#the big broad shoulders and that tiny waist are sooooo
hood-ex · 10 months
Bruce in Converse was doing it for me in this scene ngl:
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Year One: Scarecrow/Batman #2
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girlwithwolftatoo · 4 years
Consecration-Pascal!Priest character (original work)
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Father Pascal is in, lost lambs, I hope you’re ready to receive the... blessings.
WARNING: Mild NSFW (mostly indirect sexual situations), hierophilia (can I get an A-MEN?!), original characters and... religious stuff.
Being raised as a catholic may be a headache, specially if you aren’t fond to the religion and rituals most of your family follows the verbatim. Of course, mass was the main event and sometimes preaching could be interesting, but being about forty minutes every Sunday morning in a church to secure your inmortal soul sometimes felt like a high price you weren’t willing to pay. You were a good person according to usual sermons, you helped your neighbor as much as you were able, respected and loved your parents, accomplished lent every year since you remembered and, if you felt like you’ve done some nasty stuff, you went to confession. 
The problem began when the new priest came into your local church, in order to replace old and ill father Colin, which lumbago had forced him to give up and some masses he had to remain on his seat. His replacement was different... much more different than anyone, you included, could have thought. 
The first thing that jumped at the sight was his appearence, younger than father Colin but, in a weird way, ageless, like he could be either in his thirties or fourthies; his complextion didn’t seem hardly built, but neither wasn’t very thin, and sometimes you could notice how the mass robes tauten on his chest and shoulders. No living person with eyes could have said he wasn’t appealing, for even his sharp eyes and hooked nose fit perfectly in his always radiant and kind face. 
Suddenly, masses became the most precious moment of the week. Every Sunday morning you prepared yourself with your best, clean clothes and rushed your parents to get a good sit in the church. As the bells rang, telling people the mass had started, and father Pascal walked between the seats, followed by the usual altar boys, your eyes followed him using as much discresion as you could, so nobody could notice the heat on your face and the red on your cheeks as you traced every movement of that gorgeous man of God in your mind, to use it as a lucky charm through the week. His preaching was always filled with energy and excitement, the strenght of his passion and youth printed on every word and moves from his hands; yes, he talked with his hands as much as with the voice, making the audience dance at his rythm in such way even the usual sleepy heads would turn their whole attention to the man.
Along with his features, father’s hands had became a problem for your futile concentration skills. If you weren’t following his face gestures, you did the same for his hands, yout eyes darting in the big palms, usually showing at the congregation, the thick fingers clenching in the air, pointing at nowhere to remark his words and, of course, doing the sign of the cross when it was appropiate. Those hands were a dream come true, the epitome of grace and  virility, both kind and strong at sight, and the almost tender form he used to hold the communion wafer before sliding it into the parishioner’s mouths... God, it was the best moment of the mass. 
“Going to commune?” your parents asked innocently, unaware of the true feelings boling in your chest as you took your place in the line, hands pressed together in praying position as you were taught in catechism sessions, and kneeling towards the altar as soon as you reached it. 
How would be to kneel for father Pascal? You, walking towards his magnificent figure, head lowered to show your complete submission, and finally, bending your knees to fall over them on the floor, silent and longing, waiting for his voice to command you.
Father Pascal presented the tiny, white wafer. Every time, you felt like truly blessed, and didn’t have enough words to thank the Lord for bringing this gorgeous servant of His to your church. Your eyes met father’s, and you leaned your head in an attempt to hide yourself. It is known God knows people’s heart and what they hide in it, but what if any of your thoughts was powerful enough to permeate through your skin and showed themselves there were the priest could see them? How would he react if he knew the only reason you started to show interest in religion was him? How would you dared to see his face again when you spent most of the mass time creating fantasies involving him?
The father’s hand placed the wafer at the necessary distance for you to take it. You stretched your neck and caught the thin form into your lips, but doing it so further you noticed, for a fractment of second, how your lower lip hit against father Pascal’s finger. You retracted quickly, fighting to not take a look at his brown, warm eyes, and walking back to your place trying to not looked guilty. You kneeled in the padded plank and closed your eyes, pretending to make your pray, when you were actually getting into a new fantasy.
You saw yourself, kneeling on the floor, and listening the father’s preaching that didn’t meant something to you, your cheast moving up and down hard as your breathing became more superficial. You opened your eyes and found yourself facing at father’s belt a black, broad piece of clothing that adjusted around his waist with a strip hanging in front of his right thigh. One man’s hand was holding a golden globet, the one he used to pour the wine for the mass, and the other one reached the back of your neck, pulling your head back so you could see him from below. “Take it, my lamb” he commanded you, pressing the globet’s border against your wanting lips, and you gave a sip to the red, bitter liquid. He kept sliding the wine into your mouth without giving you a single moment to rest and take a breath, but every small nuisance was nothing, as long as you could rejoice in the priest’s hands and becoming his little, sinful plaything.
Your mother’s voice dragged you back to reality. People were moving around you, the mass was over, and you just spent the last minutes kneeling in silent like a saint picture. You stood up, ashamed and worried, and your eyes went to the altar one more time. Father Pascal was there, speaking with a few persons and displaying his usual sweet smile. At the moment he moved his head towards you, and your sight met, you saw his smile fade, and a new, disturbing expression on his face. His lips moved, separating from each other, and for a moment you thought he was going to call you out, but then he returned to his normal manners and continued speaking with their interlocutors.
You had to force your feet to move and leave the building. The imprintment of the father’s finger against your lip still felt like fire, and you imagined it was how someone should feel when they were touched by a sacred thing, even if that was an heretic thought, you smiled. You were willing to kiss and receive anything he could hand you, even the keys of hell, even the most sinful piece on Earth, and you would kiss it and worship it in his divine name, the father’s name.
Sooooo, I think this can have a sequel perhaps, if you’re interested on it of course. If you have new ideas for this prompt or for another writing, please let me know! 
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mamabearcat · 6 years
Keys To Her Heart Ch 1
I was going to post a saucy snippet of an upcoming chapter, and then realised that I’d only ever posted a link to this story on fanfiction.net. Sooooo, I’ll be posting the first three chapters on Tumblr, and adding a Masterpage link. This is a Fairy Tail Modern AU set in Australia, with a touch of the supernatural. Mostly NALU, and will definitely be M rated. Lucy is in research mode, ready to write her first historical book, and has no time for Natsu, the hot fire fighter who has a side hustle hosting ghost tours. Together, they end up discovering more than they bargained for!
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Lucy Heartfilia glanced up from signing the cheque to find the real estate agent leering at her… again. She disguised her distaste with some difficulty, and handed the cheque to him over the desk. Mr Everlue put it into his pocket.
"So, what did you say brought you up to the mountains for a month my dear? A romantic interlude perhaps?" He leaned towards her and winked in a conspiratorial way. Lucy looked at him uncomfortably, shifting in her seat.
"I didn't say", she said raising her chin impatiently, but trying for a pleasant tone. "I'll be working."
"Ah, that's right, the book, on… bushrangers, did you say?"
"Yes", said Lucy, wondering if it would be rude to turn and march out of the office immediately. There was something about this man that made her feel inherently uneasy. But she needed to stay in Rose Cottage for her research, and this slimy man was the managing agent. Turning her gaze around the office, she caught the sympathetic gaze of the blue-haired receptionist on the front counter, and immediately felt a little better.
