#it was titled something like “the most viral tweet” with a twitter icon on the thumbnail. but it was actually about bird tweets
just found out I'm pitch-perfect but only for bird calls
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webdevelop · 4 years
There is a symbiotic relationship between graphic design and social media. If you manage to master that balanced relationship, you can enhance your creative work as well as your success as a practical businessperson.
Due to the rapid growth of social media, consumers are exposed to a barrage of Tweets, “Likes,” texts and messages on the Web and on their mobile devices. With the need to read or view images in seconds as well as on smaller screens graphic design plays an increasingly important role not only in building brand awareness and recognition but in merely attracting the user’s attention.
Social media managers work on engagement, virality for every post. There are all kinds of ways to go about achieving these things with simple graphic design and 
 web presentation. 
As a designer, you’d almost certainly do a few things to improve this post. First, you’d add an image, one people could not resist sharing. Second, you’d shave down the text and incorporate it onto the image so the whole thing is short and sweet and has instant impact. by improving the post from a graphic design standpoint, you’d improve the Edge Rank score, boost engagement, and almost certainly get a better shot at virality.
Social media is a real time, instant access place, which means that first impressions are incredibly important. Profiles, cover images, avatars, and icons are often the only thing people see about you before they keep scrolling. Graphic design sets your profile and brand apart in a sea of competition, especially on huge platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
You also need to be sure that your first impression works from platform to platform; this is where an eye for great design really comes in handy. Most platforms require some version of a logo or profile picture that is close to square, but cover images tend to be landscapes. You’ll need branded versions of both if you’re working for a client, or just trying to sell your own services as a designer.
Just like the content and tone of your copy, your brand’s imagery needs to stay on brand at all times. This includes the colour palette, typeface and the subject of the image. Try creating a brand guidelines document, which could be as simple as listing your fonts and hex colours.
Remember, everything your audience sees scrolling your social profiles should tie in seamlessly with your company’s overall ethos and feel. Anything off-brand or off-topic can alienate an individual immediately.
Behance is technically a portfolio site, however, as a graphic designer you need to see it as a social media network as well. It is a social media hub for creative professionals, and that’s why it’s an important place for you to make the most of your social media skills to showcase your graphic design talents. Use Behance to appreciate, collect, and comment on the work of other designers and you will find yourself networking as a matter of course.
Infographics are still a great way to engage and add value to an audience. Ensure they’re well-researched and will mean something to your audience. Don’t fall into the trap of making one just because you’ve seen one go viral, think about creating something of real interest or it’ll end up in the ever-growing pile of awful infographics lost in the ether.
Facebook is an excellent place to find paying clients and exposure. Even if it’s not your favourite platform socially, this is where the clients are hanging out. You can also network very effectively here, since on the numbers alone Facebook is still the juggernaut of social media.
Social platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are great places for graphic designers because they are very visually driven. In many ways both platforms can act as a portfolio, helping you to build up followers naturally as you share your work. There may not be as many paying clients to be had here, but these are still good places to be seen.
The most widely agreed-upon social media graphic design tip from our designers is to simply keep it simple.
Simple mockup Having such a small canvas to work with causes overcrowding to happen, fast.
Avoid overcrowding your social media graphic by:
Utilizing large, eye-catching graphics and illustrations
Limiting typeface to 2 font choices (one for the header/title and another for body text)
Sticking with 2–3 contrasting (or ‘complimentary’) colours
Using white space to contrast with a bold, colourful element in the design
Be mindful of every design element you choose and make sure each one reflects the message you’re trying to tell.
Have “Scroll-Stopping” Impact
Building brand consistency is important, but sometimes you’ve got to break some rules to get noticed by your audience. The only way to find out what will actually make your audience pause mid-scroll to take the desired action is by testing different social media graphic designs to see what actually works. Test out new design techniques to figure out what makes your audience click. Pair photography with colour blocks to interrupt the flow of the image with important title copy. Alternatively, you can design the title using a knockout effect to add scroll-stopping drama.
As social media users demand more interactive content and real time experiences, graphic designers will play a more important role on the various social media platforms. As always ads will compete for attention, so only the best and most visually appealing ads will win out. Graphic design is also central to user experience, which is at the heart of what every social media platform is focused on.
The bottom line here is that as a graphic designer your skills are in demand in the realm of social media, and even in strict graphic design roles, you’ll need to have social media experience.
