#the amnesia is magic so it is not an accurate representation
skellebonez · 3 years
Could you do number 46. They have amnesia? With Monkie King and MK If you’re still doing the request/prompts
You didn't say who had to have amnesia, anon. Spoilers for episodes up to S2E6 inside.
They have amnesia?
"How is this even possible?" MK asked softly, not wanting to be heard but knowing that Wukong’s superior hearing would pick up most of what he was saying. Though given how distracted he was...
"It shouldn't be!" Tang exclaimed equally as quiet, watching his hero with a mix of curiosity and dismay. "He's the Monkey King, nothing should be able to hurt him like this."
"Maybe he wasn't hurt," Mei offered, watching Wukong herself as Pigsy held up another photograph and only recieved a confused look in response. "Maybe it's magic. He can be affected by magic that isn't directly hurting him, right? Even if it takes something big to hurt him physically a spell or curse could still something."
"That is a possibility..." Tang muttered under his breathe. He ran his hand through his hair, sighing as Pigsy seemed to exhaust photographs and illustrations to show the Monkey King. Sandy stood beside them both, Mo curled up in Wukong’s arms instead of his usual place on the big guy's shoulder, and said something in hushed tones that made the Monkey King's ears pull back. "There are no shortages of either that could cause memory loss, hopefully for us temporarily so. And he didn't seem injured in any way when we found him outside the shop... though he shouldn't even be here, he was on vacation! Wouldn't he have told you he was coming back?"
"Maybe..." MK started slowly, watching as Pigsy held up a group of photos and Wukong pointed to one of them excitedly. "But he's been acting... weird since he left anyway. Like he was distracted. I kinda just tried not to worry about it but..." He trailed off, jumping as a loud snap was heard and then wishing he had the staff out in his hands to wrap them around it instead of the mop he just snapped in two. "... crap..."
"You're worried," Mei said softly, laying her hand on her best friend's shoulder. "I am too, even though I may not know the Monkey King that well. But once we find out exactly how much he remembers we can find a way to help him."
"Yeah, about that," Pigsy's voice broke through their conversation as he made his way over. The chef looked perturbed. "So we went through all your pictures MK. He remembers going on the journey, though the details of it are lost, and he knows Mount Huaguo like the back of his hand. But he doesn't remember like 99% of the journey, can't remember any of his monkeys, can't remember us, can't even remember that he's the Monkey King or what that title means." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his snout for a second before continuing. "What he does remember clearly is that he lives alone on an island and that it's the modern day, he went on some big journey he barely recalls... and that he knows MK and that MK is important."
"What?" MK looked away from where he had glanced over to Wukong, staring at Pigsy in disbelief. "Wait, you're telling me I'm the only person he remembers!?"
"Barely!" Pigsy elaborated with another sigh. "Kid, whatever happened to him really messed up his memories. He knows your name and face and that you're important. He kind of remembers training you. But that is it. He doesn't recognize anyone else. And I don't know him that good, but he doesn't seem to be acting like his normal self either."
This was bad. There was no other way to put it. And they needed to figure something out fast.
"MK?" Wukong said suddenly, having wandered up to the group. He still had Mo in his arms, the cat looking up at him in concern. "Is everything alright, Bud?"
It most certainly was not.
"This is my house?" Wukong asked softly, one of the first things he had said since MK and he had arrived back on Mount Huaguo. Getting him home was easy enough, one of the few things he remembered was where he lived after all, but he seemed confused regardless. Perhaps he didn't remember the mountain as much as Pigsy thought he did. "It's... cozy!" He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "When your boss told me I was a king I kind of worried that... well, I don't know why, I was just worried for some reason. Weird."
Weird didn't even begin to cover it.
Pigsy wasn't lying when he said that Wukong hadn't been acting like his normal self. Instead of the loud and boisterous and kind of, admittedly, self important Monkey King MK expected, Wukong was oddly subdued. Maybe it was the amnesia making him weary, but he was acting so much like he had for just the shortest moments at the Lunar New Year festival (both before the fireworks had cheered him up and after the fight with the Spider Queen) that MK was starting to wonder...
"I really do live alone except for my monkeys, huh?" Wukong said softly, one of the aforementioned monkeys looking at him in their own concern.
When he saw them face to face he seemed to recall at least a bit. That he cared for them in some capacity both as an actual caregiver and as "I guess a King is right" as Wukong put it. But while he knew each one on the island by name before he couldn't recall a single one now. But MK remembered that the little one that followed them inside was called Yue, partly because he had been the one to help name her.
Knowing that Wukong likely didn't remember that day, let alone how important it had been to him to include his student in this endeavor, made MK's chest hurt.