"Well, if that's everything I have to sign, I really need to get going, Mr Everlue", said Lucy, reaching down for her small backpack. "I still need to drive the rest of the way up the mountain, and it's getting dark."
"That is true, my dear. I did offer to escort you, and the offer is still open…"
"It's not a problem, Mr Everlue" Lucy replied hurriedly, rising from her seat. "I'm sure I'll manage."
He handed her a small bunch of keys. "Well, you can't say I didn't try", he smirked. "And you have my business card."
"And I'll be sure to call you if there are any problems", she answered, picking up her heavy backpack and turning to leave.
"You might change your mind after spending a few nights up there alone. I'm told the cottage is decidedly… spooky… after dark. You might need some company. Who knows what might be up there, lurking, just…
Lucy turned her gaze toward him and fixed him with an icy glare. He had the decency to look a little abashed.
"I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago, Mr Everlue. If you'll excuse me, I have a lot to do."
She turned and walked briskly out of the office, the bell on the shop door tinkling merrily as it closed behind her. As she turned, Lucy caught a momentary glimpse of her reflection in the real estate shop window. Her long golden hair was still confined in the thick braid she had put it in this morning, and her old leather jacket, checked buttoned shirt, jeans and boots, although clean, were looking decidedly scruffy. Her round, plain glasses magnified her brown eyes in her pale face, which were currently narrowed in an annoyed expression. Mr Everlue chose that moment to give her a final wave, wriggling his fingers at her, which did not improve her mood.
Lucy hurriedly swung her body around and stomped down the hill, slamming straight into something tall and solid. She immediately fell backwards with a thump, and felt the wind slam out of her, and her glasses fall from her face. There was nothing she could do but sit on the ground, like an open-mouthed fish, trying to gasp in oxygen.
"Are you alright?" a gravelly male voice asked. A blurry face appeared in front of her, and she felt someone kneel next to her, rubbing her back, trying to help. "This ain't an asthma attack, is it?"
Lucy shook her head dumbly, still trying to draw in breath, and finally managed it, making a most unladylike whooping sound as she did so. She moved her hands around beside her, trying to find her glasses, and her hand came to rest on a muscular leg clad in faded jeans. She felt her glasses being put into her hand by one much larger, and warmer than her own.
Lucy slid her glasses onto her face, to find herself focusing on the greenest eyes she had ever seen. They seemed like they would usually be crinkled in enjoyment and laughter, even though at the moment, they looked concerned. The rest of the face was equally striking, with high cheekbones, a generous mouth, and an unruly shock of dark pink hair. The owner of the face was still rubbing her back, and now that she was breathing, she felt a wave of embarrassment begin to wash upwards from her toes. Why was she always so clumsy!
"I'm fine", she snapped, trying to get to her feet quickly, a little too quickly. She lurched sideways, and the owner of the green eyes rose quickly and steadied her with his hands on her upper arms. She found herself staring directly at his broad chest, and had to tilt her head to look up into his face. Her stomach did a little flip flop, as his mouth curved into a smile, one that went all the way up to his eyes.
"You don't sound fine. Are you sure you're not hurt anywhere?", he said gently. She took a deep breath, and after trying to smile back unsuccessfully, shook her head, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She'd been in the mountains for fifteen minutes and had already managed to look like a total klutz in front of the most attractive man she had ever seen.
The piercing gaze of his green eyes seemed to scorch her, increasing the turbulent feeling in her stomach, and she turned her face aside, only for her eyes to rest on the taut muscles of his arms underneath his grey t-shirt where they had flexed to steady her. She wondered what it would feel like to be pulled into an embrace inside those strong arms. She immediately gave herself a mental slap and looked away, down towards her own scuffed boots. 'For heaven's sake, pull yourself together Lucy, what are you, a love-sick teenager!' she thought, and said aloud, "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to get somewhere, and I just wasn't looking where I was going. Thank you very much for your help."
Green eyes dipped his head downwards, trying to catch her eye, and continuing to smile, said "It was my pleasure". He took her small hand in his own and shook it briefly, and then continued on his way up the hill, whistling cheerfully, his hands resting nonchalantly behind his head.
It took all Lucy's self-control not to turn around immediately to see if the view of him from behind lived up to the one at the front. After a few moments, she gave up the struggle and turned. She was rewarded with the view of dark pink tousled hair, wide shoulders, a narrow waist and muscular legs which seemed made to wear blue jeans. His stride was purposeful, but unhurried, and she allowed herself the pleasure of watching him for a few moments before a movement of his head made her quickly turn and scurry in the opposite direction. Just because he was built like a statue of a Greek god didn't give her the right to stare at him, like a piece of marble in a museum. And he was definitely not made of marble. She remembered the warmth of his thigh underneath her hand, the way he had firmly rubbed her back. Oh, and that smile… She gave herself a mental shake; she had no time for romance, even if he was interested. And of course, he wouldn't be. Beautiful people like him were never interested in her. She was the good girl, bookish, polite Lucy Heartfilia, who always kept her head down, and never did anything unexpected.
She continued down to the corner, where she had parked her battered pale blue Volkswagen beetle. A large furry white head with pale blue eyes was hanging out of the back window, and she could hear a strong curved tail beating a happy wagging rhythm against the cardboard box of groceries in the back seat. Her husky Plue gave a short sharp bark of approval that she was back, and did his best to wriggle his excitement within the confines of his dog car harness. She hopped into the front seat, and couldn't help turning to smile at him. When she had picked him up at the pound only two short years ago, he had been a tiny white ball of fluff, shivering in fear. Now he was a rambunctious ball of furry energy that constantly kept her on her toes. Life with a dog as big as Plue was never dull.
"Ok, boy, time to hit the road. Straight up the mountain, no pit stops until we get there. Rose Cottage, here we come, ready or not". She glanced over her shoulder to see the happy doggy grin on his face, and paused to give him a good scratch between his ears. "This is going to be our year Plue, the year we make all our dreams come true."
Lucy pulled into the overgrown driveway, at the very end of the curving mountain road. She was glad she had driven up the thin winding road for the first time before dark. Although it was sealed, there had been a sheer drop on one side, and it was difficult to see exactly how far down the valley floor was, filled as it was with tall eucalyptus trees and tree ferns, and she had no desire to find out for herself by plummeting over the edge. She got out of the car, and undid Plue's safety harness. He immediately jumped down, and started a sniffing exploration of the overgrown garden.
"Don't go too far!" Lucy called, as she balanced the box of groceries on one hip, while slinging her backpack over her other shoulder. She walked up the three steps at the front of the wooden cottage, and sniffed appreciatively at the small sweet-smelling yellow climbing roses that covered the posts of the front veranda, almost disguising the peeling white paint. She put both the backpack and the box down, and fumbled in her front pocket for the keys.
A big plain silver key opened the old lock with a little effort, and she opened the front door. A faint waft of lavender greeted her as she walked into the hallway. She peeked into a small bedroom on the left, with a quilted double bed, and old rocking chair and a cedar wardrobe, and then turned to see its twin on the other side of the hall, with two single beds and a carved cedar chest.
