#the bishop kneeling in front of him and everyones shouting god save the king and its like .
junk-culture · 1 year
dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of god to anoint charles our parasite in chief with his most idiot hat.
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athedemonsqueen · 4 years
The King and Queen of Kattget (Vikings)
Season 2
Chapter eight
The army followed Hvitserk and I closely as we made our way to the camp. We came to the border and stood there.
"You stay here with half the army, it doesn't look like we need much," Hvitserk said.
I looked over at Hvitserk and said, "You know I won't do that."
"As your Prince I say you will..." I scoffed, looking down, then back at Hvitserk.
"You forget Hvitserk. I'm a great army general, I can center them."
"Yes, you are also the Queen of Kattegat, we need you," Hvitserk said. I need you. IS what he meant to say.
I drew my sword, raising it high in the air as the men followed my lead. Hvitserk wasn't surprised as he smiled at me.
"I'll see you all in Valhalla!" I screamed as our army stormed down the camp like a rushing wave from the ocean.
The Christian army did not stand a chance. We overrun them within the first hour and Hvitserk manages to capture Headmund all by himself. Our brave Hvitserk and his love for his King and Queen. We went back to Kattegat the following morning, cheering and shouting with pride as we brought in Headmund barely alive.
It was too easy, the army was already weakened by Ivar who took down most of their top guards. I couldn't believe this when a dying Christian soldier told us. He called Ivar the Devil. All because he had a blood lust in his eyes that was only cured by tasting theirs. This story would go down in history for years to come.
A slave girl ran to me and said, "My Queen! My Queen! It's a miracle!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back. She then bowed her head down as I walked in. There stood Ivar, on his feet! His color had come back and his body wasn't covered in cuts and bruises. He is healthy to say the least.
"Ivar..." I said, going over to him. He grasped me in his arms and hugged me tightly with two arms. I couldn't believe he was standing up and well.
"Look, look, look what I can do!" Ivar said, picking up his leg slightly. It is the most he could ever do. I gasped in surprise.
"It's truly a miracle!" I said, kissing him, "Thank the Gods!" "My strong Ivar," my hand went to his face.
"Not the Gods!" Ivar said. I looked at him confused as my smile disappeared.
"Who?" "I must reward the person!"
"Your Majesty..." a strange voice came from behind me.
I turned around to see a large man standing in front of me. He had a black beard and black, long hair. His eyes glistened against it all which told me I had nothing to fear. I still felt concerned there was a stranger in my room, and I did not understand why. I drew my sword as it made Ivar alert.
"No, Yrsa," Ivar said. He took his hand and lowered my sword. I turned to him and said,
"Ivar, there is a man in our bedroom."
"How did he get into our bedroom?" I asked.
"Please, do not fear me," He said, approaching me. He was much bigger than my father was. He lowered my sword all the way as I became extremely concerned.
He smiled as he laughed, "Ivar she is truly beautiful." His fingers gilded against my cheek.
"I can see you two having many sons."
"Ivar-" I said, turning to him for an explanation. Ivar sighed, grasping my waist for support.
"I can't explain this to you, but please trust in the fact that what you are seeing is true!"
"Who is he?" I whispered.
"A God."
I gasped turning back to him, but when I looked, Harbord had vanished.
Once I took in the image of Odin that I saw, Ivar and I went into the throne room. As we entered, a loud roar erupted as Ivar and I took our thrones together. As King and Queen, husband and wife, for the first time in months. Ivar did not even falter as he sat down. He looked reborn. As if nothing ever happened to him.
Ivar gestured his hand for everyone to settle down. People sat eagerly to hear what he had to say.
"I would like to thank everyone for bringing my capturer to justice-" he said, looking down at Headmund. He smiled deviously.
"Funny, how shall we deal with him, wife?"
I giggled getting up from my seat, with the blood, dirt, and sweat still on me. I approached Headmund and screamed,
"Blood Eagle!"
The crowd soon joined in with me, then Ivar screaming as loud as he could, then Hvitserk.
In the meanwhile, Headmund will be our prisoner, and he'll be treated the same way he treated Ivar. I stood and watched as they threw him in a room with no windows.