Social media depends on great graphic design, which boosts engagement, improves user experience, and makes advertising more effective. Graphic designers need to understand how to work with social media, not just for their client work, but to promote themselves, find clients, network, and improve their skills. Great design work can help social media profiles and brands stand out, and graphic design will continue to affect how social media evolves.
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chwpromoblog · 7 years
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IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
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abangtech · 4 years
Beat Saber AR concept envisions little lightsaber fingers
We’ve seen a lot of funny and intriguing concepts for projects from Daniel Beauchamp, aka @pushmatrix on Twitter, but his latest reimagines for AR something that’s become an icon of VR design.
The idea sees blue and red lightsabers coming out of the ends of fingers for a tabletop miniature version of Beat Saber. He tweeted three videos showing different aspects of the idea which he designed with a 3D model of an airplane seat and populated with Beat Saber cubes. He put it all together in Unity with some visual effects to bring home the idea.
In other words, this isn’t a real game (you won’t get the kind of dexterity and low latency required to pull this off out of the current Oculus Quest’s hand-tracking), but the concept is nonetheless an intriguing depiction of a VR classic adapted to augmented reality.
Beauchamp runs the AR/VR efforts at Shopify and over the last several months tweeted various videos he made — most of which have gone viral — depicting various concepts with the Oculus Quest hand-tracking system. You can also grab Hand Space on Sidequest if you have a Quest and want to test out a couple of the experiments yourself.
I asked Beauchamp over direct message about what he wanted to explore with this latest experiment. He explained:
I think a lot about how AR / VR headsets will be worn in public, and what types of games we’ll play on the go. You’re obviously not going to be standing up thrashing about in Beat Saber while on a train. This exploration was made to see if hand tracking + AR headsets could open up a new type of gaming. Could we port some of our favorite titles from VR into small, more discreet playspaces? Plus I wanted to feel what it would be like to have lightsaber fingers.
This story originally appeared on Uploadvr.com. Copyright 2020
The post Beat Saber AR concept envisions little lightsaber fingers appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/beat-saber-ar-concept-envisions-little-lightsaber-fingers/
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What are we willing to cancel people over, anyway?
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Beautube continues to be the messy hellscape that it is, but the feud that went down between two major YouTubers just goes to show that nobody is above drama. Still, James Charles has a history of problematic behavior — why did it take until now for the community to cancel him? 
YouTube's beauty community was shaken on Friday when Tati Westbrook dropped a 43-minute video exposing her longtime friend and mentee James Charles. Among other reprehensible behavior, Tati also denounced his habit of allegedly sexually harassing straight men. 
The takedown followed weeks of rumors, screenshots, and snarky reaction videos from other vloggers, so it wasn't new, but it was the catalyst that has other influencers distancing themselves from the teenage makeup guru. 
If you're unfamiliar with the wild world of beauty YouTube, here's a rundown of all the people involved. 
James Charles is a 19-year-old beauty maven who went viral in 2016 for not only wearing makeup in his senior photos, but also being extra enough to bring a ring light to emphasize his highlighter. Later that year, he became the first male spokesperson for CoverGirl. Since then, he's amassed an immense social media following — at its peak, he had 15 million subscribers on YouTube. 
Charles' nearly overnight fame reached a climax usually reserved for traditional celebrities, not influencers, when he was invited to the Met Gala earlier in May. He raised eyebrows when he called the invitation "a step forward in the right direction for influencer representation in the media" in an Instagram post.
But after his rapid ascent to stardom, Charles is now crashing back down. He's been cancelled.
So I retook my senior photos & brought my ring light with me so my highlight would be poppin. I love being extra 💀 pic.twitter.com/7Qu1yu8U2P
— James Charles (@jamescharles) September 5, 2016
SEE ALSO: Men's makeup brands are discreet — and all over Instagram
Tati Westbrook is a 37-year-old makeup YouTuber who also owns Halo Beauty, a supplement company that sells gummy vitamins for strengthening hair and nails. Her direct competitor is Sugar Bear Hair, a similar company whose products have been endorsed by a variety of influencers, including the Kardashian-Jenner clan. 
Tati has been "like a mother" to James, according to James himself. She took the budding star under her wing when his career was just kicking off — and he even did her wedding makeup. 
