#the bird call in the video was missing the last hoo too
just found out I'm pitch-perfect but only for bird calls
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Three things you wish for
Oooh very good question, let’s see here…
1. To meet you (and a couple other friends) in real life :)
I want to be able to have an audible conversation that isn’t a video call, and I want to be able to see you with my very own eyes instead of through a screen, and I want to be able to hug you and laugh together and chat and laugh some more and HUG and be there with you. I really very much want this :’)
I also REALLY hekkin want to be able to go places with you!! Like a gas station (fun) or a grocery store (possibly probably chaotic) or a restaurant (I’ve actually thought about how I’ve wanted to go to a restaurant with you for a while, Pinestripe!)
2. To like… Ghostbur 😭 I don’t know alsgajsgajsg
I want him to have a happy ending (REGARDLESS OF WHAT CC!WILBUR SAYS, REMAINING IN LIMBO IS NOT HAPPY! EVEN IF GHOSTBUR HAS FRIEND! NO, MY DUDE! THAT IS JUST NOT A HAPPY ENDING, AT ALL!) and I want him to get out of that cursed train station (I literally almost started Crying last week because I kept thinking about how alone and scared Ghostbur must feel) and I want… I don’t know.
I just… hm.
Usually, when something I don’t like happens with a character I do like, I get frustrated, sure, and upset and sad and maybe angry. That’s normal; I love certain characters, after all, and I want them to be okay. If they’re not okay or they’re not handled well, I get upset. That’s very normal—not just for me, but for everyone.
Like with Tech from The Bad Batch! I was heartbroken when he died, and I was upset (I literally shrieked/screamed when I watched him die, which has never happened when I watch something lol) and I was sad… but I got over it. I’m still sad, of course, and I miss him, but I’m alright. I have achieved ✨Acceptance✨
But with Ghostbur… gosh, man. It’s very, very different.
I’m extremely upset over his “ending”—and not that normal upset-ness I’m used to. No, this is like… deeper, I think. To the point where it genuinely makes me upset/sad/angry/heartbroken if I think about it too much, which doesn’t really happen for any other character.
Gosh. I just wish I could whisk him out of that horrible limbo and make sure he never ever has to go back there again. He doesn’t belong there. That limbo isn’t even his—it’s Wilbur’s (not that I want Wilbur there either, but still).
I also want to give Ghostbur a hug 😭 I have never wanted to give a fictional character a hug before, but I just… GAHHHHH GHOSTBUR WHY AREN’T YOU REALLLLL
I also really want—and I know this is impossible, really, and will likely never ever happen—to see Ghostbur… live. During a stream. I want to be able to watch him and go, “This is happening right now. This isn’t a clip, this is live. This is right now. It’s GHOSTBUR!!!”
But I know that’ll probably never happen. Doesn’t stop me from wanting it, though.
3. To graduate high school with no problems when that time comes 🫠
I’m behind on math, and I’m not too good at math—all my other subjects are good, and I get good grades on ‘em, but math? Hoo boy. I struggle with that one.
And it worries me, because I don’t want to not graduate—not be able to graduate—because of stupid math. I’m literally good with everything else isn’t that enough 😭
So yeahhh. That. Sighs :’)
Three animals you’d love to take care of in your house
1. My dog, Ginger <3
I mean, come on. Look at her!
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She’s the best dog ever and she’s so sweet and so smart and so darn adorable and I don’t ever want to not have her in the same house as me. I know someday she won’t be here, especially since she’s getting older, but I tRY NOT TO THINK ABOUT THAT NO SIR
2. I’ve entertained the idea of adopting a bird someday :) I don’t know the breed/name, but I think it might be a type of parrot? Light grey with light pink, medium-sized. I think they look beautiful and I know they’re smart!
I definitely haven’t looked into this though, so I’d need to do that before I decide whether or not I want to get a bird.