An exploration further down the wooden hall revealed a snug sitting room with faded but comfy looking red velvet armchairs on an old Persian rug, either side of a fireplace that included a small combustion stove and a supply of chopped firewood. She continued walking into a small wooden kitchen, painted pale yellow, with a scrubbed pine table and chairs. Off the kitchen was the bathroom, where an old white claw foot bath took pride of place in its dark green tiled surroundings. Although the furnishings were faded and worn, they gave the cottage a very homey feel. Lucy immediately felt a connection with the cottage. It felt like she was meant to be here, like the cottage had been waiting for her.
She stepped out onto the back veranda, and gasped at the view. At the end of the sloping lawn, past a little clump of birch trees, she could see the garden drop away into a rocky valley, giving her a view of distant farmland far below. The mist was beginning to gather as the sun set, lighting it with a rose and tangerine hue. The sunset intensified the earthy colours of the sandstone escarpment, and she heard the bell like call of a lyrebird from somewhere nearby. Lucy could smell the strong clean scent of eucalyptus and tea tree, and she took in a deep breath of air. She could feel the stress of the long drive from Sydney ease, and a tension that she hadn't realised she carried seemed to drop away from her shoulders.
A sudden howl and yelp from Plue had her bolting back into the house. It was late autumn, but there still might be snakes around that would not tolerate the inquisitive nose of a boisterous husky. Plue might be large, but he was just an overgrown puppy, and during his short life in the city, he had never come across a snake. She grabbed a handy broom from the kitchen as she skidded past, just in time to see Plue back out of the main bedroom, with his tail between his legs.
Lucy cautiously peered around the bedroom door, the broom held out in front of her like a sword. A cautious sweep under the bed and behind the door revealed nothing scarier than a few dust bunnies, and she was about to drop her guard when a movement caught in the corner of her eye made her heart beat in double time. She whirled around, just in time to see a small blue-grey cat, the colour of smoke, leap up from the top of the bed head and squeeze itself through a small slightly open window she hadn't noticed upon her first inspection. It paced backwards and forwards on the window ledge in the last rays of the sunlight for a few moments, purring and rubbing its face against the window frame, gave them a cursory glance with its almond shaped yellow eyes, and then jumped down into the garden. Lucy stood up on tiptoe to gently push the window shut with the broom handle, and turned to face Plue, who was looking decidedly embarrassed.
"Oh Plue", she laughed, scratching him between his furry ears. "We've both made fools of ourselves today". Her mind went back to a pair of piercingly green eyes, and a gentle smile, and amazingly warm hands that rubbed her back. A firm muscular leg under her hand, disconcertingly male, all male. She shook her head, as if to shake the memory out, and then said in a decidedly no-nonsense tone, "Plue, we have work to do."
It took no time at all to go out to the car to retrieve her suitcase and unpack the contents into the wardrobe, and after lighting a fire in the small stove in the sitting room, she moved on to the kitchen, putting away the groceries. A small leaflet remained in the bottom of the box, and she snorted as she picked it up and began to read.
"Join Natsu Dragneel, your ghost host with the most, as he entrances you with tales of misfortune and mayhem. Hear accounts of long-gone residents who can still be seen in numerous locations around the town. The stories you'll hear come from years of research, personal accounts and hauntingly real-life experiences.
Visit historic FairyTail Inn. Who's playing games in the cellar when the sun goes down? Is it the spirit of five-year-old James still looking for a friend, or is it the Grey Lady, still waiting for her walk down the aisle? See scary sights like Magnolia Cemetery, the final resting place of early settlers and convicts who succumbed to tuberculosis…or was it final? End your journey with a visit to Caddock's Leap Lookout. The Leap has a long history of paranormal activity. In 1870, the bushranger Mad Dog Caddock, leapt from the cliff rather than be captured by local law enforcement, and he is now believed to haunt the area.
Comfortable shoes are recommended so that you don't become dead on your feet during the brief walking portion. Dinner at FairyTail Inn is included in the price of your tour."
Lucy shook her head. There was no way that she believed in this sort of rubbish, but it would give her a head start to hear some of the local history this evening before she could begin her own research tomorrow at the local town museum. Entirely on a whim, she had called the number on the flyer when she had picked it up at the local grocery store, and made a booking for tonight's tour. Even though it would be ridiculous, and not the historically accurate account she preferred, she did want to hear a local telling of Mad Dog Caddock's death, though of course it would be 'glamourized' for the benefit of those going on the tour. If she was to get her book research completed in a month, she needed all the head start she could get.
Lucy walked in to the sitting room to check on Plue snoozing in front of the fire. As much as she would rather get straight into her pyjamas and make herself a hot chocolate, she forced herself to march away from the cosy glow of the sitting room to the bedroom. She pulled on a navy woollen sweater over her shirt, and after a moment's thought, dug a bright red beanie and scarf out of the drawer at the bottom of the wardrobe she had so recently filled, and stuffed them into her backpack. Plue should be fine for the few hours that she would be gone – he was in such a deep sleep from the exercise he'd had chasing lizards and birds in the backyard that afternoon, he'd probably hardly notice that she wasn't there. After leaving him a fresh bowl of water and his favourite biscuits next to his basket in the corner, she grabbed her car keys, ready to make the half hour trip back to Magnolia.
Natsu smiled as he walked up the hill to the local pub. That poor woman had been so embarrassed, you could have fried an egg on her face, she could barely look at him. Which had made it all the easier to look at her. And he had liked what he saw. A lot. Too much. He had really wanted to ask her name, what she was doing in Magnolia, because she was obviously not a local, but seeing her intense embarrassment, he'd decided that a chivalrous exit was the best course of action.
He knew everyone in the small community; they were a tight knit bunch. You didn't live in a small country town for twenty-five years without knowing everyone's business. She was probably just a tourist, up here for the weekend from Sydney, for some mountain air. There were quite a few bed and breakfasts here in Magnolia, who capitalised on city slickers who wanted a weekend away from it all. Yes, that was probably it – she was here with her boyfriend or husband for a romantic weekend, and had been in a hurry to go meet him somewhere. Lucky guy. He tried not to imagine how those beautiful golden curls would look like out of that braid, spread out on a pillow. Natsu stopped short. Where on earth had that come from! It wasn't like he was short of female companionship. If he wanted it. And he didn't. Right now, Grandeeney was his number one priority.
He walked into the pub, and greeted the few men already sitting at the bar with a nod, and received raised beer glasses as way of greeting in return. He sat on the nearest bar stool and smiled at the barman, who was deep in conversation with old Makarov about the latest football scores. Football was the only thing Macau took seriously, everything else would look after itself.
"Evening Macau", Natsu said, as soon as there was a break in conversation. "Are there many bookings tonight?"
Macau tore himself away from the football conversation, after a good-natured pat on old Makarov's arm, and ambled across to him. He retrieved a small battered notepad from under the bar, and after consulting it, and counting on his fingers, he replied "Seven. An older couple, John and Elsie Smythe, staying at the Victoria and Albert Guest House – they'd appreciate a pick-up, by the way, they didn't want to walk up the hill in the dark. A couple of boys from Hall's Gully are bringing their girls along, so that should be fun for you." Natsu rolled his eyes. Hall's Gully was a larger town further down the mountain where the local high school was situated, and every now and then a few of the older students came on the tour. Usually it involved a lot teasing from the boys, and screaming from the girls, and no doubt tonight would be no different.