Keeping up? Good, because this is where it gets messy. 
On April 22, James posted an endorsement for Sugar Bear Hair on his Instagram story after the company supposedly helped him with a security issue during Coachella. Without naming names, Tati said she felt "lost" and "betrayed" on her Instagram story. 
"When you do so much for people in your life and they not only don't return the favor, but they just don't even see you," Tati said in her tearful video. "I feel really used." 
James publicly apologized in similarly teary Instagram story the next day, and told his followers that he "did not think about the competition."
"She has been like a mother to me since my first days in this industry," he said in his public apology, adding that he didn't accept any money for the post and that he uses Tati's vitamin brand daily. "And has given me more love, support, resources, and advice than I could ever ask for."
Fellow makeup YouTuber Gabriel Zamora — who you might remember from the YouTube apology fiasco in summer 2018 known as Dramageddon — weighed in on the situation. In a video posted on May 4, he chided Tati for her immature reaction. 
"All these videos are being made where James is being made out to be this horrible human being and I'm just confused as to what happened," Gabriel said.
In response, Tati posted a video on Friday titled "BYE SISTER," a play on James' signature vlog intro, "Hi sisters!" The lengthy video dives into why Tati felt unappreciated by James, from his hesitation to promote her brand to his reluctance to collaborate with her. She publicly severed ties with him, concluding that it was "painful to lose someone you care about, that you thought would be in your life forever, but the chapter's closed."
Since dropping the video, Tati has been rapidly gaining followers as James loses them. Twitter users and other influencers paid attention.
drama aside, i have something to say.... ❤️https://t.co/Hn20TgNSzM❤️ pic.twitter.com/vRPFCTJIEJ
— Shane Dawson (@shanedawson) May 12, 2019
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Image: Twitter Screenshot/Jefree Star
As of Monday morning, James has lost more than 2.5 million subscribers in three days, according to SocialBlade. Tati, meanwhile, gained more than 2.9 million since posting the video. To put that into perspective, as vlogger Callum Markie noted, Logan Paul gained 80,000 subscribers after filming a victim of suicide in Japan. 
But the backlash isn't just over snubbing a friend — it's over a much more concerning issue. Although the majority of the video was about her personal relationship with James, it also shed light on his toxic habit of allegedly sexually harassing straight men. 
"Oh my god, you tried to trick a straight man into thinking he's gay yet again," Tati ranted in her video, recalling a phone conversation she recently had with James. "And somehow, you're the victim." 
She continued:
Tati was alluding to just one of many instances where James toyed with straight men. The receipts channel Spill laid out several examples, including his questionable relationship with model Gage Gomez. In April, Gomez posted a video calling James out for continuing to pursue him despite repeatedly turning him down. 
"[He] pushed his emotions onto me to guilt me into trying something that I didn't want to do," the model said. 
James has also publicly hit on Shawn Mendes, leaving suggestive comments on the singer's Instagram live videos and tweets. 
He later apologized in a tweet, and said he was "sorry if he [Shawn] felt sexually harassed."
After Tati's video, others came forward. Someone who claimed to be a former classmate tweeted that James allegedly sexually assaulted her friend. Singer Zara Larsson also tweeted that James repeatedly hit on her boyfriend, despite knowing that he's straight. And in a supercut of James' vlogs, a Twitter user showed the numerous times the beauty guru admitted he enjoyed pursuing heterosexual men because "it's easier than you think."
It's about time James Charles stopped getting a pass for his repeatedly toxic behavior. But why did it take a video from Tati for the internet to finally cancel him? Twitter user @Quantum_King_ questioned why Tati protected James for years, despite public knowledge that he harassed men both in person and on social media. 
Did Tati Westbrook expose a predator or did she harbour a predator until she felt under appreciated by him?
— Brokeryn Martell 🇱🇨🇯🇲 (@Quantum_King_) May 11, 2019
If James Charles would’ve promoted tati’s vitamins, do y’all think she still would’ve made that video exposing him for being trash? Let’s discuss
— femme fatale (@eliesaaab) May 12, 2019
And others pointed out how hypocritical it was for Jeffree Star, another member of the YouTube beauty community, to speak out against James despite his own problematic past. (Star has since deleted his tweet, but there is a screenshot included above.)
seeing my mutuals dragging james charles while simultaneously supporting jeffree star and it’s interesting pic.twitter.com/TJHlxo2tkv
— 𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖜𝖌 (@tamiamakay) May 12, 2019
Is James Charles being canceled because of his actions, or because the internet loves drama? It's been nearly a year since Dramageddon tore Beautube apart, exposing multiple YouTubers for their racist tweets. 
