#also love the way camilla walks like she barely moves
junk-culture · 1 year
dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of god to anoint charles our parasite in chief with his most idiot hat.
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petalsmooth · 3 years
Let’s talk Lili.
First off we only know what stars put out about themselves or other people say about them. We are not friends with these people. We are not in their homes. We don’t usually hear what they say in unguarded conversation. What we know is what is out on social media with some highly distorted soundbites from chats or DM’s with her mother that were exposed.
We were initially presented a portrait pushed by her and her family no less of a middle class family with the standard girl next door hit it big narrative. Down to earth, relatable, somewhat quirky. Strong two parent supportive household. All that was missing were the apron and pearls.
This girl came out of the gates talking about a modernized Riverdale with two girls who would be actually close and not vying for the same redhead. Feel free to add/or correct along the way of course...especially early on when not following as closely.
We got very little in the way of insight into Cole and Lili because they were trying to keep it quiet even if there were hints together. Mostly during this period what fans were fed was that she was slightly awkward socially, maybe not the most intellectual but nice and harmless. She spoke of empowering women, independence, she constantly shut down the idea of Barchie and praised Bughead. Along through the year’s she would speak to social bullying or bullying in general. She would openly talk about struggles with mental health. She’d talk and show her cystic acne and share photos not all airbrushed in ode to body positivity. She’d talk about not having an hourglass figure, and cellulite and often go out in ratty shorts and a bun sans makeup. You see she’d talk about it then follow through by showing lived the walk or calling out photoshops done of her.
Again this is “relatable girl next door quirky Lili” we told was the REAL Lili.
She would frequently talk and post about her family and dogs at home and how much she loved and missed them...though oddly not so much her older sister.
At a certain point it became undeniable Cole and Lili were together to even the hardest deniers. Of course also the Met gala eventually made official for media.
We get have her liking posts such as Miley’s about how lucky she was to have a man who checked off all the boxes. But at times there were glimpses all wasn’t kosher. People have mentioned various cons where she’d be caught flirting somewhere else, or she’d be in a bad mood giving Cole a cold shoulder. We recently saw an old video of them walking and her basically demanding he drop the fans and attend her. We have the con were Camilla is sexually harassing Cole everywhere and Lili doesn’t shut it down until Camilla tries to grind on him. It was so bad even Mads intervened. We have the interview where she is talking over him or rolling her eyes and basically being the unprofessional brat her fans claim she is not. Even though it’s ON CAMERA. Snapping at your co worker/boyfriend and rolling your eyes during a professional interview is not deniable.
Flashforward to the trip to Italy because for me there was always something off about that. That trip was obviously planned far in advance. Clearly Lili was supposed to be there. Her fans quickly blamed Cole because Lili was working. Lili didn’t have to work. It wasn’t a career changing move to do that film. It did not do well. I’m not entirely sure what was happening around that time but I have the sense Cole was disappointed/a  little angry she prioritized it over him accepting very likely the offer AFTER the trip was planned.
Lili spirals during this time. Cole comes back to clean up mess. They are quiet on social media for a long time then slowly emerge again and eventually get the photo booth shots, the wedding and her mingling with NY friends for once. Turns out close to the end for them.
I don’t want to make this a Sprousehart post though although some relevance to bring part of it up. The point is Lili put her career over her relationship. It was a calculated decision. It was also the wrong decision. Her fans talk about her being this warm giving person but that was a cynical call and a pretty lousy thing to do to your boyfriend of several year’s. I’m all for supportive partners but there are time’s where you make sacrifices if you really care for someone and this was a special trip planned long in advance. She blew it off. If I’m the partner she does this too, I question why I’m putting in the effort if it doesn’t mean to them what it means to me. 
TBH I think the bad choices she made there is why tried to make it up by meeting with his friends, the wedding etc...
Something than clearly happened because by January they were done. Not sure we’ll ever know but it looked like they were trying to fix things given the happiness hadn’t seen on Cole’s faces in a long time in those booth pics and then...it was done. We didn’t know at the time, but this is timeline Cole gave. There was a brief attempt at reconciliation where she babysits him at a photo shoot and posts a photo of them in bed and then shortly after...Cole calls it off. 
He heads to LA, she follows him there but not without making sure to shove Casey’s face into her chest to post and rent a place close to where he is staying. She posts weepy messages about the world ending etc....and weird new photos mimicking old shoots with him so naturally people think this means whatever happened they worked through. Around same time she and hers manipulated her fans to try to cancel him earlier because she misunderstood a picture of Kaia....although flat out if he had been with Kaia he was SINGLE and it was no longer her business.
She tries to walk back the firestorm she unleashed on him by “defending” him from a lesser twitter trend after realizing misconstrued the Kaia picture, All summer she weirdly seems to be trying to avoid the topic if they are together or not despite saying once if they weren’t she’d tell people. She finally puts her foot in her mouth one two many times' and Cole confirms they broke up which she doesn’t acknowledge. Because she doesn’t want to be broken up.
As we know know it wasn’t all rainbows on the set even before all this happened as in the musical she’d launched an object at him hard enough to have the crew concerned. Lili fans keep saying Cole is abusive but the only evidence we have of abuse is her towards him. We also had her suddenly doing a 180 from past 4 year’s and excusing cheating with Archie and promoting everyone in her live recaps except Cole/Jughead.
Back to the events following Cole’s post....then we get a sudden string of interviews taking shots at Cole, doxxing him, implying he could have strayed (just to resurrect hate against him) but can’t say he actually did because she has no proof. We know this because in those chats admit it was just suspicion and paranoia and never did have any names.
We learn that Lili has been funneling news and gossip and photos to keep her mother’s hold on the fandom in check and her mother in turn has been bullying people who would stand on Cole’s side. They sought to ruin him. This is not debatable.
For year’s people had made fun and called Bree out for being an obsessive stalker unable to let a relationship go, then Lili starts doing the same. We know she has tried to copy Ari’s style, her mother made a snide comment about breast size, Lili tried to taunt Ari from on set and Ari shut her down. A girl who almost never was in the line of sight of paps suddenly is snapped everyday following break up even before the public new. That doesn’t just happen. She wanted the attention.
I’m not going to go into all of it, you all know it. Suffice to say revealing she has a bitter vindictive attitude she has submersed herself in ever since Cole made it clear no reunion. She won’t even broach the topic of Bughead/Jughead unless forced. You can spin all you like but the split screens was not an artistic choice by RD. It was spurred by need to keep them apart.
Lili last summer was doing precious little other than a post or two of Black Lives matter and then when Cole gets arrested suddenly she jumps on the me too and sets up impulsive lives. Maybe she meant well but a part of me thinks she did it to attract his attention. Notice once she got praise for it and the initial protests faded she more or less doesn’t bring it up anymore. Cole never intended to get attention, it just happened because he’s a star and got taken in to a jail cell. He never put himself on camera for notice. 
Lili also co-opts the murder of a girl to flaunt she thinks she looks good naked. Completely tone deaf. 
Lili very rarely is seen in fan photos, only usually when she’s getting flack for it online. She, a girl who talks about bullying, went on a  midnight tirade against a guy who dares to critique or poetry setting her fans on him. Then deleted it probably because publicist in her ear.
She first said poems not about Cole, than said you could read into what you wanted to sell them. Now she doesn’t want to talk poetry or sequels because it flopped and was critically panned.
There are constant rumors about Lili on sets of productions to point they even had someone on her newer movie try to downplay. Yet we see in a video the cast barely talking and looking tense on a boat. 
The girl who used to talk about body positivity now lets them airbrush abs onto her.
The girl who used to talk of therapy and mental illness now promotes OTC supplements for $ and cults.
If she mentions cellulite she uses other tik toks of people showing not her own. 
She said she would never be on tik tok, yet now has her own and post old videos that aren’t funny.
Lili once tired to attack Cole by talking about losing yourself in drugs or alcohol or sex yet we’ve seen her drug paraphernalia because she advertises. Her friends post and laugh over her being drunk. She was in an off and on relationship with Wallis that doesn’t seem to be about anything but sex.
We were told Coles friends are bad influences but Taylor is out there solicitating questionable clients and making videos slamming LILI’S COWORKER as a bad actor and his brother,
The majority of Lili’s posts no longer feature Sunny or her family/Addy. 
She insulted Vancouver, compared to a prison, and made it clear her creature comforts were of more importance than a pandemic. Not quite the attitude of an empath. Which she claims she is with intention to be a master which require sucking more gullible people into the cult.
She brags about being a “rich man” without understand the context. She went from artistic photos to modeling pinups to fuel her lack of self esteem.
She’s in her mid 20′s, claims she had grown and matured in the last year but there is no evidence of it. Still can’t work with her ex without buffers which still influences show direction though her fans deny.. Still lives off junk food and hangovers. Those glasses aren’t just for sun. Her timeline is mostly an ode to her vanity with pictures of herself and then her dog. She doesn’t seem to have any causes she’s deeply involved in on the side apart from her cult. She’s still stalking Cole as her impulsive makeup tutorial showed. She said she cut out of her life anyone who doesn’t service her. I highly doubt she is receiving quality therapy on the regular right now. She still does not seem to possess the ability to own her mistakes and apologize when warranted, rather deflects or erases when heat becomes too hot.
The content she puts out about herself post break up is very different than the bill of goods fans were sold before. She is a far cry from that quirky girl next door that stood FOR something more than vanity and shallow affirmation. So no, I don’t see what you see in her stans. Everything that once seemed to distinguish her from other spoilt princesses has long faded. 
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
Life is beautiful and life is cruel. This is a window into the souls of the victorious and the vanquished. In a way, football did come home during the summer of 2021. Follow along Amelia’s journey, navigating the football world as a tactical analyst for the Italian football team, with a brother and father part of the three lions. Will Amelia leave Italy and come back to England? Will she leave the Serie A for the Prem? Will she set aside the bianconeri stripes for new colours, leaving behind friendship for love? Maybe she can have both...
hey girlypops! here is part 5!!! thanks for the feedback on the last part - i've gone back through and edited slight bits to make it more straightforward who her brother is and who it isn't. Nothing has been changed to the story line so no need to go back and re-read (unless you want to lol love yas). Part 5 is a whole lot of fun! As the warning suggests, you can expect a few too many drinks, some heavy flirty & a very smug italian.
Love always, Steph xx
Part 5. | parte quinta
warnings; a few too many drinks, heavy flirting and a smug italian.
word count; 1704
writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter.
next update; Wed 04/08 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)!
Tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven
link to fic masterlist here
Day rolls into night, which rolls into the next day and before she knew it Amelia had been under the Mykonos sun for 5 days. Her brother and his teammates, who she should now probably refer to as her friends as well, did nothing but welcome her into their group with open arms and tried to include her in every activity they were doing. Most times she declined their invitation, opting to just relax on her own. She was very comfortable with her own company, she never felt like she needed another person to be able to exist. It was something she was proud of.
No doubt there were times she often missed companionship. She had her fair share of flings that gave her what kind of satisfaction she needed at the time, but she never felt like she needed someone else’s air to be able to breathe. This Mykonos trip, however, reminded her of how much she was beginning to miss her players. They had a group chat, La Cosa Nostra, which was probably a pretty poor group chat name but she was inducted into the already established group when she became close with some of the players & besides it was just Our Thing.
She missed the gentle bullying that she received on the daily from the serie a superstars, and also missed dishing it out to them so that they could keep their feet on the ground and their heads out of the clouds. Laying on her bed in a towel, after a nice shower, she contemplated taking up her brother’s offer from earlier in the evening. Does she go out and meet him and their mates at the club? Why not?
Getting up off her bed, she put on some makeup for the first time in a few days, making her feel somewhat human again, blow dried her freshly washed hair and put on her favourite Camilla bikini, covered up by a white slightly-sheer and flowy mini dress. Putting on her white sneakers and grabbing her cross body bag, comfort was the theme of tonight, and also because she wasn't in the mood to break her ankle on the grecian cobblestones.
Walking to the club that her brother had messaged her the name of, she noticed a ridiculously long line to get in which was honestly long enough for her to consider just going home, but she had committed to the plans & her brother was already expecting her - plus she had already put on her mascara and she was not wasting it. Approaching the line she went to join the back when her arm caught that of someone else walking past her.
“Sembra che tu non riesca a starmi lontano, vero?” (you can't seem to stay away from me, can you?) Looking up, I had linked arms with my midfield maestro, Jorginho. Who was smiling down at me with the cheeky grin that told me he saw me coming and couldn't help himself.
“Ciao! Come sei stato? Che sorpresa incontrati qui!” (Hi! How have you been? What a surprise running into you here!) I begin to say to him as I kiss both his cheeks in greeting.
“I’ve been good, enjoying time off as a double champion” He joked with me. He was right, he was a double champion and no one could take that away from him.
“Bella Amelia, this is Thiago. I play with him at Chelsea, which I'm sure you already knew. Thiago, this is the brains behind the organisation, Amelia” Jorginho introduced me to his Chelsea counterpart, which he was correct about - i did already know exactly who he was.
“Are you guys coming into Tropicana? I’m meeting up with my brother and his mates - some of them play with you guys at Chelsea. You should join us!” It took very little convincing for the two footballers, who looked like they were a couple hours into their long night, to join me in the club.
Unsurprisingly, we got let into Tropicana quite quickly. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the two mega famous and ridiculously good looking footballers I had looped around each of my arms. Walking through the club, the smell of cigarette smoke and vodka wafting around me, I managed to find the british players.
“Now now boys, no bad blood here! I know you all managed to get over my Italian affiliation so don’t hold it against my boy Jorgi here!” I address the group jokingly, as I wrap my right arm around his neck and he wraps his left around my waist.
Of course the Chelsea boys welcome him with open arms, they’ve known both Thiago and Jorgi longer than they’ve known me. The other boys offer their hellos before continuing to dance and drink with their mates. I say hi to everyone, give a big hug to my brother and Kyle (my chosen brother) before I'm wrapped into another hug I wasn't expecting.
“I’ve got to admit, you give a good hug” I say as I whisper into his ear.
“You’re a pretty easy person to hug, Mils”
“Always a smooth talker you are, Jack”
We parted and I grabbed myself a drink before spending the night dancing on top of the table with the girlfriends of the boys that I had only just been introduced to. Bonding over the fact that I was desperate for some female companionship, and also that I was the only single girl in the group, leading to the conclusion that they needed to be my wingwoman...all of them.
The night thereafter was spent finding suitable prospects for my whirlwind night of fun and romance, which I insisted wasn't necessary but also couldn't help but admit that it excited me just a little. It had been a while since I was close with a guy in that sense, and to be honest, the tequila shots that the girls had me doing was loosening me up in more ways than one.
Feeling the need for a break and some fresh air, I grabbed my purse and walked outside to sit along the retaining wall. We had reached that part of the evening where there was no chance I wasn't going to be allowed back into the club - the bouncers and security guards becoming more relaxed and carefree as it neared the time that the sun would reappear. Without thinking twice, I asked for a cigarette from some guys standing outside and a quick light, before returning to my little spot on the wall.
“They’re right bad for you, ya know” A voice to my right startled me.
“Jesus! You need to stop scaring me like that!” I shrieked.
“Nah not Jesus, just Chilly. However the beard has me thinking I do look a little bit God-like these days..no?” He says as he runs his fingers through the barely-there beard. Sure I could agree with stubble, maybe even a little bit more than stubble, but a beard? Not yet. However, I wasn't about to dim his sparkle.
“I like the beard, Chilly.” I confirmed.
“I like you, Mils” Wow ok. Straight to the point then.
“Well thanks, you’re not so bad yourself.” I tried to play it off, it was obvious we had both consumed far too much alcohol this evening and the cigarette was currently working wonders in its purpose of sobering me up.
“Ya know, the girls were out there tonight looking for your Greek Adonis to come and sweep you off your feet. They were looking a bit too hard though, if you know what i mean” he sweet talks me, and its working.
“Wow Ben, you’re really out here laying it on thick tonight - factor 50 i would say. I’m sure you’re just looking through rose coloured glasses right now” I joked back with him. I can’t say I didn't notice all of his longing looks, extra attention to me, constant protection when we would be out in public, but I knew at the end of the week that I would be going back to Turin, so there wasn’t any point.
Finishing up our little chat (read: heavy flirting session), we headed back inside together to join the group. Before long, Jorgi comes up to me with a drink and a smug smile on his face.
“Che cosa?” (what?) I questioned him in Italian, trying to limit as many people understanding our conversation as possible.
“Cosa succede a mykonos, rimane a mykonos, no?” (what happens in mykonos, stays in mykonos, no?) He says as he leans into my ear. To anyone else it would just look like two friends trying to have a conversation in a loud club, but I understood his message loud and clear.
“non sto facendo niente di male, né l'ho mai fatto. non voleva etichette, quindi è quello che ha ottenuto” (i'm not doing anything wrong, nor have i ever. he wanted no labels so that’s what he got.) I say back firmly. Jorgi let go of my shoulders and moved to stand in front of me.
“It’s ok tesoro (darling), I’m sure Federico would agree with you” He said back to me in English, it was obvious that he wanted someone around to understand the premise of our conversation. He smiled cheekily at me, before taking a swig of his drink and dancing backwards into the crowd as I shook my head at him.
Jorgi and I developed the kind of friendship that would last through time. We were equals. We listened to each other's problems, offered the advice that we needed to hear & not necessarily wanted to hear. We promoted each other's happiness and tried to get each other to not take life too seriously. This was his way of bringing me back down to earth, reminding me of what I have waiting for me back in Turin, but also making sure I knew what was right in front of me. He left the decision up to me to make, but he played his part to make sure I knew all of my options. He really was a good friend, which would make my next career decision a little bit more challenging than anticipated.
Part 6. | parte sesta
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philliamwrites · 3 years
killing me softly with his song | (Childe / Reader) [chpt.1]
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Childe / Reader
Tags: #fem!reader, #from childhood friends to lovers, #reader is a fatui agent, #slow burn, #unresolved sexual tension, #mature language, #forbidden love
Words: 2k
Summary: "Lybuov zla, polyubish i kozla," sighs your sister as she wipes off the table, but that makes you feel even more miserable. Falling for a goat might save you from an actual heartbreak by Tartaglia's hands.
Loosely connected chapters about you and Childe finding happiness. Maybe.
Notes: Part 2
childe? what a problematic asshole i hate him i- *trips* *thousands of pictures of childe spill from pockets* fuck those aren’t mine i swear i’m just holding them for a friend i- *slips on a pile of pictures* fu ck no they’re not mine i hate him i just- *more pictures fall out as i fall to my knees, desperately trying to pick them up* hang on a sec jUst LISTEN
Chapter 1
     A cold gust of icy wind drives you deeper into the sheets and you swear by the name of Her Majesty Herself once you get up and find Alexei, you’ll smother him with a towel for leaving a window open in the middle of the night.
    Somewhere outside, a rooster crows. Fine, not dead of the night then, but no one cares for technicalities like these when sleep is involved. Especially after a night like this one, when Alexei fucked you into oblivion and back, you need every minute of shuteye you can get before another day of exhausting missions in the Chechnaya Taiga of Snezhnaya claims your last strand of sanity.
    It’s peaceful mornings like these that make it all worthwhile though—the quiet during the early golden hour when people slowly wake up to a brand-new day and get ready to do their chores, their factory work. The sheer number of possibilities stretching out before their hands, and hope rekindled every morning despite the harsh cold waiting at their doorsteps. You love how everything stands still, how even the uncaring universe seems to grant people a sliver of peace, allows them to be soft and vulnerable. To be kind to themselves by indulging in a freshly brewed cup of coffee or tea. Nothing can spoil this for you, nothing and no one—
    An awkward cough sounds from the door. You close your eyes, willing him to disappear by simply ignoring him, but his eyes burn into the back of your head like two smouldering coals and eventually, you turn around to see Alexei standing in the door frame, shifting from left to right. “There’s someone out there who wants to talk to you,” he says.
    Turning around, you try to disappear into your pillow. “Whoever it is, I’m sure they can wait until it isn’t such a damn unholy time.”