3. Honestly? I think I’m good. I don’t want to have a whole bunch of animals in the house with me (I love animals so much but I don’t want to take care of a bunch, necessarily). As long as I have Ginger I’m just fine <3
Three things you are the most passionate about
1. At the moment, Dream SMP!! I’m so so excited over that silly little server and I know so many Facts and I love watching the streams and the characters are fantastic and GHOSTBUR and it’s so darn unique and interesting and TOMMY and it has so many awesome elements like hobbit-houses and blue sheep and benches and WILBUR and it’s Minecraft so it’s a bit sillier than the average fandom and there’s so much humor and Chaos and that makes it pretty overwhelming at times lol but also so so nice and lighthearted but there’s also SERIOUS ANGST and those themes are tackled, for the most part, extremely well and DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS OKAY this fandom is blessed by the amount of intense platonic relationships there are so many best friends and brothers and siblings and it’s incredible I am so happy oh my goodness and the brokenness oughhhh like in most media brokenness is cast aside or hidden or taken lightly but NOT HERE NO WAY in fact brokenness is front and center and everyone is broken and everyone has messed up so so bad but a lot of them *cough Tommy cough* still try to be good and they try so so hard and the brokenness makes them human and !!!!!
2. Mmmmm maybe perhaps… music??
Music in the listening-to sense—I’m not talking about me singing or anything XD
Lately, especially, I’ve been listening to tons and tons of music, and goshhhh. It’s so darn good 😭
Whether it’s a specific song, an artist I like, lyrics, hidden meanings, whatever, I just. Really really like music. A lot. I could probably go on for hours about songs I like and what I think they mean—in fact, I’d probably love doing that 😅
3. Hmm… let me think.
Oh! Probably writing!
Just… coming up with stories, and fantasizing about those stories, and bringing them to life with the tap of a finger (or, lots and lots of taps lol). I love it!! I love the fact that I can create stories and craft them by arranging words together :D
I’m super darn grateful that God has blessed me with such a passion for writing, and I’m curious about where’s that’s gonna go in the future!
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b0x · 5 years
i hate that post that's like “we would've gotten a better trilogy if they'd just let rian johnson write all three films than playing hot potato with jj” like i get the point it's trying to make but you're forgetting that rj was fighting tooth and nail for the tlj r*ylo narrative since day 1 so you do realise we would've just gotten the same trilogy as we got now.......
further Thoughts on the trilogy as a whole and a few troc spoilers under the cut
also you KNOW that even if jj COULD have had a hand in saving it... there’s no saving a screenplay written by the guy who did the justice league films
No Comment. No Thoughts. Head Empty. everything post tfa was doomed from the start
have you SEEN the screenwriters for tfa? THAT’S why that one was so good, THAT’S why tfa succeeded as an excellent reboot of a long-dormant franchise. kasdan and arndt and jj should've been on for ALL THREE, and if they couldn’t, then a hiatus was the way to fucking go. rian never should have Touched it, never should have even Looked in its direction.
tfa had the essence of sw BECAUSE the essence of sw wrote it! tlj and tros isn’t sw!!!! 
they rly just tried to make Anakin..... 2! with kylo... but somehow... even Worse. you can’t make an anakin story Without showing kylo’s motives and morals - oh, except, you Did show his motives and morals, and they were in no way redeeming whatsoever! anakin had a whole ARC of complexity that allows for endless discussion on morality and justifiability that led him to earn his redemption. all kylo had was a blood tie to han and leia, which!!!! if anything!!!!!! made his motives and morals WORSE, knowing that he had the most IDEAL most loving and perfect upbringing and he still chose the dark side. that makes any love received from han or leia or luka or even fucking rey completely insignificant because we ALREADY KNOW what it means to him. all of this shit was so worthless!!!!!!!! fuck!
and i have a lot to say about rian johnson because i Cannot for the life of me believe the guy behind BRICK (2005) was taken on for tlj, WHILE TFA WASN’T EVEN FINISHED YET. i really didn’t think this had to be said but that is just NOT how you make a Trilogy. that is how you make Three Separate Films and guess what! that is exactly what we got! and it honestly saddens me to think that the guy behind the beautiful 6 minute music video ‘oh baby’ by lcd sound system, inspired by some of his greatest work in looper (and even brick!), would then take the absolute worst of his worst and apply that to a star wars franchise that desperately needed his best. and there’s something hilarious about that too, that you have this huge sandbox FULL of belief-suspending ridiculousness and STILL somehow make it fail? make it atrocious? that takes skill. it’s like that one post that was like “you have to ACTUALLY put EFFORT into making something this bad” like it’s no longer silly mistakes or lacklustre energy, this was ACTIVE sabotage.