"Yeah, it's, uh... yeah," MK attempted to confirm, coming off as awkward as he felt internally. Everything about this was awkward. But MK could not, and would not, leave his mentor while he could only barely recall how to navigate his own home island. "So... we didn't exactly get that much to eat at Pigsy's... you hungry?"
The two ate in moderate silence. MK didn't want to force Wukong to feel awkward by asking him about topics he couldn't remember (the last few confused and then apologetic smiles made him feel too bad to try again). He managed to find something, at least, however small it was.
Wukong seemed to remember little bits and pieces about himself. Not everything, obviously, but he remembered some important things. He knew he was immortal and invincible. He knew that he was very very old. He knew he was technically not a regular demon monkey but a stone monkey born out of a... well, a stone. And he remembered his dietary preferences.
This last one was news to MK, who had never actually seen him eat more than peaches and peach chips and food made from his own hair (which was not something he was looking forward to trying again). But it made fashioning something for them to eat easier. Something simple, rice for both of them with fresh peaches (he had so many of these things in his fridge and MK did not know how they lasted without spoiling, but he did not ask) for his mentor and rice with some tofu and green onions for MK (simple, but with seasoning and sauce that for some reason had his own initials on it tasty, he had to remember to ask about that... after).
It was... kind of nice, the situation aside.
"... am I your... absentee dad?"
And there that went right out the window and right into the volcanic inferno of the flaming mountains!
MK nearly choked on his rice, barely managing to chug a glass of water before managing out a "HWUH?" in his mentor's direction.
"I-I'm sorry!" Wukong stuttered out, the uncertainty in his voice sounding wrong. "I just... I thought... there's stuff in here with your name on it but there isn't a place for you to stay, the second room is just storage, so I thought..." He trailed off, biting his lip before sighing. "You told me you were my student. But that... it's doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel wrong but it feels... sorry."
Taking a moment to breathe in deeply, MK steeled himself.
"No, don't apologize," he started, setting his bowl to the side and staying quiet for a moment. "No, you're not... my dad. But I noticed those things too. I've never really been inside your house all that much, only a couple times before you left and only twice since. You don't..." He paused, trying to find the right words to express himself. "I guess I'm just realizing there's a lot of things you don't tell me."
"... it'd be kind of awkward if I just ruined some kind of big thing I was gonna tell you when I got back," Wukong said through another bite of a peach.
"Yeah, I doubt you were gonna tell me you'e adopting me," MK laughed out awkwardly... but that awkwardness lingered long after the conversation moved on to how much of the stuff in the house he remembered.
MK woke up in a sleeping bag in a room that didn't belong to him. He was confused at first, sitting up quickly and looking around before realizing that he was just in Wukong's house. On the floor of Wukong's bedroom, actually. The Monkey King had insisted that he could not sleep on the couch, comfortable as it looked, and they looked around in his storage room for any alternative until they found this.
It was comfortable enough. But not so comfortable he slept through what had woken him.
It sounded like crying.
Not loud, not enough to wake most people. But MK was already highly stressed from the situation and had developed much better hearing since obtaining the Monkey King Powers (how he had thought he needed to learn super hearing that one time he did not know now that he thought about it). So he picked up on the soft sniffs and whimpers and shakey breathes and now he would not be going back to sleep until he figured out what was up.
"Monkey King? You sure there isn-" MK froze as he turned to his mentor's bed, only to find it empty.
Well. Shit...
That probably answered that question.
MK wasted no time in jumping to his feet rushing out of the room and toward the crying before freezing in the door way to he living room.
Monkey King was sitting on the floor, TV on and VR set still strapped to his head.
"Oh... no..." MK muttered softly, making his way inside to stand behind Wukong. "Hey... Monkey King? What are you doing?"
Wukong flinched, he'd never seen him do that before, and gripped his controller tighter. He heard it creak worryingly under his grip.
"I... I saw this game earlier," he started slowly, and MK didn't need him to explain which one it was. The case, familiar to him now, was sitting in plain sight on the floor before them. "I dunno, it just... it felt important. And I couldn't sleep so I decided to go through some more of my stuff and... and..." He took in a shakey breathe, putting the controller down and taking the VR headset off. "I... it was weird looking at myself. Listening to myself tell me what do to. But it felt familar. So I kept playing and..."
MK put a hand on his mentor's shoulder and looked at the screen. He'd made it to the in game store, the temple. There Tripitaka, Tang Sanzang, resided to give the player passive abilities. "How long have you been playing?"
"An hour maybe?" Wukong offered, wiping the tears from his face. "I made it to Zhu Ganglie but I. I couldn't. I didn't want to... MK, I feel like I should remember these people. I can't look at them without feeling... sad. Guilty? I can't help but feel like I did something wrong to them?"
And MK's chest hurt once again, knowing that somewhere deep down in Wukong he hadn't completely forgotten his companions from his journey centuries ago. He should have pieced it together when he played. The art, the dialogue, the placement of the monk... he'd never seen the game on store shelves before either, never even heard of it.