    Alexei clears his throat. “It’s uhm … it’s someone from the Fatui.”
    Your eyes snap open. Suddenly the warm, cosy blankets feel like a snake’s tight hold around your body, and you struggle out of its grip, grabbing for the dressing gown you carelessly threw around the back of your chair last night.
    The sun hangs low in the east, painting the city of Kerch that stretches outside of your window a sheen of dusky gold. When the red-brown bricks of the dacha cottages come into view, you think of the gingerbread houses you used to make as a child every year in celebration of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa of the Zapolyarny Palace.
    Cold already seeps into your bones even though the robe is tight around your body. You hiss when your bare feet hit the icy floor but can’t find your slippers. Time to die like a woman.
    You brush past Alexei, who’s scratching his head, still just in his underwear and you think him crazy for walking around half-naked like that even though it’s minus 58F outside and the heating systems inside your barracks only start to work once outside temperatures drop to minus 75F.
    Maybe what they say is true. People from around Noyabrsk in the north of Snezhnaya regularly dip into frosty rivers and you do remember him mentioning ice swimming is his hobby. It was one of the few things you thought attractive about him. Actually, it was the only thing you thought attractive about him.
    Light streams into the floor from the kitchen, flickering once, twice in dangerous foreboding. It’s time to switch the lightbulb. Tomorrow. Tomorrow for sure, because that isn’t important right now. What’s important is Tartaglia sitting at your table, leaning back in a chair, both feet crossed on top of the table, and eating your leftover mayonnaise sandwich you saved up for breakfast.
    His eyes slide lazily toward you, taking in your form—barefoot, shivering even though the fur from your bathrobe is of the finest white wolf fur obtainable on the market.
    Tartaglia finishes your sandwich, smacks his lips and licks mayo off his fingers. He doesn’t even like it, and you know from time to time he can’t handle dairy all that well. He just eats it because he knows how it infuriates you.
    “Alexei, huh,” he says in lieu of hello. “Didn’t know you’re into himbos.”
    Behind you, Alexei makes a sound like a kicked puppy. You glare at him over your shoulder, then jut your chin towards the front door. “Out. Now.”
    He doesn’t wait for you to repeat yourself. Surprisingly fast for a guy this big, he bolts into your room, gets dressed in record speed and leaves your little one-bedroom apartment without so much as a Goodbye or “We’ll hear from each other,” and you prefer it that way. It saves stuff from getting messy.
    Speaking of messy, you really wish Tartaglia would have sent you a note before coming. The smell of icy wind and snowy forests clings to his clothes. He must have come straight from a mission, not unusual in the slightest, yet in most cases he sends a message your way just to make sure he doesn’t run into one of your one-night stands and it doesn’t get ugly.
    Like right now.
    “I thought you had a little more class than that,” he says nonchalantly. His feet keep wobbling from left to right until you make your way over and push them off your table. Not that you actually sit there to take your meals, no. But this is your home, you have to assert dominance.
    “Well, I’m not picky,” you say, taking the empty chair opposite from him. “The nights of Fyrva’snezh are really fucking cold.”
    “I’m sure Fire-Water will do the same trick.” He’s sulking, yet he has no right to it and knowing Tartaglia, that’s why he sulks even more.
    Your relationship can be summarised with one word: complicated. Which is funny, because besides martial arts classes (taught by a teacher that is a real ball of sunshine who could easily snap your spine like a twig) and infiltration tactics courses (led by a grumpy teacher who once woke you all up in the middle of the night to do a spontaneous quiz about infiltration steps and everyone who failed or fell asleep had to run a marathon through the forest in their underwear) you had to take at the Fatui military school of Zapolyarny, they also teach mathematics and molecular physics, and that shit was complicated.
    Growing up in a small seaside village—bless little Morepesok; how much you miss babushka Katya’s refreshing botvinia soup—with only a handful kids your age, gravitating towards Tartaglia was the natural development. He loves ice-fishing, you love eating fish. You gag just smelling solyanka, he wolfs it down like it might be his last meal on earth. Opposites attract each other, as they say, and how true it is for you two—you, the morning person and he, the night owl; his will of iron and your nerves of steel. Your bow, his sword, even though Tartaglia is a masochist who likes to make it hard for himself by trying to switch weapons solely because you’re better at it than him and he is a sore loser.
    His worship of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa, your fear of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa.
    “I don’t think you came all the way here just to call me a slut,” you say. He is in no position to do so anyway, because Camilla from the ptychy’moloko shop down the road that leads to the Sarov church didn’t shut up about blowing him for weeks until you sent her a liver of a pig and claimed that was the leftovers from the last girl that thought she could put a leash on the Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Camilla quickly moved on to an inconspicuous merchant who sells matryoshka dolls for a living and all is well that ends well.
    “What do you want?”
    Tartaglia starts tapping a gloved finger against the wooden table, a nervous tick you don’t know he’s aware of.
    “I’m leaving for Liyue first thing tomorrow.” His tone is low when he speaks, his earlier nonchalance replaced by a sense of urgency.
    “Okay.” It isn’t the first time he’s leaving Snezhnaya by order of the Tsaritsa, but every time he does, something inside you leaves with him. “So, you want me to keep an eye out for Teucer and the others?”
    “He’s really unhappy I’m leaving again already.” Tartaglia doesn’t mention the reason he was sent away just a couple of months ago to Inazuma was because he accidentally blew up an artillery factory belonging to a nobleman that secretly shipped orders to Fontain. The fallout from that was easier to handle with him not being anywhere nearby. Tartaglia is like a pair of hot tongues; no one is sure where to put him or how soon he would cool off, but if they just drop him, he might light the world on fire. Kid gloves are put on and a careful perimeter marked out.
    “And what excuse did you make up this time?” You knock your foot into his leg, lingering on his calf just a second too long before withdrawing again. “Another business trip to promote your toys? You can’t hold up this charade forever, you know.”
    “Why, your eyes feast on Snezhnaya’s greatest expatriate toy seller, now extending to the Liyue Branch of our Institute for Toy Research.” Tartaglia’s eyes have taken on a playful glint, and he leans forward as he speaks. “You wouldn’t be so cold to break a little boy’s heart. That’s not you.”
    You want to remind him that you have no problem to put an arrow between a man’s eyes, or rip out his fingernails, one by one, to get the information that you want.
    “You owe me, toy man.”
    “Put it on my tab.”
    Tartaglia looks like there’s something else he wants to say, but as always, he decides to swallow those words even though they must hurt like swallowing needles. You know that feeling, and so you help him sort out his tightly entangled yarn of emotions by figuratively pushing him off the cliff.
    “Don’t forget to bring condoms. I hear the women of Liyue are beautiful.”
    Tartaglia goes a sickly grey colour, like the ashes of a dead fire, but he’s been the leading role of this play too long to fall out of character now. He gets up and stretches like a cat getting comfortable in a spot of sunlight. His jacket rides up, showing a stripe of skin, and you quickly turn your head away before giving into leaning over the table and mark him with your teeth.
    Patting his left pants’ pocket, Tartaglia says, “I’m always prepared.” He carries a grin that is dry, humourless, and for a brief moment, you two lock eyes, trading a look that feels like a dare. You allow yourselves to imagine how he picks you up and carries you to your bed where you two would proceed to fuck without abandon through the whole day and the following night, leaving the bed only to get food until Tartaglia leaves for Liyue and you’d send each other love letters until his return. What an idea. What an utterly stupid, naive, wonderful idea.
    “Well, lucky ladies,” you say, not bothering to hide the jealousy in your voice because jealousy is easier to handle than regret.
    “Lucky indeed,” he agrees and dons his easy-going smile, one that he’s perfected after hours upon hours in front of the mirror until it accomplished what he wanted: to mock people, infuriate them.
    On his way out, he stops to ruffle your hair in an affectionate way, one typical for childhood friends, but the distance between you is like the ocean separating Snezhnaya from Liyue.
    It was on the very first day of your conscription into the military organisation, Number Six of the Ten Laws that the Fatui abide by: Any physical or romantic relationship between Fatui agents is prohibited. As thou would not exchange flesh with thy brother or sister, so thou shalt not with your comrade, for he or she is thy brother or sister in arms.
    And everyone knows Her Majesty the Tsaritsa’s word is law, and though the law is hard, it is the law.
please drop by my ko-fi if you enjoyed my writing!
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heavcnslyre · 4 years
ricky bowen x reader series! part three
— starstruck au!
series masterlist, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten
IN WHICH you return to your house but are not yet rid of ricky bowen, and you learn that sources saw you and ricky together last night.
WARNINGS swearing
NOTES look how sweet he looks in this gif omg my heart anyways this chapter is a little bit shorter but i like it!! hope u enjoy!! also i’d love it if someone left a comment w how they’re enjoying it currently? that would make my day!
(y/n) - your name
(y/f/c) - your favorite color
text dividers from @writeyourmindaway !!
lowercase intended.
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you closed the door to your grandmas house slowly and flipped on the light. you assumed everyone else was asleep (since it was close to two in the morning), but were quickly proven wrong as ashlyn crept into the kitchen, looking to see if it was you she heard. when she saw it was, a look of relief washed over her face and she walked over to hug you.
“took you long enough,” she pulled back and examined the stitches on your head. “you okay?”
you nodded and moved away to grab a glass out of the cabinet. “i’m fine. it was weird, though. ricky bowen hits me with a door, takes me to the hospital then takes me to his house. casually.”
“hm. yeah. i guess it’s not exactly... normal. although i’ve spent time with him now since i’m dating red—”
you cut her off. “you’re dating?!”
she blushed and nodded. “he asked me earlier. i was going to wait to tell you, make sure you were okay first.”
before you got a chance to respond, there was a light knocking on the window. ashlyn gave you a confused look and you shrugged. she moved to the window and pulled the curtain open to peek through, then opened it all the way. she opened the window.
“ricky? what the hell?”
your head shot up when she said that and you walked over to the window quickly. sure enough, ricky was standing outside in the cold, looking around nervously.
“hey, ashlyn, (y/n),” he paused. “i need your help.”
“ricky, what’s going on? i thought you left a while ago,” you said.
“i tried. there’s big vans right outside your house, big cameras. they’re waiting for me to leave. i can’t go home right now.”
“um... okay. you can stay here, we just have to figure out a way where our family won’t see,” ashlyn said, looking up in thought.
“he could stay in the garage. sleep in his car, be gone in the morning?” you suggested. ricky nodded eagerly.
“yes, that’s fine! that’s perfect! i’ll be gone as soon as possible and i won’t make a sound. promise!”
“okay, ricky chill,” ashlyn laughed. “we don’t mind, seriously.”
“i mind a little bit,” you joked. “c’mon. i’ll help you get situated. ashlyn, i’ll be right back.”
you went out of the front door and met ricky outside. he smiled sheepishly at you.
“fancy meeting you again.”
“oh yeah. this is every girls dream, right?” you said, raising your eyebrows. he laughed and rolled his eyes.
“i’ll open the garage door, go ahead and pull your car in. just be careful,” you said. you walked over to the keypad in the side of the garage. he started his car and pulled in as soon as you opened the door. you followed his car into the garage and grabbed a box from the back wall. he got out of his car.
“here’s a sleeping bag,” you said, tossing one down to him. he caught it, barely. you laughed and he scoffed.
“do you have anything i could leave in this morning to help disguise me? so they can’t see it’s me?” he asked. you shrugged and pointed to a box labeled ‘hats and scarves.’
“check that one.”
he dug through the box and pulled out an old fishing hat. he studied it for a moment before putting it on his head. “how’s this one?”
you glanced over and smiled. “perfect. that was my grandpas hat, actually. wore it when we would go fishing. cool to give it use again.”
he watched you as you spoke, a gentle expression on his face. “i’ll take care of it.”
“you better,” you laughed and dug out another blanket for him to use. “do you need anything else? i can grab you anything from inside, if you need it.”
“i should be okay,” ricky smiled. “thank you, though. i seriously appreciate it. i’ll be gone before you know it.”
“no problem. thanks for driving me around today. sleep well,” you smiled at him and paused, before nodding and leaving the garage.
“got him settled in okay?” ashlyn asked as you came back into the house.
“mhm. he’ll be fine,” you resumed filling up the glass you had pulled out earlier. ashlyn watched, her eyebrows raised.
“you guys friends?”
“i just met him today. we get along fine but i don’t think you’d call us ‘friends’.”
“hm. alright,” she glanced at her phone. “i’m gonna head to bed. you should too, it’s late. and we’re going to the beach tomorrow!”
you hummed. “yup, i’m excited to meet big red for real this time!”
“he’s excited to meet you! although he will probably ask you a bunch of questions about tonight. be warned.”
“oh, i can’t wait,” you laughed sarcastically.
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the next morning, you woke up with no one else in the bedroom. you stretched, got out of bed, threw on a sweater and left your bedroom. you found everyone except your grandma sitting at the kitchen table.
“morning (y/n),” your aunt debbie greeted you. “sleep okay?”
“yeah, thank you,” you said, sitting down in between ashlyn and your grandma’s boyfriend kevin.
“how’s your head?” your mom asked.
“my head?”
your mom knit her eyebrows at you. “your stitches?”
your hand moved to the stitches on your forehead. “oh! yeah, i’m okay.”
“what even happened? you were waiting in the car and next thing i know ashlyn’s telling me you’re on your way to the hospital,” camilla complained. you sighed.
“i was looking for you and someone hit me with a door. we realized he was friends with ashlyn and he took me to the hospital. nothing else.”
“what do you mean she was waiting in the car? you were supposed to be doing stuff together,” your dad said. camilla turned red.
“i had to... stop for the bathroom,” camilla lied. your dad gave her a stern look, but she got out easy because your grandma came into the room, carrying a stack of pancakes.
“breakfast is served!” she exclaimed and you all gushed about how good it smelt as everyone served themselves.
“kim, do you have any more syrup?” your uncle asked your grandma. she nodded.
“should be some in the garage.”
“i’ll grab it,” camilla volunteered, standing up from her seat. you didn’t think much of it, until you remembered the encounter from last night and realized that ricky was sleeping in the garage, and his biggest fan was about to go find him. you shot up from your seat.
“no, i’ll go!” you ran out behind camilla and tried to grab the garage remote from her.
“(y/n), what the hell are you doing?” she asked, annoyed.
“i’ll get the syrup. it’s fine. you go back inside,” you said, reaching for the remote as she moved it away from you.
“i’m already out here. it’s fine. just leave me alone, i’m pissed at you,” she said, pressing the button to open the garage. you yank the remote and press it again to close it.
“why are you pissed at me?” you asked. she rolled her eyes, clicking the button again. you clicked it again.
“i was so close to meeting ricky last night, and you just had to ruin it for me,” camilla complained.
you paused. “cam, i didn’t mean to, you know that. i just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
camilla opened the garage door and before you could try to close it again, she rushed forward and into the garage. you tried to yell for her to stop, but it was too late. you looked in the garage and it was empty, no sign of ricky ever being there. you sighed in relief and followed camilla back inside.
“girls, they’re talking about that ricky boy on the tv,” your grandma said as you and camilla came back inside. camilla ran to the living room to see ashlyn standing there, watching. you followed her nervously.
“last night, nini salazar-roberts showed up to her birthday party accompanied by two people, but neither of them her man, ricky bowen. although, sources do confirm that ricky showed up to her party and performed, but other sources have said that they saw ricky leaving the party with a different girl. almost an hour later, he showed up to his house, with the same girl he left his girlfriends party with. has ricky found himself a new girl? is this girl stealing the heart of the boy we all know and love?”
you watched the tv with wide eyes. you and ashlyn made eye contact, both of you with the same worried expression. camilla, however, stared at the tv in disgust.
“i hope that girl knows how lucky she is,” she complained. “what’s a girl gotta do to get the attention of a guy she’s been a fan of for five years?”
neither you or ashlyn replied. camilla sighed and trudged her way back to the kitchen table. ashlyn checked her phone.
“oh, i should go get ready. red’s picking me up in half hour so we can go to the beach,” she looked at you. “are you riding with us?”
“i want to go to the beach!” camilla exclaimed, suddenly upbeat.
“camilla, you can take my car if you drive your sister,” your grandma said. camilla groaned.
“fine. be ready in half hour,” she said to you, then walked to your shared bedroom and slammed the door. you turned to ashlyn.
“looks like we’ll meet you there.”
camilla stuck her head out of the bedroom door. “(y/n), can i borrow your blue bikini?”
“only if i can borrow your (y/f/c) one,” you grinned. she thought for a minute.
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polar534 · 4 years
Jersey Stealing Pt. 4
Titan, this was a lot longer then I had ever planned on it being. I started writing Jersey Stealing I want to say MONTHS ago. You guys have only recently seen the parts that have been sitting done for ages. I guess it's just a side effect of this being my secondary, recovery project. Something fun I can write up while I'm at work.
Anyways, I'll stop babbling now and let y'all get to the well deserved end to this arc. This one is long. It's got a lot of loose threads tied up and it's also got my first instance of me ever typing out 'I love you' in any sort of writing... so that's a thing. Hopefully I did it alright.
(If you like this/want to read the other parts/want to figure out what the heck this Hockey AU is in the first place, consider checking out the MasterPost.)
Amity tapped her fingers, the sharp sound echoing loudly throughout the empty house. Sighing, she pushed her chair out and set aside the homework she was working on. The quiet nature of the house was almost physically bothering her as she walked to the window.Opening up to the sounds of the street below and woods behind, Amity took a deep breath and let the sounds comfort the growing restlessness creeping into her bones. Normally on the days she didn't have practice, both her and Luz would spend the evening in the Boiling Isles, visiting Lilith and Eda at the palace. There was always something to do, and Eda in particular was always looking for some excuse to sneak away from her duties even for just a little bit. It was something they both looked forward to. A time in which everyone could catch up, Gus and Willow included, outside of school or Willow and Amity's games.
However, today was different. Luz had a lot less shine in her eyes as Amity said goodbye to her at the portal, something that rarely happened. It only furthered Amity's resolve in her decision to stay behind and find some sort of resolution to the incident that now had been plaguing her girlfriend for almost a week.
The itching in her bones began to crawl into her skin as Amity felt her restlessness increase. Moving to the bed she grabbed some shoes and slid them on, making sure to grab her stick and jersey on the way out the door. Even if it was late, she knew Luz wouldn't be home anytime soon, and there was no telling when Camilla would be off of work. Equipment in hand, she moved down the street quickly, the daylight slowly fading behind her.
The slam of the puck against the stick offered little resistance to Amity's swing as she continued the course she had designed for herself. Lapping the rink she crashed into the football training dummy she and the team had borrowed (stolen) from the local highschool. Feeling the weighted dummy barely move against the slick ice had her hitting the next lap even faster then the first.
This time the swing was straight through the puck, almost as if Amity was merely cutting through the air with her motions. The puck flew through the air and pushed the netting of the goal to it's limit as the witch ducked her head down and lapped the rink a second time, building up speed to once again charge the dummy. Her chest heaved as her feet slowed in their steps, the ice now almost like water under her skates. There was no more traction to be gained and she instead allowed her body to continue it's momentum as she practically soared towards her goal. Her mind emptied as she plowed into the object in front of her, shoulder out, intending to cause as much damage as possible. This time, the metal sled holding the dummy up slid effortlessly through the ice as it flew backwards. The force of her impact wasn't clean though. Losing her balance and with too much speed to stop, Amity careened around the edge of where the dummy had stopped and she hit the ice hard. The green-haired girl barely registered the pain as her stick flew from her hand and she was left spinning out on the ice.
The witch panted heavily as she lay on the frozen rink, completely dazed, her heartbeat thudding so loudly in her ears that she could barely think.
As the pain of her fall caught up with her, so did the emotions she had tried to outrun for the past week. She wasn't aware of the first tear that slipped down the side of her cheek, but the many following after had her face almost bitterly cold in chilly temperature of the arena. A question repeated in her mind over and over.
The tears didn't bother her. Neither did the reason she was shedding them.