the fact rian Had the Understanding of the core concepts of star wars right in his hands, but somehow completely missed the entire point of them? if you look at the films he screened to his story group during the development of tlj... this handful of culturally and historically significant war films that just seem like he screened for aesthetic and reference purposes only instead of actually exploring and analysing the importance and criticism of the exonerating war propaganda and racist source materials and using these films to inspire the actual groundwork of some of the root themes of current climates and today’s culture in a sw universe... i bet big bucks on the fact that twelve o clock high was only screened to inspire the air battle on crait (red salt planet) and because of ‘VIII Bomber Command’ because ha ha hee hee tlj is episode VIII and hoo hoo hoo *you’ve been gnomed.mp4* 
the general rule is this: when reading ANY report on tlj and tros and something like “the characters came first” is mentioned, just exit out the window, it’s already a botched article/thinkpiece.
i’m also thinking a lot about how arndt translated his first draft for tfa into a script for eight months and said he needed 18 more, which disney and jj said no to, so he left, and IMMEDIATELY after jj kept saying how relieved he was that the release date was delayed and gave him more time that he also needed. like.. you had your lesson then and there. did they learn from it? *disney forcing rian to write tlj at the same time as tfa was still being made* No!
i am ALSO thinking about how they had considered fincher, brad bird, jon favreau, del toro, even getting development suggestions by spielberg.......... and rian johnson is who they called up for tlj.... my head is... empty.
just give the fucking thing to taika waititi he understands the nuances of the socio-political climates of sw’s narratives built around a guise of a fun sci-fi fantasy adventure-drama. he understands. that’s literally the very definition of his style of writing and directing. Makes You Think Why The Mandalorian Is A Hit.... they already gave him 2 mandalorian episodes just give him the whole franchise i cant take it anymore. 
AND NOW THEY’RE GIVING RIAN JOHNSON A WHOLE NEW TRILOGY? RIAN? RIAN JOHNSON? THEY’RE GIVING HIM A WHOLE NEW TRILOGY AFTER WHAT HAPPENED... HERE. SURE.. OKAY . ALRIGHT. IT’S HONESTLY MIND-BLOWING. THE THOUGHT PROCESS THAT GOES INTO CONSECUTIVE DECISIONS SUCH AS THIS. like i would LOVE to see footage of the board meeting for this. no sarcasm i am GENUINELY curious to hear what was said to greenlight this. i have GOT to know what post tros board meetings about this will be like. 
anyway! op of that post! i will be thinking about you when the new rj trilogy drops!
what’s worse about this whole trilogy is that.. they Had it. they had it in the bag with tfa. they HAD the original idea they HAD the power to make a sw trilogy set to current climates JUST LIKE THE PREVIOUS TRILOGIES DID, cos that’s what sw is all about! what it was ALWAYS about! a space opera reflective of current times and climates. but disney turned it into a Keeping Up With The Skywalkers reality tv show that’s nothing more than a sci-fi fantasy light show and vfx flex to keep the brand alive, and personally, i think that’s ultimately one of the reasons it’s so hated and why it failed (of course rampant misogyny/sexism, racism, homophobia under the guise of geek culture within the sw community and in the production itself is a whole other discussion and is another humongous part of why it’s hated and why it failed)
and it’s why hamill had every right to criticise tlj the way he did with rotj, why boyega and isaac and ridley had Every right to their commentary on their distaste of the second and third instalments. how the only reason they’d rescind what they said was due to their contracts. how their silence was necessary to squeeze every last dollar out of consumers because god forbid a potential boycott due to their own star’s “controversial” (Correct) judgements and disapprovals
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they really had it in the bag..
