#the beginning is a little weird bc I had to screen record the version I posted on Instagram because I’m lazy
pilledddcute · 8 months
inspired by @/socks.on.shoes on Instagram’s animatic, lovely lady featured is Juno Steel from @thepenumbrapodcast !
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leviheichou23 · 5 years
Princess Principal 10/19 Live Report!!
Just got back!!!!!!! Here is the recording! 1hr 17min is where the Kajiura portion starts ^^ I will try to go to the one tomorrow as well! (I believe tomorrow is the day they're filming)
Warning, I'm a diehard keiko stan so this is gonna be just mostly focused on her xD
But for the report it was really really amazing and for me just so worth it to see Keiko in person finally after literally like 8 years , it felt soooooooo unreal. She's so gorgeous and stunning in person, i love her so much <3 <3 They were all wearing the YK15 dresses, but Keiko had her hair up in a ponytail this time!
For the void chords section, I don't have much to say as I didn't really recognize any of the songs except for the OP and ED (I didn't realize there was a character songs album lmao) but the singer was really good! Very jazzy haha
The crowd seemed to be way more into the Void Chords section though, they had these green lightsticks and everything that they only used during it, and they were only standing up during the Void Chords portion too, during the whole Kajiura section everyone was just sitting quietly it was kinda odd lol.
But for Kajiura:
shadows and fog- Joelle and Yuriko mained the beginning, then all 4 joined in and UGHHH it was so so so good. Just hearing Keiko's lower harmony's live like that was so unreal I couldn't believe it the sound literally took over the whole venue. I've always loved this track a lot too
then the MC, Kajiura talked a lot, its so cute how whenever Kajiura talks in MC's Keiko always stares at her so attentively and nods and laughs, it was really cute ;; The scream from the audience when they introduced Keiko lmao (I was so tempted to scream Keiko but i didn't want to embarrass myself haha) Keiko only said 1 line during the whole thing, I really wanted to hear her talk more, I miss that a lot about Kalafina lives :(
espionage trap- Only Joelle and Yuriko, not much to say here but they both sounded pretty good! Yuriko being Yuriko lol
then a bunch of instrumental songs, i dont reallly have much to say on those but i like that new female violinist they have, and the FBM all sounded really good live (as always). Kinda weird they didn't have a cello player tho (or just more strings in general, unless I missed something) when a lot of the tracks were very cello centric. I think they chose a pretty decent selection of tracks overall though
Then another MC and more instrumental tracks, then another MC aaaand the absolute highlight of the live for me:
もひとつまわしてー I was PRAYING they would do this and that Keiko would lead and SHE DID!!!! This was the only song Keiko got a real solo in but it was soooo amazing, her voice fit the song so well and she looked so happy and cute performing it too!! <3 This song has always reminded me of a lighter Marchen, honestly just hearing this live made the whole experience worth it, I was sooo happy :D The recording doesn't do it justice just hearing her voice take up the whole venue was so amazing her voice really is absolutely a one of a kind;; Hearing this made me really sad and nostalgic for all the kalafina lives i missed out on over the years though :( Kaori seemed to be having some mic troubles or something, she kept fiddling with it throughout.
My one real complaint with the concert in general is that I barely saw Keiko's face throughout the whole thing bc there were so little closeup shots of her (the screen mostly showed stuff from the anime arghh) and I was too far away to see her face that clearly :( Hopefully that might be different tomorrow if they have more proper recording stuff but we'll see. The few closeup shots we did get though were great, she's literally so ungodly pretty in person :((
then battle of the shadows- keiko and kaori came in from the right and yuriko and joelle from the left, they were all clapping and being cute and smiley so everyone clapped along too lol. This song is kinda like a better version of shadows and fog imo, and then joelles part !!! i broke out in chills
and then moonlight melody!!- I've always loved this song, it was so great finally being able to hear keikos countermelodys so clearly in person, ive always struggled to hear them clearly in the bootlegged recordings and stuff haha. Joelles verse is always <3 <3 And then the extended lalala's was so cuuuute, the spotlight was on the audience and they were encouraging everyone to sing along and everything;;
I can't remember during which song exactly (it might've been this one), but Keiko and Kaori and Keiko and Yuriko were being super flirty and cute during the whole concert, Keiko had her arms around Yurikos back at one point and was like serenading her xD, and then at another point Kaori started playing with Keiko's ponytail, they were all holding hands at some other point too, it all blended together for me lol i was really in a daze.  And then when the concert was over, Keiko and Yuriko walked out together while hugging each others backs it was so cute :(
And then the last song, shadows and fog again but this time they brought in the void chords vocalist too (shes the one doing the kajiurago in the beginning and all the adlibs). The girls were a lot more involved and cute this time though, they kept bouncing around the stage hugging and being cute, and then during all the FBM solos Keiko and Yuriko were like running around the stage to each member and like jamming out with them it was so hskgsfkgjhjg
and sorry the recording cuts off at the end, that was when I stopped to take a picture, the live pretty much ended right then anyways xD
no encore unfortunately :(
overall it was a really great experience and honestly just worth it for me finally getting to see keiko xD i was kinda bummed she was in so few songs, and only truly had a real solo in 1, but I was expecting that going in. She just has such an infectious transfixing aura whenever she performs, I honestly only had my eyes on her the whole time so I probably missed a lot of other stuff xD
It just made me miss Kalafina and seeing her both regularly, and as like the focus of the concert a lot (especially since I never got to see a kalafina live ever...:/), I really really realllly hope Kajiura is working on some sort of other project for her soon because she has such an infectious love and joy for performing thats so obvious and i really have to wonder if shes ok with performing so seldomly (basically whenever YK feels like having lives xD) when she was probably so used to kalafina's super constant touring schedule. but oh well :( im here until next August so ill probably get more chances to see her, hopefully a full proper YK live sometime next summer!