What bothered her most was Luz. Why was this the thing, this hope, this person, the one thing to break Luz like Amity had never seen? Why did this emotion, this defeat, seem to haunt Luz like a ghost that was all too familiar? Amity's heart broke for Luz, and maybe she was finally allowing herself to feel the pain, the burden she had tried carrying since she had seen it. Her mind raced to fill in the gaps and answer the questions as the adrenaline from her training began to crash and her body melted further into the ice.
She thought about all she knew and had learned about Luz's history in her own world. This world that Amity now had become a part of. It seemed like every day was a struggle for Luz, her wild and dangerous ideas being so obviously unappealing to others. Forcibly being isolated, even when you are trying to reach out was a lot different from how Amity grew up. She was always welcome, but never felt like she belonged… never wanted to.
'I think that’s why Luz held on to the hope that one day they could be friends'
It was Luz's connection to Amity that severed the last chance of her bonding to her past. It was the step over the line for Sasha, the person Luz had hung her last hopes on before she met Willow, before she met Gus, before she met Amity.
The adrenaline was gone. Her body aching, Amity crawled her way to her feet feeling more hollow then ever before. Slowly, she slid the training dummy off the ice, and grabbed her stick. Her eyes glanced to the puck that was still in the empty space of the goal as she packed the last of her equipment away. Glancing at her phone she saw that there were missed messages.
-I'm home now.
Missed Call from Luz
-Where are you?
-I hope you're ok.
Amity took one last look at the ice behind her before she tapped out a quick response, slinging her jersey off and over her shoulder as she walked out of the building.
-Sorry. I was practicing.
-I'll be home soon.
Amity crept up the stairs and to the bedroom. Peeking open the door slowly she saw that Luz was curled up on the bed, wrapped up snugly in a blanket and using a small lamp to read by. As soon as the door opened her eyes shot up and the ghost of a smile lit up her face in the relative darkness.
"Ahhh, there she is!"
Amity smiled back as she wormed her way further into the room and set her equipment down. Kicking off her shoes she sat down on the edge of the bed as Luz set her book down and clung onto her back, her head resting comfortably in the crook of the witch's neck.
"I'm sorry I was late." Amity mumbled quietly as she leaned her face into Luz's, enjoying her girlfriend's warmth as it chased away the bite of cold that still lingered from the rink.
"I am too." Luz rumbled back into her ear as she squeezed her arms tightly around the witch's torso and pulled her fully down onto the bed.
"Oh? Miss me much Noceda?" Amity teased as they both wrapped the blanket around them and settled in, Luz in Amity's arms.
Luz merely responded with a low growl as she snuggled further into the other's girls embrace, making sure her face was buried into Amity's chest. After a moment of enjoying being close and together again, Luz finally lifted her face. Her eyes were tired, but they held the shine of curiosity that Amity was used to. Deep in those wide brown eyes there was a flicker of the Luz she knew and loved.
Then that flicker faded.
"So… you were out pretty late."
Amity nodded. It wasn't an accusation, just a comment. It didn't stop the guilt from rushing in however.
"I know. I'm sorry. I was caught up in practicing and didn't realize the time."
"Lokte's brother stopped by earlier." Luz said calmly.
Amity's blood froze. It wasn't as if she wanted to hide what she had been up to for the last few days, but rather didn't want to worry Luz any more then she already was. It was too late now though.
"He wanted to apologize. For what happened at the game. He looked pretty spooked. Guess Lokte didn't go easy on him."
"I wouldn't either." Amity growled stiffly. It may have been a genuine mistake, but that didn't mean the threat didn't bother her. What was worse was that Luz still seemed completely calm. Amity didn't know what to expect. Would she be mad? Or just disappointed?
Silence fell between the pair.
"You talked with them today… didn't you?"
There was another moment of silence before Amity nodded. Luz continued to face away from her, but the witch knew that her girlfriend knew the answer before she had asked. After a few more agonizing seconds, Luz finally faced her. The smallest sliver of a smile crept it's way on her face, and the light in her eyes seemed to come back ever so slightly.
"Sooo… just how obnoxious is Bryce?" Luz asked, gently teasing. Her light voice instantly broke through the stiff air between them.
Amity let out a sigh of relief as she laughed a bit to herself.
"I have no idea how you put up with him at all. He's got to be one of the dullest people I have ever met. I told him multiple times I was your girlfriend and he still couldn't take the hint! He kept trying to ask me out." The witch growled lowly, unconsciously squeezing Luz tighter.
"Oh. Huh..." Luz hummed thoughtfully.
"Luz there was no way I was going to say yes. You know that right?"
Luz sat up and waved her hand as if dismissing Amity's thought.
"Yeah of course I know that." She assured the witch almost like an after thought, now looking curiously out the window. "It's just weird. Bryce isn't the type to ask girls out. He just hasn't ever been interested in dating before."
"Could've fooled me." Amity grumbled unhappily, Byrce's aggressive way of flirting still very much prevalent in her mind.
Luz turned back to her with another smile, this one supportive and warm.
"Oh Ami. He's still very much a trashbag." Luz said slowly, her distaste for Bryce very barely hidden. "You didn't have to go talk to them for me you know." She added after a pause, her voice growing quiet.
"Well. Let's see, they threatened you, called you a liar and then tried to go on with their life as if everything was ok. As if there wasn't any consequences." Amity listed as she stared at the ceiling and counted on her fingers. After thinking for awhile she stared hard at Luz. "Yeah. I wasn't about to let that happen."
Luz's smile grew a little more genuine as both girls looked at each other. She leaned back up against Amity as they settled back down into the bed. There wasn't anything more to say.
"So practicing huh? Did you use the football dummy?" Luz asked suddenly and excitedly.
Amity couldn't help but smile, it had been Luz's idea to use it (steal it) in the first place.
"It was a little weird to use, but honestly on the second try I sent it flying."
"Awesome." Luz breathed. "I demand you take me along next time."
Amity laughed. "You've been spending too much time with King." She teased gently as she sat up to lean against the bed frame. Luz promptly flopped across her lap and uncovered her book from earlier to flip open.
"Nonsense." The human girl dismissed as her eyes began to scan the pages again.
"What are you reading anyways?" Amity asked after a pause told her the conversation might be over.
"Shhhhhhh." Luz reached over and lazily flopped a hand against Amity's face in an attempt to gently shush her. "I'm almost done with this scene."
Raising an eyebrow, Amity patiently waited, unaware that she and Luz would soon spend the next 2 hours getting into the first book of a brand new series. After thoroughly researching to find out that yes, the rest of the series was available at the library, the two girls settled in for the night. As they were drifting off, Luz holding Amity tightly to her chest, the witch had almost completely forgotten about the trials they had both been through. The weight of their trauma seemed so far away, lost in the warmth of the blankets and her girlfriend's arms.
No matter what happened, if every day ended with Luz right beside her, Amity knew they could and they would survive anything that life threw at them.
Above her, Luz buried her face into her hair, breathing in deeply as sleep overtook her.
"…mity…" She mumbled sleepily.
Amity couldn't help but giggle a bit. Luz hated falling asleep, always clinging to her consciousness despite how exhausted she was. Always finding some excuse to stay up just a little longer.
"… thanks."
Amity's ears twitched before a small smile appeared on her face. She snuggled into Luz further.
"Anytime." The witch reassured her as she heard her girlfriend sigh happily above her. The room grew quiet once again and Amity was almost fully asleep by the time Luz spoke next.
"I love you."
The heat rushed to Amity's cheeks, as it always did when she heard those 3 little words. Her heart skipped a bit as it beat faster in it's desperate attempt to return the affection.
"I love you too Luz."
Luz didn't return to normal right away, though the night clearly had an effect on her. However, it never took long for the unbreakable spirit of Luz Noceda to rear it's head again and soon enough, The Otter's hockey practice was once again filled with the sounds of rambunctious applause and cheering. The entire team seemed to be effected by the return of their number 1 fan as they all began to work harder, feeling the hope return. After all, they were 4-1 and were still riding high on their winning streak.
Amity and Lokte especially felt the effects of Luz's return to form, not only on a personal level, but also with the renewed gusto of their team.
Which is why, on the last practice before their big game, everything came to an almost halt as the door of the rink opened and a stranger appeared looking very lost.
It wasn't as if the majority of the team knew this new person, but they recognized the bad news this person brought as their star player completely froze. Amity recognized the figure immediately. She was already furiously skating off the ice as they started to approach Luz, Lokte quickly calling for a 5 minute break behind her. Up in the stands, Luz looked up, surprised to see a face beside her in the usually barren stands. She was even more surprised by just how familiar the face was.
Beside her, Sasha was clenching tightly to her arm, looking absolutely everywhere but at Luz herself. She looked like she was trying to form a sentence as the commotion on the ice finally caught up to them. Both girls turned to see Amity, desperately pulling off her skates in the players box, her face furious.
"Wait! Wait! I can explain!" Sasha called out as they watched Lokte skate up next to Amity who growled out a quick response. Now both players seemed set on heading up to the stands, completely uncaring about the former bullies cry.
Luz didn't know what to do. Her mind had frozen when she saw Sasha and not knowing what to think, she didn’t know what to say. Her eyes were locked on Lokte and Amity as they started climbing the stairs to where she was, feeling almost grateful that she would have some sort of backup in just a few moments.
It wasn't that she was scared, but her chest seemed to ache the same way it had the last couple of days and she was acutely aware that she seemed to shrink in Sasha's presence. Luz knew that she hadn't been herself in the days following her encounter with Sasha and Bryce before. It had taken a lot out of her, and although she always wanted to look for the best in people, she wasn't keen to repeat that experience.
Especially with how worried Amity had been.
"Ok. Well since it definitely seems like I'm about to be chased from this place," Sasha spoke up, interrupting Luz's fleeting thoughts and quickly turning to her with wide eyes. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Really. I'm not looking for any sort of forgiveness. I don't… I don't deserve that. Not yet. Maybe not ever. I just… I was hoping we could talk."
Luz merely blinked, her mind swirling. She was still very much aware of her girlfriend closing in on them, and Sasha's already flighty behavior. She knew she needed to make a move to stop something from happening but she couldn't think past the girl's words.
'I'm sorry'
"You… wanted to talk?" Luz finally choked out, finding some sort of sticking point to allow herself to speak again.
Sasha almost looked a little sheepish, her fearful eyes darting back and forth between the hockey players quickly coming up the stairs and the girl she had hurt.
"Yeah. For all the years I've known you… I realized I know absolutely nothing about you." The blonde haired girl laughed.
The laugh was so genuine that Luz couldn't help but laugh with her. After all, everything she said was true. They had known each other for a long time, but they were still practically complete strangers. It was Luz who had always wanted that to change, but Sasha had never made an attempt to fix anything between them before. Time was running out however as Sasha turned to leave, clearly afraid of the players coming up the steps.
She was quickly stopped by Luz's hand on her arm.
"Hey! I thought I told you not to go near her again!" Amity snarled, now being close enough to yell.
Luz could feel the shiver of fear that shot through Sasha as Amity bared her fangs. Again, she couldn't help but smile, after all, Amity was pretty terrifying when she wanted to be. Looking absolutely ready to bolt, Sasha turned to Luz with wide eyes, clearly praying that this wasn't some big trap. Luz only winked as a response.
Letting her arm go, Luz stood up and put herself between Amity and Sasha, holding her arms out to the side to fully block the girl behind her.
Amity froze as Lokte stopped on the steps below her, their arms crossing in frustration.
"Luz?" The witch asked tentatively. Her voice was full of concern and worry, all traces of anger almost completely fading as she stared at her girlfriend in confusion.
Luz took a deep breath.
"It's okay Ami. She just wants to talk."
Amity bristled in anger, but she did her best to remain calm. "Are you ok?"
Luz glanced behind her and took note of Sasha's wide, shocked eyes. Her face was blank as she turned back around to face her girlfriend.
"Give me a stick and I'll make sure she doesn't get too out of line." Luz smirked after a short pause.
A startled gasp from behind her had Lokte and Luz both laughing while Amity merely rolled her eyes. Taking a step forward she planted a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek.
"Let me know the moment she starts bothering you, ok?" Amity whispered. Luz caught her hand as she backed up again and held it tight as she flashed a confident smile.
"Of course." Luz grinned at her as she swung the witch's hand and let it go. "You just get back to practicing. No need to stop on my behalf."
"I could name several reasons." Lokte interjected, still looking rather distrustful of the girl tentatively peeking out from behind Luz.
Despite their reluctance, Amity nodded at Luz and dragged her friend back down to the rink. Luz watched them leave for just a bit before turning to Sasha with a grin.
"Alright. Crisis adverted." She laughed playfully. "Just be grateful she didn't jump at ya from the ceiling. I've seen it happen. It's not pretty."
Sasha laughed nervously. "So… does this mean we can talk?"
Luz laughed again as she fearlessly grabbed Sasha and forced her to sit next to her on the bleacher.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear you ask me that?"
Amity slid into the seat next to Luz as she watched her teammates wrap up on the ice. Sasha had left only a little while ago and the witch could see a noticeable slouch to her girlfriends shoulders. Despite that, Luz barely moved as Amity gently reached for her hand.
"How are you doing?" She asked quietly, weaving her fingers through Luz's own.
After a short pause, Luz squeezed her fingers back and looked up at her with watery brown eyes. Amity immediately tensed. She didn’t trust that look and if Sasha had hurt her again…
Well the girl hadn't left that long ago, if she hurried, there was still a definite chance that the witch could catch her. She was preparing to grab her stick and hurry out the door as Luz finally spoke.
"We aren't friends yet…" Luz stated slowly, the light in her eyes vibrantly bright as she spoke.
"But it's a start."
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Always made to break (S.M.)
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Summary: Shawn meets someone who reawakens his soul and makes him question his choices in love. 
Warnings: swearing, slight angst, fluff
Word count: 4k
A/N - I’ve had this in my drafts for a while, so I decided to post it and see how you guys like it, so let me know if you want more.
''Were you ever going to tell me?“ She practically growled at Shawn as she threw a magazine in his lap, the tone she used scaring him enough to look up at her face, the beautiful features now twisted with rage and disappointment, something he never wanted to see her direct at him.
''I don't unders-'', but then he saw just what she meant, seeing his face attached to Camilla's on the front page of a random gossip magazine. He knew why she was looking at him with such fire in her eyes, and not the kind he expected to see in the bedroom, but the purest form of hatred mixed with pain.
''Not only did you poise as some poor photography student, but you also claimed you're single?! How stupid can I be, right?“ She put her right hand on her hip, using the back of her left one to wipe under her nose although nothing was there but a fathom sensation of coldness he had caused her insides now manifesting on the outside as well. She didn't shed a single tear yet, her anger not allowing her heartbreak to show.
It is better to hate him for his lies than to feel sorry for herself, she decided.
''I didn't want to...“ Shawn trailed off, unable to find the words. He, a man of many words, a person who had always managed to put his emotions in the most eloquent of ways had found himself speechless at a time he needed his words the most.
''Didn't want what? To tell me you're rich and famous? That you're dating a star? Huh?!“ She huffed, her eyes burning him with the intensity of the unrestrained pit of bursting flames within.
''What was this to you? Huh? A joke? Did it make you feel good to make me the fool?!“ She shouted, the raw emotion ripping her throat like a thousand razorblades.
Bowing his head down, Shawn swallows thickly, his eyes filling with tears he knew would only anger her more in this moment. He doesn't get to cry over breaking her heart, he just doesn't.
At the beginning
It was supposed to be a calm, ordinary Monday morning for Shawn. After months on the road, it was nice to be back home for a short break from the stage and screaming fans, just him and his earplugs and a good cup of coffee. It was supposed to be a regular, lonesome morning to start the day off right, but things never really work out the way we want them to.
Whether he meant to sit in that particular café, in that particular chair, with that particular song playing as he lazily glanced around before taking the first sip of his coffee, Shawn had started a chain of events that would lead him into a world of trouble, yet unimaginable love and heartache.
In that lazy glance, Shawn had managed to catch a young girl's eye, his curls falling over his eyes obscuring his vision. She had merely smiled at him, so sweetly, so shyly, enough for Shawn to return the gesture. Her eyes fell back on her phone and he assumed she was likely sending a message to all her friends about seeing THE Shawn Mendes, probably posting a sneakily taken photo of him in his moment of supposed tranquility as well.
It's not as if he's not used to it, but Shawn really hoped he'd have this morning to himself, a moment to put his thoughts in proper order and a second to breathe. He's been having his picture taken every day, multiple times by fans and paparazzi, especially since he started the whole agreement with Camila and her team.
Shawn was tired of it, drained, so when he hoped for a moment of his own and lost it? He truly didn't feel at ease anymore.
He looked back at the girl once more, angrily with eyes narrowed. She seemed oblivious to his newfound outlet as she kept scrolling on her phone. She was beautiful, Shawn couldn't deny that. In fact, it's why he looked her way in the first place – it's why he sat in this particular café, outside on such a cold morning to have his coffee, all because she caught his eye as he was passing the street. However, whatever drew him in had now pushed him away as he scoffed under his breath, shaking his head.
That's when she looked up from her phone and trained her eyes on him again, a confused look passing her features as she stood slowly, setting herself on a path toward him.
Rolling his eyes, Shawn reminded himself to be nice for his image is kindness and never random rage outbursts on young girls who want a photo with him. He drew in a short, quick breath of fresh air before he looked up at her when she stopped a few feet away from him, prepared to fake it if need be.
"I’m really not in the mood.” Shawn says before he can stop himself, mentally face palming when he sees the girl’s eyebrows furrow, her bottom lip sinking between her teeth as she cleared her throat.
“I wanted to ask if you needed something aside from the coffee considering you’ve been looking at me this whole time. I just assumed you were annoyed because my colleague hasn’t been out in a while. I’m sorry for making the wrong assumption and bothering you.” She wasn’t harsh or rude, making Shawn feel even guiltier as he paled. Finally realizing she’s the waitress, Shawn’s paleness is quickly replaced with a crimson shade that he could never truly hide.
The girl didn’t get a chance to walk away as he stood up abruptly, knocking the table up in the process with his thighs, some of his coffee spilling over.
“No, no, no. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to be so rude, I just…I do want something.” Shawn exclaimed, hoping he can dig himself out of this deep hole he managed to dig for himself in a matter of seconds. “A bagel! And a brownie, please?” Shawn gave her an awkward smile, running his hand through his messy curls as she studies him with care, unsure if she should say something about his odd behavior or just take it like she usually does.
There are worse customers than him, she thinks.
“Sure.” She sighs, placing her phone on his table before whipping out a small notepad to write his order down, walking away right after.
Sitting down, Shawn sighed heavily at his stupidity, chuckling at himself. Rubbing his forehead to soothe an oncoming headache, he opens his eyes only to find her phone is still on the table, unlocked at that!
He stared at the gadget with great interest, wondering if he had assumed more than one thing wrong and if he had to change his opinion of this girl entirely. He didn’t want to take the phone and search it, but what’s the harm in peering over his cup to see what app she’s got open, right?
“Most common complications of a bowl resection?” Shawn reads under his breath, his eyebrows knitted together as he stares at the words that quite frankly sound like they came from a Grey’s anatomy episode.
“What are you doing?” A sweet voice startles him into a small yelp, the girl chuckling at this tall hunk who seems to be so clumsy and presumptuous that she can’t quite figure him out yet.
“Oh, I…Uh…I’m a simple guy, really. I see a phone screen and I have to sneak a peek, except I can’t understand a damn thing written on there.” Shawn rubbed the back of his neck nervously, sure as hell that his face is tomato red by now. He hates tomatoes just as much as he hates his treacherous cheeks for betraying every emotion he’s ever had.
Giggling, she places his order on the table, pushing back a strand of hair behind her right ear. She takes her phone swiftly, pocketing it in a single move.
“Yeah, I’ve got an exam to prepare for. Been working the night shift! Lucky me!” She exclaims sarcastically, her lips pressed together before she places the bill on his table too, turning around to go.
