#the bisexual energies he gave off in this movie
hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Deborah Kerr (Bonjour Tristesse, An Affair to Remember, The King and I)— For several decades she held the record for most Oscar nominations without a win (6 in total), and she was a prolific leading lady throughout the 40s and 50s. She's best known today for the romance An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant, and as the governess in The King and I. Many people have this erroneous perception of her as extremely prim, proper, and virginal, but this could not be further from the truth. When she first came to Hollywood under MGM she was typecast into boring decorative roles, but broke sexual boundaries for herself and Hollywood generally in From Here to Eternity, when she made out (horizontally!) with Burt Lancaster (on top of him!) in the famous Beach Scene. She went on to play many sexually conflicted women, a character type that would define most of her post- Eternity work. She continued to break Hays Code boundaries with Tea and Sympathy, which addresses homosexuality/homophobia head-on, and even did a topless scene in The Gypsy Moths 1969!! One of the only classic stars to do so. She deserves a more nuanced and frankly a hotter legacy than she currently has!!!
Ethel Merman (Anything Goes, Call Me Madam)— Possessed of a bold, brash voice, and an even bolder and brasher presence, Ethel Merman might be more well known for her stage roles, but she made several movies, and was bold and brash in them as well. Also I think if I don't submit her, she's going to come back and haunt me.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Ethel Merman:
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You've gotta love any woman who got typecast as lead-MILF
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Deborah Kerr:
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I think she was one of my first crushes before I realised I was bi in The King and I when I watched it as a kid honestly. The kissing scene in From Here to Eternity is iconic for a reason. Actually tried to learn the accents for the characters she was playing if they weren't English which is more than pretty much anyone else was doing then. Played very restrained characters who frequently seemed to be desperate not to be so restrained. Did horror movies without venturing into hagsploitation tropes. Gave Marni Nixon the credit she deserved for her share of the singing in The King and I.
Anne Larsen is a peak late 1950s bisexual with big MILF energy. Have you seen the behind the scenes pics of her wearing a suit?? Have you????? Vote Deb as Anne Larsen.
Nominated for an Oscar six (6) times and never won, but besides her having actual talent (hot), and besides her looking Like That (very hot, also beautiful), she was always playing women who are, like, crazy repressed. Which makes it fun and easy for me to read these characters as queer. Icon!!!! You know what's hot? Playing ambiguously gay in vintage Hollywood.
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Her face and talent and body, yes, ofc, duh. But also!!! Her HANDS!!!! I may be but a simple lesbian, but she is the best hactor (hand actor) that ever lived and that's HOT! For propriety's sake I feel I must redact a large portion of my commentary on this subject. Anyway. She's hot in her most famous roles (mentioned above), and also some of her sexiest hacting is on display in An Affair to Remember (her hand on the bannister when Cary Grant kisses her off-screen??? HELLO???), Tea and Sympathy (when she's trying to persuade Tom not to go out and she keeps flexing her hands like she wants to reach out to him but can't??? ALLY BEHAVIOR! WE STAN!), and The Innocents (which opens and closes with extended shots of her hands bc director Jack Clayton was also an ally and he did that for ME). Much of her appeal also lies in the fact that she often played deeply repressed characters and you know what's hot? When those uptight characters finally unravel. It's sexy. It's cathartic. It's erotic. Plus, she's beautiful to look at in both black & white and technicolor, and the more of her films you see, the more you can't help but fall in love!
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Literally is in thee most famously sexy scene of all time (or maybe just during the hays code era which is what we're talking about HELLO), which is the beach scene with Burt Lancaster in from here to eternity. To quote a tumblr post of a screen capture of a tweet of a video of joy behar on the view: "y'know, there used to be movies where they were kissing on the beach... From Here to Eternity. They're kissing-- Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr are Kissing on the Beach and then the WAVES crash!! You know exactly what they did!"
She might have a reputation of being chaste and virginal or whatever, but we all know it's the quiet ones who are certifiable FREAKS
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bluephoric · 4 months
ridiculously long list of larry johnson hcs because fuck you he doesnt get enough love
Tw for depressing ass shit
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- larry is a tired clumsy airhead, and as a result he always has SOMETHING spilled, wiped, or drawn on his clothes.
- undiagnosed adhd, and probably a few other things
- both him and sal collect bottlecaps, they like to make pins out of cool ones they find, often trading them like pokemon cards. they have multiple matching friendship ones. on common ones though, he likes to flatten and paint.
- larry's mental health generally sucks, but when things get really bad he stops caring about his physical safety, often pulling some reckless shit. even when he gets hurt from it, he doesnt seem to mind. Times like these kinda scare him, and he tries to avoid falling into them.
- despite seemingly "not caring about anything" (as he puts it) during these episodes, he's still fiercely protective of his friends and tries to be gentle with them, both physically and emotionally.
- callused hands, fingers yellowed from smoking.
- big fan of gas stations when he's high, practically raids that shit. one of his nicknames is "stoner jesus"
- he's openly bisexual and flirts with random people for fun. its usually something light. dorky pickup lines, stupid puns.. he Never expects it to be shot back at him but on the rare occasion it happens, he turns into a giggling mess.
- he actually pissed off travis even worse a few times with it, I could go into it further but this isnt a larvis post so i'll spare you all. For now.
- his favorite horror movies are the funny ones
- he isnt much of a drinker, mostly around holidays and just to get a little buzzed. spiked eggnog and fireball are his go-to's. Drunk christmas karaoke is one of his favorite things (he's constantly giving sal secondhand embarrassment). 2 words, mariah carrey.
- For awhile he genuinely tried to be a good student but because he was so far behind and his undiagnosed adhd, the teachers started to demonize him. Eventually he realized it didnt matter how hard he tried, so he just gave up. The only subject he likes is art, so that's where he focuses all his energy and actually tries.
- skips school sometimes but lisa tends to give him hell for it so he tries not to do it too often, mostly just skips certain classes if hes really not feeling it.
- almost always comes to school high
- his room is such a mess. sal tries to help him with it but he has similar struggles. whenever ash or todd come over, it becomes a group effort and shit gets done rather quickly. luckily no biohazards, so its not like his room really needs a DEEP clean but still. its nice.
- larry fucking LOVES jack black movies, also stupid stoner movies.
- Loves the arcade too, You'd think his favorite would be guitar hero, but that's more for sal. his favorite is mortal combat or those car racing games that you sit in with the steering wheel.
- larry cant cook for shit, hes always burning something, it always turns out gross and inedible. unless he's stoned, in which case he magically turns into a michelin star chef. weird ass combinations, but it always turns out really good.
- despite being shit at cooking, he still tries to help his mom with it, even though he mostly ends up just being in the way and she eventually shoos him out of the kitchen
- he smells super musky, with cheap cologne and the faint scent of weed
- when he was really little, he had a dinosaur onsie that he would wear everywhere, very rarely taking it off until it started to get too tight. he was beyond devastated when he realized he grew out of it, lisa had to pry it away from him in fear that he would accidentally destroy it. She keeps it in her closet collecting dust. Its one of the few things she kept from before jim disappeared. despite it bringing up memories of what things used to be like before he "left", she couldnt bear to throw it out.
- sometimes when larry needs comfort, he sneaks into her room and steals it temporarily. on sleepless nights, he zips it over his pillows as a makeshift pillowcase, its one of the few things that help him relax. It's always put back in place by the next morning. Lisa has no idea, and he's far too embarrassed about it to say anything to her.
- the only person who knows about this is sal because of their sleepovers. One night He was high as balls and got paranoid, when he tried to sleep it off the fear was just too much so away he crept, into lisa's room. Of course he made sal come with him, he sure as shit wasnt going alone.
- when questioned about it, larry refused to answer and so sal let it go figuring he would tell him when he was ready.
- Larry Harbors an obscene amount of guilt. struggles with sh off and on, tries not to relapse unless things get really unbearable. to prevent this, him and the SF gang (primarily ash) regularly doodle and sometimes paint on the places he's prone to harm.
- when he can feel himself slipping into an episode, larry makes it a point to braid his hair so it won't get matted. tries to brush it and rebraid it at least once a week, but often struggles to find the energy and lets it sit in for longer. Not to mention, a lot of the times he stops showering which makes it even harder to braid because of the greasiness.
- has given himself a few amateur stick and pokes. They look like shit, and he knows it but he's still very proud of them.
- the ink he uses for it fades pretty fast
- he's also tried to give himself piercings, but always fucks it up so he takes them out and slaps a bandaid over it
- collects different kinds of flavored chapstick, takes a bite out of them sometimes when he thinks no one is looking (ofc sal has caught him a few times but has never said anything)
- after he first met megan, he was scared shitless. slept with the lights on for the next few weeks and refused to shut the door when going to the bathroom, insisting to his mom on keeping the shower curtain open at all times (he tried to act chill about it around sal and it kinda worked. kinda.) after awhile he eventually calmed down but still finds himself getting really nervous whenever him and sal talk to a ghost, though he would never admit it.
