#i should rewatch that video about bird calls and how they change
just found out I'm pitch-perfect but only for bird calls
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dnpbeats · 3 months
so much about why dan loves phil and how phil changed him but what about how phil loves dan??
Okay. When I first read this ask I was like "I got nothing" lol. now obviously not because I think phil doesn't love dan, clearly I believe that he does. but you'll notice that everything I said in my dan loving gremlin phil post was based on things that dan has said. and when it comes to phil, that man is SILENT!! he keeps his mouth shut. so I was like I have nothing to extrapolate from here. but! then I realized that's not true!! bc I think phil is very obvious with his actions!
and honestly just the fact that phil lets us see how much he loves dan through his actions speaks volumes in and of itself. because phil has said so many times that he's a private person, wants to keep any relationship he has private, etc., and I think he's proved that he's serious about that based on the fact that he hasn't said jack shit about dan in the way that dan has said stuff about him.
and yet, phil SHOWS so much how he cares for dan!!! and he says things that allow us to read between the lines! like phil buying the japan tickets and surprising dan with them in 2015. we know that dan is not an impulsive person at all and likes everything to be meticulously planned out. phil knew dan was never gonna bite the bullet so phil was just like "well this is a thing that's happening now" (see also: 2009, phil telling dan to buy tickets to come visit him for the first time and 2023, phil making dan come back to the gaming channel because he knew it would be enjoyable for him again). he just knows dan so well and loves him sm that he doesn't let dan stand in the way of his own happiness. and even though phil is private he allows us see how much he cares for dan, he doesn't try to hide it at all
and then just things like. phil telling the bbc he wanted dan to do the radio show with him. phil calling dan up on stage at the boncas. phil just randomly mentioning dan on his channel(/having dan be there) while giving no context bc at this point he expects everyone to just Know who dan is. phil talking about how proud he is of dan and his book at the end of the hair cutting video bc he knew dan wouldn't let him get away with saying that shit in front of him but he just had to say it.
okay and in terms how dan has changed him/bettered him. I do not think phil was necessarily an unconfident person/struggled in the same way dan did but like obviously everyone is gonna have their own insecurities. but I really truly believe that dan just, lets phil be phil. I was rewatching some of the ditl videos the other day, and in the manchester ditl there's the iconic "phil's in his own little world again" with the fondest laugh ever. but then! london ditl, dan saying yes phil should go climb on the lion and then filming him running over to it (and then being annoyed at the guy who told phil to get off LMAO). japan ditl dan telling phil to go run over towards the bird. do you catch my drift? like phil's a lil quirky but dan doesn't love him in spite of it he loves him because of it!! he encourages phil's phil-isms bc he loves them! and then also just little things like when phil swallowed the glue and dan knew he was anxious so he talked with the paramedic and then texted phil everything that they said and that he was gonna be fine!! I think dan is probably a voice of reassurance for phil a lot. like they just both know each other so well and they know exactly what the other needs, yk?
sorry that I let this sit in my ask box for almost a week anon I just had a lot of thoughts to collect but yeah <3 that's all
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stachehand · 2 years
My My Little Pony Episode Opinions (Part 1)
Ever since the beginning of this year, i've been rewatching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, though have been extremely slow in getting to the seasons past the third. I mean, the year's almost over and I still have four more to watch. On Twitter, i've made a thread dedicated to opining about each episode I revisit, which is to include not only the main show, but also all of the Equestria Girls films and specials, the 2017 theatrical film, and the Christmas and Rainbow Roadtrip specials. Currently, I have done everything up to the end of Season 5. Also, I should note that i'm leaving out shorts and music videos for the sake of keeping things streamlined.
Anyway, here's my long list of thoughts i've constructed so far in the tweets, with the character limit Twitter allowed:
Season 1, Episode 1: Friendship is Magic, Part 1
The humble beginnings. It doesn't waste time in providing the foundations of our main characters, and is also an informative preview of what can be expected out of the show besides world-threatening conflicts. Ideal start point.
Season 1, Episode 2: Friendship is Magic, Part 2
Everyone contributes organically to the climax setup, and none of it feels rushed despite the time limit. I can also give Nightmare Moon props for her proactivity. Too bad about Spike being mostly sidelined at the end, though.
Season 1, Episode 3: The Ticket Master
Cute seasonal setup episode with fun visuals, though my favourite part is how one character has the end goal of financially supporting her folks in mind for attending, while the others have reasons more hedonistic or thirsty as F in nature.
Season 1, Episode 4: Applebuck Season
This episode speaks to me louder now than it did way back then. I have to question how much it was going to take for Applejack's friends (besides Twilight) to notice how out of it she clearly was by her actions, but it's a barrel of laughs.
Season 1, Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
Pinkie Pie in top form. New person got poisonous attitude? Use a party! Although, I wonder if her "she might give it back" comment about Gilda stealing that apple (and then eating it) was made because Gilda's a bird. Imagine THAT scene.
Season 1, Episode 6: Boast Busters
Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity's attempts to upstage Trixie feel like natural end results, though the episode SORELY overlooks Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in the matter. Also, Spike gets repetitive. Trixie? Delightfully theatrical entrance!
Season 1, Episode 7: Dragonshy
As our first exposure to dragon mannerisms and power outside of little Spike, it's pretty intriguing. Even better, it took the first big steps in the right direction for Fluttershy's character. Sadly, Angel Bunny's would only get worse from here.
Season 1, Episode 8: Look Before You Sleep
Gotta have an episode to remind me what kind of cartoon i'm rewatching. Seriously though, it never gets too sickly sweet, thanks to the entertaining antagonism. But was staying at Twilight's house REALLY the only option for BOTH ponies?
Season 1, Episode 9: Bridle Gossip
The effects of the Poison Joke flower were the REAL stars of this episode. Also pre-Cutie Mark Crusaders Apple Bloom. I think most of us can agree it's odd how Twilight is skeptical for most of it, then changes her tune at surface-level stuff.
Season 1, Episode 10: Swarm of the Century
Parasprites are terrifying and gross creatures that shouldn't exist. Pretty darn convenient that the Andrea Libman-voiced pony who ISN'T the animal caretaker knows about these things and how to remove them. Proves her intellect well.
Season 1, Episode 11: Winter Wrap Up
The song is still lovely, and the resolution plays to one of Twilight's greatest strengths. Nice use of Chekhov's Gun. However, I can't help thinking the disaster could've been avoided if a moment was taken to remember "Oh yeah, telekinesis."
Season 1, Episode 12: Call of the Cutie
Someone needed to call out Twist for her betrayal. Where's the justice? That aside, this episode makes one thing perfectly clear about Apple Bloom: she ain't her sister, and this road of self-discovery begins by stepping out of her shadow.
Season 1, Episode 13: Fall Weather Friends
A case where Applejack and Rainbow Dash butt heads in the heat of competition, and fun stuff is done with it. I love how it has a dash of The Tortoise and the Hare at the end, just because they could do it. All they need is a rematch.
Season 1, Episode 14: Suited For Success
Art of the Dress is still a masterwork. Twilight and the others are lucky that Rarity didn't hold their "looking the gift horse in the mouth" (as the ending lesson put it) against them. Also, I guess Spike's a ghost here. Do NOT miss out!
Season 1, Episode 15: Feeling Pinkie Keen
I enjoy me a round of cartoon slapstick, and this episode doesn't disappoint there, though I feel the Pinkie Sense could've been handled a bit differently in hindsight. Like, imagine it's a condition Pinkie has that's cured by "doozies"?
Season 1, Episode 16: Sonic Rainboom
It demonstrates one of the fantastical feats one of the heroines can pull off outside of cartoon logic. And Libman's acting chops. One thing i'll say is that you can probably get to the competition with about half the scenes leading up to it.
Season 1, Episode 17: Stare Master
I think Twilight's motivations could've been ANYTHING to get her in the petrified state, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders, like the children they are, are likable in their never-ending activity bouncing off Fluttershy. The Stare's quite an anomaly.
Season 1, Episode 18: The Show Stoppers
An unfortunate aftereffect of this episode is the running gag it'd attach to the Cutie Mark Crusaders for a good while to come. Within the episode itself, the talent show kind of comes off as an element as random as the montage escapades.
Season 1, Episode 19: A Dog and Pony Show
Seriously, what MLP fan doesn't love Rarity getting under the Diamond Dogs' skin with her squeaky whining? One part I find a bit nonsense was Twilight going "But only Rarity finds gems.", and one second later: "Wait, Rarity taught me."
Season 1, Episode 20: Green Isn't Your Color
FUN FACT: this was the first FiM episode I properly watched, so I have a bias in calling it one of my absolute favourites. Fluttershy's situation is why I never want to have celebrity status, but I also identify with Rarity's plight.
Season 1, Episode 21: Over a Barrel
Now Applejack and Rainbow Dash deny others their chance to speak for themselves in a potential compromise, and they aren't called out for it as much as they SHOULD be. Worse: one of the earliest examples of Pinkie being outright brain-dead.
Season 1, Episode 22: A Bird in the Hoof
For a molting bird, Philomena was quite a crafty little stinker, wasn't she? Sure produced some good laughs in the climax. I appreciate the ending revelation making sense of Celestia leaving her sickly pet behind, the conflict's catalyst.
Season 1, Episode 23: The Cutie Mark Chronicles
A wholesome anthology-type episode where everything meets up neatly in the middle. The circumstances are very conveniently coincidental, yet they still defy the whole common "it was your destiny" trope in a strange sort of way.
Season 1, Episode 24: Owl's Well That Ends Well
The beginning's on the nose, and you'd swear that Owlowiscious WAS threatening Spike's position with his 24-hour presence. It gets pretty ridiculous thanks to a lack of desperately-needed communication. Also, this image here, man!
Season 1, Episode 25: Party of One
The story mixes brilliantly deceptive foreshadowing in the prologue, a believable insecurity in Pinkie, a hilarious demonstration of vocal range from Libman, and a great moral on knowing your best friends like the back of your hand. Perfection!
Season 1, Episode 26: The Best Night Ever
Strong start, then it swerves into nonsense country. First season finale: main protagonist is barely in the plot. Fluttershy gave us a funny freakout, make no mistake, but at what cost? Finally, the ending is depressing in numerous ways.
Season 2, Episode 1: The Return of Harmony, Part 1
A magnificent introduction to Discord. What made his plan to corrupt the heroes brilliant is that he did it while their friendship was still young, and they organically behave like how they characteristically would on bad days.
Season 2, Episode 2: The Return of Harmony, Part 2
Spike got to be a plot convenience. Now, one thing I think could've been tweaked in this episode is the memory spell deal. Twilight's friends may have easily had their true selves restored by their unity in the last few minutes.
Season 2, Episode 3: Lesson Zero
Still a hilarious episode, and the funniest Twilight's freak-outs ever got. But besides it's humour, the show wouldn't have moved forward as much without it. Also, those ponies are totally jealous of Spike's purple unicorn friendship seniority.
Season 2, Episode 4: Luna Eclipsed
One has to wonder how much of a break Luna was taking since her previous appearance to have this out-of-touch position here. No matter, though. This episode is interesting for how it shows Twilight, a student, becoming the master for a night.
Season 2, Episode 5: Sisterhooves Social
It's not only cute, but important. First, it goes to show that cutting someone out of your life doesn't simply begin with a declaration. Second, it's essentially every good sibling's childhood fabrication of a good guy & bad guy scenario.
Season 2, Episode 6: The Cutie Pox
Here's a good message: there's no reward in taking the easy way out, because the easy way out doesn't really exist (or at least doesn't have to). Although, if the titular disease is that widely known, shouldn't the signs have been seen sooner?
Season 2, Episode 7: May the Best Pet Win!
I do not get why Fluttershy doesn't object more to Rainbow's snubbing of Tank. He's a good boy, that tortoise. With how present he was, it would've been a plot twist to NOT have him get the win. Pretty strange episode here, I must say.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Mysterious Mare Do Well
My god, the staggering lack of self-awareness of one simple fact they demonstrate: EVERYONE'S got an ego, just in differing sizes. I think they wanted too much for Rainbow Dash to be seen in the wrong by the lengths of her idiocy.
Season 2, Episode 9: Sweet and Elite
I need to pay my respects to this episode for playing with the old "liar is a liar who's revealed as a liar in the end" type of story a little. We got a genuinely charming minor character out of it. Pure wholesomeness permeates the runtime.
Season 2, Episode 10: Secret of My Excess
Growing pains ahoy! Spike got a well-told lesson about giving from the heart over taking because of temptation, but since his species is mysterious at this point, bit of a time waster to consult the local PONY healthcare first, Twilight.
Season 2, Episode 11: Hearth's Warming Eve
Always a good watch around Christmas. It's history lesson on the show's main setting is easily digestible, yet a bit complex, and the in-universe casting is perfect. I think all that's missing is an appearance from Twilight's parents.
Season 2, Episode 12: Family Appreciation Day
So, the entire town of Ponyville, not just that one big apple orchard, owes it's existence to magic fruit? That's oddly specific. Also odd how a more direct rescheduling method stares at everyone right in the face, and no one saw it.
Season 2, Episode 13: Baby Cakes
Isn't it weird how Pinkie seems to have realizations of how in over her head she is, yet basically proceeds with her old strategy anyway, and just never uses what she learns as she goes along for the sake of the obvious end episode moral? Crazy.
Season 2, Episode 14: The Last Roundup
Applejack had a pretty realistic reaction to her failure, and what's more, her skill in loophole exploitation is a devious dimension to her honesty streak. Cartoon antics aside, it's mature writing. Also, something something Derpy's voice.
Season 2, Episode 15: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
The fact nobody in town got to know what the Flim Flam Brothers' cider tasted like BEFORE the quality control cancellation lessens their threat a bit. Nonetheless, the ending deconstructed the lesson formula hilariously.
Season 2, Episode 16: Read It and Weep
If you ever need an episode of this show that's a confidence booster when you don't know how to come out about something you've grown smitten with, this is the one. Or just watch Rainbow be likeable while trying to maintain her street cred.
Season 2, Episode 17: Hearts and Hooves Day
Besides how the conflict came about from someone neglecting to mention an important detail to the CMC, and maybe too much of the sugary lover names, this is a funny step outside the Cutie Mark obsession comfort zone. A cute song, too.
Season 2, Episode 18: A Friend in Deed
The Smile Song is still the ultimate feel-good song. The story that follows it has a heartwarming Chekhov's Gun payoff, but the lesson Pinkie should've learned was the importance of minding her personality around someone new and unfamiliar.
Season 2, Episode 19: Putting Your Hoof Down
By the end, i'm left puzzled as to why they'd overlook the detail where assertiveness turned into needless aggression. It should have some slightly bigger repercussions than what happens, as hilarious as Fluttershy's loud rampage is.
Season 2, Episode 20: It's About Time
This is an episode of it's time. The audacity to poke fun at all the bogus doomsday predictions that used to run rampant, and put Twilight in the position of an overanxious believer. So much she forgot that she lived in the royal city once.
Season 2, Episode 21: Dragon Quest
If this episode just had a few elements added on to it, like some female dragon characters, and interactions with the seasoned adults, it'd come off less like a "cute and girly good, rad and boyish bad" story mixed in with the intended message.
Season 2, Episode 22: Hurricane Fluttershy
You can tell the show's beard is growing here. They tactfully handled the childhood bullying trauma and fit it seamlessly into a lesson about even the tiniest things having difference-making potential. Fluttershy really defined courage.
Season 2, Episode 23: Ponyville Confidential
What's admirable about this story is that regardless of anything that compels the CMC to go through with their hurtful journalism, they are still accountable for their actions and need to earn forgiveness. And voice-of-reason Rarity.
Season 2, Episode 24: MMMystery on the Friendship Express
This was specifically written and drawn to give us dessert cravings, I swear. Besides the fun film homages, if they wanted the mystery factor, it was hurt by both the nighttime silhouettes having the distinct pony shape.
Season 2, Episode 25: A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1
There were quite a handful of questions that Twilight could've easily brought up if she were to have any chance of helping her case about "Cadance". Shining Armor needed better explaining, too. But dang, does it strike the heart.
Season 2, Episode 26: A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
The second half of this two-parter went hard. The song, This Day Aria, went hard. The villain, Chrysalis, went hard. The action went hard. Lastly, it opened the gateway for villain returns and other family stories. What a finish.
Season 3, Episode 1: The Crystal Empire, Part 1
It gets off to a slow start, not helped by a song number, but they nicely pulled off the long-lost kingdom angle with traumatized amnesia victims clashing against the eye candy environment. Nobody feels out-of-character, either.
Season 3, Episode 2: The Crystal Empire, Part 2
King Sombra, for his limited screen time, is a believable threat, like a smart cross between a posthumous antagonist and a cataclysmic force. That aside, parts of this episode play out like novel narration, and it's kind of funny.
Season 3, Episode 3: Too Many Pinkie Pies
Goes to show there's only room for one of any iconic character. They earned points for making not an episode with Flanderization, but an episode that fires a shot at Flanderization. Then points are lost for an overly-elaborate solution.