But Sun Wukong had played this game for 10,000 hours.
"They're, uh... They're the people who were on your journey with you," MK started as he sat on the floor by his mentor. "You haven't gotten to Sha Wujing, but he's there too. So was Bai Long Ma. I could... tell you about them? I don't know all the stories by heart like Tang does, but I can try."
"You don't have to do that," Wukong said much more assuredly and firm than before. "If I did something that made me feel like this that should be my own burden to bear, not yours."
"Yeah... but I want to help you anyway."
The two sat in silence for a moment before Wukong stood and made his way into the kitchen. He returned a moment later with a small bowl of peaches and a wrapped pack of pears (once again with MK's initials on it). He sat on the couch, gesturing for his student to join him before he spoke.
"I appreciate the offer, I do... but I'll be able to learn that on my own before my memories return," Wukong said, biting into one of his peaches with a sad smile. "You said Tang, the guy from the noodle shop, knows them. I can ask him tomorrow... well, later today. But as I said before, that isn't your burden to bear. And I don't want to put that on you. And even though I remember you the most out of everything it feels like I don't know you as much as I should. So, if neither of us is going to sleep again any time soon... tell me about MK?"
"... When I moved into the apartment above Pigsy’s I took on MK as a nickname."
Wukong looked up in confusion for a moment before his eyes widened and he put all his focus on his student with a soft smile. "OK..."
The two talked for only roughly another hour, Sun Wukong listening to MK tell him anything he felt comfortable telling him. When he woke up he was back in the sleeping bag, the soft snores of the Monkey King resounding above him.
As he laid awake, the small monkey Yue having made her way inside to sleep on his chest making a good excuse to not get up, he wanted to mull over everything he had learned. He'd learned more about his mentor in the 6 waking hours they spent together in his home than he had his entire apprenticeship, and the same went the other way.
MK wondered just why Sun Wukong hid all this from him so far. For so long. And he knew now he couldn't have possibly been on vacation. Not when it resulted in this. The Monkey King had been hiding so much from him and it clearly wasn't limited to what he was doing behind his back.
But right now Sun Wukong trusted MK, him coming back with him to Mount Huaguo was evidence enough of that. And MK trusted him as he was now... but didn't know how much of Sun Wukong from the past to trust anymore. He needed to get his mentor's memories back. And he needed to get answers.
Sun Wukong slept on, oblivious to the conflict in his student's head.
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You might remember this post of mine where I used a tier template to rank my favorite (and less favorite) fic tropes. I shared that, and a lot of you decided to do it too, which is great. And it was at the point that quite a few (30+) people decided to do it that I thought, “You know what? I should write this down.”
And I did. So here it is. I looked at a lot of people’s ranks from the notes of that post and compiled the results into a google doc. 
I left out any that that had more or less than the ordinary 5 tiers because I didn’t know how to translate that data (this turned out to just be 1), and also any that was missing one or more trope to ensure an even distribution and accurate representation (this was 4 rankings). All tiers are listed on a scale of “S” (the best, standing for supreme/superior) to “D” (the worst).
I also included my own rankings, although after thinking on it for a while, I ended up changing some of my opinions, which is reflected in the data. It’s also possible that more have been added since I looked at it. I will not be adding any new ones because this already ended up taking way longer than I thought and I don’t want to. 
Keeping in mind that this is the result of posting from my ironstrange account, which could potentially result in a bias towards ironstrange and MCU fans, as well as people who for whatever reason are drawn towards my particular blog.
At the end, I had a total of 33 rankings to include. This is far from a complete representation of fandom, but it’s not half bad. Each trope will also include a “popularity number” at the end to make it easier to interpret and clearly see where they stand in relation to each other. This number is based upon assigning a value to each tier and adding up the results. So: S=5pt, A=4pt, B=3pt, C=2pt, D=1pt (5+4+3+2+1 = 15pt.). There is a possible range of points of 33 to 165.
Now, here is the raw data:
A/B/O: S - 3, A - 3, B - 5, C - 7, D - 15  ::  71 pt.
Amnesia Fic: S - 1, A - 8, B - 10, C - 6, D - 8  ::  87 pt.
Angst: S - 13, A - 10, B - 2, C - 4, D - 4  ::  123 pt. 
Arranged Marriage: S - 6, A - 6, B - 10, C - 7, D - 4  ::  102 pt.
Baby Fic: S - 4, A - 3, B - 6, C - 9, D - 11  ::  79 pt.
Bang Or Die: S - 4, A - 4, B - 5, C - 4, D - 16  ::  75 pt.
Body Swap: S - 1, A - 5, B - 10, C - 12, D - 5  ::  84 pt.
