gather ingredients before the ghosts have a chance to yank their insides outside. 
Ronald from the bank heist greets them at the stairs. Bobby blasts away Dean’s guilt ghost for him, and we cut to a montage of spell preparation. The three of them split up to fetch supplies. Ghosts appear to torment them. 
Meg appears to Sam, only she KNOWS more than she should. She knows about Sam’s fraternization with Ruby. 
In the kitchen, Victor appears to Dean. He reveals that after the Winchesters left, Lilith gruesomely tortured those left in the station for almost an hour before blowing up the place. While Dean absorbs this fun fact, Victor makes his move, plunging his hand into Dean’s chest.
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Sam saves Dean just in time with a well-aimed salt round. They start the ritual, Bobby’s living room teeming with ghosts. Bobby chants while the Winchesters play shotgun whack-a-mole with the ghosts. Meg jabs a hand into Bobby’s chest. Bobby drops the bowl and Dean dives for it like it’s a football, then tosses the spell into the fire to finish the job. 
That night, Dean wakes from his slumber.
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Castiel stands waiting for him (watching him sleep??) in the kitchen. He congratulates Dean on their triumph over the witnesses, and announces that he has already started doodling Mister Castiel Winchester in his notebooks! 
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Dean feels a little raw about nearly dying (again) and wonders why angels are total dicks. “Read the bible,” Cas advises. “Angels are warriors of God.” Oh, and also? He’s not here to PERCH ON DEAN’S SHOULDER. Oh honey sweetie baby. 
Dean tries to read Cas the riot act and rails against God’s shitty parenting. 
Cas: The lord works…
Dean: If you say "mysterious ways" so help me, I will kick your ass
Cas warns Dean that big...no, cosmic things are afoot.
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The Rising of the Witnesses is one of sixty-six seals that Lilith is busily unlocking. Each seal is a lock holding Lucifer in his cage. Dean has trouble believing that Lucifer is even REAL. Sassy Cas smiles. “Three days ago you thought there was no such thing as me.” 
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Cas tells Dean that Heaven isn’t infinite. Angels have died in the battle so far, and more may be at risk. (Excuse me while I weep for the next twelve seasons. There have been 0 days since the last angel mishap.)
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“You think the armies of Heaven should just follow you around?” Cas asks, telegraphing his series story arc. “You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of Hell. I can throw you back in.” Cas flaps out.
Dean wakes up for realsies. WAS IT ALL A DREAM? He asks Sam if he believes in the Devil…
You Should Show Me Some Quotes:
All I know is I was not groped by an angel
If there is a God out there, why would he give a crap about me?
When have I ever forgotten the pie?
Where’s the pie?
I thought angels were supposed to be guardians. Fluffy wings, halos -- you know, Michael Landon. Not dicks
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mayfuji · 5 years
Oneus Twilight full comeback review
When I say full comeback review it’s because it’s a FULL comeback review. From the concept films to the Japanese verison, were gonna cover a lot so get a cup of something to drink cause this will be hella long aka Bible (I’m a nice person I’m telling you this beforehand).(You should do a Youtube video review then… nya… BORING)
So let’s begin. This is not the first time I follow a group comeback in real time… You know… Checking everyday the performances, so I kinda know how it works. We have gone through a lot of stuff… KARD You in Me, GFriend Fingertip, Red Velvet Peak a Boo, Dreamcacther as whole, BTS Fake Love, F(x) Dracula, BTS Wings album as a whole and last but far from least BTS Blood Sweat and Tears. I wouldn’t call some of them dark concept, I also wouldn’t call some of the sexy concept. By these examples you can see I have my standards pretty high. I’m that annoying perfectionist old uncle and declare myself guilty. For years Blood Sweat and Tears was the top song for me. (I’m a sane person ok… That doesn’t mean I listen to it 24/7). The MV had very beautiful aesthetics and I liked the lyrics and the song. Clothes were cool and the coreography too. F(x) Dracula would come in second and I never thought something could also join these two. Until… It happened. I knew RBW was releasing a new group but I just waited. Turns out I found out the group some months later then the actual debut. Oneus debuted with Valkyrie. The way they changed the coreography every stage, the amazing fashion sense, song was good quality. They had vocal thecnique, they had dancing it caught my attention and Valkyrie was straight to my playlist. Then… it happened. The group’s first comeback. I don’t know how, when or even who am I but I found out about the comeback EXACTLY AT THE RIGHT TIME (Technically not because I was 16 hours late). I know you know we know, we are not going retro like 80’s or 90’s. We are not going retro like acient Corea like BTS Idol. We are going retro 1500/1700 not Japan, not China, not Corea, EUROPE. Welcome to the renaissance. The MV was shot in Italy, the amazing fashion sense strikes again (I swear to God stylist min is communicating with me), the song, the lyrics, the coreography, the cool colored camera filters, I need to mention the vocal technique again, the rest of the album being consistently good (BingBing), I dare say nothing is perfect… But man… This gets 99,99% of what I call perfection. It’s a shame they didn’t win any music show… Because they are a newer group and still don’t have a large fandom? WHO CARES. Let me tell you something BTS sucess should have been in 2017 Wings… The high point of their artistity…  Ateez was also a newer group AND THEY DID WIN. I give congratulations to them but Oneus needed to win and it had to be with Twilight nothing changes my mind. (Don’t come to me saying we can give them their win next comeback, it won’t do it) This type of thing only happens once in a lifetime, why? Repeat and it gets boring, they can do the same concept again but it won’t be the same, same for BTS wings. It’s not about quantity is quality. Veiws never mattered to me and now I can say with all my mighty that wins do not make art. (I was never a fan of streaming but you count my ass off this mess cause YES I did some small streaming of the MV, I did my homework) (Take in account they did this comeback with BLOOD IN THEIR EYES) (Please give Dreamcather and KARD their first win too. Did you know that with You and I Dreamcatcher also had comeback with blood in their eyes??). Let’s start with the song name… Twilight. Remember 2009 movie sensation Twilight? Yup that’s it… I know you know we know, we are going deep in the vampire/ werewolf style in here and why I said I know you know we know? Xion posted about it on Twitter… 
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THEY ARE AWARE therefore I know you know we know. JUST IMAGINE THEIR LIGHTSTICK AND FANDOM COLOR AND END OF YEAR PERFORMANCES. CHECK OUT ONEWE TOO.(I took the liberty of making a playlist with extra post promotion content (with English sub) - cause I know you all love content - linked below, you don’t need to thank me, not I’m not putting english girl, focus on Twilight)
Just in case you haven’t watched this beautiful MV here it is.
Song, yes. Lyrics, yes, coreo yes, key point of coreo YES, Keonhee vocals YES (I trust this legend vocal thecnique more then I trust myself). Aesthetics? YES. Italy? I need to sneakly and illegally go there RIGHT NOW. This is a whole YES. ( Sir... If you think I haven't noticed the moon changed from previous album you are wrong cause I noticed. Sir are your albums going to complete the moon please say yes... Also... Have you noticed Woongie used the wet hair effect? + his brown eyeshadow is stunning.
Also line and center distribution is on the playlist for in deepth study... Twilight is basically Seoho eating up all the line AND center distribution and detail... the only thing he does is SING THE CHORUS. Also thanks Keone Madrid for making this coreo for Oneus (he also did BTS Blood Sweat and Tears -  DO YOU SEE THE PATTERN). Also rumors that Oneus actually created about 40-50% of the coreo so also thank you Oneus hehe.
Bitch it's me we are taking about do you really think I would miss a possible plotline?? Xion is with a red diamond and later he breaks it into dust (I'm scared). Keonhee is with a ring. Ravn is looking at his own reflection in the water and Seoho is looking at his own reflection through a broken mirror. Woongie is with a necklace. I guess the high point in Leedo's individual shots is the wolf (question mark)... Woongie and Keonhee are the only members that change the eye color. Seoho and Woongie are the only members that simulate super powers (question mark). Summary they all lost someone.... Silence is also a way of communication... I'm not a huge fan of theories or the fanfics I know ya'll write later in wattpad but fell yourself served, you're welcome, no need to thank me.
Now some highlights.
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Ok this goes straight up to the hall of iconic earnings… (Man... But his walk was so POWERFUL)
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How ASIA did not notice two SKULLS in here and how they are not SHOCK??? The ring is small… BUT POWERFUL.
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Question time, if they had money to do the CGI then why didn’t they erase this little hairs in Leedo’s eyebrow?????? We’ll never know...
MV behind (english sub cause I love you all ~~ plays english girl in reverse in the background ~~)
Humanity mystery here. They recorded a version of the coreography when the sun was actually falling down in real life and we see those scenes in the MV. But if the whole staff was SHOCK about the key part of the coreography being extremely perfect and beautiful then why not use it on the MV? Sure the version they used outdoors was pretty too but this was ALSO awesome and I think I need as many version of the MV as I can.
Album review
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Of course I would listen to the whole album.
Intro - What can I say... it fells so chill out, kinda minimalistic I just loved it. Twilight - Just amazing... I liked the dumbstep, the music is confusing witch I find extreamly cool. English Girl - Let em tell you not my type of song... but the lyrics are extreamly funny and relatable... so I forgive (I’m waiting crazy ho now Oneus, do not disappoint me) BingBing- YOU DON'T FREAKING START A SONG IN FRENCH IF NOT AIMING FOR TITTLE TRACK LEVEL. Ok and can we talk about the coreography???? BEAUTIFUL and I want to know the mastermind behind it. I just don't know why this was not above English Girl on the tracklist... White Night - Ok a more slow song but as always Oneus always delivers. (low key Red Thread sequel??) Now - This gives me Calvin Harris vibes. More dance eletronic standard pop but it's good...