"And the last one?"
"A woman. Lucy Heartfilia. She called me this afternoon on the phone to book, and paid with a credit card. Said she's here to research for some history book on bushrangers and was interested in local stories. She's staying up at Rose Cottage, but said she didn't need a pick-up, she could drive herself."
A sudden image of brown eyes, a cute slightly-freckled nose and thick golden hair forced its way into Natsu's head. 'No, that would be too good to be true' he smiled to himself. 'She's probably some older university professor or something.'
"Rose Cottage?" he said aloud. "I didn't think anyone was still up there, after old Mrs Evans died?"
"Ah, it's one of Jonathon Everlue latest purchases. You know how he's always going on about his 'portfolio'. After poor old Esme kicked the bucket, and didn't leave a will, Everlue snapped it up at the deceased estate auction. Got it for a good price too, including all the furniture. I hear he's letting it out to tourists. Knowing him, he's charging them like a wounded bull."
Natsu frowned, then shrugged his shoulders. Everlue was not well liked around Magnolia, and Natsu had his own reasons for disliking the man.
"Well, that's not a huge group, but it's better than nothing. Good thing I didn't give up my day job" he joked to Macau. "There's just enough time to go check on Grandeeney before I come back here".
"How's Grandeeney doing these days?" asked Macau. "She used to potter into town every day, but I haven't seen her around lately. Not even at the gin rummy game on Wednesday evenings. It's not like her to miss a chance for cards and a port and lemonade".
Natsu's face fell. "Not so good, I'm afraid Macau. You know she had that fall last year when she broke her hip, before I moved in with her. With the colder weather coming on, she's finding it hard to walk a long distance at the moment with her arthritis. She can get around home ok, but she doesn't like people seeing her use a walker, and she'd need that to get into town. I've been taking her out and about when I can, but you know how stubborn she is about being independent. The only reason she's letting me live there with her to keep an eye on her is because I told her I needed to save money for a house."
Macau sighed. "I'm sorry Natsu, I didn't realise it had got as bad as that. She's a tough old stick; I didn't think anything would get her down."
Natsu managed a weak smile. "Come over and visit one afternoon, and bring your cards. She can still beat the pants off me at poker. She'd probably like some new competition."
Macau chuckled. "I've been there once too often to take that bait Natsu. Remember that tournament we had in the pub a few years back? The boys have never let me live it down. I'll round up a few of the old folks who've been asking after her – we could come over for a gin rummy afternoon, if you think she's up to it. I'll even throw in a free bottle of port."
After a beer and a chat with a few of the locals, Natsu walked around the corner and down the street in the twilight to the comfortable old Federation house that he now called home. The front garden was still filled with all the old-fashioned cottage garden flowers that his grandmother so loved, and their perfume hung in the still air. The wide veranda held several Adirondack wooden armchairs, painted a crisp white, and made more comfortable with fat squashy cushions and crocheted blankets. A welcoming glow poured out of the windows either side of the dark green front door, and the huge brass doorknocker gleamed.
Just looking at this house filled Natsu with comfort. It had many happy memories for him. It was where he had grown up, and Grandeeney had always been there. After his parents had both died in a house fire when he was a tiny boy, his grandmother had come to the city to collect him, taken him home, and he had never really left. Of course, he had moved away to go to University after high school, and he stayed in the rooms above the Fire Station in Hall's Gully when he was on call, but Grandeeney was the one constant in his life. There was no way that he was going to let her down now that she needed him, whether she liked it or not.
The front door gave its characteristic groan on the hinges as he opened it, and he heard the familiar sound of knitting needles gently clicking, and his Gran calling from the kitchen.
"Natsu, is that you boyo? Come and give your old gran a cuddle. I've been reading up on the rising temperatures in Antarctica, and there's more than a few people that I'd like to give a piece of my mind!"
Natsu grinned. As a birthday gift, he'd given Grandeeney a laptop, and after some initial reluctance, she had embraced the internet with all its possibilities. Dinner was often spent discussing world events, or some crackpot scheme she'd come across.
He stepped down onto the slate tiles of the cosy kitchen, and walked over to the huge kauri pine table, where his grandmother sat in a comfortable armchair propped up on cushions. It was much easier for her to get out of the softer chair when it was next to something she could lean on, and as she spent most of her time in the kitchen anyway, she had finally agreed to move her favourite armchair there. She was surrounded by balls of different coloured wool, and from the looks of what she was knitting, no doubt he'd have a new scarf before the weather got cooler.
Natsu walked behind the chair and leaned down to kiss the top of his Grandeeney's head. "I can't stay long Gran, I have a tour tonight, but I'll be back in time for supper. What's in the oven that I can smell?" A delicious lemony scent was drifting around the kitchen, emanating from the old cast iron wood cook stove that his grandmother had staunchly refused to get rid of, even though he had offered to buy her an electric one. He made to open the door of the oven, and received a poke in the ribs with a walking stick for his efforts.
"Oi! Keep your greedy mitts off. It's a lemon delicious pudding, and you'll be ruining it if you go slamming the oven door." The cheeky grin she gave him as she poked him in the ribs again softened her words. She gazed at him over her the top of her glasses. "Are you sure you want to do a tour tonight boyo? My elbow's aching, I'm sure we're in for a storm this evening."
"Definitely sure" he smiled. "I have bookings, and it's not polite to keep your customers waiting".
"Oh well then, if you have to, you have to. But make sure you're home in time to tuck me in".
Natsu smiled at her again. "Of course, I'll tuck you in. But I'm really coming home for the pudding."
"Be off with you then, you rude lad" she grinned, taking up her knitting again. "Maybe you'll finally meet a lass that you can bring home for me to meet. You know I'd much rather be knitting booties than another scarf for you!"
Natsu rolled his eyes at her, before giving her a quick smooch on the cheek and grabbing some keys off a hook next to the back door. "Save me some of that pudding" he said with a wink on his way out.
Natsu leaned against the wall of the old sandstone pub. The rest of his tour group were all inside, being fed huge portions of steak and chips by the ever-hospitable Macau. He'd just wait outside for a few more minutes to see if his last guest was going to show, before rounding them all up to begin the tour. He rubbed his hands together in the chill air, before thrusting them into his capacious pockets, glad he'd remembered to bring his huge old army jacket. He was used to the cold, but this night looked like it was going to be a windy, stormy one. Gran's elbow was a very reliable weather predictor. He looked up to see grey clouds scudding across the full moon, and heard a distant rumble. The storm was still a good way away, hopefully it would continue circling until everyone was safe home in their beds.
He was just about to turn and head back inside to wait next to the fire, when a small battered blue Volkswagen lurched into view, with a grinding of gears. It pulled into the car park, and a petite woman in jeans and a navy wool jumper leapt out of the driver's seat. She made to sprint towards the door of the pub, then turned on her heel and opened the driver's door again, leaning across for something in the passenger seat.