a female protagonist who could be a chosen one regardless of her blood and family ties, a protagonist that reflected the importance and validity of found family, and the idea that Anyone can be a “Skywalker”, a symbol of hope and a fighter for justice and goodness and love in the world, especially in the darkest of times... a young woman being just as powerful, as Chosen, as essential as Luke and Anakin were... a narrative that couldve been commentary on the necessity of women needing to do double the work, make double the effort, to earn the same spot of her counterparts. and with the second and third instalments, especially NOW, with the growth and vocalisation of the MeToo movement, the narrative of strength to speak out against abusers, to fight back and to thrive, a symbol of justice, to teach that men such as kylo who refuse consequence, who actively and soberly choose violence and manipulation for the strengthening of the self, who will ignore and deny all opportunities to better the self, to know their guilt, to make up for their actions, are the ones who are irredeemable. that people like him are not owed any time or understanding or belief in, when that belief perpetuates the violent and oppressive nature they are indefinitely attracted to and make themselves defined by.
a black hero raised by violence and refusing to be defined by it and unlocking the force within as a symbol of that strength within over encompassing goodness, to have a hero that breaks that harmful narrative stereotype that black characters have had for decades and still continue to do so, to have a voice and a hero that fights with love and kindness, that is able to find family and support in a place beyond what he believes he is allowed to have, the significance of a hero being deemed a “traitor”, a term that holds weight in the shame of seeking your own independence and identity, versus the cathartic empowerment of thriving in the independence you make for yourself in the end. a black hero that defeats his oppressors, oppressors that belong to a policing fascist regime, a faction that has always from the very beginning been a depiction of nazis, of authoritarian nationalism. 
a canonical gay latino man freedom fighter, being the best in his career as a literal symbol of hope for the resistance, a literal symbol of the climates for lgbt folk in regards to resisting those same fascist nazi regimes, resisting laws against lgbt existence, lgbt employability, lgbt success. a man who grew into a legacy of heroism, surrounded by it, something that could have been powerful poignant commentary on the necessity to sacrifice lives so others like his didn’t have to, the very narrative to fight for a world that the innocents and the ones he loves could have peace in, could have a future in, could Exist in. poe fights in the skies because he knew damn well the effect of believing in someone that is human, like you, instead of a force that is bigger than anything you could ever know or believe in. poe brings humanity and realism to an otherwise fanatical universe of magic and religion and chaos of endless war that means nothing, that is based on nothing. poe is commentary on fighting a fight that you have no choice but to fight, that you are forced to fight from birth just for the very act of Existing. his humanity and realism is a significant grounding necessity for our two protagonist heroes and it is appalling that he’d just be discarded the way he was, shallowly played off as sideline comic relief, much like lgbt narratives and characters are expressed in pretty much ANY media today, so it comes as no surprise. 
the three most vital narratives that should have been told in this trilogy but no of course not (disney voice) gimme my Fackin MANEY. it’s the silence of marginalised voices cleverly disguised under hollow face-value representation.
honestly, even rey being blood-related to palpatine as his granddaughter was such a strong and perfect set-up for The Narrative That Could’ve Been TM, but instead they had palpatine make it a whole weird pseudo-marriage thing that was just so. backwards and unbelievably shocking that it was in a 2019 era star wars film.
wow marriage story and the rise of skywalker really is the same movie huh
yes we wanted a grey jedi protagonist hero that gets tempted by the dark side but this was the absolute worst way that could’ve been explored. like if they were just gonna recycle old characters and old storylines and make them worse they could’ve at least looked at darth maul or asajj ventress and the nightsisters
and NO WONDER oscar looked so DEFEATED every time finnpoe was mentioned cos he fought for that shit tooth and nail and they? ? ? they gave him a funny ha ha hee hee hoo hoo straight flirt scene? ? with like his ex or something, where they imply they get back together? COMPLETELY destroying the ENTIRE narrative of his character that was so lovingly built and developed in the Official Canon Comic Series About Him ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
NO WORDS. there are NO WORDS. head EMPTY. no not even empty there's NO HEAD at all i am BEHEADED
finn had NOTHING in this film. Nothing. how are you gonna make him a joint-protag with rey and give him Nothing? 
