#the ash clans
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This looks like Kiri. The hairstyle for one and the body shape and the fact that Jake is trying to comfort her.
Also, it would make sense that Kiri with her weird abilities might have impressed the Ash clans and they let her wear their colours.
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luchicm04 · 22 days
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The 6 known Clans in the Avatar Movies
like or reblog if you save/use.
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space-blue · 1 month
Avatar 3 D23 musings and analysis
Images drop on some BIG screens at D23 seems like!
First off, great new looks and close ups of Varang!
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First off it's super dope. Look at her fingers! Looks like she's wearing claws (bone? forbidden metal? body mods). The notches on her belly and legs also look like potential scarifications!
Stuff I want to scream about on a personal level: The tswins... I made my Txepiva (ash Na'vi) fan clan to be warrior like, living in more desertic areas, and cutting queues as part of warfare. I also recently made a sketch to illustrate an idea to a friend that they may wear these queues in a bandolier tied to shoulders and hips as a show-off.
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My Txepiva also have bare tail tips, and Varangs fits this too in this art, though I'm sure it's just the light rendering technique. If not, then I should apply for a job on the brainstorming team lmao.
Though I appreciate the idea of warfare and tswin cutting, I want to point out it's also possible that she's not actually wearing the tswin of her enemies, or at least not in the "this is how we kill other Na'vi" way.
The others around her are in obscuring and impractical headdresses, and this looks like a ritual. IMO it's very possible that the tswin she wears are that of ancestors, or old leaders, great warriors, or even enemies, collected and rebraided to create this distinct look. I particularly think it'd make sense for it to be made of the hair of past leaders and worn as a sort of crown, as nobody else is rocking that look in the image.
Next we have her weird not-an-ikran.
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Glorious beast with 10 winglets where ikran have 4. It also has mouth frills, jaw frills, and a spike over its head, making it closer to stingbats in that area. Here's a super obvious comparison with an enlarged stingbat picture:
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So their mount probaby evolved independantly from ikran. Would be fun if they also have poison.
Another FUN detail : GUNS!! Does it look like guns? Could be recoms then, Lyle, Q , and some new red shirt recoms... or could be Omatikaya wil RDA guns...
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But for real, there are only two types of Na'vi with guns: the Omatikaya clan and the recombinants. Given past images in leaks ((remember this?))
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It's most likely that the people interacting with Varang are going to be recoms and not Jake's people. BUT who knows where the plot will go. If it's recoms, I'd looove to know if it's 3 moffos because Q+Lyle+Mansk, or if we're getting new recom red shirts or what.
Then we have views of air ships, so we're getting to see the promised Wind Traders, with Neytiri in the forefront, and the Man'o'war inspired floaters being pulled by sky manta ray...
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Not much to say about those. I just hope we get some high definition version released online soon.
If this reignites your hype for Avatar, go vote in this poll!
There's 20h left to vote, and I think we could all benefit from an event around december 2024, to pass the time before fire and ash's big dropin 2025.
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pandorancowboy · 1 month
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warm up of varang!
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knarme-art · 1 month
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proffesionalalpaca · 5 months
Can you draw what Ash Spider would look like in your interpretation? The idea of ​​Spider joining in stuck in my head and your Ash Navis art is amazing!
So sorry this took so long but I finally had time to make a quick sketch for Ash!Spider - sort of a combination of my own ash Na’vi designs and on the canon-inspired stuff I’ve done more recently - anyway I hope you like :)
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recom-week · 12 days
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Our tag is #Return to pandora / #returntopandora
This year, we will be running a casual avatar event during the whole of December! 1st to 31st.
We are giving you 30 prompts (gen, nsfw, and tropes), as well as 7 alternate prompts which are "Fan Clan" focused. Pick and mix as you please, use any of your own as well.
There are no set days for this month, prompts come in any order.
Main prompts:
Combat — Tsaheylu — Sick fic/art Memory — Punishment — Reverse AU Eywa — Shibari/Bondage — Gender Swap Flying — Body Worship — Crossover Revenge — First Time — Modern Earth AU Food — Human/Na'vi Pairing — Fix it Visit — Edging — Whump or H/C Gifts — Voyeurism — Enemies to Lovers Medicine — Sex Pollen — Soulmates AU Awakening — Jealousy — Actors AU
Fan clan prompts:
New Biomes Fan-Clan Lore New Lab Creations Mount Designs Different Na’vi Types New Animal Companions Humans (RDA or Others)
You can start creating now, but please save your work to post in December, when we will start reblogging submissions. The AO3 collection will open on the 1st of December.
You can submit any medium. All characters are welcome, including OCs. You can work exclusively on recombinants, or your own clans, or spend the entire month crafting speculative meta for Avatar 3. You could make a month long comic, or share a progress-journal of your efforts crafting a cosplay. If it spreads the avatar love, we'll have it!