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noramachwitz · 5 years
i wrote a giant review post and i thought i’d keep the momentum going so here’s a giant review on skam nl under a read more
okay so i have to say i loved s1 and i think nl did one of (maybe even the) best versions of s1 i love isa so much and i loved the girl squad and i was super exicted to see their version of s2 since noah/liv were the only version that i didn’t dislike in s1 and i hate to say it but ... i find s2 pretty underwhelming. and i have for a while. i’m still keeping up with it but honestly i’m having some (kinda big) problems with the way it’s written
(and needless to say these are all my opinions and you can disagree it’s fine etc.)
what it boils down to are these points:
1) plot driven - this season is SO plot driven it drives me mad. somehow the entire plot just happens /to/ liv (and i’m not talking about the SA here of course but everything that happens before that) and somehow almost every decision she does make and where they’d finally show her having some agency is off screen?? i keep feeling like everything that happens happens because it’s the next step in the story and there’s little transition imo?? i feel like i always see plot point a then plot point b but a lot of the times i don’t know what actually happened to lead from one to the other for example i still don’t freaking know why liv actually went on a date with him?? or noah saying his brother can’t be trusted but then still believing him. i just feel like liv and noah both as characters just don’t fit into the way they’re going about this story
2) noah - i think noah as a character had a ton of potential to be really insteresting and different but ... NL changed the vibes around him completely and you have this artsy painter dude who seems quite charming and doesn’t take himself too seriously (which monk portrays perfectly ngl) but they just completely failed to adjust the story so it fits his character better. instead noah (in my opinion i’m very sorry lmao) actually behaves more like OG william than most other williams. he acts the same way, he justifies his actions the same way, he even says a lot of the exact same lines and ... why?? why not fully embrance those vibes and actually change the story as a consequence?? i remember soo many people in the fandom saying they can’t see noah beating up someone and it’s true i agreed but then it happened anyway and these moments just KEPT HAPPENING where i couldn’t see him doing something but he did anyway and i just don’t understand why.
so instead of changing things that were easy to change and would make noah better than william they change things that are unnecessary which leads me to one of the biggest plot devices i’ve ever seen: the death of noah’s mum. when i first realised that noah’s mum dies during this season i was actually pretty excited bc i thought they’d use that to explore him as a character more but!! no it was just a two week plot device to guilt trip liv?? and almost every clip we got during that time was just liv feeling guilty and guiltier and her staring at her phone constantly until she ends up at the wake and we find out actually noah wasn’t even close with her and it didn’t really affect him?? and it hasn’t been mentioned since either??? WHY!! instead of giving noah and liv a solid base for a relationship and use that time to idk get to know each other more and like just to talk it just feels to me like they took the easy way out writing wise
also it’s literally the penultimate episode and noah has had ZERO character development and we still know very little about him but we’re still supposed to be rooting for him and liv?? how am i supposed to do that when he’s so underwritten?? this is all such a shame goddamn it
3) time management/pacing - i have no idea if it’s because i binged s1 or not but you can tell so hard with s2 that they’re on a time limit and it always confuses me what they end up coosing to spend time on. prime example: the sleepover clip. we spend 3 whole minutes (yes i checked) with liv going around that wake having that weird conversation that literally adds nothing to anything and then she finally sees noah we see them sit next to each other and listen to a record and ... then liv talks to ralph on the phone and it just cuts to them getting ready for bed like why spend so much time on unnecessary stuff in the beginning and then when there are finally opportunities for development they’ve got no more time left!!!
in general when there finally is a moment of tension or conflict the clip usually ends and we have to wait a whole day or even 2 for another clip and it just really makes me wish we’d get less of these quiet moments (and while they’re definitely necessary too i just feel like nl actually has way too many of them) and just give us more plot movement instead so we can actually get somewhere. this is less of a problem if you only watch whole eps but since this is skam and real time narrative it just doesn’t work for me.
4) conversations - the lack of converstions REAL conversations between noah and liv is sooo frustrating to me. they’ve basically only had ONE real conversation so far and that was when liv broke up with him. that was the first time they actually /talk/ to each other and ... okay i know everybody keeps saying NL is prioritising liv since it’s her own season and that it’s about her and not her realtionship with noah but i mean that relationship is a big part of her story?? and i still don’t know why liv actually likes noah, i don’t know how she realised that she loves him and we haven’t actually like ... seen them bond??