- has a picture of his dad in a locket but rarely wears it because he's afraid he'll accidentally break it. always keeps it with him though, usually in his pocket, holding it as he walks.
- Despite his general demeanor he's quite the gentleman, always holding doors open and really courteous towards women. Most people don't expect it just based on his appearance, but Lisa raised him right.
- also he's hot as fuck.
- we all know larry is a metalhead, but what kind of metal is his favorite? It generally depends on his mood but id say sludge, thrash, and doom.
- You're telling me this man, who is depressed as fuck and also a stoner wouldnt eat up some electric wizard? saint vitus? bitch, please. I know quite a few albums that would bring him to his knees.
- And I know I'm prolly gonna get hate for this but I notice when a lot of other people write about larry (AND sal), they tend to lean towards nu metal or just plain emo. And while I don't think either of them would mind it, The lyrics and vocals of Sanity's fall feels more reminiscent of death or black metal and given the fact that SF is his favorite band, I don't think he would listen to that kind of stuff, at least not on a regular basis. Ash on the other hand definitely would.
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what-if-rpg · 3 months
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↪ Have you heard about JULIETTE FABRAY? SHE is 25 and hails from LIMA, OHIO. Looks exactly like DOVE CAMERON, and is TAKEN.
“Being a part of something special does not make you special. Something is special because you are a part of it.”
FULL NAME: Juliette Celeste Fabray DATE OF BIRTH: January 15 SEXUALITY & GENDER: Bisexual & Female RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE & NEGATIVE TRAITS: Driven, Dedicated & Detailed. Blunt, Demanding & Self-Involved. OCCUPATION: Author of the “Mr. Porkers” children’s book series - ‘The Amazing Adventures Of Mr. Porkers’ (2019), ‘The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. Porkers’ (2020), ‘The Spectacular Adventures of Mr. Porker’ (2021), ‘The Marvellous Adventures Of Mr. Porkers’ (2023) CITY: New York, NYC
Juliette is all about her family, and for her, family extends well beyond blood relations; a fact the ‘family tree’ corkboard she keeps in her home office proves beyond a shadow of a doubt. As such, whether it’s by blood or friendship, once Juliette has decided you’re part of her family, you’re family for life (with one or two very specific exemptions).
Juliette suffers from mixed astigmatism and has since she was seven. Until she was 16, she wore glasses to correct her vision but since then, Juliette has primarily used contacts; in part for convenience but mostly because she is self-conscious about how she looks while wearing her glasses (thanks to the teasing she suffered as a child). She does still wear her glasses, but usually only for her early morning/late evening routines or if she is planning to read for an extended period of time.
Juliette is an avid reader and has been for as long as she can remember, a trait encouraged by her mother and to a lesser degree, her father (He did not approve of her preferred genres, Fantasy & Sci-Fi). The only reason she did not apply for a job at a bookstore after she moved to New York was that she knew she’d end up spending her paycheque before she ever got it.
As much as she loves reading, Juliette loves writing even more and is never without one of her trademark orange journals in case inspirations strike; a tradition since one of her grade-school teachers gave her one so that she could save her notebooks for her schoolwork. Her greatest hope is to follow in the footsteps of her idols and became an author, sharing the worlds and characters that live in her mind on the pages of her journal in her legible-only-to-herself handwriting with everyone she can.
While Juliette’s idea of a perfect day is one spent curled up with a good book and a glass of her Grandmother’s sweet tea, she is also very active; jogging or biking wherever she goes when she can or for the thrill of the wind in her hair or just to burn off the near-endless supply of energy she always seems to have. When jogging or biking is not an option, Juliette can often be found dancing around her room (usually while making another attempt at straightening up the clothes, books, and various and sundry that end up inevitably strewn around any room Juliette spends enough time in) or working out at the nearest gym.
For all of her positivity and exuberant energy, Juliette has never been one to seek out attention, preferring the company of a small circle of close friends to parties full of strangers. At the same time, she will also happily talk the ear of a perfect stranger in a one-on-one situation. Especially if it looks like they will be stuck together for longer than 5 minutes.
Learning the truth about her Father affected Juliette more than even she has realized, far beyond simply learning that she has two more sisters in her life, one of whom is an actual movie star. After the initial fallout with her Mother—the single most important person in Juliette’s life up to that point—that followed in the wake of learning that Flora had been keeping the truth from her, and the disconnect with from her grandparents—especially her Grandmother—on learning the role they had played in all of this, family has become incredibly important to Juliette, a fact that has fed into her tenacious and headstrong nature and forced Juliette to reign in her desire for stronger connection with her family—especially her new found siblings—on multiple occasions with mixed results
With Quinn’s marriage to Rachel, Juliette officially gained a sister and a niece, in Rachel and Moriah respectively, and though the sudden ceremony robbed her of her promised role of Bridesmaid, Juliette is happy to welcome both into the Fabray family.
Her non-human family has also expanded since coming to New York. Over the last few years it has seen the addition of several four-legged members: a pet mini-pig, Mrs. Porkers—a 20th birthday gift from Quinn, followed a year later by a puppy, Sir Woofers—a 21st birthday gift from another friend, with the most recent additions being a second dog, Mary Puppins—a Christmas gift from another friend, & a painted wood turtle, Shelly—a 22nd birthday gift from Quinn.
On the professional front, what started out as a gift for a friend’s daughter soon lead to Juliette realizing her lifelong dream of becoming a published author when the collection of stories based loosely on her own childhood adventures with her very best stuffed friend, Mr. Porkers gained the attention of a publisher. After months of late nights and early mornings spent writing and re-writing the first book while trying to maintain some semblance of balance between her schoolwork, her job at The Right Tone, and her personal life—all while maintaining her perpetually bubbly personality—the first book in the series, ‘The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Porkers’, hit shelves to generally positive reviews on March 15th, 2019. The second book, ‘The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. Porkers’, was released in 2020, with the third, ’The Spectacular Adventures of Mr. Porker’ following in 2021.
In addition to her published works, Juliette has recorded audiobooks of the Mr. Porkers series thus far. She also took a year’s hiatus from the Mr. Porkers series to join the writing staff for a TV Series headed up by one of her friends from University Sadly, after several months, the project was canceled mid-production. That, coupled with the sale of her first Non-Mr. Porkers book falling through shortly after the cancelation was announced triggered a crisis of faith in her writing abilities, and Juliette took the last few months of 2021 and the first several of 2022 traveling, visiting family and friends, and re-evaluating her goals.
2023 saw Juliette return to form with the publishing of the fourth—and penultimate— book in the Mr Porkers series, The Marvellous Adventures Of Mr. Porkers. The final book is expected sometime in 2024, though neither an exact date or title has been announced. With the end of this era in her life, 2024 looks to be an interesting—and potentially life changing—year for Juliette.
RUSSEL FABRAY (Father): Juliette was never that close to her father, in part because he was always traveling ‘on a business’ when she was younger, and in part, because she was always closer to her mother, Flora. Since learning the truth of Russel’s double life and his other family, he has become persona non grata in her life and certain events since have only reinforced that position, prompting Juliette to all but eliminate any trace of him from her life as much as possible with the primary exception being her last name. Thankfully she has yet to come into contact with him since learning the truth and Juliette hopes that it stays that way as she’s not sure she wouldn’t physically attack the man on sight. FLORA DEVEREAUX (Mother): While Juliette has always felt closer to her Mother than her father, once she discovered that Russel had another family—complete with two sisters she knew nothing about— and that Flora knew, her relationship with her mother suffered for several weeks but eventually her love for her Momma won out and the two are now as close as they ever were, if not closer. Juliette even dedicated her first book to her Mother. AVERY FABRAY (Older Sister): In spite of their age difference, Juliette has always been a little bit closer to her sister than her brother, but with Avery and Daniel being twins, spending time with one almost inevitably meant spending time with both. At least that’s how Juliette remembers her early years of toddling after her big sister when she wasn’t toddling after Flora. Now that both have grown up and headed out on their own, their relationship is growing into one of equals. At least Juliette hopes it is, though there is still a little bit of that  Big Sister worship going on. DANIEL FABRAY (Older Brother): Like Avery, the age difference between Juliette and Daniel was something that the two would learn to outgrow over the years, and despite the usual residual Big Brother/Little Sister issues, Juliette considers their relationship much stronger now than it ever was when they were children. QUINN FABRAY (Older Half-Sister): After Juliette discovered the existence of her Father’s other family through a series of suspicious coincidences during an online conversation with Quinn, the two have built up a relationship in a surprisingly short period of time. It hasn’t always been easy or smooth, but when Quinn asked Juliette to be one of her Bridesmaids, it was a request Juliette was more than happy to say yes to (and one she still hasn’t entirely forgiven Quinn taking away from her when Quinn and Rachel eloped without warning). But despite the occasional upset–and Quinn’s tendency to ‘overshare’ parts of her personal life, at least as far as Jules is concerned–Juliette had grown almost as close to Quinn as she is the with the Twins. FRANNIE FABRAY (Older Half-Sister): Unlike the quick transition from stranger to family that Juliette and Quinn went through, Juliette and Frannie are still working out their relationship. While Juliette was the first to reach out and while she tries to reign in her enthusiasm to make up for all the years lost to them so as not to push Frannie away, she's not always successful. 