Our goal is to keep the Avatar fandom alive and the A3 hype going!
If you have questions, please check the rules and FAQ, or send us an ask.
Rules | Twitter | AO3 Collection | FAQ
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skipppppy · 7 months
Skippy who’s your favorite Pokemon character
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I am incapable of answering asks like a normal person. I take my love of human Pokemon characters too seriously I’m taking your ass to the grid™️
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zoetheneko · 1 month
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Now that the new Avatar movie has been announced and that concept arts were dropped along with it, i will now throw on how these artwork on the new Na'vi tribe we'll be seeing may have confirmed my assumtions skin tone wise.
I took a sample of that one Fire Na'vi woman's skin tone (on the first image) as well as the Omaticaya and Metkayina clans' for comparision (i could be incorrect on the first two and if yes my bad i tried to pick up midtone colours).
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I theorised to myself, with the little help of outside opinions, that the blue skin tone of these Na'vi would be a ashy/desaturated shade of blue. The sample i took resemble a dark blue gray (or it might be lighter because there's a bit of shadow on where i picked the colour), so this theory could be most likely be true.
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bluealienobsesser · 1 month
Avatar D23 Varang and the ash clan
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Shes beautiful
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Okay but the fact that the Ash clans in the comics take in outcasts means that many members definitely do not like the other clans especially those where they got exiled from.
I feel like that's why they're going to be antagonistic in A3.
But the outcasts doesn't always mean bad. Like Payakan. I do believe Payakan was an early example of why one can get outcasted and that A3 will really dive into that.
The RDA could definitely use the Ash clans hate for the other clans to their advantage. And Quaritch is the one who negotiates with them.
Damn i can imagine the manipulation.
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adrixagr · 1 month
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Enemy of my enemy
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knarme-stray · 1 month
Avatar - Fire And Ash - Thoughts about Wind Traders, Peylak and ships!
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We've got these baddies in the teaser, so let's address what we're looking at first!
Allright, so there seems to be floating na'vi "ships" that consist of a gigantic Cnidarian-like floating creature, a manta ray like creature pulling it and then, na'vi-built structures hanging from them.
The Cnidarian / jellyfish / Man o' War -looking part appears to be, by its functionality, like a mixture of a zeppelin or a hot air balloon, and the sails of a ship.
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There are these old concepts by James Cameron himself about these floating creatures from over 40 years ago, so it's quite cool to see them brought to life in such a surprising way.
The anatomy of the floating creatures of the teaser seems to consist of structure similiar to a hood/bell of a jellyfish, or the pneumatophore/sail of a Man o' War.
Another floating animal seen in JC's old concept art, the Manta Ray -looking one, seems to be harnessed to pull these ships forwards.
So we're seeing the return of two old creature concepts, joined together as parts of these Na'vi ships!
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It also looks like the ships have tentacles hanging from them, probably belonging to the floating sail/balloon creature.
Tentacles like these in jellyfish and Man o' War alike are venomous and for catching and killing prey. This has some interesting implications for these Na'vi ships as well...
Perhaps their primary function is to feed the sail/balloon animal itself, but I wonder if the na'vi have more uses for them?
Do they use them to harvest something?
Do these tentacles hang in water, air, the ground or potentially all of those?
Wind Traders or Ash People?
My initial reaction was to assume the ships would belong to the Ash People, but then I remembered the Wind Traders being another confirmed new na'vi clan to show up in AFAA!
Then it clicked to me... Sails... WIND. You get the idea! So it seems these must be our first glimpse into the Wind Trader culture!
I suppose these ships carry trade goods in them? But they also resemble the British Colonial fleet that was, well, known for especially that colonial part? Wink wink. lol
I wonder if these ships are constructs of nightmare whose ravenous tentacles envenom and kill a huge mass of animal and plant life to be harvested and sold..? Could it be that the Wind Traders also have a villainous edge to them? What if even more so than the Ash Clan?
Are the "scary" aesthethics of Ash People just supposed to trick us from seeing who the real villain is...?! It's exciting to not know at all, and so much fun to guess!
Who is Peylak?
Peylak is one of the confirmed new na'vi characters in A3, played by David Thewlis. We don't know anything else about him yet!
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Is he going to be of the Wind Traders or the Ash People...?
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This lovely bloke of the Ash people looks like him a little bit, or am I just reaching? Or maybe this one would be painted in more detail if he was anything more than a random background character...
So, still no way to say if Peylak will be a sight to see on those ships, or someone else entirely...
End of rant!
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axoon-who · 4 months
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I am losing my mind. Shaking just by thinking about this.
Iori couldn't go undetected by Ash's gaydar. He knows what he is.