the conversation i did actually really like was the one between liv and esra when she asks if esra has ever been in love but i was just kinda like where did that come from?? they’d made out twice at that point and that was it?? i guess this ties in with the fact that it’s just plot driven which means i don’t necessarily get a character’s motivations since they explore the plot and not the characters themselves. the other actual conversation was the one liv had with engel but there for me it was another case of Where Did That Come From you know? like engel gives liv this whole thing about how she’s scared of chaos which is true but from a storytelling point of view there was nothing to like ... trigger that realisation? i mean of course theoretically i know that the girls are all close friends and just know each other well but when you tell a story (even if it’s skam that’s based in realism and believability) you need buildup to things and i feel like that something that really lacks in skam nl
5) in general - to me personally it just feels a lot like nl shies away from proper conflict a lot because resolving it would take time which they don’t have but that means they don’t build proper tension that drives the plot forward. and i actually have the same problem with s2 in the OG as well don’t get me wrong but i feel like that’s something they could change but haven’t because nl just?? idk seems scared of changing too much?? they change the characters but not the plot but why? who knows, i sure don’t and it’s not they way i enjoy a story being told
okay to end this whole thing on a more positive note lmao here’s some thing i actually do like about this season:
soundtrack is a+ as always nl is good at that
the cinematography and general aesthetic is just ... so pretty (but ngl i feel like that sometimes comes at a cost of substance)
the girl squad! although i can’t say it’s the best as many other people do because i never would have thought iman missing would be this noticeable but for me it throws off the entire dynamic?? anyway but i do like them
esra!! she’s so great
i just love isa
okay that’s all
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jamilelucato · 6 years
Gentleman [T. Hiddleston] | Pt.1
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(gif not mine, please give credits to the rightful owner)
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Actress!reader
Request: @anon Hey girl, the body swap series are amazing!! I want to send a request, haha (I know probably you have a lot more, but take your time hehe) So I want a Tom Hiddleston x Reader where the reader is an actress too and kinda hates him bc she believes that he being a perfect gentleman is an act but they have a movie together and she kinda falls for him and doesn't know how to apologize for her past actions and how to confess but he is this sweetheart and they start dating, pretty please 🤞👀
Summary: Tell me, have you ever had a gentleman?
y/N worked once with Hiddleston, and she’s not even a little prepared to work with him again. They can’t stand each other, at least that’s how she sees the things. And now, with this new movie coming up, will she notice the truth hidden by Hiddleston politeness?
Next Chapter: July 21, 2018
A/N: Yey, I’m back and once again, I couldn’t avoid writing a series, but this will be a short one (at least that’s what I believe lol)
*all the nominees and winners from the People’s Choice Awards were not truly the ones who actually were there or won
**Wait for The Ante is a fake movie I invented for this fanfic
(just ask if you wanna be tagged)
Permanent Tags: @katelynwithpaint @nephalem67 @wonderwall23s @i-dont-wanna-go-mr-stark @sighspidey @starlightfound @just-saying-26 
my masterlist
“You don’t know the honour it’s to be up here, holding this trophy... This means so much to me and it’s all thanks to my fans, they are the love of my life, I love them so much, they are so supportive, caring... Thank you for....”
Oh Lord, I couldn’t stand one more minute of Hiddleston’s speech, but there was nothing I could do besides rolling my eyes and puffing.
“Could it be any longer?” I remarked with my best friend “Does he know that the People’s Choice Awards is not the Oscar?” and I smirked at the end of the sentence, hoping to see she holding a laugh.
Jennifer Lawrence did not laugh at my joke. Instead, she looked at me like she was my mom just about to scold me. "You are only saying that because you won nothing this year" she debated, raising an eyebrow.
"As if!" I muttered, rolling my eyes once again, and this time she laughed, probably because I sounded just like Alicia Silverstone in Clueless.
"Well, I can't say I'm sorry because I won over you on Favourite Movie Actress" she smiled, showing me the trophy.
"Nah, you deserved it" I crossed my arms. "I have only four movies, and they are mostly Marvel's. The only girl from there that could have won was Scarlett"
"Oh, but Me Before You won on Best Dramatic Movie, so you won something after all"
"Yeah, but I was a secondary character that had four lines, which means one-minute on screen... I will not count it" I smiled back at her, and she passed one arm around my back.
"Hey, next year, it's you, I'm sure," she said, comforting you and you noticed Hiddleston left the stage.
"I am sure" I echoed, staring deep at Tom's eyes while he passed on the corridor just alongside my seat. After the exchange of looks, he smirked in the dark. Thinking I didn't see, Hiddleston, I thought to myself while Jennifer let go of me.
"Did you saw him laughing at me?" I asked Jen, calling her attention.
"Who?" she replied, turning to face me.
"Hiddleston" I answered impatiently.
"Tom Hiddleston? His seat is not even in this direction, why would he use our corridor?" her eyes were confused and she started looking behind us, to see if she could find his seat.
"How do you know where is his seat?" I asked, distrustfully. Jennifer was a walking disaster, she wasn't able to memorize her own seat, who'd say someone else's.
"He was next to you when I saw the map but I asked to change his seat with mine" she clarified like it was nothing the fact that the most pretentious person on earth had a seat next to mine.
"Does he know that?" I held both of her arms, really confused at this time.
"Know what?" she asked.
"That our seats were close to each other?"
"Oh God, are you guys like declared enemies?" she lifted an eyebrow again, but this time without the mommy look.
"No, but he can't stand me." I pointed out. "I can't stand him either"
"But aren't you guys in a lot of movies together?" she asked while I let go of her arms to face the stage where the next category was being announced.
"Two movies. Marvel movies, which means we don't see each other all the time" I remarked "We are both villains so we only met in one movie, on Ragnarok, and only because my character was sent to Sakaar, and Loki was conveniently there. We kind of made a deal and all... Haven't you seen the movie?"