Look... the CD case is very unique but think about it... if you take your album from above there is a risk everything wil fall... (1theK unboxing on the playlist, cause they were the cover for 1theK youtube chanel so 1thek is Oneus bitch)
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1theK Suit dance and Dance cover contest
Please give Seoho something that WILL NOT FALL FROM HIS SHOULDERS cause clothes are made to be comfortable. What is the point to take off the jackets when the night is COLDER??? (Wait.. let me answer that one… cause you can’t see black in black… I get it… BUT REGARDLESS) one of the mysteries we’ll never know. (Poor ties must have suffered a lot in the middle of the harnesses)
Now before we jump into the important stuff let me tell you a secret… Keonhee is the most difficult member to dress… why? He’s 1,81 cm tall… anything you give him to wear can make him look even taller and his face is more projected (did you know he uses braces?) so you really need to pay attention to his hair. We’ll use this information latter.
So the first performance ever was… Guess what… Before the MV was released and where? JAPAN (My half japanese ass is shaking). So people there kinda received a spoiler (clothes too) and Mnet uploaded it in the same day of the MV release so other people that weren’t at the kcon wouldn’t receive a spoiler. No complains here except Ravn chocker being TOO BIG and Keonhee clothes making him look taller. (Nice expensive microphones you got in here)
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Now the actual comeback in Corea begins. (Images cause tumblr won’t let me upload the videos) (I’ll upload the links below the image) (No… before you ask I’m not uploading english girl, too much work… focus on twilight) ( As I spoiled above English girl was the chosen B side. Look... I know it's us international fans unofficial anthem but c'mon... BING BING) (I know I'll miss camerawork in here but I'll eventually get the hang of it) (Don't ask me about make up cause unfortunately I don't have 4k 360° to get THAT close up. But from other close up photos I trust their make up artist) 
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First choice was the ACDC Black in Black 1.0 clothing set from the MV, Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… Pretty clothes but… YELLOW LIGHTS??? with red?? is this ketchup and mustard? The lighting did not appeal to me and shout out to the physics mystery.
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2:03 (Time stamp cause I love you all) HOW ON EARTH DID HIS EARPIECE END UP THERE? I guess we’ll never know.
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Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… but oh his hair was NICE… Fight me I’m the last person in the world to advocate in favor of coconut hair but it looks nice on him. No yellow lights so it’s a win situation, I like to call this the GLOVES set of the MV.
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Kudos for the physical scenario and Woongie earings (same as the MV). Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… no yellow lights… and this comeplete all the clothes they wore in the MV. Please… save Leedo from his chocker… too large.
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THE SUITS a whole YES. Keonhee clothes were good but we got yellow in here and this is a NO, Woongie coconut hair was also a no but Seoho red highlights? YES. Also… Woongie… the harnesses should go UNDER the jacket not ABOVE it…
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Repeating clothes… but this doesn’t bother me. Ketchup and mustard lights is a no. Woongie earing yes and in case you haven’t noticed Seoho gold huge ass rings… blame the yellow lights. Keonhee hair was actually nice.
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Physical scenario yes, yellow lights no, clothing NO, Seoho huge ass rings YES. That’s the summary.
07/06/19 v1
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Uniforms? Approved, Leedo earing approved, Physical scenario approved. Orange? NO. Keonhee harmonizing with himself 1.0? YES
07/06/19 v2
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So… they blessed Japan with that set of clothes now it’s Corea time. Ketchup and mustard lights is a no. No earings or rings today… but  Keonhee harmonizing with himself 2.0? YES
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You know what this SMELLS like? PERFECTION. Purple, black and red the holly trinity of colors. Keonhee clothes finally making justice to him, his hair was also nice. A LOT of light in the scenario to get THAT CLEAR LOOK cause I want to SEE things. Not a single yellow light… Woongie earings? YES. Please save Ravn from his chocker. Seoho dear… what is the point of wearing a black waistcoat… WITH A BLACK SHIRT? (But it’s approved regardless).
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I present you Michael Jackson Black or White 1.0 clothing set. Woongie earing? YES. The light was a bit tricky. Chorus was beautifully black and white. We also had blue/green. In the red one we had yellow lights but it didn’t bother me at all. Overall it’s approved to me.
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They repeated clothes, but it didn’t bother me. Seoho rings? YES. No yellow lights. This is also super good and I can’t choose between the two times they wore this clothes.
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They repeated Michael Jackson Black or White 1.0 set. Ketchup and mustard? Purple? Lighting was a no. Seoho ring was a yes.
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New clothes yay. Keonhee hair and clothes were nice, I don’t know what to think about this set of clothes because I was never a fan of prints or this variations of cream and brown. The way the lights were positioned was tricky but the small amout of yellow lights didn’t bother me at all. No rings or earings today unfortunately.
14/06/19 v1
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Clothes were repeated witch is a no. Do not think that instead of wearing silver or gold wearing black jewelry will make me forgive the clothes. No rings or earings today unfortunately. Ketchup and mustard lights is also a no. Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… This whole performance was a whole no.
14/06/19 v2
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I present you Michael Jackson Black or White 2.0 set. IT’S HIGH END JEWELRY YOU WANT? IT’S HIGH END JEWELRY YOU’LL GET. Seoho rings (in both hands), Woongie earings, Keonhee double necklace, Leedo earings and TRIPLE necklace, do you know how powerful you have to be to use a triple necklace? The only things that killed it were the hand microphones and the yellow lights…
14/06/2019… I will never forget this day… How do they DARE to arrive at the recording… like THIS?
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and when it’s performance time they step down the clothing? Well the clothes they were using ARE pretty but the ones they arrived? STUNNING ( aka ACDC Black in Black 2.0). Stylist min there are occasions you need to save the outfit to use… just arriving at the recording with those clothes is a waste of fashion. It could easily replace one of the times you repeated clothes. (I may say make up and contact lenses were on point too)
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(Thank you music core for the low definition)
Yay new clothes, the hairs and clothes look SO FLUFFY. Seoho rings yes, Woongie earings yes, Leedo rings YES, lighting was good, no complains here.
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First of all I’m really mad because they cutted the song. Second I’m really mad because they didn’t upload on YouTube. It’s seems like this is was pre calculated beucase it was EXACTLY WHEN THEY CHANGED THE COREOGRAPHY. I don’t know if they changed because they knew the song would be cut or if it was really a coincidence… humanity mistery again. Lighting was so beautiful until they came with the yellow… Woongie hair was so fluffy and earings was a yes. Clothes were Michael Jackson Black or White 3.0 and that’s it… That day I learned my lesson… you either are team rings or team gloves… there is no in between.
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They repeated Michael Jackson Black or White 2.0 set. Yellow lights? This is a no.
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I present you the new year eve set… Happy new year everyone, white and gold. From the same writers of black waistcoat with black shirt we have white waistcoat with white shirt. Ketchup and mustard lights? No. Seoho rings, YES. Woongie earing? YES. Shout out Ravn looks super good and Leedo chocker was middle term. Xion was not present and they had to do small changes (I SEE YOU SEOHO THANK YOU SIR)
21/06/19 V1
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Suits YES. Seoho rings, YES, we didn’t have earings… I’m sad. Ketchup and mustard lights? No.
21/06/19 V2
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I’m sorry… WHAT????? Clothes are a no… Grey? With black purple and red? No. Noodle hair Woongie? NO. Woongie earing? Yes. Hand microphones? No. Yellow lights? Like…
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(I’m so sorry for the low definition here)
Same old story. I’m mad they cutted the song, didn’t upload on youtube and exactly when they changed the coreography. On the other side we have new clothes yay. It’s not only black and gold powerful match. It’s black and gold with snake print cause I’m a bad bitch. It’s the only place where they NEEDED to use the yellow lights and I’m actually mad they used black and white. Someone save Seoho from his chocker. Color scheme was great but it’s not like the clothes desing are bad. I just feel it could have been better. We didn’t have earings or rings today BUT HEY, FANSING, BING BING HAS A COREO AND ITS AWSOME. 23/06/19 will be in my heart (even though it was just a sneak peak).
Ya’ll misbelievers will hear this song untill your ears BLEED
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Woongie you really fooled me here I was scared. He only did the fingerheart cause it was their last performace at that specific program. Repeating clothes… Lighting was good, no earings or rings… Well really tricky. I don’t see roots so you all did a touch up on the hairs and Woongie got a little bit blonder… I don’t like it, it don’t think the color suits him. Keonhee hair got a little darker but no problems… That’s it.
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Repeated the new year eve set. Seoho had to repeat the clothes for me to understand the clothes. Seoho ring yes, Woongie earing yes. Lighting was huge no, all crazy combinations like blue and yellow and purple and etc. But in the ending even though it was yellow the lighting was pretty.
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27/06/19 ~~FINALE~~
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We going Marilyn Monroe Woongie? His earings as always YES, Lithing... well… very tricky since we almost couldn’t see it but it didn’t look promissing. White and cream with black look more promissing then grey with black and red and purple… but not my favorite clothes, they have better weapons… Well… that’s it.
I wish they would go the whole week but they didn’t…
Oneus first photobook in Milano was announced. I won’t go into detail cause this is not the goal here... but we get it... YOU WEREN’T JOKING AROUND IN ITALY. Usually it takes a lot of time for a group to come up with a photobook so I’m proud and that was pretty smartass way to finish promotions if I may say...