anyone with brain cells knows that what finn truly was trying to tell rey the entire film was that he was force sensitive, i will take this to my grave, and that should’ve built up to this grand reveal where they empower each other and take down palpatine and kylo as one, as the joint-protagonists they were Literally Fucking Written And Built Up To Be. they gave EVERY antagonist to REY. what was the POINT. rey had her significant clash with kylo across two films, hell, even in this one (before the Final one), tros was the penultimate film about her family, her bloodline, so her significant final battle should have been with palpatine a la rotj. the person who DESERVED to clash with and take down kylo once and for all was FINN, even a TODDLER would understand WHY. 
but considering everything, i would take the thing finn was trying to tell her the entire film being that he loves her ANY DAY if it meant whatever the fuck we got instead Never Happened.
finn got made general and not only was it a blink-and-you-miss bit but it adds NOTHING, yes it’s something to celebrate and of Course he deserves it, but it holds zero significance to him as a character. like i mentioned earlier, when han was made general, that never defined him. he was still han solo and it took a Dozen other significant scenarios and twists to make him a significant and vital memorable character. han solo isn’t known for “being a general”. he’s known for being han fucking solo, a critical puzzle piece in the taking down of the empire, a scamp-turned-deeply-loyal friend and lover, a man who not only got his own personal storyline concluded to the level it deserved to be (the repercussions of his bounty hunter life, the importance of the falcon, his relationships with lando, luke, and leia, his triumph over his captors even when it was luke and leia who freed him). 
side note, this was maybe the one thing that tfa screwed up, the entire point and development of the original trilogy, it sort of felt a bit moot with how they put a “twist” on han, leia and luke’s relationship, especially when it came to kylo. but i think there are some forgivable aspects to it for the sake of the new trio, and that’s why those executive decisions kind of Worked! this is, of course, for another discussion bc this is about the new trilogy.
leia IS known for being a general because part of her entire storyline revolves around it and the significance of it!!! which is why finn being made general just feels so... i don’t know! just completely disrespectful, to both him as a character, and to generals who are defined by this position (such as, hello!!!!! poe!!! poe fucking dameron!!!! a man raised by the resistance!!! a man who’s entire life and prior legacy was entirely dedicated to the resistance!!!! him being made general MEANT something). it’s like rubbing salt in the wound of the fact that finn has been discarded as the protagonist he was meant to be, the story, development and conclusion he never got, just to slap general on him and call it a day and then write about his actual development in a novel that 3/4ths of the ppl who watch the films will never read. 
and that's just the core story stuff!!! do NOT get me started on the general lore proposed in this shit. i’m talking about the force ghost nonsense and the convenience of some of the timing choices (rewriting the way death works in sw, claiming that rey “didn’t really die/wasn’t really dead” since she didn’t fade which in itself completely destroys the entire plot they were going for with the resurrection scene, the timing of the fades themselves bullshitted for “dramatic cinematic purposes”), the entire palpatine storyline, the bullshit with snoke and the lack of explanation, all these one-off characters that have the lore capacity of an overwatch character when instead they could have developed the ones that already existed and had the opportunity to be fleshed out and CARED about
the FACT that HUX (hux!!!!!!!!!) had a more interesting storyline in all three films with a total screentime of maybe 10 minutes than these one-offs whose only purpose is to stroke the cock of sw nostalgia seekers and lore aficionados. to make these characters so inaccessible that to fully appreciate them, fans have to dive into hundreds of different novels and comics and games and whatnot. like if you make it so that the Only way someone can experience a character’s full essence is by reading their wiki page then you’ve failed in creating them, in writing them, in including them, in using them, in whatever them. you’ve just failed as a creator.
and the ONLY reason hux got a reaction (a barebones reaction but a reaction nonetheless) out of me was because they essentially just turned him into phasma 2 which is SO telling of the climate of this trilogy.
it’s a recycled trilogy. that’s all it is. it’s a recycled series of films where tfa’s originality was completely entirely scrapped and ignored because rian wanted to write his personal fanfiction more than he wanted to continue the story he was given, and did everything he could to insert that whenever he could, and kennedy, of course, let him, because she realised giving herself indulging content other than fifty shades and radfem articles that she could jerk off to was more important than telling a critical story where its wonder and valuable, influential morals could’ve stayed in this generation’s minds for years to come.
if you want to watch tros just watch the prequel trilogy instead you'll get the same story except actually good.