She isn’t even wearing a uniform, Shawn realizes, watching her as she takes her bag and begins to pack her things from the table she was sat at before. She took his order even after her shift ended. Biting down on his bottom lip, Shawn could sense a war is brewing between his head and heart, each arguing why he should or should not go after her.
Shawn’s always been a heart guy, deciding to go ahead and listen to it once again.
Jumping to his feet, Shawn moves toward her on instinct, not quite ready for her to go. He’s got too much accumulated guilt over judging her and assuming things about her that he was clearly wrong about and while she didn’t know it, he still wanted to make amends. Shawn needed to do something nice for the girl who had been kind enough not to cuss him out for being inexcusably rude to her.
“Where are you going?" He asks before he could stop himself. His head cocked to the side, his eyes shifting from the ground to the unknown girl. He barely knew her, hell, Shawn didn’t even know her name, but his heart stopped and he could barely breathe when she decided to leave.
She looked up in wonder, observing him with slight worry in her eyes, another thing he found endearing.
“I have that exam in an hour. Gotta get to my bus on time.” She shrugged, giving him a tiny wave as a means to say goodbye.
Shawn needed more time with her. He needed to talk to her, to get to know her, to at least find out her name. For some reason he couldn’t even fathom, Shawn felt drawn to this stranger, this girl who didn’t seem to know or give a damn about who he is. She is the type of people he surrounds himself with – people who are grounded and will keep him human. He wouldn’t admit to it, but she was also a beauty he couldn’t part with for reasons not of the mind, but of the heart. He knew it wouldn’t be a smart idea to get involved with someone now, not when he was under contract to be with someone else and so publicly.
However, when she made a move to leave, Shawn had to react before his heart completely stopped.
"I'm guessing you need a ride?" His voice was soft-spoken and mellow, sending a warm glow throughout Y/N’s body.
"Taking the bus won’t kill me, but thanks for the offer." Y/N smiled, waving at the café’ window. Shawn grabbed a twenty and left it on his table quickly, pointing at it in hopes of someone coming out to take the money for he had no time to pay for it right now. Shawn had decided to get in his car and chase after the girl who had started her walk to the nearest bus station, her determined walk noticeable and distinctive.
“You said you’ve been working all night, right?” He talked loudly, needing her to hear him, as if she could miss a car like his slowing down beside her or the doe-eyed guy nearly shouting at her through his open window.
“Yeah. So?” She stops, crossing her arms over her chest, uncertainty in her eyes. She looked at Shawn with such confusing emotion that he could hardly breathe when he allowed himself the luxury of staring into her eyes. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think she knew him for years, that they have history, that they’ve met in a previous life. The look in her eyes and the feeling he’d get in his heart when he’d meet her gaze? It felt like more than two strangers talking.
“Don’t want to fall asleep on the bus and miss your stop, now do ya?” Shawn tried, unsure how to convince her to let him drive her.
“I’d also prefer not to be killed by the seemingly kind stranger who offered me a ride.” She cocked an eyebrow, starting to walk again which forced Shawn to press down on the gas pedal lightly.
“My name’s Shawn and I promise I’m not a killer, just a big supporter of education who has nothing better to do than help a girl who looks like she could use a kind gesture after a hard night.”
Y/N stops again, rolling her eyes at the sky before letting out a deep breath she didn’t know she was holding. Was it wise to get into a car of a man she knew for less than an hour? A handsome stranger that could easily turn out to be a Ted Bundy she found herself attracted to?
Definitely not wise, she thought as she opened the passenger door and sat inside.
"Cute name." she smiled shyly.
“I’m Y/N.” She tells him, putting on the seatbelt before looking into his whiskey brown eyes.
“Your name is cuter.” Shawn’s crooked smile made her heart flip. The wind gently brushed his curls as he kept his window open, the breeze grazing his face, almost soothingly.
This is what he needed though, some adventure. Some risk. Some danger. Giving a ride to a girl he met didn’t constitute as adventure, risk or danger, but being seen doing so? Definitely.
She types in the location in his GPS, leaning back in her seat as the radio fills the silence. Nearly choking on his own saliva, Shawn changed the song he had recognized just by the first few beats, before Senorita could blast through the speakers.
“So, uh…what kind of music do you like?” Shawn asked awkwardly, feeling her gaze upon him not a second later. It’s as if being set on fire, but not in the way it hurts the skin, rather puts the soul on a path worth taking.
“Classical mostly. Old rock music too.” She responds, receiving a hum from Shawn in response. He relaxed visibly, knowing there’s a much lesser chance that she’d know he’s Shawn Mendes if he’s not what she usually listens to.
“You seem like a pop-rock kind of a guy.” She assumed, lifting her left eyebrow quizzically, waiting for him to agree or deny.
Shawn couldn’t hold himself back from smiling widely, nodding before sparing her a quick glance. “Nice guess.” He adds, noticing her cheeks redden, not nearly as bad as his, but enough to know she’s not indifferent.
“So, you’re a med student or a method actor?” Shawn chuckled, catching her playfully rolling her eyes at him and his stomach flipped at the gesture. She looked cute even annoyed with him and he knew he’d love to annoy her for a really long time if she’d let him.
“First one would be right!” She exclaimed, pressing her lips together as she turned to the side, looking out the window instead of him.
“That’s pretty impressive! Beauty and brains? It’s every man’s dream.” Shawn told her honestly, at least from his perspective. He had already found himself on her hook, wanting more and more all the while knowing he’ll soon have to leave her at the university and in less than a month, he’d leave the continent as well.
“You might be the only guy thinking that. It feels the day I started med school, I signed some invisible contract where I was doomed to be lonely and friendless. I never have time for friends or relationships. When I’m not in class, I’m working or studying. If I do have free time, I’m usually exhausted to the point of just curling up and watching Netflix. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it.” She bit her lip, eyes everywhere but on Shawn.
She didn’t know why she told him this, something she’d been carrying around on her shoulders for so long. She barely knows him, yet Shawn just oozes good vibes and trustworthiness that she couldn’t help herself. It’s been a while since she had someone to be genuine with, so what’s the harm in oversharing with a stranger she’ll likely never see again?
“If you’re passionate about something, it will often demand you abandon all else. There will be times where you’ll wonder why you ever did it, why you’ve made such a decision as if you didn’t know it would be like this…you did, I know you were aware it would be hard and let me tell you, all the good things in life are hard and demand sacrifice and once you’ve got it, you’ll be reminded just why you chose it. Something happens and you’re reminded and you’ll be back in the right mindset.” Shawn tightens his hold on the steering wheel, aware he’s telling himself the same.
He’s lost the passion he used to have for music in the circus his team imposed on him and now he’s here, in the car with a girl he just met yet felt so incredibly connected to in comparison to the girl he’s supposedly dating that it was hard not to feel like life turned on him.
When he started writing music and playing it live, Shawn never realized how fake the public persona he’d have to create would be. He always thought musicians had free reign to be who they are, to enjoy life, but he’s received a cold shower of pure facts in the past year and he’s still struggling to come to terms with it.
“I really hope so.” She smiled, reaching out for his hand. She laid her palm gently on the back of Shawn’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before removing it quickly.
“I’m not gonna lie, I’m kind of bummed we’re already here.” Shawn sighed as he parked, looking over at the girl he wanted to stay more than ever. She wasn’t a stranger anymore, not even close. In his world, the rule states you’re no longer strangers if you’ve:
A) gotten drunk together
B) had a heart to heart.
“Bet you say that to all the strangers you give a lift to.” Her lips pulled to the left into a crooked smile, one Shawn wanted to make wider, brighter.
“Just ones I really like.” Shawn countered, smiling as well. It’s hard to resist a smile when she’s got her angelic lips spreading into the smile he wanted to see.
“You like me, eh?” She teased, coyly lifting an eyebrow as she lets her lips pucker.
“Never denied it.” Shawn raised his hands in a mock surrender, chuckling.
Then he moves closer with those eyes that look so deeply into her own, as if he could see who she is underneath all the layers she’s created to protect herself from the hurt. It’s like he sees her soul, the real Y/N and never in her life had she felt seen like she did with Shawn. He made her feel like she’s the only girl in the world and she knew then she’d never find that gaze in any other man’s eyes, never such intensity, raw emotion and understanding.
“As long as we’re clear on that.” She smirked, moving away slightly, not ready for what his eyes were telling her.
“Are you feeling better about the exam now? About everything? Because I meant what I said. You’ll be okay, even if it feels otherwise.” Shawn decided to diffuse the situation, the tension growing too fast for her to be comfortable with it, he could tell.
“About the fact that I’m not sure if I’ll ever find love or be the girl a guy would go to the ends of the world for?” She shrugged, chuckling dryly.
It’s much easier to make fun of what bothers her than face it head on. She’s been feeling so lost for such a long time that her coping mechanisms weren’t quite something most people are used to. But Shawn? He doesn’t even blink at her darkness. He doesn’t look away or shows he’s tired of her already. He doesn’t push her away for being so gloomy, he’s doing the opposite. He listens as if her words are golden, some elixir he's been waiting all his days to hear.
From what he says next she can tell he is thinking so deeply, already with a strategy that's several moves ahead of her. And in his words is a kindness, a concern that is so quick that, for him, it is natural. This attentiveness is a part of who he is and that is the most attractive feature Y/N’s ever seen in a man.
“You are though. I’ve known you for an hour and I’m already thinking just how badly I want to take you out and shower you with affection. You’re so beautiful, so raw, so fucking oblivious to your qualities that it makes me both angry and stubbornly certain that I want to change your view of yourself.” Shawn takes her hand in his, clasping it between his palms as his left hand, the one with a swallow tattoo, closes over hers. A tattoo like that would be hard to forget.
“I’ve found out that you’re intelligent, hardworking, ambitious, funny in a nonconventional way, incredibly brave for setting out on this journey, extremely good and devoted to helping humanity one person at a time, caring and you think of others even when you don’t have to. You were kind to me when I wasn’t to you, honest and open with your heart and mind…And that’s all within an hour of knowing you. And I desperately want more as creepy as it may sound.” Shawn’s words have made her eyes gloss over and she couldn’t stop herself from chuckling too.
When a woman’s sure she’s destined to be alone and that her perfect man isn’t real and then finds him when she’s given up on the notion – it’s a shock to the body. His smile alone burnishes her soul into a beauty it could never have achieved on its own. Before they met, both Shawn and Y/N were one, now they’re each a half, yet somehow so much more than they ever were before.
“I’m really glad I met you, Shawn. It’s truly an honor.” She managed to say before she leaned in so swiftly he had no chance to even move. Her lips brushed his for no longer than a moment, a single breath yet long enough to make him crave more, so much more. Just as quickly as they warmed his heart, her lips were gone and so was she.
He watched her walk away, her head bent as she stared at her shoes in thought, his heart slamming against his ribcage helplessly. He’d have ran after her, but he couldn’t afford some of the students recognizing him and snapping a photo. He couldn’t risk the world knowing he was living a lie, dating Camila on paper but already in love with a woman he was destined to fail in the long run.
Shawn should have let Y/N become a sweet memory he’d return to when the nights became too cold, too lonely to brave on his own. He should have let it be a fantasy, but he couldn’t. Whether he wanted it or not, Shawn was drawn to the same café the very next morning, hoping to run into the medical student who had captivated him.
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just2bubbly · 4 years
Sorry to Let you down!
Rumors and Affairs: Chapter List
//This is an update of  The Brootp that accidentally became the OTP!
Cinder’s perspective- 
Cinder really did not know how she ended up in a circumstance like those. She recalled running into Kai, only to be completely avoided by him. He did not even smile at her. She was sort of expecting him to show such behavior but she wanted him to embrace her in his loving and protecting arms and tell her that ‘It is okay, you don’t have to worry’. She wanted his condolences,  but who was she kidding this time?
Uh! Cinder, he had every right to act like that, but that does not mean he has to act like that.
She had crashed into him only to be fixed in position by him. He had held her arms and prevented her from falling on him probably. She was going to bear hug him only when she noticed he was avoiding eye contact with her, only to tell Torin something.
“Your Majesty, the Emperor has some urgent business to attend to. He is sorry that he has to take your leave.” Torin said. As if Cinder could really not understand.
She had awkwardly withdrawn herself from his embrace and watched him go- Go away from her. He had not returned since then and both of them had barely exchanged words after that incident.
It was not like he was avoiding her, maybe he really was busy. However, she had texted him upon hearing that his meeting had ended but he had not replied to it. Her internal newsfeed popped up a message which said, “Emperor returned, cyborgs no longer in need of guardians.” It appears the meetings with Camilla were successful.
The consciousness dawned upon her that she got to know about the result of the meetings from the press and not Kai, who told her every single detail about those nasty meetings just 2 days before.
Cinder had taken upon herself to solve the calculations that were formed between the two, she was not really sure if complications had already formed but Kai’s behavior had to mean something.
If Kai would not reply to her texts then Torin would. She decided to ask him about what Kai was into to which he replied rather immediately that they were in a meeting. He told that Kai would be out of his task in about an hour or two. The strange thing was that Torin had told her about it without even asking it. Was she just being too obvious or was Torin a good reviewer of character? Unmistakably, it was her who was being too obvious. Who asks the royal advisor questions like that?  
It was 2100 already, and waiting for Kai would require a long time. Yet she decided to lose her sleep and went on watching procrastinating videos to pass time. Stars above! She had totally forgotten that watching videos with such soothing music will make you fall asleep and- Dang! That’s what happened. Before she could talk to Kai she had fallen into slumber. Only to be woken up in bed the next day with Kai not beside her. Disappointed and sadness overwhelmed her. She was definitely failing in her ‘problem solver’ duties.
She could hear water running in the bathroom. Maybe she was lucky, Kai had not left yet. Her internal clock said it was 0500. Kai had woken up an hour earlier than usual, probably just to avoid her. He would be disheartened to know that his plan was not successful.
Cinder drew herself out of the comfy blankets and straightened up so rapidly, that she felt that her life was dependent on this action. Well, she was not sure about her life, but both her day and probably her marriage was on line today.
Before she could think about what was to say, he emerged out, not yet dressed completely in finery. His head was wet and sleek from shower and water droplets dripped near his neck and ears. Both of them were unexpected of others and fell into an awkward silence, avoiding looking at each other. After what seemed like an eternity of suffocation, he coughed and mumbled something under his breath and went to dress. Cinder could not decide what she wanted to say and Kai did not want to say something-anything at all, as it appeared so they maintained a silence which was more suffocating than peaceful.
He was all dressed up and ready to leave, when Cinder had the guts to say something.
“I’m sorry, I let you down.” She whispered, barely audible. She questioned if her voice had reached his ears but he gave an indication.
He was at the door and at the sound of her voice, he seemed to flinch and stand still. She thought that he would not reply anything but move on as if she had not said anything.
Without turning back or facing her, he groused, “Don’t forget you have to take the prenatal test today.”
Saying this he walked out leaving her alone-alone in her thoughts. She had completely forgotten about that and hearing Kai recall it just made it ten times worse. Her head throbbed; she wanted to cry her heart out. Alas, wishes don’t come true for cyborgs like her.
 “Your Majesty!” Torin called, walking all the way down the corridor.
“Yes Torin?”
He avoided her eyes and hesitantly said, “The Emperor has asked me to inform you that you are asked not to attend the meetings for a time-being”
What a wound to her already mourning heart that was!
“And why does the Emperor want me to not attend the meetings?”
Torin gave a look of daze; he was not expecting her to question Kai’s authority or he was about to lie and was regretting it.
“I guess it is because of the recent incidents”
Very well.
“Okay.” She turned to leave until Torin added, “He has also asked me to take the prenatal test today itself.”
“Tell the Emperor that The Empress does not need to be told twice” she replied with bitterness. If Kai wanted to act like this, then so would she.
“Is that all, Torin?”
After a long pause he decided to speak, weighing his words with accuracy yet compassion at the same time, “I’m sorry Cinder to be the bearer of bad news. Kai is having his share of problems too. Perhaps yesterday’s meeting did not go as planned. It seems he is forced to act in such a way.”
“You have nothing to feel sorry for Torin.  Do not justify the Emperor’s action; he has every right to be angry. Beside neither you nor me can question His Majesty’s decision.”
Likely given a final blow of resignation and regret, she left. Only to be surrounded by needles and medical equipment. Her internal computer had already searched about paternity tests for unborn children. All of them were quite safe with 100% accuracy. She had come across an article which said that the person tested could miscarry because of its risk and had gone into panic mode. After much convincing from Jacin and numerous assurances she was ready to go through this test. It was not like she was afraid- hell she had shot Levana and survived a stab in the heart but maternal instincts make every woman protective of their child, even if unborn. 
A/N: This chapter is short as i divided one chapter into two parts so the next part will be posted in a day or two.  I have no idea how the prenatal paternity tests go so I will likely skip the procedure and just move on with the story- i don’t know but I don’t want the story to be filled with technicalities. Believe me, this way it will be better for both of us.
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anna-justice · 4 years
I Do - Upstead
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Summary: It’s the most important day of Hailey’s life and like always, Jay is right beside her.
Warnings: Swearing?
Requested: Yes! #19, “Do you know how hard it is to love someone when you know they don’t feel the same way?”
Jay wasn’t exactly sure what he had done wrong that had put him on the path to where he was now: seated in between Adam and Trudy at his partners wedding.
The rest of the unit was buzzing, excited for their friend and coworker. And of course Jay was happy for her, that was all he wanted, for her to be happy. Even if that meant her being with someone other than him.
He sat still in his seat, unphased by the chattering around him. Kevin and Mouch occupied the other seats around them, along with a few more miscellaneous members of the force and several from the CFD. It was a big venue and it was almost entirely full. He was in the second row, the only people in front of him being Hailey’s brothers and their families.
He was trying to keep a smile on his face, it was Hailey’s day and he refused to ruin it. He could mope at home, alone, with the full bottle of whiskey he had bought specifically for this day after Hailey finished off the last one.
2 weeks earlier
It had been over a year since Hailey returned from New York, but the consequences of the trip hit Jay like a punch to the gut everyday. Hailey was gone for almost three months, leaving a heartbroken and anxious Jay behind. He was convinced that she felt the same way as he did, but after months of nothing leading up to her departure, he figured it was time to move on.
So he tried, after spending the first few weeks in a trance, dragging his feet across the bullpen floor, he went on a date. It was unsuccessful, to put it kindly. He would admit, he was an ass. She was a sweet girl, but she wasn’t Hailey.
A month and several dates later, he met Laney. She was beautiful, funny and very successful. It was by chance that they met, she was a lawyer and she and Jay just happened to cross paths during a case. Jay took it as a sign, she fell into his lap and he was obviously attracted to her. So, they went out and by the time Hailey finally returned from New York, Jay had a girlfriend.
Hailey had spent her entire stay in the big city fantasizing about a possible relationship with her green eyed partner. Which was scary for her, because she wasn’t one to usually day dream, especially about a man. So, when she landed at O’Hare, she had an entire speech prepared.
Just like he said he would be, Jay was there to pick her up. Giving her a tight hug when she reached the mouth of the terminal. It was like she hadn’t even left. Of course she remembered that he had promised her Bartoli’s, she had been waiting for it for weeks, but she wasn’t sure he did.
They were in his truck, where the two had sat together a million times, but something felt different. Hailey didn’t like the uneasy feeling in her stomach, so she spoke up. “You still want to get Bartoli’s? I miss Chicago deep dish.”
Jay smiled softly, chuckling at the phrase that Hailey had texted him so many times over the past few months. He was about to say yes, but then he remembered that he had plans with his girlfriend. His girlfriend that Hailey knew nothing about. “I would love to, but I can’t. I have plans. Can we take a raincheck?”
“Yeah, sure.” Hailey said, trying her best to hide her somber expression. Jay nodded, focusing his eyes back on the road. “Who do you have plans with?” She asked.
Jay’s breath caught in the back of his throat. He had spent the last few weeks developing real feelings for Laney. She was an amazing girl, and he owed it to himself to give their relationship a real shot. But, with Hailey finally sitting next to him again, he couldn’t even remember her name.”Oh, uh, Laney. My girlfriend.”