Now… you have seen me against the yellow light for the whole post and you must be asking yourself WHY? Well… when you have the work to color correct the entire MV to cool colors YOU MUST AS WELL DO IT ON THE PERFORMANCES… that’s it… it’s called color pallet and you should respect it. Or in other cases like when they used black and gold respect the color palette of the specific performance.
Now let’s go to 05/07/19 Oneus is a newer group so I wasn’t even dreaming about this cause again... It takes a while for this to happened. My spider senses told me something was off when they announced they would be attending breakout in Japan and SURPRISE. Twilight japanese version was announced. Versions A/B/C and CD+DVD. Some questions were raised. There will be another version of the MV and new clothes? If yes I WANT SOMETHING ON THE SAME LEVEL. Will there be a instrumental version? Will they put Valkyrie japanese version too? They would all be answered later... AND MORE. They had the audacity to show BingBing complete coreo for the first time. They must really love Japan. Legends also say that they already performed the japanese version in this festival.
I was getting uneasy with the release date coming closer and no photos of the covers of the CD’s... then 25/07 they released a schedule... I wasn’t really expecting a schedule but I was happy cause next day we would have a teaser of the MV and surprise, it was basiclly the same thing. Good because is quality stuff but bad cause I was waiting somehing new... 29/07/19 We got tracklist and GUESS WHO WAS THERE?? EXACTLY, VALKYRIE JAPANESE VERSION +++++ TWO new songs.... We are blessed.. until 30/07/19 where we got what actually was happening...
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IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL LIMITED CD+DVD? It follows Raise US desing but I wanted something more... It fells like it’s missing something...
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Version A (Clearly Valkyrie) IT’S INSTRUMENTAL YOU WANT? IT’S INTRUMENTAL YOU’LL GET. But I’m sad... where are the other two new songs you may ask?
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Verson B OOONNEEEE of the new songs (ok we also have it’s instrumental too and cover is ok)
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Version C THE OTHER SONG (we have it’s instrumental too and I didn’t know people had silver skin...)
Do you see the strategy? Each version has one of the songs so you have to buy all the versions... And I didn’t like this...
07/08 The MV was released. They don’t have official youtube chanel so they uploaded in the company that represents them in japan.
The major changes were the individual shots as they had to sing in japanese. Nothing to complain in here, their pronunciation was good but the lyrics timing didn’t seem to match the song. Valkyrie had a better japanese version then Twilight... I loved the two new songs we got too.
(Bless the person who putted Korean and Japenese side to side, I saved the video on that huge playlist)
Also, can we appreciate how well Oneus and Twilight was received in Japan? They went to national television, topped Oricon AND Billboard Japan. Tower Records was EMPTY on the first day and they promoted for almost a whole month with shows. Japan basically adoped Oneus.
But nothing is flowers. It’s was extreamly difficult to buy this single online outside japan.LET ME TELL YOU. CD japan? Nothing, Amazon japan? Nothing, Yahoo Japan? Nothing. Rakuten? Nothing, YesAsia? NOTHING. THE ONLY PLACE I COULD FIND TO BUY THIS ONLINE IS TOWER RECORDS OFFICIAL WEBSITE WITCH GUESS WHAT IT IS IN JAPANESE. AND TO BUY OUTSIDE JAPAN YOU DON’T BUY FROM THEIR WEBSITE. IT’S FROM ANOTHER WEBSITE WITCH TOWER RECORDS THEMSELFS PUTED THE LINK IN THOSE HUGE ASS BANNERS IN THEIR WEBSITE. Summary it was  literally giving birth to buy this online.
I tought I could rest BUT NOT. They would attend Soribada Music Awards... THEIR FIRST AWARD SHOW. Look I love Valkyrie... but I want Twilight to be performed and I WANT FASHION OK. I’m full of expetations, do not disappoint me Oneus. The day of the award show came and well... I was actually disappointed. Simple suits and the performance clothes? They repeated one of the worst weapons in their closets. C’mon... if you are going to repeat you have better choices IT’S NO EXCUSE... that’s the summary...
Well, from now I have covered everything... Don’t sleep in Keonhee vocals, Oneus has TWO MAIN VOCALS, appreciate Woongie vocals, that’s it.
If y’all want in my research I have build a really small database of Woongie earings in this comeback, maybe in the future I can do a compilation.
And that’s the end… if you got here congratulations you are a warrior and me too for the hours of links, print screens and editions… Byeee
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flameontheotherside · 5 years
Bible Disillusion
I know I will have ruffled some feathers for being blunt...
And that’s okay! Honestly it doesn’t matter if you unfollow, repost a rant or what have you...If you can’t let go of your own personal beliefs for a second, like don’t be a hypocrite if you want people to understand you, yet can’t or refuse to understand yourself what knowledge is being given, it’s kind why we have such a dense planet. Maybe you need to rethink about your spiritual path. Open-mindedness is invaluable! On your spiritual journey you have to have the time to consider all angles of thought. I’m not preaching or shoving the dang Bible in your throat. I’m simply giving you another perspective and interesting information. What you do with the information is on you and your conscience. I did my part. It’s your turn.
So if you can be an adult, I encourage you to keep reading and check out the link to a video below explaining SCIENTIFICALLY (...and boy do I love science so this was kind of cool and interesting) how Moses, the plagues and exodus is proven through written texts shown in Greece and Egypt. Proven through scientific events. Step by step the break it down and what I appreciate most that it’s completely unbiased!
On the topic of REINCARNATION. 
Yes it was mentioned in the Bible. The issue is that it doesn’t explain the TRUTH! Why is it we are told we only live once?
What does YOLO really mean?
...If we truly only live once, commercial domination benefits with temptations from the “devil”. We are tempted that because... YOLO we consume, consume, consume. Hurry and do this before YOU DIE! Get what’s yours in any means possible even if it means screwing people over. Greed manifests in the fear that you only live once! The consent of YOLO is an excuse to conduct in debauchery, abuse, greed, stealing, cheating, etc! People just don’t fucking get it!
The religious sectors that claim YOLO, benefit from people who think you go to hell if you don’t repent! Churches ask for money, they write religious books, collect money based on fear. God is not fearing. Yes, he can be kind of an asshole but he teaches even if it means you have to swallow some shit. Everyone is “tested”, everyone goes through hell in life. If life was easy or YOUR WAY, how do you learn? What’s the point in living at all if everything was handed to you? You think millionaires didn’t work, go through bullshit or didn't have to work hard? Money isn’t everything! Many have mental problems and they are basically paid to hide them!
Some of us incarnated during times of the bible!
I’ve heard the stories, I’ve read books about those who remember being around during the time of Christ. Finding it interesting, I decided to watch documentaries that PROVE that SOME stories from the Bible really happened and I encourage you to go to YouTube. It’s hard to find unbiased theories because a lot of times, they are one-sided. I find that Timeline documentaries to be very good.
Erik helped me understand by showing me I was Joseph’s mother. Just so happens one of my favorite bible stories was that. He was sold in to slavery to the Pharaoh by his brothers. My husband, the father happens to be someone I know. Surprisingly, not Vince. Wow well that’s kind of interesting. So if it is true (because it is) that means that at least SOME parts of the bible really did happen. So I wouldn’t be quick to judge by assuming the Bible is complete bullshit. 
The Bible can be looked at like the myths and such we have today.
....To an EXTENT. Stories of Gods or supposed historical fiction may have little or big kernels of truth to them. Truth is hidden in plain sight. Why? It’s probably because we humans are just programmed to think and live with rigid ideas about what is real and what isn’t. The Earth is so heavy, so dense that being positive, open-minded, loving, compassion is very hard.It’s so much easier to NOT think for yourself. People who rely on professors, pastors, priests, parents blindingly accept information without their own research or critical thinking! Sure they are “experienced” and all, great. Good for them! It doesn’t mean they are always correct. So because they have their own life experience or life language (different than yours) or a bunch of diplomas, don’t mean a damn thing! If we can learn to think for ourselves, develop our own understanding.
Real evidence is cropping up overtime. It doesn’t mean they are now bible-thumping “Jesus freaks” trying to get you to turn you into one. There are people like me who have an open-mind that only CONSIDER the validity of the Bible as it’s proven. I say, grow some balls, open your mind and just educate yourself a little bit. You don’t have to agree with it, you don’t have to read the bible, you don’t have to start going to church or anything like that. What you HAVE to do is, consider the science that can prove details of the bibles truth! Reincarnation and law of attraction are explained in the bible but often misunderstood because it benefits those “in power”. We let people dictate what and how we live and believe.
Timeline: The Exodus Decoded
Chillingly this documentary uses real scientific proof that the story of Moses and the exodus really did happen. Including the plagues that make complete and total sense. Even if you don’t believe it to be true, they have science and modern examples that explain the red sea, separation of the sea and the plagues that took place. I’m a fan of spirituality and science. Personally I believe you can’t have one without the other. Science is WHY, and “God/Source” is HOW.
Thank you for your time and openness. I hope this was though provoking and interesting to read/watch. Suggestions on what documentaries are good along with the link posted above would be great as long as it’s not preachy and biased.
😘💞💕❤️ I 😍 you guys!
Check out my store where I offer readings starting as low as $5/per question with a response at least 1 paragraph!
Please visit: Twin Flame Medium
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog ran by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and 💩 at channelingerik.com.
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violetosprey · 6 years
BTD2 My thoughts on Cain
I covered my thoughts long ago on all of the “Till Death Do Us Part” game characters, but I never really took the time to talk about my thoughts about the main series “Boyfriend to Death” characters.  I have actually talked about many of these characters through various different posts.  But otherwise, there haven’t been that many posts dedicated specifically to certain BTD characters.