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hgfstreamchats · 5 years
The Grinch
This week, I have no option for inputting audio. I'm sure this was some attempt to streamline the features in only the best of intentions that went horribly awry. Or, they don't know their hands from their asses. either/or AND OF COURSE THE SHINY NEW ALTERNATIVE IS DOWN. Bah. Naturally We could... watch with subtitles? That's no fun. Let me restart and if that doesn't work, we'll fall back on watch2together or one of the other options nobody likes. Hooray! ...Well, I'm livid! There, there. SOMEthing will work. We could try... sharetube?  I've only just heard about that one, not tried it Oh, doesn't seem to work... What did we do between rabbit and kast? I remember we tried a whole slew of options. I mean it seems to sort of half-work but I can't seem to get specific videos Yeah, but none of them seemed to quite work.  There was one that wanted us to download something and I think one that wouldn't play anything Wait. Let me try one more thing. SUCCESS! Fingers crossed, everyone... WOO AHA Oh man The Dragon Prince is so good it IS, I'm not caught up on it though just the first season It just gets better Time to reward ourselves with some well earned this. YES Yes! That 'extended cut' caught my attention I admit Classic. A normal interaction! spoof? let's watch that! I'm sure it would have continued to be perfectly normal had the parents not walked in It was at the top of the list on the video page Oh my god a;sdjfldjfsl At first I thought this was a redub, but THIS one however is my favorite, personally. Wow ASDL;JFDLDSFKJ; *eyebrows* I like the subtlety Likewise! Quick and to the point. Is there another window open? I keep hearing more sounds and someone's voice Better? Hrn no audio at all now THERE we go Wonderful! You know, I think just having snowballs made FOR you misses the point ...So did HE put up all those signs, or did they At least the dog seems happy in this one Man, this song is terrible Much happier than Halloween Max. psh mold spice I like that he took the time to garnish his depression spaghetti. And light candles. gotta take a self care day awwww Hahhaha I think this officially counts as assault Following him around to make his ears bleed Gosh, I wonder why he doesn't like christmas!  It must be because there's something wrong with him and not because they're all very annoying He's within his full rights to defend himself Ewwwww He's fully justified in stabbing at least three of them. If you want to help your mother, sit down and eat your eggs. "Sorry I struck you in the skull at 20 miles per hour." hahahah just visit santa in person, like in that other movie! okay okay the timing of that with 'DECK' the halls was hilarious I admit It was very cute. That is a nice cave though It's nicer than any of the Who homes. spacious, good ventalation, Giant crystals growing out of the bathroom walls. Could use some carpet, but I'm sorry but why does he have a banquet table for 30 people space, so he can make max sit on the opposite end can't risk any semblence of closeness He likes to feel fancy. Look at him, he's having fun awww oh my gosh a little picture of them Oh my god "It's 3000 years old and now it's dead!" That tree was probably like 800 years old lololol But hey!  Who cares, as long as they get to have it dying in the town square for a month And not even that, since it's four days before Christmas. I bet her wish is for her mom to meet someone For the month of January, they find a seven story whale and drop it in the center of town to slowly dehydrate. Ooh a turtle kid's got good taste honey no That's just insult tin injury Hello there, extremely realistic depiction of a panic attack. Yyyup yeah that is something Wait so he used to live here Why is he the only... whatever his species is so lemme get this straight The only one in the area, at least. the entire community is close and tight-knit and involves everyone with everything for the holidays but the completely isolate the orphanage from joining any festivities?? Except him, because... he's an orphan?  