Season 3, Episode 4: One Bad Apple
Someone I know put it best about the CMC's revenge stunt, long ago: "That's not bullying, that's retribution." The song's serviceable, but what's bothersome in this story is the surprising lack of adult presence, and some bits of underreacting.
Season 3, Episode 5: Magic Duel
There was more smoke & mirrors magicianry than in Trixie's debut, oddly. It's an overall good time with a spectacular antagonist comeback, except for that uncharacteristic display of cowardice from Fluttershy when her friend's life depends on her.
Season 3, Episode 6: Sleepless in Ponyville
Hey, it's an animated look into a child's patterns and emotional weakness, topped with an unofficial adoption on the spot. This is why Scootaloo is my favourite CMC. One note: I never saw Sweetie Belle's sour note as a continuity fail.
Season 3, Episode 7: Wonderbolts Academy
The academy scenes are great, Lightning Dust is a fun foil to Rainbow, but the stuff with Pinkie and co. needed to be shortened, as the ending's a little rushed. Twilight or Applejack could've quickly come up with the care package idea.
Season 3, Episode 8: Apple Family Reunion
I doubt it was at all intentional, but the way I see it, there's a bit of dark comedy to the overtones of Applejack's reunion arrangements, and that's got me feeling uneasy. Worse, not enough Babs Seed time to warrant her reappearance.
Season 3, Episode 9: Spike at Your Service
Many fans hate this episode, but I can't. It's so bad, it's great. Although, it'd be funnier if the Dragon Code was just a shopping list, and nobody realized it. Speaking of what-ifs, surprised Rarity didn't have a big fit of jealousy.
Season 3, Episode 10: Keep Calm and Flutter On
I always found the pacing in this episode fine for such a big shake-up to a character. It worked because Discord had a believable layer added to his chaotic nature, but also, in the end, everyone knows his redemption has just begun.
Season 3, Episode 11: Just for Sidekicks
If Spike was reminded that he could always go digging for more gems, and Angel Bunny wasn't portrayed as unaccountable, despite his clear sentience, I wouldn't scratch my head at this. At least Zecora remembers the threat greed poses.
Season 3, Episode 12: Games Ponies Play
It's too convenient that nothing about inspecting the games or the name "Ms. Harshwhinny" manages to leave anyone's mouth around the excitable visitor they mistake for the inspector, until near the end. Said visitor's likeable, good thing.
Season 3, Episode 13: Magical Mystery Cure
Sure, it feels like there's a missing episode to this plot, but the song numbers are beautiful and Twilight is properly rewarded for her initiative and knowledge. If you can call this an amnesia episode, it actually gets amnesia right.
Film 1: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
If it isn't dragging it's feet because of obligatory world-building or Twilight forgetting obvious concepts, it's got me questioning some of the characters' awareness. Bop of a song, cute interactions, messy story. Less ideal start point.
Season 4, Episode 1: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 1
The episode draws you into the mystery it's setting up, and pulls cunning misdirection. But, something I thought about now: why don't they use Spike's letter-sending fire to try getting a lock on where the Royal Sisters are?
Season 4, Episode 2: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 2
Cons: undercooked Nightmare Moon background, and Twilight's friends deciding to send her home too easily. Pros: Discord being a fun stinker in mentor tactics, and the lesson of a friendship lasting beyond where it started.
Season 4, Episode 3: Castle Mane-ia
A serviceable episode that provides a logical follow-up to the retired formula of the past seasons, but otherwise it doesn't do anything of interest with this historical setting but the golden age horror homages as obligatory as the title pun.
Season 4, Episode 4: Daring Don't
The twist in this episode makes sense with the compact in-universe lore of the character in question, and what it comes with is a subversive, but still relatable take on the "never meet your heroes" cliché. Just one thing: remember it for later.
Season 4, Episode 5: Flight to the Finish
This undoubtedly went some personal. psychological places for kids, because for all the right reasons, this is pretty sad to watch, comical bits aside. Nothing to complain about, other than the status quo blatantly butting in at the end.
Season 4, Episode 6: Power Ponies
You gotta laugh at Fluttershy having a rage fit, but if you're gonna paint your story like Spike's friends aren't taking his comic knowledge or instructions very seriously, make more use of that leeway you have with an enchanted book's powers.
Season 4, Episode 7: Bats!
The very real dangers of peer pressure and the very real problem of pest infestations and how to control them, all in one episode. Dang, what a juggling act. That impresses me. Though, you'd expect a balance in the characters seeing sides at the start.
Season 4, Episode 8: Rarity Takes Manehattan
A smart piece of commentary on switching environments and giving out trust. It's easy to understand Rarity almost sacrificing her ethics and devolving into one of the dog-eat-dog city folk, after simple goodness came back to bite her.
Season 4, Episode 9: Pinkie Apple Pie
It exemplifies the best of a family dynamic. When they drive each other up the wall, but nobody gets hurt in any fashion and they resolve the tension on their own, they're functional. Additionally, Pinkie was funny and smart this go-around.
Season 4, Episode 10: Rainbow Falls
Fundamentally awkward story for Rainbow Dash's "key". It shouldn't be that exciting for her to fly with the Wonderbolts. She already does! Yet despite the repeated continuity nod, that detail is conveniently ignored. Plus: that's not Spitfire!
Season 4, Episode 11: Three's A Crowd
If they didn't spend so much time saying Discord had a (fake) problem, Twilight and Cadance's bonding could've been more interesting. Why WOULDN'T Cadance want a fully peaceful day with Twilight after the craziness in the past two seasons?!
Season 4, Episode 12: Pinkie Pride
What an episode to air on my 20th birthday! Cheese Sandwich steals the show, and we see a case of a prideful person who doesn't aim to upstage anybody. The live-action shots are gags straight out of SpongeBob, and I love them for that. Perfect!
Season 4, Episode 13: Simple Ways
Goofy, but meaningful. Goes to show that when you think you can change yourself to someone else, you need an accident for your true character to re-emerge. A love triangle was a useful plot device, even. You wouldn't expect that normally. LOL
Season 4, Episode 14: Filli Vanilli
Plot convenient continuity nodding and a realistic take on facing your fears for the win! As for Pinkie's bit, I can say it was fine for one time, but when it's repeated, especially in succession, it's just writing her as a brain-dead babbler.
Season 4, Episode 15: Twilight Time
And there's our special lesson on how association can possibly be a curse, even if, for a short time, it looks like a blessing. It just could've been heavier on the show over the tell. On another note: how about some justice for Randolph, huh?
Season 4, Episode 16: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
I find it fascinating to see how an act of goodwill can still come from someone betraying their biggest moral trait. That's a strong message. That said, the ending solution feels comically convenient, and the problem puzzling.
Season 4, Episode 17: Somepony to Watch Over Me
Oh, you poor idiot plot. Applejack can't be bothered to remember outside helpers until the worst moment, and I don't get why they bothered characterizing the chimera. That song cancellation gag and action scene were good, though.
Season 4, Episode 18: Maud Pie
I love Maud. Absolutely adorable in her monotone, and a positive example of how emotions and opinions can come from different reactions than the expected. A few nitpicks in character and scenario writing, but otherwise a lovely, must-see episode.
Season 4, Episode 19: For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
Once again, Rarity and Sweetie Belle carry an important story. It's a familiar feeling, seeing the older sibling as a villain, leading to a touching revelation by the perspective shift. An anti-revenge note also don't hurt.
Season 4, Episode 20: Leap of Faith
A balanced take on the matter of well-meant lies versus difficult truths, because while everyone obviously needed to hear the latter, the former brought vital details of body and spirit to light which might've been forgotten about otherwise.
Season 4, Episode 21: Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
I'm all for them passing down THIS kind of knowledge. The idea of how one can achieve it without consciously trying to exercise their intelligence. Not so much for most things that pay off starting as spells of incompetence. Oh well.
Season 4, Episode 22: Trade Ya!
It goes pretty swimmingly for a bit. I'd say the setting had some amusing escalation. But then one subplot seems to skip a beat, and the ending conflict feels too last-minute and easily avoidable to get invested in. Now, who wants chicken dippers?
Season 4, Episode 23: Inspiration Manifestation
The moral of Spike's journey: if you are friends with someone, even love them, and you're willing to call them out for their mistakes (which they recognize), that's a testament of a true bond. The lesson's progression was on point.
Season 4, Episode 24: Equestria Games
Did we necessarily need an Olympics backdrop and episodes building up to the event to tell THIS story? It's simply a (fine) lesson on expectation and celebrity mortality. Also, that dumb, long gag should've had a comedic (and quick) cutaway.
Season 4, Episode 25: Twilight's Kingdom, Part 1
It gets so much right as a first part. It presents the reality of pep talks being great, but not always certain to heal an insecurity immediately, creatively utilizes Chekhov's Gun, and establishes Tirek as a cool force of nature.
Season 4, Episode 26: Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2
The fight had no reason to go that anime, and I love it! Icing on a cake layered by a show-stealing villain, two congruent arc conclusions, thrilling stakes, and how it ends with an unapologetic, radical restructuring! Fecking! A!
Film 2: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
What can I say besides that Sunset had a realistic and rewarding redemption, I laughed, they cohesively built drama off a wound from the original's conflict, the villain songs are the sickest beats in this franchise, and more?! It's… ART!
Season 5, Episode 1: The Cutie Map, Part 1
You wouldn't think MLP would use it's cute image to thinly disguise a light psycho-thriller. Pinkie's uncharacteristic behaviour actually works to a pretty humorous benefit. Though I scratch my head at the town's self-sustainment means.
Season 5, Episode 2: The Cutie Map, Part 2
The heroes pulled some airtight manipulation and deception, and Starlight Glimmer's self-interest reveal is an effective spot to leave her in for what's to come. Her secret is revealed by an odd convenience, but nothing story-breaking.
Season 5, Episode 3: Castle Sweet Castle
Massively poignant episode that respectfully handles the pains of leaving home forever and adapting to a new place of residence, paired with a heartfelt tribute to the show's continuity and previous status quo. Ingenious resolution there.
Season 5, Episode 4: Bloom & Gloom
The first nightmare sequence captures the eerie similarity to reality real dreams have to a T. Babs Seed being mentioned, but absent is strongly felt, though. Like, "should've probably had physical presence" (in dreamland) felt. That's just me.
Season 5, Episode 5: Tanks for the Memories
While I respect this children's cartoon's creative take on the 5 Stages of Grief, they egregiously overplay how much of a change Tank's hibernation really is. "This isn't good-bye. It's just good-bye 'til next time." - remember that?
Season 5, Episode 6: Appleoosa's Most Wanted
Everyone's pointed out how the writer forgot what makes a Cutie Mark manifest, but I found it rather annoying that the CMC weren't quick to stand up for the poor alleged criminal. Also, i'm lost on the comedy of his self-harm. Yipes.
Season 5, Episode 7: Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Following from Discord's redemption arc, it highlights just how little he's been offered a hand in friendship to react how he does. Spoiled, close-minded, and still a fun scene stealer. But, Smooze is gross and superfluous.
Season 5, Episode 8: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Quite a bold twist to take former friends who couldn't possibly ever restore the goodwill between each other, but manage to because of a little hidden nostalgia for happiness they never stopped valuing. Gold among the junk.
Season 5, Episode 9: Slice of Life
It's an insane train ride of fan service, not much motivation behind it but that, but dang does it demonstrate the setting's inherent goofiness and cement it as a lived-in place. Part of me thinks the Mane 6 characters should've been excluded.
Season 5, Episode 10: Princess Spike
Spike really doesn't just come off as a kid enjoying getting cool stuff in this, but uncomfortably tyrannical. Adding on, Twilight being treated as the center of the kingdom, the one with all the answers, is ludicrously sudden and incredible.
Season 5, Episode 11: Party Pooped
I see the aim of the moral, how the journey can mean more than the destination, but I think another message is to be taken away from this episode. That is insanity. Constant, predictable actions leading to predictable, and repetitious, results.
Season 5, Episode 12: Amending Fences
They did a great job resolving the loose end of Twilight's forgotten friends, and stating that the mistake of one shouldn't make others tied to that person accomplices in hurting somebody. If Twilight just wasn't so forward, it'd be perfect.
Season 5, Episode 13: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Besides how creepy it is that Luna's been secretly doing this self-punishment thing ever since she reformed, the reveal behind the Tantabus's origin is handled in such a blasé manner. Points for creative action, though.
Season 5, Episode 14: Canterlot Boutique
The rejected altered dress deserved a happy ending, damn it! I thought that Sassy Saddles was such a self-centered, callous person, her turn at the end was too little, too late. They even confused workplace depression with pride. So dumb.
Season 5, Episode 15: Rarity Investigates!
This is definitely something you watch more for the fun film noir homages than the actual mystery, but it does have value in teaching the importance of heeding details. Very smart use of Rarity's character, and her dynamic with Rainbow.
Season 5, Episode 16: Made in Manehattan
It's hilarious that the problem they needed to mend literally stumbles into them from the sky. Prime plot convenience. But hey, I can respect when they pay respects to the simpler ways to help people. Also Coco Pommel, that cinnamon bun.
Season 5, Episode 17: Brotherhooves Social
The ending makes for a genuine and heartwarming sibling moment. I know that sense of inferiority born from a relation to someone with great achievements. But why put minutes of generic, awkwardness-peppered comedy in front of it, guys?
Season 5, Episode 18: Crusaders of the Lost Mark
They pulled off the most original way they could've closed out the CMC's longest-running plotline. I don't find that Diamond Tiara's abrupt shift in sympathy eliciting hurts that story too much. The songs won me over on it easily.
Season 5, Episode 19: The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
Boy, was this a heavy allegory for spoilers, and what joys in the world are worth not having spoiled for you. Surprisingly, a scene lasting seconds effectively humanized Shining Armor more than his wife. Hobbies give you life.
Season 5, Episode 20: Hearthbreakers
A good moral on how the important thing about someone's yearly traditions is that they're happy with them, and what does the same for you should harmonize with them. What thwarts it a bit is Applejack's uncharacteristic disregard for consent.
Season 5, Episode 21: Scare Master
Now that's a twist, to say that if you don't want any part in an activity, even if it reveals talent you didn't know you had, you're under no obligation to regularly invest your time in it, even for friends. Also, relevant episode is relevant.
Season 5, Episode 22: What About Discord?
Did this episode WANT things to be left up to viewer interpretation? Whatever the case, it sure paints the ponies (not named Twilight) as oblivious to the comedic Rule of Three, and somehow, Twilight is insane AND sympathetic. Awkward.
Season 5, Episode 23: The Hooffields and McColts
It feels weird to have an environmentalism story sneak up on you when the focus has been so hard on a petty conflict over minor annoyances, but I can roll with it here. What's more odd is a big cake is baked without Pinkie Pie.
Season 5, Episode 24: The Mane Attraction
Rara made me want to joyfully cry, and I would give her all my love and protection! Seamless transition from an extravagant concert parody to a number straight from the heart. Top-tier, without question! BTW, send Svengallop to Tartarus.
Season 5, Episode 25: The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 1
And Starlight's revealed self-interest is brought to the forefront, bringing a finely executed strategy. Aside from that, the exposition gets annoyingly on the nose and long-winded. Could've spared some details. This image, though.
Season 5, Episode 26: The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 2
No point to exploring more than one alternate future when there are no obstacles. It's padding, exacerbated by Twilight being so slow and her telekinesis neglect. And why did young Starlight just stand there all glum? The nonsense!
Film 3: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
Human Twilight differed from the pony version enough to justify her story. The Shadowbolts are fine rivals, though a few seem to come from a little underuse of the pre-existing character roster, and they get shafted hard at the very end.
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Finally doing my Perky's Buds/Abstinence rewatch!
still wondering why they got rid of Homeless Man's little appearance in the theme song
Perky's Buds
My girl!! Emma!!!
"you God damn son of a bitch varmints!" love how her accent changed when she says this
"nighthawks. They are wily birds" nighthawks being called wily once again.
Oh no! They were late to church!!
"don't boggart that shit"
The Metzgers!! There's something so fun about seeing these guys play these rugged, scary, gross, redneck Republicans
"peace and love man! Peace and love :)"
The pottay hottay!
"my kin stays with their daaaaaaaaddyy"
"I thought you were Republicans, but like hell yes, mad respect, save the trees!" God I forgot how great Ziggs is, I love them
After all this time I'm pretty sure I still haven't seen anyone draw Ziggs' Perky's Buds logo, plz someone needs to draw it and I don't feel confident enough to do it myself
Tig ol bitties!
"what? You think they're gonna come kill us?"
"things grow here. They grow fast, and big, and... different" *cough cough foreshadowing for next ep!*
So much lore in this ep
"wait... Wait I'm remembering... We got high!?"
Ezekiel!!!! My boy! My bird?
"this will please us. :) and so it is good. We must have more weed"
"we shit on your institutions. We rage against the capitalist patriarchy." fuck yeah! Great birds
"you will shit. Right now."
"humans. Who can aim." jdjdjd
This is grosser than I remember
"We're going to get stoned and watch Netflix. Preferably something about... Birds :)"
"these aren't crows Emma they're nighthawks?"
"ugh! Well this is just porn now!"
"and let this man smoke our weed!? Issac never speak to me again."