The last word sent a shock through Hailey’s heart, she had spent months convincing herself that Jay loved her too. Now she realized she was wrong the entire time and it hurt like hell. It felt like her whole world was crashing down around her. “That’s great Jay, I’m happy for you.” She said, as genuinely as she could. She turned away from him, looking out the window to mask the tears gathering in her eyes.
Jay hadn’t been with anyone since Camilla, and they both agree that he was only with her to deal with the pain of losing Erin (and his PTSD). There had been no one since then, and Hailey had just always assumed that she had time. Time to confess her feelings, time to show him how great they would be together. To her, he had always been hers. Apparently she was wrong.
The next night Hailey found herself at a bar other than Molly’s, drinking alone. It was strange, not celebrating her return with her unit, but she didn;t feel like she had anything to celebrate. She started back at the CPD the next day and she needed a quick and easy remedy for her feelings for her partner. At the moment that solution was tequila. That was until a tall, dark and handsome man approached her. She realized that in her half drunken state, if she squinted she could pretend he was Jay.
“Hi, I’m Brandon.” He said, taking the stool next to her.
Hailey gave him a small smile. “Hailey.”
“Can I buy you a drink, Hailey?” He asked.
Hailey smirked, “I’d like that.”
After a night of drinking turned into a first date and then to a second. Hailey found herself with a relationship of her own. And even though she knew that a small part of her heart would always belong to Jay Halstead, she was perfectly okay with trying to be at least content with someone else.
When contentment turned to love and then eventually a marriage proposal, Hailey found herself saying yes. She loved Brandon and Jay was still with Laney, so she decided to give herself a chance at happiness.
And even after all of that, somehow, Hailey and Jay found themselves in their current situation. “The thing that works,” also known as Jay’s coping mechanism, was in full swing. It was an activity that never left them. Even though they were both with other people, they were still partners, still best friends. And unbeknownst to the other, they had both decided that having to share their person with someone else was better than not being in each other’s lives at all.
It had been a while since they had a drink on Jay’s couch together, Hailey had been busy wedding planning and Jay was spending most of that time with Laney, but that wasn’t possible anymore. The reason for that night's drinking antics was Jay getting dumped.
After a year together, Laney chose to end things. Jay told Hailey that the feelings faded and they weren’t happy anymore, but really, Laney told Jay that she refused to love a man that loved someone else. The realization had hit Jay like an 18-wheeler. He had been pushing his feelings for his best friend away for so long and with one sentence they came flooding back with a force like never before. He lost count of how many times he apologized to her, but Laney wasn’t having it. Her only response was “I knew from the beginning that you loved her, it’s my fault. Do you know how hard it is to love someone when you know that they don’t feel the same way?”
Jay wanted to say yes, but he realized that it would be counter productive.She left his apartment in a hurry, stating that she would be back for her things some other time. Jay stood in the middle of his living room for a long time before heading to grab a beer. The “save the date” card pinned to his fridge catching his eye as he closed the door. He felt physical pain as he stared at the photo. Hailey was grinning ear to ear, holding up her hand while pointing to the ring on her finger. He glared at the man whose arms were wrapped around her waist. He downed the whole bottle, barely feeling the buzz, he grabbed his phone and called the last person he should have, but he didn’t care. He needed her, in whatever way he could have her.
An hour later Hailey was sitting in front of him, a glass in her hand. She was trying to console him, it was obvious he was heartbroken, but she didn’t know what to do.
If Jay was honest, the breakup with Laney wasn’t really the source of his sadness. Once again he was alone, drowning in his love for his best friend, only this time she was engaged to be married in two weeks. What the hell was he supposed to do with that? So, while Hailey was trying to help with work through the pain of Laney leaving him, he was nursing his own wound, that she unknowingly kept cutting deeper.
Hailey was a bit of a mess, she was two weeks away from her wedding> A wedding that Jay was supposed to bring Laney to. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, they were supposed to be happy with other people, she wasn’t supposed to love him anymore. She had only allowed him a tiny piece of her heart so long ago and now after all the time he was starting to take over again. She convinced herself that it was only because he was single again, she was letting her mind run wild with “what ifs.” That was all they were, but what if she was making the biggest mistake of her life by letting him go?
The sound of music pulled Jay back to reality. The reality that he was pretending wasn’t real. He ignored his friend's sympathetic looks and turned his attention to the aisle like everyone else. Brandon and the pastor came first, standing at the front. Next came Kim, whose arm was linked with one of Brandon’s groomsmen. Next came Vanessa, who walked down with the best man since she was the maid of honor.
The anticipation was eating away at Jay as the music changed and a little girl made her way down the aisle throwing flowers. He recognized her as Hailey’s niece Clara, who was her oldest brother’s daughter.
They all stood as she reached the front and everything else after that seemed to happen in slow motion. The doors at the back of the church swung open to reveal Hailey and Hank, who she had asked to accompany her down the aisle. Jay felt a smile grace his face, she looked breathtaking. She was smiling wide as she walked down the aisle, her blonde hair pinned back with a amiple veil flowing behind it. Her dress was beautiful, yet simple, with a deep neck and long sleeves. It hugged her figure until it fanned out slightly at the waist. For a second Jay forgot that he wasn’t the one standing at the altar.
He was reminded of the depressing fact when the two made eye contact and he watched Hailey’s smile falter. However she recovered quickly as she looked back at her husband to be. When she reached the front of the church and everyone sat down Jay wished the ground would swallow him up. It was over, officially, Hailey Anne Upton was no longer his, not even in his mind. He couldn’t let himself dream anymore, not of her.
It all hit him so fast, the thought of her being Detective Moore instead of Detective Upton (even though Hailey wasn’t one to change her last name) was unfathomable. There would be no more night of him crashing on her and Vanessa’s couch. She wouldn’t stay at Molly’s til last call with him anymore, she would be a married woman. She was going to have someone to go home to, someone that wasn’t him.
He could feel the anger building in his stomach, none of this was Hailey. She had always told him that she didn’t want a big white wedding, she didn’t need one. But here she was, getting married in a church, in a gown with hundreds of people watching. It wasn’t Hailey and everyone here knew that, well everyone except for Brandon.
He was so buried in his own thoughts that he didn’t even hear Brandon say “I do.” Now it was Hailey’s turn and he tried not to read into how nervous she looked.
“Do you, Hailey Anne Upton, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” The preacher asked.
Jay watched as Hailey took a deep breath, she looked around the room, before briefly meeting his gaze. Jay held his breath, this was her last chance, their last chance. Hailey looked back to Brandon. “I do.”
In that moment Jay felt his heart shatter into a million tiny pieces and there was no doubt that everyone around him could see it. He met Vanessa’s eyes and she gave him a sympathetic look, but Jay just shook his head. It took everything in him not to get up and walk out, the pain was becoming too much.
The preacher began again, “Brandon and Hailey’s closest friends and family are here today to bear witness to their union. Will you promise to love and support their marriage in all the days to come? If so, please respond: We will.” As a chorus of “we wills” sounded around him, he stayed silent. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, even for Hailey’s sake. “Now, if there is anyone who objects to this union. Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
The room was so quiet that Jay was pretty sure that everyone around him could hear his heart beating out of his chest. He loved Hailey with everything in him, he loved her so much that he was willing to come watch her marry someone else, but he loved her too much to let her make this mistake.
Before the preacher could continue Jay jumped out of his seat and everyone in the room gasped, pulling the couples attention to him. Jay looked at Brandon, who was glaring daggers at him, and felt an overwhelming amount of guilt. But he didn’t care, because the look on Hailey’s face was the reassurance that he needed to continue.
“I love you.” He blurted out, earning another shocked gasp from the congregation. He jumped over Adam and Kevin and made his way into the aisle. “I love you, Hailey. I do. I have loved you for as long as I can remember and I’m sorry, but I can’t let you marry him without knowing that.” He rushed. “I’m going to walk out of here, and if you don’t feel the same way, I hope you have the happiest and most fulfilling marriage anyone could ask for. But, if you think that you could love me even a fraction as much as I love you, meet me outside.” With that, he turned and high tailed it out of the church, avoiding everyone’s gaze as he left.
Hailey stood at the altar in shock, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe. She had no idea what to think. She looked to her bridesmaids, her closest friends, and they both gave her bright smiles. Vanessa grabbed her hand and squeezed, “If you want to stay here, I will carry your train out. But if you want to go to him, I will happily drive the getaway car.” She said in a low whisper.
“Hailey?” Brandon asked, panicking.
Hailey turned back to her, tears in her eyes. She handed Vanessa her bouquet and grabbed his hands, saying the three words that would change her life forever.
Jay paced back and forth outside of the church, it had been several minutes and at first he was convinced that Hailey would follow him out. Apparently he was wrong, and now he had lost her forever. He doubted there was anything left of their friendship left to salvage.
He turned away from the building and started the long walk to his truck, feeling his heart throb in his chest. “Jay!” Someone shouted and he spun around.
Hailey stood there, in her wedding dress, but without the veil and bouquet. He was almost sure he was hallucinating. “You, you came?”
Hailey nodded, her voice shaky from the tears she had shed at the altar. The words, “I’m so sorry,” being repeated to Bradon so many times before she chased after Jay. “Yeah.” She sighed out, shrugging.
They took a few cautious steps toward one another, before breaking into a full sprint. They met in the middle, Jay holding her face as he pushed his lips to hers. Time felt like it was frozen, like the two of them were the only people in the world. Hailey wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.
After a long time Jay pulled away, pressing their foreheads together. “Let’s get out of here.”
Hailey nodded as she smiled big, squealing as Jay swept her off her feet and into his arms. They made their way to his truck, laughing the whole way. When they got there that sat in silence, just smiling at each other. Jay reached across the center console, placing a hand on her cheek and brushing his thumb over the soft skin. Hailey breathed out contently, closing her eyes.
“You look amazing and I’m sorry I ruined your wedding.” He said and Hailey laughed.
“I don’t think you ruined it.” She said, placing her hand on top of his. “Well, at least not for me.”
Jay smiled, “I love you, Hailey Upton. And one day, we are going to do this all again, however you want to and I am going to make you Hailey Halstead, or Hailey Upton-Halstead or just Hailey Upton because as long as you are my wife I don’t ca-”
Hailey cut him off with a kiss, practically throwing herself into him. Jay grinned into the kiss, bringing his hand to her perfectly curled hair. This time Hailey pulled away, pressing one more peck to his lips before putting some distance between them. “Jay Halstead, I cannot wait to be your wife.”
A/N: This was so long, I’m sorry! I had so much fun writing this and it might be one of my favorite things I have ever written! I’m sorry if it seemed super unrealistic or all over the place, but I loved writing it so much. Thank you for reading!
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furiousfinnstan · 4 years
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you are staring agian 
“Empires fall and would be lovers rise from the dead everyday If Harrow’s sour expression is anything to go by.Not that she expected her to be a different person after everything that happened.After all Harrow was still Harrow.”
-1k fluff of Harry and Griddle being awkward bitches around each other 
Gideon knew,objectively,that anyone in their very specific situation would also have to scramble to find a way to cope with it by any means necessary.Really she should be grateful Harrow took up a hobby.Especially one that doesn’t involve human remains.Subjectively?Gideon could live without ever having to eat another soup ever again. 
Camilla’s cramped kitchen was rarely used and even rarely occupied by said owner.Someone might bother to use the dingy coffee machine or grab something from the mostly empty fridge.But the modern looking stove(modern by the standards of an ex denzis of the ninth house mind you)was untouched.Until Harrow locked herself in and started making a ruckus at two in the fucking morning.Next time she’ll just roll over and pretend she’s not hearing half of the content from the kitchen cabinets tumble out to have a rave in the middle of the night.
“Try this,”said the girl who Gideon definitely shouldn’t have fallen on the spikest of spikes for.She shoved a spoon of soup 2.0 into Gideon’s mouth.It left a nonexistent bland taste as the previous prototype.
“Well?”Harrow demanded.
“Same.Literally same carbon copy of the last two glorified boiled waters you made.”
“Look just add a pinch of salt-”
“Are you cold?”
That voice startled Gideon enough to turn around.She found a small figure standing on the threshold between the apartment and the quiet balcony.Cloaked in at least five layers of pure blackness,as you do when you are the heir of the gothest house.Harrow stood there as if waiting for something to invite her to get closer.
“I guess.”Gideon said.
Apparently that's what Harrow was waiting for.Not even a moment later one of her main cloaks found its new home on Gideon’s shoulders.Heavy warmth enveloped her chest.Before her pea brain could fully process what happened Harrow left the scene.
Camilla obviously had zero empathy for these overgrown children that didn't know how to communicate with each other.
“Cam,they taste like crushed childhood dreams and stale air,”Gideon said.
“You could just say no,”she said
“You could just say no.Yeah like that shit ever worked before.”
“Then suck it up and eat it.”
“That’s what she sa-”
“Do you really wanna say that to the person who owns the roof you sleep under?”Cam said,killing Gideon’s shit eating grin in its crib.
Even though her current main gig was“Rest and heal,you fucking idiot”as appointed by Sex Pal,every afternoon you’d find her polishing her two hander and going through her exercises.And on most of those days you’d find a very short shadow attentively following her every move.
Oddly enough Gideon started to find this soothing.
Gideon felt those eyes on her back again.
Harrow refused to sleep in the same bed as her(and sleep in general but that was a problem for another day).Instead you would find her at the desk next to their bed.Watching Gideon intently or glued to a different dusty tome every night.Almost as if nothing changed.Almost as if they were home.
And with that disgustingly nostalgic thought out of the way Gideon decided to break the silence.Turning around to face her tiny paralysis demon.
“You are staring again.”she said.
“How observant.”
Empires fall and would be lovers rise from the dead everyday If Harrow’s sour expression is anything to go by.Not that she expected her to be a different person after everything that happened.After all Harrow was still Harrow.Gideon is still Gideon.However some things did shift.
It started small.How she didn’t have to open doors for herself anymore.Or close them for that matter.How she never had lunch alone anymore.How someone was there to hold her hand.Carefully watching her every move as if she was something you love proudly.Openly.It made her sick to her stomach.
Yet she still held Harrow’s hand.
“Why are you inexcusably late?”
Gideon,who was busy trying no to fall ass first into the fridge she was about to raid as quietly as possible before yet again being spooked by her melancholic princess,didn’t really have an adequate answer on hand for this.
“Well um-”
“It’s four in the morning.”
“I’m capable of looking at the clock by myself thank you very much”said Gideon as she took one beer and slammed the fridge door.Cor’s beauty sleep be damned.Briskly walking away from the kitchen and Harrow’s scowl,hoping she masked her limp well enough.She barely made it to the hallway before she heard steps trying to catch up.
A hand reached out and held her beer free hand.She let it happen.
She waited for Harrow,who was taking her sweet time,to pick up the pace.While her mouth was still on Gideon’s neck her hands were inching closer to Gideon's belt.
When did she start trembling?When did she of all people end up on bottom how did she-
“Gideon.”Harrow's voice sounded so small that she had to open her eyes.
“Do you wanna stop?”
“Good.”with that she started to unbuckle her belt.
Gideon didn’t even get the chance to touch the doorknob,Harrow beat her to it.Being the person that gets the door held for them was still weird by the way.She plopped herself on the left side of the bed knowing if Harrow even deign to get close to the bed she would choose the right side(it was closest to the door).Instead she stood ramrod straight in front of Gideon while she unlaced her boots.But as soon as she dropped her boots Harrow was on her lap.Her pointy face going to her favorite spot-Gideon’s neck.
Gideon whispered,her voice thick with want.
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julie-streep · 4 years
We are a couple!
Ritz Hotel, London, January 1999
Camilla was enjoying her sister birthday party, she had danced, drink and laughed with her friends and family, but now that was almost time to leave she had to admit that she was nervous, very nervous, her hands were shaking slightly and she absolutely needed a cigarette to calm her nerves. She sighed deeply taking a sip of her gin and tonic and looking at the door nervously. 
"Are you ok Milla?" - asked Annabel looking at her sister concerned. 
"I am fine, just a bit nervous" - Camilla smiled weakly, trying not to think too much about what would happen in just a few minutes. 
"It's going to be fine and it's going to be the first step into a new life for you and Charles" - Annabel smiled encouraging, she was very happy for her big sister and relieved that Camilla and Charles could start to live out in the open, she had always helped them during all the years they have been a secret couple, she had always supported her sister, even if sometimes she did not approve of their relationship, but she always saw how happy Charles and Camilla were together and she loved her sister dearly, so she had gladly suggested to Camilla to have their first picture together be taken after her party and now even though she knew Camilla was nervous she was happy that they could finally come out of the shadow and be free. 
"I know and I am ready, it is just all those photographers..." - Camilla sighed again. 
"You know I don't like all this attention and I am afraid of what they will say tomorrow, I know we will be in every paper and..." - at that moment Charles arrived placing his hand on Camilla's waist. 
"Hello ladies" - Charles smiled at Annabel and kissed Camilla on her cheek, the two women smiled back to the prince. 
"Are you ready, my darling?" - Charles had a big smile on his face, he had waited for this moment almost his entire life, at least from the moment he had laid his eyes on Camilla in 1970, and he couldn't be more ready, more prepared or more willing to do this next step into their relationship. Annabel smiled at them and decided to leave the two lovers alone before their big moment. 
"I ... I am a bit nervous" - Camilla confessed to the love of her life looking nervously at her hands. 
"I know my darling, but don't worry, everything is going to be fine and I am going to be there with you, always" - Charles took Camilla's hands in his and kissed her softly trying to give her a bit of strength and comfort and she smiled sweetly. 
"Can I have another kiss?" - she asked smiling brightly to her love. Charles smiled back and gave her another kiss, deeper this time to show her just how much he loved her and how much this moment meant to him, the moment when they will finally face the world together, as a couple, for the first time. Charles knew that this was particularly difficult for Camilla, she did not like the spotlight and he knew that she was under a lot of pressure and she was nervous because she wanted this night to go perfectly well and he knew that it was his fault if she had to go through this so he tried to reassure her as best as he could. 
"You will do amazing, it will be just a few steps and we will go immediately in the car" - Camilla nodded, she knew what they had to do, they went over the plan so many times with his staff and she was ready, but she was still nervous, not only for this moment but especially for what it will mean for their future, even if she could not wait to begin this new chapter with him, she hoped it will be brighter and happier. 
"I am ready" - said Camilla confident, giving Charles one last soft kiss on his lips. 
"I love you darling" - Charles smiled at the woman he had loved for almost 30 years and together they began to walk towards the door. Before stepping outside they said goodbye to Laura, Tom, and Annabel, wishing her again an happy birthday and the three smiled at the couple and gave them a big hug and good luck. Then the couple took one last breath before leaving. When they stepped outside they were suddenly hit by hundred of flashes, lots of photographers were placed in front of the entrance to the hotel and they were all there to take the first official picture of the heir to the throne and his long term love, there was a certain amount of expectation and enthusiasm in the air, all the world had waited years for this photo and no one wanted to miss it. The couple walked the few steps smiling to the cameras and talking briefly with each other, but without touching, Charles had made it absolutely clear to his spin doctor that he did not want to attract even more attention or give the media, even more, to talk about and Camilla had immediately agreed with the idea, she did not want even more publicity and scrutiny. After few seconds they quickly entered the car that would drove them away from all those photographers and once at home they could finally be able to relax and celebrate their new life as a couple. Camilla was shocked about how many photos were taken, she could barely see where she was going, the only thought in her mind was that soon everything will be over, she smiled and followed Charles, who led the way, and when she reached the car she entered as quickly as possible, taking a sigh of relief. 
"We did it" - said Charles smiling when the car started to move. Camilla nodded, she was hoping that after this the paparazzi will be less interested in them and she was also relieved that it was over. After a couple of minutes, they were finally out of the crowded street and out of the flashes of lights and Charles grabbed Camilla's hand kissing it lightly. 