Because he's green? Yeah that is fucked Was he the only orphan in the place? Did he just slip off into the mountains and they wrote it off as an acceptable amount of orphans to lose? this revelation is horrifying So he was like... a small child when he went off to live by himself as a hermit he's completely justified in being bitter And Max is his little service dog. oh god I did NOT need to see that How does he get all this stuff, is he rich Does he steal it Probably. Sit. And eat. Your food. She really just lets her daughter do whatever huh And don't put batter down the sink. ...Are they planning to come back that way EAT THE FOOD YOUR MOTHER GIVES YOU. Wait how come their treehouse has electricity I'm sure she works the night shift so her daughter can give away her breakfast. No you don't Did he make the hat just for this occasion? uh the... This very, very specific occasion? So he wants to summon HORNY reindeer ... the MATING call? You're going to get a reindeer charging at you, spike a-flapping. Skifree! TRAP these kids are vicious Did...did they just admit to stealing 16 dollars from her mother's suitcase? I think so oh yeah, THAT'S what's happening, your dog is delivering cakes Uh I like how everything is striped. Aww. awwww, let him have f--actually sausages might have stuff in them that'd poison a dog, so good call there I'm sure he gets plenty of poison-free sausages. He seems infinitely more loved than any of the other Maxes. the audio and video out of sync for anyone else? I'm glad Yeah. oh it stopped? Actually, it seems okay today (The yeah was to Max being more loved) What did they THINK would happen omg omg CUTE I did NOT like the sensual way he grazed his finger along the paint job he SPECIFICALLY MADE a little sidecar for Mx, that's adorable Between this and the reindeer mating call... I like the implication that max can read english Maybe he MAKES all the stuff he has I want a movie about the man with a bird on a leash. I feel like this movie is careening towards her and the grinch getting together oh god please no Absolutey not. Bet you a dollar. nO Figuratively speaking. I *need* to see that dog robbing houses. Oh, he's actually staying outside. somebody's gotta play look-out Why so many stockings, how many people LIVE there Is--is Max in his little drone thing hahahah I love how this is supposed to based on the book but they're barely using any of the prose at all the original prose He totally brought this on himself "It's very drugged." "we'll just skip this house" That was a lot of night shifts' worth of stuff. But ah, well. Yes because I'm certain everyone would just shrug this off like nothing Right? I appreciate that they kept it metaphorical. It's not literal -- it's how experiencing something profound feels. I hope that's not the reindeer mating call horn gussied up oh god "hoo boy, didn't plan this out" "I'm sorry I ruined your Christmas but here's a stampede of urine soaked, sex-starved reindeer.\" AS;LDKJF awwwww now RUN Night I swear to GOD if this goes in the direction of him and the mom hooking up I'm personally blaming YOU for cursing it into existence Hhaahhaha There's no way this wasn't created by an entire crew full of humans who all suffer from crippling anxiety disorders. Hang on, are they ALL furry and he just dyes himself aparently He's the equivalent of a middle aged human wearing flesh toned, skintight pants and absolutely nothing else. and a tie I wasn't goin gto say it don't forget the tie And a tie. That seems like a small roast for all those guests. They have other dishes, though sooooooo Nothing actually solved the mom's problems huh I guess not? Oh, that's where the credits come in. Which...doesn't count, really, but still. oh THERE we go Oh hey! Cute. And they didn't get together! although it wasn't part of the story sooooo well that was certainly a thing Pretty good A fun movie :) It's a very gentle movie. As is this. well I'd love to stay but I've been putting off getting dinner started for too long Enjoy the short/rest of your night, guys! Enjoy your food! Thanks for the stream, Knock Out! Say hi to Breakdown and Impact for me! Of course! WOW, rude! How dare he be mean to Max Unforgiveable! Well, that's all the Grinch content I've got! Max is the best character and the best dog. Without question! Thank you for coming -- I've been looking forward to this one since last year! Hmmm... You know, I have a suggestion for a future movie :) :) :) Shoot! You'd love it!  It's all about racing!  It's called "Turbo". *snicker* It looks horrid. We'll ring in the new year with it! Horridly amazing, I'm sure! Clearly! Anyway--thank you for hosting.  It's been a blast! Glad to hear it! Thank you for coming! Goodnight! Goodnight!
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