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Ahh I can't wait for Avatar 3! I know it probably won't happen but I would like to see Spider join the ranks of Ash's na'vi either through re-kidnapping or willingly as some kind of inside spy or ambassador for the good guys (kind of like Clarke from the 100 if you know this show). And while I'm not a fan of the idea of ​​Quaricth being romantically involved with Varang I think it would be funny to see her and Spider together since she would basically become his stepmother
I loved the idea of ash clan Spider and was having so much fun with the ideas you listed until the theories based off the D23 pic started being talked about. My friend @cyren-myadd has some great thoughts on everything and I’m also a big fan of Avatar Theory on YouTube. I was watching his break down of the Ash Clan last night and he noted that the other Na’vi in the picture with Varang don’t seem to have kurus hinting that they might cut them off and give them to Varang as a sign of loyalty. If that actually happens then that is so insane to me. This isn’t just a tribe of out casts, it’s a cult.
In the original Avatar there’s actually a deleted scene of Tsu’tey, who survives his fall, though is still very injured. He’s found by Wainfleet who says that he heard having their kurus cut off is worse then death for a Na’vi and then proceeds to cut off Tsu’tey’s. When Tsu’tey is found he makes Jake the next leader and then begs him for death which Jake gives him. I think knowing all that is what makes the idea of Na’vi willing cutting off their kurus so off putting to me. It’s not only severing their connection to Eywa, but to every loved one they could connect with, every creature they could bond with. And it’s all for Varang. That is beyond scary for me and so I don’t want my boy anywhere near that crazy cult although I know he will be.
I’m pretty certain from the set leaks we’ve gotten that at least Spider and Jake will be captured by Quaritch. So yeah Spider will definitely meet the ash clan through re-kidnapping. But I don’t think he’ll stay with them for long. The ash clan is obviously working with the R.D.A.
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 We see in this image that the background ash clan are all heavily armed. They’d only get that kind of firepower from the R.D.A. My guess is that Varang wants to be all powerful and spread her cult to all the tribes. She probably doesn’t care about the great balance if her followers cut off their kurus and so she makes a deal. For their firepower Varang will let the R.D.A strip Pandora for resources.
From script and art leaks we know that a miracle will take place where Spider will be able to breath Pandoran air and possibly from the art leak have a kuru of his own.
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This image has been kicking around for a while now and you can see Spider has a braid like a kuru but I’m thinking that might actually be his kuru. Now hear me out because my evidence is very tenuous for this but you see how Spider’s hair is significantly darker at the roots. Like their Jack Champions real hair color. Could just be attention to detail since some blonds do change to brunettes as the age or it could be because we’re going to lose the wig I.e all our angst fics come true and we actually do see Spider get his dreads cut off.
(Which even though I’ve written that scenario a few times I legitimately don’t want to see it happen just because I don’t want to see our boy in anymore pain)
And the only way I really see that happening is if he’s captured (like we know he will be) and experimented on by the R.D.A. They’d most definitely want to see how his kuru attaches to his brain and you can’t perform brain surgery on a patient with a full head of hair. Quaritch wouldn’t be able to just stand by and let this happen though. He cares about his son for sure but also he’s indebted to Spider for saving his life. I can see a moment mirroring the one on the rocks where Spider left Quaritch after saving him, though this time it’s Spider who was saved. Spider would be seeing his dad’s potential for change and want him to come with him but Quaritch refuses this time. He’s all out of sorts because he’s seen how crazy Varang is and has no desire to return to the ash clan but he also can’t go back to the R.D.A now that he’s betrayed them. So he just says “now we’re even,” hops onto Cupcake and flies away leaving Spider to return to Jake.
Those are all just theories though. I’m just as excited as you for Fire and Ash! Everything from D23 had me pricing out how much a weekend trip to Animal Kingdom would cost me just so I could go to the world of Pandora there. I think I’ll cry happy tears the day I finally have enough money to go and bask in the world I love so much.
Thank you so much for reaching out! 💞💞
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fashionredalert · 3 months
Random Senju HC death thoughts again. Each senju carries the mokuton in their blood the senju, much like the Uzumaki, have large levels of stamina and longevity. But over time, their bodies get broader and heavier, joints stiffening and bones becoming more and more dense as time goes on. They get slower and sleep more and more deeply with each winter.
It escapes no one's notice that they've never quite seen an "old Senju".
That's because as time goes on, eventually, as they inevitably slow down, they typically die in battle/on missions.
They become liabilities and if they're unlucky enough they get forced into retirement.
Eventually, one day, a senju disappears as all unlucky retired Senju do.
The mokuton takes root, whether they are gifted with it or not. It runs in their blood and at it eventually takes over until a elder senju hears the call.
They return to the forest- and allow those roots to take hold- completely.
As all Senju do.
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