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bluedalahorse · 1 year
So I wrote a little something about the RWRB movie, particularly the erasure or diminishing of some other queer characters’ (not Alex or Henry’s) identities. I’m cutting it so you don’t have to read it, but of course you can if you would like to. Not going to tag it for now, just for peace of mind.
So overall, there were parts of the movie I found charming and enjoyable, and I think things really picked up in the second half. I did find the whole thing kind of uneven on a writing level. I know changes have to be made and things have to be cut when you go from a novel to a two-hour movie, and I sort of like looking at how the adaptation process works. After a second watch I can probably pin down some of the writing issues and appreciate what did work. I don’t know if I will or won’t post about it.
Really, right now, the thing on my heart that I want to discuss, is the representation issue.
I actually think they did a good job representing Alex and Henry’s relationship mlm onscreen, once it got going. The tender moments were tender, the spicy moments were spicy. You didn’t get actors looking at one another like “oh god I have to be in love with a man now” and we didn’t cut away from the intimacy scenes like we were ashamed of them.
But—sigh. The way they cut or diminished every other queer character in the story. Obviously I knew Luna and Liam had been cut out, so I was ready to adjust my expectations there. I’m glad Amy was played by a trans actress, although I also wish we like… knew Amy was trans and sapphic? Maybe there was a line about Amy’s wife that I missed, but I don’t remember one. 
My biggest feelings of frustration, though, is how they handled Nora, who is very much bisexual and Jewish and a statistical analysis nerd. I get combining Nora and June to streamline things for the movie, but I do not understand why you wouldn’t make Nora bi? You can keep roughly the same number of scenes with her and Alex, and just rewrite their interactions to sound like two queer friends talking instead of a protagonist and his Black Best Friend archetype the protagonist says things to because he needs to say his internal monologue externally. Rachel Hilson did bring great energy to the role, so I liked seeing her onscreen. I just wish the script gave her more to work with and didn’t erase her bisexuality. Like there’s a certain audacity to the script saying that the B in LGBTQ isn’t silent (an important line to have!) when the film is either very much silent about a key character’s bisexuality or has written it out completely.
(Although, the part where Nora was obviously playing a drinking game over political debates? Loved that, excellent example of DC behavior right there, I did cheer at that scene. I am 100% serious.)
Also. There’s just… something. About implying that the gay Mexican journalist character was the one who leaked the emails, instead of the Republican Party. There’s something about writing that storyline in an America where gay people, Mexicans, and ~the media~ are regularly demonized. At a time when the actual Republican Party IRL is literally out here trying to do a genocide on trans people, and Florida’s Don’t Say Gay ban is on the books, and everything. I get that Prime was probably trying not to piss off the actual GOP and draw their ire, but like, conservatives are not going to watch this or like this anyway? I get changing the antagonists, maybe, but maybe we need to go in another direction with that. Hm.
One more thought, as far as overall vibe. Washington DC is statistically the city in America with the highest LGBTQIA+ population. Queer rights are visible in our city’s culture—maybe in a nerdier way than some of the more “hip” US cities but it’s still there if you know where to look. The West Wing/federal government are a bit removed from DC’s broader culture, depending on the administration, but Ellen Claremont is a liberal Democrat with a diverse staff, so she’s more likely to have an open relationship to DC’s queer culture than say, a conservative Republican president. So… idk. Let Alex move through scenes that reflect this culture, is what I’m saying.
Tl;dr I think the RWRB movie worked as a gay romcom in the Netflix Christmas movie sense. It reflected an mlm relationship and did it well enough. At the same time, Casey McQuiston writes books about queer community, which has always been one of the reasons I gravitate toward their work and come back to it. I feel like this movie chose queer individualism over queer community, and that makes me sad. It especially makes me sad in a time where we’re getting tons of mlm-themed things released but every other aspect of LGBTQIA+ identity has been ignored or diminished.
For comparison, RWRB is about the length of half a season of Heartstopper, and even half a season of Heartstopper depicts a range of LGBTQIA+ identities and knows how to write queer community, even when centering the story on a main mlm relationship. And yes, Heartstopper is different, different things need to be considered and so on. I do think the People Who Make Heartstopper looked at what the comic said, went “oh, one of the things this comic is about is about is queer community” and created a show that reflected that, even if they couldn’t adapt everything from the comic. I wish the People Who Make RWRB had looked at Casey’s book and done the same.
I hope we can simultaneously hold the competing truths that like, 1. it’s okay if the RWRB movie isn’t groundbreaking art, because some LGBTQIA+ movies are just allowed to be mid romcoms, but also 2. it didn’t do right by the queer community themes in the book, and it erased the queer women especially, and this feels like part of a larger pattern when so many mlm releases are happening all at once.
Anyway I’m done, for now. More thoughts later? I mean who knows.
Who’s looking forward to Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe?
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savbanks · 9 months
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part of her mystery is how she is calm in the storm but anxious in the quiet
full name: savannah jane banks age: 33 date of birth: april 15th, 1990 astrology: aries sun, gemini rising, libra moon place of birth and current location: covington, ga residential area: downtown gender: cis-female pronouns: she/her sexual orientation: bisexual occupation: owner of mystic grill and wedding planner at vision of white.
mother: marion banks ( nee foster ) father: joseph banks significant other:: married but estranged to Hudson Calhoun.
Savannah was always wild and free from the very beginning of her life. She was the girl that wouldn’t sit still for anything and always on the move. Challenges were her specialty and she never backed down from an adventure. Her energy was unmatched and she was always the one that people talked about. She is completely down to earth and doesn’t take many things to heart but she will always be an advocate for people. She is completely loyal to a fault and even though she may not seem to let things bother her, she has one of the biggest hearts around. This girl will literally give the shirt off her back for anybody and not ask for a thing in return. But don't be fooled with her sweetness because if needed, she has a bite worse than a black widow.
likes and dislikes.
Likes:  ballet, the feeling of shaved legs on fresh bed sheets, horror movies, the number 2, stargazing, old pickup trucks, the smell of fresh baked cookies, red lipstick, bubble baths, the color teal, sun rises and sunsets, long baths, white lilies Dislikes: birds, anything vanilla or cinnamon scented, gossip mills, the sound of chalk on a chalkboard, the way her body feels after working out
Savannah Banks came into this world as a surprise to Marion and Joseph Banks after years of trying for a child. Being the only daughter to an elementary school teacher and a ranch hand at Heartland, Savannah grew up more sheltered than she would have liked. She had always been a free spirit from the moment that she could walk, she was running and she never did as she was told. She wasn't necessarily a problem child, but she had her own ideas and her own adventures that she wanted to have that her parents didn't fully support. For as long as she could remember, she was itching to get out of this small town and into the worlds that she read about in books.
The small town life was something that Savannah had grown fond of especially when her and Hudson had finally decided that they wanted to take their friendship to the next level. Growing up together, they spent a lot of time with each other and it wasn't until they were in middle school that their feelings were confessed to one another. It felt like a movie, their relationship, and she was the happiest that she could have ever been. They were the envy of their friends and being each others high school sweethearts was inevitable; they were soulmates. Quickly after high school they were getting married with their friends and family and their life started. She was sure that this was going to be the love of her life and while he was, they had their ups and downs. When the career that Hudson had worked his life for was taken away from him, he became cold and while she tried to stay through it all it wasn't enough. She eventually fell pregnant with their daughter Alana and nine months later, they were a family of three. It wasn’t anything like she expected but for the first two years it was good.
She wanted to get out of the small town, feeling suffocated and she wanted to show Hudson and Alana the world. All of the places that she had imagined them going and the memories that they would make were in the forefront of her mind and she wanted nothing more than to live. But he was stuck and when she finally decided that she needed more, she gave him the ultimatum and when he chose this career, she left town and didn't look back. With the savings that she had, she bought a plane ticket to London and back packed through Europe before heading to Paris where she spent most of her time there. After a few years, she headed to New York where her best friend was living and got a job as a wedding planner at her friends company, Vision in White, where she had stayed before she got the call from her mother that her father was sick and they needed help.