Somehow, James' own racist remarks weren't pulled into the whirlwind of cancellation. When he made a transphobic comment earlier in 2019 about how he wasn't "full gay" because he had been attracted to trans men, he received some backlash but got away relatively unscathed. Why is it Tati's video that's tanking his career? 
Maybe it's because the internet is willing to give a pass to its faves, until it's time to grab some popcorn and watch a feud go down. It's good that the internet is finally done with James — the face of the beauty community absolutely should not be a predator. But nobody paid attention or sought to hold him accountable until there was a friendship break up involved. 
The influencers at the center of Dramageddon have more or less recovered from 2018's Beautube culling. Gabriel Zamora continues to make videos. Nikita Dragun was just profiled in Forbes. Manny MUA is still releasing products from his makeup line, Lunar Beauty. Even Laura Lee, whose iconically terrible apology video fueled Twitter memes for weeks, seems fine according to Instagram. 
Will James Charles' cancellation last, or will the internet accept him into the fold again like it did with Jeffree Star? Despite his many controversies, Star is a multimillionaire thriving on top of a massive beauty empire.  
"A lot of most of my career over the last two years has been about me making mistakes and trying to learn and grow from them," James stated in his apology video posted Friday. "And I haven't always done the best job of that. I can admit that, but I have always tried ... I wish I could say this is the last time that I make a mistake, but it won't be." 
And as his beauty vlogger predecessors have proven, he's at least right about that. Will he stay canceled? Hopefully. Will more makeup-centered drama go down in the near future and take down more racist, transphobic predators? God, we hope so. 
WATCH: 'Avengers: Endgame' is the most tweeted-about movie ever
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YouTube can be a fantastic tool for bringing people. YouTube can bring in visitors that are new these folks can observe your clips for find a feeling of what you're advertising. When you're selling into a market, It's simpler to raise sales, and is inclined to purchase your products, since you've piqued their curiosity.To assist you attract traffic, you need to promote your website. What is great about market networking websites is they can deliver you plenty of visitors that is targeted. If the market website is modest, it may deliver you quality traffic that are more inclined to buy something since they have an interest in your product.
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Use RSS feeds. All these people have the articles enter their Google Reader account when your feeds and to subscribe to a feed are printed. This makes your articles available within an easy-to-access way to the clients. Create the button to register easy to recognize, so the process requires no attempt on the part of those.When utilizing media Attempt to collaborate with businesses and people. If they discuss your articles or connect to your articles, you're being subjected to a brand-new set of followers and supporters. Return the favor and link for their content. The more people who relate to your societal and articles networking articles, the better off you are.
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To ensure that all posts that you create are displayed on your business LinkedIN page set up your accounts. You're ready to place something, and it reveals as upgraded in LinkedIn. This will let you save time and you will appreciate more exposure.You won't have consequences. Networking strategies that are Great take the time to operate. Assembling a massive market other as well as Twitter networking networks won't happen. Let folks know they can accompany you .
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In reference to networking, never give up and remain inspired. As soon as you've got a group of followers, then quantity and your visitors of followers will grow. It may take to construct a following that is fantastic and make the most of the advantages for your small business and develop marketing approaches that are creative.As you can see, it is easy to begin your networking marketing efforts. By keeping ahead of trends and modernizing your advertisements, you can appreciate success from your marketing campaigns. You're one step nearer to planning effective and advanced advertising by reading this guide.Norms and the guidelines in regards to websites are constantly evolving, and that means you require to concentrate on creating. 
It could be tempting to flood your websites with articles that is useless, but it's much better to take the time required to set up a new. This article can help you discuss your networking marketing effort that is social .Make an open discussion where you allow clients to participate in your process. You'll be amazed by how well your client base will be able to help you brainstorm a concept, make the"blueprint", and determine the very best implementation of this thought. Whenever you have this sort of input from your clients, it's safe to presume that they will buy when started.If you are going to optimize your networking content's possible you require a widget. By Possessing a widget on your website, followers are given a method. 