Canon Divergence: S - 9, A - 13, B - 7, C - 2, D - 2  ::  124 pt.
Coffee Shop AU: S - 7, A - 10, B - 6, C - 7, D - 3  ::  110 pt.
College AU: S - 10, A - 6, B - 7, C - 7, D - 3  ::  112 pt.
Crack Fic: S - 6, A - 6, B - 7, C - 8, D - 6  ::  97 pt.
Cross-Over: S - 3, A - 3, B - 8, C - 8, D - 11  ::  78 pt. 
Dark Fic: S - 6, A - 5, B - 11, C - 9, D - 2  ::  103 pt.
Enemies To Lovers: S - 13, A - 14, B - 6, C - 0, D - 0  ::  139 pt.
Established Relationship: S - 11, A - 9, B - 11, C - 1, D - 1  ::  127 pt.
Fairytale AU: S - 4, A - 10, B - 6, C - 11, D - 2  ::  102 pt.
Fake Relationship: S - 13, A - 9, B - 5, C - 5, D - 1  ::  127 pt.
First Kiss: S - 7, A - 11, B - 14, C - 1, D - 0  ::  124 pt.
Fix-It Fic: S - 11, A - 10, B - 8, C - 3, D - 1  ::  126 pt.
Fluff: S - 18, A - 12, B - 3, C - 0, D - 0  ::  147 pt.
Friends To Lovers: S - 11, A - 15, B - 6, C - 1, D - 0  ::  135 pt.
Gen Fic: S - 4, A - 8, B - 9, C - 10, D - 2  ::  101 pt.
High School AU: S - 8, A - 6, B - 6, C - 6, D - 7  ::  101 pt.
Historical AU: S - 5, A - 8, B - 9, C - 8, D - 3  ::  103 pt.
Huddle For Warmth: S - 6, A - 9, B - 6, C - 9, D - 3  ::  105 pt.
Humor: S - 11, A - 11, B - 8, C - 3, D - 0  ::  129 pt.
Hurt/Comfort: S - 17, A - 11, B - 4, C - 0, D - 1  ::  142 pt.
In Vino Veritas: S - 4, A - 11, B - 9, C - 6, D - 3  ::  106 pt.
Love Triangle : S - 4, A - 4, B - 6, C - 9, D - 10  ::  82 pt.
Magic AU: S - 5, A - 10, B - 9, C - 8, D - 1  ::  109 pt.
Major Character Death: S - 3, A - 3, B - 2, C - 10, D - 15  ::  68 pt.
Miscommunication: S - 6, A - 11, B - 5, C - 7, D - 4  ::  107 pt.
Missing Scenes: S - 5, A - 6, B - 12, C - 5, D - 5  ::  100 pt.
Mutual Pining: S - 21, A - 8, B - 3, C - 1, D - 0  ::  148 pt.
Pregnancy Fic: S - 2, A - 2, B - 4, C - 5, D - 20  ::  60 pt.
PWP: S - 8, A - 7, B - 5, C - 7, D - 6  ::  103 pt.
Royalty AU: S - 10, A - 8, B - 9, C - 3, D - 3  ::  118 pt.
Sex Pollen: S - 4, A - 5, B - 4, C - 9, D - 11  :: 81 pt.
Sharing A Bed: S - 6, A - 15, B - 6, C - 4, D - 2  ::  118 pt.
Slow Burn: S - 21, A - 6, B - 1, C - 2, D - 3  ::  139 pt.
Soulmate AU: S - 14, A - 11, B - 2, C - 5, D - 1  ::  131 pt.
Time Loop: S - 1, A - 9, B - 5, C - 10, D - 8  ::  84 pt.
Unhappy Ending: S - 5, A - 0, B - 5, C - 7, D - 16   ::  70 pt.
Unrequited Love: S - 4, A - 6, B - 6, C - 9, D - 8  ::  88 pt.
Now, some notes.
“Baby Fic” and “Huddle For Warmth” both had a different answer for each of the first five charts.
The most popular, from highest to lowest, are: Mutual Pining (148), Fluff (147), Hurt/Comfort (142), Enemies to Lover (139) and Slow Burn (139). The least popular, lowest to highest, are: Pregnancy Fic (60), Major Character Death (68), Unhappy Ending (70), A/B/O (71), Bang Or Die (75).
Neither “Enemies to Lovers” or “Fluff” had any C or D rankings. “First Kiss”, “Friends To Lovers”, “Humor”, and “Mutual Pining” did not have any D rankings. “Hurt/Comfort” did not have any C’s and “Unhappy Ending” did not have any A’s. “Mutual Pining” had the most A’s and “Pregnancy Fic” had the most D’s.