Due to his excessive drinking, it was all taking a toll on his body after forty years and as much as her mom could handle, she wasn't able to handle this by herself. Savannah knew that her parents didn't ask her for much in life so when they did, she came back without a second thought. As much as she didn't want go back to Covington, she packed her bags and headed home where she knew she was going to have to face the many demons that she had left behind.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Rebecca “Beck” Derringer
Pronouns: She/her
Role: Pilot
Age: 36
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Biromantic/Bisexual
Species: Human/Erkuss Hybrid
Home Planet: Kraysha
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Tatiana Maslany
True Appearance: Like all hybrids, Beck has two different colored eyes - her right eye is gold and her left eye is hazel-green. When disguised on Earth, she puts on a hazel-green contact on her left eye to match her other eye.
Backstory: The Derringers were a close-knit family before they were abducted with the rest of Tarryville in 1981. They needed each other more than ever on a planet that none of them knew. But despite the fear and uneasiness following the abduction, the mother of Rebecca, later known as Beck, ended up falling in love with one of the local Erkuss men a few years after the abduction. A product of their lust-filled affair would simultaneously be a scientific wonder in the form of hybrid twins - Beck, and her older brother by just ten minutes, Jude. Both children were firecrackers in their own right - Beck, while excitable and care-free also had a short temper, while Jude had too much energy in his little body to focus one just one thing. Of course, their father never gave himself the opportunity to see these traits for himself, as he dipped the moment he found out their mother was pregnant. Their fiery connection was put out fairly quickly.
Being the younger cousin of Julia Derringer was a big pain in the ass. While Beck reluctantly loved her cousin on the grounds that they were related, they often butt heads because neither could agree on much of anything, and Julia’s smug attitude and perceived sense of superiority pissed Beck off constantly. It also didn’t help much that as a baby bi, she developed a very intense crush on her best friend (and apparently secret girlfriend) Daphne Rux, but of course Julia had the audacity to hog up all the Erkuss’s time and leave the younger girl fawning from afar. So annoying.
Beck later explored herself in her adolescence, having a few short-lived relationships with both men and women alike. She couldn’t quite develop an emotional attachment to any of them, finding that the sole focus of each relationship was just the physical aspect. The only thing she truly loved, it turned out, was flying. Inspired by the movie Top Gun as a kid, Beck dreamed of being a pilot. The stars were her true calling. After high school, joined the Kraysha starfleet to train as a starfighter. And she was a natural. Easily the top of her class, but her incredible talent quickly went to her head. She developed a huge ego, which matched pretty well with her future callsign - Maverick, named after the protagonist of her favorite movie.
Her arrogant attitude often got her in trouble with her superiors, instructors and squad mates, but her skill usually got her through these hoops. She even managed to get officially licensed as a star pilot, but it all came crumbling down during her first assignment. Her recklessness nearly resulted in the death of her partner. While her partner lived, the accident rendered them completely paralyzed. This was the last straw, and Beck was subsequently dishonorably discharged. Years of blood, sweat, and tears down the drain. The shattering of her dreams by her own hand was unbearable.
A beacon of hope came from the most unexpected of places - her cousin, Julia. As it turned out, she needed a pilot for her new smuggling ship, The Bat Ray. Reluctantly, Beck accepted even though this offer was very clearly made out of pity, and because of her prideful nature she hated that. It was a vastly different environment than the starfleet, yet Beck was pleased that smuggling turned out to have its own thrills that satiated her desires. She was even willing to bite her tongue when being bossed around by her cousin. Things got even better when she reunited with an older and somehow even hotter Daphne Rux later on. Life was looking pretty good again.
That was until the Shrek incident, which served as a catalyst to Beck realizing that maybe blindly following her cousin’s judgment was a bad call. Inspired by Daphne, who tragically left to start her own crew, Beck started openly questioning anything Julia instructed that she didn’t agree with. Suddenly they were children again, butting heads, except it was worse because everything is worse when you’re an adult. She also despised her cousin’s girlfriend Kenna, who she was convinced was a robot in Ly’Daesun form. This hatred culminated in a drunken Beck trying to start a fight with Kenna one night while the crew were having downtime at a bar, and Kenna proceeded to kick her ass into next year. Needless to say, Beck promptly left the crew after this.
She took a chance and contacted her old pal Daphne for the hell of it to see if she happened to have any opening for a pilot on the Prosperity. Miraculously, a spot had just opened up, and she planned to meet the crew on Kor’Sel’Koo before their next job. 
Skills:  Beck is a very skilled pilot, and can adapt to the controls of most ships on a whim. A lot of her methods to getting out of sticky situations can be considered a bit unconventional, and downright reckless if the situation is dire, but she has a knack for keeping the ship in one piece despite of it. Besides flying, she is also moderately skilled at firearms and hand-to-hand combat from her days in the starfleet. She possesses mechanical knowledge, which is useful to her if she’s the only person around who can resolve an urgent mechanical issue on a ship. Lastly, she’s skilled at charming her way out of a situation, if she doesn’t let her temper get ahead of herself.
Played by Ash; 27 ; she/her; eastern time
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emoryinaboat · 2 years
!! !! !!
TYSM Does this mean introduce 3 ocs??? Idk it does now, just for u bestie <33
(Also important info, all my OCs are magic like it started as a Harry Potter thing but then we obviously transferred them to our own thing and here we are, gay idiots at magic schools)
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(Bby ur my -inhale- aNGELLL)
Name: Cassidy
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/her (cis)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
General description: The sunshine in the biggest sunshine x stormcloud relationship we have
- She has spastic diaplegic cerebral palsy, she can walk independently but not for long so she uses crutches most of the time, wheelchair on low energy days
- All her mobility aids are covered in sanrio stickers or is otherwize bedazzled somehow
- She actually always has beads in her braids, picrew is just a bitch and never has her hairstyle :')
- Has an angsty autistic Kaz Brekker core boyfriend named Booker (my S/O made him) and they are disgustingly in love it's very cute
- She's really good at making origami and she's constantly making little lotuses and dinosaurs for Booker and little frog hoppers for his little sister Bessie
- Talks to her stuffies, she has s o many of them.
- Has been keeping diaries since she was 6, never doesn't have it on her. She's painted a bunch of little white rabbits on the cover because they're her lucky animal
- When she was 9-12 she put those bicycle beads that go click-click-click when you turn the wheel on her chair
- Adores puzzles, riddles and brain teasers. Her rubix cube record is 31 seconds, she's very proud of it
- Idk man she's just really pretty in an aesthetic way, like she always has cute patterns painted on her nails, she has hearts in her edges and eyeliner, she wears cute pajamas to bed, she's just very cute-
- Feels love pains in her arms, needs to squish something
- Love languages are physical touch, gift giving and quality time
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Name: Milan
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/him (cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual
General description: Leading man but he's a little fucked up actually/lh
- Lead singer and frontman of a famous pop-punk-kindof boyband, at first me and wifey dearest(/lh) couldn't think of a name for the band so we started just calling them Guys Being Dudes but that's what they're called now.
- Is dating his other bandmates, Ruben (mine), AJ and Zach (both my S/O's). Won't shut tf up about them in interviews
- Early diagnosed with bipolar disorder after very nearly decimating their careers.
- Had a really traumatic fanmail incident when they were really starting to break it big. Has some issues with their fans now but he's working on that-
- Has a therapy rat named Eddie (after Venom, not Stranger Things). The band also has one of those crusty white woman dogs/lh named MJ
- He will tell you his favourite movie is Back to the Future. This is a lie, his favourite is How to Train Your Dragon
- Best friends with an Olympic gymnast named Evangeline, she's had to hear his pining for his bandmates for years now
- Was really emo when the band was just starting out. Like bottle blond smeared eyeshadow Set It Off Band-T over striped shirt emo
- He gave Ruben his first haircut and thus saved Ruben from the "Awful First Trans Haircut" narrative because he's been cutting his own hair since he was 11
- Kind of emotionally distant Catholic family. Didn't outright say they don't like his lifestyle but by god they made it known. He only sees them around holidays and he only attends church loosely or for special occasions
- Really loves interacting with fan content, his twitter is a constant spam of fanart and fanfic, he follows back content creators, he reads and hypes up fanfic, all the time
- When he's scared (like harmless horror movie viewing kind) he doesn't scream or jump or anything, he just tenses up and starts crying-
- Colours his nails in with sharpie
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Caio 🏁
(I promise you he is not as threatening as the picrew shows he's just got a ~persona~)
Name: Caio
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/him (Cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual with a bigg male preference
General description: We're genius for this ship trope.
- Drag racer, his cars are his fucking babies
- Yes that's cars plural, his adoptive parents are RICH rich and are away for work a lot so they give him and his sister Genesis more allowance than they know what to do with. So what's an ND adrenaline-seeking teenage boy gonna do? Drag racing of course.
