#the academy doesn't care
ppulverse · 11 months
not to be negative but life will become so much more beautiful when kpop agencies finally accept that the academy doesn't give 2 flying fucks about kpop and stop trying to please the american market only bc they hope they can get their groups/idols to win a grammy
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glassesweirdo · 1 month
I like that despite being a child abuser, child exploiter, and an emotionally absent father, Reginald draws the line at transphobia.
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rachemchul · 2 months
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The Umbrella Academy Season 4, Episode 5 Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days
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artemis-in-space · 5 months
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These are the same guy to me
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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how i thought cynonari was going to be vs how it actually is
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syntheticaesthetic · 2 months
Five is allowed to be selfish. People in general are allowed to be selfish. It's almost like they're human.
Yes, sure. Of course they are. But, when talking about a story you're gonna need to give me a much more convincing journey to those selfish choices than we got in S4.
Let's face it, the Five we got in this season was apathetic. He didn't give a shit about his family by the end of it. He didn't give a shit about other people. He didn't give a shit about the apocalypse. I'd argue he didn't really give a shit about Lila based on how he treated her based on his tone when she confronted him about the reality of their situation.
(The way he said "I took care of you when you were sick, I held you when you were sad" was full of red flags. It reeked of entitlement. I did those things for you so you owe me this. 🤢)
This characterization was pretty far from what we saw in S1 or S2, where he sacrificed everything for his family, where his personal happiness was of no concern compared to his own safety or mental health. And yet we're being asked to accept a Five that cares more about his personal desire to have Lila than what she wants, what Diego wants, what her kids want, over them returning to the right time line and saving Ben and stopping an apocalypse?
A good storyteller can get there no doubt - the pieces are there.
*Take a man who lived 40+ years in an apocalypse because of his own hubris (don't tell me what to do! I know better than you old man!),
*a man who got shoved in a wrong body, a man who had to - in the span of 2-3 weeks - live through 3 different apocalypses,
*a man who didn't even want to stop the S3 apocalypse because he himself told him not to - that he only makes it worse,
*a man who got abandoned by the family he sacrificed so much to save and lost his powers,
*and a man who then had to face yet another apocalypse that was his fault with new powers he doesn't understand and doesn't really seem to care too much about understanding and then gets lost and separated from his family again for 7 more years?
Yeah. I can see anger. I can see defeat. The world has made him it's bitch and he's tired and just wants a break and wants something for himself.
The problem I have here is the execution.
They had six episodes filled with a huge amount of filler and hardly any lead up to this; we got Lila wiping crumbs off his face and Diego and Lila's bad relationship with Five being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was shoved into a short opening montage.
While we the audience knows the things that drove Five to this from previous knowledge (assumptively), the actual writing or narrative never addresses it. Five never tells us how exhausted he is. He never tells us how over it he is. Even in S3 he has a line while on his adventure with Klaus and exclaims "Can't I get one day off" (or a fucking break - I can't remember the direct quote.) We get nothing here. He just seems bored. Unmoved. Uncaring. He just doesn't give a shit about anything that's happening so why are we supposed go with this out of the blue selfishness if he's not really affected by anything happening? It's not selfishness motivated by being at his breaking point and just needing something for himself finally, it's just a kid taking a doll away from his brother because all of his other toys were gone and saying it's his turn with it now because he wants it and throwing a temper tantrum and refusing to help his family or the world when the doll is back where it's supposed to be.
He's focused on his affair with a married woman over the fate of the world when his character for the last three seasons has never been that selfish. That's the problem.
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Favorite Relationship Dynamic
Character A: *stone wall. no emotion.* Hm.
Character B: *vibrating to the point phasing out of reality* COME GET SOME MOTHERFUCKERS
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lovinggreeniehours · 4 months
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on april 1st, 2019, a boy time traveled from the past and witnessed the aftermath of an apocalypse that wiped out the entire earth, reducing every human being to ash
every human being but one, whose corpse seemed eerily intact
on april 2nd, 2019, the corpse woke up
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 4 months
i think one of the benefits of an episodic show is you can do a lot before an audience see's where you're going. like, in the lower decks episode where we meet all the different lower deck crews, it just shows how different species still have the same power structures that lead to our main characters feeling dissatisfied with their job, but it's that dissatisfaction that lets nick manipulate the crews into working for him. we know there are genuinely problems that these people want fixed! they aren't following him for nothing! but that's why it also makes sense when they leave; they were promised respect, and they didn't get it.