"You know I can't keep up with those nerdy details" she replied, turning to face the platform too. "Anyway, in one movie you got to conclude that he hates you?"
"It's not that hard to notice," I stated.
"Hm, excuse me, but it took me three movies to discern that the poor Josh had a thing for me" she commented, defending herself.
"Josh had a thing for you during Hunger Games??" What? I am a Joshifer fan.
"Can you be quiet? He's here!" he reprimanded.
"Sorry" I ducked. "Anyway, Tom Hiddleston doesn't like anybody, that's why he's an almost-40-year-old with no marriage records"
 "A very hot almost-40-year-old" she corrected and I grimaced. "You cannot deny his hotness"
"Fine, he's kind of hot"
"Kind of? He is the hotness itself!"
"Eww, it's like you have a crush on him!" I pushed her away from me while she laughed like a crazy "Please don't tell me you watched Ragnarok because of him and not me, your lifetime best friend"
"We've been best friends for 18 years only" she smiled funnily. "I have a crush on him since his first movie"
Jennifer and I became friends at a very young age because our parents were very close friends, and I always considered he family — even though, when she was raising in Hollywood, she bypassed me for a period.
"Thank you very much, Jennifer Shrader Lawrence" I rolled my eyes.
She started coming close and hugged me tightly "You know I'm just kidding, y/N"
"Yeah, I know... Tom Hiddleston's first movie is a little younger than our friendship so..." I hugged her back but she pushed me a little to face me.
"You don't stand the guy but you know how long has been since his first movie... Indeed, love and hate are close friends" she chuckled.
"I know because I used to be a fan of Thor's cast before becoming famous and all" I defended myself, trying to take me out of the bed I made myself.
"Yeah, right" she would never let me go of that one.
"Well, now the award is over... let's head to the party?" Jennifer said to our little group gathered at the red carpet.
"Thought you'd never suggest it!" Emma Stone smiled walking in front of us just so she could be the first to enter our rented limousine.
Hailee Steinfeld, the youngest of our group, stepped up to meet the car, but Jen stayed behind like she wanted to say something to me.
"You know who is going to be at the party, right?"
"Oh, shut up Lawrence!" I looked at her madly while she had the happiest face on, and although no name was mentioned, I knew she was talking about Hiddleston. Or at least, he was the first to come to my mind.
"Yeah, I know, things are never as welcoming as home, am I right?" Justin stuck me with him in a boring conversation about welcoming places, but he hadn't noticed my bored face, so I decided to interfere in a ruder way.
"This dance floor sounds welcoming enough, I'm going there now, bye!" I didn't even face him, I just rushed to meet Jen who was dancing to the sound of a remixed version of This Is What You Came For. "I am gonna kill you for leaving me with Timberlake!" I shouted.
She simply smiled and held my hand so I could dance with her, but I didn't have that lot of moves. "He is right there dancing, so you should dance too!" she whispered loudly in my left ear, When I looked at her confused about who was she talking about, she pointed a suited man next to Robert Downey Jr., both doing weird dancing moves but having a lot of fun next to the Hemsworth brothers.
"Is that..." she didn't allow me to finish.
"Thomas Hiddleston, the man" she smiled.
"How did you managed to get drunk in the twenty minutes you left me with Timberlake?" I asked, noticing she was more than her normal happy.
She shrugged. "I have my ways"
Chris Hemsworth notice my presence in the crowded dance floor and he gestured for me to come closer to the crew since more Marvel actors showed up in their little group.
"Go! It's your chance!"
"For the last time, Jennifer, I do not like that stuck-up, liar and fake gentleman!” but I headed to my favourite Chris anyway.
"Hey, y/N! Missed you at the presentation, were you really there?" he asked in a joking tone as usual.
"Very funny, just because I won nothing" I faked a smile "Really smooth"
"Hey, it's the little fairy" Benedict hailed me with my old nickname, inspired by my character on his movie.
"Hey, Strange Doctor" I smiled while he patted my back and I did the same. "See you all are gathering around, what is it with that? To show everyone what it's like to be in a Marvel movie?"
Chris Hemsworth brother laughed. "Excuse me then, I'm not Marvel one"
"Sorry Liam" I smiled. "But the Hunger Games girl is right over there if you wanna feel welcomed" I pointed at Jen who was dancing closer to Stone.
"Wow!" his brother laughed, pushing Liam.
"You had that coming, boy" Hiddleston smiled, joining the conversation.
He stared at me while I purposely looked away.
"Being a Marvel member is all about outclassing other actors" Downey pointed out, hugging with one arm Benedict.
"Well, if only I knew that earlier, I'd have become a villain years ago!" I shouted when the music became louder.
"Lucky me, I was there from the beginning" a smirked Hiddleston said and I stared at him with a boring face. Who asked you anything, brat?
"I was there from the beginning, thank you very much" corrected Downey, unleashing from Benedict's arm. "Now, I'm going, bye kids"
"So early?" Benedict complained.
"I have a wife, you know" Downey smiled.
"I thought I was the only one" Benedict pouted and we all laughed, but with Robert gone, the little group started disassembling.
"Want something to drink?" Hiddleston whispered loudly close to me and it shocked me since I didn't notice his approach.
"No," I said, rolling my eyes, trying not to sound rude but it was involuntary at this point.
I looked at his white teeth in the dark. "You didn't have to be nasty"
"Yeah, whatever" I grumbled, and suddenly started to dance to the song now on, trying to make him disappear from close to me.