- Autism and ADHD and enough people-pleasing trauma to power a small nation. Most of his past relationships were his partners not communicating their relationship expectations and him wanting more than casual hookups and kinda being used :/ and now he doesn't really know how to value his own needs he's working on it-
- But he has a boyfriend now and they are also disgustingly in love and they're gonna make it everyones problem. His name is Keanu (S/O's) and he's a drag queen and I told you we were geniuses for that
- HoH and always forgets to wear his hearing aids, he mostly relies on lip reading. He has a walkie-talkie-radio-thing in his car that flashes when Genesis needs to contact him mid-race (cos like. Cops)
- When he has meltdowns it creates these magic power surges, he's been known to blow out lightbulbs. Once broke down so hard that he cut off the whole house's power
- He used to be on the cheer team and he can still do the flips and stuff, still super flexible
- Has like. No actual friends-
- He acts big at races and stuff but he is just the embodiment of the autism creature. He is just an excitable affection puppy who intensely autism stares when he's hyped
- Is an awful gossip, he needs to know everything about everyone at all times
- He makes rly good coffee-
- Him and Genesis are both fluent in ASL but his parents never bothered to learn. Genesis goes nonverbal sometimes though so Caio acts as translator when that happens
- Love languages are quality time, physical touch, verbal affection and late night drives
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thepatrickblanco · 6 months
Quick Regrets || Patrick Self Para
Patrick hummed to himself as he and Lucia waited at the front door. He could hear the lock clicking and soon enough the door open to Ari standing there, a dressing gown wrapped around her. To her credit, she did look a little worse for wear. Besides, Patrick was hardly complaining about having attended the concert today... it had all worked out rather well for him. He'd drop Lucia off, then text Hayes and see what happened from there. Ari ushered them in and he followed, knowing he wouldn't be able to get away immediately. Lucia was babbling to her parents (David, Ari's husband had joined them) about how amazing it was, and how great all the members of the band was, and then she made a joke about one of the band members seeming to really like Patrick, to which he shot his niece a look. She smiled, innocently, as Ari told her to go upstairs and get ready for bed.
"Patrick," Ari admonished, shaking her head, "you were meant to let the kids talk to the band members. Were you really trying to get all the attention on yourself?" Patrick glared at her, "really, Ari? I was as much in that room as anybody else and besides, he started talking to me." Ari rolled her eyes, opening the fridge to get all three of them a bottle of water, David staying decidedly quiet. "Of course he did," she said, and Patrick knew she didn't believe him so he couldn't help but snapping back, "well Hayes gave me his number and I'm going to go meet him so if you'll excuse me, I think I'll be off..." He put the water bottle that he hadn't even opened down and turned to leave, but Ari caught his arm.
"Patrick," she said, voice more gentle now, "don't be stupid. He probably gave you a fake number, but even if it's real who knows what he wants? He's probably just bored and wants to use you then move on." Patrick didn't shake her arm off him but he did stop, turning to look at her, "you forget, I quite enjoy a one night stand and I'm not expecting anything other than that. Are you really telling me to give up the opportunity to spend the night with a literal rock star? Are you crazy?" "I'm sure it would mostly be disappointing," she said, patting his arm, "besides, isn't he the bisexual one? Remember Ivan? You don't want that again, do you?" Patrick took a breath, steadying himself. Ivan was different, he knew that. He could point that out to Ari but it wouldn't get anywhere. It had been a high school relationship that Ari herself had got involved with, but constantly reminded Patrick of what Ivan did to him like she didn't play any part in that. Besides, he and Ivan parted amicably in the end. Last he heard he was studying in Brazil.
"Ari-" "No, come now Patrick. Just spend the night here, it's late, and Lucia will be thrilled to see her Uncle Patrick here in the morning. You wouldn't want to disappoint her, would you?" "No, but-" "Good. Now give me your phone, so you can delete his number and you don't have to think about it again. Trust me, he'll have forgotten about you by tomorrow." He pulled out his phone, knowing she likely wasn't going to let him leave. He didn't know why but she always seemed to get in his head and he didn't have the energy to fight it. Something he expected he would regret at some point on his life. But, before he passed it to Ari, he quickly went in and screenshotted Hayes' number, luckily it had still been open on the screen. He then deleted the number and showed Ari who seemed satisfied.
She suggested they watch a movie, and Patrick sighed, knowing he wouldn't be getting away tonight. Tomorrow, after having breakfast with Ari, David and Lucia, he would look to see August Moon's shows, only to read they had flown out of Madrid early the following day and he would know he missed his shot. He knew Ari was probably right, that Hayes would have forgotten about their interaction in a day or two, but he couldn't stop but think...
What if.
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singinprincess · 4 years
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SPL Gifmas ↪ Mr Soda Aamir Khan in Love Love Love for @elephantcurtains ♥
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Basic info for mobile users!
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Full name: Jennifer Sarah-Monique Blake.  Sarah Monique Miller (Winchester). Nickname(s): Marah.  Claims it’s the name of her twin sister who no one’s ever met or even seen. Age: 18-30s, thread dependent. Birth date: October 5th, 1982. Birth place: Providence, Rhode Island. Ethnicity: White. Nationality: American. Gender: Cisgender female. Pronouns: She/her. Sexuality: Bisexual/biromantic. Current location: All over the place.  Hunters never really stop moving. Zodiac/astrological signs: Libra. Blood type: O. Social class: Middle. Religious values: Agnostic atheist. Occupation: Owner of, chef and waitress for Sarah’s Spot.  A restaurant dedicated to giving hunters everywhere the energy they need to, well, hunt.  Info here!  When she’s not running Sarah’s Spot, she’s either out hunting or teaching the younger hunters the ins and outs of social media.  Busy schedule, folks!
Height: 5'0. Weight: 121 lbs. Body type: Athletic. Species: Human. Eye color: Blue. Glasses/Contacts?: No, no. Hair color and style: Brunette, typically wears it down.  A little wavy at the bottom! Face claim: Victoria Pedretti. Tattoos: None. Piercings: Both ears. Clothing style: Her style’s all over the place, really.  It’s literally anything that pops out at her. Usual expression: Neutral. Distinguishing features: An anti demon possession charm bracelet she got from Dean when they were teenagers.  She never goes anywhere without it.
Weather: She says it’s cloudy and rainy but REALLY she loves sunny weather. Color: Purple. Music: Rock.  Pop. Movies: Horror.  Romance.  Comedy. Sport: Soccer. Beverage: Diet Coke. Food: Pizza. Animal: Dogs.
Father: Matthew Blake, human.  Deceased. Mother: Wendy Blake, human.  Deceased. Sibling(s): A younger brother named Phillip.  They became estranged after everything with their parents went down. Children: One daughter named Jami and two stepdaughters named Lily and Emma. Pet(s): Miracle, Dean and Sam’s dog who’s actually Sarah’s. Family’s Financial Status: Middle class. Relationship status: Dating Dean Winchester.
FBI badges: Maureen Wilson, Laurie McAllister, Debbie Meredith, Marie St. Jacques & Candice Night.
Unlike most hunters, Sarah came from a happy and healthy background with two parents who loved her dearly and a brother who could stand to be around her for five minutes at a time.  (Y'know, the typical sibling relationship).  They did everything together, from family picnics to Christmas tree shopping– every single year without fail, right up until Sarah left for college at 18.  Even there though she stayed in nearly CONSTANT contact with the three of them, letting them in on almost every single thing she was doing at Stanford.  INCLUDING meeting and eventually dating Dean Winchester, the one man in all those eighteen years who made her feel beautiful— inside and out.
At this point their relationship only lasted two weeks, Dean leaving soon after to rejoin his father for another hunt.  Word got out quickly that he bailed because his night with Sarah fucking sucked, and she believed those rumors for a LONG time.  She had no idea Dean was a hunter OR that the supernatural world actually existed, which was why the charm bracelet he gave her right before he left came in handy.  According to Dean, it wasn’t JUST a charm bracelet– it also protected her from demon possession.  He was gone the next morning, never to be heard from again, and Sarah’s heart broke.  Jeffrey, a supposed friend of hers, swooped in at the right time and convinced her to take the charm bracelet off as a sign of defiance against the hateful rumors AND Dean.  You don’t care that he bailed, Sarah!  A few weeks from now you’re gonna graduate and you’ll forget all about Mr. Stupid Impala Guy!  It’s gonna be great!  Realizing he was right, she gave into the idea and took the bracelet off.  Leaving herself vulnerable once more to demons.  Demons who waited to strike ‘til graduation night.
It was supposed to be a beautiful ceremony.  All the students were dressed to the nines in these beautiful gowns, MORE THAN READY to move onto the next phase of their lives and Sarah was right there with them.  Even after all the drama with Dean, the charm bracelet now tucked safely away in her pocket because she wasn’t ready to let go of it completely, she couldn’t wait to get her diploma!  Everything was going wonderfully… and then her name was called.  Something happened when she reached the stage.  One second everything was fine and the next she was a prisoner in her own mind, forced to watch herself cause chaos in the worst ways possible, forced… to watch her own hands… murder her parents.  She remembered hearing herself laughing the entire time, remembered feeling WAY too happy about the life draining from two all-too-familiar pairs of eyes.  It went on for hours, the thing that wasn’t her that was holding her hostage in her body taking its sweet time with those two brutal deaths.  The last thing Matthew and Wendy saw before everything came to an end was their daughter smirking in their scared faces.  Cue another blackout.  When she woke up she was herself again.  The room was red.  Everyone was staring at her, frozen in shock– all except her brother.  Phillip stared with a hatred in his eyes and Sarah knew, knew, he would kill her one day.  “I’m…”  She got slowly to her feet, shaking.  “I-I’m sorry…..”  She turned for the door, ran and just… kept running.