"I shall peck this man to death with my own beak!"
Oh god Grace
Do you think the babysitting appointment she's heading to is Tim?
"and there's one thing you better hurry up a learn about Grace Chasity, I'm always on time!"
Zombie Ziggs!
"basic motor functions. That's all you need. Your memories, personalities, these are faulty parts. Perhaps they can be removed entirely. You shall be the test subject Emma. And I shall be the surgeon. With mine own beak and talon I shall peck away your unnecessary brain matter. And I'll shit it out! In little. White. Globs. Aallll over your precious farm! Then, I'll do the same to all of Hatchetfield! And there will be weed as far as the eye can see. You should be happy. Perky's Buds is going be a great success."
I just really like that monologue. It's dark and scary but also somehow there's still funny lines in it. Also there's definitely something to be said about the parallels with this and the apotheosis.
"fuck that. I'm chasing the dragon bro"
"yes! Yeessss! I AM ASCENDIIINNNGG!!"
"a bird! Surrounded by a flock of floating guns!"
Rip Ezekiel
I know everyone's said but god how did Joey do such an amazing job playing a bird
Do you think the nighthawks Jonathan was hunting in THAM were checker tailed? Cause he would've been in a hell of a lot of trouble if he had managed to kill one
"the Hidgens Hash, just can't be missed" implies that Emma sells a hash called the Hidgens Hash, which would she must've named after Hidgens :)
Perky's Buds has one of the most chaotic music videos I've seen and it's so fucking amazing
Also it being canonically made by the smoke club is so great
Abstinence camp
Omgg Axe Man is sooo good!! Like in every aspect it's just so great and I love it
"oh heck. No heccing way Steph!"
Solomon is such an asshole and typical political figure caring only about himself and his reputation and I love it
Mary and Noah!
Pete!!!!! My boy!! Him! Beloved nerd!!
Spankoffski bros <3 I've predicted this ever since black friday so I am once again just taking in being right
Love Ted's slow remembrance of the Axe Man and his tramua coming back
Oh boy oh boy separating kids into pink if there a girl and blue if there boy we love to see it! /s
And ofc getting rid of someone's chocolate when they need that bc they have low blood sugar which causes a big danger! Also awesome! /s
"fuckin raisins. Fuck this place."
I love how the consulers yelling at Grace and Steph hugging and Grace saying their just friends and him saying to keep it that way implies that this camp is not homophobic and is totally fine with queer ppl just as long as they stay abstinent
Virginity Rocks is. Way to good.
"that's right! We're a progressive ministry :D! We believe both boys and girls can and should have the power to: just! Say! No!"
I forgot how much I loved Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri. They're just such fun characters
Oh god Jeri's face while the pamphlets are being passed out and she says "seriously guys, this information, could save your life" :(
And then her yelling at Steph about teen pregnancy and raising a kid in the woods :(
"look st what you did! You upset Girl Jeri! I oughta cover you in syrup! Go make a wallet!"
"didn't you know touching a bra will cause a man's hands to erupt in boils? Thats what it said in the abstinence pamphlet" "did it? I wiped my ass with mine." I love them your honour
Ahhh Stacy's melons. I'm suprised, I don't think I've seen anyone mention this yet? But when this ep first came out so many ppl were talking about this bit
I forgot how much I love Pete and Steph they're so great and adorable together
"sometimes God has to make examples out of them. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. That's what he saw when he looked down on Hatchetfield. A den of sin. A city full of adulterers, and fornicators" "hell yeah. Go nighthawks."
Poor Mary
Plz the thing about Smokey the Bear is so funny
"guess I'll go make a wallet!!"
"oh yeah. Oh Grace. That's a modest brazier your wearing"
"lord help me" I love Pete bdhdhdb
"my dad's the mayor. He says it'd shock you, the secrets in this town."
"a crazy lumberjack who hates sexy time? That's a little far fetched dontcha think?" "guess we'll never know... Unless... We put it to the test?" "wHaT"
For science!
Whatever happens in thr bathroom stays in the bathroom
"I oughta put you in a canoe!! I oughta let a bird walk all over you!!"
"keep it together Boy Jerry. Keep em chaste and it won't happen again" "out it in the woods, it's happening again" AIDIFJDDJDK I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS LINE
"okay, I'm gonna kiss you now" "I'll open my mouth!" djdjdn
Omg James' depiction of his head being chopped off is so good??
I love how Girl Jeri is terrified every time she sees a body and how Boy Jerry is just. Over it. So done. He's dealt with this shit too much.
"Girl Jeri had something in her teeth and I was gonna lick it out!"
He's with him always :')
"how big is witchwood forest anyway?" "my dad says it's as big or small as it needs to be" this another line I don't think I've seen like anyone mention, but it's big thing, especially with the whole "hatchetfield is a tiny town" thing
"but there's something about witchwood forest. Things grow here. They grow fast, and big, and different."
"there's one thing you better hurry up a know about Grace Chasity! I'm the biggest prude you'll ever meet!"
"it means we prayed to heaven and a stork delivered you to our door!"
Angela characters befriending the strange creatures in the woods we love it :)
I love Steph and Pete just. Not saying anything about what happened and telling the other campers to just shut up and go with it jddnbd
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: Dan Takes Quizzes About Himself
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Date video was published: 04/03/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 339
Dan’s quizzes video! Phil had done one back in September 2016, with some of the same quizzes, so I’ll do a bit of comparing their results. Warning that this is going to be a long one.
0:00 - I love this intro. I love it so much. “well...no” 😂
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0:14 - “a certain rat called Phil...I’m still listening!” this intro is too much 😭
0:19 - so many big smiles and eye crinkles
0:26 - mmmm, navigating the YouTube changes
0:39 - that is...extremely specific
0:45 - “creative” I would love a compilation of Dan just saying that in that specific tone
1:04 - yeah that has to be the weirdest part as the subject of the quiz
1:17 - “Daniel” definitely trying to prepare the audience for the rebrand
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1:30 - um...annnnd cutting that sentence off 😳
1:36 - I love that space-themed blanket
2:09 - jump scared by the memes
2:36 - they had just uploaded the third and final Crafts video for April Fools Day a couple days before this
2:45 - Dan has already started cringing at himself
2:53 - alright, Dan is funny
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3:07 - wow 100%. Phil took his version of this quiz and only got 75%.
3:31 - this one is just silly
3:38 - the dead-eyed look at the camera is great
3:50 - he’s so dramatically upset about being wrong
4:05 - he’s just given up and us choosing the middle one every time
4:11 - lol at his reaction to remembering he put that in a video... 😂
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4:18 - this is equivalent to the “PSL or Phil” quiz Phil did in his video. 
4:30 - Dan’s hair looks really good in this video. This is about when DNP started getting the exact same haircut
4:54 - so many cute fetus Dan photos
5:03 - oh Dan, cringing at that one specifically...
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5:19 - Dan’s facial expressions in every video are great
5:28 - Dan thinks it’s very important that we know that they have the same sleep schedule... “I can assure you that neither of us wake up before mid-day”
5:38 - he’s getting ready to kill the branding
5:41 - “Phil wears a lot of socks, but they’re odd, like him...” and then the “still listening you bitch” which should not be fond at all but somehow is
5:50 - “I’m literally not wearing any pants right now” ...thanks for sharing? 😳 also, Dan is wearing the same shirt as the *cough* pants-less live show, so this might have been filmed that same day
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okay, Phil did this same quiz in his video! (though he went through more of the questions in the video than Dan does. Let’s compare:
Left or Right? Phil - Right; Dan - Left - different
Early Bird or Night Owl? Phil - Night Owl; Dan - Night Owl - same
Snow or Beach? Phil - Snow; Dan - Snow - same
Lion or Llamas? Phil - Lion; Dan - Llamas - different
Coffee or Tea? Phil - Coffee; Dan - ??? - didn’t see Dan’s answer
Pikachu or Totoro? Phil - Totoro; Dan - Pikachu - different
Socks or Not? Phil - Not; Dan - Not - same
Worm or Moth? Phil - Moth; Dan - ??? - didn’t see Dan’s answer
Taylor or Emma? Phil - Emma; Dan - ??? - didn’t see Dan’s answer
The Queen or Justin? Phil - The Queen; Dan - The Queen  - same
5:59 - I’m glad they both managed to get themselves, lol. Though they did seemingly have a mix of the same and different answers
6:12 - his red-patch is out, but this starts off less horrifying than he expected
6:24 - just gonna skip those last two sentences
6:43 - “I can’t do this...I’m gonna do it” 😂
6:50 - it’s really not because this one is just...bad lol. He is also so horrified by how many people have taken it
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7:20 - “christ” is right
7:26 - he can’t even make it through the first question 😂
7:53 - he’s so done...and yeah
8:14 - the inter-cuts of his reactions make this video so good
8:52 - “Dan-cest is on the cards” help.
8:52 - another one Phil did...let’s just compare their faces after reading the title
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9:08 - that would be hilarious to have someone who doesn’t know who they are take this quiz
9:18 - “is that a challenge?!” I love it 😂
9:24 - that had a very obvious Dan answer
9:48 - the fact that he hovered over “PHIL 100%” as if he was thinking about picking that 😭
9:58 - maybe because advice-type content is the content he likes making best
10:07 - “Dan’s inner trash can is about to be revealed” going with classic Phil solo content out of those options
10:43 - “no one do that” 😨
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answer comparison:
Favorite color - Phil - Blue/Greeny colours; Dan - Black (like my soul)
Favorite type of music - Phil skipped this question & we didn’t see what Dan answered - it’s weird that neither of them showed that one!
Choose Dan or Phil - Phil - PHIL 100%; Dan - I would refuse to choose
Favorite Dan video - Phil - Photo Booth Challenge; Dan - Internet Support Group
Favorite Phil video - Phil - Halloween Baking; Dan - Why I was a weird kid
How much do you love DNP - Phil - My life would such without them; Dan - My life would such without them - the only same answer
10:49 - Dan is so happy about this after the challenge at the beginning, hahaha. Both DNP got “phil” body-parts as a result
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11:00 - his attempt to read this description, the majority of which he skipped over because well...
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11:37 - both DNP wanted to nope out as soon as they saw the “Dan’s crotch” option 😂
11:42 - great Dan face
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12:05 - he really didn’t need to attempt to justify this one... 😳
12:20 - so nice about his audience so no one feels bad
12:35 - “I’m going to go and have a long and hard...” WHERE is that going?!
12:50 -  after this he doesn’t post for a month again, until his rebrand
I like this video a lot; I find Dan so funny in it. I also love that DNP can use the same idea for a video, but they end up being so different. But I definitely think this is part of the era where Dan was struggling a bit with deciding if he was okay with posting less “serious” content to his channel.
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sairenharia · 3 years
The Chosen One in The Owl House
So I binged The Owl House a few weeks ago and been reading posts and watching videos and just been wondering about what is Hunter’s ‘place’ in the narrative. (I love Hunter, btw. I love a constantly stressed person who never sleeps who needs a hug.)
He is clearly a foil of sorts. He is Luz’s love of magic, someone who wants to learn and explore more and is denied that. He is Amity’s pain and restriction of her parents. But both Luz and Amity have developed where they are the foils who know better, and can show their growth, but he may not necessarily be in a place to push them to grow.
And then when I rewatched, I realized what is Hunter’s ‘point’ in the story. Something the show hasn’t really talked about since episode two.
Hunter is the one who is given a destiny.
Its a point that Luz is not the ‘chosen one.’ She is not the ‘worthy hero.’ Her every achievement isn’t decided by fate, but her own willingness to listen and change the world around her. She takes what the island offers in glyphs. She sees people who are hurting and offers support and kindness. She is extraordinary because she chooses to go against the status quo because its the right thing to do and in a land where not fitting in is a crime, this is a major choice.
Amity had expectation. She had a dream hundreds of other kids had, but the talent and pressure to actually get there. But she was not chosen. She worked hard for her ability, first from her parents pressuring her, and then from being inspired by her friends. But its notable even if she wanted to join the coven, Amity did not ‘fit in.’ If fanfic is a crime, is fanart any better? When she saw the Emperor’s Coven didn’t meet her ideals, she was easily able to let that dream go, and when given the chance to be herself, she chose it, even if she struggled. But she was expected to become part of that system, to work and force herself to have a part to play.
Luz is the outsider. Amity is the one who could have been.
The others all have different roles in society.
Eda was rejected by society, so she decided to reject it back.
Raine is the one who tries to change the system from the inside.
Lilith had spent too much to join the system so stayed with it out of that guilt, and also in the hope she could use it to help her sister.
Willow is the one who was forced to try and be something else to be ‘better’ in the system until her talent showed her as too invaluable elsewhere.
Gus knows what he wants to be, even if he doubts sometimes, and is looking at a future where he’s not limited.
King is the seemingly mascot sidekick, but he has his own history, his own family, his story exists beyond the role people may assume.
And Hunter is the Chosen One. While everyone felt pressure to conform to the system in one way or another, they are still able to make a Choice at some point. Even Amity’s rebellion against her parents still has wiggle room. She may not be Emperor’s Coven, but she could lead SOME coven and that is still good for the family. As long as she advances their status, she is given freedom.
Hunter does not. Hunter is told what he is to be. Who he is. Because the Titan has Plans for him. Out of everyone, Hunter is the only one whose been sincerely told his destiny is decided for him.
And what a horrible thing that is.
Hunter is a good boy in his heart. He is someone who wants to make friends, he is someone who keeps his word, he sincerely thanks people, he protects a tiny bird even if it would give him the validation he wants to give Rascal up. He is an anxious mess who doesn’t sleep. He wears a mask that is cheerful and he sasses his opponents and he fights criminals.
He is guided by a mentor who he calls uncle, someone important to him, someone he trusts, who gives him responsibilities, but also pushes him to do more then a kid his age should be doing.
Hunter’s role in the story is to show just how much its a terrible thing to be chosen. How Luz is lucky to be able to choose the destiny she wants. To be allowed to still be uncertain. Because Hunter cannot afford to be.
Because Hunter is miserable and yet despite this, he believes in what he’s doing. At least believes Enough. He isn’t using the coven like Lilith was. He doesn’t want power like Kikimora. He isn’t blinded like the other witches. He knows the coven will sometimes do underhanded things, will hurt people, but it is for the Greater Good. And it is for a person he trusts and loves without question.
He believes in Belos wholeheartedly. He believes in the destiny he’s been told he must fulfill. And he’s terrified of being replaced, of being told what he is meant to be, and he STILL won’t be good enough. If he can’t perform, then what worth is he? Even if he loves wild magic, its dangerous and shouldn’t be trusted, though maybe he’s just Special Enough to use it to at least do one good thing?
In other stories, Hunter would be the hero. The strange boy with no magic, but chosen to do something special that only he can, but he must work to be capable of it. To have a powerful and beloved mentor. To have respect and admiration for the skills he learns quickly despite his obvious disadvantage. He works to stop criminals and those deemed dangerous. He does it all because he’s special and the only one who can and he’s too good of a person to say no even as he suffers.
But not having a decision in the person you will be just means you can easily be made to do something terrible instead. Or just be an ingredient in some grand plan you can’t even see.
Hunter is the hero who needs to be rescued from his own destiny.
I wonder if Belos wears sandles under those robes.
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coolnerdyandalone · 4 years
on FIMQ deleting her content and COVID-19 (and a gratuitous larry fic rec)
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@freddiesmyqueen first of all queen i hope you’re doing ok although i know some shit must have gone down for you to delete/private list all your videos and i hope you know that the larry community supports you always. Also your talent is TRULY unmatched in the world of video editing - no one makes edits quite like you and that’s why your loss impacts the community so profoundly. 
secondly, i know at least i was hoping to turn to rewatching all of FIMQ’s videos while i’m being quarantined due to the coronavirus. and i’m willing to bet that i’m not the only one. this is a scary time and for people like me who feel profoundly alone right now, the only way for me to calm my nerves and fears is by reverting to the content and community that helped me feel not so alone when i was in middle and high school. For me, that looks like watching FIMQ videos and reading my favorite larry fanfics (which i will also link below).  because of this i thought it might be helpful to repost some links that were posted by @bluemoonlarryandkaylor for a signal boost (if my teeny-tiny account can be called a signal boost). 
link to a google drive with FIMQ videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONwfLOd_IYvAL5OUDqDb_LLgQsDpd9il
link to an acct with some FIMQ re-uploads: https://www.youtube.com/user/Joana3961/videos
link to FIMQ vids with spanish subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIouodFhArMkQhOHxv2t2NgxTwl6KvXAT
and now if you want to look at some good old fashioned larry fics that are my ABSOLUTE faves and could 100% be actual novels/movies, keep reading:
And Then A Bit** by @infinitelymint aka the best fanfic ever written (basically larry fakes a relationship for publicity with each other and it could be cannon if you really wanted to hope upon hopes): https://archiveofourown.org/works/1415272/chapters/2972746 (159k)
“We’d like to give the fans what they want.” Magee states, placing his hand on the table in front of him and leaning forward. “We want to give them Larry Stylinson.”