Natsu caught a glimpse of a long shiny gold braid as it swung in mid-air, and couldn't help grinning to himself in the semi-darkness. He was going to get to meet his mysterious woman after all. He admired the heart shaped view of her behind in her jeans as she leaned across the front seat to grab a small backpack, and then winced in sympathy as she banged the back of her head on the opening of the car door. Rubbing her head, and muttering to herself, she turned and seeing him, immediately stopped in her tracks.
"Oh no, not you", she groaned audibly.
This story began as a straight romance I was writing, hoping to get published. Lucy was originally Cally, Natsu was Connor. I was halfway finished, and then I was hit by the worst case of writer's block I've ever had. I just couldn't finish it, and shelved it indefinitely. I decided to drag it out again a few months ago, and while I was re-reading it, I realised that the characters were really close to my favourites from Fairy Tail. So with a few name and hair and eye colour tweaks, plus a lot of extra content to take in some of the Fairy Tail arcs, this story lives again!
I debated about changing the location from Australia to somewhere else, but I really wanted to tell my bushranger story. So, as far as I know, this is the first Fairy Tail fan fiction set in the Blue Mountains, near Sydney, Australia.
If you’d prefer to read on Fanfiction.net, here’s a link!
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tmarie82 · 6 years
Play to Win
Pairing: Liam x Olivia (Drake x MC implied)
Book: The Royal Romance (Book 3)
Word Count: ~1,800
Rating:  PG
Author’s Note:  Can anyone deny that last week’s TRR chapter 16 hinted heavily that Oliam is going to happen?!?!?  (If Liam is not your LI, of course.)  I am SOOOOO excited for these two to finally get together, and I know I’m not alone.  After their sweet little dance in the chapter, I decided they needed another private moment together.  Thank you @jadedpixiescribbles for the request #45 “Make bets together” for Liam and Olivia, which prompted the idea for this story.  💕💕
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.  You can find all of my fics here - MASTERLIST
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Liam sat at the bar in the hotel lobby, sipping slowly on his whiskey neat and observing his companions as they conversed animatedly in the lounge.  Emma and Hana were giggling like schoolgirls, whispering in each other’s ears and shaking their heads in agreement.  He saw the look in Emma’s eyes as she glanced up and met Drake’s stare, an unmistakable smile spreading across her lips.  And Drake ... standing between Maxwell and Bertrand who were deep in conversation, but he didn’t seem to hear them.  Liam had never seen his best friend look more content in his life.  He was lost in Emma’s deep blue orbs, his own eyes crinkling at the sides with affection and his mouth tugging upwards at the side.    Amongst the crowd and conversations, the couple saw only each other.
This is how it’s suspposed to be, Liam thought with a feeling that could only be described as bittersweet.  He had already acknowledged that the enchanting American woman and his surly best friend loved each other deeply ... but now, seeing with his own eyes the pure adoration in their shared gaze, he finally realized that he was happy for them.  And he needed to move on.  He stood from the barstool and dropped a few bills on the counter for the bartender, grabbed his drink and made his way towards the casino.  
He entered the ornate room, absorbing the bright lights and loud chimes of the slot machines as he surveyed the room.  The room bustled with patrons, all of them enthralled in the festivities, and for once the King was thankful to go unnoticed as he explored the scene.
He walked past the various games, first stopping in front of the craps table.  His mind wandered to the scavenger hunt earlier, an immediate reminder of Emma’s resonating laugh as they’d retrieved the royal crown.  He smiled fondly at the memory but quickly moved on, seeking a better distraction.
But instead the distraction found him, the tall fiery redhead approaching him with a dirty martini in one hand and a mischievous gleam in her emerald eyes.  Olivia gave him a smug grin and he couldn’t fight the knowing smile he returned.  She turned her head from side to side as she studied their surroundings, Liam taking her quick distraction as an opportunity to give her an appreciative head to toe assessment.  He couldn’t deny that his life-long friend looked especially radiant tonight in her dark beaded gown, her creamy skin glistening under the blinking lights.  
“Your Majesty, if I didn’t know any better I would suspect you were hiding out in here.”  She peeked up at him through her dark lashes as she took a long sip of her cocktail.
Liam chuckled at Olivia's sarcastic bluntness.  She was never one to hide her true opinion.  “Not hiding out, per se ... just ready for a change of scenery.”  
Olivia gave him a devilish grin.  “Well in that case, let’s have some fun Your Majesty.”  She quickly tilted back her glass and downed it’s contents before taking Liam by the hand and leading him towards the blackjack table.
Olivia was quite the accomplished blackjack player, staring at the cards intently each round and calculating her next move.  Liam noticed the small crease between her furrowed brow as she contemplated her strategy, eyes narrowed in determination.  He admired the victorious smile after each round she won, a rare sight that he subconciously wished he could witness more often.  At one point she caught him staring when she glanced up, quirking her brow in amusement while Liam quickly averted his eyes to the table.  “Enjoying the entertainment, Your Majesty?” she quipped playfully.
Liam cleared his throat, a slight flush rising to his cheeks.  “This is very educational, Liv.”  He turned back to her and met her stare, a soft smile on his lips.  “But you need to stop calling me that.  You know I hate that.”
Olivia smirked as she studied the cards she’d been dealt, then signaling the dealer to deal one more before holding.  “Alright, Liam, but you’re up next.”
He shrugged.  “I hate to admit it but I don’t know much about gambling.  Never had too many opportunities in the palace.”  
“Well, we’ll have to fix that.”  She thanked the dealer and collected her chips, then turned around to examine the various options.  “Follow me.” She instructed sternly.
Olivia passed by the various forms of gaming, muttering to herself as she crossed the options off her mental list.  “Poker, no ... too cliche.  Ugh slots, juvenile.”  She halted in front of the roulette table, peering up at Liam with a twinkle in her eyes.  “Here you go.  Figured I should be gentle with you, since it’s your first time and all.”  And there was that wicked smile of hers again, the one that drove him crazy.  “Do you know the rules?”  
“I think I can manage.”  He replied confidently.  He placed a chip down on the table just as the dealer spun the wheel; $100 on black.  He held his breath, watching the wheel closely as the ball rolled to a stop.  32 red.  “Argh!” He grunted as he balled his fist in frustration.  
“Try again.”  Olivia reassured him, her voice calmer and more patient than usual.
Liam tried again, this time putting another $100 on red.  He waited anxiously as the wheel turned round and round, the tiny ball flipping around sporadically until it settled ... on 11 black.   Liam groaned audibly, pressing his palm to his forehead.
“You know what I think your problem is?”  Olivia chimed in.
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me regardless.”  Liam replied in a monotone voice.
Olivia grasped him firmly by the shoulder and turned him to her, looking him straight in the eye.  “I think you’re playing it safe.  You’re playing from here ...” she thumped him on the forehead with a quick flick of her fingers, “and not from here.” She pressed one palm against his chest, right over his heart, sending a jolt of electricity to Liam’s limbs.  “When it comes to gambling, if you’re going to play then you play to win.  Go big or home, as the Americans say.  Can you do that, Your Majesty?”  She emphasized the last two words, looking to provoke him.