These posts will mostly be about my own opinions and views (a rough analysis more than anything).  I may end up focusing on multiple aspects of the character, or just one particular one if I think it defines them best (we’ll see).  For those that have read some of my other posts, there likely WILL be some thoughts I’ve stated before that I’ll simply be re-iterating here.  But there may also be some new stuff in here if it happens to come to mind, or because I’ve simply not had the time before to go over such a topic.
It will take a while to get through all 8, so please have some patience and just check back later if it looks like I don’t have a post up yet for a character you’re really interested in.  I will also be talking through these under the assumption that you’ve played/read all the routes (so I might mention but not go into explicit detail on a scene).
*major spoilers below, and this is stupid long…like anything I write*
Fun fact:  Cain is my second favorite character in the entire BTD/TDDUP series.  The ONLY reason he isn’t my #1 favorite is because I have an intense love for villainous male yanderes, so Marcus just has an unfair advantage here.  If Marcus did not exist though, Cain would be my favorite hands down.
In some ways, Cain is very straightforward in regards to his characters.  He’s THE bad guy.  If he were in another video game or story, he’d likely be the final boss to defeat.  His powers are ridiculous, he’s nearly 3000 years old I think, and I think his creator has implied that he’s not a fan of working under others.  He’s had to as a torturer, but hasn’t seemed to like it (though maybe it depends on the other person/character).  If his character just came off as too OP to you when playing BTD2, well that’s probably because he’s not supposed to be a push-over :P  And the MC of all things in the game is CERTAINLY not a character implied to be anywhere near his caliber to take him on. What’s more, Cain can be considered a bad guy for the VAST majority of his life, and he shows no regrets whatsoever as to the monster he’s become.
Another fun fact is, I actually didn’t make the connection at first upon Cain’s introduction that he’s the Cain from the story of Cain and Abel.  You do get some dialogue in BTD2 from Cain about his origins there, but in the event that someone is not familiar with the importance of this background, I’ll dip in a little here.  Basically, in the bible you have the first humans, Adam and Eve, and their first sons following that were Cain and Abel.  I’m not incredibly familiar with the full story myself, but what happened was the brothers needed (or maybe wanted- don’t remember) to make a tribute to God.  Cain was a farmer, so he presented some of his harvest as tribute.  Abel was a shepherd, so he slayed some of his livestock and presented it as a sacrifice to God.  Between the two gifts, God preferred Abel’s.  After this, Cain then murdered Abel.  The significance here would be that following this tale of early human creation, that would make this the first act of human murder.  So what Cain represents is the origin of one of the most extreme acts of violence on another human being.  And when you ask Cain about his feelings on the matter in BTD2, he STILL does not regret murdering his brother after all these years.  Apparently the bible doesn’t fully goes in Cain’s motives (so it’s fitting that in BTD2 it’s also left to the imagination), but jealousy is a common theory.
So the Cain we know of BTD2 was punished, marked, and sent to hell I believe.  While likely being punished himself, he served a torturer in hell when needed.  If you checked through ElectricPuke’s tumblr, you’ll also learn that he would have been used for big events of depression or war such as the black plague and the crusades. Most of the time, Cain was kept in line by the more powerful fallen angels in hell.  He’s arguably one of the strongest villains, but not THE strongest person basically (Sam who pops up in one ending was confirmed stronger, but just is held back by rules and restrictions).  Recently though, he was able to escape, and he does not plan to go back.
So what’s he do now that he’s out?  Repent for his sins and come to terms with his years of torture to try to be a better person and go on a long journey of enlightenment *eyes sparkle*? Pfft, nope.  He goes straight to tormenting humanity (likely both small scale and large scale, depending on his mood and what he can get away with without being caught) because that’s what he enjoys the most.  That’s the thing about Cain.  He does show moments in the game where he’s quiet, thoughtful, and perhaps even lonely.  But when you look at him as a whole, he’s just a sadist that does whatever he wants to do.  He’s a VERY charming character, but it’s best not to be fooled by this man.  Sweet words may just end up being his way of manipulating someone, tempting them, into doing what he wants.  He does this frequently throughout the game actually, encouraging you to join tell him your sins, join him in the bath, drink his wine, or join him on the balcony.  But if you go back to many of these scenes and see what they lead into (often Cain getting rough and causing harm to the MC), you realize in your attempt to reach out towards the rose…that you forgot about the thorns underneath.  Maybe that’s another reason Cain likes roses :P
The complexity to Cain lies in the fact that he’s difficult to figure out…especially when you NEED to figure him out to live.  Cain is very fickle, and he gets bored fairly easily.  On one hand, he does whatever he wants, and he’s most pleased when he’s tormenting someone.  But he does have to still be careful about where he wanders because the other fallen angels ARE looking for him to a degree.  And Damien’s aware of Cain’s reappearance and is prepping for whenever Cain decides to start causing mass genocide for the heck of it.  How much damage Cain has caused since he’s gotten out btw, I’m not sure.  We only know that the MC isn’t his first victim since getting out since apparently he likes to text “weird pictures” to Damien.  I’m gonna go out on a limb and say these “pictures”…are likely of his victims after he’s done something horrific to them.  Just a guess, but I’d bet good money on that :P
Back to what I was saying though, Cain is still restricted as to where he can go and how often. Damien can’t beat him, sure, but the other angels that can beat him he’s smart enough to avoid.  He has to hide away in Tartarus for…who knows how long at a time honestly.  That’s not something we learn in the game or are given hints to.  Soooo Cain is even MORE bored when he has to sit around his house all day.  He can read books, but he’ll probably end up reading his same stuff over and over again to the point where it’s unenjoyable.  So what’s he decide he wants to do?  Cain wants a pet (and he is the worst pet owner in the world).  
Let’s face it, pets are companions that give you something else to focus on in your day-to-day routine and help even ease away some loneliness.  But he’s Cain, so a fish, bird, dog or cat isn’t going to cut it for him. Why settle for smaller creatures like those when he could grab something that he can make conversation with, indulge in sexual pleasures…and listen to them scream when he tortures them?  Cain makes it VERY clear that he sees the MC as nothing but a toy to him. You may not be a dog, but you’re just Pet 2.0 at best to him.  He really doesn’t seem to have a high opinion of humans either honestly.  Despite having been one, Cain’s not really all the impressed with what he sees.  It’s not like Rire, who Darqx has stated likes humans and prefers to torment them over demons because it’s more interesting to watch something that’s so obviously inferior to you try to fight back.  Cain does also like a victim that puts up a fight, but when he says the MC is “interesting,” it’s not explicitly because they are human.  Actually, I forget who put up the post, but someone figured out that if you name yourself “Ashe,” then you get a few dialogue changes suggesting MC ISN’T human in this case (it’s a reference’s to Gato’s angel character you meet at the river).  Cain can also turn you into a demon or a fallen angel, so he really doesn’t care about keeping you human.  So if you wanted to think up an OC to use for Cain’s route, probably any species would work as long as it’s weaker than him (which would….probably be 98% of creatures that come across him anyway).
I fully believe Cain when he says his intention is to kill you in the end.  While he’s looking for something more long term than when Rire “plays” with his victims, Cain’s “pets” just wouldn’t last very long.  First off, trying to please him is infuriating.  If you stay silent right after he’s kidnapped you, he’s unimpressed and kills you by ripping his tongue out.  He gets furious if you yell back at him and storm off the kitchen, even calling you a child.  Yet he likes if you say you’re not going to roll over for him when you take a bath together, and he gets turned on when you bring a knife and try to stab him.  It seems if you want to survive Cain, you have to hit JUST the right notes of feisty and entertaining, while not going too far into a defiant state that's just too obnoxious for the nearly 3000 year old fallen angel to deal with.  I myself, just kept getting abandoned and killed by Sam XD  I never made him happy enough on my own.  It doesn’t help that he’s one of the two characters where you don’t see his heart changes until the very end either.  Kudos to whoever figured out those survival endings where you end up with Cain (alive I mean).
Speaking of his age…good luck with either of you relating to each other.  That’s one of the hurdles here too if you’re trying to survive.  I’ve always said that Cain is more likely to hold sympathy for you than someone like the demon king Rire, because Cain used to be human.  That being said, there’s not a whole lot of sympathy for him to give.  Like I said, he doesn’t really seem impressed with humans. And one difficulty with relationships where there are rather large age gaps is how life experiences and events (past and current) shape one’s personality and views.  Basic example is an 18 year old and a 70 year old will have VERY different life goals and obstacles at the point in time of their lives. The 70 year MIGHT be able to relate to some of the 18 year old’s troubles since they’d have already experienced them, but at the same time they could just wave off those troubles saying “oh that’s not so bad, wait until you have to worry about this.”  Meanwhile, the 18 year old of course isn’t going to be able to relate to later difficulties in life that the 50 year old has faced.  I know I’m getting a little weird here, and you’re probably thinking “18 and 70 year old in a relationship?  That’d be a disaster.”  Well now the old man is nearly 3000 years old…you think he cares that much about your college exams, mortgage payments, or taxes you have to pay?  Even the MC’s emotional trauma might just seem petty or insignificant to him.  And if he picked up say…a 25 year old.  You think the 25 year old version of him would have anything in common with a modern day 25 year old?  Probably not.