"y/N, from a girl who worked with me before and is going to work with me again, I did not expect to see such a reaction..." he started and got my attention.
"What you mean again? I was not asked to come back to Infinity War" I justified.
"Oh, no but... You are the main character in Wait For The Ante, so..." he looked more confused than me.
"What you mean Wait For The Ante? I did not get that part! Well, at least I got no calls back..." I started thinking about it, but no, no one had told me a thing about Wait For The Ante. 
Tom looked at me, waiting for a better reaction to be made, but there was none so he continued. "I saw in my script that we were gonna be working together a lot next month so you could try being a little nicer to me..."
But I wasn't really paying attention to anything else that was coming out of his mouth. In the heat of that moment, all I could think of doing was kissing that man's cheek for saying such a good news to me.
That discovery had totally made me feel better, and the fact that I was probably gonna be the one to take care of Jennifer didn't even see to matter.
When I looked back at Hiddleston, he was stunned, and soon as I realized what I just had done — kissed the cheeks of my nondeclared enemies —, I ran away from him, pretending to scream for Lawrence when all I wanted to do was found a quiet place to call my family about the new part I had won, because this was a ritual of mine.
I finally found a peaceful spot, way away from the party but it was okay. Talking to my parents was more important. That was until I looked at my phone's screen and realized it was two hours past midnight, and I decided not to call them because they were probably sleeping.
I can't believe I got that role!, I thought by myself, so happy I was gonna be the main character in a movie for the first time. I mean, when I was in Doctor Strange, I did had a part bigger than my usuals but this time the whole movie was based on my character and I couldn't believe my agent — or even the cast selectors of the movie — had not thought of giving me a single call.
Instead, I heard it from the mouth of Tom Hiddleston, the guy I never thought could say something real. Wait, he does have a tendency for lying... But then, why would he bother lying to me? 
The worst was my reaction to that, kissing that man in his cheeks? Where was I with my mind? I probably reached nirvana or something.
Wait for a second... if he knew, he was gonna be a big important part of that movie, and if it's that so, which character could he be?
I started forcing myself to remember the movie's characters, and there was a lot that would have big appearances since in a Casino there are generally big personalities.
There was Vanessa's—my persona— best friend, and he showed a lot since he was trying to take her out of this gambling world.
There was also another character, very important to the plot — at least that was what I heard since I couldn't get the full script to the casting — and he was also a British man.
Oh, God.
The most important male role in the movie was the love interest of my character. And Tom Hiddleston was possibly gonna play him.
Pt.2 here
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quackspot · 5 years
Lemon x character of ur choice fan fiction please *leaves tip of cookie run diamonds*
firelemon firelemon firelemo nfire le
thank u for the cookei run diamonds i shall have enough to get whatever new cookie (milk) comes and his pet and whatever new treasure comes (this happesns a lot becuase i dont level up my cookies,)
it seems a bit long but its not the longest thing ive written, cough cough nudge nudge at 41 page google doc umg
actually it is kidna long for things i write but thats becuase i like firelemon Quite a Lot, minecraft,
Minecraft. Lemon was going to play Minecraft, right? He was. Instead of doing that, he was texting with some other cookies in a group chat on Cacophony, a gaming-friendly voice & text app. He was on the 🍊🍋Citrus Buds group chat.
“⚡welcome to the block parade:
 whats up
🍊sister sweet!: 
nothin much!
🏐sister sour!:
 absolutely Nothing you feral cow
🍊sister sweet!: 
LIME say sorry
⚡welcome to the block parade: 
i was just going to play minecraft and you had to do this
that’s so mean”
He sighed, going on “Don’t bother” mode and starting up Minecraft. As usual, his closest friend, Fire Spirit, was already on. He was building dicks on the server, which was luckily only made for adult players and advertised on CornCob: the porn video website. 
“hey,” he began to type. “whos been building dicks?”
“DJSLJKFLSJKFLJSKLJKLSFJKLDSKLAaOIWRUIODSxmFKF” Fire Spirit keysmashed, probably slightly burning his computer while doing so.
“why are your keysmashes so long”
“shut up im biulding dicks”
“*building” Fire Spirit corrected himself. His username on Minecraft was HottestManAlive and Lemon’s was SourMan (what even is a man? That’s a mystery).
“anyways, lime bullied me and--” a ding came from Lemon’s computer. He got pinged on Cacophony.
“🍊sister sweet!:
@⚡welcome to the block parade lime said sorry”
“Ugh.” He sighed, going back to playing Minecraft.
Fire Spirit was busy, shown by the fact that Lemon was completely surrounded in dirt. He tried to dig himself out, but it felt like every time he dug, there was another block in the way. Soon, he was in a strip-mine in Fire Spirit’s extremely large dirt block.
He finally got out. Even though everyone was on creative, it took so long to punch all those blocks.
“hey lem whats up”
“fire spirit whatd you do” 
“OK.” Lemon flew away from Fire Spirit, who followed him.
“wait lem i wanna ask you something”
“wanna go on a date” Lemon’s heart pounded.
“haha thats funny hahahahahahahahahahahaha”
“im being serious lem lets go on a date in REAL LIFE” 
Lemon was sweating. His hands were uncomfortably moist, as were his armpits. He was almost certain his shirt had sweat stains, but when he checked, they didn’t.
to where”
“i dunno i could visit ur house bc i live in a cave irl”
“wait what i thought u lived in a house” The yellow-haired sour man stared at his screen, taking in every word and ignoring the fact Fire Spirit was building around him again.