Or, take a parallel universe where Louis and Harry were never together, mix in a two year hiatus and an impending comeback, pour in a dash of lost fans, two tablespoons of strong friendship and a Modest! employee with a good idea. Add a squeeze of pretending to be a couple, lots of kisses and a tattoo or two. Stir. Serve: the mother of all publicity stunts.
(aka Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.)
Escapade** by @haydolce aka the Jack McQueen fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4034197/chapters/9071932 (146k)
In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He's rich. He's handsome. He's reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for.
California Sold** by @isthatyoularry​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/5157680/chapters/11877494 (123k)
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
Bring Your Body Baby (I Could Bring You Fame) by @theboyfriendstagram : https://archiveofourown.org/works/4263903/chapters/9652944 (84k)
Eighteen year old Harry Styles just graduated high school and landed a summer job as a waterboy for his favorite football team. His job description is simple: be ready to hand water and towels to players if needed. That didn’t seem to include Louis Tomlinson though, a twenty-three year old, recently transferred Paris Saint-German player, who seems to like making Harry’s job much more difficult than it has to be.
A self-indulgent AU that takes place over the summer of 2015. 18 year old Harry hates pining after people he can't have, and 23 year old footballer Louis loves flirting with people even though it never means anything.
Pull Me Under** by @zarah5 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/870766/chapters/1672104 (140k)
AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career, it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed relationship. Even if that relationship is fake. (Featuring Niall as Louis' favourite teammate, Liam as Louis' agent, and Zayn as Liam's boyfriend, who just happens to be good friends with one Harry Styles.) 
You You You** by @isthatyoularry : https://archiveofourown.org/works/846690/chapters/1617212 (137k)
“Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown,” read the headline. Underneath were pictures of a boy with dark curls, green eyes and very tight pants. They both studied the article for a moment, reading it through quickly. “Is that…?” Louis frowned. That guy almost looked exactly like... "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" "Louis," Niall said, looking absolutely fucked over. "You just fucked the most wanted guy on earth. You just fucked Harry Styles of One Direction."
Or, the one where Harry and Louis meet at a club and Louis takes Harry home, only for him to realize that the boy who just made him breakfast half naked is Harry Styles from One Direction.
Like an Endless Summer by @horsegirlharry : https://archiveofourown.org/works/11365494/chapters/25442085 (87k)
“You just wanna go fawn over Styles as soon as possible,” Zayn grumbles.
“I do not. Plus, he probably got ugly this year. Eighteen is an awkward time...I bet he’s got acne and one of those terrible fuckboy haircuts all the hipsters are getting these days, with the shaved sides? Just watch, the first year we’re gonna get any time together is gonna be the first year I don’t have a stupid crush on him.”
Or, Louis is a riding instructor at a summer camp, and Harry is a fellow counselor who he’s been successfully managing his crush on for the last two summers. That is, until Harry shows up this year leveled up and lethal, and all Louis’s formerly perfected veneer of nonchalance melts like a popsicle in the sun.
Three French Hems by @100percentsassy and @gloriaandrews : https://archiveofourown.org/works/3064493 (20k)
In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
The Dead of July aka the Marvel Fic by @whimsicule  : https://archiveofourown.org/works/3594570/chapters/7928520 (117k)
Being an Avenger means continuing to be Captain America and smiling and being honorable for the public and Harry does his best. But it doesn’t give him time to figure out who he is supposed to be once he takes off his uniform and puts the shield to the side. Just being Harry had always involved Louis, and Harry fears he doesn’t know how to exist without him.
or: Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
Gods & Monsters by  @mizzwilde : https://archiveofourown.org/works/2090982/chapters/4550871 (201k)
The instructions were simple: seduce and destroy Harry Styles. Not once did they discuss the option of Louis actually falling in love. So, naturally, that's exactly what he did.
Love is a Rebellious Bird aka LIARB aka the orchestra fic aka dont hum bolero by @100percentsassy and @gloriaandrews : https://archiveofourown.org/works/1162438/chapters/2362331 (135k)
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
My English Love Affair** by @isthatyoularry​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/1873962 (19k)
The thing about sleeping with a member of a famous indie band is that the inevitability of having a song written about you is most likely a hundred percent. The second thing is that in the end, nobody's supposed to find out it's about you.
The one where Harry writes a song about his English love affair and Louis sleeps with someone in White Eskimo and all he gets is a stupid song written about him.
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can’t Lose by @haydolce : https://archiveofourown.org/works/5799241/chapters/13366498 (113k)
American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers).
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football.
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
Wild and Unruly aka the Cowboy fic by @100percentsassy and @gloriaandrews : https://archiveofourown.org/works/2723093/chapters/6099611 (124k)
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
For As Long As I Can Remember (It’s Been December)** by @greenfeelings​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/15051122/chapters/34892210 (128k)
After recovering from a severe accident that causes Harry to lose his memory of three years, he moves to London to start his life over as a star chef. Little does he know that when he falls in love with Louis at first sight, it’s not the first time they meet.
Featuring an unintentional game of hot and cold, Harry chasing memories that won’t come back, Louis burying himself in work to try and forget what he can’t forget, Liam being torn between two of his best friends, Zayn as a moral compass and Niall saving the day with good music and brutal honesty.
the boys of fall** aka the american football fic by @godgavemelou​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/5443037 (21k)
“And everyone, this is Harry Styles. He’s going to be our starting quarterback this year.”
Louis looks at him, the tall and lanky Harry Styles, and takes it all in. He’s got hair to his shoulders that curls at the ends, tattoos all down his arms, and a bright smile on his face as the team cheers him on. He’s lean and fit, and absolutely beautiful, and Louis hates him to the core.
OR an american football au where the boys play for the university of tennessee, and harry and louis quite hate each other.
** indicates that the fic is a log-in required fic, but if you want the pdf i can send it to you
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, January 6
Bob: How long I been down? Jack: Eight months. I had to wait till the stars aligned. Bob: Oh, eight months. I got some catching up to do. He stops in his tracks and points at Jack. Bob: Whoa! Walker, Texas Ranger. You been taping 'em? Jack: Every ep.
~~The Zeppo~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for a couple of new editors! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Keeping her Warm (Faith/Buffy, E) by Zazria
White Dress (Angel/OC, T) by white_horses
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Snippet for a yet-to-be-published chapter of “You Learn” (Spike/Buffy, not rated) by bramcrackerswrites
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Damn You, Autoreply!, Chapter 1 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by abitca
The Tiger is Out, Chapter 63 (OC & Spike/Buffy, R) by Cosmic Tuesdays
2187 Days, Chapter 7 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Irishrose
Seven, Chapter 10 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Holly
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Seasons in the Sun, Chapter 9 (crossover with The Untamed, Cordelia, FR13) by DragonsPhoenix
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Scattered Echoes: Second Generation, Chapter 1 (Spike/Buffy, M) by Myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Podfic: Witherstone's story "And the Daybreak Brings On Panic Attacks” (Spike/Buffy, T) read by msrtheatre0223, via audiofanficpod
Crafts: A miniature book plush based on the Vampyr book (worksafe) by fandomfleece
Gifs: there are no heroes in a world where heroes can’t die. (Buffy, worksafe) by scullys
Wallpaper: Once I wanted to be the greatest... (Buffy, worksafe) by slayersandprivateinvestigators
Artwork: spike spikeification (fusion with Flushed Away, Spike, worksafe) by castielspizzarolls
Digital drawing: it’s dress up the librarian time! (Giles, worksafe) by flummoxedangel
Fanmix: eyeballs to entrails, my sweet (Spike/Drusilla) by adamnnessy
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Artwork: Eyghon tattoo (worksafe) by the fiancé of GirlOfManyNames
[Reviews & Recaps]
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[“When She Was Bad” is one of the most important episodes of the show] by JohnnyTightlips27
Adult rewatch musings by bakehaus
Buffy game for Xbox. Did anyone else just have a blast beating up vampires? by dabzandjabz
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PODCAST: Pop Culture Role Call - Big Bird's Twitter - Angel S01E17 - Eternity
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A Collection of Spander to Soothe the Soul by UselessTwinks
[Community Announcements]
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Administrative Changes at Elysian Fields
[Fandom Discussions]
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Meta and recs: Snowflake Challenge 2022: Day 3 (AUs and fusions) by sparrow2000
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I think it would be hilarious if Xander Harris met Dean Winchester by angelinthefire, yesitsterriblysimple
The thing about Vampire!Willow by kiki-strike
On Faith’s page of the Buffyverse wiki, the relationships section... by zunavalkyrie
You know those videos of soldiers coming home? (an AU Jenny headcanon) by jessannperreault
We don’t have any canonical birth date for Faith… but by herinsectreflection
I don't subscribe at all to the "if an adult had reached out to Faith in S3 then she would've been fine..." by herinsectreflection, earhartsease
I cannot BELIEVE i was made for loving you came after crush [parallels between Spike and April] by an anon and chasingfictions
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Buffyverse fanon discontinuity (cont'd) by multiple people
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Xander and Willow [Xander should have been the one who was gay] by perfectoneplusnine
Buffy has an aunt? by gmorpion7
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Angel's Back With a New Comic and a Multiversal Mystery (Boom! comics) by Noah Dominguez (CBR)
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nc7dr3am · 3 years
“hello my loves!! let’s chat~~”
TAGLIST (lmk if u wanna join! it’s for all of my lily verse content, even the other oc blogs): @aqueenieme​ @moonbeamsung​​ @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12​ @btshook
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“how are you tonight? could we have a tmi?”
i am very sleepy. i’ll be going to bed soon, actually.. for the tmi... i’ve had three coffees today
“lily!! read any good books lately?”
YES!! i am reading ‘to live’ by yu hua and it’s very .. thought-provoking, i suppose. i’m reading it in chinese, as well, to practice. mila and evie help me occasionally if i need it. please read it!!
“nct siren!!! i’m so excited- can you tell us about hyeyoung and evie?”
i’m excited too~~!! hyeyoungie unnie is very talented at dance and singing. she is a kind and caring unnie, and she calls me her baby. she is one of my very best friends, and i rely on her a lot. evie is also extremely talented, and her voice is very unique. she is a really cool unnie and plays with me a lot. she is also one of my best friends. i love them so much🥺
i know you all will love them- support them, okay? they deserves the world.
“how is the dorm these days? honey and mr. darcy are PRECIOUS... but isn’t jeno allergic?”
yes, jeno is allergic, but you all know that won’t stop him from cuddling them .. dummie. but at least mr. darcy is hypoallergenic! honey sheds quite a bit, though .. also, i’ve actually recently moved out of the dream dorms
LMAOO I NEEDED THIS BABE HAH jimin na is too much of a lil wimp for the streets. but! i live with my nct siren members now! i love it!! it was hard to say goodbye to my dreamies, but i literally see them constantly anyway
“have you been resting enough? i love your solo and your promotions but i hope you’re eating and sleeping well :((“
thank you for caring, babe!! don’t worry though, i’m okay. i appreciate your kindness more than you know.
“lily babe what smells do you associate with the dreamies? and siren?”
*answered on ten different instagram story posts, one for each member*
oh my god there’s so many of them .. mila is definitely oranges and green tea. she uses green tea lotion, but the smells just remind me of her as a person since this is what we’re basing it on
i know we’re not really doing LITERAL scents, but hyeyoung unnie uses this givenchy perfume, l’interdit. it smells floral, but with spice. she reminds me of clean laundry and roses.
evie unnie is like paint. she’s an artist, so when i smell paint, i think of her. and champagne!! floral scents remind me of her as well, but bright floral scents, not the soft ones like hyeyoung. and rain. mixed bag
jaemin oppa reminds me of clean but slightly floral smells. i think if i had to pick a smell for him, it’d be this one aloe and rose toning spray i have. lavender is also a good one for him. calming smells
jeno oppa is like a soap? yknow just the regular body soap with no added scent? it still smells good and it’s just nice and familiar. also, like when something is baking in the oven on an early morning.
fullsun is like if you’re walking somewhere nice and catch a scent of some nearby flowers and freshy cut grass. the way summer days smelled when i was a child. i also would choose honeysuckle for him
renjun oppa is like a forest? he also reminds me of the smell of books, or paper. i’d also pick a beach, but on a cloudy day and there aren’t many people around and the air. he’s like nature
jisung reminds me of the summer nights smell where you have a bonfire. do you all know what i mean? i dunno, it just fits him! and he’s like a nice fresh smell. maybe like when the air smells colder.
chenle reminds me of a pool and i don’t know how to explain that. on another note, mint. he always has a bit of a minty smell in person, too, so that’s probably why. also cologne because he has a lot of it
mark oppa really reminds me of just... that comfortable home smell? and candles? i think amber and cashmere too... those warm, comfy scents. laundry and clean hair. nice smells. he doesn’t wear cologne btw but he always smells nice
“if you can’t talk right now and are doing hot girl shit, what are you doing?”
deadass just rewatching the twilight saga
“should i get a sugar daddy”
i feel like i will get in trouble for answering this
“me love you long tim”
who’s long tim
“do you also still use l’interdit for your perfume?”
OKAY so i use it every now and then!! it’s hyeyoung’s signature smell, and i liked it so sometimes i switch it up and use that. my regular perfume is amazing grace bu philosophy. i’ve used it every day for years
“do you watch crack videos? ily”
ily too!! +yes and i ENJOY THEM it’s very much my sense of humor. johnny irritated me when he only laughed a little. i also watch edits you all make of me >:) i see a lot of czennies posts.
and yes that should scare you
“do the kitties get along with beetle? and are there any other pets in the siren dorms?”
our pets get along pretty well. honey was very hostile at first, but she got used to mr. darcy pretty quickly and they’re best friends. the cats are indifferent to beetle but sometimes they cuddle. and there’s not anymore pets yet!! well, mila has a goldfish too- she just got him and his name is bird.
“bestie i would drink your spit”
i KNOW you didn’t think i would see/respond but i’m built different
“jimin my love what should i do if my ex is trying to get back with me? he kinda broke my heart nd cheated but i still have feelings :(”
um babe he is a FLOP for breaking your heart nd a FLOP for cheating. please don’t get back with his bum ass. idc if it’s harsh- no excuse for cheating. if you trust someone with your heart and they cheat, you know they’re not to be trusted with them again. stay strong bub- i believe in you!
“lily babe your solo was beautiful shskdhs can we expect more solo/lily-written things soon?”
okay i. cannot maybe should not say anything but uh .. LOL
“jimin may i please have your hand in marriage”
okay so i definitely scrolled your account, i definitely think you are beautiful, and i am definitely in love now. also i accidentally liked an old photo gosh i seem creepy i am so sorry
but basically she said yes
“who have you texted most recently?”
*the photo for this story is the cats*
i feel like you wanted to hear a member or one of my friends but i was texting in a group chat with me and my parents. i sent them this picture of my cats, and i also told them i miss them
“ma’am what are your favorite shows”
favorite show of all time is euphoria! i also love the end of the fucking world, joe pera talks with you, the office, seinfeld, i’m now very into steven universe!!!”
“cat girl?”
maid costume is better
“what did u get johnny and jisung for their birthdays!!?”
OO yes!! he loves hats a lot so i got him a balenciaga cap. he really loved it. i also made a decorated corkboard with pictures of our members having fun. i put string lights around the frame and put pretty things on it with evie’s help
johhny is hard to get presents for because he buys whatever he wants. i ended up getting him a pair of vetements slides and a bottle of wine i know he likes. 
also!! i got seulgi unnie and i matching bracelets <3
“why is no one talking about the fact that her favorite show is euphoria oh my GOD”
hhhhhh it’s literally art. the best show i have ever seen in my entire life. a few of the other members have watched it, as well, but evie is also really into it. it made hyeyoung cry the whole time.
“favorite food and song right now? i love you you’re so precious”
i love you more, darling!! food is gyoza, but i really love all dumplings right now. my favorite song at the moment is lovely day by bill withers
“STEVEN UNIVERSE OMG tag siren as the crystal gems”
OKAY hyeyoung is def pearl, shes our mom. mila is garnet, for obvious reasons. i’m steven :D
and evie is amethyst but my mind also is saying greg universe so do with that what you will
“answer 100% honestly there’s a gun to your head who is your favorite member”
“will you flirt with me queen”
no problem baby :) your recent is fine as hell i’ll be in your dm’s waiting
“are you in love”
how can i not be when i am living on the same planet as you
“girl don’t be shy send us hand pics”
“do you have any western artists you’d like to collab with?”
it’s britney, bitch
“i really hope the dating rumors with renjun didn’t but strain on your friendship :(”
okay i actually really wanna address this because a lot of y’all have been saying this stuff, but it didn’t mess up anything. we’re adults now, we’ve known each other for years, and none of us are stupid- including the other guys. we know there will be rumors about us, it’s fairly obvious, but nothing will ever change the fact that we are all best friends, and nothing more. i’m so, so grateful for all of you that were kind, and believed me us when we told the truth. renjun and i, once again, for the people in my dm’s and asks, are not, and never were, dating. our friendship is as strong as ever, babes. 
it’s time for me to goooo, i’m sleepy! goodnight, petals! see you soon~~
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mama-birb-raevehn · 4 years
GW Ponders: Rewatch in Sub
FINE I LIED. This is legit what happens if I have my laptop. It’s easier and faster... so sorry. I’ll be nice and put it behind a cut. And yes. I went back and watched Episode one for this. >.>
Opening Theme: Just Communication
I’ve always liked the opening theme. It’s full of silly poses. Like the one with Heero at the beginning. None of their outfits match what they actually wear. They’re like.... fancy? version. Or at least the Duo and Wufei ones are.