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Hi! I wanted to ask if you could do a session between a seer of space, sylph of void, mage of blood, maid of life, heir of time, knight of breath, thief of light, prince of light, rogue of heart and page of hope? Its 10 players which is pretty big so i understand if you dont feel up to it, either thanks in advance! :)
Here you go!  The way this story unfolds is really interesting, so I wish you the best of luck!
Seer of Space
Personality: Seers are exceedingly intelligent, bright, and calculating.  They are the people who seem to be wise beyond their years, though they are often afflicted with hubris.  As a Space player, they would come off as a dispassionate observer with an uncanny awareness of things happening around them, as well as someone with a phenomenal artistic and creative sense.  They very much are the tortured artist, and I can envision them struggling with creative block.
Abilities: The Seer of Space would get visions of other locations.
Session Contribution: This player basically knows everything that’s happening at any given time.  The Space player’s quest calls them to breed the Genesis Frog, and knowing where it is will definitely be a big advantage!Sylph of Void
Personality: Sylphs are people who have a great sense of someone’s potential, and they tend to be driven to help in any way possible.  This can make them seem to be incredibly nosy and a little annoying, but they have nothing but good intentions.  As a Void player, they would be a living representation of “ignorance is bliss.”  They solve problems through distraction and comfort, never really addressing the heart of the issue at hand.  Is it healthy?  Not really.  Is it effective?  Kinda.  A Sylph’s biggest weakness is that they can’t seem to grasp when something is a lost cause.
Abilities: The Sylph of Void would be able to literally erase injuries by making them disappear, as well as induce amnesia.
Session Contribution: This is somehow a very good healing class.Mage of Blood
Personality: Mages tend to be very intelligent and bright, but also tend to be jaded and cynical.  However, they gain their knowledge through experiences, often painful ones.  As a Blood player, the Mage will likely have a lot of experience with relationships and teamwork, thus making them a strong leader.  However, the Mage has experienced some extreme betrayal or manipulative relationship, causing them to be distrusting and bitter.  Alternatively, they might have grown up in a society hostile to them, and they had to learn how to conform to it or suffer forever.  Either way, the Mage of Blood learns from the darker side of humanity and uses that for their own benefit.
Abilities: The Mage of Blood would be able to use their knowledge of interpersonal connections to bring people together, and they will perhaps be able to use those bonds to their advantage.  Maybe they can forge a bond between two people magically, like some form of second degree glamour.
Session Contribution: The Mage of Blood isn’t a commander and leader...they’ve worked their ass off to achieve the level of ability they have.Maid of Life
Personality: Maids often feel a great deal of responsibility that was pushed onto them without their consent.  They feel that it is their job to ensure that everything is working properly, even when they are not recognized for their efforts.  As a Life player, their personality may manifest as a manic go-getter, possibly a manager or a ruler of some form.  Maids also tend to rely on others to feel valuable, so please make sure she knows they are perfect just the way they are.
Abilities: The Maid of Life would be able to resurrect the dead and perhaps give life to inanimate creatures.
Session Contribution: Hello healer my old friend.Heir of Time
Personality: Heirs tend to come off as very dumb, but a more accurate term would be happy-go-lucky.  They are very much a representation of “ignorance is bliss,” for they tend to grow up very sheltered and secure, especially under by aspect.  As a Time player, their source of security would, ironically, be change and moving forward.  This Heir would value personal growth very heavily, and difficulty appears once they form a more stable sense of self and life becomes stagnant.
Abilities: The Heir of Time would avoid danger through time travel, though it would take a while to be able to use this ability on a non-incidental level.
Session Contribution: The Heir of Time’s time travel can be very helpful in avoiding doomed timelines, and I can also see this as an offensive player.Knight of Breath
Personality: Knights are a very insecure lot, typically using their aspect to attempt to create a facade that makes them seem more impressive.  As a Breath player, the Knight would pretend to be overly easy going.  However, they aren’t easy going at all.  They tend to instead be scared of commitment, or afraid of conforming to society.  They can’t be held down, because if they are, then they’ll suffocate.  To develop as a person, they should learn to trust others and lower their walls.
Abilities: The Knight of Breath wields the wind, as well as freedom.  They would be able to bring people to think for themselves.
Session Contribution: Knights are called to sessions that don't have enough of their aspect for them to win, and in this case, that means that the players are probably too conforming and not at all individualistic.  Perhaps the Mage of Blood is doing their job too well?Thief of Light
Personality: Thieves are extremely ambitious and tend to appear to be very selfish and overly self-confident, but their confidence is an act of false bravado.  What makes a Thief a Thief is their overwhelming sense of envy toward others, especially when it comes to their aspect.  As a Light player, the Thief would be jealous of the luck, success, intelligence, and/or attention of others.  This makes them an attention whore.  Thieves need to learn how to be happy for other people and allow them to prosper, while finding and accepting their own worth.