Liam grinned at her and shook his head, not willing to give her the satisfaction of adressing her infraction.  He turned back to the table and picked up a large stack of chips.  He held them out to Olivia, arching a brow in question.  “Wish me luck?”  
Olivia smirked and nodded, then leaned forward to blow softly on the chips.  As she leaned back her lips grazed his palm slightly, and for a moment Liam could do nothing but stare at her in stunned silence.  His mind traveled back to their dance earlier ... the feel of his hands at her waist as they moved in sync, a shared moment that was much too brief.  He quickly shook his head out of his daze, focusing his attention back to the table.  “9 Red.”  He placed the $300 in chips down on the board.
The pair watched intently as the wheel began it’s turn, eyes never letting the tiny wooden sphere out of their sight.  Click ... click ... click .. click click.  Liam’s eyes opened wide in astonishment as he looked upon - “9 Red!” the dealer called out.  Liam pumped his fist in victory and released a small whoop before turning to Olivia and picking her up in his arms.  
“Oof!” Olivia exhaled as Liam pulled her against his broad chest and twirled her around twice in excitement.  She didn’t even realize she was laughing until her feet hit the ground again.  Her expression of joy quickly disappeared, although her racing heart did not return to its normal rhythm right away.  “Congratulations.”  She stated plainly, but with an underlying warmth that could not be completely masked.  “You must be very happy, your first win.”
Liam accepted his winnings from the dealer and turned back to her, a childish grin spread across his face.  “You must be my good luck charm.”  His eyes lingered on her, unfaltering until Olivia shifted uncomfortably to glance towards the exit.
“Well, now that that is out of the way ...” Olivia nodded towards the roulette table, “I believe I shall retire.  I’ve had enough of this adult amusement park for one day.”  
Liam laughed out loud, the first joyful release he’d allowed all night.  “I can understand that.  But I think I’ll stay and play a few more rounds, now that I got that first time out of the way.”  He paused, studying her face, trying to detect any sign of emotion underneath her stoic facade.  “Good night, Liv.  And thanks for being so gentle for my first time.” He uttered flirtatiously before turning back to the table.
Olivia couldn’t fight the wide grin that captured her lips, and promptly turned towards the exit in order to avoid anyone she knew bearing witness.  “Olivia!” She heard him call to her.
She turned to look at him curiously, the blood still pumping through her veins from just moments ago.  
“You know, you should laugh more often.  You look beautiful when you laugh.”  He paused, gaze never leaving hers.  “Good night.”  Liam nodded his farewell, then returned to the table.  
Olivia scurried off, her cheeks flushed pink and that unbidden smiling again taking hold of her face.  She turned the corner to the elevators- “Unh!” She crashed head on into the cheerful little Chinese butterfly herself.
“Oh, hi Olivia!  We were wondering where you went!”  Hana noticed Olivia’s grin, a perplexed look on her face.  “Is everything okay?”
Olivia straightened up, face returning to neutral position.  “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”
“No reason ...” Hana eyed her suspiciously, then focused back on her mission.  “Have you seen Liam?”  
Olivia floundered for a second before replying.  “Yes, I just saw him in the casino.  At the roulette table.”
“Oh roulette!” Hana chirped.  “I see our King is feeling a little wild tonight, isn’t he?”  She giggled at her own joke.
“I suppose so.” Olivia replied dryly.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve had enough of this circus.  Good night, Hana.”
“Good night!” Hana called after her before rushing off to the casino.
Olivia entered the elevator.  She wore a straight face as she rotated to the sliding doors, regarding as the large metal panels met in the middle.  She pressed the button for her floor and stood up straight, maintaining her statuesque posture as the elevator hummed to life.  But finally alone, she didn't fight the tug, the slight pull, from lifting the corners of her mouth.
Tagging: @simplyaiden-blog @mfackenthal @lizeboredom @walkerismychoice @boneandfur @laniquelove @choices-fanatic @liam-rhys @mariamatsuo @the-everlasting-dream @client327 @kamybelen-blog @butindeed @enmchoices @drakelover78 @kamilah-sayeed-xoxo @parkerattano @asprankle @innerpostmentality @jadedpixiescribbles @crookedslimecreatorpasta @choiceswreckedme @debramcg1106 @mymandrake @alesana45 @christopher-powell @eileendannie @diavolosprincess @lazychic28 @clarissafics @blackcatkita @bella-ca @writtenbycandy @stopforamoment @mind-reader1
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Nanowrimo Preview
Sooooo, I decided to attempt Nanowrimo. I’m total shit at it but.... eh. Whatever. Also the story is shit, but Imma put it on here anyways.
Cassandra and Karen decide to take their fall break to a cabin in the Apalachian mountains. Cassi finds an attractive man who wont speak to her (or rather he finds her), and an attractive man who will talk to her (and calls her “Cher”) and a cute little puppy with bright blue eyes. And that;s all before things get exciting. 
Basically, this is shitty self insert fanservice. With attractive paranormal people and lots of sex. So.... 
18 and over only please.
WC: 3412
“Karen’s Whore House. You got the dough, we got the hoe. How may I direct your call?”
It was 3:05 on the dot, November 16th. The high school bell had just rang and Cassandra was finally free. Well, for ten days at least. She was probably more excited about the short, Fall break than any of her students. And, of course, the first order of business was to call Karen, the bestie. A grin spread across her face at the teasing tone.
“Is Karen there? It’s a hoe-mergancy,” said Cassandra, playing along.
“This is the Madam speaking.”
“Oh! Perfect! I’m hoe-ping you can help me.”
Karen stifled a laugh at the pun. “We can handle all matters, small and big.”
“Wonderful. Because I need someone large, broad and tattooed. Oh! And maybe a nice beard? I’m gonna need something nice to ride.”
That was the last straw. They both busted out laughing. Cassi hit her turn signal and continued down the long country highway back into the city. Once the laughter died down, Cassi let out a small excited squeal. “When are we leaving?”
Karen groaned a bit as she rolled out of bed, a small thunk heard in the background as her feet hit the floor. “Uh, I was thinking we could get dinner, wait out some of the traffic then head up after dark. “
“Perfect. Just lemme get home and make sure I’ve got everything and then I’ll head that way.”
With music blaring in the small gray suv, time passed quickly. As Cassi pulled up to the residential school Karen lived and worked at, she shot a quick “Here bitch” text in lieu of honking the horn.  Karen opened the back passenger door and slid her bags into the seat and floorboard.
“I’m so fucking ready to be out of this place.”
“Same. But first- foods.”
Karen half moaned her agreement.
“Cock-Out?” Karen suggested.
“Eh. Taco Hell?”
“Not before a road trip.”
“Valid point,” Cassi nodded.
“Oh!” Karen perked up, plugging her phone charger into the carport, “How about Zaxby’s?”
Cassi grinned as she put her car into reverse. “Sounds good to me!” She pulled out and headed towards the restaurant while Karen put on their road trip playlist. The two had decided, since their typical “Friendsgiving” plans had fallen through with the rest of their friends away with familial obligations, that they would take a trip to the mountains about two hours north of their small city to spend their break drinking, eating and enjoying the cool weather. If they were lucky, maybe they'd be enjoying a man or two as well.