Okay, I knew the bear thing, but to learn that Relena was touching THE BEAR is creepy. Like I want more of that story. (Episode Zero please?) Also, Wing with his magical girl transformation.
Episode 1
This is a boys show... I’m watching this because it before Sailor Moon (lol back in the day on Toonami I think it was). I like the english opening voice of AFTER COLONY 195! better. It’s dramatic and what I grew up with.
I keep expecting that red dot to be a rose. I’m always disappointed it’s not.
GRAVITY is such an issue with this show. “I can walk just fine, gravity exists on my ship.” or “WHEE!!! I’m floating!”
Zechs.... those boots are kinky. What are you into? I really want to know.
Seriously, if I didn’t know and love the series I’d be bored by now.
Ugh, Midorikawa Hikaru..... sooo delicious. I still know you better as Schudlig from Weiss Kruez so it’s weird hearing you as a kid.
Relena is a spoiled brat. :x You’re a politician’s daughter you should be used to it by now. 
Zechs, another thing. Can you really see through that helmet mask thing? Because you look silly. Let your silken locks be free! Also, are you sitting on a towel? I don’t rememeber that being there in the first scene you showed up in. Awkward.
Go go weird bird plane! Also, why is it that only Wing can transform? It seems unpractical. It looks so much smaller than when it’s gundam form. I mean, yes I grew up watching Power Rangers so why I’m questioning this is beyond me.
“No machine gun! But shoot him down.” Logic.
I will forever love that they use zodiacs for the mobile suit names.
Oh hey, it’s Wings of a Boy Who Killed Adolescence. Weird name for a song, but fitting for Heero. Oh, good bye goons. Heero has a creepy ass lau
Oh, that wasn’t a towel It was his jacket. *face palm* I forgot that it was long. But the inside is a weird greenish color when I think it’s supposed to be white. Also, where did he get that parachute?
At least Mr. Darlian has the ability to feel guity about abandoning his daughter. But now we get weird Relena speeches. But here she is being a spoiled brat. Again.
Treize... bringing a computer to an opera/play is rude. As is talking through it. You and your mini fork brows. I never noticed how young he is though. It’s really only noticeable next to all of the other military dudes who are old. Also, awkward view through the chandelier. 
Oh Heero and his attempt number one at exploding. Which, fails. BUT WHY KICK THROUGH THE WINDOW? Did you try the door? That would have made more sense.
I’ve read Episode Zero so now the reasoning behind her introduction makes more sense, but it is still weird.
OH! Hello favorite boy. Duo you’re too adorable for this.
Oh hey, it’s Trowa with Heavy Arms nip guns. >.> Also, how can you see through your weird bang thing.
Aw, precious baby Quatre with Sandrock! Hahahahah, forgot you were voiced by a woman. Makes sense though. I now find his goggles sweet and endearing (thanks Episode Zero).
lol Wufei, you’ll never change with your dramatics. But also in Japanese it sounds like your name is Wuuf. which might explain why I call you Wuf sometimes.
Oh, the famous pink monstrosity of Relena’s limo. These groupies at her school are weird. I actually kind of like the blonde. That trio really, they do care for her.
Heero, you look pretty damn good in that uniform.... *hands the boy over to Duo of fantasies*
I feel awkward, I’ve worn my hair like Relena before.
*INTENSE STARING* RIIIIP BUT WHY????? *wipes tear* I’ll kill you. Relena: I’m now going to be freakishly obsessed with you.
Ending: Just Love
I. Hate. This. Song. Or more of the video. Relena looks weird and dramatic. Those poor animals. She looks like a spoiled princess learning what the outdoors is. Like have only heard of the animals in books. I love the parrots reaction to her... but it’s sometimes the one my kitty gives me. *shrugs* I just wish that we could have had a second ending since we do get a second opening.
Well, that’s all for today folks! Maybe you’ll get more tomorrow, but otherwise, See you next week!
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mightylauren · 5 years
Avengers Endgame SPOILER FILLED Thoughtstream
Pretty much a blow by blow reaction stream straight from my mind in list form of the entire movie from beginning to end. Clearly full of spoilers so it’s below the cut and tagged to death. There’s some all caps screaming. A few keyboard smashes. A fair amount of cussing. Probably a fair amount of typos as I typed this while totally not rewatching it in the comfort of my home. 
Totally not.
I don’t really expect anyone to read all of this but it was all festering in my mind and now it’s out. 
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Who put’s mayo on a hotdog?
Oh man hawks didn’t even see it happen nooo. I knew we were opening with Barton family dusting but ouch.
Tony calling Nebula the blue meanie!
Nebula refusing the last of the food and making Tony eat it makes me love her even more. 
Tony somehow keeps his sense of humor even in the face of death. God I love him. I know he’s gonna make it off this ship.
HA, that Internet joke about Carol showing up right after the trailer scene is true. That’s hilarious.
They never explain how Carol knew to look for them, but I’m going to guess she came to earth ala the scene after Captain Marvel and then went back out to see if she could find him.
Or she got REALLY lucky
I’m unclear does Nebula need oxygen and food? Or just significantly less than a full on human? She seems much better off than him.
Steve shaving did we miss seeing the beard one last time by like seconds? rude.
OMG Rocket sitting down and taking Nebula’s hand. The last of their family. Everyone else gone. My heart is aching.
23 days so we’re less than a month past Vanishing Day
Ha Tony calling Rocket Build a Bear is my first genuine laugh this movie.
I honestly was dying on the inside the whole time Tony is losing his shit on Cap. I mean he needed to say it all but seeing how sick he is and falling apart. He rips off his reactor and hands it over then collapses.
My heart.
Rhodey man. “That’s cute, Thanos has a retirement plan.”
Man this is the least planning they’ve ever done before a mission. They’re just gonna pack up, hop in a space ship and go kill Thanos? Cool. Coolcoolcool.
Okay it’s pretty good to see a lot of that trailer stuff is from very early on in the movie.
“Who here hasn’t been to space? You better not throw up on my ship.” XD
How does this big ass planet that can clearly sustain life have no life on it? Just Thanos some birds and some Meiloorun fruit?
That’s a Star Wars reference for those of you who don’t cross fandom lines.
So his snapping arm looks completely borked.
Wait why is Banner still not Hulking out? How is that suit still running?
Damn he destroyed the stones. He knew they’d come.
We are like twenty minutes in and Thanos is dead? I… what?
*crumples up and throws away all predictions she had before going into the movie
I should have brought a paper bag to breath into.
Okay there’s the support group. Yup a lot of the footage from trailers and stuff is front loaded at the beginning of this. Which is good, because no clue where this is genuinely going.
Did… did a rat just bring Ant-Man back? A rat?
Shit how long has it been for him?
Oh wait, he’s looking for his people maybe not that long.
P-professor Chang?
Can you imagine how disorienting this all is for Scott? Pops out five years after a tragedy like the snap with no idea what the hell is happening.
My sister literally turned to me and said “no trash service but they built a monument?”
Valid question. Very valid. 
I don’t think he fully realized how much time had passed until he saw his daughter.
“You’re so big” just made me tear up a little.
I just had a baby daughter four months ago. So I’m trying not to imagine what it would be like to vanish along with a bunch of other people and then turn back up five years later.
I’m sorry some of this is probably going to be completely incomprehensible unless you’ve seen the movie it just needs venting.
I am liking that they’re all reporting to Nat. That Rocket and Nebula are clearly teamed up.
OMG rocket made a joke about the haircut and Carol called him Fur Face
In case you didn’t know I have a ridiculous love for Rocket so I’m just glad he’s got a support system right now with almost the entirety of his found family dusted.
Capt. Marvel is basically saying she’s out for most of this movie isn’t she? I guess that makes sense she’s OP as hell.
Rhodey is tracking Clint but reluctantly. Clint’s clearly gone off the deepens a bit. Vigilante. Nat isn’t taking it well. Oh no she’s crying. 
This movie is gonna kill me.
I’m trying to imagine seeing a pod of whales in the Hudson River and I can’t imagine it. 
Okay so I’m guessing Scott’s about to turn up covering another major point from the early trailers. Yes yes yes. This is good.
Nat explaining that the Avengers gave her a family and a life and made her feel like she was a better person. Oh girl. You’ve done enough. It’s okay.
Scott doesn’t know science. He’s trying so hard. We need the Science Bros. Where are they?
“Scott, I get e-mails from a raccoon so nothing seems crazy anymore.” LFAO
Tony has a daughter I’m dying. It had to be a little girl. 
Wait is he serious about eating crickets on lettuce? He might be this is semi post-apocalyptic.
Tony does not look happy to see them.
YES LET’S PULL A TIME HEIST. Tony isn’t feeling this but I am.
Oh, Scott, honey. Back to the Future? 
Though Tony your protege Peter used movies to make plans all the time. Maybe it’s not that laughable.
Okay I would die for his daughter. “Mommy sent me out here to save you.” Don’t think you were supposed to just say that outloud kiddo but props on a successful mission.
I know Tony too well for this. He’s saying no, because he loves his family. He needs his family. He’s scared to lose his family.
But now this idea is going to itch at the back of his brain aching to be solved.
Come on Tony lets go back to the future and pull off a time heist.
Hulk in glasses and a sweater is was not even on my theory bingo card what is happening. Is this his diner? They had to find him so he’s clearly not working for Nat right now. I have so many questions.
This whole thing with the kids is awkward. 
Come to think of it I have questions about how the infrastructure that is supporting things like cell phone networks is still functioning after the vanishing. Maybe because it’s been five years.
Is Nat flirting with Banner to get him to help?
Tony looking at a picture of Peter he’s got to try.
I’m glad there is laughter in this movie and it’s not entirely heavy. I mean it’s Marvel I should have known.
He calls his daughter Little Miss. And she just extorted a juice pop out of him. I love Dad Tony. 
This is gonna hurt later I just know it. I can feel it in my gut.
“I love you 3000” My heart.
I’m glad that Tony is just going to have a straight up honest conversation with his wife about this.
He’s grown so much.
Oh Pepper, she’s telling him to do it. There’s some unsaid deep communication happening in this conversation. Bless this pair so much. She’s going to let him go and he’s going to go even though his gut his telling him that the road is not going to end well for him.
That’s why he wants to put it in a lock box and drop it to the bottom of a lake.
This is just so damn good so far. No complaints yet.
I kind of love this Hulk. He has no idea what he’s doing here but I love him. He’s like only half taking this seriously.
BAHAHAHA THIS TEST. HE comes back as a baby and Hulk is like “He’ll grow” I mean he’s not wrong but not the right answer buddy.
Another genuinely funny scene. 
“TIME TRAVEL!” With his hulk arms held wide.
Tony is literally speeding in his car there. Cap doesn’t even look that surprised.
Oh this is the Tony and Steve getting back on the same page moment I’ve been waiting for. I love it. I really love it.
I love that it was in the trunk buried under kids stuff.
Tony is back and I love it even if I’m scared it’s gonna mean his end.
“Rhodey, careful on reentry theres an idiot in the landing zone.” As if I couldn’t love Nebula more in this movie.
Wait “New Asgard Please Drive Slowly” just threw me for a total loop. Good to know all the Asgardians didn’t actually die in that ship.
She’s like not acknowledging the Raccoon LMFAO
Holy hell what is happening here. Oh man Thor what have you done to yourself.
Actually, I get it. 
Are they playing Fortnite? 
This whole scene is super surreal right now. 
I actually kinda dig it but I did NOT see it coming. This movie has gone places I never would have predicted.
Thor kept strong for so long. He lost so much. He got all the way to the point where he’d done all he could think. He killed Thanos and there was no way to undo all that could be done so he just settled and existed. He drank and played video games with his buddies.
I get it.
Rocket just lured him onto the ship with beer. 
Was good to see Korg and Miek are alive. And there for them in their own ways.
Oh dude he’s just fucking people up does he even have a bow with him?
Nat waited until there was some way to undo the snap before reaching out to him. She’s just been silently tracking him waiting for a good reason to bring him in. 
In a matter of seconds Tony calls Thor “Lebowski” and Rocket “Ratchet” and I have always lived for his dumbass nicknames. 
Lebowski Thor is officially what I’m referring to this iteration of Thor.
Oh look a classic time travel trope a limit in the number of trips they can make. Makes sense though, Hank Pym was always very protective of how to make the particles so they only have what was made before the Vanishing.
I love the team debating how time travel really works. Listing all the time travel movies. Bill and Ted even snuck into the list. 
Not sure sending Clint back for the test was the best choice this is gonna be rough.
Okay he started to lose it at the end but he made it.
YES brainstorming session this’ll be fun.
Tony’s gentle handling of Thor says a lot. Tony’s been to rock bottom and recognizes the symptoms. At the same time I laughed when he offered breakfast and Thor said no he wanted a Bloody Mary.
Nebula is so dramatic I’m here for it. 
Laying all over the desk brainstorming for Nat to finally figure out that there are three stones in one place at one time. This is the content I came for.
And just like that its 2012 this is surreal.
Interesting seeing what the Ancient One was doing during the battle of New York. On a roof defending the sanctum from Chitauri.
I didn’t see that coming.
Just a glimpse of Loki. :-(
It was almost cruel to send Thor to Asgard to do this. I mean someone had to go with Rocket, but damn this is tough to watch.
DAMN Rocket smacked him. And also just called Mantis “the chick with the antenna”. Pep talk’s not bad but Thor is crying I don’t think he can do this.
I don’t know why they want to do it that way anyway, Jane would have taken one look at him and known it was the wrong Thor.
Wait… they’re sending Nat and Clint to Vormir… oh God… oh no…
Okay so that’s going to suck in a few minutes lets just put a pin in that.
Nebula you waited a bit to tell Rhodey that there’s another you out there looking for the same infinity stone you’re there to fetch. 
Oh look its like just barely pre-Guardians Gamora, Nebula, and unfortunately Thanos.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Turns out two Nebula’s in one place is bad voodoo. She’s seeing video from the other Nebula which means THANOS can see video from the other….
Yeah this is all gonna go bad.
HAHAHA Tony just checked out Steve’s ass. 
It’s hard to remember that this shit is going to fall apart when I’m laughing.
Tony just flicked Ant-Man to his target and all I can think about is Gimli an “toss me” from LOTR.
Is Cap about to fuck up a bunch of people in the elevator again?
2012 Time heist is about to hit a hiccup isn’t it. OH MAN they just gave Tony a heart attack.
I mean yes but no. Loki just nicked the Tesseract and dipped with it. 2012 Loki is just gone.
There’s like timeline repercussions there. Not entirely sure what they are but there will be repercussions.
Cap fighting himself! CAP CHECKING OUT HIS OWN ASS!
Man the Time Heist is so rapid fire there’s too much to absorb.
“I’m totally from the future.” - Lebowski Thor breaking a law of time travel
Thor’s heart to heart with his mom is giving me feels. He needed this.
Ok it’s never occurred to me how ridiculous Quill would look dancing around without the music. That’s hilarious.
It’s so good seeing Steve and Tony back on the same page trusting each other. And clearly completely throwing Scott “Piss-Ant” Lang for a loop. 
I didn’t expect a detour to the 70’s. AAAND that’s his Dad. Tony’s just run into his own father. 
This movie is a roller coaster I’ll tell ya.
This is all mush if you’ve read this far you deserve an award. Or a sticker. One of those.
What a weird decision to have Tony have this whole meet up with his father here. And now Steve is taking refuge in Peggy’s office. Like this is almost mean to do this to these two. 
Why is it the Russo’s never could decide if Steve had gotten over Peggy or not gotten over Peggy. Back and forth and back again. I take it we aren’t going to see the niece at all in this one?
Alright boys lets get the hell out of the 70s this felt like a weird trip without the drugs.
Damn Nebula why is past you such a bitch when I love present you so much. I know I know that’s because you grew and what not but shit I don’t know what you and Thanos are about to do but it’s about to suck.
I’m not ready for this. I’m not ready for this. I don’t want either of them to die. This sucks. No No no no onoanfnaondaksldfj;lasdkja;
God we’re going to have to literally watch them fight over which one is going to sacrifice themself.
Here it is, I’m crying now. Me and Barton are just going to cry here in this puddle if you need us. 
They’re all back, except Nat. Which means that’s the wrong damn Nebula and no one notices because NO NAT. Shit. Shit shit.
This movie is going to give me a heart attack.
“Did she have any family?” “Yeah. Us.” :’-(
Okay Thanos like fucked up a whole mining community and shut down a star afterwards to forge a gauntlet to put the stones in and here’s Tony Stark plopping them into like an Iron Man armor piece like its nothing.
Looks sleek too. I dig it.
And they’re all too busy with the glove to notice fucking Nebula. SHIT. 
Man it’s hurting Hulk just to WEAR the damn thing. Thanos was just strolling around wearing it, which doesn’t bode well considering I see Nebula is bringing Thanos here. 