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Additionally, it may help your own content is readily shared by your readers.Your websites site ought to get content. The active men and women using social networks are used to regular upgrades and should you are unable to provide themyou may be putting your company at a critical disadvantage. Attempt to provide updates a couple of times.It doesn't matter how great your products or bits are unless your headline is great enough to draw a reader. Facebook lovers are skimming over several articles inside their feed. Can worthy of a look stand out?There are individuals who will post with the intent of causing trouble in your networking pages. Maintain a professional attitude and remove the articles. 
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Big businesses with names that are iconic will get followers because folks enjoy their product. Smaller businesses with no iconic titles there the amount of followers, your organization has is a direct connection to how effective your interpersonal networking marketing is performing.Social networking can be a fantastic way to learn about the marketplace for a new or existing product. Your supporters might enjoy helping you find that which new products or services that your clients want. Doing this can provide you a much clearer idea about your needs, needs and motives of your intended audience.When advertising your company on social networking websites including Twitter and Facebook, attempt to speak like a"individual" instead of a"company". Individuals using these websites are searching for private interaction. You'll get an advantage if it's possible to incorporate a number of this into your advertising campaign.Think about hiring a freelance writer to make interesting content to your tweets, Facebook webpages, and blog articles.
 This will make it possible for you time to concentrate your energies on developing your small business, and it's particularly significant if writing isn't one of the very best abilities. You still need to provide the subjects and proofread everything until it's posted.Ensure that your blog articles contain some visual amusement. Having nothing but text is excellent if you are just a writer but many folks like pics and movies. You're able to give audiences something by placing in videos, graphics or music attractive. Do not do much but create a wonderful balance of images and text.Use plenty of articles that is excellent whenever you're establishing your Facebook page. 
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There's nothing worse than finding no info and visiting a company page. Simply take some opportunity to answer.1 idea for the articles on your own networking pages would be to put some videos that are fantastic. When you've got a movie that individuals find funny or informative, there's a possibility your audiences may pass these around.Knowing the principles of advertising is crucial if you're going to create a sustainable business. It's easy to receive a bulge but growth is needed if your business would be to flourish. The information above will help you begin.
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chwrpg · 7 years
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IMANI SULLIVAN. college freshman; eighteen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
10 notes · View notes
Opinion Piece- What can be done to stop the under-representation of women at live music festivals?
Opinion Piece: What can be done to stop the under-representation of women at live music festivals?
Recently the music blogger Crack In The Road uploaded a Leeds and Reading Festival poster to the social network site Twitter. Whilst many people were ecstatic about the line up for the August bank holiday weekender he had noticed a significant lack of women appearing over the three days of live music. He then used image-editing software to remove each band or artist that did not include a female member and tweeted the results, an almost blank poster with only 9 out of the 96 artists on it, for all his followers to see. The image rapidly went viral causing commotion across various social networking platforms with everybody from pop stars to plumbers wanting to voice their opinion on the matter. Becca Macintyre, the 22 year old vocalist for the frantic Leeds based rock quintet Marmozets is the only female to be sharing the main stage at the festival with 17 other all male bands. Whilst talking with BBC Radio 1's Newsbeat she said how the edited line-up posters had, “Opened up peoples eyes...” and that she herself has no role models other than her mum and her best mates. It's not un-common for male musicians to easily real off numerous iconic idols of their's as popular music, most notably rock, heavy metal and hip-hop, has been dominated by men for the best part of it's nearly 100 years of existence. It's easy to see the damaging effect of this dominance in level of diversity, or there lack of, found on the festival stage.