Abilities: The Thief of Light would be able to steal knowledge and/or luck.
Session Contribution: They are gonna mess your shit up.  Make them feel important and smart.Prince of Light
Personality: Princes have fairly destructive personalities and resent others, mostly because they strongly resent themselves.  Their self-hatred often leads to them harming others, either intentionally or unintentionally.  As a Light player, the Prince will likely feel too smart and dumb themself down, or always get attention and hates it.  They would also be the kind of person who attacks smart people and believe that it’s impossible to know.  Princes need to learn how to accept accountability for their actions and accept themselves for who they truly are.
Abilities: The Prince of Light would be able to induce amnesia, shoot lasers, and perhaps bypass a person’s luckiness.
Session Contribution: Princes are called to sessions with an obstructive surplus of their aspect, so this Prince’s presence implies that your enemies know too much, or perhaps your players might know too much.  Perhaps something to do with your observation classes?  Whatever it is, it is up to your Prince to prevent this from harming the session.Rogue of Heart
Personality: Rogues are very selfless people, as they share a worldview with Robin Hood.  Their strong sense of justice and equality makes them easy to talk to, as they are very respectful.  They are also very spunky and ready to do what’s right!  As a Heart player, they tend to be empathetic.  Sometimes, the Rogue puts themself into danger to right a wrong, so make sure they understand that it’s okay that life isn’t always fair.
Abilities: Allocating a person’s emotions and identity can have countless implications, but a late-stage power they can likely harness is body-swapping.  Empathy is also a likely ability.
Session Contribution: This player is important in creating mutual understanding and respect among the teammates.Page of Hope
Personality: Pages are known to be very weak and impressionable.  Like the knight, they are very insecure about their weaknesses, but instead of acting impressive, they display their weakness in hope that someone will help.  As a Hope player, the Page would likely be very open-minded and trusting of others.  This naivety causes them to be taken advantage of very easily.  They can only grow once they learn who they should trust.
Abilities: The Page of Hope would be able to provide hope to your team and eventually use Hope to bring about their fantasies.
Session Contribution: Eventually, the Page of Hope may be your saving grace.
Interpersonal Dynamics
The Sylph and the Prince are gonna be really close buddies, and I would stay away from them.
I believe the Prince and the Knight are heralding the Mage of Blood going mad with power.
The Rogue and the Knight are best friends, because they are the only people who understand the other.
The Thief and the Page need to be kept apart.  Please.  The Page will suffer.
The Maid and the Mage will work together to advance their vision.
The Seer would be kinda friends with the Knight and Rogue, but they tend to distance themself from everyone.
The Heir will be close with the Rogue and the Sylph.  Heir/Sylph actually has a pretty good synergy here.
Session Overview
Too Bright!: Your Prince of Light is more important than your Thief of Light.  The Prince has a job to do, and the Thief has a job of making everything about them.
Leader: The Mage of Blood will be the official leader, but the Prince of Light and the Knight of Breath tells me that they will start a dictatorship with their powers.  The Knight of Breath is probably the more compassionate leader.
Offense: Prince, Thief, Knight, and maybe Mage and Rogue are more than good enough.
Survival: The Sylph of Void isn’t the best Sylph, but the Maid of Life definitely makes up for that.  Also, your Heir of Time will be fine.
Foresight: The Heir of Time probably isn’t that good at predicting things that will happen, but the Seer of Space would know anything that’s happening around them.  Also, the Mage of Blood would also know a lot about the players, so they could probably predict how people would behave.
Loyalty: The Thief has to go, man.  Also, the Mage is gonna stage a coup, but at least everyone is going to work together until the Knight and the Prince deal with it.
Breeding: The Seer of Space would know where the necessary frogs are, and I suggest the Rogue and/or the Knight for help.
Overall: Your team is very fragmented (when the Mage isn’t doing bullshit).  If your Mage is a good person, you don’t really have anything to worry about...your players are strong and they will work together in a way that works.  If not, then everyone is going to fall apart and maybe everyone gets killed.
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missytearex · 5 years
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I’ve been binging wordplay fics, which is why this list is so ridiculously long. I would’ve split it, but I kind of want these lists to be an accurate representation of my week, so ridiculously long list it is! 
As I said, most of these are from @wordplayfics, but there are also fics from @hlsummerexchange2019, @1drarepairfest, @larryabroad, @grylesexchange and even @onedirectionbigbang! Wow, I’ve clearly had a good week. Enjoy!
❣️ Let Our Hearts Collide by @crinkle-eyed-boo — [fic post]
larry | 76k | mature — (found family)
When Harry, a lonely transit worker, saves the life of the handsome commuter he’s been secretly pining for, an innocent mistake results in Liam Payne’s family believing that Harry is engaged to their son. In the Paynes, Harry finds the big family he’s always longed for…and a love he never saw coming.