Cool. That’s cool. This is fine. 
How long of a moment of joy are they going to get. Clint’s wife is calling. Birds are singing. Shit is inches from a fan.
There’s like a whole hour left. Tell me they all survived that. I was not ready. I WAS NOT READY.
Oh here’s that shot of Hawkeye in the tunnel. Much later in the movie than a lot of those trailer shots. Fascinating. 
So 2014 Thanos is here with his whole crew and there’s a complete gauntlet here. Shit.
Well, they’re all alive. They’re not together entirely but they’re all alive.
Double wielding dad bod Thor just braided his beard with lightning and I’m here for it.
The stakes are at maximum. Now Thanos wants to destroy it all not just half. So failure here can never be undone there won’t be anyone to Avenge anything if he gets the gauntlet this time. That’s not terrifying at all.
Fuck that’s the wrong Nebula. BUT THERE’S THE RIGHT NEBULA WITH GAMORA.
Clint is like in the middle of this stand off like “wtf is happening I should have kept my hands on the glove”
Nebula just killed her own past self. And she didn’t vanish so no Back to the Future rules here for sure.
Damn Thanos is giving the boys a run for their money even without a single stone. 
Shit is Thor gonna die?
Damnit Thanos is calling in the whole army. Cap is like the last one standing on the front line and he’s not backing down because he’s Captain “America’s Ass” America. Thor is down Iron Man is down. The others are trying not to drown. Shit.
It’s a good thing they sound proof these theaters now or you’d hear this across town the audience is going fucking nuts.
There’s too much to touch on all this chaos I’ll hit the highlights because it’s so much.
Pepper and Tony fighting back to back.
Thor and Steve switching weapons, Thor telling him to keep “the little one” aka Mjolnir.
Tony and Peter reuniting and the hug.
Quill seeing Gamora and it’s the wrong Gamora and actually that broke my heart a little bit because his Gamora is gone forever.
Playing hot potato with the gauntlet.
Scarlet Witch fucking Thanos up to the point he panics and starts firing on his own troops to get her off of him.
Spider getting the gauntlet and for the first time ever activating instant kill on purpose.
Peter becoming the hot potato along with the Gauntlet.
When the ships started firing up my sister elbowed me and legit was like “She’s here.” 
All the women assembling around Captain Marvel!! Even Gamora is with them holy shit!
Damn it the glove is back within his reach and I can’t with this. 
She took a headbutt to the face like it was nothing and he panicked like a bitch pulled the power stone and punched her with it. 
My sister silently handed me a tissue and I fell the fuck apart.
I never thought in a million years they would have it go this way. Tony snapping. Dusting Thanos and his army. 
I can’t even comment more on this scene I’m too sad. Everything after is too sad. The funeral.
There are infinity stone colored stones in the “proof that Tony Stark has a heart” setting. 
I love you 3000 Tony Stark.
Thor leaving Valkyrie in charge and heading off with the Guardians.
Quill clearly looking for new old Gamora. I doubt she was dusted so she must have just faded away after the battle to do her own thing.
Glad that Nebula is with them though.
I feel a loose beginning set up for the actual Asgardians of the Galaxy.
Bucky said goodbye to Cap like he knew Cap wasn’t going to be back with them in five seconds. He knew.
We’re lucky he didn’t come back as a baby though. ;-)
I mean I’m surprised they went this route with Cap but I’m happy for him.
I’m happy for Sam too. We knew at the end of this the mantel had to get passed and here it is, old man Steve passing the shield to Sam.
I bet that show about “Falcon” and Bucky is really about the new Captain America and Bucky. Just saying.
Steggy shippers rejoice and the cries of a million Stony and Stucky shippers can be heard round the world.
Is that a sentence I just wrote? I never got into MCU shipping stuff personally.
And then all there is at the end is the distant sound of Tony forging that first armor.
A reminder that Tony Stark built all this in a cave.
From a box of scraps.
I’ll be mourning Tony for a long while. I was always team Tony.
They did him right tough. His arc was satisfying and RDJ performed beautifully in this one.
My heart aches. They had to give him a daughter. I’m watching my daughter sleep totally not thinking what it would be like for her to lose her father. 
I’m gonna go hug my partner when I’m done with this.
Over all I am happy with Endgame. I mean with time travel they obviously left loose ends all over.
They say they can’t change time and the whole present becoming your past when you go back while the past is your future blah blah blah
But like clearly things are changed. 2012 Loki got the tesseract and escaped
2014 Thanos is no longer in 2014. So the Guardians movies happened but also couldn’t have happened? I dunno it’s confusing.
So basically the MCU has finally caught up with it’s comic book roots of being a confusing jumble timelines. How poetic.
Anyway if you read this you are amazing and feel free to private message me if you want to scream about Avengers Endgame and have no one else to do it with.
I feel better having vented this all out.
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popmybrains · 6 years
Dead Birds - Ben Paul x Reader
Paring : Ben Paul x Reader
A/N: I’ve been rewatching run through of The Walking Dead Video game, considering I’m a big fan of the show, and Ben’s character honestly really really grew on me. I was a little broken over how he died so how do I cope? I right fanfiction over it of course. This is pretty short so sorry :)
Warnings: Angst/Fluff , Suicide/Murder , Slight Gore
Summary: (Y/N) had been with Ben since the world went to shit, arriving with Ben and their school coch at the motor inn. But what happens when Ben and (Y/N) fall together off the balcony? Someone gets speared, the other breaks a leg and Kenny will have to make a choice.
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(Y/N) sat next to Ben, clinging onto his left arm, having just excasped death in the by fleeing into the attic while the mansion underneath them flooded with the dead.
Her tear stained faced buried into his shoulder as he rested his head into his free arm. While many of the group believed Ben to be the weak one, it actually was the (H/C) hair colored girl clinging onto his arm instead. She listened as Omid beat against the wall, Kenny, Lee, and Christa all secretly talking about you and Ben - they weren’t being as quiet as they thought they were.
Blinking away a few stray tears from her (E/C) eyes she leaned into Ben, feeling him pull his arm out of her grip. Opening her mouth to protest wanting him with her to feel safe she quickly shut her mouth instead when she felt it return, but instead around her shoulder, having Ben pull her closer into his side.
“I’m scared Ben.” (Y/N) whispered as Ben turned his head to look down at his girlfriend. Sighing Ben turned to look at the other four older members of their dysfunctional group. When his gazed returned to (Y/N)’s water filled one, he silently broke on the inside, bringing his other hand up to cup her face within his gigantic palm he rested his forehead against her own.
“I know you are (Y/N), I am too, but I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” He whispered before going to nuzzle her with his nose - Eskimo kisses being something he used to make her smile all the time when she was upset before their world went to shit.
Pulling back he saw the sad smile on her face, her eyes halfway open. Opening her mouth to say something, she didn’t get the chance before Omid called saying he had broken through.
Ben held (Y/N) by the waist as he help her carefully land into the room they had busted into, after scanning over her silently with his eyes he made a mental note that all though shaken up, she was fine. That was until he saw her eyes widen.
Confused, Ben turn to see what she was looking at only to see that the rest of the group was looking at it too - the lovers who took their life together. Ben felt his heart clench, and a grip enter and tighten around his own hand.
The group was silent as Kenny went up to take the gun out of the dead mans grasp, taking a look into how many bullets the pistol carried. “Only one left.” He mumbled, putting the safety on and the gun into his pants.
Christa looked to Omid, her face appearing to be heartbroken - mirroring (Y/N)’s own face. Turning to Lee, Christa said they should check the room all before leaving, seeing if they could find anything they would need.
Ben and (Y/N) both walked over to the window, as the petite girl looked out the boreded window, whispering to Ben. “I don’t want us to end up like them. I don’t want to die like that, just giving up.” She whispered. Ben looked at the (S/C) colored woman, shocked. He never expected her to say something like that. “I promise we won’t.” He whispered back to her. Opening his mouth to say more, he heard the sound of a door opening, and Christa’s voice calling out to say theirs nothing of value within the room.
As the group decided to jump up one to the second building, the young couple stood and watched waiting for their turn. Watching as it went from Lee, Omid, Christa, Kenny and now the teenagers.
The two stood together on the small balcony, as (Y/N) looked over the edge, into the alleyway. “I don’t think I can do it Ben.” She turned her head up to stare into the tall boys blue eyes. “You’ll be fine, I’ll be right here-“ He tried to tell her, gripping her wasit as he lifted her up onto the railing, only for both of them to here a clang, and then to feel both of them falling, listening to Lee and Kenny scream shit.
When (Y/N) hit the ground, she felt a snap, and let out a quick and shrill shriek, and heard Ben’s own mantra of, “I’m okay.”
Hearing footsteps run towards herself and Ben who was now covered in trash. “Be quiet Ben! Or the dead will be on us!” The one armed man said trying to hush Ben.
“I’m okay really, please just get (Y/N) up, I think her leg is hurt.” Ben said, shifting his head in her direction to see her sitting on her ass, cradling the leg bent at an odd angle.
“Give us a moment and let us help you first.” Kenny said, pushing the trash out of the way to revel that Ben has been pierced through his stomach.
Everyone went dead silent and (Y/N) felt as though her heart had just stopped, with perseverance and adrenaline now she ignored the throbbing pain within her leg and crawled her way over to Ben. “No, no.” She whispered, bring her hands up to his cradle his face as his own went to grip the metal poking out of his abdomen slicked in blood.
Kenny tried to lift him up only for Ben to scream out in pain making more blood ooze from the wound, forcing Kenny stop his work. Lee being the first to actually speak up, he told Kenny to just rip him up like a bandaid, but it was useless, the dead had already started to corner them. Bens eyes widened in fear, his own turning to to meet (Y/N)’s gaze before he paincked.
“Oh god don’t let them get to me!” He pleaded with Kenny, knowing there was no way for them to get him off the metal pike. Kenny had turned to Lee, ending up to have their own small conversation, while Ben looked directly into his girlfriends eyes.
“You need to go with Lee, now.” His usually soft and gentle slightly nervous voice now holding a tone of seriousness (Y/N) never heard before. Being scared out of her wits, she decided that if this was his stop, it would be hers too.
Slowly starting to cry as the dead got closer, she held onto one of his hands tighter. “No, I don’t leave you. If you die, so do I.” She cried, her sobs being mixed in with the moans of walkers. Bens heart broke, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to change her mind, which broke him the most, turning his head to Kenny who was now alone, with no Lee in sight.
“Give me the gun Kenny.” The old mans mouth opened in protest before Ben cut him off again. With a solemn look on his face, he gave the gun to Ben, giving (Y/N) a sorry glance before making his way to a manhole cover in the middle of the street to save his own hide now.
“Why do you need the gun Ben-“ (Y/N) asked before her eyes widened, realizing the gun was posting between her eyeballs. “I love you more then anything (Y/N) (L/N).” Ben said giving her a sad smile eyes filled with tears as they leaked down his cheeks, the geeks finally closing in.
Opening her lips to scream no, she never got the chance before Ben pulled the trigger, the brains and blood of his now deceased girlfriend spalttering all over his own face and the ground below them, her one stiff now limp body falling to lay on his chest.
Laying a hand on your head, softly petting your hair he tried not to scream as the dead bit into his flesh and trying to die happy.
Knowing he just saved you from living his worst fear.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who’s Best Comfort-Viewing Episodes
I mean, it’s not like absolutely everything is terrible right now, but certainly a lot of things are and we could all do with a break. As a result, here’s a list of Doctor Who stories – one chosen per Doctor – that I put on for comfort. Sometimes you need something familiar and well-worn to unwind with.
This list is very much subjective, some of it is down to which Doctor Who videos I could afford when I was 10. These stories work for me and it’s unlikely they will work completely for someone else. Also worth mentioning is that this list is incomplete; these are not the only stories I watch for comfort, and indeed sometimes that’s not the reason I watch these stories.
First Doctor: ‘The Aztecs’
‘The Aztecs’ is a great example of Doctor Who that can be both familiar, endearing and brutal. In this story Barbara is mistaken for the goddess Yetaxa, and attempts to use her influence to stop the practice of human sacrifice. The Doctor rails against changing history, the High Priest plots to reveal Barbara’s ploy. To escape, Ian has to fight to the death, Susan has to avoid an arranged marriage, and the Doctor has to pretend to romance an Aztec woman who might have the key to letting them reach the TARDIS again. It’s all very morally murky yet comes away feeling generous.
A lot of the characters are flawed and interesting. You understand their motives even if you don’t agree with them. The original TARDIS crew, who have hit their stride now, are included in this. The Aztecs are shown to both practice human sacrifice and meet writer John Lucarotti’s description of ‘a highly civilised and cultured race’.
It’s also a well-made show, and if anything the improved picture quality has been cruel to Barry Newberry’s backdrops – not for lack of detail, but for picking out the folds in the material. With the script doing the same for the characters, ‘The Aztecs’ shows us that comforting does not have to equal light.
Second Doctor: ‘The Macra Terror’
There’s something counterintuitive about choosing a Troughton story with almost no existing pictures because so much of his performance is visual. However, having first experienced a lot of Troughton stories as audio there’s still a lot to admire in his expressive vocal performance.
Also something potentially counterintuitive here is that I’m picking a story outside of the Base Under Siege format that dominated Season 5, which for many people is their platonic ideal of Doctor Who. However I feel that this does a great disservice to a subgenre I’m going to call ‘Weird Troughton’, defined by being an outlier from the series format or featuring Troughton still working out the role (so ‘The Highlanders’, despite being a historical with no science-fiction elements, counts because Troughton is still trying out strange and fun things with the character). ‘The Underwater Menace’ is ridiculous and I love it anyway, David Whittaker very much ploughs his own furrow, and ‘The Mind Robber’ raises the possibility that Doctor Who is a self-aware entity. ‘The Macra Terror’, now available as an animation, is for me one of the best pieces of drama produced from this group, managing to be sinister, fun and have giant crab monsters in it.
It’s an angry take on uniformity, jingoism and control and feels very current. The Second Doctor’s response to having his clothes cleaned and hair combed in accordance with colony beauty standards is great. Ben’s brainwashing gives Michael Craze a chance to show his range, and by choosing not to play it in a zombie or fugue state it’s all the more chilling. Plus, and I can’t stress this enough, giant crabs.
Third Doctor: ‘The Sea Devils’
‘The Sea Devils’ is a sequel to ‘The Silurians’, Malcolm Hulke’s story of prehistoric lizard people who were the dominant species on Earth before humanity. That story was a more considered, intense tale, whereas this is more of a romp with depth. With aquatic lizards instead of underground ones, it also features the Navy rather than UNIT, and the Navy is credited with assisting the production.
Possibly because of this collaboration Jon Pertwee (formerly of the Naval Intelligence Division during World War Two) is clearly having a great time. Otherwise the tropes of the era (the Master, the military, meddling civil servants, Jo Grant gets to be resourceful and plucky, six episodes that could have been done in four) are all present and correct and ready to be argued at. It’s extremely comfortable, and directed with pace and energy by Michael E. Briant (he also knows when to slow down: the submarine attack, for example, where the sailors arm themselves and get into position, watching in horror and confusion as the door melts in front of them).
Hulke injects just enough detail into the characters to bring them to life, with the cast rising to the challenge. Colonel Trenchard, for example, feels like someone you could hear at a golf club complaining about immigration. The final two episodes dispense with any notion of depth and instead we get a big ol’ fight scene where the Navy gets to show off its machinery and the stunt team gets to show off its flips and falls.
This story also features an experimental synth score and a swordfight between the Doctor and the Master where one of them stops for sandwiches. The Pertwee era is pitched incredibly astutely. Sure, it’s absolute nonsense, but it’s amiable nonsense with teeth.
Fourth Doctor: ‘The Ribos Operation’
‘The Ribos Operation’ (or, as it should be known ‘The Best Fourth Doctor Story’) kicks off The Key to Time arc by systematically undermining the entire concept. The Doctor is given a mission by the White Guardian (ostensibly nicer than the Black Guardian but with a hint of unease to him), to find six pieces of The Key to Time and restore balance to the universe. The Doctor is given a new companion, a recent Time Lord academy graduate with all the book knowledge but no experience of the universe.
Robert Holmes’ script is layered, funny, and treads a perfect balance between anger and (unexpectedly) kindness. It hides its subtleties with engaging dialogue and characters, all played with the right levels of bombast. And such characters! Garron and Unstoffe, one of several Doctor analogues (he’s a big, booming and charismatic conman, with Unstoffe as his game but questioning companion who brings compassion that Garron can’t) are rightly regarded as the standouts, but it’s also worth noting the Graff Vynda K: a villain of the piece, a prissy warlord full of self-importance but never heard of before or since, a backwater despot bullying his way across a tiny corner of the universe. The Doctor’s solution to a vainglorious, self-mythologising monster? To blow him up. An interesting response on a number of levels.
There’s nothing wrong with this story. It’s superbly constructed and well-made. It’s a perfect anti-epic, and the only story I’ve rewatched on DVD as often as I did VHS.
Fifth Doctor: ‘Enlightenment’
A wondrous peak in Eighties Doctor Who, starting as a cerebral science-fiction adventure before morphing into a cerebral science-fiction adventure that’s camp as tits.