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Full name: Jennifer Sarah-Monique Blake.  Sarah Monique Miller. Nickname(s): Marah.  Claims it’s the name of her twin sister who no one’s ever met or even seen. Age: 18-30s, thread dependent. Birth date: October 5th, 1982. Birth place: Providence, Rhode Island. Ethnicity: White. Nationality: American. Gender: Cisgender female. Pronouns: She/her. Sexuality: Bisexual/biromantic. Current location: All over the place.  Hunters never really stop moving. Zodiac/astrological signs: Libra. Blood type: O. Social class: Middle. Religious values: Agnostic atheist. Occupation: Owner of, chef and waitress for Sarah’s Spot.  A restaurant dedicated to giving hunters everywhere the energy they need to, well, hunt.  Info here!  When she’s not running Sarah’s Spot, she’s either out hunting or teaching the younger hunters the ins and outs of social media.  Busy schedule, folks!
Height: 5'0. Weight: 121 lbs. Body type: Athletic. Species: Human. Eye color: Blue. Glasses/Contacts?: No, no. Hair color and style: Brunette, typically wears it down.  A little wavy at the bottom! Face claim: Victoria Pedretti. Tattoos: None. Piercings: Both ears. Clothing style: Her style’s all over the place, really.  It’s literally anything that pops out at her. Usual expression: Neutral. Distinguishing features: An anti demon possession charm bracelet she got from Dean when they were teenagers.  She never goes anywhere without it.
Weather: She says it’s cloudy and rainy but REALLY she loves sunny weather. Color: Purple. Music: Rock.  Pop. Movies: Horror.  Romance.  Comedy. Sport: Soccer. Beverage: Diet Coke. Food: Pizza. Animal: Dogs.
Father: Matthew Blake, human.  Deceased. Mother: Wendy Blake, human.  Deceased. Sibling(s): A younger brother named Phillip.  They became estranged after everything with their parents went down. Children: None. Pet(s): Miracle, Dean and Sam’s dog who’s actually Sarah’s. Family’s Financial Status: Middle class. Relationship status: Dating Dean Winchester / otherwise it depends on the thread!
FBI badges: Maureen Wilson, Laurie McAllister, Debbie Meredith, Marie St. Jacques & Candice Night.
Unlike most hunters, Sarah came from a happy and healthy background with two parents who loved her dearly and a brother who could stand to be around her for five minutes at a time.  (Y'know, the typical sibling relationship).  They did everything together, from family picnics to Christmas tree shopping– every single year without fail, right up until Sarah left for college at 18.  Even there though she stayed in nearly CONSTANT contact with the three of them, letting them in on almost every single thing she was doing at Stanford.  INCLUDING meeting and eventually dating Dean Winchester, the one man in all those eighteen years who made her feel beautiful— inside and out.
At this point their relationship only lasted two weeks, Dean leaving soon after to rejoin his father for another hunt.  Word got out quickly that he bailed because his night with Sarah fucking sucked, and she believed those rumors for a LONG time.  She had no idea Dean was a hunter OR that the supernatural world actually existed, which was why the charm bracelet he gave her right before he left came in handy.  According to Dean, it wasn’t JUST a charm bracelet– it also protected her from demon possession.  He was gone the next morning, never to be heard from again, and Sarah’s heart broke.  Jeffrey, a supposed friend of hers, swooped in at the right time and convinced her to take the charm bracelet off as a sign of defiance against the hateful rumors AND Dean.  You don’t care that he bailed, Sarah!  A few weeks from now you’re gonna graduate and you’ll forget all about Mr. Stupid Impala Guy!  It’s gonna be great!  Realizing he was right, she gave into the idea and took the bracelet off.  Leaving herself vulnerable once more to demons.  Demons who waited to strike ‘til graduation night.
It was supposed to be a beautiful ceremony.  All the students were dressed to the nines in these beautiful gowns, MORE THAN READY to move onto the next phase of their lives and Sarah was right there with them.  Even after all the drama with Dean, the charm bracelet now tucked safely away in her pocket because she wasn’t ready to let go of it completely, she couldn’t wait to get her diploma!  Everything was going wonderfully… and then her name was called.  Something happened when she reached the stage.  One second everything was fine and the next she was a prisoner in her own mind, forced to watch herself cause chaos in the worst ways possible, forced… to watch her own hands… murder her parents.  She remembered hearing herself laughing the entire time, remembered feeling WAY too happy about the life draining from two all-too-familiar pairs of eyes.  It went on for hours, the thing that wasn’t her that was holding her hostage in her body taking its sweet time with those two brutal deaths.  The last thing Matthew and Wendy saw before everything came to an end was their daughter smirking in their scared faces.  Cue another blackout.  When she woke up she was herself again.  The room was red.  Everyone was staring at her, frozen in shock– all except her brother.  Phillip stared with a hatred in his eyes and Sarah knew, knew, he would kill her one day.  “I’m…”  She got slowly to her feet, shaking.  “I-I’m sorry…..”  She turned for the door, ran and just… kept running.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Deborah Kerr (Bonjour Tristesse, An Affair to Remember, The King and I)— For several decades she held the record for most Oscar nominations without a win (6 in total), and she was a prolific leading lady throughout the 40s and 50s. She's best known today for the romance An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant, and as the governess in The King and I. Many people have this erroneous perception of her as extremely prim, proper, and virginal, but this could not be further from the truth. When she first came to Hollywood under MGM she was typecast into boring decorative roles, but broke sexual boundaries for herself and Hollywood generally in From Here to Eternity, when she made out (horizontally!) with Burt Lancaster (on top of him!) in the famous Beach Scene. She went on to play many sexually conflicted women, a character type that would define most of her post- Eternity work. She continued to break Hays Code boundaries with Tea and Sympathy, which addresses homosexuality/homophobia head-on, and even did a topless scene in The Gypsy Moths 1969!! One of the only classic stars to do so. She deserves a more nuanced and frankly a hotter legacy than she currently has!!!
Hend Rostom (Cairo Station, Eshaat Hob)— Egyptian movie star called the "Marilyn Monroe of the East", need anyone say more
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Hend Rostrom:
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Deborah Kerr:
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I think she was one of my first crushes before I realised I was bi in The King and I when I watched it as a kid honestly. The kissing scene in From Here to Eternity is iconic for a reason. Actually tried to learn the accents for the characters she was playing if they weren't English which is more than pretty much anyone else was doing then. Played very restrained characters who frequently seemed to be desperate not to be so restrained. Did horror movies without venturing into hagsploitation tropes. Gave Marni Nixon the credit she deserved for her share of the singing in The King and I.
Anne Larsen is a peak late 1950s bisexual with big MILF energy. Have you seen the behind the scenes pics of her wearing a suit?? Have you????? Vote Deb as Anne Larsen.
Nominated for an Oscar six (6) times and never won, but besides her having actual talent (hot), and besides her looking Like That (very hot, also beautiful), she was always playing women who are, like, crazy repressed. Which makes it fun and easy for me to read these characters as queer. Icon!!!! You know what's hot? Playing ambiguously gay in vintage Hollywood.
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Her face and talent and body, yes, ofc, duh. But also!!! Her HANDS!!!! I may be but a simple lesbian, but she is the best hactor (hand actor) that ever lived and that's HOT! For propriety's sake I feel I must redact a large portion of my commentary on this subject. Anyway. She's hot in her most famous roles (mentioned above), and also some of her sexiest hacting is on display in An Affair to Remember (her hand on the bannister when Cary Grant kisses her off-screen??? HELLO???), Tea and Sympathy (when she's trying to persuade Tom not to go out and she keeps flexing her hands like she wants to reach out to him but can't??? ALLY BEHAVIOR! WE STAN!), and The Innocents (which opens and closes with extended shots of her hands bc director Jack Clayton was also an ally and he did that for ME). Much of her appeal also lies in the fact that she often played deeply repressed characters and you know what's hot? When those uptight characters finally unravel. It's sexy. It's cathartic. It's erotic. Plus, she's beautiful to look at in both black & white and technicolor, and the more of her films you see, the more you can't help but fall in love!
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Literally is in thee most famously sexy scene of all time (or maybe just during the hays code era which is what we're talking about HELLO), which is the beach scene with Burt Lancaster in from here to eternity. To quote a tumblr post of a screen capture of a tweet of a video of joy behar on the view: "y'know, there used to be movies where they were kissing on the beach... From Here to Eternity. They're kissing-- Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr are Kissing on the Beach and then the WAVES crash!! You know exactly what they did!"