“well i mean we could probs meet up at sparklings bar and go on from there
just hang out n stuff”
“that’s cool,” Lemon replied. 
Almost right after replying, Lemon’s door slammed open.
“I THOUGHT YOU DIED!” Orange ran in and hugged him. She looked at his screen. 
“Uh-- Hi, Orange.”
“You got a date? That’s so cool!” She let go of him. “I already asked the time for you!”
“Oh- okay.” 
“I’ll see you on Cacophony later!” She left. 
What the fuck just happened? Lemon sighed, going back to Minecraft to see what was up.
“whyd you type like that you never capitalize anyways it could b any time even right now” 
“im ok with it being rn and orange asked that” Lemon’s fingers were extremely quick, like lightning, one could say.
“ok i’m omw to sparkling’s bar”
“-HottestManAlive has left the game.”
“-SourMan has left the game.”
Lemon put his jacket on, grabbed his cube, and put his phone and his wallet into one of his pockets. Since he had male pants on, the pockets were deep enough to hold a phone AND a wallet. Take that, female clothing!
Fire Spirit stood outside Sparkling’s bar, waiting for Lemon to come. Does he live farther away? Is he walking? Can he fly? Were a few questions he asked himself. Instead of wearing his usual clothing, Fire Spirit put on something more casual-- a red tank top and some shorts. He wasn’t wearing any shoes, not that he’d need them, as he was always hovering a little bit above the ground and wouldn’t be hurt by it anyways. Plus, he doesn’t have any shoes. Or socks.
“Fire Spirit!” His attention was caught by a shorter, yellow-haired cookie. “Welcome, are you coming in?” It was Sparkling cookie.
“No, I’m waiting for Lemon Cookie.” He sighed. 
“Oh! He’s in here. He was waiting for you.”
“That’s lit!” Fire Spirit walked in as Sparkling was dying inside.
“Oh, hi, Fire Spirit.” Lemon’s voice was much quieter than Fire Spirit expected-- and not as deep. It was okay though, as he loved it. Adored it.
“Uh- hi-” Fire Spirit was taking in the view in front of him. He knew Lemon’s Minecraft skin was made by him, but not of him. His heart pounded at the rounder, more handsome version of Lemon.
“That’s weird,” Vampire started, causing both Lemon and Fire Spirit to jump a little, “you never say ‘uh,’ what’s up, Fire?” 
Fire Spirit took Vampire to the side. Lemon stared.
I could check Cacophony, I guess. He turned his phone on and began to read through messages. It was being painfully obvious that Orange thought he died because of the lack of reply. Oh. She told everyone about this. His face was heating up-- who knows what Lime will make fun of him for? 
Fire Spirit sat down next to Lemon in a booth, away from Vampire. 
“Anyways, how are you? I’m doing great.” The flame-haired cookie smiled at Lemon. Vampire Cookie gave Lemon two thumbs up.
“Me too, especially now.”
They chatted-- mostly about Minecraft, but sometimes going on topics of music (Fire Spirit had a surprisingly limited amount of music he listened to, as he only listened to VHS recordings on a boombox) and what was happening outside of Minecraft, like when Orange barged into his room.
“Excuse me, you two, it’s almost time to close,” Sparkling helped Fire Spirit up.
“Pshh, the bar never closes! It shouldn,” Fire Spirit commented.
“Are you helping Fire Spirit back home?” The green-eyed cookie asked Lemon.
“I could take him to my house, I guess.”
“Just be careful, if he gets too angry, his hair can actually burn stuff. Otherwise, you should be fine. It’s surprisingly painless to put your hands in his hair, and it tickles him.”
“How do you know all that?”
“He comes around often, one time daring me and Vampire to put our hands in our hair. Vampire went first.”
“Oh.” Lemon imagined petting Fire Spirit’s hair, his heart beginning to flutter quite a lot more than it already was. “Come on, Fire Spirit, let’s go.”
He made the somewhat long walk to his house. It didn’t feel that long due to Fire Spirit’s slurred compliments and flirts. Lemon sat Fire Spirit down on his couch and sat next to him.
“Wha’s gonna happen now, Lem~,” Fire Spirit joked. 
“I dunno, maybe we can watch a movie.” Lemon yawned.
“Nah, we can, we can sleep!” He suggested. “Or maybe jus’ you. I can go home myself, and then, tomorrow we can do this again.”
“We can both sleep. I’ll be in my room--”
“You’re gonna make me sleep on the couch?? I wanna cuddle you, Lem!” He quickly leaned towards and hugged Lemon. 
Lemon flinched at the contact, but calmed down. He turned on the TV and began to pet Fire Spirit’s hair, making the flame-haired cookie begin to laugh.
“Oh no! My one weakness!” The legendary managed to say within his laughter.
“Oh-- I’ll stop.” Lemon never liked being tickled and could only imagine whatever pain Fire Spirit was going through.
“You don’t haaaaaaaaaaaaaave too! I love it!”
“You need to sleep.”
“Fine, fine.” Fire Spirit sighed.
Lemon channel surfed until he found something that played a marathon of How It’s Created. The two watched it until, eventually, they fell asleep. Fire Spirit was asleep first, as he kept talking to Lemon during the show and waking him up, then apologizing and forgetting a few minutes later.