You may recall Craig Ferguson’s description of Doctor Who as ‘the triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism’. ‘Enlightenment’ is a great example of this, with the romantic image of seafaring ships sailing through space corrupted by both the aloof officers and the Black Guardian’s influence. The Guardians here are ostensibly still representations of order and chaos, but mostly they’re ‘nice old man with bird on head’ and ‘ridiculous hyuk hyuking villain with bird on head’. The officer class are made up of Eternals – a race of godlike immortal beings who created this space race for entertainment – a great concept invented by writer Barbara Clegg after witnessing her rich relatives interact with her poorer ones at a family gathering.
The Doctor, through his intellect and faith in his companion, removes the corrupting forces. It’s not clear what happens to the surviving ships after the race is finished, but imagine finding one abandoned in space. It’s such a strong image in a story full of them. Clegg’s writing is full of great concepts and characterisation, including some excellent work with the regulars that makes them feel much more like real people than usual.
Read more
How Doctor Who Was Quietly Revolutionised By Its Least Popular Season
By Andrew Blair
Doctor Who Series 13: Jodie Whittaker Leaving Rumours, the Next Doctor, and the Future
By Jamie Andrew
Sixth Doctor: ‘The Mark of the Rani’
In which Time Lady the Rani experiments in a north-eastern mining town, causing violence to erupt.
First of all there’s the score, which is still of its time but feels distinctive due to its more tranquil ambient feel. It doesn’t sound dissimilar to The Microgram, someone who travels round the North East of England recording ambient noises and playing synths over them. There’s even one recorded at Beamish, which completes the loop here.
‘The Mark of the Rani’ is set in Killingworth, north of Newcastle, and technically so are the accents. They sound like someone went round RADA asking ‘Has anyone heard the song “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble” by PJ and *checks notes* Duncan?’
This slightly askew version of reality fits Pip and Jane Baker’s version of Doctor Who. Their debut script for the show establishes their style of endearingly serious batshit nonsense (landmines that turn people into plants, leading to the immortal line ‘The tree won’t harm you’). It’s like their stories are written by Wallace with minimal input from Gromit.  
As a result ‘Mark of the Rani’ stands out amidst the aggressive stories surrounding it. It can be taken as merely enjoyably daft, but it’s also got some substance to it. Pip and Jane clearly remember Doctor Who as being the kind of show where the Doctor and his companion got on, so Peri is subjected to less arguing and is even defended (admittedly in terms of utility) by the Doctor.
The Rani is actually a character here, as opposed to her other appearances where she is simply A Villain In Doctor Who, and her presence immediately reduces Anthony Ainley’s Master to a supporting comic relief character. This suits him. When you’re standing in a field caked in shit pretending to be a scarecrow and laughing at passers-by for not noticing you clearly we can’t take you seriously anymore, so at least this story doesn’t pretend he’s a credible threat.
So on the one hand it’s daft, silly fun, but on the other it’s a mid-Eighties story featuring a chemist torturing Northern miners for her own gain. Guess what degree Margaret Thatcher graduated from Oxford with?
Speaking of Thatcher:
Seventh Doctor: ‘The Happiness Patrol’
Within Doctor Who fandom, no one has ever said ‘Oh you don’t like the McCoy era? I’m sorry, you never mentioned it’, and ‘The Happiness Patrol’ revels in all the things its detractors hate about the era. It’s intentionally camp and uses symbolism rather than demanding to be taken literally, like a more confident version of Season 24. The Kandy Man is rightly noted as (visually) a Bertie Bassett parody, played as the ludicrous creature he undoubtedly is.
Knowing that it is restricted in what it can show in terms of violence, the show had now worked out how to be ostensibly child-friendly and incredibly morbid, hence the screeching sweetie-creature, the Day-Glo ray-guns, and the guy who gets drowned in a vat of jam. When you’re three and have never seen Doctor Who before the Kandy Man is downright terrifying, this bizarre monster who twists and turns and screams. This was my first experience of Doctor Who and, appropriately enough, it scared the hell out of me.
As an adult, I find it’s a pleasing return to the ‘Weird Troughton’ stories of the Sixties, the ones where the Doctor was an unassuming but powerful anarchic figure. Here we have a variation of this, where the Doctor has been trying to explore the universe but finds it full of monsters, and starts doing something about it.
Before Season 26 attempted something approaching realism, this story suits Ace and the Seventh Doctor who both feel like Children’s TV archetypes who have grown tired of their roles. Ace’s CBBC leanings (with crap swearing and Blue Peter badges) fits into this heightened reality better than she does a less tonally certain story (like ‘Battlefield’). ‘The Happiness Patrol’ feels like a combination of the different approaches of the McCoy era, a best of album with a life of its own.
Eighth Doctor: ‘Night of the Doctor’
This is specifically because of the circumstances of broadcast, although it’s also a melancholy meta-commentary on the show’s cancellation and wilderness years in which Paul McGann gets to demand ‘Bring me knitting’.
It’s not merely the return of McGann to the onscreen role of the Eighth Doctor after 17 years, it’s that this was kept a surprise until the mini-episode was released in the build-up to the 50th anniversary special. It was such a treat, and I still remember the email I sent to the site’s TV editor when I watched it for Den of Geek. It read ‘OH MY F***ING GOD’ and was sent while the episode was paused just after the word ‘expecting’.
And so I told my friends. I know people watched this in work meetings on their phones under the table. It’s associated with a lot of feelings, not least building excitement. This one is connected very clearly to a moment of shared joy.
Ninth Doctor: ‘The End of the World’
While ‘Rose’ is rightly adulated as bringing Doctor Who back to a large prime time audience, ‘The End of the World’ had a different job to do. Viewing figures went down for this episode after over 10 million people watched the series opener, but went up again after this, suggesting positive word of mouth from this episode, consolidating the success of ‘Rose’.
The production team were aiming to use this episode to show off how Doctor Who could look in 2005, with hundreds of CGI shots and dozens of aliens gathered together. It also showed the new Doctor’s emotional distance, in that his idea of showing off to his new companion is to take her to see her planet getting destroyed.
We also get, in a late addition to the script, Russell T. Davies’ knack for making the alien familiar with the character of Raffalo (‘You’re a plumber?’) who is almost immediately killed, further demonstrating RTD’s knack for knowing which character’s death will have the most impact (and if you’ve not read his novelisation of ‘Rose’ you really should if just for Clive’s death in prose form. Honestly it’s incredible).
‘The End of the World’ is a comforting reminder of the nascent excitement surrounding the 2005 series, that feeling of turbulence that eventually settled because of the strength of these early episodes.
 Tenth Doctor: ‘The Fires of Pompeii’
The episode itself has a soothsay-off between Metella and Lucius to set up a plot point and the series arc, and the first TARDIS trip for Donna as a full-time companion. You immediately get to see the strengths that Catherine Tate is going to bring to the series, not merely her comic and dramatic ability but the way Donna is able to stop the Tenth Doctor from his worst impulses, and by bluntly dismissing the notion of fixed points in history meaning just allowing bad things to happen. This is, for me, the best episode in the first half of Series 4 by a long way.
Sure, there’s a colossal death toll here which is far from comforting, but as ever nostalgia and context plays a huge part here. This was an episode broadcast on the night of our fan club’s night out, a phase of my fandom that turned me from someone who liked Doctor Who in primary school into an adult fan. This has, overall, been worth it. So what this story reminds me of is, following on from ‘The End of the World’s establishing the series, is the initial excitement and patterns of Russell T. Davies’ series where he set up some key words or phrases early on and fandom tried to work out their significance, resulting in the heady days of someone saying Norman Lovett was going to play Davros in ‘The Parting of the Ways’ on IMDb.
Eleventh Doctor: ‘A Christmas Carol’
Quite a few contenders here, but I’ve gone with my favourite Christmas Special because these episodes are often Doctor Who at its broadest, suitable for the half-cut who dwell in food-comas. This episode is one of the last of these stories, before the Christmas Specials became steeped in the main continuity of the series. It’s also a great example of the childlike impulsiveness of Matt Smith’s Doctor before he became more of a teenager in Series 6. It’s great fun and the riffing on Dickens lands really strongly for people like me, who often respond more to a strong realisation of an idea than they do pathos.
This story is designed to be comfortable and succeeds by establishing what a Steven Moffat Christmas Special will look like: lots of time-travel, obviously, but also a big budget version of ‘The Happiness Patrol’s daring the audience to find it too ridiculous. As a result we get a remix of A Christmas Carol featuring flying sharks pacified by a mezzo-soprano, with the joy of these disparate elements coming together through that most underrated of Moffat staples – a grumpy old man learning to let go while being dragged through the sky by animals who usually lack the power of flight.
Twelfth Doctor: ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’
With Capaldi realising his initially abrasive take on the character was too much, this story relieved the tension that had been building with the Doctor’s behaviour, allowing him to explain himself and setting up the arc that culminates in ‘Hell Bent’.
Once this was broadcast I breathed a sigh of relief. Despite wanting it not to be the case I’d had to reach for the positives in the Capaldi era thus far; with the exception of ‘Listen’ the stories had felt like treading water until ‘Kill the Moon’ split the room. Even if you don’t like it (and I mostly don’t) that was the first story that felt like it was trying something different and paved the way for the increased complexity of the Twelfth Doctor’s character. Ultimately what the show needed at this point was a run of good stories, and – appreciating some people don’t get on with ‘Forest of the Night’ (and I mostly do) – this was the start of a really strong run.
‘Mummy on the Orient Express’ is a mash up of concepts that Doctor Who excels at, with an enjoyably horrific Mummy and the actual countdown to its victims’ demises contributing to making each death count. This is harder than it looks, the balance between violence and pathos taking into account the family audience, but the combination of ideas really makes them land as brutal without gore. By putting the Doctor through this writer Jamie Mathieson manages to explain his apparent heartlessness as weariness at making tough choices, but being unable to resist getting into situations that require them. The path is now clear from here to the heights of ‘Hell Bent’ and ‘The Doctor Falls’.
Thirteenth Doctor: ‘It Takes You Away’
Obviously there are fewer Jodie Whittaker fewer stories to choose from, and for me it has to be one from Series 11 because that felt like a palette cleanser for an approach to Doctor Who that never manifested. For all its ups and downs, limiting continuity references and focus on new characters or threats felt like a good move. Certainly the guest writers all provided solid stories, and while the series didn’t soar for me it felt like a good platform to improve from, which is partly why Series 12 was so disappointing (it felt like it addressed problems that weren’t there, ignoring the ones that were).
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‘It Takes You Away’ is frequently surprising, offering a simple blunt horror of loss (the childlike refrain of the title, the fear of absence) combined with endearingly outlandish performances by the actor Kevin Eldon and a sentient universe manifesting as a talking frog. It allowed Jodie Whittaker a rare success in negotiating her way out of a situation, and progressed the character arc of the series with Ryan and Graham’s changing relationship. It’s obviously imperfect (ideally, Hanne’s Dad’s manipulative behaviour would be properly addressed) but it’s also imaginative, moving, and weird, and these are three things I really want Doctor Who to be.
Share your go-to Doctor Who comfort viewing episodes below.
The post Doctor Who’s Best Comfort-Viewing Episodes appeared first on Den of Geek.
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A Mimi x Miyako fic for the wonderful @transkoushirou!
Word Count: ~1,800
Peach, you happened to ask for the wlw pairing that I have the most headcanons for. I was so excited to write about them! Some of the ideas in this story are based on scenes that my sister has written with me over the years.
This was a confidence booster for me and I hope it makes you happy!
Miyako stood still in the airport terminal, staring at the screen listing incoming flights. A crowd of people bustled around her. Most of the travelers ogled her for a minute before hurrying on their way. She couldn’t blame them. Miyako was holding a bouquet of no less than 100 pink roses.
Sora had tried to help her create a flower bouquet. But all of Sora’s designs were too…simple? Tasteful? They simply weren’t enough. Tachikawa Mimi deserved the absolute best. As she thought that, Miyako bit her lip. She carefully adjusted her grip so that she could reach up with one hand to flatten her hair.
The status of Flight 0206 changed to “Landed.” Miyako gasped and nearly dropped the flowers. She held them tight and fixed her gaze on the stairs instead. After 20 minutes, passengers started to trickle down. There were American tourists, Japanese businessmen on their cellphones, college students, tired families… But no sign of the most beautiful woman in the universe.
“Koushiro!” Miyako remembered talking to her old friend after Computer Club in middle school. “Mimi is visiting home from the United States!”
“Oh, right. Mimi. I think I heard that.” Koushiro didn’t look up from typing.
“It’s been so long!”
“I talk to her a lot online, but it’ll be much better talking to her in person!”
“Yes, she’s very good at talking. So are you. So it’s a good match.”
Miyako’s heart skipped a beat. “Do you mean that?”
“Yes? I mean you’re both energetic, so you match each other?” He sipped his oolong tea.
“Koushiro,” Miyako spoke seriously. “I’m in love with Mimi.”
Koushiro spat out his tea. “Oh! A romantic match! Uh...congratulations!”
She sighed. “Thanks. I’m glad to finally say it out loud. But it doesn’t always make me happy. It’s torture!”
Koushiro stroked his chin. “Yes, I suppose Mimi is way out of our league.”
Miyako was crestfallen at her club president’s words. Koushiro realized that he had said the wrong thing.
“I mean, she’s way out of MY league. But you’re the cool kind of nerd!”
“Thanks,” Miyako said sarcastically.
“Are you going to tell her?”
“I don’t know! I don’t want to ruin everything!”
“Right. Maybe you shouldn’t tell Mimi,” Koushiro said unhelpfully.
The door swung open. “Tell me what?”
The computer nerds gasped. There was Mimi, standing in the doorway. She wore a sequined jacket over a white dress. Her hair was curled and blonde. Miyako imagined that a spotlight was shining on her. Then Miyako panicked at sudden stage fright and ducked under the desk.
Mimi laughed. “I was summoned by the sound of my name! Were you two talking about me?”
“No,” Koushiro lied faithfully. “How—how much did you hear?”
Miyako squirmed under the desk. She pinched herself, hoping that she would wake up from this nightmare.
“I didn’t hear anything interesting or I wouldn’t be asking, you silly goose!” Mimi lilted. “You know I’m not smart enough to understand computer gibberish anyway.”
“Uhh…” Koushiro stuttered as Mimi walked forward.
Then Mimi knelt on the floor and smiled at the cowering girl. “Hi Miyako. Are you all right?” Miyako finally met Mimi’s eyes and nodded. “I’m sorry that I scared you by being so dazzling!” She offered Miyako her perfectly manicured hand.
Miyako accepted it and both girls rose to their feet. Miyako felt breathless. “Mimi, I…”
Mimi giggled and blushed. “I missed you too.”
Behind the girls, Koushiro covered his face in hands.
“MIMI WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!” Miyako shouted. Mimi’s jaw dropped. Koushiro peeked through his fingers curiously.
“Oh Miyako…” Mimi squeezed the girl’s hand. “I would love to go out with you. But you know I’m only staying for two weeks, right? Then I’m going back home to New York.”
“I don’t care!” Miyako said.
Mimi grinned. “I like that attitude!”
“You should sit down. I can take a turn holding the flowers,” Hawkmon offered, the perfect gentleman as always.
“You’re too tiny to hold something this big,” Miyako argued. She sat down on one of the airport benches. It had been almost an hour since Mimi’s flight landed. The other travelers had already picked up their luggage. Where was Mimi?
She remembered her first kiss with Mimi. They had partnered for a mission in the Digital World. They were flying on Aquilamon through the clouds. Unlike clouds in the real world, these clouds felt solid. They were bouncy to the touch, like a rubber ball made of water. Miyako was itching to study the consistency of the strange matter.
Mimi was sitting behind her on the bird digimon, her arms around the girl’s waist, her chin resting on Miyako’s shoulder. Truthfully, it was hard for Miyako to focus on the mission with Mimi so close to her. Mimi had recently announced that she would be going to college in New York City. She threw a big “going away” party for all of her friends. Mimi had so many friends. She chatted easily with them all. But she was obviously the most emotional when she said good bye to Jyou, Sora, and Koushiro. Miyako didn’t know what to say when it was her turn…
Miyako suddenly felt Mimi’s fingers on her cheek. She blinked rapidly.
“Are you crying?” Mimi whispered.
Miyako sniffed. Mimi tilted her face towards her. Miyako realized that there were tears in Mimi’s eyes as well. Mimi smiled bashfully.
Miyako twisted herself around and grabbed Mimi’s arms. Mimi’s eyes widened. Miyako leaned closer and hesitated. “Is this okay?”
Mimi nodded. Miyako kissed her.
In all the world, there was no one as special as Mimi. So far from the real world, so high above the Digital World, Miyako had her all to herself. It wasn’t her first kiss, but nothing, nothing could ever compare to this.
Mimi suddenly squealed and pushed them both off of Aquilamon’s back. Miyako screamed and Aquilamon shouted. But they both landed pleasantly on a bouncy cloud, holding each other tight. Mimi giggled madly. Miyako grinned and ignored her digimon’s scolding voice above them. She rolled Mimi over and kissed her again.