"I am so proud of you darling" - Charles was beaming, they were finally officially a couple, no more hiding, no more secrets, no more fear of being photographed together, now they could finally start their life together, out of the shadow. 
"I am glad it is over" - Camilla was now starting to relax again and to feel all the pressure sliding away. 
"Me too and now we are officially a couple. I couldn't be happier" - said Charles softly and enthusiastically before stroking her cheek and kissing her sweetly on her inviting red lips. 
"I love you" - Charles kissed her again, more passionately this time, he could not contain his happiness, he felt like the most fortunate man on earth and he could not wait to arrive home to show her just how much he loved her and how much happy she had made him. 
"I love you too darling" - Camilla smiled and rested her head on Charles' shoulder, they were an official couple now, she still could not believe it, she hoped the public now would start to accept her as Charles' companion, as his life partner and stopped considering her as the other woman and she wished they could finally be happy without any more scandals or drama. She wanted nothing more than to make Charles, the man she loved, happy and looking at his face now she could see how content and relaxed he was and she had to smile, things were starting to look brighter for them and she hoped that from now on she would always saw that beautiful smile on Charles' face because he deserved a bit of happiness and she did too and of course she was always happy when her favorite prince was happy.
English is not my native language, sorry for the errors.
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go-scottishgal14 · 3 years
Royal aides want Harry and Meghan to give up their titles: Insiders condemn prince's 'disgraceful' podcast attack on family that has left the palace feeling 'bewildered and betrayed'
Palace aides have called on Duke and Duchess of Sussex to give up their titles
Senior courtiers spoke of a growing sense of 'bewilderment and betrayal'
They are particularly incensed by Harry's criticism of Prince Charles's parenting
PUBLISHED: 22:14, 15 May 2021 | UPDATED: 22:52, 15 May 2021
Palace aides have called on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to give up their titles following Prince Harry's latest 'disgraceful' assault on the Royal Family.
In a withering condemnation of the couple's continued attacks on the Royals, senior courtiers told The Mail on Sunday of a growing sense of 'bewilderment and betrayal'.
They are particularly incensed over Harry's 'shocking' criticism of Prince Charles's parenting skills and, by implication, those of the Queen and the late Prince Philip.
Dailymail.co.uk: News, Sport, Showbiz, Celebrities from Daily MailPauseNext video1:07 / 1:51SettingsFull-screenRead More
'People are appalled that he could do this to the Queen when the Duke of Edinburgh is barely in his grave,' said one aide. 'To drag his grandfather into this is so shocking and disrespectful.
The Duke of Sussex waves to the crowds as he appears on stage at the Global Citizen VAX LIVE concert this month
Meghan Markle spoke to viewers of the Vax Live concert during her first TV appearance since the Oprah Winfrey interview
'The Duke of Sussex has now spent a significant amount of time emphasising that he's no different to anyone else and attacking the institution which he says has caused him so much pain. There is a growing feeling that if you dislike the institution that much, you shouldn't have the titles.'
Laying bare the toxicity that now exists between the Sussexes and the wider Royal Family, another source said: 'They should put the titles into abeyance, so they still exist, but are not used, like they agreed to do with their HRHs.
'They should just become Harry and Meghan. And if they refuse to do that, they have to explain why not.'
While it is understood that no formal moves are planned to strip the couple of their titles, the pressure for them to be relinquished demonstrates how deep the sense of betrayal has become in the Palace.
His latest outburst means tensions are expected to be high when Harry returns to Britain for the unveiling of a new statue of his mother, Princess Diana, on July 1.
Harry has left senior Royals baffled by his 'woeful lack of compassion' in the expletive-filled 90-minute interview last week with actor and podcaster Dax Shepard.
In particular, there is fury that he spoke out just a month after his grandfather's funeral.
Palace aides have called on Duke and Duchess of Sussex to give up their titles
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex wave to the crowds after their wedding at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry, Prince Charles and Prince William attending a requiem mass for Hugh van Cutsem at Brentwood Cathedral in 2013
The 36-year-old says he and Meghan, who are expecting their second child, moved to the millionaires' enclave of Montecito in California to break the cycle of 'genetic pain'.
'He's treated me the way that he was treated,' he said of his father. 'There's a lot of genetic pain and suffering that gets passed on anyway. Isn't life about breaking the cycle? There's no blame.
'But certainly when it comes to parenting, if I have experienced some kind of pain or suffering because of the pain or suffering that, perhaps, my father or my parents had suffered, I'm going to make sure I break that cycle so I don't pass it on.'
Referring to his father's 'unhappy' time at Gordonstoun school in Scotland – which Charles described as 'Colditz in kilts' – Harry added: 'Suddenly I started to piece it all together and go, OK, so this is where he went to school.
'This is what happened. I know this bit about his life. I also know that's connected to his parents. So that means that he's treated me the way that he was treated, which means how can I change that for my own kids?'
He compared life in The Firm to 'a mixture between The Truman Show and being in a zoo' – a reference to the 1998 Jim Carrey film about a man who is oblivious to the fact that his entire life is a TV show.
'I've seen behind the curtain,' he added. 'I've seen the business model. I know how this operation runs… I don't want to be part of this.'
The Queen, Prince Philip and Prince Charles attending the wedding of Princess Eugenie at St. George's Chapel in Windsor in 2018
Prince Harry speaks at the Global Citizen: VAX Live concert on May 8, 2021
Prince Charles walks behind the Duke of Edinburgh's coffin during his funeral last month
The cherish titles given to Harry by the Queen on his wedding day
Harry may be under pressure to relinquish his dukedom – but there is no suggestion the Queen would strip him of it.
She conferred on him the titles of Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel on his wedding day in 2018.
Were he to give those up, he would revert to HRH Prince Henry of Wales and Meghan would become HRH Princess Henry of Wales. As sixth in line to the throne, the title of Prince is his birthright, although he could choose not to use it.
When the couple decided they would no longer represent the Queen in an official capacity, they were allowed to retain their Royal titles and HRH styles, although they agreed not to use the latter.
Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana, agreed to give up her HRH title when she and Prince Charles divorced, but when Harry and Meghan stepped back as working Royals, Palace officials reportedly felt the loss of HRH would appear too ‘punitive’.
Similar concerns led Palace sources to suggest that the Queen is unlikely to remove the dukedom, particularly as it was a wedding gift.
The last occasion when a senior member of the Royal Family had titles removed was after the abdication crisis of 1936 when Edward VIII was given the title of HRH the Duke of Windsor.
Rules around the HRH style were set in Letters Patent issued by George V in 1917.
In them, he stipulated that the son of the son of a Monarch is HRH and so, by convention, is his spouse. Monarchs are, however, free to change the rules.
The Queen issued fresh Letters Patent in 1996 to remove HRH from those who had acquired it on marrying into the family and who then got divorced, namely the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of York.
It was not done out of spite – Diana had already volunteered to lose her HRH style – but of the principle that Royal status acquired on marriage would disappear if that union was dissolved.
His comments have torpedoed hopes that his reunion with Charles and Prince William at the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral last month could bring a reconciliation after the Oprah Winfrey interview in which he and Meghan accused the Royal Family of institutional racism and refusing to help the Duchess when she was suicidal.
Harry also used the interview with the US chat show host in March to describe how he felt 'really let down' by his father who, he claimed, had refused to take his calls after Megxit.
But a close friend of Charles last night said: 'If you follow Harry's logic and treat the Royals just as ordinary people, then the Prince is a single parent who's been doing his best for years.
Can you imagine how it feels to have that effort judged so harshly, so publicly?
'Harry talks about compassion. But where is the compassion for his father? Where is your compassion for your own family who have just buried a much-loved member?
And where is your compassion for your grandmother who has just lost the man she's loved all her life?'
Harry and Meghan agreed not to use their HRH titles when they stepped back as working members of the Royal Family, but have used Duke and Duchess on the money-spinning projects they have launched since moving to the US, including multi-million-pound deals with Netflix and Spotify.
'Their titles are obviously their biggest selling point here,' said one Hollywood producer.
'Without them they are just A-list celebrities like George Clooney. Their attractiveness is based on the allure of those titles.'
Royal aides have expressed concern that the couple have lost touch with reality by continually focusing on themselves when millions of people have lost jobs and loved-ones during the pandemic.
During last week's Armchair Expert podcast, Harry said he did not view his comments as 'complaining' but instead sharing a vulnerability that would have a 'positive impact' on others struggling with mental illness.
But another Royal source said: 'When people have lost jobs and loved ones, it's really not the time to be preaching from your £11 million home about how the rest of us should live.'
Royal aides have previously spoken of a 'genuine desire' to build bridges with the Sussexes, but noted that 'it's impossible to rebuild something while someone keeps chopping it down'.
Harry had appeared on the podcast to promote The Me You Can't See, a mental health series he has produced with Ms Winfrey, and which launches on Apple TV+ on Friday.
During the interview, he said he felt a deeper connection 'to the emotionally free and systemic free people' he worked with in Africa and within the Commonwealth than those he met within the confines of the Palace.
Last night, a Royal aide said: 'If that is what he truly believes then why not give up the titles?'
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are facing a storm over a deal with US firm Procter & Gamble that sells 'racist' skin whitening cream
By Mark Hookham and Mary Ellen Synon for the Mail on Sunday  
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex face questions over their partnership with an American cosmetics firm that makes tens of millions of pounds a year selling 'racist' skin-whitening creams.
Meghan and Harry last week announced their Archewell Foundation had signed a 'global partnership' with US multi-national Procter & Gamble (P&G) to 'build more compassionate communities'.
But the deal has thrown a spotlight on P&G's hugely controversial sale in Asia and Africa of skin-lightening creams, which reduce the concentration or production of melanin – the natural pigment that gives human skin its colour.
Campaigners have demanded that P&G and other major firms stop selling such creams.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex face questions over their partnership with an American cosmetics firm
They say the products fuel a 'toxic belief' that 'a person's worth is measured by the colour of their skin' and that light skin is better than dark.
An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found that Olay – a major P&G skincare brand – sells White Radiance moisturiser in India, Malaysia and Singapore.
In India, the product is said to lighten skin tone and deliver 'radiant and brighter skin'.
In the Philippines, P&G sells Olay White Radiance Light Perfecting Essence, which 'inhibits melanin formation in the deepest layer of skin'. In Lagos, Nigeria, an MoS reporter last week bought Olay Natural White cream, which promises 'pinkish fairness'.
Alex Malouf, a former P&G executive, said Meghan and Harry will come under pressure to say whether they support the sale of such products.
'Meghan has talked a lot about the issue of race and racism, so this does stick out like a sore thumb,' Mr Malouf said.
It comes as:
Harry and Meghan faced calls to scrap their deal with P&G because one of its biggest suppliers of palm oil – FGV Holdings – has been accused of exploiting and abusing workers in Malaysia;
P&G was also lambasted for its role in the destruction of large swathes of virgin forest in Canada to make loo roll. It is claimed the company buys an estimated 490,000 tons of wood pulp a year from Canada's boreal forest;
A study by a major US environmental organisation found that suppliers of wood pulp from the forest were cutting down the habitat of the woodland caribou, an 'at-risk' species of reindeer.
Prince Harry has been outspoken on environmental and wildlife issues. Worth an estimated £6 billion a year, the skin-lightening industry is booming thanks to growing demand in Asia and Africa.
But cosmetic firms have faced mounting pressure amid the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement and claims that the use of such products is deeply rooted in colonial history.
Last year, following an investigation by the website Buzzfeed, Johnson & Johnson said it was dropping its Fine Fairness line, which was available in Asia and the Middle East.
The L'Oreal Group announced plans to remove 'white/whitening', 'fair/fairness' and 'light/lightening' from the names of its products, while Unilever announced plans to rename Fair & Lovely – a popular brand in India.
An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found that Olay – a major P&G skincare brand – sells White Radiance moisturiser in India, Malaysia and Singapore. Pictured: Two of the whitening products sold by Procter and Gamble
But P&G has continued to sell the popular White Radiance and Natural White products via its Olay brand. Olay has defended such products by comparing them to tanners or make-up.
One woman who runs a beauty shop in Lagos, sold the reporter two jars of Olay Natural White on Friday afternoon. The packaging said the product had been made in Thailand and it promised 'an extraordinary pinkish fairness'.
'This cream protects you against the sun, lightens your skin,' she said. 'It will reduce spots and give you a lovely skin tone.' In India, P&G sells Olay Natural White 7 in one glowing fairness cream.
Olay's website says the cream brightens skin tone and contains niacinamide, a skin lightening compound.
Nina Davuluri, 32, the first Indian-American to win Miss America, said skin-whitening products sell a 'racist' ideology 'that you need white skin to be beautiful, you need white skin to be successful'.
She has been fighting so-called 'colourism' – discrimination based on skin colour – since she saw a headline in an Indian newspaper which asked, 'Is Miss America too dark to be Miss India' after she won the title in 2014.
Miss Davuluri last year launched an online petition urging P&G, Unilever, L'Oreal and Johnson & Johnson to stop selling whitening creams.
The petition states: 'They are sending the message that people are 'less than' because they are dark. That they are not enough because of the colour of their skin. That they are not seen, valued, or heard. This is racism.'
She said last night she was shocked that P&G had not done more to address the issue.
Campaigner Kavitha Emmanuel said she founded India's Dark Is Beautiful campaign in 2009 to 'address the toxic belief that a person's worth is measured by the colour of their skin'.
She added: 'That is the toxic belief that these brands, through their advertisements seem to be propagating.'
Joanne Rondilla, a professor at San Jose State University who has researched skin-lightening in the Philippines, said Harry and Meghan had a 'responsibility' to voice concerns about these products with P&G.
'Like everyone else around the world, I saw that interview with Oprah that Meghan did,' she added. 'It was important for her to bring up these issues of colourism. I don't think this partnership advances that conversation.'
Robin Averbeck, of the Rainforest Action Network, a US environment organisation, called on the Duke and Duchess to end their relationship with P&G because of the firm's links with FGV Holdings.
'The fact that P&G has continued to be complicit in human rights abuses, in environmental devastation, is reason enough why this partnership shouldn't be formed or shouldn't continue. It showed that full due diligence on the company was not done.'
The Archewell Foundation has said its partnership with P&G will focus on 'gender equality, more inclusive online spaces, and resilience and impact through sport'.
P&G did not respond to questions about its skin-whitening creams, the US ban on imports from FGV Holdings or its use of wood pulp from Canada.
But in a statement, it said: 'At P&G, we are committed to doing the right thing across all aspects of our business – without exception. Doing more and doing better is important for us all – for our company, in our communities and for our planet.
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rinadoesstuff · 4 years
Secret Soldiers
Chapter Fourteen
Georgia, Camp Toccoa, 1942
The next morning, Maggie woke up with an unusual smile on her face. The night before had been different but a good different. Though she wasn’t planning on falling asleep with her shoulder resting on George Luz’s shoulder, she was glad she had. The moment had shown her that she could trust the men, they’d allowed her to sleep even though she had been vulnerable in that moment. Although she hadn’t expected them to do anything untoward, they hadn’t seemed like the type, the thought was always in the back of her mind when it came to all men.
Letting out a yawn, Maggie checked the time on her watch that was still sitting on her wrist and realised she still had almost an hour before breakfast that morning. The sun was slowly rising, some light peeking through her window into the small bunker she lived in. Deciding now would be a good time to grab her mail, Maggie quickly changed into her OD’s and made her way toward the mailroom. 
As she had thought, Maggie didn’t pass anyone on the way over - most of the men would still be asleep, getting as much in as they possibly could. She didn’t know how long they had been up the night before but they had all been playing poker still when Maggie had woken up. Although she offered to walk back over alone, George had insisted he make sure she got back safe. 
Wanting to build that bond up even more with the men, Maggie allowed him to walk her over. It had been a nice feeling, not any hostility between the two as they walked to her small ‘home’. She was hoping that the men would be kinder to her, let her join in with their laughs a little more. 
Entering the mail room, she had a quick conversation with Rice before he went to grab her mail. She had two letters, one with the SOE seal imprinted on the back and one she recognised as Camilla’s handwriting. Bidding Rice goodbye, Maggie left the mailroom and tucked her letters into her pocket. She wasn’t usually one for a cigarette but Maggie took one from her pocket, stuck it between her lips and lit it. 
The nicotine rush was one she needed, still feeling the tiredness from the night before. As she took a drag, she noticed a group of soldiers coming her way. Standing off to the side so she wasn’t in the way, Maggie tried to work out if she knew them. The faces weren’t familiar, they could have been from one of the companies she hadn’t had the chance to meet yet. 
As some of the men went into the mailroom, one of them came over toward Maggie with a small smile on her face. “Bum a cigarette, Lieutenant?” Maggie gave the man a look, raising an eyebrow as she grabbed her pack and tossed it at him. 
“Do I need to give you a light as well, private?” She wore a lazy smile as she took another drag, the soldier laughing gently as he leant against the wall beside Maggie. He grabbed his own lighter, showing it to Maggie with a grin before lighting his cigarette. There was a silence before Maggie spoke. “Which company are you with, Private?”
She turned her head gently to look at the man, significantly taller than she was. “Dog company, ma’am. You’re with Easy, right?” Maggie nodded, taking a final drag of her cigarette before dropping it into the ‘butts’ bin beside her. 
“I best be off, have a good day,private.” The man gave a lazy salute, making Maggie smile gently. Even though the man had no idea who she was, he hadn’t seen her as just a woman. He had treated her as an officer and even a friend, giving Maggie the smile that she now wore as she headed back toward her bunker. She had a bit more time before breakfast, giving her the chance to read the letters that had been sent to her. 
Settling down on her bed, Maggie opened the one from the SOE to begin with. 
Agent Walters,
With intel received, we are pleased with the progress you have been making with the US airborne. We have received some more intelligence about the plan of attack for the US airborne however you do not have the clearance for us to tell you. All we can tell you is that there will be another operative in the future, when a move of base is pushed ahead. There is not a lot we can tell you except we wish you luck and hope the two of you will work together before joining this war alongside the US troops. 
GodSpeed, Agent. 
Agent Frost, SOE.
Dresden, November 1942
The snow from the previous day wrapped the city of Dresden in a beautiful white one could only describe as almost magically but the blonde woman had something different on her mind. Looking down at the watch on her wrist, Claire let out a yawn before hiding her bare hand again in the warmth of the pockets of her coat. “I definitely have to sleep more.”
“You have absolutely no reason to complain, Clara.” Despite his own obvious lack of sleep, Hans was quick to respond. Leaning against the brick wall, the man let out a groan as he closed his eyes. “I have no idea how I’m supposed to get through my classes without falling asleep.”
“Well,” Claire started as she pulled her blue scarf further up into her face. “Maybe you should take a break from going out so often at god forbidden hours.” 
“Yeah, just wait until you see what we did. It was worth it.” With a proud smirk on his face Hans rubbed his hands together in an attempt to get some warmth. “You’ll like it.”
Just humming in response, Claire shifted her gaze up towards the window on the third floor of the building they stood in front of. She freshly falling snowflakes made her task of making out movements on the other side of the window quite a bit harder but nevertheless a quickly moving shadows caught her attention. “Does Ilse know? You know, what happened a few nights ago?”
“Yeah I stopped by last night and spoke with her about it. She thinks it’s pretty amazing but don’t worry, she swore not to tell anyone.”
Nodding, Claire turned back to Hans with an unsure smile on her lips. “Alright, uhm, thanks for still trusting me. It means a lot.”
“Considering that you kind of held a gun pointed at me, I took the best chance by avoiding making you mad.” They both knew that it wasn’t meant to be serious but Claire couldn’t help herself and as a response she smacked Hans against his shoulder. The man only chuckled as he playfully rubbed his arm. “Oh you know that I love you too much not to trust you.”
Hearing this, a big smile formed on Claire’s lips. It was by no means the first time that she heard this from him and usually she knew that it didn’t mean much but weirdly enough this time it felt like more. She was about to respond but a door falling into its lock behind them caught both of their attention.