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mxnark · 5 years
the best version of yourself 
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december 31, 2019
mina isn’t the type to feel ashamed of herself. everyone around her new that she was confident and outspoken. whatever she thought of inside her head, there would be a 59% chance she’d say it with a 41% chance she’d keep it to herself just because she had some manners. of course, she had some class by making a bunch of rant posts on her spam rather than on her main instagram or main twitter. some of her thoughts on real life would go on her stan twitter, but she’s tried her best to keep that mainly kpop and movies. but, to be honest, she wouldn’t have made a spam had it not been for her mutuals and her friends in real life. 
this time, however, she felt emotions that she was afraid to tell anyone else. 
she usually watched the gayos on her own, since she was the only one in the house who had an interest in them because her favorite idols were on that show. however, the one she always kept an eye on was mbc’s gayo daejejun because of the amazing stages that the idols would perform. not to mention, it was the gayo with the countdown to the new year. however, this time, she debated if she even wanted to watch it considering that this was the same exact one that she made a video audition for, only to not get in. 
when she saw the post on mbc’s page, she was disappointed, but not surprised. it was bold of her to assume she would ever get the chance compared to the other dancers. when she watched the other entries, she was already beginning to feel insecure. but seeing the announcement only supported her negative feelings. however, one name catches her eye and it’s the main reason why she watches the music show tonight. 
chungha isn’t the only reason why she’s watching this, but she’s the one mina looks forward to seeing the most. it’s weird how almost two years ago, mina became a fan from watching her on the fourth season of the mgas. now, she was watching her as not only a fan, but a friend. it’s only a glow up she can talk about on her spam, but she’s able to use her excitement for her tweets while streaming. 
she makes sure to tweet about her favorite idols and their performances before the awaited dance performance comes. when it begins, she quickly takes out her phone as she patiently waits for her friend to be shown on her screen. she manages to record the 30 seconds of chungha’s dance on her instagram story while whisper-screaming throughout all of it. “ahh!!! kim chungha is so cool!!!! she’s the coolest unnie ever!!!” and a bunch of “wow!”’s and “so cool!”’s. for the group performance, she kept all her excitement on her twitter with a few pictures saved for her spam later on. 
it’s odd. before watching this, she thought she was going to feel an overwhelming amount of jealousy just by seeing chungha for a second. but after the performance ended, she couldn’t help but feel inspired. perhaps it was because of the fact that this wasn’t the first time she’s seen chungha on national television, but mina didn’t feel too upset like she thought she would. what a relief. 
she posts the pictures on her spamsta (spam + finsta) once the countdown for the new year is finished and captions it with her thoughts. after she posted it, she locked her phone, turned off her tv, and went upstairs to go to bed, excited for what was to come in the future. 
notokmina: do you see her??/ that’s the coolest bitch in the world !!!! ever !!!!!
watching her tonight gave me so much motivation tbh. i remember i used to be so… starstruck by her when i first saw her on mga4 and now i know her in real life and we’re friends !!!! i’m so glad she got to audition for this and perform onstage in front of a bunch of idols. she’s so cool!!!! 
i’m gonna work hard with future covers so that i can hopefully be dancing on that same stage!!!!!!!!! it’d be cooler if it was w her!!!! but yeah. hopefully if i work hard enough, i can be on the stage like her (and my cousin and brother if theyre reading this who knows) 
she leaves a comment under her post. 
notokmina: unnie, if ur reading this, hi!!! very proud of u uwu 
january 2nd, 2020
having been on stan twitter since she moved back to korea, she’s gotten to explore the many sides of the website. though she’s primarily a kpop fan account, she also keeps tabs on film twitter. it’s to the point where she even has mutuals who are apart of that community and she frequently talks to them about her favorite movies (recently, it’s been about it 2 because she loves her best boys richie and eddie). so of course, when she asked for movie recommendations on her account, she hoped that said mutuals would see it and give their insight. 
though there were many suggestions, she chose lady bird by the end of it. she knew about the movie years ago, but she never really got around to watching it until now. she’s read mixed reviews, so she was never really able to form a solid opinion on this movie. she told herself not to expect much, since this was a coming-of-age film. but, by the end of it, she found herself in tears. she goes on twitter and writes up a tweet as a response to the movie. 
michi @noplayboy_mp3: film oomfs is it weird to say that i kin w lady bird lol  michi @noplayboy_mp3: no but the film is so good i dont want to drop any spoilers but lady bird is like… so relatable? esp bc im kind of in her situation now.  michi @noplayboy_mp3: icb greta gerwig said “michi has rights”... perhaps i will watch little women when i get the chance
before she’s about to make a tweet about watching midsommar next, she hears her phone vibrate. putting her laptop to the side, she picks up her phone and sees an email from snu. 
dear mina, 
the admissions committee at seoul national university has re-reviewed all aspects of your application in its holistic review process, and you have an updated admissions decision. you may now view your updated admissions decision in your portal.
she gasps. 
as she clicks on the link to her portal and logs in, she was immediately welcomed by the site with a big “CONGRATULATIONS!” and if that wasn’t already obvious enough for her, she looks around to find the little “status: accepted” on her page. she sighs in relief and puts her phone to the side as she lies on her bed. she’s not necessarily excited that she got into a school. even now, she was still questioning if she wanted to go to school to begin with. all she knew was that at this point, she was going somewhere. whether or not this is what she really wanted to do, she at least has an idea of where she’s starting. 
maybe now her mom would stop badgering her. maybe now she can show her that she could do things without her. 