A While You Were Sleeping AU
❣️ Not (heart) Broken by @kissyboystyles — [fic post]
larry | 14k | teen and up — (soulmates)
Every person is born with a unique, personal Ability and a soulmate. Abilities are developed from birth and treasured as parts of each person’s personality, while a soulmate is somewhat of an intimidating prospect; the minute two soulmates are in contact with each other, their powers are voided, only to be reinstated when they regain their distance.
How is Harry, a young healer, supposed to feel about the possibility of losing his helpful healing Ability with one look of his unknown soulmate? He figures it can’t be too inconvenient. Until Harry meets them and, well, it kind of is…
❣️ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday  by @haztobegood —  [fic post]
larry, ziam | 3k | teen and up — (office)
Nothing less than mischief is to be expected when Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry spend forty hours a week in corporate hell. Welcome to One Direction Financial - The Right Direction for Your Money.
❣️ press you to the pages of my heart by @foliealou — [fic post]
lirry | 5k | general audiences — (magic)
Harry hatches a foolproof plan. Liam just tries to catch up.
❣️ Run Like the Wind in My Boots by @ponymom-stuff — [fic post]
larry | 1k | not rated — (humour)
Louis is a city boy being introduced to the fun of a county fair by his boyfriend, Harry. Can there be fun in all this dirt?
❣️ baby, in the summertime by Anonymous — [fic post]
larry | 4k | teen and up — (lifeguard louis)
“Well you’ve got to do something,” Liam argues. “It’s not like your perfect guy is just going to suddenly appear right in front of you.”
“Central to Tommo,” his radio crackles. “There’s a guy who looks like he might be getting into trouble directly in front of the tower.”
Louis and Liam both immediately turn to their left, and squint out into the surf. After scanning the waves for a few seconds, Louis spots a guy bobbing around quite a way away from the shore.
❣️ A Very Difficult Pose by Anonymous — [fic post]
gryles | 5k | explicit — (coming out)
It’s the Met Gala, and it’s camp. Harry should probably admit in public that he isn’t straight.
❣️ Tea For Two by @jacaranda-bloom — [fic post]
larry | 4k | mature — (writer louis)
Every Tuesday, Louis spends his day off holed up in his favorite coffee-come-bookshop, writing his little stories as part of the WordPlay challenge while daydreaming about the resident barista, Harry. Each week a new word prompt is revealed and Louis adds to his series of short stories about Henry, the owner of a B&B in the Cotswolds who has curly hair and dimples, Lewis, his long term guest who just happens to be a writer, and Tigger, Henry’s cat.
As Louis and Harry’s friendship develops, could his fantasy world spill out into real life? And how does that reader who leaves the lovely comments with the teacup emoji seem to be able to read Louis’ mind?
❣️ Just Like Honey by @lululawrence — [fic post]
larry | 3k | not rated — (fluff & humour)
Louis opened the door and he looked so soft and beautiful. He was in a ratty pair of grey joggers and that was it. Harry had never seen him look so good.
When Harry finally raised his eyes from Louis’ chest, he realised Louis had likely said something.
“Uh,” Harry said, clearing his throat. “Sorry, what did you say?”
Smirking a little, Louis crossed his arms and popped his hip. “I said, ‘Hello, Harry. What brings you here so late on a Saturday?’”
Then his brain kicked in.
“Right, fuck. Hi, Louis. I just wanted to give you this.”
Louis’ brows creased as Harry held the honey out to him. Taking the jar from Harry, he said, “Honey?”
Nodding, Harry said, “Yep. Hope you have a great night!”
Fisting his hands at his sides in frustration, Harry left the building as quickly as he could.
❣️ The Doppler Effect by @lightwoodsmagic — [fic post]
larry | 1k | mature — (college/uni)
there’s only one person who figures out Harry’s Halloween costume
❣️ That’s My Thing by @uhohmorshedios — [fic post]
tomlinshaw | 1k | explicit — (smut)
Nick comes home to find Louis inexplicably primed for a fight…or perhaps something a bit more interesting.
❣️ Afterparty by @reminiscingintherain — [fic post]
larry | 1k | teen and up — (coming out)
Harry pressed a kiss to Louis’ forehead. “I think someone needs to get home,” he murmured quietly, smiling when Louis nodded slightly. “Hot chocolate and a fluffy blanket, on the sofa, Grease on the telly?” Louis let out a low moan, tipping his head back to look up at Harry. “It’s like you know exactly what turns me on, Styles.”
❣️ Aftermath by @reminiscingintherain — [fic post]
larry | 1k | teen and up — (coming out)
London Pride: The Aftermath.
After coming out (and coming back!) so spectacularly and dramatically at London Pride, what is the reaction?