“Sorry that I’m late. My alarm didn’t go off.” Ilse had a hint of pink on her cheeks as she hurriedly closed her jacket. After a quick exchange of glances the brunette woman pulled her bag a little closer to her body. “Did I interrupt anything?”
When no response came from neither Claire nor Hans, Ilse just nodded in a dismissive manner and interlocked her arm with Claire’s just like they always did. It felt so normal to them by now that just like usually they started walking and chatting away, leaving Hans to follow them looking almost like a lost puppy. 
Due to their lateness today, Claire expected the promenade leading up to the university buildings to be rather empty but the closer they got, the more they had problems passing the groups of students. 
Claire reached behind herself and grabbed Hans’ hand out of fear of losing him in the mass as Ilse also tightened her grip. Not being able to see enough, the blonde woman stood on her tiptoes. After her eyes scanned the walls of the entrance her gaze fixated on the formerly well visible swastika on the right side of the wooden entrance doors. Half of it was broken out of the stone and it has been over painted in a thick black while a certain word was written right next to it.
Letting out a gasp, Claire quickly got down on the heels of her shoes again. Looking at Ilse and her desperate tries to see past the crowd all while having a curious look on her face, Claire was quick to realise that Ilse had nothing to do with this.
The brunette gave up after a few more tries to see something and instead looked at Claire expectantly. “Vive la révolution?” After not receiving an answer Ilse turned to Hans who wore a proud smirk on his lips “Are we starting one?”
Hand just pulled the two women closer to him as he leaned down so only they could hear his voice. “What do you say, Veritas? Are we starting one?” 
With a mischievous grin, Claire turned from Ilse to Hans. “We are starting one.”
With a sudden burst of pride flowing through her, Claire squeezed Hans’ hand as she turned back to the large letters painted on the wall.
It was her name. 
Now the Nazis know who they are up against.
• • • • • •
@wexhappyxfew @pierrespandas @trashgoddess600 @junojelli @kmorecoffee @vintagelavenderskies @order-of-river-phoenix @adamantiumdragonfly @happyveday @alrightnicelighter @easy-company-tradition @keoghans @ultralillylove @pxpeyewynn @pinkesfaultier @madstertb
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Escaping Grace (Part 3)
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Warnings: Angst, Language
The city is pretty crowded tonight, and whoever made the decision to walk all the way to this restaurant is in the dog house with me tonight. It wasn't supposed to be too far away from the club, but whichever one of the guys made this decision has obviously never had to walk a long distance in heels --- to be fair, these are my favorite boots with just enough heel to make me a decent height, but they still hurt after a while.
I sigh, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets, glad I'd decided to wear one after all. I'd just barely thought to grab it last minute as we'd headed out the door, and Vale had sent me such a look --- well, I bet she's cold now in her sleeveless shirt!
Clarke keeps an easy pace with me, looking down at his phone as he goes. I'm fairly certain he has a girlfriend, or at least someone who likes to blow up his phone pretty frequently. He's a very private person, and he especially likes to keep everything from Vale, who in turn pries incessantly until she knows everything. It must just be a thing betweens siblings.
"Hey, Vale, right?" I hear CC ask a few paces ahead of us, and my eyes focus on the back of his head. He's walking with Vale, her long legs easily keeping pace with his.
"Yeah. It's really Valerie, but no one calls me that." She shrugs.
"Well, I go by CC, but it's Christian."
"You definitely look more like a CC." Vale glances up at him, cutting her eyes beneath her fake lashes; how she manages to always get them to stay on is beyond me, I've tried and mine always fall off or I feel like I'm trying to take flight with them.
Vale hugs herself as we continue down the street, rubbing her bare arms against the cold. "How long are we going to keep walking? I thought this place wasn't too far."
"It's just a few more streets down. We usually walk it from the studio to there, the food is totally worth it." CC replies, and I stare as he suddenly shrugs out of his black jacket, draping it around her shoulders. "Here, I know it's getting cold."
Did he for real ---?
Vale's fingers curl around the jacket, and she gives him an appreciative look. "Oh, thank you! I was just wishing that I'd brought my own."
She planned this, didn't she? I told her to bring a jacket, but --- there's no way. I can't believe he gave her his jacket, that's such a gentlemanly thing to do and I just can't believe I witnessed it with my own eyes.
"Why don't either one of you ever offer me your jacket?" I grumble at Clarke and Nate where we walk, both of them sticking close to me. "I get cold sometimes too."
"We don't control the weather," Clarke retorts, shooting me a look. I roll my eyes at him, pushing my hands deeper into my pockets. CC and Vale are talking a few feet in front of us, but otherwise our bands are staying separate as we walk.
I'm kind of... bummed, actually, that Andy is so quiet tonight. I thought, since he wanted to meet us, that he would be nice, even if he was faking it. Chat us up, have casual conversation, etc., but he doesn't exactly seem to be in the best of moods. He just went right to business, as if he didn't already know what we were going to play to open for his band.
I sigh as we come to a stop at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change so we can keep going.
"So, where are you guys originally from?" CC is asking Vale, standing rather close to her.
"Small town down south," she replies, checking her phone. "Even if I told you the name, you wouldn't know where it was."
"Doesn't sound so bad," he says as we start to cross. His hand slips to her lower back, guiding her forward, and I'm surprised Vale doesn't shirk away from him. She hates it when guys do that, she feels like she's being manipulated. "This is kinda cool, isn't it?" Nate murmurs after a few minutes, bumping me with his shoulder. He's smoking as we walk, so there's a haze around him that makes my nose curl. I hate the way the smoke smells, and he knows I don't like it, he just doesn't care.  "None of the other bands we've opened for have ever taken any interest in us."
"Well, maybe this means we're doing something right?" I offer, unsure really what this meeting was about. We could have just met at the show, or even right beforehand, if they wanted to get a feel for us. Obviously we're an up and comer, but our live performances have always been good --- Vale likes to put on a show, and all the women seem to like Clarke's stoic attitude and Nate's... very welcoming one.
"We're here!" Ashley announces proudly as we finally stop in front of a diner on the corner. I glance up at the red neon sign, the large windows displaying a fifties-looking diner with the red booths and the jukebox in the corner. There's even oldies music playing as we walk inside, being seated at a large table near the back so we can all fit.
Somehow I get seated between Andy and Ashley, with Vale and CC across from me, CC conveniently sandwiched between the siblings. I'm not sure if he's aware that Clarke is Vale's brother, but if he keeps trying to flirt with her I'm sure it's going to become fairly obvious.
I press my hands into my lap, glancing around. I'm sure we look a strange group, dressed in various shades of black, my hair the most colorful part of all of us. I know it's kind of lame, the streaks of red and blue layered beneath the top half of my blonde hair, but I thought it was so cool; I was never allowed to dye my hair when I lived at home, so I took full advantage of the rainbow of colors once I was free.
Now at least I can afford to have it professionally done so it looks nice.
"They have some great food here," Ashley tells as as he twirls a laminated meu on the table. "When we first came here, Andy ordered the whole menu to go."
Andy glances up from his phone where he'd been furiously typing, shrugging his shoulders. He's been pretty focused on it the entire night, instead of the company he keeps; I'm honestly a little annoyed.  "What can I say? The food is good."
I try not to watch his fingers move across the screen, which he was mostly holding under the table for privacy, I guess. I keep my focus on where Vale sits across from me, her chin propped on her hand as she listens to something Clarke says. Nate is on his other side, chatting up the other members of the band. He's our drummer, and yet he's more focused on the guitarists and their techniques; what, does he want to trade with Clarke to Vale now?
I thought he liked doing the bang bang thing. I gingerly lift up the menu, but I already know what I'm going to order. I order the same thing everywhere I go, it's a safety thing, plus I really like chicken tenders. It doesn't look like there's a ton of variety either, just what you'd expect from diner food. I wonder if the milkshakes are good.
"Hi, I'm your waitress Camilla. What would you guys like to drink?" A waitress pops up at the end of the table with a tired smile, and we all rattle off our drink orders. She has no trouble scratching it on her notepad, but she also doesn't have an accent and looks like she knows what she's doing. She just nods her head before turning on her heel. "I don't know why you're looking at the menu," Vale grumbles at me after a moment, eyeing me over the one she holds when she sees me looking; I notice her and CC's chairs are pretty close together, despite she's at the end of the table where I wish I was. I'm squished. "You already know what you're going to order."
"Don't food shame me, if they mess up chicken tenders, there's no hope for the rest of the food." I reply, leaning back in the chair. The table is big enough there's at least room for us not to be right on top of each other, so I'm not bumping elbows with either of the men I'm between but I still feel like we're too close. I have a thing about personal space. The chair however is a little uncomfortable, the cushion is worn and the metal cold. I can feel it pressing through my back even with my jacket. "So, are you guys excited for the show?" Ashley offers up some conversation when it starts to lull, there's only so much to talk about. "It's going to be a nice sized venue." He leans back in his chair casually, and I notice his arm slips along the back of mine. Is he trying to be smooth or he just needs somewhere to put his arm? I mean, he's cute, and talented as hell and I like his outfit choices, but I've also heard he's quite the ladies man, and I don't date.
He'd have a better chance of hooking up with Nate.
"Oh, we've played there before. I love the Stoles Arena, the dressing rooms are the cleanest." Vale says, absently twirling the ends of her dark hair. "I almost thought Nate was going to get us banned though. He managed to smooch with the stage managers girlfriend before the show."
I stare at her over my menu, trying with my eyes to convey how much she did not need to reveal that we could be troublesome; well, that Nate could be, anyway. He's usually the one that's causing chaos. He doesn't mean too, he just can't seem to help himself. Maybe it's the whole acting before thinking thing... also could be the fact he doesn't have much to think with either.
"What!? You mean little Sarah with an H?" Ashley looks impressed, tapping his fingers on the table, his attention suddenly riveted on our drummer. I shift in my chair again and his arm suddenly leaves to prop along the table.
Nate grins from a few seats down, looking smug. "Yep. She has a thing for blondes," he gestures at his very dyed hair with dark roots.  "But to be fair she conned me into jello shots for the before party and let me tell you, that girl can handle her alcohol."
"Craig was so mad," Vale chuckles, steepling her fingers in front of her. She's glancing at the long table we're all sharing, not at all phased that all eyes are on her. Sometimes I really wish she was the singer, so we could switch and I could be out of the limelight. Ironic, isn't it? I want to be famous but also be invisible at the same time; I really should have chose a different profession.  "He gets us a gig there and Nate almost goes and blows it within a few hours."
"Our manager."
"Ah okay."
I tap my nails against my thighs, growing impatient. I wish the waitress would come back with the drinks so I could at least have something to do while everyone else forces casual conversation. Do we seem settled enough? Out of control? What kind of impression are they hoping to get off of us tonight?
Are we failing? Passing? What's the verdict?
Finally the waitress appears, but she has a waiter with her, helping her carry all of our drinks. I notice he keeps staring at us, his eyes flicking back and forth between all of our faces. His eyebrow piercings glints beneath the buzzing lights above, and the tattoos peeking out from under his shirt sleeve gives me the hint he might be someone who listens to our genre of music.
He helps pass the drinks around, lets the waitress take all of our orders while hovering obviously in the background before rather meekly asking if he could have an autograph. "I'm so sorry to bother you, I know you're trying to eat, but I could I please get an autograph from you guys?" He asks nervously, clutching a napkin in his hand.
"Really, Ryan? We bring pretty girls here and you ask for their autograph?" Ashley says, but his tone lets us know he's teasing, so they must know the waiter fairly well. The waiter has the decency to look embarassed, but Vale takes charge, putting her hand out.
"Sure. One of these days you can sell this on eBay and make a ton of money," she says as she scribbles her signature on it, the V of her name a lot larger than the rest. "Tell the world you met Escape from Grace when they were ordering chicken tenders."
I try not to smile at the comment, adding a hasty scribble of my name before sliding the napkin down the table towards him. He snatches it quickly, beaming at all of us before making a beeline for the front of the diner where the other waitress is standing.
"He doesn't meet many famous people, forgive his manners." CC apologizes for him, bumping Vale with his shoulder lightly. "We come here enough he's used to us, but when you guys come back, expect the same reaction."
"Oh, so we're coming back here?" Vale looks at him, her lips curving.
"Oh, I, uh, I just meant if you come back here. I mean, the food is great," CC shifts suddenly, Vale is making him nervous. It's the way she looks at people, so directly, it makes them squirm. I aspire to have that level of confidence one day.
I brush my hair behind my ears, reaching for my soda and sliding it towards me. The others had all finished their drinks off before we'd left the club, so some greasy food would do them wonders.
"So what are you guys planning for your first show?" Clarke asks, drawing the attention back to business. He glances around, always the one to get to the point. "Are you going for a big performance initally or saving it until the last show?"
"We haven't decided," Andy replies, clicking his phone screen black and slipping it into his pocket, apparently done with the conversation that's been taking up his attention all night. "We still have a little time to decide what we're going to do, it's one of the reasons we wanted to meet with you guys. We want to keep the crowd entertained."
Entertained? So long as he's talking, who cares about the rest?
What is it with me and guys with voices like him? I gaze at him as he speaks, watching the light bounce off his black lip ring, his dark hair falling into his eyes slightly. He's tall, and incredibly warm where he sits beside me. I can smell just a hint of his cologne, he doesn't shower in it like Nate does, and it suits him well enough. He's covered in tattoos, from his neck down, and especially on his arms. "You guys have been together for a year or two, right?"
I blink, realizing I'd zoned out and lost some of the conversation. Andy was looking at me expectantly, and I hastily straightened in my chair, feeling my face flush.
"What? Oh, yeah. Two years coming up. We had our big debut last year at Stoles, actually."
"Cool. Bandmates are hard to find that stick around. You all seem to get along." He comments, and I notice Ashley glances at him.
"We've always been together," I reply, shifting so my butt doesn't go numb. I hope it doesn't take too long for our food, I'm genuinely starting to get hungry and something is smelling amazing. Sure, initially the place had smelled like cheap coffee and french fries, but there's also something comforting and familiar about it too. "I couldn't imagine anyone else being with us. It would be too crowded."
I leave it at that, deciding that I was not going to rattle on tonight and find a way to embarrass myself. I'm going to play it cool, keep my comments fairly short but still friendly enough. I seem to be doing okay, being social and all that, although it's mostly Ashley who tries to keep conversation with me. I kind of didn't like his arm along the back of my chair, mainly because I can't lean back properly, but I don't want to say anything about it, either.
Vale would have literally shoved it off and not cared about his reaction, but her attention has been focused on CC solely. They seem to have hit it off pretty well, he's even slightly leaning in her direction as they talk.
The waiter suddenly reappers, carrying all of our food on platters. I perk up as my chicken tenders slide in front of me, and a full ketchup bottle with it! How nice! I hate having to hit the bottom of the glass to get any out, or if the water just runs out all gross.
I dip one of my fries through the ketchup, watching CC use so much mustard on his burger I could smell it from across the table. I almost cringe as he bites into the burger almost oozing the yellow slime, and I realize I'm outright staring at him in horror when Ashley nudges my elbow with his.
"CC puts mustard on everything, you get used to the sight," he tells me, pretending he's whispering but loud enough I know his friend hears him. "He keeps an array of mustard flavors on the tour bus. Takes up way too much room in the fridge."
"Hey, different flavors make the food," CC defends himself, pointing with a napkin as he wipes at his stained fingers. "And you're the one who stocks the fridge full of rabbit food all the time. Can't get anything else in there for all your lettuce!"
"Well one of us has to be healthy when we eat!"
I relax a little more as the night goes on, and Andy starts talking a little more, that black cloud above his head starting to lift. He seems to get over whatever it is bothering him, him and Clarke getting into a detailed conversation about the technicalities of performing on stage. I'm just glad that we haven't embarrassed ourselves just yet.
My back is starting to ache from sitting so straight in this chair, though, and the boys on either side of me are starting to feel like individual furnaces. I don't suppose it would be very polite of me to start fanning myself with the menu.
"Hey," I grab a spoon, thoughtlessly whacking Nate's hand as he tries to reach for one of my fries. He's always such a jerk, ordering something cheap and trying to pick out of someone else's plate if he thinks they're not looking; or honestly if he just wants something he goes for it. "Hands off."
He gives me a wounded expression, rubbing his fingers. "You're not even going to eat it all, Leah!"
"If you wanted fries, order them. And I might." I defend myself. I mean, typically I just end up taking my food home with me and eating the rest within fifteen minutes of being there, but that's beside the point. Fries are like my favorite food, and I'm not sharing. Nate eyes me warily, but I threaten him again with the spoon, so he decides to keep his hands to himself. Good enough for him to not always get what he wants.
We all sit and chat for a while, listening to oldies tunes and enjoying the food which actually is pretty good. Everyone starts passing around show stories, and Andy tells us how he managed to break three ribs performing at one of his earliest shows.
"Oh, I remember that. We were at that show," I say thoughtlessly, having a vague recollection of cringing when he'd started to fall.
"You were?" he looks surprised.
"Yeah. It was when we decided to become a band, it was one of the first concerts we went too." I motioned at the table in general. "It was kind of like a celebratory type thing."
"Yeah, the whole climbing on the wall and jumping down thing, really should have given that more thought," Vale adds, stirring her straw in her drink. "It was a good show though, despite the fact you tried to end it early."
"Well, I like to make my shows memorable." Andy replies, his arm brushing mine as he leans back.
"That you did." My guitarist agrees. "Leah is afraid of heights, so at least I don't have to worry about her getting some big brain idea to climb something. Plus she's clumsy, and I don't think it looks very cool to roll her out on stage in bubblewrap."
Yes, thank you, Vale, let's tell the cute guy about my irrational fear of heights and that I'm unable to stand up without falling.
"I would end up popping all the bubbles during the song, so it might be distracting." I say lightly, earning a grin out of her. My eyes flick to the clock on the wall behind her, noticing that it was getting late. We have an early morning in the studio tomorrow, and staying out all night isn't going to help me focus on recording.
Besides, socializing so long is starting to wear on me, and I can only grit my teeth so much more before I need to see a dentist. I'm normally getting ready for bed at this point anyway, I'm old and like to get plenty of sleep. Plus, well, the medication I take makes me sleepy and I don't like to fight it.
I make an off comment about heading off, and Nate immediately starts whining that it's not late at all, the night is still young and there's so much to do.
"I said that I was going to head off, not that you have too."
"Actually, I should get going too." Andy says, looking at something on his phone. "We have to finish some stuff up in the studio before tour, we still have to get that organized."
"Seriously, I thought they said we could finish that on Monday." Ashley complains, looking annoyed.
"We're supposed to premier it for the show," Andy reminds him, shrugging. "So we need to get some practice in."
Everyone starts shuffling to their feet, and the waiter miraculously appears before us, handing us all our separate bills. Nate, of course, isn't able to pay for his, and so I sigh as I end up swiping my card for both of us like usual. Vale tells me I shouldn't buy his way all the time, but I feel bad if I don't, he gives me those puppy dog eyes.
Vale and CC step outside with some of the others, and I notice that her hand is on his arm as they talk and laugh. I'm a little irritated when Nate and Clarke suddenly head off down the street with Jinxx and Jake without even a word, like where are they even going this time of night? Sure, the city is still awake, but it's late!
Again, we have an early morning!
The waiter hands me a receipt, his fingers lingering against the white paper for a moment. "Hey, um, Miss Kabinov, would it be okay if I got a picture with you?"
"With me?" I blinkat him in surprise, hesitating. Someone wants a photo with me?
"If you don't mind."
"I mean, yeah, that's fine." I fold up the receipt, slipping it into the tiny backpocket of my jeans that are basically useless; why do jeans never have decent pockets? We step out of the way so Andy can pay for his meal, and I quickly let the waiter take a photo with me so he can prove to his friends he met the singer from Escape from Grace.
I'm sure I don't look very cool, my makeup is barely done and I'm in civilian clothing, as Craig calls it when we're not dressed in stage attire. The waiter thanks me profusely before hurrying behind the counter, and I turn, expecting to head out the glass doors where my friends are waiting.