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franeridan · 7 months
I understand why everyone who read dunmeshi instantly shipped marci and falin but tbh the fact that it's just treated as canon by the fandom cuts on a lot of interesting analysis that could be done on their relationship outside of the romantic reading, which is kind of a shame
#when i read through i spent a lot of time trying to understand if marci saw her as an equal or as a younger friend she had to take care of#this started from her comment about how 29yo is “a child” and falin is younger than that#and then the scene in the bathroom which is very loved by the shippers#it felt a lot like falin understood the implications and marci didn't yk#i read that and it just felt like they were failing to communicate bc marci just couldn't see falins body as something she should be#embarrassed about#very mom with a child behaviour#same in the bed falin mentioned growing up and marci said it was just the same#doesn't it imply she still sees her as a kid?#there's that time in the backstory of when she first met laios and how she treats falin like a kid who can't make her own choices too#like she tells laios off for taking her away and then tells her she'll take her back to the academy like falin isn't#perfectly able to choose for herself#extremely “mom knows best” of her??#there's a lot of moments like that#then there's also everything that could be said about falin being marcis first friend and what it means for her to die#like...if you just call it romance it goes to undermine a bigger issue in marci's character imo?#like marci went to those lengths just cause she's in love with her but i think the point is that this was yet another person she lost before#she was ready to let her go? her character arc culminates in her accepting that falin might just be dead after all#and even with the possibility of falin being reborn she was ready to be taken away by the elves and never see her again#this is incredible growth for her but it only makes sense if falin was just one of many friends this could have happened with#and not the love of her life? I'd assume she would want to spend the rest of falins life with her if that was the case#whether or not she got over her fear of everyone dying before her#it's a thought! i think it's interesting to think about!#it's fun to ship them so I'm not saying we shouldn't or whatever but not treating it as canon now and again would open#to so many possibilities#for example I can't get out of my brain the scenario in which falin is in love with her and marci just can't see it until it's too late#kind of like himmel and frieren? think of the angst!! all lost because we just assume they're canon......tragic
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brionysea · 2 years
how does lila make her power... work. like okay she's trained in espionage and combat and languages and stuff but how do you train a superpower that's literally mimicking other superpowers and entirely dependent on other superpowered individuals being nearby when you're not raised and trained in a superpowered unit like the umbrellas or the sparrows. how does she instantly know how to control every power she copies. is it a built in feature
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kiwiwinjindouche · 6 months
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thanks to the horror!au Jindosh is no longer a rat or a cat or whatever to me
but spider
[insert Spider Dance from Undertale] (it doesn't help!!!!)
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anarkhebringer · 2 months
There's a wild part of my mind that just knows deep inside that if Zenos were in Stardew Valley, somehow Elliott would woo him despite him not being a fighter at all. They both talk like Shakespeare and grew up as literature lovers.
Zenos would talk about the thrill of one's life being on the line and the urge to rip in and drink deep of the enemy's essence after going to the mines, and Elliott would just reply with "terrifying, hun, I love you."
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shipping-all-ships · 2 years
Shigaraki getting hit with a quirk that makes him speak his honest feelings about people and he grabs Kurogiri by the shoulders and says “I love you and if anything happened to you, I would kill everyone in this city and then myself.” only to glance over at All For One and say offhand “Yeah, you’re cool too, I guess. I would kill for you. Maybe. As long as my shoes don’t get dirty.”
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feralnumberfive · 1 year
I don't know about you guys but I think it's really funny that here we are 9 1/2 months later and we never got any TUA S3 merchandise
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wykart · 2 years
Forgot to say, I liked how the episode drew attention (again) to the fact that Martin!Doctor knows the Master from their Academy days. Yet another point for the 6B theory. No you shut up.
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