And that’s another thing I like about Cain’s path.  Your survival is based on two things: a) Either someone else comes and saves you after you’ve avoided danger long enough or b) your personality and Cain’s end up meshing.  If Cain doesn’t care that you’re human, and he doesn’t sympathize or relate to you, you have to hope that you’re the kind of person that’s entertaining and pleasant enough for him.  It also might help if the MC is a little masochistic (makes for a better slave) or has some dark thoughts (think of the painting in the one ending).  There’s also two different ways this happens.  If you get the ending where he turns you into a demon, Puke described that as him making you one of his minions.  Whereas the ending where you turns you into a fallen angel, you’re more his equal.  So demon ending I see as you are JUST obedient enough to not be boring or obnoxious, but it’s still like he’s just grown attached more to his “pet” to me.  Like, he’s kicked you around and harassed you a bit, but when you betray Damien and stay with him on your own he’s like, “Awww that’s adorable.  How can I say no to that face?”  He’d probably still torture you a bit and keep you in a submissive role (but more playfulness there I suppose?).  Is it weird that I could also imagine quiet moments where he’s petting the MC’s head on his lap while he reads a book?  Fallen angel ending he’d probably have more respect for you and even treat you as a proper lover, rather than a sex toy.
Going way back to when I said I fully believed Cain when he said he intended to kill you from the start, I think it’s because he doesn’t really expect to end up making everyone he captures a minion or fallen angel (fallen angel probably even less).  And let’s say he DOES like a person for quite a while, but never enough to turn them into a minion or fallen angel.  He’s probably still eventually going to kill you because he’ll get bored of the same old thing and hasn’t gotten attached to you (this is probably more likely), or because you’re just getting too old to be durable for his torture.  Yeah do you think he’d keep someone around when they’re elderly?  He’d probably “pet his pet down” much sooner than that.  I think he changes someone he REALLY likes into a minion or fallen angel so that they not only become more durable (if he keeps up his sadistic acts) but so they can live longer with him.  Humans can barely live to 100.  Cain’s so fickle though that my head canon is if he doesn’t grow attached to you after a week of torment, then he just kills you.  I don’t think he has the patience to let someone prove themselves to him over a few years.  That’s just my opinion though.
I’d have to replay ALL his routes again.  Strangely enough despite him saying that he likes a little fight in the MC, it feels like there are more moments where he likes your compliance more.  Weird, but I’d have to check into that.  Still, with Cain it’s hard to tell whether that compliance just ends up making you too “yes-man” for Cain to really enjoy, or which moments you pick to be feisty won’t end up with you getting your tongue ripped out.
Overall, I think Cain is one of the more interesting characters in the series due to his backstory, charm, consistently evil persona, and survival difficulty.  He’s one of the reasons I consider BTD2 more fleshed out than BTD.  I know it’s not fair to compare the two games like that since BTD was made very quickly in good humor, but a lot of the characters in BTD2 have a little more to them going on that we get to see in the BTD guys (Strade, Rire, and Akira just doesn’t have as much screentime…I think).  And out of the 4 in BTD2, Cain is definitely the most straightforward evil. Nothing really sympathetic about him. I may have said it’s possible that he gets lonely, but “being lonely” doesn’t mean you’re automatically a good person that people should feel bad for right away.  Cain has not shown any remorse for what he’s done, and even in the survival endings where you end up with him, he doesn’t imply he’s going to stop being the villain in anyway.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
08/26/2021 DAB Transcript
Job 20:1-22:30, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalms 40:11-17, Proverbs 22:2-4
Today is the 26th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a privilege and an honor and a joy, and an all-around good time to be here with you around the Global Campfire as we find our places and just relax and allow the Scriptures to speak into our lives. We are reading from the New Living Translation this week and working…working our way through the book of Job. Also, we concluded the book of first Corinthians yesterday in our reading and so today we will begin the letter, the second…the letter to the Corinthians known as second Corinthians. But first, Job 20 through 22.
Introduction to second Corinthians:
Alright. So, as we mentioned at the beginning of our time together today, when we get to the New Testament, which is where we are, we’ll be getting to some new territory. So, we read a letter to the Corinthians that we know as first Corinthians, and concluded that yesterday, which brings us to a letter known as second Corinthians. Even though it's probably at least Paul's third letter to the Corinthian church, because in first Corinthians a letter was referenced that we don't have. It's not preserved, it hasn’t been discovered, it doesn't seem to exist still. But there was another letter. And, so, this could be third Corinthians, but it's second Corinthians. And among biblical scholars the authenticity of this letter is…is pretty secure. Most scholars agree there is some…some disagreement about whether it's a complete letter or maybe it's a combination of more than one letter. Some scholars even think maybe that first letter that was referred to is contained in second Corinthians, but this is conjecture. I mean there are reasons for these thoughts, but it's not 100%. There’s no way to guarantee that any of these theories are correct. It's just…there’s a very, very big difference between the beginning, the first part of this letter and then the…the last half of the letter. So, some have thought, well maybe this is more than one letter. So, second Corinthians, what we’re about to read probably was written on Paul's third missionary journey and that would put it somewhere in the late 50s A.D. Again, just reminding us, the writings of Paul are the earliest Christian documents that we have, and they’re preserved in the New Testament, but there earlier. They were written before Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written. And, so, they’re earlier than that. But anyway, Paul had a son in the faith, known as Timothy, but he also the son of faith known as Titus and Titus had visited the Corinthians and then met up with Paul while he was traveling and that let Paul get feedback both how the church in Corinth was doing, but also the impact of the letter that he had written, the one that we just read. And that feedback from Titus prompted Paul to write the letter that we’re about to start reading. No let’s just remember that Corinth, it is a cosmopolitan Roman Empire city, very secular, very sensual, a lot of ideas, a lot of persuasions, very secular, rebellious in a lot of ways. I mean, basically what you would expect of any metropolitan area where a lot of people are, especially if they’re a lot of people from all over the place. You got a kind of melting pot of ideas. And, so, some of that rebellion, though, was finding its way into the church. Some of the world was seeping in and there’s plenty of division. Paul talks about the division in first Corinthians, and I mean he has to talk about it again because there's a small group of influential members in the church in Corinth that…just playin’ straight up church politics. Imagine that? I mean we think like 2000 years later, like that stuff goes on, but it certainly didn't happen in the early church, but it did. It has always been a part of the story and we’ll read about that some in this letter. These influential members wanted power and they questioned Paul's authority and the rules that he was putting down and whether or not he was really an apostle. And for that matter, even questions about what he taught, the gospel itself. So, that's kind of the backdrop here. That's what’s going on as Paul writes this letter. And, so, that's how we need to read it. And we’ll find out that it's an old letter that has pretty modern issues. I mean some things that are going…that were going on are going on now. It…it's different, the cultures different. But it's…it's the posture of heart, right? It’s the issues of our hearts that Paul talks about that are still with us until…until today. And, so, with that, we begin that second Corinthians chapter 1 verses 1 through 11.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for where we are at in the Scriptures. Each new day, each new season, each new month, so many different complexions, so many different angles, so many different stories, so many different people to get to know. And in each instance, we find humanity and we find You in the middle of it all. Even when in our humanness we are crying out in agony or in question or in uncertainty, as we see the book of Job You are with us. So come Holy Spirit and plant what we've read. And even as we get going in the letter to the Corinthians, second Corinthians we ask that You encourage and rebuke, comfort and correct so that we might walk the narrow path that leads to life. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you profoundly. If we were not in this together, if we weren’t around the Global Campfire together the campfire would have gone out a long time ago. But thankfully we are in this together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. So, there's a link on the homepage at…at the website. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, if you're shouldering burdens that shouldn't be shouldered alone, which we have a tendency to do more than we even realize, you don't have to do that. They’re tens of thousands…tens of thousands of us out here that…that pray for one another every day. And, so, you don’t have to do this alone. That's the beauty. We’re not in this alone. It's not a solitary endeavor. We’re in this together. So, if that’s you than you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That's the little red button up at the top or there are a number of numbers that you could call depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. If you are in Australia or the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi everybody it's Donna from California and it's August 20th. I just listened to the podcast and the prayers and heard…the last prayer request was from Julie from the UK. And Julie, I want you to know that I will be praying for you. I'm sure many others will be too. I heard…I just heard the cry of loneliness and anxiety and despair coming out. And the verse…the…a verse just kept coming to my mind I thought well, I've gotta call this in. So, this is Psalm 34 verse 18. The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saved…saves the crushed in spirit. I just want you to know that we are praying for you and most importantly the Lord is close to you. He is close to you in your…whatever it is you're going through, missing your family, having to move to a new…a new country. It's just a very difficult time all over the world with everything that's been going on. So many things. And Lord Jesus please, please rush to Julie's side. Please let her know that You are close to her and that You love her with a love that is so deep and so far, and so wide. Let her know that You are there and that she is Your beloved child. Lord Jesus, we thank You for…for coming to us in the…in these moments. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Good morning DAB family this is Ashley from California and I just wanted to give you a little update. I reached out for prayer in May for my dad who had a stroke, and it was a mini one, but he was in recovery for that and then come July he had another series of strokes. I took him to the hospital and then they released him and then he had another series of strokes and then he was in the hospital for about two or three weeks and then in rehab and it's been an adventure to say the least. But I wanted to come on here and say thank you to all of you. You have blessed my heart; you have blessed my family by uplifting us in prayer and I just want to say thank you to all of you. You have been so good to us, and God has been so good to us by giving us the DAB and the community that comes along with it. So, DAB family I just want to thank you. And I am so grateful to Brian and Jill and your family for this ministry. And like Brian says, when we are able to get out of our own situation for a minute and lift others up, I feel like you're able to take some of that anxiety that you have about your own situation and give it to God, and it's worked out in a way that is honoring to Him. So, I love you DAB family. Have a great week.