She might have a reputation of being chaste and virginal or whatever, but we all know it's the quiet ones who are certifiable FREAKS
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lowlights · 2 years
Laura my darling—congrats on 500 followers!! I’m so glad other people get to experience that little !!!! of excitement when they see you on their dash like I do💞
I’d really love to be paired with a Pedro boy if you’re still doing that?
30, 5’10, plus sized, bisexual, genderfluid (most people use she/her for my pronouns, but idc you literally cannot misgender me lol), super long wavy hair that’s about half natural hair color, other half mermaid-blue.
I’ve never met an animal I didn’t love— I especially love my 17 year old kitty, Winnie, otters, bats, and frogs. I’m an extremely low energy bitchie, except when I fixate on gemstones or jewelry making, then I have to be forcibly stopped. I love to read and write, especially poetry. I spend the majority of my time at home because I take classes online, and unless I’m seeing my favorite people or running necessary errands, I’d just rather be at home in my pjs.
I am incapable of doing anything with less than my whole ass (go big or go home, and unfortunately, I almost always go big), which means I have never been normal about anything I love in my life ever. I’m the loud, loyal, snuggly friend who everyone turns to for support or comfort because lifting people up is one of my favorite things ever. Super impulsive and very clumsy, it is a joke amongst friends and family that I am in need of supervision at all times, or chaos will ensue lol. Needless to say, no one is ever bored when I’m around😁
ASH. You are a freaking angel for waiting so long for this. I adore you, you know this.
Reading about you - and having the absolute pleasure of getting to talk to you - gave me everything I need to know which man you need.
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It's our sweet space boy. Ezra.
First off, Ezra would go feral for someone with your mind and bangin' body - I said what I said - and be attracted to you immediately. I think of all of the Pedro boys, Ezra is one of the most likely to be super chill about things like gender and sexuality. He's interested in connecting with others and he's encountered a lot of different people in his travels. He just likes you, that's all he cares about.
Let's get into the obvious thing - you guys are all about the shiny rocks. Y'all would geek out over it. He would bring you home the coolest gems and watch as you created something beautiful with them. He is a total magpie I think and would bring you oddities as a display of love and devotion.
Ez would be totally cool with both your low-energy moments and your 'whole ass' moments because I think he has a lot of the same in him as well. We see Ez do things full-out in the movie, but I think in his downtime he loves to just hang out and be in his pajamas with you. I think he and Winnie would have an especially hilarious relationship- Ezra is DEFINITELY talking out loud a lot and making cat voices back as a response. I feel like they would get into trouble.
Ezra would look out for you and keep you from too much chaos and disaster. I really think your energies would match super well with each other!!!
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Sooo like I found one of your match-ups on my dashboard and decided to get one. Sorry if I do this wrong or send this when you aren’t accepting any buut here I am! (:
I’m the Turbulent Logician (INTP-T) and a demigirl (they/she) who’s bisexual! January Aquarius, born on Jan 28th. I really don’t have a preference for a match-up. I’m 5’4.9, pretty tanned (well wheat-ish? Idk what it’s called) and in between skinny and chubby. My style would be black oversized hoodie sweatshirts or graphic tees with black jeans. Oh and I wear glasses and rings on a daily basis!
Just random stuff about me:
I really do love watching Anime. I don’t really read manga but yea.
I listen to Music at least a good 5 hours a day. I listen to a lot of rock/metal/punk genre of music. I don’t really like country minus a few songs, all of them being from the 60s-70s. Girl in red, My chemical romance, Black Viel Brides, Falling In Reverse, Queen, SlipKnot, Guns N’ Roses, Green day, the list goes on and on
Arguing (well not actual arguing with shouting and crying but playful banter and little insults here and there)
I do really like collecting stones, old coins, expired credit cards, etc etc
Huge anything horror/weird type of person. I really don’t find most stuff scary which is kinda weird, like I could watch a movie with thousands of jump scares and not get scared.
Very very awkward in person, and I have social anxiety. I love talking though, if I know/trust you please expect your ear to be talked off if you even remotely bring up a topic I love. I can’t really approach people and be like “hi hello be my friend”, just extremely introverted.
I love nature and animals; both literally deserve to be treated better than they are. Half of the animals now days wouldn't act aggressive towards us if we have left them alone. I heavily believe that animals deserve the world and that we should really just let them be.
Sooo That’s about it
Lemme know if you need more!
What is needed… log 1 - friends 🌹
+ You two got along with music. + Brian has a thing for rock genre, he loves it! The energy and melody that goes along with. + Any music genre that’s similar, giving the chaotic vibe, he will like it. + How exactly did you two got along at first? Grocery shopping, truck, Tim’s driver and you’re coming with him and Brian. + You were coming with to get somethings fo yourself. + He surfed the radio for songs + Welcome to The Jungle, by Guns n Roses was on. (I rarely see that bat my place ngl, sad) + He jammed to it, you as well until Tim pointed out that you guys were having a personal concert. + Oh? He likes rock too? yes! + You guys would jam together a lot! Whether it’s in the car, the kitchen, on th roof, etc etc. + But you were usually silent. Usually. You would talk to him, but it’s kinda like just, ”So, what song next?” ”Do you like this song?” ”Never heard of this one..” Just small chit chat. + through time, you got used to him and started ’big’ convos, ”When do you listen to them the most?” ”What do you think this song means?” + Collecting? He’d help you with it! Got back from a mission and gave you a butterfly shaped rock once.
will be wanted. log 2 - lovers ❤️
+ Heart shaped leaves. He made them for you. (I’m not sure what you’re reaction would be however, how would you react?) + You know all of those things you collected? If you gave him any, he keeps them in a special drawer. He’d even give you a decorated box for you to put your collections! + Your way of ’arguing’? He’s fine with it. Kinda finds it cute. + He sees it like, serious debating. Like in a parliment. + He has a playlist, dedicated for and about you. + He is a good listener! If you want to talk about something, sure, no harm no foul am I right? + MATCHING T- SHIRTS AND HOODIES!! + He agrees with you about animals. + He has a dog, not Smile, but his own dog. + If you guys go on a mission, he has a packet of dog food, cat food and nuts. Nuts are for squirrels ;D + MAKES BREAKFAST FOR YOU! + He finds you amazing when it comes to horror stuff. Jumscares? Gets him sometimes. Don’t let him play FNAF alone… + Type of relationship? The type to get along with anything. What you wanna eat, do, feel. Understanding!!
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(I don’t know why, but I see the both of you wearing matching rings X] )
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
I wish you would write a fic where Spencer comes out to the reader (his gf) as bi and she also comes out as bi!! from a very bi anon :)
Summary: Spencer Reid has fallen in love with Reader…but he needs to tell her something about himself that he’s never told anyone before.
Word Count: 1.1k
Pairing: Spencer Reid / Female Reader
Genre: Pure Fluff
A/n: Thank you for this cute request, my bisexual anon. As a very bisexual writer, I was only too happy to write this little fic out. I hope you like it!
-- Nervous --
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had the habit of getting nervous at the strangest of times.
I was never nervous when I was on a case with my team, I was never nervous before I had to take any sort of test when I was younger, and I was never really very nervous to speak in front of large crowds.
I shouldn’t be nervous now; it didn’t make any logical sense. I had been with y/n for several months now…103 days, to be precise. She hadn’t said it yet…but I felt like she loved me. I hadn’t said it to her either, another thing I was way too nervous about.
Before I had officially met y/n, I had already noticed her. She seemed to radiate this energy that had captivated me from the very first moment. She was a magical creature that shouldn’t exist in my world, but I was so very glad she did.
I was terrified to ask her out that very first time. I stumbled over my words and rambled on endlessly about topics that were not even related to the Edgar Allan Poe theater production I was trying to invite her to. She’d just smiled the entire time, color flushing brightly in her cheeks.
“I’d love to go with you, Spencer. If you’re asking…” she had said, twisting her fingers while she spoke. It was odd to me that such a beautiful woman would even want to spend time with me. While y/n was beautiful, my favorite thing about her was how unfailingly kind she was. She always spoke to everyone she came in contact with, and she really listened to them when they talked. She had this way of making people feel special without even trying.
Because I knew her to be such a kind and gentle person, I knew she would be understanding of the secret I had to tell her. It’s just that I had never told anyone before. Not even Maeve in our letters. It was a part of myself I had always kept so private…I wasn’t ashamed, really. I was just…nervous.
“What’s wrong, Spence?” y/n asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
I cleared my throat. “Oh, um, nothing. I was just thinking.”
The smile she directed at me warmed me like the sun. “You’re always thinking, Dr. Reid. But you looked like you were thinking mighty hard just then.”