I hesitate, staring at the empty street as I suddenly realize everyone has disappeared. Did I just get ditched by my entire band for another band?
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yukiwrites · 4 years
The First Step Towards Their Life Together
For Corrianderweek 2020, Day 2: Coronation Day. This is a sequel to a story I wrote sometime ago, Battle Against What Was Forgotten.
Part 1 - Part 2
One thing that Kamui was absolutely not expecting to happen during the wedding’s preparations was for Camilla to be the one to preside over the dress-making.
It happened a week after they had defeated the Forgotten Dragon -- time during which the groundworks for the double coronation and the wedding ceremony were starting to take shape.
“The time’s finally come!” Camilla marvelled as she twirled Kamui around like she was a little girl. “The dress I’ve been sewing for your marriage will finally come to use, my darling.”
“W-wait, Big Sister?! What do you mean-”
Smiling slyly, the older princess winked before turning around to open the door to her closet. “I have been working on it for a few years now, my precious Kamui. I wanted you to be the perfect bride when the time finally came for you and my brother to wed. Since no one else in the kingdom can appreciate your beauty like me, I naturally had to be the one to sew it!” She walked with light steps towards the mannequin placed right in the center of the small room, smoothing her hand over the flowy and semi-transparent fabric that covered the gown it was dressed with.
Kamui blushed, first from her sister’s compliment and second from placing her eyes on the gorgeous dress. “Camilla! It- It’s wonderful! It looks like a fairy’s dress… Am I really worth such a magnificent thing?” She carefully touched the light blue fabric, her eyes gleaming in anticipation.
“Of course, my dear; you’ll be the queen of fairies, quite literally, on the day you wear this, hm?” Camilla took Kamui’s hand, helping her touch the dress more decisively instead of hesitating around. “I made it with only you in mind, so the more beautiful you find it, the more it’ll suit your natural cuteness! Oh, I simply cannot wait until it’s ready!”
The soon-to-be Queen pressed her lips into a thin line to hide her shy and excited smile, her chest pounding in anticipation. The day she would marry Xander was at last right around the corner; she could scarcely believe it! And she would be so prettily adorned as well, how could she not be excited about it?
There was, however, a point of concern: Kamui’s pregnancy. Despite wanting his betrothed to lawfully become his wife as soon as possible, Xander also didn’t want to put any unnecessary strain on Kamui, especially considering that she had taken a terrible blow during the battle against the Forgotten Dragon. Thus, they all had to take great care of her -- nothing was more important than having her term come to an end as peacefully as possible, after all.
To Kamui, she did not think that it was necessary to wait for Siegbert to be born for them to hold their ceremony -- he was a strong and dutiful baby, who helped her through the last battle just as much as his father did, after all. He would wait for his turn and do his best to not be a burden to his Mommy, of that Kamui was sure.
Thus, they had to hasten all of the arrangements so they could hold both the coronation and the wedding ceremonies at the same day, preferably before Kamui’s stomach started to swell. Since there was no way to tell how long Kamui had been pregnant for, time was of the essence, especially regarding the clothes and footwear she would use on the grand day.
Apart from separating the budget, accepting reports, choosing decorations, personnel, security and delivering the news to the people, there was still the usual workload of being the rulers of a kingdom -- which was now doubled due to Kamui accumulating the role of Queen regent of Valla. The vallites who were living in hiding scattered throughout the Forgotten kingdom had accepted Kamui as their ruler after seeing all of her sacrifices to defeat the One who had brought destruction to their beloved land, so although the coronation and wedding were going to be held in Nohr, Kamui was being effectively crowned as the Queen Regnant of Valla as well.
To summarize: they were busy. Dizzyingly busy, honestly.
Yet, neither Kamui nor Xander could feel the exhaustion. They were finally going to be wed; their love was finally going to be accepted and celebrated, as it should have been since the day it started, all those years ago inside Kamui’s tower.
The couple spent most of their free time together -- with Xander usually bringing his own paperwork to Kamui’s study so he could spend more time with her (and check on her to make sure she would take plenty of rest, mindful of her condition).
Time was of the essence, so everything had to be done fast but also carefully -- they had so much to do, they barely noticed as time flew by them.
It was already the night before the big day, and Kamui was so excited she couldn’t sleep. She also felt a bit sick for some reason -- perhaps Siegbert was feeling all of her excitement and was getting restless? -- so Xander spent the whole time with his wife inside his arms, at the ready to jump out of the bed to fetch a medic if needed.
“Mhm, there’s no need for concern, my King,” lightheaded, Kamui rested her head on Xander’s powerful chest as he drew circles with his hand on her back, soothing most of her nausea away. “I think I just got too anxious and it made Siegbert act up, too.”
Hardening his jaw, Xander adjusted his betrothed beside him, softly placing his hand under her chin to make her look up at him. “You are pale, little princess,” he said in a low voice, his frown digging deeper into his brow.
“I just can’t wait ‘till tomorrow, that’s all,” she tried to soothe him, though her partly-clouded gaze and slow speech only made him worry more.
“I shall go fetch a healer-” He meant to get up as he carefully placed Kamui back on the pillows, but her weak grip on his shirt made the soon-to-be King stop in his tracks.
“No, no, please stay with me- with us. Please?” She looked at him from below, almost like a pleading kitty, making Xander’s heart almost make a squeaking sound. Yet, his expression was still hard.
“Kamui, do not be unreasonable. There will be a lot of activity tomorrow -- you must have a restful sleep to recover your strength.” He carefully untangled her fingers from his shirt, unbending in his resolution to make Kamui feel better at all costs. “If something were to happen to you, I-” he choked up, feeling as though needles were piercing into his heart with just the thought of seeing Kamui fall in his arms once again.
Pouting, the dragon princess kept holding her beloved’s fingers whenever he managed to pry them out of himself. “I’m not being unreasonable, Xander… Please? Just stay with us; I’m sure Sieggy just wants to be with his Papa.” She once again looked at him with a kitten’s gaze, making the Crown Prince sag his shoulders with a short sigh.
“That is foul play, little princess.” Defeated, he returned to his previous spot, collecting his small fiancée into his arms, placing one warm and large hand over her stomach. “How are you feeling, Siegbert? Do not strain your mother too much, you hear?”
“Heehee, don’t scold him like that, Xander, he’s just excited like me, it’s all.” She snuggled her face into his neck, breathing in his masculine scent. “We just want to stay like this for a while longer…”
Blinking, Xander tried to look down to his beloved since he noticed how visibly sleepy her voice had started to sound just a moment after he placed one hand over her stomach. Was it truly?
Were she and Siegbert just in need of cuddles?
“Kamui?” Xander called tentatively, in a voice so low he barely heard himself. Yet, he knew there was not going to be a response since he felt Kamui’s rhythmic breathing by his neck -- she had truly fallen asleep. Smiling so, ever so fondly, Xander caressed his betrothed’s stomach more carefully, placing a kiss atop of her forehead. “Good night, Kamui, and see you tomorrow as my beloved Queen.” He whispered by her soft hair, smoothing his thumb over her still flat stomach, wondering when he would be able to feel Siegbert move, “and may you have a restful sleep as well, Son. Be good to your Mother tomorrow, hm?”
The couple woke up at dawn to let the servants get them ready for the day -- because of that, they were separated right before breakfast, only being able to give one another a short hug before promising to meet again at the altar.
Well, technically Xander would be the one to walk Kamui down the aisle, so they would meet at the door to the Throne Room. He would escort his Queen towards the throne by which the bishop would stand to bestow the crown to the both of them before proceeding with the wedding ceremony.
Her heart pounding, Kamui could barely taste the soup they fed her (usually the bride wasn’t supposed to eat before putting on the dress, but since Kamui was pregnant, many details of this process have been changed to accomodate the baby prince), stroking her stomach once she was inside the wonderful gown Camilla had sewn for her.
As though the marvelous dress itself wasn’t enough, Kamui was adorned from head to toes with many silver jewelry, to complement her hair and blue garments. She wore a two point earring, custom-made for her pointy ear, which depicted a dragon carrying the gem that lay atop her lobe; a festoon necklace that complemented the see-through fabric covering her cleavage; two intricate armbands from which the sleeves of her dress were connected to, both on the same style of the feet bracelets she wore to go with her ballerina flats (there was no way she was going to wear heels, not in her condition, after all).
Camilla also made sure to sewn a transparent cape flowing down off Kamui's shoulders, so the dragon princess truly looked like a fairy Queen, which made her cheeks flush with embarrassment and excitement at the same time.
Xander would be waiting for her by the throne room. How would he react when he saw her? He would always, always, always tell her how beautiful she was, especially during their most heated moments, so Kamui loved to show herself to him whenever she got a new piece of clothing. Just by imagining the surprised and head-over-heels in love look of Xander’s made Kamui wish to dash to where he was immediately.
Still, there was an order to these things, so wait she must, even though she was so excited she felt as though she had actual wings on her back. It was a wonder that the nausea from the previous night was nowhere to be found despite her excitement level being way higher than it was before she fell asleep.
Siegbert was behaving himself rather well, which made Kamui proudly caress her stomach at every opportunity she had to do so.
The final touches were upon her: now she only had to wear a long cloak to cover herself entirely -- the dress reveal itself would only happen after she was crowned, so both Xander and the onlookers could be surprised by their Queen’s beauty all at once. That made Kamui anticipate the moment even more, so she had to stop herself from skipping during the walk towards the throne room.
Her steps couldn’t help but hasten as she approached the corner to the throne room, wanting more than anything to jump into her almost-husband's arms and yell to the world that they’re finally together under the eyes of the gods and of the people. Once she spotted Xander’s tall figure in the distance, her chest started to tighten and her face flushed; it was as though she was about to fall in love with him one more time.
Xander turned his head to the procession accompanying Kamui, his eyes immediately falling on his beloved’s, action of which robbed his breath and took all of the strength he had in his body. If it wasn’t for his sheer willpower, Xander would have fallen to his knees and proposed to Kamui for the second time right there and then.
Once the servants dispersed around Kamui and they were face to face, Xander asked for her hand and brought it to his lips in a genuine action of respect, love and admiration for the one who will always have a hold of his heart.
“Will you do me the honor of being my wife, Kamui?” Xander wasn’t strong enough to resist the urge to propose to her one more time, receiving a bright smile alongside even brighter tears from his beloved.
“Of course, Xander. Yes, yes, yes, I will marry you.” She sniffled, accepting the arm he’d given her so he could start escorting her to the staircase that led to the throne. “I love you so much,” she whispered as the doors to the room were opened, receiving the gasps of admiration of the people that were waiting in there.
Xander walked ahead by pure instinct, his gaze ever glued on his beloved and wonderful -- oh so wonderful -- soon-to-be wife. Likewise, Kamui walked by following the carpet under her feet, her eyes meeting her beloved’s and overflowing with tears that looked more like stars falling from the sky.
It was a day that would never again come; a once-in-a-lifetime event, and yet, they couldn’t stop looking at each other and declaring their love through their eyes. The bishop’s speech lasted too long and too little at the same time, their sense of selves merging with the stillness of the air around them as they simply saw themselves in the entire world.
Soon it was time for Xander to kneel and receive the crown from the bishop, being officially -- finally -- crowned the King of Nohr and Valla. Once it was Kamui’s turn, Xander made sure to place her crown atop her head, adjusting the black pegasus feathers adorned around it only for their wedding.
Once she was back on her feet with a straight back and the weight of being the Queen of two kingdoms hanging upon her shoulders, Kamui undid the knot of her mantle to reveal her dress to the world -- to her King and lover, Xander.
Seeing the mesmerizing sight, Xander widened his eyes as he was overcome with the urge to make her put the cloak back on -- she was so pretty, too pretty, for eyes other than his own to see.
She was more than a Queen, more than the daughter of a god.
She was a goddess incarnate, the one who descended upon this world to enrapture him and make him the happiest man in all existing realms.
During that single moment, that gaze they shared became their whole world and they forgot they were in the middle of a ceremony. As though under a trance, now King and Queen slowly went into one another’s arms to share a tender kiss, even before the bishop could start the marital speech.
The audience cooed and cheered, touched with their rulers’ display of humanity and love.
Blind and deaf to all else but themselves, Xander and Kamui simply enjoyed sharing their first kiss as (technically) husband and wife.
That was the beginning of the rest of their lives, and they couldn’t be happier to have one another as their life-long companions.
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singeramg · 5 years
Finding Forever: Chapter 1
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Black Original Character
Rating: Explict/ M/ Whatever...will be smut later on. 
Warnings: Cursing, eventual smut, some angst, more tags to come as we get into this. 
Summary: Aura Camilla an actress who has just landed her first lead role opposite Henry Cavill. This story follows her as she tries to navigate her fast developing feelings for her costar. 
A/N: Welcome everyone, so this is my first time attempting to write anything involving Henry Cavill, so y'all bare with me and be nice (Please) Also blame The Witcher for this sudden interest. . I hope you guys will like it and I promise it will get better as we go along. I don’t have any idea of how long this will be. I welcome comments and suggestions.
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  Chapter 1: All this Love
“I have everything I need ummm....I think.”
I said to my best friend Mia who was laying across my bed, her hair a black/ white/grey ombré dreads that reached the middle of her back of her chestnut frame. She was mindless playing with one of the furry ivory pillows I had on my bed. 
“Well Aura considering you’ve packed and repacked that bag several times I highly doubt you forgot anything. Shit I’m quite sure you’ve packed the entirety of your room.”
She said with a smirk, then went back to scrolling on her phone. I laughed, flipping her off, and zipping my bag closed. 
“Are you ready to drive me to the airport?”
“The real question is are you ready to go?”
She said getting up from my bed and sliding into her shoes. 
“Come bring your ass on...”
I said with a laugh, hauling my suitcase off of bed and out of my room in our shared apartment...
To say I was nervous was an understatement. I had just checked into my room on location for the movie I had just landed. I had done some parts in television and movies, supporting characters. This would be the first time I played a lead, it was a romantic comedy. All set around a neurotic late 20 something named Anya Novak that spent her life doing everything for everyone else but never going after what she wants. Her job merges with another and in enters the new guy Carson Wyatt who rubs her the wrong way when they first meet and even more so when she figures out he is her new neighbor. 
I could handle the role, I was certain of that but I was nervous because I hadn’t met anyone from the cast yet. The filming schedule was coming off the heels of filming a big movie for not only the directors but for my co-star Henry Cavill. I had been surprised when they said he would be joining the cast as this type of movie didn’t seem like his type that he would be in. It had very little action and a lot of comedic timing. I was nervous that he and I would not get along at all and make this filming unbearable. We were due to start filming in a day or so but tonight we were set to all meet and have dinner. 
I unpacked my clothes and now found myself standing in front of my closet much like I would at home, except now I didn’t have Mia to help me choose. I would settle for FaceTime.
“ It’s Mia the Mua of your dreams.”
“Yeah my nightmares too. Best friend I need help and I need it fast. Cast dinner in two hours with no clue and what to put on out of all the shit you packed me to wear.”
“Where is the dinner?”
“ Small gastropub, nothing too fancy but I want to make a good impression.”
“Yeah maybe on that foine ass co-star of yours.”
“Mi let’s not go there.”
“You need to let him go there with your uptight ass. Been moving around here for months, working too hard with no play. Especially since Jamal.”
“Ugh, god you said the name. I thought we agreed that name was dead.”
“ I agreed not to beat his ass for that shit he pulled, but that’s all. Now onto what you called for. Dark wash jeans, white and black sheer top, black heels. Light on the makeup, soft curls on the hair.”
“Remind me again why you couldn’t come with me.”
“I might style you in my free time but unlike you my jetsetting darling I still have to deal with my lazy ass ultra extra Ulta manager. At least until you need me full time.”
“But I do this is the problem. I told you to get on the plane with me but no. You didn’t.”
“I’m working on it, you know my manager asked me to hold off on my leave until she came back from vacation. Look don’t worry about me I’ll be there is two weeks you can survive two weeks before I arrive,  just get dressed, go make some friends, and relax because I know you are freaking out and doing yourself a disservice. Remember our saying...”
“Beautiful is who you are not what you are.”
Mia and I repeated at the same time as we had since middle school. In a school where the people didn’t look like us with Mia’s cinnamon tone and my sienna color paired with braids and thick dark hair, didn’t make us popular in a world of blonde hair and blue eyes. We made due as we got older, at 25 we kept that motto as a reminder to love ourselves no matter what.
“Aura go out there and make those people love as much as I do.” 
I sniffed back a few tears and felt grateful for the type of friend I had.
“Thank you Mia.”
“Always. Now I gotta go. I was supposed to be at work ten minutes ago.”
We laughed and hung up...
I dressed in what Mia said to put on, stepping from the cab, grateful for us filming in the springtime in Canada, despite the nighttime, the air was moderate. The restaurant was lit in a dim light but bright enough to see the faces. I stepped in and the hostess upon hearing the name of the party I was with smile brightened up and walked me to a secluded room to the back of the restaurant. As soon as I entered the directors Marshall and Anne a married couple for whom this was a passion project. We instantly clicked during my audition and subsequent talking they were really nice to me.
“Aura! I’m glad you made it!”
Anne said standing and pulling me into hug, Marshall following shortly after. 
“Yes please come in, have a seat. There’s an open seat left next to Henry.”
I smiled and looked to the room where all the men stood on my arrival as custom dictated, and my eyes landed on the 6’1 dark haired gentleman I had been anxious to meet. Marshall walked me to the other side of the table where Henry was standing.
“Henry meet your co-star Aura Camilla. Aura please meet Henry Cavill.”
He had a look on his face that I honestly couldn’t place, but once Marshall made introductions a wide grin broke across his face, and he offered a hand out to me. I took it and we shook, with him seeming to stare at my face my hazel eyes locking with his blue. 
“Pleasure to meet you Henry. Big fan of your work.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Aura. I’m excited to be working with you as well.”
It was then that I guess he realized he was still holding my hand and he let go quickly only to pull out my chair, nervously, actually tripping over the edge of the chair slightly but not falling. The cool persona he had to world, out the window for a split moment, but that was okay because I liked it...
*The next day* 
I was sitting in the make-up artist chair, as they worked to make me look as scripted for our first scene. I was going over my lines when I heard the door to the trailer opened and closed, the next to me groaning under the new weight in it. I smiled when I realized who was now occupying the chair.
“Good morning Aura. Sleep well I hope?”
Henry looked fresh, wearing sweatpants and a black zipped-up hoodie. No product in his hair, and freshly shaved as opposed to the light stubble he sported yesterday night. Honestly we got along really well, which was a relief in terms of working. We actually vibed during our talking last night. He was a breath of fresh air in this industry to have a conversation with a man who wasn’t talking to my boobs.  We just laughed and joked most of the night, leaving off with him agreeing to help me out in the gym, I also think I left feeling like my soft admiration for a man I didn’t know to a man I kinda knew to a real world potential crush that could crush me and I wasn’t sure I was ready for it.
So now here I was sitting next to a man that I was attracted to. I could smell the trouble brewing.
“Yes, I did. It’s always a little difficult getting used to sleeping in a bed that’s not my own.”
“I have the same problem. Takes me a few days to adjust to the time change and a different bed. I am usually up all night until then despite being tired from a long day. I find that working out helps me get back on track, if not watch some television.”
“Yeah I’m more the type to watch TV or a movie and I’m out like a light. Thank god we don’t have a super early call time for the first couple of weeks.” 
“You ready to go out there and hate my guts on screen?”
“Sure, as long as you are ready to hate mine.”
“I am going to have to put my acting skills to the test. This would be easier if you were a horrible person.”
“Excuse me for not being a drag on your life Cavill. I think this would be easier for me too if you hadn’t endeared me to your dog and told me about your terrible bullying experience. I can’t actually hate you now.”
We laughed along with those in the trailer and as I was ushered into wardrobe I had to cut off those butterflies in my stomach and focus on doing my job....
A/n: So tell me what you think? If you want to read more let me know. Thank you for taking the time to read this little piece of crap I managed lol
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