Years later, Miyako got a phone call in the middle of the night. She groaned and reached lazily for her glasses. After she put them on, she read the name on her cell phone and perked up. She quickly answered. “Mimi? What’s up—?”
Mimi was crying.
“It’s over…”
“What? What’s over?” Miyako was scared. Why did Mimi have to live so far away?
“My television career!” She sobbed.
“Don’t say that. Your career can’t be over. You’re too young!”
“You don’t understand… I just quit my internship. Riggs said that he only hired me because I was pretty. I can’t work for that man!”
Miyako’s heart sunk. “That bastard. I’m so sorry.”
“What’s the point of staying here? People aren’t interested in my ideas. They don’t care about what I think. They only care what I look like!”
“That’s not true!”
“What do you know? You belong with smart people!” Mimi sobbed again.
“Mimi…” Miyako waited for Mimi to calm down. “Please, you can’t give up. The world is a lot bigger than Riggs. You have so many friends—you have so many people who like you—it’s not because of what you look like! People admire you because you’re confident! You can do anything! You flew halfway round the world for your dream. You inspired an army of digimon to follow you. Mimi, I would—we would all follow you anywhere!”
“But I’m not always confident…” Mimi sniffled. “I can’t be confident every day. I’m homesick all the time.”
“That’s okay!” Miyako insisted. “I get homesick just…thinking about you…But I know you’ll be okay. This isn’t the end of everything, Mimi. You’re having a rough time. It’ll get better. Think on the bright side. You’re passing all your classes. Your YouTube channel is starting to get more views! And—and most importantly, you have so many people who love you and will support you no matter what happens. Because you’re a star to all of us already!”
Mimi was quiet for a moment. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” Miyako cringed at how loud her voice was.
“Thank you for answering my phone call at whatever godforsaken time it is in Japan.”
“2:47 AM.”
Mimi sighed and Miyako giggled, which made Mimi giggle too.
“Good night, my love,” Mimi said.
Miyako and Hawkmon had been waiting in the airport for nearly two hours. She had set down the giant flower bouquet, and was rewatching one of Mimi’s YouTube videos. Mimi had invited Daisuke to cook ramen with her for the “season finale” of Mimi’s American Cooking Tour. It was the last video that Mimi had filmed before graduating college. Both Mimi and Daisuke were consummate entertainers. Miyako kept laughing at their jokes, even though she had seen this before.
The video ended with Ken entering Mimi’s apartment to pick up his boyfriend, and then the cooking show hosts forced him to eat the finished ramen. Ken obliged and noted that it tasted excellent. Daisuke kissed him in response. Ken shouted to turn off the camera. Mimi argued that it was the season finale and everyone loved seeing cute boys kiss! But she finally turned the camera away from the boys so that she and Palmon could do their signature sign-off. Palmon promised Mimi’s fans that they would return with more content from Japan. Mimi picked her up and spun around happily. Then the video ended.
“Customs must be giving Palmon a hard time,” Hawkmon said sadly. Miyako nodded. She suspected the same. It didn’t matter to government officials that Palmon had helped to save the world, or that thousands of more children around the world were getting digimon partners. Palmon was still dangerous in their eyes.
“What a lousy way to end their trip,” Miyako muttered. Then she shook her fist at the ceiling. “Poor Mimi! She deserves the whole world!”
“Did somebody say my name?”
Miyako gasped. She grabbed the rose bouquet off of the floor and scrambled to her feet.
Mimi seemed to float down the stairs. She wore an emerald dress, and her long pink hair flowed behind her. Even though she had just flown in a plane for fifteen hours, she had the poise and composure of a queen.
“Mimi! Your girlfriend bought you flowers!” Palmon exclaimed. Miyako blushed.
“Aah!” Mimi hurried to Miyako’s side and opened her arms for the flowers. “Thank you Miyako! You darling!” Mimi was so happy that Palmon glowed and became Togemon on the spot. The other travelers in the airport terminal gave the giant cactus a wide berth.
“Welcome back, Mimi,” Miyako said. “I love…making you happy!”
Mimi handed the bouquet to Togemon, who held it carefully in her boxing gloves. Then Mimi threw her arms around Miyako and hugged her fiercely.
“I’m home.”
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Suggestion O’Clock
As February ends and March begins, here’s a reflection of some things I’ve been listening to and watching. Everybody needs suggestions, take them as you need.
Music: I am a firm believer in Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlists which automatically update themselves based on your listening patterns and what not. The BEST place to go for some handpicked tunes. However, here are a few I’ve come to love the past month.
• The Neighbourhood’s Hard To Imagine EP: Unlike the last three works they’ve put out, Hard To Imagine is something all it’s own. Very far from I Love You and Wiped Out!, HTI is full of songs that definitely reach outside of the usual boundaries they’d set for themselves. Though I am not a fan of the EP in its entirety, there are a few songs that make it worthwhile. ‘Void’ being in the top spot with that one lyric, “Wonder how I got by this week, only touched you once.” Just feels so smooth. Following in no definite order are Scary Love, Nervous (which dropped 5 days ago), You Get Me So High, and Roll Call. Honorable mention to 24/7 and Sadderdaze- both catchy, but in a way that will get old really fast. If there’s such a thing as dishonorable mention, Dust takes that. I could have gone the whole album without that.
• Sufjan Stevens- Visions of Gideon: Top Spot for WEEKS in the category of “Songs That Will Ruin My Day”. This is one of the most gutwrenching songs for me. So pretty, so smooth, so full of feeling. Sufjan is an artist that has definitely made more waves since the Call Me By Your Name soundtrack’s Oscar nomination he got for “Mystery of Love.” I hate to say that the Academy was wrong, but picking that over Visions of Gideon was nothing but wrong. Seriously, listen to this and tell me you didn’t cry.
• Viola Beach- Call You Up: The song I want to montage videos of myself dancing on a beach at sunset with a bottle of wine to. Definitely that annoying indie sounding voice, but it works for this. Lyrics you’d find in the diary of young people in some summer love. “I’ll call you up in the middle of the night in hopes that you want to hear from me. I just wanna know if you’re feeling alright.” It’s just so CATCHY you just gotta sway your head and hips and close your eyes when you sing it. Has a beachy feel. One of those in the middle sort of songs. Not a breakup song, not a love song. Takes a seat on the harshly drawn middle line. Just give it a listen, I can’t stop playing it in my car because it’s impossible to not sing along to.
• Manchester Orchestra- Colly Strings. I don’t know what they are, but I know this song makes me perform power house vocals in the shower. Definitely something the singer wrote to be specific to himself, but still vague enough to feel like it relates. Simple, heavily lyric focused, not technically impressive at all. Just really plain, but I love it. Listen to this on drives home. “CONFESSEDLY, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE LOVED YOU AND GOD, I MEAN IT. GOD, I MEAN IT. I HOPE THAT I MEAN IT. CAUSE LIKE DIANE YOUNG, IDOLS GET THE BEST OF ME. WELL, DONT STOP CALLING- YOURE THE REASON I LOVE LOSING SLEEP.” a... slammer. A true indie king. Strange that I’ve never liked Manchester Orchestra’s other songs.
• The Last Shadow Puppets- Miracle Aligner: IN CASE YOU ARENT AWARE, Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys is the front man of this band. Basically, its Arctic Monkeys music under a different band name. TLSP had Sweet Dreams, Tennessee which I learned about a summer or so ago and loved. How I never found Miracle Aligner baffles me. It’s got that same AM vibe that most of Alex Turner’s work does. Feels a bit like a background song for a 60’s feel good family show. This one’s upbeat for his fashion, but I dig it. Alex Turner is the man I’ve always wanted to meet. I cannot believe he is real. I’ve been convinced he’s sincerely an enigma.
• From the Dining Table- Harry Styles: OKAY, I know it‘s overdue. I didn’t give much listen to Harry’s album because it mimics so many British rock classics so closely that I just.. I didn’t want to. And I’m the biggest one direction stan alive. Sometimes, I cringe at the lyrics. Aside from that, it’s a song I’d fall asleep to and that’s why I like it. It’s something I would sing to put someone to sleep. After a minute and a half we can stop the song because the third verse/bridge/ whatever is so close to resembling Over the Rainbow in my head. Just throw it on your playlist if you’ve not already. I’m sure almost everyone has.
• Jamie T- Magnolia Melancholia: I AM SO MANY THINGS AFTER THIS SONG. First off, Jamie T has been around for a few years, and I’ve always liked some of his stuff. Don’t You Find, and Zombie were two that I definitely was like, huh, this is new. He’s one of those British singers that really actually sounds British. Most of it’s a little more spoken than sung. Anyway, outside of this- magnolia melancholia is very different compared to his other music. Almost similar to Dont You Find, but it’s the only thing close. The song is sincerely just so impactful to me because of the lyrics, but I think it’s a good song overall to have. Like I said, different. “Nice to meet ya, boy, I know your mama knows. I fell in love with her seven thousand summer ago. I was a runner, boy,” just something I think he stripped from my diary and made his own. Definitely really excited to have seen his name come back on my screen and feel something so personal and nostalgic. Really think he’s an underrated artist.
Films: Of course, it’s March when I’m writing this, so the Oscars have come and gone. However, Oscar nominees or not- these are the films I’ve seen, loved, and suggest.
• The Shape of Water- Winner of Best Picture, The Shape of Water is obviously something you look at and say, “Hm, I should probably see that.” TSOW is insanely creative, but there should be nothing less expected from its director. Following a black woman, gay man, and a mute woman’s romance with an amphibian man- it’s definitely up there in terms of diversity. In short, the feel of the film and its tenderness paired with intrinsic visual detail is stimulating in a multitude of ways. You leave the theater feeling something.
• Black Panther- I would literally pay the first person who reads this and hasn’t seen Black Panther $20. I’m pretty sure it’s like... the top grossing movie ever at this point. If you don’t care for superhero movies, just go for the complete bad-assery. And Michael B Jordan. Who I don’t think is a great actor, but I do find him almost as gorgeous as Lupita.
• Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri: Another Oscar nominee. Frances McDormand who plays the lead took home best actress while supporting actor went to her co star Sam Rockwell. Really, in all honesty, the thing that I think about when I explain the film is the character arc they gave San Rockwell’s character. Watching this man grow and change throughout the film was impressive both in the acting and the writing.
• Atonement- Look, I’m just asking you to go on Netflix and add this to your Watch List for an afternoon when you’re laying in bed and want to cry. James McAvoy and Natalie Portman, a heart wrenching love story during war time, but still far more than that.
• The Warriors- We Love A Good 70/80’s film, and this is what that was. Based around gangs and a journey back home, this is full of companionship, unity, wit, and lots and lots of leather vests. (prime)
• Wonderstruck- Ultimately a feel good film that is unlike any other. Complex story line, wonderful depiction, just creative and free. Feels so sweet to see something so pure.
• Captain Fantastic- okay, everything I’ve deemed “creative” is subpar when it comes to Captain Fantastic. Surrounding the theme of family, mental illness, and exclusion- the film depicts a family living off grid with their dad after losing their mother to depression, the following days are full of humorous and heartfelt feats as they attempt to attend their mothers funeral despite the grandfathers wishes. The complete disconnect between the modern world and the world this family lives in puts them at no sort of disadvantage, and the theme of unity and pride of where you come from shines through.
• Blade Runner 2049- Rewatched it. Felt so happy to have my eyes glued to a screen. Genuinely equivalent to being induced into a coma because you’re not leaving your seat. And if you haven’t seen the original Blade Runner- do yourself and Harrison Ford a favor.
• Honorable Mention to Lady Bird, CMBYN, Dunkirk, Phantom Thread, and The Florida Project all of which will be included in an “Oscars in Review” post I have queued for next week
As far as music and movies go, that is a slight look into some of the things February and March have brought thus far. For every time Lauren needs a suggestion, I feel as though it’s necessary to compile a list for whoever else may need it.
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prettybabyhazza · 7 years
I was tagged by @scuteedolans and @calvinsbbyg, thanks babes! xx
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people- uh, I think most people have been tagged, so if you want to do this and haven’t gotten tagged, then I tag you!! (but @ me so I can see your answers!)
1. Drink: water 
2. Phone call: my dad
3. Text message: my best friend texted me “hella yah” 
4. Song you listened to: “Follow You” by Bring Me the Horizon
5. Time you cried: listen... I cry at absolutely everything, happy or sad, but I don’t remember a specific time so I’ll just say more than likely it was recently, lmao
6. Dated someone twice: yeeeeah, when I was 16-17 (more than twice actually YIKES) and I’ll never do that again
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes
8. Been cheated on: yuuup
9. Lost someone special: yep
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nah, I’ve never been thaaat drunk
12. Rose gold
13. Grey/Black
14. Purple
15. Made new friends: yes, thank God for them
16. Fallen out of love: nah
17. Laughed until you cried: lmao see answer #5
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yep, but that shit doesn’t matter as long as you and your real friends know who you really are
19. Met someone who changed you: absolutely
20. Found out who your friends are: yeah, and the circle keeps getting smaller and smaller. Something I’m 100% good with.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: ew no I’m gonna vomit
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life?: I haven’t been on facebook in years but last time I checked I had around 350-400 friends and I’m pretty sure I know all of them
23. Do you have any pets?: yes, I have 4 dogs, a bird and a snake
24. Do you want to change your name?: I’d love to switch my middle and first names so my first would be Eliza. But I do like having the name Heather
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: My last birthday was my 21st and I went out to dinner with friends and got a shit ton of mini alcohol bottles thanks to my best friend lmao
26. What time did you wake up?: Between 9:30 and 10:00 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: I was rewatching recent Dolan twin videos with Abbie and Katie on Houseparty
28. Name something you can’t wait for: y’all, I cannot wait to be done with my undergraduate and get my psychology and kinesiology degrees. I’M OVER IT
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like, 20 minutes ago probably
30. (no question 30??)
31. What are you listening to right now?: my “favorites” playlist on Spotify and “Use Me” by Future is currently playing
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: uh, I don’t think so
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My inability to finish this damn Ethan imagine I’m working on OMG
34. Most visited website: YouTube or Tumblr
35. Hair color: medium/darkish brown, but it ain’t natural lol
36. Long or short hair: mine is currently long
37. Do you have a crush on someone?: besides my daddies Grayson, Ethan, Dak, Calum, and Harry.. nah, not really
38. What do you like about yourself?: the natural need I have to help people
39. Piercings?: I actually don’t have any. I used to have my ears pierced but they got infected and closed. I also used to have my lip pierced but I took it out in March
40. Blood type: I have no idea but I would love to know
41. Nicknames: Eliza, E, QB, bear, moose, Heather Louise, little girl
42. Relationship status: single and could not be more content
43. Zodiac: capricorn
44. Pronouns: she, her
45. Favorite TV Shows: The Office, Dancing with the Stars, Fresh Prince, Family Matters, Wild N Out, and most things on NFL Network
46. Tattoos: None yet
47. Right or left handed?: Right
48. Surgery: I’ve had a few surgeries on both my big toes and I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 16
49. (y’all wtf there ain’t no 49 either??)
50. Sport: My favorite sport is football, but if you’re asking if I played any.. Uh, I was in marching band and 100% consider it a sport don’t @ me
51. Vacation: It’s my dream to go to Australia
52. Pair of trainers: I prefer ADIDAS
53. Eating: a brownie I made heyyooo
54. Drinking: water
55. I’m about to: hopefully finish this Ethan imagine, good God.
56. Waiting for: me to get off my bullshit (”that Dak dick” - alternate answer courtesy of my best friend)
57. I want: a margarita dude, I’mma be honest
58. Get married: marriage is a huge fear of mine, so I’m not sure. But I’m not completely against it
59. Career: right now I’m studying to be an athletic trainer, but I’d be open to almost anything in the medical field
60. Hugs or kisses?: hugs
61. Lips or eyes?: eyes
62. Shorter or taller?: if we’re talking about a boyfriend, I prefer taller. In general though, it doesn’t matter to me
63. Older or younger: I don’t have a preference
64. Nice arms or nice stomach? I got a thing for AAAAARMS.
65. Hookup or relationship?: they both freak me out honestly, but maybe relationship? I don’t know
66. Troublemaker or hesitant?: I’m both
67. Kissed a stranger?: Nah
68. Drank hard liquor?: yes
69. Lost glasses/contact lenses?: I don’t wear either
70. Turned someone down?: yep
71. Sex on the first date?: hell nah
72. (Ain’t no 72 either? Y’all gotta get this shit together LOL)
73. Had your heart broken?: oh hell yeah
74. Been arrested?: nah
75. Cried when someone died?: of course
76.Fallen for a friend?: yes
77. Yourself: Not as often as I should
78. Miracles: I think so
79. Love at first sight: nah, that’s bullshit
80. Santa Claus: no?
81. Kiss on the first date: depends on how well I know the person and how it went I guess
82. Angels: yes
83. (..... of course there isn’t an 83)
84. Eye color: brownish 
85. Favorite movies: my favorite of all time is Wizard of Oz but my other favorites are Freedom Writers, Love & Basketball, Legally Blonde, and The Blind Side
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