Good morning DABbers this is my song that I sang on the first day of school and my grandma really wants me to sing it for you. So, here it is. [singing starts] when it feels like nothing's there, when it feels like nothing's there to protect you, you have the ore. Just start roaming the ore. Cause no matter how big the mountain __ you're always gonna make it through and I will too because I know this very well. I know that God is with me. Even when I'm stuck in the middle of the valley and trying to go down. But cheetahs and hyenas and maybe even bobcats are all around me. But then Jehovah the great lion comes, his mentality scares them away and are ready to show that what I can do is nothing without God because no matter where I am I've seen the prettiest valleys and shadows. Sometimes God can be dark to hide what the devils to trying to show you. And no matter of what I have in my hand I can always trust in God…
Hello, my DAB family it is Doctor John from Jordan NY this is the glaucoma surgery sequel and I'm titling this one miracle number two. I…it's just…it's just flat out unbelievable. One of the brothers was talking about feeling undeserving and…and I know the feeling. So, long story. I was having headaches and the headaches were really high eye pressures and it was causing swelling in the cornea and that was excruciatingly painful over the course of a week or so. The ophthalmologist put in a contact lens which helped to calm down the cornea and helped immensely in terms of the headaches, but the problems was the pressure. And what had happened is that when I went blind the tube had gotten stuck in the iris and gotten plugged. So, there was this plug of iris material in the tube and the tube was not working. It wasn't draining the way it was supposed to. So, I went back this Friday fully anticipating that the tube was still going to be plugged, I was going to need a second surgery to fix the plug. And she says your pressure is 11 and the tube is clear. God is so good. Your prayers have resulted in miracle number…miracle number two. There is no way that that cleared other than your prayers. I love you guys I'm running out of time.
Good morning DAB listeners I am Jen, and I am new to this community but I'm so thankful for it. It's such an encouragement. I love hearing the scriptures daily, particularly the context of them. It just helps encourage my faith so much. And I love hearing the call ins both for prayer requests and encouragements and praise reports. I am calling in to say thank you to both of those of you who call in and vulnerable…vulnerably express your request to this community. Those are sources of encouragement. And for those of you who respond by praying for individuals, those are sources of encouragement as well. So, thank you to everyone who is listening to the Holy Spirit inside of you, the breath of God as I've recently learned it to be called, that is always with us and can never be lost. So, I just pray that you're encouraged today where you’re at in your situation and know that the breath that is with you is the Holy Spirit inside of you and you're never alone. Have a great day.
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amieyhko · 4 years
crawling out of an unofficial hiatus
dec 2019
My dearests,
I promised myself I'll never write another massive six-months update, but here I go. I've still yet to become a manager over time. When I came back from my month-and-a-half missions stay in Europe, I really thought I'd write more reflections. Some call it distractions, I call it complacency, others call it denial — whirlwinds of labels are easy — and real identities are misplaced when I don't intentionally ruffle through the beauty that can be clearly seen through speaking with God. But I'm not here to condemn myself, and definitely not here to just speak poetic theories of why I haven't been sending out update letters. Shortest excuse would be: life has been (and still is) full. Long excuse:
During the short and efficient talk back in April with Danny oppa where we decided on my going to Hungary, it has also been decided that I would be attending the Bread of Life Training Institute in the near future (I just realized how ridiculous the program title sounds, but it's more or less a bit like a Bible School with a dash of BSSM or YWAM kinda thing but also maybe not — I honestly have no reference point for this, but sometimes I feel like I'm back in Morrison). We never agreed on an "exact when" until he messages me on a random sunny May day to say he has decided for me that I'll attend this coming September. I don't know if I was happy or shocked, I mostly saw it coming. We're that close.
My stakes have been pretty low since I've graduated uni: no hugely important job, no significant other, no pets, nor any ground to hold. Maybe, I kept it that way because running away from Taiwan is all I've ever dreamed of since I was six. It's a big paradox — every time I leave, it's not the place that I miss, but those who are rooted here. Is Taiwan home? Yes. Is Taiwan home? No. I feel rootless (it's a comforting notion, really) so asking me to attend a school for a year where my heart is rooted but feet are itchy honestly sounded a bit dreadful. I agreed on it, yes; but nonetheless irked by the idea that I'd be planted, just for a long-ish while.
September came slowly as jet lag left me. I slowly began to forget the rush of mega-fast escalators in Europe and the ones here felt fast enough. Enough — I am. It still felt like a cosmic joke. I was neither bitter nor excited for this year of Bible School, but God always likes to give me a knock in the head. The last evening of orientation, Pastor Jon firmly said every soul attending this year was here for a reason. It wasn't the way he said it, but something in the atmosphere felt reassuring. This year-long adventure is going to be full of goodness, growing pains, and the is's: the non-not-goods.
To detail out the plethora of realizations I have been experiencing the last few months would take another thirty paragraphs. Most of lot of these lessons are still being answered through extremely wide-open questions, maybe I'll write about them as they come to their own semi-colons.
I think I've explained myself enough by this point, I know I'm placed so strategically. Every inch of me knows that God is good and I chose to rely on this factual feeling.
I will be living and working as a "missionary" in Budapest, Hungary from June 2020 to June 2021. This information has been confirmed for quite some time but now, it is finally official. I've decided that being a missionary is just a title and label that I will not be daunted by — I refuse to let all past experiences of growing up as a MK to limit the journey God is leading me to. The details and description of my year-long commitment will be announced soon in another update. Please just keep me in your prayers. I'm also seeking financial support for this long term mission. If you feel led to support me financially, please contact me for more details.
Before my yearlong trip, I will be making a little trip to Nairobi, Kenya in March. Every Bible School student is required to go on a mission trip and Kenya was on the list of options. I partly chose Kenya because I couldn't wait to check another continent off my list and mostly the testimonies from last April's trip were wild. I hope the encounters this time would be just as ridiculously outrageous. I know it is a privilege for me to be on this team. We are dubbing this team as the 2020 Super Team. There will be 150+ members from different Bread of Life churches across the world. We'll be there to partner up with a local school in the slums set up by a missionary couple. I'll take part in Children's Ministry and teach the lovely young souls about stewardship and management through games, crafts, and simulations. I am oh-so-excited about seeing the school that has been talked about so much over the past months. I am expectant for God to work miraculously once again. I also hear I'd be waking up to the sight of giraffes and zebras everyday, praise God for nature. I chose Kenya despite the fact that one, it was the most expensive option, and two, I have almost nothing in my bank account. Sometimes I really wonder if I am truly crazy. But when God says "Come" I don't know how to say "No." There is this confidence deep within that God will pay for all of these expenses that I am incapable of conjuring up at this moment. I am the most spoiled princess there ever was, spoiled and thick-skinned in the most innocent, non-assuming yet expectant way — I will wear this title like a crown. For this trip I need to raise around 70,000 NTD (~2,300 USD). I believe that our God is generous and some of you my dearests reflect this nature wholeheartedly.
Please do support me in any way you feel led. I am also finding ways to become more business-savvy with my talents so I can actually support myself once in a while.
Thank you for sticking so close in this journey with me — even the thought of you reading through this letter gives me courage.
Super belated happy holidays and so many well wishes for you in this new year
Love, Amie Ko
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alimonytony · 4 years
This is a repost from my rant forum on my site and since I'm interested only in it being read, rather than advertising or shilling it out for hits, I'm going to just repost it here. Before I do let me give you a quick introduction.
I finally registered on the SA forums a week or so ago having been a loyal reader for a couple of years. I don't like the new design of the site, I want to kill it with fire, I liked my good-old Web1.0 scrolly site, give it back please.
I'm posting this here because you lot are smart, and as such, I have no issues with you telling me that you think I'm wrong with this pseudo-rant. This may also be preaching to the choir a bit and for that I sincerely apologize. I hope at least you get some enjoyment out of this. If you're one of those fellows who likes to Digg, the article also has a Digg page, do with it as you see fit - http://digg.com/general_sciences/At...you_intelligent
With that said and done, here goes.
"It's novello time, and it's about religion, so unless you're ready to deal with some views you may not agree with, switch off now. In the words of Illidan "You are not prepared".
Let's get this out here right now. I'm a 23 year old law graduate with an IQ of 155. My political beliefs are liberal and leftist, I listen to Metal and I enjoy violent movies, books and videogames, and I've been a Christian since birth. Baptised, confirmed of my own free will, son of a priest (who are pretty notorious for rebelling against their father's religious beliefs just for the sake of it). I'm part of the Anglican Church of England, which is pretty much the result of Henry the 8th getting pissed off with the catholics not allowing him to divorce his wife(s). We're the state religion of the UK, if you could even say the UK has one, we're pretty liberal about most things, women priests, gay priests, homosexuals in general, sex before marriage, contraception, we take the modern, reasonable way of looking at all of them. At the end of the day, the Bible taught us about forgiveness and being excellent to one another. It had a bit of a round-about way of doing it but what do you expect for a 2000 year old book written entirely by clerical males? It's gonna be a bit out of date, you've gotta read it in context.
I have no problems with anyone's beliefs. Be whatever you want, as long as you believe (or don't believe) for a good reason. But here's what I really don't like, trend-atheism/trend-theism (also referred to as e-atheism, since it seems to be most prevelant in the domain of anonymous blogspammers and Digg-users).