Many people have pointed the finger at the event organisers themselves for overlooking any musician that isn't a man but that is simply not always the case. Although Beyonce and Rhianna may top the pop charts women are seriously outnumbered in their effort becoming leaders of the fringe scenes, but they are not always out gunned. Rock and metal thrives on testosterone fuelled shows of masculine aggressiveness and hip hop is often slammed for it's misogynistic representation of women but there are females operating at full force within these scene. They are wiping the floor with all competition regardless of gender, it's just the way the music industry has always presented itself that makes it harder to see. All it takes is a quick look in the right direction and you can find the likes of FKA Twigs pioneering the alternative R&B scene or Savages on the front line of a post-punk revival. So why are festivals struggling to find enough women to fill their bill? The problem may be a little closer to home than we think. Gender stereotyping is something that stays with us from being children and it's a label that's hard to shake. The psychologist, sexologist and author John Money pioneered research into the subject during the 1950s and found that children learn about specific gender traits through adults. His research suggests that what we believe is a trait of each gender is
completely crafted through society and not our biology. These crafted definitions of femininity and masculinity are something that we are exposed to through society and the media since birth. It affects the way some parents raise their children, and how young people react to each other. Whilst studying for her PhD Dr Mavis Bayton interviewed one hundred women at various stages of their musical career. Her research concluded that teenage women were often rejected from male music-making circles and were typically excluded from the technical aspects of making music. As young men set out to assert themselves in the world they often turn towards what we see as manly genres such as rock, hip-hop and metal. By pushing females out of the picture teenagers can then wear these genre titles like a badge of honour and thrive on their so called masculine traits such as strength, power and technical capability.
If we want to see more women headlining major music festivals or playing in local venues then we need to be looking at different ways to showcase female talent to a younger audience. This way the stereotypical image of a rock god being the young man with a guitar on his hip and the world at his feet can be crushed and replaced by anybody with talent, regardless of gender. Increased possibilities for discovering artists through social media means that now more than ever young people can become part of music scenes they never thought they could be, therefore even the average music fan can be doing something to help. The sooner youngsters are exposed to the likes of Becca MacIntyre or FKA Twigs, and not just A list celebrity pop divas, the quicker more young women will feel empowered enough to start musical endeavours of their own. By rejecting the stereotype that being a musician is somehow masculine we can help to balance out the gender imbalance within live music and create an exciting and more diverse future for our festival filled summers.
(Written for and published by http://theinfinityofthought.blogspot.co.uk/)
0 notes
chwpromoblog · 7 years
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IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
1 note · View note
chwpromoblog · 7 years
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IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
7 notes · View notes
chwpromoblog · 7 years
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IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
1 note · View note
chwpromoblog · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
1 note · View note
chwpromoblog · 7 years
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IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
0 notes
chwpromoblog · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
0 notes
chwpromoblog · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight��s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
0 notes
chwpromoblog · 7 years
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IMANI SULLIVAN. high school senior; seventeen. ryan destiny. OPEN.
and, as isis once said:
“We’ve had the best squad around for years, but no one’s been able to see what we can do. But you better believe, all that’s gonna change this year. I’m captain, and I guarantee you we’ll make it to Nationals.”
Imani Sullivan was presented with a choice. One that not many people got from where she was from. You see, she came from Chicago’s South Side home, Chiraq. Yeah, that neighborhood you often heard about for all of the worst reasons. Now the South Side came with it’s problems. Imani wasn’t blind to the issues around her, how could she be when she saw them with her own two eyes. But those were problems that were brought on because her neighbors and herself were at a disadvantage. And if it’s uncomfortable for you to acknowledge that some people have a lot more privileges than others, that was probably because you were one of those people. Perhaps if some of her neighbors had those same privileges, they’d see how much her neighborhood could offer.
But no, they judged them based on their skin color. Add on their zip code and they were instantly out of the running. And that was damn wrong.
It was that very disadvantage that had always been her biggest motivator. She refused to let it determine how her life would go. It’d been something instilled in her by her parents, from a young age. Her parents — two hard working teachers that poured their heart and souls into making something of their students. They refused to simply give up, no matter the pushback they got from their students. And to their credit, they’d managed to not only send her older siblings to Howard University and Spelman college respectively, but help many of their students find some form of higher education that would be a fit for them. In fact, the wall besides the staircase in their home held the graduation caps of approximately seventy-two people they’d helped get a diploma.
The motivation that they’d passed down to their daughter had been what put together the South Side Clovers'. Before the Clovers', all that her high school offered was a step team. And no offense to the art of stepping, but she knew that there was so much more that she could do than step and she was determined to show that their school could do so much more. So she accepted the administration's offer to make a step team, and just like she’d expected, all sort of people arrived to the try outs. Dancers, steppers, gymnast, those involved in the ballroom scene and girls that just wanted to look cute in the skirts. 