On this rare evening I had off, I had invited y/n over to my house for dinner. We ordered takeout and were watching Halloween movies, even though my favorite holiday was months away.
My girl always said, “Halloween is a state of mind, Spence.”
I shifted in my seat, my hands fisting against my thighs. “Okay,” I muttered. “I have something I wanted to talk to you about.”
She was sitting on the couch beside me, but she turned her body to face me, bringing her legs up to crisscross in front of her. Her face was so open…her face was everything I ever wanted. “What’s up, bug?”
I worried my bottom lip between my teeth. “Well…we’ve been together for…”
“103 days,” she supplied.
“I love you.”
She blinked her gorgeous eyes at me, slightly bewildered, but a smile was spreading over her face. “What?”
“I love you. That wasn’t what I had to talk to you about,” I rambled out. “But you know the exact number of days and you make me so happy. Happier than anything else. I could write a book about how you light up my entire world and still never come close to how I feel about you.”
“Spence,” her voice was soft when she reached out to grasp both of my hands. “I love you too. So much. You’re…you’re everything, Spencer Reid.”
I wanted to kiss her then, more than I had ever wanted anything in the entire world. “I…I want to tell you something else. Something I’ve never told anyone. But…you mean-you mean so much to me. I don’t want to have any sort of secret with you.”
Her curious expression made sense. I had already told her about my past relationships, my family, and my problem with dilaudid. “I don’t want to have any secrets from you either, Spence.” She gave my hands a squeeze. “If it helps, there’s an 87% chance I’ll still love you no matter what you tell me.”
A laugh bubbled out of my throat. “87%? Where did you get that number?”
She scowled at me. “Out with it!”
I swallowed thickly. “Well…I love you. And you’re the only person I want to be with. But…I’m not…in the past…” I looked at her face, scanning every inch of it for any sort of micro expression that could give away how she was feeling. “I’ve…I’ve dated men in the past.” I let out a deep breath. “I’m attracted…to men. And women.”
Her brows creased in confusion. “This is what you were afraid to tell me?”
I nodded, my head dropping slightly.
“Spencer,” she said quietly, her hands releasing mine only to come up to cup my jaw. Her thumb caressed my cheek. “I’m so happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me. Especially if I’m the first person you’ve ever come out to.”
“You don’t care?”
“Well, of course I care, Spence. But I care about it because I care about you. It’s a part of your identity. Everything about you matters to me.”
My heart swelled inside of my chest. “I care about you too. And I…I don’t know what to say.” I huffed out a soft laugh. I had been so worried about this moment that I never really planned for what came after.
“Listen, Spencer,” she whispered, pulling my attention back to her. “I…well, I feel bad about this now. I don’t…my sexual identity is a huge part of who I am; but I never really come out anymore. I don’t believe that sexuality has to have labels, but I identify as bisexual. I’ve had relationships with both men and women.” She bit her lip, her hands dropping from my face. “I don’t know why I didn’t tell you…but-“
I reached for her before I even realized what I was doing. My hands found her soft face right before my mouth sealed against hers. She was sweetness, kindness, and so much better than I felt like I deserved. “I love you,” I murmured against her lips before pulling away. “I’ve never…thought about a label for my sexuality. But…I think I’m bisexual too.”
Y/n’s smile was so soft, so tender. She reached out and tapped her finger against the tip of my nose. “Then we can just be two bisexual people who are madly in love with each other. Does that sound good to you, Dr. Reid?”
Just like everything about her, that idea was perfect to me too.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hey! Congratulations on 1k, your writing is amazing!
Could I get a romantic creepypasta matchup please?
Starting off, Im 18, a cancer, 5’6 with a pretty average build, I have longish dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, I use she/ her pronouns, and I’m bisexual with a lean towards men.
I dislike loud or constant noises, I once cried because a fly flew by my ear actually. I also don’t like many aspects of humanity, most bugs, and people I don’t know well/ don’t like touching me.
I do like soft things, the fall, sweaters/ hoodies, and alternative/ rock music. I have a collection of around 20 hoodies, sweatshirts, and sweaters. When it’s fall they’re pretty much all I wear.
I usually dress pretty comfortably but every now and then I put some effort into my appearance by wearing something nicer. Usually I just wear a shirt on the baggier side and some skinny jeans though. Along with hoodies, I also have many band tee shirts.
As said before, I really like rock, alternative, and heavy metal music. I’ve liked those genres since I was around eleven, and because of that I was terribly edgy in middle school. Some guy used to call me ‘edgy weeb’ because I watched anime and dressed in all black every day.
Some other things I’m into are horror movies and true crime shows/ documentaries. For reference some slashers I have a teeny obsession with are: Thomas Hewitt, RJ Firefly, and Asa Emory. Asa is terrible though and I truly don’t know why I like him so much.
If you look them up you’ll probably notice that both Thomas and RJ are very tall, like 6’5 and 6’10. I have a major thing for height. And also muscles probably.
Some positive things about me are that I’m a hard worker when I truly care about something, I think I have a lot of common sense, I’m creative, and I think I’m a kind person.
Some not so good things about me are that I tend to procrastinate A LOT, I don’t really feel much empathy or even sympathy unless I care about that person and understand what they’re going through, and I have slight anger issues. Like I’ll throw something across the room if it’s pissing me off. It something I’ll probably need to work on as time goes on. I also tend to always find something to hate about myself. I have less insecurities than I used to, but they’re still very much there.
My hobbies are mainly on the creative side. I draw and write, but I also play volleyball. I’m a defensive specialist who’s not that great, but I’m trying to get better.
In a partner I’d like someone who is at least somewhat similar to me, whether that’s their taste of music or one of their hobbies. I’m not great at communicating with people if they don’t like any of the same stuff I do. I also have discovered that I’m probably a bit touch starved. I recently cried because I was lonely and I wanted a hug but couldn’t have one. At the same time though I’d need to really warm up to that person before being comfortable with physical contact.
I hope that’s enough info, and thank you for your time!
Your matchup is... Jeff the Killer!
[Disclaimer, if you're coming from the tags, this is part of a special event I am holding from November 17th to the 21st where I am accepting matchups from all fandoms I currently write for. Feel free to check out my 1K celebration masterlist here for rules during the window this event is open! If it's past the 21st midnight USA central time, do NOT send me a matchup. I will have to politely turn you down. Sorry </3]
In General
Idk what to say other than this gave me really, really strong Jeff energy in the best way. Let me get into that though.
Things He Likes About You
SO, physically speaking, Jeff really likes your hair. I think he likes long hair, doesn't matter who it's on. He loves your hair and the color. You liking the fall is pretty nice, sweaters, generally autumn vibes seems to work very well. I feel like your whole personality works pretty well with Jeff? I write Jeff as a generally reflective, kind of tired with the world guy. He's not necessarily an asshole or anything, but like, his energy turns a lot of people off because they just don't understand him. I feel that you would though. Anyways, loves the way that you dress because it looks comfortable. Likes your band tees too. Your choice of music really vibes with him as well. 10/10. Horror is an absolute must with Jeff and really, everything you're into is stuff he's into. He likes that you're a hard worker when you're passionate. You being creative and kind is super cool too. Your hobbies and volleyball are all things he can probably get into tbh. I like the thought of the two of you playing volleyball together. Jeff is competitive as all hell so like-- hey.
You Two as a Couple
I think you and Jeff sit in a car listening to music a lot. It's just a really sweet thing the two of you do. I actually think Jeff is an extremely empathetic person, he's just learned how to turn it off over the years so uh, he might keep you in check every nwo and then. He's definitely a lot more thoughtful than other portrayals of Jeff - at least the way I write him. He understand what it means to hate yourself, and he'll vent it out with you. Wants you to be in a safe and healthy place even if he's kina bad at doing that,,,? He's rough around the edges. Will draw with you even though he is NOT an artist at all. He likes to draw in the margins of his notes and what not lmfao. I think Jeff is pretty tall, so like, hey that works out pretty well. He's pretty similar to you - like, not a carbon copy ofc, but the two of you definitely vibe, y'know? He's touch starved and willing to give physical affection even if it doesn't always feel like it. He's prone on holding you, nuzzling into your hair and mumbling somewhat nice things because he does NOT have a way with words. He takes a bit to warm up too? So, I feel the two of you are similar in ways no one else really understands. I think Jeff would bring a lot of balance to you, if I'm being honest. He's gentle in places you aren't and you bring out a beautiful creative side to him that isn't... killing... Jeff adores you through and through. Will protect you from loud noises because hell he doesn't actually like them either. Tells people to be quiet more than he should. Fall is YOUR SEASON. Cute stuff-
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Hi love bug, hope you enjoyed, and thank you so so much omfg! This past fall was kina rainy where I was at, bit of a let down smh. I wanted to go to this farm up north we pronounce wrong solely for their apple cider donuts an to hang around some hay bales lmfao. Anyways, hope this was up to par, love you lots <3
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