"Let's see if your God can save you now!"
Back at the Great Hall, I took a warm bath, and ready myself for the celebration of a lifetime. The celebration was for Ivar and his return.
I wore a burgedeny dress, Kattegat's color, black eyeliner, and my hair braided to the side. I came out with my head high and took my place next to Ivar at the dinner table. I kissed him hello, and began to eat.
"Ivar, she never gave up on you," Hvitserk said, smiling. He is slightly drunk. Ivar is drunk as well.
"She knew you were alive."
Ivar brought his lips to mine as his tongue went slightly in and out my mouth. We both laughed together. Although I knew it bothered Hvitserk.
"She is so clever, if I have a daughter, I pray she is like her mother!" Ivar announced.
I blushed at him, although Hvitserk held his head low. Harbord's words echoed in my head that I would have many of Ivar's sons. I'm not sure how that will be possible. Ivar has not had much success in having children. It burned me. I'm still in very much disbelief that Harbord was Odin, it'll take much convincing.
I sighed, sipping on mead before getting up. "Where are you going?" Ivar asked.
"I need air," I said, smiling. I kissed Ivar on top of his head and patted Hvitserk's shoulder.
"You two seemed to grow close," Ivar said.
"You asked me to watch over her, and so I did," Hvitserk said, chewing on some bread.
I went to visit the Christian. Ivar has spoken highly of him in the past, and I don't understand why he did the things to Ivar that he did. I need to know why he did those things. I will follow in Lagertha's footsteps. I will conduct myself respectfully. Even though deep down I want to tear the man apart!
The guards opened the door and allowed me in. Headmund was tied up, and kneeling to the ground. He did not dare to look at me even though he knew very well I was standing there.
"Have you come to spit at me?" He finally said.
"No, as Queen I can do much worse." I approached him, and then my hand went across his face, causing him to grunt. Probably not very Lagertha.
"I can do much worse," I growled. He whimpered slightly.
"They say you are a kind Viking, marriage has softened you, but I do not believe that. I believe your Christian faith has always had some part of you."
I bent down and took him by the back of the hair, "I'm a believer of the Norse Gods, my husband is blessed by the God Odin!" I growled.
"These people are not your kind! You are nothing of your father, just your mother! May God bless her! These people have you bewitched!"
I spit on Headmund's face and bent back up, "Is it Christian to hurt and torment people that are different than you?" I said, putting my back to him.
"Only when they deserve it!" Headmund said. I turned swiftly as he smiled devilishly at me.
"My mother believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and she would have your head to make such a statement about her son-in-law! She loved my father and believed the Norse Gods as well!"
Headmund listened immensely, "You see just because she believed in Jesus doesn't mean she was only capable of loving her own kind!" I said.
"My mother loved all people because she told me that is what He wanted!" "I love Ivar because he is who he is..." "Because you've hurt him so badly you will be punished by the Norse Gods because of who we believe in!"
As I was about to leave, Headmund shouted, "Svend was not your father!" It felt like a last attempt to convert me to his religion. I felt it. I knew deep down inside me I was all Viking. I felt it in my heart. I'm a daughter of a Norse King. I'm the wife of the Norse King. I will have a son of Norse blood!
I turned around swiftly and looked at Headmund and I knew he could not convince me of his lie.
"Now look who is sinning, Bishop Heahmund? He knew he could not win against me.
I walked back out into the fresh air. The night is growing, and I needed to get home to my beloved Ivar. I knew where I belonged and I'm happy to belong. By the time I went home Ivar was asleep soundly in our bed. He is laying on his side, resting in his black tunic. I could tell he was at peace and a full stomach.
I laid next to him and began to settle in bed, "Do you believe you are a Christian?" Ivar's voice came. I sighed, I've made peace, now Ivar brings the subject up again.
"Not in the slightest," Is all I said.
Ivar turned around and curled his arms around me, bringing me closer to him.
"Listen to me," He said, "I do not care if you are half breed, I just want to know that you love me and our way of life?"
I turned over to Ivar and looked at him in the eyes. "I do love you, I do, and I believe our way of life is the right way." I knew I've convinced Ivar when he smiled and went back to sleep.
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