After getting fuel for both themselves and the car as well as a few drinks and snacks for the road. Two and a half hours later the two pulled into the tiny town that boasted a fair bit of tourism depending on the season. Most of which were romantic getaways, honeymoons and the like, occasionally a biker club or caravan would stop for the night on their way through.
They pulled over at the largest of the town’s- of Aberdeenvalle’s- three gas stations.  Cassi stretched letting out a long, low moan. “Uggghhhhhhhaaa. Oi.” She shook out her clothes and arched her feet a bit. Karen mimicked with her own stretch and groan combination, adding a small yawn.
“Alright. Should be just a few miles from the check in place but I’m not sure how far the actual cabin is. I know it’s past all the newer camping sites.”
Cassi nods at Karen, who planned the whole trip, and shivers a bit as a cool wind blows past them. The early evening got cold fast in the Appalachian Mountains and Cassi was still in a thin gray cotton t-shirt and cute cuffed jean shorts. Karen was much more ready for the temperature in a thick red wrap and dark wash jeans. They enter the small store laughing and karen heads towards the bathroom in the back corner. Cassi grabs another large bottle of water, a few packs of jerky and walks to the counter to pay for that and the gas. The young guy behind the register nodded to her giving a standard “Hello, how are you today?”
“Hello,” Cassi smiled “And 15 on three, please.” She placed her items on the counter. He began ringing them up. “Other than leaf watching and drinking, what is there to do around here?”
He looked up at her, “Ya’ll stayin’?”
“Yep! Whole week.”
“Hmmm....” he handed her her receipt, “Not much” he shrugged. “If ya like to walk, there's a park with a nice hiking trail. Just don’t stay too close to nightfall.”
Cassi scrunched her face up and tilted her head a bit at his strange and vague warning but thanked him nonetheless as Karen joined her grabbing the bag and heading back out to the car.
“What was that all about?” Karen asks.
“I dunno,” Cassi shrugged, “Asked about shit to do, got a ‘don’t go out alone at night’ instead.” She grinned at her friend, one side of her face lifting and showing her teeth, “I mean, what kind of woman does he take me for? How else am I supposed to have fun?” Karen laughed with her.
“Slut,” she shot at Cassi.
“I know.”
They climbed back up into the car and slowly drove the last 20 minutes deeper into the mountains and pulled up to a large two story, wooden cabin with a brightly lit front porch and a small wooden sign with “Merritt Cabins and Camping” carven into it. A worn layer of paint making the letters stand out. Parking and turning off the engine, the girls smile and quickly jog up the steps to check in. An older man greets them in the spacious lobby.
He smiled gently, “Welcome ladies!” His shoulders were once broad and thick but his body now shrunk due to age. He had graying hair, cropped close to his tan wrinkled skin, soft dark eyes and a slight hunch, leaning on the polished wood slab counter. He was wholly warm and welcoming. Cassi, for one, was glad. She wasn’t sure quite what to expect. She trusted Karen to plan everything and although she wasn’t expecting some eldritch demon or a pack of werewolves to be at the front desk, there never was any telling with Karen so a normal cabin and not some hidden mountain BDSM dungeon was a pleasant surprise.
Karen talks to him while Cassi looks around a bit, admiring the log architecture and the rustic wood-based decor. She turned back around in time to see him pull a small map from the display set and unfolded it on the desk. Cassi peered over it beside Karen. It was surprisingly modern looking. Well organized and clearly marked, it even had restaurants and places of interests from around town- including the mountain hiking trail. He flipped it over and pointed to a blue square. “This is us, here,” he explained. “Your cabin is this one up here,” he tapped a red square farther up the mountain, “Two bedrooms, two baths, great view, over 2000 ft above sea level. ‘S’even got a fireplace. You’ll love it.” he grinned at us. He gave them easy directions and even marked them on the map so they wouldn’t forget.
Cassi smiled, “Thank you, Mr. Merritt.” She folded up the map and they went back to the car. Rolling down the windows to enjoy the fresh evening air and following his directions they were given in the dark, they pull up to a beautiful redwood log cabin. It was smaller, two story built right onto the side of the the mountain giving a beautiful view of the south east forests below the furnished wrap around porch. She pulled up to the front door and parked on the gravel, grinning.
The cabin was comfortably decorated. Not flashy or overdone but casual and warm feeling. Large windows covered nearly every wall, the red, drawn back, floor-to-ceiling curtains causing the setting sun to illuminate the living room on the first floor and the open planned kitchen. Upstairs was another, smaller living space and a small hallway that split the two bedrooms, each with a- Cassi and Karen discovered- gorgeous bathroom attached. Cassi took the master since it had a massive garden tub and Karen wasn’t a “bath person”, unlike Cassi.
Seriously. It was huge. Cassi was never a small woman. She was more than enough for anyone to handle with broad shoulders, strong arms and legs, large breasts, a thick waist and wide, rounded hips and thighs. She was a generous size 20 and this tub could easily fit three of her. She squealed when she saw it, hands clenched at her chest. She nearly jumped for joy.
But first, she was going to unpack. “Hey, bitch!”
“What's the plan?”
“Uh… Drink?” Karen peeped around the doorframe into the bathroom, “Woah.”
“Ch- Yeah!” Cassi grinned, “Thanks for lettin’ me have the masters, boo.”
“I’m so using that before we leave,” she said, pointing to the oversized bathtub.
Cassi let out a small laugh, mostly snort really, “We could both use that- at the same time.”
Karen nodded.
“Anyways! What's the plan for tonight?”
“Drinking- I just said that!”
“Okay, okay, let's get everything in, shower and then we drink the night away! Then we can go get breakfast after we wake from the dead,” Cassi laughed.
They did just that. If someone had seen how much liquor and mixers the two women brought into the kitchen, they surely would have thought it was for a party, or at least a large family of alcoholics.  Bottles of vodka, rum, tequila and wine, three handles of fireball and a small bottle of everclear. They reasoned that should be enough to last them the week.
They got a head start- three shots for Cassi and one for the lightweight Karen- then played a few rounds of High-low. Karen smashed Cassi in five rounds, Cassi won three of her own. Then they moved on to an adjusted game of bullshit. Before they could even finish the deck in bullshit, they were both rolling on the floor laughing loudly at nothing. By this time Cassi had stipped down to a sports bra and short sleeping shorts and Karen was in a tank top and lounge pants. Cassi tended to lose clothes as she drank.
Cassi also tended to wake up early and without a hangover after a night of heavy drinking. Karen- not so much.
So, while Karen stayed asleep, Cassi went out to get a breakfast at the little cafe, figuring she’d eat then pick up a few groceries.
Her tight jeans and oversized red and black plaid flannel over a cream colored tank top was warm enough in the cool mountain air. Her favorite black combat boots kept her feet warm and were comfy to walk around the small town in.