That melting pot of talent, personality and looks was what had made the Clovers' a force to be reckoned with. Their performances racked up thousands on thousands views on social media, but better than that — it gave her teammates hope. Hope that some of them had never even had, this could be the thing that made them someone's’. Who knows, maybe they could take this all the way to the top. Or at the very least, help open doors for them that previously wouldn’t be available. It was that very hope that made her teammates do better not only for the team, but for themselves. They lived and breathed the Clovers', along with keeping their grades up — her parents wouldn’t have it any other way. 
In a short matter of time, not only had they become main attractions at the basketball games, some would argue even bigger attractions than the games themselves but they’d also served as inspiration for the young girls that came to the games. They wanted to be Clovers' and Imani wanted nothing more than for them to be. To remind them that there was so much that they could do.
But as with all great things, eventually someone had to steal right? You know how that goes. You simply slap a couple of white faces over it, throw in some Meghan Trainor and call it an original routine.  
That’d been what the Rosewood Toros had done with their routines. 
And how did Imani and the rest of the Clovers find this out? How most people now a days find anything out. Twitter. The tweet, two videos. One, showing the Clovers' and herself doing their iconic Attitude number. The other, their number... but only this time with a bunch of white girls on it, dancing to Meghan Trainor.
So what was the choice that Imani Sullivan had been given?
It didn’t take long for that tweet to go viral, it’d gotten everywhere. Apparently the Rosewood Toros had actually won a country wide competition with their routine, a title that’d been revoked once the news had come out. But in a way to either spin this negative publicity or to genuinely make up for it — you could never tell with the uppity type, the Headmistress at Rosewood Academy had come down to her school to speak to the Clovers'. She not only came with a rightful apology, but presented them with an opportunity as well. 
The entire squad could attend Rosewood Academy the following school year. Free of charge. Not only that, but the Toros would be under their leadership. It only seemed right as it’d been under their leadership all year after all.
And she wanted to say no to the offer, and in fact, several of the girls told to right then and there but Imani couldn’t do that. Her pride wanted to say no, but she had to think realistically. Her parents had revealed to her that due to budget cuts, her high school was about to be home to three high schools... so how could there possibly be a budget for the Clovers' the following year?
Imani would let her teammates regress, especially when given an opportunity to attend a school whose alumni went off to be greats in their fields of choice? Graduating from a school like that would not only give them a future but perhaps open the doors for more people like them to attend the school. This was bigger than her pride and stolen routines, this could possibly evoke change. 
So with her parents by her side, and the applications of all eighteen Clovers', she made the call to Rosewood Academy. 
Of course her white counterparts had avoided telling her about the party that was happening that evening. One could only imagine why that was? But irregardless, Imani wasn’t going to let her lack of an invite stop her from making a stop at tonight’s festivities. 
No, no, no.
So Imani threw on her best, because you simply do not roll up on your enemies without looking like a complete 11 and gathered up her girls; Jenelope, LaFred and Lava because they deserved a party as much as she did. Not just for the humiliation that they were going to serve the former Toros but because they were here, they were in Rosewood and they were all committed to making the most of their new surroundings. 
The four girls walked into the party, if you could call it that. It was a bunch of preppy white people trying their hardest to move while 21 Savage played from their speakers. Now that they had arrived, she almost wished that they hadn’t. This was damn near pathetic, if this was how they partied up north — keeping her head in the books had become that much more easier. But they weren’t here to party, they were here to deliver a message. They were instantly greeted by Tori, who instantly got into apologizing. But Imani didn’t want to hear it, her apologizes were always just a little too late for her liking. 
So what did Imani and the girls do instead of hearing Tori’s apology? They got into a certain little routine that the Toros knew all too well, all while them how it was meant to be done before they stole it from there. But of course, they added an extra line to the routine. In perfect unison, the four girls told their potential new teammates: ‘Tried to steal our bit, but you look like shit! But we're the ones who are down with it!‘ and the looks on their faces was more than enough to have made the ride down to this ‘party’ worth it. 
Imani let the Toros know that they would be practicing the next morning, bright and early. Not only that, but she would be making her decisions on who’ll be a part of the Toros that’ll be going to Nationals that year, who’ll just be cheering on the sidelines for the football players and who just wouldn’t be a part of the squad in the upcoming days. 
But before she left, she pointed at both Victoire and Moxie, letting them know they would be the first two cheering off against each other in the morning. 
Imani Sullivan was going to see a Nationals that year, and she was going to do it with the best possible team besides her. 
That and this was going to be a matchup for the ages.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
0 notes