❣️ Fear is Only a Choice by @iamasphodelknox — [fic post]
larry | 1k | teen and up — (afterlife)
What’s more frightening? Saying goodbye to everyone you love or moving forward to whatever is after death?
❣️ Show My Love by @sunshinetommo-28 — [fic post]
larry | 1k | mature — (established relationship)
Louis has a hard day and Harry gives him a foot massage to relax him.
❣️ say nothing’s impossible now by @dinoflangellate — [fic post]
zemma | 18k | explicit — (magic)
She wakes up later, well into morning, for real this time. There’s a crow by her feet and a note on her pillow, an unfamiliar scrawl on folded orange paper.
The paper is heavy, smooth. “I like you,” it reads. She’s no sooner read it than it turns to flame, burning cold in her fingers until nothing is left, not even a trace of ash.
Except. A phone number appears, inked in fuschia on the palm of her hand. That’s Zayn’s magic for you, all enchantment and surprise. She rolls her eyes, but puts the number in her phone. The crow’s not going to tell anyone about the huge smile on her face.
❣️ Steal My Breath by @hadtobelou — [fic post]
larry | 3k | mature — (nurse louis)
Harry keeps coming up with excuses to visit the emergency room, all for an attractive nurse named Louis.
❣️ Won’t You Love Me? by Anonymous — [fic post]
larry | 6k | general audiences — (spiderman louis)
Where Louis is Spider-Man, Harry is oblivious, Liam has a problem with communicating his feelings, Zayn is frustratingly handsome and Niall has a pet turtle.
❣️ Delicate by @hi-larrie-ous — [fic post]
larry | 1k | teen and up — (college/uni)
They say opposites attract. Maybe that’s why nerdy, shy Harry Styles has such a huge crush on rough, brash Louis Tomlinson. And now, he’s stuck in a lift with him.
❣️ like ships in the night by Anonymous — [fic post]
gryles | 8k | explicit — (angst)
Nick’s excuses, year by year.
❣️ maybe we could be enough by HazHas4Nips
shiall | 3k | general audiences — (depression)
Shawn’s having another bad day, and he doesn’t think that Niall will still want him if he sees how sad and broken Shawn gets sometimes.
❣️ Af-fur-mative by @rainbowsandlovehl — [fic post]
larry | 1k | general audiences — (fluff)
Harry is anxious about the first meeting between his moody cat and Louis.
❣️ Consequences by @allwaswell16 — [fic post]
larry | 78k | explicit — (amnesia)
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
An amnesia au
❣️ You Keep Me Warm by @ireallysawanangel — [fic post]
larry | 3k | not rated — (zoo)
Louis took his younger siblings to the zoo for the day and ended up finding something even cuter than the baby penguins.
Remember to leave kudos + comments to show your appreciation!
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Tags List
Creature creation
Blood loss
Broken bones
Frost bite
Gunshot wounds
Self harm
Stab wounds
Mental Conditions
Anxiety attacks
Generalized anxiety disorder
Social anxiety
Bipolar Disorder
Clinical depression
Self harm
Situational Depression
Dissociative Disorders
Depersonalization Disorder (AKA Derealization Disorder)
Dissociative Amnesia
Dissociative Identity Disorder (Formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder)
Other Specified Dissociative Disorder
Executive Dysfunction
Imposter Syndrome
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Panic disorder
Panic attacks
Personality Disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopathy)
Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Tourette Syndrome
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Physical Disabilities
Hard of Hearing
Buddhism (Indian)
Hinduism (Indian)
Judaism (Jewish)
Islam (Muslim, Saudi Arabia)
Breaking Stereotypes - 
Disabled characters - How to write disabled characters
Physical disability - About various physical disabilities
Fat characters - How to write fat characters
Female characters - How to write female characters
LGBT characters - How to write LGBT characters
LGBT Identities - About various LGBT identities
Neurodivergent characters - How to write neurodivergent characters
Mental conditions - About various mental illnesses/conditions
POC characters - How to write POC characters
POC cultures* - About various POC cultures
Mythological creatures
Skin tones - Help picking different skin tones
Writing Process
Beta readers
Tips - General writing tips
Writers block
Emotional abuse
Mental abuse
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Black Market
Body Language
Character creation
World Building
Broken links - Posts with at least one link that leads to a dead end
Not specifically a tip - Posts that weren’t meant as a writing tip specifically, but could still be useful
Resources - Posts with one or more working links to other posts/sources
*I tend to have trouble differentiating between race vs. Religion vs. culture vs. nationality, etc. I have done my best to categorize things accurately but if I have gotten something wrong please let me know so I can fix it!
This list is not exhaustive! New tags may be added and things may be rearranged at any time!
Please tell me if a tag should be added or reworded to be more inclusive or respectful!
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