She sat down in the cafe's outside seating, the metal cool through her clothes but still a relaxing feeling. She ordered a small breakfast, just oatmeal and fruit, not being able to stomach large amounts of greasy food with her stomach still full of liquor from just a few hours prior. And coffee. lots and lots of coffee. She joked with the waiter, an older jovial man with a strong accent and far too many pins attached to his suspenders for them to be comfortable, to just leave the pot. Three cups of coffee- with two sugars and two creamers each- in, her breakfast is interrupted.  A far too large hand quietly places itself onto the black metal chair across from her. She takes inventory of the deep scarring across the knuckles and the protruding veins. And the size. It wouldn't be a stretch for that hand to cover her entire face. Her eyes dart up to the interruption face- skipping his arm and chest completely. Cassi is momentarily stunned. He had dark green eyes, long hair pulled back into a tight - black, maybe dark brown in color? It was hard to tell. His beard was thick and short but obviously well taken care of. His jaw was strong and angular and Cassi could just make out a few silvery scars along his high cheekbone on the left side of his face. ​This is unreal. Cassi though, Seriously. What romance novel is this jackass from?? "Can I help you?" she asked. He just stared at her, taking her in, eyes roaming over and over her generous, curved figure; over each roll and lump, each scar and mark visible, he found. Not judging, Cassi could tell, just looking. So she looked back. Well fit, dark gray Henley with long sleeves, and the top button undone. His arms well built and waist, though obviously muscled, thick set and leading into wide-set legs covered in loose jeans. Cassi's eyes darted back up to his face. His fuckin' attractive face. "Right." she said shortly, "Good talk. " She turned back to her food and the logic puzzle she was completing, effectively dismissing him by ignoring him.  She heard a low, gravelly grunt that sent suppressed shivers up her spine before the hand removed itself from the chair opposite her. She watched him swagger away out of the corner of her eye . "Well," she murmured to herself, "that was weird." She finished and stretched, the paid for her food at the counter inside with a sweet, "Thank you!" She walked up the road to the little corner grocery store. It was a quaint and cute town. Cassi decided she like it. It was warming seeing how the people here interacted. Everyone seemed to know everyone and everyone seemed to get along. It reminded her of home, of her childhood- or at least the positive parts of it. The grocery store was brightly lit and filled with fresh, local produce and meats. It was strange and more market than grocer. She picked up the basics- milk, bread, butter, rice, a few fruits and veggies. The last thing she picked up was meat, making sure to pick up bacon for Karen. It was enough to last them but not too much for her to carry, albeit it would be with a bit difficulty. Right as she walked out the store, a few kids sped by on skateboards. They got a little two close and nearly knocked her over, She caught herself but, unfortunately, still dropped her bag of produce "Shit." She bend down on one knee to start gathering up her groceries. A hand shot out to grab a run-away apple. One that wasn't hers. Deja vu. She looked up to see her apple's savior and found, yet another, overly attractive man. This one was thinner than the last. He had tattoos from the wrist of his outstretched hand all the way up to the sleeve stretched over his bicep. Still had a sharp jaw, though significantly less square, a five o'clock shadow, bright blue eyes and light pink lips stretched into a charming smile. "Here, cher," he offered, scooping up more of the scattered produce and placing them back into the bag. "Oh..." Cassi caught herself staring, mouth open slightly. She shook her head a bit and smiled back, "Thank you! So much." "Oh no pro'lem. My pleasure, really." He took another bag from her, easing her load and then motioned her ahead. Cassi smiled and accepted his silent offer to help her. "You've got a bit of an unusual accent, cher- for these parts, at least," he started, "Where you from?" At least this one speaks Cassi thought and laughed to herself softly. "South Carolina. Born and raised. Up here with a friend for a little vacation. What about you?" "Naw, I'm a transplant, ma' self. I found I liked it up here, s'rprisin'ly." Cassi smiled at him as they got to her car, she unlocked the doors and placed the bags she had in the back seat, grabbing the bags the stranger had from his hands as well.  "Well, lucky for me then. Thank you...?" "Lucien. Lucien Corbeau." "Thank you, Lucien." "And what should I call you?" Cassi hummed to herself, making a show of looking him up and down, noticing the tattoos wrapping around his right arm in detail. "I think I like 'cher'," she grinned, "But you can call me tonight, if you'd like." Cassi grinned as she grabbed his warm hand and pulled it to her exposing the broad expanse of skin on the soft underside of his right arm to her. She bit the cap of a purple pen and tugged then scrawled her number along his arm. His grin matched hers as she spun on her heels and got into her car. By the time she got all the groceries unloaded and made some bacon, Karen had finally risen from the dead. Cassi smirked at her friend and started the coffee pot. "Goooood morning, sunshine!" Cassi sang. Karen glared in response and snatched a piece of bacon, plopping into the carved wooden chair. "Know what'll make ya feel better?" A grunt. "A shot." "Fuck that. No ma'am," Cassi snickered at her friend, Karen glared harder in return before giving up and eating more bacon. Cassi poured two cups of coffee and set one down in front of Karen. Her phone rang out with a ding before she should sit down to finish her own coffee. Karen sent her a glance as she opened the text message. "Who's that from?" Cassi sent her a sly look and shrugged casually. "Oh just some guy." Karen snorted, "Slut." Cassi shrugged. "So, is it Josh or KC?" "Neither." Karen playfully gasped, "Oh you are a slut!" Cassi laughed. "He helped me with the groceries! I dropped them!"
The two busted out laughing. The girls calmed down and Karen crunched on more bacon.  Cassi smiled and unlocked her phone again, finally reading her message.
"Hello, cher"
Cassi tapped out her reply quickly.
"Aren't you eager, Mr Corbeau?"​
"How could I not be?"
Cassi hadn't expected a response so quickly. Hm.
She ​ tapped a finger on the table for a second, thinking of how to reply. She kind of liked the excited attention he was giving her.
"I'm not sure. I mean, if I could meet myself, I'd be pretty excited too! Lol" ​ No, that's not right. She erased it. "Who knows?"  Better.
"I hope you wouldn't think me too eager then, if I ask you to coffee tomorrow night?"
"Hmmm... No I don't supposed I would."
"In that case, How does coffee sound tomorrow, cher?"
"Well I suppose, but only because I love coffee." Cassi laughed to herself.
They set a time and place to meet the next night, all the while Lucien calling her "Cher". The ridiculous pet name made Cassi smile. And then gag at her own girly giddiness.
"Aye yo, bitch!" Cassi called from the couch where she had posted up to text with Lucien.
"What?" Karen responded from the kitchen, around her bottle of water.
"What do you want to do today?"
Karen shruged, "I am not doing shit till I get a shower."
"Don't blame you there." Cassi thought for  a second, "How about we check out that trail? It feels fuckin' amazing outside today."
Karen shot her a look, "Oh I'm sure it did feel fuckin' amazing."
"Bitch." Cassi laughed.
The trail was beautiful. The entire mountain was, honestly. Cassi had packed her small backpack with a few bottles of water, her well supplied first aid kit, some snacks and a few photography supplies. Her tightly laced boots were comfortable on her feet and let her explore all the terrain the mountain had to offer. She kept her compact digital camera around her neck in case she found something spectacular. She
The two girls laughed and enjoyed the fresh air around them. After an hour of leisurely walking and stopping every now and then to capture a wonderful, they reached the 2 mile marker on the trail. It was now nearly 3 in the afternoon and Karen was ready to head back and take a shower. Cassi wanted to press on deeper into the mountain and hopefully get a few more pictures. So they compromised.
They walked together back to the base of the trail and Karen continued to the cabin while Cassi turned around and took a different trail.
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