In my late teens, I spent a long time thinking. Yeah, just sitting around and thinking, thinking about faith. Thinking about what it is that I believe in. Rationalizing the various conflicts and contradictions that faith presents us with, looking at the viewpoints of other faiths, or those with no faith at all, taking into account the new things we discover every day and factoring in the influence of science. Some people would claim that, if I had indeed done that, I'd have come to the conclusion, as an intellectual, rational thinker, that God does not exist. They would of course, be wrong.
My beliefs center around several factors. Firstly, it is important for us as human-beings to realize our own limits, and the limits of our understanding. Centuries ago we believed the world was flat. "The Bible told us so!", would be the first cry. Wrong, it really didn't. In the Old Testament, Job 26:7 explains that the earth is suspended in space, the obvious comparison being with the spherical sun and moon. The Old Testament, you remember that one? The one with the fiery bushes, the pillar's of salt, the cool plagues and such? Even that managed to get it right. There's a few more references as well to the 'round' earth (and before you say anything, flat is not a shape, it could have been a flat octagon for all they knew) but I'm not going to go into that yet. We've had computers for less than a century, powered flight for just over a century and of course our amazing horseless carriages. Genetics, electricity, nuclear-bombs, toaster-strudel, the world is in the palm of our hands! And it didn't take us too long did it?
Reality-check, we're still primitives. In the great scheme of things this technology is a mere blip on the historical radar. We've got an awful long way to go before we're able to dissect and understand the mysteries of the universe. We haven't even put a man on Mars yet, let alone left our solar system to find out what exactly is out there. How can it be that we have suddenly, so recently, become so arrogant as to believe we know more than we really do? The Laws of Science are written by man, based on our understanding of how things work. They are theories that, while prove true today, may be debunked by another amazing discovery tomorrow. Which leads onto my next point.
Name this quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Arthur C Clarke, physicist and author, smart fellow. It also hilights the point I'm making. Our understanding of the universe is peerless only amongst ourselves. We are not as smart as we think we are. Just as fire wowed the neanderthals, what would it take to wow us? What would make our jaws drop and our minds boggle? Well, any sufficiently advanced technology of course. And what is technology after-all? Man-made machines. The concept of technology is a human concept, a concept that may, in other parts of the universe, not even exist, replaced by something even more advanced than that, so advanced that we cannot comprehend it. Not surprising really as we mammals only use 10% of our brains.
So where am I going with this? Simple really, take yourself off of your high-horse, you, and the human race, is not as smart as it thinks it is. Now, open your mind a little, and let's explore some possibilities.
The definition of a God. Let us turn to the good book.
"God most commonly refers to the deity worshipped by followers of monotheistic and monolatrist religions, whom they believe to be the creator and ruler of the universe. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the various conceptions of God. The most common among these include omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, perfect goodness, divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence. God has also been conceived as being incorporeal, a personal being, the source of all moral obligation, and the "greatest conceivable existent"
Hmm, a tall order one might think. Could such a being exist? Some argue that logically, he could not, however, there is very little logic in denying the possibility that a being or beings of such power and advancement exist that they could indeed, be considered 'God' within our definition. That's not to say that God is a small green alien with a flying saucer and a phaser though that would give some of the overzealous fundamentalists something to sweat over, much to our amusement. But what is this God? A creator? Sure, we create. We create technology, we're getting to the stage of being able to create life in one form or another, using the basic building blocks of nature. Could it not be surmised therefore that it is entirely within the realms of possibility that someone or something created those building blocks? Like a programmer creates a new program, someone must have also created the coding language in which he created it. We scramble for answers. We come up with theories. Some believe in the beginning there was nothing, which exploded. Some believe a man in the sky created it everything in 6 days and then mooched around on the 7th. Which is valid?
Neither, and both. They attempt to apply meaning to something where meaning may, or may not exist. Creationism and the Big Bang are in that sense, as bad as each other. They are both merely attempts for us to explain the unexplainable. The Big Bang contradicts our laws of physics (something most catalyse an explosion, therefore something must have been there in the first place, where did that come from, at which point your brain melts). The Creation Story contradicts our laws of physics (Same reasons, who created God after all?). Everything we've so far managed to come up with, from the sublime to the ridiculous, the complex to the simplistic, it's an exercise in desperate straw-clutching. At the end of the day, we don't know jack.
And that's ok. Someone once said that the journey matters more than the destination, it's not the winning, it's the taking part, at least ya tried sport. These explanations of where it all comes from, be they ancient or modern all boil down to the same need. To know. Who'd have thunk it, we've got brains for a reason, and they rather like being used. Those neurons like to be fired, the little grey matter likes a little exercise every once in a while. Just as the Creation Story was a way to explain an unexplainable concept, so is the Big Bang theory. If one were to compare the human mind to a computer, try feeding the Big Bang theory to the medieval man, and it's like trying to shove Bioshock into a Commodore Vic20. Good luck. And what will our children's children's children's grandchildren's children think of our Big Bang theory? My money's on exactly the same thing.
So what am I trying to tell you, stop asking questions, stop looking for answers and just believe whatever the hell suits ya? Absolutely not. Believe whatever suits you, but question it, never stop thinking, never stop asking or learning. In this day and age it seems people are way too willing to believe, or not believe. Belief, or non-belief should be a life-long arduous process and it should end involuntarily, when you fall over dead. Someone (there's a lot of talkative someone's aren't there?) once said 'Never stop believing', I say, "Never stop asking yourself what you believe, and why".
It's time to criticize, so let me load port and starboard cannon and fire a volley at both atheists and theists alike. Believing, or not believing, does not make you intelligent. Smart people do not come to a conclusion on the basis of insubstantial evidence. Smart people do not mindlessly attack other people's beliefs just because they don't conform to their own. Smart people do not assume that their own rigid, poorly formed definitions of logic and faith, reason and belief are mutually exclusive and that if one exists, the other cannot. Smart people think outside the box, not pick fights with those poor souls trapped in it.
What makes you intelligent, is knowing why you believe what you believe. Knowing that you are but one mind, and knowing that at any time you could be proven wrong, only for that person to be proven wrong ad infinitum as we as a race advance.
I suppose you're waiting for my personal beliefs, waiting for this to be some kind of sermon, preaching why my God is better than your God, or non-God. You'll be waiting a long time, because it's not coming. My personal beliefs are just that, personal, they're mine, they belong to me. You cannot take them away from me, only I can. What I can give you though, are my opinions.
Right now shots are being fired. They're not physical shots, they're bullets and shells of ignorance and bigottry. And it's no one-sided battle let me tell you that much. Factionalized camps everywhere you can imagine. Atheists, Theists, Satanists, Christians, Republicans, Democrats, Capitalists, Communists, every group you can imagine, all shouting 'Your God/Non-God sucks, mine is better!'. These days, the internet's become their battleground. So much for sharing knowledge, we're sharing ignorance.
The bigottry and the condemnation has to stop. The sad thing is, I'm having to condemn the condemners. Isn't it lowsy how you generally have to be a hypocrite in order to make a point these days? Food for thought. We can look at the extremes and see the simplistic, secular vs sacred, trend-atheists vs fundamentalist evangelical christians, the most common stereotypes. But in reality, it's so much more complicated than that. It's this stereotyping and narrow-minded attitude that prevents us as a race from achieving the greatness we can. I could make as many decrees as I wanted till I was blue in the face, and I'm going to just to let off a little steam mind you,
"Trend-atheist Digg users, shove your agendas where the sun don't shine, refusing the possibility of a supreme-being does not make you a genius or a radical thinker, it makes you a bloody sheep hiding behind a cloak of anonymity"
"Evangelical Fundamentalist morons, get your overly simplistic, judgmental, dogmatic Crayola God out of my face, you have about as much understanding of the universe as a wet lettuce. That does not make you holy, pure, or guaranteed a private booth at the big game in the sky, it makes you a bloody sheep hiding behind a cloak of propaganda that you only believe because you're told to"
Wow, that feels good, I can understand why you internet-bound condemners like it so much. Gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling doesn't it? What, I'm not allowed to indulge in such a guilty pleasure every once in a while? Play fair Wink
Where's my conclusion? Hell if I know. Did you have the mistaken impression this was some carefully constructed plea for tolerance? Absolutely not, it's an angry slap in the face to my peers. Wake the hell up and use your brain, because my God/Non-god/Explosion/Man-in-the-sky/Vic20 gave you it for a reason.
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theorgonedonor · 7 years
Which Type of Chemtrail Denier Are You?
One thing I’ve found in discovering the truth about geoengineering is that there are four distinct ways that people tend to react when sharing evidence that geoengineering is real, and that orgonite/scalar energy works to combat and end it. They are:
The Open-Minded Thinker
This person listens to what you say and has a desire to learn more. Often they already know something is up but can’t figure out what it is. They start asking questions so you can point them in the direction of information where they will proactively choose to explore more information on the topic. They are naturally curious. OMTs are generally rare, like “the kitchen screwed up your meal so drinks and dessert are on the house tonight” kind of rare, but not as rare as say a sasquatch or unicorn.
Example: Adam: Geoengineering? Chemtrails? I need to look into this. Me: Take your time (Adam educates himself, returns) Adam: OMG this is horrible (gets depressed) Me: Don’t fret. I used to, but look; Orgonite. It’s a solution. It works. It’s fine! Adam: That’s incredible. What can I do to help? Me: Let’s go gifting and bust some towers.
The Half-way There, but not Fully-There Believer
This person has the mental capacity to see some things behind the curtain, but their ego has them blocked from seeing an even bigger picture. Like believing aliens are real but there’s no way they could travel here because they aren’t smarter than humans because “reasons” and “they just aren’t.” Also believes the government/military can control the weather but can’t fathom humans inventing a technology (orgonite) that stops it.