“i got accepted into snu today.”
it’s used to start discussion, even though she didn’t really want to talk about it with her. it had to come out somehow because even if she was nervous with how she was going to reply, at least her mom would be aware of it. 
her father was the first to say something about it and mina wants to verbally thank him for speaking before her mom does. “honey, congratulations! i knew you would be able to get into that school.” 
“thank you,” mina says with a small smile before she looks over at her mom to see what she will respond with because it was obvious she had something to say about it. 
“why did it take so long for a response?” she asks. “you applied for early decision, didn’t you?” 
it takes a lot for mina to not say something snarky in response. she’s not going to do that now. not so soon. “well, competition’s pretty tough. a lot of kids are applying for snu. especially in my class.” she wasn’t exactly lying, but it was a better response than “i was waitlisted for a month.” and even if she responded with that, at least she got into the school. wasn’t that enough? 
her mom lets out a small “hm” before eating more of their dinner. “well, good job on getting into that school. with how long the response took, i was starting to worry.” 
mina frowns. “i got into other schools, you know.” 
“but did you want to get into any of those other schools?” when mina’s silent for a response, her mother only continues. “you said that you were aiming for snu and it took long enough in order to get a response.” 
“can’t you just be happy over the fact that i actually got into the school?” mina asks, feeling her voice rise. “i thought you would be proud of me. is it that much of a surprise that i got in?” 
“all of your friends got accepted into their schools quicker.” mina feels her grip tighten on the chopsticks in her hands. “all i’m saying is you should’ve at least tried harder or at least recognize that you should’ve done better.” 
mina finds it hard to calm down after hearing that. it’s not like she didn’t expect a response like that, but to actually hear it from her makes her laugh bitterly. it’s sad to say she’s not surprised because this was what their relationship is at this point. even if she told herself that she just wanted to get into school in order to get her mom off her back, her words only make it seem like she was mocking her even if she reached at least the minimum. it made mina wish her mother lowered her expectations or at least make her own higher. 
she eats her food in a hurry, hoping to get out of this dinner as soon as possible. of course, her mother has an issue with it as she glared at her from across the table. “slow down. you look like an animal eating like that.” 
mina ignores her and she manages to empty her bowl, still trying to bite and swallow the leftover food in her mouth. she quickly stands up from her chair, puts her bowl and utensils in the sink, and runs upstairs, swallowing the last bit of her food down. she closes her door behind her even if she knows her mother was going to go up to her room anyways. when she hears the door open, she rolls her eyes before she turns to her mom. 
“can you knock?” the impatient tone was one she’s used frequently enough. whether or not she was proud of it, she kept that information to herself. 
her mother’s not afraid of it, though. in fact, if anything, she’s probably a professional at dealing with it. “you’re one to talk about manners,” she scolds. “what is with you?! at least try to stay for the entire dinner and not make it seem like you don’t like my company.” 
“why would i do that?” mina scoffs. “you’d yell at me for faking it, anyway.” 
her mom sighs. “why are you so selfish? why do you keep on doing this? do you understand how uncomfortable your father feels whenever we fight? how uncomfortable i feel?!” 
“i’m sorry for being upset over you not being a good mom,” she responds, crossing her arms as if to do the bare minimum of making fun of the woman in front of her who would do the same in their past arguments. “i got into a good school and all you can say is ‘i’m surprised they didn’t reject you straight up’? no ‘congratulations’ or ‘i’m happy you got into the school you wanted to get into’? shouldn’t you at least be glad over the fact that i’m going-” 
“how am i going to explain to the family that it took a few months for my daughter to tell me she got into snu after a few months since she applied?” her mom interrupts her, angering mina even more. “it didn’t take long for jaebeom to get his letter of acceptance. it didn’t take daniel long for him to know if he got in. do you know what they’ll say when i tell them you got accepted after countless times of me saying ‘oh i don’t know yet’, ‘she hasn’t received anything yet’? they’ll think i’m raising-” 
“what? an idiot?” mina laughs. “yeah. i’m sure everyone in the family’s already aware of the fact that i’m never going to be a lawyer living in america. at least i got into a school.” 
her mother then points at mina and she has to hold the urge to not swat the hand away from her face. “look at you! you’re already making yourself sound bad by acting like it’s a miracle they accepted you in the first place!” she criticizes. “you’re supposed to go to school. you’re supposed to get a degree in order to get a good job somewhere. after all your father and i’ve done for you and your brothers, why are you the only one who treats this like it’s not a big deal?!” 
“i am treating this like it’s a big deal!” mina asserts. “do you know how many nights i spent studying for tests that i knew i was going to fail? all the times i had to stay after school in order to make sure it wouldn’t affect my chances?! i worked so hard in the last few months to be accepted and i’m the only one in this room proud of myself for it! it’s like you’re actively trying to find reasons to be disappointed in me, even when i do something good!”
“maybe you should be trying to not constantly disappoint me, then.” her mother turns her back to her daughter and makes way for the door, but mina mutters something else that makes her stop in her steps.
“the one time i do something that i thought could impress you and you’re still disappointed in me.”
her mother doesn’t respond. all she does is stand for a moment before she leaves, not even bothering to close the door behind her. 
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