Example: Janice: Hurricane Harvey, Irma, Jose, etc. we’re all manufactured by the military/government. I’ve read the information available and seen it with my own eyes. They can control the weather and they want us dead. DEAD I TELL YOU. Me: I was just about to tell you that information. I completely agree, but great news. We humans have developed a technology that actually stops it. It’s called orgonite. Check this out (proceeds to show verified sources, Reich’s research, updated photos, videos, scientific experiments, etc). Janice: You’re insane. That’s not possible. Please go take your meds. Me: But… Janice: (covers ears) La la la la la la la…
The Can’t Believe Humans Did It, So God Must Have
This person discredits conspiracy theories despite having access to evidence proving that they’re true. They believe it’s impossible that beings on Earth could ever have the power to do something so diabolical, let alone have the technology or motives, so it must be God. Most often they tie tragedies to biblical revelation and “judgement” from the male-based deity with a white beard, and instead of pausing to read a few facts they a just make proclamations and prophesize that the “end of days” is coming.
Example: Dave: (While frantic) These hurricanes are a sign from the Bible. God is destroying us. Repent. Seven years. Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming! Me: First off, calm down. Dave: End of days!!!! Me: Dude, stop. Based on research, I can assure you this isn’t God, at least, not this one particular instance, and I’ll show you why. Dave: Heathen! Me: Here are the patents, projects, whistleblowers, and the government’s own admission that these hurricanes were manufactured by the military/government/UN/Council on Foreign Relations. But really, it’s okay. There’s a solution, called orgonite. Let me explain…  Dave: No. It’s God. He’s cleansing the Earth. Me: But there’s proof that it’s actually just the military… Dave: (interrupts while screaming) It’s God causing this. Jesus is coming. Take off your tin foil hat and seek mental help.
The Lost Cause
This person’s conditioned mind is so full of fluoride and so far up their disillusioned ass that they will never wake up in their current life time, or yours. They will only ridicule truth seekers by lumping every human who questioned anything as a conspiracy nut. Lost causes often result from heavy indoctrination, such as becoming a “scientist” through the regurgitation of data from “scientists” before them, using books written by the same powers who control the illusion system. Because they are usually “scientists” they become completely defensive against anything that wasn’t covered during their time in college, and become very uncomfortable when introduced to new concepts not learned through an educational indoctrination of text books propaganda. They also become livid at the idea that anyone would pretend to know something about something before them.
This person thinks that if the government was doing anything against humanity surely they would have been informed about it first. Lost cause behaviors are generally easier to predict, such as the consumption of a well done steak and baked potato at every meal or watching Two and a Half Men or The Big Bang Theory.
Example: Matt: This is normal. These hurricanes are normal. Chemtrails aren’t real. Me: Even though back to back these have been an anomaly and there are patents, projects, whistleblowers and even senate rulings specifically outlining the creation of these hurricanes as a weapon test against the American People? Matt: Chemtrails aren’t real. Me: But they’ve already admitted it’s real, they’re doing it as we speak (looks up). Matt: Chemtrails aren’t real. Me: (shakes head realizing they’re too ignorant to believe the truth about geoengineering so it’s useless to even share the truth about orgonite’s ability to stop geoengineering).
Are you or is someone you know one of these?
I have a lost cause in my circle. He works for one of the companies responsible for the poisoning of humanity through chemtrails and geoengineering. Would not surprise me at this point if he’s part of it, as I can’t compute this kind of ignorance in my mind. Weird stuff.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
Obadiah 1:1-21, Rev 4:1-11, Psalms 132:1-18, Proverbs 29:24-25
Today is the 13th day of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you as we move ourselves into the…the close of another week and come in out of…out of what's going on all around us and just warm ourselves by the Global Campfire here as we continue our journey through the Scriptures this year. We concluded the book of Amos in the Old Testament yesterday. We’re kind of rapidly moving through what is known as the minor prophets. And as we mentioned earlier, when we began this kind of grouping of books, they’re not minor because they're less relevant, they’re minor because they're shorter in duration, which we will experience today. We will read another of the minor prophets the book of Obadiah, but we’ll read the whole thing in one sitting today.
Introduction to the book of Obadiah:
And that is in part because Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. And even though Obadiah identifies himself as the author, we know very little about him other than his…his name…means servant of Yahweh, but Obadiah wasn't an uncommon name. So, that makes dating this prophecy difficult. If we’re trying to find consensus among biblical scholars it would be that Obadiah was probably contemporary with Jeremiah the prophet and that his prophetic work used the conquest of Jerusalem, when Babylon conquered Jerusalem as its backdrop, as the context. And if that's a correct theory then that Obadiah could be dated somewhere to the late 500s B.C. It’s a short book as we just mentioned. It contains only 21 verses, but it deals with a very big long-running family issue and ultimately the book of Obadiah heralds the doom and destruction of the Edomites. So, we kinda need to just reflect back on the earlier days of our journey back at the earlier times of this year and remember…remember Abraham and remember he had a son of promise named Isaac. And we remember Isaac had sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob's name when he grew up would later be changed to Israel. And, so, therefore his children were most literally the children of Israel. Now, Esau was also Jacob's son and he also had children and they also flourished, and they became known as the Edomites. The offspring of the two brothers born to Isaac, Jacob and Esau, the grandsons of Abraham. So, we follow Isaac’s story, we follow Jacob's story, we follow his offspring, the children of Israel's story, and we follow them into Egypt in the Scriptures. And then we follow them out of Egypt when God delivers them from slavery. The Edomites, their brothers, would not allow their relatives to pass through their land when they were traveling toward their own promised land. And at other points in history when Israel's being attacked, the Edomites just watched their brothers be attacked basically. And Obadiah is speaking directly to this issue in his book. But it wasn't just that they were passive at times. At times they were also active. They were like willing to pillage Israel, their brothers, while they were suffering, and God was not pleased as we will see. Obadiah ultimately announces complete destruction for Edom. But we have good application for this message in our own time because each one of us, no matter where we are on this planet, have been redeemed by Jesus and have become children of God. So, we are also family, brothers, and sisters, the body of Christ and we are often the witnesses of brothers and sisters at war with one another for one reason or another. And we can very easily stand by and watch our brothers and sisters suffer in all sorts of ways. And, remember that pride and arrogance that we were talking about from our reading yesterday, we can very, very easily slide into this arrogant posture toward our brothers and sisters just thinking, “well, they're just getting what they deserve.” And as we’ll see from the book of Obadiah, this is not the posture. In fact, this is a bad posture and God is greatly displeased with such arrogance. And, so, we begin and read in its entirety the book of Obadiah.
Father, we thank You for another day in Your word and…and we…we can count down the days we’ll been saying that because we’re so near to the end of the year and it's so easy to begin checking out, really begin checking into this season, really begin checking into all the festivities, but begin checking out in other areas of our lives, thinking maybe we've gotten all that we’re going to get from Your word for this year. And yet, right here, right now, You are speaking directly to us from the Proverbs, just now. People are trapped by their fear of others, but those who trust the Lord are secure.” We needed to hear that. All of us needed to hear that. Once again, You’ve reminded us where our strength lies, where our future hopes are. And they are in You and You alone. And, so, come Holy Spirit, plant the words that we’ve read today from Your word into our lives and may our hearts be fertile soil for them we pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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And it's all Christmas right now and there are two, specific…well…there’s more than two…but there’s two specific things going on we need to talk about.
One of them is our upcoming family Christmas party where we get together virtually and hear from each other, our Christmas wishes, our Christmas prayers, memories of specific things in the Bible that really spoke to us…just what we do as we come around the Global Campfire and celebrate Christmas together. So, we’re taking all those calls this week. And, so, here we are at the end of the week. So, we’re almost done. If you are procrastinating, if you’ve procrastinated you might get left out. Make sure you call in your Christmas greeting by tomorrow. And you can do that by the same method that we…that we call in our prayer requests to each other every day. You can use the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253. Since that is the prayer request line, here's…here's the rule. Don't call in a prayer request and a holiday greeting in the same call. This is the one time you can make multiple calls and call them in separate and we will be taking those calls today and tomorrow and then we’ll start putting things together for our Global Campfire Christmas this year.
The other thing that's going on is the Daily Audio Bible Christmas Box for 2019. And it is packed full of resources that have been the most popular this year. And it is a wonderful box, a powerhouse box, I think. And, yeah, so those are available now. I'm reminding you that the Christmas shipping cutoff date is this coming Wednesday for those living here domestically in the United States. The international date has passed. We’ll still ship them until we run out of them but those are kind of the dates that we’re looking at. This coming Wednesday we’re gonna be shipping and that's where we think we’re safe for Christmas arrival. So, check them out. It’s got the God of Your Story, a signed hardback first edition copy of the God of Your Story in the Christmas box this year, the only place you can get it. It’s got the Daily Audio Bible Christmas ornament with our word maintain on it for this year, is in the Christmas Box. It’s exclusive to the Christmas Box. And just a lot of other resources that you can find in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Just go to the Christmas section and you'll see all of this. And, yeah, we always make these with the idea that there’s gonna be things that you’ll want to keep, and there’s gonna be things that you might want to give away. And you get to pick and choose all of that and pray over it and we love that because we pray over these boxes as they go out and make their way around the world. So, those are available at dailyaudiobible.com in the Shop in the Christmas section. Check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible here as we…as we end the year, I think you with all of my heart for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage, it just lives there. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. If you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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